Subscription 96.00 Yitfr $TKV.—NUMBER 267 Uredniki svarijo Opoaarjajo jih na ne varno« t i, ki jih ustvarja obstoječi eko- A Vi I i" i^l^itlka?da akMa'ianh Borah, Brook hart, Blaine, Pil» star, Kowall, Nys la Johnson na rspunlikanski itrani tsr Whse-ler, Walah, DM In par drugih ns dd^i^TJStoa^luöaJ Ih gl* sujejo skupno. Os as odločijo ss taka akcijo, lahko prisilijo prod-Madnika Hooverja, da skllčs lava* so aa primsr ropubliksnskissšfr torji prisilili prsdssdniks Wil-sona, da ja sklical is rodno saae* dsnjs kongresa, kl Js bil Jsvolj« I. ISIS. Ako glaaujajo proti na-katertm večjim apripriaeijam na Zborovanja kongrssa. ki sa snlds 1. dscembrs, tedaj ss bo prtdssd. nlk moral pokoriti njihovi voUl. Skoro gotova stvar Ja, da bodo kongrssnlki In sSnatarJI, hi sobi« Rev alta aa foaaeal kenčsaa Tokio. II. nov. — Japonski vojni urad porote, da Ja vstaja divjih domačinov na otoka For m osi potlačena la vojaške Ista se vračajo domov, Štirideset vodilnih vataiev Ja Is vršilo samo. mor Našli so jih obešene aa dre-Vtsih, SREDA, 12. NOVEMBRA DRUŠTVENE VESTI naznanilo in zahvala žatapti i« potrtih src. naznanjamo »orodniko«, prijateljem in znancem žalostno vest. d« i MIH fes v «d no iztrgal« iz naie «rede «»iei« ljubljenega am«. ečet« ta brata . v četrtek, dne M. oktobra, v najlepiej moiki dobi, v starorii 37 let. Pokojnik Je bil roka aa Ljubnem v ««vinski Dolini, v Ameriko an i« priiel «red » icti. Bolehal je aa j etiki (m r let ter m boril « j. eden .U dragi npčtaToiaiilL M» na kakorfen koH način lajšali «arje. knkor t«uH an toko obHo udeležbo pri pogrebu, ki se je vrill it biie totosti v soboto popoldne na Holy i rtm* pokopali*«. P.4«rčna brala ream darovateljem mnofo itovilnih vencev a katerimi etc pomagali okrasiti mrt raiki «der i« sicer sledečim družinam: Bratom pokojnika. Prank ta družina. Joka ta družina Jœ i« druCina. kak» tudi sledečim: Frank Sedmak. Apt on Beviek, Jrira Voduahek ta sUrjii, M* ti. RoPl> Mna Dežman. Max Kodri. Frank Shnonz. Loo Bkrutagr, Peler Skrubey. Luka Iwm, Antoni« Gra-disnik. Frank Ambrook, Frank Eitoenc. John BraUnUb. Frank Udovich, John TurdOfeu John JL * Son, Ifred Stlgtka, Prank Medved. John Arnieh, John B«čun. Alvta Gloyeck Jr.. 8yIve.ter Kumer-shek, Frank V rata nar. Frank Sunknlk. John ¿«mernik. Mre. Btataiek. Frank Korpnik. Frank Faakun Robuirk's Family, J<* Wake. John Susknik. Jokn Lenko. Anion W«c«k, George Tamshe, John Stul-ler, Fred Klsncnik, Louis Kožuh. France« Oreinik. Anton Turk. Lonla Lenard, Mr. ta Mik. Leaj.k Mik« «ainer, Joe Baekun. AL Jeray, Metk StigHti, Dobnkk's Plower Skop. Frank Skok, Fischer School Parent Teachers' Aea'n., Miss Gilbert. Fraternal Order «T PHfrims No. 4, Slov. Pevski Klub Zvon. 1er Druitvu Sloga št. 1, JPZS. Omenjenim drattvam ie tudi zahvaljujemo za Uko veliko udeležbo pri pogrebu. Nadalje naia nafsrënejia hvala opernemu pevcu gosp. Anton Subelju za nje kov« krasno petje pri ^AtïtJKli: rrte« ^TfiX^ Enako bodite zahvkljeni pogrebd. kateri ste pokojnika kot Vaiega zvestega prijatelja skozi dolga leta zanesli k zadnjemu počitku, kakor tudi prijate|ta Jetai Brmencu «a tolažljfve besede na pokopali iën. Jokn Lenkotu na poslovilni govor od strani druitva Sloga it. 1. JPZS. kolera élan je bil pokojnik veé lot. f ; ; . \Ji ~ > HvaU R ja poslal na preiskavo v aadevi br. DasM Cva. šalka^id*1, MeššaUk*-1 * luT^*1 m tlaoč ln bolniško podpora aa Hi par meaeoav m* tam Ja umrl; opomba na mrtvaikam Uatu pa je ls* kaiala, da J« bolehal Ša dolge Ša*a prod svitanjem na abbtlh. Sklanjano, da «a laplačs poimrtnlna kot določajo mladinska pravila. Nsšaljs Ja aklanjeno, da br. gl* tajnik Isplato br. Jos. Snoyu petne ln druge Br. Calnkar pvedloftl p lamo sa poaovltsv naročnina ss Frstamsl Aga. S» odobri, Br. gL tajnik predloži aladeša proinje ss Isiedao podporo: št. 4—Matevž Mrhar, «varovan aa 9600 in 9», bres dala ša vsč mssieev, prosi, da bi as mu t»«»«' lisdt št. 7—John Srebemak. član od lata 1911, star sedaj 41 let (večletni tajnik), prest laradna podpora, ber Je bil ajegov sla Urnaat, dlaa mlad. . »Ur aedaj 99 let, člpn od lata 10191 Joaophina Krsto ve«, njegova tana, ssvsrovaaa ss S900 injsmrt- 1P19, umobolaaj prosi, ds bi ss aa n^ pl»4al asst-msnt ls »klada lsradnih podpor. Sklanjano, ds ss ts • aakrst plača assament sa i tiri meaeee. f št. 16—Frank Braaovar bolaha Ša dlje tem na pova ustavljena. Po navodilih la gL umša ia bil pve« iskan po dvak sdravnikih v svrho Ufntovitva pravo bolasnl, in stroAbl adravniiha pralaksvo sasŠaia 910. Prosi, ds bi ao isplstslo saj ts strošks h sklada lsradnih podpor, ta ns dobi bolnlšks podpore. Prolnjl se ugodi, št 96—Loui» Blasutioh, savavovaa ae 9iooo ta habljen In^aaapoaoban sa dola, ota^jsn, dva^otroka) amat la skladi« lsradnih podpor, kar asa ja že vsa radna bol nitka podpora potekla. U dovoli sa Šest mcsseev. Št. 90—John sumita, frank Roaina, In IIMm Halko, so Še več messsev bras dala la bvss sa-slutka tar prosijo, da bi ss ss njs la njih družin« oktober. Prolnjl «s ugodi. Št. M—Mary Vldptar, mvsrovsns 91000 la ali bol. podpor«, tlsntss od L 1999, prsataplla la mlad. oAIsIImIi 6tswi l6lt briMi i sulico In sa nahaja v aanaUrlju; njsa smmsst pla-lujojo njene sastm ln basljs, pd Jaiinnat pa prosi sa iflPMlttO p^ip®!1® SA I^HI^IlilUl In l^fft^filSi da ss ji daruj« vsota 990. št 65—-Bofc Evolskr, lian od Uta 1919, otar s«, dsj 96 l«t prosi ss isvošsa p«»«ii»oro, hov js bil nje> tov «In Rrnaot, «lan mlaš. oddalka od I. 1999, sta« sedaj U Ut operiraš ss vnetja aUpita la se kiU, Ota valed brasposolaosU aa amra plačali vaah stroškov. Saj« dovoli vsota 916. št. 106—John Jamnlk, ssvsrovsn ss 9600 U 91» «Un od Uts 1919, etsr sedaj M let br«« rob«, ota-njan (od prvo teeo UŠSS), otroke Ima v starem krsju In Am»rikl, I« val Ut brae d«U la ssalsšba U f§ sada j v okrajni beisitaUlt drsžtv« prosi, ša bi m sanj plačal saeament. S k is n Jano, ds ss plels Ivt najet dolgih let smo gradili, sedaj pa so nas tošill m 1-me, denar, imovino to kostume, as vse! Nesreče aH slučaj je hotel, da smo prišli pred delavstvu j^J^Tj^ sovražnega sodnika. Ta je odločil «^arje" ia pevski zbor "Zarja v prilog rsskolnlške grupe, ne| VJM k|Uft# ^ ^^ f kHilč da bi upoštovsl Mksp^ ni uri. NI veliko ksr Želimo od po-ln doksse. Mi amo vložili prlsiv] ,jrrTrT|rjM 4n|itvt posamaa- prizivno sodišče spramenlk^od- n|h jJ^ poskočijo na pomoč veliko, tsko, ds bo ns ras padlo le nekaj malegs prispsvke v hrambo delavskega In nepred gs klaba In njegovega pevskegs zbora "Zarja", i . Pomagajte vsak po svoji šil Priskočite asm na pomoč, da m lahko ebranimo odloka, ki fs je izposlovala raSkolnIšks grupa, ki je zahtevala, da m jim da vss i Ime, denar, note, koetame, r, ml Sodnik jim je pri-poanal — prislv ba pokazal ali js šs kaj previse as deisves-tr § lr njegove orgenlsadje. nest js že svoja oovedaU to bo tope« ko bo trebi ZaOfcrambai <*1U>r kiubove Zarja v—Laonarš Mjšak, pred« gfSksU, blagajnik, pejasalls o-1 tsjsžka sbrambas-l Joaepb A. SUkovIch »! št. 190—Nary četa rak, ssvsrovsaa sa 9009 In 91, lUnUa od UU 1999, sters sedaj 19 Ut tota aUrlav U bras daU ta vel masaaavi prosi, da bi m platal sa aje assament U «klada lsrednlh podpor. Sklenjeno, da «• ptata sa štiri maaaaa. ty št. lS7~«Praa«ei lUaalik, savaravana sa 9600 kt 91. ČUnka «d Uta 1909, star« sedaj SI Ut, aj«n bres d«U I« nad pat latj prosi, da M «s JI wmm it pistai U sklsd« Uradnik podpor. ÊÊ IUI Ä96t NlSiÜiy» Št 971-LouU Špdljaa, lian od Uta 1994 (I stopil U mlad, oddelka), Kadiva aa Isdlsaa si ss sdravnika. Je bres ___ strU spoljsr U DetrolU, iftah.« prosi, dables aU-gov aaaamant platal U sklada Uradnih podpor le Iss, k« pohaja universe, Sklanjano, da aa piale ss »nkrsi, pt tporota s« mu pe. ds p«stass psslvsa. At. SIS—Tossal stipatil, as varovan ss 91roatl. Clu m sapUnlk «sdnj« saj» in s nakatsrlml popravki sprejme. Br. gl. tajnik predloži pismo dru-Itva It. 99. Oskrbnik br. Aafton Oomlta želi odpmta nino. Listina M o®dwlJlvo bolsn In Šali odpravnino. LUtlno m v radu la potrjen« pe vrhovnsm sdravniku. UpUčtUv m odobri. št 96—Pri ura društvu «a ta nerešena aadave vlad» poamrttdn« m pokojnim« M«riJo la Blaž Kar-bar, Poteguje m nokl poalnovljanao, ki p« do danes ta nI prinaaal «rodnih dokasov poalpavljanja, U se* daj m je prijavil le sorodnik pe Utana Pavel Kap-Ua U Ja depMUl konsulavno potrjeno llstlns, ki le* W AStl JsJO| ds Js notak pekojnsgs Korbarjs- Ksr se ps Uhko Is drugi ožji sorodniki ln js nugota, ds tudi posinovljanae I« predloži vsljavas listina, U Lall IM mMMmŠa «Im mu Msl^lasA Aa LaŠahI jImmsbI aA- sar ja nu»vora, us sa png!9M a» savan orugi ao» . .MlnlbC je sklanjano, da m to IsplaHlo še odlošl. Br. gl. tajnik porota, da be uslulbonk« Borth« ClganUh tU prihodnji teden na operaslje, tar Je sedaj, ko so jo vrnila Anna OoUb, vael aa mosta 01-gsnltav« «astro H, L Koma, ksUra Is d»U v tej-nUtvu od 99 abt. naprej. Nadalje porola, da ja f Ut treba ja urediti B ureditvijo povsga sisUms m pMoievaaje denarja nilltn llanom J« velike d«ls v glavasm uradu, so ps ia drage ssU vašna stvari, ki ae se* oRtalp In kaUr« j« trabe urediti. Apelira na gL a- CviiI odbor, ils pío mu liovcillj tli BsjftMlf Ai tHMl im niQ^I K [i |6^9v| yuV0P9 vsi iHtbfHmllil Htvsf j« nujna v«taa, daU morajo biti Uvrša k, al drago poti kot da se sseš radi deproslU pe» dašoll, j« v t • biti UvHaae ta ta m želi Üvüamxfu vali ko vol dala, km m lUastvo soil la jpfsstses In dejo vodno vel dala tajnikom la gL urade. BhUaJo-no, da aa aašaana stol Calnkar poda poro^iU e pstsku sa fsdsrativno adrutanj» Jugoalovaaskik BOŠ» parnih organlaaaU, ki sa Ja vištU ts Ušsn v MU-w«ukae, Ifls, Nsvsoll m bUl Utl kot v CUvolaa-du, Ohio. Kot opesevaUc Je Ml ta pel navse« teši Mr. Opska U Wsakegan, IIL, kst bodali gL setd-sašalk KBKJ. Od tangih orgoaUasg al MU «šsiva. Omani, da j« povabil vm r lUta Ia ta pee*aj pUau-aa UdaUŽMl ae val podali svoj« roforaU, nakar ta js • njih liroko raspravtjalo, Obvranlh snkljulkov al bila, ks h U sataanl odbor al «matral polnomol-nim ustvarjali ISka «aklJuAka, SpeajaU pa M je ra« priporom In Ukosvanih prijataljsklh Mkljul- lav«,lili se Uvrtavslnl odbor, v katerem ja eš vsa. tata Žs draga ks oagaalsasUj H m *ktn-nam ral i gaspedarakl, praove mad miedle« U rasna druge tarasse m bo vrMU v Plttsburgbu, Pan enkrat sta* sesa sprlls Pnh.>dnjs Uta. Deta» se dsUži pseasje. Ubrali «e salase« ima, kl j« "Jugoslavsnsbs Brat-" Imoli so áa raaprsvl tudi vslnoot la tašsesl sapisnlka. BU« U valiko kritim gUds ssdajegs se- pi.nlke, da U Uta! tako pmme, Ns Uj kon/«ran«i •mo najeli saplsnlksrjs v ossbl br, fr, Novaka U Mllwsuko«, k«tari j« oblJiAll, da b« gotov s sapls-nlkom v Ulru kakih 19 dal. Ts js v gUvnom ras m kratka peradeno. Poratt-U Miroma MpUnlk be luk prioblen la poslaa U- Br. Sadlaa pesais, da Jo pratarbel "SnraiyM var-Mlao m tokovno vlogo lista frmmU v rasti 6!6, ooo m. ^^m^mm Br. Calabar našalja pradioll pUma od raotgesi-slraso United Mise Workers oagsslassijs. bi tali patava Informacija U Miausaa, Sk Un Jano je, ša m Jim po motnosti nitrata. Br. Calnkar nadalje prelita pUsu ed NUMgaa Pratarnal Coagrassa, y tali, ds jsdaeta estas« Is asdslja lUa ta aegaaisaal)«. -SkUnJano, da sa piale latno tlanaHM v vsoU 910, ds m pooblasti par členov od drulUv v Detrotip. MUb., šs beta kateri sprajetl sastapnittv« %mspl«*n«,* U js bras sU In vranih sli «Is». g Um Ja Ml dnevni rad UUpss U kljun sojo ob t VABILO NA I SslalNM v Waaksgaa, Itt. v nadaljo dna 16, novembra 1930 "noti Mum* komedija v trak šejasJU f Pb Igri plss to prasto sskava v apta " Igra Í Nsgade Trfe-Prišetefc «alna sk 1 ari t predpredaÜ 66c, pri xi I. . ü ' là M.A. -fin' l'lllááfc t. A* PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTEN MBIT HABODNI rouro*- Chitmgm la CUmx, 91M m mU M«. M-t» nH^iuIm. «fldlti mk«iM«ftk PBOgVETA A»«* smešijo? Delavci ae ne bi smeli nikdar smešiti z zahtevami, ki so sicer mikavne na papirju, toda nemogoče v praksi. Take zahteve jemljejo delavskemu gibsnju vsako resnost in ga dis-kreditirajo pri vsakem pametnem človeku. Hrvaško društvo v Chicagu, "Radnička Sloga" št. 202 HBZ, ja razpoelala drugim društvom in organizacijam nekak "Workers' insurance bill" aH predlog za delavsko socialno ¿ašlito, ki določa zavarovanje za brezpo----delavce v Ameriki. V predlogu Je reda se iz posebnega federalnega sklada i je vsakemu brezpoaelnemu delavcu |25 iko in še poeebej $5 za vsakega člana Ine, ld zavisi od brezpoeelnegs skrbnika, ir aa ta aklad mora priti iz stopnjevslnega na privatni kspital in dohodke, ki mors prinesti pet mllljsrd dolsrjev letno; dalje mora Iti v U sklad ves denar, ki se danes porsblja za armado, mornarico in vojaške pokojnine. Predlog je sestavila