Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 249 A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for Data Clustering Y. Kumar and G. Sahoo Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India E-mail:, Keywords: chaos theory, clustering, Coulomb law, charge particles, Gauss Law, Newton Law Received: February 19, 2014 Data clustering is a key technique in the field of data mining, pattern recognition, bioinformatics and machine learning which concerns the organization and unexplored relationship between the huge amounts of data. It can analyse the data without knowing the size and distribution. Thus, this paper presents a new approach based on the charged system search (CSS) with chaotic map for partition clustering. The aim of this method is to achieve the global optimum solution by minimizing an objective function. The chaotic charge system search algorithm (CCSAA) utilizes the concept of CSS algorithm and chaos theory to obtain the desired results. The quality of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on seven datasets and then compared with other well-known algorithms in data mining domain. From the simulations results, it is observed that the proposed algorithm delivers more efficient and effective results than the other methods being compared. Povzetek: Razvita je nova metoda gručenja s pomočjo kaotičnega učenja. 1 Introduction The aim of clustering is to discover a subset of items in a given dataset which are more alike than others using similarity measures. The various authors have applied different criteria or similarity measures to identify the items in the clusters. But, the Euclidean distances is widely accepted similarity measure for clustering problems. Cluster analysis has proven its significance in many areas such as pattern recognition [47, 49], image processing [41], process monitoring [45], machine learning [1], quantitative structure activity relationship [8], document retrieval [17], bioinformatics [15], image segmentation [34] and many more. Due to wide area of clustering in diverse domains, a large number of algorithms have been developed by various researchers and applied successfully for clustering task. Generally, clustering algorithms can be classified into two groups-Hierarchical clustering algorithms and Partition based clustering algorithms [4, 5, 26, 30]. In hierarchical algorithms, a tree structure of data is formed by merging or splitting data based on some similarity criterion. In partition based algorithms, clustering is achieved by relocating data between clusters using some clustering criterion i.e. Euclidean distance. From the literature, it has been found that partition based algorithms are more efficient and popular than hierarchical algorithms [18]. The most popular and commonly used partition based algorithm is K-means algorithm [29]. It is easy, fast, and simple to implement. In addition to it, also have one more characteristic that is linear time complexity [10, 19]. In K-means algorithm, a dataset is divided into k number of predefined clusters and the clustering objective is to minimize the intra-cluster distance [18]. Nonetheless, this algorithm has some limitations such as the results of k-means algorithm is highly dependent on the initial cluster centers and also get stuck in local minima [20, 38]. Thus, in order to overcome the pitfalls of the K-means algorithm, several heuristic algorithms have been developed. K-harmonic mean algorithm was also proposed for clustering task instead of K-Means [48]. A simulated annealing (SA) based approach has been developed in [39]. A tabu search (TS) based method was introduced in [2, 42]. A genetic algorithm (GA) based methods was presented in [6, 16, 27, 31, 32]. A comparison has been performed to investigate the computational performance of K-Means, SA, TS and GA for data clustering [3]. Fathian et al., in 2007 have developed a clustering algorithm based on honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) [9]. An ant colony optimization (ACO) based approach for clustering is proposed in [40]. