Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article Role and Status of Quality Managers in Organisation of the Future Vinko Bogataj Fakulteta za organizacijske študije v Novem mestu, Novi trg 5, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija Abstract: Research question (RQ): What is discrepancy between status and role of quality managers in the Slovenian organisations now and what will be role and status of quality managers of the future? Aim: The aim of this paper is to show divergence between current and expected future status and role of quality managers (QM). Methods: Within the research of characteristics of quality management system (QMS) in the Slovenian organisations a survey among the QM and the directors was conducted as well as the correlation analysis between the role of the QM and the results achieved by the organisations. Results: It was shown that »the advisor to the management« is the only role of the QM that has a significant positive correlation with the results achieved by the organisation. Organisation: The results of this research enable management to take appropriate steps in organisational development and integration of all projects on organisational changes leading to a common and comprehensive long-term concept. Society/Environment: The research offers some answers to the expected influence of changes in the environment on the future organisation of QMS. Originality: This research represents the first example of research of status and role of QM in the Slovenian organisations. Limitations / further research: This research project is limited to the Slovenian organisations with a certified QMS. In future, similar surveys could also be spread to other social environments such as Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. Keywords: quality management systems, autopoietic organization, quality manager, role, status, organisational changes, research, Slovenia. 1 Introduction Current and visible future development of companies is so extensive that changes of QMS and changes of a profession of a QM impose fundamentally new requirements. A QM as a profession as we know it today has been formed on the requirements during the past decades. If it isnt't directed towards new future requirements, a QM will lose on its meaning and efficiency. Many factors affect characteristics of QMS in a certain organisation. Definitely, the biggest influence on QMS has a quality manager in an organisation. One of the characteristics of QMS is discrepancy between the required status of a QM and the actual status and role of a QM. * Korespondenčni avtor / Correspondence author Prejeto / received: 3. 4. 2017; revidirano / revised: 4. 4. 2017; sprejeto / accepted: 10. 4. 2017. 159 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article Management of a quality system has a big impact on all elements that define QMS in an organisation. The question arises what a role of a QM in our organisations really is today and what it should be like in view of the expected changes in future social environment of the future? Will a QM solve problems caused by an inappropriate quality or will a QM maintain and improve a quality system, or will a QM be an influential member of the management that will suggest efficient measures for quality improvements of processes, products and services? 2 Characteristics of a function or a profession of a quality manager Due to changes in organisation and competition among professions characteristics of professions change with time. (Sommerhoff, 2012a, page.30-55). Characteristics of a QM as a profession are affected in an organisation by pairs of professional characteristics. The pairs of professional characteristics (Figure 1) that are of particular importance to characterise a QM as a profession are: • Competences and tasks - what I do and what I do not do? • Methods and tools - which methods and which tools should I apply at my work? • Qualifications and competences - which knowledge and skills I should have? • Status and role - what my position in an organisation is? Two pairs of professional characteristics are of particular importance to a QM: • Competences and tasks: Exclusive competences are those characteristics that define a profession. Competition for competences among professions drives development of professions. Competition between work places for competences triggers impulses for development of professions. An exclusive competence is the element, which gives importance to a profession in competence with other professions. A QM as a profession in a modern organisation competes with the professions such as controllers, human resource development, organisational development and advisors. • Status and role: Status and role of a QM should be in accordance with the exclusive competences in order to persue the tasks of a QM. Both status and role of a QM have the biggest influence on successful and efficient quality management system in an organisation. Role and status of a QM have been included into research of characteristics of the quality management systems in the Slovenian organisations due to its recognised importance. (Bogataj, Skulj, Sluga, 2015, page 116-128). 