Application of environmental tracers to study the drainage system of the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer Uporaba naravnih sledil za študij drenažnega sistema nezasičene cone vodonosnika Ljubljanskega polja Branka TRČEK University of Maribor, Faculty of civil enginering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture, Smetanova ulica 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia; e-mail: Prejeto / Received 17. 12. 2016; Sprejeto / Accepted 8. 11. 2017; Objavljeno na spletu / Published online 22. 12. 2017 Dedicated to Professor Miran Veselič the occasion of his 70th birthday Key words: Urban intergranular aquifer, unsaturated zone, drainage system, environmental tracers Ključne besede: urbani medzrnski vodonosnik, nezasičena cona, drenažni sistem, naravna sledila Abstract The groundwater recharge processes were investigated in the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje intergranular aquifer. The study based on application of environmental tracers. The monitoring of the drainage system was established at an urban lysimeter consisting of artificial and autochthonous sediment layers. Groundwater was sampled with the suction cups instaled at depths of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 3.0 and 4.0 m. The results pointed out the most important factors that control the hydrodynamic processes and solute transport in the study site where the soil cover and vegetation are missing. The physico–chemical and isotopic properties of sampled groundwater indicated that the clayey layers have an important role in the hydraulic behaviour of the unsaturated zone. As a consequence of a piston effect the event and pre-event water concentrate above these layers causing lateral flow. A vertical breakthrough of this water into lower layers of the unsaturated zone could occur through preferential paths during intensive precipitation events in dependence on pre-accumulated water volumes. Under such conditions groundwater residence time is about 2 months in the unsaturated zone 3 m below the surface. Izvleček V nezasičeni coni vodonosnika Ljubljanskega polja z medzrnsko poroznostjo smo proučevali tok podzemne vode v urbanem lizimetru. Monitoring drenažnega sistema zgornjega dela nezasičene cone, ki jo gradijo plasti avtohtonih in nanešenih sedimentov, je slonel na uporabi naravnih sledil. Podzemno vodo smo vzorčevali s keramičnimi sesalnimi svečkami, vgrajenimi v globinah 0,3; 0,6; 1,2; 1,8; 3,0 in 4,0 m. Rezultati so izpostavili najpomembnejše faktorje, ki nadzirajo hidrodinamične procese in prenos snovi na raziskovanem območju, kjer sta horizont tal in vegetacija odsotna. Fizikalno–kemijske in izotopske lastnosti vode so pokazale, da imajo plasti, ki vsebujejo glinen material, pomembno vlogo pri hidravličnih lastnostih raziskovanega območja. Kot posledica batnega efekta se nova padavinska voda in predhodno uskladiščene vode skoncentrirajo nad omenjeno plastjo in pridobijo lateralno komponento toka. Vertikalen preboj vode v nižje plasti nezasičene cone se pojavi po prednostnih poteh le v obdobju intenzivnih padavinskih dogodkov v odvisnosti od volumna predhodno uskladiščene vode. V nezasičeni coni, 3 m pod površjem, je povprečen zadrževalni čas podzemne vode pod takimi pogoji okoli 2 meseca. © Author(s) 2017. CC Atribution 4.0 LicenseGEOLOGIJA 60/2, 267-277, Ljubljana 2017 Introduction Groundwater is extensively used worldwide for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purpos- es. Generally, aquifers contribute at least 25 % to the city drinking water supply (GleicK, 2002), but as much as 75 % in Europe (saMPat, 2000) and 95 % in Slovenia (uhan & Krajnc, 2003). Ground- water is renewing if the climate does not change dramatically or it is not degraded by inappro- priate use. Better understanding of groundwa- ter flow and contaminant transport mechanisms could essentially contribute to protection of this natural resource. Groundwater from a sandy–gravel aquifer is an invaluable drinking water resource for the Ljubljana city (Slovenia), as well as for the Union Brewery, which is located within an industrial- 268 Branka TRČEK Fig. 1. Study area (PU-X observation well). Sl. 1. Raziskovalno območje (PU-X opazovalna vrtina). 