Izhaja ID praznikov. Sunday* «ad Holiday» PROSVETA _glasilo slovenske narodne podporne jednote 'rruniâki ta upravniiki prostori »657 South Lawndale Ava Utfhja v. Publloatton •007 South Lawndaia Ava. Telephone Rockwall 4*04 LETO—YEAR XXXIX Cm lista ja $84)0 « .t Chirlo, üaoofa. voáer th. ^TcS^S S SLSfSS CHICAGO 23. ILU SREDA. 26. FEBRUARJA (FEB. 26). 1947 Suhecrtpilou S6.00 Yaarlj ÔTEV.—NUMBER 40 NOVA ČLANSKA KAMPANJA PRED NAMI! Glavni odbor SNPJ je na zadnji letni seji razpisal novo člansko kampanjo, ki se prične 1. marca in konča 30. junija. Kot pravi spodaj priobčeni pravilnik te kampanje, je njen osnovni namen "pomnožiti članstvo pri šibkejših društvih in ojačati močnejša društva v vsaki naselbini." Kot v prejšnjih kampanjah, tako je tudi članstvo sedaj pozvano na agitacijo za nove člane za oba oddelka. Posebno pa so pozvana vsa društva, da stopijo v akcijo, kajti tekma bo sedaj predvsem med društvi, ki so poklicana k novemu življenju za ojačanje svojih vrst in svoje matice SNPJ. Ker se bo ta kampanja oficielno že pričela, ko dospe ta Prosveta v najbolj oddaljene naselbine, je potrebno, da se ta kampanja takoj spravi v tir pri vseh društvih. Vsako društvo naj na svoji prihodnji seji vzame v pretres to kampanjo in svojo kvoto, ki je določena v tem pravilniku. Toda nikomur ni treba čakati društvene seje, marveč se lahko takoj poda v kampanjo in deležen ali deležna bo primerne nagrade za vsakega novega člana, prav tako tudi devet najbolj uspešnih društev. Priporočljivo je, da vsak član in članica pazno prečita naslednji pravilnik in se seznani z določbami in pogoji te kampanje. (Ako komu ni kaj jasno, naj piše v glavni urad.) Določbe te kampanje so sledeče: KAMPANJA DRUŠTEV SNPJ Ts kampanja sa nor« člana naj bo posnana pod imanom "Kampanja druiiav SNPJ." Namen ta kampanja Je ošlviti med člani šel J o, pomnožiti število članov pri šibkejših društvih in ojačati močnejša druilva v vsaki naselbini, kjar ima SNPJ svoja društva. Geslo te kampanje naj bo: GRADI SVOJE DRU&TVO; OJAČI SVOJO ORGANIZACIJO! DOBA KAMPANJE IN RAZREDI Ta kampanja, Id Je določena sa mladinski in odrasli oddelek in trsJa štiri mesece, prične L marca in konča 30. junija 1»47. Načrt ta kampanja Je tekma mad posameznimi društvi, ki so ras-deljena v tri skupina. Podlaga temu načrtu Je število članov posameznik društev v oddelku odraslih 1. januarja 1947, in te skupine ali rasredi so kot sledi: RAZRED "A"—vsa društva s nad 200 člani v oddelku odraslih) "BM—vsa društva s 101 do 200 članov v oddelku odraslih; "C"—vsa društva s 100 sli manj članov v oddelku odraalih. Vsakemu društvu Je določena kvota novih članov; ta kvota prične s številom PET sa društva« ki isnajo 10 ali manj članov v oddelku odraalih, in se stopnjama zvišuje po enaga novega člana ts vsakih nadaljnjih deset članov v oddelku odraslih, dokler ne doseŠe kvota število 25, kot to pokasuje naslednja tabela: Sterilo članov Kvota novih fttevilo članov Kvota novih pri društvu članov Rasred pri društvu članov Rasred 50 ali manj... .......... 5 C 151 do 100....... ..........1« B SI do 50....... ........... • . C Ill do 170....... ..........17 B 61 do 70....... ........... 7 C 171 do 110...:.. ..........18 B 71 do 50....... ........... • ♦ C Ill do 100........ ..........11 B 11 do M....... ......... • C Ill do 200...... .........20 B 81 do 100..... ..........10 C 201 do 210........ ........21 A 101 do 110....... ...........U B 211 do 200........ ..........22 A 111 do 120....... ...........12 B 221 do 220 ....... ..........22 A 121 do 130....... ..........12 B 221 do 240....... ..........24 A 131 do 140 ..... ________14 B 241 do 250........ .........25 A 141 do 150....... ...........15 B 251 all več........ .......„.25 A NAGRADE Razdaljane bodo selo privlačna nagrade vsem tekmovalcem v vzpodbudo k tekmi, kdo bo dobil naj več novih članov tekom te kampanje. Nagrade bodo oddane samo sa one nove člane, ka terik asesment bo plačan sa šest mesacev. REDNE NAGRADE bodo rasdeljen» po sledeči lestvici posameznim tekmovalcem: Za vsakega novega člana mladinskega oddelka zavarovan v načrtu št. 1.................................... Za vaakega novega člana mladinakega oddelka zavarovan v načrtu št. 2 ali 3.......................... Za vsakega novega člana oddelka odraalih zavarovan sa $500 ali manj smrtnine.......... Za vaakaga novega člana oddelka odraalih zavarovan sa $1000 ali več smrtnine............ $1.00 . 2.00 . 2.00 . 4M POSEBNE NAGRADE bodo oddana oAim tram društvom vsakega posameznega razreda. Id bodo dobila največ novih članov nad določano kvoto, in sicer po sledeči lestvici: RAZRED "A" 1 negrada.......1100 00 2 negrada....... 75.00 3 nagrada....... 50.00 RAZRED "B" 1. nagrada.......4100 00 2 nagrada ..... 75.00 2. nagrada....... RAZRED "C" 1. nagrada......6100.00 2. nagrada....... 71.00 2. nagrada........ 50.00 GLAVNA NAGRADA bo oddana onemu društvu, ki bo pridobilo največ novih članov nad določano kvoto v vseh trak rasre-t« nagrada Je dodatno $604)0 in posebni častni znak (plaqua) kol izkaz najvišjega prisnanja sa pridobitev največ članov v kam penji; na temu snaku (plaqua) bodo navadena imena vsah onih tekmovalcev pri tam društvu, ki bodo pridobili 6 ali več novih članov. Tekom ta kampanje se bo vodila tudi čaatna lieta. na ketart h°do navedena vsa društva, ki doeašejo ali prekoračijo njim določeno kvoto. Vsako tako društvo bo dobilo p ošabno prisnanico 'Certifícate oi Achlevement) ob zaključku kampanje. RAZNE DOLOČBE Člene, ki prestopijo is mladinakega oddelka v oddelek odraalih »• ne bo štelo v tej kampanji bras raslike. sa koliko vaoto se kdo «•varuje ob prestop« v oddelek odraslih. Določbe poeabnih letnih nagrad tajnikom ob koncu Uta oets-n*'o v polni valjavi in ob koncu leta bodo tajniki dobili v sadov-nih določbah določeno vsoto kot nagrado tudi sa nova člana, ki ho obsodilo Papena Dobil je osem let zapora Nuernberg, Nemčija. 25. feb.— Nemško denacifikacijsko sodišče je obsodilo Franza von Papena, Hitlerjevega difdomaUčnega lisjaka, na osem let zapora in težkega dela. Papen je zardel in se tresel, ko je bila obsodba izrečena. Kazen v bistvu pomeni dosmrtno ječo, ker je Papen star 68 let in bolan. Zdravniki so izjavili, da bo morda živel le nekaj let. Člani denaciflkacij-skega odbora v Monakovu so naznanili, da bodo zahtevali novo obravnavo proti Papenu. Izjavili so, da bi moral biti Papen obsojen na deset let zapora. Takoj po izreku obsodbe je sodišče naznanilo, da je prejelo obvestilo iz Avstrije z zahtevo, da mora biti Papen poslan tja, da se bo zagovarjal zaradi svojih aktivnosti v času, ko je bil nemški poslanik na Dunaju. On je obdolžen, da je ugladil pot spojitvi Avstrije z Nemčijo. Sodišče je odredilo tudi konfiskacijo Papenovega osebnega premoženja in posestev v Nemčiji. Posestva s& v francoski in britski okupacijski coni. Papen bo moral plačati tudi sodnijske stroške, ki znašajo $41,300. Papen je bil oproščen na obravnavi pred mednarodnim vojaškim tribunalom, ki je obsodil vodilne naciste v smrt. Nekaj dni pozneje so ga »aretirale nemške avtoritete. resno sovjetsko Voditelji mije M STALIŠČE 0 SPO- Pozorni pred odsek ru z ameriko Operatorji črnih triišč aretirani Chicago, 25. feb. — Sedem o-seb, ki so prodajale sladkor na črnih tržiščih, je bilo aretiranih v Chicagu. Krožek operatorjev je raztegnil svoje aktivnosti na vsa mesta. Trdi se, da je bilo čez 5,000,000 funtov sladkorja prodanih na črnih tržiščih v zadnjih mesecih. A. Albert Woll, federalni distriktni prsv-dnik, je dejal, da so operatorji naredili profit $250,000. Odločitev ADF o konferenci VVashington, D. C., 25. feb.— Ameriška delavska federacija se bo morala kmalu odločiti glede konference z odborom Kongresa industrijskih organizacij. Na tej se bodo vršile diskuzije o skup ni akciji v pobijanj« protidelav-skih načrtov, ki so pred kongre som, in možnosti združitve obeh delavskih organizacij. Amerika nasičevati Japonce, če. trole. hoče konsolidirsti zmago na Pa cifiku. On se je izrekal tudi za odpravo vojaških kontrol, katere naj bi nadomestile civilne kon- posamesnimi društvi. J« kljub lomu potrebno, da se vodi popoln seensm vseh poaamasnih tekmovalcev in velad tega naj tajnik priloši vsaki prošnji novega člana tudi kreditno karto ali prisnanico, na katar! naj navade polno ima dotlčnaga. ki Je pridobil no vaga člana. Zdravniška pretakava novih članov oddelka odraalih do vsota $240 se povrna is gl. urada: aa člana mladi nakog- oddal k a se povrne SOc. ako se sahtova zdravniško preiskavo is gt urada. Vae prošnja novih članov, pridobljenih v sadnjem mas a rt» kampanja, morajo biti poslane v gl. urad ne kaanaje kot peti dan po zaključku kampanja. Datum poštnega pečata aa kuverti se bo vpoštovsl kot datum oddaja na pošto. Ta kampanja se vrli pod nedaoretvem treh isvršaik uradnikov, namreč gt predsednika Vlnconta Ceiakarja. gl. tajnika F rada A. Vidra in mladinakega direktorja Micka«)• Vrhevnika. Id Je kampanjski direktor. Nova nota dostavljena državnemu depart• menfu RUSIJA ZAHTEVA ZADOŠČENJA Moekva. 25. feb. — Nobenega dvoma ni, da je Sovjetska unija zavzela resno stališče v sporu z Ameriko, ki je nastal, ko a-meriški državni podtajnik Dean Acheson izjavil, da je ruska zunanja politika agresivna in ekapanzijska. Dokaz je nova ruska nota, ki je bila dostavljena državnemu departments Nota je protest in kritika "sovražnega obnašanja" Achesona napram Rusiji. Departmentu jo je dostavil ruski poslanik v Washington^. Sovjetska vlada pravi, cja pojasnilo državnega tajnika Mar-shalla ni zadovoljivo. Marshall je v odgovoru na prvo rusko noto odgovoril, da je Acheson le izrazil mnenje. Vsebino odgovora je objavila ameriška informacijska služba v Moskvi. Diplomati zunanjih držav v Moskvi, ki so znani kot prijatelji Amerike, so priznali, da je šel Acheson predaleč. Obdolžitev se ne more opravičiti, ker jo je izrekel visok uradnik državnega departmenta. Nobeno pojasnilo ne more biti zadovo-ljivo. Nekateri diplomati so upali, da sovjetska vlada ne bo odgovorila na Marshallovo pojasnilo in da bo incident pozabljen. Zdaj je jasno* .da hoče Rusija zadoščenja. Ameriški državni department ne more pričakovati, da bo z molkom izravnal incident. Prezreti se ne sme konferenca zunanjih ministrov štirih velesil, ki se bo pričela v Moskvi 10. marca. Na tej se bodo vršili» diskuzije o mirovni pogodbi za Nemčijo in Avstrijo. Gotovo je, da bodo razgovori demonstrirali razlike med Rusijo in zapadni-mi silami. Od državnega tajnika Marshalla se pričakuje akcija v svrho odprave neaporuzu-mo, preden bo dospel v Moskvo Zrušen je stojišč povzročilo paniko Lafayette, Ind., 25. feb. — Zrušenje stojišč v poslopju u-ni verze Purdue, v katerem je bilo 3,400 dijakov in drugih gle-dalcev, je povzročilo paniko. Stojišča so se zrušila v teku igre "basketball". Dva dijaka sta izgubila življenje, 150 pa je bilo ranjenih. Igra je bila med moštvom univerza Purdue in moštvom univerze Wisconsin. Učitelji zastavkali v Buffalo Buffalo, N. V., 25. feb. - O-snovne in srednje šole so mora-le zapreti vrata zaradi stavke učiteljev in učiteljic. Htavkarjl so izjsvill, ds se ne bodo vrnili v šole, dokler Jim ne bo letns pleča zvišana za $1,025 Čez dva tisoč učiteljev in učiteljic je udeleženih v stavki. Železniška nesreča na Japonskem Tokio, 25 feb — Trije vagoni potniškega vlaka so skočili Iz tira In treščili v globino v okraju, ki leži 25 milj za pad no od Tokija. Poročilo pravi, da je bilo okrog 300 potnikov ubitih in ranjenih. Uradniki kompanije izrekli obdolžitve Waahlngton. D. Cm 25. feb— Člani odseka za delavske zadeve nižje zbornice so naznanili, du bodo pozvali voditelje avtno u nije CIO, ki Je pred desetimi meseci oklicalu stavko proti Al lis Chalmers Mfg. Co. v West Allisu, Wis., k zaslišanju. Du bili bodo priliko za zavrnitev obdolžitev, da je unija pod dominacijo komunistov. Obdolžitev so izrekli Harold W. Story, podpredsednik kom panlje, in štirje drugi uradniki. Trdili so, da je unija dejansko orodje komunistične stranke. Kongresnik Madden, demokrat iz Indiane, je predlagal, naj odsek zasliši uradnike unije. Dejal je, da bi bilo nepošteno, če odsek ne bi dal prilike uradnikom unije za zavrnitev obdolžitev. Njegov predlog je bil spre jet z dvanajstimi proti enemu glasu. Proti je glasoval samo kongresnik Smith, republikanec iz Kansasa. Kongresnik Lesinskl, demokrat Iz Michigana, in Madden sta okrcala republikance. Očita la sta jim, da podpirajo enostransko kampanjo obrekovanja in blatenja unij. Izjavila sta, da upoštevajo le Ujave ljudi, ki so znani kot sovražniki delavskih unij. Ultimat voditeljev nacijskega gibanja Nameravali to ga po$lati Angliji in Ameriki Herford, Nemčija. 25. feb.— Voditelji nacijakegn podtalnega gibanja, ki so bili aretirani v navalih v ameriški in britski o-kupacijski coni, so nameravali poslati ultimat Ameriki in Ve liki Britaniji z grožnjo, da se bodo poslužili bakteriološkega o-rožja, pravi naznanilo, Ultimat bi bil uključeval tudi zahtevo za ustanovitev centralne vlade v Nemčiji. Avtoritete so zanikale poročila v britsUih listih, da so dobile evidenco in dokaze, da so se nacisti odločili za uničenje Velike Britanije s kugo bacilov. Avtoritete iščejo tajni laboratorij, v katerem so baje nacisti delali eksperimente s amrtnos-nimi bacili. Lov na naciste ae nsdaljuje v ameriški in britakl okupacijski coni, Ameriške In britake čete *o udeležene v zatiranju nacijskega podtalnega gibanja Veliko število nacistov je bilo aretiranih v navalih. Prej je bilo naznanjeno, da se je podtalno nacijsko gibanje razširilo tudi na ruako in francosko okupacijsko cono. Ameriška pomoč beguncem v Evropi Waahlngton, D C, 25 feb, -I Predsednik Truman je prlporo-1 čal kongresu, naj da zgled drugim državam in sankcionira u-deležbo Amerike v mednarodni organizaciji za pomoč beguncem v Evropi. Amerika naj hi prispevala $75,000,000 v sklad organizacije Senatorja Van-denberg In Connelly at a v smislu Trumanovega priporočila predložila resolucijo senatu. Ta določa med drugim imenovanja reprezentanta Amerike v organizaciji. mirovna pogodba za avstrijo sestavljena Rusija in zapadne sile daleč narazen RUSIJA PODPRLA JUGOSLAVIJO London. 25, feb.—Namestniki zunanjih ministrov Rusije, A-merike, Velike Britanije in Francije so sestavili mirovno pogodbo za Avstrijo in s tem dovršili svoje delo. Konferenca, ki se je pričela pred šestimi tedni, bo danes formalno zaključena. Pogodba za Avstrijo bo predložena v odobritev zunanjim ministrom štirih velesil, ki se bodo sestali v Moskvi 10. marea. Namestniki so se trudili, toda doseženi uspt*hi so nesnatni Rusija in zapadne sile so še daleč narazen. Avstrijska pogodba uključuje 62 klavzul, toda namestniki so se zedinlli le o 32 klavzulah. Diskuzije o mirovni pogodbi za Nemčijo so trajale Šest ur na včerajšnji seji, toda namestniki se niso mogli sporazumeti niti o proceduri razgovorov med *u-nanjimi ministri. Robert Murphy, namestnik ameriškega dr-žavnega tajnika, Je kriUtiral stališče Feodora Gusjeva, namestniku ruskega zunanjega ministra Molotova. Očital* mu je trmoglavost. Glavne sporne točke so: Vprašanje tolmačenja nem-škegu premoženja v Avstriji. Ameriški general Mark Clark jo obdolžil Rusijo zasege premoženja |M>d pretvezo, da Je nemško. Rusija je podprla zahtevo, da mora Jugoaluviju dobiti slovensko Koroško, Amerika, Velika Britanija in Francija pa so in-sistirule, ds meje Avstrije ostanejo iste kot so bile pred združitvijo z Nemčijo, Ciusjev Je vztrujal pri zahtevi, da mora denacifikacijskl zakon oatati v veljavi, ameriška delegacija pa Je argumentirala, da mora Avstrija kot suverena država dobiti oblast do modifl-kucije vseh zakonov. (Jlede vprašanja vojnih zlo-črncev je Amerika urgirala u-ključitev klavzule, da mora vsaka država predložiti dokaze o krivdi, Kuatju pa je predlagala ekxtiadifijo osumljencev na zahtevo. Francija in Amerika se nista aporazumeli glede vojaških klavzul. Francija Je zahtevala stroge omejitve znanstvenih raziskav, Amerika pa je argumentirala, da bi omejitve ovirale ekonomako obnovd v Avstriji. Druga hjHirna vprašanja niso bila rešena Vsa bodo prišle na dnevni red na konferenci zunanjih miniatrov v Moskvi. Na tej bodo diskuzije o bodočnosti Nemčije, nemških reparacijah in vprašanju, ali naj bo Nemčija centralizirana država ali o-hlapna federacija. Britski komunisti podprli vlado London, 25. feb.—Britski komunisti so na svoji konvenciji podprli kampanjo delavske vlade, katere cilj je zvišanje Industrijske produkcije. Predlog, da ae takoj podvzamejo koraki v smeri "proletarska revolucije," je bil poražon Henry PolUtt, tsjmk komunistične stranke, J« dejal, da bo stranka podpirala kandidate delavske stranke, kjer se bo pokazala prilika za poraz konservativcev. PROSVETA SREDA, 26. FEBRUARJA nu. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT OLA SILO IN LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Naroéaiaa u Zdruáene Jxíiti (Isvea Chica««) la Kaaad aa tolo. $3.00 u pol tota. 11.50 aa ¿etrl tota; aa Chicago la okoltoo Cook Ce. $7JO aa cato loto. $9.7» aa pol tolai aa lainitv SSJt. SvhacrtpttoB rataat lo» tho United 8tales (exeept Chicago) aad Casada $0.00 per raer. Chicago aad Cook Coualr $7M per fvai. (ortiga oouairles $l4u por yeas. Cene oglaeov po dogororu.—RokopUl dopkor la iisaaisflaalS ¿«eakov se ao vre¿a)o. Rokopiat litoraraa vaablne (értice. poveelt pe«mi lid.) aa vrnejo poétljalelju lo v slu¿aju. ¿a Jo prfloéU Advertising rales on agreement.—Manuscripts of •nd unsolicited articles will not he returned. Other i aa stories, plays, poena, etc*, will be returned to accompanied by sail-addressed and stamped only Naaiov aa vso. kar lasa slik a PROSVETA MJ7-&9 Sa Lawndale Ave~ Chicago S3, minóle Kampanja, Prosveta in stari člani Na drugem mestu današnje Prosvete prinašamo v obeh jezikih razpis kampanje za novo članstvo. Dasi o tej kampanji do zdaj ni bilo dosti govora, najbrže ni med Članstvcjpi povsem nepričakovana. In to vsled tega, ker so letne kampanje za ojačenje jednote postale nekaj običajnega. Imamo jih vsako leto vsled tega, ker so potrebne za napredek jednote. Brez njih bi jednota niti ne stala na mestu, marveč bi se začela krčiti v Članstvu. In kolikor bolj bi se krčila, toliko bolj bi naraščala povprečna članska starost, kar bi pomenilo, da bi brez stalnega ali večjega periodičnega dotoka mladega članstva lahko dosegli točko, na kateri bi se prelomila solventnost organizacije. Z novim dotokom mladega članstva pa vršimo vrzeli, ki nastajajo vsled smrti ali od-stops In s tem držimo jednoto na gospodarsko in življenjsko zdravi podlagi. O tej kampanji boste čitali več na drugem mestu, kakor tudi v prihodnjih tednih. Na tem mestu le izrazimo upanje, da se bodo v to kampanjo spustila vsa društva tako v svojem lastnem interesu kot v interesu jednote. Ker bo kampanja trajala le prihodnje štiri mesece, je potrebno, da se društva čim prej spuste vanjo. O nagradah za najbolj uspešna društva kot tudi za posamezne agitatorje boste čitali na prvi strani v kampanjskih določbah, Torej na delo! Naj bo ta kampanja čim bolj živahna pri vseh društvih! * Naše članstvo in naročnike Prosvete smo že seznanili z vzroki, ki so prisilili uprsvo in glavni odbor na povišanje naročnine na dnevnik za dve dolarja na leto. V smislu sklepa eksekutlve stopi to zvišanje v veljavo s prvim majem. Na ta korak nas je pri-sillls velika draginja vseh tiskovnih in življenjskih potrebščin, ki je zshtevsls tudi zvišanje plač. Vse to je povzročilo, da je pred nami zazijsl velik deficit. Naj omenimo, da tudi s tem zvišanjem naročnine ne bomo krili vsega deficita pri Proaveti; resnica je, ako bi hoteli kriti ves primanjkljaj, bi morali zvišati naročnino za tri dolarje letno. Toda k sreči imamo nekaj rezerve, katero bomo zdaj prisiljeni črpati za delno kritje deficita. Upamo, da bodo naši čitatelji in naročniki vzeli to zvišanje na znanje z enako dobro voljo in razumevanjem kot ga na primer izraža v zadnji sredini Prosveti br. Joseph Irman lz Akrona. To zvišanje faktično znaša komaj cent od vsake številke dnevnika. Skoraj za vsak meščanski dnevnik, pa naj bo s stališča inteligentnega čitatelja na nizki ali visoki stopnji—večinoma so na zelo nizki—morate danes plačati dva ali tudi tri cente več dnevno kot ste še pred par leti. In to kljub temu, da so natrpani z oglasi. Tudi tisk v starem kraju je dražji kot so slovenski listi v tej deželi. Seveda imajo tudi relativno večje stroške kot jih imamo mi. Kvalitetno pa Prosveta nadkriljuje marsikak ameriški meščanski dnevnik z desetkrat ali stokrat večjo naklado, kakor to ugotavlja tudi br. Jerman. Vzrok Je v tem, ker meščanski list izhaja radi profila in za proflt, Prosveta pa ne. Potrebno pa je, da krije stroške, kajti drugače bi ne mogla izhajati. Tisti pre bitek, ki ga je napravila v "dobrih" letih, bo prišel zdaj prav v suhih letih. Kot smo prej omeni It, stopi to zvišanje v veljavo s prvim majem. Eksekutiva je odložila to zvišanje za dva meseca radi tega, da s tem da priliko vsem onim članom in drugim rojakom, ki le niso naročniki, da se do prvega mala lahko naroč« po stari ceni. PRIHODNJA DVA MESECA NAJ BOSTA TOREJ TUDI KAMPANJSKA MESECA ZA NOVE NAROČNIKE PROSVETE. Stopite torej do vašega znanca ali prijatelja, ki še nima Prosvete in gs nagovorite, da se naroči. Posebno naj to store uradni za- Glasovi ¡2 naših naselbin LILIJA PRIJAZNO VABI Milwaukee, Wis.