ZARJA -DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA OF AMERICA V AMERIKI Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 v Chicagu, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, 111. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago 8, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2045 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: Women's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * * * Managing Editor—CORINNE LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washington— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * + Finance Committee-. JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članicc SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, 111. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze v Ameriki Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . June 6 — Pilgrimage to Shrines in Europe, Via TWA June 12 — Wisconsin State Convention and State Day, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 12 — Br. 96, Universal, Pa., Penna State Convention June 17 — Excursion to Europe, Via “Air France” jet plane June 26 — Penna. State Convention, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. July 16—Br. 2, Chicago, III., hosts Lemont Zveza Day, Lemont, 111. August 31 — Combined Cleveland branches meeting August 28 — Colo. State Convention, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 7— Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise., Card Party Sept. 11 — Minn. State Convention, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Oct. 2 — Ohio State Convention, Cleveland, Ohio Oct. 9 — Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., Misc. Card Party On the Cover .... Beautiful bride, Irene Pecaric, nee Sedlasek, graces this month’s cover. June's popularity as a month for weddings inspires us to pay tribute to aill brides with this photo of Irene, whose look is one all brides share — of love and serenity. She said I DO to Paul Pecaric in January and is now a full-fledged housewife. The bride and her mother, Mrs. Mariai Sedlasek, are loyal members of br. 2 in Chicago and Irene has a great attachment for the S.W.U. havinfl been closely associated with the work at the Home Office prior to her marriage. Our best to the newlyweds! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN JUNE Flower: Rose Blrthstone: Pear' Supreme Officers: June 21 — Marie Prisland, Founder and Honorary President, Sheboygan, Wise. Branch Presidents: June 4 — Shirley Rose, Br. G2, Conneaut, Ohio June 13 — Nettie Strukel, Br. 18, Cleveland, Ohio June 13 — Mary Vidmar, Br. 78, Leadville, Colo. June 20—Mary Skerl, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY1 ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Vol. XXXII — NO. 6 JUNE, I960 LETO XXXII — ŠT. 6 HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE 21st ! Mrs. Marie Prisland, Our Founder, celebrates her blrth-^ay this month and as a tribute to her, we present our “• Anthem, composed by Mr. Ivan Zorman in Sloven-followed by the English text, translated by Mr. Eddie 'asovich, Denver, Colo. lvan Zorman: NAŠA "ZVEZINA” HIMNA Vrle smo Amerikanke Iz slovenskega rodu, Ljubimo slovensko pesem, Pojemo jo brez sramu. Tam, kjer Triglav zemljo straži, Bistra Sava jo poji, Tam je domovina dedov, Tam Slovenec še živi. Tam možje so naši slavni, Z delom uma in srca. Čast, veljavo priborili Nam med narodi sveta. . Zlata govorica dedov Nam ostane srčna last, “Zveza" naša, rod slovenski. Naš ponos in naša čast. °UR COMMON BOND by Eddie Krasovich Proud Americans, we cherish Our Slovenian ancestry. Slavic folksongs touch our heartstrings. In this land of liberty. Where the mighty Triglav hovers. Where the river Sava flows, , There's the home of our forefathers, There Slovenian culture grows. There we see are men of letters; Science, beauty, come unfurled. Honor plus respect they give us. Everywhere throughout the world. It's "Slovensko" they bequeath us; That’s the bond that marks our birth. Mother's tongue, that golden language. May it spread across the earth. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: I Want Qod Man is always searching for happiness and peace. The way leading to God is the only way that gives satisfaction to a man. Riches are convenient but they do not feed the man within. A soul cannot be fed on bricks and mortar. The man who drives the newest car model, who drinks the most sparkling wines, and sits in the fastest company does not revel in these things long. He turns away from them, wearied and tired, and sick at heart. A man sixty years old, after a life of hard work, meditates during the night beside the bedside of his dying wife. After the life of straggle they have just about everything they desire, a nice home, new car, well, just everything they feel they need. It seems that they are just on their feet, when death disolves their home. The man reflects. The full force of the Scriptures dawns upon him: “Lay not up to yourselves treasures on earth....” It took this man sixty odd years to learn: do not seek your heaven on earth where it cannot last. We are made for heaven. Do not place your hopes on earth. God expects us to provide decently for ourselves and our families here on earth, but he wants us ever to keep mindful that life here on earth is but a preparation for heaven. Whatever you do here below must be done with an eye on eternity. Whatever can be destroyed by death is not too important. “I will return to my father’s house”; that is what counts. A lady said once to a priest: “I can have all I want, as far as money is concerned,” and a big tear rolled down her cheek; “I can have my delights, my fine clothes, my cars. I can have my fashions and my fashionable society,” — and she shook like a tired bird; “but I am weary of it all. “I want God. These things do not satisfy me.” Now we better understand the words of Holy Scripture saying: “Make for yourselves purses that do not grow old, a treasure unfailing in heaven, where neither thief draws near nor moth destroys.” " Our Common Bond ” Our Zveza’s anthem is well-known poetically and musically, and n o w Mr. Eddie Krasovich has undertaken the one and only English version. Mr. Krasovich is interested in fraternal work himself, as the assistant secretary of Western Slavonic Association w i t h head quart ers in Denver. He is American-born and received his education here, including knowledge of the language and customs of our Slovenian heritage. We salute him and wish him continued success in these worthwhile endeavors! Mr. Eddie Krasovich Activities No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — We had a nice turn out at our May meeting where our "mother-of-the-year”, Mary Turk, was honored, and presented with a corsage by the president Anna Zavrl. She wished her the best of everything from the organization and expressed the hope that she’d keep up the good work! Mother’s Day recitations were given by David Girdaukas and Virginia Mueller; and piano selections were played by Gail Girdaukas. Call either Mary Godez or Anna Modiz for your bus reservations and banquet tickets. Members who are behind in dues, please come to the next meeting and pay up as vacation time will soon be rolling around. Remember the third Sunday in June, instead of the second. A speedy recovery is wished to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mueller who were in the hospital as a result of a car accident on Easter Sunday. Also, to Mary Mechak who had surgery and to all our sick members at home. Condolences are sent to Mary Turk and Ann Matzdorf who lost their mother recently. May her soul rest in peace. Congratulations to all our birthday gals with birthdays in April, May and June. The birthday treat brought by the celebrants was served by Frances Melanz and her committee. Mary Vertacic No. 2, Chicago, III. — Over 60 members attended the meeting and Mother’s celebration and 20 youngsters joined in the tribute to mothers. The brief meeting was followed by a very enjoyable program which was done with the accent of children’s love for mother. A simple stage setting was beautifully enhanced with a small Marian chapel decorated with tiny colored lights and flowers. The children who performed did very well and those who recited and sang in Slo-venian, were dressed in national costume while the others came attired in all sorts of pretty party clothes. The mothers and grandmothers who comprised the most loving audience each received a pink carnation from the little ones during the program. Moth-er-of-the Year, Mrs. Mary Hozian, was presented with a gift from the President, Mrs. Albina Novak, and it was a medal from Lourdes with tiny baguettes around a blue stone on a silver chain. Each act had individuality and showed how much effort went into the preparation. Singing a number of Slovenian songs, little 4 year old Erica Planinšič stole the show. Most touching was the finale when all the children, from tots to teens, joined in a candlelight procession around the hall and to the little chapel singing the favorite hymn Angelsko Češčenje. It was such a lovely hour that everyone said we must do this every year. Afterward, everyone had a sumptuous treat of delicious pastries and beverages donated by the birtday celebrants, namely: Mrs. Toni Brant, Mrs. Metoda Fish-inger, Mrs. Clara Foys, Mrs. Mary Koscak, Mrs. Primozich, Mrs. Matilda Sever, Mrs. Tivador, Mrs. Mary Tomazin and Mrs. Josephine Železnikar. Mrs. J. Z. looked especially wonderful in her national costume and beautiful gold embroidered "auba” which was presented to her that night on stage by Mrs. Novak as a birthday remembrance. The theme of the evening was brought out in the two colorful May baskets arranged by Mrs. Steffie Osterman, with flowers that our members found to have lucky numbers attached. Many prizes were given away including lO pairs of hand-embroidered pillow cases. The committee in charge of the event received the thanks of all who were present for their fine work in making it a memorable evening for every mother. The committee consisted of: Mmes. Anna Zorko, Liz Zefran, Stefanie Osterman, Frances Gomilar, Sophie Petrovič, Mary Muller and yours truly. Our Lemont Day preparations are well under way and we hope all Midwestern branches will reserve the third Sunday in July for the annual Pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine in Lemont. See you at the next meeting, June 9th. Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Our May meeting showed a very good representation of members, and Pres., Anna Pachak expressed her gratitude with hopes that future meetings would see a like number attending. Discussion was held regarding our first annual Zveza Day. The date selected is August 28th and the banquet will be held at the Minnequa Club. Invitations will be sent to affiliate lodges in Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. Plans for the entertainment portion of the program are still incomplete and other important details are still to be discussed. A group of our members chartered a bus and made the trip Denver for Br. G3’s Silver Jubilee Banquet and festivities which took place later in the evening. An enjoyable time was had by all who were fortunate enough to have made the trip. Get-well wishes are extended to Mmes. Ann Grahek, Vera Matush, Katherine Gacnik, Mary Kastelic and to all those who may have been inadvertently overlooked in this list. Mrs. Anna Pachak wishes to take this opportunity to thank the members for having selected her as worthy mother of the year — she is certainly highly deserving of this honor. There will be no meetings held during the months of June and July. Katherine Kochevar, Reporter No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — Due to the fact that primary elections fell on our meeting night, we convened in the downstairs hall. President Amalia Legat was late but our good members had things control before she arrived. Since this was our party night and the celebration in honor of our Mother of the Year, good homemade bakery was brought by our members. Sister Antonia Sustar, our Mother-of-the-Year, brought a beautiful birthday cake; Sister Frances Globokar, two delicious cakes; Sister Mary Stražišar (Kewanee), delicious potica; Sis-ter Jennie Vidovec, filled cookies; and Sister Jennie Stefančič, delicious potica. Sister Stefanclc’s potica was given away and I was the lucky lady. For the benefit of our branch we held a popular game. The lucky ladies were: 1st prize, a beautiful af' ghan made by our Sister Caroline Turk, taken by R.M. Gibb, 19707 Kewanee; 2nd prize, a $25. dollai’ bond, Louise Mlinar, Rt. 306, Novelty, Ohio; 3rd 4th, and 5th prizes were hand embroidered pillow-cases won by Anna Valyik, 22722 Ivan Ave., M-Trash, 1751 Skyline Drive, and Anna Adams, 19806 Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. John Turk celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary on April 25th. For this occasion a High Mass was offered at St. Christine’s Church by Father A. Rupar. A breakfast, given by their daughter Mrs. John Bolden, was held at Smith’s Restaurant for them and the close family. To you, Mr. and Mrs. Turk, many more happy years ahead. Sister Frances Pirc moved from Cleveland to Dayton, Ohio where she is staying with her daughter. However, she still remains our good mein-ber. Visited by three of our members last month were Sisters Frances Pirc and Louise Casserman. Sister Pii'c is bedridden and is staying with her daughter. We presented both of these members with a small gift. We also learned that Mrs. Mary Geneva was operated on and is con-valescing at home. The following members donated toward our good time treasury: Sister Mary Klun, Sister Antonia Kostrevec, Sister Mary Kausek, Sister Caroline Gabrenya whom we were happy to see after a long absence, and Sister Mary Rome. Thank you all. A Happy June Birthday to the toil’ lowing members: Pauline Boštjančič ROLLING ALONG IN JOLIET Louise Casserman, Anna Celin, Theresa Cemelich, Jennie Creek, Jennie Dormastja, Mary Gerchman, Jennie Golic, Jennie Hoffart, Pauline Kausek, Mary Kausek, Antonia Ko-strevec, Anna Kuhar, Vida Kuhar, Mary Kusar Sr., Margaret Mestek, Louise Mlinar, Jennie