\ Od tedna do tedna VERSKI BOJ V JUGOSLAVIJI j JUGOSLAVIJI je izbruh-' V nil verski boj med katoliš- Ijo in pravoslavno cerkvijo. Iz- z val ga je predlagani konkor- dat z Vatikanom. Dr. Korošec, ki ima kot not¬ ranji minister kontrolo nad po¬ licijo v državi — v Jugoslaviji je policija državna — je dva¬ krat poslal policijo proti pra¬ voslavnim vernikom in duhov¬ ščini, ko je protestirala proti sprejemu konkordata v Narod¬ ni skupščini. Pri tem je bilo več oseb ranjenih, med njimi neki pravoslavni škof, ki je dobil hude poškodbe. Do kakega viš- Svoda' ■ ~~ --- — ka so prikipele strasti, je raz- katero L poročilo > 1)ve metodi za zdrobitev morale vidno iz tega, du je pravoslav- vija ‘Thp ti™ » n ^ e dna re- med delavstvom na cerkev poslancem, ki so gla- jih 7)nrn ~ ° H ene 9 a svo- p 5 jih, poročevalcem v* - , Proti-stavkovna kampanja se VOLUME II. j Official Organ of The Slovene Progres¬ sive Benefit Societjr Glasilo Slovenske Svobodomi¬ selne Podporne Zveze JE POŠTEN POROČEVALEC VI- OEL IN SLIŠAL V J0KNST0WNU Cleveland, Ohio, July 28th, 1937 NUMBER 52 STANOVANJA ZA GOSTE NA OLIMPAJABI Vse člane SSPZ in druge ose¬ be v Clevelandu, ki imajo na na razpolago kako sobo, so pro¬ šene, da to sporočijo v uradu “Napredka”, 6231 St. Clair Ave. ali pa na naslovu Miss Ann Opeka, 1172 E. 71 St. Rabilo se jih bo za goste ob priliki Olim- njih družin, To pomeni, da se je nesmisel¬ nemu plemenskemu boju, ki že gkoro od početka vzruja Jugo¬ slavijo, pridruil že mnogo bolj nesmiselni verski boj. Vsako¬ gar, ki mu je pri srcu Jugosla¬ vija in njeno ljudstvo, more to navdajati le z žalostjo in obža¬ lovanjem. * * * Ta boj pokazuje, da rimska cerkev nikakor ne more pozabi- porocevalcev. ki je opazoval e v Johns- ... je vsesko- ^Ut hi }\ zdr ° hit \ moral ° J ek ',Clevelandu v dneh soV ali za konkordat, zagrozila potek jeklarske stavke v' Johns je Vršila na dva načina. Prvi J ’." T . ... zobcenjem m tako tudi elanom townu, P«. Poročilo cili lV hn _inJ ade SSI z > kl se bw vrsila v zi realistično in haš zato poda- larskih delavcev, drugi pa, obr-1 eeDtembra ja strani hoja, ki hi ga v me-\ mtl _ splošno publiko proti stav ! ' 4., 5. in 6. ščanskem tisku zaman iskali, kl Poizkus za demoraliziranje |^j Q y | g £ ŽIVLJENJA Razmere, ki so tu opisane , oh- stavk arjev je imel dve obliki in stoje v splošnem tudi podru- ! sicer: Propaganda, da je stav gih mestih, kjer ima industrija jekla in železa svoje trdnjave ... * Opazoval sem “pokret za vr¬ nitev na delo” na jeklarski fron¬ ti in lahko rečem, da še nisem videl kaj tako izumetničene- ka izgubljena, da se delavci vračajo in da je za stavkarje najbolje, da gredo nazaj na de¬ lo, dokler je še čas, oziroma, dokler jih je kompanija še pri¬ pravljena sprejeti; tororizira- nje piketov in ustrahovanje nji¬ hovih družin. Javno mnenje se NAŠIH LJUDI ŠIROM AMERIKE Aktivnosti SSPZ — Angleško poslujoče društ¬ vo Challengers, Strabane, Pa., bo imelo v soboto 31. julija m v nedeljo 1. avgusta piknik, ki se ti, da je bila nekoč posvetna si-, S a ’ Ro sem se vrnil iz Johns- J e tudi “ko-ordiniralo” na dva la, pred katero so se stresli tovvna ’ Pa > sem hil presenečen ; načina; potom propagande v|bo vršil v takozvanem kamno¬ lomu. Čisti dobiček se bo porabi¬ lo za kritje stroškov vdeležbe SSPZ Olimpijade v Cleve¬ landu. vladarji, ki brez njene sankcije nad netočnostjo slike, ki so jo časopisih, raz prižnice in potom imeli o stavki celo dobro infor-j splošnega govorjenja; in pa mirani New-Yorčani navzlic ob- j gospodarski pritisk je bil gro¬ ši rnim poročilom, ki so jih pri¬ našali listi dan za dnem. Veči¬ na ljudi, s katerimi sem govo¬ ril, si je položaj predstavljala tako-le: Ni dvoma, da je ključ do situacije iskati v zakrknje¬ nosti Tom Girdlerja, ampak na drugi strani je tudi mnogo de¬ lavcev, ki so se naveličali stav- sploh vladati niso mogli. Vsak konkordat je verski le navidez¬ no, v jedru pa je političen do¬ kument. Cerkev želi pogodbene odnošaje s čim večjim številom držav, ker s tem utrjuje svoj politični, t. j. posvetni prestiž. Zato hoče tudi konkordat z Ju¬ goslavijo. (Nedavno, ko je va¬ tikanski državni tajnik Pacelli obiskal Ameriko, je ljubljanski “Slovenec priobčil uvodni čla- ! ke ter bi radi šli naza j na de ‘ nek, v katerem je fantaziral o lo - Res P a ni ne P rvo ne dru S°- V nedeljo 1. avgusta bosta imela piknik dva Vrtca in sicer možnosti sklepa konkordata z Zed. državami — pač radi vpli¬ va, ki bi si ga cerkev s tem pri¬ dobila, kajti katoličani v Ame¬ riki gotovo ne potrebujejo no¬ bene protekcije od strani Vati¬ kana. Razume se, da je to bila pobožna želja, ki se ne bo ni¬ koli izpolnila.) Prav za prav pa bi ne smel zovit. Dne 15. junija, pet dni po iz¬ bruhu stavke, se je v luteran¬ ski cerkvi na Vine Street sesta-| Vrtec št. 118, Library, Pa., ga lo pet vigilantskih voditeljev z j bo obdržaval na Whipoorwill dvema stavkarskimi voditelje-j prostorih, Vrtec št. 103, White ma, Davidom Watkinsonom inj Valley, Pa., pa na Fr. Kosmače« Johnom W. Stephensonom. S. j vih prostorih. Vrtec v Power H. Heckman, šef Penn-Traffic p 0 intu, O., tudi naznanja pik- trgovine, edine department pro- u ik, ki se bo vršil v soboto 28. dajalne v mestu, ki je bil eden! avgusta na Chuckovih prosto- izmed organizatorjev vigilant- r jh. biti presenečen, kajti Edward skega državljanskega odbora, Levinson od new-yorškega lista je povedal Watkinsu in Steph- Pokojni člani “Post” je bil eden izmed malo¬ številnih časnikarjev, ki sem jih srečal v stavkovni zoni, ki je vedel, kaj se godi ter to tudi jasno poročal, kar je bil vzrok, j da je bil vržen iz mestne hiše j ensonu, da “businesmani johns-1 —V soboto 24. julija je umrl v Clevelandu John Pengov, star ! townskega okrožja ne bodo pod nobenim pogojem dopustili, da bi se delavci Bethlehem Steel korporacije organizirali in ko- Ameriko pred 30 leti. Tukaj za- lektivno pogajali s svojim delo- j pušča soprogo, dva sina in hčer, dajalcem, ker bi bilo to škod- v starem kraju pa dva brata. Bil slaviji se bori nroL konkorda' ti še P ar časnikarjev, ki so ve- Ijivo našemu businessu.” Pred j e član društva Lunder-Adamič, wV. P 0tl * onKoraa de]i za kaj gre in tudi poro- seboj imam stenografski tu, ker čuti — in ne brez vzro- ’ J s . , . ... konference k« - da bi s tem postala se-! “H, “ m P ak T* *“ T ?. h T, _ kundarna verska oblast, dočim čal, so gledali na situacijo kot jrgovine so stavkarjem ukinile konu, Pa., pri delu v premogov- PREGLED VAŽNIH DOGODKOV DOMA IN PO SVETU Zvezna administracija je pre¬ tekli teden definitivno umak¬ nila načrt za povečanje osobja najvižje zvezne sodnije, potem ko je senat z veliko večino od- glasoval, da se ga vrne pravo¬ sodnemu odseku. To je prvi v resnici pomemben poraz, ki ga je doživel Roosevelt, odkar je v Beli hiši. Vendar, ako Roose¬ velt ni dobil, kar je zahteval, pa je vseeno lahko zadovoljen, kajti nobenega dvoma ni, da je baš ta boj povzročil, da je naj- vjšja sodnija postala “liberal¬ na” ter proglasila ustavnim Wagnerjevo delavsko postavo, zakon za socijalno zaščito in še več drugih new-dealerskih re¬ form, ki bi bile v nasprotnem slučaju gotovo zletele v koš ne¬ ustavnosti. Pot za pristriženje oblasti najvišjega sodišča po¬ tom ustavnega amendmenta je je v omenjenem mestu izkrcala posadka japonskega vojaštva. Temu so sledili dan pozneje no¬ vi spopadi v bližini Tientsina. 1 Adolf Hitler je zadnji teden! nastopil tudi kot diktator u- metnosti ter potegnil črto med “zdravo in pravo nemško u- j metnostjo“ in pa med “pokvar¬ jeno boljševiško.” Za pokvarje¬ no je razglasil vsako sliko, ki je ni mogoče razumeti brez poseb-j ne razlage. V Monakovem je j Hitler z uro in pol trajajočim! govorom otvoril razstavo, v ka-| teri so visela dela nacijskih sli¬ karjev, istočasno pa je bila otvorjena druga razstava, ki naj bi Nemcem služila kot sva¬ rilen vzgled, kaj ni umetnost. Ampak Hitler je imel smolo. Kot povedo poročila, je dela! “propalih” umetnikov šlo gle¬ dat mnogo več ljudi kot pa seveda še vedno odprta. Pogla- j ona, ki so jih napravili “pravi vitno bojno orožje opozicije je! nemški umetniki.” Kot znano, bilo, da si hoče Roosevelt pri-1 je bil Hitler nekoč sobni ples- lastiti “diktatorsko oblast”. ! kar in želel je tudi postati u- | metnik, pa ni nikoli daleč pri- Krvava borba pred Madridom | g e p se nadaljuje. Fašistom se je na! Vladni delavski odbor je zad¬ nji teden v Detroitu nadalje¬ val z zaslišanji prič v obtožbi proti Fordovi družbi radi krše¬ nja Wagnerjeve postave, med¬ tem pa se je v Washingtonu za- Pravoslavna cerkev v Jugo-! v J°hnstownu. Utegnilo je bi¬ ki prvo mesto pripadalo kato¬ liški cerkvi.. Kdor pozna narod¬ ni ponos Srbov in ozko vez med pravoslavjem in zgodovino srb¬ skega ljudstva, mu je lahko ra¬ zumeti trpkost, ki jo je izzval predlagani konkordat. . * * * Nam sta katoliška in pravo- ves kredit j niku ubit od elektrike Luka V rokah imam tudi s svinč- Pivk, star 51 let. Rojen je bil da so bili poslani na policijsko sodnijo, da poročajo o obravna¬ vi radi malenkostnega tepeža, i nikom ~~ D 7 sano pi smo katerega I v S^n^ brdu, občina Trata, ali kakor da poročajo o po e u ^ ^ Pedro Sanchez J pri Kranju na Gorenjskem. Bil žena enega izmed stavkarjev,! J e član društva št. 5 SSPZ v od Vinceja Ferande, lastnika Darragh, Fa. splošne trgovine, ki prodaja vse _ v Chicagu, 111., v pullman- Vendar v New Yorku se je od grocenjskih potrebščin do skem okraju, je umrl 20. julija oblek. Pismo se glasi: Louis Škrbec. Bil je dalj časa baseball igre. Zavajalno in sovražno pisanje časopisov enem sektorju madridske fron¬ te posrečilo potisniti lojaliste nazaj. Bitka za Madrid je naj¬ večja in najbolj krvava v eno leto stari državljanski vojni ter se po številu vojaštva na obeh straneh lahko primerja velikim čelo zaslišanje, izvirajoče iz e- bitkam v zadnji svetovni vojni, nake obtožbe proti Republic Skoro dnevno se vršijo bitke ! Steel Co. Policijski načelnik iz 55 let, doma iz Kamnika na Go- 1 med jatami bojnih letal. Diplo-; Massillona, O., kjer sta bila te- renjskem, odkoder je prišel v! matje med tem nadaljujejo z: kom jeklarske stavke ubita dva igro slepih miši v imenu nev-j delavca, je priznal, da ga jej tralnosti, katere pri fašističnih j korporacija nagovarjala, da bi silah ni nikjer, razen na papir- j zaprisegel njene privatne puš -1 ju. Angleški zunanji minister kar je kot policiste in da je od Eden je zopet prišel na dan s nje sprejemal orožje in muni- j svarilom na Italijo radi kontro-! cijo. Porota mrliškega ogled- le Sredozemskega morja in to nika v Chicagu, sestoječa iz sa-j pot pristavil tudi Rdeče morje, mih članov Ameriške legije, je< ! V Londonu je bil tudi zopet se- j masaker, izvršen na stavkarjih stavljen nov “nevtralnostni na- na Spominski dan, v katerem črt”, ki sta ga Italija in Nem- je bilo ubitih deset mož, oprala, ■ čija vzeli na znanje “kot pred-! češ, da je policija “pravičeno”: met diskusij”. j streljala na stavkarje in sim-1 patičarje. La Follettov odbor V Rimu je umrl prošli teden za civilne svobodščine je v v starosti 63 let Guglielmo zvez i z istim dogodkom objavil! Marconi, iznajditelj brezžične- p opolnoma drugačno poročilo: ga brzojava, ki je pozneje dove- čikaško policijo je ožigosal ter l del do radija. Prva brezžična i z j av il, da je bil njen nastop št. 20 SSPZ. — Dne 13. julija je bil v Yu- - : več vedelo v položaju kot pa v savna cerkev, kakor danes ob- Johnstownu . C im dalj je človek « Mrs . Sanchez: Najbrže ste bolan za srčno napako, kateri_ _ u „ u tojita, vseeno, toda zgodovin- ^ od stavkovne ZO ne, tem že slišali 0 te m. Nam je zelo bolezni so se pridružile še druge brzojavka je bila ^ sl&na preko : ^ ’ bodig j * nediscin- sko dejstvo je, da je katolici- resnično S e je o nji pisalo. žal> ampak prisiljeni smo usta- komplikacije. Tu zapušča so- Atlantskega oceana leta 1901 . ali r pa prem i š i iei U rimski oz. italijanski, do-:.