8 monografije cpa FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS m Minimu Standards Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije Center za konservatorstvo Center za preventivno arheologijo mmxviii 8 monografije cpa MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS Editors (in alphabetical order): Maja Janežič, Dimitrij Mlekuž, Tadeja Mulh, Barbara Nadbath, Gašper Rutar Authors: Barbara Nadbath, Gašper Rutar, Eva Butina, Maja Bricelj, Matija Črešnar, Tomaž Fabec, Phil Mason, DIMITRIJ MLEKUŽ Tadeja Mulh, Špela Karo, Maja Janežič, Danijela Brišnik mmxviii Monografije CPA 8 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations authors design and typeset by Barbara Nadbath, Gašper Rutar, Eva Butina, Maja Bricelj, Nika Čremošnik Matija Črešnar, Tomaž Fabec, Phil Mason, Dimitrij Mlekuž, Tadeja Mulh, Špela Karo, Maja Janežič, Danijela technical editing Brišnik Nika Čremošnik issued by cover photography by Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije Nika Čremošnik Poljanska cesta 40, SI-1000 Ljubljana http://www.zvkds.si CD version 100 copies editorial board Maja Janežič, editor in chief All copies of CPA monograph series are free of charge. Barbara Nadbath, senior editor You can find them on the following links: Tadeja Mulh, member http://www.zvkds.si/sl/kategorija-publikacije/e-knjige Nives Zupančič, graphic design editor https://www.dlib.si/ Vanja Celin, technical editor © 2018 Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije All rights reserved. english translation Meta Osredkar ISSN 2630-2071 proof-reading Philip Mason CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 902(086.034.4) MINIMUM standards for archaeological investigations [Elektronski vir] / editors Maja Janežič .. [et al.] ; authors Barbara Nadbath ... [et al.] ; [English translation Meta Osredkar]. - Ljubljana : Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije, 2018. - (Monografije CPA, ISSN 2630-2071 ; 8) ISBN 978-961-6990-49-3 1. Nadbath, Barbara 2. Janežič, Maja, 1981- COBISS.SI-ID 300525056 Table of contents 7 1 Introduction 11 2 CPA Archaeological Investigation Starting Points 13 3 Minimum Standards Of Archaeological Investigations 13 3.1 Minimum standards of desk - based assessment 13 Method 1-2 Historical spatial analysis of and existing data analysis 14 Method 3 GIS analysis 15 Method 4 Remote sensing methods 20 3.2 Minimum standards of terrestrial research 20 Method 5 Extensive fieldwalking survey 22 Method 6 Extensive manuel test pit survey 23 Method 7 Geophysical surveys - extensive 25 Method 8 Intensive fieldwalking survey 26 Method 9 Intensive manuel test pit survey 27 Method 11a Borehole drilling - extensive 28 Method 11b Borehole drilling - intensive 30 Method 11c Test pitting by hand 32 Method 12 Machine excavation of test trenches and archaeological documenting with con tinuous presence of the archaeological team, and archaeological documenting of profiles 34 Method 13 Geophysical surveys - intensive 36 Method 14 Archaeological excavation 37 Method 15 Other investigations 39 4 Minimum Standards Of Underwater Research 39 4.1 Preliminary underwater investigations 39 Method 10a Extensive underwater survey 41 Method 10b Intensive underwater survey 42 Method 10c Underwater test pits 42 4.2 Underwater archaeology 43 5 Minimum Standards Of Post-Field Processing Of Data And Material 43 5.1 Processing captured data 43 5.2 Primary processing of the finds 44 5.3 Secondary processing of the finds 44 5.4 Specialist analyses 44 5.5 Storage 45 5.6 Site publication (first report) 45 5.7 Site publication (final report) 47 6 Archaeological Fieldwork Archive 49 7 Databases 49 7.1 Archaeological research record 50 7.2 Basic database 51 8 Bibliography And Sources Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 1 Introduction Archaeological heritage is facing many threats due to tigations into the planning process and the “polluter ongoing land development, which includes intensive pays” principle when archaeological heritage is endan-agriculture, construction of linear infrastructure , ex- gered due to development – are also the basis of pre- pansion of industrial areas and housing developments, ventive archaeology itself. and increasingly dispersed settlement. Preventive archaeology is thus a modern way of ar- Such a situation calls for other ways of protecting the chaeological heritage protection; archaeological fea-archaeological heritage, since “rescuing”, i.e. recording tures are understood as a source that needs sustainable archaeological heritage during spatial interventions is and long-term management, especially through spatial counterproductive for heritage and investors alike. Pre-planning. The main goal of preventive archaeology is ventive archaeology is a novel concept: archaeological no longer to excavate individual sites when they are en-investigation is incorporated within the procedure of dangered, but to acquire, through preliminary archae-planning spatial interventions. Archaeology thus has ological investigations, as much data on the archaeo-become one of the partners in spatial development logical features in space as possible. In the cases where planning. archaeological features might be destroyed by spatial The beginnings of the concept of preventive archaeol- interventions, preventive archaeology is of crucial im- ogy in Slovenia reach back to the late 1980s, when Slo- portance. vene archaeology developed a series of conceptual and The main result of preliminary archaeological investi-methodological novelties, especially non-invasive field gations is the map of archaeological potential: a doc-survey methods such as systematic fieldwalking survey, ument defining areas with potential archaeological aerial photography, and geophysical survey. New ideas features. In this way, preliminary archaeological investi-and methods were first put into practice within the ma- gations are incorporated in the planning phase of ma- jor motorway construction project, resulting in a dra- jor spatial interventions and serve as the starting point matic increase in the number and density of sites. The when it comes to deciding on these interventions. Plan-experience gained through the motorway construction ners use these maps to avoid areas of high archaeolog-project contributed significantly towards the change in ical potential, which would demand long and expensive the doctrine and organization of archaeological herit-rescue excavations, destroying the archaeological fea- age protection. tures in the process. The experience from the motorway project was the To ensure the protection of archaeological remains, very basis for the formation of preventive archaeology their professional investigation and removal, the Slo-practice, its implementation in the law, and the founda- vene Cultural Heritage Protection Act from 2008 ensured tion of the Centre for Preventive Archaeology.1 that archaeologists-conservators were included in the This development reflects broader changes in the un- preparation of planning documents.2 derstanding of archaeological heritage and the role of Preventive archaeology is more than just a new way of archaeology, which resulted in the 1992 Valletta Treaty protecting archaeological heritage in spatial context; it on the protection of archaeological heritage, ratified by brings about conceptual changes in our understand-the Republic of Slovenia in 1999. The principal points ing of what constitutes archaeological heritage and of the treaty – incorporation of archaeological inves-especially how archaeological heritage is created. The 1 Djurić 2007. 2 Štih 2012. 7 Monografije CPA 8 key innovation of preventive archaeology is the pre- Earth from a distance. These methods include aerial liminary investigation phase, where, rather than indi- photography, satellite images, laser imaging, thermal vidual sites, the archaeological potential of the area is imaging, etc. Remote sensing methods are a quick, sys-examined. As part of the process of recognition, doc- tematic, non-invasive, and relatively affordable means umentation, and evaluation of archaeological heritage, of acquiring the information about the archaeological preventive archaeology includes the archaeological po-features in a landscape. In Slovenia, airborne laser scan- tential assessment phase. ning (LiDAR) has proved very successful due to its ca- The practice of preventive archaeology establishes a pability to observe the ground under the forest cover, research strategy, which is divided into three phases. which makes it very suitable for Slovene conditions.4 The first phase is a survey conducted in order to as- Furthermore, the introduction and development of sess archaeological potential, followed by research to preventive archaeology in the Slovene practice of ar-determine the content and composition of the site. As chaeological heritage protection coincides with the the last resort for protection, rescue excavation is used introduction of new geoinformation technologies. In when the planned spatial intervention cannot be avoid-order to manage large amounts of information and ed. After an excavation, the archaeological remains in extensive survey areas, the use of modern geoinforma-the research area are fully and permanently removed.3 tion tools is required, especially geographic informa-Each phase of the research ends with a report and usu- tion systems (GIS). This is the only way in the long run ally there is a post-field phase, which includes the anal- to aggregate, upgrade, maintain and manage the large ysis of the field results and a synthetic report. amount of information acquired in various ways.5 Thus, through the research strategy, the archaeological Various types of extensive fieldwalking survey are potential of the area is first assessed, based on the clues among the most common methods for the evaluation created by the presence of archaeological features in of archaeological potential by sampling the density of the area. Using the methods for assessing the archaeo-archaeological material on the surface,. The advantage logical potential, areas of high archaeological potential of these surveys is that they are a relatively fast (and are defined. Only with the methods for establishing the cheap) way of systematic sampling over large areas. size and structure of the site, an area of high archaeo- There is only one major disadvantage: these meth- logical potential can be confirmed as archaeological site ods document the damage, the surface record in the or archaeological remains. arable soil being, by its very definition, the processed The surveys for the assessment of archaeological po- residue of the stratified subsurface features. Fieldwalk- tential are extensive: they cover large areas and the ing surveys are non- or minimally intrusive methods methods used are cost-efficient and require relatively for the assessment of archaeological potential. If field little time per unit of area. conditions require it, an extensive geophysical survey This is based on desk-based assessment, especially on can be conducted. Minimally intrusive methods such the so-called “historical analysis”, i.e. the compilation as borehole drilling can also be used as a supplement to and critical assessment of the existing data available in fieldwalking survey in areas where archaeological fea-the archaeological literature, but also in the “grey lit- tures are presumed to be buried. erature” such as various unpublished reports, studies, While the spatial extent of the methods for the evalua-expertise, and other references in the public media, in tion of archaeological potential is the entire territory of oral tradition, toponymy etc. Slovenia, they are in practice limited to areas of individ- An important innovation of preventive archaeology in ual projects. Therefore it is critical to have standardized Slovenia is the systematic application of remote sensing sampling, which allows comparison of the results of methods, which enable us to observe the surface of the individual projects. 4 Mlekuž 2009, 2012. 3 Nadbath, Rutar 2012, 67—72; Rutar, Črešnar 2012. 5 Nadbath, Rutar 2012. 