Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! HOME Z££3~I033S 1 A -'Nca.9Niiyy 90t'i *idy •ay 3snoHiyno::i -n to£i ^»LUVtNlAN iSlUKSni^fj ritWSPAPER - ervmg m Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians Vol. 96 — No. 1 5 (I SPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 ISSN Number- 0164-680X 50C Slovenian Easter Traditions Left to right Susan Boyce, Vicki Zazula, author Heidi ollmorgan, Haley (baby), and Stephanie Zazula. *>y Heidi Kollmorgen CHESTERLAND, o. — n°ther Easter season has ,assed us by. Now I have two 'dren of my own to share e Slovenian traditions with. Verything seems so important 0 remember now so that I, too. can pass it on. The beginning of the Easter Reason always starts with Jtara Mama making krofe on ^je Sunday before Ash ednesday. They are always ne best when they are freshly 'bade and just cool enough to eat. Palm Sunday weekend is a ^ery busy one, too. When we ere hunger, my sisters and I ^0uld sit and watch Stara arna preparing the pussy ^‘l0vvs and ribbons for helrT* ^ben we were able to alway^t6.them’ there WaS about 1blckenng among us °ne had made a better that 9 °ne Wanted to admit alwa tara Mama’s was and Vs would be the best. •hy a yCar ^ Was ak>*e t0 sbow Pren aUgbter how Stara Mama Stara^M potica- °f course, Cert . Mama never follows a cun ln rec'Pe- Her measuring her^00165 ^r0m ber eyes and out ^n<^s’ and it always comes o the oven so-o-o good. thatT Part P^m Sunday to c Wou^d hke my children Sl0 !ntlnue is dressing in the for tinian ^at'oual Costume Mv 6 procession mto Mass. dres5SlSters and I would all other t08ether- helping each special WUh the skirts and had Jewelry- Stara Mama who PeClal People back home Piece"1^6 each of us a head-the fl iUt 1 wiU never for8et Vear i hng of pride 1 felt the Alba w5 a^owed to wear the S*Oven- ^ 35 if 1 Were a real All of tu" Woman that day! awav C Costumes are packed sS nf0w f°-- they are all to brin * ?T Us t0 wear- It will btemor- aClC 3 lot of 8°od CeT„^ ^ childfe’ a8ain for Easter Sunday is the most important day of all. Getting up early to attend Mass seemed so hard when I was younger. Now 1 enjoy rising with the sun so that I can join my family at Stara Mama’s and Stara Ata’s for breakfast of all the food that was blessed the previous day. Oranges, potica and Easter eggs begin the spread. Ham, Slovenian sausage and želodec with freshly grated horseradish complete the morning feast. Afterwards we visit and talk of Easters past while opening our Easter baskets. The end of the Easter holiday comes now in early April for our family. We remember the anniversary of Uncle Syl’s death whom we lost in Vietnam. He is in our minds all year long, but especially during the holidays. I was not fortunate enough to know this great man in person, but his spirit has been a part of my life from the very beginning. I am happy to share the memories with my children now. Being of the Slovenian nationality is important to me as I raise my children Haley and Dylan. The traditions of each holiday are a great part of what binds our family. Heidi Kollmorgen is the granddaughter of Florian and Mary Sekne of Wickliffe, Ohio. Otto Susec becomes doctor are our Congratulations to Otto C. Susec Jr. on a job well done! Otto is graduating from the School of Medicine at Ohio State University as a medical doctor — Doctor of Emergency Medicine. He obtained residency, his first choice, at prestigious Emergency Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Otto started first grade at St. Vitus, high school at Trinity High; and graduated with a degree in Biology from Ohio State University in 1990, and this year as a doctor of medicine from Ohio State University College of Medicine. Not wanting to waste any time, Otto is preparing to get married there on Saturday, April 23 to Miss Jayne E. Miller from Youngstown. All this at a young age of under 26. In addition, his cousin Mr. David Turk is also graduating this year as a doctor. A cousin graduated last year as a nurse. Otto’s parents Marija and Otto Sr. emigrated from Slovenija. Otto Jr. was their first-born. Martin is currently on double programs at Akron Law School. The youngest, Thomas, is in pre-med at Allegheny College, Pa. and is to follow Otto to medical school. The family resides in Geneva, Ohio since 1989. Slovenia signs Partnership for Peace LJUBLJANA, March 30 — Slovenian prime minister Dr. Janez Drnovšek signed the so-called framework document of the Partnership for Peace in the presence of NATO secretary-general Manfried Woerner at a meeting with the North Atlantic Council. Slovenia thus became the 14th country outside the NATO member states to have signed the document, and NATO officials several times stressed that Slovenia is the first country outside the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC) to do so. In grateful appreciaton of his leadership and dedication to the Slovenian National Home, and in recognition of his untiring efforts and sincere devotion to the proliferation of Slovenian music and culture through his melodic voice, be it known that the annex of this Slovenian National Home will be known from this day forward as the: Eddie Kenik Room -----------April 9, 1994------------- SALUTE TO EDDIE KENIK was a great success. The event took place at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue on Saturday, April 9 and was one of the greatest events ever held there with close to 800 persons in attendance. More details will be forthcoming. —Sylvia Plymesser Section 1 '-.arch 21, 1994 MECHO CITIZEN OF THE NORTHLAND- Joseph Kovach, son of Slovenian immigrants, is a living example of the American dream. Growing up in Ely. Joe first learned English when he attended school at age 6 1/2. He was a good student, excelling in arithmetic. His plans for higher education ended at age 10 1/2 when his father, Josef Kovac, was killed by runaway farm horses Joe went to work at Mantel « Hardware store and did chores with his two brother« and sister at the family boarding house. To heat the house, the boys picked up coal along the railroad tracks. They also picked berries, caught fish, and hunted game for food. At age 17, Joe went to work at the Ely-Winton Power Plant. He married Anna Ursula Owen in 1928. They had three daughters- Maxine, Barbara, and Jo Anne- all living. Joe and his brother John bought Matt Rom's Meat & Grocery Store In 1929. After attending insurance school in Hartford, Conn, in 1945, Joe opened his own agency. He Is best known for Insurance services to people and businesses on the Iron Range, Including Reserve Mining. He often assisted Slovenian people with legal and financial problems. He was a charter member of Kiwanis in Ely. and is active In St. Anthony's Church, AFU, the Jugoslav National Homs, and is an associate of the Slovenian Research Center of America. Joe is now 69, still spry, and a great fount of stories about Ely's early days. Sketch by Bob Cary AMFRIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 by Virgil E. Brown Executive Director Ohio Lottery Commission “What do they do with all that money?” How many times have you heard players ask that question as they spend a dollar for a Super Lotto or Buckeye 5 ticket? At the Ohio Lottery, we handle some $2 billion a year in revenue. Let’s look at how your Lottery dollar was used in the 1993 Fiscal Year, which ended June 30. • 6 percent of every Lottery dollar goes to the agent, or retailer, who sold the ticket. This commission is the key incentive to carry Lottery products, and makes them more available to more Ohioans. In Fiscal 1993, the Lottery’s 9,700 agents earned more than $119.5 million in commissions and bonuses. • 55 percent of every Lottery dollar is awarded as prizes to our winners. More than 300,000 Ohioans each day win prizes ranging from $1 to more than $4 million. In Fiscal 1993, Lottery winners received a total of $1.08 billion. • 5 percent of every Lottery dollar is used to pay operating expenses, including advertising, salaries, and the cost of the extensive computer network that ties agents into Lottery Central. We are proud that we have kept operating costs to such a low percentage. Any business that can gross $2 billion, keep operating costs to five percent of revenues, and show a profit margin of 35 percent is certainly doing something right. In Fiscal 1993, we spent $102.6 million on operations. • 34 percent, or more than one third of every Lottery dollar is returned to Ohio’s public primary and secondary schools through monthly transfers to Lottery Profits Education Fund. That fund was created in March 1988 to guarantee that all Lottery profits — 100 percent — are transferred to education. In fiscal 1993, those transfers exceeded $663.4 million. In August, the Lottery will mark the 20th anniversary of its first ticket sale in 1974. We are proud of this agency’s growth and accomplishments over the past 20 years, and we look forward to making more positive contributions to Ohio’s future. Virgil E. Brown has served as Executive Director, Ohio Lottery Commission, since January 1991. Mother’s Day Program On Saturday, April 30th St. Vitus Slovenian Language School Mother’s Day Program will be held in the school auditorium at 6:30 p.m. The general public is invited and there will be no admission charge. 300,000 Winners A Day. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 2190« Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio Am sending you this check for the paper and the rest in memory of my husband, Charles Kikel. Enjoy the paper very much. Fran Kikel Willowick, Ohio Enjoys paper Always enjoy the American Home newspaper edition. Otherwise wouldn’t know what is going on in my old neighborhood — and the other interesting articles keep me informed about our Slovenian heritage and events. Mrs. Joseph Masar Mentor, Ohio In Memory Enclosed is a donation of $25.00 in memory of Joseph and Rose Baškovič from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Baškovič of Cleveland, Ohio. In Memory Mr. and Mrs. Florian Sekne of Wickliffe, Ohio donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in loving memory of their son Sylvester Victor Sekne who was killed in Vietnam 25 years ago. In Memory Caroline Lokar of Euclid, Ohio renewed her subscription and donated an extra $10.00 to Ameriška Domovina in memory of her husband Rudy Lokar who passed away eight years ago. Parish bake sale St. Vitus parish is having a Sake Sale on Saturday, April 6 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. n the Social Room; and on Sunday, April 17 from 8:30 i.m. until 1 P-m. in the luditorium. Pastor, Rev. Joseph Božnar, isks everyone to please bring in donated baked goods. On Sunday after all Masses, a Breakfast of Sausage and Eggs will be available for $4 for adults and $2 for children. HOUSE RULES » ^ A FRIEND RECENTLY SENT ME THE POLLOWIN& N "RULES" THAT HE CLAIMS ARE BEING ENFORLC HIS HOUSE: T- THE FEMALE ALWAYS MAKES THE RULES. . P!- THE RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT AN TIME WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. |LpS 3- NO MALE CAN POSSIBLY KNOW ALL THE HU NEARLY ALL FEMALES ARE BORN WITH THIS KNOWLEDGE. a'~lF THeTfEMALE SUSPECTS THE MALE KNOWS THE RULES. SHE MAY IMMEDIATELY CHANGE => OR ALL OF THE RULES. 5- THE FEMALE IS NEVER WRONG -..eg 6- IF THE FEMALE IS WRONG. IT IS B^CAU OF A MISUNDERSTANDING WHICH WAS A DIRECT RESULT OF SOMETHING THE MAl DID OR SAID WRONG. T 7- IF RULE ^ S APPLIES. THE MALE MUS' g APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY FOR CAUSING MISUNDERSTANDING. -t B- THE FEMALE CAN CHANGE HER MlNP ANY GIVEN POINT IN TIME. S- THE MALE MUST NEVER CHANGE HIS Nt MIND WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CON» FROM THE FEMALE. e 4 0- THE FEMALE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ANGRY OR UPSET AT ANY TIME. ,L 11- THE MALE MUST REMAIN CALM AT A TIMES. UNLESS THE FEMALE WANTS HIM BE ANGRY OR UPSET. . g 1 2- THE FEMALE MUST NOT LET THE MA'-KNOW WHETHER OR NOT SHE WANTS H»v TO BE ANGRY OR UPSET. COMMCMTO: P.O BOX 999S1, CLEVELAND. OHIO 44199-09M Your passport to the world- Group Travel is economical... stimulating... FU^- ARUBA... $1449.00 • pp/do Special 7-night package: Airfare, accommodations a* * all-inclusive Bushiri Beach Resort, transfers, taxes. 261-1050 • Fax 261-1054 • 1-800-659-2662 Golub Funeral Home5 Blvd- 4703 Superior Ave. -17010 Lake Shore 391-0357 ‘Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute Fixed- Rate Home Equity Loans • Loans from $5,000 te $100,000 based on the equity in your home • Terms to fit your bud$e • Fast approval METROPOLITAN Ik Your Friendly Neighborhood Bank Bainbridge..............543-2336 Euclid..................731-8865 Chesterland.............729-0400 Pepper Pike............831 -8800 Cleveland...............486-4100 Shaker Hts..............752-4141 Cleveland Hts...........371-2000 South Euclid............291-2800 Willoughby Hills.......944-3400 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC T, love rou had chil and typ higl \ bei: La; anc bee cer 3 without not* . 1 Pr< the wt- mi liv in Cl c, tu ga at in ge 1 b, C th at al b, a; C( «1 d P n Rate subect to change v The fire and the fury by Stane J. Kuhar (Continued from last week) Chapter XI The Mushrooms of Steel (Part II) Tončka had matured into a ovely woman and a stomach round like a watermelon; she "ad just married and was with c 'Id. Her high cheek bones a" red colored cheeks were ypical of a Slovenian living h'gh in the baby Julian Alps.” e hugged and cried after , "8 reunited. I felt much like . a^a,rus’ ar'sing from the dead and having new life. The city of Cleveland had ecome a large manufacturing Center and site. Both Mate and Cyril kept thp’SSln^111610 them to whirh PlaCe °f emp'oyment ^h was but a short 10 liv ?te Wailc from where they llvid on East 62nd Street, panj' ^ °hio Gas Com- Th i ne company was originally Clev ii>°rated in 1846 as the CokeT City Gas ^*8ht & ture 0mPany to manufac- ».s. ar,inciai hrou St 0hl° GaS ComPany °ught natural gas to theV'land by 19°2 and bought and Hty °f Cleveland’s plant distribution complex. abrT brother cyril fold all been1 ^ p*ant as he had just aft made plant supervisor c0nir nearly 15 years with the sPokany’ Because he also deen.e another language he was Pie t aS °ne lhe few Peo' nu,pber oSfU?erViSe thC large Cvhi ‘Oreign employees. man and^his ^ Speak Ger" asset be • i Was h's greatest skills as Sl>,eS b*s feehaical "umber f Cre were now a at lhe rii° German scientists fhe man ant try'n8 to escape all of p nCSS in Germ; * burope. comDa! Un them t, Work thev^^66 wha IcouiH d‘d at fhis Fm ” “‘ushroom; is ov VVhat Cyril 1 Clev°VeHred ^e Pitt 0 ad had heavy airi0Unt of « Hand in f 8as efforts eased wit To meet this demand, a different system had to be devised to store the natural gas. Otherwise, they would have to develop huge containers to hold all the reserves of gas as demand for gas peaked at diffeent times of the year. Some of the scientists had , discussed for a number of years a method whereby the .gas could become “refrigerated” and therefore it would greatly reduce the size, or volume as Cyril told me, of the gas. This gas would then become “liquified gas.” The only major problem was what type of container to use and how to design and construct the tanks for easy access and use. By 1940 it was decided to build three spherical gas holders. That is, they were to be constructed in the shape of a sphere. Each spherical gas holder would contain 100,000 cubic feet of liquid gas. The inner shell would have about three-and-a-half percent of nickel steel with another three feet of ground cork for insulation purposes and an outer shell of ordinary sheet steel in a plate format. Cyril told me that the nickel steel was needed so that when the temperatures were low the steel would not crack as ordinary steel would due to contraction. The scientists even had special holders installed to withstand internal pressure up to five pounds per-square-inch. The pressure relief valves would take care of any abovenormal or average pressure. The base of each sphere also had a concrete apron designed to catch any overflow that could seep out of the tanks. The final and fourth tank was installed in 1944. This tank was quite different in shape in that it was cylindrical rather than spherical and could hold up to 160,000 of cubic feet of liquid gas. The insulation was different because three feet of mineral wool insulation was used for both between the inner and outer sides and also on the top of the tank. I had arrived in Cleveland on September 25, 1944 and Cyril helped me fill out an application form for employment at the East Ohio Gas company Plant No. 2 off East 55th Street and St. Clair. My first work day was October 6, 1944. —End of Chapter XI— Grdina — Faulhaber Tuneral Homes ^010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-3300 TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS Kuhar in Society Bulletin Congratulations to Stan Kuhar, Branch Manager of Society Bank, St. Clair-East 60 St. office who was the subject of a short article in the “Society & You” Spring 1994 bulletin. Under the heading “Community Developments” the article states: Stane Kuhar, manager for the St. Clair-East 60 St. office, continues his interest in U.S.-Slovenian relations. He worked with the American-Slovenian Catholic Union to bring the U.S. ambassador to Slovenia to Cleveland Jan. 9. Kuhar says this was Ambassador Allan Wendt’s first official visit since his recent appointment and that his talk at St. Vitus Catholic Church focused on emerging democracy in Slovenia. Overcoming the odds Edward Lucaire in his latest work, Celebrity Setbacks: 800 Stars Who Overcame the Odds, points out, among a number of things, those celebrities who were expelled, flunked out or dropped out of college because of poor grades: John Chancellor, Walter Cronkite, Rush Lim-baugh, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ian Fleming, John Steinbeck, Katherine Hepburn, Harrison Ford, Robert Red ford, Can-dice Bergen, Peter Falk. In addition, Lucaire lists Peter Jennings, John Cheever, and Humphrey Bogart as persons who never got out of high school. Did you know William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair was turned down by 18 publishers and Lord of the Flies by William Golding was turned down by 21 publishing houses? Oh yes, Ted Koppel’s nickname in school was “Dumbo” . RATE APY 12-MONTH CD 36-MONTH CD RATE APY •Annual Percentage Yields shown for 6-Month, 1-Year, and 36-Month CDs are accurate as of April 5,1994. Minimum deposit to open and earn APY is $500; substantial penalty for early withdrawal; rates subject to change without notice. THESE RATES ARE AVAILABLE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS. 