227 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers 1 Received: 2nd February 2020; revised: 20th June 2020; accepted: 15th July 2020 1 According to i-SCOOP (2020) Industry 4.0, which refers to the fourth industrial revolution (TechTarget, 2020), is the digital transformation of manufacturing/pro- duction and related industries and value creation processes. The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Export Market Orientation, Market Diversification, and Export Performance Alenka NAGLIČ, Polona TOMINC, Klavdij LOGOŽAR University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Razlagova 14, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, alenkana- glich@gmail.com, polona.tominc@um.si, klavdij.logozar@um.si Background and Purpose: Existing literature on the Industry 4.0 concept does not provide a clear empirical veri- fication if and how the implementation of Industry 4.0 impacts export market orientation, market diversification, and export performance of firms. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework on how firms can increase their export performance by knowing the impact of Industry 4.0 on firms’ export activities. Methodology: The analysis is based on an examination of 81 Slovenian export firms, with the majority active in the processing industry in which the export of products and services represents a more than 20% share in the total revenue of the firm. Factor analysis and multiple regression were used to process the collected data. Results: The analysis results reveal that firms that invest in advanced technologies and realize digital transforma- tion are better prepared to compete internationally and achieve better export performance. Conclusion: Our study showed the positive link between implementation of Industry 4.0 and export activities of firms and confirmed that implementation of Industry 4.0 leads to many changes in the mindset and operation of Slovenian firms and actively reflects in their export results. The research findings may serve as an important guide for managers in the optimal planning and management of export marketing and business activities. The study thus provides a foundation for the growing research on the relationship between Industry 4.0 and export business activ- ities of firms. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Export market orientation, Market diversification, Export performance. DOI: 10.2478/orga-2020-0015 1 Introduction Industry 4.01 is bringing many changes that represent numerous advantages or growth possibilities to firms, i.e. the possibility to expand to new, non-traditional markets, streamline products, adapt manufacturing without delays, and efficiently use resources and energy, in addition to causing firms to face new challenges. Ganzarain & Errasti (2016, 1122) deterimne that In- dustry 4.0 is a new phenomenon based on technological concepts of cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things and Services that has the potential to give rise to smart factories and influence every economic sector, especially industry. The phrase or abbreviation I 4.0 appeared in 2011 as a result of an association of representatives of German firms, politics, and academicians striving to boost the com- petitiveness of the German manufacturing industry based on high technology (Kagermann et al., 2011) as well as a 228 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers focus on smart – (a) smart products, (b) processes, and (c) procedures and factories (BMBF, 2017). According to Kagermann et al. (2013), implementing Industry 4.0 will not only strengthen the competitive posi- tion of firms but also drive solutions to both global (e.g. re- source and energy efficiency) and national challenges (e.g. managing demographic change) (Kagermann et al., 2013). Rodič (2017, 205) claims, that even when firms are not interested in implement¬ing the Industry 4.0 paradigm, the pressure from their competitors or partners will motivate them to do so. As suggested by Jerman et al. (2020, 69 and 75) it is also important to know and understand new competencies of employees such as technical literacy, in- formation and communications technology (ICT) literacy, inovation and creativity, openness to learning, adaptation to change and various soft skills, introduced by the concept of Industry 4.0. Prior researches revealed that Industry 4.0 encourag- es (a) the creation of new business models (Frank et. al., 2019; Müller et al., 2020) (b) transformation of interna- tionalization processes (Strange & Zucchella, 2017; Chi- arvesio & Romanello, 2018) and (c) impacts on firms’ (export) performance (Dalenogare et al., 2018; Büchi et al., 2020). While Grzybowska & Łupicka (2017, 222) determine that the development of new technologies is the main driv- ing force behind the contemporary global economy, Müller et al. (2018c) claim that strategic as well as operational opportunities are positive drivers of Industry 4.0 imple- mentation, whereas challenges regarding competitiveness as well as organizational and production fit hinder its pro- gress. Veile et al. (2019) expose seven dimensions, which need to be considered when implementing Industry 4.0: (1) corporate culture and communication, (2) personnel, (3) firm organization, (4) safety and security, (5) preparing the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions, (6) integrat- ing Industry 4.0 solutions and (7) financial feasibility. Müller et al. (2018c) determine that the perception of Industry 4.0-related opportunities and challenges, which is the first step toward Industry 4.0 implementation, depends to a large extent on different firms’ characteristics. Accord- ing to Horvȃth & Szabó (2019, 119) multinational firms have higher driving forces and lower barriers to industry 4.0 than small and medium-sized firms. The contemporary dynamics in the field of technolo- gy development and market globalization require firms to innovate and internationalize while also remaining com- petitive in the international marketplace (Bettiol et al. 2020). According to Hannibal & Knight (2018), oppor- tunities presented by Industry 4.0 might provoke firms to rethink their degree or geography of internationalization. While Strange & Zucchella (2017) highlight the possibil- ities of the potential transformation that Industry 4.0 can have on the international dimension of firms, Chiavesio & Romanello (2018) didn’t confirm a direct relationship between Industry 4.0 and internationalization, but among other things encouraged scholars to research the relation- ship between investments in Industry 4.0 and the firm’s strategy to remain competitive in the international context. One of the latest researches (Bettiol et al. 2020) on the relationship between investments in Industry 4.0 and inter- nationalization processes shows that the implementation of Industry 4.0 does not change the international strategy of the firms, but is mainly focused on finding coherence between the opportunities based on those technologies and the present strategy of the firms. Nevertheless, the authors Bettiol et al. (2020) argue that firms that source global- ly and export present the highest level of sensitiveness to global competition in the investments in Industry 4.0 tech- nologies. Despite the growing body of economic research on In- dustry 4.0, little attention has been paid to an examination of opportunities and challenges related to export business and performance of firms. The purpose of our study is to find out whether and how the implementation of Industry 4.0 reflects in firms’ export business. The main objective of this article is to examine if and how the implementation of Industry 4.0 encourages firms’ export activities, such as (a) export market orientation and (b) market diversification – not only to traditional but also emerging markets (China, India, Vietnam, Turkey, Paki- stan), and improves its export performance. Accordingly, this study attempts to answer the following research ques- tions: RQ1: How does the implementation of Industry 4.0 impact the export market orientation of firms? RQ2: How does the implementation of Industry 4.0 impact the strategy of diversification to the dynamic mar- kets of fast developing countries? RQ3: How does the implementation of Industry 4.0 impact the export performance of firms? More and more Slovenian firms are aware that digital- ization of manufacturing is essential for improving com- petitiveness on domestic and foreign markets. In 2017, the industrial sector composed 32.2% of Slovenia’s total GDP, which is an encouraging fact when compared to the industrial sector’s share in the EU’s total GDP of 25.1% in 2017 (CIA, 2020), however these data are accompanied by the questions, ‘Which transformation phase are Slovenian firms currently in?’ or ‘Are they capable of introducing fu- ture technologies?’ (Herakovič, 2016, 12). In the further course of this paper, Chapter 2 describes the theoretical background, whereas Chapter 3 outlines the designing of the conceptual model and hypotheses. In Chapter 4, the empirical approach is described, encom- passing a survey of 81 Slovenian export firms and the sur- vey results. Chapter 5 presents a discussion, while Chapter 6 is closing the paper with a conclusion. 229 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers 2 Literature review 2.1 Industry 4.0 and export activity According to Bettiol et al. (2020, 2) the new emerging paradigm of the fourth industrial revolution promises to redefine the sources of value through the exploitation of new sets of technologies such as co-robots, additive man- ufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence being directly connected to manufacturing. Industry 4.0 has been one of the emerging topics in re- lation to international business in the last decade (Strange & Zucchella, 2017; Chiarvesio & Romanello, 2018). The implementation of Industry 4.0 is an evolutionary process that requires current basic technologies and expe- riences to be adapted to the specific requirements of man- ufacturing engineering and innovative solutions for new locations and new markets to be explored (Kagermannn et al., 2013, 7). Alcácer et al. (2016, 499) claim that the new tech- no-economic paradigm of the information age has brought about new structures and processes in international busi- ness. In their recent contribution, Bettiol et al. (2020, 1) highlight growing attention on the relationship between implementation of Industry 4.0 and internationalization processes. The authors (Bettiol et al., 2020, 9) argue that different level of internationalization impacts the motiva- tion of implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. Ac- cording to the authors, emerging technologies can modify the scale and organization of manufacturing processes, potentially pushing firms toward the redefinition of their activities worldwide. As reported by Laplume et al. (2016, 595), the imple- mentation of new technology, such as 3D printing, has the potential to partially reverse the trend towards global spe- cialization of production systems into elements that may be geographically dispersed and closer to the end users. Strange & Zucchella (2017, 174) expose the importance of further growth of digital platforms for the distribution of products (e.g. Amazon, Alibaba), which make it easier for small firms to also enter global markets. According to recommendations (Chiavesio & Ro- manello, 2018) for future investigation on the relationship between Industry 4.0 and their related effects on the inter- national configuration and performance of firms, the pres- ent study is focused on the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 on export activities of firms’ and optimizing their export performance. In fact, no empirical evidences have been developed up now to test if and how Industry 4.0 is impacting firms’ export activities, especially in terms of how their diversification strategies to untraditional, emerging markets are considered. 2.2 Industry 4.0 and export market orientation A firm’s export market orientation is based on the percep- tion of the environment and on better knowledge of the needs, requirements, and wishes of foreign consumers. Export market-oriented firms are more informed about the needs of their target markets and will be positioned more strategically than their less market-oriented competitors to tailor products and services for those markets (Day & Wensley, 1988). The emergence of the information and digital age is rapidly changing the manner of international business activity (Alcácer et al., 2016). Industry 4.0 relies on the adoption of digital technologies to gather data in real time and to analyze it, providing useful information to the man- ufacturing system (Wang et al., 2016). Rezk et al. (2016) predict that emerging technologies will reshape the inter- national configuration options available to firms. As already stated, export market orientation is based on collecting, analyzing, and using information on foreign markets. It is also based on the formation of suitable export strategies in accordance with that information. For instance, smart, connected products allow compa- nies to form new kinds of relationships with customers, requiring new marketing practices and skill sets (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014). In other words, as companies ac- cumulate and analyze product usage data, they gain new insights into how products create value for customers, en- abling better positioning of offerings and more effective communication of product value to customers (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014). According to the findings from the scientific literature on the impact of Industry 4.0 on firms’ export market ori- entation, it can be assumed that emerging technologies are an important part of consolidating export market orienta- tion. 2.3 Industry 4.0 and diversification strategy (on emerging markets) The fast technological and communication progress in re- cent decades has operatively brought distant markets much closer and further encouraged firms to expand internation- ally, even though their operations are getting more com- plex with stronger internationalization due to the diverse cultural, institutional, and competitive environment. According to Porter & Heppelmann (2015), implemen- tation of some Industry 4.0 technologies may have strong impacts on the firms themselves and even across their boundaries. Although the literature highlighted (Strange & Zuc- chella; 2017; Rehnberg & Ponte, 2017) the importance of 230 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Industry 4.0 technologies in connection with developing international activities, Chiarvesio & Romanello (2018) didn’t confirm a direct relationship between Industry 4.0 and internationalization or any underlying impact in terms of internationalization. On the other hand, different authors have speculated on how some new technologies may impact cross-border business. For example, 3D printing may alter the way pro- duction is organized across time and space – with impor- tant redistributive effects on geography and size of pro- duction activities (Rehnberg & Ponte, 2018), while the digitalization that includes internet and mobile technolo- gies with high-speed connectivity has helped bring about a change to established (export) business models (Roblek et al., 2016). In their recent contribution, Strange & Zuc- chella (2017) discuss the potential implications of big data for international business. They determine that firms will be able to monitor emerging trends and opportunities in overseas markets without the need to make substantial re- source commitments in local marketing affiliates, and that they will be able to more effectively optimize their supply, production, and distribution activities around the world. The availability of good-quality big data will enable firms to analyze and operationalize them and realize the potential benefits (Strange & Zucchella, 2017), which is particularly important in the case of firms that have