160 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article What I do, what don't I do? 1 Jurisdiction & tasks Which methods and tools do I use? VI 75^7 M 1 -s Methods & Tools Which skills do I need ? ( fi — A 1 Qualifications & competences Which position do I take? K Status & role Figure 1. Pairs of professional characteristics (Sommerhoff 2012 b, page.2). 3 Carrying out of research of status and role of QM in Slovenian organisations Research of status and role of a QM in the Slovenian organisations was carried out in the context of researching the characteristics of the quality management systems by interviewing QM and directors in the organisations in the Republic of Slovenia having the certified quality management systems (Bogataj, Skulj, Sluga, 2015). Research was carried out between June 2014 and May 2015. The numerical share of surveyed organization are shown in figure 2 . Legend: A = Organizations with certified quality system; Na = appr. 1700 B = Organizations that have responded to a survey on QM; Nb = 126 C = The organizations that have responded to a survey by the director; Nc = 79 D = Organizations that meet both surveys; Nd = 42 Figure 2. The numerical share of surveyed organizations The survey on QMS was fully and correctly replied by 126 organisations, for which also the financial results were available. The survey on QMS and the survey on directors were replied by 42 of those organisations. The survey on directors was replied by 79 organisations in total. 161 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article 4 Results 4.1 Frequency of roles of QMS in organisations 4.1.1 Frequency of role of QM as a quality system maintainer Further below are listed frequencies of roles where QMS were involved decreasing from the most frequent to the least frequent. Criteria for classification as shown further below were opinions of the directors of the organisations, which responded to both surveys. (the survey on QMS and the survey for directors; ND= 42). For a better review, here are findings of the surveys from all the QM (NqM=126) and from all the directors (NDIR=79). Confidence intervals as stated below with the findings refer to the confidence level 0,95. A quality system maintainer is the most frequent role of a QM in the Slovenian organisations (Figure 3). There are no significant differences in answers of the QM and the directors concerning the role of a QM as a maintainer of the quality system. A proportion of the directors who often see QM in the role of a maintainer of the QMS is within the interval 0,58; 0,78} and a proportion of the QM who often see themselves in the role of a maintainer of the QMS is within the interval {0,62; 0,78}. In the organisations which responded to both surveys is this proportion within the interval {0,61; 0,87} by the directors and by the QM as well. a b Figure 3. Frequency QM role as maintainer of the quality management system (QMS). a - response shares QM and directors of organizations that have responded to both surveys (ND = 42). b - response shares QM and directors of the survey of participating organizations (Nqm= 126; NDIR = 79). Legend:1- Insignificant; 2- Low; 3- Medium ; 4- High; 5- Very high 4.1.2 Frequency of role of QM as improver of quality management system (QMS) An improver of quality management system (Figure 4) is the second most common role of QM in the Slovenian organisations. Proportion of the directors that most commonly see the QM in the role of an improver of the QMS is within the interval {0,43; 0,65} and the proportion of the QM that see themselves in the role of an improver of the QMS is within the interval {0,55; 0,71}. In the organisations that responded to both surveys is this proportion 162 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article within the interval {0,45; 0,75}by the directors and within the interval {0,53; 0,81} by the QM. a b Figure 4. Frequency QM role as improver of the quality management system (QMS). a - response shares QM and directors of organizations that have responded to both surveys (ND = 42). b - response shares QM and directors of the survey of participating organizations (Nqm= 126; NDIR = 