269Application of environmental tracers to study the drainage system of the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer ized area near the centre of Ljubljana. A large sector of the aquifer recharge area is highly ur- banized, which represents a great risk for the groundwater quality. The brewery exploits qual- ity groundwater from the lower part of the aq- uifer that is bounded by an impermeable barrier from the upper part that is contaminated. Chem- ical analyses of groundwater samples from the brewery vicinity indicated the local contamina- tion with herbicides, chlorides and some urban contaminants derived from traffic, industry and waste water systems (trček et al., 2010; ViŽintin et al., 2009). In regard with the implementation of the sustainable groundwater management the extensive studies of groundwater flow and solute transport were performed in the period from 2000 to 2014 in the catchment area of the Union Brewery groundwater resources (Juren et al., 2003; Trček, 2005, 2006; Trček & Juren, 2007; Trček et al., 2010, 2013; ViŽintin et al., 2009). Their main research goal was the assessment and pre- diction of groundwater flow and the contaminant directions through the unsaturated and saturat- ed zone of the urban intergranular aquifer. The quality and quantity monitoring was conducted in numerous observation wells within the brew- ery and in its vicinity (some of them are illus- trated in Fig. 1), as well as at the urban lysimeter (Fig. 1), which is a topic of this paper. To understand groundwater flow and solute transport mechanisms in urban aquifers a com- prehensive study of the urban water cycle compo- nents and impacts of urbanisation should be inte- grated (ViŽintin et al., 2009). Different land-uses in urban areas significantly affect the infiltration and recharge characteristics. The complex urban groundwater recharge patterns were investigat- ed with a help of lysimeters in the Ljubljansko polje intergranular aquifer. The lysimetry enable accurate measurements of water flow and water balance parameters, and can be used for investi- gating hydrological and hydrogeochemical pro- cesses in the aquifer unsaturated zones (Meissner et al., 2007; von unolD & FanK, 2008). Since 2000 active researches were performed at the lysimeter station in the Ljubljana Kleče Water Pumping station (zuPanc et al., 2005, 2012). The water balance components were investigated in monolith lysimeters consisted from 2-m deep layers of sandy gravel sediments covered by the autochthon soil and vegetated by grass. In time of high water usage of vegetation only subse- quent substantial precipitation events directly result in water flow towards lower layers (zuPanc et al., 2012). At the same time, gravely layers of the deeper parts of the unsaturated zone have lit- tle or no capacity for water retention, and in the event that water line leaves top soil, water flow moves downwards fairly quickly. zuPanc et al. (2012) stressed that the low water retention of the aquifer sediments showed susceptibility of the aquifer to groundwater pollution. The lysimeter of the Union Brewery differs a lot from the one in the Ljubljana Kleče Water Pumping station. It consists from boreholes that penetrate a much larger sector of the aquifer unsaturated zone (Fig. 2). It was constructed in the industrialized area, adjacent to the brewery (Fig. 1) where the soil and the upper sediment layers were removed during construction pro- cesses and nowadays some artificial sediments cover the aquifer. Moreover, there is no vegeta- tion in the lysimeter vicinity. Hence, the Union Brewery lysimeter represents a polygon to study the typical urban infiltration conditions. This ar- ticle presents the study of the lysimeter drainage system that based on environmental tracers. The sampled water δ18O served as a leading parame- ter for hydrodynamic investigations of the unsat- urated zone in the urban intergranular aquifer. Study area The Union brewery is located in the Ljubljana city at an altitude of 300.3 m asl. The Ljubljana area is a large tectonic depression, surrounded by hills and mountains. It was formed in Plio–Qua- ternary by the sequential subsiding. Its northern part is named Ljubljansko polje. It is filled by flu- vial deposits that form the so called Ljubljansko Fig. 2. Scheme of the lysimeter construction. Sl. 2. Shema kostrukcije lizimetra. 