Trade Union Unity League (komunistična organizacija) in hrvaškim bratom se tako dopade, da zdaj pozivajo vse Jugoelovanske orgsnlzscije, naj indorsi-rajo ta načrt Ni Jim zameriti, če se Jim dopade! Na pj-vi pogled ae mora dopaati veakemu delavcli g družino, ki v najboljšem alučaju ne laslužl veš kot $26 do $80 na teden. Ako bi Ml ta ptidlog sprejet, bi delavec, ki Ima leno ln štiri otroke, prejemal $60 tedensko! Kdo bi bll potem še tako neumen, da bi sploh iskal delo?! Marsikdo, kl dels, bi šsl potem drage volje med brezpoeelne — saj bi dobival več kot bi zaslutil s delom! Brezposelnost bi bila splošns in trsjns ln — odkod bi prišli dohodki1 sa izplačevanje podpore? Delavec, ki nič ne pomisli, je ves navdušen sa take predloge. Delavci pa, ki samo malo pomialijo, lahko hitro eposnajo, da js to le navadna propaganda za kaline. Vprašajte raz-pošiljatelje tega načrta, zakaj komunisti v Rusiji na plačujejo take podpore brezposelnim delavcem 1 Zakaj so sovjetl ustavili vsako podporo hresposslnim delavcem? Ako nima maki delavec dela v enem kraju, mora Iti drugam sa delom. Teorija v Ameriki — praksa v Rusiji! Noč pa dani Pet let Pioniijev Angleško poslujočs društvo Pionirji v Chicagu bo U dni staro pet let. Pionirji ao bili prvo društvo S. N. P. J. našega mladinskega pokreta v jednotl. Dobro so pionirlll! V petih letih Je prišlo sa njimi nad 70 drugih društev neše Jednoto in našo Jednoto so takoi začele posnemati vse druge organizacije! Cika-Ški Pionirji so pionir mladinskega gibanja v vseh Jugoslovsnskih jednotah. zvezah in tajed-nicah. Lahko so ponosni t Pionirji, zvesti svoji nalogi, so še vedno največje društvo svoje vrste v Zdruienlh dr-lavah, še vedno so na čelo<4lanstva nove generacije. Nobeno drugo društvo nI toliko do-seglo v petih letih. To Jim je Ishko v prijetno zadoščenje. NspreJ Pionirji po zsčrtani po-ti! Skrbite, da boste ree pionirji bodočnoeti nsše S. N. P. J ! Drama in fBQ8YlTg Kulturne priredbe nafth organizad] Slike oeiari domovini in Parizu prvovrstna, o tem se je vaafcJo, ki se je.Še udeležil kakšne 'Trener nove" prireditve, lahko prepričal. V gornji dvorani bo pp na koncertu Save Chicago, IB. — Nekaj novega na jesenskem koncerta Save v nedeljo popoldne dne 30. nov. bo programu igral prvovrsten or-prodvajanje premikajočih slik ojkester za mladino. V spodnj. stari domovini in Parien. Slike je snel zadnje poletje Jakob Zupančič, vodja izletnikov SNPJ, v raznih krajih Jugoslavije kakor tudi v veličastnem Parizu (vaaj pravijo, da je veličasten). Ker je imel s seboj izfoorefi aparat Cu nard linije, ao slike prvovrstne. So lsst te družbe, katere bo za ta koncert posodila Savi. Poudariti telimo, da ae bode slik« pričele kazati točno ob 3 uri popoldne. Predstavljajo razne zanimive in lepe kraje Slovenije Dalmacije, Črne gore, Hrvatske in Sibije. Torej bo prav lepa prilika, da ei čikaški rojaki (in iz bliftnjih naselbin) ogledajo na ravne kraeote Jugoslavije In Pa-riaa, posebno še tisti, ki so želeli obiskati staro domovino, a jim * reče,'nI bila mila. fudi izletniki gotovo ne bodo zamudili te priložnosti. Po predvajanju slik, kar bo trajale okrog 85 minut, bo naato-pila Sava a svojim % koncertnim programom. 2e zadnjič amo ume. nili Aškercovo pesem "Mi vstajamo". Je to pesem socialni re-volucionsrjev, katere snovje črpal iz zapadne Evrope in Amerike, kjer je bil kapitalizem v nje- dvorani bo na razpolago okusna večerja, in po večerji bo igral harmonični duet John Kocbevar-jevega orkestra. S tem bo brez dvoma ustreženo mladini kakor tudi starejšim, in radi tega Je pričakovati velike udeležbe. Lawrence GradUek, čl. publl-cijskega odseka. 20-letnlca čitalnice SD Waukegan. — Čitalnica Slovenskega doma v naši naselbini obhaja svoj jubilej v nedeljo, dne 16. novembra v domovih prostorih. Uprizorjena bo tridejanska šaloigra "Vdova Rošlmka" in proizvajalo se bo Več koncertnih točk. Redke so 20-letnice naših čitalnic, zato pa lahko proslavimo 20-letnico naše čitalnice SD čim dostojnejše. Naša čitalnica ima na razpolago mnogo časopisov in poučnih knjig, kl prav,pridejo posebno v zimskem času. Shaja mo se skupaj in ukrepamo o tem in onem, kar nas izobražuje in sposablja za dobro delo. Naša čitslnics je ustanovi jena leta 1910. Ko j«? bil zgrajen S. N. D., je postala nje _____gov odsek,; 04 takrat na vM^iMU dokaj ras*f Jn bijiprej je uprizorila že več iger in mod (JOlavstvom in karpitalinti ve-| »Pl°h vršila izobraževalno delo dno pogoetejši. Njegove preroš-med tukajšnjimi slovenskimi na-^^S I seljenci. In nedeljo 16. novembra Simulacra in—prosta volja Pred psr tedni, ko ^o se na javnem forumu v Clevelandu merili predstavniki treh ver in agnosticizma, Je odvetnik O'Brien. ki Je sestopal katolicizem, dejal, da po mnenju sgno-stika Darrowa, ki ne veruje v prosto voljo, morajo poslušalci obsedrti na svojih stolih v dvorani, kajti dvigniti se ne morejo, če nimejo proste volje! Dar row'se Je smejal temu argumentu, rekoč, da med dogmatično prosto voljo katoliških teologov ln dejatvom človeških navad, ki Jih ljudje Izvršujejo vsak dan, je velika razliks. Dar row na primer energično brani obtožence pred sodiščem. Enako brani vsak sposoben človek svoje življenje aH svojce. Če ao napadeni. Enako brani naša In vsaka druga Jed nota svojo blagajno pred simulantl, čeprav religiozni "učenjaki" čenčajo, ds bi ss Jed nota ne smela brigati za simulante, ker po svobo-domiselnem umiranju nimajo "prosta volje" la torej niso odgovorni sa svoja dejanja. Zoflsti.fcki prodajajo omenjena Oenče, ee Igrajo a besedami in pojmi Tiste "svobodno voljo", kl je oni uslijujejo človek* Imajo tadl Živali, Id ae branijo sto giblje jo| ■■ lo slabim — aledkarijaml in ~ ke besede v tej pesmi so inspiracije vsemu delavatvu In se vres-nlčujejo bolj In bolj v vseh industrijskih deželah. Na zadnjem koncertu Save nas je prčsenečil trio — Louis Zele, Donald Lotrich in John Koche-var. To obeta storiti tudi na prihodnjem. Katere pesmi bo zapel, je sedaj še tajnost. Slišali bomo tudi lep duet. Med najlepšimi točkami bo gotovo pa peeem "Naše gore", kl je biser slovenske glasba. Kot v besedilu tako tudi v melodiji je v tej pesmi obeležen ves vpliv mogočnih Kfravank ln veličastnih gorenjskih snežni-kov, ki napravijo na slehernegs oftledovalca neizbežen vtis. "Laat but not leaat", poleg teh in drugih pesmi v prvem delu progrsms, bo pa "ftizor na vasi", ki bo obsegal drugi del. Prizor se prične z otvoritvenim zborom Schubertove operete "Pri treh mladenkah". V ta prizor so vpletene rszne komične, fantov ske in ljubavne pesmice, ki ss bodo predvajale z "aktanjem". V njem bo precej atmosfere, ki bo nas spominjala naših mladih let v svojem rojstnem kraju — prizori ii gostilne, kjer smo ob nedeljah prepevali in ae zsbavali z dekleti, vasovanje ob bledi mese-čnini ,|n prepevanje na vasi. Prizor al je zamirtlil »borov pevovo-dja Jack Muha ln bd gotovo ugajal poslušslcem. Ako uu bodo pevci "polomili" (pravijo, da ti sto pa ne!), jih bomo pa za ušesa. Opozarjamo Že sede j, ds pride te v dvorano pred 8. uro popoldne, ker točno ob treh se4>o priče lo s kazanjem slik 0 stari domovini/ Vstopnice se dob« pri Sa-vanih ln članih soc. kluba št. 1, in stanejo 76 centov. Za to vso to boste dobili Jako lep program na koncertu Save dne 80. novem-bra v CSPS dvorani. West 18 at ln May ave.—Pub odbor. I slovi naša čitalnica svojo 20-letnico. Iz oglasa v tej številki Pro svete je razvidno kakšen bo slavnostni vspored. Upoštevajoč splošne slabe de lavske razmere je vstopnina določena na 36c v predprodaji ln SOc pri vratih. Vstopnina je«še rej nizka, zato lahko pričakujemo veliko udeležbo. Opozoriti pa moramo na Igro "Vdovo Ro$lfn-ko", katere vsebina je bila Izobčena v Prosveti že ,več Rojaki iz Mihvaukeeja, ln vseh ostalih sosednih naselbin požurite se v nedeljo k nam-hm praznovanje 20-letnice nsše Čftfl-niče. Napolnite dvorano v resni kluba št. 27 JSZ, zato se drsmijo, stopajo na dan, hočejo dati svojo moralno pomoč v kritičnih momentih. "Zarjo" so orgsnizirall zavedni delavci i dali pečat delavske zsvesti, katerem krogu je pela 14 let n si pridobila s stremljenjem n ispopolnjevsnjem v petju in svojimi delavskimi smernicami veliki krog prijateljev in so-trudnikov. Menjanje prepričanja gotovih oseb, kateri so se izneverili interesom delavstva radi jvojih osebnih ambicij, so dovolj žalostni pojavi med de-avstvom in zaslužijo vso grajo.;* Nabito polna dvorana S. D. dorria na prireditvi kluba št 49 in ovacije lojalni "Zarji" so dokaz, da ima delavstvo odprte oči in je pripravljeno braniti svoje interese. Vstopnice, ki so v predprodaji za to prireditev, so v polnem teku. Doeedaj jih je prodanih te nad 150 in naš "Zar-jin" krog je pridno na delu, posebni Ženskam gre prvenstvo, katerih cilj je, da mora biti ta dan napolnjen avditorij S. N. doma do zadnjega kotički. Program se bo prijel ob 8 popoldne, tako da bo omogočeno hc udeležiti tudi zunanjim rojakom po naselbinah, ki bi radi prišli na "Zarijno" prireditev. Vstopnina je samo 50c za osebo za poi>olcUle in zvečer za ples. Plesne komade bo igral Ivanu-šev orkester. Ce še nimate vstopnice, se požurite, dobite jih pri .vseh pevcih :."Zarje", članih kluba in Košlanovi slaščičarni. "Zarjin" program je zelo pester in bogat, vstopnina je zelo nizka. S tem, da se udeležite te prireditve, boste imeli nekaj or dobrega užitka, obenem psi daste priznanje in pomagate pevcem in pevkam "Zarje", ki potrebuje vašo moralno po-m< ; Pob. odbor. " . 1 1 'L. SREDA, 12. N< »..... Člana SNPJ v Detroitu, i bil te dni obveščen, m nahaja nel*i Anton pravi, da ima levo roko no bi berači pri Slovencih ¿a podporo. Pri tem poslu se sklicuje name; češ, da sem jss spoznal njegovo.roko za trajno pohabljeno in muesvetoval, naj šče podpore pri rojakih. Resnici na ljubo moram izjaviti, da je bil omenjeni Anton Turk res pri meni v Chicagu in sem ga tudi preiskal, toda nisem našel nobene trajne pohabljeno-sti na njem. Mož se samo dela bolnega. Svetoval sem mu, ns j gre v javno bolnišnico, če meni ne verjame, pa ni hotel iti. Ta človek ni vreden nobene denarne podpore. Dr. John J. Zavertnik. DomaČa zabava Cicera. HL if Društvo "Sosedje" št. 449 SNPJ priredi domačo zabavo v dvorani Masarykove šole na 57. ave. in 22. Plače. Zabava ae bo vršila v soboto večer, dne 15. novembra, ali lepše rečeno na Martinovo soboto večer Mogoče se še kateri spominja o-nega starega reka, da o svetem Martinu se vino krsti. Ne mislim v tem razlagati kako se kaka pri-rodna stvir krsti, pač pa vabim člane društva "Sosedje" in druge prijatelje "Sosedov", da pridejo od blizu in daleč, iz Berwyna in Chicaga, se razveselit z "Sosedi en par veselih ur. Izvrstna harmonika bo skrbela za plesalce Tudi za lačne bo % nekaj finega čeprav ne svetega Martina gos To bo domača zabava z veselico, zato je pa tako mala vstopnina, samo 25c, kar se je težko izgovarjati, da je tiket predrag. Prijatelji "Sosedov", ne pozabite na "Sosede" v soboto večer 15. novembra! — Za odbor, Frank Margolle. Opereta "Rožmarin" Conemaugh, Pa. — Zima pri tiska in zdaj se držimo bolj za pMjo in študiramo Hooverjevo pfrOsfMriteto. Ali čim bolj vraga obračaš, tem manj . ga j* Mogtfče bo sedaj kaj >bolje ko bomo jahaH oba konja. Pinchot niče. NapohHte dvorano v resni- ^ ^„j obljubil, bomo videl ci do zadnjega kotička. Poka«' kaj ^ ixvr4il> Na y(Ai\n[ ^ mo vsi skupaj, da znamo con» mi j* neki demokrat rekel, da pomen in vrednost kultuf-r^jja dela, kl ga je vršila naša ustano» va zadnjih 20 let! Pokažimo njenim delavcem in delavkam, da znamo oenitl njihove zasluge, Iti so jih doprinesli za vzdrževanje naše čitalnice! rv Dne 21. dec. priredi čitalnica skupno z mladinskimi odseki božični večer. Več o tem pozneje, V nedeljo pa na čltalnlško «Javnost — vsi! Pričetek «Javnosti ob 2. pop. — Za odbor, i* * Anna Mahnich. Jesenski koncert s Igro Cleveland, O. — Kakor običsft no ¿priredi tudi letos pevski zbor "Zarja", odsek *oc. kluba št. 27 JSZ, veliki jesenski koncert na Zahvalni dan 2T. nov. Gostovala in sodeloVala bosta tudš pevska zbora "Jadran" in "Cvet". Prvi del programa bo vsob^ val variacijo narodnih in klasičnih skladb, katere bodo "Zar. ja" in ostala zbora InterpetriUgi II; drugi del bo vsebovsl po»' membno in času primemo socialno dramo "Grobovi bodo spre* lavnkega življenja, prepolnjen^ VaMlo na "Prešernov" koncert z jedrci reanlce ln naukov, kl so Chlrago, lil. — Kakor Je bilo delavskemu razredu vitalni in že poroča0o, priredi tukajšnji neobhodno potrebni. Zelo redki pevakl «bor "France Pr«*eren" »o pojavi na naših odrih, da se prihodnjo nedeljo 16. nov. velik kaj igre. kar Ima delavsko duše koncert v dvorenl SNPJ. ¿657 8 |In je prepojeno s