'ffyawifield ?UHd ♦ It's a money fund that's FDIC Insured. ♦ It's a great account for short-term funds. + There are no penalties for early withdrawal. J.)7 Ml TODAY'S RATE* ANNUAL YIELD** Minimum deposit: $2,500 •Rate is variable and subject to change without notice. **lnterest compounded monthly. Monthly administrative fee and possible withdrawal access fee will affect APY. MADISON S.O.M. 12222 MADISON AVENUE 789 S O M. CENTER ROAD LAKEWOOD, OH 44107 MAYFIELD VILLAGE, OH 44143 348-8801 348-8806 METRO BEACHWOOD 7470 BROOKPARK ROAD , 3401 RICHMOND ROAD BROOKLYN, OH 44129 BEACHWOOD, OH 44122 348-8802 348-8807 ROCKPORT CEDAR CENTER 19739 CENTER RIDGE ROAD 2175 WARRENSV1LLE CTR. ROAD ROCKY RIVER, OH 44116 UNIVERSITY HTS , OH 44118 348-8803 348-8808 WEST BAY E. 185TH STREET 30020 DETROIT ROAD 798 E 185TH STREET WESTLAKE, OH 44145 CLEVELAND. OH 44119 348-8804 348-8809 LAKEWOOD CENTER WEST PLAZA BOULEVARD 14650 DETROIT AVENUE 7820 PLAZA BOULEVARD LAKEWOOD, OH 44107 MENTOR, OH 44060 348-8805 348-8810/255-1011 (Lake) WAl HOUSING „ . LENDER FDIC Insured G533 (fancUetal Euclid Retirement Village SOON TO BE_____________ A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • Private garden apartments • No endowment or entrance fee • 24 hour security • Planned activities •r Free transportation • 24 hour Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals Call Today for a Brief Tour and Free Lunch 25900 Euclid Avenue • Euclid, Ohio 44132 (216) 261-8383 3 > m c/> > D O o 2 > , APRIL 14, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 4 DEATH NOTICES ERNEST W. SCHNEIDER Ernest W. Schneider, 77, passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Wednesday, April 6. He was born in Cleveland and resided in the Collinwood area for many years. Mr. Schneider was retired from May-Fran Corp. where he was employed as a foreman. Ernie was the husband of Mary (nee Lonchar); the father of Mary Ann Schultz (IL), Ernest W. Jr. (Idaho), Rita Boucher (Col), and Keven (W. Va.); grandfather of nine; and brother of Yolanda Gibel and Katherine Zuber (Yugo.). Funeral services were held Friday, April 8 at St. Jerome Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Contributions to St. Jerome Church, in his memory, would be appreciated. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. MARY MANCHIR Mary Manchir (nee Trcek), 84, a former resident of Cleveland for 35 years, and recently of Gates Mills, passed away in Manor Care Willoughby on Tuesday, April 12 after a brief illness. Mary was born in St. Louis, Missouri. She was a member of Euclid Pensioners, Fisher Body Retirees, and Eastlake Golden Agers. Mary was a member of the famous Euclid Rockettes, a highstepping chorus line of ladies over 60. Mary retired in 1969 after 43 years as a power machine operator at Fisher Body Coit Road Plant. Mary was the widow of John; sister of Jean Kolman, Rose Kowakski, Helen Stoneman, Mildred Melden and Elizabeth Sinkovič (dec.). Friends may call at Zele Funeral Home Thursday at 452 E. 152 St., 2-4 and 6-8 p.m., where services will be Friday, April 15 at 9:15 a.m. and at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 6850 Mayfield Rd. at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Pain in Toes Sudden, agonizing pain in the toes may be caused by nerve inflammation. It usually strikes between third and fourth metatarsal bones in the ball of the foot. CAUSE: Compression of a small toe nerve between two metatarsal bones. Neglected, it leads to CHRONIC inflammation and overgrowth of the nerve. The head of the bone presses against another and catches the sensitive nerve between them. Each step rubs and irritates the nerve, making it painful to walk. For immediate relief, message the bent toes where pain seems to be located. A cold sensation may ease the pain. Lasting relief is possible by proper podiatric care. Do not neglect this irritation. If untreated, the nerve may become enlarged with sheath of scar tissue that may require surgery. Stephen G. Cafini DPM 6131 St. Clair Ave. (216) 881-4411 Frangie Fashions features beautiful new Slovenian T-Shirts Frangies Fashions company is owned and operated by Frank and his wife, Angie and son Edward Fujs. This American Slovenian company in Euclid, Ohio is the firm that created and produced the new flags for the newly independent Republic of Slovenia. Now they are embarking on a new venture by producing T-shirts, this time they have reproduced the historical emblem of the original Duchy of Carinthia A.D. 623 combined with the June 25, 1991 Slovenian Independence Day on the shirts. To purchase these handsome T-shirts, we urge all American Slovenians to contact Frangies Fashions directly by calling (216) 692-2099 or write to them at Frangies Fashions, 475 E. 200 St., Euclid, OH 44119. The Country Place. It feels like home. We offer the highest quality nursing care and rehabilitation services in a homelike, scenic setting. And we're conveniently located just off 1-90. • Short- & Long-term Nursing Care & Rehabilitation • Physical, Speech, and Occupational Therapy • Adult Day Care • Respite Care • Alzheimer Care • Social and Recreational Programs • Medicare and Private Insurance Accepted Wickliffe Country Place "The Community of Caring" 1919 Bishop Rd. • Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 (216)944-9400 In Touch Your newspaper is a way of keeping in touch with home. It means a lot. Mary & Ed Sadar Columbus, Ohio Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 Business Phone 692-2099 (Ja&/ucn£iP 475 EAST 200th STREET EUCLID. OHIO 44119 HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:00-4:00 THURSDAY 9:00-9:00 T-shirts Now Available ALL SIZES Men, Women and Children Outside Ohio CALL 216 692-2099 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A * >*• * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STOP IN AT BRONKO’S Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine — Owner - David Heuer * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * *- * * * *- * ♦ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★A Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 Coming Events Sunday, April 17 St. Clair Pensioners Annual Chicken and Pork Dinner at St. Clair Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Serving from 1:30 to 3 p-m-Social to follow. For tickets call 391-9761. Sunday, April 17 Slovenian Genealogy ^ sponsored by Slovenian American National Art Guild at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, 0-April 22 and 23 Slovenian Days in New York. All proceeds used for renovation of the Church o St. Cyril and for the outreach to Slovenian youth in New York Metropolitan area. Saturday, April 23 “Where But In America” concert by Jadran at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd., Dinner by Steffie Smolič-music by Mike Wojtila # Entertainers. Sunday, April 24 Holmes Avenue Pensioner5 Club Dinner Dance at Collto wood Slovenian Home, 158* Holmes Avenue. Music W Lenny Andexler Orchestra-Donation $12.00. For tičke*5 call 943-3784 or 531-2088. Saturday, April 30 Singing Society Zarja Midsummer Night’s ^rea^ concert, dinner and dance ^ John Vadnal’s Orche5tra Euclid Society Hall-tickets at $16, call 1-257-25 or 531-8402, or 531-5542. j Sunday, May 1 ^; Spring Brunch at 6417 • Clair Avenue sponsored “Friends of the Slovenian ^ tional Home Inc.’’ featur'd® entertainment by Edd> Sumrada. Doors open at **; a.m. with continuous servt For from noon to 2 p.m-tickets call 361-51*5 0 391-9761. Sunday, May 8 ^ Sunday Afternoon Dane from 4 to 8 p.m. at West Pdt Slovene Home, 4583 W-St. Music by Eddie Rodick-Sunday, May 15 Fifth Annual St. Vl Alumni Reunion Day. Tuesday, May 24 Annual KSKJ Mar0a Pomagaj Observance a* Vitus Church. Blessing ^ Marija Pomagaj Chape* Bishop Edward Pevec. 5>eL vices begin at 7:30 P-111 Security provided. Sunday, June 12 pay Annual Ohio KSKJ ^ Picnic at Slovenska Pr'-sta a with food, beverages, an , good time for everyone. Saturday, June D f. Spring Dinner Dance 110 ing “Holmes Hall Bu aires” at Collinwood 5 nian Home, 15810 ulla Ave. Music by Tony ^°X^ 1 Orchestra. Dinner ser^fofla' p.m. Music at 8 p.m- cail tion $13. For tickets 944-3697, 486-7551 CARST-NAGV Memorials 15425 Waterloo 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Commun'O^, 1 fl 1 s , ti I d K ! s V tl ti (I Vi c H b i b ’ N ei o fi ti si j is tl I tc I 5> K P a t; P it h; V ! c< . Vi t( Cl « w re A St. Clair Pensioners News How time flies. Here it is Thursday, April 14th and in a few days on Sunday, April 17th we will be at the St. Clair Slovenian National Home, sit-hng down to enjoy a delicious Jmner prepared by Milka tule, and sponsored by our f- Clair Pensioners Club, ill you be there with us on this occasion? ou forgot to buy youi ic et? You know the saying, , ever Put off for tomorrow at you should do today.’ Ur deadline for reservation: ‘“ Wednesday, April 14.., Jut just by chance... we maj e a le to accommodate you eJr GUARANTEES. Cal or t?r me> Stanley. at 391-9761 the Karnaks at 486-0818. hr*1 WfS 80 nice to Set a call tin m JosePhine Mohorčič let-sJa me kn°w that after hei “ back ^d 'nitial therapy’ she thera i10016 getting further toourH-and lookin8 forward surelnneronthel7th.Iam be there. Kovach 3 n°te from Angeia Petrowitsch Helen3 attend Our h- They’ to°’ wil1 tainly el nner- And 1 c Pi„ y exPect ^laVan there. "iissed y«. had ^ Joe ^gonc recer We hn C Serious eye surge comeh p\he wiU be able ^maVhe dinner-Althot tobelLT kn°W U’ I1 ne cordion d that J°e’with his atoup ' 15 a. member oi Week/ f musicians who oi tesiden. bas‘s entertain u S °fthe Neff Road ( 0me. In fact, I belii to see She has that Joe is looked upon as the leader of the group. I am sure that this gift of charity is most welcome and appreciated. As I said, it needs to be told. Joe, we hope your eye problem will be corrected. As announced in last month’s report, on March 20th John (Pinky) Trinko was St. Clair Slovenian National Home’s Honoree for the year 1994. The next day John with signs of chest congestion, had to check into the hospital. After a short stay and prescribed medication, he is home again and doing fine. Received a call with the news that member John Petrovič was rushed to University Hospital. Latest report is that he will have to spend some time in a nursing home for therapy. A card from friends could boost his moral. Send your cards to his home address at this time since I do not know where he will be placed for therapy. Joseph Wojciak has a handicap, but with the love and care of wife, Julia, they both attended many of our meetings. Julia also managed to have him go along on some of our bus trips. I admire Julia for her dedication to him and his needs. Lately Joe has been hospitalized and in two weeks has had three operations. He is in Charity Hospital and your cards can be sent there Your prayers will also be appreciated. Member John Kausek was well known by many, not only by members of our club, but 1994 MERCURY TOPAZ ! ^ir°S«UH^?nsmission • Cali?1*88 BUY IT OR LEASE IT! #9992 ^)]!LrT,(,ot:|os' ,a m0ntQt^V^t 4‘"80 cans dowryyjrade equivalent due on delivery. 4 S dowiat 71 49-TaPR ioiMrm1* a"1 * ^ ^ Paym“1B ~ 24 X W™"18 »g #9865 : ^ *7 ’»‘TLygiVMEi* Wl SWI ^ : SotfeRoof PER MONTH #9974 monttt payment « ^,_c^ d^ o, dad. cdpikc Fl^ C96?70m &.Thurs- Till 9 pm Tucs, Wed, Fri. & Sat. Till 6 pm "»enter Ave., Mentor, Ohio 9M-3191 • 357-7533 other organizations to which he belonged. Most friendly, and always ready to give a helping hand. That was John Kausek. During the past year John was plagued by a series of ailments, stays at the hospital, and eventually confined to a nursing home. His life here on earth came to an end on March 18th. He will be missed by many and especially by the members of his family and also by his devoted friend, Ann Filipič. We extend our sympathy to his family and friends. May he rest in peace. Although this column is primarily news and events con- ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Happy Birthday Mom! Born April 18, 1906 Mary Saurich Dearest Mother, Our love will be with you on this your 88th birthday. Your loving sons: John, Joe daughters: Mary Jane Jusek Ursula Zebkar and Families cerning Pensioner members, at times I feel the need to reach out beyond that circle. Today is one of those times. An unbelievable crowd of friends and admirers of Eddie Kenik filled the St. Clair Slovenian National to overflowing capacity on Saturday, April 9th on the occasion of the “Salute to Eddie Kenik” celebration. It was a day set aside to pay tribute to Eddie for his 40 years of outstanding service on the Board of Directors of the Slovenian National Home, 25 years as its President. Forty years ago, an energetic young man, talented in many ways with knowledge and skills vital to the operation of a complex such as our Home, came on board. With dedication, determination, countless hours of hard labor, and love for the Home, he became its leader and defender. 5 And who has not enjoyed listening to Eddie sing. I believe the Home and singing were equally important to Eddie. Gifted with a dynamic tenor voice, he has thrilled and delighted listeners not only in Cleveland and its surrounding communities, but also in many other areas of the United States. It was great to be a part of this Eddie Kenik celebration. In the “Salute to Eddie Kenik” souvenir book, (first page) Andy Cashen’s ad says it all. “Thanks Eddie Kenik Our Great Slovenian... Hvala Lepa... With Pride!!” Will see you at our Chicken and Roast Pork Dinner. And remember, our meeting date is Thursday, April 21st. Stanley J. Frank Secretary ira £ook 1^ was one of the main reasons he was picked as Comman After the war, Eisenhower became president of ^ umbia University, but he was soon called back to duty to lead the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Korea. However, during that time tb<-Republican party persuaded him to be their candidate, the 1952 presidential election. He was elected by the larg# popular vote in United States history. He suffered three major illnesses during his two term as President, but he became at the age of 70, the oldest President in office. Communist aggression in Asia, Afr>ca and Latin America caused one crisis after another. But even his critics never questioned Eisehowe honesty and sincerity. ___ This Historical Series is sponsored by.. AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION The American Mutual Lite Association, A. M. L.. A., irM1® you and your family to become members of our fraterna society that provides benefits and continuously prorriote fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common of heritage and culture. bonds A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance plans to so your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity Rid0r provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the future- Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurance needs and fraternal pleasures. tfgi, vD im in.itia as ms hovsasaa ZVSZA A ISOAL SStSRVS riatbwa*-■BEFIT •OOETT NCMFCHATID MARCH IS 19424 So. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH Phone: 1-216-531-1900— Fax: 1-216-531-*1 Joe (Jože) Zevnik Apprentice Funeral Director Funeral" home Finest Funeral Facility in Northeast Ohio 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road . Willoughby Hills, Ohio 4409* jana, Italy-le the th a is of per-[ and jirec-.'ision h the enian was 1936 corned ir .at in, ludes danc-folk-os by rious been any, I the riška last tion- Holmes Avenue Pensioners News On Wednesday, March 9th the meeting was called to order hy President John Habit. Antoinette McGrath gave her reP°rt on the events in the c°tnmunity. Antoinette attends various meetings and r!ngs back the news of the tteighborhood. Many thanks for an excellent report. Please if there are any stray °gs in your neighborhood, oall so they can be picked up. atch out for con-games; be 0n the alert. Sound barriers ^re now being applied to 1-90. e new library at Villa n8ela is now underway and a" °Pen house will be held in e fall. There will be a 0sPice building in our area. New trees are being planted. -------- ! r :ral ied s a in his her er- :oV tive aty the ; in jesf rins jest rica er’s tes nal tes nds ;uit to ire- Mil’ 1123 3 'f there are chuck-holes at need repairs. A Walgreen BWd WiU °Pen on Lake Shore n^I| Sunday, April 24 the an- b 9 ^Pfittg Dinner Dance will held at the Collinwood ^°Venian Home on Holmes Dinner will be served Ami ^ t0 iNfusic by Lenny and 6^er ^rchestra. Members to ŽUests are cordially invited 23 ^Ltenck ^ August 26, 27, bjo e Collinwood Slovenian 75thme wih be celebrating its dat ann'versary. Keep these d. es>nmind. On April 30th a ainne DO 4 i'nwi hon, er will be held at the Col-0°d Slovenian Home to . 