270 Branka TRČEK polje aquifer. The deep Holocene and Pleistocene sediments are very heterogeneous. The upper lay- ers consist mostly of sands and gravels and the lower ones mostly of conglomerates, which is re- flected in the aquifer hydrodynamic parameters (auersPerGer et al., 2005; Bračič ŽeleZnik et al., 2005; ViŽintin et al., 2009). Lenses of the low per- meable clay and sandy–clay layers locally divide the aquifer into two parts – the upper and low- er aquifer, as it is the case in the Union Brewery area, where the unsaturated zone is 20 m deep on average, while the aquifer depth is approximate- ly 90 m. The effective porosity ranges between 5 % and 12 % in the study area and the ground- water velocity between 5 and 19 m/day (trček et. al., 2010). The urban lysimeter of the Union Brewery was designed in the upper unsaturated zone of the sandy–gravel aquifer (Fig. 1). 36 boreholes were drilled into the right and left walls of the construction, which is 8.5 m deep in NE and SW directions, respectively (Fig. 2). The boreholes are up to 8 m long. They are located under the in- dustrial railway tracks on right side of the lysim- eter and beneath the asphalt surface on the left lysimeter side. By the beginning of January 2003, the lysimeter was completely equipped with the UMS recording and sampling system (Juren et al., 2003). Tensiometers, TDR probes and suction cups were installed into the ends of boreholes. The boreholes of the right lysimeter side were included into discussed study. They are distrib- uted in six columns (1–6) and six levels (I–VI) at depths of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 3.0 and 4.0 m (Figs. 2 and 3). The boreholes are named by their distri- bution: RI-1, RI-2, RVI-5 and RVI-6. A detailed geological cross-section of the ends of the boreholes is illustrated in Figure 3. The boreholes penetrate four layers: sandy grav- el, silt–sandy gravel, clayey silt–sandy silt with gravel grains and gravel with sand and silt. The upper three layers are artificial. The fourth layer is autochthon and consists of fluvial deposits. The boreholes of levels I, II, and III end in artificial layers, the boreholes of the level IV end close to the contact with the autochthon layer, while the boreholes of levels V and VI end in the autoch- thon layer. Methods The monitoring of the drainage system of the aquifer unsaturated zone was performed in 18 ob- servation points on right side of the Union Brew- ery lysimeter: RI-1 to RIII-6 (Fig. 3). Ground- water was sampled with suction cups that are distributed at depths of 0.3, 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 3.0 and 4.0 m. In addition, precipitation was monitored and sampled near the entrance to the lysimeter. Fig. 3. Geological cross- -section of the right side of the lysimeter at the end of boreholes, with sampling points indica- ted (modified after juren et al., 2003) Sl. 3. Geološki prerez s konca vrtin na desni strani lizimetra z ozna- čenimi vzorčnimi mesti (prirejeno po juren et al., 2003). 271Application of environmental tracers to study the drainage system of the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer In the period from 2004 to 2014 continuous measurements of water balance and physico– chemical water parameters (T, pH and specific electroconductivity - SEC) have been performed and water has been sampled temporarily for chemical and isotopic investigations. Water was sampled and preserved based upon the method described by ClarK & Fritz (1997). Isotopic anal- yses of stable isotopes of H and O were made in Laboratory Centre for Isotope Hydrology and Environmental Analytics, Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria. The oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) of water was measured by the classic CO2 – H2O equilibrium technique (EPstein & MaYeda, 1953) with a fully automated device adapted from Horita et al. (1989) coupled