—Nedelja po veliki noči se imenuje bela nedelja, zato si jo je društvo Lilija izbralo za svojo obletnico, kajti tudi roža lilija je barve. Društvo Lilija je bilo ustanovljeno 12. aprila 1. 1912 iz samih mladih fantov, kateri pa so danes že vsi v letih, drugi pa so že odšli v krtovo deželo. Blag jim spomin! Ni jim bilo dano, da bi se z nami veselili 35-letnega jubileja. V naših vrstah imamo tudi precej mladine, katera se m dala zapeljati od reakcije in ostala je zvesta tudi po priključitvi Lilije k demokratični in delavski organizaciji SNPJ. Agenti teme so hodili po hišah in strašili članstvo, da bo imelo smrtni greh, ako bo podpiralo in čitalo list Prosveto. Pri društvu Liliji smo imeli poprej nekaj takih odbornikov, katerim je bilo bratstvo španska vas in gledali so le na neko čast, še boij pa za osebne koristi. Nemški narod poziva vse Nemce na bratstvo, zraven jim pa žu-gajo, ako nočejo več biti bratje, Jim bodo-čepinje razbili. Oni Slo+atie v tem prekašajo. Vprašanje je, kakšno spominsko knjigo bomo imeli in koliko oglasov bo v njej. Brstje in ses tre, na delo za oglasi, da bo knjiga debelejša! Na zadnji seji je bila udeležba jako lepa, to pa mogoče zato, ker imamo prvovrstne uradnike, izvzemši moje malenkosti. Sicer pa so imeli tudi csrji in kralji na dvoru bedaka, da jih je kratkočasil. O programu danes ne bom pisal, ker še niso vse točke urejene, omenim pa naj, da je pripravljalni odbor stslno na delu, tako da bo občinstvo zado voljno v vseh ozirih. Upam, da se bo tukajšnje članstvo SNPJ udeležilo stoodstotno. Pričakujemo posetnikov tudi iz bližnjih naselbin. Želimo, da bi se odzvalo i^šemu vabilu tudi nekaj glavniK odbornikov iz Chicaga. Kampanja za novo članstvd so bo pričela s 1. marcem. Torej na delo za novo članstvo, da bomo nadomestili one, ki jim je SNPJ trn v peti. Na koncu pa želim, da napravite na koledarju kolešček okrog datuma 13. aprila, tako da ne boste pozabili naše proslave, ki se bo vršila v dvorani So. Side Turn. Sezlte po stopnicsh, katere so poceni. Frank Brits. zapisnikar. smo čakali konca vojne in povrnitve naših vojakov. Sreča nam je bila naklonjena in nismo čakah zastonj, kajti naši fantje $o se vsi povrnili domov zdravi bele in srečni. Seveda, najprvo so vprašali, kako je z našim domom, ko pa smo jim povedali o našem zaključku, so odobravali naš sklep v celoti. Osemletnica naše zasnove za svoje narodno svetišče je pomembna za nas vse, zato ste pro-šeni, da se vsi delnlčsrji gotovo udeležite seje. Na tej seji bomo odločili, ali bomo šli z delom naprej, ali bomo ostali tam kot smo danes. Ako bomo skupno podprli to akcijo, potem ne vidim nobenega vzroka, zakaj je ne bi mogli uresničiti. Potrebno je, da imamo mi in naša mladina svoje shajališče. Naša mladina je že dorasla in se razvija po svoje, zaeno pa želi razvedrila, kot smo si ga Želeli mi, ko smo bili mladi. Ker nima svojega shajališča, zahaja pa k drugim narodnostim. Ali ni to žalostno za nas in zanjo? Temu lahko napravimo konec, če imamo le dovolj volje. Če bomo imeli svoj dom, jo bomo obdržsli doma. Torej, kakšne korake bomo podvzeli za svoj dom, bomo odločili ns seji dne 2. marca. Res je, da imajo nekateri pomislike, Češ, da je že precej pozno za tako akcijo, toda po mojem mnenju je bolje pozno kot pa nikoli. Ne, ni še prepozno, vse še lahko dosežemo, samo volje je treba! Ako bomo skupno nastopili, se poglobili v naš načrt, sem uver-jen, da bomb dosegli naš cilj. Še enkrat apeliram na vse delničarje, da pridejo na sejo in bomo skupno rešili to zadevo. Pomnite, da je potrebno dve tretjini glasov za tako akcijo. Upoštevalo se bo le glasove delnic z lastnoročnim podpisom delničarja. Toliko v pojasnilo, tako da boste vsi pravilno informirani vnaprej. 'Torej seja se bo vršila v nedeljo, 2. marca, začetek in požrtvovanjem obnavlja in gradi svojo porušeno domovino, tiste lepe kraje, mesta in vasi, v katerih smo se rodili tudi ameriški Slovenci. Pridite z vseh strani našega širnega We$t Allisa po Družinske koledarje, zaeno pa boste pomagali našemu ubogemu narodu onstran morja! Novic ni posebnih, kolikor pa jih je, se tičejo tukajšnjega štraj-ka pri Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. Polovica delavcem dela, druga polovica pa žalostno gleda. Delavec jemlje živež iz rok delavca. Tisti, ki delajo, ne premislijo, da bodo skozi vse življenje nosili ime "skeb". Joseph Tur 1l tajnik 104 SNPJ. VAŽNE KULTURNE PRIREDBE Chicago, 111. — V preteklosti sem navadno pisal v prid pevskemu zboru Prešeren, kateri bo priredil svoj redni pomladanski koncert v nedeljo, 13. aprila 1.1., v dvorani SNPJ. Zadnje čase sem tu pa tam omenil tudi priredbe drugih organizacij z namenom, da bi jim mogoče s tem kaj pripomogel do boljšega uspeha, a obenem pa tudi upam, da to ne bo škodilo zboru Prešeren. Torej prihodnjo soboto zvečer, 1. marca t. 1., se bo vršila v dvorani SNPJ ena takih priredb; namreč podružnica št. 25 SANSa bo imela ta večer plesno veselico z dobro postrežbo ter izvrstno godbo. Vstopnine ste prosti vsi. Oni, ki ima posebno srečo, bo imel priliko iti domov z zlato uro. Vabljeni ste vsi! Izmed 15 tisoč Slovencev (kot se računa, da jih je v Chicagu) najbrž ne boste vsi posetili San-sove veselice, radi tega priporočam, da ostali posetite VSE SLOVANSKI FESTIVAL, ki se bo vršil prihodnjo nedeljo, 2. marca t. 1., v AMALGAMATED HALL, 333 So. Ashland Boule-vard, pričetek točno ob 3 popoldne. . . * 4 Na tem festivalu bodo nasto ob treh;, popoldne. Pridjte vsi! pili zbori vseh gi0Vanskih narod in podajte svoje mnenje. "Delni- nosti> kakor tudi več plesnih carji, kateri so za akcijo za dom, naj nagovorijo prijatelje, da posežejo po delnicah. Ko prečita-te te vrstice, preudarite dobro celo zadevo. Mi potrebujemo svoj narodni tloml Louls Dornlk. predsednik. DRUŠTVENA IN DELNIČARSKA SEJA Unlontown. Pa. — Članstvu društva 326 SNPJ sporočam, da« se bo prihodnje redns seja pričela eno poprej Jcot običajno, in sicer ob eni popoldne namesto ob dveh. Tsko je bilo zaključe no na zadnji seji. Zakaj bomo pričeli eno uro prej s sejo, vam naj služi to pojasnilo: Po društveni seji se bo vršila delničarska seja In prošenl ste, . „ da se je udeležite vsi, kajti le stopmki Prosvete, katere imajo v smislu pravil vSa društva. Vsl,'tak0 bomo mogli pravilno tzvr-ki imste to "šaržo", pa bili društveni tajniki ali drugi člani, na žm delo, ki smo ga zasnovali, noge in v prihodnjih dveh mesec.h skušajte dobiti tudi kakega no-j Bratje in sestra, proitni Sta vega naročnika naši in vaši delavski Prosveti! » Da ubijemo več muh z enim zamahom, bomo spregovorili nekaj besed tudi o resoluciji, sprejeti na zadnji konvencij» glede plačevanja asesmenta iz sklada izrednih podpor za one člane, ki to stan 65 let ali več, pri jednoti 35 let in so v potrebi. To vprašanje se je na zadnji konvenciji reševalo in rešetalo v čudni psihozi. V predkonvenčnih razpravah je bilo v Proaveti aeveda precej priporočil in urgenc splošnega značaja, naj konvencija "nekaj stori za stare člane." To se sploh ponavlja že precej let pred vsako konvencijo. In dasi s strani kakšnega društva alt delegata m bila na zadnji konvenciji predložena niti ena resolucija. je četrti dan zborovanja kot vihar nenadoma nastala splošna zahteva, ds je treba "nekaj storiti" za stare člane. Ampak nekaj takega, kar članstvo ne bo stalo niti centa! Na eni strani je bil sentiment odločno proti vsakemu zvišanju asesmenta, na drugi stram so se pa slišale razne sugestije, da je treba vsakega 60 ali 63 let starega dana. ne «lede Ar je v potrebi ali ne, razbremeniti ne samo vsega asesmenta, marveč naj bi mu jednota plačevala tudi malo prnzijo, vsaj pet ali deset dolarjev na mesec. Nihče pa ni vračunal niti površno, koliko bi to stalo in od kje naj pride denar. Edini vir, ki je na razpolago za taka Izplačila, je sklad izrednih podpor. Tako je odbor za resolucije dobil mandat, naj izdela resolucijo, po kateri naj bi bil volk sit in ko/a cela Ko je dobil podatke od gl tajnika, koliko članov te in le starosti je v jednoti ter pričel računati, je kmalu razvidel, da brez precejšnjega zvišanja asesmenta starim članom ne bo mogoče nuditi kakšne izdatne po moč.. Ampak mandat je bil pmti zMšanju asesmenta. Po pol- da se zavzamete za Idejo, katero smo zasnovali 26. marca 1939, namreč da bi tudi Slovenci v Uniontownu in okolici prišli do svojega slovenskega narodnega doma. Naj podam nekoliko po jasni!, da boste imeli boljšo sli' ko o celi stvari. Najprvo smo vložili prošnjo za čarter. Vzelo Je precej časa, končno pa je bil izdan 6. junija 1942 pod imenom "American-Slovenian Citizcns of Uniontown, Inc." Na žalost pa je bila tedaj dru ga svetovna vojna in nam pre križala načrt, da nismo mogli iti t delom naprej. Na seji meseca avgusta 1942 smo prišli do za ključka, da je najbolje, da po čakamo z delom do konca vojne in ko .se povrnejo domov naši fantje, ki imajo delnice že plačane. Dalje smo sprejeli pred log, da ne bomo prodajali del niče v vojnem času. Torej tako TO IN ONO IZ WEST ALLISA Weat Allla. Wis. — Iz našega mesta ni dosti poročil, s tem pa ni rečeno, da tu spimo spanje pravičnega. Po dolgem in mučnem čakanju smo končno dočakali letošnjega Ameriškega družinskega koledarja. Že sem mislil, da bo izšel koledar za 1. 1947 In 1948 skupaj, pa je dospel danes, 21. februarja. Koledar lahko naročite oz. kupite pri meni, ko plačate društveni asesment. Zaeno vas prosim, ako bi hoteli vpra šati vašega prijatelja, da bi ku pil koledar. Naznaniti moram, da koledarje letos ne bo proda jal naš zastopnik Louis Barbo rich v West Allisu, ker sva se tako dogovorila meseca novembra 1946. Isti mesec sem o najinem dogovoru poročal na seji društva 104 SNPJ in obljubil, da bom poklonil vso provizijo organizaciji SANS Nsznsjsm vam tudi, da koledarjev ne bom nosil po hišah, zato pa pridite vsi k meni ponje, saj veste, čim več jih bom pro dal. toliko več bo dobil SANS. V slučaju, da imate par grošev na razpolago, bodo dobrodošli SANSu. ako jih boste darovali. Vse trgovce in gostilničarje, ki so člani naše jednote. bom prihodnji mesec osebno obiskal in jih vprašal za prispevke za SANS. Vsi vemo, da ta naš mai hen In junaški narod še vedno potrebuje pomoči. Stali smo mu ob strani v najkntičnejšlh urah, pomagati mu moramo pa fttfli se daj. ko s takim zaletom, elanom dosti sitnosti članstvu, društvom in glavnem uradu. Krivda bo v tem. ker hočem«, imeti volka sitega in kozo celo. Toda om člani »lunji navedene starosti, ki so v potrebi in težko plačujejo v r dnevnrm razglabljanju n debatiranju in računanju je resolucij- aaesment, naj to sporoče svojim društvom ,n napravijo potrebno ski odbor prišel do zaključka da sklad izrednih podpor najbrže prošnjo za plačevanje njih asesmenta ti sklada »zredn.h nodnor ne bo mogel preneeti več kot to. kar je določeno v zadevni reeo- f m do prihodnje konvencije bomo videli da-li bo ta sklad luciji, to je plačevanje asesmenta ta člane navedene starost,, ki stoval ali ne Če ne bo alt če bomo hoteli biti bolj gene"znT SO^V potrebi t .........se bomo pa morsli iprljazn.ti z zvišanjem asesmenta r« n^nr.' skupin in vokalnih ter instrumentalnih solistov. To bo prvo-vrsten vseslovanski koncert; Slovence bo zastopal zbor Pre šeren. . Poeetite te zadnje priredbe v zimski sezoni, ker potem ne bo do 13. aprila nobenih aktivnosti, to je'dolgih 6 tednov. Upam, da ne boste prezrli te ga apela in vabila. Anton Udovich. Pri izvajanju te reaoluc.je bodo slednje besede seveda delale nje starih Članov. KOMEDIJA "DENAR" NA ODRU SDD Cleveland.—V nedeljo, 2. marca popoldne bo dramski zbor "Anton Verovšek" vprizoril tri-dejansko komedijo "Denar" na odru Slovenskega delavskega doma na Waterloo rd., zvečer bo pa ples v obeh dvoranah; v avditoriju bo igral Vadnalov orke ster in v spodnji dvorani pa domača godba'. To bo skupna pri redba dramskega zbora "Verovšek" in podružnice štev. 48 SANSa. Ker imajo naši ljudje radi kaj zabavnega in smešnega, je vodstvo dramskega zbora določilo to pot komedijo "Denar". Igra Je bila vprizorjena pred sedmimi leti z velikim uspehom in izgleda, da bo tudi to pot podana dobro po znanih igralcih in i-gralkah "Verovška". V vlogah nastopijo sledeči: Poznani igralec Andrew Ogrin, Manca Bashel, Florence Dum, Florence Jeray Slaby, Marion SteblaJ, ki je sin našega režiserja in igralca Steblaja, (igrala bosta oče in sm), Peter Tomšič, Betty Kapel, Frances Henikman in Louis Kaferle. V komediji je zapopaden in razkrinkan ameriški lov za denarjem na borzi In drugje, ki poganja drug drugega brez pretanka na račun vojne. Kako se pa ta špekulacija vrli, kadar se spuste v to igro navadni Zemljani, pa pridite pogledat v nedeljo, 2. marca popoldne v Slo venski delavski dom na Waterloo rti. kjer bodo gori omenjeni igralci nsm proizvajali komedijo "Denar". Po igri se ps usta-vimo ns plesu podružnice št. 48 SANS a. kjer bomo deležni obi . . ® dobre postrežbe in pnpe «višanjem asesmenta za podpira-. Ijimo seboj tudi svoje prijatelje 1 Louls Kaferle. DRUŠTVO 121 SNPJ ZA POČASTITEV ETBINA KRISTANA Detroii. Mlch.—Na seji društva 121 SNPJ, ki se je vršila 16. feb., je članstvo vzelo v pretres priporočilo br. Milana Med-veška, v katerem priporoča zavednim Slovencem, da bi počastili našega največjega borca za svobodo in demokracijo Etbina Kristana ob priliki njegovega 80. rojstnega dne. Bilo je soglasno zaključeno, da sodelujemo pri taki proslavi moralno, gmotno in tudi osebno, katerim bo mogoče. Priporočamo br. M. Med-vešku, da s svojimi prijatelji v Chicagu ali v Clevelandu, kjer vidi, da bi bilo bolj prikladno za tako proslavo, podvzame takoj vse potrebne korake, da se ta ideja uresniči. Sodrug Kristan je zaslužil s svojim delom za svobodo vseh narodov, da ga iskreno počastimo vsi zavedni Slovenci! Naznanjam tudi malo spremembo pri našem društvu. Naš dblgoletni blagajnik br. Math Urbas je radi bolezni podal re-signacijo. Ker pri takih slučajih ni drugega izhoda, smo na njegovo mesto izvolili br. Jo-sepha Smoltza, 20040 Santa Barbara, Detroit 21, Mich. Članstvu društva 121 priporočam, da se v vseh slučajih, ki se tičejo blagajništva, obrne na gornji naslov. Br. Urbasu, kot tudi drugim članom(cam), ki so na bolniški listi, želimo hitrega okrevanja. Naj omenim tudi, da je dolžnost vsakega bolnika, ko je spoznan zdravim od zdravnika, da se ja vi zdravega tudi tajniku. Najvažnejše pa je, da plačate asesment do zadnjega v mesecu, da ne boste imeli kakšne neprilike v slučaju bolezni. Ne pozabite zadnjega v mesecu! Joeef Korsic. tajnik, 1947 Florence, Detroit 3, Mich. • Phone UN 3-5181. NAPREDNE SLOVENKE IN DRUGE NOVICE Cleveland, O.—Seje "Naprednih" so postale zelo zanimive— članice resno razpravljajo o svetovnih dogodkih in kakšno vlogo imamo mi žene v teh resnih časih. Na prihodnji seji bomo nadaljevale z razpravami, torej se vabi vse članice, da pridite v četrtek, 6. marca na sejo, ki se bo vršila v običajnem prostoru. Sedaj imajo vsi tajniki in tajnice vstopnice za banket, kateri se bo vršil v soboto, 1. marca, v počast vojakom, ki so se vrnili od sledečih društev: Naprej, Lunder-Adamič, Lipa, Napredne Slovenke, Vodnikov venec in Comrades. Program bo vseboval pevske točke pevskih zborov Zarje in Glasbene Matice. Rudolph Lisch, gl. odbornik naše organizacije SNPJ, bo nastopil kot govornik. Banket se bo pričel ob 7:30 zvečer in članice Naprednih* Slovenk, ki so prevzele kuhinjo, bodo preskrbele imenitno večerjo. Glavne kuharice bodo Agnes Žagar, Josephine Meznarsic, Jennie Skuk, Ursula Mula j in Mary Kochevar, njihove pomočnice pa Helen Mikus, Albina Braidich, A. Kobal, J. Poklar O. Schutte, J. Tratnik, H. Bernard, A. Erste, A. Azman in J. Stokel. R. Jurman in J. Kraso vec bosta pa nadzorovali strežnice. Ker se bo tudi pripenjalo nagelne na prsa naših fantov-vojakov, smo za to preskrbeli naše mlade članice: Almo in Nado Žagar, Sophie Skerlep in Marion Adams. Tudi druga društva bodo imela članice, katere bodo pomagale. Ker ne vemo vsa imena, bomo poročali samo tista, katera so nam znana, in Ki cer: Josephine Poljšak, mrs. Me klan, miss Trebeč, Dorothy Su bel, Pauline Spik in Danny Fi folt. Vstopnice so po $2. Torej pri dite vsi. da izkažemo našim fan tom našo hvaležnost' Samo za ples je vstopnina 75c in igrali bodo Vadnalovi. V petek ob 7:30 zvečer. 28 feb., ste pa vsi vabljeni v Slov. narodni dom na St. Clsir ave., da slišite poročilo t) vseslovan akem kongresu v Belgradu. Ju-goslsvija. Mary Pinnskv in Mi- chael Tkach sta se nahajala v Jugoslaviji 8 tednov in st? vrnila pred mesecem dni Sed potujeta pod avspicijo Amen škega slovanskega kongresa t» vseh večjih mestih, da poročata o dogodkih v Jugoslaviji. Vsi Slovani se moramo zave dati, da živimo v zelo kritičnih časih in samo s pravilnim razumevanjem in resničnim poukom glede raznih dogodkov bomo znali pobijati laži, katere se širi jo tukaj v Ameriki proti Jugoslaviji. Pridite, da slišite resnico! Poleg poročila bo podan tudi lep program: zapel bo ruski baritonist Wm. Kokoszka, ukra-jinska skupina bo podala narodne plese, hrvatski tamburaški orkester bo podal hrvatske mu-zikalne točke in pevski zbor Zarja pa slovenske. Vstopnina k tem programu je prosta in želeti je, da se bo na polnilo dvorano SND. Torej pri-dite vsi! Vstop bo vam dovoljen že ob 7. uri zvečer. Joeie Zakrajsok. tajnica. O BODOČNOSTI NAŠIH PODPORNIH ORGANIZACIJ Denver. Colo. — V Prosveti sem čital že več dopisov, ki so se tikali bodočnosti naših dru štev in organizacij v splošnem. Vse, kar imamo, bodisi dobro ali slabo, bomo pustili naši mladini. Naše podporne organizacije so prisiljene iskati rešitve iz sedanje zagate. Mnogi stari člani delajo na društvenem polju že 45 let, nekateri manj, a vsi bi se radi iznebili svojega dela, toda, žal, ga nimajo komu oddati, kajti mladina se ne zanima za naše organizacije. Sicer pa mladini še ni toliko zameriti, saj se dovolj ne zanimajo za naše organizacije tudi starejši člani v splošnem. Torej, kako naj pričakujemo, da se bo mladina za nimala, ko vendar ni zanimaja tudi od strani mnogih starejših članov? Danes živimo v modernih ča sih in vse se naglo kreče naprej, zato bodo naše organizacije prisiljene, posluževati se radio od daj, toda ne samo lokalnih, tem več splošnega omrežja. Če ne bomo mogli tega izvesti, potem pa se bo treba združiti z eno ali dvema podpornima organizacija ma. Seveda, nekateri menijo, da imamo Prosveto za reklamo. Resnica, Prosveta vrši svoje 'delo dobro, ali to ne zadostuje, posebno ne tu na zapadu, ko čestokrat dobimo list samo dvakrat na teden, namreč da prejmemo sre-dino, četrtkovo in petkovo ste vilko šele v pondeljek. Mnogi člani pa sploh niso naročeni na dnevnik. v Teh vrstic ne pišem vsled tega, ker rad pišem, ampak zato, kar se zavedam, da je potrebno, da bi o teh stvareh razmotrivali na pristojnih mestih. Danes se nahajamo v prevratnih časih, kajti naša jedonta ima veliko konkurenco na vseh straneh, na primer od mogočnih komercial nih zavarovalnih družb, raznih industrijskih skupinskih zavarovalnic, od urada za socialno za.