8 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations The methods for assessing the extent and structure The introduction of preventive archaeology into ar-of archaeological features are more intensive than the chaeological heritage protection was also revolutionary methods for assessing the archaeological potential; the for the discipline itself. If decades ago archaeology was objective of the former is to define more precisely the a predominantly academic discipline, the introduction archaeological features in terms of their age, preser-of preventive archaeology means that the latter has vation state, functionality, extent structure, and stra- become the central focus of archaeological practice. tigraphy. The extent of the surveys is usually limited Archaeological heritage protection and preventive ar-to areas of high archaeological potential. The most chaeology in particular are the largest employer of ar-common methods used include: intensive fieldwalk- chaeologists; an overview of archaeological fieldwork ing surveys and shovel test pit surveys, geophysical in the last decade indicates that most of archaeological surveys, borehole drilling, test pitting by hand and ma-research is conducted within the context of preventive chine excavation of trial trenches. The selection of the archaeology, with only a handful of pure research in-method depends on the conditions and the expected vestigations. Preliminary archaeological evaluations are results. Again, as with the methods for assessing the thus the main source of archaeological information. archaeological potential, it is critical to have standard- The second aspect is the changed social role of ar- ized sampling, which allows quantitative comparison chaeology; it is no longer only a discipline involved in of surveys and integration of surveys from the entire the academic study of the past, but rather a discipline area of Slovenia. actively participating in the democratic decision-mak- Archaeological excavation is the most intrusive re- ing process about archaeological heritage, spatial inter- search method, causing the destruction of archaeo- ventions, and the development of the country. Instead logical features. It is the most complicated, the most of monographic academic publications of individual intensive, the most expensive, and the most intrusive problem areas, the main products of the discipline archaeological method. It requires a large organization-are now reports and documents, which allow deci- al and logistical input and produces large amounts of sion-making on spatial interventions. data, which require complex and challenging post-ex- These changes exert pressure on the discipline; cus- cavation processing and interdisciplinary cooperation tomers, investors, and decision makers demand that of specialists from many areas. Due to the destructive preliminary archaeological fieldwork should be rapidly nature and cost of this method, excavation should only conducted and affordable. This means that the opera-be used in exceptional cases, notably when the destruc- tors are under considerable pressure and it can lead to tion of archaeological features cannot be avoided; the a decrease in the quality of archaeological work. There-Valletta Treaty recommends the preservation archaeo- fore it is critical to have a reflection on quality control logical features in situ. Nevertheless, in practice, archae- in the sphere of archaeological work and its products. ological excavation remains a significant and common- The Centre for Preventive Archaeology standards for ly used method. archaeological fieldwork thus establish quality uniform Supplemental archaeological surveys are replacing ex- procedures for archaeological work in all phases of cavation in the cases when archaeological features are archaeological investigations, and allow the possibility specific, or when archaeological features have been of comparing the results of individual investigations damaged or destroyed. Among these surveys are struc-and projects, which enables the synthesis and integra- tural analysis of standing architecture, documention of tion of the results and is the foundation for further the damage, archaeological features and archaeological methodological development and better quality and ef-research during construction works (watching brief). ficiency of work. The Centre for Preventive Archaeol- Underwater archaeological research is quite specific ogy standards for archaeological investigations comply due to the environment in which it takes place, requir-with the Act on Archaeological Research. ing specialist researchers and adapted methods. 9 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 2 CPA Archaeological Investigation Starting Points In accordance with the provisions of the new Cultur- According to Point 27 of Article 3, a preliminary in- al Heritage Protection Act (ZVKD-1) and coordination vestigation is defined as: “he investigation of heritage that meetings between the representatives of the Ministry has to be performed in order to” : of Culture (MC), the Ministry of the Environment - first indent, Point 27, Article 3: “acquire the neces-and Spatial Planning (MESP), and the Institute for sary data for the evaluation of heritage before spatial inter-the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, Cen- ventions or development”. This is in accordance with the tre for Preventive Archaeology (IPCHS, CPA), des- above-mentioned coordination meetings and refers to ignations of archaeological methods were agreed on the investigations for the assessment of archaeologi- in July 2009 (Figure 1). The same goes for their inte- cal potential of an area, i.e. Methods 1–7, performed gration into the procedures of national spatial plans in the areas with no registered cultural heritage; and preliminary investigations commissioned by the - second indent, Point, 27, Article 3: “clearly determine Ministry of Culture (Figure 2). protective actions” – these are the investigations for the Preliminary archaeological investigations are not identification of the content and composition of the an end in themselves. The purpose of preliminary site, i.e. Methods 8–13; archaeological investigations is discovering the un- - third indent, Point 27, Article 3: “remove the heritage known (i.e. undocumented and unregistered) archaeo- in a controlled process before spatial interventions or develop- logical remains in space and their preservation. Hence ment. ” – this refers to archaeological rescue excava-the importance of our procedures and methods be- tion, i.e. Method 14. ing readily understandable for other disciplines par- The first two groups of preliminary archaeologi- ticipating in spatial planning and management. The cal investigations are of preventive nature and con-methods are numbered in order to facilitate clarity. tain non-invasive to minimally-invasive methods, i.e. In the documents of MESP, MC, and IPCHS, CPA, Methods 1–7, which assess the archaeological poten- the methods are listed with numbers; e.g. Methods tial of the studied area; and minimally-invasive meth-1–7 (assessment of the archaeological potential of ods, i.e. Methods 8–13, which confirm the archaeo-an area). Methods 8–13 (determining the content and logical potential of the studied area and determine the structure of a site), Method 14 (archaeological exca-content and composition of the site. In accordance vation). with the results of Methods 1-7, the relevant national The methods tie in with the provisions of Point 27 of or municipal spatial plan is definitely defined in space. Article 3 in the ZVKD-1: 11 Monografije CPA 8 The List of Archaeological Investigation: 1. Archival data assessment and analysis of existing data 2. Analysis of existing data 3. GIS analysis 4. Remote sensing methods: 4.1 Aerial photography (aerial survey, infrared, multi- and hyperspectral imaging) 4.2 LIDAR 4.3 Thermal imaging (infrared thermography) 4.4 Hydrographic surveys (Sidescan, multibeam and scanning sonar) 5. Extensive fieldwalking survey (off-site)** 6. Extensive manuel test pit survey (off-site)** 7. Geophysical surveys – extensive (GPR, Electrical resistance, Electromagnetic conductivity, Magnetometry)** 8. Intensive fieldwalking survey (intra-site)** 9. Intensive manuel test pit survey (intra-site)** 10. Intensive underwater survey** 11. Borehole drilling, Test pitting by hand** 12. Machine excavation of test trenches and archaeological documenting** 13. Geophysical surveys – intensive (GPR, Electrical resistance, Electromagnetic conductivity, Magnetometry)** 14. Archaeological excavation ** ** Post-field processing a. Processing of captured data b. Processing of the finds c. Specialist analyses, Site publication Figure 1 Designation of archaeological methods as coordinated between the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, July 2009. 12 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 3 Minimum Standards Of Arcaheological Investigations 3.1. Minimum standards of desk- sis of existing data are continuous processes, which do based assessment not end when a part of Slovenia has been processed. The material has to be collected and organized in a way that enables the next step, the so-called analysis Method 1-2 Archival data assessment and of existing data, and the use of these contents in ge analysis of existing data6 graphic information systems (GIS) for further analysis as well as permanent preservation and accessibility. Objectives and definition The team: The objective of historical spatial analysis and the - Principal investigator: archaeologist – (equiv. to BA analysis of existing data is to collect all the data from or MA in archaeology). the existing sources on either known or assumed ar- chaeological potential of an area. Historical spatial Selection and capture analysis includes collecting archaeological, historical, Historical spatial analysis and the analysis of existing geographical, cartographic, and other sources, litera-data are the necessary first step of every investiga- ture, graphic material, (older) cartographic material, tion. When investigations are planned at a site, they cadastres, an overview of research history, etc. Where give an insight into the use of space in past centu-an analysis of existing data is concerned, the collected ries, whilst a composite plan of all past investigations data should be compared and combined with the reserves as a baseline document for the planning and sults from other data layers, thus obtaining the infor- evaluation of further investigations. mation about the state of research, the type and com- Data capture non-selectively records all the data position of known sites or potential sites, their extent, about past human presence in the area. The work is dating, preservation, but also possible destruction and continuous. The data for the historical spatial anal-consequently the absence of archaeological potential. ysis is collected and integrated in a geographic in- Gathering data within the framework of historical formation system (GIS). The process of collecting, analysis of space encompasses the territory of the en-editing, and evaluating should be such as to allow tire Republic of Slovenia. Gathering is non-selective simple use in all further stages of the research related and deals equally with the entire area of Slovenia; it is to the studied area, so that instead of unnecessary integrated, which means that it is not limited to the ex-duplications there is a deepening of knowledge (see isting databases but includes all accessible sources and Method 3 GIS Analysis). is continuous. Historical spatial analysis and the analy- 6 Archaeological evaluation of sources, bibliography, and other data (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 13 Monografije CPA 8 Figure 2 Geographical information system of archaeological research CPA (archive IPCHS, CPA). Method 3 GIS analysis7 Selection and capture This is the integration of the data acquired by the ar- chival data assessment and the analysis of the existing Objectives and definition The objective of GIS analysis is collecting, editing, and data, as well as the data acquired by other methods combining data, as well as ensuring their permanent (remote sensing, field surveys) in GIS environment, curation, preservation, complementarity, continuous which allows processing, interpreting, and visualisa-use and availability. There are other more complex tion of data. Data capture non-selectively records all uses, such as mapping, visualisation of archaeological the data about past human presence in the area. The potential, spatial modelling and location analysis. GIS work is continuous, covering the territory of the en-analysis is a continuous process and does not end at a tire Republic of Slovenia. point when an area has been processed. The team: - Principal investigator: archaeologist – (equiv. to BA or MA in archaeology). 