0r the Collinwood Holmes fiuttonaires. Bet-well greetings to all S'Ck mernbers. Ann ^ Pancic had surgery. To our ^Orary President Gus f-^’hnkar who had surgery, j the family of John pat, s°n, our heartfelt sym- Path^ w^* *:>e misse^- Sym‘ E]e les to the family of awa1101 ^emec who passed mej, and our long-time to , Ler Mary Cambok as well Dur*1 ^ausek fatnily- Apfjj jjnext meeting was on At rePre Ur May meeting a slidesSentative will present cri^ and information on ja, 0uPrevention. Louise Fud-r trip coordinator, is now preparing some trips. Please notify her if there is any special place we can travel to. A lake cruise is planned in June. John Habit gave a report on the Fed. meeting he attended. Speaker at the meeting was Jennifer Koran. Sr. Vice Pres, of Roney & Co. She explained the different types of funds and annuities and corporate bonds. Happy Birthday to Jennie Kapel who was present, celebrating her 95th birthday. —Ann Stefančič Meeting St. Mary School Alumni is holding a meeting Wednesday, April 20 at 2 p.m. in the school cafeteria, E. 156 and Holmes Ave. Please attend and enjoy the afternoon. We are also interested in Associate Members who are St. Mary’s Church parishioners and are interested in joining. Please call 481-0330 for more information. Jennie Schultz Publicity Lady Yearly Meeting The United Altar Society is inviting all members to attend the yearly meeting on Sunday, April 24 at St. Christine’s. Participating groups are from St. Vitus, St. Mary’s, St. Lawrence, and St. Christine. We will meet in the church at 1:30 p.m. for rosary and benediction. After services we will gather in the hall opposite the church at 840 E. 222 St. in Euclid to continue with the meeting. —Marie Amigoni Kovacic honored by Latin Alumni Donation for the breakfast is $15.00. For tickets call Robert Novak ’46, at 391-3333. The event will be on Sunday, April 17. Mass is in St. John Cathedral, downtown Cleveland. Breakfast will follow in the Society-Marriott Inn. $ WE PAY CASH $ 'or Privately held Mortgages/Annuities * We Pay All Closing Cost * Fast Fundings * Call Us For A Quote Beneficial Funding Corp. 800-220-0906 E®rfolia Funeral Home ^hen that time comes we want you to know that we are here — to serve you — call us... °uis L. Ferfolia, Donald L. Ferfolia, ^°nald B. Ferfolia, Anthony Ferfolia Mary Ferfolia Lansky ^386 Lgg Road (at Broadway Maple Heights, Ohio 663-4222 — Taxes in Slovenia Slovenia now has three years’ experience in direct taxation, although there have also been major changes in the postindependence period. The tax on the profit of legal persons is payable by almost all legal persons who create a profit by means of profitmaking activity, although revenues from public finances, charity and non-profitmaking activities are not re-taxed. At 30 per cent, the tax rate is among the lowest in Europe (excluding tax havens such as Slovenian Financial Report LJUBLJANA, April 12 (Reuter) — Furniture maker Sijaj Hrastnik, the fourth Slovenian company to float shares in the national privatization scheme, will offer 19 percent of its equity to public investors, executives said. Director Marjan Porgar said Sijaj Hrastnik would issue 26,870 shares with a nominal value of 10,000 tolars. As soon as the privatization is completed, Sijaj plans to issue new shares in order to raise 2.5 to 3.5 million marks in fresh capital to invest in production. Three firms from Belgium, Switzerland and Italy were interested in becoming Sijaj shareholders but would not disclose their names. —Robin Slovenian Stock Market Report LJUBLJANA, April 12 (Reuters) — Slovenian shares firmed in sharply higher turnover, the Ljubljana bourse said. • Turnover doubled to 398 million tolars at today’s floor session from 189 million tolars the Channel Islands, Liechtenstein and Andorra). Natural persons pay income tax, which is levied on the following sources: personal earnings and income from farming, “activities,” capital, property and property rights. The sources for the tax on personal earnings are: wages, wage substitutes and other employment earnings in money, in vouchers or in kind. All sources of income are taxed progressively at rates between 17 and 50 per cent. on Monday. • 11 shares up, two down and three untraded. • Most active was brokerage Dadas, up 0.73 percent to 222,244 tolars on 782 shares. • Also active were SKB bank ordinaries, up 0.37 percent. —Robin • Cruise Alaska’s famed Inside Passage • Visit massive Columbia Glacier and College Fjord • Travel to Seward, nestled at the head of Resurrection Bay • Tour beautiful Kenai Peninsula and Turnagain Arm • See Fndicott or Tracy Arm or Yukatat Bay/llubbard Glacier • Cxplorc the shops and sighls of Juneau, the slate capital Slovenians More 7 Pessimistic In 1993 Slovenians realized that not everything connected with the European Union was fine and dandy. This according to the Eurobarometer 4 opinion poll, which Gallup of London has been carrying out for over 20 years. Slovenia was taking part in the project for the second time. Experts on Slovenia found the results of last year’s polls surprising. Slovenes were found to be more pessimistic than they were the year before; their support for the market economy is falling, and more of them believe that development is heading in the wrong direction. The number who believe that economic reforms are being implemented too slowly has also fallen. In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes. —Benjamin Franklin Visit the world's largest collection of totem poles in Ketchikan Relive the Gold Rush days in historic- Skagway Cruise to Valdez, the "Switzer land of Alaska,” Sitka, or Glacier Bay National Park Enjoy 20 meals and 7 nights of entertainment Plus 2 free days to explore \A ijszrelv'Wl beautiful Anchorage. VVvjSLOLil S Tiht jut i>cisoii, hasctl on dotihlt ottTi|>«int y. (216) 261 1050 1-800-659-2662 FAX (216) 261-1054 EUCLID TRAVElP"** 22078 Lakeihore Blvd. • Euclid, OH 44123 ALASKA 10-DAY TOUR AND CRUISE FROM $874* Book Now For the Best Vacation Value DeGRANDIS STATE SENATOR SHE’S NOT A CAREER POLITICIAN... Paid for by Irene for State Senator Committee. M.J. DeGrandis. Treas.. 10615 Lake Ave.. Clev. OH 44102 651 -VOTE (8683) ' FOR KIDS' SAKE Tl RE-ELECT JUDGE LEOD1S HARRIS Juvenile Court DEMOCRAT Eth«i Keith Treasurer • 1135 Brandon Road Cleveland Hts, Ohio 44112 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 199* Designs of Plečnik resurface in Slov. by Michael Z. Wise Progresive Architecture March, 1994 The late Slovenian architect who inspired Post-Modernists a decade ago emerges as a symbol for his newly independent homeland. Nearly half a century after Yugoslav Communists shelved architect Jože Plečnik’s plan for a cone-shaped Slovene parliament, the bizarre design has been resurrected - on paper, at least. The image of his monumental building now adorns Slovenian postage stamps and appears in section on banknotes issued by the tiny country that broke with the rest of Yugoslavia in 1991. Meanwhile, when Slovenian diplomats moved into a new consulate in midtown Manhattan this past September, they sought a distinctive way of decorating the reception area. Two Plečnik-designed lamp-posts taken from one of his newly restored bridges in the Slovene capital of Ljubljana provided the solution. The symbolic attention being accorded Plečnik in the two-year-old independent state represents a rare convergence of culture and politics; a posthumous triumph for an eccentric figure who sought to use the beauty and grandeur of architecture to instill in his countrymen a sense of their own dignity. The Slovenes’ rediscovery of Plečnik follows a series of exhibitions of his work that have traveled through Western Europe and the United States over the last decade. A student of the Viennese fin-de-slčcle master Otto Wagner, Plečnik emerged to forge his own idiom based on deep knowledge of the classical past. The architect’s model of the parliament, dubbed by Plečnik a “Cathedral of Freedom,” has become the centerpiece of the new Architectural Museum of Slovenia in Ljubljana. “The rediscovery of his plans for a Slovene parliament became a symbol for a common Slovene home,” said Culture Minister Sergij Pelhan in an interview. Several of PleCnik’s buildings in Ljubljana have recently been restored, including the Three Bridges at the heart of the city and Zale, the complex of 14 funeral chapels built alongside the main cemetery and entered through a pro-pyleum recalling Palladio. Mayor Jože Strgar says the city plans to construct a covered bridge over the Ljubljanica River according to Plečnik’s designs, next year. In 1947 Plečnik designed the parliament building to house the National Assembly of Slovenia, then part of Communist Yugoslavia. The design found some admirers, but according to the current vice president of the Slovene National Assembly, Lev Kreft, such a grandiose structure would have alarmed federalist leader Marshal Tito, and the Slovene leadership shrank from following through. A more humble building in white and green marble, with bronze sculptures of workers and socialist realist murals, was built in 1956. Plečnik died in 1957 after lamenting that he was “fading into the dusk,” replaced by a new generation of Modernists who admired the prevailing international style. “They wanted to hide his example,” Peter Krečič, director of the architectural museum, said of the Communist authorities. “But young people were curious about his work. Because he was rejected he became even more of a legend.” When independence was achieved after a 10-day battle against Yugoslav federal forces, an unofficial congress of emigre Slovenes met in June, 1991 and urged that the moment had arrived for the parliament building to be realized. “The idea still lives,” said Krečič. But Slovenian officials give little sign that it will become a reality amid current budgetary restraints. Culture Minister Pelhan said the existing parliament suits Slovenia’s needs at the present. “Our primary concern is that Plečnik’s buildings be preserved as part of our heritage,” he said. Krečič suggests that perhaps it does not really matter whether the cone-topped parliament ever looms over Ljubljana. “We should not turn it in to a Tower of Babel with all of its ambitions and pain,” he said. Thanks to radio announcer Paul Lavrisha of WKTX for submitting this interesting article. »ooooooooooooooooocosoocoooococoooooooosoc^ “SLOVENIA” RADIO SATURDAYS - 9 A.M. TO 10 A.M. Northeast Ohio and Western Pennsylvania! “WE BRING YOUR HERITAGE HOME” !:i WKTX AM 830 Paul M. Lavrisha Jbooooooeooooooooooooooooocoeooooooi ANNUAL STATEMENT - 1993 HOLY FAMILY SOCIETY - U.S.A. JOLIET ILLINOIS ASSETS 1. BONDS....................................................... 11,566,972 2. STOCKS............................................................ 90-917 3. REAL ESTATE..................................................... 724,015 4. CERTIFICATE LOANS AND LIEN ..................................... 273,891 5. CASH AND BANK DEPOSITS......................................... 2,258,803 6. LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS AND ANNUITY CONSIDERATIONS DEFERRED AND UNCOLLECTED......................... 529,072 7. INVESTMENT INCOME DUE AND ACCRUED................................ 143,563 8. ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT.............................. 54,744 TOTAL.................................. 15,641,977 LIABILITIES, SPECIAL RESERVES AND UNASSIGNED FUNDS 1. Aggregate reserve for life certificates and contracts............................................... 8,252,534 2. Aggregate reserve for accident & health certificates.................................................. 268,395 3. Certificate and contract claims: 3.1 Life...................................................... 150,000 3.2 Accident & health......................................... 360,000 4. Premiums & annuity considerations received in advance including accident & health premium..................... 134,394 5. Certificate and contract liabilities not included elsewhere: 5.1 Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR)......................... 160,577 6. Commissions to fieldworkers due or accrued: Life and annuity...................... 4,402 Accident & Health..................... 22,039 26,441 7. General expenses due or accrued................................... 60,00 8. Taxes,licenses & fees due or accrued.............................. 16,°87 9. Unearned investment income......................................... 6,84 10. Mandatory securities valuation reserve........................... 168.501 TOTAL LIABILITIES......................... 9,603,773 11. Unassigned funds............................................... 6,038>204 TOTAL.................................... 15,641-977 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (ACCRUAL BASIS) ==============:=:==========: ss=5:===:=: Premium and annuity considerations.......................... Net investment Income....................................... Amortization of Interest Maintenance Reserve (IMR) ......... ==;,238a69 1,008,683 21,9°7 TOTAL, 5,269,053 Death Benefits..................................... Matured Endowments................................. Annuity and old age benefits....................... Disability,accident & health benefits.............. Surrender benefits................................. Increase in aggregate reserve for life & health certificates & contracts.................. Commissions on premiums & annuity considerations, General insurance expenses & fraternal payments.... Insurance taxes, licenses & fees................... Increase in loading on and cost of collection in excess of loading on deferred and uncollected premiums.............................. 1, 160.337 29,483 4,620 856,364 130.617 694,876 386,432 58,673 33,262 TOTAL, 5,158,31* 14. Net gain from operations before refunds to members.................................... 15. Net gain from operations after refunds to members.................................... 16. Net realized capital gains or (losses)......... 17. Net income..................................... UNASSIGNED FUNDS AND SPECIAL RESERVES ACCOUNT 110,?4S 110,746 ===================:=======:========:=====:==:===== g b C I l f t: a t I r t l 1 1< I v 5 a c t c I f a c \ i s 1 1 s 1 I I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Unassigned funds and special reserves December 31 previous year.................................. Net income from operations................................... Change in net unrealized capital gains or (losses)........... Change in non-admitted and related items..................... Change in mandatory securities valuation reserve.................................................... Net change in unassigned funds and special reserve for the year....................................... Unassigned funds and special reserves December 31 current........................................ FAILURE OF THE ITEMS TO ADD TO THE TOTALS SHOWN IS DUE TO THE DROPPING OF AMOUNTS LESS THAN ONE DOLLAR 5'9,2,S no.?*’ 12,667 20,324 (18,121) 125,615 6,038.2°* Report of the Organizational Committee of the American Slovene Congress 9 The American Slovene Congress “Working Symposium,” held February 26 in New York City. heard the following report by Professor Rado L. Lenček, who was one of the five members of the organiza-honal committee. The report appears in abridged form. Ladies and gentlemen. I hng you greetings from the institute on East Central Eu- r°Pe of the School of Interna-honal Affairs at Columbia University, whose Director, professor Deborah D. Milen-*0vich, and Asst. Director, r- John Micgiel, have been Warmly supporting Slovene Ujhes in our programs here Columbia, as well as our rganizational efforts in merican Slovene activities at 0ur University. 1 have been asked to say a words on the 300 days of ry °f this organizational of the ASC as it svnin6 ■ t0 PrePare today’s able to‘dTso. "H" ^ t0 bC veneAtpthe symP°siuni “Slo-held in mT in America,” 1, igo, ew York City on May elected t & 8r°Up of five was Work f ° prePare the ground-an nr °r t*le establishment of tresem'?11011 that WOuld be Sloven atlVe Americans of State, deSCent in the United °rgan' nCe estabiished, this ^anizat^n would affiliate as ntonomous part of the World Slovene Congress, which was founded in 1991. “The members of the committee are: Dr. Joseph Bernik, Dr. Silvester Lango, Professor Rado L. Lenček, Dr. I. Hilary Rolih and Dr. Rudolph M. Susel. The committee has been based in New York City, with one member. Dr. Bernik, in Chicago, and another, Dr. Susel, in Cleveland. The cooperation in the committee, I am glad to report, was wholly coordinated, close and expedient. “Let me stress that the organizational committee, in its discussions of the projected American Slovene Congress, remained within the bounds of the original intent to create an indigenous representative and autonomous American Slovene Congress to further the common interests of Slovenes and their descendants where-ever they reside. “The committee’s first official meeting took place September 7, 1993. A conceptual plan of action was discussed. We spoke in a general way about the concept of a possible American Slovene organization able to bring together the many distinctive segments of the American Slovene community in the United States. “From October until early December of last year, our committee worked on the text of the constitution and bylaws of the American Slovene Congress. The committee also prepared a statement on the preparations for the Congress and an invitation to join and support the idea. The committee also set the date for the working symposium of the planned Congress for February 26, 1994, today, in New York City. “Early in January, thanks to the help of Dr. I. Hilary Rolih’s family, the text of the proposed constitution and bylaws for the American Slovene Congress was prepared, typed and printed for distribution. Subsequently, eight of the most representative American Slovene fraternal organizations were selected and approached with an invitation to take part in our initiative. “In mid-January, between the 15th and 25th, about 230 individual letters,- each containing a personal invitation, a copy of the proposed constitution and bylaws of the American Slovene Congress, were mailed. “On January 20, the organizational committee sent an announcement of today’s working symposium and an invitation to participate to the presidents of the eight fraternal organizations. “During the first part of February, the committee prepared a news release on the working symposium, which LOVENIAM J, r r n\/AL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 22 & 23 ___________All proceeds will be used_________ for the renovation of St. Cyril's Church_ and for The Slovenian Youth Fund in New York God's blessing on all nations, Who long and work for that bright day. When o 'er earth's habitations. No war, no stnfe shall hold its sway; Who long to see That all men free No more shall foes, hut neighbours he F. Prešeren it^lPSTAM FESTIVAL 1*|jp r.l^**»SORED BY THE - VHURCH OF ST. CYRIL uml soloist fa.,, anln ii IQNAL information FRIDAY 7:00 pm SLOVENE NATIONAL THEATER PRESENTS: "DEARLY DEPARTED, DEAR HUSBANDS" Polona Vetrih - actress Alenka Naber - pianist St. Cyril Church Auditorium 62 St. Marks Place, New York, NY Admission $20 Children FREE SATURDAY 11:00 am - 1:00 pm DISCUSSION OF THE PROGRAMS AND PLANS OF THE AMERICAN SLOVENE CONGRESS Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, Room 1512 420 West 118th Street, New York, NY For information call Dr. Silvester Lango (914) 636-3368 evenings 7:00 pm CULTURAL PROGRAMIDANCE Guest performers from: Cleveland, Ohio: Ensemble Hank Haller Ken Umeck - soloist Ljubljana, Slovenia: Polona Vetrih - actress Alenka Naber - pianist Raffles with Great Gifts & Cash Prizes Homestyle dinner and refreshments. Our Lady of Hope Auditorium Eliot Ave 8 71st Street Middle Village, Queens Admission: Adults $15 Youth (S-1S years) $7 Silvester Lango, MD (914) 636-3368 after 7 pm Darja Gačnik (212) 682-5896 was printed in the American Home/Ameriška Domovina newspaper on February 10 and 17. “Finally, on February 15, courtesy copies of the ASC constitution and bylaws, with an invitation to join us at the symposium today, were sent to diplomatic representatives of the Republic of Slovenia in the United States and Canada, to the president of the Canadian Slovene Congress, and a courtesy copy of the proposed constitution to Dr. Irene Mislej, president of the Conference for the Republic of Slovenia of the World Slovene Congress in Ljubljana. “Thank you for your attention.” Drnovšek talks on Slovenia The following extracts are from an interview with Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Janez Drnovšek, published in the Saturday supplement to Delo daily newspaper, March 19. Q. What is your view of the overall economic situation in Slovenia? • Drnovšek: Whatever else, it is better than it was. There are many signs that things are taking a turn for the better. We are already investing to some extent. After some time we have returned to economic growth. Many companies have adjusted to the new demands, although it has been very painful and there have been many bankruptcies, lay-offs, and so on. But these have been simply unavoidable. Of course, there are also problems. Throughout this arduous transition to a new state, a new system and new markets we have not fundamentally reduced our standard of living, but have maintained it as it was-relatively high. Today, too, there is a reluctance for sacrifice of any kind, be it in wages, social transfers or whatever. This is perhaps our greatest problem. Admittedly, there are some who think we will be able to accomplish this adaptation, this transformation, with no additional tightening of belts, while some think otherwise. We are therefore being cautious at the moment. Q. Are you gradually going to resume using the once-popular phrase about Slovenia being a success story? Drnovšek: Interestingly, it has now started to be used more abroad. Q. Yet you seem to have subtly discarded it. Drnovšek: We haven’t discarded it. As you will recall, we used it before the elections. Q. Obviously it is the classic industrial sector that is the main driving force in the start of the new economic growth. Drnovšek: This is true, particularly medium-sized com-panied and also small ones. In fact, we expected this. Import orders and business optimism have been growing in many companies lately. Anothecvery important thing is that after the shake-up in east-central Europe, the West has attempted a great deal in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Now, although we are more expensive, it is noticing more and more the difference in quality, deadlines, management and market behavior between Slovenian companies and companies from those countries. People are turning more and more to the Slovenian market. Q. This should also be reflected in foreign investment interest in this country. Drnovšek: For now it is reflected in orders, which is the most important thing. There is perceptible interest in Slovenia from foreign investors, although they are often guarded in their approach because of our internal inconsistencies. Our attitude to foreign capital is equivocal and the question is, do we want foreign capital at all, or do we want only Slovenian capital? It is as if any foreign capital were a threat to the national interest. I hope this is a passing phase and that we will prove capable of a balanced view; that is, that foreign capital will interest us if it brings qgw jobs, increased capacity, and so on. —Slovenia Weekly left to right Frank Sajn, Pauline Wasnicki, Sheila Salato, Ann Barbish, Mary Schume, Jim Savastano, back row, left to right, Pat Salvato, Warren Fabian and Ron Lončar. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 10 My views of Slovenia by Lojze Peterle Foreign Minister (Extracts from a lecture at the Aspen Institute, Berlin, February 2, 1994) (From magazine Slovenia) When I was first in Berlin more than 20 years ago, the world was clear and unambiguous. It was known who stood on one side of the curtain, and who on the other. The enemies were well-defined. When I was asked to remove my shoes and turn out my pockets for due inspection, I experienced this unambiguity personally. Then the Berlin Wall came down (on the east and west sides) and the Iron Curtain came asunder from the Baltic to the Adriatic. Yet one fine June mornng in 1991, that same unambiguity still was maintained in the former Yugoslavia. As young soldiers were dispatched to the tanks, they were peremptorily told: “The enemy is attacking from the north and the east. Let us defend Yugoslavia!” Even though no enemy had attacked either from Austria or from Italy, and Yugoslavia itself needed no defending, for it was dead even before Tito’s death. The death of Yugoslavia began with the Serbian dictatorship after the First World War and continued with the communist dictatorship after the Second. The success on the part of the late Yugoslav premier, Mr. Markovič, in misleading the West into believing that a stick was needed for greater discipline in the country, was unable to prevent the definitive break-up of a coun try that had been leading a forced and artificial existence for over half-a-century, an existence in which peoples were not at ease, since the problem of the former Yugoslavia was not a question of discipline, but a question of human rights, the rights of peoples and plain dealing (whoever demanded a plain deal was politically suspect). Yugoslavia could not be transformed on the basis of totalitarian order with the premise of domination by the numerically strongest people and with threats by the communist army, which became a state within a state.' Slovenia, aware of the pro-ilems that had accumulated in the course of history, proposed together with Croatia a new state organization in the form of a confederation which, in accordance with the Helsinki and Paris charters, would observe the existing borders and respect the rights of the numerous national minorities. A formula was proposed and, moreover, was workable, but it was rejected by Serbia and Montenegro. Then it began. Let it not surprise you that it began in Slovenia, which lies v jn one of Europe’s most windswept arenas, an arena that has lived through numerous wars, occupations, divisions and migrations. Some of the last battles of the First and Second World Wars ended on Slovenian soil. Here it was, then, that the assault on Slovenia began the bloody episode of Yugoslavia’s tragic demise. In Slovenia’s case it was not a matter of civil war, as some would portray it, but a distinctly political war in which the two principles of democracy and totalitarianism did battle. In this connection let us call attention to the unfortunate inversion exploited by some: the claim that Slovenia of its own political will caused the break-up of Yugoslavia. Slovenian independence is a consequence, not the cause. The failure of the Yugoslav army in Slovenia was followed by the assault on Croatia, and then the assault on Bosnia and Herzegovina - only there did civil war result, which continues its horrific progress to this day. Slovenia won its freedom thanks to a political will expressed by plebiscite, well-organized defense and the patriotic unity of the population. Assistance was rendered by the exceptional attention on (Photo by Tony Grdina) the part of the broad international public and a large section of politicians. It certainly proved to our advantage that there is no Serbian minority in Slovenia and that the Yugoslav army underestimated us. Independence was followed by the start of efforts toward international recognition, which we gained from the member states of the European Community on January 15, 1992, and from the United Nations some months later. We still sometimes hear opinions that this came too soon. Our opinion is the delay only served the aggressor. In this connection let us touch on another question, which has arisen frequently: why is Yugoslavia disintegrating when Europe is integrating? Our answer: integration is possible only for sovereign entities with a democratic order. Yugoslavia was not developing in this direction. Slovenia was and is in favor of integration - but according to European political standards. It is in this sense that one may understand Slovenia’s political will for inclusion in the Euro- pean Union and for security assured within the European security system; hence our cooperation with EFTA and the first free trade agreements with the countries of the so-called Visegrad group. With an ever clearer Central European identity, appropriate to it in terms of geography, history, culture and civilization, Slovenia is integrating successfully. Since gaining independence, the country has achieved good macro-economic results, having substantially reduced inflation, enlarged its currency reserves, achieved a favorable balance of trade, and so on. We still have much work ahead of us in the micro-economic sphere, however, in connection with privatization and the rehabilitation of the banking , system, which are currently underway. Admission to the CSCE and the Council of Europe, agreements with the European Union and the start of talks on associate membership, an invitation to the Partnership for Peace initiative, the above-mentioned economic results and other things indicate that Slovenia has successfully established itself as a state. Slovenia’s location at one of the major European crossroads with an importance for transit, constitutes an advantage to development in times of peace and a drawback in times of political instability When we reflect on the new European home, we naturally cannot overlook the unrest nearby, for Slovenia today constitutes the south-easternmost edge of peaceful Europe. After all the historical tribulations that Slovenes have endured, we have a profound interest in lasting peace and stability in our geographical environs. The events we are witnessing in the Balkans do not fill us with optimism in this regard. Too great a section of the political world overlooks the fact that changes in Croatia and Bosnia have created substantially altered strategic conditions in this part of Europe, which may be a long-term source of instability. The removal of the bipolar structure of Europe has not been followed by the fulfillment of a concept of new coexistence in which there would be room for all identities. On the contrary, spheres of interest are once more astir. The continuation of the war in Bosnia is evidence of this. In connection with the war, the question has often been raised of whether the international community has acted appropriately in providing humanitarian aid with considerable sacrifices and imposing economic sanctions against Serbia and Montenegro, and yet, despite the unequal balance of arms, standing firm on the embargo on the import of weapons and abstaining from any form of military intervention among the warring sides, even to protect the humanitarian aid convoys or to enforce the ban on military flights, passed by a Security Council resolution. It is my view that misdiagnoses were made of the crisis in the former Yugoslavia and the wars in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia, and that the therapy has therefore also been wrong. I believe that, with a firmer stance against the aggressor, far more might be achieved, even without military intervention. For we must not forget that the aggressor had the army of the former Yugoslavia at its disposal, and thus great superiority in weaponry, and could assert its aims by force. Unfortunately, however, there were too many differences in assessments of the actual situation, which allowed the aggressor to expect that its acts of aggression would sooner or later be recognized. Today it is too late for intervention to prevent the formal confirmation of forcible gains and the genocidal eviction of the population. The world is nevertheless faced with the dilemma of whether or not it should intervene to bring peace at last. Here, too, I think we can see the consequence of a wrong assessment, namely that the peoples of the former Yugoslavia should be left to annihilate one another until they tire of it. Nonethe£^ precisely this escalation hostilities has led to c°n,^ quences which are *3ecornn(i ever harder to resolve which will have ill repetcUS even sions for the future, though actual hostilities ^ so far not spread beyon . Bosnia 3 of territory Croatia. Janša replaced by Jelko Kacin LJUBLJANA, March 29 In the small hours of morning, the Assembly relieved Jn°e 0f of his duties as Minister. Defence and ap ppointed Jelkj Kacin, a former Minister Information, in his place- ^ replacement had been air for a week, since the ^ dent in Depala Vas, operatives of the speci3 Moris used physical v‘° ehejr in • - nf 1 replacement to Assembly, gave arresting one former colleagues. Dr. Janez Drnovšek, ^ ^ submitted a proposal 0 j ,he N„> c an in' that the incident was ,ofl stance of military 'nSt'w|1jcl' into the civil sphere, ^ ^ legal experts considere in breach of existing e ^ tion and internationa dards of the rule of l3^’ ^js Mr. Janša said tha ure-removal from office was P no bast«. ly political, with no ethics or the legal order, ^ ^ the same time speculate ^ the Prime Minister ha hi5 forced to Pr°PoSe.eSse^ dismissal. He also e*P ^glt his opinion that a tho inquiry into the Dep3 incident would rtev completed. _ ,n Return of a{ Slovenan Rogaška Springs, th \i company of Rogaš n o winding down produC # the soft drink Trim* >1, drink will be replaced ’ $ manufactu^ formerly Slovenia by Radens 3 nership with the Ger . ^ ■ Kajo Internal # convinced^ pany Rogaška Deit, which will be 3 with vitamins, be a# positive addition t° of health drinks • I f i i n e e d f [ a I 0 if ( • 1 i e r o ie d n I- n :)1 »e V V is 9' in d d is :d if }S >C n? is of lit’ in rt' n1' a1, | in1 a The Slovenian Tennis Players New York, September 14 — The American tennis championship “1993 U.S. Open” ended without participation of any Slovenian tennis players. They may not have been eligible to enter the U.S. Open. The following are “Up and Coming” Slovenian tennis Players whom we will hopefully see in the near future. MARTIN HORMEC is ranked No. 15 in the world among the “Boys’ Singles Junior World Rankings” according to the “International Tennis Federation,” based on P ayers’ results in tournaments trom January 1, 1993 to August 23, 1993. This stunn-'ug success is followed with .mec being listed as No. 22 'U the world among “Boys doubles.” ROMAN KUKAL is ran 2’ in “Boys’ Sing °ng the “Junior W ankings” and No 2g Doubles.” inthT?8 the “Girls Sing Llinx Un'0r ^orld Ranki odmila richxerc 51 res^nt'n8> Slovenia, Worle,nitis ranke(J No. 7 ir ev • Richterova’s succe n better among “C g es- She is ranked S,^0t.her Player represenl SAv"‘a is ZOZANA NI 18 aK°VA. She is ranked I among the “Girls’ Doul ^°r World Rankings.” si iC Can onfy sPeculate 1 2 Hj*,8 with names 1 are terova an"1 inoff tennis at age?Started pla bies8uchtlandenjoyS, and reading. klm8: ICe ska teanRJ? ZIVEC-SKGU Under h ° uW'th 3 career t her ban? belt and $64>38 Single?, a"COunt- Ranke but in ,tNo' 186 at Pres n the past she aln ^8h as No'. ^ nn°riSepteni 1973 t 0n SeP Patente 8’ Germai en8in!S are Marko 1 ten? r’ and Irena Uncle* C°?h- Ma3a CoachesW ° are a'5 amTa!pNA KRIŽAN Mam? tennis Pla’ C^'s.sir“- N0 Smgles ran] carp? 3 during 19 MarpU ■ She was Marjan 18’ 1974 tc P'ayn?andSonja-T ying tennis at ai now likes to listen to the music and travel. MARK TEPES of Williamsburg, Virginia recently finished fifth in a Mid-Atlantic Tennis Association in Richmond. The rising senior at “Lafayette High” hopes to do better next year in the category of “National Boys’ 18 Singles.” Now barely 17 Tepes complains of his busy schedule combining attending the school full time, actively participating on his high school swim team, taking private tennis lessons with a professional coach, working at part time jobs such as assisting at the tennis club, other various odd jobs like stringing tennis rackquets. This busy schedule, Tepes says, leaves very little time for taking care of chores at home and dating girls. Mark’s father Konrad com- . plains even worse at the escalating costs of raising a tennis prodigy. The figure could be anywhere between $20,000 to $30,000 per year. The more successful a child becomes, the more it costs to keep him or her competitive. The ultimate dream is to make a champion. The more immediate goal is to keep him or her healthy and, at best, try to get a good college education with a tennis scholarship. —Kathy Tepesh The best sit-up Unfortunately, sit-ups won’t reduce observable fat around the waist — but they will strengthen abdominal muscles and thus can prevent or alleviate back problems. Yet many people do sit-ups improperly... The safest, most effective way to do a sit-up is to lie on your back, keeping knees bent. Contract the abdominal muscles and press the lower back into the floor, which will cause the upper body to lift up. It is necessary to come up only to a 30 to 45 degree angle. The safest arm position is to cross them behind the head with the hands placed on the opposite shoulders. News Amount of U.S. budget that goes toward foreign aid: 1 percent. Amount of U.S. budget that goes toward the military, including indirect costs: 30 percent. Largest recipients of U.S. foreign aid: Israel and Egypt, which receive 36 percent, including 88 percent of U.S. military aid. Ratio of trees cut in tropical forests to trees replaced: 10:1 Cost of one B-2 bomber in 1992: $2.2 billion Radio Programs Each Sunday on WJAT, 1560 on the AM dial in Eastern, Ohio, the following programs are broadcast: 11-noon — Al Markič, Harry Faint Noon - 1 p.m. — German with great Alpine oompa-pa sounds. 1 - 2 p.m. — Habat Polka featuring Wayne and Mark Habat. 3 . 4 _ Polka Habat with Bruce Barrigay (formerly Burger) 4 - 4:30 — John Pestotnik featuring button box music. 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. — Linda Cimperman with the modern sounds from Slovenia. —John Habat Renowned Slovenian business couple Vince and Mitzi Globokar, of Globokar’s Marathon Service Station, 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. RECIPES— Sweet & Sour Chicken 10 medium-size skinless, boneless chicken thighs (about 2-1/4 pounds) 1 bunch green onions 1 large red pepper salad oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 20-ounce can pineapple chunks in juice 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup cider vinegar 2 tablespoons catchup 1 teaspoon cornstarch 4 teaspoons soy sauce About 50 minutes before serving: 1. Cut each chicken thigh in half; trim fat. Cut green onions diagonally into 1-inch pieces; slice red pepper into 1/2-inch thick slices. 2. In 12-inch skillet over medium-high heat, in 1 tablespoon hot salad oil, cook green onions and red pepper until tender-crisp, stirring frequently; remove to bowl. 3. In same skillet over medium-high heat, in 2 tablespoons hot salad oil, cook chicken thighs and salt, half at a time, until chicken is cooked through, about 15 minutes, removing chicken to plate when it is done; discard any fat remaining in skillet. 4. Meanwhile, drain pineapple chunks, reserving 1/4 cup pineapple juice. In cup, mix reserved pineapple juice with sugar, vinegar, catchup, cornstarch, and soy sauce. 5. Return chicken to skillet; stir in pineapple-juice mixture, stirring to loosen any brown bits from bottom of skillet. Cook until mixture thickens slightly and coats chicken. 6. Stir in green-onion mixture and pineapple chunks; heat through. Makes 5 servings. MARYELLEN’S BROCCOLI MUSHROOM MARINADE 2 bunches fresh Broccoli-raw 1 box fresh mushrooms Clean and toss with 1 large bottle Viva Italian Salad Dressing. Refrigerate overnight. Add cherry tomatoes just before serving. DOUBLE-COCONUT CREAM PIE Coconut fans will enjoy this luscious pie with cream of coconut in the filling. 