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is applied for clustering in [46]. Whereas Hatamlou et al. employed a big bang-big crunch algorithm for data clustering in [12]. Karaboga and Ozturk presented a novel clustering approach based on artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm in [21]. A data clustering based on gravitational search algorithm was presented in [13, 14]. For the effective clustering, a teacher learning based optimization method is applied in [35, 36]. But every algorithm has some drawbacks, for example, K-Means algorithm sucks in local optima, convergence is highly dependent on initial positions in case of genetic algorithm, in ACO the solution vector has been affected as the number of iterations increased etc. So,the aim of this research work is to investigate the capability of chaotic charged system search (CCSS) algorithm for data clustering. This algorithm is the combination of the chaotic map and charge system search algorithm. The chaotic maps are required for chaotic search. Several chaotic maps have been reported in the literature such as the logistic map, tent map and so on. These maps are used to produce a sequence of numbers 250 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kumar et al. to substitute the random parameters rb rand,rand1 and rand2 of the CSS algorithm. Thus, in this paper a logistic map is considered for chaotic search with charge system search algorithm (CSS) and called it chaotic charge system search algorithm (CCSSA). On the other side, the CSS algorithm is the latest meta-heuristic optimization technique developed in [22]. This technique is built on three principles: Coulomb law, Gauss law and Newton second law of motion. Every meta-heuristic algorithm contains two unique features i.e. exploration and exploitation. The exploration is referred to generate promising searching space while the exploitation can be defined as determination of the most promising solution set. Thus, in CCSS, the exploration process is carried out using Coulomb and Gauss laws while Newton second law of motion is applied to perform exploitation process. The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested on two artificial datasets and several real datasets from the UCI repository and compared with some existing algorithms in which the quality of the solution is improved using CCSS algorithm. 2 Background 2.1 Charge system search (CSS) algorithm CSS is the latest meta-heuristic algorithm developed by the Kaveh et al. based on movement of charged particles in D-dimensional search space [22]. The position of the i* charged particle in search space is described as Xi = (X^X^X^.............XiJ}). The velocity of the ith charged particle is represented as Vi = (V^, vi2, Vi3,.......Vl,d). It is suggested that the position and velocities of the charged particle should be in the range of [Xmin,Xmax]Dand [Vmin,Vmax]D respectively. Initially, it is assumed that the velocities of all charged particles are set to 0. The main steps of the CSS algorithm are as follows. Begin • Randomly initialize charge particle in D-dimensional search space using equation 1. ^min,i + * (^i,max (1) Here, Xtj represents the initial value of the i^ variable for the CP; Xmin i and Xi max are the minimum and the maximum values for the ith variable; ri is a random number in the interval [0,1] and the initial velocities of charged particles are zero. Vk = 0, k = 1,2,.....K While (The stopping criterion is not met) • Evaluate fitness of each charged particle, compare the values of fitness function and sort them into increasing order. • Store the positions of initial charged particles (Ck) into a variable, called CM. For n = 1 to number of charged particles • Compute the value of moving probability for each charged particle using the following equation. fit(i) - fit(best) Pik fit(j) -otherwise fit(i) (2) If, fit(i)-fit(best) > rand V fit(j) > fit(i), fit(j)-fW) Here, fit (i) represents the fitness of ith instance of dataset while fit (best) represents the best fitness value and fit (j) represents fitness value of jth data instance of the dataset and rand is a random number in between [0, 1]. Determine the value of actual electric force (F) using the equation 3. Fj = Vi' * (Xi - Xi), (3) j = 1,2,3,.....K 'ii = 1,i2 = 0 ^ rij < a I i1 = 0,i2 = 1 ^ r^j > a Here, qi and qj represents the fitness of ith and jth CP, rij represents the separation distance between ith and jth CPs, i1 and i2 are the two variables whose values are either 0 or 1, 'a' represents the radius of CPs and it is assumed that each CPs has uniform volume charge density but changes in every iteration. The value of qi, rij and 'a' are evaluated using the equation 12, 13 and 14. End for For d = 1 to number of dimensions of charged particles • Update the positions and velocities of charged particles using equation (4) and (5) respectively. ■},new = randi *Za*-L* At2 + rand2 *Zv*Vj old At+X: j old V- = vj new Xj new Xj old (4) (5) where, rand1 and rand2 are the two random functions whose values lie in between [0, 1], Za and Zv are the control parameters which control the influence of actual electric force and previous velocities, mj is the mass of jth CPs which is equal to the qk and At represents the time step which is set to 1. • If charged particles cross its boundary limit then correct its position using HS based method. End for • Determine the fitness function of new generated charged particles and compare it to the charged particles stored into CM. • Exclude the worst charged particles from CM. End while • Obtain the desired results End In short span of time, the CSS algorithm is applied in various research domain which shows its potency [22, 23, 24, 25, 44, 28]. 