the am- bition to expand their business activities to international markets, especially fast growing, distant ones, which offer great business opportunities but represent a different busi- ness environment and weakly known culture and customer preferences. It is evident that the young growing population with potential consumer power is an important driver for inter- national business experts that want to pursue opportunities in the rising Asian and other emerging markets. Despite the fact that the world has changed dramatically as a result of the pandemic, the advanced economy group is forecast to grow at 4.5 percent in 2021, while growth for the emerg- ing market and developing economy group is forecast at 6.6 percent in 2021 (IMF, 2020) – a great starting point to take advantage of the fourth industrial revolution, which offers an option of real-time international connectivity, product coordination, and customization of production without a time lag. 2.4 Industry 4.0 and export performance Export performance is one of the most studied topics of international operations and the central construct in export marketing research (Cavusgil & Zou, 1994; Leonidou, Katsikas & Samiee, 2002). However, little is known about how firms see the potential contribution of Industry 4.0 related technologies for export performance. Prior studies docu¬mented that new technologies, more efficient production techniques, and new products and processes resulting from technological innovation help exporting firms to respond to technological and en- vironmental changes in highly competitive global markets (Kafouros et al., 2008; Zahra & Covin, 1995), whereby the research of Azar & Ciabuschi (2017) indicates that or- ganizational innovation enhances export performance by sustaining technological innovation. To achieve a competitive advantage, a company must be able to differentiate itself and thus command a price premium, operate at a lower cost than its rivals, or both. This allows for superior profitability and growth relative to the industry average (Porter & Heppelmann, 2014). Azar & Ciabuschi (2017, 333) are convinced that adopting inno- vations is vital to ensuring adaptive behavior by exporting firms. Industry 4.0 is considered a new industrial stage in which vertical and horizontal manufacturing process in- tegration and product connectivity can help companies to achieve higher industrial performance (Dalenogare et al., 2018). According to Haseeb et al. (2019) elements of In- dustry 4.0 such as big data, Internet of Things, and smart factory have a positive role in promoting information technology (IT) implementation, which contributes to sus- tainable firm performance. Adopting a higher number of smaller technological innovations enables exporting firms to better adjust to the new foreign environment and en- hance their performance rather than focusing exclusively on radical innovations (Azar & Ciabuschi, 2017, 333). 3 Conceptual Model and Hypotheses Export market oriented firms operate on the basis of ob- taining information that enables better understanding of consumers in foreign markets (Narver & Slater, 1990), therefore we assume that the firms employing the new set of technologies, such as, in particular, Industrial IoT (Por- ter & Heppelman, 2014; Strange & Zucchella; 2017) and Big Data, which enable management of large amounts of data (Manyika et al., 2015; Strange & Zucchella; 2017), will be more successful in developing export strategies. We can assume that the Industry 4.0 digital business en- vironment promotes planning and making strategic export decisions on the basis of data on (potential) foreign market consumers, therefore we propose the first hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: Industry 4.0 implementation positively impacts the export market orientation of firms. We believe that in order to develop an appropriate strategy for the firm’s market diversification to distant, fast developing markets, the ability of international network- ing in real time, adjusting production without delay, and coordinating products are of critical importance. These 231 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers are the advantages brought about by the fourth industrial revolution (Müller et al., 2018a). The adoption of some Industry 4.0 technologies may cause (1) global value chain reconfiguration (Rehnberg & Ponte, 2017), for example reverse the trends towards global specialization of pro- duction systems into elements that may be geographically dispersed and closer to the end users (Laplume et al., 2016, 595), or (2) optimization of firms’ supply, production, and distribution activities around the world (Strange & Zuc- chella; 2017), which is also reflected in the ambitions in formulating the firm’s international market expansion, especially to distant, fast developing foreign markets that offer numerous business opportunities. This is grounds for our second hypothesis. Hypothesis 2: Industry 4.0 implementation positively impacts the strategy of diversification to the dynamic mar- kets of fast developing countries. Researches argue that adopting innovations for the de- velopment of a foreign market is beneficial to export per- formance (Azar & Ciabuschi, 2017; Büchi et al., 2020). International competitiveness of firms is increasingly de- pendent on their competitive potential, therefore based on the results of previous research (Kafouros et al., 2008; Azar & Ciabuschi, 2017), we believe that export firms will only be sufficiently responsive and competitive with regard to the environmental and technological challenges posed by the increasingly fierce competition in terms of mar- ket globalisation by adopting new technologies, effective production techniques, and new products and processes. From an IB perspective, we may expect that Industry 4.0 technology implementation influences the firms’ ability to compete in national and regional foreign markets as well as cross-border optimisation of business processes and ac- tivities in the broader geographical area. In reference to this, we put forward the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 3: Industry 4.0 positively impacts the ex- port performance of firms. Further on, we are introducing the conceptual frame- work, based on theoretical perspective and developed hy- potheses (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Conceptual model and hypotheses 232 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers kets of fast developing countries – Hypothesis H2 To measure the construct Strategy of diversification to the dynamic markets of fast developing countries, we creat- ed a new questionnaire based on the long-term marketing potentials of fast developing markets (PwC, 2017; Lins & Servaes, 2002), the uncertainty of the business envi- ronment (Jurše, 2017), demographics (OECD, 2019), the capacities of the firm, and the skill set of the personnel (Sakarya et al., 2007; Jurše, 2017), due to the specific na- ture of the empirical study (non-traditional markets, young population, rising new purchasing power). The respond- ents evaluated individual statements based on the 7-point Likert scale. c) Export performance – Hypothesis H3 The studying of export performance was focused on the factors that significantly influence the export performance of firms, i.e. their sales on foreign markets, export market share, entry into foreign markets, and the average annual sales growth in comparison to the average annual growth of their industry. The questionnaire was designed based on the measurement instrument developed by Cadogan et al. (2002). All four items were measured on the 7-point scale, with the first three items focused on measuring satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied), and average an- nual sales growth focused on evaluating the achieved level (1 – very bad, 7 – very good). 