^. y stavkovne m okrožju ni-. viti V es kredit, kajti trgovine progo, dve hčeri in dva sina, ki | Ta epohalna iznajdba, s kate- namere navdati stavkarje žl »n je pravoslavje slovansko. ndd skušali delati vtisa, da na de t, e i 0 na m rie dajo ničesar so vsi odraščeni. Pokojni je bil rQ j e M arC oni realiziral znan- cr r ozo. CIO je zadnji petek ob- a aljno zgodovinsko dejstvo ^ nn šteni in nepristranski. Ti- ve č na k redit, temveč zahtevajo marljiv delavec za SSPZ in dru- stvene teorije raznih učenja- J avd ostro kritiko na račun kov, ki so delovali pred njim, je Rooseveltove administracije, skrčila svet kot malo katera kater0 dolži, da je postala po- druga. Človeštvu je prinesla J vsenl brezbrižna za kršenja de- mnogo dobrega in koristnega, i avsk iH pravic od strani jeklar- pa tudi mnogo zla in gorja, kot; skih kor poracij. pač vse velike iznajdbe, katerih 3 e - da Rim ni bil še nikdar pri-; -- na vzg ieda sta oba lista v samo gotovino. Ker moramo vse štvo št. 100, katerega tajnik je jtelj Slovana in nikdar ne bo. ! 5 ohnstownu , jutranji “Demo- plačat i v gotovini, moramo tu- bil mnogo let. Odstopil je od te- Socialno je reakcijonaren in se ! - " more nikdar dvigniti nad in¬ terese, ki jo vežejo na status luo. Ker je po svojem delokro- Su mednaroden, predstavlja tu- te mednarodno reakcijo. Cer-1 P Q r “ eigne rje in komuniste. ev kot je pravoslavna na dru- : ^ gQ biU stavkar ji za zašle K1 strani že po svojem organiz-; , p jn razumeV anje položa Irat” in večerni ‘Tribune”. Oba di zahte vati, da se za vse ga urada šele na zadnji seji, ko- sta se dnevno penila v uredniš- takoj p]ača . Prosim torej, ne maj par tednov nazaj, sluteč kih člankih kot v poročilih o bod j te užaljeni, ker mi ne mo- svojo usodo. Bil je delegat 8. stavki Oba sta slikala stavko remo pom agati. Smo prisiljeni. redne konvencije v Pittsburghu, kot revolucijo, stavkarje pa kot k temu> ako hočemo ostati v tr- Pokojnik je bil zelo mirnega - i “ t - g 0 vini. Prosimo vas torej, da značaja in vsled tega splošno nam pomagate in da kupujete priljubljen med vsemi, ki so ga pri nas, dokler nam ne bo mo-i poznali. Naj v miru počiva, dru- mu in bistvu ne more nikdar! dova " J fJf ^"nTna^to” kar se goče iznova dajati na kredit, žini pa naše globoko sožalje! ^ a Ječ od naroda, ker njegov j a ?^Q n od us t do ust, je bila ^i je zelo, zalo žal. —(Podpis) raba odvisi od družbe. Kot oseba je bil Marconi “prakti¬ čen človek”, kajti znal je svoje iznajdbe komercijalizirati ter j je živel in umrl kot velik bo- Sloviti Scottsboro slučaj, ki sc vleče že skozi šest let in pol, je zadnji teden stopil v nov stadij, ko je sodnija v Decaturju v dr¬ žavi Alabami štiri izmed deve¬ tih mladih zamorcev o- delok vih rog ne sega preko njego J J e ; njih stran vdušena pod debelo Vince Feranda. uradniki in! , me J'a. Tudi to ima svojo ^ntvorienih poročil, kate- Eksekutivni v , . , ~ - ........ s 'abo stran. Intimne vezi, ki so ° J p riiali lokalni listi. Po- s l a mnati bossi Bethlehem Steel poroča, da je bila tamkaj znana pape ^ bra j ma šo za njegovo S e S a prestopka, trije so bi °bstojale n. pr. med ruskim ra ob te aV ‘ ja da so stavkovna korp oracije, bankirji, trgovci, pustolovka Frances Tavčar radi j duŠQ sojeni na dolgoletno ječo, Pravoslavjem in carizmom, so s edl ? a je ime i a skrajno mes tni uradniki, časopisi in du- sleparije s čekom za večjo svotol ™ - h ’l nhsnipn na S / maščevale nad vsem paro- tko resničnega polo- hovščina - vse je šlo v boj obsojena na zapor od enega do d °m. Ampak, ko je padel cari-!^ eg kakor se je pokazalo prot i stavkarjem. Načrt kam- devetih let. Zem > je z njim vred padla tudi za J a ‘ ’ bd va £ e n element za pa nje je bil očitno sledeči, naj-j Oženil se je v Chicagu, IH., Pravoslavna cerkvena organi- P ozne J e / J. kret « za vrnitev preJ - izolirati stavkarje od osta- poznani “star pečlar” 2aci ja in polie ie bilo čisto za P onar , e J en ^ ^ licitiranje, ki i eea prebivalstva, potem pa na- j Pogorelec, upravnik “ Charlie in polje je bilo čisto za ; a " din amitiranje, ki [ega prebivalstva, potem pa na- j Pogorelec, upravnik “Proletar¬ ko delo. Ali bi bil tak social- na del ° skr bno preparirano hujskati občo javnost proti ca” in tajnik JSZ, ki si je izbral ai Prevrat v Rusiji mogoč, ako;j e sprOS ^ t Ako bi S e bilo 70 stavkar jem. Izolacija je bila za življensko družico Ano Ciga- bl bil namesto pravoslavne raz J ar J e bivalcem Johnstow- dose žena s tem, da se je zabilo! nič, ki je bila svoječasno upos- Cei ’kv e dominiral ruski narod tlsocim P r „_ nico b i se ne bi- zag0 zdo med stavkarje na eni lena v uradu SNPJ. Podala sta na povedalo resnic , , & (Da ije na 2. str.) i lo zgodilo ne prvo ne drugo. (Dalje na 2. str.) 5 Razne vesti j gatin. Poročila povedo, da je Mussolini četrt ure “klečal in P r °stila, eden je bil obsojen na Iz Los Angelesa Cal., sej ^ 0 b njegovi krsti” in da je'kratek zapor radi nekega dru- -i ° J i-_ bili ob _ eden j pa je bil zopet obsojen na smrt. Napetost na Daljnem vzhodu, Mednarodna delavska obrana ki je nastala po “incidentu” se- naznanja, da bo podvzela akci- verno od Peipinga, se je za par jo za masni apel na governerja dni malo zmanjšala, že koncem; Alabame, da bi obsojeno četvo- tedna pa zopet poostrila. Ja-irico pomilostil. Zamorci so bili ponči so namreč odkrili nov “in- j obtoženi posiljenja dveh belih r 'teski katolicizem? (Dalje na 3. str.) cident” — potem ko so sporo¬ čili v svet, da so Kitajci na¬ padli in ugrabili nekega japon¬ skega mornarja v Šanghaju, se vlačug, katerih ena je pozneje sama priznala, da je proti njim po krivem pričala. Za voditelja demokratske OZADJE KONKORDATSKE BORBE, KI VZRUJA JUGOSLAVIJO Poročevalec new - yorškega “Timesa” na Dunaju je poslal svojemu listu z ozirom na boj, ki je nastal v Jugoslaviji radi konkordata z Vatikanom, na¬ slednje informativno poročilo: Dolgo se pripravljajoča nevih¬ ta, ki je izbruhnila v Jugoslavi¬ ji kot rezultat poizkusov premi¬ erja Milana Stojadinoviča in notranjega ministra dr. Antona Korošca, pokazuje, da je že itak nepriljubljeni Stojadinovi- čev režim zbudil v Srbiji naj- trpkejše verske in politične strasti. (Poslanska zbornica v Beogradu t. j. Narodna skup¬ ščina je konkordat koncem mi¬ nulega tedna odobrila z veči¬ no 48 glasov, medtem ko je bi¬ lo glasovanje v senatu odlože¬ no.) Prvotni namen je bil razceplje- nje Hrvatov Načrt za konkordat je prvot¬ no napravil pokojni kralj Alek¬ sander tekom svoje diktature, ko je bila hrvaška opozicija pod vodstvom Vladimirja Mačka na svojem višku. Alek¬ sandrov namen, je bil, potom iz¬ redno velikodušnega konkorda¬ ta razcepiti Hrvate in dobiti hrvaške klerikalce na svojo stran, obenem pa nekoliko po¬ tolažiti Sveto stolico, ki je te¬ daj podpirala proti-srbske ten- tence na Hrvaškem in v Slove¬ niji. Ampak kakor pojasnjuje biv¬ ši premijer Bogoljub Jeftič, ki je sestavil konkordat, sedaj pa mu odločno nasprotuje, se je od takrat hrvaška situacija spremenila, vsled česar je taka podaja pred Vatikanom nepo¬ trebna. ' 2e sama beseda “Srb” znači ne le privadnost srbskemu na¬ rodu, temveč tudi pravoslavni cerkvi. Pravoslavna cerkev je intenzivno narodna in Srbi so odločno proti konkordatu.. Prebivalstvo Jugoslavije je 49-odstotno pravoslavno in 37- odstotno katoliško. (Ostalih 14 odstotkov odpade na mohame- dance, protestante in Žide.) Vendar, kakor se trdi, bi kon¬ kordat dal katoliški cerkvi v Jugoslaviji privilegirano mesto. Konkordat kliče nazaj srednje¬ veške razmere Najbolj presenetljiv je 13. član konkordata, ki duhovščini vrača srednjeveški privilegij, z določbo, da slučaj duhovnika, ki je bil spoznan krivim zločina pred posvetno sodnijo, se lah¬ ko izroči prizivnemu sodišču, sestoječem iz cerkvenih pred¬ stavnikov, ako tako želi škofij¬ ski urad. Člen 32. obvezuje oblasti vsi¬ ljevati katoliško pravilo, da (Dalje na 2. str.) stranke v zveznem senatu na mesto umrlega senatorja Rob¬ insona je bil izvoljen senator Barkley iz Kentuckyja, ki je pristaš administracije. Senator Copeland, pripadnik stare gar¬ de, pa je naznanil, da bo kandi¬ diral proti new-yorškemu župa¬ nu La Guardiji na demokrat¬ skem (tamanitskem) tiketu. i Kandidatura je bila prej ponuje¬ na senatorju Wagnerju, ki pa , je ni maral sprejeti. _28- julija, i 937 STRAN 2. “NAPREDEK” vA GLASILO IN LASTNINA SLOVENSKE SVOBODOMI¬ SELNE PODPORNE ZVEZE. IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO Cene oglasom: 40c palec za posameznike; 35 palec za društva Naročnina za člane 78c letno; za nečlane $1.50; za inozemstvo $2.00 Na vseh naših konvencijah so zadnja leta navzoči Ozadje konkordatske borbe, delegati angleško poslujočih društev in tukaj rojeni mla- ki vzruja Jugoslavijo di ljudje tudi sedijo v glavnih odborih. Konvencije in se- je glavnih odborov se faktično vršijo dvojezično. Vsak adnega stališča leAlovensko cerkv i obdržati vso lastnino tu- lomov tekom 1932-33 ™e- di v krajih, katerih prebival- sto san io eno banko PROGRESS OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENE PROGRES¬ SIVE BENEFIT SOCIETY Owned and Published by the Slovene Progressive Benetit Society ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAV Subscription for members $.78 per year — nonmembers $1.50 foreign countries $2.00 __ se izraža v jeziku, ki mu najgladkeje teče, pa ni bilo vsled tega še nobenih neprilik, ker glavno je, da vsi ra¬ zumejo, za kaj gre, glede tega pa ni težkoč, kajti prav kakor mladi po večini razumejo slovensko govorico, da- siravno je ne obvladajo, tako starejši razumejo anglešči¬ no, četudi po večini lažje in raje govore svoj jezik. SSPZ ima s striktno uradnega stališča le slov .n angleško poslujoča društva. Kar se prvih tiče, vemo da'ni več dosti prilike, da bi ustanavljali nova. Vemo tu¬ di, da kjerkoli so razmere količkaj ugodne, je za napre¬ dek organizacije najbolje, da se organizira angleško po¬ slujoče društvo. S tem pa ni rečeno, da je vsaka druga metoda nemogoča ali celo nedovoljena, Pomniti treba, da metoda je postranska stvar, poglavitno je, da je us¬ pešna, da vodi napram zaželjenemu cilju — v našem slu¬ čaju: da je koristna napredku SSPZ se morajo biti otroci mešanih za¬ konov katoliško vzgojeni, ako ravno bi katoliški zakonec poz neje prestopil v pravoslavje. Člen 16. dovoljuje katoliški obrtnika in farmerja v Cambria 0k Vtej zvezi je vredno opozo- riti na sledeča dejstva: 1 ' V johnstownski okolici sta samo dve važni industriji jeklarska in premogovna.