1 0 9 * A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for... Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 251 2.2 Chaos theory Recently, chaos has fascinated researchers and academicians from all over the world from different fields of sciences like chaos control, synchronization, pattern recognition, optimization theory and many others. Chaotic optimization algorithm (COA) can be defined overall as the one which uses chaotic variables in place of random variables [37]. From the extended literature survey, it came to revelation that chaos has unpredictable irregular behavior in the long term. Whereas, nature inspired algorithms viz. ABC [21], CSS [22], GSA [13], SA [39], GA [16] and so on, as their name indicates are motivated by the biological living systems, swarms characteristics and natural phenomena's where order (regular and self-organized) replaces the disorder (irregular and unorganized) [43]. But, the chaos and nature inspired optimization algorithms shares two basic characteristics like self-organization and evolution, so, amalgamation of these two may enhance the performance of the optimization algorithm by replacing the random number with the chaotic variable. In 1976, May brought the concept of the logistic map, which is popular one among the chaotic maps [33]. It appears in nonlinear dynamics of biological population evidencing its chaotic behavior. The logistic map is a well-known polynomial chaotic map which can be described as: cma+i = a x cma(1 - cma) (6) Where cma is the a*11 chaotic number and "a" denotes the current iteration number. Clearly, cma e (0, 1), it is simple to indicate that if 0 < a < 4 then the interval (0, 1) is mapped into itself i.e. cmo e (0, 1), then cma e (0, 1). Mathematically, it is already established that when a=4, then all the values generated by the chaotic map will lie in the range of 0 -1 except that cm> 0 (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1). In this paper, a=4 has been used to perform the experiment. 3 Proposed CCSS algorithm for clustering This section describes the working of CCSS algorithm for clustering task. A chaotic (logistic) map is applied to tune the CSS parameters in three different ways to enhance the performance of the CSS algorithm as well as global search especially for clustering problems. These modifications are described as: CCSSA-1: The quality of the clustering algorithms depends on the initial cluster centers. In CSS algorithm, the initial positions of charged particles (CPs) are determined using the equation 1 which contains a random parameter (ri). The Parameter (ri) of equation 1 is updated using the chaotic map (cm) during iterations and the modified equation is rewritten as: ^k ^min,i + * (^i,max ^i,min)> where i = 1,2 ...n and k = 1,2 ...K (7) In the standard CSS algorithm, ri presents a random number in between 0 and 1. In CCSSA-1, the r is replaced by the chaotic number (cmi) whose values also lies in between 0 and 1,Ck represents the number of cluster centers, Xmm i and Xmax, i represent the minimum and maximum value of the ith attribute in the dataset respectively; K is the total number of cluster centers in the given dataset. CCSSA-2: The selected chaotic map is introduced in equation 2 which is used to compute the value of the moving probability of particles towards the charged particle. The modified equation can be given as follows. 1 Pik If, fit(i) - fit(best) fit(k) - fit(i) otherwise (8) fit(i)-fit(best) fit(k)-fit(i) > cma V fit(k) > fit(i), In the standard CSS algorithm, randi is the random number between 0 and 1. In CCSSA-2, it is replaced by chaotic number cmi which ranges in between 0 and 1. CCSSA-3: The parameters rand1 and rand2 of the position update equation 4 is altered using selected chaotic map and the modified equation can be given as. ^k,new CW.. At + Ck old ,a1* Za* — * At2 + cma2* Zv*Vk~,,i * mk vk old (9) In the standard CSS algorithm, rand1 and rand2 present the random number in between 0 and 1. The chaotic map cma,1 and cma,2 are used instead of rand1 and rand2. 