zavestjo re* Uwnda!e ave. nega sloja, ki stremi k boljše» I/ programa, ki je priobčen na,mu, zato bo U igra kot nalatf drugem meatu te iadaje Proave- Y tej krizi. te. je razvldtftl. da ata ae odava-Is k »od*I**vanju na tem koncertu tudi sbora "81ovan" in "Ll-ra". aakar je "Prešeren" obema selo h va leten. V celoti j«, pro-gram zelo bogat ln aaalmiv. brez dvoma pa bodo najbolj ugajal« občina!vu pesmi: "Njega ni" težka koncertna tod* krasna kompozicija, in "Pastir zelo žl-vshna pesem. To ste dve točki, s katerimi nas Sbor "Prešeren" za hip popelje % krasote Slovenije. Kdor se zanima ta petje In tfaabo. je ponovne vabljen da se tega koncerta zagotovo udeleži, kajti šal ne bo nikomur Postrežbe po programu bo bat ponavadi Režijo vodi Joeeph Skuk, večja letni režiser društva "Ivan Cai|£ kar", kateri je preskrbel, da vloge v mojstrskih rokah. To bo pni prireditev lojalno "Zarje", katera prepeva avojlag številnim prijateljem še 14 lek od kar ae Je gotova skupino pevcev, nahujakana po republik kanskih ambietjosnih elem« n-tih, odcepila In aedaj toži pravo "Zarjo" sa ime in vso imovino* NfpriVaisNM rettiro. Sloven* venski delavci v Clevelandu la okolici ee zavedajo dajatev, da razkolniška skupina dela krivi* USTNICA UREDNIŠTVA ji VUŠKT^', ► i .i-ir*^-'*-- i- Johnstown, Pa., J. G.: Bo pri-občeno prihodnjo sredb. socializem pride čez sto let. To-ej «e vidi, da ne on in njegova Iva rodova ne bosta zmožna sa mostojno misliti; še le kadar bo njegov spomin popolnoma zginil, potem bodo šele zmožni mi sliti samostojno. Dne 15. nov. priredi pev. dru Žtvo "Bled" veselico z opereto "Rožmarin", vzeto iz kmečkega Življenja. V opereti nastopajo oče, hči, fant, fantje ln dekleta itd. Opereta, je zelo zanimiva in smešna. Vabim cenjeno občinstvo, da pridete pogledat Pred In po opereti poje mešan zbor "Bleda". Zraven bodo tudi sole, dueti in kupleti. Redka prilika za zdravo razvedrilo. Veselica se vrši v Slov. domu v Franklinu, začetek bb 8. Z\ eeer. Član "Bleda". Slovanskim staršem v Chicagu Chicagb, 111.—Angleško poslujoče društvo SNPJ Pioneer št. 559 je na redni seji dne 17. oktobra sprejelo v svoj program aktivnosti vsžen načrt, ki je bil zamišljen že prošiega februarja, da ustanovi alovenako mladinsko šolo. Društvo upa, da se ta načrt v kratkem uresniči ter da 5ola prične v bližnji bodočnosti. Šolski prostori bodo v bližini urada SNPJ. Poduk se bo vršil ob sobotah dopoldne, po potrebi pa tudi popoldne. V Šolo ae bo sprejemalo ^otroke od 6. leta naprej. Šolnina — radi obveznosti, bo znašala lOc tedensko. Solo bo poučevala vešča učiteljica, kl Ima izkušnje iz stare domovine, Mre. Katka Zupančič. Namen alovenske mladinske fMMNS— ■ ' v . s u^e« «• ' v- • '..... ■ Opera v metropoli Clevdand. Ohio. — V nedeljo bo nekaj, kar Je bilo že težko pričslfovano. Pevski zbor "Zarje" uprizori opero "Gorenjski Slavček", ki ima rekord, da je Kovoriji". Igra Je povzeta iz do. "fj ^Jl ^"Tl" lavMlif>trn ftlvlienim nran„lnl,ns AI^^T Ameriki bo Sedaj prvič. Rojaki, kateri ste že prejšnja leta slišali opere na odru SND v Clevelandu, ml boste gotovo potrdili, da se Zsrjsni dobro postavijo in zagotovim vas, da kaj takega kot je "Gorenjski *lavč*k" še niste slišali in videli na odru v Ameriki. Zbor, mo-čan okrog 60 in 9 solistov, ki eo še imeli vloge v zadnjih operah pri "Zarji", ao aa "Slavčka" bolje trenirani kot kdaj prej. Rojaki iz Clevelanda in okolice ste vabljeni v nedeljo 28. nov. ob 7180 v SND. Jeaspfc Birk. ml. 1. Poučevati mladino v slovenskem jsaiku v pisavi In čitanju ter izgovarjavi. 2. Prirejati kratke predstave, da se jih zainteresira za materin jezik in za slovensko beseda Poleg tega ae jim bo nudila skupna zabava pri raznih igrah (games). Otroci se bodo tudi lahko or-ganizirnU in bodo imeli svoje "odbore", predsednika, tajnika, blagajnika itd., da se }ih uvaja v društveno življenje ter da ne bo šola predolgočasns. Ob rasnih prilikah bodo nastopali na svojih in jcdnOtinih prireditvah. Društva namerava pričeti tudi z večerno šolo odraslo mla dlno. ki si želi znanjs slovenščine, sko se Jih dovolj prijavi. Dr. John J. Zavertnik je oblju bil brezplačno zdravniško preiskavo vsem otrokom, kl se bodo vpissli v alovenako šolo. Vršil ae bo nagradni konteat sa najbolj zdrave otroke. Nudil bo staršem tudi proste nasvete o pravilnem prehranjevenju otrok. Dr. A. Pur lan pa bo dal prosto preiskave zobovja vsem otrokom v naši šoli. Vse to bo popolnoma brezplačno. Na starših Je sedaj ležeče, dali se jirlčne s potekom slovenske mladinske šole pod vodstvom 'društvs Pioneer Ukoj, ds bo naša mladina čsa zimo pridobila ngMNwk V poročilu br. Cainkarja o konferenci Jugoslovanskih podpornih'precej temeljnega vp^U^da v "nH organizacij v Mihraukeeju. Id je jezik. Zato je važno, da prijavl- NaerfttJenJ* ss to prirediter >a Mlo v Prosveti zadnjo sredo. Je te vsše otroke sedsj. Jsvite svoj nesriNilroeeiu) ve/llo. Klr»v»n. bi! g. (hvkn. novi t red-ednik lllllll II lu.illiali ... k._________ mmS 2^!:.» i'« i-«"lnik namen pokiljati vs«eg« otroka v kl * bn korfe- slovenako mladinsko šolo tajniku renči kot neoficleini opazovalec.!društva Pioneer št. 660 SNPJ: pomotoma Imenovan Mihael. Frarik Zavertnik. 3089 So. Ko- co lojalnim pevcem "Zarje" la Njegovo pravo ime je Frank. 'ftner ave. Bela kuga tudi pri nas - (Pod gornjim naslovom je dr. B. fikerlj obJ" kateri se borimo vae življenje, prosto odločit* 0 številu in kakovosti našega potomstva' Mnogo je vprašanj, pa še nočem reči, ds so vas. Vaaj toliko faktorjev, toliko proW-mov nam stavi vprašanje padanja rojstev. ** temi jih je mnogp, ki jih g. N. sploh ni upo*£ val, ker bi mu takoj vae njegovo teor»i»w prevrgli. Pred vsem odklanjem v U na vprašanja vsako vmešavanje verskih nsro-rov, s čimer nočem reči, da ne morejo in*" ndbene vloge pri posamezniku—saj celo urnike lshko postane verski naaor, če bo pn" hala biti znanost in se bodo učile dogme--J verski nazori niso znanstveni in ^ N da "noben resnični znanstvenik ne more P«»: preti teh evgenikov. oziroma njihovih t'^ 1 eksatnimi dognanji in lih tudi ne. podpisani temu g. N. odrekam tmko 1 kacijo za presojanje znanstvenostl v teh *** šsnjih. slasti še. ker zamenjava belo kugo «£ evgeniko! Gotovo pa je, da teh tako resi^. da celo brutalnih biologičnih vprašanj ne remo reševati, še manj rešiti a dogmam» čustvom, ampak le znaMtveno ekaaktno v spoznavanjem vzrokov tek pojavov. ^ _______(Ml prihodnjo «eš*> Umrli člani Slovenska Narodna ' __(Nadaljšvanjt od 10. saptsrafera 1980) Tok.jVM.1 M ^ la.vM-1-¿U, Sraltvp-1-vSTSsTI- H. 1 It. MMtoeS. K_V^ V«Mh Marti i SREDA, 12. Podporia Jodioti Slovenska *p. 17.jmmH* 1907 ♦ dMhsf SmsSIb [ PROSVETA " ^^ -------- II —IHH • II II UMI JM IZPLAČILA IZ ODŠKODNINSKEGA SKLADA Bimi tktobri dm ^^ v^K,".' (Odpravnin«, odškodnine ln operacij«) Oyr»(ioM. DMaMMtioe, CUl—. PaM i» QeieW, im *"H>» asim mAii a us»i kH*. V .llNti S* Uwm**> Af* CMeago. DM . fail GLAVNI ODBOR S.N.P.J. UPRAVNI ODSEKs VINCENT CAINXAB, predeednik... .8667 8. Lawndale Av*. Ghleego, DL •red A. VIDEE. ^ u a a • 4 » IN Jo* SMSawa. Pa. . 4«e«, Ml W. fmakiWt. OL 0 s 0 0 MS Km Moka. Wto. .. Jb, Ml MM «IMa, fa. ... 4' •1 • i Ml Cto valaeS. O. M4 aw kohan». a O. OSk. Plače gl. odbornikov upoelenih v gl. uradu......... ..............8 772.00 Pleče usluibertcev ...............................'..........................827.84 Vosni * t roški in dnevnice gl. odbornikov na preiskavah.... ^..............82.08 Poitnina .................................................................20.14 Telefon in briojavi..............................v ......................28.82 Drievni nfdfpmiki ....................................249.28 PW* gl. odbornikov ,.........• ••••.......................................496.00 Razni uradni stroški tajnika gospodarskega odbora....................00.60 Izmenjava čekov ............................................................20.81 Kampanjski stroiki .............................'.'..........................7JO Tisk in raspoAiljamJe Mladinskega lista.........................................48860 Naročnina uradnega glasila "Proeveta".......................... 4,800.00 Razne uradne potrebščine in tiskovine........................................................608.88 Naročnina znanstvenih revij (Fraternal Monitor, Frateraal Age).. 8*0 Tisk in razpošiljanje pravil Mladinskega oddelka............................37460 Razni uradni stroški predeednika porotnega odseka1.......... 41.88 Podpora atletskemu Odboru ........................................»8.02 ....................................................................28.00 Članarina za Narodni brateki kongres (Natkmal Fraternal Congross) 180.00 Stroiki preiskav eumljivih bolnikov.......................................................41.12 POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI J \ BMflÜ^Hiu» —mar.' Ivi^aU lit, «k Ani»«* 8«M«U I. huk glMoaailt IIS. John Ae*«« Srtlaa a«. Jok» Kor.« 114. M. Jokn ein* 114. JomsH r«poa «11. «I. Unto MwwiÄj Jokn Skoafel MY. •f. fraak Surkotoo MI. Ur«ear Ja»«- Skupaj—Total.............................................SB^d7.8S Fred A. Vider. gl. tajnik. Fred A. Vider, g IZPLAČILA IZ SMRTNINSKEGA SKLADA meeeca oktobra 1080 ■ nnalM« ................ ................ ulcamar* .................t; ..................... Im (■ »ril -Ji?*« "'»'•n ttlatk* Ar kar , W Mu«, ....... '»«bril» HflllUr' Hlkarl PU, *«»•• H»rw,t ....... '''•»k Likar ......... AiM., '("lr»r .....•.,,, J*'"" «•'•<»• K.rf.novlch ''»»li Siv,«h ,,.,,, ¿••^kln. M«4mm.U r'*"l< him.nili ........ M« Jrr-k .......... J—Pkt„. Haaaii" ............ /.«Ur ..... , l''li»ovtrk .'..!.! Ma,.rk Aat.rlntk....... 1'r.A«, ......... Jama . fHr. ... ......... ■»•»i M.MMk ........ .........i «"••«•»»Hi ....... i.rukMtal ..... Hrt,/ . ^ Nlnldl I.I.IM, ■•«I» v, r«a«a........ ''plačane skeM __ Paltf tkreogk I?'«"« ................. l*l«t ' Vi,"",'V*" ^ ...... a«M,a V-4--^-' -........ 4944 STS n—rm. Ca«a4a ........ ««•• j »TI «err. Imš. ....¿^............. « SSVS f M aMt BpKaei, wtrn. ........... u bmkm, LlnMIaaa. dediče- f JagoeUvl)! A. viaoa. S«. «KZNAM DRUŠTEV •Mekw p. ekassM e si i'ru*tVÄ it a. 78, 17«. 288. m, 088, 888, 87». 701. ----- kt ne ***teiraje te m Pred A. VUer. gl. KIMSMM P«««)« Waahington, D. C. — Zvoina jbrtas komiaija j« 11. t m. obnovila prainkavo glodo props-gaodr daktrarakagn truaU. ki J« bila immltm r jaw I« r vUJ« HU trn i 6saopUj«. Kol prva jo bila poklicana na Mali Sanjo SoutHaaatero Power A Light Cow ZAKLJUČKI GL. POROT-NEGA ODBORA. Zadava društva Si. 158 Sestra Ana Drobesh, članica druStva It. 80S SNPJ New Wa-terford, Canada, je vloills priziv ns gl. porotni odbor soper rss-aodbo. katero je isrekla društvena porota. Bila >je namreč obtožena. da je krftila 3. točko XXXI. člena pravil s tem, ds je dejansko napadla br. Johna Wutejs ki br. Franka Rebolja, člana navedenega društva, ter rsbila napram njima nedostojne isrsse. Pri društvu je bila porotna o-bravnava dne 24. augtistS 1S80, ns kateri so bili zaslišani toti-tel j i in obtoienka. Društvene po-rota je prišlSrdo zaključka, da je Drobeah kriva ter jo je kas-novala s izključitvijo iz jedno-te. Glavni porotni odbor je vse! prMv aea. Drobeah ns znanje ter natančno pregledal in presodil sporno zadevo. Is predloftenih listin, namreč Is zapisnika društvene porote in is prisivs, js raz-vklno, da ses. Drobesh ne zanika, ;»« da ni kriva, kar ji obtošnica oči- ,M ta, izjavlja pe, de je br. WuteJ ravno toliko kriv kot ona, ker je on dal povod do tega e tem, da jo je udaril po prsih. Br. WuteJ izjavlja, te jo je samo odrinil, ne pa udaril, toda gl. porotni odbor je prejel posebna pojasnila in podatke v zadevi, kateri potrJu£-jo, da je br. WuteJ eee. Drob^h res udaril in tako povzročil prs- ^Na podlagi tega je gl. porotni odbor prišel soglasno do sledeče-gi ssključka v tej zadevi: Kazen, katero je isrekla društvena porota nad ase. Drobesh, je pres-trogs ter je soglasno odredil, da razveljavi rsseodbo društvene porote in ses. Drobesh kaznuje s dvamesečao suspenzijo. Suspen-sija ee prične dne 1. decembre 1SS0 fn ee konča dne SI. jenuar-ja 1961, všteta prvi in zadnji predsednik» , rsss Aa- Viosa. s«. laJeSu Mary PvUnwl |l* ____Jaka rtott^ tta. Altai SU*« f*4. rmak Sruta SN. A••(«». MltaarrW »U. H N Mary Sat^aal Ml. Lu4»|f Oaaak •41. mak TMli M«. Uato AMaik HS. rrea'. grah Ni št T*. Aaeala Kaaaaka «f J«. AlklM Sa-)ac fl. frank Daiarwa |tt, Anna Ajrla^ak •I«. Anton K am tonka HS. št. VI. CharU» ftaaka IN. kane |U. Jaaapk^BUwtaWak^ »»^ a raear im. KarW Sklwac |4>. Maur S4a- "št. M. MlnnW Dollar št. r. Krank Mlaku» »aotl St. SS. rraaaaa TiwiU 114, Joka Ptraat »SS. Vatentla Bukutoloan «4V vi« tM« V^MMMMS BtpV^MI ^P^ ifc» št. N. Sufaata Clrar IIS.M. U>ala Stark Its. Anton Kravaaja HS, Joarphlna Safenk L. IM. fraak Mlaataa IM. Št. IM. Loaka Rramaar »4 _ fc| IM. J^hjMaeMJ^^JeH^hw OrwawaM HO.' Nlak BaaaW M. Joa^H Sot-tšVSS MS, Michael P Us* • Št ttl. Jkenaa Raak I M, Praak r«4Ha |T. Jaka J. a&kevMi |t. Jawek o..