JET 45 JET Volume 16 (2023) p.p. 45-52 Issue 3, 2023 Type of article: 1.01 AN APPROXIMATE MODEL FOR DETERMINING THE RESISTANCE OF A HEMISPHERICAL GROUND ELECTRODE PLACED AT THE TOP OF A NON- HOMOGENEOUS TRUNCATED CONE PRIBLIŽNI MODEL ZA DOLOČANJE UPORA POLOKROGLE OZEMLJENE ELEKTRODE, NAMEŠČENE NA VRH NEHOMOGENEGA PRISEKANEGA STOŽCA Dragan Vučković 1R , 1 Dejan Jovanović 2 , Nenad Cvetković 2 , Miodrag Stojanović 1 , Dragan Tasić 1 Keywords: Estimation method, grounding system, non-homogeneous soil, resistance, hemispherical electrode Abstract The procedure for analysis of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a hill is presented in the paper. The mountain is modelled as a truncated cone of finite height consisting of two homogeneous areas, each having different electrical characteristics. The applied approach is a combination of several recently proposed procedures. It includes the application of the Estimation method and the use of an approximate expression in closed form. The obtained results are validated and compared with those obtained using the COMSOL program package. 1R Corresponding author: M.Sc Dragan Vučković, University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, A. Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis, Serbia, Tel.: +381 18 529 305, E-mail address: 1 University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, A. Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis, Serbia 2 University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, A. Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis, Serbia 46 JET Povzetek V prispevku je predstavljen postopek analize polkrogle ozemljitvene elektrode, nameščene na vrhu hriba. Gora je modelirana kot prisekan stožec končne višine, sestavljen iz dveh homogenih območij, od katerih ima vsako različne električne značilnosti. Uporabljeni pristop je kombinacija več nedavno predlaganih postopkov. Vključuje uporabo metode ocenjevanja in uporabo približnega izraza v zaprti obliki. Dobljene rezultate smo validirali in primerjali z rezultati, pridobljenimi s programskim paketom COMSOL. 1 INTRODUCTION The most important feature of the grounding electrode, the resistance value, is conditioned by electrode geometry, conductor characteristics, soil structure and the physical shape of the surrounding ground. Various procedures are based on different numerical and semi-numerical methods, depending on the soil structure and corresponding geometrical model. For example, in [1-2], the ground is modelled as a homogeneous half space of a flat surface. Very often, the non- homogeneous ground is modelled as multi-layered [3-4], sectoral [5], a semi-spherically [6-7] or semi-cylindrically shaped domain [8]. The problem of determining the resistance of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a non-homogeneous truncated cone modelled with three homogeneous domains having different electrical characteristics is investigated in this paper. The procedure applied in this paper is based on approaches from [9-11]. The procedure for analysis of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a hill was proposed in [9]. This approach was improved in [10] by assuming current density distribution in two different forms, depending on the observed domain. The method applied in this paper is an extended application of the approach based on procedures from [9-10] and presented in [11]. The previously mentioned approach offers the possibility of modelling a truncated cone as a non-homogeneous domain consisting of different homogeneous areas. The applied procedure does not require integration, and all the used approximate expressions are given in closed form. The COMSOL program package based on the Finite Element Method was used to validate the obtained results. 