3.1 Algorithm details In this section, CCSS algorithm is explained to solve the clustering problem. The aim of this algorithm is to find the optimal cluster points to assign N numbers of items to K cluster centers in Rn. Euclidean distance is taken as the objective function for clustering problem and items are assigned to a cluster center with minimum Euclidean distance. The algorithm starts with defining the initial positions and velocities of K number of charged particles (CPs). The initial positions of CPs are defined in random manner. Here, CPs are assumed to be a charged sphere of radius 'a' and its initial velocity is set to zero. Thus, the algorithm starts with randomly defined initial cluster centers and ended with optimal cluster centers. Consider Table 1 which illustrates a dataset used to explain the working of CCSS algorithm for clustering with N=10, n=4 and the number of cluster centers (K) is 3. To obtain the optimal cluster centers, the CPs uses resultant electric force (attracting force vector), mass and moving probability of particles and cluster centers. After the first iteration, the velocities of CPs are determined and locations of CPs are also moved. The objective function is calculated again using the new positions of CPs and also compared with the old CPs positions that are stored in the memory pool, called as charged memory (CM). The CM is now updated with the new positions of CPs and excludes the worst CPs from CM. As the algorithm grows, the positions of CPs are updated along with the 0 252 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kumar et al. content in CM is also updated. This process progresses until the maximum iteration or no better position of CPs will be generated. As described earlier, the algorithm starts with the identification of the initial positions and velocities of CPs in random fashion. Thus, the equation 7 is used to initialize the initial positions of randomly defined CPs (cluster centers) and the initial positions of CPs are given in Table 2. The initial velocities of these CPs are set to zero. The CPs are described as charged spheres that contain some mass. Thus, the mass of each CP is calculated using the following equation. = fit(k) - fit(worst) ™k = fit(best) - fit(worst) ( ) Where, fit (k) represents the fitness of kth instance of dataset while fit (best) represents the best fitness value and fit (worst) represents worst fitness value of dataset. The mass of initial positioned CPs are 1.2576, 1.714 and 0.94176. Table 1: Illustrate a dataset to explain the CCSS algorithm for clustering with N=10, n=4 and K=3. n N 1 2 3 4 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 2 4.9 3 1.4 0.2 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 5 5 3.6 1.4 0.2 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 7 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 8 5 3.4 1.5 0.2 9 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 10 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1 Table 2: shows the position of initial CPs using equation. i K - 12 3 4 1 4.459 3.281 1.5889 0.12854 2 5.0672 3.1964 1.5394 0.14556 3 4.8364 2.9127 1.3916 0.1791 7. Euclidean distance is used as objective function to find the closeness of particles to CPs and assigned the particles to CPs with minimum objective value. Table 3 provides the value of objective function of initial positioned CPs for our example dataset. Euclidean distance can be given as. I J Table 3: Normalized value of objective function. K N - 1 2 3 0.34008 0.64416 0.29821 0.11036 0.44174 0.33163 0.48175 0.32117 0.43567 0.70688 0.83447 1.1985 0.55047 0.55501 0.22469 0.52577 0.74525 0.43714 0.20218 0.23904 The information contained in the given string is used to arrange the items into different clusters which are given below. 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 From the above string, it is observed that the first, fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth particles belong to the cluster 2nd; second and third and tenth particles belong to cluster 3 rd ; fourth, seventh and ninth particles belong to cluster 1st . Hence at this step, the dataset is divided into three different clusters and store the values of positions of CPs in a new variable called charge memory (CM) which can be used to memorize the positions of CPs. Later on, these CPs positions will be used for comparisons with newly generated CPs positions and the best positions are included in the CM and excluded the worst positions from CM. Here, the size of CM is equal to the N/4. The main work of CM is to keep track of the number of good positions of CPs which are obtained during the execution of CSS algorithm and after the execution of algorithm; the optimal number of CPs positions (i.e. K number of CPs) are determined using minimized objective function values. The above discussion relates to the initialization of the proposed algorithm