4.2 Applied methodology In order to test hypotheses H1, H2, and H3, the multidi- mensional dependent variables (export market orientation, strategy of market diversification to the dynamic markets of fast developing countries, and export performance) and the explanatory variable (Industry 4.0 implementation) were designed by means of factor analysis, whose applica- bility was tested beforehand by means of the Bartlett’s test of sphericity and the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) index (Kaiser, 1974), which has to be above 0.5. The shared var- iance of an individual variable explained with all the fac- tors together was verified by means of communalities. If an individual variable did not reach the prescribed value of 0.4, it was removed from the analysis. In the further course of the factor analysis, we evaluated the dimensionality, va- lidity, and reliability of the constructs. When determining a smaller number of factors, we used the rule of the own value, which has to be more than 1 for individual factors, as well as the rule of the entire explained variance, with the stipulated value of more than 60%. The convergent validi- ty of a construct was verified with the factor loading apply- ing to the relevant factor. Loading values equal to or higher than 0.6 have confirmed the interconnection between vari- ables measuring the same construct. The construct reliabil- ity or the consistency of individual factors was determined with the Cronbach Alfa Coefficient (Cronbach, 1951), with 4 Study methodology and sample 4.1 Questionnaire design In the first phase of the empirical study, we focused on designing relevant and reliable measurement scales by means of which we tried to study individual constructs as precisely as possible. Based on scientific literature, we searched for suitable measurement scales. If none were available, we designed them in accordance with the fun- damental definitions of the constructs and drafted individ- ual question banks. Questionnaire items are shown in the Appendix. 4.1.1 Explanatory variable construct For the Industry 4.0 implementation explanatory variable construct in hypotheses H1, H2, and H3, we designed a new questionnaire comprised of items linked to the digi- talization of operations (Herakovič, 2016; Kagerman et al,. 2013; Dais & Bosch 2014), creation of new export strate- gies and models, a fast information flow, and a facilitated overcoming of temporal as well as geographic obstacles (Kagerman et al., 2013; Ganzarain & Errasti, 2016). The construct was measured on the seven-point Likert scale. The questionnaire design takes into consideration impor- tant fields, such as the digitalization of business processes and the competitiveness of the firm, the creation of new business (export) models, a facilitated flow of information, and new – digital marketing channels. 4.1.2 Dependent variable constructs a) Export orientation of firms – hypothesis H1 The Export orientation of Slovenian firms construct has been operationalized based on the shortened range of Narv- er and Slater statements, focusing on the market orienta- tion dimension descriptions (Narver & Slater, 1990). For the purposes of our study, the scale was additionally adapt- ed in accordance with Cadogan et al. (2009, 86). When designing the scale or subscales, our point of view was just like for the authors of the information on export mar- kets, the availability/dissemination of public information, and the responsiveness of the export firm or its employ- ees. The questionnaire has been significantly shortened and simplified, as we were mostly interested in definitions that were focused on export market orientation, and we avoided posing questions and statements on related topics, because we did not want to deter the representatives of the firms surveyed from participating in a research as a result of too many statements to choose from. The construct was measured on the seven-point Likert scale. b) Strategy of diversification to the dynamic mar 233 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers the prescribed value of at least 0.60. The dependability of a dependent variable on an ex- planatory variable or the created factors was studied by means of the regression analysis, which was performed separately for each of the hypotheses under the consider- ation of the value of the (multiple) correlation coefficient used to explain the correlation strength and the direction between dependent and independent variables as well as the value of the (multiple) coefficient of determination based on which the relationship between the explained and total variance for a dependent variable was determined. It was verified with the F-test if it is sensible to use the regression model, which demonstrates the suitability of a model as a whole or the existence of a linear relationship. Additionally, the T-test and statistical significance confirm the existence of codependency among variables. We took the 5% significance rate into consideration. 4.3 Characteristic of the sample The survey questionnaire was distributed via e-mail at the beginning of April 2019 to 300 corporate addresses. We received 144 responses to the questionnaire by the end of April 2019. 63 firms were eliminated, because their re- sponses were incomplete. Therefore, the final sample for the data analysis featured 81 firms that met all the condi- tions (n=81). The email was addressed to the employees at one of the following positions in the firm: management board chairman or member, director of the firm, director or man- ager of the export department, director or manager of the marketing department, others (sales manager, chief digital information officer, financial analyst, head of controlling). The survey is based on the examination of 81 Sloveni- an export firms, with the majority active in the processing industry (see Table 1) in which the export of products and services represents a more than 20% share in the total rev- enue of the company on foreign markets. Table 1 shows that the majority, i.e. 37% of the survey respondents, were small firms. The director function was the most common among survey respondents (43.2%). 14.8% of respondents declared themselves the director/manager of the export de- partment, with the same share also attributed to other po- sitions, such as marketing manager, controlling manager, sales manager, and other similar positions. The majority of firms participating in the study (Table 1) were processing firms (34.6%) as well as information and communication firms (17.3%). A striking 56.8% of the firms included in the study have been present on foreign markets for more than 11 years (Table 1). It is evident from the data analysis results in Table 2 that as many as 64.2% of the participating companies real- ize the biggest share of their revenues on foreign markets through the export of products. Table 2 shows that exports account for 21 to 40% of the entire revenue of 42% of or- ganizations participating in our study. The most important market category into which the largest export share (Table 2) of the respondent firms falls is developed markets, with a share of 88.9%. As little as 1.2% of the firms participat- ing in the study stated the independent markets category (e.g. Saudi Arabia – defined as a developing market, Bot- swana – defined as a frontier market). Size of the firm fk f%k Micro enterprises (1-10 employees) 16 19.7 Small firms (11-50 employees) 30 37.0 Mid-sized firms (51-250 employees) 21 25.9 Large firms (251 + employees) 14 17.3 Total 81 100.0 Position fk f%k Chairman/member of the management board 10 12.3 Director of the firm 35 43.2 Director/manager of the export department 12 14.8 Director/manager of the marketing department 10 12.3 Does not wish to respond 2 2.5 Other 12 14.8 Total 81 100.0 Table 1: Profile of surveyed firms and respondents 234 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Activity of the firm fk f%k A – Agriculture and hunting, forestry, fisheries 3 3.7 C – Processing 28 34.6 F – Construction 4 4.9 G – Sale, maintenance in repair of motor vehicles 7 8.6 H – Transport and storage 4 4.9 J – Information technology and communication 14 17.3 F – Finance and insurance 2 2.5 L – Real estate 3 3.7 N – Other various business activities 16 19.8 Total 81 100.0 Presence on foreign markets fk f%k Less than 1 year 2 2.5 From 1 to 5 years 17 21.0 From 6 to 10 years 16 19.7 11 years or more 46 56.8 Total 81 100.0 Table 1: Profile of surveyed firms and respondents (continues) Share of export in the total revenue of the firm fk f%k Between 21% and 40% 34 42.0 Between 41% and 60% 18 22.2 Between 61% and 80% 8 9.9 More than 81% 21 25.9 Total 81 100.0 Strategic form of export internationalization representing the biggest export share for the company fk f%k Product export 52 64.2 Contract-based forms 20 24.7 Direct investments 9 11.1 Total 81 100.0 Most important market category according to the Global Market Index representing the biggest export share for the company fk f%k Developed markets 72 88.9 Developing markets 8 9.9 Independent markets 1 1.2 Total 81 100.0 Table 2: Export share in the entire revenue of the firm, strategic form of export internationalization, and the most important market category according to the Global Market Index. 