154 arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 Arhitektura. Skulptura. Spomin. / Architecture. Sculpture. Remembrance. 30_ PETROVA GORA, 1981 Vojin Bakić, Berislav Šerbetić HRV Spomenik vstaji ljudstva Banije in Korduna • Petrovac, Narodni park Petrova gora, Hrvaška • Kipar: Vojin Bakić • Arhitekt: Berislav Šerbetić • Material: beton, nerjaveče jeklo • Fotografije: Roberto Conte • Besedilo: Boštjan Bugarič Monument to the uprising of the people of Banija and Kordun • Petrovac, National park Petrova gora, Croatia • Sculptor: Vojin Bakić • Architect: Berislav Šerbetić • Material: concrete, stainless steel • Photographs: Roberto Conte • Text: Boštjan Bugarič 155arhitektov bilten • architect's bulletin • 224 • 225 • 226 • 227 razstava / exhibition Spomenik vstajnikom Korduna in Banije, znan kot spomenik Petrova gora, stoji na Velikem Petrovcu, najvišjem vrhu Petrove gore, gorskega območja osrednje Hrvaške. Ohranja spomin na civilne žrtve in borce, padle v boju proti fašizmu. Koncept, ki ga je predložil kipar Vojin Bakić, je bil izbran na natečaju leta 1974. Gradnja se je začela hitro, saj je bilo odprtje predvideno za 4. julij 1981 – 40. oble- tnico začetka narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja. Zunanjost stavbe uradno ni bila do- končana do 4. oktobra 1981. Spomenik iz armiranega betona prekrivajo plošče iz nerjavečega jekla. V notranjosti je muzej s stalnim prikazom narodnoosvobodilne- ga boja v regiji, v njegovi okolici pa je rekreacijski kompleks. S terase na vrhu stav- be se odpira pogled proti Sloveniji, Bosni in Zagrebu. Gradnja je bila zaradi zaple- tene zasnove in odročne lokacije, do katere je bilo treba najprej zgraditi infra- strukturo (urediti cesto, napeljati elektriko in vodo), zelo zahtevna. Projekt je bil financiran z javnimi in zasebnimi donacijami, pa tudi s posojilom, ki ga je Jugosla- vija pridobila pri Mednarodnem denarnem skladu. Načrte za izvedbo Bakićeve kiparske zasnove stavbe je pripravil arhitekt Berislav Šerbetić. Stavba je 37 metrov visoka betonska konstrukcija, obložena s ploščami iz nerjavečega jekla, uvoženega iz Švedske; plošče so razporejene v pet podolgovatih valovitih plasti. Do stavbe s parkirišča in iz centra za obiskovalce vodi dolgo stopnišče. V notranjosti s tlorisno površino več kot 3000 m2 so bili najprej prostori kongresne dvorane za 250 ljudi, knjižnice, čitalnice, kavarne in muzeja. V devetdesetih letih je komemorativna de- javnost ob spomeniku zamrla, v naslednjih desetletjih pa so vandali popolnoma uničili tako stavbne dele kot zgodovinske muzejske in arhivske predmete. Pustoše- nje spomenika še ni končano – lokalno prebivalstvo še naprej odstranjuje plošče iz nerjavečega jekla. Monument to the members of the uprising in Kordun and Banija, also known as the Petrova gora monument, is erected on Veliki Petrovac, the highest peak of Petrova gora in the mountainous region of central Croatia. Preserving the memo- ry of the civilian victims and fighters killed in action against fascism, the concept proposed by sculptor Vojin Bakić was chosen in a competition in 1974. The con- struction was underway soon after as the opening was intended to be held on 4th July for the 40th anniversary of the inception of people’s liberation movement. The building’s exterior was not officially finished until 4th October 1981. The rein- forced-concrete monument is covered by stainless steel panels. The interior hous- es a museum with a permanent exhibition on the People’s Liberation Struggle in the region, while the surroundings were laid out as a recreation complex. A view towards Slovenia, Bosnia, and Zagreb opens from the roof terrace. The construc- tion was very demanding due to the complex design and the remoteness of the site, which first had to be equipped with infrastructure (road, electricity, and wa- ter). The project was funded with public and private donations, as well as with a loan which Yugoslavia raised from the International Monetary Fund. The blue- prints for Bakić’s sculptural design were drafted by architect Berislav Šerbetić. The building is a 37 m tall concrete structure clad in panels made from stainless steel imported from Sweden and arranged in five layers undulating lengthwise. From the car park and the visitor centre, a long flight of steps leads to the building. The interior with a floor area of 3000 sqm initially featured a 250-seat congress hall, a library, a reading room, a café, and a museum. In the 1990s, the monument was forgotten, and in subsequent decades, building parts as well as historical muse- um- and archive objects were completely destroyed by vandals. The destruction of the monument has not yet reached its maximum extent as the local population continues to remove the stainless steel panels.