for clustering problem. As the study of various meta-heuristic algorithms, it is found that every meta-heuristic algorithm contains two approaches i.e. exploration and exploitation in which one approach initiated local search while the other approach carried out the global search. The local search tends to the exploration of random search space such that the most promising solution space can be obtained while the global search refers to the exploitation of good solution vectors from the promising solution space. Hence in case of CCSS algorithm, the local search i.e. exploration is initiated using Coulomb and Gauss laws while the global search i.e. exploitation is performed by Newton second law of motion. The local search of CCSS algorithm starts by measuring the electric force (Ei,k) generated by CP. The electric force (Ei,k) generates at a point is either inside the CPs or outside CPs. So, this direction of force is described as moving probability (Pi,k) of CPs. While 1 0.70682 2 0.56056 3 0.39144 4 0.25624 5 0.65969 6 1.1639 7 0.31484 8 0.56552 9 0.43529 10 0.48574 A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for... Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 253 the Coulomb and Gauss laws are applied to measure the total electric force generated on a CP , called it actual electric force (Fk). The moving probability Pi,k for each CPs can be determined using the equation 8. The value of moving probability (Pi,k) is either 0 or 1 and it gives the information about the movement of CPs. Table 4 shows the moving probability (Pi,k) values for each particles to each cluster centers. The Coulomb and Gauss laws are employed to determine the value of actual electric force (Fk) generated on CPs. The Coulomb law is used to calculate the force outside the CP and Gauss law is used to calculate the force inside the CP. The equation 3 is used to determine the actual electric force (Fk). fit (k)) Pik ^ 1; Else Pik ^ 0; End if End for Step 6: \ * Determine the value of actual electric force (Fk)*/ Determine the value of mass for each instance qi using eq.12; Calculate the value of radius 'a' using eq. 14; For each charged particles k=1 to K Calculate the value of separation distance (ri,k) using eq. 13; If (ri,k < a) Else i2^0 End if If (ri,k > a) i2^1 Else End if End for For each charged particles k=1 to K Determine the value of actual electric force (Fk) using eq. 3; End for Step 7: Calculate the new positions and velocities of CPs using eq. 9 and 5 respectively; Step 8: Compute the value of objective function using new positions of CPs; Step 9: Compare the value of objective function of newly generated CPs to CPs reside in CM; Step 10: Memorize the best solution achieved so far Iteration= Iteration +1; End while Step 11: Output the best solution obtained. 4 Experimental results This section describes the results of the CCSS algorithm for data clustering problem. To assess the performance of CCSS algorithm, it is applied on ten datasets. These datasets are ART1, ART2, iris, wine, CMC, glass, breast cancer wisconsin, Liver disease (LD), thyroid and vowel in which iris, wine, CMC, glass. Liver disease (LD), thyroid, vowel and breast cancer wisconsin datasets are real that are downloaded from the UCI repository while rest of two datasets are artificial i.e., ART1 and ART2. The characteristics of these datasets are discussed in Table 9. The proposed algorithm is implemented in A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for... Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 255 Matlab 2010a environment on a core i5 processor with 4 GB using window operating system. For every dataset, the algorithm is run 100 times individually to check the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm using randomly generated cluster centers. The parameter settings for CCSS algorithm are mentioned in Table 10. The sum of intra cluster distance and f-measure parameters are used to evaluate the quality of solutions for clustering algorithm. The sum of intra cluster distances can be defined as distances between the instances placed in a cluster to the corresponding cluster center. The results are measured in terms of best case, average cases, worst case solutions and standard deviation. The quality of clustering is directly related to the minimum of the sum of distances. The accuracy of clustering is measured using f-measure. To ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of CCSS algorithm in clustering domain, the investigational results of CCSS algorithm are compared with K-Means, GA, PSO, ACO and CSS algorithms which are given in Table 11. 