7 Archaeological evaluation of sources, bibliography, and other data (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 14 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 4 Remote sensing methods Selection and capture In certain segments the listed methods offer similar results. In many respects they are complementary and Objectives and definition The objective of remote sensing methods is the asse- their use depends on the type of surface. Lidar is best ssment of the archaeological potential of the area. suited for forests, less for open landscapes. Aerial pho-Remote sensing methods allow us to observe and re- tography and hyperspectral imaging are suitable for cord the features that cannot be observed by other open landscapes, and hydrographic surveys are used means – either because they are better captured and in water environments. The interpretation of remote detected from aerial perspective or because diffe- sensing methods is a continuous and non-selective rent methods enable the observation of a landscape process, covering the area of the entire Republic of outside visible light . An advantage of the remote Slovenia. Imaging is usually conducted by specialized sensing methods is also that they are non-invasive. At organizations or the data is obtained from archives and the same time they allow fast and precise data capture public databases. The IPCHS CPA conducts the pro-for large areas. In addition to being non-invasive, they cessing and archaeological interpretation of the data. have, compared with all other research methods, the best ratio between the input and the final result. The Aerial photography acquired data often require field verification, which is Archaeological interpretation of aerial photographs the only way to obtain a correct interpretation. There allows for the observation and detection of archaeo-are four groups of remote sensing methods: aerial logical markers that are either still preserved on the photography, multi- and hyperspectral imaging, lidar, surface or are, due to certain conditions, projected and hydrographic surveys (several methods). onto the surface from subsurface layers. In both cases we are mainly concerned with the markers that are not visible or understandable from the ground, which are Legenda Apnenica Kopišče Rudarstvo Polje_z_visokimi_hrbti Opuscena_agrarna_raba Gomila Stavba Izravnava Jarek Ostalo Pot Vojaski_jarek Vojaski_polozaj Koridor_ugreznjenih_poti paleostruga Obmocje_z_znanim_arheoloskim_potencialom Melioracija brez podatka vkop/nasutje nasutje vkop 0 50 100 200m Figure 3 Interpreted lidar image (archive IPCHS, CPA). 15 Monografije CPA 8 given a whole new meaning if observed from a high ographical projection; they are sorted, filtered, and altitude in a broader spatial context. The analysis of used to generate raster surfaces. Lidar detects the aerial photographs consists of two stages: systemati-height of the ground surface and of all non-trans- cally observing and recording the landscape from the parent of half-transparent objects on the surface. air, and the analysis and interpretation of the images.8 The laser beam is reflected from the ground and During both stages we can look for the indicators of from non-transparent objects on the ground (e.g. the use of space in the past and the associated destruc- buildings). In the case of semi-transparent features tion of archaeological environment. By systematically such as trees and other vegetation, a part of the beam and cyclically registering the state of the surface and is reflected from the leaves and branches, while the by processing spatial data, we can keep defining new rest of the beam reaches the ground surface. These interpretation keys.9 The images used can be vertical, reflections can be identified as several layers; usually ordinary or stereo pairs, or oblique, taken at different there are the first pulse, which is the reflection from angles from different heights in different spatial and the surface of non-transparent objects such as trees, spectral resolutions. branches, etc., and the last pulse, which represents the ground surface under transparent objects. The The team: fact that a laser beam can penetrate half-transpar- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in ent objects is a great advantage compared to other archaeology. remote sensing methods, which are limited by agri- cultural and vegetation cycles. There are, however, LiDAR certain restrictions when it comes to lidar scanning: Lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) or ALA (Air- scanning of ground surfaces under deciduous forest borne Laser Altimetry) combines the properties of is advisable in winter, while conifer forests still con-coherent laser light and precise kinematic position- siderably impede the creation of a precise digital sur- ing, aided by a differential GPS (DGPS) and iner- face model. The lidar data containing all land surface tial instruments for precise horizontal and vertical details are usually referred to as a digital surface mod-measurements of the altitude of the Earth’s surface. el (DSM). These data need to be processed and all The laser projects light pulses onto the surface of the unwanted objects and details of the land surface, the Earth, where they are reflected back to the re-the landscape clutter, should be removed in order to ceiver. The time a pulse needed to travel from the get a bare earth land surface model, usually referred laser to the receiver serves to calculate the distance to as a digital terrain model (DTM). Landscape clut-from the ground. The receiver also detects the am- ter is usually identified and removed with the use of plitude (intensity) of the reflection. Differential GPS different filters, while the cut-out surfaces are filled in allows precise 3D positioning of the device, while in-by interpolation. Cleaning the bare surface is a critical ertial instruments provide data on the direction and part of the process since non-selective use of inade-angle of the aircraft. The entire device is composed quate filters can cause the loss of the very details that of a laser scanner, a differential GPS, and inertial in-are the object of the analysis. struments, all linked to a computer monitoring the components and recording the data. Post-recording The team: data processing allows a reconstruction of the ele- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in vations of the earth’s surface. Raw data is usually, archaeology. as a cloud of 3D points, projected into a local ge- Multi- and hyperspectral imaging Multi- and hyperspectral imaging is a passive remote 8 Wilson 1982, 10–15. sensing method, characterized by a higher spectral 9 Palmer 1989, 55. 16 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations resolution, i.e. the capacity for precisely captu- not only of the natural seabed morphology, but also ring certain parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. of anomalies that can be of anthropogenic origin. Hyperspectral imaging is characterized by a very high The device is mounted on a moving boat or on a number of narrow and overlapping spectral bands, towed underwater vessel. It transmits an ultrasound which allow a precise recording of the spectral signa-pulse, which travels through water until it reaches a ture of any image element. Furthermore, multi- and material of a different density, reflects from it, and the hyperspectral imaging usually records the parts of the receiver detects the reflection and assigns it a specific electromagnetic spectrum beyond visible light (i.e. value. The time passed between transmitting the signal the ultraviolet and infrared parts of the electroma-and detecting the reflection represents the depth at the gnetic spectrum). Multi- and hyperspectral imaging reflection point. The measurements follow each other is therefore very suitable for identifying the differen- and with a series of measurements in a grid, the sur- ces in vegetation growth that are the indicators of veyed seabed surface can be graphically drawn (the so-subsurface archaeological features (the so-called ve- called sonogram). Since underwater visibility is often getation marks). As such, they are an upgrade of the limited, sonars are useful especially in bad conditions. classical aerial photography. Single beam sonar transmits one pulse (‘ping’) at a time, while multibeam sonar can transmit several puls- The team: es. Single beam sonars transmit the pulse within the - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in angle 2–45°, while with more precise devices the angle archaeology. is 0.5°. They work at frequencies between 15 and 600 kHz. A higher frequency means better precision in the Hydrographic surveys measured depths. Sonars are predominantly used for Bathymetric LiDAR. The remote sensing method a rapid generation of data on the seabed morphology most commonly used in underwater archaeology and for the identification of archaeological remains in is green laser lidar (the so-called bathymetric lidar), the sediment. which is better suited for penetrating water. Its suita- Modern multibeam sonars produce up to 400 pulses bility for recording underwater sites depends on water across a 160° arc and work at frequencies between 12 conditions; in clear water it is possible to reach depths and 455 kHz. A multibeam sonar can measure a wider up to 50 m, but this shrinks to less than 10 m when area; in good conditions it can cover the surface that the water is not clear. The resolution of bathymetric is up to ten depths wide. Two overlapping patterns lidar is second-class in terms of precision and as for of rectangular lateral corridors are usually recorded. now it cannot be compared with the images made A multibeam sonar requires also the use of a DGPS with a multibeam sonar. receiver ad an inertial navigation sensor (the so-called gyrocompass). The team: Primary data is comprised of a multitude of georefer- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in enced measurements of depths – a point cloud, which archaeology. is usually transformed into another digital form of spatial data (rasters, isobaths). The most precise sys- Single- or multibeam sonar. Sound travels through tems surpass the highest standard of measurements water with the approximate speed of 1500 m/s, which and allow the resolution of 5 cm in shallow waters. depends on the pressure, salinity and temperature of the water. It covers relatively long distances. This fact The team: is taken advantage of by several hydro-acoustic devic- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in es, the so-called SONAR, which transmit sound pulses archaeology). and record the reflections. This allows the mapping 17 Monografije CPA 8 Sidescan sonar. A sidescan sonar emits two fan- Submarines, remotely controlled vessels (AUV, ROV). shaped (narrow in the horizontal direction and wide This survey method is only used in the areas where in the vertical) pulses obliquely down and outward diving is either limited or impossible, i.e. in deep from the course of the boat. In the 1960s, sidescan oceans, seas, and lakes. sonars were used for monitoring changes in object While submarines are managed by people who are positions and for controlling divers in the vicinity of themselves in the vessel, remotely controlled vessels military infrastructure. The advantage of the sidescan are robotic and perform their task and navigate their sonar is that it detects a feature from the side. The re-way led by a computer programme and remote con- flected acoustic signals are graphically represented as trol (AUV), or are physically (cable) connected with shadows in the grey spectrum, showing the uneven the main boat