dtlftvcl so MU prialljanl Ho stav. Getu lio Vargas, predsednik ra-publike Brazilije. Je včeraj Imenoval zvoj kabinet. V vladi ao lz- ritvi pogodbe, ustvarja iljnost, povzročilo j« 2.000 rudarjev v Glen kl Je bila nedavno po- ^iOff»c. »t i»ubitct»<>a. ie* »outk UwMak 4». r.i«phon« «aa (SLAMO SLOVENSKE HODPORNE JEDNOTE L ¿tO— Subacriptlta «0.00 Chicago, DU «reda, S. novembra (Nov, 6), IPSO for is «WitíMiniOO. Act of 0«t 8, 1917, authorl«* on Juns 14, 191«. STEV NUMBER ia c at rat. of l>i»taff« HAS IZ A T edarčck S. N. P Brat in sestra Se Ne Pe Js! Ustanovitev Jugoslovanske bratska federacije v Milwau-keeju. Referati in novi zaključki. Izvoljen je stalni odbor in odsek sa pravila federacije. Katoliika jed-nota je poslala opazovalca. Prihodnja «konferenca je v Pitsburghu Dne 27. in 28. oktobre t 1. se je vršila druga konferenca za federativno »druženje jugoslovanskih podpornih organizacij v A-meriki. Po zaključku prvo konference bi oo morala vršiti 8. oktobra, toda radi sskssnitve zapisnika prve konference je bila Gaedi* in Rt»; nadalje prosvet-nI odbor: Pleše, GriU in Solič; končno zavetiščni odbor: Kalan, Sankovič in Ermenc. NadaUnji važnejši oklepi so Iavrtni odbor ims izdelati pravila za regulacijo federacije in predložena na 27. oktobra. Vrti- ftJ*NMl organizacijam v po- la se je v Milwaukeeju, Wis. / Udeležbe konference je bila i sta kot na prvi in isti možje trditev. Izvršni odbor ao ki ao se udeležili kon- ference, dobivajo glafclla vseh podpornih organizacij. Federedja je dobila sočasno i-me. Sprejeto je bilo ime "Jugoslovanska bratska federacija", o-krajšano JBF, kar oe lahko rabi tudi za angleško ime Jugoelav Brotherhoods' Federation. Tretje konferenca ee vrši v Pittsbuvghu, Pa., meoeca. aprila 1931. Dan določi isvrknl odbor. Zapisnik te konference se ima poslati vsem jugoslovanskim zastopali organizacije. Od oota-lih organizacij, ki niao bile zastopane na prvi konferenci, se je odzvala le KSKJ, ki je poslala ne-oficielnega opazovalca v osebi Mihaela Opeke, novega gL predsednika te organizacije. a * Po priobčitvi zapisnika jrve konference eem ponovno pozval vse jugoslovanske podporne organizacije, nsj se nam pridružijo in pošljejo ovoje zaatopnike na drugo konferenco: povabil sem jih v Proeveti in še poeebej podpornim organizacijam ia mo-v pismu. Edini odziv je bil, da oe ra biti objavljen v giaeilih fede nam js malo približala KSKJ in racije v čim mogoče najkrsj-da je bil g. Opeka en dan s nami " kot opazovalec. \ Preoej čepa je konferenci prisostvoval tudi g. Rtbin Kristan, ki je konferenco poadravil z jedrnatim govorom. Zborovale! so oficielpo potrdili j zapisnik prvo konference. Pri tem Je bil pohvaljen h«, Vatro GriU, ker Jesajnanft tako uredil, obenem * jan, ker je iaajjg druge konference je Novsk 5r Mil-bd nalašč sa to Viacoat Caiakar. 5 « d vodil br. waukeojja, Id Je dji, jo dejal Nlokuhr New YocIl— (FP) —-Relnhold najet in plačan. On ni zastopal Niebuhr, profesor na univer-nobene organizacije. | ,i Columbia, ki se je nedavno vr Po poročilih članov začasnega nil Iz Nemčije, kjer je proučeval odbora so sledili referati o slede- politične in ekonomeke tih predmetih: I je na zborovanju Mirovne lige, 1. O skupni kontroli novih čla- ki se je vršilo v hotelu Woods-nov. Referiral Vinko Solič. I točk, pripovedoval evoje vtiae, ki 2. Skupna kontrola.bolnikov in Jih Je dobil v Nemčiji. Nicbuhr kako preprečiti etanuladjo. Re- Js napovedal ustanovitev sovjet-feriral je WilUam Rus. |oke republike, če Združene drža- 3. Skupna kulturna akcija. Re- ve m bivši zavezniki v svetovni feriral Vatro GrilL vojni ae «brišejo vgjnih dolgov, 4. Koristi akupne Skrije v ki ao veHko finančno breme sa dr-pravnih zadevah. Referiral Vin- žavo. Niebuhr je dalje dejal, da cent Cainkar. | obstoji možnost revolucije radi 5. Skupna gospodarska akci- redukcije mesd in žMJenekega idarde, kar uetvarja silno ns« ja. Referiral Frank Aleš. stane previjajo na prič in grosiJo e ra* VolucijO, 6. Skupna propaganda med A- ssdovoljnost med delsvci ia dr meričanl. Referiral Vflctor Pe- lavnimi uradniki. Fašisti oe pri tek. 7. Skupna akcija sa ohranitev naie mladine našim organizsd-jam. Referiral Frank Ermenc. 8. Skupna akcija sa zavetišče. Keferlrals Anton Gozdič in John Kalan. Referatom — ki bodo objavUe-ni v zapisniku — je eledila obšir- ______ toda delavsko-gtbenje Je dobro orgsnizirano fO 00 oe nO zgodi kaj nfprttakovthttga, bo lahko zSnstavflo fašist«* Val. Socialni demokrati, industrij, d in 2idje nasprotujejo ideji sitne revolucije, ker oe boje kao-f . àa. .. oa. ki bi lahko naaUl. Ti so pra- na in živahna razprava o vsaki ^ M bo Nemčija izvle- l'<'samesnl točki. Bilo Je dovolj kU ^danje politične ln eko- zsnimanja za voe predmete in videti je bilo, da oo oe referenti zelo poglobili v vprašanja m »tvarl, ki eo bile na dnevnem redu. Obenem pa je vladala nekako rezerviranoet in slabo rrfs-pološenjb ss ebvesne zaključke. Zastopniki naravno nieo Imeli mandata zs kakšno obyesno sklepanje. Glede priporočil referqntov je Mo sklenjeno, da poskušamo s izvajanjem nekaterih, za drage v pe izvolijo odbori, ki pripceo* "la temeljito pratreeejo la pre-dloie delaj lira ne načrte tretji konfarsncl. Izvoljen je bil izvršni odbor, ki bo vodU pculovanje federacije (io prihodnje konference. Vaaka rfru. hvršni odbor ss sam koa-"tKuira. Izvoljeni oo bili: Vincent Cainkar. pradeednik Vatro GrlR. podpredsednik. Vinko Solil, tajnik. Potem Js bil Isvotjsn fkiaačai "Ibor, v katerem so brstje Aleš,' poMične krlae. Uva, ki še niao poalala čila, naj to store brea odlaša-aja. Koledarček Ima ebllleo podatkov ki InSocaaacij, ki ae velike važneaU m člana SNPJ. Zato M ga ral Imeti vaak član. Stane 26c. določil je Dmaé ároMi U Mihraukeeja: Proalava 80-letnlce soc. pevskega zbora Na-preja zadnjo nedeljo je oijajno Ispadla. Okrog tifoč oseb je bilo navzočih, med temi mnogo poeet-nlkov is Chfcaga, Waukegana, Kenoahe, Racina tn Sheboygana. ftubel j in ostali pevci in pevke so dosegli velike ue^ohe. Opereta "Kovačev študent" s Subljem v glavni vlogi je bila izvedene sijajno. Na proslavi sta govorila župan Hoan, kandidat Ermenc ln Fr. Zaita Iz Ohicaga. . _ Iz Sheboygaaa: Štirinajst Ju-'meeee« oktobru ločila mestu dolar. zave mes dejal. stri ralo lavcev, (FP) — Tam-Ijgarava je do-,000,000 v podporo KePcenijo, da Je v tisoč d«lav-prlžlo na vaa-noga nekaj več kot tega je uprava dala nekatera poslopja V katerih bo našlo 6,000 ljudi. Kybleld, upravitelj ovalnloesa dslo, je v enem tednu regi-b rez posel nih dela poeredo val niča jc dSlo le 987 prosilcem. Apel na delOdsjalce, na upoeltjo več delavcev, m prineool ssšelje-nega uopèha in saposlsnost je v goolovansklh društev priredi prihodnjo nedeljo proteotnl shod proti fašističnim" umorom v Trstu. Glavni govornik bo Filip Oo-dina Iz Chlcaga. Iz Clsvslanda: Umrl je Frank Doiinar, zidar po poklicu ln izmed pionirjev naoelbine;, doma je bil iz Škofje Loke in zapušča na ln tri hčere; v ClevO-du Je bival 28 let.—Umrla Je Loulae Slobodnlk, atara 81 let; «Spušča moša In tri otroke.» Iz Brazilije je prišel na oblek k ovojomu bratu Jooeph Jerklč. / Is FalipaHa, O.: John /ušna, 87 let la doms ad Lota, je dni isflubil življenje v 1.8%; To ksže. da ss sitascijs ns ikboljluje in broapoeelne » v New Yorku 'čakajo težki časi ns zimo. 1 Voditelji velikih industrij v državi Ne* York atadijo InauUo. vemu agledu la pritlekajo na do-lavoe, da jMšjo prlepavati meado enega dfrav* na messe v sklsd delav- nebili vsake odgovornoeti in naložili brame na rame zaposlenih Yoifc TJJmt HM m. Vroča voda se je isHle lent,' sè vsrok kaatlčni éUL 011 Uy€m ^uh^* i• nedsvno varnsrji je je vil vest, da so to-zavarovati av «» i ndd smeriških tnvaren poksssli člsnoNri. *«—*--——« rsadsianism nji' J. Rtjfan^ Pa.: Tu i^ ZTZS^. v alučajTiUredov, goadarski delavec Louia Rollh, kk < mamenje, da se ssvedejo doms Iz Zablč pri Iliraki Bistri- ^ « M d. Zapušča teno In vsč otrok, /j ls Jašne Amerike I Smrtne se je ponesrečil rojak Franc Brk, ki je bil zapoolen pri gradnji oe» sto v Rulz ds bos Uanosu, provinca SalU v Argentini. Pri kopanju ga Je usmrtila eksplodirana mina. V Argentini zapušča brata.—V Roaariu, Argmtina, sta bila okradena dva slovenska delavca sa več kot tisoč pasov^-Slovenako prosvetno društvo št. 1 v Buenos AIroou je imelo protestni Shod proti fsšistlčnim «lo-činom v Trstu. >" Brasiljs Ima diktatorja d Rlo ds Jsndro, 4. nov.—Or. nomske krize brez nasilnega preobrata, čeprav se Hitlerjev vpUv širi med kmečkim prabiveletvem in malomeščani, ki sanjsjo o s a-vi nsmicega eoearetvs kakršno Jp bilo pod kajssrjemr| V splošnem ee lahko reče. Je dsjal Niebuhr, da je komuaistič-no gibanje močno med bi «po*cl niml delali. V Nemčiji je ssdaj tri in pol miHjons ljudi bnz ds la in sodi ss, da bo število nsra-stlo na pet milijonov v zimskih maeecth. Delodajalci grozijo z nadaljaimi redukcijami mezd kar pootsvlja aoda'«e demokrata ln vodRelje deUvsklh strokov, nih unij v neugodno situadjo. Ce bi unije pristale aa znižanje, pomeni to ojačenje levlčaraksgs krila, v nasprotnem slučaja bo-do pe Industrije perallzlmne ln tmede bo poetole še večje. Največ preglavic pa delajo Nem-cam vojni dolgovi ia jšačevanje reparacij bivšim zaveznikom, ker Js tuR vzrok, de oe država ne izk^ati iz ekoaomske in ključno voditelji zmagovite vata-je. Začaana vlada ja nominal-ao dlktatori£na ka(tollko čas«, da be sprejeto riova ustava ln ss izvrše volitve. Dr. Vsrgaa Je uvedel novo kabinetno mesto, ki ga Brazilija doslej nI Imela: To meeto Je poverjl Lindolphu Colorju. ki je zastopal votaše v Argentini. • \./A-\ >..,• situacija, ki jo nastala v Združenih dritavah radi b^ospo-aolnootl te indaatrijske depreel- Drzen ropsrAlimpsd; 60 gostov Chieago. — Roparski nspsdi ao as sttno pomnožili, odkar pri-tlaka kriza brospoeelnoetl. Na-kateri ropi te prooogajo vae je. Tkko so ssdnjo nedeljo zvečer Štirje maskiren! moški udrii v stanovanje Benjsmfca Wolpsr ta, 8829 W. Adams at., ki je imel doma4o zabavo in 00 gostov Jo sedete okoli miss. Banditje so terorizirali sbrane, obetrelill nekega dečka, ki nI hotel mirovati in obrati vae navaoče sa okra« 000 v gotovini In slatnlnl, nakar so izginili v svtu neovirani. Koeaaosil ja ProVidence, R. I. - ManvUJe Jendkoa Co. Je to dni zapria ovo-Jo tovarno ln tako jo 1,800 de-lavcev Isgubllo delo. Ts drutba je pred dvema ineooeomo prenehala s Obratom ovoje tovarne v VVoonsoSketu in tudi tokrat t4 več Sto deUvoev Isgubllo delo V interesu vae la vaših aorodaifcov je, da ste aavarovani aak alučaj neerače aR ssartl pri dobri ln močni podporni orgaalsaoiji kot je fllsaronsks naradna podporna Jednota. Kakor de dobro, Rs Imate kak eeat aa "deševne dni," je dobra In še boljše, če Imate erganlaaeije, katera aa vae akrbt v čaaa bolesnl ali neerašo ta za vašo drage po vaši smrti. Pa-sita» da o pravem čas« plačate meoečas prispevke; s tem pri-hranite precej nepotrebnega posla društvenemu tajniku In tudi gl. urada. / Ca Ae niste plašsM svojega aaosmaata sa mesec oktober, atorite ta takoj! Brata tajnika pa prosimo, da ne posabl ob-vestlti one, KI BI UŠ1U BITI C9fANI V OKTOBRU, da jlk obvsatl pravočasno. TAJNIŠTVO. IHHLm JLJ^^Jj M MMMjMSflu nnem pviwwi v Mgs™ Zepleten je v škandal i« 51 preiskav«' WeeMngteMXC. - (FP) ~ Ray Wllburja, tajnika depart-menta sa notranje zadeve, mučijo skrbi, kajti Mercer Greene Johnston, predsednik Ljudske legtslstlvae slušbo, mu Je sa petami. Johnston je namreč s vedel, da Wilbur še vedfto prejema $20,000 letno od Loland Standford universe, katero predsednik je bit, dokler ga nI Hoo-ver Imenoval za člana kabineta. Tako Wilbur prejema dvojno plsčo, kar js v nssprotju a federalnim zakonom, ki prepoveduje, da bi kateri zvosnl uradnik dobival plačo ia drugega vira kot vladnega. ' '' Loland 8tanford univerza Ima okrog oedam milijonov dolarjev vloženih v podjetjaalektrerake-ga truota. Kar je Wilbur kot tajnik departments za notranje tudi načelnik zvezne elek-trarske komisije, tsdsj^je fsa- m via- dU rektorjfii t Čudnega, 60 pomagata trustu do vsčjlh dividend, ksP s torn pomagata tudi unlveral do vašjlh obresti na dalniss, da jima ne more nihče očitati nehvaležno- To je v glavnem vsrok, da je Hoover priskočil na pomoč Wllburja. ko je neki newyorški Ust objavil članek, kjer je bil pojasnjen nov Mcaadal pri oddaji javnih semljlšč v roka privatnim interesom in oo bilo isrečene ob-domtve napram tajniku depart-menta ss notranjo sadove. to. čimvsč viniTOv. last- se Uvea goveja živine NOVI IN 8TRMOG L A VIJ ENI PREDSEDNIK ■Hlr ^^rfM jwiviili primo- In vladne js stopil v va* ^ 4, nov,-—Nsj večji dr. žavai trust v zgodovini j« pravkar sačel poslovati pod kontrolo snglsške delavsks vlads. Zakon, ki Ima adrušltl produkcijo premoga ln Jo ananotveno regulira-ti, Je poeta! veljaven 1. novembra. Rprejslje bil aadnjo opo-mlad. Na temelju toga aakona ae mora vsa produkcija premoga v Angliji organlairatl v gotovo števila distrtktov ln vsak dla-trikt je pod kontrolo distriktnega odbore, ki sestoji ls lastnikov jsm; ti odbori ao pod kontrolo osatrainega odbora, ki ga lavo-Ujo sami. Ampak ti odbori last-sikov rovov imajo vessne roke. Vsi našrtftt ki jih •prejmejo dis-triktnf odbori s centralnim odborom