79). Legend:1- Insignificant; 2- Low; 3- Medium ; 4- High; 5- Very high 4.1.3 Frequncy of role of QM as a quality auditor in the organisation A quality auditor (Figure 5) is the third most common role of a QM in the Slovenian organisations. The proportion of directors which very often see a QM in the role of the quality auditor is within the interval {0,42; 0,64} and the proportion of the QM which very often see themselves in the role of the quality auditor is within the inverval {0,56; 0,72}. This proportion lies within the interval {0,42; 0,72} for the directors and within the interval {0,61; 0,87} for the QM. In the organisations, which responded to both surveys the QM put their role as quality auditors on the first place. Further below, a review of the proportions of a frequency of an individual role of the QM is presented in a tabular form (Table 1 and Table 2). a b Figure 5. Frequency QM role as auditor of quality in the organization. a - response shares QM and directors of organizations that have responded to both surveys (ND = 42). b - response shares QM and directors of the survey of participating organizations (Nqm= 126; NDIR = 79). Legend:1- Insignificant; 2- Low; 3- Medium ; 4-High; 5- Very high 163 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article Table 1. Overview of the population shares of Directors, which QM very often seen in that role and population shares VSK, which itself is very often seen in that role (organizations that have responded to both surveys; ND = 42). Nr. The role of QM view of directors share confidence interval view of QM share confidence interval 1 The role QM as maintainer of the quality system 0,74 {0,61; 0,87} 2 The role of QM as improver of the quality system 0,6 {0,45 3 The role QM as auditor of quality in the organization 0,57 {0,42 4 The role QM as a management consultant 0,45 {0,30 5 The role QM as an influential member of the leadership 0,33 {0,19 6 The role QM as rescuer of customer complaint 0,31 {0,17 7 The role QM as teacher-introducer of new methods 0,31 {0,17 8 The role QM as rescuer errors in processes 0,21 {0,09 9 The role QM as a consultant for improvements in 0,21 {0,09; 0,33} processes 10 The role QM as auditor of quality from suppliers 0,19 {0,07; 0,31} 11 The role QM as a consultant in the development of new 0,17 {0,06; 0,28} products and technologies 12 The role QM as examiner's product quality 0,14 {0,04; 0,24} 13 The role QM as a consultant in quality suppliers 0,14 {0,04; 0,24} 0,75} 0,72} 0,60} 0,47} 0,45} 0,45} 0,33} 0,74 0,67 0,74 0,38 0,24 0,38 0,24 0,26 0,26 0,21 0,14 0,21 0,17 {0,61 {0,53 {0,61 {0,23 {0,11 {0,23 {0,11 {0,13 {0,13 0,87} 0,81} 0,87} 0,53} 0,47} 0,53} 0,47} 0,39} 0,39} {0,09; 0,33} {0,04; 0,24} {0,09; 0,33} {0,06; 0,28} Table 2. Overview of the population shares of directors, which QM very often seen in that role and population shares QM, which itself is very often seen in that role (All in the survey participating organizations; Nqm = 126; Ndir = 79). Nr. The role of QM view of directors share confidence interval view of QM share confidence interval 0,78} 0,65} 0,64} 0,50} 0,38} 0,35} 1 The role QM as maintainer of the quality system 0,68 {0,58 2 The role of QM as improver of the quality system 0,54 {0,43 3 The role QM as auditor of quality in the organization 0,53 {0,42 4 The role QM as a management consultant 0,39 {0,28 5 The role QM as teacher-introducer of new methods 0,28 {0,18 6 The role QM as an influential member of the leadership 0,25 {0,15 7 The role QM as rescuer of customer complaint 0,23 {0,14; 0,32} 8 The role QM as rescuer errors in processes 0,22 {0,13; 0,31} 9 The role QM as a consultant for improvements in 0,19 {0,10; 0,28} processes 10 The role QM as auditor of quality from suppliers 0,16 {0,08; 0,24} 11 The role QM as a consultant in the development of new 0,16 {0,08; 0,24} products and technologies 12 The role QM as a consultant in quality suppliers 0,13 {0,06; 0,22} 13 The role QM as examiner's product quality 0,11 {0,04; 0,18} 0,7 0,63 0,64 0,32 0,21 0,17 0,26 0,21 0,24 0,18 0,13 {0,62 {0,55 {0,56 {0,24 {0,14 {0,10 0,78} 0,71} 0,72} 0,40} 0,28} 0,24} {0,18; 0,34} {0,14; 0,28} {0,17; 0,31} {0,11; 0,25} {0,07; 0,19} 0,11 {0,06; 0,16} 0,15 {0,11; 0,21} There are no significant differences among the organisations that responded to both surveys (one for the directors and the other for the QM) and all participating organisations except for the role of the QM as an introducer of new methods, that moves from the place 7 to the place 164 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article 5 in all the participating organisations. The higher the number of the organisations participating in the survey, the lower the confidence interval. 