20 6. Slovenski veterinarski kongres 2016 - Vabljeno predavanje VETERINARY DENTISTRY: ITS IMPORTANCE IN VETERINARY EDUCATION AND INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH Zlatko Pavlica Small Animal Clinic, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia zlatko.pavllca@vf.unl-lj.sl The realization that the mouth is part of the body and thus that oral and general health are interdependent is increasingly appreciated. Since animals cannot express their needs, regular oral and dental care by veterinarians is of utmost importance and the veterinarian should be able to provide this care as the first day competence. One of the first steps in becoming a veterinary dentist is to complete a veterinary degree program. In Europe, this typically takes five to six years beyond the time invested in obtaining a bachelor's degree. Following completion of their DVM degree, veterinarians interested in dentistry should continue with a 1-year rotating internship or equivalent in order to apply for a residency in veterinary dentistry. Only after completion of a residency a program, which can take up to 6 years, one becomes eligible to seek dentistry board certification. However, no standard residency programs fulfilling criteria of European College of Veterinary Dentistry currently exist at European universities. Periodontal disease is the most common chronic infectious disease of humans and dogs that locally affects tooth supporting structures leading to tooth loss. In addition there is increasing evidence of an association between periodontal disease and various systemic diseases as bacteria and the inflammatory products can be disseminated systemically. Periodontitis associated upregulation of systemic inflammatory mediators is described, but the data on systemic nitroxidative stress in humans and animals with periodontal disease are missing. Most of the data indicate that periodontitis can stimulate inflammation in distant tissues. However, some recent data suggest, that also in the very early phases of periodontal disease, local and systemic elevation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins occurs, although the significance of this needs to be clarified further. Veterinarska stomatologija - pomen v izobraževanju in interdisciplinarnih raziskavah Perry R. Final year veterinary students' attitudes towards small animal dentistry: aquestionnaire-based survey. J Small Anim Pract. 2014;55(9):457-64. Nemec A, Petelin M, PavlicaZ. Systemic inflammatory host response to periodontopathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity : from experimental to clinical studies. In: Mendez -Vilas A. Microbial pathogens and strategies for combating them: science, technology and education, (Microbiology book series, 4). Badajoz: Formatex Research Center, 2013: 1926-1933. Pavlica Z, Nemec A. Periodontal disease: from the whole body perspective. EJCAP - Vol. 20 - Issue 3 December 2010