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/4 tsp. salt 2 cups milk 1 8-oz. can cream of coconut (3/4 cup) 3 beaten egg yolks 2 Tbsp. margarine or butter 1 cup flaked coconut 2 tsp. vanilla 1 9-inch baked pastry shell 3 egg whites 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar 1/3 cup sugar 2 Tbsp. flaked coconut For filling, in a medium saucepan combine the first 1/3 cup sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in milk and cream of coconut. Cook and stir over medium heat til thickened and bubbly. Cook and stir 2 minutes more. Gradually stir about 1 cup of the hot milk mixture into the beaten egg yolks, stirring constantly. Return all of the mixture to saucepan. Cook and stir till bubbly. Cook and stir 2 minutes more. Remove from heat. Stir in margarine or butter till melted. Stir in the 1 cup coconut and 2 teaspoons vanilla. Pour filling into baked pastry shell. For meringue, let egg whites stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. In a mixing bowl beat egg whites, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and cream of tartar on medium speed of an electric mixer till soft peaks form (tips curl). Gradually add 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, until stiff peaks form. Evenly spread meringue over hot filling, seal to pastry edge. Sprinkle with the 2 tablespoons coconut. Bake in a 350° oven for 15 minutes. Cool for 1 hour on a wire rack. Cover and chill 3 to 6 hours before serving. Serves 8. Cost of a vitamin A capsule which prevents blindness: 2 cents r G00 D FOOD Delicious A favorite of kings, this cheese makes an elegant appetizer, a light lunch (with salad), or the perfect ending for dinner Called the “cheese of kings” because it was the favorite of a number of French monarchs, Brie is a soft, natural cheese. Shaped like a flat disc, a cheese can range in size from a few inches to 22 inches in diameter and about 1 inch thick. The edible crust is downy white and may have russet patches; the interior is a smooth, creamy, straw-yellow paste. Us flavor is both subtle and tangy. Buying and storing Buying Brie can be tricky. The cheese should never be cut until it is fully ripe (a point), and it doesn’t ripen once it is cut. Underripe Brie is hard, white, and chalky in the center and lacks flavor. When buying cut pieces. it's easy to check for ripe- ness as the cut edges will be bulgy but not runny, a uniform yellow throughout, and the cheese will be the consistency of very thick honey. It’s hard to determine the ripeness of a whole, uncut wheel, however; so rely on your cheese dealer to supply you with a wheel that will be a point when you plan to serve it. Buy '/i pound for each serving. Store Brie, wrapped in plastic wrap or foil, in the refrigerator and use within 4 or 5 days. Serving Brie For best flavor and the proper consistency, serve Brie at room temperature. Remove cut pieces from the refrigerator at least 1 or 2 hours ahead of serving time; whole wheels, 8 to 10 hours ahead. To serve, cut from edge to center into long, thin, pie-shaped wedges. Serve Brie as appetizer, snack, or dessert, with crusty bread or unsaltcd crackers; with apples, pears, grapes, tart plums, or strawberries. Add thin slices to chefs salad, roast-meat sandwiches. Food Facts... • Ounce for ounce, raw red peppers have four times more vitamin C than peeled oranges. • Fatty meat has about the same amount of cholesterol as lean cuts, since cholesterol is found primarily in the lean tissue, not the fat. • A lumberjack or boxer needs about the same amount of protein as a middle-aged office worker who rarely leaves his desk. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, APRIL 14, 1994 Everyone should do an annual legal audit Because time passes quickly and everything changes, most people and families should conduct an annual legal audit or checkup. Failure to do this could cause unexpected, expensive and frustrating problems to arise. Here are some suggestions which can be considered a legal audit or checkup: 1. — Who holds title to your home? Both husband’s and wife’s names on a title do not necessarily make it joint and survivorship. Should an elderly parent convey title to a child and reserve a LIFE ESTATE? Has title been transferred out of the name of a deceased person? 2. — Is your Last Will and Testament or Living Trust up to date? Remember that a Will can be meaningless if everything the deceased owned was held joint and survivorship with another person or contained a Payable On Death clause. If you don’t have a Will, State law will dictate how your property and assets will be distributed, possibly not the way you would have preferred. 3. — Most people should have a Durable Power of Attorney authorizing someone to take over and handle their affairs in the event the person granting such powers becomes incompetent by reason of. a stroke, an accident or is out of the country or is otherwise unable to handle urgent matters. A Power of Attorney can avoid the expense, delay and complications of a Guardianship. Remember that Powers of Attorney and Living Wills are valid only while the person granting same is living and Wills take effect only upon the death of the person who made the Will. 4. — Check out how title to your bank accounts, stocks, bonds and securities is held. Whenever securities are held in your name with joint and survivor rights or payable on death clauses to one of several children, the others may not receive their inheritance, even if they are named in your Will. 5. — Gather up, list and check out all your insurance policies as to whether beneficiaries or the method of distribution of the proceeds should be changed or coverage increased. Check out the types and amounts of coverage and the expiration dates on your hazard insurance policies on your home, automobile or other valuables. Do you have an accurate list or even pictures of everything in your home to prove ownership to an insurance adjustor in the event those items are destroyed in a fire or tornado? Do you have a record of whether your employer or exemployer has insurance coverage for you? When does your driver’s license or passport expire? 6. — You should make up a family tree listing the names, addresses, birthdates, social security numbers, maiden and marriage names of your family and relatives including the dates any of them who may have died and listing their lineal descendants. Some of the above information could be very important and yet dif- ficult to obtain when needed. 7. — You should take inventory of all your assets and liabilities from time to time and keep an accurate updated record of everything you own and owe, whether you have a safe deposit box, a family burial plot, a prepaid funeral, whether you prefer cremation, a military funeral or just a memorial service. You should also list credit cards which are to be cancelled. 1 suggest you write down all the above information and have it readily available along with a copy of your Last Will and Testament in a safe and confidential place. This could prove invaluable to your Executor especially in the event of an unexpected death. You should also make up a list of upcoming events such as the maturity dates of securities, expiration dates of warranties, dates and details of health care and medical treatments and procedures, past and upcoming since some of that information could prove valuable in connection with various legal matters. There are of course many other matters to be considered such as records for tax purposes but at least the foregoing should encourage you to commence keeping records which in turn may prove valuable and should be updated annually. Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law A thought that does not result in action is nothing much, and an action that does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all. —Georges Bernanos Forgotten Slovenia Plays Unnoticed Part In War Reprinted from The Daily News, McKeesport, PA — Saturday, February, 26, 1994 — LJUBLJANA, Slovenia (AP) — It rails at being ignored. Yet Slovenia has exploited its role as a bit player on the international stage by smuggling tons of arms to Bosnia as the world looked elsewhere. If other governments have sent weapons to former Yugoslav republics in defiance of a U.N. embargo, they aren’t discussing it. Why risk bad publicity and potential sanctions? But this outwardly placid country of 2.2 million on the edge of the Balkans seems immune. High officials will talk, if pressed, about the convoys of ammunition, submachine guns, mortars and other ordnance that the government sent south to help outgunned Croats and Muslims fight the Serbs. In separate interviews with The Associated Press, the officials — some asking for anonymity — said the arms flow to Croatia and Bosnia was ordered by the National Security Council, made up of the most powerful politicians of the land. It stopped last year because increased Croat-Muslim fighting meant it was becoming too compli- cated to tell friend from foe. President Milan Kucan has admitted government involvement in the arms dealing. But the clear violation of the September 1991 international embargo on arms deliveries to former Yugoslav republics has stirred no international furor. That buttresses the Slovene view that their country the size of Lake Ontario is viewed as a backwater, 2'h years after its battle for independence against the powerful Yugoslav army put it briefly in the limelight. “We are alone," said Zoran Thaler, head of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee. “That’s the tragedy of this country.” The National Security Council — Kucan, then-Premier Lojze Peterle, former Interior Minister Igor Bavčar, and Defense Minister Janez Janša — ordered the arms deals. Most weapons originated from gigantic depots left behind by the withdrawing Yugoslav army in July 1991. The first arms moved south in August that year, continuing until early 1993. Officials say profit was not a motive. It was an attempt to help outgunned Croatia and the Bosnian government fight the Serbs. Bavčar said “state control" was needed to lessen arms smuggling by criminals. By late 1992, he said, “we could no longer control what was government and what was criminal activity." The dealings reflect a canny awareness of Balkan politics belied by Slovenes’ outward similarity to their northern neighbors, the Austrians, who ruled them from medieval times to World War I. L'ubljana’s baroque and fin-de-siecle streets are more Vienna than Belgrade. Cars hum instead of screeching; pedestrians wait for the green light; sidewalks are clear of street vendors and money changers. Slovenia always was more developed than the other republics it joined in Yugoslavia in 1918. By the 1980s, it had a per capita income higher than Greece and Portugal. It always flirted economically and culturally with western Europe. But, perhaps because of its size, and the Balkan mess to the south, its advances now are spurned. Requests to join NATO’s Partnership for Peace and secure associate membership in the European Union are pending, even though less stable, poorer Romania and Bulgaria have been accepted. Despite its outward propriety, Slovenia has a seamier side. Last July, defense minister Jansa disclosed another arms scandal: 120 tons worth $5 million of assault rifles, mortars, mines and ammunition at Maribor airport, near Austria. The weapons allegedly came from Sudan and likely were earmarked for the Muslims in Bosnia. The size of the shipment led Slovene media to speculate that some high official was involved, probably for money. This shipment wasn’t government-approved, Jansa said. He suggested in an AP interview that his rival, the former Communist Kucan, or Kucan’s men were involved. But the president denies all knowledge and insinuates Jansa knows more about the Maribor arms than he is saying. KATHY MURRAY — Hilltop Village Administrator. She * always helping with the needs of older residents, espec,a many American-Slovenians. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Helen Fonda, Cleveland — $15.00 Vladimir Rus, Cleveland — $10.00 Vinko Ivane, Euclid, Ohio — $15.00 Marija Mlakar, Scarborough, Ont., Canada — $10.00 Albert Frank, Wickliffe, O. — $10.00 Terezija Zelko, Cleveland — $5.00 Mrs. Sam Kurilich, Fontana, Calif. — $5.00 Louis Silc, Willowick, O. — $5.00 Cook Wanted e St. Mary’s and St. Vltuj 'enian School’s ann £ ip Pristava will tak^ 20 igh Sunday, July ^ ; 3 Committee is l°okinSan it a cook to preP^6 , ng dinner on Friday, id a breakfast, lunch7, :r on SalUrdfa[yheJstudeni‘ : parents of the ^ je available to a^s,s in meal PreParatl°j need 3u are interested ana ^ information, Pleas at o contact Joe request. Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Balazic, Chicago — $5.00 Mary Miklavec, Euclid, Ohio — $5.00 August J. Selak, Girard, O. — $5.00 Karl Družina, Eastlake, O. — $10.00 Anna Spisich, Wickliffe, O. — $7.00 Anton Fonda, Canada — $2.00 Jože Bojc, Cleveland — $15.00 Frank Kokelj, Canada — $5.00 Vid Rovanšek, Canada — $5.00 Gregory Fedran, Monterey, Calif. — $5.00 Franc Markum, Joliet, IL — $5.00 Stefan Novak, Canada — $12.00 Mr. John Semen, Willoughby Hills, O. — $12.50 John Jurkovič, Cleveland — $10.00 Mrs. Marge Kondrick, So. Euclid, O. — $10.00 Cyril Grilc, Pompano Beach, FL — $5.00 Angela Chemazar, Berwyn, IL — $5.00 Mary Kucic, Brookfield, IL — $5.00 Bogomir Kuhar, Ingomar, Pa., in memory of parents Luka and Jožefa Kuhar — $15.00 Albert Frank, Wickliffe, OH — $10.00 Terezija Zelko, Cleveland — $5.00 Sam Kurilich, Fontana, Calif. — $5.00 Juha, Maria, Islington, Ont., Canada — $15.00 Petelin, Marija, Cleveland — $5.00 Anonym0118 Dear friends, Enclosed piease find $25 mt ^ for subscription P3^ ^-$10.00 as an anonymou tion. Best wisheS’ (anonymous) Donation A very big thank y°U var °f id Mrs. John Hov ^ ates Mills, ^x0iri tl>e 3nated $25.00 to meriška Domovina- Where there is an inC^e ^ the just man will pay sapit the unjust less on amount of income- ___p^to /e got to ad ny organizatm e) that much ves advertising ^ Anony* iy this country- e of ind paying mV ‘"‘'Icarole -after all. for the ship in an —Franklin W° s ______— oud to be Pay‘nhSe jff«> 30rt it' I Vesti iz Slovenije Preteklo soboto shod proti korupciji na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani — Janez Janša burno odobravan, Lojze Peterle izžvižgan, dr. Janez Drnovšek zelo kritičen Preteklo soboto dopoldne so na Kon-Sresnem trgu v Ljubljani pripravili Socialdemokratska stranka Slovenije, Slovenska judska stranka, Zeleni Slovenije in Narodni emokrati (ti so krilo znotraj Slovenskih kronskih demokratov) veliko protikorupcijsko zborovanje. Posnetkov ali podrobnejših Poročil še ni na razpolago, v pogovoru z vi-r°ni v Ljubljani danes zjutraj pa je bilo reče-^o, da je zborovanje potekalo mirno, udele-Zl 0 se ga je baje 5 tisoč ljudi, kar naj bi bilo Ve ‘ko manj od pričakovane udeležbe. Med Vzr°ki za to naj bi bilo dejstvo, da je sobota fa mnoge delovni dan, da imajo ljudje ob so-otah družinske opravke ipd. Sicer bi orga-lzatorji shoda to tudi vedeli in upoštevali. Shoda so se udeležili, kot je bilo priča-OVano, ljudje iz vse Slovenije. Glavni go-n°rn’ki so bili Janez Janša, ki je doživel bur-odobravanje, Marjan Podobnik, pred-SLS, Vane Gošnik, predsednik Zele-> dr. Andrej Umek, predsednik Narodnih eihokratov, krila SKD. Vsi ti so tudi želi Skr\° ap^avza- Govoril je tudi predsednik k) Lojze Peterle, ki je ob prihodu na oder Zlvel izzvižganje, v kratkem govoru pa si ® zaslužil aplavz. SKD kot stranka pač ni a med organizatorji zborovanja. , Na tiskovni konferenci pretekli petek je J Marjan Podobnik, da se bodo zboroma udeležili vsi tisti, ki želijo prispevati k ^oju proti korupciji. V nasprotju s trditvijo jg ^aneza Drnovška, je Podobnik trdil, da nj zborovanje povsem legitimno dejanje in ga pS srbskim »mitingaštvom« nič sorodne-Usir ?Ut*ard Je> da se želi z zborovanjem pri-najai na parlament in druge veje oblasti, krtittin^0 V$e 23 ustav*tev gospodarskega renc ^retekli petek je imel tiskovno konfe-lcratsltUdi ^anez Janša. Njegova socialdemo-izsto a stfanka je pretekli četrtek formalno sicer 3 v^adne koalicije. Janša je pojasnil besecja,ane vzroke za izstop, dodal pa je, po novinarke Metke Lajnšček, da »so bili socialdemokrati v koaliciji osamljeni, v najboljšem primeru sta jih pri delovanju v vladi podprla dva ministra SKD«. Ker so v Drnovškovi vladi štirje ministri iz vrst SKD, bi bilo zanimivo vedeti, katera dva sta Janšo in SDSS podpirala vsaj od časa do časa, katera dva pa nista nikoli, na tiskovni konferenci oz. v poročilu to ni bilo omenjeno. Njegova stranka deluje za to, je nadaljeval Janša, za oblikovanje široke politične koalicije, v kateri bi kot stranke sodelovale SDSS, SLS, Zeleni Slovenije in Narodni demokrati, krilo SKD (to v slučaju, da bi SKD sama ostala v Drnovškovi koaliciji, drugače pa bi bila tudi SKD dobrodošla) ter sploh vsi v Sloveniji, ki želijo demokratično državo, moralno in socialno pravičnost, gospodarski napredek in ekološko osveščeno družbo. Tiskovno konferenco pretekli petek so imeli tudi SKD. Strankin glavni tajnik Edvard Stanič je povedal, da se bo zborovanja udeležil tudi Lojze Peterle in na njem govoril. Stanič pa je potrdil, da SKD niso soorganizatorji zborovanja. V sporočilu za javnost je SKD poudarila, da tudi ta stranka v celoti podpira boj proti korupciji. Do sobotnega zborovanja na Kongresnem trgu se je opredelil tudi predsednik vlade in stranke LDS, dr. Janez Drnovšek. Na njegovi petkovi tiskovni konferenci je dejal: »Upam, da organizatorji ne bodo ogrozili uspešnega razvoja v prihodnjem obdobju za ceno njihovega prihoda na oblast. Vlada bo na njihove zahteve odgovarjala konstruktivno, argumentirano, mirno in dostojanstveno. Skušali bodo obdržati višjo raven komuniciranja in prestrezati nizke udarce z oblikami parlamentarne demokracije. Prikazovanje Slovenije kot države, v kateri vlada korupcija, pomeni poskus posameznih politikov, da bi po tej poti prišli na oblast. Vsaka država se mora spopadati z mnogimi zlorabami. Dvomim, da lahko k razrešitvi tega problema pripomorejo posamezni mitingi in posamezne oblike pritiska. Sprejemamo pa vsako dobronamerno pobudo, če se bo ta izrazila v ustreznih ustanovah. Vlada je dose-daj predstavila številne ukrepe za odpravljanje možnosti zlorab in jih bomo znova predstavili v prihodnjem tednu.