4.2 Influence of the process owners 4.2.1 Influence by the quality manager Further below the influence of the process owners is shown descending from the most influential to the least influential. The ranking criterion was the opinion of the directors of those organisations which responded to both surveys (the one for the QM and the other for the directors); (ND= 42). In order to have better overview the results are presented of the surveys of all the QM (NqM=126) and of all the directors (NDIR=79). The confidence intervals as given below refer to the confidence level 0,95. The quality manger (QM) is the third most influential position in the Slovenian organisations. (Figure 6). The population share of the directors which rank the QM as very influential lies within the interval {0,23; 0,43} and the population share of the QMs which rank themselves as very influential lies within the interval {0,10; 0,24}. This population share lies within the interval 0,28; 0,58} for the directors in the organisations which responded to both surveys and within the interval {0,21; 0,51} for the QM. Further below the review in the tabular form is given presenting influence of the process owners in the Slovenian organisations (Table 3 and Table 4). Figure 6. Influence of the Quality Manager. a - response shares QM and directors of organizations that have responded to both surveys (ND = 42). b - response shares QM and directors of the survey of participating organizations (Nqm= 126; NDIR = 79). Legend:1- Insignificant; 2- Low; 3- Medium ; 4- High; 5- Very high 165 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article Table 3. Overview of the population shares Directors and QM assessing those owners processes as a very influential (organizations that have responded to both surveys; ND = 42). Nr. Influence of process owners view of directors view of QM share confidence share confidence interval interval 1 Head of the sales process 0,5 {0,35; 0,65} 0,48 {0,33; 0,63} 2 Head of the production process, or. 0,5 {0,35; 0,65} 0,45 {0,30; 0,60} implementation services 3 Quality manager (QM) 0,43 {0,28; 0,58} 0,36 {0,21; 0,51} 4 Head of development process 0,36 {0,21; 0,51} 0,31 {0,17; 0,45} 5 Head of finance, accounting and controlling 0,26 {0,13; 0,39} 0,33 {0,19; 0,46} 6 Head of purchasing 0,26 {0,13; 0,39} 0,33 {0,19; 0,46} 7 Head of training and recruiting 0,14 {0,04; 0,24} 0,26 {0,13; 0,39} 8 Head of IT 0,12 {0,02; 0,22} 0,19 {0,07; 0,31} 9 logistics manager 0,12 {0,02; 0,22} 0,21 {0,09; 0,33} 10 Head of construction 0,12 {0,02; 0,22} 0,21 {0,09; 0,33} Table 4. Overview of the population shares directors and QM assessing those owners processes as a very influential (all surveyed organizations involved Nqm = 126; NDIR = 79). Nr. Influence of process owners view of directors view of QM share confidence share confidence interval interval 1 Head of the sales process 0,38 {0,27; 0,49} 0,37 {0,29; 0,45} 2 Head of the production process, or. 0,37 {0,26; 0,48} 0,31 {0,21; 0,41} implementation services 3 Quality manager (QM) 0,33 {0,23; 0,43} 0,17 {0,10; 0,24} 4 Head of development process 0,27 {0,17; 0,37} 0,21 {0,14; 0,28} 5 Head of finance, accounting and controlling 0,23 {0,14; 0,32} 0,27 {0,17; 0,37} 6 Head of purchasing 0,23 {0,14; 0,32} 0,21 {0,14; 0,28} 7 Head of training and recruiting 0,11 {0,04; 0,18} 0,16 {0,10; 0,22} 8 Head of IT 0,09 {0,03; 0,15} 0,1 {0,03; 0,17} 9 Logistics manager 0,09 {0,03; 0,15} 0,11 {0,04; 0,18} 10 Head of construction 0,09 {0,03; 0,12} 0,1 {0,05; 0,15} There are no differences in ranking population share of the influence by the managers of business processes among the organisations responding to both surveys (the one for the QM and the other for the directors) and the total participating organisations. The difference is in the population shares. It was found out that there are no significant differences between the points of view of the directors and those of the QM relating to the influence of the individual business processes managers except for the QM influence (in total participating organisations) rating by the director ranked much higher than the QM ranked herself. 