vred, morajo biti po polno kontrold^liad nJem premogovnikov»i, * ' J4*"' Dlstriktnl odbori doioJljo kvot to premoge, ki jih produdra vsak premogovnik ln ki as ame-Jo prekoračiti akupne kvoto sa vss distrikt. Lastnik, ki as ns bo držal kvoto, bo moral plačati 7 fte kasni od voske tone preveč nakopspapa prsmogs In pravi-lok Ss odtrga od bodošo kvoto. Dlstriktnl odbor Ims moč določiti osne premogu In kszni aa spreminjanja sen. In Rudarji ss ZAMIARJE ZA STRAJKTEKS-TILCEV RASTE Od aj«nega Izida ja odvisna aa« daljna agitacija sa organizlra-nje delavcev v^ušnih državah Philadelphia, Pa. — (FP) — United Textile Workero unija oe dobro aaveda vašnoetl stavke v Danvlllu, Ve., sato je organizirala shode v tekstilnih mestih, aa katerih govorniki opisujejo razmere, ki so prevlsdovsls v to vsm i Dan River A Riverside MIH Co., ki so dale povod fttraj. Ward Thoron, predsednik Narodne aoodsdje tekstilnih tovarnarjev» ja nedavno iajavil, da tekstilci niso imeli nobenega vzroka ss stavko pri tej drušbl, kjer so bile delovne rasmere boljše kot v drugih tekstilni mestih na jugu, Kakšno «o bU« to rssmera, ja rasvidno 1« Izjave, ki Jo Je podal na ahodu tekstilnih delavcev v« PMladelphiji Jeaoe ry, ki je delal petnajst lat pri omenjeni družbi, a Je bil od« slovljon, ko ja prlilo uradnikom na uho, da Je aktiven v gibanja za organiziranja' delavoev. Pas v prečne tedenske mesda Js bila fit na teden, enem pa jo anlšsvala mesda. Ko Je potom prišela s odpuščanjem dels voem, ki so bili akti*, ni v uni Jokom gibanju, Je mera potrpešljlvoeti pri kipela do vrhunca in edin Ishod Iz položaja Je bil stavka. Pradeednik dmšbe ritsgaral* ss rad ponaša v Javnosti s svojo' človekoljubnostjo. Ob vsskl priliki poudarja, koliko ja še eto-rll za izboljšanje položaja lavcev v njegovi tovarni gersld Je tudi pobožen čen steber prsebltorlj snake oeifc k vene občine, toda delavci, ki so delali v njegovi tovarni več let, ga predobro posnsjo ter vedo, da Je človek, ki odslovi delavca, kstsrl Js dslal zanj dvajoet let, samo radi toga, ker Je pristopil v unijo, nepošten In bres vsaka» gs «o£utjs. Radikalnemu sfgaaloslof je greni depoiiari ja Danville, Va. — William T. Murdoch, tajnik National Textile Workero uaije, levičarske or-ganizacije, ki je bil aretiran ln vršen v zapor na obtožbo, da Je hujokal tekstilno delavce na u-r>or proti oblastem, bo morda de-iHirtlran v Kanado, še se daksde, da js prišsl v Združene države ritflegslno. Pred kratkim ga je o-biskal v zaporu Arthur J. Ode-neal. uradnik Imigrecljskega biroja, v svrho saslišanja. Murdoch Js na vee vprašanja o nje-gov t h aktivnostih molčal. Oklahoma City.-4ll!na oija, ki je privrela sadnjs dni Is divjega vrelca v Oklahoma C|-tyju, se Je 8. t. m. začela Iztekati v reko North Canadlan. Olja ss Js ulgalo In zdaj imajo panU« nI preblvakl nenavaden prizor, da voda goril Tri palec debefc plast gorečega olja je pokrila vso reko in pemlše ss dalja in dobimo v krst-STteCTsklep federacije dne M. oki, v Canon»b«rgu ja h», da moramo ml »ter! «lani Hi ss delo, ds pridobimo našo mladino v naia druitva. Zato »me »e odločili, ds pridobimo kolikor ost «oremo naših mlsdib meéi v psie društvo HvsU društvu 4t 188 ss nljudnoet In po»tesibo ob Čsro koafereae» BNPJ. Umrl Js 2. nov. 1029 v sterosU 24 let. Doma Je bil is Vrhnike pri Leiu. Nssrečna usoda Ts vsels vse prersao je od as», odšel »i in |MMM|Mfc|iiftM Tebe al med nami vsi. Nsi apomia na T» ie vedno živi v naših arcih in «e bomo Te pozabili dokler tudi mi ne pridemo »»Teboj. &to leto dolga doba, Ko slovo prijel jemati & 'U «lavno kar potekla je. * »ohce utrnile ee. »'> golša psds ie asitets Zaprl oči »i svoje ta vf|ed boleieg» »res. ns rsblo vsel "goodby" slovo. . Svet ass so miks • Težka bils je ločitev kar odšel si Ti od nas. ko mrzlo roko si nam podal, ta izguba Je veBka,;.Wm muka Ia boleih^s te rane as zaceli ¿as. odiel v veesoljstvo si ad ass. - Bh usod. ti iivljenje, Ljubi mei in oie v»e prehitro zsgreali. ve« ne čuje se Tvoj glss. Če ms nesrečni nov. mesec v rskev sq te položili drogi si nam vsel zsklsd. ia odne»li proč od na». Žalujoči ostaU: Helen ŠraJ, sopraga; Joe, Olg» ia Jo»i, otroci; vsi v MHwsakse, Wis.,. ' • ' t - ■ r>l PmsrlvsaiJI Zborovanje sa Ja vršUo v Csaoas-bargu dae IS. okt. Zastopanih 24 društev S 11 zsatopfllkl, odborom ter mnogo članov^ vssh skopaj »W»4lh 120. Zboeevali sme 4 ure roiils odbor» piveej ssdovoMKa. V hlAgsjni denarja |8S2Si. Odbot sa orgaaisirsaje novih društev porois: Organizirali »me dvs sovi dnitvi ed zsdnje seje. Publicijsli od*A pOro-is: Delali smp po sktopa zadnje seje. Agitacija. Rasnje ss obširna «litkuzija. Blede rssaa priporočil». Nekateri kritizirajo »tarie. »S ne /.animajo dovolj lasa SS »vojijKroke. Urugi krivijo mladino (ne Wob da še ee zanima dovolj sa »roje Interese. Nekdo Isvsjs. ds imsmo četrtino članstva nad »0 let starega. Ca sm» potrudimo, da pridobimo mladlšo, bomo nazadovali. Br. Kutch upa, da bodo Imsll uspeh tudi v bodoče. Ce ne hI bilo induetrlalae krise, bi bele-«III boUM u-peh. : , Sklenjeno, da ss isvoU odsek osmih članov Slov. govorečih 4mšt** da delaj» s ob.toj^im odsekom ss ar-gsnisirsnje novih društev. Isvoljenl •o aledeči: Kokllch, Smrekar, los Pe terael, Hrvatln, Kvartlsh, Jack Do-leno, Ambroslch Ia OamMsh. Zbor-niča aprvjme resolucijo protj, ikodfc ljlvtan dopisom, kot Js bfl F|hJsnov. Smo sa svoboda tiska v mejah do-ateJnoatL (Slede podpisi o venska mladhsat Ua N. MICHIGAN ATE, CHICAGO, ILL. BMDA, S. MO VBMMU. — Glasovi iz naselbin ■K0IVITS CANONBBUM, PA. i prlr«d! ▼ soboto 15. novembra 1930 trtdf»|aniiki> huHro ? dvorani društva "Postojnska Jama" it 188 9NPJ Pavel Ovivea, krojaški «ee jeter Agata. rvjwjfov® Isš .....«•«« Milak, krojaški vajene« France» T»k»v«c Martin MWofer ,,,, .John Ludvik .....John KokHŠ ,.. Anton Temšlš SbOVKNHKI 01AK8KI KLUB "BOČA." O tvori tov vtnofcs trgatve ob H. uri svešor. Igrala bo isrrstaa godba "Perty Miners" Kot vsslsj bo tudi ns tsj vinski trgatvi obilo sabav», sms- ■ ha in dovolj vaaga. Iivratna postrsBba a dobrim prifriskom i in pljsšo bo na raspolago. i Vatopnlna Js BOe. Prišetbk ob B svslsr. J ! Na svidsnja klfes ln vsbi ODBOR. B dno 18. novembra 1880 w Slov. Domu, na §7« In J tsutier Btreei v vpisourgn, n« , Aadrev Vldrloši, prvi podpredsednik B. N. P« J« li Johoitovji, Pa. ia br. Malh Fetrovrih ki Glevelesde, Okkt. V ansloškom Joaika bosta govorila pa br. J«ha KuteH ia br. Aeg. Bteka i« Ossaaiksrga, Pa. 'l>rU«laL ^ a ---■— «I-.---.--M. __ ^^ II vir■ i'* nu m IIHHi TMpiHP |9 in Mi IVNM /,» Isvratno postrvibo In fsaogo ssl»sv«i ImmI« ikrtwl priprev- ll.l.l «JL... t —^ t .. L. U - ..jiJ^iJ- u —..I. m iiMiuiir. ifriia oo HTTIVIM ■•fHk Ma iTw«iyf T WNW lš. novoaibra, vabi - ODBOBI CoasMeb m8 nes mn motorne ladjo MVlfkCAHIAH DNE 10. DBCEMBftA. Prank Ermeno »videnja v va. ki as Je pri društvu vršila dne 80. JttMja t, L Ia katere Js br. Debelaka izključila, br Bi« tinea pa «t>r<«tila, «a al vršila tako kot t»r«*dpnuJejo pravila 8. M. P. J . fcvtf Je bila prietren-aka. Nadalje eo Je šsaniln, da Je MJ* prometa br. Blellee v ■fe PROSVETA TBE ENLIQHTENIHHT aiH OI LASTJTOU SUIVSHSKB MABODKI Ml JSONOTE l'BOSVKTA OS TUS rSDSBATBD primar (Oat, !»*•> KM»«« " * M fl Drama in glasba Kulturne priredbe naiih organizacij Jugoslovanska braUka federacija Poročilo ns drugem mestu dsnsinje Pro-svete nsm pove o velikem koraku, ki je bil storjen pred otegnila tanj. Je bil oproščen ln še danes je živ ln zdrav. Iz hvaležnosti Je potem ustanovil novo društvo. Br. Klopčlč ima prav: jednota se ne baha s tem! S tem, da beležimo te slučaje, le registriramo dejstvo, da je Jednota izvršila svojo dolžnost. Kajti dolžnost jednote nI le pomagati v »lučajih bolezni in amrtl. temveč v vsakem slučaju nesreče, katera ai nI član sam kriv. Brstje in sestre naj Imajo to pred očmi, kader so ns delu ia avojo ožgan i taci Jo. Veda rešile človeštvo Ur. Feli* l)'Herell«\ profesor bakteriologi-Js na Yalu, je odkril novo zdravilno snov, ki jo Je nazval bakterlofag sli "Jed«* glivic". To sredstvo ima moč. ds uniči vm> bolesenake gll-vlce sli bsclle v telesu. Ko je dr. D(Herellc poskusil to zdravilo na I Jedeh ki so oboleli ne aaijafeki koleri, je le oeem odsUdkov bolnikov umrlo; med onimi pa. ki niso dobili bakterio-faga, je umrlo 62 odstotkov Nekega prihodnjega dne bo morda bakte-■*WS_efcaytto seper vse kolesni in vsled tega ■ ■emena. Medicinska veda korake ne- Koncert "Prešerne" I Chicago, IIb—Nastopila je se-zona jesenskih priredb. Razna tukajlrlja slovenska kulturna društva so pridno na delu, da nudUo narodu kar najfet raznovrstnega razvedrila ip duševnega užitka. Pevaki zbor 'Prance Prešeren' se pripravlja za veliki koncert, katerega priredi dne 16. novembra v dvorani SNPJ. Naatopil bo tudi najstarejši čikaški zbor "Slovan/' kateri je zadnje čase postal, rilo živahen in nas bo presenetil S psr lepimi pssmimi. Iz programa, ki bo pravočasno objavljen v tem listu, bo v celoti ruvidns kskovost koncerta. Poleg ljubkih nerodnih pesmi, je "Prešeren" vključil v program psr lepih klssičnih pesmi, ki bodo — vsaj upati je—povolj-no izvajane ln bodo občinstvu ugajale v polnem smislu. Pesmi "Njegs nI" In^Tartlr" menda še ti&o bile izvajane v Chicagu lista. V resnici zaslužita vso podporo od nas Slovencev. Po igri je bilo vse veselo; saj to je že v navadi, da na klubovih prireditvah smo vedno najbolj veseli. Kdo ne bi bil, saj ob takih veeelih komadih, ki jih znajo bratje Goršek igrati, človek ne more biti kisel, še bi mu prav "pol življenja manjkalo." Tudi "Vdova Rošlinka" s* je nekaterim že smilila, ker je bila tako radodarna kmetica, z medico in klobasami, pa je ni nihče maral. Ampak nazadnje je pa le imela zadoščenje, kajti Janeza je pa le odpeljala domov. Odbor, Jesenakl koncert "Save" 1' Chieago, IU. — Vsak civiliziran narod ima pesnike, skladatelje, tovežfeane pevce in revake Aore. Tudi Slovenci nismo brez njih, ker ne moremo biti. Peeem, pa naj bo že primitivna, popularna kM'klasična, spremlja človeka otvori/evoj koncert. "Mi vstaja- j njihovi požrtvovalnosti, odloč-mo" je otvoritvena točka na pro- noatl in razredni zavednosti, gramu jjrihodnjega koncerta Sa-j Izmed ustanoviteljev društva ve, ki mt vrši popoldne 30. novem- so še vsi člani, razen teh: F. bra v CBPS dvorani na W. 18. Pejk, f. Uloga, V. Jamšek, F. at. in May ave. Pesem Je Ašker-, Berlan in A. Kos. Prvi štirje so SREDA, 5. NOVEMBRA. V "Pjatiletka" je popoMmm razmaki staro-državo in Iz razvalin raate novi redHÉ cova/ki je naš prvi in med naj boljlimi uporniškimi pesniki. Tudi melodija je lepa in upamo, da bo občinstvu ugajala. * Pek. odbor. 'ä: v in ^ tiso*'h, tisočletja njegove zgo- Vsak ljubitelj dovine in stremljenja po kultur- najss udeleži %ako^da ^ Jf| mftterialnem r^redku. sliši krasna delanaših Pri primitivnih narodih je bila (in je še) pesem na nizkem nivoju — prlmltiyen melodizem glasov bra«5 pesnitve; nji v primeru je v klasični skladbi zapo-paden «velik kulturni, predvaem estettčni napredek.človeka. V o-beh slučajih izraža človek svoja pesnikov. Pevoi "Prešerna" se zayedajo, da Je treba mnogo prizadevanja s strani zbora, da koncert moralno uspe. Prsvtsko se vssk ljubitelj petja lahko zaveda, da morajo pevci veliko žrtvovati "Streh s dolgo roko" Watt Allla, Wie. — Tukajšnji dramski klub Slovenskega avdi< S ÍTSpOT čutortviTde ot>je¡rtov ¿T^Ä Opera "Gorenjski slavček" Cleveland, O—Pevsko društvo Zarja uprizori dne 23. nov. v Scenskem narodnem domu opdVa. "Gorenjski slavček." Ker bodo jtroški z opero zelo veliki in ker je društvo na slabi finančni1 Jnkllagi, smo se obrnili na vsa podporna društva in trgovce ter,uredništva za finančno in moralno pomoč, da bo prireditev čim boljše usplla ter da bomo tpdi v bodoče lahko gojili slovensko petje. Plikpevs se lahko potom oglasov % program. Cene so: cela straa«deset, pol strani pa pet dol. Upadjo, da nam ne boste odrekli te podpore, saj so nam vsem znana težkoče pri kulturnih društvih Jza njih obstoj. Ako ne ho društvo dobilo zadostne zunanje pbdpore, bo v tem slučaju z uprizoritvijo opere izguba, katero bf'4nIrnlo društvo samo kriti preoteutna za člane. « Tone Hrenovec. poznej prestopili k drugim jed-notinim društvom, A. Koss je pa pred sedmimi leti nagloma umrl. Njemu se imamo zahva-iti aa njegov trud in požrtvovalnost pri društvu in pri vseh naših naprednih ustanovah, kjer se Je zvesto udejstvoval. Vedno jebifmed naprednimi elementi ter agftiral za napredna društva. Zal, da na take agilne člane po njih smrti pozabimo in se jih le redkokdaj spominjamo. Blag: mu spomin! Jubilejno obhajanje 20-letni-ce se bo vršilo 9. nov. v Slovenskem društvenem domu na 20713 Recber ave., pričetek ob 2:30 popoldne. Prijazno vabimo vse cenjeno občinstvo iz bližnje o-kolice na našo proslavo in obširen program, ki bo zanimiv. Se vselej so bile naš? prireditve od strani cenjenega občinstva dobro obiskane, zato upamo, da tudi sedaj ne boste ¿ostali, temveč da se bosfe ¿dzvafTWtemu vabilu. Na svidenja dne#3frv. I f I Matthew gebevec. , .H-np ■ni a k temu seveda največ pripomore volja ln aktivnost pevcev ln veselje do petjs. Ns drugI strsni ps tudi prsvilno umevsnje ter splošna kooperacija in pozornost lahko veliko povspešijo duševni