to a Finnigan DEL- TAplus Mass Spectrometer. Deuterium (δ2H) was measured in a continuous flow mode by chro- mium reduction using a ceramic reactor slight- ly modified from Morrison et al. (2001). Stable oxygen isotopic ratios are reported relative to the VSMOW (Vienna–SMOW) standard with an overall precision of 0.1 and 1 ‰, respectively. The stable isotope 18O was applied to investi- gate the urban recharge process. The study based on isotopic variations in precipitation as the pre- dominant groundwater source. After infiltration of precipitation into the unsaturated zone the physical processes of diffusion, dispersion, mix- ing and evaporation alter the groundwater iso- topic composition (ClarK & Fritz, 1997; HoeFs, 1997). The stable isotope content of water was considered conservative, because the processes took place under low–temperature and low–cir- culation conditions and the relative amount of water involved in chemical reactions remained limited (ClarK & Fritz, 1997; HoeFs, 1997). The sampled water δ18O together with hydro- metric data provided information on the move- ment and mixing of water masses. Precipitation infiltrates and recharges the aquifer, where it is mixed with pre–stored groundwater, which re- sults in the input signal attenuation indicated in a lowering of the isotopic variation amplitude. Owing to different mixing and homogenisation stages, groundwater has different δ18O through- out the unsaturated zone and with that differ- ent amplitude of the isotopic seasonal variation. These differences were applied for the determi- nation of groundwater residence time seeing that the longer residence time, the lower is the ampli- tude of groundwater isotopic seasonal variation. The isotopic sampling was performed in the long–term (monthly/seasonally) and short–term protocol during significant precipitation events. In the period 2004–2007 the water was sampled in daily, weekly or monthly intervals, while only the seasonal sampling followed by 2010. The de- tailed sampling focused on the investigation of preferential flow on right side of the lysimeter. The snow δ18O with significant low values was applied as a signal to trace the distribution of snowmelt water through heterogeneous sediment layers of the unsaturated zone (Fig. 3). Isotopic data were statistically processed with a help of the classical method of weighted aver- ages (McDonnell et al., 1990): δ18O = (∑ni=1 Pi δi 18O) / (∑ni=1 Pi) (1) δ18O – weighted average of the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation/sampled water, Pi – precipitation amount/water volume of the sample (i), δi 18O – oxygen isotopic composition of the sample (i). Results and discussion Data of sampled water δ18O and SEC mea- surements during snowmelt events in the period 2004–2010 indicated that this relatively slow but concentrated infiltration generated a recharge process with a prevailing vertical flow compo- nent in the lysimeter levels, I, II and III. The re- sult is in accordance with findings at the lysime- ter station in the Ljubljana Kleče Water Pumping station (zuPanc et al., 2012) considering the ab- sence of retention due to the soil and vegetation activities. However, δ18O and SEC data evidenced the so-called piston effect at the lysimeter level III – the following precipitation events displaced the pre-stored snowmelt water, which resulted in the attenuation of the isotopic response at the lysimeter lower layers. The analysis of δ18O and SEC measurements during storm events indicate that the intensive rain infiltration could lead to a breakthrough of water that was pre-stored in the lysimeter upper levels (I, II and III) into the lysimeter lower levels through preferential paths. The responses were dependant on the pre-accu- mulated water volumes. The discussed characteristics of recharge and discharge processes in the urban unsaturat- ed zone are presented through isotopic analyses from 2005 when the sampling frequency was the 272 Branka TRČEK highest (Fig. 4). The lysimeter responses to the snowmelt event in March and to the storm events at the beginning of April, at the end of August and at the beginning of September were studied. 