^ Od obeh je jeklarska važnejša m ' je vir večjih dohodkov za me- Kot posledica bančnih po 2 . je omenjeni pastor; p 0 Sobi - Bil se je poznalo, da je vznemjJ Želel je takoj govoriti 2 Jetl in me vprašal, če lahko Ko je stopil v mojo sot*? ^ delal vtis človeka, katerega * kaj teži. ‘Vest me vznemirja,” on. reče “Radi česa?” vprašam “Well, včeraj ste m e nek '. vprašali in well, . . . j az n jA bil popolnoma odkrit z va^ Resnica je, da sem goreč ps Staš škofa Mc Connella i n ^' njim popolnoma strinjam,” stil sem, da se je izgovoril, p 0 kazalo se je, da Rev. —__ resnici z vsem srcem simpati žira s stavkarji. Proti ko n( Advertising rates: 40c net for individuals; 35c net for societies Naslov uredništva in upravništva: NAfiiEDER 6231 ST. CLAIR AVENIJE Telephone: HEnderson 5811 CLEVELAND. O. VOL. II. 101 , NUMBER 52 IClj Entered as Second Class Matter August 5th, 1936, Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of August 24, 1912. at the Post Office &i ZAKAJ NE 'MEŠANA' DRUŠTVA! 0 stvo bi postalo pravoslavno. state National banka, P° t °™ Vse te določbe dajejo katoUi-j batere posluje Bethlehem Steel ki cerkvi enostranske izključne k ° rp ° raCJ na t ska firm a v PnV ' leg ‘ Je ' . . | mestu je Penn-Traffic Store. Člen 12. odpira na stežaj vra- 4 Bethlehem Steel Co. finan- ta katoliškim redom iz inozem- podp i ra V se johnstownske _ _ stva v svrho dela za spreobra-j cerkve , katerih najbogatejši fa^ oe Kar se “mešanih” društev tiče, bi celo to rekli, da Čanje. Vatikan imenuje škofe rani gQ viš ji in nižji eksekutivm svoje IZ , ako bi bilo izpeljivo, bi bilo v resnici želeti, da bi bila in vlada ima samo štiri tedne uradnik i te korporacije. P nredme plrjail1 vsa naša društva vodena v tem pravcu, ker to bi bila naj- časa za vložitev protesta, ako ^ Govorica> ka j da se je zgodi- ga ( P .. , „ . boljša garancija za ohraniteh dobrih in trdnih vezi med z imenovanjem m zadovoljna. ^ g k i er ki Penn-Traffic proda- e . mi gjjte ” 6 ’ i!1 starim in mladim rodom. Vsekakor pa je tak način po- v g olahj v kater ih tvorijo ka- ja i ne in kaj da še lahko pride, P 0 ^ ’ 0 ^ nutek ' , slovanja zaželjiv in potreben povsod, kjer razmere ka- toliški otroci večin0f bi ime ia se je bliskoma raznesla po me-' ateri se je obsojalo žejo, da je vsaj za enkrat tako najboljše. katoliška cerkev absolutno kon- stu . čez štiri in dvajset ur ni Earle . a ker - e ,‘ )0 DOPIŠI IN POROČILA ČLANSTVA ' ££. ; ITSiP v manjšini, pa ima biti verski: gore če upal, da bo stavka takoj l e «* mesto nasprotno stavk, ADNJ1Č, ko se je vršila seja Skupnih društev SSPZ v Clevelandu v predmestju Euclid, je bil urednik skupno z ostalimi zastopniki Skupnih društev na¬ vzoč tudi na isti večer se vršeči seji lokalnega in še pri¬ meroma mladega društva “Prijatelj”, št. 215 SSPZ. Euclid je eno najbolj hitro se razvijajočih cleve¬ landskih predmestij ter je za vse praktične svrhe del Cle¬ velanda, dasiravno ima svojo lastno občinsko upravo. Prvi naši ljudje so se začeli tam naseljevati, ko še ni bi¬ lo tlakovanih cest, plina, elektrike in drugih mestnih u- godnosti in ko je bil kraj na zunaj še skoro popolnoma farmerski. Pri tem je ostalo več let. Za časa “Coolidgeve prosperitete” se je naseljevanje iz notranjenih delov Cle¬ velanda v Euclidu obnovilo, po nastopu kritičnih let, pri- čenši z letom 1929, pa je zopet zavladalo mrtvilo. Vsak je ostal tam, kjer je bil, se držal tega, kar je imel, in ob¬ držal, če se je dalo. V zadnjem času pa se je “Drang nach Osten” med clevelandskimi Slovenci zopet obnovil in okolica Nottingham-Euclid, ki je pravzaprav le po¬ daljšek starejše naselbine v Collinwoodu, zopet raste. Naselbina ima čeden, primeren Društveni dom s pro¬ stori, v katerih obdržavajo društva — bratska in kultur¬ na — veselice, koncerte in igre. (Ker se agilnost v nasel¬ bini veča, se govori, da bo treba tudi njen dom poveča¬ ti.) V naselbini prevladuje mlajši in naprednejši ele¬ ment. So to povečini ljudje, ki so občutili potrebo in tu¬ di imeli pogum iztrgati se tesnobi in šundru, prahu in di¬ mu v notranjih predelih mesta ter iti ven, kjer so vsaj nekoliko bližje prirodi in solncu. Ta okolica skupno s Collimvoodom že danes predstavlja največjo kompakt¬ no naselbino naših ljudi v Clevelandu, ki je obenem tu¬ di najbolj agilna in napredna. Njena važnost v vsem na¬ šem javnem življenju bo rastla od leta do leta. Zavedajoč se tega, so torej Skupna društva SSPZ pred kratkim prvič, odkar obstoje, imela svojo redno se¬ jo v Društvenem domu v Euclidu. Kot je že br. William Candon poročal v zadnji izda¬ ji “Napredka”, je seja Skupnih društev razmotrivala o tem, kako bi se ojačilo in poživelo naše društvo, ki se že nahaja tam, in to vprašanje je samo od sebe sprožilo drugo, tikajoče se odnošajev med “starimi” in “mladi¬ mi”, med onimi, ki so bili rojeni in vzgojeni v starem kraju in med tukaj rojeno ter v ameriških razmerah in šolah vzgojeno mladino slovenskih staršev. Razprava je pokazala, da ima društvo v svoji sredi člane obeh vrst, toda pri vodstvu so starejši, posledica česar je, da mla¬ dina ne obiskuje sej in se za društvo ne zanima. Mladih članov, ki so svoj čas že imeli svoje društvo, ni dovolj, da bi se riskiralo ustanovitev angleško poslujočega društ¬ va, to zlasti po slabih skušnjah s prvim takim društvom. Kaj torej napraviti? Ni dvoma, da se s sličnimi zagatnimi razmerami bore marsikatera naša društva, kajti ako ima s tako dilemo opraviti primeroma mlado Zvezino društvo v veliki in lastoči naselbini, potem je gotovo, da se v enakem polo¬ žaju nahajajo tudi mnoga stara društva, ki se nahajajo v malih naselbinah, ki v splošnem ne morejo računati na dotok, temveč svoje moči celo izgubljajo. Je torej to problem, ki se ne tiče samo Euclida ali katerekoli dru¬ ge posamezne naselbine, temveč vprašanje, ki se tiče mnogih društev in naselbin in je torej važno za vso or¬ ganizacijo. Po našem mnenju je treba, da smo vedno realistič¬ ni in tako tudi v tem. Kaj so dejstva? V navedenem slu¬ čaju, ki pa je seveda le eden izmed mnogih, imamo ta- korekoč “mešano društvo”. Na papirju, oziroma za urad¬ ne svrhe je društvo slovensko in tudi tako posluje, am¬ pak v svojih vrstah ima tudi mlade člane in članice, ki niso dovolj vešči slovenskega jezika, da bi se v njem po¬ ljubno izražali. Ako se pusti, da to stanje traja, potem je resna nevarnost, da bo društvo obtičalo, kjer je in da bo zapadlo popolnemu mrtvilu. Zakaj ne raje sprejeti dejst- RAZNOIZ \VH1TE VALLEY j nerad odprl program in čestital pouk proporčen. Popolnoma ne- pora vnana. Tako je Bethlehem White Valley, Pa. — Kakor društvu in ustanoviteljem, ka- obvezno zagotovilo, podano šele gt, ee i Co. dosegla prelom me se razvidi, se “kolesa napred- teri so bili navzoči. Potem je; ob enajsti uri od strani Stoja- jeklarskimi stavkarji in delavci ka” bolj počasi obračajo. Kdo br. Mike Štern, predsednik dinoviča, da se bo te privilegi- v trgovinah in drugod, utegne reči: Zakaj se pa ne po- društva št. 80 prečital čestitke je nudilo tudi drugim veroiz- petorica mož> ki ima j 0 hnsto\vn brigaš, da bi se kolo zavrtelo? iz glavnega urada SSPZ, katere povedim, ne more prepričati ^ vrvici Toda verjemite mi, da bi rad vi- je poslal br. William Rus. Za pravoslavne dcerkve, da se ga bo dal, da bi se pri našem društvu tem-je bil predstavljen naš gl. izpolnjevalo in da ne bodo ka- Pet mož je, ki imajo ves št. 142 vsaj desetkrat zavrtelo, predsednik br. John Kvartich, toličani imeli izključnih privi- Johnstovvn na vrvici in njih vsaki mesec, t. j. za deset članov, | ki je imel obširen govor o naši legijev. manipulacije segajo direktno ali kaj se hoče, ko pa imajo vse, SSPZ, potem pa je ustanovite- organizacije kampanje, v tukaj- ljem pripel častne znake SSPZ šnji okolici je pa kakih 12 druš- ter jim želel, da bi dočakali še tev, spadajočim k raznim jedno- 50-letni jubilej društa. Potem notam. In imajo nekatere orga-| je bil poklican tudi podpred- sa- in da so ji jeklarski delavci mi nasprotni. “Kaj je to?” sem vprašal. “Osnutek resolucije, katero sem bil pozvan, da oj sestavim za predložitev pastorski zvezi," mi je odgovoril. “Ampak vi sami tega ne ve¬ rujete!” sem vzkliknil. “On je le globoko vzdihnil m Vladni nastop je združil vso opozicijo ali indirektno na dom sleherne- potegnil z robcem preko čela. ga izmed 70,000 prebivalv tega! Njegov molk je povedal vse. “kompanijskega mesta”. To pe-| p °tem sem reke E ^ Ste pač v Konkordat je združil v opozi- torico tvorijo: C. R. Ellicott, p udi zagati, ali ne? Obupno je ciji proti Stojadinovičevi vladi, 1 generalni poslovodja Cambria odvrnil. Niti misliti si ne mo- nizacije tudi boljše pogoje glede sednik Federacije br. Anton vsaj začasno, pripadnike pravo- Cambria plavžev; Georg Sup- rete - bolniške podpore. Pred kratkim Barilar, ki je čestital društvu slavne cerkve, skrajne nacijo- p es in Francis Martin, predsed- “Kaj nameravate storiti? 