4.3 Correlation between frequency of the roles of the QM and the financial results of the organisations For the participating organisations, the financial data were obtained from the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Related Services (AJPES 2016). The data 166 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article were classified according to the Likert scale from 1 to 5 and the Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. On the basis of the research it can be stated that the QM should not perform the roles as given below (Table 5): • The rescuer of customer complaints • Quality testing of products and services These two roles of the QM have negative values of the Pearson correlations efficients by a value added 2014 rating. Thus, the only role of the QM that can contribute to financial results of the organisation is a consultant to the management. Table 5. Pearson correlation coefficients (N = 126; 1-a = 0.95) between QM role in the organization and financial performance of the organization. The limit of significance Pearson correlation coefficient is at 0.17488 Grow rate Revenue Grow Rate of Revenue of added grow rate rate of aded The role QM in Average Standard grow rate value 2011- added value organization score deviation 2013-2014 2013-2014 2014 value 2014 Rescuer of customer complaint 3,238 1,365 -0,058 -0,062 -0,118 -0,066 -0,211 Auditor of quality from suppliers 3,008 1,371 -0,045 0,033 0,004 0,058 -0,033 Consultant in quality suppliers 2,698 1,316 0,052 0,047 0,035 -0,013 -0,034 Examiner's product quality 2,865 1,323 0,039 -0,034 -0,071 -0,034 -0,197 Rescuer errors in processes 3,508 1,094 0,098 0,036 -0,034 0,016 -0,062 Auditor of quality in the organization 4,524 0,766 0,007 -0,103 -0,048 -0,037 -0,015 Teacher-introducer of new methods 3,643 1,031 0,022 -0,088 -0,034 -0,044 0,038 Consultant for improvements in processes 3,921 0,826 -0,041 0,007 -0,064 0,055 0,117 Consultant in the development of new products and technologies 3,048 1,109 0,041 0,071 -0,076 0,026 -0,092 Maintainer of the quality system 4,603 0,705 0,088 -0,128 -0,002 -0,032 -0,032 Improver of the quality system 4,516 0,735 -0,023 -0,146 -0,035 0,031 0,085 Management consultant 3,825 1,074 0,079 0,063 0,087 0,079 0,221 Influential member of the leadership 3,206 1,261 -0,022 0,045 -0,011 0,014 0,108 167 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 71-132. Članek / Article 4.4 Influence of social changes on a profession of the quality manager Due to changes in the social environment the organisations, if they want to survive, they need to adapt continuously to new trends in the social environment. So we are faced with the organisation development, which means a comprehensive structural, cultural and goal-oriented forming of an organisation for raising and maintaining a high level of maturity of an organisation and for managing the required changes. In other words: the organisation development is integration of all projects of organisational changes into a comprehensive long-term concept. (Sommerhoff, 2012b, page 9) . So the actual and visible future development of companies will be so extensive that changes in the quality management system and the role of the quality manager will face new challenges starting from the basis. Currently it is difficult to predict how the consequences of anticipated social changes could affect the role of the quality manager in the organisation, very likely in future will be even more emphasized the fourth paradigm of quality i.e. high level of orientation towards satisfaction of staff. 4.5 Influence by the autopoietic society Currently, it is not clear in which direction the society will develop. However, it is already now evident that the future society will have to base on the sustainable economy and team work. An important role will play knowledge and team work of staff. We could say that the society of the future will have to rest on the principles of Avtopoieza or we will no longer be here. The changes in the society also affect the quality management systems and role of the quality manger. The increased role of knowledge in the future society will certainly influence role of the quality manager as a owner organisation development in a company. 4.6 Social changes influencing the characteristics of the QM Due to changes in the social environment the organisations, if they want to survive, they need to adapt continuously to new trends in the social environment. So we are faced with the organisation development, which means a comprehensive structural, cultural and goal-oriented forming of an organisation for raising and maintaining a high level of maturity of an organisation and for managing the required changes. In other words: Organisation development is integration of all projects of organisational changes into a comprehensive long-term concept. (Sommerhoff, 2012b, page 9) . So the actual and visible future development of companies will be so extensive that changes in the quality management system and the role of the quality manager will face fundamentally new challenges. Currently it is difficult to predict how exact the consequences of the anticipated social changes could