where an operator directs the device surface of the studied area. The height of a feature (ROV). Different devices can be mounted on the can be calculated from the shadow cast by the signal vessel frame, performing their separate tasks: lights, and the known elevation of the sonar above the sea-photo and video cameras, robot arms, baskets, mag- bed. Sidescan sonars are relatively cheap and they can netometers, various sonars, acoustic positioning sys-be mounted on small remotely controlled vessels. A tem, and other measuring instruments. sidescan sonar is comprised of a float (fish), which is slowly towed behind the research boat, and of a The team: cable attaching it to the processor unit (computer) - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in or any other display device. There are also some var-archaeology. iants that are built into the shell of a vessel. Sidescan sonars work between 100 kHz (for better range) and Sub-bottom profiler is a sonar that works at a much 1200 kHz (for better precision). The width of the lower frequency range than surface sonar (2–24 beam is 0.2–1.2 °, and it usually transmits at the angle kHz). This enables the sound to penetrate into the of 40°. The angle can be adapted, based on the tol-sediments and discover the buried remains and stra- erable gap between two beams. On the screen, each tigraphy under the seabed surface, in the case of very pulse is represented as two narrow lines separated by soft sediments even up to 80 m deep. The pulse is an empty space – blindspot. For an investigation of reflected from the bottom and from the interfaces an area, one needs a search pattern (usually transects), between layers and objects. It is well suited to the re-a relatively calm sea, and precise navigation. The result cording of stratigraphy in the wider context of a site, is usually a rough depiction of the seabed or a ship-or for the detection of paleo-landscapes. The main wreck. Yet in optimum conditions and with higher fre- disadvantages of sub-bottom profilers are a narrow quencies, a sonogram can be almost as sharp as a pho- band of coverage and the fact that a geological bore is tograph. High intensities of reflections are depicted required for an optimal interpretation of the results. as light tones, while low intensities of reflections and Advanced systems using not only an active acoustic shadows are depicted in dark tones. The interpretation source but also a series of receivers in several lines, of the images becomes more difficult if the sea is not allow us to generate 3D volumetric data, which gives calm: the otherwise level bottom then displays wavy us both vertical and horizontal information. irregularities/noise. The team: The team: - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in archaeology. archaeology. Magnetometer. Magnetic survey allows for a system- atic mapping of the strength of the Earth’s magnetic 18 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations field. Buried or submerged ferromagnetic materials by the vessel just above the sea bottom. An appropri-alter the local natural magnetic field, which appears ate mapping of the survey results enables the detec-as an anomaly or as unnatural direction and strength tion of any non-natural magnetic anomalies – materi- of the magnetic field in the vicinity of these materials. als that are usually a consequence of human activity. The most commonly used device for underwater measurements is the proton magnetometer, which The team: detects very small changes in magnetic field at an in- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in terval of one or two seconds. The magnetometer can archaeology. be mounted on a vessel or attached to a float towed 19 Monografije CPA 8 3.2. Minimum standards of terrestrial professional report. The method results in identifying research areas of high archaeological potential. The team11: Method 5 Extensive fieldwalking survey10 - Principal investigator: archaeologist –BA or MA in archaeology. Objectives and definition - Team members: assistant or documentalist technician The objective of an extensive fieldwalking survey is (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the 1st the assessment of the archaeological potential of an cycle Bologna programme degree / conservat technici-area. An extensive fieldwalking survey is conducted an documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary education. in a previously unexplored area, outside protected ar- - 5 workers. chaeological sites in order to acquire basic data on the spatial distribution of archaeological finds. Selection and capture This is a non-invasive method for recording archaeo- Extensive fieldwalking survey is suitable for areas with logical remains on the surface, in ploughed soil. Exten- a disturbed upper soil layer (fields). The surveyed area sive fieldwalking survey is conducted in linear transect is fully covered and sampled and the method is com-on ploughed fields and other surfaces with a disturbed plementary to Method 6. The method can be used in upper soil layer. most landscapes, except on thick natural and man-ma- In addition to archaeological remains, the survey also de deposits (for example, archaeological layers can be records other indicators significant for the understan-buried under geological deposits, or under modern ding of anthropogenic influences in the landscape and man-made deposits). The method includes a total the development of cultural landscape. An inherent collection on the surface of the collection unit. Cap-part of the survey is the creation of an archive, which ture density is standardized for the entire territory of includes the processing and analysis of the material, a Slovenia. primary evaluation and recording of the finds, and a Figure 4 Extensive fieldwalking survey in action (archive IPCHS, CPA). 10 Archaeological extensive fieldwalking survey (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic 11 Does not include post-field processing of the site of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). and a report (applies to all field investigations). 20 310 293 504 309 358 294 353 291 237 357 514 501 308 295 319 290 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 505 356 307 296 289 236 513 500 A A C E C C E A B C B D A B D B A H C C 162/4 D D E A D B E 306 270 A B C C 553000 E 297 A B 553250 553500 C D 312/6 L 307 625 288 C E J A 271 K L K D 506 D E A E E 321 322 E C F I A H I A B B D C E G D B D E G F D D B J C 320 E B B A 305 D C 312/6 B D B A 156 298 A 308 A C C E 287 235 E 272 A A 512 E A C C C B D B E 499 D D 269 619/3 L E 304 E B B 319 D A J K L C A K 299 C H I 309 A J 286 C E A G I 273 B H D D E C A EF G B B B F 507 D E C 314/1 327/1 D 268 C D E 320/2 C 303 E D B B A B C C 324 A D 300 A 234 A B C E 285 D 706 511 E A C 274 A OREHOVA 314/1 D A C B VAS 498 B E E C D D 267 K L B B C J L E K C A D I D J 301 C E A 369 G I 284 C A 275 D F H G H E HOTINJA 707 325/1 C B E A 330 B A D F VAS E E B DE D D B 334 E B AB C C 435 B E A B D 266 C 314/1 233 A A 620/1 302 C E 283 A A 510 148000 C 276 D 368 C 148000 497 D A C 341 244/1 B E B A 434 E A K L L D B B J C D 265 B B B C A I K C H A J E 282 A D F I C A 367 H 277 C E E G B C D F D A B F E B A BC E D A 433 G 317 A D C A B B E H G D 337/2 B B 232 A 237/4 J 281 E 264 C 342 I 620/3 A C J 509 278 A054 I A C A C D 391/2 E C D E H F 432 B L G B D B 366 A G 32 053 D B 6 E 263 333 A B H A 385 G H I J K F E A C C C D I F E 279 C A A J B B DE D E 619/4 B C E 391/3 D 384 B B 338/2 F G 365 052 AB B 431 A 620/4 231 A D D E A H 345 A E A 351 A 262 C B I C 280 661 A C J B B E C B D D E C 383 B K L 659 J B B 430 F 051 A 261 336 364 A E I B 237/4 D E A G A G H A A A B H E F C C I B 660 391/4 C A 331 D J B 346 C D 657 B B E E C B D D 382 A B F 260 363 429 050 A D B A C A 332 C G E335 A A A C 656 658 A B B C H I B B 198 B D A B D J B A 662 230 259 339 E 381 A 234/2 E 391/5 A E C E 428 F 362 049 197 A A B D E D A G A B D C H I B 349 C D C H I B C D 663 B ABC G B D J B B D E 392 199 E 685 E B C DE F C E 361 F 380 A A A BC A 338/1 373 340 G 048 A E A A D B H A D A L 655 390 B C I B C B I J K 337/1 J 618/2 E D B B G H 229 E C Legenda 360 379 C 684 350 196 B F I A 372 F 047 A D E D E A A 237/5 H B G A C 686 Območje PAR C H D E D A 237/5 B E C L A G D I B 359 664 E J B 348 K B F B 200 D 353 B I J D E negativno 378 A 371 F E G H C A C B G 046 A C A C 687 B F A H A 654 E pozitivno SRV B C B 344 A I 343 D 347 354 CD G K L D J B D A B 237/5 F 228 E B A H I J 370 351 E E pozitivno PZG A F 395 045 377 C E A C 683 E 195 B B G E F D 237/4 H A A 634 B D D C A D C C 392 D I D B C E 355 C A B E J B B 665 L C D E K 205 A ¬ ETP1 F 376 E 044 A 391 352 D B E D 232 I J G 689 147750 H A A C B A G H L 147750 C C F I 688 A E K G ETP2 J 358 653 B D D B D B 390 B C J 227 A E I 043 375 A A AB H A C E B C 682 194 FG A nedostopno 389 C B A 359 D 397 D E C D B D A C B E D B B posevki 374 A 389 C L A E C K A 363/1 666 C E BC B D 363/D2 B E J 396/ inf 1rastruktura letališča 396 690 G H I J I 206 D E B A C A F H D 691 652 A 388 C B A C D G 067 prepoved B D B 356 236/5 B F C A A B A E C 387 395 prepoved 388 D A B C A C 681 E D D A C 387 386 B D 193 C B D B D prepoved C E B C E C 707 394 385 F 667 A HOTINJA 618/6 D A 386 A D E C G 369 367 B K L 207 prepove V d AS E D J B H A I 397/1 C D 384 C G H D B E 692 A prepoved 393 042 233 651 B F B E F D A C G A B 364 C A HOTINJA H A C Arheološka dediščina 383 680 A L 396/2 397/2 VAS 707 D B A K 192 E 041 B D E 618/7 362/1 B 234/1 J F 365 Katastrske občine C A E D G I 398/2 C 368 E 137/1 366 C D H C 668 zk_parc_06_Maribor B D D B H E 040 382 F E C A F G A G C ZAVOD ZA VARSTVO KULTURNE DEDIŠČINE SLOVENIJE 371 693 650 Fig Prour jekt 16-001 e 5 370 B A D E 137/ 0 DPN Map of 3 Letališče E e dva xte rda ns Ru i sj ve an fie a M ldw aribo alking s r1 urvey results (archive IPCHS H , CPA). 362/3 372 B C 381 D A B B A 141/1 A C C 679 E 377 373 191 141/2 E B D D Pregledni načrt Center za preventivno arheologijo D 379 C E 618/3 380 C 137/2 140/2 362/2 D E 21 D E 669 B C Faza: ocena 13 ar 8/ he 3 ološkega potenciala, metodi 5 in 6 E D B 142/1 A 621/5 Nosilec projekta: Barbara Nadbath 378 C A 694 ® A 138/4 139/2 238/1 649 Vodja raziskave: Evgen Lazar 140/3 143/1 B 144/1 B A 135 145/1 146 C 138/1 Pripravili: Robert Krempuš, Matjaž Mori, dr. Dimitrij Mlekuž A D 621/4 E238/2 147 190 148 B 164/1 621/6 678 E D 618/8 165/1 C E 230 datum: september 2018 merilo 1:2.000 List 12 / 20 553000 553250 D C 134 166/1 D 138/2 E 553500 142/3 161/1 163/1 168/1 C A B B A 229/1 670 695 648 677 Monografije CPA 8 Method 6 Extensive manuel test pit survey12 The team: - Principal investigator: archaeologist –BA or MA in Objectives and definition archaeology. The objective of an extensive manuel test pit survey - Team members: assistant or documentalist technici- is the assessment of the archaeological potential of an (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the the area. An extensive shovel test pit (STP) survey is 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conservator conducted in a previously unexplored area, outside technician documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary protected archaeological sites in order to acquire basic education. data on the spatial distribution of archaeological finds. - 5 workers. It is a low-invasive method of recording archaeolo- gical remains in test holes. Extensive manuel test pit Selection and capture survey is conducted in grasslands, forests, and other Extensive manuel test pit survey is suitable for gra-undisturbed surfaces. sslands, forests, and other undisturbed surfaces. The In addition to archaeological remains, the survey also surveyed area is fully covered and sampled and the records other indicators significant for the under-method is complementary to Method 5. The method standing of anthropogenic influences in the landsca- can be used in most landscapes, unless there is no pe and the development of cultural landscape. An soil at all (Karst Plateau) or in the rare cases whe-inherent part of the survey is the creation of an ar- re the ground was rapidly buried under thick natural chive, which includes the processing and analysis of and anthropogenic deposits (e.g. landslides, modern the material, primary evaluation and recording of the man-made deposits). The method is conducted by finds, and a professional report. The method results digging test holes. Capture density is standardized for in identifying areas of high archaeological potential. the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 6 Extensive manuel test pit survey in progress (archive IPCHS, CPA). 