Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... 595–605 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER AND ITS MIXTURES UPORABNE LASTNOSTI TERMI^NO STABILNEGA POLIURETANA ZA MODIFIKACIJO ASFALTNEGA VEZIVA IN ME[ANIC Qian Zhou 1 , Fan Yang 1,2,* , Liming Yang 1 , Shiguang Tang 3 1 Guangxi Communications Design Group Co., Ltd., Nanning, China 2 College of Transportation Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing, China 3 Guangxi Transportation Engineering Testing Co., Ltd., Nanning, China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-07-04; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2023-09-18 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.923 A new thermosetting polyurethane modified asphalt (TPUA) pavement material was developed to solve the unbalanced perfor- mance of traditional bridge deck pavement materials. Compared with the conventional bridge deck pavement materials, this work comprehensively evaluates the pavement performance of the TPUA binder and its mixture. The results indicate that the TPUA binder gradually shows elastic material properties at high temperatures and has excellent deformation resistance. The low-temperature flexibility of the TPUA binder is much better than that of SBS asphalt and epoxy asphalt (EA) binders. The TPUA binder is a viscoelastic material at low temperatures, and its creep meets the Burgers constitutive model. Moreover, the TPUA binder also has excellent mechanical properties and flexibility. In addition, the TPUA mixture has excellent mechanical properties, high-temperature deformation resistance and moisture stability. Its crack resistance at room temperature and low temperature is much better than those of SBS asphalt and EA mixture. This work will help us continue the development and per- formance research of TPUA pavement materials. Keywords: thermosetting polyurethane, modified asphalt, mixture, bridge deck pavement, pavement performance Avtorji opisujejo novo vrsto s termi~no stabilnim poliuretanom modificiranega asfalta (TPUA; angl.: thermosetting polyure- thane modified asphalt), uporabnega kot re{itev oziroma zamenjava za neuravnote`en (slabe kakovosti) konvencionalni material za prevleke plo~nikov na mostovih. Avtorji so med seboj primerjali konvencionalni material s termi~no stabilnim poliuretanskim vezivom modificirani material. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ima termi~no stabilno poliuretansko vezivo elasti~ne lastnosti tudi pri visokih temperaturah in posledi~no odli~no odpornost proti deformacijam. Nizko temperaturna fleksibilnost (elasti~nost) termi~no stabilnega poliuretana je mnogo bolj{e vezivo kot so SBS asfaltna in/ali epoksidna asfaltna (EA) veziva. TPUA je viskoelasti~ni material pri nizkih temperaturah in proces njegovega lezenja opisuje Burgerjev konstitutivni model. Poleg tega ima TPUA odli~ne mehanske lastnosti in prilagodljivost, visoko temperaturno odpornost proti deformacijam in stabilnost v vlagi. Njegova odpornost proti pokanju pri vseh temperaturah uporabe je mnogo bolj{a kot jo imata SBS asfalt in EA me{anice. Izvedena raziskava bo lahko slu`ila tudi drugim raziskovalcem pri razvoju novih kvalitetnih s termi~no stabilnim poliuretanskim vezivom modificiranih materialov za prevleke plo~nikov. Klju~ne besede: termi~no stabilni poliuretan, modifikacija asfalta, me{anice, asfaltne prevleke plo~nikov za mostove, lastnosti in kvaliteta plo~nikov 1 INTRODUCTION A bridge deck pavement layer plays a role in protect- ing a bridge deck, providing driving comfort and dispers- ing vehicle loads, but it is one of the critical factors af- fecting the durability of a bridge deck. 1–4 The existing bridge deck pavement systems include poured asphalt concrete, asphalt mastic concrete, and epoxy asphalt (EA) concrete, which can be divided into two main cate- gories based on the type of asphalt binders: thermoplas- tic polymer modified asphalt 5,6 and thermosetting resin modified asphalt. 7,8 The former is a thermoplastic mate- rial. Although polymers (SBS, SBR, rubber powder, etc.) can improve the viscoelasticity of asphalt, the perfor- mance of modified asphalt is still greatly affected by temperature. The latter is a thermosetting material, and the representative material is EA. In China, epoxy as- phalt concrete has been further applied to other large-span bridges since its successful application at Nanjing Yangtze River Second Bridge in 2000. Although epoxy resin can significantly improve the mechanical properties, high-temperature deformation resistance and fatigue performance of asphalt, the EA pavement mate- rial has poor flexibility and a high risk of cracking. 