Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3, 1–11, Ljubljana 2021 doi:10.14720/aas.2021.117.3.2114 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid application to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines Hassan HAMAD 1 , Elsayed GEW AILY 1 , Adel GHONEIM 2, 3 , Mohamed SHEHAB 1 , Neama EL-KHOLLY 1 Received February 22, 2021; accepted June 17, 2021. Delo je prispelo 22. februarja 2021, sprejeto 17. junija 2021 1 Rice Research and Training Center, 33717, Sakha, Kafr Elsheikh, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt 2 Agricultural Research Center, Field Crops Research Institute, Giza 12112, Egypt 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid ap- plication to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines Abstract: The study quantified the effect of gibberel- lic acid (GA 3 ) as a pre-flowering treatment for male parent Giza 178 R and the influence of male to female ratio (2R:10A, 2R:12A, 2R:14A and 2R:16A) between male (R) to female (A) for two Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS) lines (‘IR69625’ and ‘G46’) on hybrid rice seed production. The main plots were occupied by CMS lines while; GA3 application for male par - ent Giza 178R were arranged in the sub plots and male to female ratio was arranged in the sub-sub plots. The results indicated that, the, duration of floret opening, angle of floret opening, filaments exsertion, filaments length, anther length, plant height and number of tiller hill -1 of male parent Giza 178R were significantly at 300 g GA 3 ha -1 concentration. Plant height, panicle exsertion, panicle length, flag leaf angle and 1000-grain mass of CMS were not significantly affected by the GA 3 application for male parent and male to female ratio, while, number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index of CMS lines were highly signifi- cantly affected. The highest seed yield (2.880 and 2.950 t ha -1 ) was obtained by CMS line IR69625A using 300 g GA 3 ha -1 of male parent Giza 178R with male to female ratio of 2R:14A during both seasons. Key words: hybrid rice production; cytoplasmic male sterile lines; gibberellic acid (GA 3 ); male to female ratio; pan- icle exsertion Izboljševanje sposobnosti moških staršev z giberilinsko ki- slino za pospeševanje navskrižnega križanja citoplazmatsko moško sterilnih linij riža Izvleček: Preučevan je bil učinek dodajanja giberilinske kisline (GA 3 ) kot obravnavanja pred cvetenjem na moškega starša ‘Giza 178’ (R) in vpliv razmerja med moškimi (R) in ženskimi rastlinami (A) (2R:10A, 2R:12A, 2R:14A in 2R:16A) za dve citoplazmatsko moško sterilni liniji (CMS), ‘IR69625’ in ‘G46’ , na pridelek semena hibridnega riža. Raziskava je po- trdila razlike v lastnostih navzkrižnega križanja in pridelku zrnja dveh CMS linij (IR69625A in G46A) pri uporabi šti- rih koncentracij GA 3, uporabljenih dvakrat, pri 15-20  % in 35-40 % latenju. CMS linije so bile na podploskvah, razmerje med moškimi (R) in ženskimi (A) rastlinami pa na njihovih podploskvah (2R:10A, 2R:12A, 2R:14A in 2R:16A). Rezultati so pokazali, da so se trajanje odpiranja cvetov (min), kot od- prtega cveta ( 0 ), odstotek podaljšanih filamentov (%), dolžina filamentov (mm), dolžina prašnic (mm), višina rastlin (cm) in število poganjkov na sadilno mesto pri moškem staršu ‘Giza 178’ značilno povečali pri uporabi 300 g GA 3 ha -1 . Ključne besede: pridelovanje hibridnega riža; citoplaz- matsko sterilne moške linije; giberilinska kislina (GA 3 ); raz- merje moških in ženskih rastlin; latenje Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 2 H. HAMAD et al . 1 INTRODUCTION Hybrid rice breeding, which was initiated in Egypt has led to great improvement in rice production (Za- man et al., 2002; Hamad, 2018). Breeding high-yielding hybrid rice is one of the promising potential strategies in Egypt for increasing rice production. The hybrid rice technology exploits the phenomenon of heterosis or hybrid vigor. The heterosis can be defined as the su- periority of F1 when two genetically dissimilar parents are crossed (Sindhua and Kumar, 2002). The three-line rice breeding system which uses cytoplasmic male ster - ile (CMS) lines (A), maintainer lines (B) and restorer lines (R) has been proven to be the most useful genetic tool