4.1 Datasets 4.1.1 ART1 It is two dimensional artificial dataset, generated in matlab to authenticate the proposed algorithm. This dataset includes 300 instances with the two attributes and three classes. Classes in dataset are disseminated using ^ and 1 where ^ is the mean vector and 1 is the variance matrix. The data has generated using = [3, 1], ^2 = [0, 3], ^3 = [1.5, 2.5] and 11 = [0.3, 0.5], 12 = [0.7, 0.4], 13 = [0.4, 0.6]. The Figure 1(a) depicts the distribution of data into ART1 and figure 1(b) shows the clustering of same data using CSS method. 4.1.2 ART2 It is three dimensional artificial data which includes 300 instances with three attributes and three classes. The data has generated using = [10, 25, 12], ^2 = [11, 20, 15], ^3 = [14, 15, 18] and 11 = [3.4, -0.5, -1.5], 12 = [-0.5, 3.2, 0.8], 13 = [-1.5, 0.1, 1.8]. The Figure 2(a) represents the distribution of data in ART2 dataset and Figure 2(b) shows the clustering of same data using CCSS method. 4.1.3 Iris Dataset Iris dataset contains three variety of the iris flower which is setosa, versicolour and virginica. The dataset contains 150 instances with three classes and four attributes in which each class contains of 50 instances. The attributes of iris dataset are sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. 4.1.4 Wine Dataset It contains the chemical analysis of wine in the same region of Italy using three different cultivators. This dataset contains 178 instances with thirteen attributes and three classes. The attributes of dataset are alcohol, malic acid, ash, alcalinity of ash, magnesium, total phenols, flavanoids, nonflavanoid phenols, proanthocyanins, color intensity, hue, 0D280/0D315 of diluted wines and proline. 4.1.5 Glass This dataset consists of six different types of glass information. The dataset contains 214 instances and 7 classes. It contains nine attributes which are refractive index, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium, calcium, barium, and iron. 4.1.6 Breast Cancer Wisconsin This dataset characterizes the behavior of cell nuclei present in the image of breast mass. It contains 683 instances with 2 classes i.e. malignant and benign and 9 attributes. The attributes are clump thickness, cell size uniformity, cell shape uniformity, marginal adhesion, single epithelial cell size, bare nuclei, bland chromatin, normal nucleoli, and mitoses. Malignant class consists of 444 instances while benign consists of 239 instances. 4.1.7 Contraceptive Method Choice It is a subset of National Indonesia Contraceptive Prevalence Survey data that had been performed in 1987. This dataset contains information about married women who were either pregnant (but did not know about pregnancy) or not pregnant. It contains 1473 instances and three classes i.e., no use, long term method and short term method. Each class contains 629, 334 and 510 instances respectively. It has nine attributes which are Age, Wife's education, Husband's education, Number of children ever born, Wife's religion, Wife's now working, Husband's occupation, Standard-of-living index and Media exposure. 4.1.8 Thyroid This dataset contains the information about the thyroid diseases and classifies the patient into three classes-normal, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. The dataset consists of 215 instances with five features. The features are the medical tests which have been used to categorize the patients. The features are Tresin, Thyroxin, Triiodothyronine, Thyroidstimulating and TSH value. 4.1.9 Liver Disorder This dataset is collected by BUPA medical research company. It consists of 345 instances with six features and two classes. The features of the LD dataset are mcv,alkphos, sgpt, sgot, gammagt and drinks. 256 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kumar et al. 4.1.10 Vowel This dataset consists of 871data instances of Indian Telugu vowel sounds with three features which correspond to the first, second, and third vowel frequencies and six classes. 4.2 Performance measures 4.2.1 Sum of intra cluster distances It is sum of distances between the data instances present in one cluster to its corresponding cluster center. Minimum the sum of intra cluster distance indicates the better the quality of the solution. The results are measured in terms of best, average and worst solutions. Table 9: Characteristics of datasets. Dataset Classes Features Total instances Instance in each classes ART 1 3 2 300 (100, 100, 100) ART 2 3 3 300 (100, 100, 100) Iris 3 4 150 (50, 50, 50) Glass 6 9 214 (70,17, 76, 13, 9, 29) LD 2 6 345 (145,200) Thyroid 3 3 215 (150, 30, 35) Cancer 2 9 683 (444, 239) CMC 3 9 1473 (629,334, 510) Vowel 6 3 871 (72, 89, 172, 151, 207, 180) Wine 3 13 178 (59, 71, 48) 4.2.2 Standard Deviation This parameter gives the information about the dispersion of data present in the cluster from its cluster center. The minimum value of standard deviation indicates that the data are close to its center while a large value indicates the data are far from its center points. 