« Ju 0Va*ca nove koalicije? ŠkovariTb° dr- Janez Drnov-Sloven" 1^erafna demokracija di Loi'Je razPravfjala o pobu-skih ^eteiJet°vih Slovenci ti rdSČanskih demokratov, hovo v] Ve stranki sestavljata So , d,n° koalicijo. Priho-LDs r;,re ° bo o odgovoru Odhod,, PravIjal svet SKD- Po hez jaJz k°alicijske vlade Ja- t0v. sta CVlb ^oc‘al demokra- 2clrUŽenI r Cj Še LDS’ SKD in sti). p"a llsta (bivši komuni- iz vlade n'? SKDje’ naj bi šli Tren,.. dl Predstavniki ZL. d° p0 ,n° Se zdi, da bo prišlo Stav Sa ^(JS’SKD vlade, S^Pndskivobehstran: y ! ^emu. predvsem v Sšalevi* je tudi radikal- tak° pov^n3 Stmja’ ki ni za C, v s?n0 d°Sti navduše-Predvsen, i . pa Protestirajo ke' Stran J°kalni °dbori stran- Va-daie n u0-V°dstvo Prizna- PUSt‘l0J HCkaj Član0V SKD za' ^ovW^ f3 vpis novih Se vedno večji. Dr. Janez Drnovšek in Lojze Peterle Iz Clevelanda in okolice Primorski večer— To soboto zvečer ima v SND na St. Clairju Primorski klub svoj letni Primorski večer. Pričetek ob 7h. Za vstopnice, pokličite 732-7527 ali 481-7432. Koncert— Pevski zbor Jadran vabi na svoj koncert, združen z večerjo in plesom, ki bo v soboto, 23. aprila, v SND na Waterloo Rd. Za vstopnice ($16) in več informacije, pokličite Angelo Žabjek (531-3979) ali Dolores Dobida (951-1694). Seja- Društvo Ribnica št. 12 ima sejo to nedeljo pop. ob 2h, na domu predsednika Louisa Šilca na 30417 Oakdale Rd. v Willowicku. Članstvo lepo vabljeno. Letna seja ZOD— Zveza Oltarnih društev vabi članice na letno sejo, ki bo v nedeljo, 24. aprila, pop. ob 1.30 pri Sv. Kristini, 840 E. 222 St. v Euclidu. Najprej bo molitev rožnega venca v cerkvi, nato bo blagoslov z Najsvetejšim, takoj potem pa bo zborovanje v dvorani nasproti cerkve. Pri ZOD sodelujejo oltarna društva župnij sv. Vida, sv. Lovrenca, sv. Kristine in Marije Vnebovzete. Kuharico iščejo— Od srede do nedelje, 20. do 24. julija, bosta sponzorirali taborjenje Čamp Pristava slovenski šoli sv. Vida in Marije Vnebovzete. Išče se pa kuharica, ki bi pripravila večerjo 22. julija ter zajtrk, obed in večerjo naslednji dan, 23. julija. Pomagali ji bodo sicer starši otrok. Ako se zanimate in želite več informacije, pokličite v večernem času Josepha Skra-bec na 731-5739. Za materinski dan— Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu vabi na materinski dan prireditev, ki bo v soboto, 30. aprila, ob 6.30 zv., v šolskem avditoriju. Vstopnine ne bo. MALI OGLASI East Side Travel Agency looking for an administrative assistant/travel agent trainee. Basic word processing, typing and organizational skills required. A good working knowledge of Slovenian and English needed. Excellent working conditions, congenial atmosphere, travel benefits. Please call 692-2225. Responsible Housekeeper for a Euclid Senior Residence Building. Call Florence at 383-1459. (x) For Sale Old Grand stove, 2 single bed frames, Sears dishwasher. Call 943-1038, evenings. (X) Prodaja peciva in zajtrk— To soboto in nedeljo bo pri fari sv. Vida prodaja peciva in sicer v soboto od 4.30 do 6.30 zv., v nedeljo pa od 8.30 zj. do 1. pop. V nedeljo ste tudi vabljeni na zajtrk, ki bo serviran po vsaki maši. Cena zajtrku (s klobasicami in jajci) je $4 za odrasle in $2 za otroke. Gospodinje so naprošene, da prinesejo pecivo, potice ali druge dobrote v društveno sobo to soboto od 3h dalje, ali med časom same prodaje. Več bo prineseno, več bo prodano, prebitek pa je namenjen potrebam župnije. Sodelujte! Sen. Frank J. Lausche— Prihodjni četrtek, 21. aprila, bo četrta obletnica smrti sen. Franka J. Lauscheta. V cerkvi sv. Vida bo isti dan zjutraj ob 8.30 maša za sen. Lauscheta. Pozdrav iz Argentine— Člani društva Zedinjena Slovenija pošiljajo, z njihovega 47. rednega letnega občnega zbora, nam pri Ameriški Domovini in vsem našim bralcem iskrene pozdrave. Našemu listu želijo veliko uspehov in božjega blagoslova. Lepo pismo sta podpisala prof. Tine Vivod, predsednik ZS, in tajnik, Emil Cof. Najlepša hvala! Spominski darovi— G. Florijan in ga. Marija Sekne, Wickliffe, O., sta darovala $25 v podporo našemu listu, ob 25. obletnici smrti njunega sina Silvestra Victorja na bojišču v Vietnamu, (str. 18) G. in ga. Joseph Baškovič, Cleveland, O., sta tudi darovala $25, v spomin na starša Joseph in Rose Baškovič. Ga. Frances J. Kikel, Willo-wick, O., je poklonila $10, v spomin moža Charlesa. Vsem darovalcem za njih podporo iskrena hvala! V tiskovni sklad— Ga. Minka Champa, Euclid, O., je darovala $72 v naš tiskovni sklad. Pred tedni je preminul njen mož Andrew Champa, ki je bil pred leti član glavnega odbora ADZ. G. Joseph in ga. Josephine Ambrosic, prav tako iz Eucli-da, sta pa poklonila $30 v podporo Ameriški Domovini. Tudi tem darovalcem izrekamo globoko hvaležnost. Sprejem novih članic— V nedeljo, 1. maja, bo Oltarno društvo fare Marije Vnebovzete sprejelo nove članice. Ako bi rada postala članica, za več informacije lahko pokličete predsednico na 481-8263 ali tajnico na 481-3768. Dopis na str. 14. Bralci Ameriške Domovine: Priporočajte naš list! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michae1 and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $110 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $110 per year airmail to Slovenia Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 441 03-1 627 Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 15 Thursday, April 14, 1994 Pred pomembno odločitvijo Jutri bo stranka Liberalna demokracija Slovenije, torej LDS oziroma prva stranka (pod dr. Janezom Drnovškom) v sedaj tristrankarski vladni koaliciji (LDS, SKD in ZL) razpravljala in se odločila o predlogu Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov, da naj se iz koalicije izključi Združena lista (prenovljena komunistična partija) in naj vlado sestavljata stranki LDS in SKD, to po podpisu novega koalicijskega programskega dogovora med strankama. Ob tem pisanju izgleda, da bo LDS pobudo sprejela. Prihodnjo sredo pa naj bi svet SKD o odgovoru LDS razpravljal in se odločil. Iz razpleta tega bo razvidno, ali se bo ustanovila os LDS-SKD (Drnovšek-Peterle), ali pa bo poskus propadel in bo SKD vlado zapustila, to slednje predvsem zaradi pritiska od strankinega članstva. Izid še ni jasen. O politiki SKD v zvezi z vsem tem komentira strankin podpredsednik Marko Kremžar drugje v današnji AD. Ker je Peterle tako močno povezan z linijo, naj ostane stranka v koaliciji z LDS, bi drugačna strankina odločitev kaj lahko pomenila njegovo zamenjavo kot predsednika SKD. Tak razplet bi lahko imel še eno posledico, ki bi ne bila nujno koristna dolgoročno ne za stranko in ne za Slovenijo oziroma njeno postopno demokratizacijo. Padec Peterleta (tudi njegov nedavni intervju za Slovenec je v današnji AD) bi po vsej verjetnosti pomenil zmago bolj konservativnega krila v stranki. Njegova osebna odstranitev bi lahko tudi olajšala zbliževanje med SKD in Slovensko ljudsko stranko z njenim predsednikom Marjanom Podobnikom na čelu, lažje bi zraven prišel še Janez Janša. Skratka, z odhodom Peterleta (in z njim po vsej verjetnosti tudi drugi člani sedanjega najvišjega strankinega vodstva, ki so z njim povezani) bi se lahko širša slovenska desnica popolneje združila. Vprašanje je, kaj bi to prineslo. Bolj enotna, ker bolj združena desnica bi mogla jasneje nastopati v javnosti z alternativnim programom. Ravno pa izkušnje iz Italije, kjer so zmagale desničarske stranke, potrjujejo, da se lahko tudi v takih okoliščinah, med miselno dokaj sorodnimi strankami in vodilnimi osebnostmi kaj hitro zapleta. Poleg obilice političnih strank in gibanj, razpolaga Slovenija tudi na čelu teh raznih in različnih formacij z velikim številom poglavarjev, med katerimi je težko najti nekoga, ki je pripravljen prostovoljno igrati politično drugo vijolino. Upokojencem Slovenske pristave Novice iz župnije Rojstva Gospodovega v San Franciscu Pre Sl CLEVELAND, O. - Čeprav nas še straši mraz in sneg, nam narava naznanja z mačica-cami, prvimi cvetovi podleska, zvončkov in narcis, da niso več daleč topli dnevi. Dolge zime smo se že naveličali in komaj čakamo, da bomo lahko šli v naravo. Zato bo naša mesečna seja 27. aprila že na Slovenski pristavi; če kdo le more naj pride zgodaj in nam pomaga pograbiti listje. Na zadnji seji smo določili, da gremo 3. maja na izlet v Warren, Pa. Cena za izlet in kosilo je samo 27 dolarjev. Naši izleti so vedno zanimivi in skrbno organizirani. Ustavili se bomo v novi Blair’s Outlet trgovini, ogledali znani Kinzua jez in še druge zanimivosti. Prijavljenih je že 30 članov; rabimo jih še vsaj 15 in vse prosimo, da na prihodnjem sestanku že poravnajo voznino. Prijavite se čimprej in pokličite Jožeta Korena na 942-3213. Na tem sestanku bomo tudi razpravljali o naših poletnih izletih, zato želimo, da se tega sestanka udeleži čimveč članov. Na veselo svidenje na Slovenski pristavi 27. aprila! Odbor VABILO Oltarnega društva fare M. Vnebovzete CLEVELAND, O. - Kar lepa je skupina članic Oltarnega društva pri fari sv. Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu. Seveda leta se nabirajo in starejše članice odhajajo v večnost. Dve leti že nismo imele novega pristopa v društvo, zato letos načrtujemo, da bomo imele 1. maja — na prvo nedeljo — sprejem novih članic. Mesec maj je tudi mesec, ko so prve žene in dekleta ustanovile Oltarno društvo in pričele z delom za faro na duhovnem in materialnem polju. Drage faranke, katere še niste članice tega delovnega društva, iskreno ste vabljene, da se nam pridružite. Za vsa navodila, lahko kličete predsednico na 481-8263 ali tajnico na 481-3768. Marica Lavriša Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! V svečanem velikonočnem razpoloženju, a mnogi z bolečim srcem, so se letos Slovenci in naši prijatelji zbrali v naši lepo okrašeni župni cerkvi Rojstva Gospodovega. Odkar je pok. Lojze Gregorin obnovil lepo slovensko navado blagoslova velikonočnih jedil v cerkvi, so tudi letos naše vrle gospodinje ali pa njih hčerke prinesle velikonočne dobrote v lepo pregr-njenih košaricah k daritvenemu oltarju. S posebno svečano pobožnostjo jih je naš g. župnik John Mihovilovich blagoslovil. Pevski zbor je pod novim, začasnim a spretnim vodstvom prijetne Diane Fir ubrano prepeval naše radostne in veličastne melodije, ki so nam znane in ljube še iz domovine. Vmes je bilo tudi nekaj latinščine. Zelo smo pa pogrešali orgelsko spremljavo, ki tako mogočno povzdigne svečanost velikega praznika Gospodove zmage. Poklicni, zelo spretni organist in pevovodja Aleš Šimenc se po nesrečnem padcu še ni dovolj okrepil, da bi mogel v cerkev. V molitvah se spominja- ZAHVALA WICHITA, Kansas - V zadnjih mesecih sem prejel sledeče darove za Koroške študente, ki obiskujejo Slovensko gimnazijo v Celovcu: Fr. Rudi Urbič (že pok.), $500; N.N., Euclid, O., $300; Agnes in Dorothy Price, Pueblo, Colo., $400; N.N., Kalifornija $1000. Za Karmeličanke na Sori pa sem prejel: N.N., Cleveland, $15; N.N., Kansas, $95; N.N., Kansas, $195; N.N., Kansas, $100. Koroški študentje, kot tudi Karmeličanke na Sori, se vam prisrčno zahvalijo za vaše darove. Dobro se zavedajo, koliko je prošenj od vsepovsod, zato se vam za vaš dar še prav posebno zahvalijo. Nekateri me sprašujejo, če še vedno zbiram za slovenske študente na Koroškem in Karmeličanke na Sori na Gorenjskem. Da, še vedno zbiram in oboji so vam zelo hvaležni. Za vsak dar se vam že v naprej prav lepo zahvalim. Fr. John Lavrih 6900 E. 45 St., Apt. D2 Wichita, Kansas 67226 Ustanovitev bolj združene desnice bi lahko razjasnila politične opcije, a odvisno od samega programa te desnice bi bilo, ali bi strnila predvsem prepričane, zaradi ostrosti stališč pa odbila bolj zmerne ljudi, take, brez katerih podpore zmage na volitvah ni pričakovati. Isto velja seveda na drugi strani lestvice. Če bi bil po morebitnem odhodu SKD Drnovšek tako nespreten, da bi postal za širšo javnost lutka v rokah tistih iz ZL, bi to pomenilo zanj političen samomor. Prej je verjeti, da bi znal izkoristiti radikalizirano desnico za izvabljanje od nje tistih, ki so sicer res na desni strani, odklanjajo pa povezavo z radikalnejšimi elementi. Zato poudarjamo pomembnost odločitev, ki m jih bodo podvzele v naslednjih tednih sploh konservativne slovenske politične stranke, predvsem pa SKD. Dr. Rudolph M. Susel mo njega in njegove požrtvo valne žene Dore; ki je h^1 1 a zelo bolna. Enako nam je v molitvenem spominu Jože Nanut, edini e živeči ustanovni član našegs cerkvenega pevskega z^ora' 1. 1939. Noga mu je odpoved ' la. Odrezali so mu jo. Zdaj dobil protezo in upa, da spet mogel hoditi. Upokojeni odlični basist r nest Lenarčič je bil s sV j0 družino spet med nami- es smo pozdravili našo zvest° . ranko, 92-letno Rose Scott, dr. Franceta Rodeta. Mia i ’ ki je ob 80-letnici naše župnJ. nastopila kot otroški PeV zbor v narodnih nošah na o ^ v cerkveni dvorani, je ° krat zbrastla kot jelke m sti. Ta naša pridna dek e krepki fantje zelo uspešno5 dirajo oz. so že v službah, seli smo jih. O bodočnosti župnij6 Žalostno in zaskrbljeni sm glede bodočnosti naše cer Zaman je prizadevanje zu nov in trud vodstva cer v ga odbora za ohran^eVfijsko etnične župnije. Sk ^ vodstvo nam je sporo i ’ . bo (po dolgem premotriv^^ naša cerkev zaprta s PrV! vjCh i;;om n Mihovn0 _ em. G. župnik Mih0^’§e iide v pokoj. Ukinjeni set drugih župnij- je „ . „ ., o. _ cvanciscu J Razlog? V San ^"juhov-eveč cerkva, prenia pokov, premalo vernik« > aviio "Ckate?UM*. {fs5> iskodovanih cerKva ilijone. Naša cerkev ,n j drugih, ki bodo u 'i J ajo veliko vrednost -z. i — s prodajo tega b' j piček v milijonski vr ^ „ Hruee nw. VC11KU v. ----- , s prodajo tega b ^ ... porabil v druge leve, ki jih ima na * ) vodstvo. Duhovni g. nadškofa strog0 P z iano razmotrivati o n. HaSl0' ici in Hrvati v naši zuk složni, smo usta!l ve-id 31 ,, ištvo »Croatians an^ “ ns United« (UdruženJ r — in Slovencev). u uv m oiuvv.— - ,■ i udruženja zdaj v0 rj. >. Končni odgov0//^. ___ v/otiLana- .. ujemo iz Vatikana-se pač predati v boŽj° »N, žela kjer ki i; dov istir ceri Židi dist gan žen tere jo; ke; luči bo be nju skr zve in Ph« voj 194 tke Zd ški ro Pri lan Tr: »st isk kal Vii SOJ ta C« hjt no M dl; far njt arn Naša faks številka j«-216/361-4088 in je stalno vključ611 Joseph FORTUNA POGREBNI 5316 Fleet Ave- zaV»p 6. ko Sol ke za''0' id Hic Prekmurski slikar Štefan Hauko med ameriškimi Slovenci Slovenski prispevek ob 100-letnici cerkve sv. Vida v Clevelandu »Na svetu je dežela upov, dežela svobode. To je dežela, Kjer najraznovrstnejši ljudje, ki izhajajo skoraj iz vseh narodov sveta, živijo skupaj pod >stim velikim nebom. Hodijo v cerkev, ki so si jo sami izbrali ~7 katoliško, protestantsko, zidovsko, muslimansko ali budistično — in nikogar ne presojajo zaradi vere. Možje in zene te dežele volijo ljudi, ka-,ere želijo imeti, da jim vladajo. odstavljajo svoje zastopni-e z glasovanjem — ne z revo-ucijo — če mislijo, da so sla-0 vladali; izrekajo svoje sod-e 0 svoji vladi in o upravlja-”j*U svoie dežele v vseh časih; r e vsak zase, a so vendarle ■ Vesti skupni stvari, domovini zastavi...«> je zapisai ste- voin" V?ent Ben^. ki ga je 190 lnformacijski urad leta tko napros'*’ nai zapiše kra-7 j *n Poučno zgodovino ru enih držav Amerike. škim P0C^ tem vol'kim ameri-r0jatne')0ln živijo tudi naši PrpH , arneriški Slovenci. land d0brhT!letom 80 iz Cleve‘ frstu Pr°S*^ svoje sorodnike v »stari’h da ]m P0ma8aj0 v VidaC TVelandsk° cerkev sv-sorod ■/ 80 zaProsili svojega a 'n velikega Ijubite-Ceija Betra Simonitija iz nju p i™ Pomaga pri iska-nostn ° nasvetu celjske umet-\i0*,e zgodovinarke Milene d]a °11 Je bil iz Slovenije pre-fan R akademski slikar Šte-nja auko. Po trdi poti izbira- i"’"-«l medtem ko s politične°r-iPreVZele nekdan. ena od ^! e' To Je bila tui boliše h ljučnih omejitev ; 0sežke takratne vladi I • b, ža\ pa S° ^ebko pričakov; Uresničitjn* mo8°če vsej 2žoda;' So se v Demo« h’ Zbor žckuž*6 kaZati raZP' lahko ustav ? nega delapa ^ot Pred« a •VSe’ kar je hot£ ral boditi ?kn‘k Vlade sem m' Sern odn- i0t po jajcih« in n w ° Uspešno vesei h Jltev' da yili ennta 8010 to naloj dariip h0’ Pri čemer 1 krati tun3 S° krSčansk 'hembno' Tltem 0pri doma in državotvorn • KI, ^ '“km- "*> Drr,d080'1'k' Vo|itev ^ 'u0 P0 dveh vlade ’Jebil Padec D< da, l; . anski d< tey. v>iVZpeljala °: doSeB. e Jaia sloven pasti ,a Pnznanje 8ov. 1 ^d* simboli« Uveljavwba je bil° l,1"’11« simbola 'a*iiinoPIrVih Sp‘ ’ da so j0 hi ti že prej, vendar so s tem, menda iz osamosvojitvenih razlogov, odlagali. Ko so demokrati predlagali konec Demosa, češ da so ključne naloge opravljene, se je upanje slovenske demokratične pomladi sesulo. Koalicije na novem skupnem političnem imenovalcu ni bilo več in to je vodilo tudi vse nadaljnje dogajanje. Danes je zelo težko govoriti o morali Podobniku, Janši ali še nekaterim, ki so takratno vlado rušili. SLS je bila namreč prva, ki je k Drnovšku stopila s pobudo, da naj vlado prevzame v svoje roke, to pa so podprli tudi Janša, Bavčar in Pučnik in Hribarjeva — do takrat simboli slovenske pomladi. Zanimivo, da imajo vsi ti vsaj sled partijske preteklosti in jih je simbolnost nadela »desnica«. Tisti, ki naj bi pomenili najtrdnejši demosovski člen, so se izkazali kot šibkejša plat koalicije. Zato je tem ljudem tudi težko verjeti, da bi se ta skupnost lahko vnovič sešla. Tega naboja namreč med Slovenci ni več. Ostal je nerabljen zaradi napačne fronte, ki se je čisto po partijsko usmerila predvsem proti krščanskim demokratom. Napačna politična izbira pa je za seboj potegnila tudi številne druge posledice. Vlada, ki jo je sestavil Drnovšek, v sedmih mesecih ni naredila nič posebnega, razen velike napake — dvignila je plače in povečala javno porabo. Takšen u-krep je bil sicer ugoden za volitve in volilci so ga znali tudi ustrezno nagraditi. Posledice pa mora s težavo nositi današnja vlada. Na drugih volitvah Demosovega naboja ni bilo več, zato ni bilo koalicije, ki bi se enotno postavila proti nasprotnemu političnemu polu in temu primeren je bil tudi izid. Pri tem pa moram povedati, da je odklonitev združevanja Slovenske ljudske stranke (mimogrede, svoj program ima prepisan iz programa nemških krščanskih demokratov) s krščanskimi demokrati vzrok, da nova politična izbira ni zmogla več, kot to, kar je dosegla. Samo če bi nastopili združeni, bi v parlamentu lahko imeli več poslancev kot LDS. Od tu naprej se je zgodba odvijala po znanem scenariju. Tvegani koraki SKD (nadaljevanje s str. 16) Danes SLS v opoziciji ne more nastopati drugače kot z napadom na Krščanske demokrate, saj v političnem prostoru nekdanje Parije na podporo volil-cev nikakor ne more računati. Politični prostor na desni je v veliki meri razbil Jelinčič, ko ga je v ta namen postavila levica. Naj še povem, da je Podobnik pred zadnjimi volitvami zahteval, naj gre SKD v desno koalicijo z Jelinčičem, pa smo to, hvala Bogu, zavrnili. • V javnosti je bila v zadnjem času večkrat izražena misel, da se voditelji desnosredinskih strank med seboj ne uspejo sporazumeti zaradi nekih značajskih napak... Značaji so zelo različni. Pri nas gre bolj za težave z matematiko. Podobnik pravi, da bi bili združeni šibkejši, s tem pa še naprej služi samo levici. • Zanimivo bi bilo primerjati slovenski razvoj iz komunizma z razvojem v drugih državah vzhodne Evrope. Večkrat ugotavljamo, da je Slovenija v tem razvoju začela zamujati. Zaostajamo predvsem za Češko. Marsikje je podobno kot v Sloveniji. Nekdanji komunisti so se razglasili za demokrate, se razlezli v več strank. Ohranili ključne finančne položaje, vpliv v občilih... Bolj kot zaostanek