> čito, veteranskega inšurenca itd.. Pod vso to težo se pri SNPJ še dobro odtepamo in napredu jemo finančno kot v članstvu vendar pa ne dovolj. Ni zadosti zanimanja, zato pa ne moremo pričakovati v bodočnosti prevelika napredka pri organizaciji. Mogoče še niso zreli časi za preure d i te v našega sistema, vendar f» moramo misliti še danes na tno derne metode. Naj omenim, ako pri n»**™ društvu opusti društvene aktiv nosti od šest do deset članov, pa ne bo moglo imeti svojih rednih sej. Take razmere, bolje re čeno nezanimanje. ne vlada « mo pri našem društvu, tem*« tudi pri drugih društvih v vrli kih in majhnih naselbinah. » Denverju sem že 17 let v drtr štvenem odboru pa 16 Sem prišel s prestopnim Hitom « društva št. 53 iz Clevelanda. u Spominjam se. da je bilo tet» dobiti društvene odbornike po velikih naselbinah. Želim, da bi se članstvo na* ga društva udeleževalo dru«" nih sej v večjem številu** ns sej s se vrli vssk tretji četrte« v mesecu Mike Marata SREDA, 26. FEBRUARJA 1947 PROSVETA Glasovi iz naselbin IZ ZAPADNE METROPOLE Pueblo, Colored©. — Dne 17. feb je nagloma umrl naš član John Kristan. Delal je in se popolnoma zdrav vlegel k počitku, ponoči se je prebudil, povedal svoji ženi, da se počuti slabo in samo čez par trenutkov je bil že mrtev. Rojen je bil v St. Petru na Notranjskem in ob smrti star 71 let. Pokojni John je prepotoval morje petkrat, zadnjič v letu 1923., ko je pripeljal vso družino v Pueblo, kjer je živel do smrti. Dne 20. feb. je bil cerkveno pokopan; čeprav je bilo neugodno vreme, so ga spremili na pokopališče številni prijatelji in članstvo društva Orel. V cerkvi mu je z občutkom v slovo zapel John Germ "Ave Maria" in "Vigred se povrne." V Pueblu zapušča ženo Mary, našo članico, omoženo hčer Mary, katere družine so trije včlanjeni, in sina Johna, iz katere družine sta včlanjena dva sinčka. Zraven zapušča tudi brata Lavvrenca Kristana v Jugoslaviji in 6 vnukov ter enega pravnuka. Društvo Orel izreka vsem ostalim najiskregejše so-žalje! Članica Mary Catulli je povila hčerko, katere oče Frank Catulli je umrl pred nekaj meseci. Stanje sestre Boltezar se je izboljšalo; zdravi se na domu in boljša je toliko, da je zmožna na čase držati se pokoncu. Na sprotno je pa dolgotrajno bolezen položila Louisa Korošca v postelj, iz katere zadnje čase ne vstane. Članstvo pa upa, da se mu stanje s spomladjo izboljša. Operirana je bila članica Maryethel Radovich, žena Dana Radovicha; bolan je Frank Sme-rajc in Mary Mäher. V Culver City, Calif., se je podal član John Rebol z ženo in sinom Jimmyjem. V Californiji ima 8 hčera in sinov in misli, da bi bilo dobro da se ustanovi, kjer se oni nahajajo. V Pueblu ima še dve hčeri in dvomimo, da bi John ostal tam, ker je jokal, ko je slovo jemal, zraven je pa še pribito, da kdor enkrat živi v Pueblu, pride še vedno nazaj. Po zadnji društveni seji je bila v istem prostoru seja SANSa, na kateri se je vse uredilo, da bi se priredila igra tridejanka 4 plesom v korist stari domovini, kar pa najbrže ne tjo mogoče, ker manjka mlajših moči, veščih slovenskega jezika, ker Pueblo je poamerikanjeno. Prihodnji ples društva Orol bo 16. marca v Narodnem domu, pri katerem bo igrala godba Bernie Jermana s štirimi moč mi. Torej; Orlovčani, vsi na ples omenjeni večer! Sedaj se bom pa dotaknila tiste dobe, ki se ji pravi-—starost. Zadnje čase se je naših slovenskih rojakov prijela manija v obliki starosti. Kjerkoli je zbra-' na večja družba, je najprvo pre-mleta starost od konca do kraja. Ko vstopiš v hišo, je prvo kar se ljudje domislijo: "Kaj hočemo, stari smo." Če jih povabiš na sejo, je prvi izgovor: "O, smo stari, ne moremo." Če jih pozo-veš na ples: "A kaj—komu se ljubi, to je za mlade, ne za nas, mi nismo za drugam kot za spat." In to govorijo ljudje o krog 50tih, 60tih let, ki so še v najboljših letih, ali vsaj bi morali biti, če se ne bi podali v le-targijo, da je vse končano, če se enkrat sinovi in hčere oženijo. Ko se enkrat vdajo v misel, da niso za nobeno rabo več na svetu, postane v resnici tako. In ni jim zamere. V dopisih se ' vedno sliši "staramo se", "list za listom pada", "kmalu bomo vsi šli", "izročimo vse mlajšim", samo to pozabijo: ,4mi se pa v kot vsedimo, pa umrimo." Se nas urednik Tone Garden dostikrat pritiska na isto strumo in s tem ubije še tisto dobro voljo, ki je ostala za delovanje v korist jednote. Moja soseda, bivša učiteljica, je stara 93 let, in iz njenih ust ni še nikdar prišla beseda, da je stara. Vesela je, bere, igra karte, ob večerih se udeleži sej in kar je glavno, ne vda se v misel, da bi umirala počasne smrti. Otresi- RAD BI IZVEDEL ZA NASLOV J O S E H P R O G E L, po domačo "Potrovcev," doma iz Potoka^ fara Krka pri Zatični. ker mu imam zelo važne stvari 7a sporočat iz domovine Pred več leti se je nahajal v Butte. Montana. Ako je komu znan njegov sedanji naslov, ali ako umrl. naj mi to sporoče; bom zelo hvaležen. Joaeph Globokar 986 East 74th S».. Claveland. Ohio. Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem, da ja za vedno preminula naša ljuba mama. aestra in stara maii ANA KORAN Umrla je dna 13. decembra 1S46 na Ramsey. Oblo. Rojena je bili na Jesenicah na Gorenjskem. V Ameriko je prišla leta 1907 s svojim možem in triletnim sinom Frankom ter bratom Louisom. od kar ja poteklo 40 let. Tukaj zapušča pet sinov in tri hčere namreč: Franka. Joeva. Johna, Alberta in Andyja. ter Anno, Mary in Elisabeth. ter mnogo vnukov in dva zeta. Bill Verhovec in Harry Scoty. dva nevesti pokopališču Bila le članica društva Št. 119 SNPJ in Seesosto) nega podpornega društva. Tem potom ae želimo prev iekreno se h*aliti našim sorodnikom in prijateljem za vso dano pomoč in na k|onjanost v teh žalostnih urah. Srčne hvele ze mnogoštevilno pe-»«lonjrnih vencev in cvetlic in sicer društvom: št. 119. št.14 in Št-SNPJ. ter Semostojnemu podpornemu društvu. Slov. Noted, "emu. Gospodinjskemu odseku in Čitelnici. Lepe hvele tudi sorod "Inkom, prijateljem in sosedom, kakor tudi vsem drugim, ki st» Poklonili pokojnici toliko krasnege cvetja v zadnji po»drav. Iskre hvale nešim trtam in njih družinam in sicer: Rose Demua in Anni Kästelte, kakor tudi prijateljem Is Kenoshe. Wis, ki so a«* udeležili pogrebe Lepe hvele tudi mrt. Jennir Skrbeč in njeni druiinl. ko nam (e bila vedno prlprevljene pomagat». Nedelje hvala društvu št. 119 SNPJ in Samostojnemu društvu sa oskrbo frogrehe in vsem. ki so deli ne reapolego evtomobile. ter sploh »»♦nt. ki »e spremili našo drago mater na njeni sedmi poti ne mi 'odver Vam pa. preljuba in drage meti. Selimo, počivejle v miru t» 'rudapolatm delu in lehka nei Vam bode ameriška trmlja. Ohra-J'1' Va» bomo v naših arcih v vdnem spominu - žalujoči oatali: ¡/•nk. Jr>«*ph, John in Tony, sinovi: Mary Whitney in Frenoe« ««»Tan. hrari; Ane Kestelic. Keneehe. Wis. in Rose Demuse. Be ♦ «estri. V starem kraju. ako so le živi pe. Jekob in Trenk ° r9«nt. brata in Johane Braenlcar. aeetre. Weukegen. Illinois mo se te manije in preiivimo ostale dneve našega življenja v pogumu, ker "korajza velja". H koncu naj še omenim naše «a brata Barbiča, tam v daljnem Clevelandu. Če je kdo zbudil simpatijo v mojem srcu, jo je on. Kolikokrat je bil že revež tepen s tistimi parnimi lopatami. Mi Slovenci smo narod, ki ne pomislimo, da če eden loputne po nekom, je dovolj kazni. Ampak pomagati se mora, "zato naj še jaz malo priložim, da fc/b bolje držalo." je geslo nekaterih dopisnikov. Kaj je Frank Bar bič zagrešil s tistim že stokrat pogretim dopisom, ne vem, ker nisem dala dovolj pozornosti, ko sem ga prebrala in ne morem se spominjati tako daleč nazaj. Ampak, da mi beremo vsak dan ne samo v enem dopisu, ampak zadnje čase že kar po par na dan, je pa malo preveč kazni. Kolikor poznam Barbiča, in poznam ga osebno, je nepobolj šljiv šaljtvec, menda ni mislil žaliti jugoslovanske mladine, ampak utisniti mnenje, da so stvari v časopisih pretiravane, ne pa delovanje mladine. Mi vsi imamo srce za domovino in mene ne bo nikdo prepričal, da je Barbič črna ovca, to priča (sedaj-le ne vem zatrdno, um-pak slutim) da je Barbič deloval za SANS in druge dobrodelnosti v prid domovini, če pa ne več, je pa mogoče vzrok, ker ljudje z večnim loputanjem ubijejo najboljšo voljo v človeku. Torej ljubimo svojega bližnjega kakor sami sebe in kadar o- pevamo bratstvo jednote, se spomnimo, da je naš brat tudi Frank Barbič z vsemi dobrimi in slabimi lastnostmi vred. Roee Radovich. LETNA SEJA ZADRUGE Waukegan. 111.—Sedemindvajsetletna seja članstva zadruge (No. Chicago Consumers Co op) se bo vršila v sobodo, 1. marca, začetek ob 7:15 zvečer v spodnji dvorani Slovenskega narodnega doma. Poslovna poročila trgovin na deseti cesti in Victorija ulici vam bo podal poslovodja Matija Ogrin. O poslovanju direktorija bo poročal knjigovodja in tajnik Anton Keržič. Poročilo o pošlo vanju naše podružnice električnih aparatov na McAlister cesti pa bo podal poslovodja Byron Brauh. Po novih pravilih (District of Columbia Co-op law) ne more noben član glasovati z poveril nico. Vsak član, ki hoče glaso vati, mora biti navzoč. V slu čajih, kjer žena in mož lastujeta delnice skupno, je potrebno, ako hočeta oba glasovati* da se tudi oba udeležita seje. RAD BI IZVEDEL kje se nahaja FRANK MIHELČlC, doina iz Planini' pri Kukeku na Notranjskem. Njegov zadnji naslov Je bil v Milwaukee, Wis. Prosim ga. ako bo čital ta oglas, naj se javi meni. sporočati mu imam zelo vužn.« stvari iz starega kraja, ANDREJ MIHELCIČ, Box 414, Library, Pa. Naznanilo in zahvala Žalostnega srca narnanjamo vsem sorodnikom, anencem in prijateljem tužno vest, da je dne 5. februarja 1947 aa vedno preminula moja ljubljena soproga in mati ANTONIA LOCNISKAR Rojena je bila v vasi Bučka na Dolenjskem dne 24 junija 199V Pogreb se je vršil dne 9. februarja t. L na Evergreen Cemetery po-kopališču in sicer po civilnem obredu. , V Ameriko je prišla leta 1813. IPokojnica je bila sveste • i . '.:,„, L^iJUkrn'/ članica pred adružlivijo SSPZ ln sedaj ob smrti družtva it. 119 SNPJ. Umrla {e vsled krvotoka na možganih. Br. Anton Jurca Sr. je imel poelovilnl govor ob njanl krati v kapeli pri pogreb-| niku in br. J. Tehovalk le pa govoril v imenu društva št. 518 SNPJ ob odprtem grobu na po-kcpaliiču, sa kar jfma isrekamo najlepšo hvalo. Srčna hvale vsem. ki ste pokojnlco obiskeli ob njenem mrtvežkem odru in vsem, ki ste jo spremili ne nje« ni sednjl poti k mirnemu počUku na mirodvor. Pokojnica ze-pušše tukej žalujpčege soproge, dve hčeri in dve eeelrl Iskrena hvaja vsem, ki ste ji poklonili krasne vence ln cvetlice v sad nji prijateljski posdrav in sicer sledečimi Društvu 519 SNPJ. Lodge Young Americens 994 SNPJ, Slovene Workers Home, Slovene Netlonal Home, Gospodinjski odaek S. D. Dome. Young American Pinochle 9 Girls, Oml re Cafe, Michigan Bell Tele* phone Townsend District Supervisors, Detroit Steel Products Girls Soctel Club, Detroit Steel Products Co., Detroit Steel Products Em. ployees, Detroit Steel Products Payroll Dept.. Officers, Bargaining Committee It friends of Locel 140 UAW—CIO, Vinko Locnlskar and family, mr It mrs. Luke Setine In Joe Setine is Kanaeaa, mr. It mrs. F. Snyder, mr. Ic mrs J Snyder U Grand Heven, Mich., mr. Ic rrrs Adolph Snydar fc femily. mi. Ii mrs. W. Elliott, mr. Ic mrs. I. Travnik, mr. Ic mrs M. Klarich Sr. Ic Josephine/ mr. k mrs A. Spendel Ic family, mr. Ic mrs. Bob Travnik Ic Deanne, mr. k mrs. A. Klerich, mr. Ic mrs. Tony Klerich, mr. k mrs. V Bence Ic femily. mrs John Locnisker Sr.. mr. John Locnisker Jr.. mr. Robert Lot-nlsker. mr. Ic mrs. J. Berich, mr. Ic mrs. J Bogatay. mr. k mrs A. Prim. mr. Ic mrs. B. O'Rourke, mr, Ic mrs. A. Forten. mr Ic mrs. M Culkar mr. Ic mrs A. Grum Sr., mr. k mrs. A. Junko, mr. Ic mrs E. Geller, mrs. A Stlmetz. mr. It mrs. A. Krzisnik. Kolar family, mr. It mrs. A. Grum Jr., mr. k mrs. A Jurca Jr. It family, mr It mrs. W. Turley. Menton femily. mr. It mrs T. O'Brenovic It Frances, mr. It mrs. Joseoh Golia It Son. mr. It mrs T. Hostnlk It Patty, mr. Rudy Grum. mr. Ic mrs. F. Kumar, mr. It mrs. J Krely, mr. Ic mrs. M. Klerich, mr It mrs. M Stimec, mr. k mrs R. Cades, mr Ir mrs. Stenley Gale. mrs. Salet end family, mr. Joaeph Lapp It famly, mr. It mrs. Emil Yuvan It femily. mr. k mrs. J. Leksha. mr. It mrs. R. Streh, mr k mrs. J. Belleid. mr. Stenley Beloh k family, mr. Frank Baloh Ic family, mr. M. Pink k family, mr It mrs O. Ma i tick. mr. Ic mrs. H. Bolts, mr. It mrs. J. Kern, mr It mrs. T Setine. n.r. It mrs. Meltivi, mr. It mrs. P. Renko, mr. F. Setine, mr. It mrs. T. Tschiltech. mra. K. Junko. mr. It mrs J. Drvjak «r family, mr Matt Roter, mr. It mrs. A. Werholts. mr k mrs. A Homeit Sr.. mr. It mrs A. Hornets Jr., mr. k mrs. E. Homrts, mr. k mrs F. Snwrdu mrs M. Thompson. Pvt. W. Thompson, mr It mrs. Stanley Renko mr. It mrs. John Renko, mrs. Mery Renko k Betty, mr. k mrs. Herry Renko mr It mrs. Frenk Renko. mr. k irrs L. Gorenc, mr. It mrs. B Gralmakl mrs. Helen Kraisnik. mrs J. Tehovnik. mrs. Vesel. mrs. Lemuth, mra. Gregorich, mrs. Stres. berger. mrs. Yrglie. mrs Klenchnik mrs. Potočnik, mrs. Kevechlc. mr«. Lspejna. mrs. Simonek. mrs. Horvat, mrs. Kerar. mrs Bosich. mrs. Gabars« k. mrs Kirn. mrs. Lukoc. mr. k mrs. J, Kapel It lami. ly, Walter It Host. Julius J. Peep, Julie Slaon, Wm Tak»r. G. Kon-frad, W F. O Brl. n. Jo«- Tehovnik. Frenk Remeak. Mike Tratar, Joe Cop. Nick Varge. Mike Gragorich. Jack Turk. Frenk Kovech. mis* B. Naprudaik mi. J Maroley mrs. M Rernkk. mr. Ir mrs. A. Na-p rudnik, mr. It mrs T. P. t rich. mr. k mrs. A. Jurca Sr„ mr k mrs. J. Grum, mr. 9r mrs J. Dolence, mr k mra. J. Yuvan, mr. k mrs A. Beeuprry mr. Ir mrs. Senc. mr. «t mrs. A Cedilnik, mr. k mr» J. Koss mr. k mrs. F Werholt». mr. 9t mrs J. Koshir, mr. k mrt U. Karun mr It mrs J Korsic, mr. * mra. A Plett. mr. k mrs J. K reins, mr. k mrs. M. G led. mr. k mrs J. Slepshek. mr. k mrs I arry B«rn!ck mr. It mr« C Gebrr mr, k mrs A. Serdoner mr. It mra. F Padmr. mr. k mrs. A Skoftc. Na l*m meitu %» želimo še .-nkrat najlapša rehveliti vsem in ta vse kar koli ste nam dobrege storil» in nas tolažili v uri želeati Tebi pa draga soproga, meti in sestre noša telimo počivej v mira in fehke naj TI bode ameriške mnlje—Želujo/i ostali: Jecob I or nicker, r*p'f>gr Mery Nlertrh in Vilme Travnik o možen. hčeri, n.ih arije ta vnuki In sealrf mr« Mary Snyder, D. troll, Mir h in Rose Wilson, v Alodo III —D*erbern. Mich. V soglasju pravil je potreba' vsako leto voliti tri direktorje Termin je letos potekel sledečim direktorjem: Frances Ma thias, Frank Perpich in Carl R«v-vanien. Iz zgoraj navedenih vzrokov in pa iz vzroka, da bo letošnja seja v vseh ozirih ena najvaž nejših, apelira odbor na članstvo, da se seje polnuštevilno udeleži. Če bo seja napredovala po začrtanem redu, bomo imeli dovolj časa videti nekaj zanimivih pre mi čilih slik (movies), katere je preskrbel Carl Rovanien. Fi nančno poročilo vam bo poslano po pošti, da ga boste imeli priliko pregledati še pred sejo. Nova pravila in nove delnice se bodo pa delile članstvu v glavni trgovini v četrtek od 8:30 zjutraj do 6. ure zvečer. Ne pozabite il jih preskrbeti! Albina L. Furlan. Harmonika na prodaj Proda se harmonika Mikovi izdelka. Bela in je v najboljšem stanju. M. BARBIC, 12614 Lan-celot Ave., Cleveland 8, Ohk>. POIZVEDBA1 Rad bi izvedel, kje se nuhaja moj bratranec JOŽE PAVLOVlC, dom« iz vusi Dražiti št. ft, pri Metliki. Za njega bi rada izvedela njegov brat Tone in sestra Ana. Njegova aestrn mi piše, da se še nahaja z družino vred v ujetništvu. Ona piAe, da je bil njegov naslov nekje v državi Nebraska, ter d« ker so jih Nemci s puškami v naglici pregnali, je v naglici porabila vzeti seboj njegov nttlov, Torej, ako bo čltul ta oglas, naj piše na moj naslov, da mu pošljem nuslov njegove sestre. ANTON PAVLOVlC, Box 34«, Superior, Wyo. V Prosvetl ao dnevne «vetov f»t In dela vtke veetl. Alt lik H«*to »«ak dan* V blagi spomin četrte obletnice smrti natega nadvse ljubljenega sine ln brete FRANKA RACICK Jr. keteri je preminul 29, februarja 1943. Podlegel je poškodbam, katere je sedobil pri volakih. kot tiaoš« drugih, tako je tudi on dal svoje mledo življenje ia domovino. Minulo je že štiri lete od kar Tebe. ljubi sin. več med nemi ni. Ni «e ne dneve ne ure. da bi ne bil nam pred očmi in v mislih v srcih nažth je že bolečine, ki se veceliti ne da. Ostaneš nam v trajnem spominu do konce naših dni. Žalujoči oatalli Frank ln Loulae Raclck, sta riši: John. brati Anna Gantar. Mlmlt Žitnik, sestrli Janet ln Roneld. naiakinia ln nečak v Girardu Ohio. i m lHv lH V blagi spomin pete obletnice smrti iredragege nepoiebljenega soproga ln očeta JOSEPH KLANCNIKA kateri je preminul dne 13. februarja 1941. Dragi soprog ln oče, pel let je še minul« 9d ker si TI «epustll nas ln se podal v dolgo večnost Spomin Tvoj pa bo ostal med nami, dokler se ne idrušlmo | Teboj Pe* člvej v miru ln lahka naj TI bode ameriška gruda.—Žalujoči oatalli Mary Klenšnlk In družina. Detroit, Mich. ★ ★ * 11 blarj 0pomtn TRETJE OBLETNICE NENADNE SMRTI * našega preljubljenega in nikdar pozabljenega ^ sina, brata, vnuka, nečaka in bratranca * . * ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ 1944 fa I Ensign Walter F. Cerkvenik Svoje nClado življenje le sgubil dne 27, februarja 1944, ko le na ma-+C nevrih treščilo njegovo letalo v Oregonu na semljo, in le dobil amrlne poškodbe. Zdaj bivaš vrh višave jasne, Kjer ni mtuku, kjer m noči; Tam solnee sreče Ti ne vgastie, Heanice solnee ne stemni. (i leda je sliko Tvoje sleče, In uroč nebeški Tvoj obraz, Iz duše vzdihnemo koprneče; "Naj gremo, naj gremo s Te bo j I" Prerano al odšel preti nami, Prej goat, bolj redek naš Je broj, V deželo aolnčno mul zvezdami Nas vabiš, kličeš za seboj. Tone solnee, tone Za večerne gore, 2 njimi le nuša tuga Vloniti ne more, Zjutraj solnee vstane Lepše še ¿«reče, Z njim pa radost nam Valuti nikdar neto. Toni solnee, toni, Drugim topi boli, Njim na ateČo vstajaj, Če /a nas nikoli! Počivaj v miru in lahka naj Ti bode žemljica. ŽALUJOČI OSTALIt FRANK in THERESA CERKVENIK. oče ln matir MRS. EMMA ZORC, «Mira/ PVT. STANLEY J. ZORC, svak i MARY OBED, eter« mellt CYRIL OBED, JACK OBED ln ANTON CERKVENIK. alricii ROSE SALAMANT, LILLIAN OBED. letii EDWARD in ROBERT SALAMANT. DOLORES in RONALD OBED, FRANCES. MARY in OLOA CERKVENIK. hrelrancl in eeefrlčne. Cleveland. Ohio. P N. Ktank Ceikvenik. <*<■ |*okojn<-ge Waltet F. Cerkvenik«, je domu v stari domovini 11. Zgornjih Vinu, št, 13, pošta Vtemski Hritof, Slovensko Prlmorje, Jugoelavij« Muli There k« Cerkvenik Je |>e doma Iz Cerkneg«, Št 44 n« Got škem Primorju v Jugoslaviji, ■M SREDA, 26. FEBRUARJA PROSVETA Slovenska narodna podporna jednota 2657-58 So Lawndale At». Chicago 13, Illlaob tako. da bo odgovarjalo naiim zah- Itevam in predpisom mestne ordi-nance — Poročilo se vzame na znanje in «lede plače je sklenjeno, da se hltniku- zvita plača za enake odstotke kakor smo zvitali drugim u-poslencem v al. uradu, ter da to stopi v veljavo a 6. jan. 1947. Predsednik in tajnik ter upravitelj publikacij nato poročajo o pogajanju z unijo pisarniških name-Ičencev v al. uradu ter alede zahtev. o katerih so se sporazumeli in ksterih ne. Poročilo se vzame na znanje in postopanje ožjega odbora odobri. Nato gl. tajnik predloži zadevo umrlega člana R. Petelina od dru-Itva It. 80, ki je bil zavarovan za $250 hinrtnine ter dal zapisati celo vsoto za svoj pogreb. Izplačali smo le >200, kar je v soglasju z državnim zakonom. $34.06 pa se mu je odtegnilo za dolg na asesmentu. O-stam' torej te $15.04 in vpraianje je, komu naj se ta vsota izplača. — Sklep je, da se izplača bratom in sestram, ako jih ima. Glede vprašanja, kdaj naj se vrli letna seja glavnega odbora je sklenjeno, da se skliče za drugi teden meseca februarja. Slidi razprava o raznin operacijskih zadevah ter prošnjah za izredno podporo in odpravnino. Odobreno je članom in za vsote kot sledi: št. dr.—Ime Vsota 101—Ethel Škoda *............$25.00 112—Anne Sigurnik........... 25.00 124—Joseph Moder ..........199.48 218—Agne Ambrose ........ 25.0Q 251—Martin Fink .............. 75.00 258—Nick Karapadza ...... 25.00 513—Rudolph Konchnik,/.. 25.00 564—Alice Mihelich .......... 25.00 634—Frances Chudek 15.00 879— Helen Huss ................ 35.00 738—Louis Tokin .............. 15.00 Br. mladinski direktor predloži vprašanje subvencije za letni keg-Ijarski turnament. ki se je vršil na novoletni dan v Pittsburghu. Pa., ter pristavi, da jim je bil ček za $200 že poslan, ker je bilo nujno in w bili do tega v smislu sklepa atletičnega odbora itak upravičeni. — Odobreno. Nadalje mladinski direktor predloži prošnjo društvu št. 631 za pod-ooro iz sklada za atletiko za nabavo kegljarskih jopičev. kar stane t9.00. — Odobreno. S tem je rešeno vse. kar Je bilo pripravljeno za to sejo in predsednik isto zaključi ob štirih popoldne. V. CAINKAR, pred«. " F. A. VIDER, tajnik. ««art girls! LIKE TO WORK IN THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE OF MOTOROLAi The Beet Radio Place in | Town STARTING RATE 83c f Wlih Experience. 94c } Automatic Raises to VI SSft Hauaer Wanda L 12016« 240 ISO 58« Deloat Lucy ..... 120167 too 1 OS Konmach Jenni* ..„ 1S01SS S00 100 K rule* Maroalla 120100 S00 ISO 500 Skap.n Edward A. 120170 MO «04 Perdan Robert 120172 »00 Du 024 Caaper Lawrence J 120172 280 IDC Nagode France» ..... 120174 260 2.00 Samaa M11 Ian . 