užitek. Kakor vsako kulturno društvo, ima tudi "Prešeren"— katerega tvorijo sami navadni delavci—potežkoče za obstanek, toda ker ima dobre moči, katerih edina naloga je, da potom petja širijo irf Izražajo delavsko aktlvnoat, je uverjen, da ga bo narckhtudi v bodoče po možnosti podpiral, in bo na U našln lahko upravičeno pričakoval rVP«vra-čllo duševno razvedrilo in užitek/ Kaj bi bilo življenje brez petja,1 glasbe in modeme umetnosti,Iti nsm ustvsrja nove bli-ščeče Iluzije ln neti v nas vedno znova'vitalne občutke? Da bo program čimbolj izpopolnjen, bo za zmeh po koncertu v prizor jena burka "Vedež"—celo smešna in skoro nemogočs družinska slika. Programu bo eledlla postrežba a prigrizkom in pijejo, na to pa se bo vsak lahko napleaal, zakar bo skrbel izvrsten orkester. Vstopnice v predprodaji so po 60c, pri vhodu 76c. Občinstvo iz Chicaga in okolice je uljudno vabljeno, da se udeleži "Prešernovega" koncerta v polnem številu. Pričetek lob treh popoldne. , , Lawrence Gradtšek. član pub. odseka. ■■I « predstava i 111. — Predstavi " Vdova J&ošlinka," ki jo je uprizoril klUb ft. 40 dne 26. okt., je nadvaa dobro izpadla. Kot se je veliko udeležencev Israzilo, nI bila Še nobena predstava tako dobro Izvedens kot ta. Bila je zopet napolnjena dvorana. Najbolj razveseljivo pa je bUo to, da so ljudje Že pred otvoritvijo napolnili vse sedeže ln jih je moralo veliko stati za čaaa predstave, kar ae redko dogaja, posebno ker j« bil pričetek še ob sedmi. uri. Take; udeležbe člani ln igralci kluba V resnici niso pričskovalt. Klpb št. 47 J6Z se vsem prav lepo zahvali. udelešenevm. ki so pripomogli k tako dobremu u-spehu. in vsem drugim, ki so prodajali vstopnice In delali na prireditvi. Hvala vaem tistim, ki eo prišli iz drugih krajev, iz Au-burne, Vlrdna, Taylorvilla In Llncofoa. Bili so vsi zelo zadovoljni. Nekdo se je ianuil, de bi bilo dobro, če bi se dalo to igro tudi na oder v drugI naselbini. Po majih mislih ne bi bilo napeč. no, še bi ae dobilo primerno dvorano s odrom. Od strani igralcev ne bi bilo veliko stroškov. Ce bi im- več društev skupaj vaelo. mislim. da bi bil dober uspeh~ea društva. Ne smemo pozabiti m zahvaliti uredništvu Proevete in Pro-1«tarče. S pomočjo tek listov vsaka prireditev dobro ispade; te m vtdl, koHke sta mdna ta dva Človek torej goji petje ne radi petja, temveč da v pesmi izliva in odkriva čuvatva. To delajo skupine ln narodi. In bolj kot se človek zanima za pešerti; več Ima emisla in močnejša čuvatva do lepote. V resnici se lsji-ko reče, da komur ni za lepo MM sem niti za inatrumentalno gUb s bo (jaza izvzet!), s takim človekom ni vae v redu, kot prarf? mo, in najbrž je čemernež in krat alten kot ne. Lepa balzam za človeka ln v pb, njenih zvokov človeka nervoanost in napetost zar lil nikdo. i,7j ■ . ' Udeležijo jubilejne slavno-So. Chlcego.—Dne 16. nove^J «ti, hi sicer v Slovenski delav-bra obhaja društvo "Delavec" ^ korani na 1»0. cesti ln št. 8 SNPJ svoj srebrnLJubfltt, — 25-letnlco svojegn obstoja-! »ovorn«ke, m si Slavnostni program ob tej vaH» Jfr ft^J® iR, in ^i0 ni in pomenljivi priliki bo zele Petrova. Povedala nasabosU dbMren. Vseboval bo 28 točk, ki ? «f<#ovini društva itd. Govori- so: Otvoritev, koračnica SNPJ (svira. Kozelev orkester), po* zdravni govor društvenega pretit sednika A. Svetliča, tajnMc Vu-cich poroča o delu ln društveni zgodovini, predaednik SI^PJ Vt Cafnkar govori v imenu je&hot^ l). i. Lot rich, podpreds. jednoto, gotori v angleščini, ss člkskKo federacijo SNPJ poroča Ja* Werščey in za HB Zajednico go» vori njen gl. nadzornik G. San«> kovich. Predstavniki čikaški h jednot«. nih društev, ki bodo govorili n| jubilejni alavnoati ao sledeči: za št. 1 Frank Aleah, za št 131 John Underwood, za št 669 Oscar Go* dlna. sa št. 681 Frank Mejash, za Št. John Potokar itd. Zt radnički dram. . zbor "Siuboda" govori J. Stropen, Za Hrvatski dom L. Stinčlč, za društvo šfe 36 ZSZ F. Koaioh ml., sa št. f IIBZ G. Guglč, za št. 227 HB2 G. Grietič, za št. 728 HBZ V. U Knaus. Na konosrtlno svlria mls» grs "Seljscl u gradu", ki jo u prizori dram. jdx>r "Slobods"v Program zaključi Wm. Rowan, alderman 10. werde rijudno ae vabi vas člksške in ds ae udeležijo alavnoati dne nov. v Hrvatskem domu na Commercial ave.* ~ v. ir,. 20-tetalee draštvs "Tabor" Cleveland. O. — Dne bra pranmije 186 SNPJ stoja. Tem m lo ee bo v slovenskem in angleškem, jeziku. Starši, kateri Imate mladino. apeUramo na vaa, da jih prjpeljite s seboj, kajti slišali bodo dobre stvari o naši ma- 9mmn K prireditvi otroci v spremstvu staršev prosti vsake vstopnine pod 16. letom. Za odrastle članeobo vstopnina 26c. ta ple-ssželjpe bo igral dobro poznan orkester Frank Novaka. Joeaph Fabjandc, tajnik iKajaetleUilca št. 168 J:uriid. O.—Naše društvo Za-ni sosedje št. 168 SNPJ je bilo ustanovljeno pred 20 leti ko je dobila SNPJ največji razmah^ organiziranju društev po vsej Ameriki. In tudi naši prv tukajšnji naseljenci niso bili s e .tf n j 1. Uvideli so potrebo da ae ustanovi napredno pod pomo društvo pod okriljem SN PJ, pa ao se zbrali, možje In žene. ter ustanovili društvo št 168. 2k pred 20 leti so bdi v naš dl A. Svetlečič, nakar sledi šaloL naselbini napredni ljudje, čemur je pač dokaa naše društvo. Uatk-m »vi t olji društva, kakor izkazuje poslov nica, ao biU: V. Badalič. F. Žagar, A. Koss. F. Pajk. F Kosa, I. Russ, A. Možina. J. Uk>- okotiške člane In rojake sploh, g*. Lucija Kosa, V. Jamšek. F Veselica društv|Jšt. 447 Nanticoke, Pa. ~^ažno za vsa društva SNPJ; katera so pridružena Federaciji SNPJ v okrožju trdega premoga. Društvo št. 447 v Nanticoku, Pa., priredi veselico dne 15. novembra in 20 odstotkov Čistega dobička se bo dalo v blagajno Federacije SNPJ v okrožju antracita. Se vabi vsa društva in članstvo, kateri ste pridruženi Federaciji, da se polnoštevilno udeležite te veselice, ker to je v dobrobit domače društvene blagajne ln obenem blagajne Federacije. Za vse potrebno na veselici bo pridno skrbel v&eličnl odbor. Na pozabite na dan 15. nov., začetek ob 7. zvečer na 200 Pine st., v Christanovi dvorani. M. Ferlln, tajnik dru*t. 447 in podpredsednik Federacije. mkišAš^i Milwaukee. Wis. -- Društvo Bratoljub Št. 834 SNPJ prired domačo zabavo v Harmonle dvorani v sdboto večer dne 8. nov. začetek zabave točno ob 6. zvečer. Apeliramo posebno na član stvo, da ae v polnem številu udeleži, vabimo tudi rojake iz okolice Milwaukee in West Alliea kakor tudi vsa podporna društva posebno Še apeliramo na naša bratska društva, da nas posetijo na omenjeni večer. V enakem slučaju smo vam., tudi ml nia razpolago. Za žejne in lačne bo ddbro pripravljeno, kakor tudi za plesa-željne. Zato nam jamči priprav ljalni odbor, ki je že pridno na delu; tako da bo vsem najboljše poatreženo. Kdor bo dobil srečno številko ba deležen krasne C-lektrifne namizne svntilke Za vso zabavo bo nemo $1.00 vstopnine, zatorejkjei na svide-8. novembra John PotfcMfcjpgsdfsdqlk. »*, * Kil 1 ^BH ■ | v. ÍWITrt V splošnem je človek plod svojega položaja in kdor hoče cele skupine ljudi resnično spremeniti, mors najprej izpremenitl njihov položaj, ki Jih dela to kar so. (Ferdinand Lassale.) Samo oni so resnični ljudje, ki osvobode svoj duh. "(Maksim Gorki.) INDUSKI PESNIK Berlan. K. n^allf m L Megla» Takrat je bilo težko pristopat v društva SNPJ. še težje pe je bilo Jih ustaaevljati. Kajti v komur, ki je pristopil k SNPJ. so obetali večno pogubljenje po smrti ln še več. Naši ustanovi-pa as tega strašila nieo nič bali. temveč šli preko Jim! i la ae. (Amsriiki poročevalec Juniua B. Wood poroča „ velikih spremembah, ki jih Je naiel v «ovjet.ki KUsill ko se Js po dveh Istih in iestlh mesecih vrnil tj» v« dežela, 160 milijonov ljudi, Je hošaš sH aoéei n. d.b ss "pjsUletko" sli petletno induatriaUairanje in radi tasa «i morajo vsi pritrdi ns iivsiu, obl«ki in kom! SSS^JMí?,*" po"w*Y • »a Ü ■•'vSr • ^IT?, . KJ, ' i.'t'; A m Odmerit! so dovolj vpliki. tako ni treba ni-komur stradati, razen če je kdo izredno požrešen. Vendar pa so odmerki večkrat omejeni in le ročni delavci lahko oddajo vse svoje kupo-ne. — Cene odmerkom v zadružnih prodajal-nah ao nizke, strašno visokfe pa so v "palat-kaiC aH kioskih na javnih trgih. Na primer na kupon dobiš velik kos mila za deset centov in manjši kos mila za umivanje za 15 centov, toda ista kosa staneta na odprtem trgu dva dolarja, in en dolar. Funt surovega masla stane na karto 64 centov ameriške veljave, na trgu pa pet dolarjev; eno jajce na karto tri cente in pol, na trgu 10 centov; funt govedine na" karto 20 centov, na trgu dva dolarja funt. Državljani s knjižicami «mejo kupiti me-so in druge reči le v onih prodajalnah, v kate* rih so registrirani in ne smejo kupovati v vsaki prodajalni, ki je odprta. Državljan, ki bi rad kupil par galoš, kapo aH kak drugi kos obleke, mora dobiti dovoljenje od svoje tovarne, da re• u* IOM ...... VPLAČILA UNDREW VIDBICH, prvi podprodso DONALD J. LOTB1CH, drogi podpr* JOHN J. EAVEBTNIE. fl sdravnik •It.M MUM MI.M *M|\ >Utt •MM 14.M 1.110 41 •mm in PRANE ALB8H. pgsšasdalk..........tlm 8. Crawfort At JOHN OLIP...............................MM W. 17th 1 JOSEPH 8ISKOVICH—........„....1000 B. 74th KNS, t POROTNI 0118BE: JOHN GOR See, prarissrtnlk..............414 W. Hap St, 1NTON SULAB............................... .Box g JOHN TRČIM......tMMMnt»».i»«»m»«Mt»«.lw 157 PRANE PODBOJ.._.....«..».»»»».»■«»m'«.....i«Bw M, PKANCES EAEOVŠHE.................ISIS I Saw M, 1 OKROŽNI EABTOPNIEIx GEORGE BMBKEAB, prva okrošje.......117 Ibta Ave* W. JOHN LOEAB HL drusa okrošje........SSS S. lS8a4 St, < FRANK KLUN, tretje okroije.................Box 608, C JOSEPH BBATKOVICH, šstrto okrolja........R. B. 7, P PRANE ELOPčiG. poto okrolja......................P. ( NADZORNI OD8BE: fRANK EAITZ. pradaodnfk......••••••.•...1619 W. S6th I ALBERT HBA8T.....................Mi 8. Pisno St., I MICHAEL PLUSH®..............SIS Mitii» in, N. ml» mm iS 5 aa.ii t mm Ims IM47 (BI 414* aa IMJ4 JČm ra»ir? • 7r* i % * j ' SREDA, 5. NOVEMBRA. Slovtuki Podporaa Jadnota iao7 HS74ISO. ,.iBL GLAVN1 ODBOR 3.N.P.I» UPRAVNIODSHEi VINCENT CAINEAB, prodsodait... .S0S7 S. Lavadslo Av%. Okteago, DL PRED a. VIDBB ti tajnik.........MIT 8. Laimdak in, Chicago, QL BLAS NOVAE, tajaik boL oddolka... .MS7 8. Lavašals Ava., Ghioa««. OL JOHN VOGBICH, «L blagajnik......MM 8. Lawadala Av*. Chicago, HI PILI P GODINA, «pravttoU slaatla... .SS67 8. Uvadak Am Chicago. JUL JOHN MOLEE, orodnih glasfla......MS7 S. Lanašele A**, Ohings, DL kot račun med društvi in jednoto »omcc «cptoakrs 1SM FINANCIAL STATEMENT POR nonlh of SapUMbor, IMS HI &2¡t ¡JSm ] čteMkl uiBEÉ •M. AMI 'H: PRECITAJTE TO, ker JE V VAfiEM INTERESU! i Ni le posebno dolgo, ko smo v listu podali nekaj navodil in nasvetov, tikajočih se posmrtniskega zavarovanja in obenem amo priporočali članstvu, naj nikar ne odlaša s spremembami oporok -—katere jih nič ne stanejo—če hočejo prihraniti veliko sitnosti in nepotrebnih stroškov svojim sorodnikom. Ali nekateri člani »e kljub temu ne zmenijo za take opomine. Vzrok temu mora biti, da ničesar ne čitajo ali pa se sploh za svoje zavarovanje ne brigajo, oziroma ae ne brigajo za tiste, za katere so se obvezali «krbeti. Priporočljivo bi bilo, da bi ae tudi «ene takih moi nekoliko zanimale in povprašale, če je že spremenjena oporoka na njih, in če še ni, naj mož nikar ne zanemarja tega in spremeni takoj. POVEDALI SMO IN ZOPET PONAVLJAMO, KAR NAJ SI ČLANSTVO VENJ>AR ZAPOMNI» DA V SMISLU ZAKONA JE IX) POSMRTNINE UPRAVIČEN LE ONI, KATERI JE NA CERTIFIKATU IMENOVAN DEDIČEM! CE JE TAK ČLAN ZAPUSTIL 2ENO IN OTROKE TUDI V NAJVEČJI BEDI IN POMANJKANJU, SE JIM POSMRTNINA NE MORE IZPLAČATI, CE NISO NA CERTIFIKATU IMENOVANI. V zelo kratkem času imamo dva sledeča slučaja: Član, zavarovan za $1000 poemrtnine, je imel oporoko napravljeno na avojega brata, katori šivi v stari domovini. Ošenil *« je in bil je oženjen Šeat mesecev, potem se je pa v rudniku smrtno ponesrečil. Ostala je iena, vdova, v materinskem stanju in S slabimi sredstvi kot jih ima navadno delavčeva žena. Pravi dedič posmrtnine je pa oetal brat pokojnika v Jugoslaviji. Orugl slučaj: Član oženjen, bolehal več let in sedaj umrl, zapustil je ženo in osemnajst mesecev starega otroka. Zavarovan za sir,00, polica se pa glasi v korist brstu in materi v stari domovini, ki ata v smislu zakona upravičena do posmrtnine. Mi priznamo, da so sorodniki v domovini, na katere se zzva-rovalnina glasi, najbrže v potrebi in jim zelo prav pride, če dobijo t.sočak, toda kaj pa žena in otroci v ti deželi? Ali niso ti v mno-K-h slučajih veliko bolj potrebni kot svojci v domovini?»In nič voč kot poftteno od moža in očeta je, da najprvo skrbi za ženo in 0,roke, potem šele za ostale sorodnike. I>ediči, na katere je oporoka narejena, seveda lahko prostorno odstopijo od svojegs deleža v korist ženi ali otrokom, toda k i« hočejo, prisiliti v to se j»i na more in mi smo primorani 'zptoatl jim delež kakorhitro predložijo vse potrebne sadevne listine. ■ ' V slučajih kot navedeno, če koriatnlki nočejo odstopiti od »""Jih deležev, ženi ali otrokom pokojnika ne preostaja drugo kot civilna tožba in od sodišča Je potem odvisno, komu se zapuščina & a- Vprašanje pa Je, če se taka tožba izplača za male vsote naši člani zavarovani, ker če bi tudi aodfšče odločilo ženi vPriyi ........ ......i. SH m».m 4.....« ....... 104 m ....... ....... ! ....... ........ m.m ms.m ....... •......• •m.m m.m m.m ....... »....a. ^ .. ...t. ....... ....... V> O0 im • i.'t'm ....... i ....... >""MLÜ ••«••t* ....... ""tÍM mM ....... ........ ....t... ....... . . . J* . . ....... .MIÍ ....... ....... ........ Hrt1á4ji ...... ...... .»..») . .I ....»•• SV.M. •••••ti . i..... i! •«.»....I ........ i m n MSI» ....... > 1ST M ........ IUM\ •I4M W14t\ II» IM • S* «I« 1 UM --> VrLAČILA ■ 1 ISTLAČILA — irra^Tw^T^n ust i ÉTM4IV» ! MMM> !**MM I «ÉMMi I MM UM IM.M mm N.M 1111 II 7 SSjŠS im.m 5 funtov Ravtschtrjeve vrsto finih krgnjsklh klobas, podijo mo poštnine prosto, po sprejemu naročile in tl.TB NaroČila la donar poiljlt« na t Baz 888, International Falk, Minn. (Zadovoljstvo Jamšsao) Pilito nam, ako »u «adavoljal ali ao. ——— i i ——— ill M OOflll PBBBO GHBBBOUBOA • DNI peska BBEMBNA Psšsjt« v Is Is JUWSLAVIJE BREMEN EURdPA s» as COLUMBUS NORTH GERMAN TdüOYD tas o mam cairAuo ,— — .. • S _ Mt (MIHI iU mmiISR JMJUU PmS a. VI«m, «I. Mina. VBUU SPREMEMBE V mmn (paljs • 4. stresi.) šonlrjs in rturperte, ki rišsjo ss njo načrte tovarsn, električnih železnic toogr^^plsfctraroni zlrajo in vodijo grsidbeno dalo. To Je vso, kar dola Amerika ss sovjetsko Rusijo. Risso majhnih in omojenih kreditov, ki SO Jih dali nekateri ameriški kapitalisti, no grs Amerika dalje. Nomoi pomagajo bolj. Iz Nomeijo prihaja veDko voč strojev. AmoriHd bankirji posojujej^ Nsmdiji la nsm-Mca tovanne, obratovane s škim denarjam, prolavajajo aa Ruse, amerišfce tovarna pa počivajo, ker nočejo dati kredita so-vjetomt Sov Joti pa hočejo imeti stroje sa vsako ceno — In dobe Jih in plodu jo J o, plačujejo, plačujejo ... (Ksass.) Zdravje js ssMk WM slvIJVIJI Os insto sdravjs, m ga SsIHs Os ataaats sšravja, tods ga šsttts "PLANINKA" slsrobvajskl MrsvOsi ssllššal šaj Van be v vsaken slašaia sena- ■tmal ssvojs 91^-NsroHla REX IMPORTING COH P. O. Bss IŠŠS Pstsrson, N, J, Najnovejšo gramofonske PLOŠČE The Society »helij »Hill-I personal ffn Kgioiis, philosophirsl, SECTION EFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL PAGE BIX • Column Stalwarts' Mystery Prize PE08VBTA (ENGLISH SBCIKWD Watt Alii*, Wis.—The first practice 6f the girU' Jolly >llis batsket-bsil teem turned out splendidly. We may be able to make a first and second team. Most of the flrls are mere beginners, bat they fot next to the fame quickly. Keep it up, girls, and we'll have a fine team. Oar Thanksgiving Frolic at Crystal ballroom will be held Nov. 22. The tickets are selling fast. Get yours before it's too late. Come on, girls, the more tickets you sell, the better baakeiball suite youll have. Our last meeting wae sore peppy. 'Moat every member had something to say;, they follow the course of the meeting attentively. The Jolly Allia has always followed such methods aa suggested editorially recently and we have never had a lack of response. We get a dancing permit tlH 1« o'clock. We have dancing, refreshments, and games, Interchangeably,} Per the next meeting we're going to change the program a little. Our neighboring lodges also do the aame thing with success. We should all support the Slov. Auditorium on Nov. 9 at Labor Hall. Some of our elders are fcoing to be in the play. We need a Slov. Dom, as it'a quite apparent. Buy a ticket and follow the crowd. The Jolly Aliis bunch who attended the Hollowe'en dance at Waukegan had one grand time. I sincerely hope the Little Fort Lodge will favor us at oar coming dance. What's the matter with our writer, Pep, and others ? We miss his cheery articles. I notice the girls keep the Jolly Allis' name in print, but the boys—not s word from them. It's just three or four who have the whole burden on their shoulders. Why not relieve them? Smiles. THE FACTS . In a little village, halfway down the State of NoisliU lived a young happy couple. Darkberg, as the village was called, had no large industries. The only means of living were farming and the flour mill and a milk separator plant. John Lakru was pble to support his wife while the flour mill was operating, ln 1928 business was good and it was then that John married. He could not foresee that there would be a business slump in 19Z9 and 1980. / Tke market grew duty. The farmers could not dispose of their surplus grain, The flour mill closed down and John was laid off. He waited a month, two, three. No work. He began 'to look about, but others wens in the same predicament, Qo in ths full of 19t9 they decided to move to Goeachi, the county seat, and mis of the principal ¿tits of ths state. John immediately looked about for work. He found something. There wasn't much money, but that didn't matte*—they were used to living humbly. Soon after the new year John again felt the onslaught of the present system. His boss ujk him that business was bad, and that he wae sorry, but he had to lay off men or go bankrupt. AM for weeks and months John trodded the streets daily in search of work. But hie efforts were of ino avail. No work. But there is one thing that worrisd John above everything else. His dear wife was ill and soon a new arrival "was expected in ths family and he had no money to call a doctor. What was he to dot He just dreaded to live. WhUs John was working a friend of his wife's induced her to join the Nserpios Lodge, which was affiliated with one of the , oremost Fraternal sooisties. u John didn't believe in lodges and i is told his wifs so. At one time they quarrelled about it and she challenged to leave the lodge. Fortunately enough she hesitated; shs didn't want to dissappolnt her friend. Another month elapsed and John's,wife's condition became serious. Ne ftvork, no monsy—eicknsss—bills; John had all these staring him in the face. He got up enough courage one night to tell his hard tuck story to ths secretary of her lodge. And what do you think happened t The secretary had a very personal and dear medical friend. Once he heard the story, he asked no further qusstions. His actions spoke /or Mm. One evening, recently, John returned to proudly announce the birth of a boy and to thank the secretary for securing, without charge, the hospital, the doctors, the nurses, and everything. "And believe me, Mr. Secretary," he said, "if I can land a job I want to join your lodge too. In the meantime if I can }pver do anything to help the lodge, or you, ! certainly will and / want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for goodness knows what would have happened if you had not helped." Smiles spreading from ear to ear, were seen on the secretary, his wifs and another official as they reviewed the ease after John walked out and the sscrstary remarked, "I feel so good when / tee that ths people appreciate my efforts:' SNPJ Campaign Committee: JOHN LOKkR, JR. . JOSEPH A. SISKOVICH. DONALD J. LOTRICH. —S—us—sss—a—i Here and There With Comrades Koucshs, Wl^—Pleasure lovers who waat aew thrills sod seek aaw enjoyment—ecmcthing that's different la the dancing Mae will receive more thaa their fill by attend!» the "Stal-' warts Mystery Prise DaesS" st the Gerae*Aai*rican Hall, Saturday, November St. This comitt affair— an laaevatlon in the SNpJ's era of goed time« will be the outstanding event at this year's Stalwarts' social calendar. Dancing will .tart at eight ant0 1:80 a. m. The committee Is negotiating with a prominent radio breadsasting orchestra to furnish the • music tar this occasion, Sandwiched la between the-dance numbers sad numerous aarprising events. The etar event of the "frolic" win be the awarding of the Mystery Prise, tie «he« the piftSe will be awarded and what is required to win It will remain a mystery antil the 11 time It la avrarded. Aa far as refreshments and sets are concerned, ire promise the best obtainable will be on "Up" for year approval. So, come and speed a real enjoyable evening, with ae bounds for whoopee msking at the Stalwarts Mystery Prise Danes, on-"said time, date aad plsoo Ssdlo Dergaas. Editorial Notes The present total membership ot the Wl* ins lodges of the Slovene Natieaal Benefit Society, in both departs»**, as officially announced in last week's issue, ia 4.2SS Is 71 .ubordinate leases. The tabulation does not inctod* the month of October, which was the first of the six months of the present Membership Campaign. It would be Interesting to know Just how many new members were enlisted is October. Efforts will be made to publish periodically the result» of the drive, to show the actual laereaae la the various local lodges, gome of the lodges are organising membership committee, to make the Membership Campaign more successful aad productive. How about your lodge T Have you done anything towards the campaign? Act st once sad make your lodge membership sn outstanding one. . Here is the standing of the Revellers' bowling league: Won Lost Jacketeers ...................11 1 Disgusted fteveliers ..........6 6 Risers ..«....... ............. 4 8 Rollers ......................3 9 The bowlers are improving ateadlly. The lead of the Jacketeers is so great there is little possibility of any team overtaking them. STRtXSGKSRS By The Qaacka, CclNawood, Ol—Our college hero Bra. Lodl Mendel has arrived home for a few day« and has pmskil he wig get a aew member even If he signs up "Orthello." Soon the Revellers should match some bowling games with outsiders. They have capable men and games can easily be arranged. s The unemployment situation Is a direct rasait of the present Irrational competitive system of production and (hntniiution. Under such system periodical depressions sra bound to occur. Under the present system oon-troled by capitalists entirely, when things aw being produced and manafseturad for profit aad not for the needs of the people, anarchy, and geaeral dix ord in the various Industries will always be at hand, followed by misery aad suffering—even "hi the riebest oeua-try." Millions of people ara humiliated and degraded, and all on seocunt of the "selected" few at whoae power it Is to shape the destiny ef millions. Why shouldn't the people themylvea step In and Improve their conditions? They rte too indifférant besides being constantly under ths effects of the chloroform preparad for them by the ruling clam. Will they ever "some to" aad intelligently overthrow the yoke of oppression with the instrument of the ballot? They must, and the sooner the better. On Oct. 28 the Aliquippa dance was well attended by the Ambridge Slovenes. Canonsburg, Burgettstown and other visitors were in evidence. Whst with the goed looking young ladies, a peppy orchestra and amidst the gaiety of the crowd, who could miss having a pleasant evening? * * * Thanksgiving day, Nov. 27, ia ever drawing nearer. The Nad Dom's 25th anniversary celebration will soon be here. A great program la being arranged for the occasion and for the entertainment of those who will come. Ambridge welcomes all visitors. ' Wonder how many have thought that in 1930 it to be the Nal DomS lodge No. 82—28th anniverssry and in this aame year the Revellers were organized? Qoldsa Eagles Girard, Ohio.—The Golden Eagles mask ball, Oct. 4, was written "in the books" ao a very successful af-fair A pleasing, feature of the dance wae the large attendance from oat of town, among them being a group of members of the Onawa Lodge of Warren, 0., and not forgetting three "Quacks" headed by "Lindy" Lokar from Cleveland Stragglers. Thanks a lot, folka, for attending our dance and you may "be assured that ths Golden Eagles will return the compliment in the near future. • • * It was our pleasure a short time ago to attend a dance given by the Onawa Lodge of Warren, O* one of the newcomers in the Young SNPJ. Needless to say, .we had a great time and during the course of the evening we met the Individual officers of the lodge. It is our Impression after meeting them that with such a capable group heading the lodge that they will make great strides in the great SNPJ Youth movement and will be heard from in the future. gala Zimmerman was recently married to Steve Josh. Good luck and happiness. Bowling has taken the male members of the lodge by storm. The season having started just recently each Thuraday eve. at the local Bowling Alleys, one may ace or note the keen rivalry among the teams as each one strives to be in the coveted "first place." Go to H, boy«, the season Is young yet and may the beet team win. see SNPJ Membership Campaign. Golden Eagle numbers, are you in on H? Remember, "every member bring a Our hats off to the Campaign's most active member, Bra. Anthony. Zaverl. With the help ef hie sisters he dosa all of the business end of H. Keep k up, Anthony I—0*r non-member Emma Msadsl Is the typist fer cet Federstion Campaign Committee. Her work is s beoat. Thanks. One wonders if Ambridge wi* ever have a Slovene National Home? Evety society in Ambridge possessei some building as a meeting place for its member», some place where they can have recreation and pleasure. __ • • • ¿'<*j«r.iss Brothers John Licker and Joseph Bicek were Revs-Hen' delegates to the Federation meeting at Cenoni-burg Oct. 26. By thla time they will already have explained the meeting, the Federation and its purpose* at the monthly meeting, and the members srlll hsve time to decide whether affiliation with that body would benefit aa in any way. • • e Nourish the thought ef cooperation within the Society. True cooperation calls for the casting aside sll private opinions when the good of ths Society U being discussed, and the pulling together toward an honorable, praiseworthy end for the welfare of the Society. • " • • la It' true that honesty, honor no longer exist ia man today? Or is it those who are dishonsst, unhon-orablo, because they happen to be in that condition, think that the world ia likewise so? In the SNPJ spirit, Louis KoaeU. fteveliers No. «tuesday, nov, s. Beer-Suds, "Inc." By CkMk and Double check m' jHhr.uke*. WU.