Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2014 1 Dynamic Relationships Management Journal (DRMJ) is like any modern/ contemporary product in a constant process of change, improvement and development. In this issue an extended summary in Slovenian language has been added to each article in order to bring them closer to the local, Slovenian range of readers. Visually the changes can be seen in the e-journal in which we added the articles’ key data to the front/first page of each article which will (hopefully) increase the citation of our articles and thus affect to increase visibility of the Journal. The latter will have a significant impact on involvement of the Journal in different databases, which will fur- ther enhance the reputation of the journal, and thus sufficient quality contributions from all over the world on the topic of the Journal: establishment, de- velopment, maintenance and improvement of long- term contacts, connections, interactions, patterns of behaviour, relationships and networks in social entities. Currently, we can stress out the involvement of the journal in Google Scholar and OCLC WorldCat databases, and in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. For some other databases we are in the process of in- clusion of the journal into them. On the journal’s website the complete list of editors and editorial board can also be found to allow better assessment of the quality of the organs of the journal. Articles in the e-journal, of course, are freely available (ac- cording to Open Access Policy). Read them and rec- ommend them to others. This edition of the journal deals with some truly interesting topics – from the competing dynamics and relationships between private sector and gov- ernment, through the study of vision development in selected companies to the basics and practical challenges of organizational learning and training motivation. In short, the journal covers different re- search areas, guaranteeing that every reader can find something appealing. The first article, “The Competing Dynamics and Relationships in Corporate and Local Government Agency Constructions of Place”, written by Natalie Russell, Simon Adderley, Peter Stokes and Peter Scott, explores the dynamics of how private sector business entities and local government bodies per- ceive and interact with the identity of the locality in which they operate. It identifies tensions and differ- ences in, and consequences of, the dynamics and relationships between how private sector business entities view constructions of ‘place’ and how gov- ernment and publicly-funded place-marketing or- ganisations portray and promote localities. This is very interesting topic not only for the United King- dom where the research has been done but also for the entire world. Vision is a prerequisite for efficient strategic planning and the effectiveness of each company. Author Vojko Toman in the second article, “State of Vision Development in Slovenian Companies”, states that if a company has no vision (i.e., it does not know where it is heading), then it cannot build on advantages, eliminate weaknesses, exploit oppor- tunities and avoid threats. The problem lies perhaps in (mis)understanding of the term ‘vision’ in litera- ture: different authors understand the term differ- ently and often discuss it inadequately. Some questions regarding the nature of vision are an- swered in the article. The majority of the article presents the results of empirical research on the state of vision development in Slovenian companies. Next two articles deal with the same topic: or- ganizational learning. First of them, titled “Organi- sational Learning: Theoretical Shortcomings and Dear Readers, FROMTHEEDITOR JOŽE KROPIVŠEK University of Ljubljana Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 20142 Practical Challenges”, written by Jon Aarum Ander- sen, is rather provocative. It addresses several prob- lems related to (organizational) learning and the use of knowledge at work. One of the problem is con- nected to the theoretical shortcomings stemming from the controversy between different concepts of ‘organisational learning.’ Author stresses that the metaphorical use of ‘organisational learning’ often creates confusion: learning and knowledge are only related to individuals; knowledge becomes organi- sational when it is created, developed and transmit- ted to other individuals in the organisation, when employees use it and act based on generalisations due to the rules and procedures found in their or- ganisation. But, according to the author, it doesn’t happen in a practice: the emphasis on learning, knowledge and competence of the working force do not materialize in the application of the knowledge acquired. It is evident that employees do not use their increased knowledge. The question is why they do not use it and what and how can managers act in order to fix this problem? In the fourth article “Organizational Learning: Some Basic Questions and Answers”, written by Miran Mihelčič, the author points out the impor- tance of the understanding that, first, organizational learning is just one dimension or element of the learning organization and not vice versa, and sec- ond, a good comprehension of basic categories re- lated to the organizational side of (formal) social units’ functioning is an imperative part of organiza- tional learning process. Some interesting questions and answers about the use of term “organization” in the field of management, and about the content of organizational learning process were discussed in the article. Finally, it was emphasized that there are some other organizational processes, i.e. organiza- tional change process and the process of increasing organizational capital that are simultaneously over- lapping with organizational learning process, and enabling multiple effects of the latter. The fifth and final article “How do Epistemolog- ical Beliefs Affect Training Motivation?”, written by Ingrid Molan and Eva Boštjančič, expresses that human resources development through workplace training is one of the biggest investments in the workforce in today’s globalized and challenging mar- ket. Training motivation is thus very important. This study examines the relationship between the con- cepts of epistemological beliefs, training motivation and the actual participation in the workplace train- ing. The results confirmed the relationship between the concepts as well as a significant predicting value of epistemological beliefs on motivation and actual participation. Enjoy reading the Journal and feel free to re- spond authors or editors for additional information. Feel free to contribute your researches to DRMJ and recommend the Journal to your colleagues and en- courage them to send us interesting papers/re- searches. Jože Kropivšek Editor-in-Chief