235 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers 5 Results 5.1 Factor analysis results Based on the factor analysis, we established that the Indus- try 4.0 implementation construct is two-dimensional (Ta- ble 3), i.e. comprised of two subconstructs – digitalization of business processes and new export models, products, and markets. The two factors explain 81.94% of the total variance. Since the communality value was insufficient, we disqualified variable II4_3 in advance (a fast informa- tion and data flow makes it easier to overcome temporal and geographic obstacles) and repeated the factor analysis with the disqualified variable. The construct is convergent- ly valid, since the rotated factor loadings for individual factors exceed 0.6. It is also reliable, which is evidenced from the Cronbach Alfa Coefficient that equals 0.781 for the construct. The factor analysis results for the dependent varia- ble Export orientation of Slovenian firms (Table 4) have shown that the construct is multidimensional. In accord- ance with the fundamental variables, we named the first factor or subconstruct Inter-functional connectivity, the second Consumer focus, and the third Focus on the infor- mation and competition on foreign markets. These three factors explain 96.18% of the variance. The rotated fac- tor matrix showed higher-than-prescribed rotated factor loadings for individual subconstructs also in this studied construct, therefore the entire construct is convergently valid. Suitable Cronbach Alfa Coefficient values confirm the reliability of the scale. The rotated matrix for the Construct Diversification Strategy into the dynamic markets of emerging countries (Table 5) pointed us towards disqualifying two factors or subconstructs – Diversification to fast developing markets and Operational risks, which explain 89.48% of the entire variance. Due to an insufficient communality value, we disqualified fundamental variable DSDMEM_5 (We have suitably trained marketing experts for our entry on foreign markets) in advance and repeated the factor analysis with the disqualified variable. The Cronbach Alfa Coefficient values confirmed the reliability or consistency of both fac- tors (subconstructs) as well as the entire construct. Construct Export performance of firms is unidimen- sional (Table 6). After fundamental variable EP_1 (With our firm’s sale to foreign markets in the last 3 years, we are: 1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) was disquali- fied for not having met the prescribed communality value of 0.4 and the factor analysis was repeated, the factor load- ings are above 0.6, which confirms the convergent validity of the construct. One single factor explains 76.82% of the entire variance. The Cronbach Alfa Coefficient value is 0.842, making the scale reliable. Factor loadings Statement Communalities 1 2 II4.0_1 Digitalization of business processes is crucial for the competitiveness of the firm. 0.735 0.857 0.008 II4.0_2 Industry 4.0 encourages executives to design new ex- port strategies and models. 0.869 0.180 0.915 II4.0_4 The implementation of digitalization is supervised by competent executives. 0.852 0.886 0.258 II4.0_5 The automation of manufacturing/business processes encourages us to create new products and/or expand to new markets. 0.881 0.102 0.933 II4.0_6 New marketing (digital) channels are used to in- crease export sales. 0.761 0.855 0.172 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure: 0.663; Chi-Square: 190.200 Cumulative percentage of explained variance for the first factor: 54.73% Cumulative percentage of explained variance for the second factor: 27.21% Cronbach Alpha – all items (5): 0.781 Cronbach Alpha – factor 1: 0.850 Cronbach Alpha – factor 2: 0.858 Table 3: Results of Factor Analysis for the Construct Implementation of Industry 4.0 236 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Factor loadings Statement Communalities 1 2 3 EO_1 We closely monitor the information on trends (e.g. pro- visions, technological development, politics, economy on export markets). 0.979 0.078 -0.032 0.986 EO_2 We continuously plan and monitor the firm’s activities con- nected to meeting consumers’ needs on foreign markets. 0.980 -0.027 0.989 -0.029 EO_3 Executives in all positions in the firm are constantly in contact with current and prospective consumers on foreign markets. 0.971 0.014 0.985 -0.022 EO_4 Consumer satisfaction on foreign markets is often mea- sured and carefully planned in advance. 0.942 -0.019 0.968 -0.068 EO_5 Employees in the marketing department, along with em- ployees from other departments in the firm, study future requirements and needs of consumers on foreign markets. 0.966 0.982 0.018 0.038 EO_6 Information on consumers on foreign markets is available to everyone in the firm. 0.906 0.942 -0.071 0.119 EO_7 Executives frequently discuss advantages and strategies of competitors on foreign markets. 0.987 0.992 -0.009 0.050 EO_8 All departments in the firm take part in the export opera- tions. 0.981 0.989 0.020 0.062 EO_9 We respond quickly to marketing and other competitive ac- tivities of our competitors on foreign markets. 0.978 0.096 -0.066 0.982 EO_10 The export personnel are continuously in contact with the manufacturing department. 0.929 0.963 -0.008 0.050 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure: 0.801; Chi-Square: 1463.067 Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 1: 48.43% Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 2: 29.28 Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 3: 18.47% Cronbach Alpha – all items (10): 0.814 Cronbach Alpha – factor 1: 0.987 Cronbach Alpha – factor 2: 0.981 Cronbach Alpha – factor 3: 0.978 Table 4: Results of Factor Analysis for the Construct Export Orientation of firms 5.2 Hypotheses testing results In the further course of the empirical study, the hypotheses were verified by means of regression analysis. The results of individual models are shown in Table 7. Testing hypothesis H1 The results of the first regression model (Table 7) stud- ying the impact of Industry 4.0 implementation on the ex- port orientation of Slovenian firms show that the subcon- struct digitalization of business processes (standardized regression coefficient = 0.267; p<0.017) has a statistically significant impact on the export orientation of Slovenian firms, while there is no direct connection between new ex- port models, products, and markets as well as the export orientation of Slovenian firms, since the connection is not statistically significant. The R2 coefficient equals 0.076 and is statistically significant (p<0.050), which means that 7.6% of the variance of the export orientation construct can be explained through the variance of both variables together. The Durbin-Watson coefficient close to the pre- scribed value of 2 shows that there is no autocorrelation in the residuals. Firms that have digitalized their operations on all operational levels have shown a stronger export ori- 237 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Factor loadings Statement Communalities 1 2 DSDMEM_1 For our industry, fast developing markets represent long-term marketing potentials. 