Image Anal Stereol 2002;21:191-198 Original Research Paper TOPOLOGICAL LOCALISATION OF DEFECTS AT ATOMIC SCALE Jean-Paul Jernot1, Patricia Jouannot-Chesney1, Christian Lantuejoul2, Gerard Nouet3 and Pierre Ruterana3 ^SMRA, CRISMAT/ESCTM, 14050 Caen Cedex, France, 2ENSMP, Centre de Geostatistique, 77305 Fontainebleau, France, 3ISMRA, LERMAT, 14050 Caen Cedex, France e-mail:,,,, (Accepted October 2, 2002) ABSTRACT The problem addressed in this paper is the detection of defects on atomic structures. The procedure proposed is in two steps. At first a tessellation is built starting from the atoms. It consists of a partition of the space into cells, and is used to define the neighbourhood relationships between the atoms. Then, the local contribution to a topological parameter, namely the Euler-Poincare characteristic, is defined and measured for each cell. Within a regular tessellation, made of identical cells, this local contribution is equal to zero. Any local deviation from regularity corresponds to a tessellation containing cells with non-zero contributions. This allows us to locate the defects from a topological criterion and opens the way to a fully automatic detection of interfaces at atomic scale. The procedure is applied in 2D space for the detection of edge dislocations, grain boundaries and twins from HREM models and images. A 3D example is also given to illustrate its generality. Keywords: defects, Euler-Poincare characteristic, HREM images, interfaces, tessellations, topology. INTRODUCTION In materials science, it has long been recognised that topology offers a basic quantitative description of microstructures. Several examples of such a topological analysis can be found in the literature for sintering processes (Rhines, 1967; De Hoffe* al., 1972), grain growth (Smith, 1964; Rivier, 1986), multiphase grain structures (Cahn, 1966) or in relation with flow through porous media (Macdonald et al., 1986; Jouannot et al, 1995). Topological descriptions have also been proposed for cellular structures: polycristalline materials, biological cells, foams, etc (Smith, 1952; Aboav, 1980; Rivier, 1985). The relations are mainly expressed as a function of the mean number of sides per cell and based on Euler's equation and the local equilibrium of cells under surface tension. They are verified only when the rules governing this local equilibrium are fulfilled i.e. not on random tessellations of the space or on periodic structures (except for regular stackings of hexagons or tetrakaidecahedra). We propose here a description of the spatial cell's organisation valid for any kind of cellular structure. It is based on the measurement of a new parameter: the contribution of each cell to the Euler-Poincare characteristic of the space. This approach is general because no prerequisite (local equilibrium of cells, geometrical unit, etc.) is needed. As far as grain boundaries between metal crystals are concerned, they have already been described as packings of polyhedral units (Ashby et al., 1978). The present analysis complements, from a topological point of view, this geometrical description. In this article, the contributions of the cells to the Euler-Poincare characteristic of the space are used to locate the defects occurring on a regular tessellation. Then, on an atomic structure, the atoms belonging to a defect can be automatically selected using this topological criterion. To illustrate the method, edge dislocations or grain boundaries have been extracted from HREM images. DEFINITIONS Euler-Poincare characteristic In order to simplify the presentation, we limit ourselves to the 2D case. As will be seen in the last section, the extension to 3D space presents no major difficulties. Consider a polygon; it is well known that it has the same number of vertices, V, and edges, E: V = E. (1) This equation is nothing but Euler's equation: V - E + P = 1, (2) 191 JERNOT JP ET AL: Topological localisation of defects where P, the number of faces, is equal to 1. Consider now an aggregate of polygons. Their union satisfies the more general equation: V - E + P = N, (3) where V, E and P stand respectively for the number of vertices, edges and faces of the aggregate (see Fig. 1). N is called the Euler-Poincare characteristic (EPC) or connectivity number (Serra, 1982). It can be topologically interpreted as the number of connected components minus the number of their holes. Fig. 1. Euler-Poincare characteristic of isolated or aggregated polygons. Planar tessellations A planar tessellation is defined as a family of compact and convex subsets (Zj) indexed by i e I and satisfying the following conditions: i) the union of all the Z; is equal to R2 . ii) each interior of Z; is non-empty. iii) the interiors of Z; are pairwise disjoint. iv) the number of Z; intersecting a bounded domain of R2is finite. The elements Zj are the cells of the tessellation. Due to these conditions, any planar tessellation is made up of a countably infinite number of polygonal cells. A facet F of the tessellation is defined as an intersection between cells. Its dimension, dimF, is equal to 0 for a point, 1 for a segment and 2 for a polygon; its order, ordF, is the total number of cells to which it belongs. Local contribution of a cell to the EPC Let X be a compact subset of R2 which has been intersected by a tessellation (Z; , i e I). Under some mild assumptions on the shape of X, it has been proved (Jernot et al., 2001a) that the EPC of X can be written as: N(X) = ^ (-l)2-dimFN(XnF), (4) Fe (5) Ci(X)= 