12017» S00 100 040 Holub Cart A. 12017« 1.000 ISO «77 Laurlch Mary Ann 1S0177 1.000 Plealvec John J 1X0178 900 ..... 082 Kaufman Char In C 120180 »00 1 00 Saricawlch Evelyn 1S018I »00 100 723 S lone Jennie . 120182 260 ...... 728 Kaluza Henry Jot. . 120184 »00 1.00 734 Tauiel Kred ....... 130185 »00 1.00 74« Miller Catharine .. 130188 25« 1.00 750 Visnikar Dorothy „ 130187 1 000 1.00 753 Uren Donald ...........130188 ISO 1.80 783 Zldak John Paul ... 13018« , 250 1 00 ADBf JAM. 1. 1847 8 Vucelich John......... 120001 1.000 ISO 02 Coopo Arthur John 130104 »00 >40 83 Shuater Josephine 13010» »00 1.00 131 Zupančič Prank .1301») 500 ........ 141 Skerl Vincent C 130121 »00 1.00 188 Bubic Alvin Erne»t 13013» 1.000. 100 31» Vranlcar William J.. 130130 S?0 1.00 354 Tunic Prank ............13013» 1J00 2 00 344 Turk Joe Jr.~..... .130148 »00 140 34» Wagatmil Jamea ..... 130147 »00. 1.00 388 Prbezar Eleanor .......1301 »4 »00 1.00 474 Albrecht John ....... 130158 »00 1.00 »38 Mihalek Viola ...... 130180 »00 ......- »47 Bruich Milan ............130181 1.000 ........ 55« Ambrosa Margaret A130182 1400 ........ 800 Ivanclc Mildred .......130171 1400 240 877 Zibert Dorothy L ...13017» »00 140 73» Connolly William L. 120183 500 ....... ADM. DEC. L 1848 115 Bebar Robert A. 130117 »00 ....... ADM. MOV. 1. 1848 14S Keating Jean P ...„.130123 »S0 100 ADM. JULY 1. 1848 82 Garahnlck Anthony 130107 »00 100 P. A. VIDER. Supr. Sec y. GLAVNI ODBOR Izvrial odaek VINCENT CAINKAR. gl predsednik _ 2687 So. Lawndale Ave . Chlcaso 23, III P. A. VIDER, gl tajnik . ... . ... 2B57 So. Lawndale Ave . Chicago 23. III ANTON TROJAM, (I pomoini tajnik ------3»»7 So Lawndale Ave. Chlcaso 23. IU MIRKO G KUHEL. gl blas«Jnik ............ SR57 Ho. Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 23. III. LAWRENCE G RA DI SEK, tajnik bol. odd . 3S57 So. Lawndale Ava., Chicago 33. IU. MICHAEL VRHOVNIM, direkt, miad. oddel. 3057 So Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 23. III. PHILIP CODINA. upravitelj IT o« ve ta—........2067 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 33. IU. AMTON GARDEN, urednik ProaveU-------2*57 So. Lawndale Ave.. Chlcaso 23. III. Podpredaedalka RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podpredaednlk 7038 Mlddlepomte, Dearborn, Mich lOREPH CL'LKAH. drusi podprt dsodnlk --------- 417 Woodland Ave.. Johnatown. Pa. DUtriktal podpredsedniki JOHN V. ČEBULAH, prvo okrotje ........ .2138 Shallcroaa St . Philadelphia 34. Pa PRANK GRADISEK, drugo okiožja ............................. Box 88. Hermlnie, Pa. JAMES MÄOUCil. tr*t)e okrotje ...........— ...................R D Oakdale. Pa JOSEPH PI POLT, ¿etrto okroiie .............. 1337 B 80th St.. Cleveland 3. Ohio JOHN SPILI.AR, peto okrotje \ ----------- ------- 307« Randall St . St Louia 18. Mo URSULA AMBROZICII. »e«to oktotje ......418 Plerce St., Eveletli, Minn JOHN PETRITZ sedmo okrotje 242« Carmrma Ave, Iam Angeles 18, Callf PRANK POIJIAK uaml okrotje 20» 3rd St. W„ Roundup. Mont Gotpodarskt edaek MATH PETROVIČU, predardn*........... .—...... 233 E. Iftlst St., Cleveland 10. Ohio VINCENT CAINKAR ................. ..............— 38»7 So. Lawndale Ava.. Chicago 33. III. P A VIDER 3887 Bo. Lawndala Ave , Chicago 33. III MIRKO O KUHEL ...................................36S7 So Lawndale Ave.. Chicago 33. IU. JACOB ZUPAN 1400 S Ix>mbard Ave. Berwyn. III. RUDOLPH LISCH ,_. ................................._. 700 E S8Sth St.. Euclid, Ohio DONALD J. LOTRICJ1. ......... I«37 So. Trumbull Ava.. Chicago 33. III. 4545 w. AUGUSTA blvd. Milan Medveiek, tajnik 1 SNPJ. -------------,---------- Box 27. Arma, Kansas .....................31» Tener St., Luzerne, Pa. ........708 Poreat Ave., Johnatown, Pa. 308 So «2nd Ave W , Duluth 7. Minn ....... 3»«4 W. 07th St . Cleveland 3. Ohio ANTON SHULAR, predaednlk PRANK VRATARICH ...... ANDREW VI DR ICH ......... JOHN KOBI, SR CAMILUS ZARNICK ▼ tej poaoJUnici sevarovane do f5.000.00 po Fsderil Savings fc Loan Insurance Corporation. Washington, D. C. Sprejemamo osebne in drtiàtvene vloge LIBERALNE OBRESTI Si. Clair Savings & Loan Co 8235 8L Clair Avenue - Hand. 5670 CLEVELAND. OHIO 3301 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 23. III. .. ................... Box «4, Universal. Pa 3S4S S Lawndala Ave., Chicago 33. Ill 18301 East Park Drive, Cleveland. Ohio ___________17182 Snowden. Detroit 21. Mich PRANK ZAITZ, predsednik MICHAEL R KUMER MATTHEW J. TURK ... LOUIS KAPERLE ... ... . Gradi svoje društvo - pojačaj svojo organizacijo Glasovi iz naselbin Kampanja sa nove člane, ki ae prične a 1. marcem, je določena kot KAMPANJA DRUŠTEV, t. j. da bodo društva med seboj tekmovala, katero bo pridobilo v tej kampanji največ novih članov v mladinski oddelek in oddelek odraslih članov. Neizpodbito dejstvo je, da so lokalna društva važni sestavni del SNPJ in od uspehov posamezn h društev v njih okrožju je odvisen celoten uspeh orga-n.ztcije. Vsled tega je geslo, katerega smo dali tej kampanji: GRADI SVOJE DRUfcTVO-POJAČAJ SVOJO ORGANIZACIJO, nAjbolj primerno. Z gotovostjo pričakujemo, da bo vsak posamezni član v tekoči kampanji storil v polni meri svojo dolžnost, katero ima napram svojemu društvu in svoji organizaciji, pripeljal v svoje društvo novih članov kolikor mogoče največ. Vsak posamezni član na; te zaveda svojih dolžnosti, katere ima napram društvu, katerega član je, in posebno v tekoči kampanji naj posveti ves svoj prosti čas izključno delu^za SNPJ, in šele po tem naj pridejo na vrsto dolžnosti, katere ima napram drugim organiziranim skupinam v okolici ali naselbini. Prepričani smo da vsak posamezni Član želi, da društvo napreduje, da se število Članov pri njegovem diuštvu pomnoži in s tem tudi SNPJ, in vemc tudi dobro, da se ne bo nihče obotavljal v tekoči kampanji storiti svojo dolžnost v polni meri, pripeljal v svoje društvo nove člane, člane, ki bodo zvesti k *EW MEMBERS No Nam« . cert. ilt (It VDMITTED PER. I, IM7 1?{cu>.r J ,aoow *i °°°« w »*>f»ch Ann Joaeph 1M0M 000 100 ® I°m",ck John 13008(1 1.000 1 00 Tomalck Mary 1200«» 1000 100 : «u.n* rrank A' ,a(W®® M0 I 00 ■ Peloza Anthonv 120002 500 1 00 Zal kovicli Dolorea iaoiW.1 J.ooo 1 00 I Se lak Maraaral .. laooo« soo 14 Deapot John Jr. ISOOOA 1.000 «V Kronik Prank 190000 ftoo m kUPJf C 500 » M 37 Holdo Helen I300WA j.OoO S00 43 Menart Alohonsa J 1M000 300 1 00 40 Troat Jo»eph Phlll 120100 000 « Zupec John J 130101 000 100 « Rusa Joaeph H. 120102 »00 1.00 Zaubi Rom« M. 120103 1.000 100 •3 Uondy Milich Nitk 11010« 300 «7 Janaaov llelen L. 130100 500 . Kotaleč Thomas Jr. 1X0109 500 1 00 M Dermotla Katlierlne 130110 000 1 00 «J» Burke Therww A 130111 000 100 101 Kota Joaeph .... 130113 1.000 S00 Skoda Mary 130iu l .000 i oo 104 Bozovlcher Mary A 130114 1.000 1 00 110 La Irance Prancea M 130110 1.000 1.00 Valentine John P. 130110 500 1.00 tU tloinick t aiole 12011M 500 1 00 130 UesUy Rudv 1301 li> 500 1.00 >47 Kuhar Aanvs M IMI33 1 000 1 uo (M Hartal bill iaot24 500 L00 174 Katrancha Matthew 13013« 1.000 1 00 i i» Purkat Hoaeniai v E 1301/7 SoO ih3 Homec Miica iaoizs l.ooo soo MH t uiina Stephen 1J012W l.ooo 1 oo i3S Schwartz Mary L. I30ui . ioo i41 Kapoiov ich cnailaa izoiia 100 j«a litoiaaio y'rana laotaj l.ouo l oo A n ia teta Cnartaa L. I3wu4 i.uuo i oo 111 Pavlovic Magdalene 1301 j« duu l.oo *»» Nunn Uattna Mae I3U137 350 Uro« ter ki neat C. ISuiJt 350 m Minerich John Jr. 130130 l.ooo 100 100 llaibat Kathryn 130140 l.ooo 1 00 III Petkovark Mailan L 130141 500 1 00 i3S Stariha Jenni« 130143 1,000 1 00 »30 Prelrc fiancea 1s01u i.ooc Dls. M4 R upnik Yuvawn 130144 loo I 00 itt Sik01 a Margaret 120144 500 I 00 Yauneridge Elliabathl30l4« 500 i 00 •M Vidmar Paul Jr 13014» !Sao | 00 MM I^dford Uwii W 130150 1.000 2 00 Walchulla Anton 130151 1,000 8 00 17» Novak La verna M 130153 500 1 00 M« Ocepek Violet L ISOI53 500 I 00 •AO Isabel Anne 130155 l.ono 1 00 -M4 lUkich Sunley 130151 500 «71 Sokol Prler Jr 130157 I 000 I 00 II« Skrbtna Jnhn Jim iptlm 1000 1 00 »77 Ntarr Vr*H John II0|«3 1 ono 1 00 «1 H «.lack Velma IMIM i ono S00 M4 I at die Dale Jack I30I&1 t V) I Pošljite ia "Poaebne , I Ponudbe" Kupon — SadtJ i I □ Ptiloleno Je $1.00. Potljite mi | navadno poitnlne prosto 11 oz ' $1 00 steklenico Hoboko In poskus- • I no steklenico LMlvf OleJ In Magolo ( • DC. O. D. (Stroški dodani). . 1. H dri a STOP tabli-ta da priletno o la I lavo proti trganlu »n mukam ravmatizma In sklepnega vnetla. I Zelena OO tableta, namen ena kot dopolnilo hrani, pomaga dosegi potrebno odpornost. ALI GLEDATE ZA DOBRO PLAČO IN STABILNOST? Talafoa kompanija Ima nek«) takih prilik TRIMERJEVA STOP OO METODA" Uo* 1093 Dept. 41 Chicago M). lilinola Prilagam $2 00. PoAlite ml nemudoma TRlNKRjrVO ' STOP OO METODO " pod pogoiem, da vrnete denar, trn na (JANITRE88E8) Tako) od sačetka plaéa TIH« s« uro, po trah meaacih 77 V4 e na uro In po testih mesedh po «24 n« ure ¿ENSKE ZA ClâCENJE V VSEH DELIH MESTA Delovne ure od 5:30 pop. do II ure ponoči. Oglasite ae pri Naslov Drtava ZAVAROVANE HRANILNE ^H^^^V VLOOE ^^^^^^ Vsa Izplačila 50 bila izplačana brez ovire od leta 1889. Denar naložen na hranilno vloge pred 10. dnem v mesecu nosi obresti od prvega dne. ST. PAUL FEDERAL SAVINGS and Loan Aaa'n of Chicago Premoženje nad lis.000.000i 2116 Cermak Rd1 Chicago, 8 CANAL 2137 I Prignan in nadzorovan od | U. S. Covernmenta Route "p r o l e t a r e c,f Social ulic no delavski tednik Glasilo Jufoaiovanske «oc. gveac «n Prosvetne matice Piaan » «lovenakem in angleikem jeslku StaM M sa cela. Sl.7| aa pet SI se četrt lete. naroČite si gai Naslov PROLETAREC »IS» South Lawndale Am.« CHICAGO U. ILL v upoalevalnem «rede sa *#ruk* v pritličju 309 W. WASHINGTON iT- V P roe vel I eo dnovn. aeatuv ee la dele vek* vaatL Ali tU ¿Atete vaah den? All ate naročeni na dnevnik "Proeveio"? Podpirajte tvoj • _ Slovene Nat*l Benefit Society in 44th Year of Fraternal Service-1904-1947 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1947 PROSVETA ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increase Our Juvenile And Adult Membership For M ember9 of Slovene National Benefit Society and American Slovenes PAGE riVE New SNPJ Membership Campaign Opens March 1 STRABANE PIONEERS STRABANE. Pa.—On Sunday. March 2. Lodge 589 will hold its regular monthly meeting. The time is 7:30 pm at the SNPJ Hall. All members are urged to attend this meeting. You'll hear a report by the Athletic Committee pertaining to the mixed doubles tournament, and a report on plans for the two dav affair in March at which Frankie Yankovich and his orchestra will play. Attendance at the last three meetings has been god but we believe it can be improved. Due to the good attendance, our lodge has become more active. There are many plans to be made for the summer months and it is up to all of you members to attend the meetings and present your ideas. So, let's see a fine turnout of members at the meeting on Sunday. On March 15, the Athletic Committee of Lodge 589 will hold a mixed doubles bowling tourney. It will be limited to men and women of Lodge 589 and to the women only of Lodge 138. This promises to be a very interesting tournament and so far there has been_ a fine lis-t of entries. A list of prizes are being arranged for the winners. Spring Festival In keeping wjth the idea that to increase activity among our members we must have more affairs for them to participate in, the Entertainment Committee has planned a two day "Spring Festival" on March 8 and 9. Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, a dance will be held at the SNPJ Hall at which time the public is invited to attend. Playing for the evening dancing will be Frankie Yankovich and his orchestra from Cleveland. Then as a fine treat for members of Lodges 138 and 589, a fine program of dancing and music has been arranged for Sunday, beginning at 2 pm and lasting until 8 pm. This affair is limited to MEMBERS OF LODGE 138 and 589 ONLY. Also free refreshments will be served to all members. So, it looks like a grand time for all. All you lovers of the polkas, should plan to attend the dance on Saturday, March 8, at the SNPJ Hall and dance to Frankie Yanko-vich's fine orchestra. Then, on Sunday. March 9, we would like to see a bie turnout of members of Lodges 138 and 589. It will be a treat you won't want to miss. Pioneer Patter A number of Pioneers attended the "Heart to Heart Dance" at Library on Feb. 16 and reported a Kood time ... It seems that the Pioneers have "Sir Valentine" among their members in the person of Tony Movrich Jr. And he is quite a sinKer too . . . Happy birthday to Mildred Podboy Jr. and Wally Ver-ctiek • • . It seems the boys ure pondering what happened to "Lone Wolf Tony Progar. last Saturday. According to "Erf" Krulce, some Pioneer member had the mis-oitune tog et his nose caught in a «J eah door ... It looks like 589 had to go to 138 to get sorn<' xood lady bowlers for the n>ixH doubles tourney . . . Many Joneers are entered in the Strain. tourney, which will be held to find out Strabane's top bowler . . . PUBLICITY COMM.. No. 589. Integrity Lodge r MIC AGO.—The regular monthly "'"ting of the Integrity Lodge will h«;ld Fr.day. Feb. 28, at 8 pm at ^'king Hall. 2741 W. North ave. '"* attend. Jl Pelase do not fail to pay on time.. • j " embers: Mary Ravnikar, j '¡¡J Kukovitch. Martin Abram Roycht and John Kinder-wish them all speedy re- Wf f, 'itier member, Bro. Frank in Chicago, and under-1m,.. ,n"u" operation. .Several ^ "'embers have donated Fr»nk. Bro. Emil Heiden v M< '' ',n th« hospital. So with Air, " '! V "'other also laid up. ,, fu'l handa taking care of ylm ' ''y We wish them all ir.', ov*ry. membera. the West it, i,. '. n« hugue ia sponsorin < M „ ¡ ' at the SNPJ Hall on . ... j, "• the bovt a hand by "ml helping make the v KI. R KlKISCHIf ACKER. WPJ Lodge No. 631. "Build Your Lodge, Strengthen Your Society,, Is Campaign Slogan; Lodges Assigned Quotas New Adult and Juvenile Members Will be Solicited; Liberal Adwards Offered Rules of the SftPJ Lodge Campaign This new memberahip drive is known as "THE SNPJ LODGE CAMPAIGN." and is designed to revive and stimulate among the members a keener desire to build the weaker lodgee and strengthen the strong In every locality where the SNPJ ia established. Its slogan is: BUILD YOUR LODGE; STRENGTHEN YOUR SOCIETY!. . Duration of Campaign and Classes The campaign will be conducted in both adult and Juvenile departments of the Society for a period of four months, beginning March 1 and ending June 30. 1947. It is planned at a contest for all the lodges grouped into three separate classes. The basis used for classification is the adult membership standing on January 1, as follows: < CLASS A—All lodgee having over 200 adult members CLASS B—All lodges having 101 to 200 adult members CLASS C—All lodges having 100 or less adult members Quota for Every Lodge Each lodge is assigned a quota of new members, starting with a minimum of FIVE for lodges having 50 or leee adult members and graded proportionately upward, using the ratio of one new member for every ten adults until the maximum quota of 25 is reached, as shown in the table below: Adult Adult Membership tuota- Class Membership -Quota— - > Class 50 or less ... .. 5 new members C 151 to 160 .16 99 99 B 51 to 60 ... ... 6 " C 161 to 170... ...17 9« 99 B 61 to 70..... ... 7 H " . C 171 to 160... . 16 9$ M B 71 to 60 ... 6 M C 161 to 190... ..,19 99 99 B 61 to 60..... ... 9 H C 191 to 200 ... .20 99 99 B 91 to 100..... 10 II C 201 to 210.... ., 21 A 101 to 110..... ...11 H B 211 to 220 .. 22 99 99 A HI to 120 .12 99 B 221 to 230 ... 23 99 99 A 121 to 130..... .13 99 B 231 to 240 ... 24 99 99 A 131 to 140 .. .14 99 B 241 to 250 25 99 99 A 141 to 150..... 15 99 B 251 or more 25 99 99 A Awards for New Members Attractive prises shall be awarded to lodgee and individual members as inducements for greater enrollment of new members, provided at least six monthly aseeeaments have been paid. REGULAR PRIZES shall be awarded to the individual members. according to the following scale: For each tuvrnlle insured under Plan 1............................... 61.00 For each juvenile Insured undar Plan 2 or 3...................... 62 00 For each adult insured for 6500 or lass ............................ 62.00 For aach adult insured for 61000 or mora........................ 64.00 SPECIAL PRIZES ahall be awarded to the three highest lodges in each class who enroll the most new members over their reepective quotas, aa follows: -CLASS A- -CLASS 1st ............6100.00 1st ......... 6100 00 2nd ........ 6 75.00 2nd........ 6 75.00 3rd............6 50.00 3rd .....6 50.00 ¡LASS C_ 1st 6100.00 2nd...........6 75.00 3rd...........6 50.00 THE GRAND PRIZE shall be awarded to the lodge enrolling the higheet number of new members over ita quota in all three claaee« combined. This shell consist of an additional award of S50.00 and a membership enrollment plaque, emblematic of the higheet achievement in the cempeign. upon which shall be engraved the namea of all the members of the lodge who enrolled 5 or more new members. The campaign shall have an HONOR ROLL end thie ahall contain all thp lodges who attain or exceed their aeaigned quotas. Each lodge will receive a CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT at the close of the campaign from the Society. T Miscellaneous Provisions Transfers from the Juvenile to the Adult Department shall not count as new members in the campaign irrespective of the amount or plan under which one is Insured. The provisions of the "Annual Awards Plan for Lodge Secretaries" remain in full force end effect; thet is. under the plen the lodge secretaries will receive credit at the end of the yeer for all new members enrolled during the campaign. The standing of lodge« only will be publicited la the Official Organ during the progress of the campaign Individual member» will receive honorable mention in weekly raports. but their complete record will not be published until the campaign is concluded. Although this membership building effort is a ledge coateat. It will, nevertheless, be necewary to keep a record of .11 individual participant. Therefore, each membership application, forwarded te he Main Office by the lodg. secretary, shall be accompanied by a credit card «howtng who secured the new member. ^ Medical examination leas up to 62.00 for now adult members and ftftc for juveniles shell bo paid by the Society. However .mm rumination la required for adults insuring for 6500 or le*. If under 2» yoera f ago or foMuvoniles. unless insurability * " All MDolicatlons for new members, secured ia the final month of the e.tia^ sh.H* mailed to the Mam Office of the Society not later tCTn^ Ith la r.lt^tHr official cloe.ng da,. The postmark shall de-terirlne the mailing date. ^ VrhoTmk « U- C—*m Welcome Home GJ. Banquet And Dance, Saturday, March 1 Six Cleveland SNPJ Lodge* Fete Veteran* at Slovene Nat'l Home New Youth Action In Eastern Penna LUZERNE, Pa.—On Feb. 2, acting on the rucommendation of the SNPJ Federation of Eastern Penna, I called a meeting of all officers of Lodges 45, 124, 372 and «56, uj the Zvtttt Hall, Forest City. The response was indeed gratifying. The purpose of the meeting was: How to interest our youth in SNPJ activities. After everyone present expressed his opinion, it was agreed that it is necessary to take definite steps in order that we may achieve our goal and to form an action committee to draw up u workable plan. The committee consists of presidents and secretaries of these lodges. Besides Bro. Vrataric. they are: Anthony Bozich (Lodge 372), president; Frank J. Tomazlch Jr. (656), secretary; Ignatz Cebular and John Skarbetz (45), Jerry Cerar an£ John Murnich (124). John Tomazich (372) and John Chesnlck (656). It was also decided to call a meeting on Sunday, March 23, at the Zvon Hall, Forest City, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and to invite all young SNPJera to, attend. At this meeting, we will discuss the possi bility of instilling new life into our youth activities A sport club or something similar1'along this line will be considered for the promotion of greater interest among our young people in SNPJ. All members interested in this worthy project are cordially invited to utend and voice their opinions and ideas. FRANK VRATARIC. Lodge 747 SNPJ Reports MILWAUKEE. Wis.