1 sem nagovarjal nekega rojaka,lin ustanoviteljem in želel obi- naliste, liberalce, Hrvate, ki so n ; k j n blagajnik United States sem hotel vedeti, da bi pristopil k društvu št. 142, | l 0 uspeha. Sledil je br. Ernest pristaši dr. Mačka, in takozva-1 National banke; S. H. Heck- “Preostaja mi le eno: Šel pa me je naprej vprašal da ka- Kvartich, ki je govoril v an- ne beograjske opozicijonalee. raan od Penn-Traffic Store, in bom naravnost na sejo in reso- ko se plačuje bolniška podpora, j gleškem jeziku. Ernest je sin Kaj je torej dovedlo nepopu- Daniel E. Shields, župan mesta, lucijo predložil. Potem pa poj- Ko sem mu povedal, da za prvih gl. predsednika. Lep je bil za- lami Stojadinovičev režim, da Za to petorieo pa stoje iste ose- dem na počitnice in me nebo pet dni bolezni ne dobi podporre, i k ijučni prizor. Br. Štern je po- se je zavz.ej vsiliti sprejem te be, ki stoje za Tom Girdlerjem nazaj, dokler ne bo vse to kon¬ je rekel, da rajši pristopi k dru- k li ca l k mizi vse tri ustanovi-1 sporne predloge? Eno pojasnilo je up, kakor od Republic Steel in Frankom Purnellom od Youngstown gi organizaciji, pri katerih se za telje in jim izročil v imenu prvih tri dni ne dobi, ako se po-: društva velik kolač v znak pri-, že pojasnjeno, da se bo potom Sheet and Tube Co. — Eugene nesreči pa dobi prvi dan. Ako bi znan j a ko t zvestim članom razcepitve Hrvatov in pridobit- i Orače, predsednik direktorija bila zadnja, konvencija sklenila, 1 društva št. 80 SSPZ. Eden iz- ve hrvaških klerikalcev oslabilo Bethlehem Steel Co. in Wil- da se prvi in zadnji dan ne pla- me d trojice se je zahvalil za dr. Mačkovo gibanje. Drugo in liam C. Potter, predsednik Gu- ca, pa bi gotovo naša SSPZ ime- j zka zano priznanje, nato pa često omenjano pojasnilo je, da ~ ' ~ la nekoliko več prednosti kot i zasa di nož v sredo kolača in že- je notranji minister dr. Koro- druge organizacije pri pridobi- j da g a eden razrezej tako da šec, ki ima znaten vpliv pri' re- \anju novega članstva. Pa kaj < ga b o vsakdo nekaj dobil. Neka gentu princu Pavlu, zapretil, da se hoče. Pravila moramo upošte- ges t ra g a j e razrezala na male vati vsaj do prihodnje konven- kose Mladina oziroma otroci so cije. Bilo je sicer že poročano o zadnji Federacijski seji, ki se je vršila v Herminie, Pa., želim pa še jaz nekoliko poročati, ker bi¬ lo je jako lepo število zastopni¬ kov in zastopnic navzočih. Raz- se je o bili prvi, potem smo pa še ta stari prišli na vrsto. Tudi jaz sem bil deležen jubilejnega ko¬ lača. S tem je bil program za¬ ključen. Mladina je začela ple- cano. Nikoli ne bom pozabil nje¬ govega skrušenega hrbta, ko je odhajal. Od tedna do tedna (Dalje s 1. str.) Iz te daljave je sicer težko v zameno za konkordat umak- sati, mi ta stari smo se pa hla- j nil vso podporo gibanju za po¬ dili pod košatim hrastom in vratek Habsburžanov na av- pia\ljalo se je o marsičem, suka g,.j a za ii va li. Bilo je vsega strijski prestol, katerega se Ju- med drugim tudi zaradi perm- j dovolj) pijače jn jedače . Društ . gos i avija bo ji. sylvanske pošlovnice. Še dobro ko so nekateri arranty Trust Company v New Torku, ki je Morganova banka, j Par besed o tej petorici. Elli¬ cott je poznan širom jeklarske- se bo sedanja koalicijska vla- g a okrožja kot zagrizen sovraž- ustvarjati definitivne in jasne da sesula, ako se konkordata! n i k unionizma; Suppes je doce- sodbe o elementih, ki stoje za. takoj ne odobri. la odvisen od Bethlehem Steel tem novim bojem oziroma Tretje pojasnilo pa omenja C o.; Martin je predsednik lo- kakšni so motivi 'voditeljev, kupčijo med Sveto stolico in ka lne trgovske zbornice in vi- toda več znamenj je ki dajejo Stojadinovičem, da bo Vatikan| gentskega komiteja; Heck-, misliti, da za tem trenjem sto- man je bil Martinov pobočnik jita dve tekmujoči sili, ki sta pii organiziranju in vodenju vi- Jugoslaviji in njenemu ljudstvu gilantov, župan Shields je bil enako sovražni in enako nevar- svoj cas zaprt radi butlegerstva ni. To sta italijanski fašizem na debelo. na erd s t ran j j n nemški nocize® v „ Shields je igral svojo vlogo, na drugi. Krilo reakcije, katero posten poročevalec ko se je rabilo vigilante. Izmed predstavlja dr. Korošec, želi 700 vigilantov jih je 600 prišlo zbižanja z Rimom in Mussolini iz seznama civilne liste za poli- jem, dočim srbski nacijonalisti cijsve m ognjegasne službe, težijo napram Berlinu. Ministr- Ko so bili zapriseženi, da poma- ski predsednik Stojadinovic j« g£.jo zlomiti stavko, jim je bi- sicer Srb, a ker ne m° re o povedano, da bo to preizkuš- vladati brez slovenskih kleri- Ui Cl ’ jLt 0 kva ^ flclrani za mest- kalcev, mora ali pristati na uppes, na čigar njih zahteve ali pa se umaknit- stotine okoliških Vprašanje konkordata z Vah Kaj je videl in slišal v Johnstownu (Dalje s 1. str.) ne službe, banki je na farmerjev zadolženih iional 1 ' vu št. 80 želim obilo uspeha in se spominjam, ko so nekateri hyala za postre žbo. rekli na konvenciji v Indiana-- * #= * polisu, da ko se bo prihodnja Vsem članom in staršem, ki konvencija vršila v Pittsbur- j ma j 0 svoje otroke pri Vrtcu ghu, jo bomo že gotovo imeli, gj- jq 3 ggpz naznanjam, da je __ In tudi enkrat lani na neki fe- bilo sklenjeno na zadnji seji strani ter pisarniške in slične deracijski seji so rekli, da jo v r t caj da se vsi člani Vrtca da- delavce ter farmerje na drugi, dobimo, predno bo prišlo leto j Q sku p no slilcati in sicer 1. av- To se je napravilo na trojen na- 19o7. Ne bom več pisal o seji, g US t a ob 2. uri popoldne, pri čin: impak omeniti pa moram še, br F ranku Kosmachu, ker on Hujskanje splošne javnosti pro- da je društvo št. 80 SSPZ po j m a jako lep prostor okrog svo- ti stavkarjem seji priredilo kosilo, ki pa ni j e h iše. Po slikanju pa bodo 1. Objavljena je bila vest da bilo navadno • kosilo, ampak 0 [ rpc i i me b prosto zabavo ali se bodo Cambrijski plavži za pravi banket, ker bilo je toliko J lawn party. Dobili bodo brez- vselej zaprli, ako stavkami različnih jestvin, da si vseh m- p i apno p ia g r ] ze k, mehko pijačo zmagajo. Ker eksistenčna baza ti zapomniti nisem mogel. Le, j n s i a( joi e d. Pa tudi za nas ta Johnstwna v gospodarskem ozi- krvave klobase sem si dobro stare bo nekaj mokrega za naj ru sloni na Bethlehem Steel zapomnil, ker je neki zastopnik g a suha g rla z a torej pridite tu- korporaciji, je ta vest napolnila zraven mene sedel,^ pa je mo-| ck v j g^rši, očetje in matere s s strahom slehernega malega govoriti ral pas odpeti, pa še s sabo j e j svojimi otroci, ker gotovo vam trgovca in obrnika, pisarniške- nekaj vzel. V imenu Federaci-i ne | 3Q ^ 0 ^ rokom boste da-i ga delavca in klerka. je se prav lepo zahvaljujem u več kora j že . Seveda, tudi 2. Še isti dan, ko so delavci town. V nedelin ---. u ancam ki so nam tako le- kateri drugi lahko pride, ako- šli na stavko, je Penn-Traffic gov. Earle rLli P °^ em ko J e naj zmaga ena ali druga ' po postregle in tudi tistim, ki ravno ni član, ako želi par ur department prodajalna poslala stanie jglasi1 obsedno * * * je krvavice napravd. domače zabave, ker se ne bo domov velik del svojih klerkov.: njim o lokalni a « f UUC1 - g ° voril z Nad vsem tem pa stoji ^ °b 2. un popoldne smo sli. gledalo za noben profit. Po razglasitvi delnega obsedne- lo naju^t Zl ^ ° bkoli - dejstvo: Vatikan je s svojo f “ PI f 1 Se je l™' na Še enkrat se opozarja starše, ga stanja so se ostali kierki ljanov Snlošni t njegovlh ž up- litiko povzročil novo in skraj Šuštarjevi farmi na Rilltonu. da pripeljete svoje otro ke, ki so tresli kot šiba na vodi vsled go- je dal' S S h^ P ° g ° vora mi resno krizo v Jugoslaviji ^ i e _!° J ako l e P P™ stor ' la da J e člani in članice Vrtca št. 103 vorice, da če stavke ne bo ko- ’ vo -i , *i e lsbo " kanom je srbskim nacij 800 farmer ani !*V raZpolaga . z ^om dobrodošla poteza, da ^ ni ^toriti J1 ’ t 1 ^ 0 pripravl j e ' krinko verskega boja dikredi 1 kar^so štorih farm^za Her’ - oi,c» ^ za H er - ugladijo pot nazaj k shey. Zgodba pastorja, ki vladi 111 moči. Jasno je, da sta obe str 3 ni desperatni in da sta se P rl pravljeni poslužiti vseh ©# Rev_ ^ ^ sredstev, kajti gre se testantovske cerk S v° r , nek T e r 0 ' Za oblast Kar se 1 -> udstVa ^ Johns- se mu ne obeta nič dobrega f si ni upal resnice j - - ‘tonu KriZO V jj. d. i!t St0r , na ' zanetil boj, ki more roditi ak0 ne P°i df geslo P 1 jug°' - ! , = , ... - fj ,- . - . .; mal ° P revec oddaljen od glav- sspz T ■ na sv id e nje 1. av- nec, bo njih delovni čas reduci- va, kakršna so ter se po njih ravnati? Zakaj naj ne bi; ne ceste. j ob J uri ldn J e ri br , ra „ na polovico tedna, ta “mešana drastva tu.il poslovala mešano” t j. dvo- Na pikniku mi je bilo pove-; ‘ rank „ Kosmaču , - 3. Oba johnstwnska lista sta jezično. Zakaj n. pl -bi se ne gledalo na to, da bi se lzvo- dano. da bom mora! jaz pr o- Jurii Previc, predsednik Fe- javno poživljala, da se vsi jek- lilo za predsednica, tajnika ali katerikoli urad mladega : gram voditi. Seveda sem se kar ■ ■ . ' larski deiavri nriinvUo ^ __ _ __ . člana ali članico, ki bi svoj posel vršil v angleškem jezi- ustrašil, ker do sedaj Jurij iz eidC1Je in _^_ _ J lif> s pristavkom J da se bodoI ? a dr JJ Si strani Plota?« ( Jj c a , N&Uk te krize 3® ^lo^ 1 ku, ostah pa v slovenskem? In zakaj naj bi se mladi Čla- ; Bele doline še ni kaj takega _ Kot stenografka v zaklad- Okrajni relifni stroški s t Pm ™ , ° nne11 J e vodja liber a l n p ČV ln drzava na J b0S A, n s^ sproten stavki. Ker mi r.; a gega prišlo na misel „ drU ' nole zl °' Njegovo vprašal: ’ Sem S a Rule or ruin “Ali ne pripadate .. kot mi hočemo, potem fa McConnella ali nt. ^ ko ' s ' av ijo lahko vrag vzame ’ pa ste morda ~ ^ nja Emilija fakt je, da se tako že posluje, kadar in kjer je potreba. : jo 25-letnico, je Jurij rad ali živijo v Ringo, Kans. — Tak° slehernega posestnika,' trgovca' " Prihodnj 150'k njena l^ do# v Ameriki jUtr ° Pa 2ab «el 2' ^ vsestransko" najbdU e ' zgodovina je najboljši 28. julija, 1937 NAŠI PO AMERIKI (Dalje s 1. str.) s e na poročno potovanje v Co- jorado. __V New Yorku je nagle smr- ti um rl Ludvik Benedik, poslo¬ pja “Glasa Naroda”, pri kate¬ rem je bil uposlen skozi 35 let. gil je 60 let star, doma pri Sv. Joštu na Gorenjskem ter zapu¬ šča ženo, tri sinove in hčer. __ V Clevelandu se mudita na obisku dr. Franc Trdan, profe- sor v Škofovih zavodih v št. Vi¬ du nad Ljubljano, in Julij Slap- šak, šolski ravnatelj v pokoju. V Ameriko sta prišla na pova¬ bilo organizacije Jugoslovanske¬ ga kulturnega vrta, ki je pre¬ teklo nedeljo proslavila drugi "Baragov dan” z odkritvijo spo¬ menika Ivana Cankarja. __ V Beunos Airesu v Argen¬ tini je začela izhajati mesečna revija “Njiva”, ki je glasilo de¬ lavskega kulturnega društva Ivan Cankar. Revija bo zasto¬ pala napredne delavske smer¬ nice, toda ne bo