in producing F1 hybrid in rice. The content of endogenous gibberellic acid (GA 3 ) in male p lines with pollen abortive wild rice cyto- plasm (wild abortive [WA] type male sterile [MS] line) is generally lower than that of fertile plants, therefore, resulting in spikelets unavailable for cross-pollination and producing lower seed yield (Lu, 1994; Pan et al., 2013). Exogenous application of GA 3 was done to cause the panicle base of the CMS line to emerge out of the leaf sheath (Gaballah, 2004; Gaballah et al., 2021). In addition, lower heading characteristics such as small spikelet openings, poor panicle layer carriage and poor stigma exsertion can severely reduce cross-pollination and limit seed yield production. Hence, hybrid rice seed production techniques should be improved to increase seed yields and reduce the cost of seeds (Virmani, 2002; Virmani et al., 2002). Egypt is currently using a number of CMS lines for the hybrid rice-breeding programs. However, no information is available on how these CMS lines will respond to GA 3 application with reference to their heading characteristics. Such data are very important to generate baseline information whether genotypic variations exist among CMS lines in response to GA 3 pre-flowering treatment and whether such responses follow similar trends. This will also help in identifying CMS lines which are responsive to GA 3 application to maximize their utilization in the development of new hybrid rice varieties with higher seed yield potential. Therefore, the objective of this investigation was to study the performance of Giza178R male parents as affected by GA 3 application rates and male to female ra- tio on the growth characteristics and hybrid seed yield production of two CMS lines (IR69625A and G46A). 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 EXPERIMENTAL SITE DESCRIPTION AND SOIL SAMPLES The field experiment was conducted during 2019 and 2020 rice growing seasons in Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC) experimental farm, Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt. Representative soil sample was taken from 0-20 cm depth before the growing season. The soil samples were air-dried, ground and passed through 2mm sieve. Composite soil samples were taken and analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics of the soil namely, electrical conductivity (EC,) pH, or - ganic matter (OM), texture, cations and anions follow- ing the standard methods as described by (Page et al., 1982). The physico-chemical characteristics of the soil are presented in Table (1). 2.2 EXPERIMENTAL LAYOUT The experiment was set up as split split-plot design with three replications. The main plots were devoted to two CMS lines (IR69625A and G46A) for male parent male parent. The GA 3 application rates (0, 150, 200 and 300 g GA 3 ha -1 ) for male parent Giza 178R was allocated to subplots and male to female ratio (2R:10A, 2R:12A, 2R:14A and 2R:16A) between male (R) to female (A) was arranged in the sub-sub plots. 2.3 PLANT MATERIALS They were obtained from international rice re- search institute (IRRI) and China and contain the wild rice with abortive pollen CMS (Table 2). 2.4 CULTURAL PRACTICES Phosphorus fertilizer was applied @ 36 kg P 2 O 5 ha –1 as superphosphate (15.5 % P 2 O 5 ) as soil basal ap- plication. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied @ 165 kg ha –1 as urea. Two thirds of the recommended N fertilizer were added as soil basal application, and the other one third was applied at panicle initiation. Zinc sulphate at the rate of 50 kg ha -1 was added during soil preparation. Rice seeds @ 15 kg of the CMS Lines (IR69625A and G46A) and 5 kg for the male parent (Giza 178 R) were soaked in fresh water for 24 hours, then incubated for 48 hours to hasten early germination. To get a proper synchronization of flowering, the CMS line IR69625A (as female parent) was sown on May 1st which is six Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 3 Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid application to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines days earlier than the male parent ‘Giza 178 R’ while, the CMS line G46A (as female parent) was sown on 16 May. Thirty days old seedlings (3-4) per hill of R and A lines were transplanted by 3-4 and 2 seedlings per hill, re- spectively). Row direction was perpendicular to wind direction. The row spacing maintained for R-R, R-A and A-A lines were 20, 30, and 15 cm, respectively. Hill spacing for both R and A lines was maintained at 15 cm. Isolation space of 100 m was considered for CMS seed production. Moreover, the experimental field was surrounded by an additional 20 rows of R line to avoid any possibility of cross pollination. Every main plot was isolated by plastic barrier (2.5 m height) to avoid any pollen grain movement from treatment to another. 