St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 03/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 16.01.2011 2. NEDELJA MED LETOM 2nd SUNDAY in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Hall rentals 905-518-6159 »Glejte Jagnje Božje!« S tem, da je Jezus postal določen človek v določenem času, je na skrivnosten način postal vsak človek v vsakem času. Bil je pred mano, pomeni: bil je v Adamu, bil je v Abelu, bil je v Abrahamu, v. Mojzesu, v Davidu, v Izaiju in Jeremiju ... Še posebej je bil v vseh trpečih, v vseh, ki so bili preganjani ali umorjeni zaradi resnice in pravice; v vseh, ki so delali dobro, oznanjali mir in ljubezen. V vsaki besedi, ki je tolažila, v vsaki roki, ki je božala, v vsakem pogledu, ki je prinašal luč in toplino, je bil On. Janez ga je videl, ko je prihajal k njemu. Videl in prepoznal ga je po veri. Jezusov obraz je bil podoben obrazom vseh ljudi v množici ob Jordanu, toda Janez, ki je imel razsvetljene oči in čisto dušo, je na tem obrazu razpoznal poteze božjega Sina. Ta obraz pa razpoznavajo po veri razsvetljene oči tudi danes. V vsakem človeku. Še posebej pa ga vidijo tam, kjer je Cerkev. Pavel piše drugo berilo »božji Cerkvi v Korintu, ki je posvečena v Kristusu«. Korintska Cerkev pa je bila le ena od mnogih, raztresenih po vsem Sredozemlju. V vseh so bili verniki, posvečeni v Kristusu, vera je v vseh prepoznavala Kristusov obraz. Tako je tudi danes. Kristus je tam, kjer je Cerkev. Cerkev pa je tam, kjer smo verniki. Pri vsaki maši, pri vsaki molitvi, povsod, kjer smo zbrani v njegovem imenu. On, ki je pred vsemi nami, je tudi med vsemi nami. On je naš, moj in tvoj Odrešenik. Šaleški Študentski oktet sestavljajo študentje iz Velenja in okolice, ki so nekdaj prepevali tudi v MeMPZ Šolskega centra Velenje. V Šaleški dolini sicer spadajo med mlajše, a že uveljavljene oktete, ki s svojimi nastopi vedno pritegnejo občinstvo. Njihov program sestavljajo tako slovenske narodne pesmi kot tudi zabavne, a cappella priredbe, znanih domačih ali tujih pesmi. EROIKA - Trije izjemni vokalisti, zbrani v tercetu Eroika, so nase prvič opozorili na Emi 2007, ko so s priredbo pesmi Stop Omarja Naberja osvojili Slovenijo. Matjaž Robavs (bariton), Aljaž Farasin (tenor) in Metod Žunec (tenor) so klasično izobraženi in šolani pevci, brez dvoma tudi po strokovno-tehnični plati povsem enakovredni pop-opernim pevcem, zbranim v slovitem kvartetu Il Divo. Premišljena kombinacija talenta, lepote, uglajenosti, glasovnih zmožnosti in obdelave večnih uspešnic v pop opera žanru je formula uspeha Eroike. Pod spretnimi rokami in domiselnimi idejami so na srečanju kluba deklet nastajala vabila za večerjo s špageti. Ob pomoči staršev bodo organizire večerjo v soboto, 29. januarja. Pridite in poskusite dobrote! - Sunday's Readings 2nd SUNDAY in Ordinary Time First Reading Isaiah 49:3.5-6 The Lord tells his servant that he will make him a light to the nations so that his salvation may reach the ends of the earth. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 1:1-3 Paul calls the church gathered in Corinth to take their place among the saints everywhere. Gospel John 1:29-34 John the Baptist points to Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Illustration In October 1986 Pope John Paul II invited a large group of religious leaders of many different faiths - Christian and non-Christian - to gather in Assisi to pray for peace. It was a very colourful meeting, with the Pope and the Dalai Lama, Jews, Muslims and Hindus, all assembling together in their different religious dress. But there was no attempt to blur the differences. Each person present prayed according to the custom of their own religion. It was a great and truly ecumenical gesture to try to bring different religions together so that they could show that they were concerned to pray for peace in a world torn by violence. But it was also a gesture that caused controversy. One group claimed that the Pope was compromising the claim of the Roman Catholic Church to the unique truth. It risked the charge of appearing relativist - all religions seeming as good as the next one. But another group claimed that the Church had