politična. [ Seen Pas.erby at Spar tan Outing what paee 4) ! s he decided a bathbf thing SUit) for about the risht, ^ SUlt was Just Putting m ' ? f0r that old hole. ' cated the teer w +° ^ he wind ’ 1 lo - man pumpine 1 flnd Hank Zor " and the MloLT ay f ° r a11 he ’ s worth “Rhumba” nn tv, fr ° m Penns y doing the Julie , gir is “^ tab ‘ e wit h Elsie and what’s the matter * U those fellows - were r ^rXP ?) SPartangalS no ^ooner 6 I** turn ^ getting r0Ugh for chasing chuck 1 See J ° yce termined to get i dl P 'l° e ° f iCe de ' even Pmnp 4 down hls neck . and poor Gerrv c ^° Ze hel P in g them and [ for Chuok Peh f k Crying her eyes out! hurt ’ S ° that he w °uldn’t set | POWer you have over wo- * Eddi’ P o f k ' ° h ’ 1 f °rgot to mention in that I!' a ’ didn t he look handsome m that avimnu 1 «; outfit and chasing the hands d WUh niCe COld ice in his „, ( ^® ttlng 1 out of th at region, I rambled along only to find the "two Stans,” Stoke! and Zorc, having a pleasant con- versation with Josephine and look, for goodness sakes, they’ve got her down in the mud, Joyce, I mean, and if she aoesn t look tan enough without a mud plaster. Oh, gee, it’s getting rougher, they are after Toni Žagar and for goodness sakes, they threw her in too, and she is angry. You better watch out, Eddie and Hank, there’s fire in that gin s e >' es - Oh, look, now they’ve got Stan Stokel In the mud and he comes up out of the mud with a big smile on his face, boy, he can take it. Oh, boy! "NAPREDEK” BTRAH 8. the mud is bad enough, but when they put Julie Zdešar in a barrel of cold wa- ter that’s going too far and Gigolo Joe was the guilty one. Oh, before I ramble on home a few sights that couldn’t be missed: Chuck Koman in cullottes. Hank In the mud with Spehek. Joyce Gorshe without the company of Marie Zakrajšek. The Jeric gals with Ray and Roy, the twins. Stan Žagar looking dreamingly into the eyes of the girl in blue overalls. Julie and Gigolo Joe doing the dis- appearing act. Toni Žagar in a house coat. Ann Opeka temper rising. Well, it will be so long for now. Just a Passerby Power Point “Vrteči” Big Day Power Point, Ohio. — Hi, folks, here comes the Power Point Vrtec gang again. We are inviting ali lodges and friends from far and near. We are going to have this big time August 28th in John Chuck’s Hollow. The admission will be lOc for the adults and 5c for children. Now don’t forget to come. Clara Chuck, Rec. Sec. Agnes Lesjak, Treasurer. What’s the News? Spartanology Spartan-Orel Game Post- poned The bali game that the Spartans were to play with Orels Monday night had to be ppstponed on account of rainy weather. On Priday, July 30, the Spartans will play the Utopians, resuming the friendly rivalry between the two SSPZ lodges. Račun - SSPZ - Statement Članski oddelek Adult Department JUNE 1937 S g M M +> {jfl n a J ts " n v ctž r c g* 3 Cj 75 > (K >73 n a n " o J a? ■x .s O) o - o P. CD Ž rt ^ > 73 ■+* Qj »2 bJD I -g o J $57.00 46.50 25.00 19.50 80.00 10.00 111.00 18.50 35.00 32.50 19.00 20.50 30.00 15.50 134.00 120.00 130.00 27.00 588.00 20.00 34.00 51.21 15.50 75.00 38.00 47.50 3.00 132.00 3.00 193.00 10.05 14.00 10.00 515.00 10.00 524.30 5.00 61.50 116.00 102.00 15.00 31.00 5.00 8.00 92.50 5.00 357.60 5.00 10.00 583.00 402.06 5.00 21.00 169.00 43.00 5.00 118.00 20.50 151.50 86.00 54.00 45.50 101 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 117 118 119 120 121 . 122 123 . 124 125 . 126 127 . 128 . 129 . 130 , 131 . 132 . 133 134 135 . 136 137 138 . 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 163 164 165 166 167 169 170 13 72 169 7.89 2.93 5.06 .90 .54 2.16 3.00 4.86 2.88 .54 2.34 .23 .23 .36 6.19 1.80 .20 4.70 4.88 3.16 1.52 .72 3.49 1.11 1.62 1.26 .90 4.36 .18 .54 3.83 .72 .36 .75 2.31 6.61 4.67 1.39 1.44 1.08 .18 .74 .54 .82 .37 .64 1.77 .36 1.49 .82 1.92 1.26 1.31 3.13 7.51 2.44 1.08 2.16 .23 .62 3.54 .77 — 4.40 8.25 9.69 16 46 (Continued from page 4) Dorothy Kuhel, the girl with lučk, spent her vacation in Northern Wis- consin. She drove the distance in her Chevy. The term “girl with lučk” refers to the auto, for this is the same car that she won at the National Athletic Meet in Cleveland in 1935. There were many of us who wanted to own that car for one or two of those tickets. The writer will settle for cash this year! Continued from page 4 Trail Blazers will hold a Social after their August meeting. This will be a sort of a pep meeting preparatory to the in- vasion to Cleveland for the 5th National Athletic Meet. Eats will be furnished by tlie lodge and refreshments may be had at cost. It is also said that Mike Vrhov¬ nik iyill bring along his movie projector and show the harvest of his photografic endeavors during his latest hop, skip and jump around the country and here- abouts. Make a circle on your calendar around the third Thursday of the month. Mandy Tome would have been exempt from paying the August assess- ment, had she been present at this meeting, but she didnt, and the lodge would not settle with her husband (L. Tome) on 50-50 proposition, so there she is. Which is another reminder that at- tending a meeting once in a while may prove to be profitable. An ad in the 1937 National Athletic Meeting Souvenir Book was purchased. Previous month two books of tickets for the 01ympics were purchased. And Johnnie Franko- vich, the treasurer par-excellence, — groaned! There must be money in thar’ them coffers yet! Anyway, Trail Blazers’ credit is gpod. if things go hand in hand, as the saying goes, and the lodge advances to members’ assessments as much as $48 odd dollars, why can’t the same be true vice versa. If you want to join the Trail Blazers’ bali team ex- cursion to Cleveland during the Labor Day holiday, make a check for $10.30 payable to E. Vrhovnik, and your seat on the train will be reserved. If you have no checking account, he will accommo- date you by accepting the same amount in cash. The railroad company will ac- cept no I. O. U.’s and neither will Eddie, so if you have real intentions of going to the Meet, fork over cold cash. The clock goes tick-tock-tick-tock, and the fan buzzes continuously like a swarm of bees about the hive; my pen scratches and bubbles from the want of refill; the pale moon peeks behind the poplars, playing hide and seek behind the scattered clouds; there is a gentle breeze in the trees and a whir of the motor of a passing car. I just can’t think of anything else, but I want to fill up this last paragraph. However, if I don’t kili this dam mosquito that is trying to prick me wherever my body is exposed to the glare of the electric bulb, I’U start screaming. And if I’li dislocate my arm trying to reach for one way down my back and the other one right between my shoulder blades at the same time, you will know why there will be no “What’s the News” next week. Good Night! Okrim Spartans (Continued from page 4) 30 East 71st, Thursday, July 29 at 7:30 p. m. It’s very important that you at- tend. A few knick-knacks: Ann Dermotta postcarding from Sa¬ lem, Ohio, where she is vacationing with her folks for two weeks— Wasn’t that Spartan-Utopian game the “berries”— And you should have seen ali the SSPZ baseball fans — On the sidelines/were: Mr. Stokel, Mr. Can- don, Mr. Pucel, Mr. and Mrs. Žagar, Mrs. Opeka, Mr. and Mrs. Zaman, Mrs. Aliče Spehek, wife of the pitcher, Pucel sisters, Krevec sisters, Kalisters, and many other Spartan and Utopian mem¬ bers— Julie Zdešar yelling at our ri- vals— A genuine rooter, how about it, Julie— Joe^Batis, brother of Max and Lud, is spending a month in Cleveland with his family. He has been with the Navy for the last two years. My greatest pleasure over this week- end was meeting sis. Ella Pushnar, sec- retary of Hoosier Pals from Indianapo¬ lis, a very sweet and demure young lady, with plenty of personality. She was spending the week-end here in Cleveland with her aunt and uncle. According to reports they will be re- presented at our 01ympics, especially the Vrtec members. Hoping to see you ali very soon. “Progressors” baseball team from: Bridgeville, Pa., namely Ernie Kvartich, Peaches, and his brother, Lefty Pleter- sek, Al and Joe Klemenc, Frank, Joe, the manager, Eddie Zupančič, arrived in Cleveland late Sat. night, and oh! what a nite! (oh, oh! what a head the next morning) challenged Spartans team Sun. at the outing— Spartans won (I don’t remember the score)— Those of you that didn’t attend our outing probably would like to know the outcome of the game Spartan Rookifs vs. Veterans— game called ofi at the end of the eighth inning y>'<,h a tie score, 3 ali on account of rezin— and believe me, both teams played their j “darndest” for that keg of cheer— the veterans may retire any day now— sor Jry but you’ll have to do so without a pension— has to be “wound up” to pet into the špirit of things. That’s the reason she avoids him I suppose! —Helen Intihar is an “early Sunday morning church goer.” Outstanding Tickets Will these members please return either the tickets or money from our An- niversary Dance to sister Opeka, 1127 E, 71 St. as soon as possible. Stan Bencina, Vatro Grili, Louise Ho¬ čevar, Frank Hočevar, John Hostnik, John Jurca, Jennie Jereb, Blossom Ko- nestabo, Mary Tushar, Charles Wick, Victoria Žitko, Sophie Turkman, An- drew Turkman. A Member’s Duty Do your duty! Every member is bound by the fratemal and moral obligation to help build up and make prosperous their lodge. It is the foundation of it which is necessary to our very own life. It essentializes economy! It is the expense of doing business; a lodge has a factor in preventing fraud and in- crease persistency in membership. Therefore each and every member should do his or her utmost to increase the membership in their lodge and make it the most outstanding and successful one in the SSPZ organization. SSPZ lodges are active and they promote so¬ cial life and many other advantages for its members. Membership is the back- bone of every organization. New mem¬ bers can be obtained from among those who are self-reliant. So come ali you members, get busy and seek new members. We stili have a few more months to take over the lead. We have as good a chance as any other lodge. This should not be so very hard if we actually make up our minds to work for one thing only. And that, my friends, is “More New Members.” Make your lodge “Spartans” the biggest and best in the SSPZ organization. So long everybody till