-,«* IM.M. Aaton TtakWr III, Mu» Vulk M7. Jawek Maaulin IM. awMek Miwr Iti. Loa S**wo<-eor »U Mary Sara» Ml, Jaka l>akalakl IM, Nlak S tip teh MS. A Äton (Hiramo« i> Ml. It ttl. Oap raalak «II, Aaaa VaJantk l|ji I »an - Ml. tcaato MaOt« «M. It«*« riT* MSBST m Jaka1 fraak I. "k IM. frank MaeSaWaao 111, vaa«l« Ml, Jaka MUavoo Ml. Št. IM. frank RaMaralo III. . St. 111. Kmanoal I4TNMI4 M». 4anr Ml, Vlaha Št. IM. Mary T9 SM. SMa Sea IM. 171. Mlokaal fki> M- II«. HB| lit. Stav« Dovaovaak Ml. JtMSpk Ua> . laka SdravJ« IM. Jekn Uoraet Ml, TflplM |M| ANIM SVMMtts IM. Jooopk Oaaeartak MS, IM. Staalae SaasaMi 114. frank Har> jgess jsi, Mess jMSiis^BHb h ^ a m. V«m*aS#*lie I aovkk^ III. Ma^MUowwUk M4, TV?*** Mshr'lll. Ante» Mar-Ww.rd Lak N4. Jaka Maatal Ml. Aataa #slsal«h ___IN. št. Ul. Ooollla Staat« SIS. fraak Olle«J 114. Mary Saraata IM, Jaka O»ako |4l, Mary Kukal Ml. __ * ___ jk 111. Jo«sek faoUok IM. Joka K«^ NT. Uato Kaa« MS. La4tola« MaJ4U IM, Salak tkiUnaa HI. TTllTuaU riaalaaak 114, Uala Matk« *t. IM. Aa4»aw VWIr Mf Ii im. rim WUfaa IM. it. Ma Swfaa Oak SM, Mm Stleaaovlak %t. MI. l'aMl Saasa OH. Mary Saaikl« M» št. M4. Joka SkvhM MI, riaak Jaa« IM. John Hruaiak IM-ill. IM. Jaaaek Koprlvnlkar M. Maty Ow> jHvHli^llfll^E fraah MlkUk lo««ek Hart«! IM. MI. ■fii. Jam« f«l«i|r |M. USffS" kara hm. št. 4m. Nikolaj vuhm Iti. k Ml. Mils SlhaelSe»lah Ml, va vamu |4(i KatariM Skaroa Ml. Uata Skarwt III, št. 410. laka OsreMh HT. k 4m. Staay Staaar III. K. 4ts. Msm SailUanl« M4. Dae« Niha. Man« IM, Aataa falaM Hit «M. Fae K la vaa tok IM. št. 4M Mary Ttotoh Ml, Saw Plvtoh MS. Aaaa 9, Mlltok |M Aaton Oroiaar Ml, Sava Vklaevls* Mt, OaeMa Vtwalto SIS. E. 4M, Qwrgia Paa^sff 114, Saieh Viae- _^ HI m« wh» si št HS. Mary Tokooato III. Aataa __ 114, Mary Malaar |ll, Aatooto Xaaato Ja*oeh Co» MS. r«aak Saeaak M4. PoeOalk K g rok Ml, MUKaol Itorko IU I«. Jaha Um Ml IM. HR, 8St- Paao saeto Hl. J«v« Laltoh M4. Owllla tltoff M4. št IM. foUr Vakovtoh IM. Vlake Naj. tta MI. M4. Anton Aaatan Hi. S Ml. Jaooeklao Trap.j SIT. freak La* h.*ta Ml. St«vo Toaitok MS. Š4. Ml. Kmll PMlakrl HI. Jo«oh Noatok »i«. Juaaek M K «kok 114 »Mak aokomlk HS. Karl Ortokuk MS, Mtokaol Sto/ara M>. JomoS UMaaakl M4. Joka Satoa OtatoMM 114. (loataa Katoa» IM. thahm OarMal |M. HwMfc Mattaoklnl MT, Joka lUoa Stik Ml VlMMt Paataašto IM. I. Ml. Man« atontok MS. t. IT7. franco« amart III. IM Kliaakotk Mm Ilk 111. IST* Mtokaol SIIvm III. Jaka Orkto MS. MI. Ovotk« Baeah MS. IM. Jaaah Bkarjaao IM, Vlaha fe MI. Aataa Miliar M-IM. Ja«opk Urban MS. , Aaaa Swallir IM.M. < Spiro MaaamivWk MI, Mila« fill, povlah Ml. Pooan Koaava« |14, I» I if v.™..!* n. št IM. John Itoraoa« Mo _ ____ C MS. Karlo Ktoka« NT, Oahrtol Y«rha. 'tat, Joha Hartol M, L-to SUpiato Marko Vla.i« IM. fraah Oolraatok MI, tkxnttrevto IM-Ml. Ptaltor Plaitok N4. MI. Oatkorlao Mlkavtoh III. MS. Mary «llltoy |U. , _ , MI- fotor Supaaolo III, Waltor a roju MO. it. TU. Aaato MaJ^ Hl. _ oovWk IN. Aataa Ttraal M4, Javo Matt Sahtok 80 1 akupai I113M-M. , . d u , She Navph, ta^. i '^MNns jp^iB® sBH^PHIH MP )hk JUGOSLAVIJE BREMEN EUROPA COLUMBUS NORTH OIKMAN iJ-OYD im v. bmmmss sk a. er ««. IH. Poms je Is Like v JageeleHjl. IMesSe ge roSl e. ta. holest 4njpb#nJ. •• «-8 «a^ MffT MM. She koše eeUU še NsaMi» ■Moeeaao mnep,,«. lottos ......i*..,,».. MBs MSMSS iiMiiiiniin Brlaa aapaha ............. faeaara4«a r raSeSM.... fljelatoa «,,>,,,,,,,,.,,,,1 Sah ... ................. • • •. rUatatoa ,,/,,,,,..,,,,.,«•, Jallka ,...,.. 11............. ilMJal rak im,,,,,,■, uSSSZj! CTSKSfi.'; J »44k« ................... IslaMel mS ..........(,,,• MrMaetf ,,«•••,.,.<.,• SMaa hse rUe4etos t.,.»., Vn«tto »rokpla« saMOS....... rtjalatoa J«4lka ,,,».,. 1,«., 1 Mt9 v peS liaiitatl M roh ,,,,litt»«»nt.» »POSOISMO O ro4alka SMMMfV f(,,,,»»»,H»».»iii Srlaa hse .................. ,,,»»»•» »ni». 1»»1 eMa aaeaSM,».» » ___ 1,»»»••». »«»•»»»,,» Srlaa hihf ................. l«4Ma ,•,i.i»,.»ti»»»»i»»»< #,»»*»»,,»,,»»•»» Silin «1*1, ,llll J«Mfea imiii»,»»»»»,.«,»»»»i VaatJ« toSvw .,,,.»>»»,,,»1 JsSha «»,«.•»•»«•«»«•»».•••1 UtaeN • 1 • > ■ .................. Va«4i« «toetJ« ,i,n»i».111,1 MSM« »V».»»,»«•»»»»«,»»( SlMsSah 818 »'»•«»»»»♦•»•• » •«*l«4 MIH ,,,,,.»»»,,»>■ Va«4J« atoella ,•»,,«,,»><•», Vssms 8ŠM »* »»i» • »' UMsS ,»»»,»«»«•»•»»»»,«»»»• VesMs MSM •,..,.»<>.>•,.•, JsSaa »»,,., ,,»«»,,»»,.»», MoMsm •»i»»••» 1 •«».»,,,».. imhIm rsS »»»»«»»»♦«»•»»• Sah »,»t«,•»»,,»«»»,»»»♦»#•• SMMMM foeaorolae p nSsMmuiu JafSta Smn asssaa SSflMSMT »f«.............. smmsm laki SeMOSMT »,.»»»»»«»••»»•»•«» SasMaMr SsSsMe aS ekaa ,.,,,»,«.1 Sah .«..,,,»>»,»»»1»•1,»»»1 O—S»» r ffMh «smmms» I/Ml r ratfalks ».•.,,>»«#,»# Wotoko ,,,.«,|.»i»•»,»«,.. Srlea hlhe .«.»».»,•».,•••.1 J«44ke <,»»,.■»»»..«,,«,>,,.» SasaaaMi »,»«.»*»*»»»••»•»». >,,,».»»«,»1 r4 <«eoa*al «■oMshMM Kriria'a*11 Joeoa ISS1 OilfsvsMiilt _ UN SaSaatot Jpso«torll« hm rtMMfM%TB5B6š. $ SSI ItoMškifi S i®* ISM SaaUs. ISST Jaeaola Us. ■aal '■ .-----1--11- UN Tare« OwhTrs, Uli N«« V«M. W. V. I0ST, mm UM, tiöus. laaa — '--- iaa^atlk. IkTI MMi.ll», Joyaato»lto tsks, iflfciii ISM Jwem, JOSMMHM. MM Aroiolkp, MM. MN Naaaoa! lUMh!* MM #.oi«ak«rk. JasaalavlJa. laaa Jaaa^a«4to. ss iMSMia lit I Slarl Iff H i. arlha. Milp 'H tmflwwi f* ^.ffim&m 1 ti* •» ji' ■ TI» Society «ka» SLOVÈNE NA fWNÄL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES Sunflower PROSVETA (ENGLISH vwmtm Mulberry, Kens.—fhe Membership Campaign [g jn full awing. The team Captaina are Yag<* PUtotnik aad Joeephine Strah, and they prophecy a large number of new members for our next meeting. A good way to get eome holiday money 1« to hustle and g*t new members. - -r- ^ ^ ■>* t '*?■ The Sunflower Hallowe'en Dance of Oct. 26 was not much of a euccesa. Wonder where all the Sunflower« were on that night .that weren't preeent. We want a batter attendance at our next dance which will iH. held in the near future. Don't forget the Rosea' Thankagiving Dance, some-thing new and different, only a few weeks off, at Slovene Hall at Froirtenac. Many pritea to be given to the lucky ones that attend. Sunflowera, let's be there 100%. 5*!* ■ On Oct. 16 a number of Sunflowers, including Bro. Baloh, and the undersigned, attended the Hearts' first Anniversary Dance at K. C., Kansas, and had a wonderful time. I want to thank all the Hearts who raadj our visit so enjoyable. Perhaps you will give u> the chance to return the hospitality in the near future. In the month of December comes the annual election of all subordinate lodge officers. It haa been the policy of our lodge to have the most capable snd com-potent members elected for the reapective offices. Fty the ones wo choose trill mean a great deal towards our fottfr*. Although the offieere Can not secompliah what they undertake without the loyal support of the entire membership, they can give suggestions snd lead tie wsy. Don't forget our monthly meeting on Friday, Nov.* 14, at 7 p. m. Be there on time as we have plenty of business to transact snd after the meeting we will " hsve refreshmenta snd dancing. Wm. J. Strah, Rec. Sec'y. In the aummef of 1926 Bra M. J. Turk was president of Francisco Ferrer, 121, SNPJ. Before the moot-ing started Bro. Tuifc told me the! a lady (who was there but whose name I do not remember) will adopt me. This will be the initiation. Just before my taking the oath. Bra Turk said, "I'll make it short, snappy, and in English so you will understand." This mas a great relief to sae for the business of the lodge had btfen conducted in Slovene and, sorry to eay, I did not know what it was about. I felt lonesome because there wore all man of years, and I alone was the only boy there. My interest for such a lodge almoat -died immediately. I was lost. It is true, they were nil friends; but they were not my type. I craved the right kind of frienda, young brothers and eiaters like myself. Some time later thst summer I was in Clarendon Hills, and speak-ing to Bro. Lincoln Zavertnik about how I wished that there was an English Spanking lodge. He anid, "Why don't vou and I start it? We will write lettara etc." I answered, "Yes, why dont you and: I start it, but my father aaya I am too young. Will the older boya and girls lieten to ua? I hope that maybe Br* R. J. Zavertnik or some other older onea would atavt it. I wonder if Lincoln still remembers this conversstion at the corner of the barn. On Nov. 12, 1906, I received a note from Sle. Anne Gelob that I should come the next night to the lower hall of the $NPJ. The next day I waa sick and I remained in bed, and that night when i got up I could bnr&y walk those seven blocks fast enough. About everything came through my mind, I was wondering how many wpuld be present, etc. When I arrived, Sis. Helen Underwood (Mrs. Lucas) said, "Why, I thought you were ilL" I still remember that I sat ln the seoond row. I eagerly counted thdm, wo were twenty, Bro. Caiukar delivered a speech of a few minutes on the purpose of calling this special meeting. Just before Bro. Cainkar spoke, we picked ^r*. Augwot Kramer to be our aeoretary because he could write shorthand; and we wished to have our aupreme president's speech word for word. After his apeech nominations were in order for temporary officers. I delivered a little nomination speech for Bro. R. J. Zavertnik in which I said that I believed he would be a good president, and he should receive the position as a reward for his articles which appeared in Proeveta prior to that time. H I recall correctly, he declined the honorary poaition. Sister Anae Go. leb waa elected to it. If my memory ia right, I waa the youngest one there. Some things which occurred at the meetings and which stand out best in my mind. The nominations for treasurer were called for* several candidates were nominated including myself. On the first ballot my opponents received 02 votes, and I received 31. I and the next highest opponent ran again. My votes were 81, and his were 62. This occurrence with VaL Vldegar is the only one like that I knew of in my life in any club, lodge, etc. When we were picking out the names for our lodge, Deeald Lotrlch fought hard ageinat Exoel-aior, which seemed vary probable that It would be the name, and saM he thought of excelsior which Is plaeed in beds er something like that. Someone suggested Pioneer, this name really was the choice of all. iee BaamWch nominated Don Lotrlch at the election for the firet permanent officer. He la still the president and holds his office the longest of all officers, At the first meeting we were discuaaing what night to hold our meetings. The first thing agreed upon was that Friday night was the beet for us. R. Zavertnik asid Friday night wna his night off at the P. 0» 1 said that I am going te school, and it is the best night for me. The first Friday someone had. the second Friday beleaged to the Real League who at that night were net uatng it, third Friday belonged to the SeeiaHat Club; and the fourth] one waa free, but II was too lata far ua. The Socialist CMb was as hind to ua that It vacated from the thl{d one. and took the fourth Friday. The Socialist Onh holds He meetings te this day en that eight of the month. The outstanding meeting in my mind for entertainment was the -Might In Hawaii.** aad he greatest dance waa "Night in Slovenia.