a history of being too arrogant in the way it claimed the absolute truth, and that there is a need to tolerate and welcome other religious views. Gospel Teaching All the readings in our liturgy today make the claim that Jesus' message is for the whole world. It is universal. He fulfils the prophecy of Isaiah in the first reading, which says that God's servant will bring a message of salvation that must reach to the ends of the earth. St Paul insists in his letter to the Corinthians that the church that gathers there is not just a local church but is linked to a great worldwide network of churches, which he calls "all the saints everywhere". And then Jesus is heralded in the Gospel by John the Baptist not just as someone who forgives the sins of his own disciples but as the Lamb of God who "takes away the sin of the world'. Does this mean that Jesus is indeed the unique saviour of the world and that therefore other religions cannot claim any truth? We can approach the question by looking at the title that John gives Jesus - the Lamb of God. What does it mean? It can have at least two meanings. The Lamb of God can refer to the mighty lamb that appears in the apocalyptic writings and which, in battle, has great power to overcome the evil beasts ranged against it. Now, although Jesus is Son of God and possesses the Spirit of God, he "Look, there is the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." does not choose to use such naked power. Rather he chooses the role of the servant who, as in the prophecy of Isaiah, is led like a silent lamb to be killed. So Jesus does, at the end of his life, confront the evil forces of the world, which St John calls the sin of the world; but he takes the sin away not by the power of force but by offering his life as a sacrifice. And by being raised up by the Father at the resurrection, Jesus is victorious over sin and death. So as Christians we can claim that Christ does offer a universal message of salvation. He offers a unique revelation of the truth; but much depends on how we present this Gospel to those of other faiths and none. Application What antagonises so many non-Christians -and some Christians as well - is that the salvation which Christ won through his humble, loving service has often, in the history of the Church, been imposed on people through violence and arrogance. Pogroms and crusades waged in the cause of an absolute truth undermine the power of Christ's Gospel of love. The early Christians preached the Gospel to the Gentile world and were willing to use the riches of that Gentile culture to express Christ's message, as Paul did. Dialogue with other cultures and religions does not deny the truth of faith but enriches it and allows it to recognise the truth present in other religions. Living in a multi-religious society gives us the opportunity of sharing with others the unique and catholic Gospel that Christ brought, but also of humbly appreciating and respecting the insights into truth that other people's own faiths provide. As we approach Christ in communion at every Mass, we are reminded how he saves us through humble self-giving, for he is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Folklorna skupina 'VENEC'_ Next practices will be on Sunday, January 30th and February 20th at 2pm in St. Gregory's Hall. It is still not late to join up! Come and join the fun. Presently we have 13 couples with room for more. Otroška skupina 'SOČA'_ Practices for this energetic group have been moved to Saturdays at 12:30 [following slovenska sola] starting on January 22nd. We encourage all children, ages 7 and above, to join this worthwhile group to help nurture our Slovenian roots and help build our community here in Hamilton and surroundings. More singing and musical instruments are on the agenda. New members most welcome! Any one who might be able to help or has an interest in Slovenian costuming is asked to contact a member of VENEC, or Dave Antolin: 905.664.5980. We are trying to organize a seminar to help teach aspects of costume making to participants in the future. Also, any ladies who practice the art of 'kleklanje' are asked to contact Dave Antolin. We have a special project that we need help with. Vsi, ki ste pripravljeni pomagati in se zanimate, da bi sodelovali pri izdelavi narodnih noš pokličite kateregakoli od članov plesne skupine Venec ali Davida Antolina. Poskušamo organizirati seminar, da bi se tudi bodoče generacije znale izdelovati narodna oblačila. Posebej vabimo vse tiste, ki znate kleklati, da stopite v kontakt z Davidon Antolinom. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bomo zopet začeli v četrtek 20. januarja po večerni maši. Naslednjič pojemo pri maši 30. januarja. CWL - KŽZ_ Important Notice: St.Gregory the Great Catholic Women's League Annual Parish Bazaar will be held on Sunday Feb.27. A date change had to be made to accommadate and maintain our Slovenian tradition of Pustovanje. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year where we depend on all of our membership to contribute to its success to the best of their abilities. It is our responsibility as league sisters to help one another reach our goal of hosting a successful bazaar. Also and equally important we could not be successfull without the support of our parish members, their families and friends. We will be working hard over the next few months to create a fun afternoon for all to share and enjoy eachothers company. At this time we would also kindly ask for your consideration to donating new Penny Sale and Raffle table items that you may have purchased or crafted. Lottery Tickets: Our lottery tickets are ready for purchase at all Sunday masses from Pamela Gognach and Angela Kobe. We kindly ask for your support by purchasing our lottery tickets. All monies raised from the sales are directly donated to our parish. Membership Fees are due and collection envelopes have been distributed. Please return these with the $14 fee at your earliest convenience in our Sunday collection basket or to Teresa Sarjas. New membership is always welcomed!! Please speak with Teresa, Sidonia Poppa or any league member for information or come and attend any monthy general meeting held the first Wednesday of the month. POKOJNI_ V tem tednu so v Sloveniji umrli trije sorodniki naših faranov in sicer: - MARIJA KOVAČ, sestra našega farana Franca Pelcarja. Pokojna je bila stara 77 let. Umrla je v Mtjaševcih, 12. januarja. Pogreb je bil 14. januarja na domačem pokopališču. Za pokoj njene duše smo v petek zvečer darovali sveto mašo. - IVAN RAJ, brat našega farana Štefana Raya. Pokojni je po krajši bolezni umrl v bolnici Rakičan v 89. letu starosti. Pogreb pokojnega je bil 14. januarja na Gornji Bistrici, župnija Črenšovci. Sveto mašo smo za pokojnega Ivana darovali v naši cerkvi v petek zvečer. - ANICA KOLOŠA, mati naše faranke Majde Salajko. Pokojna je umrla doma v Murski Soboti v 88. letu starosti. Pogreb bo v Murski Soboti v ponedeljek 17. januarja. Za pokoj njene duše smo v četrtek zvečer darovali sveto mašo. Vsem sorodnikom pokojnih iskreno sožalje, pokojne pa spremljajmo v naših molitvah, da bodo uživali večni pokoj v božjem miru. KOLEDAR ZA JANUAR - FEBRUAR_ ❖ 16. januar 2011- nedelja: 2. Nedelja med letom. Sv. Maša v klubu SAVA - Breslav ob 12:00 in v Londonu, cerkev St. John the Divine ob 4:00 p.m. ❖ 23. januar 2011- nedelja: BLED -Beamsville -Koline. Začetek ob 12:00 ❖ 29. januar - sobota: Spaghetti Dinner at our parish in the upper Hall - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pripravlja in organizira Catholic Girls Club. Adults: $10.00; Children 12 and under: $5.00; Children 2 and under: Free. Izkupiček bodo namenile za pomoč otrokom v potrebi. ❖ 30. januar 2011- nedelja: 4. Nedelja med letom ; praznik SV. JANEZA BOSKA, ustanovitelja Salezijanske družbe. Obenem je to tudi tik pred Svečnico.Pri maši poje cerkveni zbor. - LIPA PARK: Ob 1:00 p.m. Kosilo, nato kratka proslava ob kulturnem dnevu in družabno popoldne. Kosilo $12. Lovski-ribiški dan in koline! ❖ 5. februar 2011- sobota: PREŠERNOV VEČER - kulturni dan. V naši dvorani bo praznovanje kulturnega dneva za Toronto-Hamilton. Nastopa skupina glasbenih umetnikov /trije tenoristi/ iz Slovenije imenovana EROIKA. V prvem delu bo nastopil tudi Šaleški oktet iz Slovenije. urad za slovence