25 cm of snow was melted in the middle of March, while the maximal daily precipitation amounts during investigated storm events were 46, 42 and 71 mm, respectively (Fig. 4). The isotopic response to the snowmelt was fast and intensive in the level I. Nevertheless, the max- imal response was observed almost two weeks af- ter the event beginning (Fig. 4). The similar sit- uation was evidenced in the level III, but with a greater delay. The peak isotopic response of this level was registered after high precipitation at the beginning of April that displaced the pre-event water, which reflects the piston effect. The men- tioned rain event pushed water of low δ18O from the lysimeter upper levels also to levels IV, V and VI (Fig. 4). However, their impact on the param- eter oscillation was much lower. The process was not intensive, but resulted in a characteristic δ18O decrease. In the beginning of June the lowest δ18O was indicated in the sampling point RV-2. It most probably reflects the snowmelt influence that has an approximately two months’ shift. In Septem- ber the highest δ18O value was monitored at the sampling point RV-3, after the intensive rainy pe- riod. It is presumed that the August precipitation temporally saturated the lysimeter upper part above the clayey silt–sandy silt and gravel lay- er (Fig. 3), while the September rain generated a water breakthrough into the lysimeter lower level RV-3 through the preferential paths. The statistical characteristics of water δ18O sampled in the period 2004–2010 are graphical- ly illustrated with boxplots in Figure 5. The dis- tributions of data sets significantly distinguish among themselves. Precipitation values range between -3 and -18 ‰, whilst the groundwater values vary between -6 and -16 ‰. The means that as well as the spread of δ18O data for vari- ous lysimeter sampling points differ significant- ly, which most probably reflect different resi- dence times of the seepage water. A comparison with precipitation indicates that δ18O ranges of groundwater for the upper three levels are the highest, reflecting the intensive groundwater dy- namics and short residence times. The similarity between the precipitation and level I boxplots is Fig. 4. Time-trend plot of water oxygen isotopic composition sampled at the lysimeter in 2005. Sl. 4. Časovno nihanje izotopske sestave kisika v vodi, vzorčeni v lizimetru leta 2005. 273Application of environmental tracers to study the drainage system of the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer expected, because this level lies only 0.3 m below the surface. On the other hand, the parameter variation is much more attenuated at the lysime- ter lower levels (IV, V and VI), which reflects less intensive dynamics and longer groundwater res- idence times. The outside values that are marked with as- terisks in Figure 5 point out the unusual isoto- pic composition of sampled water. Considering findings related to Figure 4 and the fact that the outside values are not characteristic for levels I and II it is presumed that the discussed values reflect vertical recharge processes in the inter- granular aquifer that occur through preferential paths during important hydrological events. The outside values in the negative direction refer to winter precipitation with the lowest δ18O and vice versa, the values in the positive direction refer to summer precipitation with the enriched isotopic composition. To get better insight into the lysimeter drain- age system the weighted averages of δ18O data were calculated (eq. 1) for the period 2005–2009. They are listed in Table 1 together with average annual discharge volumes of lysimeter sampling points. The bulk of water was discharged at the level III as sampling points RIII-2 and RIII-3 dis- charged the highest volumes. The two sampling points are located near the contact between two structurally different layers: silt–sandy gravel and underlying clayey silt–sandy silt with gravel grains. The hydraulic conductivity of the upper layer is higher than that of the lower layer, which indicates that greater volumes discharged from the level III result from the development of a lat- eral flow