st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i Projekt ATAS – Antične pasti jadranskega morja je rezultat sodelovanja štirih različnih projektnih partnerjev iz Hrvaške, Črne gore in Slovenije. Glavni cilj projekta je bil vzpostaviti mrežo standard- iziranih turističnih produktov s poudarkom na podvodni dediščini Jadrana. V prispevku predstavlja- mo glavne cilje in rezultate projekta, vendar tudi opozarjamo na potencialne ovire z vidika kulturnega in dediščinskega turizma. Ključne besede: podvodna dediščina, kulturni turizem, potapljaški turizem, promocija dediščine Project ATAS – Ancient Traps of Adriatic Sea is the result of collaboration of four different project partners from Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. The main objective of the project was to establish a network of standardised tourist products with focus on underwater heritage of Adriatic. This paper pre- sents the main project objectives and results, but also reminds of the potential obstacles from the per- spective of the cultural and heritage tourism. Keywords: underwater heritage, cultural tourism, diving tourism, promotion of heritage Project ATAS – Ancient traps of the Adriatic Sea Objectives, obstacles and results with focus on the cultural and heritage tourism Zrinka Mileusnić, University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities 21 Introduction Project ATAS (Ancient traps of the Adri-atic Sea) is the result of partnership and common goals of four different partner institutions from three eastern Adriatic coun- tries – Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro, form- ing a public-private consortium. Under the co- ordination of the lead partner City of Mali Lošinj (Croatia), partners DF agencija d.o.o. za fotografiju i zastupanje u fotografiji (Croatia), University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Hidro- mont engeenering (Montenegro), have collabo- rated on the creation and the design of a multi- faceted project proposal that has been rewarded the grant for its implementation through the EASME (Executive Agency tor Small and Me- dium-sized Enterprises of the European Com- mission) programme Implementation of the Eu- ropean Maritime and Fisheries Fund Work 2015 and the specific action Thematic touristic routes on underwater cultural heritage1. The main goal of the project consortium was to establish a common online platform with a set of standardised tourist products as the ba- sis for creation of a network of similar Adriatic destinations with specific tourist products. The main objective of the creation of such a platform was to enable SMEs and other institutions to ease the promotion and visibility of similar small scale tourist products for the specific target au- dience, that could not be achieved by individual approach and without networking. Specific goal was to create tourist products for divers with the focus on the underwater heritage with additonal objectives of creating a cultural trail to increase the overall visibility of underwater heritage and 1 doi: ht t ps://doi .org/10. 26493/2350-54 43.5(1)21-27 st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 1 22 raise awareness of its preservation, of enhancing diversification in tourism offer, improving com­ petitiveness of destinations, extending the sea­ son and ensuring greater sustainability for SMEs in the form of longer term employment. Network of destinations, along with above mentioned promotion goals of tourist products, had an objective of raising awareness of european underwater heritage and creating synergies pro­ voking more interest and reinforcing this speci­ fic cultural heritage as motive for travel, resulting with the creation of the product that comprised different types of tourism – diving and cultural tourism while creating a starting point, or initi­ atl cultural route, for the potential development of several cultural routes. Goals, obstacles and results For the implementation of the project partners have chosen four main destinations connected with their main activities: Mali Lošinj (Island of Lošinj, Croatia), Luka Prvić (Island of Prvić, Croatia), Izola (Slovenia) and Budva (Montene­ gro). The initial idea was developed by the part­ ner in Prvić Luka (Croatia) who is involved in the swimming tourism network and is offering standardised products all over the world.2 The goal was to use the know­how and apply it to an­ other type of tourism – diving tourism. At all destinations diving tourism offer alre­ ady exists through the activities of licensed di­ ving clubs and in the form of different kind of diving activities, mainly focused on the leisure divers. That is why the product needed a specific subject or additional attractive content to make it different and recognisable. It was decided to include the underwater cultural heritage, based on the rapid increase of demand in production and consumption of heritage attractions in the frame of European cultural tourism.3 At all chosen locations or in their vicinity, there are different underwater sites. Some of the­ se sites are already exploited in the form of cultu­ 2 SOURCE 6: 3 Greg Richards, »Production and consumption of European Cul- tural Tourism«. Annals of Tourism Research 23/2 (1996): 261-283. ral tourism but are still not well recognizable at