2.5 GIBBERELLIC ACID PREPARATION AND AP- PLICATION Gibberellic Acid (GA 3 ) powder with 90.7 % purity was used. Since GA 3 cannot be completely dissolved in distilled water. In 100 ml of ethanol alcohol (70 %), was used to dissolve the GA 3 powder before it was mixed with water. Application of GA 3 was done in two splits. The first split consisted of 40 % of the total amount of GA 3 applied at 15-20 % heading. The second split in which the remaining 60 % of the total amount of GA 3 was applied at 35-40 % heading. Supplementary pol- lination was done by shaking the pollen parent (R line) with bamboo sticks. This operation was done 3-4 times between 9.30 am to 12.30 am for a period of 10 days. 2.6 TRAIT EV ALUATION At complete heading, duration of floret opening (min), angle of floret opening ( 0 ), filaments exertion (%), filaments length (mm) and anther length (mm) of male parent ‘Giza 178’ were recorded. Ten panicles of male parent ‘Giza 178’ from each plot were randomly collected to estimate the panicle length (cm). Also, five hills of male parent ‘Giza 178’ were randomly identified from each plot to estimate the plant height (cm) and number of tillers hill -1 . Data was collected for CMS lines where it was days to heading 50 %, plant height (cm), panicle exsertion (%), flag leaf angle ( 0 ), 1000-grain mass (g), panicle length (cm), number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass (g), seed set (%), seed yield (t ha -1 ), and harvest index (%). After harvesting, rice grain yield was estimated in each plot, and grain yield was adjusted to 14 % moisture content and converted to tons ha -1 . Panicle exsertion % was estimated according to the following equation: Panicle exsertion % = Seed set % was calculated according to the follow- ing equation: Seed set % = 2.7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS All data collected were subjected to standard statistical analysis of variance following the method described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). Different means were compared by Duncan’s multiple range test (DMRT) with a 5 % probability level. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 EFFECT OF GA 3 APPLICATION RATES ON GROWTH TRAITS OF MALE PARENT The effect of different GA 3 application rates on male parent traits such as duration of floret opening, angle of floret opening, filaments exertion, filaments length, an- Table 1: The physical and chemical characteristics of the soil during 2019 and 2020 growing seasons Season pH EC (dS m -1 ) NPK (mg kg -1 ) Clay (%) Silt (%) Sand (%) OM (%) 2019 7.84 1.50 339 13.7 329 56.4 28.3 15.3 1.35 2020 7.89 1.59 368 14.7 359 58.6 27.1 14.3 1.40 Table 2: Cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines used for evaluation CMS Lines Cytoplasmic source Origin IR 69625A G46A Wild abortive (W A) CMS line Gambiaca CMS line IRRI China EC; Electrical conductivity, OM; Organic matter Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 4 H. HAMAD et al . ther length, plant height, number of tiller hill -1 and pani- cle length, are presented in (Table 3). The results indi- cated that, GA 3 applied for male parent up to 300 g GA 3 ha -1 recorded a significant increase in duration of floret opening, angle of floret opening, filaments exertion, filaments length, anther length, plant height, number of tiller hill -1 and panicle length as compared with GA 3 0 g ha -1 treatment in both seasons. Application of 300 g GA 3 ha -1 on male parent gave the highest duration of floret opening (130.59 and 129.94 min), the maximum angle of floret opening (41.96 and 44.30  0 ), the highest values of filaments exertion (80.81 and 90.15 %), fila- ments