-Xh.ck mode ihe fiLwn to the Sunglar««' dance 25 and h»d » v«ry enjoyable A nice crowd attended. Check L the Sunglaros f°r their hos-¡¡fty .nd hopee to come over again L, will »ell the most tickets for L Theatre Party, to be »» the first j second week« of December? Dif-^t program» will be run each ¡¡k every prospective customer will persuaded to come across for the fa of two or roor« tickets. Let's m s little contest for th« title of ■ best ticket seller and see who'll ■-over the top." It ought to be MV and sincc the party la«U for | weeks, we ean sell DOUBLE the unt of ticket« originally intended. Bur Badger boy» aro getting all „t «nd bothered »bout their coming uketball season. Almost evory nite te can watch them piactice paasing, footing, pivoting, etc., and we f«ll mfident th»t the sea»on> clo»« wiU ring the coveted championship into Badger domain. We're with you, ey»! The singing club Naprej has re-lived many compliments on the ra-io program they broadcast last week tarratulstions, Nsprojl Ko: tlie past few aroahs, Mi. John Ivlic, the well-known Slovenian mu-ician snd bandmaster, has been as-■tiling an orchestra, with the relit thst he now is teaching and dieting an organisation of over fif-ieii members. Thia project ia one kat will excite much interest within ¡short time, and every boy or girl, rhether they b« a Badger or not, is ■L'itcd to com« up' to Tarns«'» hall Thursday evenings and confer with I. I'avlic. All sorts if instruments re (till need«d, although we have |little of everything at the present iidc. Any one that can play ANY atrument, or wishes to learn how ■play, don't forget to come to Tam-Fion Thursday evening» at about ■m. ■Don't forget, members, that the ut Badger meeting take» place on Iriday, November 14. It'» your duty ■be present at your own Lodge'* _MBMMBUM 7 I meeting, so pleas« try to b« th«r«. Some very important items will b« discassed, and w«'d like to hear your vi«ws. Morning, noon and nit« we h«ar nothing but "uJto, uke"—and some more "uke." Jednie Owen has been practicing for about a week and as the r«»ult is quite proficient in manipulating all the different strings, Well call for a solo soon, Jennie, so bo prepared. The rtiblicity Committee seems to be hibernating like the old bears in W»>hington park. Wako up, there, »nd do something! We don't want anybody to forget that the Badgers will have their Do-ma£a Zabava on Nov. 15 at Tamse's. Let-'s see some members of other neighboring lodges present at this gala affair, and let the Badgers show "ou what a good time you can have. We'll have th« time, th« plao«, and the girls and boy», »o nobody will hav« any complaints to make. All you Modern«, Pioneers, Sunglaros, Little Jflortrt—EVERYBODY«— wfr'll be expocting you on Nov. 16. Someone must have captured Dan Cupid because he Is nowhere to be seen. It'» either that or el»e he's loafing on the job. We havent Ween to a good old-fashioned wedding for ages 'n ages. Won't rom«bcdy do u* a good turn and get married? Dofc*t all shout at once! The Play Committee 1» doing some fine work and have already picked out a play. The title is "The Auto matic Butlfr." We know that under the direction of George Banning, it WILL be good. It seems that the Badgers have lots of good times to look forward to, and that sec ma to bo one of the rcaspns why our member •hip ia growing. * Don't forgot that it's: EVERY MEMBER GET A NEW MEMBER! The Slovcntki Dom will have a big dance at 8. S. Turn Hall on Novem-ber 18. We're sure the Badgers will do thcir bit by attending this affair, »o we'll see you «11 there. Pozdrav! SPARKS capitalists would really spend some of the monoy Instead of merely talking about it perhaps some of our men could got job? and earn somo money t«, li \ c. e Our great City of Chicago is a perfect picture of erim« »nd graft. Believe it or not, the desent citizens and the few honest politic«! office hold-era are having a horrible time to drive graft out of politics and criminals from the city. The situation i» being greatly affected because m many men and women hav« no work. They lack th« means with which to buy food, clothing and sh«lt«r and ar« forced to go out and st«al. ♦ ♦ • Singing Society "Naprej" of Milwaukee, Wis., celebrated its 20th anniversary last Sunday. Only standing room was availabl« »t th« spacious S. S. Turner Hall. A varied program in whiclj Anton Subelj (ba fitone soloist) took the lead delighted the audknee. Msyor Hoan of Mil waukee attended to gr««t the Society and to wish it nuoeeaa. Mayor Hoan also appealed to the vot«ra and ex-emplified the present situation. His favorite remark was to kick—and kick hard, with your vote. Frank Zaits of Chicago also made a brief address. John Ermenc, the Sloven« candidate for Assemblyman, was brief in his plea for justice. ♦ m« The ntxt big doings that the SNPJ members should patronise will be held in South Chicago on Sunday November 10. Lodge No. 8 SNTPJ will be celebrating it» 28th anniversary and all of Chicago ledge« should b« well represented. Speakers from various lodges will l)o there to urge the member» of Lodge No. 8 to a succeea ful second qwartrr of a century of progress. a a The latest dope has ty thst the Pio neers will hold a "DomaČa Zabav«" on Saturday evening, December 18 at the Lawndale Masonic Temple Johny Kochovar's Orchestra will play Admission will t»e 135 cents only. * • • Ssva's singers will hold their next concert on Sunday, Nov. 80, at the CSPS Hall.—A uplendid program has boen arranged and the singers are polishing up to make everything go "spic and »pan." e * e Last January, members of Club No. 1, have played the "Machine" for our Slovene audience. They havo been requested to reproduce the settings for the Young People'» Socialist Circle in Chioago on Sunday, Dec. 7 before an English audieno«. It i» moat fltlng play for th« present time«. A Worthwhile Trip By JPpTki \ P Kraam ber«, shew them oar gratitude. Lodge 800 with Lodge 44 are the two lodge« which have h«lp«d u« to g«t on our f«et, and if we show up «trongly at th« lodg« 800 dance, K will help to By The Boa of a Bachelor. .A Under this heading, each' Wedk, * and activities of the Sunglare odge will be briefly given. Pros-i for one of the most popular id most active lodge» of the SNPJ very bright for the Sunglare Lodge. it'» »how our stuff, Sunglare«. • • • ■A Bonco and Card party for the Rrfit of the girl»' basketball toam the next affair by the Sunglare» be held PH., Nov. 14, at 8:00 p. m. •bets hsve already been distributed the member» end a surprisingly r number of worth whilo priam promised by «11 th« aotlv« m«m-K" Admission 88c. Vacek'a hall 23rd snd Mth av«., Cicero, ha« p reserved for th« doings. AfUr * Bunco party, coff««, doughnuts, a ,nd some of that good old-nhiuned potica will U Mrvod free a" present. It'll |>« worth youT ! t0 »«end, for th« «at» alone 11 be well forth roor« than double ■fee charged. Dancing will follow Card and Bunco game». • o » P la»t Thursday'» bowling, the ln* Pioneer Bullet« took throe away from Puts' Florists, bile Kolar's Florist« grabbed two R w three from a Pioneer«Slavlja aknown a" the Pioneer All-Stars. - L. Kramer rolled high game for the night. v The annual dance of the Integrity lodge went over big last Saturday. The Non-Better hall was filled to capacity with a jovial crowd, who danced to the Jassy tunes of the Integrity Royal Six. The committee in charge sure kept things running smoothly and should be given a lot of credit for the manner in which they put the job over. • • • An you out of work ? If so, here's your chance to eern just a little extra change and at the same time help for a fraternal cause. Richard Za-vertnik, "Trailer" Heidenreich and James L. Kolnr are giving $1£0 cash money and one admission tickst to each person selling 18 tickets for the 8ungl«re Bunco, Ft'« a good propo-eition. especially for thoee who have been out of work for a long thne. • •« e Talk about the classy basketball team th« Sunglare girls ar« putting out I Th«y »ur« do oop th« cak«» and ws ean say without hesitation that th« Sunglare team will b« on top m when the girl»' basketball league come to an end. Y«p, It'« the girls that'll put th« Sunglare Lodge on the map! -''n FLASHES Arko is in charge oí a com- ««* to «ramge a party for the S[ ,,lon~r mooting. Pioneer ,__ * »'II celebrate th« conclusion of T"t.v« and prosperous years. A F «"mesa meeting will b« held T dg«> of th« SNPJ 1'ioneors ar« jubilant. I ^^ Maternal Societies u t'VK# ^ N' A W« . right to h. ZJl «ttnatoae. at the KhT' '»"'Hiag win »«Ml a« all our sirtb year with m"*1*«« oaS • e « i,, th« knpj I , wWU the team of r* ef three to KoUr s Int«grity-8unglarea. AfUr the regular schedule a meeting was bjM and new officers were elected. The Pioneers are »till looking for a number of bowlers aa they would like to put another U«m into th« league. Measure yoar enthusiasm by win tof po*er. ' 7 yoar U lAfidf»" Maws WfOITI IV0W8 Not v«ey long ago I Mad an article repay th«m a lltUo for th«lr help on speaking in which the (author said in putting us on our t—t. that b«ginn«r» should prect ro in the • • • woods in»te«d of boring and tiring What happened to "Ruby" and al«g honeat folks from th« »tage or «t th« "Th« Unknown"? What'« th« maU banquet tables j ■' I tor? 1 thought I had aom« eompetU I agreed, yet when soon after that tlon from you two. What'» the mat-I received few inviUtions to app«ar Detroit. Mich. — The Wolverine members that attended the "Young American Domata Zabava" sure had a nice time. We are waiting to hear for another announcement soon of their coming event. . '■*. ' Herman Rugel cure gave a nice announcement for tho Wolverine on the night of the "Y. A. Domala Zabava." * The Hallowe'en dance given by th« Wolv«rin«s was a great aucc»»«. Tho hall wae decorated for the great event and attracted one'» attention In every way. Give the credit to our new entertainment committee who knows their buslo«««. Th« Jack-O'-Lantcrns, tho com stalks and the light« wor« in th« right spirit for th« witch«« to appear. Tho muaic which was furnished by th« old "Wolverine" waa in the right spirit of Hallow«'«n. aa a speaker in Qlrard and Cleveland, I changed my mind and thought thus: It'a all right to «peak your first speeches in woods if n^ody will give you chance to practice in public, but since I have the chaSce why no-try to talk to p«oplo instead to rah-bits and squirt*)«. So 1 promised to be present. October 28 found me in Glrard whec« I met many Slovenes, yqung and old, and wber« I met for the second time th« Somrotf Detroit, a« wall as f«w old fri«nda from Johnstown, all of which mad« the Sat. evening very pleasant—The night w»» •pent at Rowan's hoipe, when " certainly felt at home, Sunday morning passed quickly, and at noon we departed for Cleveland. It, was a wonderful day to ride and beautiful place« to «ee along the way, Beside our "chuufler" there were five of us in tho car, namely, J. •Sndy, Tancek, Dobrovoljc, Kirasn», and I. , At Collinwood wo met many new .ul» at the AlpwfM,W> 11 ingmen'» Home, wh^re « oonfefpmv b«gan •nd I had the pjea»uire to hear many suggestions and reports on (he things of differ« lit lodge« und claba, con-nected with tho Kduciillonni Bureau of tho JSF. The evening program >raa intoreat ing. All the neat* in the ;t iditorlum wer occupied and a nutifter of people were standing. The "Tlifoler Peasant Grouppe" was .{bp moat liked topic of the evening, although «>t'u>r parts of the program wero nil well given to the satisfaction of the audience. Dancing iij the lower hall completed tho happy evening. I w« 1 opt busy making new acquaintances nnd meeli ing old friends, jtnd course whirled around a few times. When tho music coased Mr. and Mrs. J. Durn took u« to their cosy little hqm», . Monday afternoon, In compan/w^th Mr. Frank Harbk'h Sr. and Mr. BM|rh, we went sightseeing which I egjoyed very mucii. espcciaHy y.eein#'tho great skyscraper, the Tefmisal < hulldlng, and the Fine A)tq Bldg, We alao viait< i «liifem ulaca» on St. Clair «t., "Eii»kopra^n )»t,n "A me.iAka Domovina," BSkovnlk Stu < •.