** I have tried to tell same of the eerty things of the Pioneer lodge, and 1 hope that all Is right. For fIve consecutive years I have had the distinctive honor snd pleasure of preoiding for the meetings of the Pioneers. These .were mighty fleeting years. Yet if we review them earefully, we will come to the conclusion thJt they have boon <|uite lengthy years, for we have crowded numerous and unheard of events lato We have had some most pleaaant times together. - Indeed, we have. Tripe, long end short ones; excellent, good aad 9fdinery. Dances, extraordinary and unique. Plcaies, with splendid gifts and startling attandnnces. Meeting«, peppy indeed, and well attended. Membership large and steadily growing. Finances, good. I could enumerate countless numbers of other pleasing things, but these are enough. And all of these accomplishments are the result of hard work, brothers snd sietare. Some of you hens worked exceedingly hard; others only n 1R-tie. Nevertheleea we all Share the good things in common ss wo nil sre responsible for them. As much as we have tried to avoid aenoyances and dissensions, we have been unable to prevent them altogether. With tho good we have naturally had to take some bad also, but always with an open mind. Also with the explanation of having learned something because of the unpleasaatness. In the course of a life of any race we natuimlly encounter these. But thst only strengthens our judgment of good snd bed. Every member should look belk upon the five successful Pioneer yean and rejoice over the outcome. Every' member should strive to bssoms sn important cog in the wheels of the Pioneer machine. Every ammber should endeavor to work jaat n little harder then he or she haa boon accustomed to. Every member meat realiae that seenriag a now member i» th»> duty of each snri2e—626.00 fflfcre «est eseeed 60 pointa Srd prise—S16.S0 tri higheat namber of Points 4th prise-—SiO.Se 4th higheet number of pointa la sddlttau te sheee a prise ef 62040 will ho givea to the asember ef aay of the lodgee that sectroe the Staat members, ssid saembar maat secure over 100 pointa. In erdov to stiaaulete the Internst of dm smsllest lodgee. aamely: New Braa. Beaeeas aad Booetars, a prlse ef 120.00 wlU he givea te eech if they doable their memberahip deffag thle esmpeign. EÜLES 1. Thle contaet starte Oetohos I, 1920. and ende March St, 1061. 2. Priaee wHI not he paid until 60 days aftar tarmlaaUon of content, thia In ordor to vertfy all apstteaata. 1 i 6. Bvery aduK saembar will he credited ss 2 poieta aad overy Juvenile as 1 poiat. 0. Only naw atembers will ba considered. ae tranalere. 6. Reaelta ef the oontaot will ha basod en offtcial reperts from Seprome offieee. S. Evory Ladge Socretary maat sead a report ef Mw number ef nmkai Inltlated each month te Hrother Jokn Lokar. 616 B. 102 St. Thia is aeeded se the etaadiago of the lodgee can ho publlahed in the efficial organ tpoathly. EXPLANATION OF PRIZES The lodge reeeivlag the higheat nambsr af poieta will reeeive Ist prise, tserhHai seid lodge haa 101 polata er more. Ssrsnd prise will he peid te the lodge reeeivlag 2ad higheat amaber af pointa previding. seid lodge hos 60 er mere pointa te tts credit. Thlrd prlze wUl be peid to the lodge wlth third higheet nnmhos ef polata, aad 4th prlse te the one hevlng the next Inrgeot number of pointa te ita credit. Aap fmher Information deaired, wrHe te the Campaign Cemmitteo, In rare of John Lokar. Clevelaad Federailea ef S*P* Campaign Cemmittae: JOHN LOKAE OTTO TEKAUTZ ÜtatüL'. v, FRANK J. KOSS The I'ioeeef Ledge, No. 660, SNPJ, which really is the audeua of the SNPJ Youth Movement, celebrates its Fifth Annivereary this week. Ita organisers and co-workers well deaerva the prake and reeegnitloa for its worthy achievemonte and maaifoM aetlvWee, for it woa thia lodge that gave Our Youth the incentive to fan. their ewa unit., the English Speaking Lodgee which today number SEVENTY-EIGHT with over four thousand members. ' The Pioneer lodge haa undertaken many worthy initiatlvea and haa aucceeefully aecompllAod them. It ia their pieeeat plea to opes a Slovene School for Jeveeilee, and if possible for adulta also. This project will no jloubt further stisaulate the growth of tho lodge aad add to Ha prestige. At the end of the first five years the Pioneers eaa be proud of their record, their fretornel work and their diversified activities that brought Chicago prog-receive Slovene young people together, realising the hopes and ideals of its organisers and charter members who laid the lodge's foundation five years ago. We rejoice over the fact that in the next Wisconsin Aaaembly Slovenes of that state will have their own representative, ia the person of Bro. John Ermenc, member of Lodge No. 16, Mllwoukoe, Wia., who wna elected on the socialist ticket iaat nook. There are several other strong Slovene communities that could aleo elect their representatives in ther respective states. The present Membership Campaign for English Speaking lodgee of the SNPJ Is well under way, aad the first reports from various sourtes are gratifying. Is Cleveland out youth plans a united drive which wlU bring favorable roeults. Other Slovene communities, particularly in Peaneylvania. are afam actively engaged in the campaign work to enlist msny new members in tho very near future. Let us sll work to make the SNPJ Youth Movomost worthy of ourselves; lot us show our elders what wa can do. _ Five Successful Pioneer Years Sheboygan, Wis.—Sisters Fannie Modic snd Mary Posenol are In charge of tho entertainment for this coming meeting. There are many Important mstters to discuea. The meeting will last no longer thsn 9 p. m., after which Fannie and Mary come in the picture with their entertainment. The date and place, November 16, at Frank Novak's place. Two applicants wore nominated at our last regular meeting and are to be initiated at the coming meeting. It is up to every one to get a new member. Don't forgot: EVERY MEMBER GET A NEW MEMBER. Make your oi^n campaign, but act now!' We hare loot none of the preetlge eed gssd will, which has been ours. To tho contrary we have gained much which hasn't been ours, in the peat Nor have wo relinquished one iota of tho pledge to become not only the longest English Speahing lodge of the 8NPJ. but the largsot under its entire Jurisdiction. With Harmonious, Cooperative and Effletaat Work we ahall not be denied the boner.—D. J. Lotrlch. ON NOVEMBER M, 10». a group of young people assembled at the SNPJ Hall In Chicago with the specific purpose of ongnnlsiag on English Spooking Lodge of the Slovene Nut'onal BenefH Society. Twenty ambitious boys and girls signed up and immediately sot out with hope end oenrage. They had nothing in their poeeeeeien hut they know that hard work would bring them unlimited eusessa. When our first naalversnry rolled around tho Pioneers had already acquired one hundred new members. With eech succeeding peer our ranks increeeed. Todey our lodge haa US members. In the'social field tho Pioaaars have won thousands ef friends. Right from the start our "Night In Slo. venia" dance was received with aoclsim. Wo strlvod to make each eucceeding dance hotter and "more" popular. 1%e "Garden of Edee" and "Oypayiend" dances attracted such a vast multitude that It waa nesesasery to secure a larger ballroom for our "Venetian Kingdom." Fifth Anniversary Dense. Our picnlee too draw attendances of better than two thousand people. _ Pioneer Lodge ho Ida a prominent place In the ranks af the/parent erganlsetioe. Beside« being the First. Jtafc/and Lorgeet Ragliah Speaking Lodge ef the SN-PJ U la the aeeand largest lodge of the SNPJ la IN-eoia and shares a place among the eleven largest lodges of the SNPJ. What Is more pronounced Is tho fact that the birth of the Pioneers gave young people In other localitlee the Incentive to follow suit and 78 Engllah Speaking Lodges of the SNPJ sre directly attributed to the meeting of November 12, ISM. Other Fraternal Societies too. have followed the Pioneer esample with success. Thia la only a very brief synopais of Pioneer Life. The help to our members and others alone would fill a mighty big volume. Our life wae clean, honest snd conscientious snd we urge theee of you not slresdy connected with us to became a peri of the most rapidly growing lodge. ^ Use Your Organization Brother Archie Do Becker is reported to be well again.—Sister Angellne Novak has taken s transfer to the Badgers. She wss a worthy member of the Mbtfert» over two years. • i How U tho basketball team getting along? We don't aeem to hear anything of it. What seems to be wrong? Is there something lacking? Get some vim and vigor into youraelvea. * * * e Bro. J. Beniger has put his "baby Lincoln" on blocks after making a trip to Cleveland, where he attended the Strugglora' mooting, and to Chioago, viaiting members of the Pioneers, Sunglares and Integrity lodgee. —A pre-nuptlal shower was held la honor of Mix Anna Blasich, who will be married ln the near future to Alex Ehlert. . The Shadow. So. Chicago^—The regular meeting of tho Calumet Sentinala, Lodge No. 610. is going to be held November 17, 8 p. in., at the Calumet Field House, at Is the duty of each aad. every mam- la the next to tho final meeting ef 1080. and you are urgently requested to ho present. The Hard time Party. Don't forget, we need your help toe. Calumet SentinelS. bo at the mooting to hoar about our plans snd dotaga. Thia party, as you all know, will ha held Nov. 86. Remember, ovotybody ia in. vitad to come down. Look for further do telle. Don't forget the meeting data, No. veiabcr 17, at 8 p. m. Tony. COMET FLASH EM Hearts of America Ksaaas City. Ma—Organisations come snd go, but it is thooe that etay end carry on that ususlly win the greatest approbation and perform the most vslu-sblo services. like other fraternal eocietiei, the SNPJ haa for Its main object protection and support of their members or families in case of death, incapscits-tlon, or misfortune, hut the SNPJ is broader thsn some fratornais, In the range of lta pcnaonsl interest and ita willingness to reach out to all who show themeelve» worthy, regardless of occupation, religion or politic». For you who ere not as yet members of our Society and are ocoasionally worrying about a possible calamity which might come to you if you were long disabled, bay one of our living policies and diacon-bhnie the unneceosary worry. . .m -« ««.t j> *» What's ahead for 1081, mongers? Our job is,-te keep our membership Intact, end second to record ,, an actual incroase ia both the Juvenile and Adult departments. It is essential that every member engage in tho membership drive. An orgaalsation that not add naw members cannot enpoct to proeper. The campaign means eatra money to you, and always bear In mini every now member renewe interest In the clety activities, the treasury will be kept hesltiijr, social activities wiH be well attended and a new *ir>t established. Weddig bells rat« for two of the Hearts numbers, Bro. Harry Oldham and Sis. Anna Kriaa. Although the city of Chicago called you there, conf" tulatlens to yon both, wishing yon the beet of happiness aad evcr-centinning success in all your work. Mary Universal* Pa. —Our Maaquerade Ball held on Nov. 1, proved to bo a huge success both from the standpoint ef etfsadsuns and the enter-talnment. The crowd was larger thaa It was aatleipated. thus crowd-ing the hall to over-capacity We appreciate the patronage of our surrounding sister lodges, nsmo ly, tho Veroninue and Ramblers who came In a largo namber to apond tho evening with ua. The Off air waa managed fairly well end 1 hope that eaeh and every one hod s good tisae snd enjoyed It to tho utmoat , Tho Campaign sure Is a "racket"; an epidemic of It has already »pread throughout the whole aeighborhoedt It Is new W talk ef tho town. Never before In the history af Vnltereal haa Milwaukee. Wla.