European tourism market. In order to raise the identity of the future cultural­diving tourist pro­ ducts, the specific underwater heritage was cho­ sen to be included – the underwater heritage of the Roman period. This choice was based on the fact that the lead partner – the City of Mali Lo­ šinj has already been building its recognition on the European tourist market by promoting the underwater heritage Apoxyomen, a bronze sta­ tue o fan Greek athlete that sunk in the Roman period in the vicinity of the island.4 In order to promote it in the best possible way and make it accessible to the greatest number of visitors, the city built a contemporary museum, presenting a broader story about the heritage while displaying only the original statue as the only exhibit. This experience added another elelmet to the product – the need of combinig the un­ derwater heritage in situ (accessible only by di­ ving) with the obligatory visit to the museum, and thus enabling the comprehensice experien­ ce and understanding of underwater heritage.5 This idea was in line with several international documents6 dealing with the promotion of cul­ 4 Zrinka Ettinger Starčić, Underwater archaeological sites of the Lošinj Archipelago (Mali Lošinj, 2013). 5 SOURCE 2 derwater-cultural-heritage/2001-convention/ (1.5.2017); SOUR- CE 3 Manual for Activities directed at Underwater Cultural He- ritage. Eds. Thijs J. Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Egger. UNESCO publications (2013). culture/themes/underwater-cultural-heritage/publications-re- sources/publications/ (1.5.2017). 6 Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic concepts.« in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Za- ložba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 104-108; ICOMOS, »Med- narodna listina o kulturnem turizmu« in Doktrina 1: Mednaro- dne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 61-67; ICOMOS. “Listina o interpretaciji in predstavitvi območij kulturne dediščine.” Doktrina 2: Mednaro- dne listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Lju- bljana: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 45–53; ICOMOS, »Med- narodna listina o ohranjanju in upravljanju arheološke dediščine (Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICO- MOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 45-50; SOURCE 2 themes/underwater-cultural-heritage/2001-convention/ (1.5.2017); SOURCE 3 Manual for Activities directed at Underwater Cultu- ral Heritage. Eds. Thijs J. Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Eg- ger. UNESCO (2013); Role of Museums in Education and Cultural Tourism Development: Policy Brief. UNESCO (2012), Kyev; Ted st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i pr o je c t a ta s – a n c ie n t t r a ps o f t h e a d r ia t ic s ea 23 tural heritage and the necessity of the active in­ tergration of museums in the field of cultural to­ urism. Creating the idea of uniting several destina­ tions in one promotional platform and combini­ nig diving and specific cultural heritage seemed as an ideal setting for creation of new tourist products at the beginning. Two of destinations have archeological parks suitable for tourists and amateur divers. Museums are also present in all destinations or in their vicinity, as well as histo­ rical background. Also, all destinations are loca­ ted in growing tourism region of Adriatic and are in proximity to major European markets for scuba tourism like Germany and Austria. The destination in Slovenia included the Archaeolo­ gical park in the Simon's bay in Izola. At this spe­ cific destination many of the previous activities have included building contents and infrastruc­ ture for the promotion of the Roman maritime villa and its surrounding area. These included the underwater archaeological park, interpreta­ tional centre and biking and hiking heritage tra­ ils in the surrounding area. The inclusion od the site in the promotional platform, international networking with similar destinations and crea­ tion of the specific tourist products in collabo­ ration with local SME's was a logical next step in its development.7 Besides the already mentio­ ned underwater heritage, the island of Lošinj has Silberberg, »Cultural tourism and business opportunities for mu- seums and heritage sites«. Tourism Management 16/5 (1995): 361-365. 7 Lazar, Irena, (ed.). Project AS. Archaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archae- ological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016); Irena Lazar, »Short description of the pro- ject and project collaborators.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Ar- chaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual, Koper (Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016): 8–15; Ire- na Lazar, Mateja Ravnik, Katarina Šmid, »New contents fort he vi- sitors and tourists – heritage trails«, in Lazar, Irena (ed.), Project AS. Archaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Pro- ject Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 166– 183; Irena Lazar, Zrinka Mileusnić, »Projekt AS in arheologija kot kulturni turizem.« Studia Universitatis Hereditati 3/1 (2015), 75-85; Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic concepts.