length (9.34 and 9.78 mm), anther length (3.35 and 3.55 mm), the tallest plant (126.49 and 127.36 cm), the highest number of tiller hill -1 (24.83 and 25.19) and longest panicle (25.71 and 25.90), during 2019 and 2020 seasons, respectively. A significant increase in panicle exsertion was observed on GA 3 application. The highest value of panicle exsertion was observed at the rate of 300 g GA 3 ha -1 , regardless of CMS lines used, indicat- ing that CMS lines were sensitive to exogenous GA 3 ap- plication, hence, the problem of the leaf sheath enclos- ing the panicle could be alleviated by GA 3 application. Panicle exsertion influenced the percentage of exposed spikelets available for pollination, as higher panicle ex- sertion means a greater number of exposed spikelets. It also tended to scatter the panicle branches providing more space for each spikelet to trap airborne pollen. The increase in panicle exsertion was mainly a function of the elongating topmost internode in response to GA 3 application that consequently pushes the panicle out of the flag leaf sheath. Therefore, poor panicle exsertion of CMS lines was due to the inability of the topmost inter - nodes to elongate during heading stage. The lowest val- ues of above-mentioned traits were obtained with GA 3 0 g ha -1 application rate (Table 3). The improved floral traits of male parent were due to increased activity of cell division, enlargement and elongation. Gibberellins are plant hormones that regulate various processes of plant growth and development, which are particular - ly important in cell elongation (Hedden and Phillips, 2000). Table 3: Floral traits and growth characters of male parent (Giza 178) as affected by GA 3 application rates during 2019 and 2020 growing seasons GA 3 application rate (g ha -1 ) Duration of floret opening (min) Angle of floret opening ( 0 ) Filaments exsertion (%) Filaments length (mm) Anther length (mm) Plant height (cm) Number of tillers hill -1 Panicle length (cm) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 0 150 200 300 46.75d 68.86c 90.37b 130.5a 48.09d 67.91c 90.62b 129.9a 24.30d 31.56c 36.70b 41.96a 25.03d 32.36c 38.40b 44.30a 44.31c 69.54b 80.47a 80.81a 43.52d 70.07c 79.82b 90.15a 4.32d 6.76c 8.02b 9.34a 4.55d 7.19c 8.12b 9.78a 1.35d 2.28c 2.68b 3.35a 1.65d 2.62c 2.97b 3.55a 100.2d 109.6c 120.0b 126.4a 98.93d 110.47c 120.88b 127.36a 16.05d 19.21c 22.17b 24.83a 15.43d 20.32c 22.38b 25.19a 19.55d 21.87c 23.84b 25.71a 19.33d 20.87c 23.82b 25.90a F- Test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * = Significant at 0.05 level, ** = Significant at 0.01 level and NS = Not significant. Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 5 Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid application to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines 3.2 F 1 SEEDS OF CMS LINES CHARACTERISTIC AS AFFECTED BY GA 3 APPLICATION FOR MALE PARENT AND MALE TO FEMALE RA- TIO Days to 50 % heading, plant height, panicle ex- sertion, flag leaf angle, panicle length and 1000-grain mass were not significantly affected by GA 3 application rates for male parent and male to female ratio (Table 4). The results showed that there were significant differ - ences between the two CMS lines IR69625A and G46A. Where CMS line IR69625A gave the longest duration to 50 % heading, produced the tallest plants, the long- est panicle exsertion, the highest panicle length and the increased flag leaf angle during both seasons. On the other hand, the CMS line G46A recorded the highest 1000-grain mass during the both seasons. The variation between the CMS lines could be attributed to the dif- ference in genetic background. The results are in agree- ment with those reported by (Hamad et al., 2015). They founded that, the different doses of GA 3 showed highly significantly influence on panicle length and panicle ex- sertion when 2:4 row ratio. Similar results agreement with those were reported by Ehsan and Robert (2019). Results in Table (4) also showed that, the all of interac- tions were not significantly affected on days to 50 % heading, plant height, panicle exsertion, panicle length, flag leaf angle and 1000-grain mass in both growing seasons. Number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index % of two