->', .1 The S. N. Ham* lateroat.d^ie very much, too, «»J^ pugr «een it before, but hsve heard.»» m »^ut It. Yes, it 1» k Hume th* Cleveland Slovene» can be proud ¿4. 1 On Monday evening I t met m«ny more Sloven«« Uie lowef,|.»l| of the & N. Roma. . ■■ Tho Women'» sub-branch of the JSF club No. 27 arranged a delightful entertainment fpr il>s «vsnlng. I wished that I could staywlth this friendly group of, ladies but duty calls «v«n In the midst of the best enjoyment. . I will not totkpi the Cleveland Bio vea«aj they w^r« congenial and friendly folks, making one f««l at hom« In our MAf»^»n Ljttbljana." I Will to «xund Ihy heartiest thank« to «v«ryon« who made my brief stay th«r* • pleasafil pne, a^d alao th« Glrard frUndsflr1 their kind hospi-talUy. I hop« that we may meat again and renew the friendly »afrit which wai our» for th« f«w worfflerful day». • r,"-- ter with th« metnbera in general? • « e The Keystone State 1« well represented in th« SNPJ. There are manM new lodges springing up in Penna, In last w««k'« Prosveta (Oct. SS), I have notk«d that two more English Speaking lodges ar« b«ing organ iscd. I hav« overheard President Jo« •ay that h« with a few oth«rs of Friendly City, hop« to journey to La-trobe, Pa., to help them lnunch their new lodge. see Correction?-—In the Ibt of th« "Big Ten" an error oocured: "Friendly City Lodge No. 884, Conemaugh. Pa." It should ra«d: "Friendly City IxHlga ^ to our argash»tlon. v WwBV No. 084, Johnatowa, Pa." Scrumptious. e • e N Talk about tho crowd that showed Up that alght of Oct. 31, words cannot describe it. The first pris« was a Russian Cossak which fitted th« party to the exact (Slovenian f«tfow), necond prite waa to a fair maid«n who«« costume was be«utlful, and last and the best w»« Edy Straus who ws« so comical one couldn't h«lp but laugh. He was supposed to repraaant a "Crnl Kranjee.^ He certainly knew his stuff. The hospitality shown by the "Young Am rices" was great. They sure did show their brotherhood that, night. The "Wolverines" want to thank the "Y. A." very much for their cooperation thst they gave that Fritmili OHy News What the dlekcns 1« th« matter with the Jollet Hu»tle«T When w« hear •o little about them, «Ithoagh they ara so close to us w« naturally wonder what's wrong? Com« on, folks, let'» hear from yeo at l«ast oac« In a while. • e e On with th« campaign. Pioneer«. With a bombardment of nominations at the November meeting th« i^ lf yo- tha lucky on«! for a '"fjgS tfasle b goii U b. furnish^ by th. encouragement to other Bngi».h ^ MW(,u#Hn# ^^ - Wolverine member» don't forget next at oath Is elect of officers, ge wind and think of the 1 night. Watch for the coming event which la going to be given by the Wolverine Lodge No. S77 on November 27, whkh Is Thanksgiving night, at the Slovenian Workers home. A big door prise ia going to k« given to th« on« that holds th« lucky ticket. Come Speaking lodges, alao. Ten nomina t ion s are promised by tw« members. How about some of the root of you live wires? A little grit and a little Johnatowa, Pa.- Lodge No. 44 held the opening dane« of tho newly remodeled Franklin Born Ktovene hall. Friendly City waa wi ll fepre«entod at thi« dane«. .Although thore wer« three d»n««s hold In tin» district, « largo crowd waa.present to view the wonderful traaeformatioa of this hall. Br«. Frank Podhoy, Sec'y« of I ¿odg« 44, mad« a fine »p««ch «t this dan««. I!« said that wh«n hl« lodge (Lodg* 44) I« "no mor«," friendly City will lnh«rit their kome.-Wr. the Friendly City I*dge, are already greatly Indebted to them' for allowing us the use of t hair hall far «ur meeting» and dances without «harir«. \ • • • Socialist Club No. 8 will hold a play at a lator date la tho Franklin hall. There ar« aalte a fa« friendly City members it) this plsf, f »totod la my last sitíele, we «r» listed a« tenth In th« "Ii ^ Ton." How do th« members of the "frfendly City" feel aboot beaming tho fearth, fifth oe maybe the first, which I« every lodge's goaf. Hi-rely, out about 80000 foang Slov» of John« toara, ara ean at kto g«4ja few boo drag mor». Talk to your friend s and make them "jola now" Tell them •boot th« benefit« derived from the SNPJ la cam of Iflbee». operations. Voice of the Members w|}« % loh !• ftJMM Hhsli ts -VelM el Um ATHLETICS AND THE SUPREME BOARD • Harrington Park. N. J.—There 1» no doubt in my juittd that we need a ft w .....re lisitltJlke Kayo Dellcek- Kavertnik who t»k«s time to call to OUT- altsntlon the Mt« of ocrtain numbers of th« Suprame board. It is th« duty of each and «v«ry-on« of us to mm. that every member and every suprem« officer ob«y» th« By-Law» «nd Resolutions adopted by the Vth Regular Convention and complies with their provision». By allowing the nullfleatlon of a resolution adopted by the IHh Regular Convention we will croato a precedent whleh may do eoa»hierable SUNBURSTS By Hsymsker. Cicero.—Back again after a week's vacation, Haymakor wishes to an< nounco SunglareV,, Bunco and CaH Party to be held Friday evening. N^ vomber 14, at Vaeak'a hall |p Ciwro. This Bunco and Card Party will ba an usual affair. It will afford temporary employment to aom« un uloyed, as well as a larg« number uf beautiful prises, including ferns, hltf cages, quilts, shall be swardod to th41 bunco winner«. Temiwrarv employment for th« ug-employed Is mad* possible by sn of far mndo by Brother» Emil Heidenreich, Jama» L. Kolar »nd Richard J. Zavertnik. These three brother» have gu»m*teed to give to every member of the SNPJ who »«11« flf teen Sunglare Bunco tickets the aunt of fl.80 for hi« services. If » m«*m ber «oils 30 Sunglare Bunco tickets he will bo rewarded 89.00 for his services. Bunco tlrifot» are !)&c. Hero 1» your opportunity to demonstrate whether you csn bankrupt them thro« g«ntlemun. Every Pioneer, Integrity, Bunglsra In fact, «ny , member of any SNPJ lodg« In Chicago 1» eligible to ae11| tht: ealled on to «poak. They sent oat the Sergeant at-arms to see If ho wanted to say anything. But he didn't have anything to »ay. Even Bro. Underwood said «roryone should hav« a chance to talk. The forc«d transfer eame under the »object of. "MoUoaa for tha good of the order," and comes after the «all on vlaltora. Bro. Ka-vertiwk (If he can't remember him-Mitf), is entlroly out of order. A una Kramer Kolar, Member Pioneer Lodge MO. Lodge News Notes ••"» — — — - — ~ — ,. i tMa wtjiir mirui ana min m mr SO e j t • I ' > r ä , »4«, work aaid yn should get year W«' ^ £ M What witt we be, f rá. Let ue all be third fourth or fifth? H Hi ara e(IN ^ --- - - - —____________1 to «oMug Sm "Big Too" ? f 11 Mo oac of tfUi for th« positions. - at th« aest axetlng or ye« will ro-, Th« prospertty of which me have «f. «an toll hut yeuraclvp« «rd «e mach I« OoMber ban nor fret, aorp m www i«r vn. tw— • # . nrer« ^^ AO meaiberaJhf.ÊT* proeeot The of fier re of fSSO mr* did thetr «4 mr «annal meeiing. D«s> II. ir», «tmoet duty. WoWariiM memhers ap «IM be floetf. (th« am-oat I do not cooper«t.«a they have kator, hat wtö toll yo« lotor.) tmépi^H^H for the «alms. Tot i aparta IS that the capital i st« kav« re eoivod greater dividend, in the firot million -Too. If meats« of lOSO than la th« cor- " ndlng month, of lf». Aad I Off PJT^T a banner year -And 0 to 10 1* [T 2J a wmmwrn^,^ ^ ^ ISOt thc »«» that totp ir administratioas aad They are( . ^.... lad'*«« Ixdge #00 w'll huid « Nov. SO, la Moaham. C*mp oa^ j^nA.i.uAi ■ berahlp In our lodg« and as a stimulant to our in< mbarahlp drive w« shall Indulg« Into an Intanflv« social program whit« th« m«mb«rshlp cam palgn 1» on. » a .a. a In th« month of D«o«mb«r w« »hall haue annual election of subordinate lodgs officials. As tha policy of,our lodgo ha* been to change our prosi dent annually we should give aorlou» thought lo the aeloctton of a quail fled member for this position. Hay maker, on behalf of oar retiring pre* ident, wishes to announce that Broth cr James L. Kolar Is well qualified for the highest position of honor in our lodge and should recelvc the unanimous support of our meaibeav aad Our glri basketoers ara do'.ng fin ' Among th* faithful girl «thietos 1« our sister Msry Gsrtner.^ Sh« ws* on« of th« charter momebrs of the Sunglare Lodge 008 SNPJ, A former rooo/dlag secretary, and an active ■nd faithful member of social and dance committees. Her baaketbaJI ability should earn her a permanent position on our girls' team. • a a Kolar, florist, won two oat ef thr < games In the SNPJ' bowling league laat Thursday. We 4otild «sally use two rooro teams. Enough Hnngkre hav« algn«d up for a fifth team, U In ord«r for this fifth toam to bowl a si sth team must be organised, • 0i e One does not need to ho a prophet to predict a hard snd bitter wiaU' for the worklag people. Many firm-and corporations have enlletod a asm palgn thot each employe on it« pay roll must contrlhuto one dsy*s wag? during tho winter months in order t" provide food and »heller for th« an rmplov«d, but no eaptala of Industry or rapktollet ha» advent th« propo •It Ion that eeah corporatloo »hall «on tribute one day's rerelpU or one quarter's dividends to charity to fro vide food and shelter for tho unem ployed. Btg-hoaitedheee on the pan of Big Buelneas Is grand as kag a* Its 0 "i m§ MI share the full bander of its reete, There arid he many of oar earn momtors who wHI h« un«mplop»d this winter and «ome m«aAs must In* tolaao to provide some roHof for them We ^'ggeOt that la th« largo «Mte* Hkc Chicago, Cleveland and WKrao kee where ««let SNPJ, that such Federation» aaako a «am palffa for donations from Ha aaa ployed memhere arhleh shall ha aoeri to wrevIde food and riioltor for Se aerrias Jaeeslav fomlMo« whether «•nabera ef the SNPJ «r not. Think whet a fraternal miaalon tho SNPJ j weald perform If it «maid uke «are of all needy Jugoslav families dor j lam this winter. JOSEPH ZAVERTNIK LODGE Library. Pa.—WHere ara all the member»? Why don't they come to the meeting»? Come everybody to th« iwxt meeting on Nov. 8 at 7 o'clock and maka yourself worthy of our lodge.—Hefb w$ are, nearlng tha time of our first Annlvprsary, and I doubt If all the member» roallae It. 88, Ut'» hav» the attendance of all the members and* neighboring lodges, und start with food spirits for tho • timing one.—Ohme to the meeting Nov. 0 at 7 p. te. A Member. KEYSTONE TROJAN!) NO, 700 Breaghtcn, Pa^-Our Lodge 1» »till koeplng up with modern time». We have a few thinga her and there that wa do not Ilka, out ws also have many thing» that ara do ilka. So Ilka all human beinge, we try to take the bad with the good. Then wu amile, so that our eafea ahd trouble» aeon fade away, for there 1« nothing in human nature mora to be sdmlrad than tha parson who does hi» ahare with a smile. Alao the person arho keeps smiling on no matter what happsns. When a Trojan »mils», you rsn depsnd on It; for their »mile make» someone «Is« smile. Let'» gat lots of these smiles on hand from now aa, Trojans. Don't forget our n«w mooting night, the teeond Monday of the mdnth, Nov, 10, at tha Slovene hstt. Vary impfirtsnt business will he' discussed. We want as many member* as possible to attend this meeting)'' Uula SebemnllRor. „ - ' MHMtR NO. 888 Sygan, Pa.-November II, at Sjr-gsn Hall, ws will hold our nsat big ball. Wsll sapcet you oac and all. Com hero th« Peoa«ylvanian»l Morning, Star» anl Pion««r«. Ixirky Stars and Muskeetoers, Friendly City and Revel bra all are ^ 10 tf o ilW« Tin the names are not all here, We hope that you arid all appear At oar celebration. -Jolly Jantoro, ba a good idea If all of thoee participating would bring their hooka to th« meeting and wa eoald settle all parts definitely,' Immediately after the moeting. Th« Membe ahlp Campaign la now en. Bring In yoar friend«, Incroaae our membership, and got some ef those valuable priaes offered. Come to the meetlrm« regularly, and let u« have «.»mo of your Idea», and ahow •rntw of tfiyi Ileal Marketeer Spirit.' Wa always appreciate good suggestion« for the boneflt of our Led go and the SNPJ. -Pshr CmnmlUee. ONAWA'S UOINiR NO. 701 War.aa, Ohio.—You and I are only humaa, a» our feelings an probably th» »ame at loaat In one roepoet, Don't you, whenever you attend a danee, seem rather fascinated by a crowd? I da.. That'» If the eroard la of a sociable and enjoyablo nature, The Oaawss are a aoeiahle and an enjoyablv crowd, the club whloh you should meet. The opportunity will present Itaelf at their coming danae Nov, 17, artiere you will not only make frienda, but will probably beep them as your com-psnlons. The muala will be furnished by the "Path fluarnlari's Orcheatra." Follow the crowd to the Onsws'a Danes to bs given November 87, Thursday night, at I o'clock at the A. !* Hall on High st. Thla Invitation 1» sspMisly eg tended to the 'Golden Eagles, "Stragglers," "fro-grosflvee" snd all ether MNP J lodges. Hetty Modish. A Chance for the Unemployed LOIXJR MTSK ETHERS Boa, Pa.