Mozina, Mary Oklesan, Anna Pavlovich, Anna Pihler, Louise Reja, Mary Setina, Veronica Saver, Antonia Smerke, Karoline Tekaucic, Stanislava Vehovec, Frances Zuzek and Catherine Krall. A reminder to those of you who may have forgotten to pay your dues, Please do so as soon as possible so that I can straighten out my books. Pauline Cesar, Secretary EVELETH, INVITES YOU! No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Minnesota State Conventiom takes place on Sept. 11, 1960 in Eveleth, Minn., and everyone is most cordially invited! All range citites will receive tickets soon and I sincerely hope that every member will try to make this event a red letter date on the calendar. It is 19 years since the last Zveza Day was held in Eveleth, so, we hope to make it the biggest success ever! Make your plans now, to come to Eveleth, SEPT. 11, 1960! Mary Lenich, secretary No. 20, Joliet, Illinois — Hearty congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maichen 505 Bluff St. who celebrated their Golden Wedding anni-vesary at the White Fence Farm with their two sons and two grandchildren, ^lay they live to celebrate their 60th Annivesary! Our member, Mrs. Theresa Koleto, spent six weeks in Fontana and Los Angeles, California and other cities, from where she mailed us her greetings. Another member, Mrs. Catherine Kness, was confined in St. Joseph Hospital and is now recuperating from a broken leg. Member Mrs. Frances Papesh, underwent a major operation in Chicago. We wish her a very speedy re-covery. Since the funeral arrangements for ®"r deceased member, Mary Anna Theobald, were incomplete last time, 1 wish to add, that she was buried ^ith a requiem mass from St. Paul’s Church where her family are members and interred at Resurrection Cemete-Our bowling league donated several cars with bowlers, and our offers were also represented at her ‘Uneral. Many thanks to our Louise Nasen-eni who made our draperies for our “Meeting hall, where we show mov-es- They are excellent for darkling the windows. Mrs. Nasenbeni 'as so gracious to take care of them, hanks also to our vice president, rs. Theresa Marentič, who took care 0 buying the material. We are grate- Joliet, III. — The photo finish in the Joliet League was most interesting. Any one of the top three teams could have had the colors. Second place Merickas had to take three from the 3rd spot Northwest Tigers — They did. The first place Horvat Bakery had to win two — they lost three to the Ellena Builders who arbitrated themselves into the 1st division. Hail the champs, Merickas! It’s the first time in the League’s history that this occured. God Bless her soul, Mericka must be happy telling the angels about it. Her team in the league was always her first concern and the greatest object of her affections. We pay tribute to the valiant captain, Ann Savol who lead her bees and Senffner on to the pinocle of SWU honors — with a quiet and a calm — never getting excited and always putting them there where they were needed. In taking 7 of the last games Bee Zobel was most instrumental . Bee Suski was the power needed the last night as she came up with 460 to take the needed three. March the 7th is where Senffner counted in the nod over the Northwest Tigers. And everybody followed the good leads provided by Bee Kostelec — Congratulations again you really earned your championship the hard way — for this it should be all the more sweeter to you. All of us in the league are most proud of you and it couldn’t have happened to a better team. The last batch of bakery is still at Horvaths Bakery — the greatest catastrophe ever to befall a team to win only 2 of the last nine games — to lose all last 6 will go down in history of the league as its most tragic end, “Such are the fortunes of war,” sez captain Marge Rachor as she bucks up her sobbing five. If they only could have won 2 more games is ful to our members who are willing to cooperate. I want to add at this time, that all members of Zveza, have equal rights at our branch and Zveza, members and officers, and it is imperative, that our dues are always paid up, as well as our special assessment for our expense fund. This fund is used to pay our expenses for the upkeep of the branch. Since we all expect to have equal respects from our branch in event of casualties It is our sacred duty, to take care of our special fund at all times. So if any of you are in arrears, kindly take care of this matter with out delay. There will be no meeting during the months of June, July and Aug., but our secretary is always at your disposal for collecting dues. With best wishes to every one of you. Happy Father’s Day to your fathers and husbands. Josephine Erjavec spilt milk. Did Mericka’s pay Bernikas to stay home the last night? Edna Grohar threw the most pins in the last 9 games, and it could have been the hard work at bending poticas for Mitzi Mrozek and Rose Mary Horvath. After taking all three from the tough Slovenian Homes to lose three decisive gaxnesi to the champions is the story of the Northwest tigers resting in 3rd place. Captain Jo Mlakar can’t understand it how the lowly Mericka’s passed them up in taking 5 of 6 from them in which was Included her 521 series. Sorg and Theobald were hitting them with super human effort Flynn picked the 6-7-10 in her efforts and Stiglich showed determination all the way through. Shep’s made up their mind to get into the first division and they did with Mary Rudman showing the way — “they shall not pass”. And now at the end of the season the whole team is in the pink of shape due to the strenuous training schedules of captain Jean Nickleski, Therese Pavnica came in with a 202 to squash the bakers, Nemanich and McCarthy were good the last night in taking two from the Papesh Funeral Homes. The Clarence Ellena Builders hung on with all their teeth to stay in the 1st division in tie with the Shep’s. Their revenge on the Bakers during the last night was the most phenomenal “get up off the floor” tactic in the league, sherriff Gen Klainsek with her posse; two gun Annies, Stefanich and Sternisha, fast on the draw Madame Ellena herself and stranger upper Jo Goran were really a team that got a late start — better things are in evidence next season. Captain Lill Berge and Lieutenant Shirley Goran were happy to maintain the lead in the second division which they held with their sharp shooting for the Papesh Funeral Home. Gasmovich, Papesh and Trish-ner took it easy during the last games saving their energy for next season. The struggle to stay in the wine cellar was lost by the American Slovenian Home in their giving 4 of 6 games to the basement dwellers. League leader Captain Marje Wajchert and star bowler Di Mrozek did their best with Helen Golobic to help the experiminteers Cox and Koeber who have winning formulas just about perfected. Wait till next year. The cellar winning Kraus Radio and TV’s intend to spend a care-free summer, vacationing, fishing and horseback riding . Pilot Rothlishberger and co-pilot Mahkovec are dreaming of their teams’ chances next year and it all points their way — last year the Mericka’s were in last place. Mary Rezick is building a bowling alley in the basement of her palatial home for practice. Sumic and Mitchell will enjoy their boat riding this summer. THE FINAL STANDINGS W. L. 1. Mericka’s Restaurant 50% 33y2 2. Horvath Bakery 49 35 3. Northwest Rec. Club 47 37 4. Shep’s DX Serv. Station 43 41 5. Clarence Eilena Builders 43 41 6. Papesh Funeral Home 40 44 7. American Slovenian H. 32% 51% 8. Kraus Radio & TV 32 52 The season is over and the com- pletion of the schedule has been consummated in the best style and with the most note worthy good sportsmanship. It was the breaks of the game that gave the winners the honors. Many of the girls improved their averages and some had them lowered. With the best of luck to all the bowlers — may they spend their summer in the most enjoyable leisure and all in view of the competition in the coming 1960-61 series. I thank everyone who assisted me in the many ways needed that were the success of this column and most especially the editor, Corinne Leskovar who was so nice to us in giving us so much space and such a beautiful by-line. Last but not least — our sponsors we are greatly indebted to them in many ways and we thank them. The best way to show our gratitude is in giving them our patronage and soliciting that of our friends. Thanks again to all. Josephine Sumic No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — All the officers of our branch wish to thank our members and their friends who attended our chicken supper. A special thanks to the ladies who worked so hard in the kitchen, serving, social activities and also to all the members who donated so generously to the delicious dinner and brought gifts. The help of all our grand people is what made it so successful. The lucky persons of the evening were: first prize (carving set and steak knives), George Tuma, 6326 Denison Ave„ Parma, O., second prize: (hand-made pillow slips), Cele Brodnick, 4592 W. 130th St., and third prize: (Infant Jesus of Prague), Bill Damm, 12516 McGowan Ave. A hearty thank you to Miss Mary Hosta, who donated the Infant of Prague. She is one of our most generous donors of prizes, etc. She has been a kind and considerate person as well as a most cooperative worker for our branch, following in her mother’s footsteps. May God reward her good deeds. Here on a visit from Jugoslavia is Victoria Vrtancik, daughter of our member. Hope her vacation is a pleasant one and our best wishes to her. Belated congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gustinic, who celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary on May 4th. Mary has been a member of our branch for a long time and is also one of our most faithful. Congratulations to Teresa Zupančič, a grandma again since her daughter, Helen, had a baby girl. At present, we have the following sick members: Frances Mencin, Pauline Zupan, Anna Augustine and Ivana Zalar. Do remember them in your prayers. Our deepest sympathy to Prances Kavc, our Slovenian reporter, on the loss of her daughter-in-law, Helen, who passed away May 7th. And, the same sincere wishes to Mary Vehar on the loss of her brother, Frank Cimperman recently. May they rest in peace! Once again, we would like to remind all members that there will be no meetings in July or August. Hope you enjoy your summer months and vacations until we will meet again on Sept. 7th. Then, we will start the new season with vigor and new ideas. Stella Dancull, secetary No. 22, Bradley, III. — Good weather brought a nice group of members to the April 28th meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Sebastiani. The session opened with prayer lead by pres. Antoinette Lustig. A five dollar donation was to be sent to the Franciscan Sisters in Lemont for their proposed Old People’s Home. No delegate was available to accept the invitation to the State Convention, May 22nd, in Chicago. Mesdames Libby Kinder, Anna Jamnik, Anna Lamontagne and Paola Smole received the awards following games played. Coffee and delicious apple strudel made by assisting hostess, Mrs. Anna Yakofcich, was served. Our next meeting will be on Thursday June 16th with Mrs. Anna Stara-sinich and Libby Kinder at 212 S. Michigan Ave. Come out for an enjoyable evening! Gabirelle Lustig, Reporter No. 23, Ely Minn. — Our May meeting was held at the Community Center Cafeteria, President Katherine Grahelc presided. Approximately 25 members were present. The President reminded the ladies of our group communion on Mother’s Day. Also it was decided that we would hold a Games Party sometime in August because our treasury is very low. The ladies were told that the Minnesota Day will be held September 11. I hope we can have a full bus to Eveleth. After the business meeting, a pot luck supper was served. I am sure our members enjoyed it as it was the first we’ve ever had. After the meeting we played games which brought us a nice total in the treasury. God Bless you and best of health to our members. Hoping to see you at the next meeting. B. Rosandich, secretary No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club — Our president opened the meeting with prayer, before a fairly good attendance. We would, however, like to see more members at the meetings as we have important things to discuss. We planned our annual banquet (chicken dinner) at Riiks Inn for May 18th with Sally and her staff catering, and hope that I can report a wonderful success in my next article. This banquet will be In celebrating of our 25th anniversary and will be followed by a short meeting at which time we’ll select the date for our fall outing. Meetings will be concluded for the summer months and resume in September. We hope everyone has a wonderful vacation. Following the April meeting, a social hour was held with prizes in cards going to: Mmes. Rose Lobe, Stephanie Vranesich, Ann Rowe and Margie Schubitz. The evening came to a close with luncheon served by the hostesses, Mmes. Molly Richards. Mary Vidmar, Mary Knapp, Patricia Poitz and Rose Pucel. A speedy recovery to all who are convalescing. Ann Rowe, reporter No. 30, Aurora, III. — April meeting was held at the home of Marie Fayfar. Twelve members attended Emma Tomse opened meeting with prayer. We discussed the convention, as yet no one knew definitely if they would attend. The girls who took part in the bowling event in Joliet told of the wonderful time had. They were Theresa Zefron, Sophie Grisman, Emma Tomse, Florence Aister, Mary Be King. Mary Klemenčič (my mother) went along as a booster. Even though we didn’t have a sensational score, we enjoyed it. After bowling we enjoyed a delicious meal at Mericka’s and listened to the delightful music of the blind organist. We had a very good time and hope more members will be aWe to bowl next year. During the meeting Mrs. Krantz became ill and had to leave; we all hope she is feeling much better. Mrs. Krantz frequently writes articles, for Zarja in Slovenian and has been doing this for quite a member of years. For her birthday, her son made a leather bound book containing all the articles she has written for Zarja. She is quite pleased with this and a memorable gift it is. After the meeting, “donkey” was played and prizes a-warded; cake, ice cream and potica were served. June 14th next meeting-Mary De King, Reporter No. 33, New Duluth, Minn. — Our May meeting was fairly well attended, considering the many other activities in the community. The membership drive was discussed and more will be planned at the meeting June 15th! Important! The meeting date — the 3rd Wednesday in June is our meeting night! We moved up one week later because of graduation night! Games were played and luncheon served by Mrs. L. Smolnikar, Mrs. Jaksha and Ann Podgoršek. Cards and lunch will be served next month, and we hope for a large attendance. Ann Podgoršek, Reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — Twenty-four members were present for the first meeting after Lent on Wednesday, April 20th and had a most enjoyable evening. Mrs. Edward Drngavon opened the meeting with prayers, and during the business meeting the members again voted to burn a large vigil light at the Blessed Virgin altar in the church in May and at the Sacred Heart altar in June. It was also decided to recess during the summer months so the May meeting was to be the final one before summer vacation. Following the business meeting a social hour was held and prize winners at “500” were Mmes. Nick Tek-autz and Ramon Berg and at Hearts Mmes. Joseph Zupanich and Donald Hill. Members are reminded to pay their dues directly to the treasurer, Mrs. Mary Pahula during the summer as dues must be sent to the “Zveza” treasury every month. We hope everyone has a nice summer and that when activities resume in the Fall we shall see all the members there for the first meeting in September. Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel No. 45, Portland, Oregon — Our April meeting was well attended. We also had a large attendance at the mass on Palm Sunday and afterwards enjoyed a delicious breakfast served at the Mallory Hotel. We wish to thank Violet Fazio for the lovely palm she brought to the breakfast; Mildred Quinn was the lucky one who received it. Mrs. Pezel visited her loved ones California and she told us that she had a very nice time during her visit. Mrs. Stasia Conchurat left for Chicago to visit her relatives and friends; "e hope she will have a very enjoyable time. Wilma Francisco is accompanying her father on a trip to Yugoslavia "'here they will visit with relatives and friends; we wish them a mem-°rable trip and a safe return. No new sick members were reported, and all the old ones are on r°ad to recovery. May God shower blessings upon you. Louise Stružnik, Sec’y No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — Our April Meeting was not well attended at all. We had to make plans for the Moth-er’s Day party at that meeting. Our Mother’s Day party was on the same day we would have had our meeting, May 1st, so that worked out nice. Our party was at Bevo Mill. We had one of the largest attendances ever. I hope every one had a good time. The food was good, very pleasant surroundings so I hope every one had a enjoyable afternoon. Last month I mentioned my cousin Eda Webb was coming back to the states; her husband is Chief in Coast Guard. They are going to New' London, Conn., where he is assigned to Coast Guard Academy. So she will be home for visit in summer, we hope she will be able to attend a meeting while home so everybody can see her again. She has been away from home three years. I visited her in August of 1958. Her sister Viola Pi-soni, also a member of Branch 46, visited her in August of 1959 so she did see some one from home while they were in Hawaii. We wish them a safe journey back to mainland as the natives call the states. We be looking forward to seeing her again and the new baby, born March 9, of which my brother is proud Godfather. We wish to offer our condolences to the Bluth Family. Albert Bluth passed away on May 7th, and was the brother of Ann Johnson, one of our members. His son, Ray Bluth is the well-known bowler, who has bowled in many a tournament all over the country. May his soul rest in peace. The mother of Betty Kelly is in the hospital again for surgery this time. She was operated on May 11. We wish her a speedy recovery. Sorry she had to miss the Mother’s Day Party because she planned on it. Just get well so you can make it next year! The husband of Theresa Franko, one of our members, also is on the sick list; she had to miss our party to due to his illness. We wish him Mr. & Mrs. Moenigmann and attendants a speedy recovery. Hope to see Theresa again at our June meeting. So remember, ladies, June meeting the first Sunday of month, June 5th. As I said before, weather is nice now so how about coming to meetings during the summer? Marie Thompson, Rec’d Secy No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Our meeting commenced with prayer and all officers were present. A letter from br. 41 inviting us to their anniversary dinner in May was read and it was decided that we take the three tickets sent us as our contribution. Before Toni Tanko’s departure for Europe, she is making arrangements to have State Convention banquet tickets on sale at Arko’s, 1146 Norwood Rd., Jevec’s, 1158 Norwood Rd., and Celesnik’s, 6314 Glass Ave. Anyone requesting them should call at any of these places. Our own Joan Arko is our candidate for 1960 Queen. Crowning takes place at the banquet on Oct. 2nd. Members will receive tickets; hope everyone does her part. Plans for a rummage sale on May 13th were cancelled for a later date in the fall. There was a discussion on w'hat should be done in cases of minor illness or hospitalized members. It was decided that cards be sent to all; and we will send flowers to every member seriously ill. Please notify our officers when any of our members is on the sick list. Any other announcements will be welcome, also. Since the sudden passing of our secretary, Mary Loushin, on April 22nd, our member Mary Bostian has kindly accepted the duties of secretary until the fall. All who wish to pay their dues can send them to her at 19617 Mohawk Ave., Cleveland 19, Ohio, telephone IV. 1-4710. After our St. Louis Couple Celebrates Silver Wedding No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — This article is long past due, but never-the-less, I want to express my appreciation to all the members for remembering Mr. Moenigmann and me on our Silver Anniversary. It is so nice to be remembered on these very special occasions. I want to especially thank my sister, Jo Prebil, for the delicious luncheon she served. The table decoration of flowers was beautiful and the good food was indeed a treat. We all enjoyed it. I want to thank the members responsible for getting together the gift and also each and every one who participated in it. It was interesting to read your article, Mary. Let’s hear from you again. Mary Moenigmann meeting, a delicious treat of lemon surprise pie, rum balls and potica were served through the compliments of Toni Tanko, Mary Loushin and Fran Sietz. The attendance at our last meeting was poor, so we hope for a better showing at our next one on June 20th. Bon voyage to our hard working gal, Toni Tanko! Antoinette Celesnik No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — This month, we have sad news to report, our secretary, Mary Louahin, passed away April 22nd! Mary, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Anton Medved, was born in Chisholm, Minn. In 1928 she moved to Cleveland and lived here since. She is survived by her husband, Frank, son Raymond who is a D.D.S. and grandson, Kenneth. It’s very hard to put into words, how much Mary will be missed; in her quiet way she was always ready to help and to serve our branch in every way. She became our secretary in 1953 and for seven years, kept our books in excellent order. At the February meeting, the secret reporter slip was passed to her and so, her last article of news for our branch was published in the April issue of Zarja. Getting ready for our April meeting, I could see Mary wasn’t looking too well, and I suggested she stay home this time. But, being Mary, she came anyway claiming that it might be her last meeting for a while because she was so tired and so sick. Later, on the way home, she mentioned that her big worry was over the low attendance at the meeting. Four days later, we received the shocking news that Mary had passed away. To the end, Mary Loushin was a faithful officer and ardent member of the S.W.U. and all the members will miss her very much. Our branch had 3 teams in the March 20th bowling tournament. The "Pink Bows” team won third prize, and it was my honor to captain the squad consisting of Rose Mikovec (Br. 10), Mary Kastelec and Mary "Mickey” Oklesen (br. 14), Mary Finley and yours truly (br. 50). Mrs. Tanko, our State President, along with the help of Alice Arko, made this a most happy event for all participants. We also wish to compliment the ladies of branches 47 and 15 who helped spread out the welcome mat, and made us feel right at home in Newburgh. Thank you for your kindness, in fact, everyone in the surrounding branches was a perfect sport and we made some wonderful friendships. We hope to be re-acquainted with these members and their families at the Ohio State Day on Oct. 2nd. This time, all will be able to come forth and show their talent in dancing and having fun. To all members of br. 50 who participated in the tournament, a big thank you! This helps to keep our branch active and helps even to State President of Ohio-Michigan Reporting A nice representation of Cleveland bracnes attended our May meeting — and, not present was br. 21 — Stella, we missed you! Stella Dancull is a very hard worker for her branch and for Mother’s Day, she and a few members made a chicken dinner which turned out very successfully for the branch’s treasury. It shows what can be done when a person really trys. There is no such word as “can’t”. The old saying: if at first you don’t succeed — try, try again! is true. Everything is well taken care of for the forthcoming State Convention on Oct. 2nd. Tickets have all been sent out and we hope the branches will do their utmost to dispolse of them and in this way help each branch treasury. Banquet tickets will be sent to all branches in July. Please elect your delegates. You know, all members are invited to attend the convention meeting as well as banquet Let us go all out to make this another great and successful day for our state. The Pre-convention membeship campaign is on and our goal is to hit the top with an Increase in membership to bring us to the 10,000 mark in adult members. We promised at the last convention to do this — so, each one must go out and bring in at least one new----------------------------------------- member during this campaign! This surely would make our Supreme Of- f MARY LOUSHIN Died, April 22, 1960, Cleveland, O. A LITTLE STEP AWAY To close the eye, to fall asleep, To draw a labored breath, To find release from daily cares In what we know as death. Is this the crowning of a life, The aim or end thereof? The totaled sum of consciousness The ripened fruits of love? It cannot be, for works of God Are wrought for nobler ends, And, those away continue on In the hearts of kin and friends. It cannot be, for they live on A little step away, The soul, the everlasting life, Has found a better day. (O. J. Hanson) bring a larger attendance to our meetings. Mr. Anton Tanko, husband of our capable Tončka, was a very sick man for a while, but, under the superb care of his wife, recovered to good health in time to make their May 25tli sailing to Europe. We wish them a most pleasant trip and bon voyage! Fran Sietz, president ficers and especially our president, Mrs. Josephine Livek, very happy. I have lost a very dear friend, Mary Loushin, the secretary of branch 50. Three years ago, she and I traveled to Europe together and she was the best partner a person could ever have. We went to see all interesting places, met a number of new friends and also got acquainted with many relatives whom we only knew by pictures or letters before. If Mary would have been well e-nough to travel, I am sure she would have been planning the trip with me this summer. But, she has been taken on a different trip which I am sure is bringing her much happiness because God will reward her with all His finest blessings. We saw how many friends Mary left, with the great crowds attending her wake and funeral. We were most inspired by the sermon which the priest at St. Felicitas church spoke in her memory — it was just everything that Mary did for the church and her friends. Dear Mary, we are all happy for you, because we know you have earned your peaceful rest and eternal happiness in heaven. God love you! The May meeting ended with a bon voyage party for three of the members who are making this trip to Europe: Mrs. Mary Otoničar and Mrs. Dorothy Stemisha are leaving on June 5th and yours truly, May 25th. I hope to take a number of movies and slides which will be shown after I return, if success is with me. Sincere thanks to all for the beautiful gifts with which each of us was presented and for the delicious luncheon of potica, cookies, and flancete. We really were surprised! Thanks again, ladies! The next meeting of Cleveland branches will be held on August 31st and this will be very important, so keep the date in mind. During my absence of 3 months, please contact Mrs. Ella Starin of br. 41 for details on the events of October 2nd. See you Aug. 31st! Tončka Tanko No. 52, Kitzville Loc., Minn. — As the summer is nearly here, with hopes for pleasant living, we are very sorry to begin our report with sad news. As we know, we do have to take the good with the bad. The news of the death of Cecelia Kochevar saddened all of us. We wish to extend the deepest sympathy to her two sons, Matt and Frank, her grandchildren and all other relatives. We all know what the emptiness is after a loved °ne departs, and we know she will be greatly missed by her surviving family. We hope that they will find comfort in knowing she has the prayers of all her friends who loved her for her sincere friendship. We