CMS lines as affected by doses of GA 3 application rates for male parent and male to female ratio as well as their interac- tions are shown in (Table 5). The results indicated that, the CMS line IR 69625A recorded the highest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. On the other hand, the CMS line G46A recorded the lowest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons (Table 5). The variation between the CMS lines could be attributed to the difference in genetic background. The results are in agreement with those reported by Gaballah, (2004). Results in Table (5) also showed that application GA 3 on the male parent had a high signifi- cant effect on the number of fertile panicles hill -1 , pan- icle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index %. The dose of GA 3 application at 300 g ha -1 for male parent recorded the highest values of number of fertile panicle hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest in- dex % 2019 and 2020 seasons, while the lowest values recoded by control (GA 3 0 g ha -1 ) in both seasons. The increase in plant height is due to increased activity of cell division, enlargement and elongation. Gibberellins are plant hormones that regulate various processes of plant growth and development, which are particularly important in stem elongation which enhances the cross pollination between both parents. The results are in agreement with those reported by (Hedden and Phil- lips, 2000; Sakamoto et al., 2004; Sun, 2004; Tiwari et al., 2011). Male to female ratio significantly influenced number of fertile panicle hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index %. The male to female ra- tio 2R:14A recorded the highest values number of fer - tile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index% during both seasons. This might be due to that the application of GA 3 for male parent led to a noticeable improvement in the characteristics) plant height, panicle exsertion, flag leaf angle, panicle length) of the male parent, which made it able to pollinate the highest number of male lines consequently, increase the number of fertile panicle hill -1 and seed yield. On the other hand, the male to female ratio 2R:10A recorded the lowest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % during the both seasons. 3.3 INTERACTION EFFECT All types of interactions among CMS lines, doses of GA 3 application rates for male parent and male to female ratio had highly significant effect on number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index during 2019 and 2020 seasons (Table 5). The results in Table (6) indicated that, the interac- tion between the CMS lines and GA 3 different applica- tion rates for male parent were highly significantly af- fected on number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. The CMS line IR69625A, with dose of GA 3 at the rate of 300 g ha -1 for male parent recorded the highest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. On the contrary, the CMS line G46A with 0 g GA 3 ha -1 applica- tion rates for male parent recoded the lowest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % in 2019 and 2020 sea- sons. The results are in agreement with those reported by Sirajul et al. (2005); Gavino et al. (2008). Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 6 H. HAMAD et al . Table 4: Genotypic variations in panicle exsertion and other morphological traits between CMS lines in response to GA 3 pre-flowering treatment Days to 50 % heading Plant height (cm) Panicle exsertion (%) Panicle length (cm) Flag leaf angle ( 0 ) 1000-grain mass (g) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 CMS lines(L) IR69625A G46A 102.60a 85.50b 103.46a 87.36b 117.26a 96.38b 117.97a 97.00b 77.25a 75.41b 78.16a 77.32b 23.31a 22.42b 24.25a 23.25b 38.90a 37.21b 40.29a 39.60b 24.30a 25.77b 24.24a 25.45b F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** GA 3 doses for male parent(G) 0 150 200 300 94.15 94.13 94.95 93.72 95.60 95.36 95.45 95.22 106.79 106.87 106.79 106.85 107.47 107.51 107.44 107.49 76.34 76.28 76.40 76.31 78.70 78.59 78.33 78.48 22.76 22.84 22.97 22.88 23.81 23.76 23.77 23.65 37.71 38.18 38.19 38.15 39.35 39.35 39.23 39.62 25.06 25.02 25.00 25.04 24.88 24.85 24.84 24.77 F-test NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Male to female ratio (W) 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 93.99 94.25 93.82 94.14 95.34 95.18 95.41 95.72 106.93 106.84 106.89 106.64 107.52 107.62 107.30 107.46 76.33 76.09 76.38 76.53 78.71 78.52 78.33 78.58 22.95 22.67 22.93 22.91 23.65 23.82 23.75 23.70 38.16 38.71 37.75 38.27 39.25 39.27 39.23 39.24 25.04 25.03 25.01 25.04 24.83 24.87 24.80 24.84 F-test NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS L × G L × W G × W L × G × W NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS * = Significant at 0.05 level, ** = Significant at 0.01 level and NS = Not significant. Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 7 Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid application to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines Table 5: Effect of CMS lines, doses of GA 3 application for male parent and male to female ratio as well as their interactions on seed yield and other morphological traits Number of fertile panicles hill -1 Panicle mass (g) Seed set (%) Seed yield (t ha 1 ) Harvest index (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 CMS lines (L) IR69625A G46A 17.80a 15.92b 19.65a 16.94b 2.67a 2.49b 2.71a 2.51b 34.00a 31.14b 34.90a 33.58b 1.90a 1.69b 2.08a 1.84b 19.26a 17.82b 20.05a 18.50b F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** GA 3 doses for male parent (G) 0 150 200 300 14.29d 16.16c 17.40d 19.58a 15.39d 17.06c 19.12b 21.62a 1.91d 2.47c 2.83b 3.10a 1.89d 2.51c 2.86b 3.15a 25.60d 31.28c 33.97b 35.41a 26.84d 32.69c 37.91b 39.52a 1.19d 1.58c 2.02b 2.32a 1.36d 1.72c 2.20b 2.56a 16.02d 17.91c 19.30b 20.92a 16.75d 18.27c 20.00b 21.96a F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Male to female ratio (W) 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 15.66d 16.93c 17.64a 17.20b 17.16d 18.13c 19.12a 18.78b 2.23c 2.51b 2.84a 2.73ab 2.25d 2.50c 2.96a 2.74b 28.85d 31.49c 33.59a 32.33b 31.87c 33.76b 36.30a 35.03a 1.57d 1.76c 2.03a 1.82b 1.71c 1.90bc 2.19a 2.03ab 17.16d 18.05c 19.88a 19.07b 17.79d 18.90c 20.62a 19.77b F-test ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** L × G L × W G × W L × G × W ** * ** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** * ** ** ** * ** ** ** * ** * = Significant at 0.05 level, ** = Significant at 0.01 level and NS = Not significant. Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5% level Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 8 H. HAMAD et al . Table 6: Effect of interaction between CMS liens and doses of GA 3 application for male parent on panicle characteristics and yield during 2019 and 2020 seasons CMS Lines (L) GA 3 doses for male parent (G) Number of fertile panicles hill -1 Panicle mass (g) Seed Set (%) Seed yield (t ha -1 ) Harvest Index (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 IR6962A 0 150 200 300 15.50d 16.75c 18.36b 20.55a 16.21d 18.14c 20. 5b 23.71a 1.95d 2.50c 2.90ab 3.22a 1.92d 2.62bc 3.03ab 3.27a 25.69f 31.93d 34.5bc 35.82a 27.19f 33.4d 38.7b 40.2a 1.35e 1.72d 2.10bc 2.43a 1.48de 1.85c 2.27b 2.71a 16.48e 18.43c 20.03b 22.11a 17.23de 19.21c 20.68b 22.99a G46A 0 150 200 300 13.07f 15.57d 16. 4c 18.61b 14.57e 15.98d 17.67c 19.54b 1.87d 2.42c 2.76b 2.88ab 1.87d 2.46c 2.70bc 3.03ab 25.51f 30.64e 33.40c 34.9ab 26.49i 31.9e 37.0c 38.8b 1.14f 1.45e 1.97c 2.21b 1.24e 1.58d 2.12bc 2.41b 15.57e 17.40d 18.58c 19.73b 16.18e 17.54d 19.23c 20.94b Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level The results in Table (7) showed that the interac- tion between CMS lines and male to female ratio were significantly affected number of fertile panicles hill - 1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. The male to female ratio of 2R:14A with CMS line IR69625A, recorded the highest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. This may be due to the optimum availability of pollen that led to the highest effective grain formation. On the other hand, the lowest values of number of fertile pani- cles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and har - vest index % were obtained by CMS line G46A when male to female ratio of 2R:10A during 2019 and 2020 seasons. The results are in agreement with those report- ed by Abo-Y oussef (2009). The results in Table (8) showed that