4.2.3 F-Measure F-measure is calculated by the recall and precision of an information retrieval system [7, 11]. It is weighted harmonic mean of recall and precision. To determine the value of F -measure, every cluster describes a result of the query while every class describes as a set of credentials for the query. Thus, if each cluster j consists a set of nj data instances as a result of a query and each class i consists of a set of ni data instances require for a query then nij gives the number of instances of class i within cluster j. The recall and precision, for each cluster j and class i is defined as n- ■ Recall (r(i,j)) = —— and Precision (p(i,j)) = ni The value of F-measure (F (i, j)) is computed as (13) • • • • • : • • • % *•• • • • f • ■•: « * • - • If': • • " • ..v • • .j. • • • V ft • • • ■ • •• • • % -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 X1 Figure 1(a): Distribution of data in ART1 dataset. Cluster 1 o Cluster 3 V ▼ O O o ▼ u é o ▼ V 0$ îfL O * o ° ▼ o ¿jw O €><, "fi, ft* » o « u* * SU« ♦ -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 X1 Figure 1(b): Clustered the ART1 dataset using CCSS. 22 20 18 16 1412 10 8 40 Y1 X1 Figure 2 (a): Distribution of data in ART2 dataset. o Cluster 1 □ Cluster 2 Cluster 3 5 0 Figure 2(b): Clustered the ART2 data using CCSS. ART 1 5 4 3 2 0 ART 1 6 5 4 0 20 10 5 22 20 20 X1 Y1 A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for... Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 257 F(i,j) = 2 * (Recall * Precision) (14) Table 10: Parameters setting for CCSS algorithm (Recall + Precision) Finally, the value of F-measure for a given clustering algorithm which consist of n number of data instances is given as IL F(i,»=Zni i = 1 maxi (F(i,j)) (15) Parameters Value No. of CPs No. of Clusters c 0.1 e 0.001 Table 11: Comparisons of different clustering algorithm with CCSS algorithm. Dataset Parameters K-means GA PSO ACO CSS CCSS Best 157.12 154.46 154.06 154.37 153.91 152.69 Average 161.12 158.87 158.24 158.52 158.29 157.32 ART 1 Worst 166.08 164.08 161.83 162.52 161.32 159.86 Std. 0.34 0.281 0 0 0 0 F-Measure 99.14 99.78 100 100 100 100 Best 743 741.71 740.29 739.81 738.96 737.91 Average 749.83 747.67 745.78 746.01 745.61 745.36 ART2 Worst 754.28 753.93 749.52 749.97 749. 66 748.78 Std. 0.516 0.356 0.237 0.206 0.209 0.182 F-Measure 98.94 99.17 99.26 99.19 99.43 99.54 Best 97.33 113.98 96.89 97.1 96.47 96.38 Average 106.05 125.19 97.23 97.17 96.63 96.52 Iris Worst 120.45 139.77 97.89 97.8 96.78 96.69 Std. 14.631 14.563 0.347 0.367 0.14 0.11 F-Measure 0.782 0.778 0.782 0.779 0.787 0.791 Best 16555.68 16530.53 16345.96 16530.53 16282.12 16183.94 Average 18061 16530.53 16417.47 16530.53 16289.42 16218.42 Wine Worst 18563.12 16530.53 16562.31 16530.53 16317.67 16268.73 Std. 793.213 0 85.497 0 10.31 43.16 F-Measure 0.521 0.515 0.518 0.519 0.529 0.535 Best 11397.83 532.48 209.15 224.76 207.09 205.98 Average 11673.12 543.69 224.47 235.16 228.27 223.87 LD Worst 12043.12 563.26 239.11 256.44 242.14 238.84 Std. 667.56 41.78 29.38 17.46 18.54 13.29 F-Measure 0.467 0.482 0.493 0.487 0.491 0.494 Best 2999.19 2999.32 2973.5 2970.49 2946.48 2937.56 Average 3251.21 3249.46 3050.04 3046.06 2961.16 2954.41 Cancer Worst 3521.59 3427.43 3318.88 3242.01 3006.14 2978.34 Std. 251.14 229.734 110.801 90.5 12.23 19.23 F-Measure 0.829 0.819 0.819 0.821 0.847 0.856 Best 5842.2 5705.63 5700.98 5701.92 5672.46 5663.86 PA/TP Average 5893.6 5756.59 5820.96 5819.13 5687.82 5692.23 CMC Worst 5934.43 5812.64 5923.24 5912.43 5723.63 5727.18 Std. 47.16 50.369 46.959 45.634 21.43 24.76 258 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kumar et al. F-Measure 0.334 0.324 0.331 0.328 0.359 0.367 Best 13956.83 10176.29 10108.56 10085.82 9997.25 9981.48 Average 14 133.14 10218.82 10149.7 10108.13 10078.23 10054.32 Thyroid Worst 146424.21 10254.39 10172.86 10134.82 10116.52 10102.74 Std. 246.06 32.64 27.13 21.34 49.02 47.28 F-Measure 0.731 0.763 0.778 0.783 0.789 0.792 Best 215.74 278.37 270.57 269.72 203.58 241.08 Average 235.5 282.32 275.71 273.46 223.44 256.45 Glass Worst 255.38 286.77 283.52 280.08 241.27 265.29 Std. 12.47 4.138 4.55 3.584 13.29 8.38 F-Measure 0.431 0.333 0.359 0.364 0.446 0.453 Best 149422.26 149513.73 148976.01 149395.6 149335.61 149326.74 Average 159242.89 159153.49 151999.82 159458.14 159128.19 159012.39 Vowel Worst 161236.81 165991.65 158121.18 165939.82 164537.08 164286.97 Std. 916 3105.544 2881.346 3485.381 