—Every member is requested to attend our next regular meeting which will be held Sun., March 16, at Sparrow Park Gardens starting at 2 pm, We have some very important items to dis-cuas at this meeting. Plsns for the picnic to be held this summer will be discussed. Congratulations are in order for Sister Mary Repnlk who had a baby boy. Both mother and baby are doing fine. Congratulations to Margie Shaefer and Veronica Androjna who took good care of the matter. HENRY STRIETER, 747, CLEVELAND. Ohio.—Under the sponsorship of^NPJ Lodges NapreJ. Lunder Adamic, Lipu, Comrades, Vodnikov Venec und Nupredne Slo-venke, a welcome home banquet and dance for the boys and girls that served and are now back in civilian life, will be held Suturday, March 1st, at the Slovene National Home on St. Clulr Ave» Johnny Vudnul's orchestra has been hired to play for dunclng in the upper hall. The Muyer Trio will take over in the lower hull. It will be an evening designed to give the boys a chance to enjoy themaelvea. Bro. Rudy Lisch, Supreme Board member, will be the only speaker. On the short program we will have song* you like, rendered by members of Zarja and Glasbena Mat leu. All of the individuals involved have been sent letters of invitation with u request that they return card of acceptance or rejection. The number of dinners, therefore, have been based on the number of returns made. The letter of invitation must be turned in to Bro. Wappotich or Bro. Poljsak at the cashier's window. Floral decorations will be presented to the boys as they enter the lower hall. This will be handled by Sis. Josephine Zak, likewise the seating arrangement. A crowd of approximately 300 will attend. The banquet will start promptly at 7:30 pm. Dance at Cuddy; Pa., Sunday, March 2nd CUDDY, Pa.—The purpose of this writcup is to thank the people of Lloydell for the wonderful time we had on our trip there, Sunday. Feb. 16. The bus left Cuddy at 12 noon and we arrived in Lloydell about 5:30. We had a little difficulty finding the place, but it was worth the time. We want to express our appreciation and thanks to these folks, especially Ralph and Faye for their kind hospitality and service we received. Everyone had a wonderful time und we enjoyed the slovenske klo-base and coffee that was served to us. Jack Ouzel and his Melody Mixers wish to thank you all for those nice compliments about their music, We are hoping to see Lou arid Frank und mora of you folkt from Lloydell at our next dance ori Muich 2. As u reminder to our friends and neighboring lodges, don't forget our dance Sunday, March 2, with music by the ever-popular orchestra of Billy Pernlsek und his Streumliners. TKKNY. The ladles from Napredne Sloven-ke will be in charge of the kitchen, ussisted on the serving by lady members of Lodge Comrades, Li pa and Vodnikov Venec. Mrs. Poljsuk will be in churge of the kitchen up-stulrs, Krlst Stokel refreshments downstairs and Tom Zuk and John Hut is. upstairs. It is expected that in addition to the boys, their wive«, friends or members of their fumlly, officers from other SNPJ lodges together with SNPJ members will be in at* tendance. For further details contact any of the secretaries of the sponsoring lodges. J. F. FIFOLT. Lodge 640 to Mark Birthday in April BRIDGEPORT, Ohio—Attention, members, old and new. Why don't you come over und see us sometime? We really are nice folks to know and I'm sure we will get along if you'll Just give us a chance. Wo |iuve but one new officer and he Is our president. Why not all you Cardinals come over and wish him well? Tell you what we'll do. All you Cardtnala come over to our next meeting on March 3 at 7:30 pm at Roydsvllle Hall and we ll hav« a meeting. Then a IRtle refreshments und a regular get-together after warda. You can really have fun If all give it a try. I'm sure the meeting won't be too long und after all we must start to make plans for our 10th Anniv. Dance which is to be held April 26 Come all of you Cardinals to our regular meetings, the more the bet ter. We can plan for the big day April 26. Mhy don't you Just ail come and let us show you the Lodge is u nice place to meel and to havj u good time with your old and new friends. At our Feb. 3 meeting we initiated five n«w members: Carl K. Sutton, Irene V. Sutton, Viola Ebll, Helen Olins and son Steven Olinski. We| come to our wonderful organisation Hope we mi^y see al of you at every meeting. I think 1 have said enough for this time and anyway I want to save some of my pencil pushing for my next article. Congratulations go to Mr. und Mrs. William Fisher. Ft an ny Is a member of Urdge 13 What do you say, Franny, do we get Hill for a Caidlnal? Remember I have | lot of applications on hand We aie ready tor you any time. Hope you will be my first new member for our campaign MARY HOLUfi, Sec'y, Milwaukee SNPJ Lodges Invite All Juveniles to Form Combined Circle MILWAUKEE, Wia—Hello. all you parenta, fellows and gals of SNPJ lodges Badgers, Slogu 16, Vio, lets, Jolly Allis, Lily, Lodge 104, Bratoljub and Venera. The following repreaentativae— namely, Mary Vasll, Mary Oornlk, Joe Turck, Joe Burhun. Helen Am-brozich, John Helich Anton Yamnik. Anton Errnenc, and aaaistanta Fannie RadelJ, Sophie Htampfel. Frances Debelak, Louise Heruga, Ann Meyer, Stanley Kedmak. Anton Jer-kich, John Poklar, Joe Krainz. Joe Cveten. Bill Udovich. Kenneth Chuck. Mathew Hmole, Rudy Hmole. Florlan Remits, and j^wrmr* Gor-nik—decided that a large Juvenile Clrcle combined with all the lodge* in the Federation would be most successful in providing and managing the fun, entertainment and busi' nesa for you. If you are between the ages of four (4) to etght (Hi. you will probably be interested in a few thing» we have planned for you For al! you little girls there will be doll perttea where you may bring your favorite dolls and talk to your oOu" new found friends play bouse, and have a reel party with refreahments For both boy« and girla we will have color era yon« and books to color Lot« of nice stories to tell you and preturn« to «how you of Donald Duck." "Three Little I'm Riding H o< id," "Mickey Mouse," "Hugs Hunny." and ever so many others. For you who are a little older, model ait planes, stamp collections, tours through different Industrial firms, hike«, outing« and picnic«. We Will have a "Jam Keasi«»^ at every meeting of your favorite jukebox entertainers and keep our own "Hit Parade," If you are intereated in dancing, come along and learn how with all the re«t of u«. Special not ire to the troys' Do you remember some of your favorite baseball, football, and basketball players of the former lodge and rity high school U-ams? Well, we have a good number of these fellows on our (oadung «taff who are anxiou« to tearh you the trlrks of what make« « good athlete, They would very tnurh like to organize teams so that we can play our neighboring bidges Come on boys, let's get togeth«* and aee from what section of th«- town our athlete« hall. This will glvt you fHlows the first opportunity to play together and we promtae that If voo ahow resulta. we will do evervthin* we can to secure uniform« for you Don't think you're anaemic or maybe too strong; the roerhe« promts* to struggle with you and make a , He-Man Athlete out of you. It's all "Hod; m iliUt Any other ideas will gladly be ap pit rluted end we'll enjoy dl«eu«« ing them with you ut our first meet log, Saturday afternoon, March 1». from 2 o'clock «harp tUI 4 o'clock at Rebernlaok'« Hall, |36 S. 6th •!. (6lh and Srueo). It'« going to Ire a Patrick's Day affair cinre rnoet of ua are good "Irishmen " We are asking uny of the girls with green hair ribbons, bow*, dresses, etc, to Ire sure and wear Iheni Any of you fellow« with green ties, shirts, trouaers. down to •hire laces, to be sure to come decked out to the meeting with them on Since I know very few of ymr and you won't know whom to meet. I probably will Ire the greerreet person there We have a pretty green lineup of refreshment«, but we w«nt to keep you surprised. Here'« a little secret I might add If none of the other committee 1« looking Wutth the coming edition« of the Proeveta to see if we get that bubble gum I've been promised We are unxioua to «(art now bow alrout you? MARIE KRMKNt*. Juvenile Director p K : Homebody told me today how the »ong "Open the Doot, Rub-ardM happened to be written Ad , mital livrd planned his trip to (he South Pole and Richard «h* door. BAD6ERLAND NEWS MILWAUKEE. Wis.—Huppy to report that two members have gone off the sick list. John Mlhellc und Murgaret Golob have reported well. Thoae still on the sick Itst are Funv-ny Gaber, 2563 S. Greeley «t.; Frank Spek, 1115 8. 14th St.; Margaret Li-povsek's 1213 S. Uth St.. and Louise Pulkowski, 335H A N, 13th st. This is. one duty no Badger should overlook at uny time. We liuve heard it said thut we have a sick committee thut takes care of this duty. Well. I Implore that you us good frutirnaltsls do your duty rrgurdliuui of whether you ure on the committee or nut. Do thut, won't you, folks? Old Dan Cupid has been- pointing his arrow with deadly aim these days. Al Jeray has finully succumbed und his engagement to Rose Schuette was announced recently. The wedding has not been aet as vet but will take place some time this spring, Our hearty congrats to you fine people. Another well known couple announced their en< gngement on Valentine's Day, Margaret Golob is now wearing a diamond given to her bv Louis I don't delay, get started on thoae tea ma now DID YOU KNOW that Meaican beana lump Imiui* of the move-ment of moth larvae spinning their cocoons inside the beans they in-feat* Now that you know, what nest? See you all next week SALTY. 664i Build Your Lodge; Strengthen Your Society! The now membership drive, which opens on March 1, is designed as a LODGE CAMPAIGN, for the reason that each lodge is an important segment of the SNPJ and, as such, is also a pillar of progress representing the Society in the community where each is established. The campaign slogan, a very fitting one, is—BUILD YOUR LODGE; STRENGTHEN YOUR SOCIETY! We expect every member to place his .lodge first and foremost in this new membership building program. The SNPJ lodge, to which you belong, should mean more to you, especially if it is active and progressive, than any other organized group in your community. If you want your lodge to become of greater service to the Society and the community of which it is a part, you will not hesitate to do your share in this campaign by enrolling new members who will be an asset in helping it to be come the kind of lodge you want it to be. Let us not forget that, in any building program of this kind, the character of the mem hers forms the character of the lodge and they, in turn, that of the Society. All of us are aware that the success and progress of our lodges depend* on combined interest, effort, work and loyalty of the members. It is the teamwork of the officers and members, the more there is of it the better, that makes a lodge strong and a growing organization in any community. It ia through the lodges that the vital work of building the membership of the Society goes on unceasingly. It is through the lodges that the high purposes of the SNPJ are given experision in the 600 or more communities in which they are established. It Is through the lodges that assessments are collected from the members and benefits paid in times of sickness, disability, death, or other emergency. It is through the lodges that social events, cultural affairs, and sport activities, etc. are promoted and conducted for all who wish to participate in them. It is through the lodges that SNPJ Homes have been established and maintained for recreation, entertainment, and education of the members. It is through the lodge» that our membership is organized, trained, and developed to become more efficient, enthusiastic workers and leaders of the SNPJ. It ia through the lodges and those who represent them at conventions that the work of the SNPJ grows and expands year after year... For these and other good reasons, we base the main theme of the new membership drive around our SNPJ Lodges. Let all of us. each in his own lodge and community, work towards the same goal—BUILD YOUR LODGE; STRENGTHEN YOUR SOCIETY by enrolling new members in the SNPJ LODGE CAMPAIGN? MICHAEL VRHOVNIK, Campaign Director. Lodge "Trojans" JOHNSTOWN. Pa.—8inc« thr Trojans" have already made their "debut," we're going to keep our promise and "keep pushing ahead." both with these newsy articlas and our activities. We held our second meeting Feb, B at the Moxham Slovene Hall. Wi did expect a larger attendance, but we'U blame it on the stormy weather this time and forgive you nil. But let's see more of you at the next meeting. We selected a committee to "alert things rolling" to make the meetings more Interesting to all. So keep watching the ProsveU, members. and see what they have in store for you. We sre a bo planning to hold a dsme in May, So all of you out-of-town«™ snd local folks, keep watching the Prosveta for further details on the matter and keep that date open. Our lodge was well represented at the sauerkiaut and wiener supper held by the Kelso Athletic Club Feb. 15 We had a grand Urn«, boys, and may 1 take this opportunity to thank all of you. We'll be looking for you at our May dance. Our men'» U-npin league ia doing very well for themselves. All they need is more of you girl* to get down the alleys on Sunday und get on the cheering line So what do you say. girls? Our mixed league is having ooite some competition trying to Uut each other out for the trophy It *cem« the Hue k* are leading the Uuiim by thiee games Rumors are also flying that the Ruck« are look ing for a new manager, How about that. Ann? Better get "on the ball"! John Cell«« IS leading the men in the mixed league with a 233 score, and Juan Kopriva is leading the girl« with a 167 score Ann Gelle« Is leading thr girls with a score of 418 in s w»l*l of three game« and Jim Trofino is leading the men in three game* with u 452 score. Let's s«e mort of you duckptn howlers at the Gelli s Howling Alleys in Conemaugh on Fudsv evening» at H o'clock One« a git in, I'll remind you mem ber» to please attend the meeting March 9 at 7 30 pm at the Moxham SkiVene Hull JEN KAI'KIVA Kec Sec'y Lodge 549 News ELIZABETH. N J—The meeting »»• held Feb tl with stU ndMnce All the offirrrs of this l<«N mil bowl »o Sisters in the lodge, this should be an Incen live foi you Fallowing the bowline meeting thert will lie entertainment and refreshments saived During the next four months the Shirty is putting on a membership can paign Each lodge will be given a quota for the fout month period l-i«t w all roo|M*iMte and suipM»« tlx Quota designated for out lodge dCsr ing the first month. Attei thr last meeting the worn en*« iNmltrtg team bo* led a maid game against thr men's team Th< men's team, lead by G I .ok u h who hit 517, was victorious rolling a to tal ol 24*1 to 2410 fot the women Arlim 1'iogar t«nwling in the Worn an s Slate Tournament hit foe a 511 eount in the single« event In reg ulai league bowling thr men's team slamned out a 2830 score to take ,nver first place Individual scoring was as follows M Re»nick 570. G Spartan News CLEVELAND.—Our meeting for this month was a great success. It really is swell to sec all the fellows and gals gradually filling up the meeting room and we soon hope that Spartans will be back in the groove again. Discussions were held on the following: Veterans' Banquet on March Formation of a baseball team, and the coming bowling tournaments. A meeting covering the bowling was held at National Home Feb. 25. An added feature to our meetings the drawing which is held every month. The winner of the 82 at the January meeting would have been Stanley Race, and Ida Sharp would have been 83 richer if she had attended our February meeting. So the prize is building up und our best suggestion to you members is that you make it your business to be at our next meeting. You may be the lucky winner. Veterans' Banquet Plans are being made and in most instances have been completed for this big affair which will be hold on March 15. Our Secretary has received very favorable replies from the cards that were sent out to the members. At the present writing we are assured of the attendance of practically atl the veterans, and a large majority of the other member* have rseponded favorably. All of you people who have not sent in your cards, hurry und do so now as 1 urn sure you will not wnnt to miss this uffair. Let's renlly turn out and show these veterans thut we appreciate what they have done for us. and make it u nite that they won't forget. Stun Stokel, our vice-president und head of the entertainment committee. has spent a lot of time in making the ntrangements and says that there will be plenty of food and liquid refreshments to hist well In the we« hours of the morning. Here are a few points we would like vou to remember: Send in your curd indicating ihe number of tickets vou want or contact Stan Stokel or Ann Opeka directly f„r ticket» Circle March 15 on your calendar Be present at Spurluns' Veterans' Banquet! DOROTHY LUCIA PROSVETA Southside SNPJ Interlodge News SO. CHICAGO—Here are the latest items about Chicago's far southside Interlodge Bowling League. Emit Kuhel came thru with a 859 series to help the Sentinels win three games from Lodge 490's Rangers. The Delavec Wolves continued to hold their first place lead by downing the Trailblazers' Ramblers twice. Another Delavec quintet, the Mustangs had a good evening by taking all three games from the Trailblazers' Tigers. No return games were received; results of this meeting will be given next week. Leading scores for the men keg-lers were E. Kuhel's 659 ( 240). J. Poropat's 598 (199). B. Brvce's 572 (219). John Kogich's 565 (203). J. Bayuk's 56} (182). J. Pccher'a 552 (19), E. Vrhovnik's 552 (195). L. Kosele's 549 (219). M. Zatkovich's 537 (200). P. Channic's 537 (194). F. Kosic's 535 (194), Joe Kosich's 527 (214). V. Tome's 526 (195), J. Zatkovich's 520 (190). J. Sodetz's 518 ( 200). B. Zatkovich's 508 (193). M Vranicar's 508 (173). and L. Kuhel 501 (173). L. Bezlaj's 558 (196). M. Slobod-nik's 516 (200) and M. Pecher's 508 (198) markue were the high scores rolled by the women. ALL THAT SORT OF THING. Frank Dolinar. the well known Sv-gan lad attending school here in Chicago, rolled with the Southside league recently . . . The laudest cheers on the alleys were for 490's M. Vranicar's as he stepped up to the line to try for his third consecutive strike . . . Bowlers Mirko Kuhel and Mike Vrhpvnik were in Cleveland over the past week end. So long, until again . . . L. K.. 610. National Bowling Tournament CHICAGO.—The SNPJ National Bowling tournament time is drawing near. Soon April 25. 28 and 27 will be here, and the Pioneer committee is hard at work making plans for the 3 day affair. Of course, bowling will be our main interest, so to take care of our visiting bowlers we are going to intflst that ail Chicago bowlers do their bowling on Friday, April 25. thereby giving preference to time to our yisiting Brothers and Sisters. James Jackino. tournament secretary, should have the entry blanks in the mail soon. More definite. Dlans as to hotels and the dance will be announced in next week's Prosveta. All Pioneer bowlers who plan to participate should assemble their teams as soon as possible. Ae soon as teams arc oganired their ^names should be submitted to D. J. Lotrlch, A1 Or-maniac. James Jackino or Marge Bozicnik. Those bowlers who are not on any team and want to participate should submit their names. SHORTS: Anton Pirman has returned from his trip to New York and the East/ with him came Jeanene of Brussels. Belgium, who is now Mrs. Pirman.—Clevelandcrs took over the Slovene Center the past few days. Last Thursday and Saturday, Anton Perusek and Eddie Sesek were around and Eddie played a mean squeeze box so a good time was had by all. Saturday share-holders of the Jugoslav Savings and Loan Ass'n had an unexpected treat dancing to Eddie's music. Perusek and Sesek will soon be in business at 55th ave.. St. Clair so when we go there we will visit our S.C.S.C. members at the Oxford tavern.