next week. Nuts To You The Pennsy SSPZers had the pleasure of entertaining about 6 Spartan lads over the weekend of the Fourth. They sure are a wow, that gang. (We) I wonder what gave that cer- tain someone the urge to run down Finn Ave., at 4:30 A. M., with a yellow blanket encircled around him. Why did he pick on yellow, of ali colors? Am I telling on you Bill? Joe Može has a couple of heart throbs here in the hills. Too bad he doesn’t live nearer. I wonder whether or not Stan Žagar and that “Joe” will ever change in their choice of lady friends. What say guys? Have you ever tried picking on twins? If Stan Stokel could play bali as well as he performs the “Romeo roli,” he sure can do it. At least Virginia thinks so. Stan Zorc must rate around the Bur- gettstown district. A certain lass is said to have given him extra good treatment. Rudy Vajentic’s girl friend was seen wearing a sparkler on that fatal finger. Is the date set yet Rudolph Bill—; a Spartan, must have fallen hard for Louise Ahac. They reminded me of a couple of victims of love at first sight. Frances Horwat surely looked cunning strolling around the grounds at the Challenger’s picnic with that young Cleveland chap. Get It Stan? And Joe? Pirates reported having a grand time at their outing. We hear that mischievous pair Rudy V. and John P. got a klck out of duck- ing the girls. It would have been pretty tough for the non-swimming fems if there weren’t several inner-tubes handy. Joe Durko was seen carrying a stiff neck around for 3 days. You shouldn’t have let her, Joe. Anne Marinch has that funny feeling toward that certain Pirate guy. They’re seen together pretty regular these days. Rumors have it that Ernie Kvartich has found his one and only. Bring her around sometime. I wonder when Margie Vajentic will make up her mind about that certain someone. Or has she? Benny Christy seems to think blondes are just the thing. You can’t fool us, Ben. I wonder who Martha Marinch has on the string now? It must be love on the noše for sure this time. Jack Ohara recently had his tonsils removed. I wonder why he advised friends to have them removed. Jennie Ferbežar must be an extraor- dinary soda-jerker by now. It seems she has time for nothing but her work at the restaurant these days. By Half-Cracked FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK “Moe” Continued from page 4 tion for only in that way can we hope to attain harmony of pur- pose and accomplishment. ATHLETIC MANAGERS It is essential that the names and addresses of ali athletic managers, Lodge and Vrtec, be had on file in the Home Office. Lodge secretaries and Vrtec administrators are, hereby, notified to send the names and address of their athletic managers to the Director of E. S. Lodges and Vrtec units at a near future date. JUNIOR HOBBY EXHIBIT If you are acquainted with Vrtec members who show an in- terest in hobbies, whether they be collections, drawings, paint- ings, wood and metal work, sewing, crocheting, sculpturirig, etc., urge them to enter the S. S. P. Z. JUNIOR HOBBY EXHIBIT of 1937. Explain the rules to them and help them with the entry blanks. This event should be featured annually. 5th Annual SSPZ National A.tKletic Meet Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 4-5-6, 1937 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK BALINA Office of Lodge No.-at- SUBSTITUTE Athletic Manager Lodge Secretary NOTE: TEAM ENTRY FEE IS $1.00 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK HORSESHOE PITCHING Lodge No._At S I N G L E S NAME: Age Certificate No. Period of Membership 1. 2 . (Substitute for singles or doubles) D O U B L E S ATHLETIC MANAGER LODGE SECRETARY NOTE; ENTRY FEE IS $.50 OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK INDOOR TRACK - Wometi onlyJg Lodge No._At □ 50 YARD DASH Name of Entrant_ (CHECK EVENT ENTEREDJ g □ 100 YARD DASH /4T Age at Entry-Cert. No.. ATHLETIC MANAGER LODGE SECRETARY NOTE: ENTRY FEE IS $.50 PER ENTRANT Skupaj Total : $441.33 $322.91 William Rus, Sup. Sec’y M. G. Kuhel, Sup. Treas. IMPORTANT! r Well, folks, that’s ali for this time— j tlla t outing (Im Mail ali Entry Blanks, with exception of those pertaiuing to the Junior Hobby Exhibit, to Michael Vrhovnik, ‘ s a „ ucle bunQay nlte ’ m a Director of E. S. Lodges and Juvenile Department, 247 W. 103rd St., Chicago, 111., on or before August 20, 1937!!!! hurry) and wUl see you next week. D o not forget to enelose Entry fees! 28 - Mija, i 937 STRAN 4. "NAPREDEK” On to Cleveland! FIFTH NATIONAL ATHLETIC MEET SEPTEMBER 4th, 5th and 6th PROORliSS Lest We Forget! amatFUR SNAPSHOT CONTEST. CLOS- Ing DATE: SEPTEMBER 30th “NAPREDEK” From The Director’s Desk By Michael Vrhovnik Spartanology By Moe RABIES MORE NEWS AND VIEWS ON THE NATIONAL ATHLETIC MEET ELIGIBILITY Several requests have been received from Lodge officials asking whether or not it will be permissable to use certain mem-1 bers in one or more events \vho will not be, on the opening day j of the 5th National Athletic Meet, in good-standing four (4) full months as required by the rules governing the eligibility status of contestants. It is our opinion that last minute changes, favoring one Lodge team or another, not only places other teams at an unfair disadvantage, but, also, tends to cause disrespect for rules and regulations in general. For that reason, it is important that we adopt every measure of pre-caution and effort to prevent mis-in- terpretation of what constitutes right and wrong if we hope to stage successful athletic Meets in the future. Therefore, ali such requests, exempting only newly organized Lodges and Vrtec units, must be denied. So, let’s ali pitch in and do our honest best to abide by the rules. COMBINATION OF PLAYERS A number of times in the past, members of one Lodge or Vrtec team have been permitted to play for another. This was al- lowed only in cases where a shortage of players existed. To guard against any such emergencies in the future, the rules provide that any Lodge or Vrtec, desiring to be represented in the soft- ball event of the National Athletic Meets, but not having suffi- cient players to form a team, may unite its players with those of another Lodge or Vrtec unit, sirniliarly handicapped. In ali such cases, the Lodge or Vrtec unit, having a majority representation on the team, shall be credited with victory or defeat. This rule shall apply to no other event except softball. Vrtec Members are permitted to play for Lodge teams, but Lodge members of course are barred from competing on Vrtec teams. It is understood that contestants cannot represent more than one Lodge or Vrtec during the course of a National Athletic Meet. ENTRY D ATE Too much emphasis cannot be laid on the importance of mailing in ali entries EARLY! The FINAL DATE for sending in your list of entrants is Augifst 20, 1937! Do not forget to enclose entry fees as specified on the entry blanks! Entry fees shall be retained by the Society only because of failure to participate in at least one official competitive athletic event, health and weath- er permitting. GET ACQUAINTED There’s no time like the present to get acquainted with the names, addresses and respective duties of officials of the coming National Meet . . . Heading the list is — RUDOLPH LISCH, Vice-president of the Society and Presi- dent of the National Athletic Board, whose address is 1393 E. 47th St., Cleveland, Ohio, is also, the chairman of the local com- mittee and the committee in charge of ali indoor affairs, includ- ing the National Junior Hobby Exhibit. Remember to mail or de- liver your hobby exhibits and entry blanks to brother Lisch on or before August 25, 1937. CHARLES KOMAN, secretary of the local committee and president of the Spartans, Lodge No. 198, has been honored with stili another duty and that is the chairmanship of the SOUVE- NIR BOOKLET committee. His address is 6304 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio . . .Send your ads and money direct to brother Koman. Ads may be prepaid or when booklet is received, but knowing there is nearly as much work in collecting money for the ads after they are printed as there is in securing the ads them- selves in advance, do that. I’m sure this courtesy will be highly appreciated by the committee in charge. ANN OPEKA, recording-secretary of the local committee and secretary of the Spartan Lodge, whose address is 1127 East 71st St., Cleveland, Ohio, is burdened with the chairmanship of the highly important Committee on Plousing, Reservations and Table Service . . . This is a mighty big order for any MAN to fi.ll, but with her experiences of 1935 stili indelibly fresh on her mind, we’re confident that sister Opeka will fill the bili, satis- factorily . . . For reservations, write to Ann and DO HURRY, won’t you! HENRY ZORMAN, Vice-president of the local National Meet Committee and aggressive booster of the Utopians, who makes his home at 1369 E. 188th St., Cleveland, Ohio, has under his direction on the Committee on Outdoor Events — Softball, balina and horseshoe pitching. With the addition of the Vrtec National Softball tournament, brother Zorman has a job on his hands that none need envy. WILLIAM CANDON, President of the Supreme Auditing Board and secretary of Lunder-Adamič, Lodge No. 20, largest of S. S. P. Z. adult units, whose address is 1058 E. 72nd St., Cle¬ veland, Ohio, is in command of a “special” committee charged with the responsibility of raising more funds for the profits co- lumn. Brother Candon has always been a loyal and ardent boost¬ er of youth activity; so, let’s ali give him a big hand in his latest “ROLL” . . . Take a chance with brother Candon and watch for the happy results on Sept. 5, 1937. ERNEST KVARTICH, Vice-president of the National Ath¬ letic Board and President of the Progressors, Lodge No. 237, whose address is 411 Station St., Bridgeville, Penn’a., is the So- ciety’s Athletic Director in the Eastern District comprising of the State of Pennsylvania and ali points north and south of her boundaries. Lodges and Vrtec athletic managers are requested to give brother Kvartich their whole-hearted support and coopera- Continued on page 3 “When friendship, love and truth abound, Among a crowd of sisters and brothers, The cup filled with joy goes gaily J round, Each shares the bliss vith others.” Hi-ho everybody! After spending a j very marvelous time at our outing I j must get down to