0.875 0.935 -0.004 DSDMEM_2 The uncertainty of the business environment is one of the key factors when deciding on entering the markets of fast develop- ing economies. 0.958 0.094 0.975 DSDMEM_3 The dynamic BRIC markets are crucial for the growth of our firm. 0.845 0.908 0.144 DSDMEM_4 We consider China and India to be among economically the most dynamic and attractive developing markets. 0.921 0.957 0.073 DSDMEM_6 The strategy of diversification to developing markets has been assessed as risky. 0.882 0.034 0.939 DSDMEM_7 We are interested in entering Asian developing markets with a young geographic composition and a growing purchasing pow- er. 0.868 0.930 0.065 DSDMEM_8 We only opt for non-ownership forms when entering fast devel- oping high-risk markets. 0.972 0.088 0.982 DSDMEM_9 The marketing activity diversification strategy on developing markets is designed in accordance with the firm’s capacities. 0.956 0.089 0.974 DSDMEM_10 The firm’s international competitiveness is boosted with out- ward internationalization to non-traditional, fast developing markets. 0.776 0.877 0.085 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure: 0.795; Chi-Square: 1072.610 Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 1: 52.23% Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 2: 37.25% Cronbach Alpha – all items (9): 0.882 Cronbach Alpha – factor 1: 0.956 Cronbach Alpha – factor 2: 0.979 Table 5: Results of Factor Analysis for the Construct Diversification Strategy into the dynamic markets of emerging countries entation. The new export models, products, and markets construct has a negative and statistically insignificant im- pact on the export orientation. The strength of the linear connection between the dependent and the independent variables is weak, since the R value in our case is only 0.274. Hypothesis H1 that Industry 4.0 implementation positively affects the export market orientation of Slove- nian firms can only be partially confirmed. Testing hypothesis H2 Model 2 (Table 7) was used to establish the effect of Industry 4.0 implementation on the strategy of diversifica- tion to the dynamic markets of fast developing countries. It can be concluded that the subconstruct of the digitali- zation of operations (standardized regression coefficient = 0.267; p<0.016) positively affects the expansion of firms to developing markets. It has been established that the link between new export models, products, and markets and the expansion strategy to fast developing markets is not statistically significant. The adjusted coefficient of deter- mination R2 equals 0.066 and is statistically significant (p<0.026), which means that 6.6% of the variance of the diversification to the dynamic markets of fast developing countries strategy construct can be explained through the variance of both predictor variables. The Durbin-Watson coefficient is 1.787, which excludes potential autocorre- lation problems. Hypothesis H2 stating that Industry 4.0 implementation positively impacts the strategy of diversi- fication to the dynamic markets of fast developing coun- tries can thus only be partially confirmed. 238 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Testing hypothesis H3 The results of the third regression model (Table 7) con- firm that the subconstructs of business process digitaliza- tion (standardized regression coefficient = 0.855; p<0.001) and new export models, products, and markets (standard- ized regression coefficient = 0.172; p<0.003) have a sta- tistically significant positive impact on the export perfor- mance of Slovenian firms. The effect of the digitalization of operations subconstruct on export performance is very strong, whereas the subconstruct of new export models, products, and markets only has a weak impact on the export performance of Slovenian firms. The adjusted coefficient of determination R2 equals 0.754 and is statistically signif- icant (p<0.026), which means that 75.4% of the variance of the export performance of Slovenian firms construct can be explained through the variance of both predictor variables. The Durbin-Watson coefficient equals 1.580, so there is no danger of residual autocorrelation. It has been established that firms with digitalized operations as well as systematically designed new export models, products, and selected markets achieve better export performance compared to firms that have not (completely) digitalized their operations or are still insisting on traditional busi- ness models and product ranges as well as selected mar- kets. Slovenian export-oriented firms will have to urgently follow the trends of digital transformation in the future, also when it comes to faster collection of important data and information from remote foreign markets. With time- ly recognition and fast reactions to customer requirements as well as thorough monitoring of the competition on for- eign markets, firms boost their own competitiveness and increase their possibilities for maintaining/improving ex- port performance. Hypothesis H3 stating that Industry 4.0 implementation positively impacts the export performance of Slovenian firms has therefore been confirmed in full. 6 Discussion The aims of this study are to fill the voids in the ex- tant literature by providing empirical confirmation of the impacts of Industry 4.0 implementation on export market orientation, market diversification to emerging markets, and export performance. This paper responds to calls for empirical research on Industry 4.0 technologies’ impact on the international configuration and performance of firms (Chiarvesio & Romanello, 2018). At a general level, the results of this study show that implementation of Industry 4.0 is beneficial to export activities of firms. First, this study found that firms that digitize business processes (standardized regression coef- ficient = 0.267; p<0.017) manage large volumes of data, including extensive information on customers and compet- itors in foreign markets, providing them with a better basis for achieving greater export market orientation, which is consistent with Strange & Zucchella’s (2017, 179) claims that firms, supported by BDA, will be able to monitor emerging trends and opportunities in overseas markets which exert big influence on the implementation of market orientation in the export context. Second, our study seems to lead us to consider that subconstruct Digitalization of business processes (stand- ardized regression coefficient = 0.267; p<0.016) has a strong impact on firms’ international market expansion into emerging markets. Our finding is consistent with ex- pectations and with lessons drawn from the literature (Azar & Ciabuschi, 2017, Büchi et al., 2020), since we find that firms with certain ownership-specific advantages, such as innovative products, technological know-how, and market price leadership in competitive products, which are the re- sult of digital transformation, often give firms a competi- tive edge in foreign markets. We also establish that due to Factor loadings Statement Communalities 1 EP_2 Satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) with the export market share of the firm in the last 3 years. 0.902 0.950 EP_3 Satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) with the firm’s entry onto foreign markets in the last 3 years. 0.698 0.835 EP_4 Achieved (1 – very low, 7 – very high) average annu- al growth of the firm compared to the firm’s industry average growth. 