component near this level and that only important hydrological events generate a vertical breakthrough of water from the level III into the lysimeter lower layers. Fig. 5. Boxplots of water ox- ygen isotopic composition sampled at the lysimeter in the period 2004–2010. Sl. 5. Škatlasti diagrami izotopske sestave kisika v vodi, vzorčeni v lizimetru v obdobju 2004–2010. δ18O weighted averages / Tehtano povprečje δ18O (‰) Annual dis- charge volume / Letni dotok vode (l) Annual precipi- tation amount / Letna količina padavin (mm) RIII-1 -9.30 2.8 RV-1 -8.17 0.1 RI-2 -9.46 2.0 RII-2 -7.75 0.1 RIII-2 -9.61 1047 RIV-2 -9.82 1.8 RV-2 -8.15 3.6 RI-3 -8.01 1.0 RIII-3 -9.61 1605 RIV-3 -8.59 0.4 RV-3 -7.62 0.4 RVI-3 -8.22 0.3 Precipitation / Padavine -8.79 1353 Table 1. Weighted averages of lysimeter water oxygen isoto- pic composition, average annual discharge volumes of lysi- meter sampling points and precipitation amount in the study site in the period 2005–2009. Tabela 1. Tehtana povprečja izotopske sestave kisika v vzorčevanih vodah lizimetra, povprečni letni dotok vode vzorčnih mest v lizimetru in letna količina padavin na razi- skovalnem območju v obdobju 2005–2009. 274 Branka TRČEK Weighted averages of the sampled water δ18O could be interpreted with a help of Tables 2 and 3 that present seasonal weighted averages of sam- pled water δ18O and seasonal portions of the sam- pling point discharged volumes respectively. The sampling points with lower δ18O averages from the one of precipitation were mostly recharged in winter when the precipitation δ18O was the lowest, while the sampling points with higher δ18O averages from the one of precipitation were mostly recharged in summer or autumn when the precipitation δ18O was high. In addition, the dis- charge regime of sampling points (Tab. 3) reflects dependence between the preferential and lami- nar flow regime. Table 2. Seasonal weighted averages of lysimeter water oxy- gen isotopic composition (‰) in the period 2005–2009. Tabela 2. Sezonska tehtana povprečja izotopske sestave kisi- ka v vzorčevanih vodah lizimetra (‰) v obdobju 2005–2009. Winter / Zima Spring / Pomlad Summer / Poletje Autumn / Jesen RIII-1 -9.76 -9.28 -8.70 -8.75 RV-1 -8.17 -9.02 -8.16 -8.21 RI-2 -10.79 -11.03 -7.04 -8.39 RII-2 -7.35 -8.97 -9.21 -6.38 RIII-2 -10.62 -10.55 -7.41 -8.80 RIV-2 -9.34 -11.04 -8.69 -8.44 RV-2 -8.11 -8.19 -7.32 -8.20 RI-3 -10.45 -10.09 -6.98 -8.91 RIII-3 -10.71 -10.91 -7.72 -9.38 RIV-3 -8.34 -8.11 -8.61 -8.64 RV-3 -8.24 -7.74 -8.36 -7.13 RVI-3 -8.11 -7.82 -8.20 -8.26 Precipitation / Padavine -13.67 -7.04 -6.95 -8.65 Table 3. Seasonal discharge volumes of the lysimeter sampling points (%) in the period 2005–2009. Tabela 3. Sezonski dotok vode vzorčnih mest v lizimetru (%) v obdobju 2005–2009. Winter / Zima Spring / Pomlad Summer / Poletje Autumn / Jesen RIII-1 45 20 20 15 RV-1 48 0.1 53 0.1 RI-2 35 21 23 22 RII-2 9 0.2 45 45 RIII-2 37 26 23 14 RIV-2 46 36 9 9 RV-2 51 49 0.1 0.1 RI-3 7 26 68 0.1 RIII-3 44 8 29 19 RIV-3 12 0.1 54 34 RV-3 0.2 11 34 54 RVI-3 17 0.1 20 63 Precipitation / Padavine 21 34 20 26 The presented results indicate the existence of a perched aquifer near the lysimeter above the clayey silt–sandy silt with gravel grains (Fig. 3). The comparison analysis between isotopic and hydrometric data demonstrated that the exten- sion of the perched accumulation and of a sub- sequent discharge to the lysimeter lower levels depends on the water saturation and are not cor- related with precipitation amounts. It is well known that low permeability clayey layers give rise to perched aquifer conditions to the north and to the east of the Permo–Carbon- iferous outcrop of the Šiška hill (auersPerGer et al., 2005; Bračič ŽeleZnik et al., 2005; trček et. al., 2010, 2013; ViŽintin et al., 2009). In the brew- ery area the clayey lances are distributed in the unsaturated and saturated zone of the aquifer (trček et. al., 2010, 2013; ViŽintin et al., 2009). The observation well PU-9 that is 50 m distant from the lysimeter (Fig. 1) includes layers of clayey sediments at depths of 3, 19 and 28 m. To verify the lysimeter results the isotopic interpretation of the unsaturated zone hydraulic behaviour