9 The imbalance in the pavement performance of the existing pavement materials has also led to distresses such as cracking, pushing and rutting in the pavement layer, which affects the durability of a bridge deck. Thermosetting polyurethane is a polymer material with a continuous carbamate (-NHCOO-) structure formed by the reaction of the isocyanate group (-NCO) Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 595 UDK 678.664: 665.775.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 57(6)595(2023) *Corresponding author's e-mail: 1452445527@qq.com (Fan Yang) and polyol (-OH). It has excellent mechanical properties, flexibility, high elasticity, chemical stability resistance and other advantages. It is considered to be the next gen- eration of asphalt modifiers and is widely researched be- cause its molecular structure and performance are easy to control. 10–13 Thermosetting polyurethane modified as- phalt (TPUA) refers to a high-performance material with a certain strength PU skeleton structure formed by add- ing a high amount of the PU modifier into the asphalt through a polymerization reaction. Scholars conducted an in-depth research of the modification mechanism of TPUA and its binder properties. Yang et al. 14 analyzed the polymerization process and modification mechanism of thermosetting polyurethane in asphalt and found that small-molecule modifier monomers can undergo a poly- merization reaction in asphalt to form a polyurethane skeleton structure. Moreover, the isocyanate group in polyurethane can react with the active hydrogen group in asphalt, proving a chemical modification. Zhang et al. 15 studied the effects of the curing temperature and diluents on the viscosity change of the TPUA system. The results indicate that the curing temperature can significantly in- crease the viscosity growth rate and shorten the construc- tion reservation time of the TPUA system, while the ef- fect of the diluent is opposite to that of the curing temperature. In addition, it is also found that thermoset- ting polyurethane can significantly improve the high-temperature and mechanical properties of asphalt, while its high-temperature rutting resistance and tensile strength are significantly better than those of SBS modi- fied asphalt. He et al. 16 prepared composite modified as- phalt using thermosetting polyurethane and epoxy resin and found that the composite modified asphalt has excel- lent high- and low-temperature stability and waterproof performance. Cong et al. 17 studied the polymerization process, microstructure and macroscopic properties of the TPUA binder. The microstructure showed that the modifier is dispersed in the form of particles in the as- phalt during the initial solidification stage. As the reac- tion progresses, the modifier gradually undergoes cross- linking and forms a network structure, while the mechanical properties of TPUA are positively correlated with the conversion rate of isocyanates. Previous studies indicated that thermosetting poly- urethane can significantly improve the mechanical prop- erties, high-temperature deformation resistance and low-temperature stability of asphalt. However, current research mainly focuses on analyzing the pavement per- formance of the TPUA binder, while exploration of the comprehensive performance of its mixture is limited. This work compared traditional bridge deck paving ma- terials, analyzed the rheological properties, low-tempera- ture flexibility, mechanical properties and crack resis- tance of the TPUA binder and its mixture, and Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... 596 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 Table 1: Basic properties of asphalts Properties Virgin asphalt SBS asphalt Test methods Test value Specification Test value Specification Penetration (25 °C, 0.1 mm) 65.1 60–80 50.2 40–60 T 0604 Softening point (°C) 48.0 46 76.3 60 T 0606 Ductility (15 °C, cm) >100 40 >100 — T 0605 Viscosity (cp, 135 °C) 226 — 926 3000 T 0625 Density (15 °C, g/cm 3 ) 1.012 — 1.008 — T 0603 Table 2: Basic properties of PTMG Molecular weight Viscosity (cp, 40 °C) Melting point (°C) Hydroxyl value (mgKOH/g) Molecular structure 2000 1225 32 54.7–57.5 H-(OCH2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 ) n -OH Table 3: Basic properties of BDO Molecular weight Density (g/cm 3 ) Melting point (°C) Boiling point (°C) Molecular structure 90.12 1017 16 230 HO-CH2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 -OH Table 4: Basic properties of isocyanate NCO (%) Equivalent weight Viscosity (cp, 23 °C) Diluent Appearance 23.0 183 1200 Solvent-free Water clear Table 5: Aggregate gradation EA-10 Passing rate/% 13.2 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 Upper limit 100 100 85 70 55 40 32 23 14 Lower limit 100 95 65 50 39 28 21 14 7 Target gradation 100 99 72.1 60.9 47.7 32.7 22.8 16.4 10.7 comprehensively evaluated the pavement performance of TPUA bridge deck paving materials. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 2.1 Raw materials This work used traditional SBS asphalt and epoxy as- phalt (EA) as control groups to comprehensively evalu- ate the pavement performance of the TPUA binder and its mixture. The PG64-22 virgin asphalt binder was used as the raw material for preparing TPUA in this research, and SBS asphalt (5 % SBS) was used as the control group, both from Shanghai Urban Construction Rili Spe- cial Asphalt Co., Ltd. The thermosetting polyurethane modifier system consists of polytetrahydrofuran glycol (PTMG-2000), 1, 4-butanediol (BDO, AR) and polyisocyanates, respectively, provided by BASF (China) Co., Ltd. and Covestro Polymer (China) Co., Ltd. Two component epoxy asphalt (EA) from ChemCo Systems in the United States was also used as the control group. The aggregates in this work are all limestone and meet the requirements of JTG F40-2004 specifications. The mixture gradation was selected from the commonly used EA-10 for bridge deck pavement. The basic properties and gradation of raw materials are shown in Tables 1–5. 2.2 Preparation The TPUA binder used in this paper consists of com- ponents A and B. Component A is a mixture of PTMG-2000, BDO and virgin asphalt, while Component B is polyisocyanate. The proportion of raw materials is consistent with the previous research. 14 The dosage of thermosetting polyurethane is 50 % (polyurethane:as- phalt = 1:1). The preparation process of the TPUA mix- ture is as follows: 1) Place the dry aggregate in a 100–110 °C oven for at least4hofinsulation; 2) Heat component A to 100 °C and component B to 60 °C; 3) Mix components A and B evenly in proportion, then mix them with the aggregate and form a test piece; 4) Place the test piece in a 100 °C oven for 7 h before conducting relevant performance tests. The preparation process is shown in Figure 1. The polymerization reac- tion of thermosetting polyurethane involves the reaction of isocyanate (-NCO) with hydroxyl groups (-OH) in PTMG and BDO, as shown in Equation (1): nOCN–R–NCO+nHO–R’–OH –(CONH–R–NHCOO – R’ – O) n – (1) Component I of the EA binder is epoxy-based, and component II is composed of the curing agent, asphalt and additives. The preparation of the EA mixture is as follows: 1) Heat the aggregate to 120–130 °C; 2) Heat components I and II to 85 °C and 120 °C, respectively, and mix them in a ratio of I:II = 1:4; 3) Mix the EA binder with the aggregates and compact the specimens. Place the test piece in a 120 °C oven for 4 h before con- ducting relevant performance tests. The preparation pro- cess is shown in Figure 1. The preparation process of the SBS asphalt mixture was based on the JTG E20-2011 specification. To make the performance of the three mixtures comparable, all se- lected mixtures had an asphalt content of 7.3 %. 2.3 Methods 2.3.1 Asphalt binder A dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) was used to study the high-temperature deformation resistance of SBS as- phalt, EA and TPUA binder. Referring to ASTM D638, tensile testing was applied to test the mechanical proper- ties of the EA and TPUA binder. According to ASTM D6648, the low-temperature crack resistance perfor- mance of the three modified asphalt binders was ana- lyzed using a bending beam rheometer (BBR), and their low-temperature creep constitutive model was studied based on the Burgers model. The Burgers model com- prises the Maxwell and Kelvin models 18–20 in a series, as shown in Figure 2. Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 597 Figure 1: TPUA or EA mixture preparation process The Burgers creep constitutive model is shown with Equation (2): =++− ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ ⎥ − 0 112 11 1 2 2 E t E e Et (2) where represents the strain, 0 represents the constant stress, E 1 and 1 represent the elastic and viscous pa- rameters of the Maxwell model, and E 2 and 2 represent the elastic and viscous parameters of the Kelvin model, respectively. Due to the relationship between stiffness modulus S(t, T) and creep compliance J(t, T) satisfying Equation (3), the constitutive model of creep compliance under constant temperature conditions is shown in Equation (4). 