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.), Project AS. Archaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Za- ložba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016), 104-108; Zrinka Mileusnić, »The Project AS and archaeology as a cultural tourism.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.), Project AS. Archaeolog y for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual (Koper: Založba Univerze na Pri- morskem, 2016), 16-17. salso an existing underwater historical park,8 as well as many other underwater sites with a gre­ at potential for their promotion and inclusion in the cultural tourism products.9 However, seve­ ral problems have arised in locations in island of Prvić in Croatia and in Montenegro. The island of Prvić has no underwater heri­ tage sites in the exact vicinity. This problem was solved by creating the list of existing archaeologi­ cal sites, published at the site of Croatian Minis­ tery of Culture and mentioned in the publicati­ ons.10 Also, a Municipal museum in Biograd na moru was included in the package.11 For a final selection of sites, local diving clubs were consul­ ted. The problem that arose was the existance of a protective measure that includes a yearly con­ cession for the diving clubs and diving at these sites. Although the measure has the main goal to enhance the collaboration in protection, mo­ nitoring and promotion of the underwater heri­ tage, the local diving clubs interpreted the me­ asure as financially non attrative, so they rather than paying for it decide not to dive at the ppro­ tected sites. On the other hand the measure is li­ mited in number so it often happens that foreign diving clubs pay for it but do not dive at these lo­ cations. Since these problem scan not be solved with a single project and are to be solved on the national level, in the frame of the project financi­ 8 The underwater historical park presents different attractions from different historical periods but it is arising questions about the au- thenitcity. Since it has been created as a tourist product with a goal of presenting island's heritage in an attractive way, it serves its pur- pose well and the autheticity will not be a subject of further discus- sion in this paper. 9 Zrinka Ettinger Starčić, Underwater archaeological sites; Radmila Matejčić and Marijan Orlić, Rezultati prve faze hidroarheoloških istra- živanja u cresko-lošinjskim vodama. Arheološka istraživanja na otocima Cresu i Lošinju. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979 (Za- greb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 1982), 161-169; Marijan Orlić, Podmorsko arheološko nalazište Ilovik. Arheološka istraživanja na otoci- ma Cresu i Lošinju. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979 (Zagreb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 1982), 153-159; Irena Radić Rossi (ed.), Archeologia subacque in Croazia. Studi e ricerche (Venezia: Memorie Mediterranee, 2006). 10 SOURCE 5 Registar kulturnih dobara, Ministarstvo kulture Re- pubilke Hrvatske; Radić Rossi, Irena ed. Archeologia subacque in Croazia. Studi e ricerche. Venezia: Memorie Mediterranee, 2006. 11 In the Municipal museum of Biograd remains of a trade ship from the 16th century, sunken in the vicinity are displayed. st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 1 24 al means were allocated for the purchase of these concessions for the destination. Fort this reason diving locations also included the sites that this measure does not apply to. The case of Montenegro has pointed to­ wards different problems. Although the under­ water archaeology of its coast is not thoroughly researched,12 there are sites of Bigovica and Mal­ jevik that are attractive enough to be included in the tourist product. However, the legislative frame of protection of underwater heritage in MOntenegro is not strong enough to protect the heritage sites from looting, and even illicit trade of looted finds. Therefore, in the frame of the project, a special communication and informa­ tion protolol had to be established to protect the providers of the diving­cultural tourist products from being recognized as illegal visitors and po­ tential threat for heritage. Fortunately, a project partnership included a collaborators already be­ ing familiar with the situation and also collabo­ rating with institutions for the protection of law and order. Upon solving afore mentioned problems, a new cultural trail has been designed, uniting destinations along the eastern Adriatic coast: Izola, Mali Lošinj, Prvić and Budva. Although the cultural trails are expected to connect the ex­ isting historical trails, the creation of new ones is allowed in such cases as in this project, when they enable the promotion of the heritage13 and ensure the sustainability for the local communi­ ty, based on the cultural tourism. Partner consortium continued the work on the project and developed a variety of activities like networking, educational workshops, mar­ ket research in order to conceptualize, devel­ op and promote new tourism product. All these goals are in line with an ICOMOS Internation­ 12 The most complete oveview is published in Karović, Gordana. »Po- dvodna arheološka nalazišta crnogorskog podmorja.” Godišnjak Pomorskog muzeja u Kotoru LV-LVI (2008): 425-451. 13 ICOMOS. “Listina o kulturnih poteh.” Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljublja- na: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 29–44. al Charter for Cultural Tourism,14including three main and interdependent elements – tour­ ists, heritage and local population. However, we must point out some other obstacles that were overcame during the project. Local community was adressed through different educational activities and media pro­ motion in order to get acquainted with the pro­ ject and to consider collaboration. Education­ al workshops and several individual contacts were implemented in all destinations. Howev­ er, the response from the local community was slow and weak but once the local community was reached they have helped in the process of promotion, as was noticed by the interest for the inclusion in the platform from destinations and providers that were not included in the project. When considering tourists, and especially in the field of cultural tourism, there is a basic rule that a tourist has to have a positive experi­ ence. The problems begin when we start target­ ing tourists. At the beginning of the project, the main ide was that new products will attract the so called cultural tourists, that are highly moti­ vated, but also have other positive characteris­ tics, all connected with the financial side of the sustainability of the tourism market,15 in our case of the local community. A specific product, combining heritage with diving, had to involve a different kind of tourists – diving tourists. Anal­ ysys of their characteristics have shown that div­ ing tourists only in part share similar charac­ teristics with cultural tourists. That is why a compromise had to be made before packaging by including a large but not very specific type of tourists – mostly families, instead of tipical di­ vin gor typical cultural tourists. This has impacted a final stage of pack­ aging. Since products had to be appealing to a quite large group with not necessarily similar in­ terests, new contents had to be added to prod­ ucts. We have decided to overcome this problem 14 ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o kulturnem turizmu« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 61-67. 15 Ted Silberberg, »Cultural tourism and business opportunities«, 363. st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i pr o je c t a ta s – a n c ie n t t r a ps o f t h e a d r ia t ic s ea 25 by creating at least two packages per destination, for both experienced and non experienced di­ vers. Besides, all the packages had to include div­ ing in heritage sites, visits to museums but also diving in attractive natural sites or they had to offer specific themathic contents to integrate all contents, such as underwater photography or similar. Conclusion International charter on cultural tourism from considered tourism as a valuable factor in the protection and conservation of natural and cul­ tural heritage, which can comprise the economic elements of the heritage and use them by raising funds, educating the community and influenc­ ing the market policy. It is also an integral part of many national and regional economies, as it is important for development.16 By connecting the concepts of »underwa­ ter heritage« and »tourism«, project ATAS managed to create a platform for the promotion of new products was created, which comprises tourism and leisure services with a strong focus on cultural and natural content and culture, that extends the awareness of its existence through tourism and its offer.17 On the other side, it cre­ ated an international network of different insti­ tutions with a goal of a broader promotion of in­ volved destinations. On the local level it enabled the creation of synergies within the cultural and tourism sector, with a focus on the SME thus en­ abling them to widen their offer, extend the sea­ son and have a more sustainable results. Povzetek Projekt ATAS – Antične pasti jadranskega morja je re- zultat sodelovanja štirih različnih projektnih partnerjev iz Hrvaške, Črne gore in Slovenije. Partnerstvo je vklju- čevalo različne profile, kot so lokalna uprava, univerza, hotel in potapljaški klub , z dvema glavnima podizva- jalcema, enim s področja vodenja projektov in drugim s področja maketinga. Glavni cilj projekta je bil vzposta- 16 Zrinka Mileusnić, »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists«, 104- 108. 17 SOURCE 7 viti mrežo standardiziranih turističnih produktov s po- udarkom na podvodni dediščini Jadrana. Vzpostavljena je bila mreža novih turističnih produktov, ki bodo trže- ni prek skupne platforme, s ciljem lažje promocije in do- seganja večjega števila potencialnih uporabnikov. Poleg tega sta bila projektna cilja tudi diverzifikacija lokal- ne turistične ponudbe in podaljšanje turistične sezone. Oblikovanje turističnih proizvodov na podlagi potap- ljaškega turizma je bilo nadgrajeno s celovito promoci- jo podvodne dediščine. Ta cilj je obsegal tako arheolo- ško dediščino in situ kot tudi promocijo in predstavitev premične dediščine iz podvodnih najdišč, ki so prikaza- ni v muzejih ali drugih institucijah. V prispevku pred- stavljamo glavne cilje in rezultate projekta, vendar tudi opozarjamo na potencialne ovire z vidika kulturnega in dediščinskega turizma. Summary Project ATAS – Ancient Traps of