—Monday we again had unexpected visitors in the well known accordion players. Eddie Pecan and Louis Tribar of the Metropole Club in Cleveland. With them was Tino Modic. Thanks for dropping uround. hope you'll be uble to be uround when we remodel the "Joint." Yes. we are really planning of remodeling soon. D. J. I.oti ich heads u committee of a few volunteers who hove so far solicited 82.200 in shurcs at 825 per. Anv one interested contact D. J. L. Amongst those signed up are Ed Blake and A. (¡runt of Detroit who are frequent visitors of the Center. Directors re-elected at the Jugoslav Savings and Loan meeting Saturday are J. Oven. Frank Zaitz and Jacob Zupan. all active SNPJ members as are all the mem be i s of the board. From a small 8300. 000 organization thev now boost of 82.000.000 in assets. Pioneers should take an active port in their lodge affairs and the biggest event at present is the National Bowling tournament. Become a member of the committee and help make it a successful affair. F. GROSER Paper Mill Bought By Chinese Co-ops WANHSIEN, China -Chl-nese cooperatives In Ihe I.iangshen Fi deration have bought a paiter mill hete Paper and paper pulp will be pn»-duced to be finished and piocesaed by affiliated paper co-op« t.ukich 55tt S Loncar 53a, f Resnick ?25 and I* Copp 419 Any member Interested in going t« Chicago and bowl m the national tournament be sure to attend the next n wet ing Women can get in touch with Arltne Pmgar. 734 Brood wuv. or eaiV lar j Mener.nt.ci the writer at the earn« addrves snd Phone number. M RKSN1CK. 834 Waukegan Bowling News and Views WAUKEGAN, ILL.—Dr Furlan's bum lirai No. Chicago Dairy 3 games while Gantar Bros, team beat Tenth st co-oo 2 games. Gantars hit the high seile« of 2237 for the day while Fui lana hit high series of 824 Among the men. F. Belec hit high series of 548 M Ogrin high gante of 213 Dick Peklav and M Ogrin's serles wete 500 and 503. »sportively. Among the ladles. S Smol ich hit high serles of 514 and alan high game o| 187. The team standings are: Furlans 37-13. Gantars 3120 Co-op 29-JI Dairy 23 .17 During Marth, the Latle Fort l< d«e is holding two danesa with Stan Gregor m i dance hand play-in« VIC BELEC 588 Keglmg Kapexs By J. J. Spllar CLEVELAND. O—If you would have happened to stray in the Slovene Home alleys and heard all that din and bedlam on lanes 5 and 6. you surely would have figured there waa a royal free for all. It was ail of that, but in a competitive nature, as the Utopian Red Shirts tangled with their Utopian-3 members in a hectic foray that wasn't settled until the last men bad completed their respective frames. Joe (Whitey) Matthews, anchorman for the Crimson Crusaders, banged out a double in the tenth stanza to eke out a five pin victory in the curtain raiser. The second contest saw the No. 3 squad reverse the charges to win by the same margin. The final fracas (Oh, Brother!) resulted in a deadlock after the regulation riot The tensed extra frame rolloff paid off for the Red Raiders by a seven pin count. To make it more complexing. the three game total ended in a tie. 2493 apiece. A hair raising Imlla-ba-loo all the way! ^ Joe Matthews boosted the winners along in this stkting match with a 585 series. Your writer posted a 529 set to pace the edged eboniters. The last place Euclid 158 gamesters sprang a surprise, four point shutout on the second place Lunder-Adamic five. John Zgonc batted out a 521 series for the eager Euclid-ites who always are in the game verbally, win or lose. Mike Pok-lar's 506 try was high for the astonished foes. Halt! Who goes there? The Concord ians put an abrupt stop to the upward trend of the Loyalite-4 keg-lers with a three game whitewash job. Johnny Japel recorded a 539 series for the former while Mike Krall with 572 topped the latter. | Sideline Slants: A chorus of hearty congratulations to Joseph Matthews on his appointment as athletic representative on the National Athletic Board. . . John Kuz-mic of Lodge Cleveland-1 calling up at bowling time to announce a new addition in the Kuzmic household, a baby girl. Congrats! . . . Whitey Matthews. Hank Zorman and yours truly dropping in on the Loyalites mixed league at the East 152nd st. Recreation after attending the Athletic League meeting. This sociable Sunday gathering was well attended by bowlers and rooters and is a fine credit to the Loyalites who organized this session for members who didn't get in the Friday and Sunday SNPJ leagues. Forward, Loyalites! Tourney Nfws: A word to the wise is sufficient! Heed that well proverbed phrase, bowlers, and make sure your name is on the list of participants who will enter in the Eastern Invitational Tournament to be held at the Slovene Home alleys on March 21, 22 and 23. Joe Matthews and the committee are going ahead with the plans to make this Classic the biggest and best yet. When filling out the official entry blank that is displayed in the Prosveta, be sure to state the time for bowling. That procedure will save a lot of confused scheduling. The deadline ia midnight, March 8. No entries will be taken after that date. Let's make It a record entry. SNPJ-ers! Teem Results! Euclid 158-3, Lun- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26 1947 Eastern Invitational Entries May Set Record CLEVELAND. Ohio.—Entries for the Invitational Tournament have been coming in. early, and it appears that we may have as many entries in the Eastern Tourney as we had in the pre-war days if not more. The tournament will be held on March 21-22-23 at the Slovenian Recreation at 15333 Waterloo rd. Two days have been reserved for out-of-town teams which they may have their choice of hours which are most convenient for them to bowl, they are March 22 and 23. Out-of-town teams must mail their entries In as soon as possible in order to have the secretary of the tournament place them in the order that they request, and to have sufficient time to notify them. Hotel reservations must be mailed in direct to the hotels' managers at which they wish to stay. Hotels recommended for out-of-towners are Hotel Carter. Prospect and Ninth. Hotel Hollenden. Superior and Sixth. Send in for your reservation NOW. and be sure. Competion for both the Eastern Invitational and the National Tournament *will be keen, as . this was proved last Sunday when two teams from Strabane invaded Cleveland for a match game with the Loyalites. Team 1 from the Loyalites won by a narrow margin. 2637 to 2573. Shorty Debenak's 618 and his 255 game highlited the Loyalites West Side Bowling League News-Views CHICAGO.—The standings of the West Side Bowling League are as follows: The Ferrer boys nosed out the Integrity-1 team by beating the Lodge 88-1 team three games. Second place is taken by the Pioneer boys with good work done by Stanley Zele; 3rd place occupies Integrity-1 team; 4th place, Victorians; 5th place. Lodge 86-1. Slavia lodge is moving up to 6th place. F. Vider is doing very well for his equad. Seventh place is held by Integrity-2 and 8th place by Lodge 86-2 Hot Shot Emanuel Sku-bic of the Victorians was the winner of high game, but it was not until S. Zele rolled his last ball down the alley. On March 8. all our kcglers and friends are invited to attend the dance that will be held at the SNPJ Hall, sponsored by the league. M. R. FLEISCHHACKER. ders 0. J. Zgonc 521, M. Poklar 506. Concord ians 3, Loy-4, 0. J. Japel 539. M. Krall 572. Utop-1, 2, Utop-3, 1. J. Matthews 585, J. Spillar 529. Utop-2, 2. Cleve-2. 1. B. Zalar 545. T. Yuretic 537. Spartans 2. Cleve-3, 1. B. Schlarb 551, L. Gabrenja 544. Strugglers 2, Comrades 1. P. Golob 527, J. Koren 540. Loy-5. 2. Lov-1, 1. E, Stefanie 500. J. Karr 553. Loy-3, 1. F. Miklich 482 F. Zaman 486. 200 Circle: N. Spehar 237, J. Koren 216, J. Karr 215, J. Spilar 212. M. Krall 204-200. J. Matthews 203, L. Gabrenja 203, J. Zgonc 203. S. Zagar 202. B. Zalar 201, B. Schlarb 200. B. Perdan 200. T. Yerman. stand against Strabane's team 1 while C. Podby's 574 series anH 1 • 255 game and E. Zuzek's^^ were high for the losers in !l other fray team 2 dropped WlthunJ question being drubbed bv powerhouse team. 2765 to 2565 '£ Chesnic's 557 and S. Krulce's'Js was high for the winners For th losers Frank Yankovich's «23 1Z his 246 game and A1 Baines' 542 IZ 208 game. and The refreshment, dining and dancing festivities will be held ; the lower hall of the SloveJi Recreation during the three davs of the tournament. The tournam£.n itself will be held in on' of ? three important Slovene circles in Cleveland, where you will be abh to visit Frank Yankovich's Club and hear his Columbia Recording orchestra and many other such places which you have heard of Together with the tournament . good time is in store for you with positive assurance from the officer, of the Athletic League of Cleve land. This league is composed of most of the ESL lodges of the SN PJ in Cleveland. MAIL YOUR ENTRIES TO JO SEPH MATTHEWS. 678 FAST 140TH, CLEVELAND 10 OHIO DO IT NOW. THE DEADLiNE FOR ENTRIES IS MARCH 8 AT MIDNIGHT. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK IS IN THE PROSVETA . Cleve. Athletic League AL RAINES, Pres. ROSTER OF National Athletic Board Athletic Director. Michael Vrhov-nik. 2657 S. Lawndale Ave., Chicago 23, Illinois; District No. 1—James J Trofino, 417 Woodland Ave., Johns-towrf, Pa.; District No. 2—Lawrence Cassol, 717 Washington street Oak-mont. Pa.; District No. 3-Joseph Matthews, 678 E. 140th Street, Cleveland, Ohio; District No. 4—Joseph Golia. 20486 Hull, Detroit 3, Mich.; District Not 5—Martin Dragan. 720 N. Warman Ave., Indianapolis, Ind * District No. 8—Lukas Groser Jr' 2125 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago 23' 111.; District No. 7—Marco Shap^ peck, 2736 2nd Street, Milwaukee Wis. ' Present Two Plays For Mobile Unit DETROIT, Mich.--The Yugo For-ward, formerly the American Jugoslav Youth Club, is sponsoring an affair Saturday. March 1, at Rumanian Hall. 1423 Farnsworth st, at 7 pm.* Two plays will be presented, "Miš" in Jugoslav and "Oh Father" in English, the latter written by Joe Petrovich. In addition there will be soloists, instrumentalists, vodville surprises, pantomime skits, etc. Dance music will be by Jedinstvo. The proceeds are to go for a mobile hospital unit to be sent to Jugoslavia. Admission is 75c. GEORGIA JURAJAC, Chm. Injuries to over 2 million industrial workers in 1946 cost management and labor more than $3,500.-000,000, the U.S. Department of Labor reports. Entries close March 8. 1847 Time of Bowling Fri. P.M. n Sat. P. M. □ Sun. A. M. □ Sun. P. M □ Men's Entry □ Women's Entry □ S. N. P. J. EASTERN INVITATIONAL BOWLING TOURNAMENT MARCH 21, 22. 23, 1947 -at- SLOVENIAN RECREATION 15333 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland. Ohio Moral Support Sanction Without High Score Protection Official Entry Blank Auspices of Cleveland Athletic League Spaces below for Tourney Sec'y Entry Fees Amount Doubles ....................... Singles ................. Total Entry Fees The members, whose names appear below, hereby make entry in the team and/or individual events of the S N.P.J. Eastern Invitational Tournament, and agree to.comply with the rules and regulations of the American Bowling Congress and the S.N.P.J. (Arrange names of bowlers in the TEAM and DOUBLES columns in the order In which they will bowl.) T#>m (Cert. No.) Doubles Singles 1............................................ .........(...... .....) l......... 2 — 1............,............................................. .....-.( ) 2. 3................................................... ....... ( ) 1...... a 4. ..................1...................................... .........(...... ) 2...... ..................................— «..................................... 4 _ .....— 5. .............................................. ( 5 ________ .. — ( ) 9 Name of team _______________________ —Captain.......................... .....—----------— Address...................—~— ENTRY FEEE: The entry fee ia 81 7$ per bowler in each event. This Includes the coat ol howling. Mall entries and fee, to JOSEPH MATTHEWS. 878 E. 140th St. Cleveland 10. Ohio. Ramlt only bf ü S. Railway Express Money Order, bank cashier draft 0» personal certified check Tbm deadline to March 8. 1947. (Seal) CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the above hated bowlers are member« in ^ stand.ng of the S.N.P.J., Lodge No. Attest:__________ at Lodge Secretary. urrmraSPAV, FEBRUARY 26, 1947 PROSVETA COMRADES' NOTE BOOK By J. F. Fifoli G. /. Banquet—Danct r iFVELAND O.-Elsewhere on Inaae are the details covering i r I Banquet and Dance to be ^d SatuX March 1. both halls fr'ld National Home on St. Clair deal of work has Slovene A great .^"wm.M involved to*. little FLASHES By Donald J. Lotrich preparation of this event. h[.re 1 would like to raise a some thin* with the boys who failed o indicate whether or not they were coming, not only the «roup Tom our 16d*e but from the other lodges. The committee went to the trouble of making it easy for hem to do this little job all it required was a yes or no. their signature and the dropping of the postal card in the mail box. It would have been at least courteous to reply. Let's remember this for the future. Many workers will be required that evening and they will have to be there no later than 6:30 pm. Working on the hostess committee will be Pauline Spik; Tony Kerze. Ed Grum. Bob Yarshen. bartenders; •it the door Joe Sircel. Frank Po-potnik; refreshment tickets Dani Fifolt; Frances Presern. flower girl: waitresses. Marie Zak. A. Skok. R. Skok. A. Vehar. Theresa Kerze. Frances Godnavec. Mary Krizman-cic. Ann Erste, A. Flanders. Nellie Shine, Mary DeLost and others that will be kind enough to call me and volunteer. Let's show up on time. Meeting, Tuesday At the last meeting we suspended Anton Jelenic. Accepted as transferred members Vic Povirk from Newton. Pa.. Jennie Luzavec from Gilbert, Minn.. Frances Godnavec and her brother from Vodnikov Ve-nec. Sick benefit forms for Her-mine Legan and Lou Shuber were aprpoved. Childbirth forms for Ann Dobrich, Gabe Girod, Julia Jones, Mollie Koren and Marge Ha-berle passed for payment. Tickets for the Juvenile Concert purchased and distributed among the members. Pauline Spik commented on the recent successful dance. Entertainment committee authorized to select another date if possible, also make plans for a picnic this summer. Bro. Kerze reported on the meeting of the Farm Board. John Vehar's name was pulled out for the $2 award. He was not present. Marie Stefanic won the $1 drawing. After the meeting, Albina. Anto-niette and Pauline served refreshments. Bowling—The Eastern Invitational will be held at the Waterloo allevs on March 91. 22 and 23. Two girl and two boy teams have already sent out by Frank Ross to other been formed. Cards have been male members that might be interested. He should be contacted, no later than March 5 if you wish to participate. It was moved that the lodge pay for the team events. General—A baby boy for the Be ljans. Congratulations. Spirit'O-Grams ST. LOUIS. Mo.—Our Valentine Day dance was well attended and I'm sure everyone doing so had Rood time. The dance committee wishes to thank all members who contributed their services by working behind the bar. in the checkroom, waiting on tables, etc. We were glad to see many strange faces at the dance, and we hopee they'll attend our next dance. Swegliches had auite a crowd at their table and Vanderworkers did also. There were also some members from the Granite City lodge "Sparklers" in attendance. I'm sure a good time was had by all. All returns on dance tickets should be made on or before our next meeting of March 14 so that the committee may close their books Promptly. There will be another dance at the same place on May 17 and arrangements are now in progress. There will be a banquet given in honor of our veterans on March 22 a< « Pm at the Rose Bowl. 3323 S. 'iingshighiway. All vetecans and their wives or friends will be ad-fitted free. Everybody is welcome. All members or members' frunds wishing to attend should make their reservations bv getting in touch with Sis. Vcrtovsek or Sis. M .rkoff on or before March 14 The ' t i* $2 per plate. There will al-■•*' be music and dancing, so let's that date in mind. March 22 77,(jh & That: Congratulations to 1 «■ I^oncarlc who gave birth to a ' »»' bov recently. May I suggest ,h* Timbers send her a card.—We Frances Zimmerman is recov fiiiK nicely from her cold —Our A'inn t«.am has done quite well Past couple weeks. They've 5 out of the lest 6 games There will in- m howling tournament in '".«•go the Istter part of April. ! t will be decided st our next "!'ng if our team will partici- STANLEY HERVATIN CHICAGO, I1L—After disposing of the regular business in quick ordei, the Pioneers listened to Philip Plan-alp of the Chicago Consumers Cooperative. last Friday night. Mr. Planalp gave us some good information and advice on what all is happening in the business world and how the American liberals are beginning to realize the necessity qt consumers cooperative institutions to break up the great American business monopolies. The speaker himself is a business man. He handles real*estate matters for one of the large firms. He did add that it is not an easy matter to put across the story of the Consumers Cooperatives to the average American even though you can prove to them that they would be money ahead at the end of each year if their purchases of groceries and food-stuffs would be made at consumer store.—A couple of new members were initiated, we heard reports on the cost of the GI . banquet, on the 1947 National Bowling tournament, the bowling league and the Federation. Frank Zordani was selected to represent the Pioneers at the annual meeting of the Jugoslav Savings and Loan Association. Frances L. Rak and John Vertnik Jr. won the attendance awards. Refreshments were served. It was a good meeting and the attendance was fair. We'll have a special attraction at the March meeting. • * ♦ Over 100 members attended the annual meeting of the Jugoslav Savings and Loan Association at the Center last Saturday night. This upsets the old rule of small attendance at such meetings. It used to be a habit for members to participate in such meetings when there was difficulty or trouble. Generally people get careless when things get running right. That doesn't seem to be so with our institution, because when that many members attend they show an interest in the functions of the organizations and are the best means of publicity for it. Reports were received with ac claim and three directors, Oven, Zaitz and Zupan, were re-elected for another three year term. Refreshments were served p.nd by arrangements through Louis Zorko, Eddie Sesek of Cleveland brought down his accordion to help us make a real party of it. Indeed, after the session of one and a half hours, we made a real enjoyable affair of it. More is promised for next year Matt Kure, John Potokar Sr., and John Alic Jr. were selected for the auditing committee. • • * A memorial ad for Adolph Malo-vich appearing in last Wednesday's Prosveta made us think again of what the war had done to countless numbers of families. In the case of Adolph, whom we knew well, it's hard to understand why such a fine young man should go forth into a venture from which he should never return. Yes, as we visualize the scenes, we can just imagine what a terrible feeling it must be flying in those big "kites" with the enemy shooting at you from all directions, and all of a sudden finding yourself dropping to the earth and certain |death. It must be a pathetic few minutes in which this can happen. And then, as you reflect back on the home scene, you ask yourself, "Why should this happen?" Who are th<* people responsible for these things? Will the people ever awaken and prevent another catastrophe? he pleases with the little fellow getting it in the neck all the time. » • • O. John Rogge, who was assistant Attorney General of the United States and who was fired because he delved into the pro-Nazi click in America, will be the guest speaker of the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee on March 22. Mr. Rogge relates that a couple of dozen Congressmen and Senators are named in his investigation of pro-Nazi ac tivities, in addition to numerous big people in this country. He was ready to tell America all about these people when he was fired. I imag ine his lecture will be interesting.