also would like to thank sisters, Dorothy Russo and Rose Chiodi for helping out at the Kochevar home and also to the honorary pallbearers, sisters, Frances Shega, Angeline Russ, Mary Musech, Evanna Prelesnik, Gertrude Kochevar and Frances Oswald. Sister, Josephine Oswald led us in the prayers and last ritual. To all, deepest appreciation from the family for the kindness shown. We have two very sick members, also; they are sisters Mary Russo and Verdella Musech. We wish them both, and all others who are not feeling well, Gods-speed to a rapid recovery. Hope you will be up soon and with us at our meetings. At our meeting of May 4tli at the kittle Grove, cards of thanks were l-sad from our sick members, Koche-var family and from Lemont. Our bake sale was a huge success, the only problem being the lack of enough baked goods. We could have Used a lot more — so, we are asking all members who did not contribute to the sale, to have your dollars in a soon as possible. After the meeting, the social took place with hostesses, Frances Shega, Evanna Prelesnik, Mary Musech and Mary Wright, serves a delicious lunch. Games were Played with honors going to sisters, June Jerulle, Angeline Russ, Carmel-Ja Bonazza, Genevieve Zidarich, Mary • echer and Rose Chiodi. Door prize went to Dorothy Russo. ~ur next meeting will be held on June 1 at the Little Grove. See you there. Gertrude Kochevar, reporter No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Sixty ^Jembers of our Union attended the May meeting at which we honored ^ngela Genac, our Mother of the Year, "hgela was very deserving of this honor as she is one of the most active ^'others and grandmothers. She was o°rn in Milwaukee, Wise, but has ”een a resident of Hibbing for about 0 years. Married 42 years ago to Robert Genac, she has two daughters, Mi's. James Somers (Leona) Hibbing, Minnesota, and Mrs. Curtis L. Moore 'Roberta) of San Antonio, Texas; 3 granddaughters in Hibbing, and 2 granddaughters and ‘our’ grandson in San Antonio, Texas. Angela Genac has been more than active in civic affairs and charitable organizations. She has served 2 years as President of American Legion Auxilliary, besides several other offices; active in Veterans of Foreign War Auxilliary, serving as head of Cancer Sewing Clinic for 8y3 years; also served as Past President of our own branch, and also held the offices of recording secretary and sentinel, a staunchest member for many years. She has been active in all the Polio, Poppy Day and Forget-Me-Not Days for many years, and I am sure most everyone in Hibbing has been approached by her at one time or another during these drives. Also is very active in Civic collections; and is a member of many church circles; and she has never declined to do her part in any affair. And last but not least, she baby sits for her beloved grandchildren. Well, all-in-all, she is one of the busiest grandmothers or mothers that I know of. After the usual business procedure, Angela Genac was presented with a lovely red rose corsage by Mary Drob-nick, and a gift from the Union by our President, Ann Satovich. A short program followed in which Ann Satovich read several poems commemorating ‘Mother’. Several Slovenian and Croation violin selections were played by talented young Vicki Matosich, daughter of Margaret Matosich. In-cidently, Vicki is joining our Junior department next month. Then we all joined in singing Slovenian folk songs. A very lovely luncheon was served by the Park Addition members consisting of: Margaret Skorich, Antonia Rapinac, Anna Rapinac, Anna Berk-lich, Amanda Butorac, Margaret Matosich, Kate Silver, and Sophie Garmaker. Mrs. Leona Somers, daughter of Angela Genac, poured. Games were played with prizes awarded to: Catherine Muhvich, Angela Genac, Rose Vukich, Dorothy Oberstar, Rose Chernugal, and Mary Ayotte. The following day, Mrs. Genac left for San Antonio, Texas where she will visit with her daughter and son-in-law and children for a month. All the members wish her ‘Veseliji Put’. Our President Ann Satovich and her husband Frank, recently celebrated their 25th Silver Anniversary. Congratulations! And wish you many more happy years of wedded life. Three of our members will be very busy this June with weddings. Mary Bissonette, Fran Puhek, and Agnes Barkis will each lose a son but gain a new daughter. Congratulations to all of you Following is the lunch committee for our June meeting: Mary Chatich, Dorothy Plese, Margaret Matosich, Catherine Muhvich, and Elizabeth Draskovich. Come on ladies, let’s all turn out for this meeting. Bring in the new members! Mary Ayotte, Reporter No. 57, Niles, Ohio — Our Mother’s Day party was celebrated at a banquet held at the Slovenian Club in Girard and the delicious dinner was served by Mrs. Mary Svesko of Youngstown. There was a very nice turnout of members and guests. Our most worthy mother, Mary Macek, was honored with a gift of a candle-like flower vase which contained a beautiful red rose and a potted plant. Special thanks to our pesident, Frances Yerman, for doing a wonderful job a chairlady and to France Stanec for making the cute little daisies as favors. To conclude our program, we played games. Back home after an enjoyable three week vacation in Cheyenne, Wyo., is Theresa Racher. She was visiting her daughter, Frances Mollis. A speedy recovery to Virginia Zev-kovich’s father-in-law, Mike Zevko-vich, who was hospitalized for a sudden heart attack. Debbie Ann Logar was accepted as a new member of the juvenile dept. Prayers go out for a very dear and beloved person, Mrs. Agnes Lesnak, who passed away on May 4th at the age of 72. She was a very dear friend of mine and a such a sweet soul is hard to find. Illness had hit her and her husband three years ago, and though she had so little, she wanted to share with everyone. And the saying, “what we sow, so shall we reap”, came true. Her many friends remembered her often with gifts during the last few years. She was a member of br. 55 of Girard for a number of years. She always remembered friends who were ill by sending them cards, although she herself could not get around in the recent years. To me, it was like having a second mother who would offer her kind advice and love. To her husband, Frank, our sincere condolences. The meeting for June will be held at Mary Macek’s pavilion in Girard. See you there. Frances Hribar, reporter No. 68, Fairport Hbr., 0.—Greetings again from all of us here at Fairport Harbor, Ohio. Our monthly meeting was held on April 24, 1960 at the American Slovene Club. Two new members were accepted to the lodge and introduced to the members, they are Mrs. Gabriella Germek and her daughter Mary Anne, we are very happy to have them join us and we hope that they will enjoy our meetings as much as we all do. Our very capable President, Mrs. Jennie Satej and John Moihorclc of Leroy, were married on April 30, 1960 at St. Mary’s Church in Painesville by our beloved and wonderful pastor Rt. Rev. Monsignor Gallena. It was a very nice wedding and we all wish them lots of happiness and hope they have a wonderful life together. On our sick list is Mrs. Josephine Drobnick who had a minor operation and is as of this writing doing very well. We hope to see you at our next meeting. Our May meeting was scheduled at the American Slovene Club as a family picnic with lots of good things to eat and drink and a happy time for everyone. Our Sunshine prize was won by Mrs. Jennie Lagina. Refreshments were prepared by Mrs. Jennie Zalek and her daughter Mrs. Jennie Snldersich and very good they were too. Best wishes to all and see you all at our picnic. Frances Ulle, Reporter No. 72, Pullman, III. — Our first meeting of the year, in March, started off rather badly. We had quite a blizzard that day, and as a result, our attendance was practically nil. It was Mrs. Novak’s birthday that month, and while she couldn’t come herself, she did send a lovely birthday cake. However, we helped to celebrate her birthday in April, along with Mrs. Klim’s and Mrs. Dreshar’s. These ladies treated us to such good birthday refreshments after the meeting. We had a nice turnout in April, and would welcome to see as many or even more come out each month. A number of our members were sick during the winter months — some with colds, some with the flu, and a few with more serious troubles. We are glad to hear that they have all recovered and feeling good again. Mrs. Janes is one member who was quite ill, but we got a happy surprise when she walked into our April meeting, feeling much better again. Mr. and Mrs. Mesec and also Mary Knaus are planning on trips to Europe this summer. Hope you have very happy trips, and when you come back, tell us about them. We would love to hear about your travels. I’ll write them up in ZARJA for all to read if you will tell me about them. Wilma Zagar, reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — There were 40 members attending the May meeting when hostesses were: Rose Zbasnik, Dorothy Godfrey, La-verne Zbasnik, Mary Mauer, Mary Shamakian and Christine Schisla. New members this month are: Velma Russo, recommended by Henrietta Hensse and Mildred Glowacki and Dorothy Masino, by Mary Szabo. Our annual Communion Mass had almost a 50% attendance. Let’s make it 100% next year when we celebrate our 25th anniversary. CALLING ALL MEMBERS! PRE-CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Until Dec. 31, 1960' “HONORARY DELEGATE” receives FREE trip to Convention City, Ely, Minn., in May, 1961 for enrolling 30 new members: 10 in each class, A — B — Jr.! Let’s Get to Work! A big thank you to Betty Matjašič who did such a good job as ticket chairman for the anniversary banquet. A good time was had by all! On the sick list is Ann Rogel who spent several weeks in the hospital and Sophie Mauer who was also in the hospital. A speedy recovery is wished to both ladies. On April 17th, Mr. & Mrs. B. Osow-ski celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary and on May 28th, their daughter Bonnie was married. Our best wishes to the family! Deepest sympathy to Caroline Piute, on the loss of her husband, Mike. It was again decided this year to dispense with meetings in July and August. Meetings will resume in September. Our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Dusek, who passed away in January, was honored at the meeting with a prayer. Best wishes to all who are celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month. Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. — Our May 1st meeting was held at Miss Aurelia Welch’s home with guests, Mrs. Martin Spritzer, Sr. of our city and Mrs. Etore Bencich of Paonia. We enjoyed having the ladies with us and hope they will come again. Frances Greenfield, our president, was back with us after quite an absence, due to illness. Glad to have you in our midst, Prances! Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. John Stajduhar and Mrs. Georgia McDaniels. Our evening was spent playing canasta. We are having very cold and stormy weather — I’m writing this on the 3rd of May and the snow is really coming down. The trees are bowing with the weight of the heavy snow on the new branches. God bless you all. Helen Cobai, reporter No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — The main feature of our May meeting was not only to honor our moms but a special honor went to our mother-of-the-year, Ljuba Trgovac. She was the recipient of a beautiful planter, donated by the members and our chosen mother of last year, Mrs. Andriana Bandera, received a beautiful corsage. We sincerely congratulate a most ideal couple, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kompare, who are observing their wedding anniversary in June. They have two sons. May this happy family enjoy a happy life for many more years. Barbara Medonick, daughter of our treasurer, Mary, made a trip to the altar on April 23rd and married Peter Zorica. Also, Rose Mary Plesha was united in holy matrimony to Michael Nastav, Jr. on the same day. My congratulations couldn’t be warmer and I wish for you four, the best of everything. All celebrants of birthdays in May and June — accept our best wishes! Cakes were donated by Mary Bar-cevac, Cvita Choricli, Marge Rozich and Matilda Turica. Hostess of the meeting were Mary Barcevac, Marge Rozich and Sylvia Werner. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to Josephine Bogovich and members of her family on the loss of their mother, Rose Adams, a member of our branch. She will be remembered in our prayers. May she rest in peace. Our members voted to dispense with meetings in July and August, so the meeting of June 1st is very important. Please try to attend and pay your dues so you are all set for the summer. Please return your ticket money from the games party at this meeting, also. When our members come in good numbers to the meetings, new ideas and presented and questions pop up which show your interest in the branch. Plan to attend and make your desires known. A speedy recovery to all who are ill. Mildred James, Pres. No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — April meeting was held at my place in Royal Oak. We had a nice day, though a little cool and the attendance was good. Mrs. Ault’s husband has been ailing for quite some time and is presently in the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery and return home. Thus, we missed Lillian at the meeting. This was her birthday month as well as Zorka Maisel’s — and so, we wish you both a very happy birthday, belatedly. The May meeting was to be at Zorka's home and we will have more on that meeting later. The hostess gift was received by our president. Julia Panzica. Alice Kocjan took a trip to Warren, Ohio to celebrate her birthday with her family. Her daughter and 2 children accompanied her. We hope she had a grand time. Yes, work outdoors has started —• but, ladies, don’t forget meetings! It’s nice to get together once a month and relax for an afternoon. Wish we would all have Pauline Adamlc’s determination to get places! She attended the meeting with her arm still in a cast. And. believe me, it's hard to get dressed with only one good arm. Pauline, we want you to know that we appreciate it. Rose Jamnik, reporter Marie Prisland: Očetov dan! — V mesecu juniju praznujemo Očetov dan! Tretja nedelja je posvečena njim, ki so voditelji sveta, ki so glavarji družin. Napravimo ta dan najlepši družinski praznik. Očetom povejmo, kako jih imamo rade in kako jim je vsa družina hvaležna za njih očetovsko skrb. Očetje se bodo pozornosti morda branili, a na obrazih se jim bo poznalo, da jim ugaja, saj so priznanja deležni itak malokdaj. Da, oče! S hvaležnostjo se na ta praznik spominjamo tvojega vztrajnega, požrtvovalnega dela in trpljenja, naj bo že v tovarni, v rudniku, na farmi, v trgovini ali uradu, v visoki ali nizki službi. Dan za dnem te ubija delo, razjedajo te skrbi. A ti se ne pritožuješ. Skrb in ljubezen za družino ti dajeta pogum, te priganjata k vztrajnosti. Kaj zato, če je roka žuljava, telo Izčrpano. Družini je treba kruha, vse drugo je zate postranska stvar. — Ljubi oče, stotera zahvala za vso tvojo neizmerno skrb in ljubezen! OČETOV BLAGOSLOV Ko prvič sem zapustil rodni kraj domači, slovenske kmetske hiše dragi krov, še nisem vedel kaj v tujini znači spomin na dom in skrivni čar njegov; da prvi trajni smoter ti zariše, postati vreden svoje rojstne hiše. Besede sem očeta vzel s seboj, ki blagoslovil me je pred odhodom: "Naj vedno Bog bo s Tabo, sinko moj in z vami vsemi, s celim našim rodom! Naj večni Bog pri delu vsakem vodi in spremlja dobrohotno Te povsodi.” Sonce na nebu jasnem in visokem, bogato sipalo je svoj sijaj in zemljo srečno v čutu je globokem s krasnim cvetjem venčal maj, ko nesel v svet sem blagoslov očeta in s tem zaključil sem bezskrbna mlada leta. Očeta kmalu gruda je zasula, v domači zemlji našel je pokoj. Zanj zdaj pot življenja je minula, odprta stala pa je pred menoj. A vedno sem jo trdno, srečno hodil, ker me očetov blagoslov je vodil. R. K. Očetov dan naj bo tudi praznik naših soprogov. Soprogi Pridejo le malokdaj v javnosti v poštev, ker me žene poza-’m°, da nimamo na vsem svetu boljših prijateljev kot so ^aši možje. Vsaka izmed nas ima sicer prijateljice, ki Pa vedno niso iskrene. Edini tvoj zvesti in iskreni prija-e,.1. draga sosestra, je tvoj mož! S teboj sočustvuje, brani e in zagovarja; s teboj deli male in velike bridkosti živ-•tenja. V zavetju moževe obrambe se počutiš varno. Tvoj °Prog je edini človek na svetu, ki ti je iz srca vdan in na 'aterega se smeš popolnoma zanesti. Spoštujmo in olira-1In° si tega našega najiskrenejšega prijatelja! , j®amo močne, neodvisne žene; žene, ki se s svojimi , ? lahko merijo z državniki in znanstveniki. Pri čitanju Jih zgodovine spoznamo, da jim vsa veličina, vsa znanost ^ neodvisnost ni dala tiste sreče in tiste zadovoljnosti, , Oo najde žena v objemu in zaščiti moža, katerega ljubi n spoštuje. "Prijateljica, kateri je smrt ugrabila moža, je potožila: 'sem znala kaj mi je moj Frank pomenil, dokler sem ga imela. Zdaj šele vidim in vem, kako velik kos mojega življenja in mojega srca je šlo z njim v grob.” * * * Majska ZARJA se je brala kot “Knjiga Življenja.’' (Priznanje urednici za lepo ureditev.) Drug za drugim so se vrstili življenjepisi naših mater in zaslužnih članic. Kako interesantno čtivo! 60 podružnic je predstavilo svoje odlične članice in pri vsakem Imenu je bil zanimiv opis. Kako velik del slovenskega narodnega življenja te matere predstavljajo! Častne matere, omenjene v ZARJI, se tudi vrlo zanimajo za našo Zvezo in so njene dobre delavke. Mnoge imajo hčerke in vnukinje včlanjene v svoji organizaciji. Vsa čast takim zavednim materam! Tukaj je žal največji vrzel in največja pomanjkljivost naše Zveze. Vse premalo mater skrbi, da bi njih hčerke in vnukinje bile včlanjene tam, kjer so one, namreč v Zvezi Če je organizacija dobra zanje, zakaj ne bi bila dobra za njihove hčerke in vnukinje? Ali to ne reflektira na matere? Pomislite malo in oglejte se v svoji družini; takoj boste našle novo članico za Zvezo. Članska kampanja se je pričela 1. maja; konča se koncem leta. Dokažimo, da je še veliko življenja in aktivnosti v nas ter mnogo narodne zavednosti v naših, nekdaj za Zvezo tako gorečih srcih. Imamo lepo organizacijo! Delujmo zanjo! Odzovimo se kampanjskemu klicu! » * * i V banko pride prileten Italijanec, v roki držeč precej obširen papirnat škrnicelj. Videti mu je bilo, da ni pogostokrat na banki, ker se je nekam plašno okrog oziral in ni vedel, h kateremu oknu bi stopil. Moža opazi bančni stražnik, pristopi k njemu in ga vpraša česa želi. “Moje ime je Toni,” se predstavlja Italijanec, “Toni Mar-koni. Rad bi vložil na hranilno vlogo pol milijona dolarjev.” Stražnik, od začudenja loveč sapo, mu namigne naj gre z njim. Pelje ga k predsedniku. "S čim vam naj postrežem, dobri mož?”, prijazno vpraša predsednik. Toni odpre papirnato vrečo in prične pred začudenim predsednikom na mizo polagati lepo zložene bankovce po tisoč dolarjev, rekoč, da hoče denar tukaj naložiti, ker mu je sosed povedal, da je ta banka varna. “S čim pa trgujete, da imate toliko denarja?” se čudi predsednik. “Čevlje snažim,” pojasni Toni. Pri svojem delu morate dobro zaslužiti. Plačani ste morda s ponarejenim denarjemi” Ne! listo pa ne! Ti bankovci so pristni! Imam pet čistilnic za čevlje in dobro zaslužim, plačan pa sem s poštenim denarjem!” zagotavlja Toni. “Kako dolgo ste v Ameriki?”, hoče znati bankir. "Dvanajst let,” je bil odgovor. “Samo dvanajst let! Pa imate toliko denarja! Vaša pridnost in podjetnost je nekaj izrednega. Ali bi hoteli mojim kolegom povedati vir vaše trgovske iznajdljivosti? Pridite nocoj k nam na večerjo, kjer bodo zbrani moji prijatelji,” vabi bankir. “Šur, šur, gotovo pridem!” obljubi Toni. Ko se zvečer prikaže Italijanec v krasni bankirjevi hiši, ga trgovci takoj obstopijo in hočejo znati, kako je mogel toliko denarja napraviti v “Shoe Shine Parlorjih”. Toni pojasnjuje: “Pred dvanajstimi leti sem s sestro prišel v Ameriko. Takoj sem kupil biks in majhno omaro ter pričel čistiti čevlje. Zaslužil sem mnogo desetic, pa tudi kak dolar je včasih padel. I’o petih letih sem že imel svoj lastni “Shoe Shine Parlor”. Pozneje sem kupil še dva. Vsega skupaj, imam danes pet čistilnic in dobro zaslužim.” I o tem govoru si je Toni oddahnil, se ozrl po trgovcllv in se komodno vsedel v širok, svilen naslanjač. Takoj pa spet šine kvišku: “Gospodje! Oprostite! Tako sem bil' zamišljen v svoj bizines, da sem popolnoma pozabil omeniti mojo sestro. Medtem, ko sem jaz snažil čevlje, se je sestra, trikrat bogato omožila Zadnji teden je umrla in mi pustilai pol milijona dolarjev.” Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: Pot k Očetu V človeškem srcu je neprestano iskanje, želja po sreči in hrepenenje po končnem miru. Veliko je potov, ki jih človek izbira v dosego tega cilja. Nekatera pota vodijo po čudnih ovinkih do tega cilja. Včasih je tako, da sploh ne vodijo tja, ali ker nočemo vedeti za pravo pot, ali pa mislimo, da že sami najbolje vemo in si ne damo nič reči. Človeku včasih vzame vse življenje, da pride do spoznanja, kako je le “eno potrebno". Šestdeset let star mož je nekega večera razmišljal o pomenu življenja. Do tega ga je privedla ženina bolezen. Vse življenje je delal trdo. Mislil si je oskrbeti majhno premoženje in potem v miru živeti. Toda dan njegovega življenja se je nagnil. Sedel je ob postelji svoje umirajoče žene in takole razvijal svoje misli: Po trdi borbi sva si nabavila skoraj vse, kar sva si želela. Imava lep dom, nov avto, denar v banki, takorekoč skoraj vse, kar more življenje nuditi. Ravno, ko sva mislila, da sva se postavila na noge, pa smrt nemilo posega vmes. Z vso resnobo je udarilo spoznanje: To noč bodo terjali tvojo dušo od tebe, kar pa si spravil skupaj, čigavo bo? Po dolgi življenjski skušnji je prišel do spoznanja, da ne pomaga iskati nebes na tem svetu, ker ne trajajo. Spoznal je, da ni bogat v Bogu. Bog pričakuje, da bomo dostojno poskrbeli zase in za družino, a vendar tako, da ne bomo izgubili pogleda kvišku. Kar delamo tu, naj bo storjeno s pogledom v večnost. Važno je, da pridemo k Bogu. Izberimo pot, ki vodi bolj naravnost k Njemu, ker nas drugače lahko prehiti smrt, ko smo komaj na pol pota tja in bi potem vso večnost obžalovali, da se nismo v življenju bolj posvečali božjim stvarem. O neki ženi sem bral sledeče. V razgovoru z nekim duhovnikom je rekla: “Imam vse, kar hočem. Denar zame ni nobeno vprašanje”. Pri tem se ji je utrnila velika solza po licu. “Privoščim si lahko najbolj izbrane obleke, najnovejše avtomobile, vsako modno iznajdbo. Izberem si lahko najboljšo družbo po svojem okusu — in pri tem je utrujeno skomiznila z rameni — toda to me dolgočasi. Želim si Boga. Vse drugo me ne zadovoljuje.” Kako vse drugače sedaj razumemo vzdih izgubljenega sina v svetem pismu: “Vrnil se bom k Očetu.” Kako globok pomen imajo besede sv. Avguština, ki pravi: “Naše srce je nemirno, dokler ne počije v Bogu.” Zato pa: Nabirajmo si zakladov v nebesih, kjer jih molj in rja ne razjedata in katerim se tat ne približa. DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE V MESECU JUNIJU ! V mesecu juniju bosta dve državni konvenciji, kakor mi je bilo sporočeno. Prva v Milwaukee, Wisconsin, v nedeljo dne 12. junija. Gostiteljica bo podružnica št. 43, ki vabi vse članice od blizu in daleč, da se gotovo udeležijo te važne državne Konvencije. Druga bo v državi Pennsylvania tudi v nedeljo dne 12. junija. Gostiteljica bo podružnica št. 96, Universal, Pa. Enako vabijo vse članice od blizu in daleč. Gotovo vam je znano, drage sestre, da državna Konvencija nima istega pomena kakor Zvezin dan. Na državno Konvencijo pošlje podružnica delegatinje z namenom, da predlaga tisto, kar ji je bilo naročeno od svojih članic, za napredek in korist podružnice in cele organizacije. Na primer, vaša delegatinja naj sporoči, zakaj se ne udeleži več članic sej; kaj je vzrok, da se ni pridobilo več novih članic in obratno, kaj imate dobrega pri vaši podružnici, da bodo druge delegatinje slišale in nato poročale to pri svoji podružnici. Državne Konvencije so VAŽNE za vsako članico, ker se tam delajo sklepi, kateri bodo predloženi narodni Konvenciji drugo leto. Torej ne izgubljajte časa in premislite da je, SLOVENSKA ŽEŽNSKA ZVEZA v poslu in vsaka posamezna oseba Ima enako odgovornost ter pravico. Moje iskrene čestitke obema državnima predsednicama, namreč sestri Rose Kraemer v Milwaukee in sestri Mary Tomsic v Strabane, Pa. za lepo vodstvo v njihovem delu. Pozdrav očetom! V nedeljo 19. junija je Očetov dan. Čeprav se je ta praznik splošno razširil šele zadnja leta, je vendar veliko zanimanja za ta praznik, tako da gotovo vsak oče čuti, da je svet spoznal tudi njegovo važno mesto v družini. Torej čast vsem očetom in Bog vam daj še mnogo let družinske sreče in predvsem' ljubega zdravja. V tem prelepem mesecu juniju se vršijo po vseh naselbinah graduacije študentov. Bog daj, da bi vsi naši gra-duanti zares dobro uspevali z dolgo vrsto bodočih let! Moje čestitke! Za šolnino se priglasite pri tajnici šolnln-skega odbora. Dne 12. junija je pa rojstni dan naše ustanoviteljice sestre Marie Prisland. Da bi še dočakala mnogo let! Junij je posvečen Presvetemu Srcu Jezusovemu. Po naših cerkvah se vršijo lepi obredi ves mesec. Pridružite se s kratko molitvico!. Pozdravljene vse izletnice na poti v stari kraj. Dve skupini bosta odpotovale ta mesec, ena pod vodstvom sestre Otoničar fi. junija, druga pa 26. junija pod vodstvom naše glavne tajnice, sestre Albine Novak. Ostanite zdrave in srečen povratek. Mnogokrat boste, drage sestre, v času počitnic med mladino in tako imele priliko jih vzpodbujati za pristopltev k vaši podružnici, za kar vam. bom iz srca hvaležna. Vas vse skupaj iskreno pozdravljam, Josephine Livek, gl. preds. DOPISI Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. — Sejo 8. Maja na Materinski dan, smo posvetile materam in sosestram, ki obhajajo svoje rojstne dneve v tekočih mesecih. Predsednica Ana Zavrl je lepo pozdravila toletno častno mater Mary Turk in ji izročila lep Korsač ter se ji Iskreno zahvalila za vso prijaznost in sodelovanje pri podružnici in Zvezi. Otroka naše bivše tajnice, Gail in David Gerdaukas sta lepo deklamirala in pozdravila vse mamice, posebno mala Gail je tako lepo zaigrala slovenske pesmi in polke na klavir, da smo bile veselo prese- nečene, ker se bolj redko slišijo vesele slovenske pesmi na naših današnjih prireditvah. Tudi Virginia, hčerka Millie Muller, je prisrčno pozdravila vse matere v slovenskem in angleškem govoru. Prav lepa hvala vsem malini za njih trud in tudi njihovim materam lepa zahvala, da so jih naučile in privedle na sejo. Za birthday party ste se tudi dobrosrčno odzvale; seveda bi nas bilo večje število, ko bi ne bile nekatere zadržane. Vseeno smo imele še dovolj povoljno število članic in odbornice se zahvaljujejo vsem, ki ste prišle in darovale. Tudi načelnici F. Melanz najlepša hvala, ki je vse tako lepo uredila. Naša prihodnja seja bo na tretjo nedeljo 19. junija. Prosimo, da bi se udeležile te seje, ker bomo poročale o poteku toletne državne Konvencije in proslave ob 30-letnicl obstoja podr-št. 43. Upamo, da se bomo v lepem številu udeležile teh prireditev v Milwaukee. Naj tudi opozorim, da ne bomo imele seje v mesecu juliju in avgustu, toda upamo, da ne bomo popolnoma pozabile v tem času na našo Zvezo in zato skušajmo narediti dober uspeh z našim hišnim Card party na naših domovih. Potrudimo se tudi z listki ali knižicami, ki jih imamo v prodaji. To leto bomo imele več izrednih izdatkov, in kakor star pregovor pravi: nič ni nič. Načelnica za card parties Mary Turk se vsem članicam priporoča za sodelovanje. Naša Mary je meseca aprila izgubila svojo mater Mary Sterk, ki je preminula po dolgi bolezni in zapustila 3 hčerke in 4 sinove. Vsem izrekamo naše iskreno sožalje! Sosestro Josephino Remshak bomo tudi pogrešale, ki se je preselila k svoji hčerki Mary Miskeviz v Wheat Ridge v bližini Denver, Colorado. Številne prijateljice so ji naredile lepo odhodnico. Iskrene čestitke izrekamo naši dolgoletni in dobri članici Mary in soprogu Antonu Rlbich ob slavnosti 50-letnice zakona v mesecu maju. Iz srca vama želimo še mnogo let zdravja in sreče. Naj vama dobri Bog podeli vse kar si želita za vajina zlata leta. Nesreča ne miruje. Millie in soprog Alvin Mueller in hčerke so bili žrtve avtomobilske nesreče na Veliko noč. Hvala Bogu, da se jim poškodbe obračajo na boljše. Agnes