2 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION The hemispherical ground electrode is placed at the top of a non-homogeneous truncated cone consisting of three homogeneous domains having specific conductivities 1 σ , 3 σ and 3 σ respectively. The boundary surfaces between the domains are flat. The radius of the electrode is 1 r and the cone base radius is 1 d . The depth of the boundary surfaces is labelled with 1 d , and the cone slope is defined with angle α. In this paper, the proposed solution for the structure from Fig. 1 is based, as has already been emphasised, on the approaches from [9-11]. However, the chosen model of a non-homogeneous truncated cone is a more complex structure related to those from [9-11]. One could expect that, in general, the case ground structure is non-homogeneous, and therefore, the model from Figure 1 can be used for approximating ground non-homogeneity. Dragan Vučković, Dejan Jovanović, Nenad Cvetković, Miodrag Stojanović, Dragan Tasić JET Volume 16 (2023) p.p. Issue 3, 2023 JET 47 Figure 1: The hemispherical ground electrode and truncated cone approximated with three homogeneous domains (flat boundary surface). 3 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION The procedure for determination of the resistance of hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of the truncated cone approximated with three homogeneous domains (Figure 2) will be derived, in order to generate the procedure for determination of the approximate resistance of the electrode from Figure 1. It is based on the approaches proposed in [11]. The boundary surfaces between domains are calotte surfaces having the radii 3 r and 3 r , and the rest of the geometry parameters can be seen in Figure 2. Figure 2: The hemispherical ground electrode and truncated cone approximated with three homogeneous domains (oval boundary surface). Based on the procedure described in [11], the current densities in the cone domain can be expressed as, 1 1t 2 ˆ, 2 I J rr r r r = << π  , and (3.1a) ( ) 21 2 ˆ , 2 1 cos I J RR R R = < <∞ π− α  (3.1b) An approximate model for determining the resistance of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a non-homogeneous truncated cone 48 JET In previous expressions, r is a radial coordinate, while ˆ r is the corresponding spot of the coordinate system having origin at the middle point of the upper surface of the truncated cone. Similarly, ˆ R and ˆ R are the radial coordinate and corresponding spot of the coordinate system having origin at the imaginary top point of the cone [11]. Using a local form of Ohm’s law, for the electric field is obtained, 1 11 1 t 2 1 1 ˆ, 2 J I E rr r r r = = << σ πσ   (3.2a) ( ) 2 12 1 2 2 1 1 ˆ , 2 1 cos J I E RR R R R = = << σ πσ − α   (3.2b) ( ) 2 2 23 2 2 2 ˆ , 2 1 cos J I E RR R R R = = << σ πσ − α   (3.2c) ( ) 2 33 2 3 3 ˆ , 2 1 cos J I E RR R R = = < <∞ σ πσ − α   (3.2d) The potential s ϕ of the electrode surface from Fig 2 can be determined approximately as [9, 12], t3 2 11 23 s 11 12 2 3 d dd d rR R r RR R E r E rE R ER ∞ ϕ= + + ∫∫∫∫ (3.3) Now, for the potential s ϕ obtains, ( ) ( ) ( ) s 1 1 t 12 2 12 33 1 1 1 11 1 11 2 1 cos 2 1 cos 11 . 2 1 cos II rr RR RR I R    ϕ= − + − + − +    πσ − α πσ − α     + πσ − α (3.4) The electrode resistance value is ( ) ( ) ( ) s g 11 t 1 2 2 12 3 3 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 cos 1 1 11 1 1 1 . 2 1 cos 2 1 cos R I rr RR RR R   ϕ == −+ − +   πσ − α     + −+  πσ − α πσ − α  (3.5) There is interest to emphasise that in the previous expression t 11 tan r Rr = + α (3.6) Dragan Vučković, Dejan Jovanović, Nenad Cvetković, Miodrag Stojanović, Dragan Tasić JET Volume 16 (2023) p.p. Issue 3, 2023 JET 49 4 ESTIMATION METHOD In order to use the previously described procedure for the determination of the approximate resistance of the hemispherical grounding electrode from Figure 1, the Estimation method is introduced into the procedure. From Figure 3 can be noticed the upper ( 2e R , 3e R ) and lower ( 3i R , 3i R ) values of the boundary surface radii. The approximate resistance of the system can be determined as the arithmetic mean of the resistance values calculated for the upper and lower radii values. Figure 3: Estimation method application. The geometrical parameters from Figure 3 can be determined as 1 2i 1 2e 2 3i 2 3e cot , , , cos ,. cos t dd d r R d dR dd R ddR + =α= + = α + = += α (4.1) Now, after determination of the resistance values for 2 2i RR = , 3 3i RR = (labels as gi R ), i.e. for 2 2e RR = , 3 3e RR = (labelled as ge R ), the approximate value of the grounding electrode resistance can be determined as the arithmetic mean 2e 2i g 2 RR R + = , i.e. (4.2a) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2e 2i g 1 1 t 1 t 2e 2i 2e 2i 3e 3i 3e 3i 2 2e 2i 3e 3i 3 3e 3i 1 11 1 1 2 2 1 cos 2 11 . 