- Brothers and Siatem:— Humanity in general during the present era should awaken to the fart that the days of. individualism are peat. Mass action in Industry sutomatieally forces people to idea* tirally the same action in their other endeavors. As a reault th* lodge has become a more Important feetor In our lives than ever before. Through such osgenlaa-tion we are able to ameliorate our social conditions One should boor in mind that the monetary factor is not of prime Importance bat eeeendary. The main purpos« of our organisation should aet be the financial security that roeuM^ but the social contact snd the social develepmsat ef ear members, people derive Jhe moot out of life by keeptag contact Any one who does not s t tend lodge meetiage Is passing up one of the finest of opportunities for self-develop-merit Do you. my Sear reader, realiae the value of time? One msy lose a fortune la money aad then raaain It, but once an hour ia Iaat H la gflpe forever. We have only a limited number ef hease te live and we should make the meet of the* The lodge off era yea aa opportunity for personal eapreesion, of social contest, te kweeesc pant under* standtag ef human nature, aad a greet namhir af artivNUs and projeete la which yea eaa he aet iee I do not think that aayoeo derive* me held for turkey daring the course of the Wed. evening, Nov. M. All lightering lodges are invited to The Comrades.' fowling team wat completely outclassed by the Oeori Washington quintet last Sunday. AU though John Smole and B. Allch had series of 686 and 546, respectively, the team was beaten in all three games of ty match. Dont get discouraged, boys. The season ia stNl young and we'll finish among the leaders. Tuesday. Nov. 1», is the date ef on.' next monthly meeting. We will endeavor to tend to all of the important business at that time so that we may devote more Urne to the elections. i.i • •The Jugo»l«v- that the n*rty-e«anlecd *** that place la going for- in Uap« aad bounds. I mil l,n' 22. the day the Rambler* were Jwhed. »„d from thilr iN,t » .uch great progroes was »»m temor members, whose duty * te werk as n lg« id ist«. with tl »ven English Specking hoard mer *»• ** ka Lkker of Asnbridi ling Alt ho not doiag any bowling for eoms years, they suae made the boys stead up and take notice. That's the spirit, hoys, we sure do need eome move of the older members to take part in our activities, and pat some pep In the y Whose team wUl be /ia the when the campaign ia ovar? Are we doing our beet to secure new members ? It is the writer's hope that we may get at least ten new members at our next meeting. I've got my member to bring ia, have you yours ? _John Allch, President. " * •* nia News unexpected, but—youth, young blood, can accomplish when they resolve to do so. Bro. Joseph Komets Jr. is ,their president and Bro. Joseph Lang us, their secretary, aad with the hearty cooperation ef their members these two yoong men are leading ths Ramblers on to higher achievements. Best wishes aad congratulations, Ramblers. May you ramble onwaid. • • • ' • »■ < I The MLucky Star" lodge of Imperial. Pa., are also in the field of activity holding susceesful dances aad getting after now members. Bree. Miklavdc and Wire* represented their lodge at the ooafefeuee. It will be ramcatecrcd that Sis. Mary Ysm-nkk is their stellar secretary. Keep up your good work, Lucky Stars! e • e Oa Nov. IS a beaquet will be held ar67th and Butler In Plttiburgh, for the benefit of the Federation. All lodgfs are cordially Invited to attend. Bjos. Vidrich of Johnatown, Pa., First Vice Pres. of the SNFJ, and Bra. Petrovlch of Cleveland win be the principal speakers. Dont fall to attend this afair. e e e , At the conclusion of the Conforence a mass meeting was opened by yours truly and Comrade Stark of Pittsburgh was Introduced to the assemblage. Comrade 8tark spoke on unemployment and the socialiet remedy for it "Good conditions, plenty of everything for every man, woman aad chSd can be had, but nsvqr under capitalism, It's parasites and grafters. Ten million idle, walking sidewalks, looking for employment and bread lines. Mr. Worklngmsn, are you certain that your job Is secure T No! Net with to« million men and women looking for work, for bread and butter. Got wise to yourself aad deeert the betrayer of the working elaaa, the Rwublican and Democrat hypocrites* Study the principles ef Socialism and help put It late effect, aad WE oan all have fuU dinner paOs and pocket-books.» Jdm r. Kflt*. Free. Ledge SM. SPARKS Cher.. Isa» se. * snd Sso »Sias te ferna, »Hl te • • "e are «teng fegt E. Ze-^tTraûar aad Roter will bave Tv. • • e Beware girls! De fmu Aare la sei-ling tickets. • • ♦ The help of the Pioneers, Gophers, Integrities and ethers la selling sor tickets le greatly appreost..! bp the »ungieres As Ibe old earing gees "one hand wmabes another. * • * ^ In the Miff J Bowling Leagae some i rite retting games took P^.jg Thanwiajr. TUmmr Booster*. Ifêrr-td the lisias teak three awoy fwm the glavija-Pteaaw team; the Kolar Sparks took two away from the A group of popular SNPJ bers, known as "The Hungry Deaen,M have organised together far the purpose of putting the Sungtares on the map. They are hungry for new members; hungry for co-operation aad hungry to tell the world that the SNPJ is the beet organiaatioa la existence. If you care to meet the buys, attend the Sunglare Bunco party Friday, Nov. 14, at Vaeek's hall, Slrd rt. ai.d 66th ave., Cicero. They will be diHtingoished by white carnations In their lapels. • « e The "Gopher Club" held their meeting last Friday and decided to run a real old fashioned "Domafe sabava" some time in the near future. Watch this column for date, time and place and we are sure, If you attend, you wiH never regret spending that nlte with the Gophsrs. • • e Don't forget to attend the France-Preeern concert and dance which Is to be held at the SNPJ auditorium next Sunday, Nov. 16. A first claas program is promised by the members, whieh can be vouched for anyone that attended any of their former af fairs. After the concert, dancing, with a high class orchestra will fol low. • » « Complimentary tickets for tte Chicago Chrysanthemum Show, which ia to be held a' the Hotel Sherman, Nov. IS, can be had for the oaklng at Kolar's Floral shop. Alio an ox hibit of mum* ie being held at the Garfield Park Conaereatery. More than 660,600 blooms representing 676 varieties are being alpwa. For all of those that sj.preclate flower«, this exhibit ehouid not be miaaod- Hums, from the alee of a button to a dla meter of £1 inches will be shown. Dont fail to attend, for the show Is belag held up to Nov. 30, and there is no admiaalon. • e f e The Cloero Neighbors are running a Domaia xabava at Maaaryk's School, 67th avs. and 22. pie«», Cicero, this Saturday, Nov. 16-4 p. m l)ont forget to attend. As you know the Cicero Neighbors always have something good. You eaa't afford to miss this. •way from KotowsJottetote ^f In* ths fftepm*. tens pint pstemd the margle fer «m wteaeee. the «e- amé was a Me sad lim third 6 pie*. • • • Twe okUimer*. Berger a^djl^-t mm op te the rfUys te mag folks eemelhiag abmK Keg» llfWH ß&ACÖNS Cleveland. Ohte. — The Beacons pia come to light wit* a Vaudeville Show aad daaee on Qbn.. Nov. 23. The committee haa worked to ito ut-hope that the ahew will he a great sooesse, as thU is the m' first dramatical appeaihaee la aohlte. There are ;«iaay acta ef to both young aad old. The opening and clfetng nuasbtr ought to t>e enjoyed by everyone. A apeeial number will be rendered for the benefit of our dear mother* who are kitchen slaves. Come and soe what It is. The Straggler Harrtony Aces wi|1 supply the music for the dancers In the evening. Everyone knowe that these players can "make their instruments riiif." Tickets are on sale now. Get yours today from any member or from the secretary. Remember all tickets must be In on or before November 23. The campaign is oa. How are the Beacons reepoadlag to It? We ought to have 10 aew members thia meeting, doubling last month'a number. Dame Rumor has it that Jeha Ayalk and John Baumbick h|ve started a campaign of their own. Eaeh b< that be will get In tho teoat members. Atta boy, Boya! You've got the spirit We are glad to hoar that Mary Mllkovlch has taken up her duties as the Edltor*ln-Chief of the Maple Herald, the Maple Heights hl|* school's paper. Judging fi»m the first issue the ¿»wr was well managed. Keep it up, Mary. Election will be oa the tongue of «very member or rather should be There Is one thing all aiembcrs should re mam be r a—eleC t only thoeo fitted for the work. Thost who have beea with any lodge for ««Me time know what it ia to have officers who do aot know their work ami are nfc interested In It. A reminder: Elect the beat fitted!—Ftmaeee Mstko. MieM|ii Fraternal By A Go-Gotter Being ooa^elled to do my duty tm the publicity committee, I ■» tor-warding thle for publication. I hop* that Undy feels reUeved. • • e In honor of Undy, our president, I am dedicating this poem to him on his birthday: The rent alnt paid, I owe for my board, And I need a new tire For the goldumed Ford. New metebere ar« due And I need new shoes If I try to gamble I'm sure to Jo««. Ths banltV gstting sassy With that cold, cold glare But what the-—, Undy, I dont care. I may be crasy, j ' But craty or sane— Fnt me down far Mx aew On youT Campaign Train. • b a Extra, extra! wa« the «ry heard on Nov. 4. The Stragglers lead all other Cleveland lodgea thus far and also have one member who ha« six n«w members to his errdit Twenty-oae «ew members proteteed for next mmmt. ebb Stragglers plea«« note: ft yea fall to' attend December meeting yea wffl be fined «0 cent» In aaeei*ana« with our by-law«. l%e meeting wOl *e beM oa gateodag eve.. Dee. 6. After the meeting Ooood Mid-Campaign Party aad Daaee will follow. Come and make merry with our Stragglers Only hoars separate as fram the biggest Mystery Dance «ver held. ItTdte opening of the "Quack«", the mystery le to he solved at mldnlte. Nov. 1» and yea are ell lavlted, earn. le only a "half Are yoa reading .«he Campaign Editoriale? If not, why notî I eorety like oar Editor'« Idea ef making ev la 'i Christmas will eaen be getting yoar gifle deat forget Lw member for Dee. •--- the Btrnggier* a gfTt On November 6, 1080, the Miohigaa Fraternal Congress met at the Stetler Hotel. The SNPJ belag member deleg^ed the-undersigned to be preeent.VThanirto the Ad mlnlitratlvf board f«f^h« o;»polnt-m«nt. - •> The eonv«ntion wa« opened at IS:V with a dianor. About tweaty Ave delegates representing l'raterna Societies doing buslnesrin the gtate off Michigan, wove pr,**»t . fiSf lunch the chairman la|s«duced the new delegates to the Cgagrtss. Tho undersigned hat>p%ned to be the first one to be introduced and called upon to make a speech, with, muoh embarrassment, since that waa my first apperanoe before a body, of men aad women of this kind. I atksd the chairman to b« excused,I would rather Helen than talk.. But h« Insisted that the Congress would be interested In hearing from an or> ganisatton to be represented for the flrat time, aa to how the BHFJ 1« progressing In th« gtate of Michigan. Beeing that I must, I speka before the Congrem about the growth ef oar organisation starting hack to the organising of the SNPJ with only a handful! of member*, and today it grow to almost 70,000, the wealth of oar organisation, elaaa of iasuranee, growth of membership in Michigan aad especially ia Detroit, aad the welfare of our organUstten during tUagpa* Utimm i|« |n skIo/i Sonw of the qaeations acked by the delegate« wore: Does SNI'J pay divi-of course I nn iw»m «mI "No." Dm thle business depreesion effect our orgaaiaettonT I said K does a little. Dooe SNPJ accept other than thoee of tb« Slavic race? This I explained according to our bylaws. Does the SNPJ favor In an increase In the Juvenile death rate? Thle I explained that recently the SNPJ wanted to raiet the Juvenile death rate, bat that It waa Impossible because of the different in the state lawe. Other delegates «poke on various fraternal subjects whxh were very Interacting, after which the day's order took place, reading ef the of* fleer« of the Congress and delegates prseent and aot preeent Minutes of the proviso« wore s unapt ad. Then the Chairman Brother Taylor handed his reelgnation, hot Congtoss him to preside for tb« term, which he promiaed be weald The other officer*' ri read and accepted. A motion wae passed tfct ths Ceagreos holds twe meetings thia «later to die-»mberth ip eampeign« aad «ale« Tim Chairman appointed Bro. of the Maccabees to prepare a black-board sfcotefc ef telling fret erne! Insurance, aad twe other delegates to aeeiet Mm ( all «thsr ddegatee were aSbed to «ntenit prepoeelo ae to bow te seU mote policies la the fraternal organisation■ The «hair mea colled ths attention of an er tide la Mm "Detroit Tlsm»" of No J ""tie VeMey te fit Ncod ef Every change* the law 'go^mrtflng l.imlted W>ath rate en Juvenile po I sincerely wish to eapreee oar grst itude to each and everyone of our noigMborlng young SNPJ lodgea, the Reveller* ef Ambridge, Pa., tho Gan-onsburg Ledge No. 6*tf, end Bnrgetts town snd all ether lodge* I failed la inaa^lan íaf attantfiiif tíHa M« Ki-ni o FM háildl on ÍWtühsr 2ft wq * warn se s ees es *fwvw wvraoor wwi Kseelslors, briag la KxceUlore, don't forget to come year solve« or a «»un lab ment will be made by t ht member* present, a« «am« of the lodges sre doing. Let's all st tend. I wish to also remind our mem bers to pay their dues at the meeting Now Kseotslors you're suppoeed te be different Thst amans work. JEv cry one bring a friend te oar next me' ting. Wake up, Kxeoletoref Don't sleep oil winter chew emne spirit See you all at the meting. Fréter nelly Anns C. Biros. gasV WOLVBRINB DANCE gUCCESS Detroit. Mich. Our maak ball party at Artillery haU Friday. Oct. 31. waa the greatest event of this year. Nothing was missing to msks the oocaalon sqlt the season. Most of ths nationalities were repraeented In the numerous costumes, snd th* Wolverine Orchestra sure wee hit. The crowd waa big, and Young Americana were well represented. sll those present had a real grand tlms. Helen F. Hkercr. THE HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE Mllwsukse, Wis.