3128.023 3316.58 F-Measure 0.652 0.647 0.648 0.649 0.649 0.656 Table 12: Cluster center generated using CCSS method for ART1 and ART2 dataset. Dataset Centerl Center2 ART1 0.7036 1.8296 2.9504 3.1243 2.4327 0.9212 Table 13: Cluster center of Iris, Wine ; Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 5.01476 5.92624 6.75143 Iris 3.36827 1.46534 2.73618 4.43953 3.06485 5.63867 0.24169 1.41694 2.12363 24.96782 33.57356 43.75427 3.04023 3.15648 2.86549 3.87451 3.56795 3.47264 1.76986 3.65193 4.60256 CMC 0.96258 0.78947 0.79624 0.79371 0.69826 0.77486 2.30346 2.10543 1.82644 2.97296 3.29489 3.43257 0.03826 0.05987 0.09278 Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 10.8915 20.0376 15.7924 ART2 14.9639 14.9693 17.8362 9.2168 24.9836 12.9167 d CMC dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center1 Center2 Center3 13.94261 12.62849 12.85965 1.86138 2.34257 2.573642 2.43564 2.33089 2.38526 18.06218 20.95385 19.86478 106.47693 98.69536 92.87932 2.87896 2.14357 2.08431 Wine 3.24652 1.78643 1.47298 0.27138 0.43738 0.42846 2.01853 1.44086 1.41791 5.63729 4.34576 5.79516 1.07814 0.95393 0.86541 3.02437 2.47285 2.26429 1138.0563 465.3951 688.0637 A Chaotic Charged System Search Approach for... Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 259 Table 14: Cluster center of Glass dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Centerl Center2 Center3 Center4 Center5 Center6 1.55643 1.53278 1.52736 1.51864 1.51961 1.52875 12.98963 13.16383 13.09752 14.9486 14.10576 15.86713 3.46978 0.25842 3.53789 0.06579 2.43568 3.73632 1.03678 1.41572 1.34384 2.23528 2.63459 2.98763 Glass 72.01356 72.9382 72.59836 73.6853 71.26418 74.45752 0.27906 0.31646 0.57812 0.05127 2.59642 5.1922 9.46573 12.01694 8.3824 8.7243 6.02568 14.63761 0.03548 0.05182 0.003929 1.03263 1.3356 2.6271 0.05593 0.05673 0.05904 0.01861 0.01268 0.43456 Table 15: Cluster center of Cancer dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Cancer Centerl 2.89264 1.12476 1.21938 1.16893 1.99784 1.12856 2.06953 1.15432 1.07583 Center2 7.12836 6.64249 6.62812 5.61532 5.27268 8.23549 6.12637 6.10794 2.37681 Table 16: Cluster center of Thyroid dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Thyroid Center1 0.9386 -1.1452 -0.4298 0.9786 4.1683 Center2 1.6832 -1.6678 -1.0207 2.3346 0.8634 Center3 -0.1723 0.1591 0.2596 -0.3010 -0.2206 Table 17: Cluster center of Vowel dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4 Center 5 Center 6 506.47598 407.6284 624.21692 356.82783 376.54276 437.90257 Vowel 1839.1372 1016.2586 1308.9836 2291.01353 2153.6867 990.76184 2555.97546 2314.362 2332.9563 2976.8596 2676.4656 2661.53974 Table 18: Cluster center of LD dataset using CCSS algorithm. Dataset Center 1 Center 2 Center 3 Center 4 Center 5 Center 6 87.92621 69.86842 25.85635 22.04346 27.10362 2.89347 LD 91.23956 75.06531 59.18264 38.92736 129.86542 5.96174 From Table 11, it can be seen that the results obtained from the CCSS algorithm are better as compared to the other algorithms. The best values achieved by the algorithm for iris, wine, cancer, CMC, glass, LD, thyroid and vowel datasets are 96.38, 16183.94, 2937.56, 5663.86, 241.08, 205.98, 9981.48 and 149326.74. The CCSS algorithm gives better results with most of the datasets. From the simulation results, it is also observed that CCSS algorithm achieve minimum value to the best distance parameter for the LD dataset and worst distance parameter for vowel dataset among all methods being compared. The standard deviation parameter shows how much the data are far from the cluster centers. The value of standard deviation parameter for CCSS algorithm is also smaller than other methods. Moreover, the CCSS algorithm provides better f-measure values than others which show higher accuracy of the said algorithm. To prove the viability of the results given in Table 11, the best centers obtained by the CCSS algorithm are given in Tables 12-18. 5 Conclusion In this paper, a chaotic charged system search algorithm is applied to solve the clustering problem. In the 260 Informatica 38 (2014) 249-261 Y. Kumar et al. proposed algorithm, Newton second law of motion is used to get the optimal cluster centers but it is the actual electric force (Fk) and chaotic map which plays a vital role to obtain the optimal cluster centers. Hence, the working of the proposed algorithm is divided into two steps. First step involves the tuning of the CSS parameters using chaotic map. In the second step, the optimal cluster centers using Newton second law of motion are obtained. The CCSS algorithm can be applied for data clustering when the number of cluster centers (K) is already known. 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