12 Archaeological extensive shovel test pit subsurface survey (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 22 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 7 Geophysical surveys – extensive13 commonly used are electrical resistivity method, ma- gnetic method, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) Objectives and definition method. The objective of geophysical surveys is assessing the archaeological potential of the area by identifying The team: geophysical anomalies that can be interpreted as ar- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in chaeological features. archaeology. Geophysical surveys are very non-invasive and allow - Team members: assistant or documentalist technici- the detection of remains (anomalies) by measuring an (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the certain physical properties of the subsurface record 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conservator with no physical intrusion into the subsurface layers. technician documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary There is a wide range of available methods; the most education. - 1 worker. Figure 7 Results of extensive geophysical survey on Krško polje (archive IPCHS, CPA). 13 Geophysical surveys (Act on Archaeological Rese- arch, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 23 Monografije CPA 8 Selection and capture environment where the survey takes place, whether The choice of geophysical surveys and the selection this is the geophysical properties of the subsurface of a method (or better, a combination of methods) record (pedological, geological, anthropogenic fac-are influenced by several related factors: area size, area tors) or simply the fact that, if research is conducted limitations (electrical power lines, utility networks, ge-in urban environment with buildings and castles, or ology), the expected ‘type’ of the archaeological site/ in the vicinity of infrastructure lines (electrical power record (the content and composition of the site, the lines etc.), some methods are unsuitable. Further, it depth of the remains, post-depositional processes), should be possible to use some new methods that and other factors. Geophysical surveys encompass are not among the above-mentioned most common the area that is as large as possible within the circum- ones (e.g. the otherwise very established method of stances. Geophysical methods depend on the natural measuring magnetic susceptibility, and the very-low- conditions of the area (the geophysical properties frequency EM method, which measures conductivity of the subsurface record), and hence the principle and magnetic susceptibility), or the methods that are is that since they are complementary to one another, only emerging (seismic method, self-potential met-the best results can be expected when using a combi- hod, thermal method, electrostatic method, electro- nation of different methods. Natural conditions also magnetic and magnetic-tellurium methods of very demand a certain degree of flexibility when it comes low frequencies, as well as single sensor measure-to choosing the method. The selection of a method ments of the total magnetic field, electrical resistivity (electrical resistivity method, magnetic method, gro-logging with Schlumberger probes, and the approach und penetrating radar, etc.) depends strongly on the with geophysical pseudosections and tomography). 24 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 8 Intensive fieldwalking survey14 - Team members: assistant or documentalist technici- an (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the Objectives and definition 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conservator The objective of the intensive fieldwalking survey is technician documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary a characterization of the areas of high archaeological education). potential, and determining the extent, structure, and - 5 workers. dating of archaeological remains or sites. This is a non-invasive method for recording archaeological re- Selection and capture mains. Intensive fieldwalking survey is conducted in In order to determine the content and structure of an orthogonal grid on fields and other surfaces with a site, surveys are conducted in the areas with regi-a disturbed upper soil layer. In addition to archaeolo- stered cultural heritage and at potential archaeologi- gical remains, the survey also records other indicators cal sites discovered in earlier extensive fieldwalking significant for the understanding of anthropogenic surveys. Intensive fieldwalking survey is suitable for influences in the landscape and the development of areas with a disturbed upper soil layer (fields). The cultural landscape. An inherent part of the survey is surveyed area is fully covered and sampled and the the creation of an archive, which includes the proce-method is complementary to Method 9. The method ssing and analysis of the material, primary evaluation can be used in most landscapes, except on thick natu-and recording of the finds, and a professional report. ral and anthropogenic deposits (for example, archae- ological layers can be buried under geological depo- The team: sits of pebbles and clay, or under modern man-made - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in deposits). The method includes a total collection on archaeology. the surface of the collection unit. Capture density is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 8 Map with the results of an intensive fieldwalking survey (archive IPCHS, CPA). 14 Intensive archaeological fieldwalking survey (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 25 Monografije CPA 8 Method 9 Intensive manuel test pit survey15 - Team members: assistant or documentalist technician (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the 1st cy- Objectives and definition cle Bologna programme degree / conservator technician The objective of the intensive shovel test pit survey is a documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary education). characterization of areas of high archaeological potential, - 5 workers. and the determination of the extent, structure, and da- ting of archaeological remains or sites. It is a low-invasive Selection and capture method of recording archaeological remains. Intensive In order to determine the content and structure of a site, manuel test pit survey is conducted in grasslands, forests, surveys are conducted in the areas with registered cultural and other surfaces covered with vegetation. The method heritage and at potential archaeological sites discovered is conducted through systematic sampling by digging in earlier extensive fieldwalking surveys. Intensive shovel manuel test pits on an orthogonal grid. The locations of test pit (STP) survey is suitable for grasslands, forests, and collecting units and test holes are recorded. In addition other surfaces covered with vegetation. The surveyed area to archaeological remains, the survey also records other is fully covered and sampled and the method is comple-indicators significant for the understanding of anthropo- mentary to Method 8. The method can be used in most genic influences in the landscape and the development of landscapes, unless there is no soil at all (Karst Plateau) cultural landscape. An inherent part of the survey is the or in the rare cases where the ground was rapidly bur-creation of an archive, which includes the processing and ied under thick natural and anthropogenic deposits (e.g. analysis of the material, primary evaluation and recording landslides, modern man-made deposits). The method is of the finds, and a professional report. conducted by digging manuel test pits. Capture density is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. The team: - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in ar- chaeology. Figure 9 Extensive fieldwalking survey in progress(archive ZVKDS, CPA). 15 Intensive archaeological shovel test pit survey (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Re- public of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 26 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 11a Borehole drilling – extensive16 includes the processing and analysis of the material, a primary evaluation and recording of the finds, and a pro- Objectives and definition fessional report. The objective of borehole drilling survey is to assess the archaeological potential, to identify buried ground surfac- The team: es and potential archaeological remains in the areas with - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in ar-thick alluvial or anthropogenic deposits and in urban ar- chaeology. eas. The method allows a precise and correct determina- - Team members: assistant or documentalist technician tion of the thickness of cultural layers and the extent of (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the 1st cy-the area of high archaeological potential. This is a low-in- cle Bologna programme degree / conservator technician vasive method. In addition to archaeological remains, the documentalist – equiv. to upper secondary education). survey also records other indicators significant for the - 5 workers. understanding of anthropogenic influences in the land- scape and the development of cultural landscape. The Selection and capture survey is conducted by drilling boreholes up to 20 cm The method is suitable for urbanized areas, for non-ur-in diameter. The precise locations of boreholes are re- banized areas with thick layers of alluvial and colluvial corded. The survey includes flotation of those borehole deposits, for areas where several thick anthropogenic contents that are interpreted as layers of anthropogenic layers are expected, etc. It is used where other extensive origin, while samples for flotation (minimum 10%) are sampling methods fail to provide an assessment of the taken from the rest of the borehole contents. An inher-archaeological potential. Capture density is standardized ent part of the survey is the creation of an archive, which for the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 10 Borehole sampling (archive IPCH, CPA). 16 Borehole sampling (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 27 Monografije CPA 8 Method 11b Borehole drilling – intensive17 archaeological heritage protection. This is a low-in- vasive method. In addition to archaeological remains, Objectives and definition the survey also records other indicators significant for The objective of intensive borehole drilling survey is the understanding of anthropogenic influences in the to assess the extent and structure, and particularly the landscape and the development of cultural landscape. stratification in areas of high archaeological potential The survey is conducted by drilling boreholes up to 20 and in known archaeological sites; especially in the cm in diameter. The precise locations of boreholes are areas with thick alluvial or anthropogenic deposits, in recorded. The survey includes flotation of those bore-sites with thick stratification, and in urban areas. The hole contents that are interpreted as layers of anthro-method allows a precise and correct determination of pogenic origin, while samples for flotation (minimum the thickness of cultural layers, the determination of 10%) are taken from the rest of the borehole contents. the extent of the site, and the selection of the method An inherent part of the survey is the creation of an for further archaeological investigations (in terms of archive, which includes the processing and analysis of rescue excavations). It thus represents a rationaliza-the material, a primary evaluation and recording of the tion of rescue excavations and allows the acquisition finds, and a professional report. of improved data to determine further measures for Capture density is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 11 Borehole sampels (archive IPCH, CPA). 