—The Hsllowe'en Masquerade Ball, aponsored by the Gopher Club, went along very smoothly. Everyone danced to the music of our "SnsMPy Orchestra." Prise -Win- ners in the best meeks were, Arko snd Ann Blial, first place, Mrs. M. Obluck and Leonard Alpnwr, second place. Mrs. A. Bsnks and Louis Pogorelc, third plae«. Winnow of "Floating Dellarltilki" were Aittola-ette Donner and Joseph Pegorels,. Thanks on« sn del! who helped make oar dance e «tteeae«,—M. F^S. (lalmaslal Uuslary Delwm OlllWSfVl RjeWly PTIIV and are hoping they enjoyed it heio. A duck was "given away" and Sister Mayme Kotnlk we* the lucky penon. Now we come to a date wr all know; November II, the day of our meettag. Dont forget It at 6 p. ie. MIDGE NO. 666 mmmmm m Cawmsberg, Fa.—On Saturday, November 1, Ths Pioneers of Washington county held s dsnce In the SNPJ hsll A good Mme wss enjoyed by 611 who attended. Joseph Sever!-niks from Library, Jelly Juniors from Sygsn, Midway, , Revellers from Ambridge, snd thé good old Plonssrs of Canonsburg. Wia.—W h o o p o e—4 h e height of delight — In all ith glory, will reign eitprome at the German-American Homo on Saturday, Novem • her It. Ths oeeaslon being the Stalwarts' annual Inter lodge "jamboree" prescntatioe, this time in farm ef a Mystery Prise Daaee. Busts will be furnlshsd by ths famous Globe-trotting Ssrenadsrs, Integrity-Hoyal Sis. Their spsclsl arrangements will "kllekM with even the most discriminating of dance lovers. Besides ths numerous sps-elakles on ths night's program of fun, many valuable prises will be< Oas of these, a big beaut!. ful eagraved alhfff ■ loving cup, will hs given to ths vliltUlf SNFJ lodge whlib has the largest rop re mentation el 4Mb affair. As far as refreshments aad eats see concerned you know we serve nothing hut th« bsst Bo, eome for e barrel of fun to the Oermsn-Amer-lesn Home on Bsturday, November M. This big party gets under wsy at K p. m. snd lasts until t a. m. For ths benefit ef four early out-of-town visitor«, two hsskstball tilts will bs put on at ths Washington gym (comer Sheriden end Weshlng-ton roads) featuring the fast «topping Bedger« of MUwauk«« snd ths «olorful Mohawks of La Sells, vsmus our Stalwart Ns. I snd No. I teems. The flret game will be aelled et 6i30 it tulie Dcfgsna Voice of the Members NOTICE. W OL V RR IN BS LODGE ff 7 Detroit, Mieb. All members meat be proctat at oar neat meeting Dor. f. Which begins at 9 a. m. Asey, as elect lea of officer* wttt take place for the yeer 1061. All members not pros eat at this meeting era iditet te a floe of Me, eecept thoee who are tick or out of tews. fraternally Dooiot Obod. Sfy PIONfltRB MEMBRES, ATTENTION Chtesgo. A» aorte ef frake, ecket, cookies, aU good eotehles will bs am neer Fifth te be held en Friday, efter te the mooting BEG YOUB PARDON C hicago, la my last article 1 made the following sinisaient t "Bra. James Kolar was present et the Pioneer lodge meeting Ost. 17, 1660, when ths qasstloa .of forced transfer esrds rame up for Kolsr got up snd welksd out." Bister Anna Kramsr decires plslncr English te und crate nd my statement I should have added the "words tofura I lam at^ á^aé asmenam mi " h mâ m n mes «wiBrf iBi SMVffci rsmp if)i ntiwtiRn the words "up" and "and." The above capia net Ion doet not change my original statempnt, but I want Bister A. K. K. lo understand It also. .Frank J. gavertath. bor Lodge No, SM, "TOO MANY WORDS" f ¿loare, 111 At my ertteie did not |a last week's "Voleo ef tho It eeemd as if 1 am aot one of those privileged characters. My srticle did not eonteln over 600 words aad R esa be plataly eeea that, there ew privileged cheracters In tho SNPf, for la 6 previo«* Issue Bro. Novak hod 664 words In "Voice of tho Members" snd hs got sway with It If Im Isn't a privileged character, the editor mast hsvs forgotten to count tho words in his srtlsls. BNPJ by-laws give equal righti to sll msm-bers. But. I rant see Itl What good are the by.laws If ws dont livs up to them flamee L. Kolar, MKMORY OF IN aoey Nov. 17 iei7 Three rear* have ' passed tel* And etlll memories af thy gay* li Three reara bot yet wo sen recel Whieh make as for thy presaste Thy atomar y laete forever bare. And thee »hell live aa lang ae «*. Eternity oaye yearn. FAMILY MLINARK Din«« Ivtry •atuFday might at •IovmImii Workari Horn •9 437 Artillery Avmim, [ D#tFOltf Wall. • • - f* Admlaalofi Ma .. 'v , . ..„J*. f 8 S. N. P. y. SPORTS ■ATKWAi. AT«Uriti »OA«® good bowling t««m, would b« moro than glad t« »how you th« fuada- of txrnU*. th« few girls . f M. th«t hav« com« out t« try thdr hand n0,t wh*n thtr* art th® Iewe* robbing thom of thoir verdure, and < ording their procree« to maturity. A true one, in the perusal of a book. I« like • doc thoghts and apon what the and consequently a feast, whose are wholly set fllag sway, Is «pt to a ' Sayings ATHLETICS * PIONEER GIRLS BOWLING Chicago.-The bowling season has begun for the mors spirited Pioneer girl bowlers. They bowl every Thursday evening st the Acs Arcsds, S6th Street, between Hamlin and Avers. The only hindrance which prevents these bowlers from hsving s successful season, is the fact that not enough girls come out and try to make the bowling teem. Pioneer girls, one and all, plsass come out and give yourself a try «t bowling. You may not know th«t you h«ve the ebillty to b« • very good bowler. Sister Helen Arko, who is trying to organise « st bowling to date havs been very successful snd some of the scores hsve bees quit« surprising, 'it is never too 1st« to begin. Come out this Thursday snd surprise yourself with the feet th«t you do know how to bowl.—Tbp Unsteady Bowler. . SPECIAL NOTICE Wta— For t h o»e interested, ths Stalwarts will play both ths Bsdgers of Milwaukee and the Mohawks of La- Salle basketball teams on Saturday, November 22. prior to the Stalwarts' Mystery dance to be held at the German-American Home on said date. These games will take place at the Washington gym, corner of Sheridan snd Washington rds. • The first gums will start at 6:80 sharp. Folio wing ths games, which terminate «t 8:80 p. m., players, spectators and all «rill then journey tfi the German-American Hall snd raise unrestrained whoopee. Evelyn Pensa. Sun-Bursts By Hayaraker ta Wisconsin and Illinois first play a state elimination conteet. Then the winner of each state plays for the Mid-Weetern Championship. This would eliminate distant trsvel ss from Shefoygsin to Chicago. Most disputes srise from the question of eligibility of ptaysrs. To settle this matter, it ia suggested that a rule should be enacted that ten days prior to the opening game of a series, the manager of esoh team shall forwd to' th« managers of all other t««0ifc « list of his players; snd If during the ssason sny additions! ptaysrs sra-pvtdn s teem, the m«nag«r of such ts«m shall imme-dlately notify all oth«r managers of ths new ptaysrs. In this msnn«r sll ptaysrs c«n be checked whether they sre eligible or not prior to ths ploying of sny gsme. Most protests ara usually fitad «t th« close of the sesson even if the sUeged violation has oecurrsd saver«! months Vmfora. As tim« is sn bnportent dement in th« Invest!-gstion of facta, it is suggested that a rule should be enacted requiring that s protest must be filed within five dsys sfter a game is plsyed, postmsrk on envelope governing ss to time of msillng, otherwise such protest shsll pot be considered. While we were In Konoshs we visited C. 8., Hubbsrd, Jeweler st 708—bi street, who hss one show window dsdlcoted to the «thtatic ac-tlviiies of ths Stslwsrts. On dlsplsy, In this window srs four SNPJ thropbies, five city trophies, snd six models won by the Stalwsrte ss well ss three' ¿kotos ''of tho Stslwsrts tssms. It fe our understanding thst Hubbsrd is the lending jeweler in Keno-she snd that since his window dlsplsy of Stslwsrts sthletk enlevement, (ke secretary of Ike Stalwart* hit» received sevesi««« applications I for mombtrthip into tho Stalwart» Clears, III.—One hundred women wsnted to ssll Bunglers Bunco end tisrd Psrty tickets. For every fifteen tickets, sold will be swsrded 81 JO. The big sffslr shall take plaee Fridsy evening, November 14, at 8 p. m. st Vsoek's hall, 2801 B. 60th avenue. After the bunco refreshment* will be served free. Dsnc-ing will follow the sods I, bunco snd csrd psrty. Prises go lore will bs awarded to tho lucky bunco snd csrd winners. There will be distributed over twenty ferns, llvs chickens, preserved jellies, snd meny other kinds of household srtielee. It is estimated thst over SEVENTY-FIVE PRIZES will be swsrdsd FREE to the winners. ' Haymaker says thst It will bs the biggest snd best Buneo snd Csrd psrty held smoag Slovenes in Cook county I Enuff said! The purpoeee of this Bunco and Card psrty ii to raise enough revenue to purehsse suits snd b*sk«tb«ll equipment for our girl besketeers, and as a pep-up sonsl get-together for tke work that la ahead of as In our present membership drive. At the Western Athlstie Bosrd meeting held Sundsy, November 8, at Kenoehs, the following officers were elected for the yeer 1081: Bro. Frank Mejesch (Integrity Lodge), U Bro. Frank Baric fPlo-Lodge), Vice-Praddmit; Bro. Rlchsrd J. Zsvertnik (Bunglers Lodge), Secretary! Bro. Ruddy Der-gsns (Stalwsrte), Traasarar. Ths attendanee was large. Ths sppesl of Intogrity lodge from ths decjsipn granting s protested game to the Pioneer Girls' Indoor team wss referred to the Nstion«l Athletic Bosrd for its flnnl decision with Instructions thst ssld decision should be rendered within sixty dsys determining whether or not there wss s viols* tlon of the time rule snd of the Ineligible rule by either team. Esperlence Is the beet teacher. It1 lodge. In splie of thl» snd other hss taught us that we will hsve to truths, we still hsve members In our revise some of the «thtatic rules,1 organisation who claim "that sth-regulations and schedule of gsmes letlcs do nothing for the SNPJ but in order to msks our organlsstion bring only disputes." Buch remarks better and athletics mora influentisl by unthinking members convince us bones. | I The critic, ee be is currently termed, Who is discerning in nothing but faults, may care little to be told that this Is the msrk of unamiabie dispositions or of a bad passion; but he might not feel equally easy were he convinced that he thus gives the moot abeolute proofs of ignorance and want of taste. Critieiem is like champagne; nothing more execrable tf bad, nothing more excellent if good; if meagre, muddy, rapid and »our, both are fit—only engender colls and wind; but if rich, generous snd spsrkling, they communicate { genial glow to the spirits, improvi the taste, and expand the hearts. Some are like chimney-sweepers; they put out ths fire below, and frighten the swallows from their neets above; they scrape a long tfme in the chimney, cover themselvss with soot, snd bring nothing sw«y but s bag of cinders, snd they sing from the top of the house« ss if they hed built it. How good it would be If we could learn to be rigorovs in judgment of our neighbors! In remedying defects, kindnees work* best with others, sterness with ourselvee. It ls essy to atake sliowsnces for our fsulta, but dangerous, hard to make allowances for others' fsults, but wise. To a mere verbal critic is wbst no man of genius would be if h« could; but to be a critic of true taste and feelings is what no man without genius could be If he would. The opinion of the great body qt the read-ing public is said materially, in-fluenoed even by the unsupported sseertions of those who assume a right to Criticise. Those fierce inquisitors of wit, spsre no flesh thst ever writ, or spesk; but just ss tooth-drawers find smong tho rout, their own to«th work in pulling oth«rs out. A true critic ought rather to dwell upon exellences thsn Imperfection to discern the concesled besuties of s writer or spesker snd eommunicste to ths world such things ss sre worth their obsorvstlon. I never knew of one who made it his business to lash ths faults of other writers and speakers that was not guitiy of greater himself as ths hangman ls gener-slly a worse matafactor than the criminal that suffer by hlh hand. Men have commonly more pleasure in the criticism which hurts than in that which Is innocuous, and ara more tolerant of the severity which