pri lastninjenju me moti slovenska moralna nejasnost. Ali je Partija res opravila kako spravno dejanje? • V sosednji Italiji je krščanska demokracija v zadnjem letu prenehala obstajati, njena naslednica pa se je na volitvah slabo odrezala. Je to evropski trend? Italija je glede tega poseben primer: nastajal je 45 let, zato so drugačni volilni izidi razumljivi. V Evropi pa ne vidim zahajanja krščanskodemo-kratske politične izbire. Vesel sem, da je bila dovolj močna, ko je šlo za priznanje slovenske samostojnosti, saj si je brez krščanskodemokratske podpore ne predstavljam. • Zadnje politične tedne je v Sloveniji mogoče primerjati s premiki v Italiji. V obeh državah se krepita radikalizem in populizem na škodo sredinskih strank. Tudi pri nas se lahko moč populizem poveča, vprašanje pa je, koliko časa bo to moč lahko obdržal. Raziskave kažejo, da med ljudmi še vedno prevladuje želja po zmernosti, strpnosti, dialogu. Namesto prepira želijo napredek. Neštetokrat slišim očitke, češ, zakaj stranke z »desne« strani ne stopimo že enkrat skupaj, namesto da se samo prepiramo. Po anketi, ki je bila opravljena ta teden, pa sem videl, da smo krščanski demokrati glasove v zadnjem času celo pridobili. • Medijski videz lahko prava razmerja precej prikriva. Vprašanje je, ali bi se na predčasnih volitvah populistični premiki dejansko pokazali v volilnih izidih. Glede na to, kakšni strahovi vladajo med ljudstvom v tem trenutku, menim, da trda, populistična linija ne bi mogla dobiti veliko glasov. enkrat, njegovo pomoč. Drugi del SKD pa svari pred konkretno nevarnostjo, da pade ob vsej zunanjepolitični samostojnosti slovenska država v roke udbomafije ter postane po vsebini balkanska državica, pa čeprav ustavno ločena od nekdanjih jugoslovanskih sosedov. To pa je mogoče preprečiti le z odločno slovensko, visoko moralno, protikorupcijsko notranjo politiko, s strogim nadzorstvom nad delovanjem skupin in posameznikov, ki so bili nosilci nekdanjega, a še krepko prisotnega totalitarnega sistema. Ti imajo še vedno vodilna mesta ne le v gospodarstvu in medijih, marveč tudi v predsedstvu države, v Državnem svetu, v parlamentu, v stranki ZL, v Drnovškovi LDS in še kje. V bistvu gre pri tem za vprašanje, ali je potrebnejša zunanja okrepitev videza ali notranja ureditev države? Ali je važnejše, kaj mislijo o nas drugi, ali to, kar v resnici smo? Zunanje delovanje je za državo silno pomembno, a brezbrižnost ob notranji politični in gospodarski korupciji pomeni moralni razkroj, ki bi bil za narod usoden. Težka nevarnost za demokracijo in za resen prehod v pravno državo bi nastopila, če bi se spustila SKD v navezi z LDS na pot tesnega, dolgoročnega zavezništva. V tem primeru bi se morali SKD praktično odpovedati načelnim potezam, delovati pragmatično in s tem prezreti svoj lastni program, ki temelji na krščanskem pojmovanju morale. Prisotnost SKD v vladi bi bila tedaj le podpora politiki, katero bi diktirala večinska LDS. Vsa moralna vprašanja kakor, na primer, poravnavo komunističnih krivic iz dobe revolucije in po njej ali odkrivanje odgovornosti za gospodarsko politične afere bi izginila iz dnevnega reda. To pa bi bila pre- Upam, da tovrstni populizem Slovencev ne bo preveč zastrupil in da se politike z vilami ne bodo šli. Moja želja je, da bi ljudje imeli mir. Medijska podoba današnjega časa pa je varljiva. Mimogrede: Slovenski krščanski demokrati so edini krščanski demokrati iz nekdanjega socialističnega sveta, ki so volilni dosežek od prvih do drugih volitev izboljšali. • Kakšno podobo vam kažejo neposredni odzivi strankinega članstva? Nekoliko slaba je podoba tam, kjer zadev niso pojasnjevali naši ljudje, temveč so jim drugi vsiljevali strah pred katastrofo. Velika večina članov želi konstruktivno in sredinsko delo stranke tudi v bodoče, zavzemajo se torej za stranko, ki bo gradila boljšo Slovenijo. • Preoblikovanje koalicije v izključno navezo med SKD in LDS utemeljujete z željo po preprečevanju politične polarizacije. S takšno razlago je v (dalje na sir. 19) draga cena za morebitne uspehe na zunanjepolitičnem polju. Take cene večina volilcev SKD zelo verjetno ne bi bila pripravljena plačati. Razlog, ki ga navajajo nekateri krščanski demokrati za sodelovanje z Drnovškom, je tudi ta, da na ta način manjšajo v slovenskem političnem prostoru ostrino konfrontacij. Pri tem pozabljajo, da je konfrontacija posledica in ne vzrok. Kdor se ne postavi odločno proti ostankom totalitarizma, proti krivicam in korupciji, daje tem potuho in ne dela za mir. Prav nasprotno. Mir je lahko le sad pravičnosti in resnice. Zato ni verjetno, da bi dvostrankarska koalicijska vlada, v primeru, da do nje pride, imela mirno in dolgo prihodnost. Ob trajnem zavezništvu z idejno popolnoma nasprotno LDS bi stranka krščanskih demokratov zvodenela. Svojo identiteto lahko ohranja, dokler ne pridobi na moči, le v zvezi s sebi sorodnimi strankami, ki pa so zdaj vse v opoziciji. Celo v primeru, da ostane SKD v vladi, bo še vedno odvisna od njihove podpore. To pa jo postavi v položaj dvojne odvisnosti, kar ji ne bo v prid. Vsekakor nastopa te dni SKD in z njo slovenska demokracija težavno pot, kjer pride lahko do važnih razpotij. Od teh se ne bo odločala le usoda moralno najbolj zdrave stranke na Slovenskem, kar SKD brez dvoma je, temveč za nekaj let tudi ozračje, v katerem se bo gibalo vse slovensko javno življenje. Bog daj, da bi krščanska demokracija ob teh odločitvah ostala zvesta sama sebi. In člani? Kako naj koristimo stranki, katera je kljub začetni neizkušenosti združila okrog svojega programa največ ljudi, ki so prepričani, da je pravičnost temeljna vrednota, na kateri naj sloni demokratična družbena ureditev? Mar z malodušnostjo? Mar s posplošeno kritiko? Mar z odmikom iz javnega življenja? Nasprotno. Po katoliškem moralnem nauku je prisotnost vernikov na političnem področju njihova dolžnost. Kar je vredno, je treba braniti od znotraj. Po svojih močeh smo dolžni delovati pri čiščenju pojmov v službi resnice in pri ohranjanju zgodovinskega spomina ter doseganju gospodarske uravnovešenosti v službi pravičnosti, skupno z rojaki, ki so usmerjeni k istim vrednotam kjerkoli v slovenskem narodnem občestvu. Vsi, ki nam je SKD pri srcu, želimo, da bi se njeni vodniki odločali pod vjdikom moralnih vrednot, kar je konec koncev vedno tudi najbolj koristno. Ali kot je rekel mlad krščanski demokrat iz Slovenije: »Odločiti se moramo, ali izčrpamo sile za kakršnokoli nagrado v teku na sto metrov ali se pripravimo na zlato odličje v maratonu.« • Pisec Marko Kremžar je podpredsednik SKD. Ur. PO PETINDVAJSETIH LETIH NOVI GROBOVI Preživeli smo veliki teden kot leto za letom, praznovali PRAZNIK VSTAJENJA petindvajsetič, odkar smo izvedeli strašno novico, da je prenehalo utripati srce našega dragega sina. Njegovi vrstniki so danes možje in uživajo v svojih družinah nov rod, potomce slovenskih sinov in hčera, novo diko našega naroda. Naš pokojni sin ima po svoji sestri štiri nečakinje, eno pranečakinjo in enega pranečaka. Upal je, da bo preko discipline v vojski dosegel visoko izobrazbo, in ko je že prejel diplomo in zaslužil vsa odlikovanja, ki jih je bilo mogoče zaslužiti, mu je smrt prekrižala načrte za bodočnost. Družina, o kateri je sanjal, je umrla z njim. Pred 49 letni smo zapustili domovino, ker smo odločno odklonili brezboštvo; upali smo najti boljšo, pravičnejšo deželo, in po božji milosti smo jo našli. Vsi tisoči, kar nas je skupaj zbežalo, smo se znašli na tuji zemlji in postali vsak sam svoje sreče kovač. Še iz otroških let se spominjam, kako so nam otrokom razlagali važnost sloge med brati. Oče na smrtni postelji vpraša tri sinove za tri palice. Prvemu ukaže palico prelomiti na dvoje. Prav nobene težave ni imel palice prelomiti. Drugega sina vpraša isto in nazadnje še tretjega. Vsak je z lahkoto prelomil palico. Potem jih je oče vprašal palice zvezati skupaj in jih tako prelomiti. Nobenemu ni uspelo. Tu je bil očetov nauk na smrtni postelji svojim sinovom: »Če boste skupaj delali, boste vse napore lahko premagovali.« Ne vem, v koliko so se šolarji teh naukov zapomnili. Vendar v pretekli polovici stoletja smo radi nesloge med brati doživeli morije in poraze. Brat se je dvignil proti bratu in zgodovina zadnjega pol stoletja je pisana s krvavimi črkami. Ko smo se znašli v tujem svetu smo si morali tudi izobrazbo znova pridobiti. Mnogi so bili srečni, drugi pa so prav s težavo postavili temelje svojim družinam. Pridnost ni vedno reševala vseh problemov, kadar je koga zadela nesreča, ki je človek ne more kontrolirati. Med Slovenci imamo vedno mnogo zaslužnih ljudi, ki nesebično delajo za skupno dobrobit. Nastala so društva in organizacije, ki so se povzpele do zavidljive višine; vendar pa se zdi, da med nami deluje nevidna obveščevalna služba, zdi se, kot bi imela najintimnejše informacije o finančnem in političnem statusu posameznikov. Zdi se, da je človek ožigosan, kateremu političnemu prepričanju pripada. Ko smo štiri leta živeli v begunskem taborišču smo bili protikomunisti, danes, po 49 letih, smo pa njihovi protiele-menti. V mnogih organizacijah se je pojavila nesloga radi obrekovanja. Po svojih izkušnjah spoznavam, da tisti, ki se radi štejejo znanilcem evange- lija pomagajo v prvi vrsti ljudem, ki sploh ne potrebujejo pomoči, po šolah bi radi učili samo nadarjene učence, učenci naj bi se redovali z ozirom na to, iz katere družine izhajajo. To velja tudi za usluge po drugih javnih ustanovah. Nujno je potrebno, da najdemo pot nazaj po Kristusovih stopinjah, če želimo oznanjati njegov evangelij. Vemo, da je Kristus rekel: »Večje bo veselje v nebesih nad enim grešnikom, ki se spokori, kot nad devetindevetdesetimi pravičnimi, ki ne potrebujejo pokore«. Vse preradi pozabljamo, da je Kristus učil, da brez kesanja ni odpuščanja, tudi krivice, ki smo jih bližnjemu povzročili z obrekovanjem, ko smo mu vzeli dobro ime, je treba poravnati, predno nam je odpuščeno. Če se počutimo, da smo dobro poučeni o verskih resnicah, in četudi znamo vse evangelije in liste na pamet, ne bo nikomur izmed nas škodovalo, če dvakrat premišljeno preči-tamo pismo sv. Pavla Korin-čanom, 13. poglavje: Ljubezen nad vsemi darovi Ko bi človeške in angelske jezike govoril, ljubezni pa bi ne imel, sem brneč zvon ali zveneče cimbale. In ko bi imel preroštvo in bi vedel vse skrivnosti ter imel vso vednost, in ko bi imel vso vero, tako da bi gore prestavljal, ljubezni pa bi ne imel,,nisem nič. In ko bi razdal v živež vse svoje imetje in ko bi dal svoje telo, da bi zgorel, ljubezni pa bi ne imel, mi nič ne koristi. Ljubezen je potrpljiva, je dobrotljiva; ljubezen ni nevoščljiva, se ne ponaša, se ne napihuje; ni prešerna, ne išče svojega, se ne dd razdražiti, ne misli hudega; se ne veseli krivice, veseli se pa resnice, vse opraviči, vse veruje, vse upa, vse prenaša. Ljubezen nikoli ne mine: če so preroštva, bodo ponehala; če jeziki, bodo umolknili; če vednost, bo prešla. Zakaj nepopolno spoznavamo in nepopolno prerokujemo. Ko pa pride, kar je popolno, bo minilo, kar je nepopolnega. Ko sem bil otrok, sem govoril kakor otrok; ko sem pa postal mož, sem opustil, kar je bilo otroškega. Zdaj namreč gledamo v zrcalu, nejasno, takrat pa iz obličja v obličje. Zdaj spoznavam deloma, takrat pa bom spoznal, kakor sem bil spoznan. Zdaj pa ostane vera, upanje, ljubezen, to troje; največja med temi pa je ljubezen. Prizadevajte si, da boste imeli ljubezen. Potem skušajmo ljubezen tako živeti vse svoje življenje. Ob smrti našega sina smo prejeli nešteto zelo ganljivih so-žalnih pisem. Vsaj šest od njegovih najvišjih predstojnikov se je o njem izrazilo z naj večjim spoštovanjem in mislim, da ni zaslužil, da so ga iz fare sv. Vida dobesedno »zradirali«. Vsi, ki so ga mrzili, bodo srečni, če bodo pred božjega Sodnika stopili, kot je stopil on. Naj mu bo lažja ameriška zemlja kot mu je bilo življenje na njej. Mati: Marija Sekne Mary Manchir Dne 12. aprila je po kratki bolezni umrla 84 let stara Mary Manchir z Gates Millsa, prej živeča 35 let v Clevelandu, rojena Trček v St. Louisu, Mo., vdova po Johnu, mati Jean Kolman, Rose Kowalski, Helen Stoneman, Mildred Melden in Elizabeth Sinkovič (pok.), zaposlena 43 let pri Fisher Body obratu na Coit Rd., do svoje upokojitve 1. 1969, članica Kluba upokojencev v Euclidu. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. jutri, v petek, dop. ob 9.15, v cerkev sv. Frančiška Asiškega na 6850 Mayfield Rd. ob 10., od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Ure kropljenja bodo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 6. do 8. Ernest W. Schneider Dne 6. aprila je v Meridia Euclid bolnišnici umrl 77 let stari Ernest W. Schneider, rojen v Clevelandu, mož Mary, roj. Lonchar, oče Mary Ann Schultz, Ernesta, Rite Boucher in Stevena, 9-krat stari oče, brat Yolande Gibel in Katherine Zuber. Pogreb je bil 8. aprila iz Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Thomas S. Peterlin Umrl je 59 let stari Thomas 5. Peterlin, oče Daniela, Roberta in Susan Kolar, 4-krat stari oče, brat Richarda in že poU; Joan Schmitt, prej poročeno z Barbaro, roj. Kazol. Pogreb bo danes s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Bridget. Sophie Mocilnikar Dne 7. aprila je umrla Sophie Mocilnikar, sestra Frances Jarc, Rose Hupp ter že pok. Phillipa, Jamesa, Franka in Jenny Vehovec. Pogreb je bil 9. aprila s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Katoliške gimnazije (nadaljevanje s str. 16) Profesorji, določenega stališča in ravnanja ne smejo vsiljevati, pač pa dijake prepričati z argumenti in osebno zavzetostjo. Zavedajo se, da so negativni vplivi na oblikovanje otrokove osebnosti zunaj družine in šole čedalje močnejši-Pri tem gre predvsem za agresivno poseganje v dušo mladega človeka, da bi ga oblikovali v poslušnega in kritičnega potrošnika izdelkov, kamor sodi tudi prodaja alkohola, tobaka, mamil, pogrošne literature in posredno nekaterih zvrsti popularne glasbe. Predajati vrednote V vzgojni zasnovi gimnazij je navzoča tudi Cerkev, ki vzgaja mlade z verskim poukom in posredovanje krščanskih vrednot v vseh dejavnostih šole. Profesorji in duhovni vodja so pripravljeni mlad*111 pomagati premagovati njihove osebne stiske in težave, želj3 vseh namreč je, da se med Pr0' fesorji in dijaki razvije odu°s' ki obe strani bogati ih ozračje domače in toplo. Z veliko skrbjo pripravljajo nekatere slovesnosti in obhajajo pomembnejše dogodke cer kvenega leta: advent, boži » post, veliko noč. Vse to sku?3 jo pripraviti tako, da mladi t veseljem sodelujejo in slov®' snosti doživijo kot nekaj lepe ga in bogatega. K nekateriuj slovesnostim so povabi)6 tudi starši. Druge dejavnosti Po pouku so organiziran« številne dejavnosti s podrocJ^ naravoslovja, kulture, sp° in razvedrila. Po zaslugi s ^ venskih umetnikov so šo s hodniki poodobni malim g3 rijam. Mladi literati se zbir3! in urejajo šolsko glasilo, ma ^ matiki trejo matematične or he, biologi z mikroskopi ra^ skujejo najmanjše delce narave, zbirajo se navdu 6 zemljepisci in zgodovinarj*-Za tiste, ki jim jezik teče bro tudi v angleščini, vodi P govore angleško govoreči s venski rojak. Za tiste dij3 ki imajo slabši učni usp6 ’ za matematiko in angleS ^ organiziran dopolnilni P° • kjer lahko dopolnijo Ponlf ia. kljivo znanje. V Škofijski k sični gimnaziji bo poleg sP nih dni (dva so že izvedli) ganizirana za vsak razre sebej tridnevna strokovna ^ kurzija v Padovo in Za tiste dijakinje in dijak ’ r-se bodo odločili za P^u. jena škega jezika, pa je pr6 V1 tudi ekskurzija v Grčijo-^ 1991 Slovenec, 9. marec Podpirajmo slovensk ameriško skupn°sl' And they who for their country die Shall fill an honored grave. For glory lights the soldier's tomb, And beauty weeps the brave. J. R. Drake Globoko žalujoči: oče FLORIAN in mati MARIJA SEKNE sestra FLORI poročena ZAZULA z družino ostali sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji Wickliffe, Ohio, 15. aprila 1994. Parlamentarci ali demonstrantje? (nadaljevanje s str. 17) četrtek soglašal tudi svet LDS. Ker se polarizacija lahko razume na več načinov ostaja odprto vprašanje, kakšni polarizaciji se pravzaprav želite izogniti in kako? Spričo tega, da je na prejšnjih volitvah zmagala tista stran, v kateri je bilo več nekdanjih komunistov, je govorjenje o tem, da bo oblast prevzela levica, demagogija. Oblast že imajo, to se je večkrat pokazalo tudi pri glasovanju v parlamentu. Na izbiro imamo dvoje: lahko jim prepustimo dobesedno vse, torej tudi tisto, kar nam je v zadnjih letih nspelo pridobiti z lastnim delom, ali pa se temu upremo. Menimo, da je veliko boljša druga izbira, zato smo sodelovanje z LDS tudi predlagali. v * *ecle očitkov, da je naš položaj v koaliciji podrejen, pa to: ce Podobnik ne bi zamudil Vsoh priložnosti za združitev z našo stranko in s tem za sode-ovanje v vladi, bi bila politika slika lahko uravnotežena, vk jk J6 ključna Podobniko-^ s rb boj proti krščanskim emokratom, česa takega ni l®02?. doseči. Poleg tega njihovega boja nikoli ne 0 čutila kot boj proti sebi, emveč kot zabavno prerivanje na desnici. Če bi SKD iz koalicije izsto-™a in bi v vladi ostali le LDS LSD, bi to povzročilo bi- 0 arnost s slabimi posledica- 1 Za Sl°vcnijo. Na koncu nas kdo volilci vprašali po rezul-abh, ne pa po tem, s kom se opiramo. Kot zunanji mini-ster Se posebej vidim pomemb-n°st stabilnosti v Sloveniji. jo ^e^a^er’ veliko pričakuje-Vo|.®d morebitnih predčasnih m !.ev- Kakšne so dejanske *nosti za predčasne volitve' Sebn°^nost* 80 velike, še po-vnovV^'^6 50 m°žnosti za vlada 00 Zma8° LDS' SedanjJ letu Je za ^ovenijo v enem pada11^^'^ veliko: inflacija valuta eV’Zne rezerve rastejo, je v svef trdna> ugled Sloveni-darska U SC ^ Pove^a'> gospo-Zaradi r3St pred nam‘ *tci predsednuSe8a nadetega za ?[n”f = V.1OT kottoda,ne b bll° lepšegm ni kan, e uspehe v predvolil-hvalo Pan^ uP°ral3i za samo- koaii^jj k0J- druga stranka \ UsPehpJ m X za omenjene Si 8 Preh °Hn0 zaslužna’ Pa b Predčal d0m v 0Pozieijo ir sluge v ‘k1 volitvami te za kibodr,Celoti opravila. Tisti do 2a7n to vlado zamajali, bo jim n?Ve,TVani k0t osebe> k ‘n nipn lko mar za Slovenije a, k« »° vsa , bijno J,V ČP stranki- Ne poza P°nudifa *ma možnos vlade eV projekt manjšinski litve <;i ratka> Predčasne vo Prav k°ven'ji ne prinašajc Prepo: rar- Poleg tega pt interef,?5 exV0Utve tudi niso t • Je VeČine voiileev. 