Razprave Razšltjenost tn značilnosti terebinta (Pistacia terebinthus L.) v Sloveniji Dostnb\.lhon and charactenshcs ol tereb•nth (Pistacla lerebmthu:; L ) in Sloventa R_,IIRUS' !Motolt. s ...... r. Ra•~"' ."_.,., • .,..,..,Pitt-. .. ru-l.J• ~114' Gotd••-·-""'- tl7o81tDIIS v -tbno • _,. ' •ngloU.Ino."' 111 4(1 l'n-oOravn.tva~ IOrmartciolke.-. ""* ..-. JJiiiiUI070Iotil KijučnoMiec!L wobiN. " • """"""'Y "EngiiJ/I.Iit QUCI •o. nw..,..,...deolswithi11<1d"''""'-~"~""""'o'1- SlO 1 UVOD INlRODUCliON Ru~VIII 1 (Pisi~ L ) )e rud Il 0<\11ne <><:~CM; {Ma<.ard..ceae) Vset>u,e 10 dreve5nih ln grmovnlh VTSI UUenh ""!ZnaOine(Se :!IWpne laslnosll SO dvodOmflo61 vetrocveln06t lf\ U.lavfjefl• hst1 (O ZOI'iARV 1996) Večtna "''Ima aubtre>osld -~~_,.1, ~ ~h 1,.samanklil vE"""'' dve""~ na ILJ9U ZOA 1n v MeM1 >;~rt .ste~.",.., ,e !ahodna ~~ 5aJ jih tam M1n~mo ~~r 6. vrel nor.,"""'"' manr coq>ru> pa te Sko drevo razitrfer\0 od save1110alntk•h aOal\tsloh oo.i1>3 vse do ~redr>J6 AziJO. Po dOllna r~dtr)anost po slcorar ''""' Sreooz~ml)u Jtt rnablna ludt za tr$IJO ah tn!IIO (P•$1111:•1 ltN•SCuS l.). enega NjUIKttot)!.n grmov veonC>Zelene mnklte l<)pl1h rurr$C 1utnooc:t SI~ Tteljll SJ800lentSkl \liSta~ MI!CUI parlltllmn Botss z Obli vzt>odnego Stan ot>t•vnavap le ~01 njegovcVZhOOno podvrslc (O ZOHAR V 199~1 Cehta sredozemsu vr~ ta rujevine jft teteblnl tP!llac•o te:eb."t'>us l.) POleg naSielJ/1 tllnh VI'SI pa v SredOzemlju zare 10 spec•estncJuded tn the genus Prslacra IM terebonth (Pistacia 16rebinthvs l ) ''tne only apec1e1 natr.e co Slove<>la. The nt at te porta of the spec.es on the Northern AdtialiccoaslgG bae~t 10 1772 whon il was ropottoO neer 04Yin by 1 A Scopoli With lhe ptasenl day boundaries of SloVOOium o~ living on ots branches Two other naw locellont are a~uated ln Kras. Mar Brje pri Komnu (0248/1 , Leg & Del. R Brus. 10 7 1998: and ne•• Velik i Dol (02• at2. Leg & Del R Brus 10 7 1998) ~nih i3 groW11>9 on aouth·wulem tluotl on ilmeatone parenl rock bei'Neen !he altllude$ 240 1nd 260m Terebtnlh was s Iso tound on 1ne ilmestone sloPU neat GrltdltU by Vipava !h15 is llw firal conrlrmatk>n ol the spe. c•u '" th•s •~llon lor 70 years (014914 Leg & DeL R BNa & 1 Rer>et. 5.10 1997) 111s not clei\r It toda{ s groups ol ~bonih ln Slovenil~ are lho romalns olaonce moem Aonatk coas1 wn 1\~n. 111 lleque"'y hal t>een deeteating conalantly On !he other hand, pollel> analyses o l sedome nts '" O...O""i• vaJey nur S~e and near Kopel have revealed no palinological evodente or ~~ pasi pre.~n< .. 111 thol reg-on Preva•1ng fo<•sl twmahon al that IVne was most probabty AI>HI!r·Fogelwm (CU LIBERO 1D9S. SERcaJ 111961 il la pawble lhalt.""bU\Ih became mcrelrequent Mu eh la let Wllr the 4etoreJIDloOn Qtl Kr111 wljch ~tne soreed ot •eric specoes i ke Col~t~us C099)'9rl8 and Oll>ell VIRI / REFERENCES C.ULISERG W t~ O.t•lb6UUt lt'lf'tb..._~ ~lt91JI(IMI Pl"'l"oli&o and developing red /eaves Slika 5: Rdečkasti terebintovi brsti Figure 5: Red terebinth buds GozdV 56 (1998) 7-8 Sir ka 6: Judovi rožiči- v bistvu šiške, nastale zaradi vbodov listne uši Aphis pislacia F1gure 6: Juda comides -in fact gal/s, ca used by bile s l5fTtreirrseci Aphis pistacia Slika 8: Terebint (Pi sta cia /erebinthus L.) na Steni ob Dragonji v začetku aprila 0Jse foto: Robert Brus) Figure 8: Terebinth (Pistacia terebinlhus L.) on Stena ob Dragonji at the beginlng of April (All photo by: Robert Brus) GozdV 56 (1998) 7-8 Slika 7: Debelce z značilno skorjo Figure 7: The stem with the caracteristic bark 357