was transferred to SEC data that are available on a much greater extend for the lysimeter and for the wider study area. Figure 6 presents the hourly os- cillation of groundwater SEC data in the obser- vation well PU-9 approximately 10 m below the groundwater table (at a depth of 30 m) in the pe- riod 2005–2014. SEC data are not correlated with groundwater table (R2 = 0.58). Nevertheless, the increase of SEC values is most often connected with the rise of groundwater table, which reflects the displacement of pre-stored water in the aqui- fer. It is presumed that groundwater with higher SEC values is stored above the upper clayey lanc- es and it is discharged to the aquifer lower parts during hydrological events. The reverse process connected with the inflow of event water is rare (Fig. 6). The described recharge mechanism is import- ant for understanding transport of contaminant loads in the investigated aquifer in a vertical direction. It is in agreement with estimates of groundwater residence time. The average age of PU-9 groundwater determined with the 3H/3He dating technique is estimated to 4 years (trček et. al., 2013), which supports the presented re- sults. Based on δ18O data groundwater residence time is about 2 months below the first clayey lance at depth of 3 m. 275Application of environmental tracers to study the drainage system of the unsaturated zone of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer Conclusions The vertical seepage of measured parameters in groundwater of the Ljubljansko polje aquifer was observed in numerus investigations (auer- sPerGer et al., 2005; Bračič ŽeleZnik et al., 2005; ViŽintin et al., 2009). The presented results point- ed out the most important factors that control the hydrodynamic processes and solute transport in the aquifer unsaturated zone without the soil cover, which is a typical phenomenon in urban areas. Hence, the vegetation has no impact on infiltration and recharge processes and water/ solutes are not affected with the soil attenua- tion factors. The results indicated that layers of clayey sediments have an important role in the hydraulic behaviour of the study site due to the lower hydraulic conductivity that allows the for- mation of perched aquifers. It is presumed that the recharge process above these layers is a con- sequence of the piston effect. The recharged pre- event and event water concentrate above them, which results in a development of a lateral flow component. A vertical breakthrough of this water into lower layers of the unsaturated zone and into the saturated zone could occur through preferen- tial paths during intensive precipitation events in dependence on pre-accumulated water volumes. Under such conditions groundwater residence time is about 2 months in the unsaturated zone 3 m below the surface and about 4 years 10 m be- low the water table at a depth of 30 m (trček et. al., 2013). The lateral flow component has an important role in the protection of groundwater of the Lju- bljansko polje aquifer. However, the role of ver- tical flow is quite the opposite, because it is the main factor controlling contaminant transport towards the drinking water resources. Hence, the main goal of future investigations is directed to transport studies of contaminant loads in the investigated aquifer in a vertical direction. Uporaba naravnih sledil za študij drenažnega sistema nezasičene cone v urbanem okolju (Povzetek) Pivovarna Union izkorišča kvalitetno podze- mno vodo pleistocenskega medzrnskega vodo- nosnika. Precejšen del napajalnega območja vo- donosnika je urbaniziran, kar predstavlja veliko tveganje za onesnaženje vodnega vira pitne vode. Da bi se vzpostavilo sonaravno gospodarjenje s podzemnim vodnim virom, se je izvajala obse- žna študija toka podzemne vode in prenosa snovi na območju vodnega telesa pivovarne v obdobju 2000-2014 (Juren et al., 2003; Trček, 2005, 2006; Trček & Juren, 2007; Trček et al., 2010, 2013; Vi- Žintin et al., 2009). Hidravlični procesi nezasičene cone so se pro- učevali v urbanem lizimetru, v neposredni bli- žini pivovarne (sl. 1 in 2). Monitoring drenažne- ga sistema zgornjega dela nezasičene cone, ki ga gradijo plasti avtohtonih in nanešenih sedimen- tov (sl. 3), je slonel na uporabi naravnih sledil. Podzemna voda se je vzorčila na 18 opazovalnih točkah (RI-1 do RIII-6), s keramičnimi sesalnimi svečkami, vgrajenimi v globinah 0,3; 0,6; 1,2; 1,8; 3,0 in 4,0 m (sl. 2 in 3). Od leta 2004 naprej so se Fig. 6. Hourly oscillation of groundwater electroconductivity in the piezometer PU-9 in the period 2005–2014. Sl. 6. Urno nihanje elektroprevodnosti podzemne vode v piezometru PU-9 v obdobju 2005–2014. 