po svetu 2.0 /sA/\ 20 LET SAMOSTOJNOSTI REPUBLIKA SLOVENIJA Dragi Slovenci po svetu, dragi prijatelji, v letu 2011 bo Republika Slovenija praznovala 20 let samostojnosti. Slovenske organizacije, društva, vse Slovence in prijatelje Slovenije vabimo na skupno srečanje Slovencev »DOBRODOŠLI DOMA«, ki bo potekalo 1. julija 2011 v Ljubjani. V centru mesta se bodo predstavila slovenska društva, slovenski mediji in druge organizacije Slovencev, nastopale bodo glasbene, plesne, in odrske skupine, potekale bodo tudi kulturne delav -nice, izobraževalne predstavitve in športne igre. Vabljeni torej na ogled projektov in vizij, ki jih imajo Slovenci iz vsega sveta. Skupno praznovanje in druženje Slovencev vseh generacij je obenem odličen razlog, da pobližje spoznate Slovenijo. V ta namen je Slovenska turistična organizacija pripravila turistične aranžmaje za vse štiri letne čase po posebno ugodnih cenah. Podrobnejše informacije o paketih najdete na spletni povezavi Vse informacije o prireditvi bodo objavljene na spletnih straneh Urada Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, portalu za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu http:// ter na spletnemu mestu ob 20. obletnici samostojnosti Republike Slovenije http://, kjer bodo objavljeni tudi vsi drugi dogodki, ki bodo potekali v okviru obeležitve te okrogle obletnice tekom celega leta. V petek, 1. julija 2011, se bomo videli, spoznali, nasmejali, zaplesali in poklepetali na ulicah in trgih v centru Ljubljane!raš Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu KONZULARNE URE_ V Hamiltonu bodo konzularne ure 5. februarja 2011 popoldne od 4:00 do 6:00 p.m. Za to priložnost bo med nami Luka Kovačec, ki pride tudi na Prešernov kulturni večer, ki bo tisto sobot v naši dvorani. JANEZ PAVEL II. BLAŽENI_ Potem, ko je bil uradno potrjen čudež potreben za beatifikacijo papeža Janeza Pavla II., se nadaljuje postopek in bo razglasitev za blaženega potekala na belo nedeljo (1. maja), tudi imenovano nedeljo božjega usmiljenja. Običajno se postopek za svetništvo začne šele po določenem času, tukaj pa so napravili izjemo in so ga začeli kmalu po njegovi smrti. Od 16. 01. 2011 Do 23. 01. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 16.Januar 2. Nedelja med letom Marcel, pp. za žive in rajne župljane ff Renata, Ivan in Angela Zorko f Annie Rainer Po namenih društva Sava Po namenih društva Triglav 9:30 a.m. Marija in Ignac Korošec 11:00 a.m. Veronika Curie 12:00 noon Sava - Breslav 4:00 p.m. St. John the Divine - London Ponedeljek - Monday 17. Januar Anton (Zvonko) f Adam Lehner f Darinka Ferletič ff Stane Kanc in Jože Kapušin, obl. f Marija Čop 7:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner Družina Kastelic Franc Kapušin Manja Erzetič z družino Torek - Tuesday 18. Januar Marjeta Ogrska f Marija Ritlop f Verona Smodiš f Pavla Horvat ff Pavla in Janez Horvat 7:00 p.m. Hčerka Terezija Donko Fedele in Nancy Scime Frank in Betty Gimpelj Sreda - Wednesday 19. Januar Suzana, mučenka f Ivan Zerdin, obl. f Franc Antolin ff Vinko in Katarina Antolin f Ivan Dobršek 7:00 p.m. Jože in Olga Hanc Jože in Albina Antolin z druž. Jože in Albina Antolin z druž. Jože in Albina Antolin z druž. četrtek - Thursday 20. Januar Fabijan in Boštjan f Ivan Raj, 7. dan ff Karel in Stanko Ceglar, obl. ff Jože in Tomaž Langenfus f Dragica Bolko 7:00 p.m. brat Štefan Ray z družino Tone in Marija Bukvič Fanika Napast z družino Milka in Vid Kastelic Petek - Friday 21.Januar Neža (Agnes, Janja) f Vinko in Martin f Pavla Horvat f Milan Štefanec f Franc Antolin 7:00 p.m. Sestra Prijatelji Barbara in Luke Diklie Franc Zadravec z družino Franc Zadravec z družino Sobota - Saturday 22. Januar Vincencij (Zmago) ff iz družine Lehner 8:15 a.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal f Pavla Horvat 5:30 p.m. Marija Košir ff pokojni bratje Marija Košir f Stane Napast Ludvik Hull z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY 23.Januar 3. Nedelja med letom Henrik, duh. za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. f Ivan Dobršek Franc Pinter z družino f Tone Babič 11:00 a.m. Ema Pridigar svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.