business and report of ! the “goings on” -among our crowd to those ‘stay at homes,’ who sure missed a goodtime. Yes sir, a Spartan outing is always the best. Full of fun and hilari- ty!! “It looks like rain everytime the Spar¬ tans have an outing.” That’s vhat spoils our good times! Hope the weatherman will give us a “break” next time. Joycie “Ooops” didn’t like the cold ice down her back very much. “Ooops, Ooops,” Joycie! Josephine Kotnik, Julie Zdešar and Antonia Žagar were given mud baths. “Tončka” couldn’t take it. Well the boys thought she needed beauty treatment. But it vas a big mistake. How does Johnny Hostnik feel after the fall in Eddie’s car. Does it stili hurt much? Julie Zdešar afraid of a horse. We couldn’t imagine who it was screaming at their top of their voice. Makes quite a lot of noise for such a little person. “Braggin Žagar” so sure that the vet- erans were going to take over the game. But I stili say the rookies can beat them. It was tie score, 3 and 3, when the game was called off on account of rain. Frankie Spehek enjoying himself im- mensely in giving his fellow members mud baths. Some of the lucky ones were Stokel, Zorman and Koman. And did Chuck look čute valkin’ around in gal’s slacks. You better watch your waistline from now on big boy!! Max Batis sure loves to “duck” peo- ple. Most of the swimmers were enjoying themselves except for the stones. Myra and I didn’t like the beer down our backs. But Johnny Hostnik enjoyed spilling it, and not only he but the other fellows too. Johnny didn’t čare for beer in his eye though! Anne Opeka seemed to keep out of mischief. Wonder why she wasn’t given a mud bath. “Baby Face Zorc” can actually play bali. He sure got some good hits. They should let him play on the regular team “we thinks.” Sophie Ponikvar enjoys riding horses if someone else is with her. Bob and Joe were quite moody for a vvhile but they had an hour’s head start on the gang. And did we have fun that one hour which was spent mostly in the water. Hope the Bridgeville boys had a good time here and we certainly enjoyed their short stay here. I vish I had kept that baseball hat of a certain Bridgeville Joe for a souvenir. Next time ITI know bet¬ ter. Local Anesthetics —I think the U. S. Mail Department is quite busy with the letters flowing to and fro from Cleveland and Pennsy. Quite a number of of Spartans’ weaker sex are corresponding with Pennsy gals. Julie Zdešar stili waits for postman to bring her letters from the Christy fel- low. —Who is the Spartan fellow who is considered a “gallant Romeo” by a Pennsy gal? Maybe they were trying to act the parts of the famous Shakesperi- an drama “Romeo and Juliet” while he was there! —What is the big attraction in Moč¬ niki Cavalier Cafe that draws our handsome Zorc there almost every nite? It seems to me this fellow walks around in a daze! Must be thinkin’ of the gal he left behind in them th’yar Pennsy hills! —Why is (C. E. so secretive about her boy friend? Let us in on it toots! —Who is the gal that claims a certain Spartan fellow is just like a toy who What’s the News? WITH THE SPARTANS By Dr. F. J. Arch, Supreme Medical Examiner SSPZ- The disease rabies, also called hydro- phobia, is an acute infectious disease chiefly encountered in dogs and cats, though many other animals are suscep- tible. The disease develops in the celiš | within the central nervous system and it is transmitted through the šaliva of j the affected. Not ali bitten individuals, vhether man or animal, devolop the dis¬ ease, but once the symptoms appear a fatal termination after terrible suffering is certain. Control of rabies is a public health problem that requires constant watch- fulness. In some states it becomes a greater problem each year. In one state there were more than eight hundred cases reported within two years. This is a serious menace to human beings who are endangered through contact with animals. The remedy lies principally in the control of dogs, as rabies rarely occurs in dogs that are properly cared for and housed. The first symptom of rabies in dogs is a change in disposition. There follows a paralysis of the muscles of the throat which causes the animal to at- tempt to use the paralyzed muscles. This produces the tendency to bite and it is in this stage that the disease is most readily transmitted. A sick dog or one suspected of rabies should be penned up, not killed. If it really has rabies it will die in from ten to fifteen days. If a dog is killed at once it may be too early to find laboratory evidence of rabies. In that čase a nega¬ tive report would give a false sense of security. When a dog is killed great čare should be taken not to mutilate the head and to pack it in ice to be sent to the laboratory. Any person bitten by a rabid animal should take the Pasteur treatment at once. Rabie is one of the most agonizing diseases known and once developed is always fatal. Special Notice By Marion Pellegrini To ali neighboring SSPZ lodges and friends: Members of the Challengers’ wish to take this opportunity of extend- ing to you a most cordial invitation to attend their picnic which is to be held at the Sone Quarry Park, Meadowlands on Saturday, July 31st and Sunday, August 1, 1937. Musič for the occasion will be fur- nished by Bill Barzen and his Swingtet. Friends! These two picnics I am made to understand are being held for the sole purpose of raising sufficient funds to equip the softball team with the nec- essary material it requires to participate in the coming National Athletic Meet this September in Cleveland. July fourth and fifth picnics proved to be a heartache after wearisome hours of hard work on the part of a few loyal boosters. The total expenses on those two picnics cut very, very deep- ly into the profits of the evening leaving little or nothing to fall back upon. Dis- couragement was not allowed to enter their minds. So once again they tackle the job only this time the Challengers are asking the cooperation of the Pi- rates, Progressors, Blue Eagles and ali other neighboring lodges. Your coopera¬ tion and loyal support will aid them toward their aim. In doing so, you also live up to your oath to the great organi- zation ,to which you now belong. Every- thing that is within my power I will gladly give in helping to build our lodge, and do ali within my power to aid my fellow members. Upon my vord of honor I make this my pledge. That, my dear friends, is part of our oath. Now until we meet again your corres- pondent bids you Au Revoir. I really should change the name of this column, at least for today, for vhat I have to say is really a part of the his- tory, therefore not news. But headhnes and titles (and pseudonyms at times) are misleading, in our daily newspapers, for instance, and they never apologize, —why should I! I might find a bit of news before the final period is apphed, so let’s stick to the original. After ve cheved up the contents of last week’s issue, it took a lot of courage 1 oi nerve?) to stick to this type of reporting and commenting, or — skidoo, before those kids put the skids under our ef- forts and push away. I refer to some ex- cellent writings in the Vrtec Section. If this continues, vhich we hope it vili, then the skipper of this page will not have to worry from week to veek as to the source of the material. And some of the old timers, including Okrim, will re- tire before having a chance to apply for the benefits under the Social Security Act. Two weeks ago brother Vrhovnik (Michael T.) really made us blush from j the flattery praises of our support and determined denial of our ability to bake a good potica. He also threatened to give us a good once over (and probably spili the small pečk of beans behind vhich our identity thrived unmolested for the past several months). As far as potica is concerned I’U admit that I never tried to make one, so tasting our first effort would not be advisable, for the sake of safety and preservation of bodily health. Then, too, we know that the Society does not pay any sick benefits, if the illness is self-afflicted, or produced thru one’s own fault. I succeeded in making a “šmorn” once, and failed once, so this was the closest step to potica making we ever attempted. As to our feminine at¬ traction we can only disclose that ve have no husband. But this is giving our- selves away. If the log has to be hewed, let the quips fall wherever they may... Another of Chicago’s old timers passed away. The grim reaper picked Brother Louis Škrbec, Sr., for years the Secre- tary of Lodge No. 100, and severed the threads of his life at the age of 63 years. He was a typical “Ribničan,” a great SSPZ booster and worker and a good friend. Trail Blazers will miss his co¬ operation and helping hand that they enjoyed since 1927. Let him rest in peace! To the family we extend our sincerest sympathy. (Continued on page 3) Party for Vrtec 103 WHITE VALLEY, Pa. — Sunday, August 1, 1937 will be an exciting day I for the members of Vrtec 103 SSPZ at ] White Valley, Penna. We are going to have a lawn party. To make everything more merrier we will have Mr. John Fatur a member of Lodge No. 142 SSPZ play a few tunes on his accordion. Re- freshments will be served and a few games will be played. A group picture will be taken of the Vrtec and a few snapshots so come in your Sunday’s best. We members and our parents will have this lawn party at my home be- ginning 2:00 P. M. to ? Julia Kosmach, secretary Vrtec 103 Picnic of Library, Pa. Vrtec LIBRARY, Pa. — The Vrtec officers and members of lodge number 118 of Library wish to announce their annual picnic which is to be held on August lst at Whippoorwill Grove. Musič will be furnished by Tom Sharkey and his or- chestra. We would like to see many strange faces from Vrtec and English- speaking lodges of neighboring towns. Admission will be only 25c, and we will have plenty of refreshments. There shall also be prizes for the most distant lodge represented. Mamle Triller “BALKANITES” TAKE NOTICE! MILWA UKEE, TFts. — AU “Balkanites” bali players are urged to attend the regular meeting on Sunday, August 8 at So. Side Turner Hall at 9:30 a. m. sharp. Besides the regular routine of business, a discussion will also arise as to vohether or not the “Balkanites” will be able to mus- ter-up a softball team to be rep¬ resented in the National Athle¬ tic Meet to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 