the interaction between doses of GA 3 application for male parent and male to female ratio was significantly affected number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index (%) in both seasons. The male to female ratio 2R:14A with applied 300 g GA 3 ha -1 re - Table 7: Effect of interaction between CMS lines and male to female ratio on panicle characteristics and yield during 2019 and 2020 seasons CMS Lines Male to Fe- male ratio Number of fertile panicles hill -1 Panicle mass (g) Seed Set (%) Seed yield (t ha -1 ) Harvest Index (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 IR69625A 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 16.84c 17.79b 18.60a 17.92b 18.18c 19.70b 20.62a 20.12a 2.31d 2.61bc 2.93a 2.8ab 2.30d 2.59bc 3.11a 2.84ab 29.17d 31.81b 34.17a 32.8ab 32.3cd 34.23b 37.29a 35.69b 1.71cd 1.85bc 2.15a 1.88bc 1.84c 2.03b 2.32a 2.12ab 18.0de 18.8cd 20.57a 19.59b 18.84c 19.67b 21.33a 20.3ab G46A 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 14.47e 16.07d 16.6cd 16.4cd 16.14e 16.5cd 17.6cd 17.4d 2.16d 2.41cd 2.75ab 2.64b 2.20d 2.41cd 2.80ab 2.64bc 28.54d 31.17c 33.02a 31.8bc 31.38d 33.29c 35.3b 34.36b 1.42e 1.66d 1.92b 1.77cd 1.59d 1.76cd 2.07ab 1.9bc 16.29f 17.26e 19.1bc 18.55c 16.74d 18.14c 19.92b 19.1bc Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 9 Improvement ability of male parent by gibberellic acid application to enhancing the outcrossing of cytoplasmic male sterility rice lines Table 8: Effect of interaction between doses of GA 3 application for male parent and male to female row ratio on panicle char - acteristics and yield during 2019 and 2020 seasons GA 3 doses for male parent (g ha -1) Male to female ratio Number of fertile panicles hill -1 Panicle mass (g) Seed set (%) Seed yield (t ha -1 ) Harvest Index (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 0 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 14.15f 14.53f 14.25f 14.22f 14.61h 15.29gh 15.92g 15.74g 1.84d 1.92d 1.94d 1.94d 1.78e 1.88e 1.99e 1.91e 25.50e 25.46e 25.7de 25.6de 26.57d 26.92d 27.11d 26.75d 1.20g 1.29fg 1.25fg 1.24g 1.28g 1.37f 1.46f 1.34f 15.59g 16.0fg 16.2fg 16.2fg 16.51f 16.66f 17.14ef 16.72f 150 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 15.57e 16.17de 16.60d 16.30de 16.00g 16.67f 17.91e 17.67e 1.93d 2.27c 2.92b 2.76b 1.98e 2.35d 3.00c 2.86c 28.28d 31.26c 33.60b 32.00c 28.68d 32.01c 36.10b 33.99c 1.39fg 1.55ef 1.78de 1.59de 1.48f 1.57f 1.99d 1.82e 16.6fg 17.51e 19.04c 18.45e 16.67f 18.19e 19.67d 18.98d 200 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 16.01de 17.27c 18.48b 17.85c 17.62ef 19.30d 20.00cd 19.56d 2.48c 2.79b 3.11a 2.94b 2.48d 2.74cd 3.36ab 2.88c 29.6cd 34.31b 37.00a 34.97b 34.45c 37.50b 40.40a 39.2ab 1.70de 1.95c 2.33b 2.15c 1.86d 2.09c 2.50b 2.34bc 17.45e 18.62e 21.0bc 20.07c 18.10e 19.61d 21.71b 20.59cd 300 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 16.90d 19.77b 21.23a 20.43a 20.43cd 21.27bc 22.65a 22.1ab 2.69b 3.07ab 3.39a 3.27a 2.77c 3.03bc 3.49a 3.31ab 32.03c 34.94b 38.00a 36.67a 37.81b 38.6ab 41.59a 40.09a 1.92c 2.20b 2.78a 2.39b 2.25c 2.57ab 2.83a 2.61a 18.9de 20.0cd 23.16a 21.53b 19.90d 21.17c 23.99a 22.80a Means in the same column designated by the same letter are not significantly different at 5 % level corded the highest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set (%), seed yield and harvest index (%) in both seasons. On the other hand, the male to female row ratio 2R:10A without GA 3 application gave the lowest values number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index % in both seasons. The results are in agreement with those reported by Rahman et al. (2010) and Abo-Youssef et al. (2017). The results in Table (9) showed that the interaction among CMS lines, doses of GA 3 application for male parent and male to female ratio was significantly affect- ed number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index in both seasons. The highest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , pani- cle mass, seed set %, seed yield and harvest index (%) were obtained with the CMS line IR69625A by 300 g GA 3 ha -1 for male parent when male to female ratio was 2R:14A during both seasons. While the lowest values of number of fertile panicles hill -1 , panicle mass, seed set, seed yield and harvest index (%) produced by CMS line G46A when using male to female ratio 2R:10A with- out GA 3 application in both seasons. The results are in agreement with those reported by Riaz et al. (2019); Ghoneim (2020). Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 117/3 – 2021 10 H. HAMAD et al . 4 CONCLUSION The study was conducted to assess the optimal GA 3 dose on male parent and row ratio between male to fe- male for two CMS lines. The results indicated that, the foliar application of GA 3 significantly increased panicle exsertion, seed set and seed yield of CMS lines at 300 g ha -1 concentration. Increase in seed yield was highly influenced by the increase in of seed set % presumably as a result of higher panicle exsertion, wider flag leaf angle, higher degree of spikelet openings. The applica- tion of GA 3 on male parent Giza 178R led to a notice- able improvement in its characteristics such as dura- tion of floret opening, angle of floret opening, filaments Table 9: Effect of interaction among CMS lines, doses of GA 3 application for male parent and male to female ratio on panicle characteristics and yield during 2019 and 2020 seasons CMS Lines (L) GA 3 doses for male parent (G) Male to female ratio Number of fertile panicles hill -1 Panicle mass (g) Seed set (%) Seed yield (t ha -1 ) Harvest Index (%) 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020 IR69625A 0 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 15.54ef 15.65ef 15.40ef 15.42ef 15.20e 16.08de 16.87cde 16.67cde 1.87fg 1.98fg 1.96fg 1.98fg 1.79g 1.90efg 2.01efg 1.96efg 25.60h 25.50h 25.86h 25.79h 26.89hi 27.01hi 27.70hi 27.15hi 1.31fg 1.39fg 1.32fg 1.36fg 1.36g 1.49g 1.62fg 1.45g 16.01fg 16.54fg 16.72fg 16.65fg 17.01h 17.20h 17.96gh 17.15h 150 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 16.53de 16.70de 17.02cd 16.76d 17.00cde 18.13c 18.91bc 18.53c 1.89fg 2.21f 3.03b 2.87b 2.00efg 2.41ef 3.15bc 2.97bc 28.76g 32.01de 34.40b 32.54d 29.31gh 32.80f 36.80de 34.70ef 1.53f 1.67ef 1.95cde 1.72def 1.64fg 1.78ef 2.12cde 1.85ef 17.42f 18.00ef 19.40de 18.90e 18.04gh 19.10fg 20.03ef 19.65f 200 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 16.88d 18.27c 19.66bc 18.68c 18.03cd 21. 00b 21.98ab 21.24b 2.61de 2.90b 3.16b 2.92bc 2.55de 2.92bc 3.62a 3.02bc 30.02ef 34.47cd 37.80a 35.90b 35.40e 38.10cd 41.50a 40.03bc 1.77def 2.02d 2.44bc 2.15cd 1.97ef 2.16de 2.60bc 2.36cd 18.20ef 19.25de 21.87b 20.79bc 19.01fg 20.20ef 22.39c 21.10de 300 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 18.50c 20.55a 22.31a 20.83ab 22.50a 23.60a 24.70a 24.02a 2.86c 3.35a 3.57a 3.50a 2.87bcd 3.11b 3.67a 3.42ab 32.29de 35.27b 38.60a 37.13a 37.88de 39.02c 43.15a 40.88ab 2.11cd 2.27bc 2.88a 2.45bc 2.38bc 2.70ab 2.95a 2.81a 20.50bc 21.60bc 24.30a 22.03bc 21.30d 22.19c 24.95a 23.50b G46A 0 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 12.76g 13.40fg 13.10g 13.02g 14.41e 14.50e 14.56e 14.42e 1.80g 1.85g 1.92fg 1.90fg 1.77g 1.86fg 1.97efg 1.86fg 25.40h 25.42h 25.70h 25.55h 26.24i 26.83hi 26.52hi 26.35i 1.08g 1.19fg 1.17fg 1.12fg 1.20g 1.24g 1.30g 1.23g 15.17g 15.55fg 15.73fg 15.81fg 16.00i 16.11hi 16.31hi 16.29hi 150 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 14.60ef 15.63e 16.20d 15.84e 15.00e 15.20e 16.90cde 16.80cde 1.96fg 2.32ef 2.80cd 2.65de 1.95ef 2.28ef 2.84bc 2.75cd 27.80gh 30.50ef 32.80de 31.46ef 28.04h 31.21g 35.40ef 33.28f 1.24fg 1.46ef 1.61de 1.47ef 1.31g 1.36g 1.85ef 1.78ef 15.89fg 17.02f 18.67ef 18.00ef 15.29i 17.27h 19.30fg 18.30g 200 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 15.22e 16.26d 17.30d 17.02d 17.20cd 17.60cd 18.01c 17.88c 2.35e 2.67cde 3.06b 2.96b 2.40ef 2.56de 3.10b 2.74cd 29.20fg 34.15c 36.20a 34.03cd 33.50f 36.90de 39.30cd 38.51cd 1.62de 1.88d 2.21bc 2.15cd 1.74efg 2.02ef 2.40bc 2.32cde 16.69fg 17.98ef 20.29c 19.35cd 17.18h 19.02fg 21.03de 20.07ef 300 2R:10A 2R:12A 2R:14A 2R:16A 15.30e 18.98bc 20.14ab 20.02b 18.36c 18.94bc 20.59ab 20.26b 2.51d 2.79cd 3.20b 3.03b 2.66cd 2.95bc 3.30ab 3.20b 31.76e 34.60cd 37.39a 36.20ab 37.73de 38.20cd 40.02bc 39.30cd 1.73de 2.12cd 2.68a 2.32b 2.11cde 2.43bc 2.71ab 2.40bc 17.39ef 18.47e 22.02b 21.02bc 18.50g 20.14ef 23.02b 22.09c * = Significant at 0.05 level, ** = Significant at 0.01 level and NS = Not significant. 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