THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH BOJAN ŽLENDER and LUDVIK TRAUNER About the authors Bojan Žlender University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia E-mail: Ludvik Trauner University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia E-mail: Abstract A series of cyclic triaxial tests was performed on snail-soil samples with different porosities. The cyclic loading was performed with a Wykeham Farrance cyclic triaxial system. The investigation was based on a series of tests in which the following conditions were varied: the initial effective pressures (50, 100, and 150 kPa), the void ratio after consolidation (2.0-1.2) and the cyclic loading expressed by the cyclic stress ratio CSR (0.1-1.0). Measurements were made of the stress, the deformation and the pore-water pressure. The results of the tests show that interdependency exists between the geomechanical characteristics and the porosity. These relationships can be expressed as functions of the density, the porosity or the water content. It is evident from the results that the changes in the coefficient of permeability, the coefficient of consolidation, and the coefficient of volume compressibility are non-linear with respect to the changes in the porosity. However, the changes at high porosity are much greater than the changes at low porosity, and the changes of the mechanical parameters, such as the Young's modulus, Poissons ratio, and the friction angle, are indistinct and almost linear at lower changes of porosity, and after that become nonlinear. The initial void ratio e is extremely high and the snail soil is liquid after consolidation; a volume strain of evo¡ > 16 % is needed for the plastic limit state. The chemical and mineral composition, the particle size distribution and the remains of micro-organisms in the snail soil are constants. In addition, the specific surface is independent of the porosity and the density or unit weight, the porosity and the volume strain are in the well-known correlation. The performed cyclic triaxial tests show the dynamic characteristics of the snail soil and the influence of the porosity on the cyclic loading strength. The snail soil was recognized as a highly sensitive material. A large strain appears after the initial cycles. The pore pressure, increases already during the first cycle, to the hydrostatic part of the cyclic loading, or more (depending on CSR). The damping ratio increases exponentially with strain, after some cycles it reach its maximum value, and after that it decreases to the asymptotic value. The reason for such behaviour is the large deformation. The maximum and asymptotic values of the damping ratio are a changed minimum with a void ratio. There is obviously no influence of the porosity on the damping ratio. The shear modulus is described in relation to shear strain. The increasing of the pore pressure is independent of the porosity until it reaches some value of the pore-pressure ratio (>0.7). Similarly, the increasing of the shear strain becomes dependent on the void ratio until it reaches some particular value of the shear strain (>3%). The deformation and failure lines for the different porosities are determined from the relationship between the shear stress and the effective stress at some shear strain, after 10 cycles. The relationships between the shear stress and the effective stress at some value of the pore-pressure ratio are expressed in a similar way. Two kinds of criteria were used to determine the triggering of liquefaction during the cyclic triaxial tests: first, when the pore pressure becomes equal to the effective confining pressure, and, second, when the axial strain reaches 5% of the double amplitude. Keywords snail soil, cyclic triaxial test, porosity, permeability, consolidation, Young's modulus, shear modulus, damping ratio, Poisson's ratio, friction angle ACTA G6OT6CHNICA SLOVENICA, 2007/2 49. B. ZL6ND6R & L. TRAUNER: THE DYNAMIC PROPeRTieS OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH 1 introduction The Ljubljana marsh is located in the south of Ljubljana, at an elevation of 287-290 m above sea level, and covers a surface of 163 km2. It is a wide tectonic sink that was formed two million years ago by a gradual depression of the area. Consequently, the local rivers deposited huge amounts of sediments there, inundating the entire marsh basin at the same time. The geological structure of the Ljubljana marsh has been studied by numerous experts. The oldest geological documents go back to the middle of the 19th century, when the first geological map of this region was drawn. Later, several other studies were performed, and today the geological structure of the marsh is well investigated. The surface layer is composed of peat with a thickness of 1-9 m. The depth of the peat is nowadays significantly smaller than in the past, due to the intensive excavations in the first half of the 20th century. Below the peat layer, there is a layer of snail soil, with a thickness of a few metres at the borders to more than 10 m in the centre of the marsh. The snail-soil layer is distinctly porous, saturated with water, and of a low bearing capacity. There are clay and sandy-gravel layers below the snail-soil layer. A layer of rocks starts at a depth of some 10 m. Ground water is located immediately below the surface. The first detailed investigation of the rheological properties of the snail soil was performed in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics at the Faculty of Architecture, Geodesy and Civil Engineering of the University of Ljubljana [1]. A similar investigation was later repeated in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LSM), Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Maribor [2]. Three years ago, within a research project [3], the investigation of snail soil was repeated and upgraded. An investigation of the mineralogical and physical characteristics, as well as of the geomechanical characteristics depending on the physical characteristics was made [4]. This article briefly presents the research performed and the influence of snail-soil density on the geomechanical characteristics. The density of the snail soil was increased by draining and consolidation. It is described by the volume deformation and higher density or by its porosity and water content. A short review of the snail-soil investigation in natural and different density states was made. The basic investigation and the tests with static and cyclic loading were performed. The results of the influence of snail-soil density on its physical properties and the static and dynamic strength parameters are presented. The parameters are presented as functions of the density, the porosity, the volume deformation and the water content. 2 the characteristics of snail soil A set of samples was taken from the southwest region of the Ljubljana marsh. The sampling took place in a region of 3 m x 3 m at a depth of 3 m. The ground was excavated to a depth of 2.5 m and a thin-walled tube sampler was forced into the ground. Samples with a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 300 mm were immediately packed after sampling and, except for the stress level; this prevents any change in the physical properties. The ground-water level was less than 1 m under the surface in the region of the sampling. The visual appearance of the snail-soil samples was tested with a QUANTA 200 3D environmental scanning electron microscope at the Centre for Electron Microscopy at the University of Maribor. The electron microscope is equipped with a system of double jets, i.e., electronic and ionic. Photographs were taken of the wet samples, and different blow ups were made. Some photographs of dry samples, minerals in crystallized form, and the remains of micro-organisms in the snail soil were also developed. The specific surface of the snail soil was determined at the Chemistry Institute, Ljubljana, using the five-point BET method. The experiment involved the adsorption of liquid nitrogen with 99.9% purity and a temperature of 77K. The measurements were performed using the automatic TriStar 3000 gas-adsorption analyzer, produced by the Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, Norcross, U.S.A. The results of the test showed that the snail soil has a specific surface As = 5.03 ± 0.03 m2/g. The chemical composition of the snail soil (Fig. 1) was determined at the Centre for Electron Microscopy at the University of Maribor. Their SIRION scanning electron microscope is equipped with an Oxford INCA 350 energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS). 0 0 K c Cil Si c All ■ . J^L_ Ca A 01 23456789 10 Figure 1. Chemical composition of the snail soil. 50. ACTA GeOTeCHNICA SLOVENICA, 2007/2 B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH The mineral composition was determined in the Laboratory of the Geological Survey of Slovenia. The samples were scanned using the X-ray diffraction technique (XRD) with a Philips PW 3710 difractometer, a goniometer 1820, an automatic divergence slit and a curved graphite monochromator, operating at 40 kV, 30 mA with CuKa radiation and a Ni filter. The snail soil was composed of 87% calcite, 7% kaolinite, 4% muscovite and 3% quartz. The physical characteristics shown in Table 1 indicate that the snail soil is saturated in nature, highly porous and almost liquid. Table 1. The physical characteristics of snail soil. Soil property Symbol Unit Value Plastic limit wp % 37 Liquid limit WL % 60 Plasticity index % 23 Consistency index h - -0.65 Liquidity index h - 1.65 Density of solid Ps g/cm3 2.70 Dry unit weight Yd kN/m3 0.88 Degree of saturation sr % 100 dation parameters of the natural snail soil are given in Table 3. The values of the consolidation parameters change with a lower porosity, and the parameters can be expressed as functions of the porosity. Table 3. Consolidation parameters of natural snail soil. Soil property Symbol Unit Value Consolidation coefficient Cv m2/year 2.8 Coefficient of volume compressibility mv kPa-1 1.0-1.5 • 10-3 Coefficient of soil permeability k m/s 2 • 10-9 Secondary compression ratio Ca - 0.002 The strength parameters were determined in a series of triaxial tests. The parameters of the natural snail soil are given in Table 4. The values of the parameters can also change with a lower porosity, and they can be expressed as functions of the porosity. Table 4. The strength parameters of natural snail soil. Soil property Symbol Unit Value Cohesion c kPa 0 Friction angle f ° 21 Compression modulus Mc kPa 700-1000 Poisson's ratio v - 0.4 The parameters shown in Table 1 are constants. With draining and consolidation the density (unit weight), water content and void ratio are changed. The initial values (in the natural state) are shown in Table 2. Table 2. The natural physical properties of snail soil. Soil property Symbol Unit Value Water content wo % 75 Unit weight Yo kN/m3 15.5 Void ratio eo - 2.1 The grain