-We've got a new State Treasurer in Illinois. Richsrd Yates Rowe, and in his first Bulletin he lists the major sources of receipts and expenditures for January of 1947, following the policy of the old treasurer. The first treasurer was appointed on October 9. 1818.—Then there is this circular by the "Phychiana" movement which tells the people that "I talked with God.'' It's amazing how many people can be bluffed by such a statement. It's amazing how the U. S. Department of Justice and the Post Office Department is unable to do anything to do away with a fakir that tells his herd such things. Nat urally, he sells lessons by mail. H* even gives a discount if the lessons are paid for in advance and in sets at a time. As long as that type of people are able to promote their in terests there is little hope for the right kind of a world. • ♦ • A baby girl arrived in the family of James and Lee Jachino. The par ents are well known in Pioneer clr cles and Jimmy is quite a bowler Congratulations.—Louise Alic fell the other day and broke her wrist Since all of the other sick members have reported well, she is the only member on our sick list now. Her address is 3917 Grant St., Western Springs, 111.—The Slovene Center Social Club remodelling is finally going to get started. We expect to have a pretty nice place after it ts finished, and that shan't be too long —Entry blanks are now being pre pared for the SNPJ National Bowl ing tournament on April 25, 28 and 27. James Jachino has undertaken this job in connection with his duties as tournament secretary. * We are glad to see so much interest created for the tournament in various parts of Pennsylvania, Cleveland, Detroit and the Middle We*L Detroit Wolverines Juvenile Circles m*»***®» We're having elections here in Chicago this week. It's remarkable how the politicians are able to sling mud at one another and then get away with it by being elected. For instance, there is this fellow Walter E. Pacanowskl, candidate for nomination of Mayor on the Republican ticket, uncovering all the crooked deals the candidate of the regular Republ'uui group has made in the past years and calling attention to the citizens not to vote for the regular candidate. Yet, we can venture to say that an ordinary fellow has no chance to beat a machine candidate no matter how crooked or eor-rupt that machine candidate can be Yet. we have to recognize, too. that the people vote for all candidate» and that they put politicians In powor. Our two party system is definitely wrong They need a new setup in politicsl mschinery to obtain more honest elections. • • • Then we have such s fellow as Daniel Tobin of the Tesmsters Union explaining that Congress movi* cau tiously and alibying for them in regard to the coming Isbor legists!ion. No labor leader has any rl?ht to »Und by the candidates or by the politicians of the bosses It is his duty to line up with the rsnk he represents Still, the unionists do very Ittge to tell that to Mr Tobin The result is that labor is divided and the big fellow runs the show as Excelsior Lodge 711 ALIQUIPPA, Pa.—The Excelsiors wish to thank all the various lodges that were well represented at our dance on Feb. 1st. We feel honored to have had James Maglich and his Lucky Stars, numerous Revellers and Strabane Pioneers as our guests for this gala affair. The committee also wishes to congratulate all members for heir sincere cooperation and willingness to make this affair a great success socially and financially. A delicious cake was baked and lonatcd by Sis. Mary Derglin, and it brought in a tidy sum as well as many comments. Thanks, Mary. Also many comments were bestowed on the domatfe klobase that are one of Bro. Frank Struble Sr.'s specialties. Emll, for a new member, has the real SNPJ spirit. Theresa Kam-nikar and Joe Derglin helping where it did the most good; the elderly ladies doing an excellent job serving lunch. Pres. Mike Zakrajsek, Louis Oer-gel, and Rslph Progsr hsving a busy evening behind the bsr. Bros. Smre-kar and Anionic doing nicely with the lunch duckats. Mary Smrekar and Sophie Somonich doing a good turn selling tickets and checking clothes. Ed Slvlc and F. Smrekar pitching in, Justine Somonich helping out, Josephine Struble selling tickets for the cake The committee also wishes to thsnk all others not mentioned that helped in on* wsy or another The entertainment committee has, outlined s program for 1947 and hopes that none of the major affairs conflict with the affairs of other neighboring lodges Here Is the program outlined for 1947 March I—"68" card party. March 29— Dance. April 28—"88" party. May 24—Dance. Oct II—"86" party Oct. 28—Anniversary dance. Nov 8—"if" psrty. Dee 21—Childr en's Xmas pert v. Dec 31—New Year's eve party Jsn. 17. '4*~'W party A number of bingos and other affairs will be planned and the date* will be potted In the club This It a pretty heavy load so let's all get brhlnd the committee end push.the wsgon of success to the end of Its journey FRANK STRUBLE Jr. Chairmen. Entertainment Com DETROIT.—Last week's paper was very good reading. An interesting feature to watch is the various lodges thst are perking up and telling us of their affairs. If this should continue we may need another sheet for our English section. Due to the absence of our president and vice-president, Vine Strauss and Matt Pink, respectively, our February meeting was very capably handled by our versatile Hank Rupert. The appearance at this meeting of the Kern boys marks another milestone for the Wolverines. All we need now is Tony Steffler, How about showing up. Tony? You and the Kern boys were the main reason our Field Days were such a success. Bowling shirts are to be pur chased for every Wolverine that intends making the trip to Chicago. As you know it takes time for the ordering and lettering of these blouses and shirts, so please con tact one of the committee before Sunday. March 2. and give your shirt size. The committee consists of Louise Pink. Bertha Bernick. Lena Yermart, Dan Obed. Frank Kern, and A1 Macconi. IPease do this immediately as we wish all Wolverines to have blouses alike at the tournament. Bowlers intending to bowl in the Eastern Invitational Tournament in Cleveland on March 22 and 23, please contact A1 Maccani, M illy Bernick or Lena Yerman immediately as the deadline for entries is March 8. The Omera Cafe girls and the Bernick Bros, teams already are planning on entering. We should have a few more teams. The entertainment committee has been quite busy of late and have affairs planned thru 1947. The first on our list is our Patrick's Dav game nite to be held at John R Hall on March 15. There will be dancing and our door prize will be a pressure cooker. Any donations by members will be greatly appre elated. All proceeds from this af fair are to be used In purchasing our bowling shirts Future affairs being planned are Spring Dance May 24. Halloween Dance Oct. 25, Thanksgiving Fea ther Party on Nov. 22, and our Wolverine Field Day sometime In July if the. committee is able to find adequate picnic grounds. A1 so on that list jis a combination wiener roast and beer party re served for members only. As you know In Aprli there has always been a dance given by the Wolverines. The West Side Hall is completely booked for that month so it leaves us without a large enough place to hold a dance. Once again we say we must have a new SND In Detroit, i Buy your shares now from Hank Rupert and hurry the building of this SND. Juveniles Doings Anne Stromar, our Juvenile Director. wishes every Circle 29 member to be present at the March 1st meeting. Joe Kern has kindly offered to take photographs of the Circle members and their officers. Parts are also to be given for the Mother's Day program to be held on May 11. The Small Fry had their Valentine Party on Feb. 18. Little Genevieve Masser was a pretty valentine in her red and white crocheted jumpers. Games were played, valentines paswd out and then a light lunch was served. The Teen Agers spent the afternoon bowling at Palmer Park Alleys. If their scores are as good as the enthusiasm they show everything should be fine. About Our Members If the Welverino Caboose team should get into a little trouble in that match game with the Milwaukee boys all they need do is substitute Anne Padsr for her hushsnd AJ. Anne bowled a great big 28(1 game last Saturday. She had nine strikes in a row!—There is a new baby boy at the Blatnik home. The mother is better known as Helen MartInac—Happy birthday to Eddie Bernick —Bob Golcar, son of Wolverine's popular Tony Oolcar. is attending a naval academy in Cleveland Circle No. 2 Resumes Ita Activities CLEVELAND, Ohio.—The first meeting of the newly re-organized Circle No. 2 was held Feb. 14 at the Slovenian National Home. Appioxi-mutely 24 members uttended. The meeting was opened at 8 pm by Marian Adams, Director, who presided until the election of officers. The officers elected were as follows: Pres.. Daniella Cesen; Vice Pres., Freda Vidic» Sec'y. Delore* Vidic; Trees.. Antonette Naglich. and Sgt.-at-Arms, Carol Jean Ko-lenc. The Assistant IDrector is Miss Nada ¿agar. Present at the meeting wtre Mrs. Trutnik, sec'y of the Cleveland SNPJ Federation, Alma Zagar, and Mr. Plut. who told the members of the many different activities the Clr cle can participate In. Many different subjects were dls cussed, such as picnics, hikes and baseball teams. One of the most discussed topics was a bazaar the members would like to hold at the National SNPJ Day, which is being held in Cleveland this fall. Sewing and handicraft work will start a* soon as possible. Writing article« for the contest in The Voice of Youth was another interesting point brought up, Meetings will be held each second Friday of the month at the Slovenian National Home. Next meeting will be March 14, so if you missed the first meeting, be sure to come to the next one. Following the meeting u Valentine partv was held and all present en joyed themselves. MARIAN TRATNIK ADAMS. Director, Circle No. 2. fun too. The card that Mr. Fifoit | gave Ann from the Supreme Board members was read. The box ol candy was also displayed to us. i We cleared $43 froin our Valentino party, a boost to our treasury,) Two new members wi re proposed and accepted. Ronald Erlessen and Dolores Turk. We know they will be good Circle members. After the meeting adjourned we were lined up into two teams, the Blues and the Yellows. Thiec games were played, pussing a balloon down the line, and the end-man runs to the front and pusses it on. till the first man is In his original place; following the sume rules, the bulloons were passed over each one's head, and for the third game between one's legs. There whs goint team—work all down the line, especially on the Blues. Muvbe that's why they won all three ganus. These games ait» chosen so thut everyone can plaV, from the tlmiost tots to the teen-agers. The candy that was displayed be* bore, was now passed out. Geo, was it good! After this, we had a free period. Individual*games weie played, ping-pong and balloon volley ball. Our kindergarten group also had its pictures taken. SYLVIA TROJAR. Sec'y. 19 la Motto ol Juvonilo Circle "Liva 'and Loam" STRABANE. Pa.-At the Janu ary meeting the new officers of Circle No. 19 were installed. They are as follows: Pres., Henry Tom sic; Vice-Pres., Louise Tolzda; Sec'y Frunces Tolzda; Rec. Sec'y, Oerul dine Vercek; Trees., Dorothy Eondu We chose our motto, colors and flower. Our motto Is "Live and Learn." Our colors are brown and gold, and the favorite flower is the rose. Also, a prize award of two dollars Iwll be given for the best name chosen for our Circle. We held a Valentine party on Feb. 14. We played many games Directors Frances Petro and Justine Sedmak whtth the help of Circle members served a valentine lunch which was very delicious. We then danced a short while with Jam Lewis playing the piano for us. was a very nice party. We slso have singing lessons every other week. There Is always a large group at singlnii practices We hope to keep this uctlvitv up. LILLIAN KOCIAN. New London, Connecticut.—Helen Adamic has finally transferred to the Wolverines—Paul Prestover is home from Mt. Carrnel hospital after an appendectomy.—In the Sunday Girls' league the lackpot was won by Julie Komulchek with 184.--Congratulations to Joe Oolia on his reelection to the SNPJ ath-letlc board.—After dropping to 2nd place the Omlra girls are again tied for first piece by taking four points from the top Duncan team Rj*se Miller Is a very detected girl She's suppo* <1 to bowl in Bay City the some weekend as the Cleveland tournament.—Don't forget the Wo|. verlne meeting March « MILL BERNICK. 677, Lodge No. 31 Elects Officer» for 1947 SHARON, Pa - The new officers of l^odge If eleeted el the Feb. tt meeting ere rrtnk Paulenlcti. president; Frank Podohntk, vice-president; Rva Pauleolch. secretary, Cher lei Hi, k Ian« recording secretary; Dorothy Bogolln. tieesurer. Angellne Malovich Is chairman of the audit ing committee The meet- an-the Struggler Lodge Actiritlee of Sharon Juvonilo Circle No. 21 SHARON. Pa,—The balloon dan«* held by Circle 21 on Feb. 16 was complete success. A great deal credit goes to the memlx rs who helped put up the decorstlons and those who fixed the snowballs and balloon*. Stan Kobal kept the gay crowd in a happy mood the whole night. At the meeting held in the afternoon the members decided to have a Mother's Day program. Singing practice will be held every Tuesday evening between 6:30 and 7. All members are urged to come to the practices. The boys' basketball team's hopes for a perfect season snapped as the YSSC took two games from the boys by stores of 41 to 36 and 41» to 41, Up to Feb. 19, the team has played 10 games, winning H and losing 2. ED KRAMKR Circle No. 2« Holda Interesting Meeting Feb. 22 CHICAGO.—The Perfect Circle had a short and Interesting m., iin« last Saturday morning. The Voice of Youth wes discussed st|d the members were told to get their articles In this week. It was decided to give the pressure cooker away at our Easter social which will be held sometime at the end of March or beginning of April. The date of our Spring Program was changed to June 7. a Saturday night. Two suggestions were made as tow hat kind of a program we should have. These will In* dls-eusaed at our next meeting which is March 8 A question came up If some lodge wants u> use our Juke lxoy of should I say pin girl? Remember, Rose Maiy? Wednesday, March S, is our next meeting duUi, Plan to attend, won't you? . . . What happened to th< Progressives (another one of out neighbor ing lodges); hitiei listing or have you disbanded entirely? While looking over our souva/iir booklets of years gone by noticed that one of our chatter rnemhci belongs to Ernie Benedict's Range Riders from Station WUAR , . , and so until nest week. ANNE S ZELE. 614. folly Allis Lodge WEST ALLIS. Wls.~If Ad I would have held off a little long« we may have got the results we were looking for. That Is to hevr a few more members present at tin next meeting, How's that for an excuse. Hnlppy? All kidding aside, the gang Is looking forward Ui a packed hall next meeting Now that most of the fellows have returned it would he swell If we would get a baseball team together We rnav not win game, but I'll bet that our fellows could put those suds away wtlh tIt« Irest of thern. And It may even I* possible for us ti> win a game If we played for a half Imrrel Enough on the subjret of basebull. On the subject of bowling. som< one sure started something by Issu ing a challenge to the Jolly Allis. t be fought with rninerelltes and ter pins, There are now two distinct camps. One eotno Is willing to lei the Wolverine CuMn**«* win one game; the other camp can't s«*e giving thern even one game Right at this time | don't know who will win out. Most likely that will Im settled by the time they miwl s< roes the alleys No herd fe< lings If th< hoys decide to (eke three (¿ood luck to th* Wolverine Caboose, you'll need it. Have we any experts |n the gam«' WAUKEGAN, III.—The 27th nual memljcrshlp mtM'tlng of No. Chicago Consumer Cooperative will be held at the Slovene Nat'l Home, Saturday. March 1, at 7:15 pm. The highlights of the meeting will be the operating reports which are being prepared with utmost rure, to give the membership the best possible understanding of coop functions. n Manager Matt Ogrln will report on operations of Tenth & Victoria st. stores. Functions of the bonrd of directors will be given by bookkeeper and secretary. Anton Ker-zlc. Report on our branch store Co-op Services on McAlister st. s^ill be given by the manager, Byron Ilraun. Members are urged to attend as these reports concern all membership, As you know, our Co-op has l>cen reorganized under District of Columbia Co-op law last year. Ac-ordlng to this lav, voting bv proxy Is out of order, member have to be present to b«' able, to vote. I wish to remind you too, that where band anA wife, both have to be shares art* owed jointly by hus-present If thev both wish to vote. Further, this meeting ought to be one of the most important ones we li.nl 111 years. At this time we will Ik- able to make tnorc definite plans for the future. Many things can come under consideration now. about which we were not able to do much In the past several years. And If everything wilt bo along in good order, we will have time to see some Interesting movies which Three members for board of dl* arl Rovanlen has selecfrd for us. I. t till N ill I t.1 I).' elected at till time. Terms expire for Frances Mathias, Carl Rovanien and Frank Perpich. The financial report will be pub-operator and mailed to vou for ad-lished In the Lake 'County Co-vanee study, New by-laws and new shares will be distributed at the main store on Tenth St., Thursday, Feb. 27, from 8:30 am. to 6 pm. Don't forget to yet yours. Next thing on our Wuukegan calendar In March will be a series of four dances planned by the Little Fort lodge. The first true will Ik- Little Fort's 21st anniversary dunce on Saturday, March 6, in the large hall of the HNH. Htrthdav dinner with all ui. trimmings including birthday cukes will be served from 6 to 10 o'clock "II- i that sundviches will l>e available. Admission to dance will lie free. Dancing will commence at 9 o'clock whit Stan Ure-soi in und his orchestru furnishing the music. All members and and help us celebrati our unni\ i friends are cordially invited to come surv. This invitation is also extended to all fellow memtx rs from neighboring cttles. The srrond Little Fort dance, the "Good Old Time Party," will he held on Saturday, March 15. at the «nine time und same place, with the same orchestra furnishing the music. Menu will be carefully so-I*ctoil for this occasion. Admission will lie 50c. You better take a look in your closets and trunks for that old long »knt ami pinK trouaers. You will have more fun if you come dressed to fit the occasion, (Detulls about 2nd, 3rd und fourth dunce will be published In future Issues.) The first little boy that arrived in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Korenchan (formerly Angela Do-hrovolc) was a pleasant news for l Jolly Allls boys erent rugged. A ZUPAN 6MS Attend Welcome Home G. I. BANQUET and DANCE Saturday MARCH 1, 1947, Dance - Upper Hall (JOHNNY VADNAL) 8:15 P. M. ¿a* gft* Banquet - Lower Hall (MAYER TRIO) 7:30 P. M. W Slov. Natl Home St. Clair Napr*j SPONSORED BY LODGES Lunder Adamič Lip« Vodnikov Venec - Napredne Slovenke Comrades PROSVETA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1947 Why Is America Financing Axis Powers Again? In 1925 Mussolini was in a bad way. Fascismo, the prompt dispatcher of railroad trains and castor oil. and the darling of American reacttonarias. was on the skids. Mussolini sent America a cry "Come over into near Macedonia and help us." J. P. Morgan and Co. heard, and offered a $100 million loan. The late Sens Wm. E Borah and Robt. M. LaFollette opposed it. aa did thousands of other progressive*,—but the State Department approved it. The loan wu made. Fascismo was saved. World War II got started gcstating. In 1929. Mussolini concluded the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican State 11 OWeni^Tr insults publicly committed in Italian territory against the person of