breaka hearts end ruins fortune* thsn of that which falls impotontly on the grave. ■ffkere is « certain race of men that either fmagtne It their duty, or make it their amueement. to hinder reception oI every work of learning or ability to speak end lead, who stand as sentinels In ths avenues of feme, and vslus themselvess upon giving Ignorance snd envy the first notloe of s pray, Critics must excuse me If I compere them to certain snimsls «ailed asses, Who, by gnawing vinos, originally tsught the graat advantage of pruning them. « It Is quite cruel that a speaker cannot wander through his regions onf enchentment without a critic forever, like the Old Man of the Sea, Upon his bsck. Sam Ksvletc, Young Amerksns 804. in our soetata. Because of the economic conditions our schedule of should be shortened. This thet the old proverb "lis who refuses to see, is the blindest smong us sll," Is ss truthful todsy ss It hss may be achieved by having the teams been In bygone days. Critic and Criticism IM roil. Mich,—It is much rosier to I« critical than t« bs correct, ia a maxim all my own. It Is easy to critic!» « speeker, but it Is difficult to appreciate him. ths strength of which liae only in the weakness of the thing tii tidied true culture. It Is ridicblous for any man to cHMolse on tlw works of an other w)io has not dlstlngulshsd him self by his own performances. Of his shallow spoelos there is not a more unfortunate, empty and conceited snlnr.a! thsn that which Is generally The critic's first labor le the task know by the namo of a erltie. We of distlngushing between men, as barely meet with persons that have faidory end their work display them, I true judgment; which to many ran-and ideals which one and another der« harangue s very tirasom« heve conspired to urge upon his ec. | knowledge. Good 'Judges sre as rata ceptance. He is worse than severe ' ss good orators, when, in consequences of this del**Modern criticism lion, he presumes to place himself on a level with genius. Ths pleasure of rritieism takes from us that of Iwing deeply moved by very baeutiful things said or done end ia n study by which nen sometimes grow Important and formidable et very little capense. In the whole range of literature or In oratton nothing is more entertain-ind. and. 1 might add, more instructive, then aotind, legitimate criticism, the diaintere»tod convietlens of e man's sensibility, who enters rsther into the spirit than the tatter of his euthor, «ho «an fellow him to th« height of his r«>inpaee, and while he sympsthiae* with «very bnllisnt power end genuine paasion of the p«rt. Is not so f«r tarried out of himself as to indulge His admiration at the esptnio of his judgment, but can afford US the double pta«eure of being first pleased with his ««th»r. «r his sper h, end sorondly, with hlm> seif, for having gtvon «4 such jus« end i em ot rev-«rtible men son for our approbation. first disclosed that which it would fain conceal, but eon cools thet Which It professes to dis dose; It Is therefore reed by the discerning, not to discover the merita of a speaker but Uls motivoe of his critic. Of «II mortals he is the sil liest; for. Inuring himself to sxamlne all things whether they ere of con-«esence or not, never looks «pon anything but with a design of passing sentence «pon It I by which moons he is nerar a eompenlon, but always censor. His exercise of criticism always dsetrays for S Ume our sen si« bility to be««ty by le«dlng us to regard the word tn relation to certain lews for constructions. The eye tnrns fr»m the chsraia of nature to fla It self upon the servil« dexterity of ort. Doubtless criticism was originally henlgnent. pointing out the heeetiae of a work rather than its deferto. I he cessions of men have n malignant, as the had beert of Pro-t rased tke lied, the symbol of Into ea inMrumtnl if ■ i lavo. t Y #9 Criticism, «e It was first Intro. \ Critic« «re « kind of freebooters I« dueed by A rielóle, was moant as s th* republic of letters -who, like etanderd of judging «rill. IV fkeds deer, goats end other graminivorous of nanesens* printed in tke form of anímele, gota eubdstanras by critical opinions seem to me e chief Ing apt* buds and leaves of rutee of the times, a chief otwteik id' >»ung *Vul* of the f»i«et, thereby snd ■ r tied three; WEDNESDAY, NOV ie - - • one played in a two grd two tie. all of them bsMf especially the last drixsUng rain to a For Needy Bitd Unemployed SNPJ Members There «re many members of the SNPJ who sre in need of food, clothing snd shelter beceuse they are unemployed. .Why not «11 of us got together In Chlcngo snd suburbs of Chicago BNPJ Lodges snd run s Charity Dance or Bunco. The pro-s to die used entirely for charitable purposes and not for propagan-■Food, clothing, coal, shelter for ths unemployed SNPJ members eould be purchased at wholesale prices by committee composed of one member of esch Chicago or suburban SNPJ Lodge. Or in cases wheto the unemployed SNPJ members have urgent bills to pay, such bids could be (Sid by this committee from this fund If the SNPJ would donate the hall, the SNI'J Prlntery donate the printing, Prosveta donate advertising | end each lodge In Chicago or Ita sut>urb donate something and If every membrr co-operated with sueh a committee by at least buying one ticket there question that at fifteen hundred dollars could be tsised by such a Charity dance or bunco. This would be enough raven ie to take rare of many needy SNPJ fsmilles or of former SNPJ mem Iters who had to drop our or ganlsation because of nonpayment of due«, because they were out of | By Poddy. our basketball Wis.—Friday, November practic* in 14, means not only the dote of our Stalwart meeting, but also ths date of the fulfillment of our membership promises, Mvery member premised to have ef' loa»t one now applioant up for numhtrokip ot this »aid mooting, so let's try aad not break our premiss or disappoint our lodge, but got that protpoctive mombor now I On Satardey, November 22, the German-American HaU will be the scene of a great Inter-lodge wbopee party. Lodge» represented at this glorious time, will be the Mohawk* of La Bane, Pioneers, Little Forts, Badgers and many mora, too numerous to mention. Intogrity snd the Sunglsre lodges srs ehsrtering special buses for this occsslon. Ths more ths merrier. Also, remember: the lodge with the largest representation at this nffair will be given « beautiful Silver Loving Cup, Prior to the dance, the Stalwarts will engag« tha Mohawks at 0:80 p. m. and th«*Badgers at 7:80 p. m. in the art of hosket shooting. These gsmes will take place at the Washington gjna, corner Washington snd Sheridan «da. If you like thrills, be on "deck" ns the teams are all even- Our girl besketeers ara ready to aU comers. Come on, Bun-glares, Pioneers, Integrity, Badgers, Littls Forts snd Wsst Allis. Let's hear fsom your strongholds. "Beer Bafts" is wondering what happened to Dan Cupid- He must be in our midst» ss our Stalwart Sister Msry Roped, victim No. 1, is to be married on Saturday, Nov. 20, and victim No. 8, Sister Evelyn Meisencr will do tho flame thing on Dec. 2.-1 All we say is. bo careful Stove Ba-dura and Joe Kuala ss you're numbered as his next victims. By the wsy, congratulations to Little Forts' popular newlywdds, Mr. k Mrs. J. Umek, tho former Mils Fannie Cmtan, was the recent winner of a Western popularity and besuty contest, snd guve up s career in the movies for the life of "wedded Mis*» The Stalma ru "spoils" of victory" sre now on dlsplsy st'Hubbsrds, Kenosha leading jeweler. Included in the display ara the SNPJ's national indoor tsnd,ba^k«tb«ll trophies, olty chsmpiquship rnadals, cupr «»d shields snd, ¿nighty srrsy of golf trophies thai, oqr golf champ, Emll Chobrllo,; captured la the last two seasons. • Next week, st the request of the ChStafcpe ,of • Commerce, Stslwsrts Will feature the dlsplsy st the First Notions! bank. We're sorry, Jolly AUU, th«t our dances are on the tame date. We sure would be at your celebration, were it not for this coincidence. Hope you have a groat success. WohrOriflt Lodge Detroit. Midi. — The Wolverines, due to 'the present hard times, hsve started off tho Membership Campaign rather slowly) but it promises to pick up as we go slong. Two membera, Lomm "Satf Valdago snd Rudy Bogatay wore accepted at our last meeting, • and four more were proposed, and* we hope to have as many or mors at our next meeting. And. remember, we wish to hsve every member- bring a now member. Have you brought yours? If not, you still have time, but there is no time like the present. However, tfcore is no benefit to be obtained by gaining a new member and at the same time losing one, through their« Inability to pay their monthly lodgo dues. A motion was therefore put into effett at our last meeting, that any messber unable to pay his dues, through tack of work, should report ut our meetings, e e e|p At oui next meeting the Wolverines will elect tech officers es Ihcy think bed fitted to take over the du-ties of the lodge tar 1081. Kvoryone at ill < ittrmd tho mooting of l)*e. T at fa. mi. sh«rps to elect our new of fleers. We should also sttond our monthly meetings regale rly to aa-sld these officers. Surely two hours s month Is not too much to ask m anyone for the betterment of thdr own lodge. has begun now Shd we hops to gat somewhere this year Practices sre hdd every Monday night from 8:80 to 10 o'clock, st the Del-ray Community House, Erie A Cot-terall, one block wed of Green, one btodt north of W«d Jefferson; and every Wednesday night from 8 to 9 at the Munger school, Martin and Mc-Graw. Everyone interested in basketball be sura and turn out on these night* and join In the fun. • * ♦ ■ Manager Vink Straus of the Wolverine 8. N. P. J. Championship baseball team has requested that all baseball suite that hav« not been returned, «re to be returned to his homo, 0490 Reumann, promptly, as he is responsible for them. ^The 8. N. P. J Baseball Cham* pioSshlp Trophies will be presented st our meeting, Dec. 7, snd those who have not returned thdr suits wiB have to wait for the trophy until they are returned. • O O e ,f We wish to compliment Sister Jo-ucphine Boxieh on hsr very interesting article ta tad week's Prosveta and we would like to see more of audi articles contributed by her and other Wolverines. Dsn Obed aad Tony Bteffler. PROUD TO BE A PIONEER I am proud to be a member of the Pioneer Lodge No. 869 BNPJ, and I know many others are too. Our lodge is steadily progressing in all respite. Ws do believe in the slogan: "Every member e new member." Our few occasional petty arguments are always settled at the meeting to the satisfaction of all concerned, and our President D. J, Lotrich is o. k. We always have a sood attendance at our meetings; and all our doings are successful, thariks to our various committees a^d members helping. The lodge has done much good In the past and csn do much more in the near future. Tittle Fteter. Colino to attend thid afisi. u ^ ^ entertaining and educate Ticket* may be bought from tnTm! dsrdgSOi or from sny of the mfi bers of the club. Admission iTH . , for ladies and gents, for children IT Am bridge, Ps_£ntk«d«sm is tk. twew the s««s of 12 and 1« very life 4 a progreeeive society. To The Naia Stage Lodge, No too . be enthusiastic calls for the bed of- sponsoring s dance on Novmwi forts and exertions «or the welfsra Franklin. The occasion of the organisation. To find your their Fourth Annivcraery. Evervlw work Interacting put enthusiasm Into j, cordialy invited, for they nromi it. To make your labors a success a> aii « good time. * I put pep into action. Enthusiasm di rected into proper chsnneis can bring wonderful results. Fraternal y, Frances Langerkoic. Without harmony a fraternal union Is a dismal flop. It'« a difficult procedure to interest prospective members to join a lodge wherein dissension exists. To my estimation the most sppealing inducement to joinl^HBI any fraternal organisation is the fact ,, th* on* that a brotherly feeling lies wltbta lookln *t? the society, its promotion of friendly intercourses, and Its social activities. If sny society could only boast of financial, beneficial remuneratipa, it would never proeper. It la the social life, frtanddiip, and comradeship. In both good days and bad, that draws members to a successful aodety. The 8NPJ has a large membership, good fiaandal backing, ao why not have a society that in .bratherly feeling will be second to none? W IN CONCERT the RNPJ members who are in budn«