21 StT JtT tT (, ) (, ) , == ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ 1 (3) J(t) EE e t Et =+− ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ + − 11 1 12 1 2 2 (4) 2.3.2 Asphalt mixture The mechanical properties, moisture stability, low-temperature crack resistance and other pavement performance of the above three asphalt mixtures were tested with reference to the JTG E20-2011 specification. According to ASTM D8844, a semi-circular bending test (SCB) was conducted to analyze the crack resistance performance of the three mixtures. Firstly, a 150 mm × 170 mm cylindrical specimen was prepared with the ro- tary compaction method and cut into a semi-circular specimen with a thickness of 50 mm. Secondly, a crack with a depth of 15 mm and a width of 1.5 mm was cut at the center of the semi-circular specimen. Finally, after leaving the specimen at room temperature for 4 h, its crack resistance was tested using a MTS machine at a loading rate of 50 mm/min. The maximum tensile stress and fracture energy were calculated as follows in Equa- tions (5) and (6): 22,23 t = 4976 . F BD (5) G W BD a f f = − (/ ) 2 (6) Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... 598 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 Figure 2: Burgers model Figure 3: Variation patterns of high-temperature deformation resistance performance of different binders: a) complex modulus, b) rutting factor, c) storage modulus, d) phase angle where t is the tensile strength, F is the maximum load- ing force, B is the thickness of the specimen, D is the diamete of the specimen, a is the depth of the incision, G f is the fracture energy, W f is the fracture work (WF u f d = ∫ ) and u is the displacement at fracture. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Performance analysis of the binders 3.1.1 High-temperature deformation resistance The surface temperature of bridge deck pavement is higher than that of traditional asphalt pavement under high-temperature weather in summer, which puts for- ward higher requirements for the high-temperature sta- bility of bridge deck pavement materials. The rheologi- cal properties of SBS asphalt, EA and TPUA binder were studied using the time scanning mode within 52–88 °C. Due to the high modulus of EA and TPUA, rheological properties were studied using 8 mm parallel plates. The test results are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3a shows that the complex modulus of ther- mosetting resin modified asphalt binders such as epoxy asphalt and TPUA varies little with the temperature at high temperatures. The research results of Kang et al. 24,25 also indicated that after the temperature exceeds 50 °C, the complex modulus change curve of thermosetting resin modified asphalt tends to be horizontal (the plat- form zone). The main reason for the above results is that a high dosage of thermosetting resin modifiers can form a skeleton structure with a certain mechanical strength in asphalt, causing the physical properties of asphalt to change from viscoelasticity to elasticity at high tempera- tures. On the contrary, the complex modulus of SBS as- phalt significantly decreases with an increasing tempera- ture. The test results of the storage modulus (Figure 3b) also indicate that EA and TPUA binders exhibit elastic characteristics at high temperatures, while SBS asphalt still exhibits significant viscous characteristics. 26 The rutting factor index is often used to evaluate the high-temperature deformation resistance of modified as- phalt. The larger the rutting factor, the better is the high-temperature stability. The rutting factor curves of three asphalt binders with temperature are shown in Fig- ure 3c. As the temperature increases, the rutting factor of these two binders gradually increases as well. This result is very different from that for general asphalt viscoelastic materials. It seems to be contrary to the fact that the rut- ting factor of traditional asphalt materials decreases with an increase in the temperature. This is because a high thermosetting resin content forms a continuous network structure in asphalt, and the performance of asphalt at high temperatures exhibits the elastic properties of modi- fiers. From Figure 3d, it can also be concluded that the phase angle of the EA and TPUA binder gradually de- creases and approaches 0° with an increasing tempera- ture. This conclusion is consistent with the research re- sults by Zhou et al., 27 that is, thermosetting resin modi- fied asphalt gradually exhibits the characteristics of an elastic material at high temperatures, and the phase angle gradually decreases. Due to a slight change in the com- plex modulus of thermosetting resin modified asphalt at high temperatures and the gradual decrease in the phase angle, the rutting factor of the EA and TPUA binder gradually increases with temperature. In summary, the high-temperature deformation resistance of the EA and thermosetting resin modified asphalt binders such as TPUA is much better than that of traditional thermoplas- tic polymer modified asphalt, and the traditional rutting factor indicators cannot be used to evaluate their high-temperature deformation resistance performance. 