SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 35/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27.8. 2023 21. NEDELJA MED LETOM 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Danes nam bogoslužje predstavlja zelo pomemben evangeljski odlomek: Peter Jezusa razglasi za »Kristusa, Sina živega Boga«. Jezus pa mu zaupa ključe nebeškega kraljestva: »Dal ti bom ključe nebeškega kraljestva.« To podrobnost Jezusove obljube pripravlja že prvo berilo, ki se nanaša na božji poseg, kjer daje ključe Davidove hiše nekemu Eljakimu, Hilkijajevemu sinu. Ves prvi del evangelija je usmerjen k vprašanju, ki ga Jezus zastavlja učencem: »Kaj pravijo ljudje, kdo je Sin človekov?« Zelo različno: eni so menili da je pomembna osebnost, drugi da je od mrtvih vvstal Janez Krstnik, nekateri, so ga primerjali z Elijem, drugi da je prerok, kot je bil Jeremija, ki je znal v času krize živeti za svoje ljudstvo. Tudi Jezus je klical ljudi k spreobrnitvi, čeprav ga je ogrožala popolna zapuščenost. Tudi on, podobno kot Jeremija, napoveduje porušitev jeruzalemskega templja. Nato pa vpraša učence, ki so ga poznali saj so bili z njim, ko je učil: »Kaj pa vi pravite, ko sem?« Simon Peter je imel navdih in odgovoril: »Ti si Kristus, Sin živega Boga.« S tem je poveda, da Jezus ni le prerok, temveč pričakovani Mesija. Peter prizna, da ima Jezus svoje dostojanstvo in edinstveno poslanstvo. On je Mesija, Odrešenik. Janez Krstnik je pripravljal pot njegovega prihoda in je priznal, da ni bil vreden niti odvezati jermena njegovega obuvala. Jezus nato spregovori o Petrovi izpovedi: »Blagor ti, Simon, Jonov sin, kajti tega ti nista razodela meso in kri, ampak moj Oče, ki je v nebesih.« Popolnoma se strinja s Petrovim odgovorom in pojasni, da gre za navdih, ki prihaja od nebeškega Očeta. »Meso in kri« je judovski izraz, ki hoče človeka opredeliti v vsej njegovi krhkosti, omejenosti. Človekova narava ni sposobna sama po sebi izraziti polne vere v Kristusa, Božjega Sina: potreben je poseg nebeškega Očeta. Isto stvar pove Jezus tudi v Janezovem evangeliju: »Nihče ne VESTNIK 2023 | more priti k meni, če ga ne pritegne Oče, ki me je poslal« (Jn 6,44). Potem Jezus reče Petru: »Jaz pa ti povem: Ti si Peter, Skala, in na tej skali bom sezidal svojo Cerkev.« Ime »Peter« ne prihaja iz aramejščine, temveč iz grščine. Jezus torej da Simonu novo ime: »Skala«, kar nakazuje, da bo na njem sezidal svojo Cerkev. Tako je opozoril na Petrovo vlogo v odrešenjskem poslanstvu za vse ljudi, kar se bo zgodilo v Cerkvi. Jezus pri tem zelo vztraja in pravi: »In peklenska vrata je ne bodo premagala.« To pomeni, da peklenske sile ne bodo imele resne moči proti Cerkvi. Peter bo imel ključe nebeškega kraljestva, to je oblast zavezati in razvezati, tako da bodo njegove odločitve na zemlji dokončne in veljavne tudi v nebesih. Tu lahko vidimo, da je po Jezusovih besedah Petrova vloga izrednega pomena. Tu ne gre le za vlogo, ki bi bila omejena na čas Petrovega življenja. Jasno je, da želi Jezus graditi svojo Cerkev v vseh časih. Zato katoliška vera priznava, da Petrov naslednik v Rimu deli s Petrom tudi to nalogo. Tudi bazilika sv. Petra izraža to vero katoliške Cerkve na zelo mogočen način. Te Jezusove, tako vztrajno ponavljane besede, so značilne za vse štiri evangelije. V njih nima nihče tako pomembne vloge kot prav Peter. To nakazuje na božji načrt: da bi zgradil cerkev, potrebujemo zanesljive temelje, sicer se zgradba podre. Ko Jezus ukazuje učencem, da ne smejo nikomur povedati, da je on Kristus to stori zato, da ga ne bi imeli za zemeljskega Mesijo, političnega rešitelja na zemlji. Zaveda se namreč, da mora, če hoče biti odrešenik, hoditi po poti trpljenja in ponižanja križa. V drugem berilu Pavel izraža svoje čudenje in občudovanje pred modrostjo in božjo vednostjo. Je sicer res, da božje skrivnosti vedno osupnejo človeški razum. Pavel je poln občudovanja in tudi nas vabi, da se tega veselimo ob tej dovršitvi božjega načrta v Jezusovem življenju. V trenutku, ko bi Jezus lahko užival največjo slavo, pa sprejme ponižanje. Takrat ko bi izkoristil svojo moč, sprejme obsodbo in križanje. Tako uresniči svoje poslanstvo odrešenja za vse ljudi. Božji načrt je namreč odrešenje vseh ljudi in za to je potrebna pot razodetja v dveh korakih: razodetje Jezusovega mesijanskega dostojanstva in odkritje velikonočne skrivnosti. Odprimo torej naša srca tej skrivnosti. (Prim. Oznanjevalec št 3, 2008) 366 | VESTNIK 2023 21ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME R: Your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. First Reading Isaiah 22:19-23 Should he open, no one shall close; should he close, no one shall open. Second Reading Romans 11:33-36 All that exists comes from the Lord. Gospel Matthew 16:13-20 Peter says to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Illustration Many saints and other religious figures speak of a moment in their lives when they became aware of what God wanted from them. For Mother Teresa, now St Teresa of Kolkata, this happened on a train journey in India in 1946. As a Loreto nun she had been teaching in India since taking her vows in Ireland, following the inspiration of St Thérèse of Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries, whose unfulfilled desire had been to work as a missionary. Mother Teresa had chosen Teresa as her religious name in honour of St Thérèse and committed herself to India as her missionary home. The conviction that came to her on her train journey was that she now needed to devote her life to those who were poor by living in India among them. In retrospect she felt she had no choice in making this decision. She could have continued on her journey to the safety of her convent life, but she now felt other miracles, and now he turns to them to see what they have learned from their experience. Jesus is talking about the idea of a church and what such a gathering might be, so it makes sense that down through the ages the Church has used this text to affirm the leadership of St Peter and his successors as bishops of Rome. But the content of the questions and answers is also more personal. To the general question as to what people are saying about Jesus, the disciples select the celebrities from their tradition, Elijah, John the Baptist or Jeremiah the prophet, all of whom are known as announcers of a new age. When Jesus makes the question more personal, it is Peter who makes the leap and is able to declare him to be “the Christ, the Son of the living God”. For this leap Jesus confirms Peter as the rock on which he will build his Church. Yet, as we shall see in next that this “calling within a calling” was what week’s Gospel, Peter then gets it wrong when Jesus outlines what being the Christ means and calls Peter “Satan” for trying she must listen to and follow. The rest of her life was spent in carrying to turn him away from his destiny. How do we deal with this out the vision of how this living and work- combination of the good and the bad in ourselves? ing among those who were poor should be Application carried out, and by the time she died in Neither St Peter nor St Teresa of Kolkata found the paths 1997 her Missionaries of Charity numbered they had chosen in their moments of illumination easy to folover four thousand sisters and spread low. As we have observed, St Peter was immediately rebuked throughout the world. Her own spiritual life by Jesus for misunderstanding the Messianic role and he was a journey of dryness and darkness, very would eventually follow his master to death by crucifixion. similar to her inspiration St Thérèse and Mother Teresa was attacked by different social groups, whethalso St Teresa of Avila. She remained faither because of her support of Catholic teaching on abortion ful to the end and is now canonised in and contraception or for her seeming to ignore much modern recognition of her faithfulness and unceasthinking on medicine and care. She was also troubled by an ing dedication to those who were poor. inner dark night of the soul. Gospel Teaching If we follow in their footsteps we too will find ourselves The disciples of Jesus had many mo- confronted by challenges that come from both outside ourments of decision-making in their time selves, whether personal or social, and from within, the conspent with Jesus. To start with came their flicting struggle to decide at times which road is the right one spontaneous response to his calling, and at to take. Good spiritual direction and prayer helps. St Peter had the end there was their betrayal of him St Paul chipping away in his ear from time to time, and Mothbefore his crucifixion. The moment de- er Teresa was assiduous in her regular prayer, confession and scribed in today’s Gospel comes halfway reception of spiritual direction. Christ does not leave us alone through their journey with him. Jesus has in our pursuit of his will, which will involve challenges to our talked with them, healed and performed understanding as well as our strength and