2 1 cos 2 2 1 cos 2 RR R r r rd RR RRRR RR R rR RR RR    + = −+ − +    πσ πσ − α +     ++ + + −+  πσ − α πσ − α  (4.2b) An approximate model for determining the resistance of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a non-homogeneous truncated cone 50 JET Dragan Vučković, Dejan Jovanović, Nenad Cvetković, Miodrag Stojanović, Dragan Tasić JET Volume 16 (2023) p.p. Issue 3, 2023 5 NUMERICAL RESULTS The obtained results and relative errors obtained by the described method are shown in Table 1 for { } 21 31 5, 10 σ σ= σ σ= and Table 2 for { } 21 31 5, 10 σ σ= σ σ= . The set of other parameters` values is 1 0.001S/ m σ= , 1 10m d = , 1 10m d = , { } 0000 45 ,50 ,55 ,60 α∈ and { } t 10m ,20m r ∈ . The values of the parameters have been selected based on [11]. The obtained results (R g ap ) were validated with the values obtained from the COMSOL program package application (R g ). From the results shown in Tables 1-2, one can conclude that the relative error was not larger than 15,4%, which can be assumed as a satisfactory result. A more detailed analysis requires a more extensive data set, but at this research level, it can be indicated that the proposed simple approach can be assumed as valuable and applicable in practice. Table 1: Grounding resistance for 1 0.001S/ m σ= , 1 5m r = , 1 10m d = , 2 20 m d = , 21 5 σ σ= and 31 10 σ σ= α=45 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 22,2134 24,066 7,697997 20 23,5436 22,348 5,349919 α=50 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 22,2324 23,735 6,330735 20 23,6881 22,327 6,096206 α=55 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 22,3231 23,445 4,785242 20 23,8392 22,310 6,854325 α=60 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 22,4740 23,198 3,120959 20 23,9916 22,295 7,609778 JET 51 An approximate model for determining the resistance of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of a non-homogeneous truncated cone Table 2: Grounding resistance for 1 0.001S/ m σ= , 1 5m r = , 1 10m d = , 2 20 m d = , 21 10 σ σ= and 31 50 σ σ= . α=45 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 20,3582 24,066 15,4068 20 22,3068 22,348 0,184357 α=50 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 20,6405 23,735 13,03771 20 22,5950 22,327 1,20034 α=55 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 20,9414 23,445 10,67861 20 22,8605 22,310 2,467503 α=60 0 r t [m] R g ap [Ω] R g [Ω] Relative error [%] 10 21,2632 23,198 8,340374 20 23,1052 22,294 3,638647 6 CONCLUSIONS The procedure, based on several recently proposed approaches for approximate determination of the resistance value of a hemispherical ground electrode placed at the top of the truncated cone, is presented in the paper. The obtained results indicate that this simple approach can be used for approximating the described ground non-homogeneity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research described in the paper was partially supported by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia. 52 JET Dragan Vučković, Dejan Jovanović, Nenad Cvetković, Miodrag Stojanović, Dragan Tasić JET Volume 16 (2023) p.p. Issue 3, 2023 References [1] T. Takashima, T. Nakae, R. Ishibahsi: High frequency characteristics of impedances to ground and field distributions of ground electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 9, pp. 1893-1900, 1980. Available: MPER.1981.5511414 (04.12.2023) [2] R. J. Hеppe: Step Potential and body currents near grounds in two-layer earth, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 98, pp. 45-59,1979. Available: https:// (04.12.2023) [3] P. D. Rancic, L. V. Stefanovic, Dj. R. 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