3.1.2 Low-temperature creep performance Studying the constitutive model of asphalt is signifi- cant for understanding its viscoelasticity. The BBR test was used to test the low-temperature (–24 °C) crack re- sistance of SBS asphalt, EA and TPUA asphalt binders, and each group included 4 samples. Based on the Bur- gers model, the low-temperature creep constitutive mod- els of the three modified asphalt binders were analyzed. The experimental results are shown in Figure 4, and the model fitting parameters are shown in Table 6. As shown in Figure 4a, all three types of binders ex- hibit creep under a constant stress. The stiffness modulus of the EA binder is much higher than that of the other modified asphalt. This is caused by the poor low-temper- ature flexibility of epoxy resin modifiers. Table 6 shows that the stiffness modulus of the TPUA binder is much lower than the other two types of asphalt, indicating that the TPUA binder has excellent low-temperature flexibil- ity. The Burgers viscoelastic constitutive model was used to study the low-temperature creep characteristics of the three asphalt binders mentioned above, as shown in Fig- ures 4b–d. The Burgers creep model has an excellent fit- ting effect on the creep curves of the three asphalt bind- ers (R 2 is greater than 0.98). It is also indicated that the three types of modified asphalt still exhibit viscoelastic material properties at low temperatures. 24,25 Table 6 shows that the viscoelastic parameters of the EA binder are much greater than those of the SBS asphalt and TPUA binder, indicating that the EA binder has a larger modulus. This conclusion was also verified with Xue’s research, 28 showing that the viscoelastic parameters of epoxy asphalt are significantly greater than those of the traditional asphalt materials because epoxy resin signifi- cantly increases the modulus of asphalt, which theoreti- cally explains the reason for the high brittleness of epoxy asphalt. In addition, the viscoelastic parameters of the TPUA binder are also lower than the other two types of asphalt binder, with the best low-temperature flexibility. The reason is that the soft segment of the PU modifier uses polyether polyols and theoretically its glass transi- tion temperature is lower than –80 °C. Therefore, the PU Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 599 modifier maintains high elasticity and flexibility at the testing temperature. 3.1.3 Tensile mechanical properties The thickness of a general bridge deck pavement layer is less than 80 mm, causing greater stress on the bridge deck pavement under load, thus also putting higher requirements on the mechanical performance of the bridge deck pavement. 29 SBS asphalt undergoes sig- nificant deformation before demolding and testing due to its soft material, resulting in inaccurate final test results. This work only used direct tensile testing to analyze the mechanical properties of the EA and TPUA binder, and each group includes 5 samples. The results are shown in Figure 5 and Table 7. The macroscopic stretchability of polymer chains strongly relies on the structural evolution during the elongational flow. Different polymer chains (i.e., short chain, long chain, very long chain, among others) play different roles in the stretching process. 30 Figure 5 shows that the stress-strain curves of the TPUA and epoxy as- phalt binder are similar to those of an ideal crosslinked Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... 600 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 Figure 5: Stress-strain curves of the tensile test Table 7: Tensile test results EA TPUA Strength /MPa Elonga- tion /% Fracture energy /J·m –2 Strength /MPa Elonga- tion /% Fracture energy /J·m –2 7.3 270 2.18 × 10 5 3.2 460 1.71 × 10 5 Figure 4: Change curves of the stiffness modulus and creep compliance of different binders: (a) stiffness modulus, (b) EA, (c) SBS asphalt, (d) TPUA Table 6: Low-temperature crack resistance and Burgers model parameters Asphalt Low-temperature crack resistance(60 s) Model parameters Stiffness modulus/MPa Creep rate E1/MPa E 2/MPa 1/MPa·s 2/MPa·s R 2 EA 865 0.095 1203.9 3377.9 1152920.2 64097.2 0.989 SBS asphalt 404 0.243 771.3 985.4 175212.8 28916.3 0.998 TPUA 34 0.216 62.6 81.4 18814.8 2366.5 0.997 rubber. 