4,5 and 6,1937. Have also received two chal¬ lengers for friendlg encounters in softball in the month of Aug¬ ust, depending upon your ap- proval, or rejection. So don’t fail to attend! Sports Director notice Michael Vrhovnik’ s “Around the SSPZ” has again been post- poned. Reason: lack of space. Miss Jennie Andolsek is the new Sec- retary of Lodge No. 100, succeeding late L. Škrbec. Born in Ribnica, Jugoslavia, and schooled in this country, and stili single, she is just the type of person to fill the secretarial position of a Slovene- speaking lodge. We wish her good lučk and abundance of success to the lodge! ANN OPEKA In my last week’s article “With the Spartans” I enumerated a few of the activities that vili take plače m Cleve . a. 4-v.p SSPZ 01 ympics on Sept. Sf »ww *»“ »' them’ Don't they premise you a good time 9 Haven't you always enjoyed your- selves at SSPZ affairs, vhether it be a dance a picnic, a banquet, or athletic activities? Ali these various evente plus others compose tl,e SSP ^/ National Meet this year for our fun¬ tov ing, ha PP y-go-lucky members and their friends. It’s two years ago that Cleveland was given its first opportunity to sponsor an SSPZ Athletic Meet. This year will be our second attempt. Those of you that were here with us in 1935, I know, will be here again. What fun!. Re¬ member Joe Jakši, T. B.’s prankster, and his hat with a hundred autographs, how Stanley Tisol was treating the Vr¬ tec teams, the two “Pirate” (?) boys that missed their bus for home \vhich carried a big sign in the back “to Cle¬ veland or Bust,” everyone vith a “frog in his throat” from yelling at the game and singing, doing the “follov the leader” on Labor Day in the dance hali? Oh! I could probably fill several columns with just those pleasant mem- ories. We’re ali looking forward in meeting our old acquaintances and also some new faces from Milwaukee, Indianapo¬ lis, Chicago, and many more from Pennsylvania. Hope we’re right. Just a few vords to the girls!! Every year when the committee draws up the events for the coming Meet, they in- close the girls in question marks. Should we have events for women? What events? Will there be enough entries to run off these games? We’re not going to let the boys get ahead of us, are we? Once I heard a fellovv say that the only way to get ahead of a woman is to walk in front of her. So let’s stick to that “adage.” The committee set aside indoor track for girls only (providing six or more entries are sent in) this year and I do hope there will be a dozen or more girls interested. The distance and rules will be published at a later date. Watch for them! Now what do you say girls!!! Will the girls participate in ali future SSPZ Athletic Meets? Why not? Here’s your chance so take advantage of it! There will be a meeting of ali the girls that vili either serve on tables or seli refreshment tickets at the 01ympics for Labor Day week-end at my home, 1127 (Continued on page 3 ; , Seen By Passerby \\ Spartan Outing “Have we got enough cars, ar e fellows from Pennsy being taken of?” vere a few of the remarks to Chuck Koman by members of tans. But he took it like the swell that he is. Baseball players were the car e Wade Spar. s Port 1 eager to get started, but good what happened to Stan Žagar f 0r Sracioas not on c too Joe Puzell, Jr., and Ed Hanson were two Trail Blazers in the party of five or six boys who traveled to a Saturday night jamboree somewhere in the coun- try via the old Chevy two weeks ago. The boys had a great time, but the car didn’t, so on the way home early towards Sunday morning the old crate tried to “swing it,” but failed miserably. A stren- uous sway too far over the bend in the roadway, a rumbling sound of a rolling body, a jerk and a hiss, — and deadly silence reigned over ali! A moment later hands and feet were wiggling from underneath the motionless corpse, and our heroes scampered from the wreckage unhurt and none the worse from the forced “swing.” It is said that this parti- cular transportation vehicle now re- poses in a junk yard with a ten dollar mortgage note tagged to its lifeless limbs. The whole adventure, however, is stili a mystery. The question arises: Is Crete, 111., within Chicago City limits, or is there another 117th Street and Hal- sted in Crete? Pery Mason, the čase is yours! (Continued on page 3) AU Aboard! CHICAGO, 111. — Do you realize there are just 36 days left when the New York Central Train leaves La Salle Street and Englewood Stations with a happy group aboard bound for the FIFTH NATIONAL SSPZ ATHLETIC MEET IN CLEVELAND? As reserva¬ tions must be made beforehand, ali that intend to go better start saving their scheckles. As a reminder the fare is $10.30 round trip for 3 days. For you who wish to linger longer ,the ticket is honored 10 days. Picture yourself among a jolly group happily bound for Cleve¬ land singing, “Hail, Hail the Gang’s Ali Here,” and who can resist. How man/ pictures have you contri- buted toward the AMATEUR SHAP SHOT CONTEST? No doubt, many of y°u are saying, ‘Oh! I have plenty of time until closing date.” But whoa, be¬ fore you know it, the time will be up and it will be too late. Come on ali of y° u puli that camera from its hiding plače and see what you can do. And last, but not least let’s not for¬ get the “WHEEL OF PROGRESS CAM PAIGN.” The Trail Blazers extend their sin- cere sympathy to Mrs. Mary Škrbec Jennie, Agnes, Louis and John in losing their beloved husband and father who passed away Tuesday, July 20. Let’s Go Victorians CHICAGO, 111. — it would be quite a calamity if a summer went by without the Victorians holding their jamboree at Kegel’s Grove in Willow Springs. This year s Moonlight Dance will be especial- ly well attended according to ali indica- tions. Remember the date, Saturday evening, August 7th. Frankie Gradišek will be the boy wielding the musical ba- ton over a quartette that promise every type of excellent mušic from furious polkas to sentimental waltzes. Remem¬ ber too, that you can learn on the spot whether or not you are the lucky win- ner of the radio. If you haven’t a way of transportation present yourself at 27th and Lawndale Avenue at 8:30 that eve¬ ning. c Do not fail to be at the Victorian meeting on August 5th, especially you bali p ay ers. Everything relative to the fhis e me n eti C ng Veland be Pl “ Joe HowI SSPZ jibber jabber jTb-^T ° f the S Partans? J PhtoJeka” seemed^o ? hUbby S °' b b o a dy a rd. Sunday by — ITsoZ'- Killer Bob"’ Matetich^ha^ 1 ^ " Lady up his sleeve. Who is thl S0I y iethin 8' after. vvno is the gal he is Say b Jab^ we" better ] C ° m P etition tho. “Scandal Hunter Moe”^ ^° W + because out for us now “dw • ? the look " tn^tochea^ his e |° lsb . Candon” being there. He probably saw many pink elephants on his wall It looks like Chuck Koman and El Koss seem to enjoy each other’ s aJ i ( pany, for finally getting started m" j assigning cars, Chuck decided that th! trip would be more enjoyable if th a , lovable Elsie Koss sat next to him * “What did you talk about, Elsie 0 didn’t you have any privacy?” Althom Chuck vas ali in smiles when Keener’ Recreation Park vas reached. S j* But look vho's here, Stan Žagar in ali his glory. "Did you finally vake u B Stan, or maybe I'm wrong, you Werefl ,| sleeping?” The vater must have been cold for Toni Žagar and Ann Opeka decided to sit on the shore, although Joyce Gorshe and Julie Zdešar had a grand time in the vater (am I right, girls?). Thebojs seemed to be sissies for the only one really enjoying himself in the water was Joe Može, and he did try to scare the girls by ducking them, but he can) i scare those Spartan gals. Rambling around trymg to find the baseball diamond, I happened to over. hear Ann Opeka talking about Jovce Gorshe s secret passion, Freddie. Oh isn’t love grand? Or maybe you should ask Julie Zdešar about Harold Christv for tliey have been corresponding and I don’t only mean friendly letters. Oh, there it is. (I mean the baseball diamond) and for goodness sakes, it looks like no game. What, with no um- pires, no umpires, no game! Sh! But Gigolo Joe comes to the rescue and the game is on. What’s that I hear, the Spartan gals rooting for the Progres- sives, that’s vhat I call sportsmanship. I hope it made them feel good, at least Lefty, the pitcher, vas ali in smiles when he saw Dorothy Močnik in the grand stanci, eyes only for him. Oh! by the vay, did you see Dorothy in her nev rubber svim suit? My eyes lead me on past the game ° to see, veli, veli, it looks like Julie Zdešar on a horse (yes, I did say a * horse) screaming for bloody murder vhen the horse decided that he didn't i enjoy feminine company. (Oh, I beg your pardon, it vas a she, the horse I mean). Well, getting back to the old bali game (I mean new) for they had finish- ed one game, Spartans winning and starting another vith the Veterans of Spartans and the Youngsters of Spar¬ tans. Everything was getting along swell, when the rain came down in buckets vith the score 3-3, thus putting an end to a thrilling game, for it TO tlirilling to see the Youngsters just about making chumps out of the Vet¬ erans. Leading on, I find myself at Gustin¬ čiči farm and the “Beer." The rain finally stopping. I decided to venture vith the rest of the gang and tackle the beer. but what have we here, a” old svimming hols full of mud and dirt (and I do mean dirt), for to S f ’ to the beer we had to shed our shoes and socks. What, no gentlemen in tK crovd to help the ladies across? Wbf even Mrs. Stokel had to take her sW* off to get across. Ah! but it looks U e the Spartans have one brilliant gW ® - the form of Frances Može (and W.' Continued on page 3 NOTICE! SSPZ National OlynipicM (e Entrg Blanks will be found° n page three of this issue. QUARTERS FOR OLYMf GUESTS Angone having any avail rooms for sleeping quarteis out-of-town visitors whov>^‘ tend SSPZ Olympics in G /and Sept. 4-5-6, can l« ave r name and address u'ith J 1 Grili, Enakopravnost °^‘ ce Ann Opeka, 1127 E.71stSt- En^ will be found on NOTICE — More A rlf sotr N VRTEC ADMINIS1 last week’s iss Z A of L J NTRY BLAN *, CIAL ENTRY BLak^ Na P redek > ™ « teams. Space indicated /nJ AcUV6 tary is, also, meant f Sl 9nature of uiinistratriz. The + Vrtec admin in either cas e . Bef ^ fG€ ° f $2M rem tions, vorite i n n!° Te maili ng entry blanl head of blank. nam e VRTEC over L DlR ECTOR OF JUVENILE DEP J ‘