276 Branka TRČEK izvajale zvezne meritve vodne bilance vzorčnih mest in fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov vode (T, pH in specifična elektroprevodnost), medtem ko se je vzorčila voda za kemijske in izotopske razi- skave v posameznih fazah. δ18O vzorčenih vod predstavlja vodilni para- meter hidrogeološke študije. Med pomembnimi padavinskimi dogodki so se proučevali procesi polnjenja in praznjenja nezasičene cone. Poseb- no pozornost je treba nameniti podatkom detaj- lnega vzorčenja topljenja snega, ki je nastopilo sredi marca (sl. 4). Le to je povzročilo, da so bile izmerjene dva tedna kasneje najnižje vrednosti δ18O v vodah zgornjega nivoja lizimetra, 0,3 m pod površjem. Podobno situacijo opazimo tudi na nivoju III, le da je bil tam maksimalem odziv kasnejši. Povzročile so ga intenzivne padavinah na začetku aprila, ki so izpodrinile predhodno uskladiščeno vodo iz višjih nivojev, kar odse- va batni efekt. Te padavine so potisnile vodo z nižjo δ18O iz višjih nivojev lizimetra tudi v nivoje IV, V in VI, vendar je bil njihov vpliv na nihanje parametra precej nižji. Na začetku junija je bila izmerjena najnižja vrednost δ8O v vzorčnem mes- tu RV- 2, ki najverjetneje odseva vpliv topljenja snega z dvomesečnim zamikom. Septembra, po obilnem deževnem obdobju, ki se je pričelo konec avgusta, pa je bila zabeležena najvišja vrednost δ18O v vzorčnem mestu RV-3. Predpostavljamo, do so te padavine po prednostnih poteh povzro- čile preboj vode z višjo δ18O, ki je bila predhodno uskladiščena v višjih nivojih lizimetra. Statistične lastnosti δ18O vzorčenih vod so pri- kazane grafično s škatlastimi diagrami na sliki 5. Glede na padavine imajo vode zgornjih nivojev lizimetra (I, II in III) največje razpone vrednosti, kar odseva intenzivno dinamiko in s tem kratek zadrževalni čas. Nihanje parametra je veliko bolj dušeno v spodnjem delu lizimetra ( nivoji IV, V in VI), kar odseva manj intenzivno dinamiko in daljši zadrževalni čas. Letne in sezonske tehtane vrednosti δ18O vzorčnih mest so razvidne iz tabel 1 in 2. Do- datno tabeli 1 in 3 prikazujeta še deleže letne- ga oziroma sezonskega dotoka vode v vzorčna mesta. Iz tabel je mogoče razbrati, da največja količina vode priteka v vzorčna mesta na nivoju III. Predvideva se, da je to posledica razvoja la- teralne komponente toka podzemne vode v bliži- ni kontakta s plastjo sedimentov, ki ima različno strukturo in vključuje tudi glinen material (sl. 3). Posledično se spremeni tudi hidravlična prevo- dnost, zato le pomembnejši hidrološki dogodki povzročijo vertikalni preboj vode iz nivoja III v nižje nivoje lizimetra. Rezultati raziskav v urbanem lizimetru Pi- vovarne Union so izpostavili najpomembnejše faktorje, ki nadzirajo hidrodinamične procese na raziskovanem območju, kjer sta prst in vege- tacija odsotna. Fizikalno-kemijske in izotopske lastnosti vode so pokazale, da imajo zaglinjene plasti pomembno vlogo pri hidravličnem obnaša- nju raziskovanega območja (sl. 4 in 6). Kot posle- dica batnega efekta se nova padavinska voda in predhodno uskladiščene vode skoncentrirajo nad omenjeno plastjo in pridobijo lateralno kompo- nento toka. Vertikalen preboj vode v nižje plasti nezasičene cone se pojavi po prednostnih poteh le v obdobju intenzivnih padavinskih dogodkov v odvisnosti od volumna predhodno uskladišče- ne vode. V nezasičeni coni, 3 m pod površjem, je povprečen zadrževalni čas podzemne vode pod takimi pogoji okoli 2 meseca, medtem ko je v za- sičeni coni, v globini 30 m, okoli 4 leta. Urbani lizimeter Pivovarne Union predsta- vlja odličen poligon za proučevanje specifičnih infiltracijskih in napajalnih procesov v urbanem okolju. 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