0.704 0.839 Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure: 0.588; Chi-Square: 128.089 Cumulative percentage of explained variance for factor 1: 76.82% Cronbach Alpha – all items (3): 0.842 Table 6: Results of Factor Analysis for the Construct Export performance of firms 239 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Unstandardized coefficients Standardized coefficients Dependent variable Independent variable B Std. error Beta t Sig. VIF MODEL 1 Export orientation of Slovenian firms Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 1: Digitalization of business processes 1.871 0.764 0.267 2.449 0.017 1 Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 2: New export models, products and markets 0.428 0.764 0,061 0.560 0.577 1 Model 1: R = 0.274; R- square = 0.076; Adjusted R-square = 0.051; p<0.048; Durbin-Watson = 2.104 MODEL 2 Diversification strategy into dy- namic markets of emerging countries Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 1: Digitalization of business processes 2.181 0.884 0.267 2.467 0.016 1 Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 2: New export models, products and markets 1.113 0.884 0.136 1.259 0.212 1 Model 2: R = 0.299; R- square = 0.090; Adjusted R-square = 0.066; p<0.026; Durbin-Watson = 1.787 MODEL 3 Export performance of Slovenian firms Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 1: Digitalization of business processes 0.781 0.051 0.855 15.432 0.001 1 Implementation of Industry 4.0 – Factor 2: New export models, products and markets 0.157 0.051 0.172 3.111 0.003 1 Model 3: R = 0.72; R- square = 0.761; Adjusted R-square = 0.754; p<0.000; Durbin-Watson = 1.580 Table 7: Regression Analysis Results the possibility of international networking in real time pro- vided by digitalisation of business processes, the firms are able to compete more easily also in distant, commercially attractive, fast developing markets. This finding is in line with (a) McKinsey’s (2015) claims that firms need to drive the digital transformation of their business to succeed in the new environment and (b) the assertion that adoption of digital technologies can have significant implications for firms’ international operations (Strange & Zucchella, 2017). Müller and Voigt (2018b, 659) claim that Industri- al Internet of Things (IIoT) confronts industrial manufac- tures with economic, ecological, as well as social benefits and challenges. In order to make sustainability potentials in firms accessible, concerns towards increasing compe- tition, future viability as well as losing customer orienta- tion should be addressed. Firms hereby need to find new or modified business models that address these concerns (Müller and Voigt, 2018b, 666). While prior research argued that firms can benefit from Industry 4.0 in the attempt to innovate their business models through their digital transformation (Roblek et al., 2016; Frank et al., 2019), we didn’t confirm an effect of subconstruct New export models, products, and markets in connection to Industry 4.0 technologies on developing cross-border activities, in other words on expansion into emerging markets, therefore this aspect is worth inves- tigating in more detail in further research. The reason, among other things, might be that Slovenian firms in gen- eral are less digitally mature than other firms worldwide (Erjavec et al., 2018, 109). Third, our research, in line with expectations, reveals that firms that introduce the emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 into their production or business processes achieve, according to the results of our analysis (standard- ized regression coefficient = 0.855; p<0.001) better export performance. As emerges from the extant literature, the different technologies that are included in the umbrella term Industry 4.0 (IoT, Big data and Analytics, Robotics, Additive Manufacturing) can have very diverse impacts on firms’ export performance (Azar & Ciabuschi, 2017; Bettiol et al., 2020). Dalenogare et al. (2018) determine that some of these technologies are positively associated to 240 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers the expected benefits, while others are still at a very early stage of implementation and thus are without clear expect- ed benefits. From this perspective, Industry 4.0 defines a new path for the competitiveness of the firms, especially in advanced countries, such as in Europe (WEF, 2018), that are nowadays particularly challenged by global com- petition and which might find in these technologies a new source of competitive advantage (Bettiol et al., 2020, 2). 7 Conclusions The present study highlights the importance and influence of Industry 4.0 technologies on the creation of export ac- tivities of firms. Contrary to Chiarvesio & Romanello’s (2018) claims, we confirmed a direct relationship between implemented emerging technologies and cross-border pro- cesses, which is in line with Gerbert et al.’s (2015) findings that Industry 4.0 includes a range of new digital industrial technologies based on Internet of Things, BDA, and 3D printing that will strongly influence firms’ international business activities. According to Bettiol et al. (2020), the necessity to face global competition is one of the most compelling reasons for investing in Industry 4.0 technologies. This study con- firmed this claim, as some of the emerging technologies (IoT, BDA) ensure much information on customers and competitors in foreign markets, which is of key impor- tance for developing relevant export strategies. In this study, based on the analysis of 81 Slovenian export firms with the majority active in the processing industry, we argued that firms can benefit from digital transformation in terms of expansion to foreign, more dis- tant markets, which is in line with Porter & Heppelman’s (2015) work that attributes strong impact on cross-border business operations to some Industry 4.0 technologies. The outcomes of this paper indicate that export busi- ness results are significantly related to effective perfor- mance of activities and actions that firms launch, direct, execute, and manage in their selected markets through their strategies, programmes, and operations (Jurše, 2017, 10) and are based on increased competitiveness through smart equipment, making use of information about high- wage locations, demographic changes, resources, energetic efficiency, and urban production (Heck & Rogers, 2014). In summary, the current study documents the positive link between implementation of Industry 4.0 and (a) ex- port market orientation, (b) exit internationalization into emerging markets, and (c) export performance. 7.1 Implications for managers Industry 4.0 is bringing many changes that represent nu- merous advantages or growth possibilities for firms, i.e. the possibility to expand to new, non-traditional markets, streamline products, adapt manufacturing without delays, and efficiently use resources and energy, in addition to causing firms to face new challenges. The findings of this study reveal that the business suc- cess of firms in international markets is significantly related to the managers’ commitment to exploiting the opportuni- ties and advantages provided to the firms by the emerging technologies, which is consistent with the finding of (a) Jurše (2017, 114) that in their efforts for cross-border mar- ket expansion, managers often come up against a series of restrictions resulting from various gaps in their own competitive potential and are reflected, inter alia, in insuf- ficiently perfected technological competencies of the firm, or (b) with the claim of Chiarvesio & Romanello (2018) that managers wishing to preserve competitiveness of their firms in the international arena invest in technological ad- vances. In the future, managers will ensure company perfor- mance mainly on the basis of good anticipation and for- mulation of customer demands as well as more efficient product distribution, which is inextricably linked to the implementation of digital technologies, such as BDA and IoT (Strange & Zucchella, 2017, 181). This study con- firmed this claim, as its results show that firms with digi- talized operations as well as systematically designed new export models, products, and selected markets achieve bet- ter export performance. The current study investigates whether and how the im- plementation of Industry 4.0 is related to the export activ- ity of firms and whether it influences decisions regarding export market orientation and diversifications to emerging markets. The findings of this study reveal that firms that in- vest in advanced technologies and realize digital transfor- mation are better prepared to compete internationally and achieve better export performance. The research findings may serve as an important guide for managers in the op- timal planning and management of export marketing and business activities. 