2 ordF FefF(Zj) where (F(Zi) is the family of all facets contained in Zj. The term 'local contribution' is justified by the fact that the EPC of X is the sum of all the contributions Q(X) associated with each cell Z;: N(X) = £ qCX). (6) iel In the case where X = Zj, the Eq. 5 simplifies and gives: (_W d™F c,(z,)= £ Fe axis, the grain boundary built of one type of dislocation is perfectly planar. The set of cells with non-zero contributions is easily detected and defines the grain boundary plane. is slightly rough. It corresponds to £11 which is described by a rotation of 50.48° around a <11> axis. Two variants A and B have been identified in silicon and germanium under different experimental conditions (Bourret and Bacmann, 1987; Putaux and Thibault-Desseaux, 1990). Again, a modification of the local contribution to the EPC allows us to accurately locate the grain boundary plane: the two configurations 211A and Z11B are clearly differentiated and, as in the preceding example, the contribution of each period is In a second example (Fig. 7), the boundary plane zero- Fig. 6. Z5 tilt grain boundary in Cu (adapted from Grigoriadis et al., 1999). The disks and the circles correspond respectively to atoms at heights z = 0 and z = 1/2. 195 JERNOT JP ET AL: Topological localisation of defects Fig. 7. Two examples of grain boundaries in silicon and germanium (adapted from Chen et al, 1999). {5 atom cell} and {7 atom cell} whose contributions are respectively +1/6 and —1/6 are grouped to form structural units with zero contribution. Twins The measurement can also be carried out in twins if a local modification of the cell contribution is observed. For instance, in the {111} twin of the face-centred cubic system there is only a modification of the orientation of the cells without any change in their topology, so this approach is not appropriate. For the {1012} twin in the hexagonal system the situation is more favourable since the local topology is changed at the level of the twin plane (Fig. 8). Fig. 8. Core defect inside a twin boundary from deformed a-Ti (adapted from Braisaz et al, 1996). On the bottom left figure, two different elementary features are clearly delineated: one for the grain boundary and one for the step. 196 Image Anal Stereol 2002;21:191-198 Contrary to the preceding examples, the number of the edges of the cells is constant even in the defect zone. Nevertheless, the twin plane is still localised from the contributions of the elementary triangular cells of the tessellation. Their values are equal to zero everywhere (3/6) - (3/2) + 1 except in the twin plane for which a structural unit is detected. This structural unit is made up of 10 cells whose contributions are -5/210 (5 cells), +2/210 (2 cells) and +7/210 (3 cells). The total contribution of the structural unit is then zero. Inside the twin plane, a step corresponding to the total contribution 8(-5/210) + 6(2/210) + 4(7/210) = 0 is observed. Then, even small atomic steps such as the step b2/2 associated with the twinning dislocation (Braisaz et ah, 1996) are localised. EXTENSION TO 3D SPACE The procedure developed may be applied in 3D space provided that 3D images are available. In 3D space, the local contribution to the EPC of X with respect to the cell Z; is defined as: / i \ 3 - dimF ci(x)= Z ^^N(Xnp)- (5'} MQQ °rdF In the case where X = Zj, this equation simplifies and gives: c.(z.) =- y J + y — - Ve Z ordV E^z ordE Ve Zi E£ Zi , (9') v- 1 since ordF = 1 for facets of dimension 3 and ordF = 2 for facets of dimension 2. As in 2D space, a regular 3D stacking of identical cells leads to a contribution equal to zero for each cell. For instance, the contribution of each cell is -(8/8) + (12/4) -(6/2) + 1 in the case of a simple cubic stacking and -(24/4) + (36/3) - (14/2) + 1 for a compact stacking of tetrakaidecahedra. Any local topological modification of the tessellation will induce non-zero contributions in the vicinity of the defect. A simple 3D interface can be given as an illustration: two crystals with simple cubic structures are translated 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 one from the other, so as to create tetrahedra and square-based pyramids in the interface zone. Then, the non-zero local contributions correspond to: -(4/13 + 4/8) + (8/4 + 4/5) - (6/2) + 1 = -1/130 for the cubes sharing a face with the pyramids, -(5/13) + (4/4 + 4/5) - (5/2) + 1= -11/130 and -(4/13) + (4/4 + 2/5) - (4/2) + 1= +12/130 respectively for the pyramids and for the tetrahedra. The association of these three cells generates the elementary topological unit of the interface. CONCLUSIONS In this article, a method has been proposed for detecting the interfaces of an atomic structure provided that the associated tessellation departs from a regular one. It is based on a new topological criterion and has been illustrated on several examples with a particular reference to HREM images. Associated with an automatic extraction of atomic positions (Chaix, 1998), this opens the way to a fully automatic detection of interfaces at atomic scale but requires images with a good contrast and a sufficient magnification. REFERENCES Aboav DA (1980). The arrangement of cells in a net. Metallogr 13:43-58. Ashby MF, Spaepen F, Williams S (1978). The structure of grain boundaries described as a packing of polyhedra. Acta Metall 26:1647-63. Bourret A, Bacmann JJ (1987). Atomic structure of grain boundaries in semiconductors. Rev Phys Appl 22:563-8. 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