commitment. VESTNIK 2023 | 367 368 | VESTNIK 2023 MIDLAND V soboto, 16. septembra 2023, bo zopet Slovensko romanje v Midland. Program dogajanja bo po običajnem sporedu: Ob 10:30 a.m. kulturni program pri križu, v cerkvi pa bo priložnost za sveto spoved. Po programu bo križev pot. Ob 12:00h Slovenska sveta maša v cerkvi z litanijami Matere Božje. - Vabljeni, da se pridružite in si organizirate dan za romanje v ta kraj molitve. VESTNIK 2023 | 369 370 | VESTNIK 2023 St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish Council invites you to St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Parish Fall Banquet Sunday September 17, 2023 Banquet Reservations Required Please call Mrs. Theresa Sarjaš 905-930-7990 no later than Tuesday. Sept. 12 10:00 a.m. - Mass (Combined Slovenian and English language) 11:00 a.m. - Pictures of recent parish life 12:00 (Noon) - Lunch An event and facility presented for members and supporters of St. Gregory the Great and the Hamilton Diocese 3. septembra se spominjamo sv. Gregorija Velikega, papeža, zavetnika naše župnijske cerkve. Papež Gregor je svojo službo opravljal tako izjemno, da je postal zgled vsem svojim naslednikom in si upravičeno zaslužil naziv »Veliki«. Spada med štiri velike latinske cerkvene očete in učitelje. Njegovo delo in zapuščina sta še danes neprecenljiva na mnogih področjih: bil je izvrsten pastoralist, liturgist, moralist, ekumenist, misijonar in karitativni delavec. Upodobljen je v papeških oblačilih, ob sebi ima knjigo, pisalno pero ali goloba. Večkrat je tudi prikazan. Ime izhaja iz grškega imena in pomeni »sem buden, živim«. Po njem se imenuje gregorijansko petje in gregorijanske maše (30 maš neprekinjeno). VESTNIK 2023 | 371 It isn't Good Bye but rather, until next year's Slovenian Summer Day Camp at St. Gregory the Great Parish! What can I say - we had another great week of fun at our Day camp this last week. We had campers, leaders, babies, parents and grandparents join us for our week of fun! It was wonderful watching friendships form, older kids taking care of little kids... future campers in the making. I wasn't sure how camp would unfold after being off for 3 years because of COVID; we weren't even sure if camp would come back, but I can say that I'm glad it did! This was our 20th year of Camp and there are many people to thank for helping to make it such a success! Milan Vinčec came from Toronto every morning to start out days with music. Milan Ferletič and Sandy sponsored an ice cream day brought to us 372 | VESTNIK 2023 by our Waterdown Dairy Queen. CWL showed support with a sponsorship that we are all grateful for. St. Joseph's society checked in every day to make sure that we had anything we needed for our week of fun and sponsored some of our fantastic events during the week. Moya Financial also showed us amazing support - not only by helping with our weekly events, but they were only a phone call away and came through with craft materials which the kids absolutely loved. We had amazing leaders who were actually the force behind bringing our Day Camp back. They kept asking if camp was happening this year? They committed to coming to help out and they sure did! We had David Horvat, Anna Marie and Gregory Horvat, Katrina Antolin, Jacob Antolin, Alec and Melanie Marinko, Alyssa Taylor and Manuela (I sure hope I didn't forget anyone...)Anything that was needed to be done, was done with enthusiasm and very well! All these kids came to camp when they were younger and it looks like it has remained a good memory for them to all want to come back as volunteers (many of these leaders didn't need volunteer hours, they came to help because they wanted to.) Thank you all! This year, I was thrilled to have Amanda Purdon by my side to help make everything happen. She came every day ready to go, with great ideas and excited to make sure all the kids had a great time. She wasn't sure what to expect, but quickly found out that our camp is not one made of rules and must do's but rather a place to have fun and to learn without even realizing you are learning). Of VESTNIK 2023 | 373 course, I am always grateful for the support of Fr. Drago! As always - he does everything and anything for the kids. I'm sure we will all see a whole lot of photos of our day camp at our Fall Banquet in September. You will see that we had science, crafts, a foam party, bubble soccer, ice cream, songs, games, puppet shows, a bouncy castle and finished our week off with our annual end of camp