7.2 Limitations and future avenues of research However, the study features several limitations. Every firm in the survey was represented by only one respond- ent, therefore the firm’s opinion could only be presented unilaterally. Another limitation is the focus on Slovenian firms. This limitation should be kept in mind when gener- alizing the results and transferring them to different (more advanced level of digitization) countries or even cultural contexts (different export business practices). The sample size (n=81), which is largely determined by the size of the country or, more precisely, the number of export firms, willing to correctly participate in the survey, prevented a more thorough comparison between indus- tries. The study sample featured few firms that are active in 241 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers non-manufacturing industries. The interpretation of find- ings reflects the general state of firms in all size brackets – from micro to large organizations. We suggest that in the future the authors include a higher number of respondents in an individual firm, fo- cus on the industry of an individual company, and also collect data for samples of countries that represent for- eign markets in order to be able to make an international comparison. Moreover, future studies could investigate for instance, what kind of export (direct exporting, indirect exporting) and what kind of products (high-tech products, pharmaceutical products, vehicles) are supported by In- dustry 4.0. 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Her research is focused on statistical methods in economics and business sciences, especially in the field of entrepreneurship, gender differences and behavioural differences between social groups in different fields of management. She has published over sixty original scientific papers, with several of them in the Scopus or WoS databases and has participated at several scientific conferences. Klavdij Logožar is an associate professor of international economy and business at University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business. His research work is focused on logistics and supply chain management, international business and international strategic alliances. 244 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Vpliv industrije 4.0 na izvozno tržno naravnanost, tržno diverzifikacijo in izvozno uspešnost Ozadje in namen: Obstoječa literatura s področja koncepta industrije 4.0 ne vključuje bistvenih empiričnih prever- janj, če in kako implementacija industrije 4.0 vpliva na izvozno tržno naravnanost, tržno diverzifikacijo in izvozno uspešnost podjetij. Namen prispevka je oblikovati okvir, ki podjetjem, na osnovi poznavanja vpliva industrije 4.0 na izvozne aktivnosti podjetij, pomaga pri spodbujanju njihove izvozne uspešnosti. Metodologija: Analiza temelji na raziskavi 81 slovenskih izvoznih podjetij, ki so v večini dejavna v predelovalni in- dustriji, z več kot 20-odstotnim deležem izvoza izdelkov oziroma storitev v celotnih prihodkih podjetja. Za obdelavo zbranih podatkov smo uporabili faktorsko analizo in večkratno regresijo. Rezultati: Dobljeni rezultati analize razkrivajo, da se podjetja, ki vlagajo v napredne tehnologije in uresničujejo digi- talno preobrazbo, lažje soočajo z mednarodno konkurenco ter dosegajo boljše izvozne rezultate. Zaključek: Naša raziskava je pokazala pozitivno povezavo med implementacijo Industrije 4.0 in izvoznimi aktiv- nostmi podjetij ter potrdila, da izvajanje Industrije 4.0 vodi k številnim spremembam v miselnosti in delovanju slo- venskih podjetij ter se dejavno odraža tudi na njihovih izvoznih rezultatih. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko vodstvenim zaposlenim pomagajo pri optimalnem načrtovanju in upravljanju izvoznega trženja in poslovnih dejavnosti. Pričujoča raziskava je dobra osnova za nadaljnje poglobljeno preučevanje odnosa med industrijo 4.0 in izvoznim poslovnim aktivnostim podjetij. Ključne besede: Industrija 4.0, Izvozna tržna naravnanost, Tržna diverzifikacija, Izvozna uspešnost 245 Organizacija, Volume 53 Issue 3, August 2020Research Papers Appendix Implementation of Industry 4.0. II4.0_1: Digitalization of business processes is crucial for the competitiveness of the firm. II4.0_2: Industry 4.0 encourages executives to design new export strategies and models. II4.0_3: The rapid flow of information and data facilitates overcoming time and geographical barriers. II4.0_4: The implementation of digitalization is supervised by competent executives. II4.0_5: The automation of manufacturing/business processes encourages us to create new products and/or expand to new markets. II4.0_6: New marketing (digital) channels are used to increase export sales. Export Market Orientation EO_1: We closely monitor the information on trends (e.g. provisions, technological development, politics, economy on export markets). EO_2: We continuously plan and monitor the firm’s activities connected to meeting consumers’ needs on foreign markets. EO_3: Executives in all positions in the firm are constantly in contact with current and prospective consumers on foreign markets. EO_4: Consumer satisfaction on foreign markets is often measured and carefully planned in advance. EO_5: Employees in the marketing department, along with employees from other departments in the firm, study future requirements and needs of consumers on foreign markets. EO_6: Information on consumers on foreign markets is available to everyone in the firm. EO_7: Executives frequently discuss advantages and strategies of competitors on foreign markets. EO_8: All departments in the firm take part in the export operations. EO_9: We respond quickly to marketing and other competitive activities of our competitors on foreign markets. EO_10: The export personnel are continuously in contact with the manufacturing department. Diversification Strategy into the dynamic markets of emerging countries DSDMEM_1: For our industry, fast developing markets represent long-term marketing potentials. DSDMEM_2: The uncertainty of the business environment is one of the key factors when deciding on entering the markets of fast developing economies. DSDMEM_3: The dynamic BRIC markets are crucial for the growth of our firm. DSDMEM_4: We consider China and India to be among economically the most dynamic and attractive developing markets. DSDMEM_5: We have properly trained marketing professionals to enter the emerging markets. DSDMEM _6: The strategy of diversification to developing markets has been assessed as risky. DSDMEM_7: We are interested in entering Asian developing markets with a young geographic composition and a growing purchasing power. DSDMEM_8: We only opt for non-ownership forms when entering fast developing high-risk markets. DSDMEM_9: The marketing activity diversification strategy on developing markets is designed in accordance with the firm’s capacities. DSDMEM_10: The firm’s international competitiveness is boosted with outward internationalization to non-traditional, fast developing markets. Export Performance EP_1: Satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) with the sales volume of our firm to foreign markets in the last 3 years. EP_2: Satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) with the export market share of the firm in the last 3 years. EP_3: Satisfaction (1 – very unsatisfied, 7 – very satisfied) with the firm’s entry onto foreign markets in the last 3 years. EP_4: Achieved (1 – very low, 7 – very high) average annual growth of the firm compared to the firm’s industry average growth.