THE DOLINA: EMBLEMATIC AND PROBLEMATIC KARST LANDFORM Ugo Sauro Dr., Dipartimento di geografía, Universita degli studi di Padova, Via del Santo 26, 35123 Padova, Italy. e-mail: Abstract Professor Ivan Gams' research has given an important contribution to the study of the karst dolines. He described how the dolines began to develop as hidden forms before emerging as visible forms. The most common dolines are the result of the "accelerated corrosion" of the soluble rock in the central part of the depressions. From the study of the karst dolines it is possible to distinguish many types of form resulting from different genetical mechanisms. The characters of the populations of the dolines of seven rock-cut terraces on the Montello Plateau allow us to formulate a preliminary model for the evolution of the forms. In the Classical Karst it is easy to recognize how different sub-populations may coexist in the same area as a result of alternating favorable and unfavorable climatic environments. Key words: Ivan Gams, karst doline, karst morphogenesis. VRTAČA: SIMBOLIČNA IN PROBLEMATIČNA KRAŠKA OBLIKA Izvleček Prof. Ivan Gams je s svojim raziskovalnim delom pomembno prispeval tudi k preučevanju vrtač. Raziskoval je, kako se začnejo vrtače razvijati, sprva kot na površju nevidne oblike. Najbolj običajne vrtače so rezultat "pospešene korozije" topne kamnine v osrednjih delih kotanj. S preučevanjem vrtač lahko razločimo njihove številne tipe, ki so rezultat zelo različnih genetskih mehanizmov. Na osnovi značilnosti vrtač na sedmih erozijskih terasah na planoti Montello v italijanskih Alpah lahko izdelamo preliminarni model razvoja teh oblik. Na klasičnem Krasu lahko zlahka prepoznamo, kako lahko različne subpopulacije vrtač obstajajo druga ob drugi, kar je posledica menjavanja za njihov nastanek ugodnih in neugodnih klimatskih obdobij. Ključne besede: Ivan Gams, vrtača, kraška morfogeneza.