BBQ. We had over 40 people show up to enjoy the BBQ and then participate in our annual campers vs. parents/grandparents soccer game. The parents were pretty darn competitive, but of course they were no match for our "Campions" campers won 7-5, better luck next year parents/grandparents! With a final thank you to everyone who participated, a thank you to all parishioners who have always shown support for this camp and to all our sponsors without whom the camp would be impossible to run... See you next year at SSDC 2024! Heidy Novak 374 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 375 After our SSDC, I thought it would be a good idea to get the leaders together for a swim, some games and of course a BBQ. What a nice day it was, and watching them build stronger ties with each other was a privilege. Thank you to all the leaders who took the time to participate and help out with our 2023 Slovenian Summer Day Camp. - Heidy Novak 376 | VESTNIK 2023 CHURCH CLEANING DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - BALINANJE 2022 Calling on all able-bodied parishioners for a helping hand. After last year’s General Meeting, we had many offers from our members to help where they can. If you are one of those people, starting in September, the St. Gregory’s church cleaning group could definitely use your help. Many of the current members are older and need to retire. By taking their place you would help to continue the tradition of keeping our church a welcoming place to practise our faith. You would be asked to work for approximately 2 hours once every two months, on a day that suits you. Training would be provided to show you where to find supplies and what needs to be done. If you feel that you can donate some time to this task, please call or email Pamela at: 905-304-8719 email: Društvo sv. Jožefa prireja tradicionalno balinanje v soboto, 9. septembra 2023, s pričetkom ob 9:30 uri dopoldne. Društvo si prizadeva, da bi bil to dan veselega druženja. Poskrbljeno bo za varnost nastopajočih igralcev in gledalcev. Tekmovale bodo ekipe s štirimi igralci. Pogostitev bo potekala zunaj na prostem in sicer poenostavljeno z kranjsko klobaso, žemljo in pijačo. Cena na igralca je $10.- v kar je vključena tudi pogostitev, za ostale pa je cena pogostitve $5.Rezervacije za ekipe in za pogostitev sprejemata Frank Novak na številki 905-561-1944 ali Peter Novak na številki 905-928-9984. Odbor društva sv. Jožefa vas vljudno vabi. Iskrene čestitke Magdi in Vinku Benc ob njuni zlati poroki, ki sta jo obhajala ta teden. Veliko zdravih let in božjega blagoslova jima želimo. - »Sta še kdaj skupaj rezala torto?« St Joseph’s Society will be hosting their Annual Bocce Tournament on Saturday September 9th, 9:30 a.m. This year, the tournament will have a simple and safe approach to ensure everyone will have a good time. Teams of 4 will be allowed, to be followed by an outdoor lunch. The lunch will include a “kranjska klobasa” on a bun and a beverage. Bocce players cost is $10 with lunch included. Anyone wishing to join for lunch only is $5. To reserve a team or lunch only, please contact Frank Novak 905-561-1944 or Peter Novak 905-928-9984. VESTNIK 2023 | 377 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Sept. 1-4 - Slovenski Park - Labour Day: Baseball Tournament; Mass Sunday at 1PM. - Sept. 3 - Bled - End of Summer Picnic - Sept. 9 - Društvo sv. Jožefa - Bocce Tournament - Sept 10 - London - Mass at 3PM - St. John the Divine Church - Sept. 16 - Midland - Komemoracija, križev pot, masa ob 12h - Sept 17 - St. Gregory the Great - Jesenski banket - Fall Banquet; Mass at 10 AM. - Oct 1 - Lipa Park - Thanksgiving Luncheon - Oct 14 - Bled - Oktoberfest - Oct 28 - Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest Band: Golden Keys CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - Sept. 2nd - Groznik, Erzar Lukežič - Sept. 16th - Gosgnach team BRALEC - READER Terezija Sarjaš DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Letos bo Društvo sv. Jožefa zopet organizirali turnir v balinanju - Bocce Tournament in sicer v soboto, 9. septembra. Več podrobnosti v naslednjem Vestniku. MLADI GLAS PLANIKA SLOVENIAN DANCE GROUP Mladi Glas Planika Slovenian Dance group would like to invite all children (senior kindergarten or older) and youth in our community to join us for a new season as we begin preparations to celebrate our 50th 378 | VESTNIK 2023 anniversary in 2024. All new and returning dancers are asked to attend registration and first practice on Tuesday, September 12th and Tuesday September 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the church hall of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Slovenian parish. For more info please call Diana Blas 647-2252527 or email: Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary! MARMORA Romanje z avtobusom v Marmoro bo 8. sept. 2023, na praznik Marijinega rojstva. Ob 8h zjutraj bo v naši cerkvi sveta maša in ob 8:45 odhod. Cena prevoza na osebo je $55.