Adriatic Sea is the re- sult of collaboration of four different project partners from Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia. Partnership in- cluded different profiles, such as local government, uni- versity, hotel and a diving club with two main subcon- tractors, one from the field of project management and the other from the field of maketing. The main objective of the project was to establish a network of standardised tourist products with focus on underwater heritage of Adriatic. The network of new tourist products, makteted through the common platform, was created to facilitate the promotion and to reach greater number of potential users.The other aim of the project was diversification of the local tourist offer and the extension of the tourist sea- son. The formation of tourism products based on the div- ing tourism was upgraded by the comprehensive promo- tion of underwater heritage. This objective comprised both archaeological heritage in situ, as well as the pro- motion and presentation of the movable heritage from underwater sites displayed in museums or other institu- tions. This paper presents the main project objectives and results, but also reminds of the potential obstacles from the perspective of the cultural and heritage tourism. Bibliography Ettinger Starčić, Zrinka. Underwater archaeological sites of the Lošinj Archipelago, Mali Lošinj, 2013. st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i st u d ia u n iv er si ta t is h er ed it a t i, le t n ik 5 (2 01 7) , š t ev il k a 1 26 ICOMOS. »Listina o interpretaciji in predstavitvi območij kulturne dediščine.« Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljubljana: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 45–53. ICOMOS. »Listina o kulturnih poteh.« Doktrina 2: Mednarodne listine in dokumenti ICOMOS, uredil: Jovo Grobovšek, (Ljubljana: Združenje ICOMOS/SI, 2008), 29–44. ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o kulturnem turizmu« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 61­67. ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju in obnovi spomenikov in spomeniških območij (Beneška Listina)« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 25­28. ICOMOS, »Mednarodna listina o ohranjanju in upravljanju arheološke dediščine (Lausannska listina)« in Doktrina 1: Mednarodne listine ICOMOS, ed. Jovo Grobovšek (Ljubljana: združenje ICOMOS/SI, 1999), 45­50. Karović, Gordana. »Podvodna arheološka nalazišta crnogorskog podmorja.« Godišnjak Pomorskog muzeja u Kotoru LV- LVI (2008): 425­451. Lazar, Irena, (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2016. Lazar, Irena. »Short description of the project and project collaborators.« In Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2016): 8–15. Lazar, Irena, Ravnik, Mateja, Šmid, Katarina. »New contents fort he visitors and tourists – heritage trails.« in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2016): 166–183. Lazar, Irena, Mileusnić Zrinka. »Projekt AS in arheologija kot kulturni turizem.« Studia Universitatis Hereditati 3/1, Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2015): 75­85. Matejčić, Radmila, and Orlić Marijan. Rezultati prve faze hidroarheoloških istraživanja u cresko-lošinjskim vodama. Arheološka istraživanja na otocima Cresu i Lošinju. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979. Zagreb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo (1982): 161­169. Mileusnić, Zrinka. »Cultural tourism and cultural tourists – basic concepts.« in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2016): 104­108. Mileusnić, Zrinka, »The Project AS and archaeology as a cultural tourism.« in Lazar, Irena (ed.). Project AS. Archaeology for all. Revival of the Archaeological park Simonov zaliv. Project Manual. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem (2016): 16­17. Orlić, Marijan. »Podmorsko arheološko nalazište Ilovik. Arheološka istraživanja na otocima Cresu i Lošinju«. Znanstveni skup, Mali Lošinj, 11.-13. listopada 1979. Zagreb: Hrvatsko arheološko društvo, 1982: 153­159. Radić Rossi, Irena ed. Archeologia subacque in Croazia. Studi e ricerche. Venezia: Memorie Mediterranee, 2006. Richards, Greg. »Production and consumption of European Cultural Tourism«. Annals of Tourism Research 23/2 (1996): 261­283. Role of Museums in Education and Cultural Tourism Development: Policy Brief. UNESCO (2012), Kyev. Silberberg, Ted. »Cultural Ttourism and business opportunities for museums and st ud ia universitatis he re d it at i pr o je c t a ta s – a n c ie n t t r a ps o f t h e a d r ia t ic s ea 27 heritage sites«. Tourism Management 16/5 (1995): 361­365. Internet sources SOURCE 1 ancient­traps­adriatic­sea (1.5.2017) SOURCE 2 en/culture/themes/underwater­cultural­ heritage/2001­convention/ (1.5.2017) SOURCE 3 Manual for Activities directed at Underwater Cultural Heritage. Eds. Thijs J. Maarleveld, Ulrike Guérin, Barbara Egger. UNESCO publications (2013). themes/underwater­cultural­heritage/ publications­resources/publications/ (1.5.2017) SOURCE 4 Register nepremične kulturne dediščine, Ministrstvo za kulturo, Republika Slovenija http://giskd6s.situla. org/giskd/ (1.5.2017) SOURCE 5 Registar kulturnih dobara, Ministarstvo kulture Repubilke Hrvatske http://www.min­ aspx?id=31 (1.5.2017) SOURCE 6 (1.5.2017) SOURCE 7