affect the QMS. In any event as regards emphasized requirements for creation of new workplaces in the western world it could be predicted that 168 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article the future QMS will emphasize even more the fourth paradigm of the quality which is orientation towards a high level of satisfaction among the employees. Taking account of the requirements of the employees already was identified as an important aspect already by many early thinkers of the quality management system - however, it was roughly accepted only at the beginning of this century by introducing a model of the total quality management (TQM). A change of paradigm does not happen as a result of the single event or innovation but it usually occurs in a series of - sometimes small - changes and contributions. A reliable detection and revealing is possible only from a historical distance. 4.7 Influence of requirements according to new standards on the quality management systems The requirements according to a new ISO 9001:2015 standard will certainly affect the characteristics of the QMS in organisations. The new standard requires significantly less documented QMS. Thus, the quality rules of procedure is not required any more, documents and records have been replaced by the "documented information". It is very likely that the consequence of this will be transition to electronic documents and thus to changing of handling of the documents in organisations. The new standard ISO 9001:2015 newly introduces risk assessment at an organisation level and at a level of individual products. This will certainly have consequences on the area of detection, analysing and taking measures for risk prevention and for seizing the opportunities for improvements. These activities will also affect the way of decision-making, implementing and assessment of the prevention measures. The new standard ISO 9001:2015 promotes a substantive approach to the quality management system. We can expect that in future the quality management system will not be only the system for management of quality and requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2015 but also for management of integral systems for environmental protection according to the standard ISO 14001 and for ensuring safety and health at work according to the standard OHSAS 18001. 5 Discussion 5.1 The future roles of the quality manager According to the findings of our research and findings of other researchers (Sommerhoff, 2012, a in b) we can conclude that the quality manager should not occur in the roles as given below, if she/he does not want the organisation to have poor financial results: • Rescuer of customer complaint • Quality controller of products and services 169 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article The role of the quality manager will have to be perceived primarily as a consultant to the management if good business results are to be achieved. In the future, the quality management system will clearly focus on the organisation development. 5.2 Current situation of the status and role of the quality manager Research of the characteristics of the quality management system in the Slovenian organisations has shown the present status and role of the quality managers. Due to changes in the environment and the influence of the competition among the employees within the organisations have on forming of occupations, intensive changes are to be expected for the quality manager work tasks and competences. The Figure 9 shows the most frequent roles and competences of the QM in the Slovenian organisation (rates 1 to 6) for which the frequency of occurrence are given in the Tables 1 and 2. Currently the biggest share of the competences of the QM in the Slovenian organisations falls under the rates 1, 2 and 3. The question whether the status and role of the QM in the Slovenian organisations are relevant for the tasks of the QM, is answered that they are relevant for the tasks of the QM of the past decade but not for the future decade. 5.3 The future situation regarding the status and role of the quality manager Due to changes in the social environment in future, also the status and role of the quality manager in the Slovenian organisations will change significantly. Demands for the economically effective quality management system and requirements of the new quality Strategically Operational Quality management Quality Assurance Figure 9. The current roles and powers of quality manager (QM). 