- Prihod nazaj v Hamilton okrog 8p.m. Za rezervacijo sedeža pokličite najkasneje do 5. septembra: Catharine: 905-3182242 ali Angela: 905-930-7442. PRVI PETEK Ta teden vstopamo že v mesec september. Na prvi petek bo, kot navadno, ob 6h priložnost za za sveto spoved, molitev pred Najsvetejšim, rožni venec in sveto mašo ob 7:00h. VEČNA LUČ V mesecu septembru bo večna luč svetila za pokojno Katarino Mujdrica po namenu sina Martina in Bernardine Mujdrica. SLOVENSKI PARK - MAŠA V nedeljo, 3. septembra 2023 bo sveta maša v Slovenskem Parku - če bo lepo vreme, se bomo zbrali pri kapelici. Sveta maša se bo darovala za vse pokojne člane društva in še po naslednjih namenih: - Pok. Jože Pust - družina Pust - Pok. Francka Pust - družina Pust - Pok. Frank in Slavka Mramor - sin Frank z družino - Pok. Janez Adamič, obl. Hči Lorie Mramor z družino Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« - »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do25. avgusta 2023 pripevali: $182,052.Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: POKOJNI V četrtek, 17 avg. je v Sloveniji, v Staršah pri Ptuju umrla mama Dušice Toplak, Marija Hrastnik-Špendl, stara 91 let. Njen pogreb je bil v sredo, 23. avgusta 2023 v Dobravi pri Mariboru. Tukaj smo za pokojno darovali sveto mašo 27. avgusta. Žalujoči: hčerka Dušica, vnuki Tanja in Matej in pravnuki Luca in Mico. Naj ji bo večni mir in pokoj doma v Sloveniji. Svet e maše - Masses 21. NEDELJA MED LETOM 27. AVGUST Monika, mati sv. Avguština DON BOSCO † † †† † †† † † † † † † Perhavec Slobodnik Berkopec Dorenčec Ferletič Yeric (Jerič) Lobo Zorko Šušteršič Za žive in rajne župljane Magda Udovč Ann Božnar Ivan in Norma Tompa Norma Tompa Pok. iz družine Pavel Novak Jože Kosem, 30. dan Leopold Kline Amalija Likavec Max Pavličič Darinka Ferletič, obl. Marija Hrastnik-Špendl Šteficha August 28, 1995 Alojzij August 28, 2016 Anne August 29, 1989 Joseph August 29, 1996 Darinka August 29, 2010 Terezija August 30, 2021 Lyn Lynessa August 31, 2016 Alojz September 1, 2005 Josephine -Joža September 1, 2022 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Families Levstek & McLean John Božnar z družino Ignac in Terezija Sarjaš z družino Toni in Marija Franc z družino Jožica Novak z družino Rada Kosem z družino Rudi in Marija Horvat Rudi in Marija Horvat Žena Jožica z družino Milan in Sandy Ferletič Hči Dušica Toplak z družino SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 379 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 28. AVGUST Avguštin, škof, Cerk. učitelj TOREK - TUESDAY 29. AVGUST † Elizabeth Farkaš 7:00 P.M. Društvo sv. Jožefa (49) † Leopold Kline 7:00 P.M. Karol Ferko z družino Muč. Janeza Krstnika SREDA - WEDNESDAY 30. AVGUST V zahvalo za zdravje Feliks (Srečko), muč. ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 31. AVGUST † Lynn Lobo 7:00 P.M. Mary z družino 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Pavlin, škof PRVI PETEK - FIRST FRIDAY †† Jure in Marija Rajbar Bogu in Materi Božji v za1. SEPTEMBER hvalo Egidij, opat SOBOTA - SATURDAY 2. SEPTEMBER Marjeta, devica Ingrid, redovnica 22. NEDELJA MED LETOM 3. SEPTEMBER Angelska nedelja Gregor Veliki papež-cerkveni učitelj 380 | VESTNIK 2023 7:00 P.M. Ana Gergyek Družina Vegelj † Marija Bukvič 5:30 P.M. Za duše v vicah † Katarina Mujdrica †† Ivan in Norma Tompa † Marija Gabor, 30. dan †† Stanko in Marija Ferenčak †† Venci in Marija Ferenčak † †† † † † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Štefan Kreslin Rozina in Mike Novak Lojzka Saje Leopold Kline Slavko Slobodnik Ana Doma Alojz Zorko, obl. Pokojni člani društva Anton Bukvič z družino Marija Košir Sin Martin in Bernardina Mujdrica z dru. Ana Doma Brat Ignac Dogar z družino Martin in Regina Nedelko Martin in Regina Nedelko 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Štefan in Francka Antolin Družina Mertuk Jožica Novak z družino Toni in Marija Franc z družino Žena olga z družino Rose Massei Milan in Sandy Ferletič z družino 1:00 P.M. Slovenski Park