31 Although the tensile strength of the TPUA binder is lower than that of the EA binder, its elongation at break is much higher than that of the EA binder. The stress-strain curve of TPUA can be divided into three stages: elastic, yield, and strengthening ones. In the elas- tic stage, the stress-strain curve of TPUA tends to a straight line at minor strains in accordance with Hooke’s law. The research by Vaidya et al. shows that polymers only meet Hooke’s law when subjected to small defor- mations (strain less than5%orevenlo wer). 32 During the yield stage, the strain significantly increases while the stress slowly increases. The main reason is that the crimped PTMG soft segments in the PU molecular struc- ture are straightened and gradually arranged in order. At this stage, the stress change rate with the strain is rela- tively low. In the strengthening stage, the stress of TPUA increases rapidly with the increase in the strain. This is because breaking the TPUA binder requires a greater force. When the ultimate stress is reached, the material is destroyed. Although the tensile strength of TPUA is lower than that of the EA binder, the difference in the fracture energy between the two materials is not signifi- cant. Therefore, TPUA has excellent flexibility and frac- ture resistance. 3.2 Evaluation of asphalt mixture pavement perfor- mance 3.2.1 Mechanical properties The thickness of bridge deck pavement is thinner than that of traditional pavement, causing the pavement material to undergo greater tensile and compressive stresses under repeated loads and temperatures. The study investigated the mechanical properties of tradi- tional bridge deck pavement materials and TPUA mix- tures based on a Marshall test and splitting test, and each group includes 4 samples. The results are shown in Fig- ure 6. Thermosetting resin modified asphalt (e.g., TPUA and EA) is a composite material with a continuous skele- ton structure formed by the polymerization reaction of small molecule modifier monomers in the asphalt. 8,14 Traditional thermoplastic polymer modified asphalt is a mixture with a certain network structure formed due to a simple dispersion of polymers in asphalt. The former is a chemical crosslinking of the modifier in asphalt, while the latter is a physical crosslinking of the polymer. Therefore, the strength of a thermosetting resin modified asphalt mixture is several times higher than that of ther- moplastic polymer modified asphalt. The research by Liu and Wei et al. 33,34 found that the Marshall stability of an epoxy asphalt mixture is over 50 kN. Figure 6 shows that the mechanical properties of the TPUA mixture are between those of SBS asphalt and EA mixture. Its Mar- shall stability exceeds 50 kN, and its splitting strength is greater than 2 MPa, demonstrating excellent mechanical properties. Although the mechanical properties of the TPUA mixture are slightly lower than those of the EA mixture, its Marshall stability is five times that of a tradi- tional SBS asphalt mixture, and its splitting strength is also close to three times that of the SBS asphalt mixture, far exceeding the mechanical performance requirements of an asphalt mixture. Therefore, the TPUA mixture is a high-strength paving material. 3.2.2 High-temperature stability Due to the small thickness of bridge deck pavement and great impact of the temperature field, it is significant for rutting damage in high-temperature environments. It also puts forward higher requirements for the high-tem- perature deformation resistance of bridge deck pavement materials. GB/T 30598-2014 requires the dynamic stabil- ity of epoxy asphalt mixture at 60 °C to be greater than 8000 cycles/mm. JTG F40-2004 requires the dynamic stability of the SBS asphalt mixture to be greater than 3000 cycles/mm. This paper analyzes the high-tempera- ture stability of the TPUA mixture and its control groups using the rutting test, and each group includes 3 samples. The results are shown in Figure 7. The traditional bridge deck pavement layer must meet the requirements of a dense structure, so the con- tent of the binder used in the pavement material is rela- tively large. It adversely affects the high-temperature sta- bility of traditional thermoplastic polymer modified asphalt mixtures. As shown in Figure 7, the dynamic stability of the SBS asphalt mixture is only 3089 cy- cles/mm. Although it meets the pavement performance requirements, more is needed for a bridge deck pavement in complex environments. The dynamic stability of the TPUA and EA mixture exceeds that of the SBS asphalt mixture by one order of magnitude, and their rut depth is also close to 0 mm. This also indicates that the TPUA and EA mixture can maintain the deformation resistance of bridge deck pavement under continuous high-tempera- ture conditions. The reason for the above results is the high-performance thermosetting resin modified asphalt. Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 601 Figure 6: Mechanical properties of three asphalt mixtures The research by Xue and Qian et al. 35,36 also indicated that after the formation of a network structure by thermo- setting resin modifiers, the dynamic stability of the mod- ified asphalt mixture is higher than 10,000 cycles/mm. The above results also reveal that the high-temperature stability of thermosetting resin modified asphalt pave- ment materials is much better than that of thermoplastic polymer modified asphalt. 3.2.3 Moisture stability At present, the distresses of a bridge deck pavement are mostly directly or indirectly related to the moisture stability of the pavement material. This work used the immersion Marshall test to analyze the TPUA mixture and its control groups, and each group includes 4 sam- ples. The results are shown in Figure 8. Thermosetting resins are mostly polymerized from polar small molecule monomers, which also endows them with strong polarity. Therefore, thermosetting res- ins have strong adhesion to substrates, especially polar substrates. In addition, thermosetting resins can also im- prove the polarity of modified asphalt and its adhesion to aggregates, thereby improving the moisture stability of the mixture. 14,27 Qian et al. 35,36 found that the moisture stability of a thermosetting resin modified asphalt mix- ture is much higher than that of a traditional SBS asphalt mixture, and its Marshall residual stability and indirect tensile strength ratio are not less than 90 %. Figure 8 shows that the Marshall residual stability of SBS asphalt, TPUA and EA mixtures is 88.4, 91.3 and 93.8 %, respec- tively, much higher than the specification requirements (not less than 80 %). After immersion, the TPUA and EA mixtures still have a much better mechanical strength than the SBS asphalt mixture, meeting the bridge deck pavement’s high bearing capacity requirements. This in- dicates that thermosetting resin modified asphalt pave- ment materials have excellent moisture stability. The rea- son is that thermosetting resin modifiers can form a denser skeleton structure in asphalt and prevent water from entering the interior of the mixture. In addition, thermosetting resin modifiers are mostly polar materials, able to improve the adhesion between asphalt and aggre- gate and reduce water erosion on the cement aggregate interface. 3.2.4 Crack resistance Cracking distresses caused by repeated effects of temperature fields, loads and other factors account for over half of bridge deck pavement distresses. After being subjected to loads and environmental factors, asphalt pavement with existing cracks will experience stress con- centration at the top of the cracks. If the strength and toughness of the asphalt mixture are insufficient, cracks will extend along the weak areas of the mixture until they penetrate the entire road surface. Traditional fatigue tests make evaluating the crack resistance performance of asphalt mixtures after existing cracks difficult. ASTM D8044 indicates using semi-circular bending (SCB) test- ing to evaluate the cracking resistance of asphalt mix- tures at intermediate temperatures. Gong and Jiang found that using fracture energy indicators in SCB tests, they can effectively evaluate the crack resistance performance of asphalt mixtures. 22,23 Therefore, a SCB test was used to study the crack resistance performance of TPUA and its control group mixtures in the presence of cracks, and each group included 4 samples. The results are shown in Figure 9. As shown in Figure 9a, the force of the EA mixture significantly increases with displacement during the loading process. The ultimate strength is reached at a displacement of about 1 mm, and the loading force rap- idly decreases. At this point, the specimen undergoes brittle fracture. This result is consistent with Fan’s re- search findings, which indicate that the EA mixture ex- hibits strong resistance to crack initiation and weak resis- tance to crack propagation (similar to brittle fracture). 37 On the contrary, the stress of the SBS asphalt and TPUA mixture slowly decreases after reaching their ultimate strength. The fracture mode is a ductile fracture. The above results also indicate that the EA mixture has a Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... 