170 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article standards will also affect the status and role of the QMS. A new competence, designating the future QMS, will be competence for organisation development. The organisation development is integration of all projects of organisation changes into integral common long-term concept. (Sommerhoff, 2012, b, page. 9). Figure 10. The future roles and powers of the quality manager of the future, respectfully (QM). Because of the changes as mentioned previously, the status and role of the QM will change intensively. New requirements imposed on the quality management system will certainly increase the role of the quality manager as a consultant to the management and the process owner of the organisation development, respectively. 6 Conclusion The research of the characteristics of the QMS in the Slovenian organisations showed that at present the activities of the QM are focused mostly on the management of errors and on the basic development of the QMS. This also shows that at this moment the QM are not involved sufficiently in the management systems of the organisations. Thus, it can be stated that the quality management system is oriented too much towards prevention and correction of errors and insufficiently towards organisation development. New social demands require changes of QMS and thus changes of status and role of the QM in our organisations. So it can be stated that the role of the organisation development manager is still insufficiently present in the Slovenian organisations. Strengthening such role is of key importance for improvement of the QMS in the Slovenian organisations. Strategically Operational Quality management Quality Assurance 171 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article In this regard, it would be reasonable to repeat the similar research after a certain period of time. The results of this research can serve as an incentive for the Slovenian organisations to take part in future research. A larger number of the organisations that participate in a research contributes to a higher confidence in the results and consequently it leads to changes in their activities. References 1. Ajpes, (Maj 2015). Informacija o poslovanju gospodarskih družb v Republiki Sloveniji v letu 2014, Ljubljana, ( ) 2. Alič, M. (2014). Impact of ISO 9001 certification cancellation on business performance:a case study in Slovenian organisations. Total Quality Management, April 2014 3. Bogataj, V., Škulj, G., Sluga, A. (2014). Raziskava značilnosti sistemov vodenja kakovosti v slovenskih organizacijah. 23. letna konferenca SZKO, Portorož, November 2014 4. Bogataj, V., Škulj, G., Sluga, A. (2015a) Raziskava značilnosti sistemov vodenja kakovosti v slovenskih organizacijah. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Lakos, Oktober 2015 5. Bogataj, V., Škulj, G., Sluga, A. 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He currently works as an independent researcher. 172 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Junij / June 2017, letnik / volume 6, številka / number 2, str. / pp. 112-132. Članek / Article Povzetek: Vloga in status vodij sistemov kakovosti v organizaciji prihodnosti Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Kakšen je sedanji razkorak med statusom in vlogo vodij sistemov kakovosti v slovenskih organizacijah in kakšna bo vloga vodij sistema kakovosti v organizaciji prihodnosti? Namen: V okviru tega prispevka bomo pokazali razkorak med trenutnim in pričakovanim prihodnjim statusom in vlogo VSK. Metoda: V slovenskih organizacijah smo v okviru raziskave značilnosti SVK izvedli anketo VSK in vodilnih menedžerjev (direktorjev) in korelacijsko analizo med vlogo VSK in rezultati, ki jih dosegajo organizacije . Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da je » svetovalec vodstva« edina vloga VSK, ki ima signifikantno pozitivno korelacijo z rezultati, ki jih dosega organizacija . Organizacija: Rezultati raziskave omogočajo vodstvu pravilen pristop pri organizacijskem razvoju oz. pri integraciji vseh projektov sprememb organizacije v celovit dolgoročni skupni koncept. Družba: Raziskava ponuja odgovore na pričakovan vpliv sprememb v okolju na bodočo organizacijo SVK Originalnost: Raziskava prestavlja prvi primer raziskave statusa in vloge SVK v slovenskih organizacijah. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Raziskava je omejena na slovenske organizacije, ki imajo certificiran SVK. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno podobno raziskavo izvesti tudi v drugih družbenih okoljih npr. v Nemčiji, Avstriji in na Češkem. Ključne besede: sistemi vodenja kakovosti, avtopoietična organizacija, vodja sistema kakovosti, vloga, status, organizacijske spremembe, raziskava, Slovenija. Copyright (c) Vinko BOGATAJ Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 173