-We extend our hoaitleat thanks to all those, who att«nd«d oar daaae m on, 88. Walt« up, Musbotoerol The regular mootttfy am alas will be held «a, Nov. 8. In th« hmt few months I hare noticed that we hav« had a rather poor attendant»'at the meetings. It Willi there are hfffy e frW members who really attend regularly. See If we eaa*l la prove. On N«v. 8 there aie «esse rather Important matters to ba settled, and every Musketeer should attend. I »»member, baeketball »ssssa is now opeaing. aad we alii hove to get our team« organisaMk We will ««en karo to atari pre par lag for our flrol Anal, vsrsary Celebration. Ave we getag u glv« th« play? If ee, I think II weuM K0URFL0ML00. Is willing Ul glvs s Job to arty mala or fomsls RNIMMembsr. No pravioua osparlsnos R«sosssry. For full informstion Inquire st Kolsr Florsl Co. si etswiw. lUlffUl m4 6106 W. 22nd Kirsel rvMNü c t tee t irera, lit Phon« » ' —--- mos Mob« roor MOI Dano« Ivsry Saturday Mlflit at Slovanla« Worfcoro Homo, 437 So. Artlllory Avonuo, Ootrolt, M loh. - h Admlaalon 90s ''if Wn íM: í>t1'íi 'TA ... , . . - ' . íiáI ______ L BÜÜC aáá At. U. John Kovali MS. Nick Btes#ri« «M. Stev. Bteseatek «M. genne^«« Faako-vloh $45, ' Mary Svok »»4. At If. Mate Pap« «II. Jote» Balan ISS. Joaapk A Ksiaear 111. fil 10.*Oragor KrlatJan 114, Joaeph Zallar Mk tl. Anlkony Orasbevtek «Ii. IM»« Sumina SM. Anton Takava« «SI. Buofrk Hl- tSlS. Mary Stlttlak «II. SIS. Jennie Bach «1S.M. Isnat» Mosina •If- It. M4. Marci« Gartner SSI. At. SM. Mary Kaatali« SM, Stara C. Sum-roff Ml. Milan C. Grnklnnoff Jill, John Svoboda mo. k tap han Petroff «M. At. SM. John Marea «M. Ivan Kani «M. St. 2»r>. A ngela Oroaan $1«. Mary Vanlanlk «4. fPMÉ Sakteahrer «1«, Mary Woklford 115. John Oroaan Ml. Jokn Strah «18. At. SM. Jokn Calch SIS. t 140. John Potlaak «IN. 141. John MegMch M. At. S44. John Msylch M. St. tu. Anton Komat« 111. At. SM. Roaa M arah «w ka MO. Joaeph Pe* tróvele UM. Joaeph rKoncan «IM, Ignnta Oromik «II. At. US. Ilijn Mon Ja« Sil, Marko Sarta «IS. Mary Petri« Ml. Prank Paneorl «IM. t IM. Anton Bupar «III. Itl. Mary Medved «M. Mark Maakan mo.»«. i , : At. SM. Joaaphlna Illnteh «11. Jura Martin-de MO. St. SM. John Ilotkn MI. Kdwart Purwan M«. Stava Katruaka «M. Jaha Vueklch MS. Prank Onua M7. ' \ " . At. MI. Alban Virrb« MI. Marko Katale-nle M7. Imm P. Kramar «4«. Mm Maguíanle «41. Valentin N«*ro «M. At. MO. Joaaph Mltaask «II. Mary Vldrich Ml. Andrew Ob«d SM. Steve MUovanovlrh «M. Frank Comp «M. Barba«« fcujle MI. At. IIS. Mary Kotnik |U, Georg« Pollack. Jr. «M. kim Banovte SM. Waated 5«00 y sane SNPJ secure st. laset ose new POROČILO 0 NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI. dne ji. oktobri 1M0 At. I. Joaepk PremilJ MS. I*ka» Opaaer SM. Jnaaph Metelko »M.50. Anton Slherl 9lt At. I. I'»ilan Mim «14. Joaaph Klanaak M«. »ank Vogrlnr Ml. At. 4. Hu ran Blaako MS. Mary So»Urie MT. John Mila ti SS«, Krank Zajec SI«. At. I. Andrew Semla MS. Prnak Jaman IM. Jacob Pnjdtea M4. Julia Kom 111. An-draw Bona t a j 14. Anton Kuanik SI 4. John K r lam«« Mt. John Grskafcr »M. Jaka Onfc dim Ml. J»h* Tun* MS. Prank Vowlj SM. John Nhlnr x«S. Low I« IIK At S. Mat K rani «ar 1ST. Andrew Mlite P T. J.nnl« Novak 11«, Klementin Mi» pan Sil, Jo«oi>h Novak MS, Mlehnel Nakie SI«. Pkllip OVU.or» Juhn JMvk *14. Mary Bohinc SM. Jompk llevr «M, Edwnrd Ko. «Ml« MS Jukn Oaatell «M. Frank K«ir1n« Ml, Andrew Sahir.uk Mt Prank Ledin« ( TT.-^ip1 r s. n. p. J. SPORTS MAVlOllAL ATS uriti: SOAKS 1IL Otto Tabava. 1S«M 14M «Ti C+mmHi— ' JaaaS Novak. ISM Adama, M- Ckteage. IS. ATHLETICS Detroit. - It Is Interesting to know wbst other Slovene fraternsl organisations sre doing to promote sthle-tfc,. The J.SKJ (or KSCU) boosts that It is the first Slovene fraternal fund. miss loner Is snable to judge, regulate or settle a controversial nutter. The 8SCU (JSKJ) «omos into peeeosslon of all athletic equipment In ease a lodge or athletic group disband*. Financial assistance of flOOAO is the maximum amount the athletic commissioner may recommend to the supreme exocutive committee for any one lodge is one year. The expenses of individual equipment shall be kept to the minimum and all extravagance avoided. Any lodge found guilty of illegitimate use o# the sports fund, for s jiurpoee other than the maintenance of a team, shall be automatically refused any further uae of the Progressives' Highlights Place sud time of athletic athletic oiganixation that held a conference board meeting as Well ss for the promotion of athletics ini conferences, if and when euch meet-their organisation. At this confer- ings are necessary, is to be désignât-ence the rules and regulations adopt- «1 by the supreme executive corned are to be published in a booklet mtttee. Railroad fare incurred by form (2000); each lodge receives 10 booklets. Two leagues were organised. Eastern league, composed of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and the Northwestern, with Illinois and Minnesota. Home rules sdopted at their conference are: The supreme executive committee »hall elect a commissioner, who becomes duly responsible to above committee for his actions. The athletic board shall consist of five members to be elected at the athletic conference. The duties of the athletic commissioner shsll be; To act as sd-visor for nil sport groups; to arrange visiting teams engaged for Interstate and national conteste In basketball and bowling are to be by the B8CU (JSKJ). I wonder how this organisation with only 20.000 members will be able to purchase equipment for lodges snd psy all traveling expenses to inter-state and national contests, snd buy trophies, where the SNPJ, with slmost 70,000 members, has been cemplsining about paying traveling expenses t& the national title game and buying trophies. Athletics will have to he fostered by the SNPJ, for the youth, if they intend to keep all games between lodges; to recom- them Hi the organisation and get mend financial assistaoee to all lodges he sees fit, sblding by any regulations made by executive committee in regard to such gran to; to make annual and semi-annual reports of the management of the athletic teams to the executive committee snd he sthletlc bosrd. The athletic board shall act as sn arbitration board in such cases when the sthletlc com- mon new members, i Oar SNPJ being the Isrgeet Slovene Fraternal Orgaalsatioa, should be the lesder In sil things. If ath-I dies are festered by other organisations better than ours, then many of the youth will Join where they have the best. Why not hsve our SNPJ give the best? Fraternslly, Andrew Gram Jr. Illinois Building Association Adopts Jugoslav's Suggestions if t The delegates to the 61st annual .ted to Invest their funds Into coils-convention of the Building AseocU- teral loans to building and loan as-tion League of Illinois which met st Freeport. Illinois, on October 14' 16-1«, 1M0, adopted by unanimous vote of three hundred delegates, the report of the Jteeolutlon Committee which recommended that, the Legislative Committee of the Building Association League of Illinois should endeavor to secure the enactment Into law by the state legislature of the proposals which ware introduced by delegate Joseph Steblay of the Jugoslav Building and L?an Association. These recommendations were suggested to the Jugoslav Building and Loan Association by Its sttorney Richard J. Zavertnik and if proper legislation is enacted all the building and loan association In PHnt relations, during financial stringencies the burden of flnsncing building snd losn sssodatlons could be shifted from the banks to such Insurance and fraternal companies, thus such a law would be of benefit to the banks as well as the Insurance companies, frs-ternal societies and building and loan associations. 2. As insurance companies and fraternal insurance societis are interested in investing thai*, funds in sound securities of long duration the building and loan stock certificates would be an excellent Investment. But in order that such insurance companies or fraternsl. Insurance societies do not get oontrol of the building snd Inols would! loan assodstlons their Investment By Ginger O.—Our annual barndance ___turned out to be a pippin. I'm sure everyone enjoyed themselves immensely, due to the splendid management of our dance committee. Let's all get together again and try to make our next dance on Dec. 6 even better. i e e * Our boys lost their firet practice game to the Loyalttes of CoUinwood. Come on, boys, we don't went defects, we want victories, get your teamwork into plsy snd let's go. ' - a • a The girls' basketball team Is just raring to go; they are scheduled to play in a few weeks. All right, rooters, get ready and practice up your yella for both of our teams, and don't forget our teams cannot win without the rooters. trl-r - ---- e e e ■ ¿p. . Bachelorittes' meeting Is on Nov. 7 at Torpedo's house. Don't fail to be on hand, and on time, as we must get our new members together for our regular meeting. • • • Our next monthly meeting falls on Nov. 11, Armistice day. Bring in your new members, so thst we can all have a jolly good time after our meeting. The MBschslorettes" hsve another nice surprise for us again, this time we will have someone with us who wiH entertain us by reading past, present and future. Come early ao thjtt we can start our meeting earHer and have mere time for our enjoyment. JOLLY ALLIS LODGE 686 Weet Alii«, Wis.—Our monthly masting, Nov. 11, is close st hand. Let's all be present. Don't forget your new member—Sis. M. Grifc is on the sick list. Let's drop in snd give her s word of cheer. A gsls Thsnksgivlng frolic will be sponsored by the Jolly Allls Nov. 22. At the new Crystsl bsll room on 66th and Greenfield. Music will be furnished by Tommy snd his boys, sn eight piece orchestra. 8at. Oct. 26, s Urge group of Jolly Alllr members sttended Wsukegsn's Hallowe'en dance. En enjoyable time was held bv all. Sundsy, Nov. 9, s dance will be sponsored by the Slovenian Audito-Hum and Dramatic Club of West Allls at Labor Hall. At 3 o'clock S6 will 05 VIST WEDNESDAY, Npy, ¿ not man r< ligion lution lion. been forgotten, and yet, know nothing of Both« church. Now, ialist ranks, see on Socialism says against -eligion? , ism is an economic and ous question. What s [or does not believe about | not enter into the so-1 »read snd butter ques-I capitalist class exploits and robs the working claas regardless of wbgt the Utter believe about religion, or what is their color, race or sex. Since the capitalists exploit all of us In common regardUss of whether w# are Catholics or Protestants, black or white, male or femaU, we therefor« ought to stand solidly together as a united working tilasi fighting far the common end—our own indugkrial freeddm. The person who seeks to divide the working dsn by appealing to race or religious prejudices, is an enemy of the working people." Do not fsar that you will go to hell. At/* A*. A atoa Widmar Sit. Juke Monk« At. U John F en da SM. V Ac M. John Jerak SM. Draeotki UaJaar 111. Jokn Markwte $li. Ivan gpvack «14. Prank Hereon SM. Pfwi* Clber SM. Jaswk CotaH MS. Leopold Knalan SM. Joaepk Kotar MS. fit SI. Anton So.trr «M. Martha VuaSe* MS, rater V*intek SM. Prank Outer SM. .At. •<*. Prank Vnteaal« «M. John Lov re»- Podbevaek «14, Jota Pacao-nlk 114. Martin Krismaa MS. Anna Begieh MS. Prank Mlkollek S40, Jernej Btatej SM. Jekn Tokovnik |M. At. St. Jernej Burketea Ms. At. St. Mtekaal O», U*. Matt Krnaovau M4. Jo«-i,h Jd.kl.vclc Ml. Martin Koroae« mi. • ■ tM. Margareth E. Pacer MS. M. Oeor*e Mavrov!« M. Helena Kovači« «M, Ivan Goliib MS. Ivan Metan SM. Joaeph Bukovec MS. Anton Sotieh *s«. Janko Cln-drle SM. ' Al 87 Anton Cirar 17. Oatper Mora 11«. Jaaeph Drap Ml. Anna Hrovat Ml. Safkar« Badaniak «m. John Uraie «m. Steve Goren« HL1 At. M. Hubert Jarak SIS. At M. Martin Ooepek «is. 61. 1«l Michael Petoljak M«, Antontn Sirca SM. Joaa^k Mrak M«. Al 1M. Jokn OMak M. Theraaa Pranalk «II, Loulae Kralj «II, Louiee Kallachak Ml. KUaabeth Moanlk 111. Joaaph Srajhar MSAV, Joantk Kralj «M, Prank Medle «M. Prank tuna «IM At. 4S4. Mato Kovaa «M. At. 4M. Anton Cratae SM.. ' At. 47«. B|i Marink «1«. Elisabeth Makui It 477. Ivnnn SM. V t Jaaeph Polaak M0, Marjate Pee- *rZ. Ljttkoailr Patrovlch «1«. 4M. Adam MNiaaovlch sis, Mary TL eich SM. At. 4SS n« 11», s t (U. 4SI. Koaa M. Pavteevlch |U 6t. 4M. Antonia BIH vie SU. St. 4CS. Joba Orefartoa SSS. At 4S7. Amelia Paadkrc «I«. Mary Kralj S44. Um Kuatadlanvte Ml. Prod K lop« U «M. Al 4M. Andrew Lokati« «H. At. «Oft. Stephen Tod!« «SJS. j UT- Aaaaa Siaioar «7 Al ML / Joka Parish Ml. feftM. PrUr Sorte 11 SM. Mtekaal Mlkaatoevia ML Cr«®o» Tankovlak SM. ? isr-At. M«. Jaha IteUte «14 Al MS. Jurij Parate IIS. Nikola MaaSSrtek At I4S. aeck I ifirm _ Pakar «u. Um M4, Anton Valaaate «StT 1 t " " MMHHb« riwmu tiTl mLl}mfmm*totk MS. «un.