17 Borehole sampling (Act on Archaeological Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 28 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations The team: Selection and capture - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in The method should be chosen in areas with regis-archaeology. tered cultural heritage, in urbanized areas, in non-ur- - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- banized areas with thick layers of alluvial and collu- cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with vial deposits, in areas where several thick anthropo-the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser- genic layers are expected, etc. It is used where other vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec- intensive sampling methods fail to provide a precise ondary education). and correct determination of the thickness of cultur- - 5 workers. al layers and the extent of the site. Capture density is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. 29 Monografije CPA 8 Method 11c Test pitting by hand 18 In addition to archaeological remains, the survey also records other indicators significant for the un- Objectives and definition derstanding of anthropogenic influences in the land- The objective of manuel test pitting is to assess the scape and the development of cultural landscape. An extent, content, structure, and particularly stratifica- inherent part of the survey is the creation of an ar-tion in areas of high archaeological potential and in chive, which includes the processing and analysis of known archaeological sites. This is an invasive meth- the material, a primary evaluation and recording of od, conducted by digging test pits with the dimen- the finds, and a professional report. sions of 1 x 1 x 1 m. Sampling by test pits is system- atic, in grids or transects. The precise locations of The team: test pits are recorded. The method allows a precise - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in and correct determination of the thickness of cul- archaeology. tural layers, the selection of the method for further - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- archaeological investigations (in terms of rescue cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with excavations). It thus represents a rationalization of the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conserva-open area excavations and allows the acquisition of tor technician documentalist – equiv. to upper secon-improved data to determine further measures for ar- dary education). chaeological heritage protection. - 5 workers. Figure 12 Intepreted test pit section (archive IPCHS, CPA). 18 Archaeological test excavations (Act on Archaeologi- cal Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 30 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Selection and capture and composition of an archaeological site, to assess The method of test pitting by hand is suitable for its extent, to establish the potential damage level, to the verification of stratigraphic situations inside pro-confirm the presence of archaeological structures tected archaeological sites or inside newly discovered and remains, and to determine the nature and depth potential archaeological sites. The objective of ma-of stratigraphy. Capture density is standardized for nuel test pitting is to determine precisely the content the entire territory of Slovenia. 31 Monografije CPA 8 Method 12 Machine excavation of test of rescue excavations and allows the acquisition of trenches and archaeological documenting with improved data to determine further measures for ar- continuous presence of the archaeological team, chaeological heritage protection. and archaeological documenting of profiles19 In addition to archaeological remains, the survey also records other indicators significant for the un- Objectives and definition derstanding of anthropogenic influences in the land- Machine excavation of test trenches and archaeolog- scape and the development of cultural landscape. An ical recording with the continuous presence of ar- inherent part of the survey is the creation of an ar- chaeological team, and archaeological recording of chive, which includes the processing and analysis of sections. the material, a primary evaluation and recording of The objective of the survey in the form of archae- the finds, and a professional report. ological recording of machine excavated trenches is to assess the extent, content, structure, and above all The team: the stratification of areas inside registered archae- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in ological sites and inside newly discovered potential archaeology. archaeological sites in areas of low archaeological - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni-potential. This is an invasive method. The number cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with and size of machine excavated trenches are adapt- the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser- ed to the spatial intervention. The precise locations vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec-of test trenches are recorded. The method allows a ondary education). precise and correct determination of the thickness - 5 workers. of cultural layers, the selection of the method for further archaeological fieldwork (in terms of open area excavations). It thus represents a rationalization Figure 13 Machine excavation of test trenches (archive IPCH, CPA). 19 Archaeological test excavations (Act on Archaeologi- cal Research, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 3/2013). 32 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Selection and capture where several thick alluvial or colluvial deposits or The method of machine excavated test trenches is thick anthropogenic layers are expected. The meth- suitable for the verification of stratigraphic situations od is suitable for dolines. Sampling density, i.e. the inside protected archaeological sites or inside new number and size of machine excavated trenches, is ly discovered potential archaeological sites in areas adapted to the spatial intervention. Capture density of low archaeological potential, and also in the areas is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. 33 Monografije CPA 8 Method 13 Geophysical surveys – intensive20 be expected when using a combination of different methods. Natural conditions also demand a certain Objectives and definition degree of flexibility when it comes to choosing the The objective of geophysical surveys is the charac- method. The selection of a method (electrical resist- terization of areas of high archaeological potential ance method, magnetic method, ground penetrating and the determination of the extent and structure radar, etc.) depends strongly on the environment of archaeological remains or sites, by identifying geo-where the survey takes place, whether this is the ge- physical anomalies that can be interpreted as archae- ophysical properties of the subsurface record (ped- ological features. ological, geological, anthropogenic factors) or sim- Geophysical surveys are very non-invasive, allowing ply the fact that, if research is conducted in urban the detection of remains (anomalies) by measuring environment with buildings and castles, or close to certain physical properties of the subsurface record, the utilities infrastructure (electrical power lines etc.), with no physical intrusion into the subsurface layers. some methods are unsuitable. It is also possible to use some of the new methods that are not among The team: the above-mentioned most common ones (e.g. the - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in otherwise very established method of measuring archaeology. magnetic susceptibility, and the very-low-frequen- - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- cy EM method, which measures conductivity and cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with magnetic susceptibility) or the methods that are only the 1 emerging (seismic method, self-potential method, st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser- vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec- thermal method, electrostatic method, electromag- ondary education. netic and magnetic-tellurium methods of very low - 1 worker. frequencies, as well as single sensor measurements of the total magnetic field, electrical resistivity logging Selection and capture with Schlumberger probes, and the approach with The method is suitable for the verification of the geophysical pseudosections and tomography). Geo-stratigraphic situation inside registered archaeolog- physical methods depend on the natural conditions ical sites. The choice of geophysical surveys and of the area (the geophysical properties of the sub-the selection of a method (or better, a combina- surface record), and hence the principle is that since tion of methods) are influenced by several related they are complementary to one another, the best re-factors: area size, area limitations (electrical power sults can be expected when using a combination of lines, utility networks, geology), the expected ‘type’ different methods. Natural conditions also demand a of the archaeological site/record (the content and certain degree of flexibility when it comes to choos-composition of the site, the depth of the remains, ing the method. The selection of a method (electrical post-depositional processes), and other factors. Ge-resistance method, magnetic method, ground pene- ophysical surveys encompass the area that is as large trating radar, etc.) depends strongly on the environ-as possible within the circumstances. Geophysical ment where the survey takes place. The conditions methods depend on the natural conditions of the of urban environment (density of buildings, vicini-area (the geophysical properties of the subsurface ty of infrastructure lines) should also be taken into record), and hence the principle is that since they are account, since it can influence the results of a sur-complementary to one another, the best results can vey. Further, it should be possible to use some new methods that are not among the above-mentioned 20 Geophysical surveys (Act on Archaeological Re- most common ones (e.g. the otherwise very estab- search, Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. lished method of measuring magnetic susceptibili-3/2013). 34 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations ty, and the very-low-frequency EM method, which probes, and the approach with geophysical pseudo- measures conductivity and magnetic susceptibili- sections and tomography). ty), or the methods that are only emerging (seismic Measurements are usually taken in a regular grid of method, self-potential method, thermal method, quadrants with a specified distance between transects electrostatic method, electromagnetic and magnet- and measurement points. Capture density in geo- ic-tellurium methods of very low frequencies, as well physical surveys depends on the technical properties as single sensor measurements of the total magnetic of the selected instrument (i.e. the method) and on field, electrical resistivity logging with Schlumberger the objective of the survey. Capture density is stand- ardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 14 Geophyisical survey, results of GPR survey (archive IPCH, CPA). 