the Supreme Pontiff with spoken or written word are punish- able M Vaticanism, the double life of Church and State, became the State Relig "'Th! V^tKan Rinsed Its muscles to fight Russiu. and a socialized economy. It fostered Nazlism and Hitler. . ' The Vatican was the first state to recognize Hitler, and acclaim hirn. Cardinal Pscelli, then Secretary of the Vatican State now Pope Pius XII lived in Germany and knew what Hitler meant—and intended to do. The Vatican blessed Mussolini's crusade against Ethiopia. Hitler attacked Poland, nearly all of Europe except Catholic Spain and Portugal, then Russia and the United States. Early last year an Italian started in Rome a cauatic magazine critical of the Vatican -Don Basilio. A cartoon pictured two fat sleek priests being approached by a beggar and had the inacrlptlon: "Let us ask him for alms immediately, otherwise he is going to ask us first." The four editors were baptized Catholics, but were tried and the chief editor was sentenced to two years in jail and to pay trial coats,—though the circulation had jump«*! In three months from 30,000 to 225,000. This thought control is extending to America. Roman Catholic Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston, told a convention of «00 educators there January 12, 1947:— "The alleged Church and Slate problem Is being overplayed in our country at the moaseat." He urged "A Catholic educational system.' for America! Lata In December, de Gasperl. Italy's Premier came to Washington to ask a 1100.000,000 Government loan for reconstruction. He got It, plus a pledge of $50,000,000 from UNRRA. and aix ahipa of wheat headed for Germany were re-routed to Italy. The Vatican could have made the loan. January 12th. Charles B. Crisman wrota In the N. Y. Times:— "The dictates of political expediency will aaaure continued support by the United State* Government to nations such as Italy, where rival political ideologlea are fighting for control of the state." That aame day de Gasperi was guest at a huge luncheon in New York chairmaned by Grover Whalen and uddreased by Francis Cardinal Spell-man of New York and Mayor Francis O'Dwyer. Catholic Mayor of New York. It would be aa appropriate to have members of Russia's Polltbureau in positions determining our foreign policy, as to have the scores of Cath-oiks now holding such positions. How did Pres Roosevelt, how does Pres. Truman dare keep an Ambas-aador at the Vatican, while it openly plots againat America? —People's Lobby. Keystonians HERMIN1E. Pa —All Keystonians pleaae note that the regular monthly meeting will be held this Sunday. March 2. at 6:30 pm Attend youd lodge meeting, take active part in all discuaaion. let's have a good turnout; your officers will appreciate your attedance. It makes a great difference to your officers if there Is a good attendance. You need not leave right after the meet-In; our aocial room and the fine service of our new Stewart. John Stravaanik. la all yours. How long has the Keystonlan lodge been in exixstence? May be it ia time we celebrate ita anniversary. What la our financial standing. our aocial and cultural standing? What about thla lodge, etc' The beat place to find the correct answers la at your meetings. Is there any room for improvement? Need I say more? Have you any suggestions? Come on. let's hear them at the coming meeting. Don't forget that every Saturday evening there la a dance at the Slovene Hall, music by all your favorite orchestras Hermtnie Circle All juvenile members of Lodges 17 and 013. ages 10 years and over, are requested to be at the Slovene Hall. Saturday. March I. at 8 45 sharp A singing mixed chorus Is being organized by the Circle A fine inatructor has been engaged and all ia set To the parents of these juveniles PLEASE send your children, no charge is being made and the whole affair la being spon-sored and financed by the SNPJ Circle 52 In all probability classes will be held once a week for two hour periods oftener If so decided by the Circle director. Let's get behind this chorus. It has great possibilities If the parents and Ju-remle« so determine. Westmoreland Federation The Ume is near when you will be seeing s lot of srtion from the Westmoreland County Federation Many worda will be printed in these columns Everyone in Westmoreland County, that is the Slovene people arid the SNI'J lodgsa. will I*- the renter of attraction of the SNI'J The aupreme lutard at Its annual meeting has ali>»in« along in fine aptrit Every teem has its ups and downs tho the Rams have managed to stay up at the top 1 Also the with UntveraaL tho not coming out in our favor were lots of fun. There were certain persons at the Feb. 8 dance who contributed for a key to open Richard's door. At this time 1 would like to inform you people the money was turned over to a local radio program. They, in turn, have paased it along „ to a worthy cauae. Thank you. everyone. for your donation. The juvenllea dance of the 22nd proved very succeaaful, thanka to all who helped make thla a fruitful occasion for them. Congratulationa are passed along to Mr. A Mrs. Anthony Bergoich on the birth of a son. A future member, indeed. JOSEPHINE BURSIC. 080. Your Dollar By CONSUMERS UNION Comrades Blast 839 For a Total 2371 CLEVELAND. Ohio—"Flat bottoms. heavy pins." was the wail of all girls for the past several weeks as they tried and tried to mow them down, but a pocket hit produced only 9 and no more. Well, all that was changed last week to a great degree as the pins kept splattering sll over the place especially for the Comrades 1 team aa they chalked up a new high single game of 839 for a t otal of 2371. The single game made up of games 141-187-173-174 and 104 Albina Vehar's 519 was well supported by A. Skok's 492, P. Spik's 481 and A. York's 480 as they shellacked the 2nd place Spartans In al Ithree rounds. Ann Ljubi, after a long time, found the spot for a »04 series, her first of the season Too had it didn't help much. The leading Concordians snached two from the Utopians-1 to keep a three game lead M. Marn topped the winners with 484 and Christine Lisch's snagged the losers Comrades 2 rsllled twice In their session with the Struggler five. Nellie Shine copped the prize for the Comrades with 481. Frances Peru-sek's 201 game and 404 series led the Httugglers. Loyalite« bowed twlse to the Utopians 2. the last game was lost by <>nly 4 pins Rose Raines led the Loyalites with 181-450. Frances Si-monetc and Msry Perdan led the Utopians-2 with 418 and 410 respec tlvely Gir la, our howling season runs into May. How would you all llko to howl a couple nites in a row to make up for it The Eastern Invitational Tournament will defer us for another week and naturally everyone will want to go to Chicago town for the National Tournament mi that is another week. My aug-geation is that we bowl March 18, to make up our first tournament and th« n on Saturdays on the following days. March 2«. April 5-12 or 19 to finish the »eeson before the National Tournament. Kindly sleep on this, girls, and let's come to some derision in th« »i (tee weeks PAULINE ROSS Src'y. The I), pad men t of Labor's Fed cral Wa«e and Hour inspectors cov ei the nation's industry out of I! regional offices with branch off to« Ui mot« than 100 clUsa. Photographic Exposure Meters The highest prices of seven brands of photoelectric exposure meters tested by Consumers Union ranked first, but the least expensive of the "Acceptable" meters proved to be a aerviceable Instrument for those photographe» who cannot afford the higher price or who want a small, easily carried meter. Many novice photographers are diamayed to find that an exposure meter does not guarantee good pictures or even correct exposure. Used intelligently, however, an ac-cuiate exposure meter ia a great aid to good photography, especially with color film. Among "Acceptable" meters, the first two in estimated order of quality were Wetton Master II Model 735. $29.67 (with Fed. tax) and General Electric Model 8DW58Y4. $26.85 (with Fed tax). Fifth and laat was Skan. lowest-priced at $12.87 with carrying caae (with Fed. tax). Paint Cleaners Paint cleaners, when made up "ready-to-use" can coat you anywhere from 2c to 61c per quart of effective paint-wash aolutlon. Consumers Union finds that cleaners vary In effectiveness just as they do in price, though, some of the least expensive brands were among the best. Generally, cleanera sold in powder form were much more economical than liquids and concentrated pastes. Concentrations recommended by the manufacturer in many caaes gave aolutions too dilute to be effective. CU tested paint cleaners not only for effectiveness but also for harmleasneas to paint and to hands, and rated "Excellent" these powders and crystals: Sioerl, 21c; Scoop, 19c: and these liquids: Zero, 18c; Boon, 19c. Women's Slips If you want a plain, tailored slip, your chances of getting one at the moment are ruther slim, according to Consumers Union. But you will have a choice of fabrics and construction—knitted and woven rayon and nylon, and woven cotton. Tests made by CU on knit nylon slips, while not fully conclusive, indicate that they will be satisfactory and likely to wear several times as long as a knit rayon slip. Woven nylon slips tested so far are un- satisftory. Many knit rayon slips are now as carefully cut and styled as woven slips, end the possibility of runs has been reduced. In a woven slip, several gores are likely to give better fit than only two pieces, and bias-cut better than straight. For durability, look for a plain rather than a highly decorated slip, with firm machine-sewn seams rather than hand-aewn, and firmly anchored straps, preferably adjustable. Consumers Unipn rated the following as "Best Buys" in rayon crepe: Miu Swank $2.25, Textron. $2.95. "Best Buys" in rayon satin were: Barbizon Bryn Belle, $1.85. Barbizon Jaunty Rita. $2.50; in knit rayon. Fruit of (he Loom. $1.29. "Best Buys" in cotton were: Loom-craft 95c, SchranJcft Svl-O-Slip, $1. Juice Extractors Aside from simbte hand reamers, the cheapest usahje juice extractor CU ahoppers found in the atorea now costs $3.15. CM tested juice ex-; tractors of the reamer type and the preasure type, and found the latter easier to use. Motor driven reamers are rather difficult to operate be-cauae of their hijjh vibration, and one ran too fast and tended to be hard on the fingers. CU rated as yBeet Buys" the Juice-O-Mat, $4.39 and $4.79; Juice King J. K. 25 and and J. K. 30, $4.95 and $5.95. Day Has Come, Voorhis Tells Co-ops MONTPEL1ER. Vt. (CNS)— When co-ops of one country do bust* neaa with the co-ops of another country on the co-op principle of 'business to meet the people's needs.' such action will generate> more International good will than a thousand speech«*« or a million promises," declared ex-congressman Jerry Voorhis of California at a co-op meeting here late last month. "The only trouble with co-operators today." said Voorhis. long noted in Congress for his championship of cooperatives., "la that they have not vet seen that they have a world to save, and that further application of the principles upon which every local cooperative business is founded can accomplish no less than that great task " The American cooperative movement haa come of age. the speaker asserted. It has frequently been said, he recalled, that when cooperatives carry on 15 per cent of a certain line of business, they can influence the whole industry and bring it by their competition into the service of the common welfare, This point has. already been reached in some industries. Voorhis said, and will be leeched soon in others. Legal Status of Women Improved By State Action WASHINGTON, D. C—Stimulated by wartime conditions and manpower shortages, legislature action has been taken In several States to free women in the United States from the handicap of obsolete law. A summary of changes In laws affecting women la presented In a bulletin just released by the Women's Bureau of the U. S. Department of Labor. The report, a cumulative supplement to an earlier Women's Bureau bulletin. "The Legal Status of Women in the United Statee of America." covers the eight-year period beginning January 1. 1938. In that time three Statee removed barriers to women holding public office, leaving only minor diecrimi-natlons in some Statee againat women in appointment to public office. Jury service was extended to women in several Statee. ao that at the close of 1945 only 17 atlll barred women from iuriee. Several States removed obstacles to married women'« individual freedom to exercise general powers of contract. Laws of family rela-tionshlps and of property rlghta were modernized in aeveral instances. War conditions spurred some Statea to reviae features of family and property laws that affected the validity of certain ' business traneactions by a married women whose husband was absent In military service Manpower shortages brought the repeal in one State of an ancient bar acainat women employees on the lc«ialative staff Action in several States admitting women juron undoubtedly could also be traced in part to manpower shortages. Cooles of the bulletin may be purchased 4or 10 cents from the Superintendent of Documents Washington 25. D C. OBSERVATIONS^^ gfg ANGLO-SAXONS ARE IN MINORITY IN U. S. By Franc Podgoeski One of the strongest and very likely the moet ancient of human traite ia to feel superior to your neighbor; physically if you can, mentally you are trying to convince your neighbor with arguments of logic and ways of persuation that you know more than he doee We might just as well admit this ia universal and serves all people as the main chassis and inertia of prog-1 (The following account of Louis Adamic'e address delivered Feb in reae; also it la the chief stimuli for Wilkee-Barre, Pa., ia reprinted from the Wilkes-Barre Record of Feb il l countless human actions. It is not | Louis Adamic, author and widely British Imperialists Blamed for Creating Inequality; Racism Center of World Unrest* Tolerance Is "Cheap Negative Bisiness" essentially in conflict with great teachings of Kropotkin or even regarded as unofficial spokesman Spencer who found the world of ior 90 million immigrants and their "survival of the fittest" while Kro- descendants who came to the United potkin proposed the survival of best States 1» the last 100 years, in an organized epecie. All this so-called address last night at YMHA before superior feeling is at the beet, a 8 capacity audience saw "raclsgi at quantity of specailization easily the very center of the current world equalled by just a different quan- situation which ie as explosive as tity, the atom bomb' Individually, a great athletic star k Mtru Adamic appeared on the fifth may be the finest specimen of phys- in theJfiurfu fomm series being .que but has inwardly low mentality %otu°t«i Washington incapable of any creative planning "^A*0"* He »P0^ on and therefore the leaet fit to sur- I ™erance Ia Not Enough." vive. In paeeing I may say that a Reviewing the hietory of this na vaet field of definite knowledge has tion, Adamic rejected "the fallacious been amassed by historical geology idea that this is an Anglo-Saxon to prove beyond doubt that the sur- country. Actually, this was never vival of best organized is the law of * predominantly Anglo-Saxon coun- nature while specialization is a dis- try—not even in the Revolutionary cord. period," he declared. "Thomas Paine Having partially cataloged the point?lwt!£t out £ hU, 'TP"8 individual superiority, it would pamphlet Common Sense. In fact serve us well to analyze a bit our he was *»uite an£ry about the con- group superiority and particularly tr»ry1 notion- and insisted that the the national superiority. Our ath- c°i°nif wer,e nLot preponderantly an letic games seem to present at least «»tension of the British Isles, but an imaginary struggle for this kind *ere an extension of much of the of supsriority. To be sure, it is Just European continent. And so far as an empty cycle that keeps adoles- 1 know* even Tom Paine for*ot to cent minds from maturing for thfe remember the Negroes, moet of benefit of promoters. Some day w*om, at th,at time were slaves but this vast amount of human energy who formed about one-fifth of the will be directed into channels 0f P°Pulat 0? of North America, and higher ideals than just an imagin- 1*b?rJh*d **rge\y developed ary group superiority. And with the South, declared the speaker, the game promoters, ticket grafters Adamic envisioned the develop- will be no more. Human climbing ment of thie country by "millions monkeys and running rabbits will of newcomers" representing "over go off the stage. 90 different national backgrounds, National superiority led most Ger-1 •Peaking as many languagea and hundrede of dialects." He saw Americans as being "tricked into the idea that we are an Anglo-Saxon cpuntry. "Thie propaganda," Adamic commented, "was motivated by British imperial interests which hinge on the idea of inequality of people, on the idea which is implicit in imperialism—that equality is nonsense, that some peoples are inferior and are not entitled to equality with others, or are incapable of it. That was and largely atlll ia the motive for the propaganda which insists that the United Statee is an Anglo-Saxon country, and as a country we've fallen for it." English Propaganda Blamed The speaker saw such propaganda, which led to the fallacy that wc are essentially a white Anglo-Saxon country, and nothing else" as the "basis of our recent foreign policy ^ . . which was formulated in the main plored a trifle the superstitious side by Mr. Byrnes and Mr. Baruch, who of Slovene peasants, which is to an hail from the poll-tax state of South English reader Inferior aide. Yet it Carolina, and^h* Mr. Churchill of wae an Englishman, Prof. Frailer, England, whose racism is even who studied world-wide superstl- worse than theirs, and by Mr. tiona and from his monumental Churchill's man. Sir Alexander Cad-work of twelve volumes we san see|ogan| who la the Britigh represnta- man people to believe they were the master race destined to rule others of inferior type. Explosions that followed blew the Germans to bits. But national superiority smolders on. Westbrook Pegler at one time remarked that Germany alone does not have all the marks of superiority. We Anglo-Saxons did not do so badly ourselves. Who among us of old stock Americans does not feel a bit superior over those that arrived later from Eastern Europe? | liberal minded North Italian laughed long and loud as he narrated to this writer how he had seen a large group of devout Montenegrins parading the street of an Eastern Mediterranean town dressed in orthodox regalia. "Opanke" and all was very fancy to him. Superiority again over less educated. A well known book written by a Slovene author probably tripled its demand because this book had de- that all superstitions are world wide. Engliah, Swedes, Slovenes, they all have a "Green George" in kind as hundreds of others. Any Slovene who wants to know some thing about his ancertors better read Golden Bow. The people of Western Europe are afflicted with many social dlseaaes and ailments which are rather rare among the people of Eastern Eu rope. All the western coastal fringea of Europe had suffered from venerial, intestinal. T. B. Infections far more than the hinterland. And if we add immorality to thie for good measure, Eastern Europeans are much more healthy people, but were till very recently undoubtedly more mentally undeveloped. It is often said that it takes the Slavs tive in the UN Security Council." Adamic blamed thla propaganda aleo for "some of the moet serious lacks and shortcomings and failures in our domestic affairs. The crisis in which we and the rest of the world find ourselves, but which too few people recognize, Is so pressing and so far-flung, and the confusion of mind and heart in this country is so deep and vast, that one who is trying to get above the crisis and above the confueion has difficulty In deciding what angle to take, what to streas, what point to make." The speaker saw need for scrutinizing our failures, rather than glorifying our achievements Our failures and shortcomings have suddenly become a huge minus not only in our na- Kansas Veterans Set Up Co-op MANHATTAN Kens