size distribution of the snail-soil sample was determined using a Fritsch Laser Particle Sizer Analysette 22 at the Laboratory of the Geological Survey of Slovenia. The results of the grain size measurement analysis show that this snail soil falls within the range of 90% silt with respect to its granulometrical structure. The amount of clay particles is less than 10%, and there are almost no sandy particles in the snail soil. The investigation of the compressibility was performed in the LSM. The triaxial consolidation tests were performed at different effective stresses a0'. The consoli- 3 experimentation The following tests were performed: - Basic investigations: visual appearance, remains of micro-organisms, specific surface, chemical and mineral composition, and physical characteristics of snail soil. - Standard oedometer tests. - Direct shear tests. - Static triaxial tests: consolidated drained and un-drained shear tests were performed using the Wyke-ham Farrance triaxial testing device. The following strength parameters were calculated: the coefficient of permeability k, the coefficient of consolidation cv , the coefficient of volume compressibility mv , the compression modulus Mc , the Young's modulus E, the shear modulus G, and the Poisson's ratio v. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH The cyclic loading was performed on a Wykeham Farrance cyclic triaxial system. The basic set-up comprises: - a load frame, capacity 100 kN; - a triaxial pressure cell for specimens; - a hydraulic press with electro-mechanical equipment; - automatic hydraulic equipment and connections; - measuring and recording equipment; - a control and data-acquisition system; - computer hardware and software; - de-air watering apparatus, reservoir for de-aired water, compressor, and air-dryer. The tests were performed under undrained conditions (v = 0.5) for a particular confining stress a0'. The tested specimens were solid cylinders, 7.0 cm in diameter and 14.0 cm in height. A total of sixty-two cyclic triaxial tests were performed. The investigation was based on a series of tests in which the following conditions were varied: ec = 2.0-1.2 the void ratio after consolidation ... the initial effective pressures ... a0' = a'3c = 50, 100, 150 kPa the cyclic loading (deviator stress) ... ad (t) the cyclic stress ratio ... CSR = 0.1-1.0 The following pressures were measured during the test: the cell pressure ... the back pressure ... the pore water pressure . the axial stress in compression . (kPa) ub (kPa) uw (kPa) ff, (kPa) Measurements of the axial and volume deformations £z (%), er (%), ev (%) were also taken. In the undrained tests ev = 0. Two kinds of criteria were used to determine the liquefaction triggering during the cyclic triaxial tests: the pore pressure becoming equal to the effective confining pressure, and the axial strain reaching 5% of the double amplitude. The following steps were observed during the testing: the preparation of the sample, the procedure for the apparatus, the performance of the test, and the interpretation of the obtained results. The investigation included drained and undrained stress-oriented three-axial tests according to the following phases: saturation, consolidation, and static loading. In the first phase the saturation was tested by determining the coefficient B = du/da > 0.96. This was a relatively short-term phase because of the saturation in the natural state. The saturated sample was consolidated at the selected effective isotropic consolidation stress a'3c . The effective isotropic consolidation stress is expressed as the difference in the cell pressure a3c and the back pressure ub. Static loading was performed so that the sample was loaded with the selected compression da3c or the axial stress aa = az. The following dynamic strength parameters were calculated: the Young's modulus E, the shear modulus G, and the damping ratio £. An investigation of the influence of density (in effect, porosity) on the increase in strain and pore pressure was performed. 4 basic characteristics The geomechanical properties of snail soils with different porosities were determined. The snail soil was saturated and treated as a two-phase material (particles and pore water). The chemical and mineral compositions were constant with density, only the volume of water in the pores was changed. The particle size distribution and remains of micro-organisms in snail soil are also constants. In contrast, the specific surface is independent of porosity. The visual appearance of the snail-soil samples was only tested in the natural state and after static loading. The parameters of the physical characteristics (Table 1) are constants. The density p or the unit weight y, the void ratio e and the volume strain evol are in the well-known correlation. The initial void ratio e0 is extremely high and the snail soil is at the liquid limit state. 5 static loading behaviour The results of previous investigations [4] have shown the relationship between the permeability coefficient k and void ratio ec. This relationship can be expressed as follows: k(e) = 4-10-11 • ec5'50 (1) Equation (1) is similar to Eq. (2), which was previously proposed by Dolinar and Znidarsic for fine-grained soils [5]. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH k(e) = a ■ e3 (2) In Eq. (2) a and 3 are soil-dependent coefficients. We can express in a similar way the relationships for the coefficient of consolidation cv vs. the void ratio e. We obtained the expression for the coefficient of consolidation cv (m2/s): cv (e) = 3 ■10-8 ■ ec (3) The relationship of the coefficient of volume compressibility mv (kPa-1) vs. the void ratio ec is expressed in a similar way. mv (e) = 9 ■lO-5 ■ ec3,5 (4) An insufficient number of tests were performed to determine the relationship between the strength parameters and the void ratio, and therefore the results were unreliable. The strength did not increase substantially with the decreasing porosity, in fact a greater difference can only be seen for the larger changes of porosity. The relationship between the Young's modulus E (kPa) and the void ratio ec can be expressed as: E(e) = 7700 ■ ec (5) The ratio between the Poisson's ratio v and the void ratio ec is almost linear. The value of the Poisson's ratio is v = 0.4 at a void ratio of ec = 2.0, and it decreases to a value v = 0.37 at the plastic limit (the void ratio e = 1.6). The same is true for the shear properties. We can see that they increase almost linearly for smaller changes of the void ratio. The relationship between the friction angle f (°) and the void ratio ec is expressed as: ^(e) = 39,58 ■ ec (6) 6 cyclic loading behaviour The saturated specimens were consolidated to a particular effective isotropic consolidation stress a'0 , expressed as the difference between the cell pressure a0 and the back pressure ub. The cyclic loading in the undrained conditions was performed with a particular frequency f and an axial cyclic stress ad . The axial loading ad is a deviator component of the stress, and it has a sinusoidal form with respect to time. The cyclic stress ratio CSR is expressed as: CSR = -a od /3 or more (depending on the CSR). The strain and the pore-pressure increases correlate well and depend on the initial stress a'0 , the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) and the void ratio ec. Fig. 6 shows the relationship for the corrected cyclic pore-pressure ratio ru corr vs. the shear strain y. Fig. 7 shows the number of cycles N for the various void ratios ec needed to reach some value of the pore-pressure ratio ru and for constant values of the cyclic stress ratio (CSR) and the initial effective stress a'0 . It is evident that increasing the pore pressure is independent of the void ratio ec until it reaches some value of the pore-pressure ratio (ru > 0.7). The relationship between the number of cycles N and the void ratio ec in order to reach some value of the shear strain y is similar. Fig. 8 shows such a relationship for the constant values of the cyclic stress ratio CSR = 0.39 and the initial effective stress a'0 = 100 kPa. The increase of the shear strain becomes dependent on the void ratio when it reaches some value of the shear strain (y > 0.3). The damping ratio £ in stress-controlled tests shows an initial increasing of the curve with the increasing strain deformation and the number of cycles. The shape of the curve (Fig. 9) shows an exponential increase with the increase of the shear strain, up to a strain of about 0.5%. With greater strains, the damping ratio is constant and after that the values exponentially fall and appear to reach an asymptotic value. This phenomenon is due to the loss of shear strength because of the effective stress approaching zero and the material being about to liquefy. Similar behaviour for the damping ratio £ has been observed in lacustrine carbonate silt from the 0.80 -0.40 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 Y H Figure 6. Pore-pressure ratio ru corr vs. shear strain y. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH 1,48 1,53 1,58 1,63 Figure 7. Number of cycles Nru vs. the void ratio e. 1,48 30 25 20 L 15 1,53 1,58 1,63 Figure 8. Number of cycles NY vs. the void ratio e. 10 5 0 1,0E-02 1.0E-01 y [%] 1.0&-00 Figure 9. Damping ratio £ vs. the shear strain y. 1.0B-01 ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH Julian Alps [8]. The strain and the maximum value of £ are different, but the shapes of the curve describing the phenomenon are similar. Figure 10 shows the maximum and the asymptotic values of the damping ratio £ for the different initial effective stress conditions a'0 and the void ratio ec . It is evident that the porosity does not influence the damping ratio £ during larger strains. The shear modulus G and the Young's modulus E are described in relation to the shear strain y and to the axial strain e1 . The impact of the initial effective stress on the shear modulus across a large strain range is shown in Fig. 11. Fig. 12 shows the relationship between the shear modulus G and the void ratio ec after 10 cycles and for different cyclic stress ratios (CSRs) and for an initial effective stress a'0 = 50 kPa. It is evident that porosity influences the shear modulus, but only for higher values of the cyclic stress ratio (CSR). 30 25 20 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900 M-1 Figure 10. The range of limit values for damping ratio Z with respect to the void ratio etio e. ♦ maximum value ■ asymptotic value Y [%] Figure 11. Young's modulus E vs. the axial strain e1 , and shear modulus G vs. the shear strain y. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH ffi Q. CD 2,00 Figure 12. Shear modulus G versus the void ratio ec at an initial effective stress ffg' = 50 kPa and for various cyclic stress ratios (CSRs), after 10 cycles. The axial and shear strain y increase with the number of cycles N depending on the initial effective stress a'0 and the cyclic stress ad (or the cyclic stress ratio CSR). The cyclic stress ad , the cyclic stress ratio CSR and the shear modulus G can be expressed for each initial effective stress a'0 and for a selected value of the shear strain y. Fig. 13 shows the relationship between the cyclic stress ratio CSR and the void ratio ec for a shear strain y after 10 cycles and for different initial effective stresses a'0 . Fig. 14 shows the similar relationship between shear stress t and the effective stress a'0 = 50 kPa for the shear strain y = 7.5% after 10 cycles. It is expressed for different initial effective stresses a'0 and for different void ratios ec . It is evident that the relation t - a'0 is linear and expresses the failure lines of the snail soil for different void ratios ec . The relationship shear stress t vs. effective stress a'0 for smaller values of shear strain y is similar and represents the deformation lines. ao" (kPa) Figure 13. Cyclic stress ratio CSR versus the void ratio ec for a shear strain y = 7.5 % after 10 cycles. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 ao" (kPa) Figure 14. Shear stress t versus the effective stress ff'g = 50 kPa for a shear strain y = 7.5 %. 80 100 ao" (kPa) 160 Figure 15. Shear stress t versus the effective stress ff'g = 50 kPa at a pore-pressure ratio ru = 1. Fig. 15 shows the relationship between the shear stress t and the effective stress ff'0 for a pore-pressure ratio ru = 1 and for various void ratios ec, after 10 cycles. Such a relationship is also linear (except for small values of the effective stress ff'0 < 20 kPa and the express failure lines of the snail soil at various void ratios ec using the pore-pressure criteria). The relationships between the shear stress t and the effective stress ff'0 for values of the pore-pressure ratio ru < 1 are expressed similarly. By comparing both criteria, it is clear that the snail soil is a highly sensitive material. For low values of the effective stress ff'g (under the surface) the large strain results in failure; however, at higher values of the effective stress ff'g (deeper under the surface) failure arises as a consequence of a high pore pressure. ACTA GEOTECHNICfl SLOVENICA, 2007/2 57. B. ZLËNDËR & L. TRflUNËR: THE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF THE SNAIL SOIL FROM THE LJUBLJANA MARSH 7 conclusions The geomechanical characteristics of snail soil were investigated for their dependence on the physical characteristics. A series of tests with different porosities was performed. The test results show that the geomechanical characteristics depend on the porosity. It is evident from the results that the changes in the coefficient of permeability, the coefficient of consolidation, and the coefficient of volume compressibility are non-linear with respect to the changes in the porosity. The initial changes (at high porosity) are higher than the changes at low porosity. The changes of the mechanical parameters, such as the Young's modulus, the Poisson's ratio, and the friction angle are indistinct and almost linear for smaller changes of porosity, but become non-linear for larger changes of porosity. The snail soil was recognized as being a highly sensitive material. A large strain appears after the initial cycles. The pore pressure increased even during the first cycle to the hydrostatic part of cyclic loading, or higher (depending on the CSR). The damping ratio increased exponentially with the strain, and after some cycles reached its maximum value, and after that decreased to an asymptotic value. The reason for such behaviour is the large plastic deformation. The maximum and asymptotic values of the damping ratio are changed only minimally with the void ratio. There is clearly no influence of the porosity on the damping ratio. The shear modulus G and the Young's modulus E are described in relation to the shear strain y and to the axial strain . The porosity influences the shear modulus only at higher values of the cyclic stress ratio (CSR). The increase of the pore pressure is independent of the void ratio ec until it reaches some value of the pore pressure ratio (ru > 0.7). Similarly, the increase of the shear strain becomes dependent on the void ratio until it reaches some value of the shear strain (y > 0.3). The deformation and failure lines are determined from the relationship between the shear stress t and the effective stress a'0 at some shear strain y after 10 cycles. The limit value of the shear strain is y = 7.5%. ff'0 < 20 kPa and express pore-pressure lines of snail soil at different void ratios ec using pore-pressure criteria and a failure line when the pore pressure ratio ru = 1). acknowledgments This research is part of a three-year research project financed by the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. The financial support of the company Prevent and the Slovenian Road Operator, DARS, is also gratefully acknowledged. references [1] Trauner, L. (1982). Applicability of theory of elasticity for foundation design. Doctoral thesis, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana. [2] Trauner, L. et al. (1982). Structure soil interaction, Research report, University of Maribor, 67, Maribor. [3] ¿lender, B. et al. (2007). Cyclic triaxial tests of soil, Research report, University of Maribor, Maribor. [4] ¿lender, B., Trauner, L. (2006). The influence of porosity on geomechanical characteristics of snail soil in the Ljubljana marsh. 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