35 Monografije CPA 8 Method 14 Archaeological excavation - Team members: 4 assistants or documentalist technicians (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with the 1st cy- Objectives and definition cle Bologna programme degree, conservator technician Archaeological excavation is an invasive research method, documentalist – equiv. of upper secondary education). the goal of which is a systematic discovery, documenta- - 6 workers. tion, and study of a stratified archaeological record, and the collection, documentation and study of all archaeo- The team consists of 1 archaeologist, 4 technicians, 6 logical finds and other relevant direct and indirect traces workers. One team excavates in one sector, which is de-of past human activities in the selected area. Archaeo- termined by the volume of the excavation, the available logical excavations are conducted manually and strati- time, and financial resources. graphically. Only the upper arable layer of the soil can be removed by a machine (the same goes for the layers Selection and capture of modern debris, deposits, colluvial and alluvial depos- Archaeological excavation is used as a research method its, etc) if the area has undergone the analysis with the when archaeological sites are endangered, in accordance methods of preliminary surveys, determining the content with the strategies for their protection. The method is and composition of the site, which enables a clear identi-used when archaeological sites are directly endangered; fication of the stratigraphy. i.e. when expert services have studied all optimization possibilities and new technical solutions for the planned The team: special intervention, but the preservation of the archaeo- - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in ar- logical site (or a part of it) within landscape is still not en- chaeology (in accordance with the Act). sured. Archaeological excavations can also be conducted - Deputy principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or within the framework of archaeological research projects. MA in archaeology (in accordance with the Act). Figure 15 Cumulative plan of excavations (archive IPCHS, CPA). 36 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 15 Other investigations ge) should be documented, as well as the consequen- ces on archaeological features. Documenting the act 15.1 Inspection of standing structures and ar- of destruction and the state of archaeological featu- chaeological building analysis res after the destruction follows the same procedures Archaeological inspection of standing structures and as the recording of archaeological excavations. building analysis are non-invasive procedures for the identification of archaeological contents of buildin- The team: gs. Archaeological inspection of standing structures - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in documents the presence, form, structure, dimensions, archaeology. and preservation of buildings and their constituent - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- parts. Building analysis complements the inspection. cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with The objective of building analysis is documenting the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser-the standing stratigraphy and determining the order vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec- of construction and renovation of the building, its ondary education. elements, construction processes, and changes in the - 1–3 workers. building. Building analysis is a low-invasive method; it might include cleaning surfaces and taking samples. 15.3 Archaeological watching brief documenting It should, however, never intervene with the substan- and investigations during construction ce of the building and the stratigraphic record. In- An archaeological watching brief during construc- spection of standing structures and archaeological tion is an invasive method of removing buildings or building analysis follow a thorough historical analysis parts thereof and monitoring other intrusions into of the building. the ground or into the existing structures during de- The recording of building elements, finds, samples, velopment works. An archaeological watching brief and interventions follows the same procedures as the during construction includes the identification and recording of archaeological excavations. documentation of archaeologically relevant phe- nomena during and after such interventions. An The team: archaeological watching brief An archaeological - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in watching brief during construction follow the same archaeology. procedures as the recording of archaeological exca- - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- vations. They record the removal of archaeological cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with features, finds, the distribution of individual building the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser-elements. vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec- ondary education. The team: - 1–3 workers. - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in archaeology. 15.2 Documenting destruction - Team members: assistant or documentalist techni- Documenting of destruction is an invasive archaeo- cian (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with logical procedure with the objective of recording the the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree / conser- state of archaeological remains or the stratigraphic vator technician documentalist – equiv. to upper sec-record after suffering destruction or damage caused ondary education. in an unprofessional, unsupervised manner. The very - 1–3 workers. act of destruction or damage (together with the cir- cumstances and subjects of the destruction or dama- 37 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 4 Minimum Standards Of Underwater Research A generalized statement would be that underwater ological degradation and/or corrosion, there is the archaeology deals with the archaeological sites that possibility of a cyclical monitoring of such sites, are submerged under water. There is a wide range which includes documenting the potential damage of sites, which can be found in very different envi-and any newly exposed elements. ronments: on open-sea bottom, in coastal and tidal zones, in rivers and lakes with their shores, in ponds, in artificial reservoirs and navigation channels, in 4.1. Preliminary underwater submerged caves, in man-made tunnels and wells. investigations Working conditions such as depth, visibility, currents, traffic, pollution, etc. vary considerably among them. As with all archaeological investigations and in line Method 10a Extensive underwater survey with international guidelines, the strategy of under- water research as a general rule leans towards the acquisition of the largest possible amount of infor- Objectives and definition mation about the site while causing the least possible The objective of an extensive underwater ‘swim-over’ damage. It essentially depends on the available time, survey is the assessment of archaeological potential in the amount of funding, and the availability of equip-an underwater environment. The survey is conduct- ment. The discipline nevertheless has its minimum ed in a previously unexplored area, outside protected standards, which should not be forgotten or omitted archaeological sites, with the objective of acquiring in any investigation. basic data on the distribution of archaeological finds The information about the sites endangered by cer- in an underwater environment. The method results in tain processes and activities are gathered in various identifying areas with a high archaeological potential. ways in a sequence from historical analysis, analysis This is a non-invasive method. It includes a total col-of data acquired by remote sensing methods, ex- lection of archaeological finds on underwater surfac- tensive and intensive field walking surveys, analysis es or under light sediments which can be removed by of the results of geophysical surveys, manuel test hand. The collection is performed in transects within trenches and only at the end of the chain, if spatial a collection unit. intervention is unavoidable, there is archaeological In addition to archaeological remains, the survey excavation. Integral to all of these procedures is care-also records other indicators significant for the un- ful recording, which documents the state in the field derstanding of anthropogenic influences in the land-during the intervention. The result of each proce- scape and the development of cultural landscape. An dure (or several procedures) is a field record, a work inherent part of the survey is the creation of an ar-journal, an ordered collection of (potential) finds, as chive, which includes the processing and analysis of well as a report on the work performed and the re-the material, a primary evaluation and documentation sults obtained. of the finds, and a professional report. When the remains that have already been registered are exposed to dangers such as gradual erosion, bi- 39 Monografije CPA 8 The team: Selection and capture - Principal investigators: archaeologist – BA or MA Extensive underwater surveys are conducted in previ- in archaeology with the appropriate diving qualifica- ously unexplored underwater environments, outside tions (minimum CMAS 3* or a comparable level of protected archaeological sites. qualification). This is a non-invasive method of recording archaeo- - Team members: 2 technicians (archaeologist with logical remains on the surface or in the sediment. In the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree and the ap- addition to archaeological remains, the survey also re- propriate diving qualifications). cords other indicators significant for the understand- - 2 workers with the appropriate diving qualifications ing of anthropogenic influences in the landscape and diving supervisor with appropriate diving qualifications. the development of cultural landscape. Capture den- sity is standardized for the entire territory of Slovenia. Figure 16 Underwater survey (archive IPCH, CPA). 40 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Method 10b Intensive underwater survey The team: - Principal investigators: archaeologist – BA or MA Objectives and definition in archaeology with the appropriate diving qualifica- The objective of the intensive underwater survey is to tions (minimum CMAS 3* or a comparable level of characterize the areas of high archaeological poten- qualification). tial, and to determine the extent, structure, and dating - Team members: 2 technicians (archaeologists with of archaeological remains or sites. This is a non-in-the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree and the ap- vasive method for recording archaeological remains. propriate diving qualifications). The intensive underwater survey includes a total col- - 2 workers with the appropriate diving qualifications lection of archaeological finds on underwater surfac- diving supervisor with appropriate diving qualifica- es or under light sediments which can be removed tions. by hand. In addition to archaeological remains, the survey also records other indicators significant for Selection and capture the understanding of anthropogenic influences in the In order to determine the content and structure of landscape and the development of cultural landscape. a site, surveys are conducted in the areas with regis-An inherent part of the survey is the creation of an tered cultural heritage and at potential archaeological archive, which includes the processing and analysis of sites discovered in earlier extensive fieldwalking sur-the material, a primary evaluation and record of the veys. Capture density is standardized for the entire finds, concluding with a professional report. territory of Slovenia. Figure 17 Intensive underwater survey in progress (archive IPCHS, CPA). 