Gergich je padla doma na stopnicah in se nevarno poškodovala, ^se sočustvujemo z našo Nežki in tipamo, da se kmalu pozdravi in pride zopet med nas. Sestra Mary Mehak se nahaja v St. Nick bolnici, kjer je prestala težko operacijo. Želimo ji skorajšnjega o-k*'evanja. Tudi sosestra Pauline Sebanz, ki živi v Greendale je padla in si zlomi-'a nogo na dveh mestih. Sedaj se zdravi doma. Rada ima, ako jo katera obišče. Končno izrekamo najlepše iskrene čestitke srečni sosestri Rosi Carek in nJeni družini ob veliki slavnosti, ko bo njen sin Peter 29. maja pel prvo Sv- mašo v naši domači cerkvi sv. širila in Metoda. Molimo in želimo Mlademu duhovniku, da bi mu dobri ®°g naklonil dolgo in milosti polno *'vljenje. Novomašnik bodi pozdraven! M. Godez, poročevalka št. 2, Chicago, lil. — čez CO članic je udeležilo seje in počastitve ma-er- Zraven tega se je pridružilo 20 Mladinskih članov, da se poklonijo n>ateram. Po seji je bil lep program ®red malo s cvetjem okrašeno kapelo. Otroci, ki so deklamirali ali M'epevali v slovenskem jeziku so bili J' narodnih nošah, in drugi, v raznih 6Pih oblekah. Vsaka navzoča mati J1 stara mati je prejela rdeči nagelj. aatna mati Mrs. Mary Hozian je ^rejela od preds. Al. Novak lep spominček svetinjico iz Lurda. — Mala * 'etna Erika Planinšič je osvojila ,®e s prelepim slovenskim petjem, ^ajbolj prisrčen pa je bil zaključni Pjizor, ko so vsi otroci šli s prižga- li lučkami v procesiji okoli dvorane T1®'! ganljivim petjem prelepe pesmi: ^Selško češčenje. Vse navzoče so TRIJE RODOVI Mrs. Antonia Kapel s svojo hčerko, Dorothy Spendel in vnukinjo, Janet Spendal, vse zveste članice št. 10. Čestitke! (Čitajte dopis s. Repič.) bile navdušene nad izvedbo programa. Potem smo se posladkali z dobrotami, katere so prinesle rojstne slavljenke in sicer: Mrs. Toni Brant, Mrs. Metoda Fishinger, Mrs. Clara Foys, Mrs. Mary Koscak, Mrs. Primozich, Mrs. Matilda Sever, Mrs. Tivador, Mrs. Mary Tomazin in Mrs. Josephine Železnikar. Mrs. J. Z. je bila še posebno luštna v narodni noši z zlato obrobljeno aubo, katero ji je ta večer poklonila Mrs. Novak kot spomin na rojstni dan. Posebnost večera je bila tudi majska košarica, katero je pripravila Mrs. Steffie Osterman. Odbor ,ki je imel na skrbi priprave je bil deležen pohvale navzočih za dobro delo. V odboru so bile: ses. Anna Zorko, Liz Zefran, Stetanie Osterman, Frances Gomilar, Sophie Petrovič, Mary Muller in podpisana. Priprave za Zvezin dan v Lemontu na 3 nedeljo v juliju so v polnem teku. Upamo, da bodo vse srednje-zapadne podr. to nedeljo rezervirale za letno romanje k Mariji Pomagaj na ameriško-slov. Brezje v Lemontu. Na svidenje na seji dne 9. junija. Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Naši podr. je letos smrt ugrabila že štiri članice. Z žalostnim srcem poročam, da mi je dne 24. aprila umrla rodna ses. Mary Pugel, dekliško ime Oklešen, rojena v Češčevasi fara Prečna pri Novem mestu. Mesec dni je zelo trpela. Zapušča moža, 2 sinova in 5 hčera ter brata Frank Oklešen (Jager). Hčerke so materi stregle noč in dan. Zelo je bil žalosten prizor ko je najmlajša hči omedlela ob bolniški postelji, ker ni mogla verjeti, da ji je mama na smrt bolana. Pokojnica je spadala k več društvom, med katerimi ji je bila najbolj priljubljena naša podr. S.Ž.Z. Vsake seje se je udeležila, dokler je bila zdrava. Zgodnja leta pokojne niso bila s cvetjem posuta; mož je v nesreči izgubil roko, kar je bil vzrok, da je mogla večkrat trdo prijeti za delo sama. — Na pokopališču so molile in vzele slovo njene soses. od podr. Po končanih molitvah je položila cvetlico Antonia Klune na rakev, nakar so sledile ostale čla. častne straže s svečami. Vsaka je položila bel nagelj na krsto v zadnji spomin. Mr. John But-kovich je imel poslovilni govor. Moja draga nepozabna ses., počivaj v miru, kjer ni več bolečin in solza. V duhu bomo še vedno skupaj, in ko bom šla na seje bodo moje misli pri tebi, ki si nas vse prerano zapustila. Naša, še vedno resno bolna soses. Theresa I^esar žaluje za svojo vnukinjo 27 let staro Janice Grieves, ki je umrla v nesreči, ko je kopala svoje tri sinč-ke. Nenadoma ji je postalo slabo, padla je v kopalnico, ki je bila napolnjena z vodo in utonila. Lahko si predstavljamo žalost vseh preostalih. Mr. in Mrs. Oscar Gorske, sprej-mita naše sožalje ob tragični smrti vajine hčerke Janice. — Bolne so: Ana Grahek in Mildred Stofac. V bolnišnici se zdravi soses. Mary Koste-lic. Vera Matush in Katie Krasovich pa se sedaj zdravita doma. Vsem našim čla., ki so mi podelile čast zaslužne matere naše podr., najlepše Bog poplačaj. Na seji v maju smo imele zabaven večer v počast vseh mater. Vse smo bile zelo vesele. Jaz sem vsem zelo hvaležna za vašo ogromno udeležbo; kako privlačen pogled je, kadar je veliko članic zbranih. S ponosom omenjam priznanje izrečeno od našega duhovnega vodja Daniela Gnidica, ki so povedali, da ima Zveza največjo udeležbo na sejah. Vsem članicam sporočam, da ne bomo imele seje v juniju in Juliju, zaradi poletne vročine in počitnic. Želim vsem vesele počitnice in vam kličem na svidenje v avgustu, da še uredimo nadaljnje točke za državno Konvencijo. May God Bless You All. Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — V družini Antona in Antonije Kapel iz 18600 Mohawk Ave., Euclid, O. praznujejo vsako leto meseca junija družinski praznik, kajti oče Anton ima rojstni dan dne 10. junija, mati Antonija dne 14. jun., hčerka D. Spendal 28. jun., vnuk Tony M. Spendal 20. jun., vnukinja Janet A. pa je bila 10 maja 5 let stara; dalje zet Tony Spendal ima svoj rojstni dan dne 13. junija. Tako se vseh C članov te družine zbere skupaj in slavijo svoje rojstne dneve in godove. Mama Antonija je v naši Zvezi od prvega začetka. Hčerka Dorothy je pristopila ko je bila 6 let stara ter bila tudi članica Frances Susel cadets. Pred par meseci so vpisali tudi malo vnukinjo Janet, tako, da je ta družina 100 odstotno Zvezina. Vse članice naše podr. jim čestitamo in želimo, da bi jih Bog ohranil zdrave in zadovoljne. Prav posebne čestitke tudi od mene, ki sem njihova osebna prijateljica od zgodnje mladosti. Žal ni prostora v Zarji, da bi še več napisala o njih. Moram pa tudi o sebi nekaj omeniti, da sem v 14 mesecih postala dvakrat stara mati, ko so lani 11. marca pri sinu Edwardu in njegovi soprogi Patriciji kupili hčerko prvorojenko in letos 1. maja pa sinčka. Živijo v Columbus, O., kjer očka obiskuje Ohio State Univ. Študira za zrakoplovnega inženirja. Tudi pri najmlajšem Charles-u, sinu naše članice M. Penko, so 3. maja dobili krepkega sinčka, da bo delal družbo sestricam-dvojčicam. In pri hčerki članice F. Kapel, in sicer pri Mr. in Mrs. Louis Urbas Jr. so dobili zalo deklico, kjer je 6 otrok v družini. Čestitke vsem mladim in starim. Zadnji mesec je preminula S. Mary Spilar zadeta od srčne kapi. Bila je vdova po možu John, ki je umrl 38. leta. Zapustila je edinega sina Johna ter 2 vnuka in eno vnukinjo. Bog ji daj večni mir in pokoj, preostalim naše sožalje. Vsem bolnim članicam želim ljubega zdravja. Vsem, ki bodo letos obiskale svoj rojstni kraj, želim zdravo in srečno pot, veliko zabave in srečen povratek. Opozarjam vse članice, ki dolgujejo na assessmentu, da poravnajo čim-prej, ker tajnica ne more zalagati. Hvala! Antonia Repič, poročevalka Št. 12. Milwaukee, Wise. — Vabim vse članice na sejo 7. septembra v cerkveni dvorani, ker v juliju in avgustu ne bo sej. Ravno tako vabim vse članice, da bi se udeležile banketa podr. št. 43 v nedeljo dne 12. junija v cerkveni dvorani za 30-letnico ustanovitve te podr. Čestitamo! Imam vstopnice pri roki, pridite po nje! Prosim sestre, potrudite se in pripeljite nove sestre na seje. Zopet je kruta smrt ugrabila eno našo sestro in to pot Gertrude Pinter, katera zapušča hčerko in sinove. Počivaj v miru Gertrude. Preostalim naše sožalje. Prosila bi tudi, da bi me članice vedno obvestile, če je katera sestra v bolnišnici, da ji potem lahko pišem. Čestitke sestri Ann Hasling in Frenk-u Novakovich, ki se bosta poročila dne 23. maja. Pozdrav gl. uradnicam, članicam naše Zveze. Mrs. Križman a happy Birthday and many, many more. Moja vnukinja Maryann Pontaris se je dne 30. aprila poročila z Arthur Budnay v cerkvi Sv. Janeza. Vse članice podr. in jaz, ji želimo mnogo sreče v zakonu. Mary Schlmenz Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Članice naše podružniee so se zbrale v kar lepem številu na seji dne 4. maja. Veselo razpoloženje je bilo po seji pri igranju kart. Še ena seja meseca junija in potem smo proste za dva meseca. Želeti pa je, da se zanaprej kolikor mogoče članice udeleže, da tako vedo za sklepe sej. Kakor je že od začetka sklenjeno, plača vsaka članica en dolar na leto doklade, kar ni previsoka cena. Tako tudi članice, ki so že assessmenta proste, naj bi to upoštevale, ker so stroški podr. za vsako umrlo članico okoli 35 dolarjev. Če bi se članice udeleževale sej, bi tega ne bilo treba tukaj omenjati. Poslana nam je pa vedno prijazna zahvala od ostale družine umrle so-sestre za lepo udeležbo pogreba. Zavedajmo se torej, da je treba upoštevati sklep sej in čim več članic se sej udeleži, tem boljši je uspeh. Par ur enkrat na mesec je vedno na razpolago in pri tem ni izgovora posebno pri bližnjih sosetrah. Daj Bog, da se vidimo zdrave in zadovoljne na bodočih sejah. Želim tudi srečno vrnitev vsem članicam po širni Ameriki, ki bodo imele počitnice v rojstnem kraju to leto. Mary Mesarich, zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo seje 3. maja. V mesecu maju se človek najbolj veselega počuta, ker se vse prebudi iz zimskega spanja. Tako lepo vse zeleni, rožice cveto, ptički pojo in tudi zdravje se boljša. Vse članice so bile na večer seje živahne ln razpoložene, tudi tiste, katere so čez zimo jamrale. Poročano je bilo, da šivalni klub lepo napreduje. Tudi listki za skupni piknik gredo lepo v prodajo. Izbrale smo že nedeljo za piknik, ko se bomo odpeljale proti Ženevi na dobro kosilo, ki nam ga bo pripravila Lapova mama. Mrs. Merg in Jože Stražišar sta se oglasila iz potovanja po Jugoslaviji, kjer sta že tudi obiskala svoj rojstni kraj. Mary je doma iz Velke vasi, kjer še živi njena nad 80 let stara mama. Mary piše, da je prvi dan preživela v joku veselja ob srečnem svidenju s svojimi dragimi. Mrs. Frances Gerčman se lepo zahvaljuje vsem onim, ki čitajo Zarjo in vsem prijateljem1, ki jo tolažijo s karticami v času njene težke bolezni. Bog vam povrni za vašo naklonjenost. Rada bi se vsakemu osebno zahvalila, če bi le mogla. Le tako naprej dragi prijatelji ker ste ji s tem v veliko tolažbo. Bog povrni njeni hčerki, ki jo tako pridno vodi za roko, da more še kam priti. Naše spretne kuharice Mrs. Čebulj ni bilo ta večer na sejo, zato jo je zastopala predsednica Molly Legat in Pavla Cesar. Moram reči, da sta nam postregle z najboljšimi dobrotami. Seveda s pomočjo naših dobrih članic, ki so te dobrote prinesle: Mrs. Frances Globokar in mama, Mrs. Mary Stražišar (Kewanee), Mrs. Stefančič, Mrs. Vidovič in Mrs. Šuštar. V denarju so prirpevale: Mrs. Klun, Mrs. Ko-strelc, Mrs. Kanšek, Mrs. Rome in Mrs. Gabrenja. Potica, katero je prinesla Mrs. Štefančič je bila po listkih prodana za $6.75. — Torej drage sestre, Bog vam povrni z zdravjem in srečo. Želim, da bi tako naprej delale v prid društva in vam jamčim, da bo naša podr. vedno na prvem mestu. A. Šuštar, poročevalka Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. — Naša prireditev dne 23. aprila je precej dobro uspela. Najlepša hvala vsem, karete ste pomagale pri prodaji vstopnic in pa zvečer pri plesu. Hvala pogrebnemu zavodu Louis Ferfolia za darovane vstopnice. Materinski dan smo obhajale s sv. mašo in sv. obhajilom ter skupno počastile Majniško Kraljico, ki je najboljša Mati nas vseh. Več naših članic je bolnih. V St. Luke’s bolnišnici je prestala težko operacijo sestra Josephine Hočevar; sedaj se zdravi doma in se ji zdravje počasi vrača. Bolane so bile tudi Julija-Mustar in Mary Hreševič, kakor tudi sestra Jennie Trsinar, katera že dali časa boleha. Vsem želimo, da se jiiw čimprej povrne to ljubo zdravje. Prav lepa hvala Jennie Trsinar, ki je darovala 5 dolarjev za v blagajno. Na zadnji seji se je sklenilo, da se prekine s sejami čez poletni čas; to je junija, julija ln avgusta. Helen Mirtel, poročevalka PROŠNJA VSEM MINNESOTSKIM PODR.! Št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Drage mi sosestre S.Ž.Z. v Minn. Kot veste bO' Zvezin dan na 2 nedeljo v septembru v Eveleth. Prosim vas vse, da se ga udeležite v velikem številu. Meseca julija bo minilo 19 let, odkar je bil prvi Zvezin dan v Minn. in to v Eveleth. Skušale bomoi postreči *■ vseni' kar bo v naši moči, da boste vse zadovoljne. Pričakujemo veliko ude" ležbo od vas, drage sosestre. Saj je naš dan, da se zberemo skupaj >n se pogovorimo vsaj enkrat v letu. Program bom opisala v Zarji °b času. Dolge seje in govorov ne b°’ ampak toliko več razvedrila. Bodite mi vse sestrsko pozdravljen® in se priglasite ob času. Mary Lenich, tajnica. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naše čestitk® Mr. in Mrs. Joseph Maichen iz 50 N. Bluff Street, k njihovi 50-letnic zakonskega življenja. Praznovali so pomemben dan na White fence farB’; Imajo dva odrasla sina poročena > dva vnuka. Želimo, da bi dočakala -G0-letnico. , Članica Mrs. Theresa Koleto se J mudila v Fontana, Callf. ter v lj0 Angeles in drugod, odkoder nanv J Poslala lepe pozdrave. V dolžnost si štejemo, da se iskreno zahvalimo članici Mrs. Louise Nasenbeni, katera je sešila “drapes” za našo zborovalno sobo. Rabijo se tudi ko se kažejo filmske slike. Pri tem ji je pomagala naša Podpredsednica Mrs. Theresa Marentič. Čla. Catherine Kness se je nahajala v bolnici, zaradi zlomljene noge. Želimo, da se ji zdravje činvprej povrne. Čla. Frances Papesh roj. Pluth se nahaja v bolnišnici v Cliicagi, kjer je Prestala operacijo za “tumor v glavi”. Želimo ji vse hitrega okrevanja. Naj tukaj omenim tudi, da je bila Pok. Mary Anne Theobald hčerka od Mr. in Mrs. Anne Korevec pokopana iz cerkve Sv. Pavla, kamor družina spada, s peto črno mašo na pokopališče Resurrection, ob veliki udeležbi Pogrebcev. Tudi naše kegljačice so poslale več avtomobilov, kakor tudi podružnica, da izkaže zadnjo čast in spoštovanje priljubljeni prezgodaj umrli članici. To poročam le zato, ker v zadnjem poročilu še ni bilo oznanjeno o njenem pogrebu. Nekaj želim priporočiti in prav vsaki članici na srce položiti, da imamo Pri Zvezi in podružnici vse enake pravice, vse enake dolžnosti in moramo Vse enako plačevati svoje prispevke. Vsaka mora poravnati svojo posebno doklado k stroškom podružnice, in to brez ugovora, ako želi biti v dobrem stanju pri podružnici. Ako je katera izmed vas, ki je zaostala pri tem, je njena dolžnost, da poravna to čimprej. čas našega življenja je kratek in je Važno, da imate vse prispevke in posebne doklade pri stroškovnem skladu Poravnane. Sporočam tudi, da ne bomo imele seje v mesecu juniju, juliju in avg., toda tajnica bo na domu pobirala vaše Prispevke. želim vsem vašim očetom in soprogom, veseli očetov dan, da bi še mno-£° let dočakali zdravi in srečni v kro-8u svojih družin. Pozdrav. Josephine Erjavec St. 21, Cleveland. O. — Z veseljem V;irn sporočam, drage sestre, da smo i®ele prav obilno udeležbo na mate-r*nski proslavi. Vse so bile zadovoljne * dobro južino, za katero so pridno delale, da je bilo vsega zadosti. Hvala ePa kuharicam in kelnaricam za trud. Čestitke Josephine Zupan, ki je podala stara mati. Ona in njen pokojni s°Prog sta bila botra naši zastavi in tudi vedno rada daruje za naše društvo. Njena vnukinja Madelin je ‘a v konvent in meseca julija bo preoblečena. Sestra Viktorija Vrtačnik je dobila Vojo hčer k sebi iz Slovenije na o-*sk. Želimo ji, da bi se dobro počutila j svoji mami in očetu, j, z bolnišnice se je vrnila ses. Ivana a'ar. ki se sedaj zdravi doma. g '•opet je postala stara mati ses. ■‘"Pancic, ko so pri njeni hčerki do- bili punčko. Čestitke in mnogo blagoslova! Bolehne so tudi ses. Mencin, Rahne in Paulina Zupan. Vsem želim ljubega zdravja. Čestitke družini Augustincic za 31 letnico zakonskega življenja. Opozarjam vse sestre, da v mesecih juliju in avgustu ne bo seje, zato do takrat prejmite vse sestre po vsej Ameriki prisrčne pozdrave. Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. S3, Ely, Minn. — Najprej lepa pohvala za lepo ureditev majske št. Zarje, ki je tako lepo ozalšana s slikami izbranih mater. Slike so tako vse zelo lepo opremljene z zanimivim čtivom izbranih mater. Torej prisrčne čestitke mamam, starim mama in prastarim mamam, ki v resnici niso stare, ampak vajene dela in nikoli ne morejo držati križem rok. Seja naše podružnice je bila v ponedeljek 2. maja in vsem, ki se niso udeležile te seje jim je lahko žal, ker po kratki seji smo se lepo zabavale. Imele smo kratko igro z dobitki, nakar smo se vsedle za bogato obloženo mizo, (Pot Luck Supper) kjer je bilo vsega od kuretine do vročih prižkov, torte z jabolčnim štrudljem, krofi in še več drugih dobrot. Blagajničarka Mary Shilconja je prinesla lep cake, ki je bil izžreban in srečno štev. je imela Mrs. Marolt. Zapele smo še nekaj Marijinih pesmi, nakar smo se razšle z upanjem, da bo še več podobnih snidenj. Tajnica je poročala, da bo Minnesotski dan 11. septembra na Eveletli. Vem, da nas bo lepo število iz Ely. Sklenjeno je bilo tudi, da se priredi enkrat meseca avgusta nekaj v korist naše blagajne. Torej so članice prošene, da sežejo pridno po listkih. Nekaj naših članic se udeleži izleta v staro domovino. Želimo jim mnogo zabave in srečen povratek. Katherine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio — Na majski seji smo imele lepo udeležbo. Hvala vsem, ki ste se potrudile. Lepo je, ko pridemo skupaj in obnovimo spoznanje in prijateljsvto, kar je v veselje odboru. Predsednica je priporočala, da bi pridobile nekaj novih članic, saj so nagrade lepe in pa tudi zavest članice je nekaj vredna, ko pomaga za napredek naše Zveze. Od zveze ohijskih podr. Imamo na rokah litske z lepimi nagradami. Sezite po njih, ker to bo tudi v korist naši ročni blagajni. Mary Grže je postala petič stara mati, ko so dobili pri hčerki Joan Ivančič fantka, ki bo delal družbo bratcu in sestrici. Naše čestitke! Jennie Hiti je vesela te dni, ko je dobila sina Franceta iz domovine, ravno za Veliko noč. Prav fejst fant je. Tako ima sedaj oba sina pri sebi, dve hčeri sta pa v domovini poročeni. Dobrodošel med nami! Da bi bil srečen v novi domovini. Več naših članic je bolanih. Bog jim daj ljubega zdravja. Po seji smo obhajale materinski dan in rojstne dneve naših članic. Naše požrtvovalne članice so darovale denar in dobrote za prigrizek kot sledi: Po dolarju: Josephine Femec, Mary Praznovski, Frances Perme, Pavla Vrh, Molly Gregorc, Louise Kalister, Ana Godlar, Jennie Gustinčič in Math Tekavec. Dobrote so prinesle: Ana Godlar potico, Mary Drobnič cookies, Katarina Golinar štrudle in cake. Prisrčna hvala vsem, enako tudi za “sale tax stamps” ter se še priporočamo. Želimo vsem izletnicam lepo zabavo in da bi se srečno vrnile pod božjim varstvom. — Pozdrav, F. Perme, poročevalka Pripis: v juliju ne bo seje. Vse, ki ste zaostale s članarino ste prošene, da jo poravnate. Št. 39, Biwabik, Minn. — Sedaj v poletnem času imamo naše mesečne sestanke vsak drugi četrtek v mesecu ob 7 uri zvečer. Kot vsako leto v maju smo tudi letos določile nedeljo 15. maja kot dan skupnega sv. obhajila naših članic in skupnega zajtrka v dvorani pod cerkvijo. Vsako leto se udeleži te naše majske slovesnosti res lepo število članic, še tiste, ki so šibkega zdravja pridejo. Letos smo ob tej priliki počastile s skromnim darom našo prejšnjo večletno predsednico Mrs. Johana Zallar, kot priznanje in zahvala za vsa njena dela. Na sestanku v aprilu sta bili sprejeti 2 novi članici in sicer Mrs. Edward Zallar in Mrs. Joe Platner. Dobrodošli med nami! Izgubile smo pa članico Mrs. Mary Kulaszevicz. Odšla je po večno plačilo k Vsemogočnemu. Dobra ženica je že dolgo bolehala. Mož ji je umrl 1. 1954. Zapustila je 4 sinove, 1 hčerko, ki je tudi naša članica ter 15 vnukov in 29 pravnukov. Po rodu je bila Čeho-slovakinja, a se je dobro priučila slovenskemu jeziku in kaj rada prihajala med nas, dokler je bila pri moči. Dosegla je starost 77 let. Ohranile jo bomo v blagem spominu. Njeni hčerki Mrs. Margaret Poster in ostalim domačim pa naše iskreno sožalje. Lepe pozdrave vsem! Kristina Medved Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Ob lepi udeležbi članic na zadnji seji smo dokončale razmotrivanje o naši slavnosti, ki se je vršila 22 maja. Prečitano je bilo pismo s čestitkami k 30-Ietnici obstoja podružnice z vzpodbudnim besedilom k nadaljnjemu napredku od naše ustanoviteljice Mrs. Marie Prisland. Prisrčna hvala Mrs. Prisland. Za vaš rojstni dan v tem mesecu, Vam želimo vse najboljše, predvsem pa naj Vas ljubi Bog nagradi z najboljšim zdravjem še mnogo, mnopo let. Naša dolgoletna članica Mary Ben- car in soprog Štefan sta pred kratkim v krogu svoje družine in prijateljev obhajala 50-letnico poroke. Vse jima prav prisrčno čestitamo in jima želimo še mnogo srečnih in zdravih obletnic. Sestra Bencar je darovala v prid naše blagajne lepi kip Praškega Jezuščka, za katere ona izdeluje krasne plaščke, kajti ses. Bencar je izvrstna dobropoznana šivilja. Darilo je prineslo v blagajno 6 dolarjev, srečna je bila ses. Urška Jalovec. Sestri Bencar prisrčna hvala. (Slika od Mr. in Mrs. Bencar bo priobčena v juliju.) Lepe prevleke za vzglavnike je v prid blagajne darovala ses. Louise Pakiž, za kar ji najprisrčnejša hvala. Sestri Cilka Wolf in Mary Zdolšek sta odpotovale na obisk v domovino. Obema želimo srečno potovanje in lepo razvedrilo med svojimi dragimi v domovini ter vesel povratek. Enako želimo tudi soprogu ses. Cilke, Mr. Leo Wolf. Tudi našim glavnim uradnicam, katere bodo vodile skupine v lepo Slovenijo in v razne kraje Evrope, želimo lepega razvedrila in srečen povratek nazaj med nas. Globoko sožalje izrekamo sestri Marian Parks ob izgubi drage mamice Mary Sezun. Dragi pokojnici pa želimo sladki mir in pokoj. Prisrčno dobrodošla kličemo novo-pristopli sestri Dorothy Strnad, prav lepa hvala pa ses. C. Wolf, ki jo je pripeljala v naše vrste. Po seji smo imele malo domače zabave v počast materam. Fini prigrizek so preskrbele sestre: A. Rebolj, M. Cerjak, A. Skok in M. Jurkezi. Vsem iskrena hvala! Lepa hvala tudi sestram: Urški Ponikvar, Evi Lindič in Josephini Lindič za dar v blagajno. Vesele smo, da se zdravje ses. Nellie Pintar prav dobro izboljšuje, želimo, da se že snidemo na prihodnji seji. Sestrske pozdrave vsem, Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 47, Cleveland, Garfield iHgts., O. — Ker nisem utegnila pisati za majsko štev., bom na kratko poročala novice, ki so bile v teku par mesecev. V aprilu na seji smo pogrešale našo zapisnikarico Helen Tomažič, ki je še danes pod zdravniško oskrbo. Želimo ji, da bi jo cvetoča in gorka pomlad izvabila iz bolniške postelje. Enako vsem našim bolnim sestram. Naše želje so, da bi jim ljubi Bog dal zdravja po priprošnji majniške kraljice Marije priprošnjice vseh bolnikov. Žalost se je naselila pri več naših članicah V marcu je umrl soprog Jennie Čermelj in oče Jennie Zala. Bolehal je več časa. Angel smrti je rešil njegovo zemsko trpljenje. — Po veliki noči je po dolgi bolezni odšel v večno domovino Krist Lozar soprog Pauline Lozar. Teden pozneje pa njen brat Joseph Kandus, ki je bil soprog naše članice Sophia Kandus. Zelo nas je pretresla vest, da je zapustil to solzno dolino mlad mož Edward Bizjak sin naše sosestre Ivanke Bizjak. Zapustil je mlado ženo z dvema majhni- ma otrokoma, več sester in bratov ter žalujočo mater. Naj bo ljubi Bog milostljiv s sodbo in da vsem večno plačilo v nebesih. Preostalim družinam naše sožalje. Naši podpredsednici Louise Zidanič se zdravje počasi vrača. Na zadnji seji nas je celo obiskala in se zahvalila vsem, ki so ji poslale kartice med boleznijo in ob priliki zlate poroke. Meseca maja so praznovali 81-letni rojstni dan naš duhovni svetovalec Rt. Rev. J. J. Oman župnik fare sv. Lovrenca. Naj vas Bog ohrani še mnogo let med nami. Sprejmite od vseh naših članic šopek voščil z željo, da bi še dolgo časa delovali v vinogradu božjem in pripravljali kot pastir svojo čredo vernikov, katerih duše naj bodo čiste pred božjim prestolom. Bog vas živi! Končno pa vabim članice naše podružnice, da se udeležite prihodnje seje, katera se vrši 12. junija ob 2 uri popoldnev navadnih prostorih, 8601 Vineyard Ave. Prosim vse tiste, ki še niste prispevale $1.00 v ročno blagajno, da storite svojo dolžnost. To je bil sklep glavne letne seje. Vas pozdravljam in se vidimo na seji. Jennie Pugelj, taj. Št. 55, Girard, O. — Zadnji mesec smo imele bake sale, ki se je precej dobro obnesel. Prav lepa hvala Helen Swabeck, ki nam je dovolila prostor v njeni cvetličarni. Enako se zahvalim vsem, ki so bile na committee, vsem, ki so napekle razne stvari, kakor tudi onim, ki so darovale v ta namen. Na zadnji seji so nam servirale lunch: Mrs. Dorothy Magill, Mrs. Barbara Martin, Mrs. Victoria Pen-ska in Mrs. Anna Kalan. Vse je bilo v redu, dobro in fino, za kar se jima prav lepo zahvalimo. Happy Birthday smo zapele sledečim članicam, ki so praznovale rojstne dneve v mesecu aprilu: Mrs. Mary Gabrovšek, Mrs. Alice Cernick, Mrs. Christine Cernlc, Mrs. Penska, Mrs. Margaret Lipušič, Mrs. Mary Rostan in Mrs. Mary Turk. Še enkrat vsem, ki so praznovale rojstni dan, želimo še na mnoga leta! Po končani seji smo se zabavale z različnimi igrami in dobitke so dobile: Mrs. Catherine Stanbi, Mrs. Theresa Seve-rinski in Mrs. Mary Mahelcko. Na bolniški listi se nahajajo sledeče članice: Mrs. Josephine Pavlinič, Mrs. Barbara Komlanc, Mrs. Theresa Pavlinac, ki se sedaj zdravi doma. Mrs. Agnes Lesnak je tudi morala v bolnišnico. Zelo nam je žal in želimo prav vsem, da bo jim ljubi Bog kaj kmalu povrnil ljubo zdravje. Na svidenje na prihodnji seji! Emma Zore Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Velikonočni prazniki, katere smo tudi v naši cerkvi sv. Družine lepo obhajali so že za nami. Za praznike je bilo lepo petje in oltarji so bili lepo okrašeni, vsa čast čestitim sestram reda sv. Frančiška iz Lemonta. Prvega maja so pa dekleta imele lepo procesijo po cerkvi in s petjem počastile Marijo, končno jo je s cvetjem kronala Miss Loretta Cornish V cerkveni veži smo si ogledali lepo sliko od naše nove šole, katero bo res lepo poslopje zraven cerkvene dvorane. Stav"ba se bo začela graditi v kratkem in bo stala 134.884 dolarjev. Hudo je zbolela naša zabavna predsednica Lucy Orešnik, pa se čuje, da se ji zdravje vrača, kar nas zelo veseli. Podpredsednica Anna Perešič je tudi morala iskati pomoči v bolnici. Tudi njej je boljše. Moja 93-letna mamica so tudi hudo oboleli, zadnjih par dni jim gre na boljše. Naša dobra članica Lina Stamfel tudi boleha. — Drage sosestre, vsem želim ljubega zdravja, da bi se lahko vrnile zdrave nazaj med nas. Mr. in Mrs. Matt Jankovič sta v krogu svoje družine obhajala 50-letnl-co zakonskega življenja. Imata tri sinove in 2 hčeri. Mr. in Mrs. John Anžiček sta obhajala 49-letnico zakonskega stanu. Mr. in Mrs. Anžiček imata 3 sinove in 7 hčera. Škoda, da John že precej časa boleha. Mu želimo ljubega zdravja. — na mnoga leta! Žene obeh slavljencev sta naši članici. Midva s soprogom sva zopet stari oče in mamica. Sedaj imava 28 vnukov, ko so pri sinu Albertu dobili hčerko. Pozdrav celokupnemu članstvu naše odlične organizacije SŽZ. Antonia Kostelec Št. 68, Fairport, O. — Zopet nekaj vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo, saj imamo nekaj razvedrila in dobrega užitka ko jo čitamo. Vedno radi sliši' mo kaj je novega pri drugih članicah' Na zadnji seji je bila lepa udeležba. Josephine Drobnič se je podala v bolnico na majhno operacijo. Upam-da je sedaj že kar dobra. Marja Šetina se nahaja v počitniškem domu v Painesvillu, O., je zelo vesela, če i° katera obišče. Gotovo vsi ljubite pomlad kakor ja*> pomlad ko je vse v cvetju, vse P1'®' novljeno, pomlad, ki nas vabi v pri' rodno naravo. V mesecu maju smo s® zbrale na skupno južino in povabil0 tudi naše družine. Dobri prigrizek sta prinesli Je n ni® Žnidaršich in njena mati Jennie Za' lek. Hvala vama; in mali dobitek j® dobila Jennie Lagina. Navzoči sta bi'1 dve novi članici: Gabrijela Grmek i° Mary Ana Glinek, kateri smo z v0" seljem sprejele v našo sredo. Na®11 predsednica Jennie Satej je rekla, da se je naveličala samovati. Pred tre®1 leti je izgubila soproga. Dne 30. april® je ponovno stopila v zakonski sta11 z John Mohorčič. Želim vama obl'0 sreče in dolgo skupno življenje. Pozdrav vsem članicam in Citat®* Ijem Zarje. Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. — Na zadnji seji so me članice izvolile za Častno mater in tako bom malo opisala kako je bila ustanovljena naša Podružnica. Dne 10. maja 1936 pride Mrs. Plan-ton iz Oregon City k Mre. Polajnar. Mrs. Polajnar jo pripelje k meni, jo predstavi kdo da je, in pristavi, češ da naj grem z njima, da bomo ustanovile podružnico SŽZ. Povem ji, da imamo že dovolj društev in klubov, da nam ni mogoče, toda ni hotela nič slišati, ampak sem morala iti z njima na dom Mrs. Polajnar. Tam smo se vsedle in začele pisati imena bodočih Članic, za katere smo bile bolj sigurne. Ko smo vse popisale sem poklicala Mrs. Richter: Ravno zdaj smo ustanovile podr. S.Ž.Z., katere boste vi Predsednica, Mary Mihelich podpreds. in jaz tajnica in zapisnikarica. — Bila sem 17 let tajnica in več let zapisnikarica. Ker nam je še manjkala ena Članica ,sem stopila do Mrs. Logar, katera je vpisala svojo hčer, ker sama je bila že prestara za redno članico. Tako je Mrs. Planton pobrala listine In jih poslala na gl. urad. Torej gre največja čast Mrs. Planton, ker ona je največ pripomogla pri ustanovitvi podružnice št. 79. Še eno leto in bomo praznovale 25-letnico obstoja. Mrs. Planton naj počiva v miru. Prihodnja seja bo na domu Mrs. Ignac Laush na Renton. Pridite v velikem številu, ker nas Mrs. Laush vabi že dalj $asa. Pozdrav vsem članicam S.Ž.Z.! Ivana Chacata Št. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Dobila sem pismo iz starega kraja od moje sestre ITrške Galič, da so gospod župnik prosili, da naj ona piše v Ameriko, Ce bi tukajšnji rojaki hoteli darovati nekaj denarja za popravilo cerkve v Banjaloki. Država noče nič slišati o kaki podpori, ljudje so pa siromašni in nimajo denarja. Imena darovalcev: Ursula Cetinski roj. Kajfeš $25.00, Helen Hodnick roj. Glad $10.00, Agnes Pirsic roj. Glad $10.00, Joseph Klun ’z Ranjaloke $10.00, Agnes Briški iz Nova Sela $10.00, Ana Kerkovlč roj. Majetič $10.00, Jenne Welek roj. Curel $5.00, Mary Lobe roj. PleBke $5.00, Mary Rauch roj. Curel $5.00, Agnes Klarič roj. Kerkovič $-4.00, Ursula Ba-rich roj. Curel $3.00, Mary Stimaz roj. Curel $3.00, Mary Lakner roj. Čmko-viC $3.00, Tese Souli $2.00, Mary Pal-slc roj. Verdijan $2.00, Agnes Cvetko r°j. Curel $2.00, Mary Shmith roj. Martič $2.00, Mary Pleske $2.00, Anne ^unke roj. Wederwol $2.00, Mary Križman roj. Kerkovič $2.00, K. Shmit f -00, Frances Križman roj. Marovic *1.00, Katherine Brodarič iz Jelenje Vftsi $1.00, Cili Volkar iz Delenje Podporo $1,00. Skupaj smo poslale denarja $125.00. Če bi še kdo hotel darovati naj Pošlje na naslov: Helen Hodnick 60-‘*2-G8 Rd., Ridgewod 27. N.Y.; ali: •^STies Klarič 1644, Pantnam Ave., Brooklyn 27, N.Y. Finančno poročilo za mesec februar 1960 Financial Report For the Month of February, 1960 Članarina— Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 69.15 3.00 .30 .70 73.15 157 30 2, Chicago, 111. 174.95 17.20 1.70 193.45 363 178 3, Pueblo, Colo. 132.40 12.80 .30 3.00 148.50 305 141 4, Oregon City, Ore. 6.25 .75 7.00 23 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 92.70 5.90 1.35 99.95 114 59& 6, Barberton, Ohio 56.50 2.40 .10 1.05 60.05 135 24 7, Forest City, Pa. 64.75 19.10 .60 84.45 142 215 8, Steelton, Pa. 57.00 1.00 .60 58.60 65 5# 9, Detroit, Mich. 77.60 2.80 2.40 82.80 41 7$ 10, Cleveland, Ohio 162.05 5.70 6.55 174.30 377 57 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 255 69@ 13, San Francisco, Cal. 55.50 1.60 2 20 59.30 126 16 14, Cleveland, Ohio 146.15 4.10 .30 2.70 153.25 315 41 15, Cleveland, Ohio 122.55 3.20 1.20 126.95 254 31 16, So. Chicago, 111. 67.65 5.90 .20 1.20 74.95 141 60 17, West Allis, Wis. 59.90 1.80 .10 1.50 63.30 147 20 18, Cleveland. Ohio 30.50 .80 .10 .60 32.00 78 8 19, Eveleth, Minn. 59.35 6.10 1.00 66.45 151 61 20, Joliet, 111. 181.20 17.20 3.60 202.00 466 172 21, Cleveland, Ohio 37.45 4.40 1.75 43.60 88 44 22, Bradley, 111. 24.00 .50 24.50 25 & 23, Ely, Minn. 98 65 6.30 .20 2.10 107.25 226 63 24, La Salle, 111. 75.10 8.00 2.G5 85.75 187 80 25, Cleveland, Ohio 378.50 17.30 6.60 402.40 834 177 26. Pittsburgh, Pa. 47.70 1.00 .60 49.30 113 10 27, No. Braddock, Pa. 34.70 .70 .15 35.55 71 7 28, Calumet, Mich. 36.65 .50 2.60 .75 40.50 81 6 29, Broundale, Pa. 18.00 2.40 20.40 42 24 30, Aurora, 111. 19.90 .20 20.10 23 1& 31, Gilbert, Minn. 50.60 4.00 .30 .35 55.25 110 42 32, Euclid, Ohio 58.40 2.40 .85 61.65 124 26% 33, Duluth, Minn. 41.25 3.20 1.40 45.85 100 51 34, Soudan, Minn. 22 20 .70 .10 23.00 48 7 35, Aurora, Minn. 42.10 5.2« .20 .75 48.25 86 56 37, Greaney, Minn. 13.60 1.00 .45 15.05 34 10 38, Chisholm, Minn. 64.95 .60 2.30 67.85 148 6 39, Biwabik, Minn. 18.20 1.90 .15 20.25 40 19 40, Lorain, Ohio 40.70 .50 1.50 42.70 98 5 41, Cleveland, Ohio 90.30 4.20 1.80 96.30 226 42 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio 44 43, Milwaukee, Wis. 45.45 10.00 .45 55.90 111 101 45, Portland, Ore. 24.25 .80 .90 25.95 61 8 46, St. Louis, Mo. 13.90 .20 .15 14.25 31 2 47, Garfield Hgts., Ohio 43.30 1.30 1.65 46.25 109 13 48, Buhl, Minn. 5.80 .40 .10 .30 G.60 15 4 49, Noble, Ohio 20.60 .10 20.70 49 50, Cleveland, Ohio 77.10 5.GO 82.70 81 27& 51. Kenmore, Ohio 7.80 .40 8.20 18 52, Kltzville, Minn. 25 35 .80 .15 26.30 54 9 53, Cleveland, Ohio 18.35 1.30 .15 19.80 39 13 54, Warren, Ohio 36.45 7.30 .30 .15 44.20 84 78 55, Girard, Ohio 34.30 1.30 .55 36.15 77 14 56, Hibbing, Minn. 52 90 1.40 54.30 122 18 57, Niles, Ohio 33.00 3.40 36.40 71 34 59, Burgettstown, Pa. 34 9 61, Braddock, Pa. 25 6 62, Conneaut, Ohio 15.95 .10 10.05 33 1 63, Denver, Colo. 55.40 5.90 .30 .40 62.00 116 59 64, Kansas City. Kans. 76 5 65, Virginia, Minn. 31.75 2.70 34.45 72 28 66, Canon City, Colo. 25.00 2.20 .75 27.95 55 22 G7, Bessemer, Pa. 45.50 5.10 .20 50.80 90 51 68, Fairport Harbor, O. 15.35 15.35 29 70, W. Aliquippa, Pa. 13.50 .60 14.10 15 3X 71, Strabane, Pa. 53.20 2.00 .75 55.95 118 21 72, Pullman, 111. 15.65 .50 .25 16.40 36 5 73, Warrensville, Ohio 39.85 3.70 43.55 100 38 74, Ambridge, Pa. 23.10 .60 23.70 44 6 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 24.80 2.90 .40 28.10 62 29 78, Leadville, Colo. 25.80 2.20 28.00 26 11& 79, Enumclaw, Wash. 15.85 1.90 .70 .15 18.60 34 23 Članarina—Assessment Number of Podružnica—Branch A & B Jun. Zarja Misc. Total Memb. Jun. 80, Moon Run, Pa. 10.15 10.15 29 5 81, Keewatin, Minn. 10.00 .30 10.30 27 83, Crosby, Minn. 8.20 .60 .40 .45 9.65 IS 6 84, New York City, N.Y. 31.40 1.00 .80 33.20 76 lfl 85, DePue, 111. 12.35 .50 .10 .10 13.05 29 5 86, Nashwauk, Minn. 8.30 .30 S.60 20 3 88, Johnstown, Pa. 32.00 2.90 .30 .30 35.50 65 29 S9, Oglesby, 111. 38.65 6.20 .30 .45 45.60 96 62 90, Presto, Pa. 25.20 1.80 .10 27.10 61 18 91, Oakmont, Pa. 28.45 1.20 29.65 53 12 92, Crested Butte, Colo. 10.75 .20 10.95 20 n it 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. 30.95 .40 .60 31.95 73 4 94, Canton, Ohio 33 40 2 80 36.20 19 7$ 95, So. Chicago, 111. 113 75 6.70 120.45 205 67 96, Universal, Pa. 25.75 .30 .50 .15 26.70 55 O u 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. 13.55 1.30 14.85 27 13 99, Elmhurst, 111. 10.30 10.30 22 100, Fontana, Calif. 20.00 .80 .90 .25 21.95 45 8 102, Willard, Wis. 7 2 <8> .104, Johnstown, Pa. 11.30 11.30 27 105, Detroit, Mich. 7.05 .50 7.55 18 5 106, Meadowlands, Pa. 20 2 Total — Skupaj $ 4,149.85 266.80 10.20 66.80 4,493.65 9302 2780 &—Assessment for February ,& March #—Assessment for March & April $—Assessment from January to April @—Assessment paid in January %—Assessment for January X—Assessment for January & February Income — Dohodki: Assessment from memlbers — Članarina od članic .........................$4,493.65 Rental income in February 1960 — Najemnina v l'eb. 1960 ........... 150.00 Interest on bond — Obresti od bondov ..................................... 162.56 Total — Skupaj...............$4,806.21 Disbursments — Stroški: Funeral Benefit claims paid for the following deceased members — Smrtnine: Jennie Skul, Branch 14, Euclid, Ohio ..........................................$100.00 Terezija Godec, Branch 15, Cleveland, Ohio .................................... 100.00 Mary Sustersic, Branch 23, Ely, Minnesota ..................................... 100.00 Jennie Cimperman, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio .................................. 100.00 Anna Gradisar, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio ..................................... 100.00 Jennie Laurich, Branch 25, Cleveland, Ohio .................................... 100.00 Ursula Pierce, Branch 27, Braddock, Penna...................................... 100.00 Mary Plautz, Branch 28, Calumet, Michigan ..................................... 100.00 Mary Rubich, Branch 45, Portland, Oregon ...................................... 100.00 Jennie Husich, Branch 55, Girard, Ohio ........................................ 100.00 Frances Jerkovich, Branch 56, Hibbing, Minnesota .............................. 100.00 Frances Jerina, Branch 57, Niles, Ohio ........................................ 100.00 Josephine Kotar, Branch 71, Strabane, Penna.................................... 100.00 Maxine Dusek, Branch 73, Warrensville, Ohio.................................... 100.00 Benedictine Press, Zarja, The Dawn, February .................................1,178.40 Salaries and administration — Plače gl. odbornic in admin...................... 857.65 Home office rent for February — Najemnina za gl. urad .......................... 75.00 Printing, telephone, postage, sundries — Tiskovine, tel., pošta, razno 223.69 Total — Skupaj ..............$3,734.74 Balance January 31, 1960 — Preostanek 31. jan. 1960 ..............$428,341.48 Income in February, i960 —- Dohodki v feb. 1960 .................... 4,806.21 Total — Skupaj...............$433,147.69 Disbursements in February, 1960 — Stroški v feb. 1960 3,734.74 Balance February 29, 1960 — Preostanek v feb. 1960 ......................$429.412.95 ALBINA NOVAK, Sec’y Hud udarec je i lani 29. okt. zadel Dorothy in Hank Engler, ko je na naglo nemila smrt pretrgala nit življenja malemu Jeffry Engler. Starši stanujejo v Eliriju, O-hio. Pripeljali so ga v New York Funeral Home in od tam je bil pokopan na Holy Trinity Cemetery. Veliko solz se je pretočilo ob njegovi smrti. Velik udarec je bil to tudi za grandma, našo dolgoletno tajnico in sedanjo predsednico Agnes Klarič. Še zdaj, ko vidi male otroke ji privrejo solze v oči, ker ga je imela zelo rada. Naše iskreno sožalje celotni družini. Mali Jeffry pa naj počiva mirno in naj mu bo lahka hladna zemlja. Urška Barič je že drugič grandma. Želimo ji obilo zdravja. — Želimo vsem članicam vse dobro. Lep pozdrav Helen Hodnick, blagajnič. Št. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Danes hočem poročati ,da smo prav lepo praznovale 3-letnico naše podružnice št. 100, tukaj v Fontani in tudi počastile častno mater, ki je podpredsednica Mary Vidergar. Ona vedno rada pomaga pri vsaki prireditvi. Dobila je lep dar ovratnico in uhane z zapestnico, da bo Imela lep spomin za vselej.. Pevski zbor. katerega članica je tudi Mary, je zapel prav lepe slovenske pesmi ob spremljanju rojaka Johna Kostelec s harmoniko. Nato se je začel ples v dvorani K.S.K.J.. Udeležba je bila sijajna. Članice smo prinesle vsakovrstnih jedil in tudi vina je bilo zadosti. Sestra Ana Petricli je pa spekla krasni calce v počast častni materi. Prav lepo smo se imele Čestitam tudi častni materi Ivani Perkovich, podr. št. 38 v Chisholm, Minn. Ravno tako čestitam Anni Pa-chak, podr. št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Bog jih ohrani še mnogo let v zdravju in zadovoljstvu. Tukaj je sedaj vse v najlepšem cvetju, predvsem gartrože in nageljni so zelo lepi. V resnici je mesec maj najlepši mesec v letu. Z veseljem poročam, da je tukajšnje slovensko zavetišče gotovo in že sprejema može in žene. Je to krasna stavba. na katero smo vsi ponosni, ker je to prvo slovensko zavetišče v Ameriki. Če kateri želi priti v ta dom, se lahko za pojasnila obrne na moj naslov. I.ep pozdrav vsem članicam in ured. Frances Lukanich, poročevalka Št. 105, Detroit, Mich. — Aprilska seja se je vršila pri meni v Royal Oak, Mich. Vreme še ni bilo preslabo, malo hladno, pa vseeno so že vsake vrste rožce cvetele. Sadno drev-e ie tudi že v cvetju. Oh, lepa pomlad! Čeprav pomeni veliko dela zunaj, pa le ne pozabite na seje priti. Je zelo lepo, če se skupno razvedrimo. Še precej žensk se je nabralo pri meni za sejo. Hostes dar je sprejela naša predsednica Julia Panzica. Zorka Maisel nam je ponudila svoj dom za sejo v mesecu maju, za kar se ji že naprej zahvaljujem. Alice Kocjan se je odpeljala v War- ren, Ohio, praznovat svoj rojstni dan. Njena hčerka z otroki so se peljali * njo in se zabavali pri materi in družini. Ta mesec bodo obhajale Birthdays: Mrs. Lil Ault ln Zorka Maisel. Happy Birthday! Se vidimo na seji. Rose Jamnik t Jeffry Engler JUNIOR'S PAGE WE GO TO THE COLD LANDS Let us go this morning to visit our brothers and sisters of the cold lands. The people called Eskimos live in lands that are very cold. We will visit them. Their homes are far away in the northern part of the world. By looking at the globe we can see where they are . How shall we go to Eskimoland? It is so far away that no one can walk there. It is so far that it would take us days and weeks if we could use cars and steamships. But there are no railways in Eskimo-land, and, near the shore, the ocean is covered with ice for most of the year, so that ships cannot make their way through. Let us, however, pretend we are there. We put on our winter clothes. Then we shut our eyes and try to believe that we have flown in an airship to the northern part of the world. Now we open them. Behold! we are in Eskimo-land. How cold it is! We have put on thick furs, but Jack Frost is biting our noses ,and our breath comes forth •ike steam. The sun is shining, but it is so pale that we can look at it without blinking. Us rays are not 'varni at this time of the year. It is low down in the sky and we can see ■t only a few hours each day. Is not this a strange land? Everywhere we turn we see snow and ice. •he mountains are white, and the l°w bushes on them are loaded with snow. On the plains there is no Kround to be seen. Where the snow has been blown off by the wind, we see only silver-gray moss. The earth below the moss is frozen many feet