8trahu ^ Va^*1 besedah kančel rebitnimred ° strankinem mo v„S;hom"«p™« rreba je vedeti,, da je na Slo venskem ključni boj še naprej proti krščanskim demokratom. Razmerje sil v držšvnem zboru je tako, da imamo SKD približno 17 odstotkov glasov, SLS 8 odstotkov, SDSS pa okoli 3,5 odstotkov. Tudi če bi se po volitvah položaj spremenil in bi naša stranka dobila manj odstotkov, bi zaradi razcepljenosti ponovili sedanji položaj, zato naši pozivi k združevanju. SKD želi ostati sredinska, zmerna stranka z jasnim profilom. • Kako gledate na jezo, ki jo proti vaši usmeritvi in navezi z LDS goji članstvo stranke? Ali je upravičen strah, da bi SKD v takšni vladi preveč popuščala? Ta jeza je neutemeljena. Komunistov se ni mogoče znebiti tako, da se jim prepustijo vsi položaji. To, kar od nas zahtevajo nekateri, je, da se obrnemo stran, medtem ko o-sebno podpiram smer, ki položaje gradi, ne pa zapušča. Tudi Podobnika bodo volil-ci čez štiri leta vprašali, ali je samo govoril in kričal ali pa je tudi kaj naredil. Naša stranka se takšnih vprašanj ne bo bala. Z morebitnim vstopom v novo koalicijo z LDS bo podpisana tudi nova koalicijska pogodba hkrati z dopolnitvijo programa. Zadeve morajo biti zelo natančno določene. Možnost za izstop zaradi odmikov od dogovorjenega je seveda odprta. • Omenili ste, da je Drnovšek interpelacijo zoper Janšo zadrževal. Lahko opišete, kako se je temperatura proti Janši dvigovala čez leto? Janša je v zameri tako s Kučanom, kot z Liberalnimi demokrati. Z veliko težavo sem dosegel, da je mandatar Janšo vključil v vlado. Napetost med LDS, ZL in Janšem se je ves čas čutilo *- interpelacija je bila tako rekoč v zraku. Vem, da ji je Drnovšek do dogodkov v Depali vasi nasprotoval, potem pa se je odločil za zamenjavo. • Kako odgovarjate na očitke SDSS, da vaša stranka nikoli ni v celoti obsodila Janševe odstavitve? Izrecno smo zahtevali, da se pred kakršnim koli posegom izvede popolna preiskava primera Smolnikar. S tem smo Janšo najkonkretneje podprli. Dejanja pred preiskavo nismo hoteli kvalificirati, zato tudi nismo rekli, da je vojska naredila napako. Vsi naši poslanci so glasovali za Janšo. Od predsednika vlade sem zahteval umik predloga za razrešitev, predlagal glasovanje o zaupnici... • Veliko se je razpravljalo o vašem sodelovanju v vladni komisiji štirih ministrov, ki se je ukvarjala z zadevo Smolnikar. Janša je na izredni seji kazal poročilo in se skliceval na to, da ga vi niste hoteli podpisati, po drugi strani pa je minister Miha Kozinc trdil, da ste listino sicer podpisali, vendar šele potem, ko ste dodali svoj pripis. Lahko razlike natanč- neje pojasnite? Ko se je Drnovšek odločil, da imenuje komisijo, in predlagal, da v njej sodelujem tudi jaz, sem izrazil željo, da v komisiji ne bi sodeloval. Navsezadnje sta tako Bizjak kot Janša moja prijatelja. Pozneje sem na Janševo prošnjo in prošnjo ministra Janka svojo odločitev, kljub pomislekom, spremenil. Že na začetku pa sem postavil pogoj, da bom v komisiji sodeloval le kot politik in ne kot strokovnjak za pravna vprašanja, ter da ne bom podpisal ničesar, kar bi pomenilo, da bi se komisja kot celota ukvarjala s kvalifikacijo dejanja v Depali vasi. Podprli so mojo zahtevo, da se komisiji podeli mandat in da njeno delo ni omejeno le na dogodke v Depali vasi, ampak na razčiščevanje celotnega ozadja. Minister Voljč, ki je bil v podobnem položaju kot jaz, se je odločil, da bo v komisiji sodeloval le pri ugotavljanju in obravnavi Smolnikarjevega zdravniškega izvida, medtem ko sta strokovno pravno mnenje in razlago zakonov sestavila ministra Kozinc in Janko. Ko sem bral njuno poročilo, sem ugotovil, da jev njem odlomek, ki v celoti ne drži. Zapisano je bilo namreč, da se opis dogodkov s strani MNZ in MORS v vseh delih ne ujema. Tudi Janša me je opozoril na pomembno razliko, zaradi katere sem pozneje na prvi strani poročilu dodal krajši pripis. Moj podpis se torej nanaša le na politični del in pripis glede rekonstrukcije dogodka. • Številni menijo, da so dogodki v Depali vasi razkrili delovanje vrste skrivnih ali nezakonitih obveščevalnih služb. Takšno mnenje ni v celoti v skladu z resnico. Dopuščam sicer možnost njihovega obstoja, še posebej glede na to, da si je veliko mlajših sodelavcev SDV (= Službe državne varnosti) ali policije poiskalo zaposlitev v novih detektivskih službah. Vendar pa v primeru Smolnikar ni šlo za skrivne službe. Kolikor vem, sta bila vpletena VOMO, ki je uradna služba ministrstva za obrambo, in kriminalistična služba pri ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, ki tudi ni skrivna služba. Obe imata svoje pristojnosti, tu pa se tudi začnejo zapleti. Če bi bile zadeve samo v enih rokah, bi bilo preprosto. V takih primerih morajo svoje opraviti kriminalisti MNZ, tožilci, sodniki, včasih še kdo drug. Očitno vplivajo tudi politični interesi. Kar zadeva primer Smolnikar, se bom trudil, da bo naprej delala vladna komisija. Popolna preiskava tega in drugih primerov je mogoča samo z nadstrankarsko moralo in strokovnostjo vseh sodelujočih ter seveda z odzivanjem tistih, ki jih pristojni organi kaj vprašajo. Za tiste, ki afere spravljajo v javnost, pa je zanimiv predvsem začetek, kot sta zraven kamera in mikrofon. Krščanski demokrati se proti kriminalu in korupciji borujemo znotraj sistema. Ali grozi Slovenski izseljenski matici (SIM) ukinitev? Pismo, ki sledi, je bilo objavljeno v aprilski številki »Rodne grude« od predsednika SIM dr. Mirka Juraka in tajnika Janeza Roglja. Dragi rojaki, pred nekaj dnevi smo bili ponovno postavljeni pred dejstvo, da grozi SIM okrnitev, če ne celo njena ukinitev. Predlog proračuna za leto 1994 namreč ne predvideva nobenih sredstev za delo SIM, pač pa se zdi, da so bila sredstva v višini 31,000.000 SIT, namenjena za delovanje službe SIM, prenesena na Zunanje ministrstvo Republike Slovenije. Tu bi potem lahko SIM — skupaj z drugimi institucijami oz. društvi — kandidirala za »svoja sredstva«. Znašli smo se v podobni situaciji kot lansko leto, ko nam je državni sekretar v Zunanjem ministrstvu, odgovoren za Slovence po svetu, povedal, da predlog vlade po prenosu sredstev ne pomeni ukinitve, temveč letno zmanjšanje sredstev za delo SIM za 3 do 6 milijonov tolarjev, kar predstavlja zmanjšanje zaposlenih od 12 na 8 delavcev. To pa dejansko pomeni, da bi se drugo leto prijavili na razpis ne več z dvanajstimi, temveč zgolj z osmimi zaposlenimi. Samo po sebi je razumljivo, da bi morali tudi druga in naslednja leta sproti kandidirati za sredstva. Lani poslanci državnega zbora niso potrdili predloga vlade, temveč naš amandma, ki je ohranil SIM kot samostojno društvo. Izvršni odbor Slovenske izseljenske matice je na svoji zadnji seji konec februarja letos sklenil, da bi imel predvideni ukrep zelo občutne • Ali bi bilo afere mogoče temeljiteje raziskati, če bi bila politična stranka, ki je za to zainteresirana, bližje vzvodom oblasti? Tudi opozicija ima določene vzvode, toda ukrepati morajo praviloma veje izvršilne in sodne oblasti. Podpiram vse upravičene in zakonito izražene zahteve opozicije proti korupciji, kadar imajo realno podlago. Ne vidim pa potrebe, da se preselimo na ulice in delamo proti vladi. Če vlada ne bi bila že sama raziskovala primerov, Podobnik ne bi mogel objavljati njenih zaupnih listin. S prehitevanjem dogodkov ni pripomogel k razčišče-nju nobene afere. Njegov populizem in odklanjanje strokovnosti megli zadeve, namesto, da bi jih jasnil. Tak je primer z javnim dolgom in njegovo stališče do Agencije za sanacijo bank. • Očitki na račun Agencije za sanacijo bank so v tem, da ni zagotovila za preglednosti oziroma da ni razkrila kanalov, po katerih je denar odtekal iz države. Podobnik želi pojesti krompir, še preden je pečen. Poro- (dalje na str. 20) posledice za delovanje SIM tudi v primeru, če bi njena sredstva prenesli na Zunanje ministrstvo, kot je zapisano v predlogu proračuna. Zato je Izvršni odbor SIM sklenil, da bomo tudi letos s pomočjo poslancev v državnem zboru vložili amandma, ki bo zahteval, da SIM ostane še naprej samostojna institucija, pri čemer pa je seveda razumljivo, da vse izdatke SIM odobrita Ministrstvo za kulturo in Ministrstvo za finance. Enoten sklep Izvršnega odbora SIM je bil, da je tak predlog vlade nesistemski in, kar je najvažnejše, tudi škodljiv za sodelovanje Republike Slovenije s Slovenci po svetu. V resnici delo SIM sploh ni prvenstveno osredotočeno v Zunanjem ministrstvu, temveč se pretežni del njenih aktivnosti odvija na področju kulture, prosvete, šolstva in informiranja. SIM je društvo-institucija civilne družbe, ki je nujno potrebna za ohranjanje slovenske samobitnosti, narodne zavesti, kulture in jezika med našimi izseljenci in njihovimi potomci. Je nevladna institucija in kot taka je najprimernejša za sodelovanje med Slovenci po svetu, kajti, kot sami najbolje veste, ste, posebej v prekomorskih deželah, praviloma že tuji državljani in kot taki veliko lažje sodelujete z nevladno, kot pa z vladno organizacijo. Če je še pred dvema letoma obstajal argument, da ima SIM monopol na področju sodelovanja s Slovenci po svetu in je zato potrebno omogočiti delovanje tudi novim društvom, danes tega razloga ni več, saj poleg SIM v Sloveniji in med Slovenci po svetu delujejo še: Svetovni slovenski kongres, Katoliško središče za Slovence po svetu, Izseljensko društvo Slovenija v svetu. K obstoju SIM ste lansko leto prav gotovo pripomogli tudi Vi, z Vašo zahtevo po njenem obstoju in samostojnosti. Čeprav je državni sekretar za Slovence po svetu, dr. Peter Vencelj, na nedavni seji IO SIM dejal, da zgornjega predloga ne pozna, se nam vendarle zdi nenavadno, da se predlog, po katerem SIM nima več samostojne finančne postavke, ponavlja iz leta v leto. Glede na njegovo lanskoletno izjavo o nujnem zmanjšanju sredstev za SIM, bi letošnja uveljavitev zgoraj omenjenega predloga prav gotovo sčasoma pomenila resno ogrožanje ali celo ukinitev Matice. Prepričani smo, da se Slovenci po svetu ne strinjate s tako politiko in zato Vas prosimo za pisno podporo, ki jo lahko pošljete premieru slovenske vlade dr. Janezu Drnovšku. Upajmo, da bomo tudi z Vašo pomočjo z našo akcijo uspeli in da bo SIM tudi v prihodnje lahko ohranila svojo nestrankarsko držo, in svojo odprtost do vseh Slovencev po svetu. • Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1029. Misijonar Janez Kopač, lazarist iz Družbe sv. Vincencija Pavelskega, je na samo Velikonočno nedeljo, največji in najlepši praznik Gospodovega Vstajenja, ob eni popoldne mirno odšel k Gospodu. Zadnje mesece se mu je zdravje poslabšalo in po nedavni operaciji se ni več opomogel. Gospod mu je prikrajšal trpljenje, ki je delež vsake bolezni. Posebej če zdravniki ne vidijo možnosti, uspešno poseči v zdravljenje in človek začne čutiti odvisnost od vsemogočih zdravil, posebej »pain killers« v večji množini. Rodil se je 9. septembra 1913 pri Sv. Andreju, v skromni hiši sredi gozda, na samem. Imel je starejšega brata in sestro, priljubljeno uršulin-ko s. Bernardino, ki je poučevala kot odlična vzgojiteljica v škofjeloškem uršulinskem samostanu v meščanski šoli in kasneje na učiteljišču, ki so ga po posredovanju in zaslugi dr. Antona Korošca dobile par let pred razpadom Jugoslavije in nemško okupacijo Gorenjske. Zelo mlad je bil nekako »posvojen« od loških uršulink, ki so ga vzele pod streho, saj je bil njegov stric Luka z dobro ženo pri sestrah v službi. Dnevno je ministriral pri maši ko- PrijateVs Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZOAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS munitete in kmalu zaželel, da bi postal duhovnik. Pomagale so mu sestre do vpisa v Škofove zavode, kjer je maturiral in vstopil jeseni leta 1933 v ljubljansko bogoslovje. Bil je literarno navdahnjen in v tretjem letniku postal kritik pridig, ko smo morali bogoslovci pri kosilu kakim 106 lemenatarjem in vodstvu semenišča (‘ata’ prošt Nadrah, duhovni vodja dr. Janez Kraljič, ekonom Karel Gros), dokazati, da bomo zmožni enkrat pridigati. Med njegovimi sošolci je bil bodoči pomožni škof dr. Stanko Lenič. V mašnika je bil posvečen 3. julija 1938 in novo mašo je imel dva tedna kasneje v Škofji Loki. Še danes vidim številne mlaje, ki so krasili pot do uršulinskega samostana in prednico M. Marijo Klinar, ki je s sestro Bernardino Kopač krasila kapelo za novo mašo. Na hodniku, ki je vezal samostan z gornjim delom in vhodom na vrt, je vselej, kadar smo mimo prišli, zakričal trenirani papagaj: »Dobro jutri, sestra prednica.« Lepo je molčal, kadar smo hodili mimo brez M. Marije Klinar, sestre kanonika Klinarja, doma z Jesenic. V počitnicah smo se radi se-šli pri od partizanov umorjenem domačinu, duhovniku Pokornu, sem in tja pa sva pohitela na obisk v Selca, Poljane, Godešič in drugam za kratek obisk okoliških župnikov, Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St: Clair (Slovenian National Home) 300,000 Dobitnikov Dnevno ■ OkHO lorreRv/ Sodelujte pri dobitkih All Ohio Lottery players are subject to laws and regulations ol the Ohio Lottery Commission Fofmore information, call our Customer Relations Department. (216) 787-3200. during regular business hours da smo malo potarokirali. Kako se je Janezu zasmejalo, če je ‘ujel pegata’, kar se je zgodilo kar pogosto. Bil je dober tarokist. V župnišču pri Sv. Jakobu v Škofji Loki smo bili kot doma in mimo župnika Podbevška nas je vedno rad sprejel dobrohotni kaplan Jože Vovk, kasneje v ZDA dolga leta župnik v duluthski škofiji v Minnesoti. Vojaški kader v jugoslovanski vojski je Janez šel služiti v Osijek v Tvrdžo, kamor sem ga spremil in mi je kasneje vrnil to uslugo, ko je mene spremljal za moj kader par let kasneje, dokler ni za Veliko noč 1941 doživel tam poraz Jugoslavije po nemški zasedbi hitenja nemških tankov na jug, po bombardiranju Beograda na Cvetno nedeljo. Nastavljen je bil potem za prefekta v Škofovih zavodih, kjer je posebej občudoval dr. Šolarja. Zatem je bil kaplan v Poljanah nad Škofjo Loko, kjer so ob zasedbi Nemci dali njemu in župniku Tavčarju nalog zapustiti župnišče v kratkem času in se je kot begunec znašel v Ljubljani. Škof dr. Rožman mu je takrat zaupal formacijo kmečkih fantov. Vse doživeto in ljubezen do Cerkve pa ga je nagnalo k vstopu v Družbo sv. Vincencija Pavelskega v Ljubljani pri Srcu Jezusovem na Taboru. Zaobljube pri lazaristih je o-pravil 17. aprila 1942. Od tam je šel z drugimi začetku maja 1945 v begunstvo in deloval nekaj časa v taborišču rojakov v Lienzu, dokler ni odšel v Rim in z ladjo začetku 1947 po morju na Kitajsko kot prvi, ki je od nas Slovencev uspel dobiti za vstop na Kitajsko potreben vizum. Jezik je študiral v jezikovni šoli za kitajščino v Beijingu in govoril, ko smo se srečali v škofiji Kanchow v provinci Kiangshi, prav lepo mandarinščino, ki je uradni jezik v kitajski državi in literaturi. Bil je župnik v svoji župniji. Po odhodu župnika Jožeta Časla in tik pred komunistično zasedbo južne Kitajske, ko so so Čangkajšekovi vojaki umikali na Taivan, je prišel kot moj drugi župnik v župnijo v Ningtuju, kjer sem sam deloval že pod prvim župnikom od srede leta 1948. Istočasno sva bila izgnana iz Kitajske, po odloku osrednje vlade v Beijingu, in šef policije nama je dekret zvečer prebiral, ko naju je zvečer iz najinih sob, vsakega v drugo vtaknil, da nisva imela več stika in ni bilo možno več stopiti v najini sobi. Zjutraj smo bili vrženi na kamion in nato na tesen avtobus, ko so nas vozili proti Kantonu in potem z vlakom MALI OGLASI HOME FOR SALE 1767 SKYLINE DRIVE 4 B.R. 2Vi Bath. 27x12 F.R. with W.B.F.P. 2 car attached garage. Large lot. Shed, Balin-ca Court and more. Finished Rec Rm. Call Coldwell Banker Hunter Realty — 951-2701 Theresa Manjas — 943-1814 poslali v Hong Kong. Od tarn sva se po 13 dnevih morala vrniti v Rim, ker so se Angleži bali, da bi komunisti silili v Hong Kong, če bi se nas veliko izgnanih tam nakopičilo. V Rimu so nas sprejeli v Internacionalno hišo lazaristov za študente iz raznih držav, ki so v Rimu delali doktorate, na Via Pompeo, v Collegio Leo-niano ob reki Tiberi. Provincial lazaristov iz Philadelphije, ki je imel pod seboj našega ameriškega škofa Johna O’Shea, izgnanega za nami iz Kitajske, naju je povabil in bil najin sponzor za vstop v Združene države. Kmalu po prihodu Kopačevem iz Rima — sam sem prišel s Queen Elizabeth v New York 17. februarja prvi — smo se razgledovali in premišljali, kako bomo z delom kje mogli zastaviti in dozorela je misel, da šel pomagat v Toronto dr. Jakobu Kolariču. Osebno sem ga spremljal iz Philadelphije v župnišče v Scarborough, kjer je dr. Kolarič pri sobratih živel in pioniril med rojaki za njih dušnopa-stirsko skrb, kije rodila kasneje prvo slovensko župnijo na Manningu, Marijo Pomagaj. Kmalu po prihodu in kratkem bivanju v Immaculate Heart of Mary župniji, je odšel in našel prostor na Manningu, kjer je kasneje bilo prvo župnišče novo nastajajoče fare rojakov. Ko je začelo mnogo rojakov odhajati proti Etobicoke in je nastala potreba po novi župniji, je bil poklican, da ustanovi novo župnijo Čudodelne svetinje na Brown’s Line in je tam zgradil novo farno cerkev, lepo dvorano, sestrsko hišo in hišo za lazariste, ki bi šli v pokoj. Dom Lipa in Slovensko letovišče sta nastali s pomočjo mnogo njegovih idej in pomči dobrih rojakov. Božja Beseda se je tiskala vedno.lepše in rad jo je urejeval, dokler ta skrb ni padla na sobrata Toneta Zrne-ca. Leta župnikovanja niso bila lahka za gospoda Janeza, ki je faro razvijal in gradil z vso ljubeznijo do svoje upoko- MALI OGLASI FOR SALE Euclid. Off Chardon Road. Beautiful brick bungalow. Newer kitchen. $105,000. Call 486-1903. (13-16) For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) For Sale Richmond Hts. 3 bdrms. Wi baths. Full basement. Lge lot. $104,500. Call 298-3035. (14-17) FENCES — OGRAJE Any type of fence. Chain link, wood and ornamental iron. Railings for steps. Porches, balconies. We have our own surveyor. Call: Jokic Fence Co. 944-6777 jitve koncu 75-ega leta svojega življenja, ko kanonsko pravo Cerkve zahteva, da župnik predloži svojemu škofu odstavke. Sladkorna bolezen, ki ga je spremljala zadnja leta, je njegovo zdravje slabila. Ostal pa je skoraj do konca čil in Ja' sen ob srečanjih in razgovoru. Zlato mašo je praznoval leta 1988. Zadnja leta je živel v Domu Lipa, kjer je duhovni vodja sobrat Franc Sodja, priznani pisatelj duhovnih knjig in znane knjige »Pred vrati pekla« ter upokojeni župni Anton Vukšinič. O pogrebu samem in o osebnosti rajnega gospoda Kopača pa prihodnjič. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Parlamentarci ali demonstrantje? (nadaljevanje s str. 19) ilo Agencije za sanacijo bank i v parlament gotovo pris °’ er tako zahteva zakon, 1,10 oče nekaj mesecev poznej^ odobnik je torej v svoje"1 rehitevanju zahteval ne ^ ’ ar bi se tako ali tako zgo 1 Ekipi za sanacijo bank ze " mpam, saj je prav v Pre® nost položaja vložila zel° v ' ko dela. Megla je v tein’.n0, genciji pripisujejo Pnst^" a i, ki jih ta nima. vjh Iravi banke, nima pohe') ooblastil. In Podobnik J° n ida zdaj, ko postaja položi :dalje preglednejši. Ča a^’ r bo Deželak napaden žara ližanja obresti. • Kakšne so zdaj le perspektive države? s .j ibujajoča je zmaga S|ove" .j anj naklonjenih politic1'1 Italiji pa tudi napovedi ivljanju Jugoslavije. Ne ^ ugibajo, ali ni celo paPeZ onjen svojevrstni obnov1 »slovanskega prostora. ^ Sile, ki bi se nagibale k . m Jugoslavije, se ne r ^ , temveč (gledano v ce ginjajo. Ta formula je P ^ la. V primeru hko zgodi, da bodo b obžalovali, ker je italija ... ščanska demokracija lZ® -. moč, saj je bila v caS^ tjanja do nas zelo P 0 sk"piisr»kii> išča Berlusconija- »ričan sem, da so ne — eama iw*" . se je bojim, , ne od zunaj, je zdaj notranja P spamet doma na, .zli-»oslabša naš pol°z z to, za božjo voljo- 5. Pa vesele prazni %