602 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 Figure 8: Immersion Marshall test results Figure 7: Rutting test results high stiffness due to the epoxy resin modifier’s high crosslinking density and rigid structures containing ben- zene rings in the molecules. Figure 9b shows that the tensile strength of the TPUA mixture is between those of the SBS asphalt mixture and the EA mixture. However, the fracture energy of the TPUA mixture is significantly greater than those of the other two mixtures. Therefore, the TPUA mixture has excellent crack resistance perfor- mance. 3.2.5 Low-temperature flexibility Traditional asphalt pavement materials gradually lose their viscosity and toughness at low temperatures and ex- hibit the brittleness and hardness of elastic materials, sig- nificantly increasing the risk of cracking. 38 A bridge deck pavement, especially a steel deck pavement, will experi- ence significant deformation under load and environmen- tal factors. At low temperatures, a steel bridge deck pavement is more at risk of cracking. A bending creep test was used to study the low-temperature flexibility (–10 °C) of the TPUA mixture and control groups, and each group included 4 samples. The results are shown in Figure 10. As shown in Figure 10, the bending stiffness modulus of EA, SBS asphalt and TPUA mixtures is 8.71 × 10 3 MPa, 2.85 × 10 3 MPa, and 1.31 × 10 3 MPa, respectively, which is consistent with the test results from Section 2.2. As the molecular structure of the epoxy resin modifier in the EA binder contains more benzene rings, the stiffness modu- lus of the EA mixture is much higher than those of the other two mixtures, reducing the low-temperature flexi- bility of the binder. The research by Han and Qian et al. 36,39 also indicates that the low-temperature flexibility of epoxy asphalt mixtures is lower than that of traditional SBS asphalt mixtures. In addition, GB/T 30598-2014 re- quires that the low-temperature requirement for an epoxy asphalt mixture is also relatively low, not less than 2000 με. The stiffness modulus of the TPUA mixture is much lower than those of the other two mixtures because there are more flexible chain segments (PTMG) in the thermosetting polyurethane modifier, which can maintain the flexibility even at lower temperatures. From Figure 10, it can also be seen that the TPUA mixture exhibits excellent low-temperature crack resistance performance. The ultimate bending and tensile strains of EA, SBS as- phalt and TPUA mixture are 3.23 × 10 3 με, 4.82 × 10 3 με and 9.95 × 10 3 με, respectively. The crack resistance of the TPUA mixture is more than three times that of the EA mixture and more than two times that of the SBS as- phalt mixture. The reason is that the thermosetting PU modifier has a lower glass transition temperature and still has good ductility at low temperatures. The thermo- setting PU modifier can significantly improve the low-temperature stability of its modified asphalt mixture. 4 CONCLUSIONS We studied the high-temperature deformation resis- tance, low-temperature flexibility and mechanical prop- erties of the TPUA binder. We comprehensively evalu- ated the pavement performance of the TPUA mixture by comparing it with traditional bridge deck paving materi- als. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The traditional rutting factor index is unsuitable for evaluating the thermosetting resin modified asphalt Q. ZHOU et al.: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOSETTING POLYURETHANE MODIFIED ASPHALT BINDER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 57 (2023) 6, 595–605 603 Figure 9: SCB test results: a) force-displacement curve, b) tensile me- chanical properties Figure 10: Low-temperature stability test results binder. TPUA and EA binders gradually exhibit the char- acteristics of elastic materials under high-temperature conditions and have excellent high-temperature deforma- tion resistance. (2) The TPUA mixture has excellent mechanical properties. The Marshall stability and splitting strength of the TPUA mixture are five times and more than three times that of the SBS asphalt mixture, respectively. Its dynamic stability also exceeds that of the SBS asphalt mixture by one order of magnitude and it has excellent high-temperature deformation resistance. The moisture stability of the TPUA mixture is between those of the SBS asphalt mixture and the EA mixture, which is much higher than the standard requirements. (3) Under low-temperature conditions, the TPUA mixture has excellent low-temperature crack resistance performance; its fracture energy is more than three times that of the EA mixture and more than two times that of the SBS asphalt mixture. 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