I 63/2 I C£L ■ i ~ 2,n (Figure 1). The angles of the polygon at the points P.can be computed from their § coordinates according to Ogundare (2015) and Ghilani (2018), (Figure 1): C£L DC ■ c), Figure 2, if the real shape of the object deviates from the design shape. In such a case, in order to detect the outlying angles from their theoretical design values (J, J, ... J) it is proposed to use the adjustment of the polygon that is robust to outlying angles (Figure2). In this robust adjustment, the angles (J, J, ... J) are considered as measured with very small errors in the first step of the iteration. In this case, the design shape of the polygon is kept at the points for which there is no physical deformation of the object's shape, while angular deformations are detected at the remaining points. The detected congruent angles usually obtain very small random corrections v. Hence, in the final adjustment of the polygon with conditions on the detected congruent angles (Figure 2), these angles are treated as error-free. Finally the adjusted polygon (P1, P , ... PJ contains new coordinates x. + vx, y . + vand new angles J + v^. The angles for which vJ = 0 are detected as equal to the theoretical Edward Osada, Matgorzata Mendela-Anzlik | KOTNA IZRAVNAVA IZMERJENEGA POLIGONA STAVBE Z ROBUSTNO METODO M-OCENJEVANJA | ANGULAR ADJUSTMENT OF SURVEYED BUILDING POLYGON USING ROBUST M-ESTIMATION METHODS | 250-259 | | 253 | t = 1 | 63/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK ^ design angles f, whereas the angles for which vf ^ 0 are detected as outlying from the theoretical design d angles f , with the deviations equal to v^. cc -< D cc cc -i E cc — Figure 2: Flowchart of the proposed method. 3 TEST OF THE METHOD Figure 3: The polygon points 1, 2, ...16of the test object (51° 08' 33.2", 17° 07' 40.8") The test of the proposed method was carried out on the example of a building located in Wroclaw, Poland (Figure 3). The coordinates x,y of the corners 1, 2, 3, ..., 16 (Figure 3) are given in Table 1. The known theoretical design angles f and their corresponding polygon angles a (1) as well as their differences f - a are given in Table 2. The standard deviation of the position of the points is equal to CTp = 0.010 m, whence ct = ct = 0.0071 m (3). The computed standard deviations of the angles ct (4) are bigger than the xj yj ai angle differences f - a at the points 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 (Table 2). It means that probably at this thirteen points the polygon angles a. can be replaced by the theoretical design angles ff. Edward Osada, Matgorzata Mendela-Anzlik | KOTNA IZRAVNAVA IZMERJENEGA POLIGONA STAVI | 254 | POLYGON USING ROBUST M-ESTIMATION METHODS | 250-259 | M-OCENJEVANJA | ANGULAR ADJUSTMENT OF SURVEYED BUILDIN GEODETSKI VESTNIK I 63/2| At points 2, 11 and 16 the standard deviations of the angles a are smaller than the differences f. - a.. ^ It means that probably at these three points the polygon angles a cannot be replaced by the theoretical Cj design angles f , the polygon angles can be much outlying from the design angles. S 4 RESULTS == cc DC 4.1 Adjustment of the polygon with conditions on polygon angles The adjustment of the polygon considering error-free conditional angles (a = 0 grad), (Figure 2) leads ^ to a significant deformation of the polygon max^ rY) = 37.313 and the a posteriori variance of unit ri eight rows(B) = 9.788 that significantly exceeds the expected value ct0 = 1 (Table 2). This result sug- gests the existence of a physical non-perpendicularity of some of the building sides. In the following chapter (4.2), it is proposed the adjustment robust to outlying angles which makes it possible to detect the outlying angles from their theoretical projected values. 4.2 Adjustment of the polygon robust to outlying angles Further adjustment of the polygon with conditions on the object angles (Figure 2) is carried out iteratively. At every step the weightsp^ of the angles fare modifiedpf pf( vf) using a weight function f(vj, for example: 1) Huber weight function (Huber, 1981): 1 I v I < ra„ f M = v I > ror. (8) where r = 1.5 (Erenoglu and Hekimoglu, 2009). 2) Huber modified weight function (Osada et al., 2017): f (Va) = where r = 1.5. I v < ro a a \v„ > ro„ 1 + (9) 3) Hampel weight function (Hampel et al., 1986): f (Va) = a0a V I vl < ao„ {c - b ) jva 0 a0a < val< b0a b0a <\va\< COa (10) I va\> COa where a = 1.5, b = 3 and c = 6 (Erenoglu and Hekimoglu, 2009). Edward Osada, Matgorzata Mendela-Anzlik | KOTNA IZRAVNAVA IZMERJENEGA POLIGONA STAVBE Z ROBUSTNO METODO M-OCENJEVANJA | ANGULAR ADJUSTMENT OF SURVEYED BUILDIN N USING ROBUST M-ESTIMATION METHODS | 250-259 | I 255 | r Pv v v a 1 | 63/2 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK 4) Krarup weight function (Erenoglu and Hekimoglu, 2009): C£L ■ TO„ 1 + (12) where a, c are empirically selected parameters. 