41 Monografije CPA 8 Method 10c Underwater test pits 4.2. Underwater archaeological excavation Objectives and definition The objective of underwater manuel test pitting is to assess the extent, content, structure, and particularly Objectives and definition stratification in areas of high archaeological potential Archaeological excavation is an invasive research meth-and in known archaeological sites. The method of test od, the goal of which is a systematic discovery, docu-pitting by hand is suitable for the verification of strati- mentation, and study of a stratified archaeological re- graphic situations inside protected archaeological sites cord, and the collection, documentation and study of or inside newly discovered potential archaeological sites all archaeological finds and other relevant direct and in underwater environments. The objective of manuel indirect traces of past human activities in the selected test pitting is to determine precisely the content and area. Underwater archaeological excavations are con-composition of an archaeological site, to assess its ex- ducted manually and stratigraphically. tent, to establish the potential damage level, to confirm the presence of archaeological structures and remains, The team: and to determine the nature and depth of stratigraphy. - Principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or MA in This is an invasive method. An inherent part of the archaeology (in accordance with the Act) with the ap-survey is the creation of an archive, which includes the propriate diving qualifications (minimum CMAS 3* or processing and analysis of the material, a primary eval-a comparable level of qualification). uation and documentation of the finds, and a profes- - Deputy principal investigator: archaeologist – BA or sional report. Capture density is standardized for the MA in archaeology (in accordance with the Act) with entire territory of Slovenia. the appropriate diving qualifications (minimum CMAS 3* or a comparable level of qualification). The team: - Team members: 4 assistants or documentalist tech- - Principal investigators: archaeologist – BA or MA in ar- nicians (e.g. assistant conservator – archaeologist with chaeology with the appropriate diving qualifications (min- the 1st cycle Bologna programme degree, conservator imum CMAS 3* or a comparable level of qualification). technician documentalist – equiv. of upper secondary - Team members: 2 technicians (archaeologists with the education) with the appropriate diving qualifications. 1st cycle Bologna programme degree and the appropri- - 6 workers with the appropriate diving qualifications ate diving qualifications). diving supervisor with appropriate diving qualifications. - 2 workers with the appropriate diving qualifications diving supervisor with appropriate diving qualifications. Selection and capture Archaeological excavation is used as a research method Selection and capture when archaeological sites are endangered, in accordance The method allows a precise and correct determination with the strategies for their protection and in the con-of the thickness of anthropogenic layers, the selection text of archaeological research projects. The method is of the method for further archaeological investigations used when archaeological sites are directly endangered; (in terms of rescue excavations). It thus represents a i.e. when expert services have studied all optimization rationalization of rescue excavations and allows the ac-possibilities and new technical solutions for the planned quisition of improved data to determine further meas- special intervention, but the preservation of the archae- ures for archaeological heritage protection. In addition ological site (or a part of it) within landscape is still not to archaeological remains, the survey also records other ensured. indicators significant for the understanding of anthro- pogenic influences in landscape. 42 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 5 Minimum Standards Of Post-Field Processing Of Data And Material Archaeological investigation archive inal form and content, separately from the data that was This chapter presents the minimum standards of interpreted and changed during the processing. processing the acquired data, as well as handling and All digital data requires a systematic and consistent ap-storing the finds from all phases of research. proach to the organisation and terminology used in labelling/identifying the contents and files, since this is the only way to achieve that the data can be linked and 5.1. Processing captured data searched.21 Selection and capture Objectives and definition Processing the captured data is a constituent part of The objective of data processing is the presentation of any field investigation. field investigation results based on the analysis and pro- cessing of field documentation. Fieldwork documen- tation includes, in addition to written and digital field 5.2. Primary processing of the finds records, all other kinds of record made during the inves- tigation. These include written documents (e.g. forms, Objectives and definition lists, field journal, construction journal), drawings, slides, The objective of primary processing is to determine photos (conventional, negatives, contact copies), reports the extent and composition of the finds, and to as-and publications of the research, and digital documents sign them a general date them. (e.g. databases, photos, videos, photo sketches, 3D mod- Primary processing includes cleaning, drying, prima- els, digitised documents). ry conservation (protection from decay), evaluation During the processing of the captured data it should be and quantification, and packaging of the finds. ensured that the primary data is kept in unchanged orig- Figure 18 Post-excavation process of finds (archive IPCH, CPA). 21 The databases of individual investigations are cu- rrently using the MS Access software. The data can be viewed either as Access charts or with a computer module for processing and viewing data. 43 Monografije CPA 8 Selection and capture Selection and capture While all the finds are subjected to it, the procedure The procedure follows the primary processing of the is specific, depending on the type of material (com-finds. A thorough processing of the material is per- position) and the state of preservation of the finds. formed on a selection of characteristic finds. The specif- ic processing procedure depends on the material (com- position) and the state of preservation of the finds. 5.3. Secondary processing of the finds Objectives and definition 5.4. Specialist analyses The objective of secondary processing is a thorough processing of characteristic finds. Secondary process- Objectives and definition ing includes drawing, photographing, and formal, ty- The objective is to answer specific questions about pological, and technological processing. Secondary the origin, composition, dating, and function of processing results in a systematic collection of finds, finds and structures, as well as questions related to aligned with the documentation on finds collections. past environmental conditions, which complement our knowledge about sites and finds. Selection and capture The selection of procedures depends on the results of a specific investigation and the material obtained. Excavations are always accompanied by geological surveys. Specific types of finds always demand spe- cific analyses, e.g. physical anthropological analysis, numismatic analysis, epigraphic analysis, etc. 5.5. Storage Objectives and definition The objective is to provide temporary storage for the original documentation archive (in unchanged form and content) and the finds, until they are handed over to the relevant museum; and to provide permanent storage of the digital archive of the site. Selection and capture Temporary storage of the original documentation Figure 19 Photo and drawing of a Roman scale armour and finds until they are handed over to the relevant (archive IPCH, CPA). museum, and permanent storage of the digital ar- chive of the site is an integral part of any investiga- tion. Specific storage procedures depend on the type of the material. 44 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations Figure 20 Temporary storage of finds at ZVKDS, CPA (archive IPCH, CPA). 5.6. Site publication (first report) 5.7. Site publication (final report) Objectives and definition Objectives and definition The objective of the first publication is to determine The objective of the final publication is a compre-the content, function, and chronology of the site, on hensive analysis and interpretation of investigation the basis of typologically and chronologically clearly results, including any specialist analyses. identifiable finds and contexts. Selection and capture Selection and capture As a rule, all excavations and most invasive investiga- The first report is an integral part of any investiga- tions should result in a final report. tion. With most non- or low-invasive surveys, and also with some intensive investigations, the first re- port is also the final one. The first report includes primary processing of the finds, without specialist analyses. 45 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 6 Archaeological Fieldwork Archive Objectives and definition Selection and capture One or several methods can be used in archaeological Each investigation generates work documentation fieldwork. Each method used generates documenta- and investigation results. The result of different ar- tion on the conduct and the results of the fieldwork. chaeological fieldwork is the archive of digital and Primary documentation is kept in its unchanged orig- non-digital documentation, finds, and samples. inal form and content. Any processing of the materi- al and documentation should ensure traceability and enable the recovery of the original record. Figure 21 Temporary storage of archaeological documentation at ZVKDS, CPA (archive IPCH, CPA). 47 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 7 Databases 7.1. Archaeological research record liminary archaeological investigations conducted by the CPA and other qualified practitioners, linked with Objectives and definition the cultural heritage information system, which is This is a database of all archaeological fieldwork operated by the Ministry of Culture. within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. It includes systematically collected and organized data Selection and capture (pre-existing and newly acquired) on preventive ar- It includes all fieldwork from the territory of the Re- chaeological fieldwork, science-based investigations, public of Slovenia, with data on the fieldwork project and the development of archaeological methods. (extent, method, results, etc.) and a comprehensive This is a centrally managed GIS database on all pre- report in digital form. Figure 22 Map overview of archaeological investigations in the Archaeological research record (archive IPCH, CPA). 49 Monografije CPA 8 7.2. Basic database of finds finds acquired during the assessment of the archaeo- logical potential that are difficult to identify. Objectives and definition Basic Database of Finds is a brief overview of pot- Selection and capture tery, organized by basic criteria. It is a referential col- Basic Database of Finds includes finds that are char- lection of finds, enabling the identification of those acteristic in terms of dating, technology, and typology. - Site: Zgornje Radvanje. - Form: bowl. - Year of the research: 2007 in 2008. - Fabric: very fine. - Facility 5, SU 271. - Dating: 4350–4000 BC. - Phase: 2. Figure 23 An example of an entry in the database of the finds (archive IPCH, CPA). 50 Minimum Standards For Archaeological Investigations 8 Bibliography And Sources DJURIĆ, B. 2007, Preventive Archaeology nad Ar- management symposium, Reykjavik, Iceland. – EAC chaeological Service in Slovenia. – V / In: K. Bozóki- Occasional Paper No. 5. Occasional Publication of Ernyey (ur. / ed.), European preventive archaeology: the Aerial Archaeology Research Group No. 3, Brus- papers of the EPAC Meeting, Vilnus 2004. Budapest, sels, 259–264. 180–186. ŠTIH, H. 2012, Preventivno varstvo arheoloških MLEKUŽ, D. 2009, Poplavne ravnice v novi luči: Li- ostalin v postopkih priprave državnih prostorskih dar in tafonomija aluvialnih krajin. –Arheo 26, 7–22. načrtov / Preventive protection of archaeological re- MLEKUŽ, D. 2011, Zmeda s krajinami: Lidar in mains in the procedures of preparing National spa- prakse krajinjenja. – Arheo 28, 87–104. tial plans. – Arheo 29-2, 25-35. NADBATH, B., G. RUTAR 2012. Preventivna arhe- ZVKD-1: Cultural Heritage Protection Act. – Official ologija in Center za preventivno arheologijo. – Arheo Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 16/08 and 29-2, 65–73. 123/08. RUTAR, G., M. ČREŠNAR 2011, Reserved opti- ACT: Act on Archaeological Research. – Official Gazette mism: preventive archaeology and management of of the Republic of Slovenia 3/13). cultural heri-tage in Slovenia. – V / In: D. C. Cowley CONVENTION: European Convention on the Protection (ur. / ed.), Remote sensing for archaeological heritage of Archaeological Heritage. Council of Europe. management: proceedings of the 11th EAC Heritage 51 m Minimu standards