15 LITERATURE Łukasz Borowiec John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland More or Less on the Mark? Translating Harold Pinter’s The Dwarfs: A Novel Summary A literary source text demands the translator’s approach for each process of translation. *is approach involves a complex and multifaceted analysis of the source text. As Pinter’s novel #e Dwarfs provides rich ground for such analysis, I present a selection of translation issues against the backdrop of a more general problem of translatability. Pinter is a master of English dialogue, which makes its translation a truly daunting task. *e conversations between the characters are lled with expressions from cricket, dated British cultural references, puns, literary and Biblical allusions, phrases and formulaic expressions characteristic of Cockney, and numerous allusions to Shakespeare as well as his own earlier plays. I examine the translatability of #e Dwarfs by discussing three translation codes: lexical- semantic, cultural and esthetic. Although these are closely interconnected and interdependent, I present a choice of issues within each code in order to submit for consideration the challenges facing a Pinter translator as well as to show the complexity of Pinter’s artistic vision in one of his earliest works. Key words: translation, e Dwarfs: A Novel, translatability, culture in translation Bolj ali manj ustrezno? Prevajanje romana Pritlikavci Harolda Pinterja Povzetek Vsako literarno besedilo od prevajalca zahteva specičen pristop, ki ga mora ta na začetku postopka prevajanja vedno na novo izbrati. Med drugim je treba natančno in celovito analizirati izhodiščno besedilo. Pinterjev roman Pritlikavci (#e Dwarfs) predstavlja bogato in zanimivo podlago za tako analizo, zato izbrane prevajalske probleme obravnavam s stališča splošnejšega problema prevedljivosti. Pinter je mojster dialoga, zaradi česar predstavlja vsak prevod jezika njegovih oseb zelo zahtevno nalogo. Pogovori vsebujejo izraze iz kriketa, omembe starejše britanske kulture, besedne igre, literarne in biblijske aluzije, fraze in formulaične izraze iz cockneyskega dialekta, aluzije na Shakespeara ter na Pinterjeve zgodnje drame. Prevedljivost romana Pritlikavci obravnavam s stališča treh prevajalskih kodov: leksikalno-semantičnega, kulturnega in estetskega. Čeprav so med seboj vsi trije tesno povezani in odvisni drug od drugega, izpostavljam izbrane probleme znotraj posameznega koda. Tako opozarjam na izzive, s katerimi se soočajo prevajalci Pinterjevih del ter na razsežnost in zapletenost Pinterjeve umetniške vizije na primeru enega izmed njegovih najzgodnejših del. Ključne besede: prevajanje, e Dwarfs: A Novel, prevedljivost, kultura pri prevajanju UDK 81'255.4:821.111–31.03Pinter H. DOI: 10.4312/elope.9.1.15-27 16 Łukasz Borowiec More or Less on the Mark? Translating Harold Pinter’s The Dwarfs: A Novel More or Less on the Mark? Translating Harold Pinter’s The Dwarfs: A Novel 1. Introduction: Harold Pinter’s The Dwarfs: A Novel and translatability Although published over thirty years after it had been written, #e Dwarfs: A Novel can be said to be Harold Pinter’s (1930-2008) most important early work. Although Harold Pinter is fairly well-known in Poland (albeit recently somewhat neglected) and most of his plays have been translated into Polish, a signicant part of his oeuvre still remains unexplored. Pinter’s poetry remains almost unknown 1 , not to mention his screenwriting output (while, for example, #e French Lieutenant’s Woman or #e Comfort of Strangers are obviously well-known lms, the fact that Pinter was a scriptwriter is denitely not). As for the presence of Pinter on Polish theatre stages, one can observe two major issues. One is the fact that translations of his plays are now in many respects outdated in terms of, for example, sometimes awkward choice of words or syntax. *is has a bearing on productions of Pinter in Poland and seems to in