6) Yang weight function (Yang et al., 1999), f (Va) = aoa b — oa b - a I Va\< aOa aOa < Va\< bOa I Va\> bOa (13) where a and b are chosen as 1.0 — 1.5 and 3.0 — 6.0, respectively. In the case of the weight function (9) starting from initial small values of the angular standard deviation CJp = 0.0005, 0.0010, 0.0015... grad after a few iterations, the adjustment process has stabilized at the acceptable level of ct0 = 0.995 for cr^ = 0.0020 grad (Table 2). Finally only 2 outlying angles at the points 11 and 16 are detected, their corrections v ^ are equal to 1.2252 grad and -1.2245, respectively (Table 2). All other 18 angles obtain very small random corrections max(Vg) = 0.0002 grad (Table 2). Hence, in the final adjustment (Figure 2) these congruent angles are treated as error-free (a^ = 0 grad). The results of the detection of the outlying angles using all of the weight functions (8)—(13) are practically the same (Table 2). The modified Huber (9), Hampel (10), Krarup (11) and Kraus (12) functions give also very small, almost completely identical corrections at all other detected congruent angles (Table 2). 0 4.3 Adjustment of the polygon with conditions on the detected congruent polygon angles Finally, introducing zero-mean-error values for detected congruent angles to design angles c = 0 grad, and c = 10 grad for two detected outlying angles at the points 11 and 16, the adjusted polygon is not deformed: , (Table 2). The adjusted polygon contains the theoretical design angles fi. at the fourteen points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, for which the corrections v are equal to zero, Pi v f = 0 (Table 2). Only at the two points, 11 and 16, the angles are detected as outlying from the theoretical Edward Osada, Matgorzata Mendela-Anzlik | KOTNAIZRAVNAVAIZMERJENEGA POLIGONA STAVBE Z ROBUSTNO METODO M-OCENJEVANJA | ANGULAR ADJUSTMENT OF SURVEYED BUILDING | 256 | POLYGON USING ROBUST M-ESTIMATION METHODS | 250-259 | GEODETSKI VESTNIK I 63/2 | design angles fi , fi (Table 2). The deviations of the angles with respect to the theoretical design angles are Vp = 1.2257 grad and v = -1.2257 grad (Table 2). The coordinate differences Ax, Ay. of the adjusted positions of the polygon points x. + Vx, y + v. and the known database positions of these points x ,, y . do not exceed two times of the starting standard deviation values of the coordinates a = a = 0.0071 m (Table 1). xj yj Table 1: The measured and adjusted positions of the polygon points [m] Point Measured positions Adjusted positions Differences x x + v y+v. Ax Ay 1 7866.422 9011.471 7866.422 9011.469 0.000 -0.002 2 7857.797 9009.556 7857.783 9009.555 -0.014 -0.001 3 7860.151 8998.804 7860.163 8998.814 0.012 0.010 4 7855.610 8997.812 7855.616 8997.806 0.006 -0.006 5 7859.228 8981.528 7859.223 8981.528 -0.005 0.000 6 7852.404 8980.020 7852.402 8980.017 -0.002 -0.003 7 7853.298 8975.950 7853.304 8975.948 0.006 -0.002 8 7854.147 8976.131 7854.149 8976.136 0.002 0.005 9 7854.818 8973.129 7854.815 8973.129 -0.003 0.000 10 7853.970 8972.942 7853.970 8972.941 0.000 -0.001 11 7860.371 8944.064 7860.368 8944.060 -0.003 -0.004 12 7872.500 8946.500 7872.496 8946.503 -0.004 0.003 13 7872.305 8947.441 7872.308 8947.439 0.003 -0.002 -=c 14 7876.298 8948.241 7876.300 8948.243 0.002 0.002 15 7876.491 8947.300 7876.488 8947.307 -0.003 0.007 16 7880.458 8948.116 7880.460 8948.107 0.002 -0.009 Table 2: The polygon angles corrections The angles Values of the angles [grad] ä -ri s Kö -c c it o els Adj ustment of the polygon robust to outlying an gles Adjusted with detected congruent angles conditions Vertex E ar e — E ar -a a it etr or e Computet from coordinates Difference ¡3-a Standard deviation G 1 J us di < U ge n a (J o Huber modified Hampel Krarup Krauss Yang Huber 1 2 2 3 16 1 100 100 99.9706 100.1878 100.1878 0.0294 -0.1878 0.1454 0.1848 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100.0002 100.0003 100.0003 99.9909 100.1524 100.1524 100 100 3 4 4 2 300 300.0293 OQ nnxn -0.0293 0.2974 0.2844 300 299.9998 00 QQQQ 299.9997 00 QQQ7 299.9998 00 QQQQ 299.9998 00 QQQQ 299.9992 00 QQQQ 299.9803 QQ Q/1/1Q 300 5 /T 5 6 3 4 100 300 99.7737 300.0726 1 AA AQAV 0.2263 -0.0726 A AQAV 0.1975 100 300 99.9998 299.9999 QQ QQQQ 99.9997 299.9998 QQ QQQQ 99.9998 299.9999 QQ QQQQ 99.9998 299.9999 QQ QQQQ 99.9989 299.9996 QQ QQQ< 99.8449 300.0578 1 nn m2.1 100 300 8776 7 8 11 9 5 6 6 7 100 100 200 300 100.0807 100.3931 199.8685 299.3726 3AA 1Q1Q -0.0807 -0.3931 0.1315 0.6274 0.3557 1.4969 0.3080 1.5228 100 100 200 300 99.9999 100 199.9999 300 99.9998 100 199.9998 300 99.9999 100 199.9999 300 99.9999 100 199.9999 300 99.9995 99.9999 199.9995 299.9999 TQQ QQQQ 100.0232 99.9756 199.9393 299.9398 JAA AI QV 100 100 200 300 9 10 10 11 8 9 300 100 300.1819 99.9309 1 QQ Q7