■ Mp| tnlMll» SM. Joaaph VuTTrH iL 1U. Andrew Mlakar tn.UjT.' «Ick IMM. Anote Znidaroc M At. ITT. Leopold PWJane, ||« v^ , M«. Jaha Petrwie «u ^ Sc IS L Cacilia Wnctek »u, Jtmmk II«. Mary Parin «M. Anten I^TJ^ At. IM. Ivan. Bimeae «10. ££ II«. CbrteUna darin« «u. ¿Z V? M4. Praaeaa Seltek IM, Amah. JompMm Sartl IM Mary Ktaia,^Jl MS. Draann Laka SM, ' Prank Ivnauateh, *«knvina «II. Sumn ^ ... Pw.. ^---* eei At. IM. Emanuel Pajk «11. Jokn Potocnth . Martin Svajm MS. Matt l'urtovrk fSS. it. 107. Mary Otelual «U. At. US. Joaaph Prevetx M, Rudolph Ekar M. Prank Bara«* «10, Jernej Lavricb «7«. Michael Vidmar «70. John B. Champa «SO, John Mlhelic ««4, Jerry Viraat «M. Prank Sivsak Ml, Max Robjtik SM. John Sterte M2. John Potlfnnovie Ml. Prank Kuparahik «10«. Prak Cerar Ml. At. 114. Prank -M*wn «14. At. 11«. Mary Vlete «1«. At. IM. Michael Oerbte Ml. Joaephloa Kis-darnay MS. Michael Kudiak M it. Prank Udovfe «IT, Jovo Bnrrach as many working peopU have hell «11, I^lae Kramw ll*. Pctar Parvnnje on thU Ood blessed earth working "" ~ for the eapHalUt cUss. Mines, blast furnaces, wire and steel mills make the worst inferno known to anyone who toils tor hU dally bresd. Brothers, soon you will be asked to join the SocUlist Party, just ss you have been asked to join the SNPJ. You made a suocafs and progress in the ranks of yiqur fsthers and mothers in the "SK>venska Narodna Podporna Jednota* You can do the seme in the only labor party, tha SocUlist Party. You, young brothers snd sister« of Wept Perk, Cleveland, Collinwood, Euclid, and New-burgh—are you going to fall behind Milwaukee, Detroit, Johnstown and Chicago, or are you going to march with the progreM of the other cities? We have the Comrades, Struggle«, snd Progressives. Let's struggle for the Socialist Psrty—progress, educs-tion, and call ourselves comrades. Join today. Frank Barbie. in the Making . master caught a small on 4 slip of paper. * A J boy scri It contsined the words: "Blow,' blow, /drawl, blow, draw, meaning qf all this?" blow, btow^J "What's Ihe the schoops*ster ask«d. "Please, , ilr," the youngster replied, "it'e the musl* for my mouf orgsn." m aa Mil 1 1 All the Engllel» Speskiag Lodge« John Kolar |M. Bob Klobučar Ml-St. 12«. Annie f>oekar «1«. , &L til- John Lakner Sn. Helena Majalk «14. Pater Kollinn «64. Pater Paakvaa ««u, ri Kojht |4ft. 1M. Btea Hadoaavtek 14. Caroline. Jspa ilal Kranjcec «t«, Jokn Koeolaak 111, Catherine Zeteanik «1ft. " 1«7. Cecilia Pteekto «I, Ann« Videm-aak MS, Maria Prijatelj M6. Ansela, Xa)s «M. Mary Voyrrin «M. / it. 140. Prank JeUen «11, John Jurkovio 114, Mary Mikollch |7I. „ < , fit. 141. John Jarak «II. Prank Lavrk «10. At. 141. Anu.nia Laajak Ml. Al Ml. Ja«a Debelak «M. At. 14T. Louis OolklM, Prank Kovac Ml, Jokn Zadnik MT, Mary Kucar «44. Anton Kovaeic SM, Michael Orteker SM. Prank Oo-loh SM. ' : trit. 14«. Prank Strah M0. I4S. PrteSa Kroeker «1«. ■ til. Ckriatlna Oblak «12. it. IM. Ivan« Krak «1«. Prancaa Patrick It. IM. Michael Skrak Ml, Tkomsa Papp Loula Blatnik «41. Anton Strltoff M1. Peter Viadiah «M. see being pet to their test, therefore pui your ?fee«t brfln^ efforts snd be "given away" and a pUy will be good-will in thU campaign and auc-given immediately sfter. There will be dancing for the re«t of the afternoon and evening. derive great benefits ss the assets of should be limited to a certain percent- the building snd loss sssocistloni sge of the total steok issued by build- 14 be more liquidated ss insurance ing snd loan association. 8uch stock and fraternal societies would be sble certificates by law oould be made of te Invest their surplus funds into s separate clans, having voting or no- building and loan collateral notes snd voting rights, snd of a duration, for ■teek. I instance, one year to ten years. ThU ■ Tfcs recommendations and the ran-1*04* sUo cou,d ** «»W ^f^K times , of financial stringency to th panics or as an offset "peg" agalnet cobs given fer the suggeeUons by the ot 'Uandal stringency JugosUv Building snd Loan Asaocia-! or M offset _ tion are as follows: ¡tbe long duration loans to Its mem- I. Thst Insurance companies snd he" our crodit at our bank has been rrdu<-*«1 from | MM KM) 00 to «I.'.IHKIOO. A rvrisin fraternal society was wi|. Iln* ».. sa*l«t ua snd loan ua from SKMhmjoo Io llk.oop.00 on a mort-vagi collateral note The matter was taken up wtiM the Director of Trade ami Conmtrit who forwarded an opinion that under the pr«mwt law insurance compaMes and fraternal insurance noriMtes the building and loan aeaurinttoaa would hs opened and In time« of financial strl«c»aey they mm m«a| all withdrawn! and Uaa ap msurnswe e.mipanlSS FLOOD CITY LODGE 170. Koae Kovsaiah «1«. At. 171. Aeaas Vahar «1«, Eliaabeth Oar-novaafc M7, Prank Trekee ML it. 174. Cacilia Strte «I«. Joaapk Natlte Ml. . ■ Al 17«. Drsate Petrovteh «IM. íl IM. John Borce SI«, Anton Dotene «M. it IS«. Vinko Broaovich «69. it. IM. JotapMna Berti «M, it. 200. Vincent Piarae SM. Andrew Oust-dn MO. Boso Kojich Ml. Pater Kruct «41. íl SM. Antäte Ofnak «II, Stefanie Vra-taric MI, Padija Calina M. Nick Berte M. Annie Murat «M. j, ..... , • ,/ At. SM. Anton Greporate «M, Anton Bar* Patee Krpaaie Ml. iL SSL PraA Barlot W|. Phll!,l_ ««7, Genevieve Obrndovia «2«, NlkeTïl dovteh «IM. ^ pU, Asnea CIndric MS, ; k- I»- Anton Soteman Ue. Uo«^, » . Petar Pol Jare v ich «IN. J«" «K. Knnpic Ml iL M7. Ole« Laakner «14, J kar M2. ^ iL MS. Loa Morala «M it. «M. Aeaaa Kol«n> «1«, jok« aj •IL M»ry Schober M7, Jokn Vuter^T At. a«7. Anton Paoko «40. MfKlIfcnriàMft Sbsak «M. Praak I m .m ic Ml. Anton Drineena «M. Ac MS. Lasar L. Psjovle jj6 . it. «M. Mary Bartoete «U, Mary Ouaich Ivan Ctedricfc Anton Co.iricS «42 it. «M. Aueuet Subie SM. Ac SM. Magdalena PHknnic «M. At. ftM. Sam Halowka M2. At. Ml. Luka Tomkovleh MS. Ac ML Juila Kapter «Ii, Ann!« Kownckak «1«. At. «M. Gaste v Bauer MS ftt GM0. lu»«ll« Mravack SIS. At. «SS. Urh Steter «M. Iran Bukna MS ÍL 600. Jennie Gwjup M, Jokn Majn-ptr "»mHBH SM. ÍL SM. The reas Mik lave U «1«. Margaret b W» ' XlMmdi ttSa- Ac CM. Jokn Hahins «M, Joaeph Korade «TS. , ,T - ty> . r► ic «M. Joaeph Llpovaak «M, Isnate Oa- «97. George Grdic «7«, George Leadvrl li. ■ ^«Jr>wpk S toban «12, Mary Sope •2H.60. Prnak «M. «14. "tío Ml. Iváa Padaate «1M. «M. Josoph Znidaraleh «42 6M. Ttom Juraste «11- ' MI. Maten Oedlck «M. SM. Gnapar Mikliak M. ' «ST. Jdfca StalteS 12«. At. «51. Jora Jakovna At. «««. Mary Bieken II«. At. Ml. Nlkote Kovnoevlr II«. At. «M. Praitoea Vatenaic M «0. John Krake» «M. Prask Tuatea «M. ÍC «7«. Jokn Kaataite «32 Palla Pspss «M. Í.C «7«. Knalnir Gnspnrsc «14. ÍL M«. V tedíate v Jakovac «20. Alfonso OI At. «77. Antonia Falte MI. íl SSL Steve Masar MT vina «1«0, Gaorpe Kakavlna «1S0. it. M«. Frank Kaeoaac MI «M. Jokn Itaeünovick M7. Palia Brojan «14. At. SM. Sopkle Koricich «II. VatenUn Ba-«tovakl M7. At. «M. Chrlatina Barman Ml, Anna Bo-aanberaer «1«, Kdwnrd Boaanbergtr M-it. 711. Joaaph Blyapccvlak «M. Skupaj S1«AS7J0. Joaeph Novak «42. Anton Bulk. «a. At. 2M. Rudolph Meiner «M M.cUd baa 17«. Praak Kufria r M4. Jahn Brak «23. lo •14.M Anna KUwaoo «IL iL 170. Maar BnskovU «17 ■MfeHH 27«. StenUlav Ryaa «M. 277. Georg« Gjcrek M7. 27«. Mary Ptete «11. Antea and recognition will be all yours! Agela; Thee la with the Campaign V «i. Katkeri.« kerke. «m, sera Jite Committee by annosnclBg the first m«. Johnstown, Pa^—The Vineyard )ance sponsored by tho Flood City eteT Lodge No. 712 SNPJ on October 25 Usually ltd fraternal year. art«h the age iioa\ sad If they always be sssurad of obtaining suf flcient credit snd pay all their obll. gallons (wlthdrawaU) to Its mem* bora on time. S. A building snd loan association would be compelled to have part of Its aaaets invested Into liquidated sec urltUs snd In times of fUancUl stringency, and when the community hanker refuses credit to building and loan association, such association would obtain Its credit at Its own benk by dterounting Its securities there. This law would greatly benefit the members of buMding and faun association» as this would he a guarantee that in times of financUl strin-Kcnry when the desisnd« for withdrawals and for loans are at their peak that members can be ptdd their withdrawal on demand without requiring notice and waiting on the part of the withdrawing member. • C^ ■ The policy of the JugoeUv Build ing and Loan Association has always b«ea to improve state law sa that building snd lean associations shsll always he safer institutions than hanks, and te render in Its commun itles better servtee than banks, and to pay to Its member« the highest returns commensurate with aafety. This is the reason why the Jugoslav pub-It« has confidence and faith is our society and that during Ihll depression. when people are out of employment. yet, we are able te Increase our assets by over ttrenty thousand dollars. Our assets as of * SeBiesiMl m, is:is, were :I7S.ISS.47. The and conservative Investor should eerihe to stock In eur forty-eight series snd thus save weekly his *»IUrs er pennies St an Interest return n/ evwr 1 torrent. Per Investors ef feeders*« meana, we recommend the -paid-un stnek Whlek shaiwe are nuid at one hundred -loiters each sad draw Intern«t nt the rate or flv« y cent pay«M* nf Ihe J«ai% ^soeUtisn The prteea are ee diver at fie enn »isrtic.tly asms the e wtM gel: W katovoe ymm |M ^T Nrw MrMurn* at the Moxham Workers' HalI proved | ^^ now ^ aro|d w MU to be s huge success, due to the Urge ,aUr on {n ^ sttcndsnco. The orchestra (Korelts, '^mja^oi^iw^ (orber, Rudy Amershek, snd Charles Amcrshck) gave a fine selection of test, snappy music, which plerod everyone. Thanks to evoryone who attended, snd slncerest thanks for the reciprocation of the other lodges. Much credit Is given to the members who worked so fsithfully at our ■nee. Our next reguUr monthly meeting Wil lie held on November 20, at 7:30 shsrp. All members sre requestsd to sttend ss we hsve Important busi-sn to transact. We would like to i> a full membership in attodance more can be accomplished and much better results secured when evoryone lsxpresent. Don't forget to brin^ In as many new mebers as possible. All trsBsfsrs will be accepted. Increused membership means a big gcr and better lodge in overy respect, »so let's get behind thU membership drive with the ♦'Flood City" spirit. Darning and rafpsahmants will foi low the meeting—Fraternally, Mary Elisabeth I'Meh. (Pub. Com.) Our Stand ss Socialists Martha 1-ooU Wouk Tan» le lah ft] etna «S«. SM. Anu-n Jaeak Plvfc it IS. An« «II. CslUnwec4. Ohla.—Many working gien and women keep away from thi Socialist ranks because they think we are against religion. ThU Is a [treat mi.take. Truly, there are millions who loath the church and religion. Yet, the same people hevn a grouch «gainst Socialism. These csn- ■ . inot he classed as Soclkliata, but m| & {reethinkera. Why so many oimmigrant« are bk-|' 4ln»t the church and clergy, Is duel to the fact that la European coun- «1». Brae |rie- the majority of clergymen arc Ant* x«s ssa Vateau« p. ««hnsTsm. Eking part In politic.. In Austria. ^ vinb. Oei many. Jugoalavis fthe MrthpUee Us sss. m 'mTlJZ nf Move nee) and other countries I sss. J.^ah asrbwisk m«, j.«^. a~m Hhera «re sS-ealUd clerical partUa.|ML gfe" ^Jm BKh MVS Pried, as lenders. TS.'«,^ VSiESe'L Meni U-rs of thi. pert y occupy gov. |lt>ment off lee*, and sent* In perils me nt. IteeauM of their participa ■sa in pfcUÜee hatred U Mncni •( aln. the chuieh. religion and clergy. Mt>f<"e « leetions la thU country we ftn.1 the big fight between the Re-publ. aa and Ikpsseeratlc paHies; few w em tO knew there i. a Socialist or munlsl pect» But la Europe we CatheHcs and Liberals fighting i r> ram ment Contrai. Religions '„7 the pulp4t ta hurl «awd ta. and Instill the taaeh <;«d and eternal life. ThU S7S. Jaw* I «svita MS. Antea Braaank «M. I «tor Sabatina, «Sa. 10. VtesfS« TratnÄ Ml M. Mall C«4a««S MS. A « Mm Stt^nte« «t.. T_a Marque SM it a« ► r.afc KU« ML PraiM. M Mary >kH' 1 ««, kar«i M Aa«d Matear «t M? «Un Wake» g ■SM. hm Ac 27«. Jobs^Kwan «42. 212. Prank Pohleven «14. Ml. Prank Dnrman r .m, Kuhm I hariak MO. iL M7. Jokn Baker IM. iL M7. PeiU Peterlln «44. AC. IM. Mara Com Ik «44. Jeka AM «17, Mary Mnrinich «1«, JenalaMH «1«. Prank Mraaianr «14. himu vick Ml. Vid SiwullJa Ml. Prank Zak Pan Ml, Joaeph Prank I««. SM. Paul Kss «17.«0. Vincent Krtetan «11. «14. Mite Simstovk MS. ' 11«. Anton Para «U, Jowgh Fa vick «27, Prank gmsk «M. John Len* m. Mm ' «11- Lsois Annlo Maaick Irrl Ml. WUItean Peoatf «41.60, DssM Ml. Joaapk Oblsk M, Boss Zaloknr M4. Anns MS. Mile Baknvlna |M, Mario M7 t«M. J«kn Doesils' «M. sm. Michael Prankerte «u. teak telko IM, Michael Prankovia «1«, M Laanoff M4, Marko Koaunlc ««. jC «M. Andrew Brisk ML Andn>. SsfM «ST. ic «1. Prank Stak «M. iL M. John Nov ten. Jr. «1S. Anton M vie «M. SakaaUna MS «J #L «M. Pranja MsrnI»« m TiI mm mm i^l Mary Bnkstr «I«, Mary Noviam-ha SM. Tmn» Novteonkn M«. Oaerae Bob- ic MS. Jokn Bnehnr «M. Joka Lnorirb «M. J.ihn BMknanr «M. Jok« Ji ^IC-^mTi Mlhaitevtek nj^ ^ "h •IS.-twp. Vateptts »M. « t* •< s-MUe •seč «te «M il SS. M » «L MaU a it a it «M it 4se Al «M «I IIÏ S «a avta« »IC "L MS PSW« it ai An*. • . «II r»naS •m Uw At le. ja« ÍL «M. •Ik «14. Mildred lllkijlivtili Ml, ■PHjflv '^BMmNL H ^uk* it. 4M. Mary MatUaa US. KMk MUjraWh IIM. T7 ~ . ■ ."■ ; ÍL 41. ! It 4M. Mary KMtra SM •L Merr MaroHsS SM mmMM AnOrww Ofcrw-iie SM. Bi it. 107. Anten J it. IM. brnmti ■ «I* iTm-v-MM.*"«1 Stespal «HTM.