UDK 621.311.22:543.544 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni članek MTAEC9, 40(2)55(2006) DEGRADATION OF VOC'S BY A TWO STAGE THERMAL AND HIGH FREQUENCY DBDC SYSTEM DEGRADACIJA VOC Z DVOSTOPENJSKIM TERMIČNIM IN VISOKOFREKVENČNIM DBDC-SISTEMOM O. G. Godoy-Cabrera1,2, A. Mercado-Cabrera1, Regulo López-Callejas 1,2, R. Valencia A.1, S. R. Barocio1, A. E. Muńoz-Castro1, R. Peńa-Eguiluz1, A. de la Piedad-Beneitez2 1Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Apartado Postal 18-1027, 11801 México D.F., México 2Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca, Departamento de Estudios de Postgrado e Investigación, Apartado Postal 890 Toluca, México rlcŽnuclear.inin.mx Prejem rokopisa – received: 2005-09-20; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2006-01-12 The design and construction of a packed-bed thermal reactor and a high frequency operated Dielectric Barrier Discharge Cell (DBCD) based dual system conceived to carry out the degradation of hazardous organic compounds both in liquid and gaseous phases are described. The main components of this system are: i) Thermal treatment system, ii) DBCD, and iii) Specifically developed high frequency (100 kHz) resonant inverter. The power consumed by the cell during the discharges was determined, theoretically and experimentally, through Manley’s method. Using this dual system, along with gas chromatography diagnostics, high degradation efficiencies of test compounds such as toluene, benzene and carbon tetrachloride have been achieved which reach 99.976 %, 99.946 % and 99.998 %, respectively. Key words: degradation of organic compounds two stages high frequency system discharge, design, construction, efficiency Opisana sta načrt in konstrukcija termičnega reaktorja z gostim ležiščem in z dvojnim sistemom visokofrekvenčne dielektrične razelektritve, zasnovanim za razgradnjo nevarnih organskih tekočih in plinastih spojin. Glavni deli sistema so: i) sistem za toplotno obdelavo, ii) DBCD in iii) posebno razvit visokofrekvenčni (100 kHz) resonančni inverter. Teoretično in eksperimentalno je bila določena energija, ki jo je celica porabila pri razelektritvi z metodo Monley. Z uporabo tega dualnega sistema in plinsko kromatografsko diagnostiko so bile dosežene visoke stopnje degradacije preizkusnih sestavin toluena, bencena in ogljikovega tetraklorida 99,976 %, 99,946 % in 99,998 %. Ključne besede: razgradnja organskih spojin, dvostopenjski visokofrekvenčni sistem, razelektritev, načrt, konstrukcija, učinkovitost 1 INTRODUCTION An advantageous waste treatment technology often relies on two techniques: an advanced thermal method, which vaporizes and/or combusts liquid organic waste, and an advanced oxidation process which treats gas streams. A packed bed reactor may be the first stage used to volatilize and/or combust organic liquids. The output can then be treated with a Dielectric Barrier Discharge Cell (DBDC) plasma treatment second stage, to reduce hazardous organic compounds to lower levels of concentration 12510. Such non-equilibrium plasma processes have demonstrated to be highly efficient as an advanced oxidation technology for the reduction of organic volatile compound 34. The plasma discharge is produced by means of alternating high voltages (from 50 or 60 Hz 1 to several kHz 6,7. In general, when the dielectric barrier discharge cell (DBDC) is excited at the line frequency with a high voltage transformer, the latter is often considerably heavy and cumbersome, with high leakage inductances that limit its excitation at higher frequencies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop static inverters able to operate at frequencies higher than the line’s. The design and construction of the main electrical, electronic, and mechanical components of a thermal packed-bed reactor, DBDC, and of a high power resonant inverter at a 94.3 kHz operating frequency required to apply the bias voltage to these, are presented in this work. Experimental tests have been performed on toluene, benzene and carbon tetrachloride, whose degradations were analyzed by means of gas chromatography. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SEP-UP In order to carry out the degradation of hazardous organic compounds in their liquid phase, a system consisting of a thermal treatment stage and an electron discharge stage was designed and constructed. As a first stage, the compound is gasified by means of a rise in temperature in the presence of an oxidizing gas. At the electron discharge stage, the gas mixture is injected, at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure, in a DBDC where the electron discharge takes place. Here, the compound experiments a second degradation. Figure 1 shows the components of the system. MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 40 (2006) 2 55 O. G. GODOY-CABRERA ET AL.: DEGRADATION OF VOCS BY A TWO STAGE THERMAL ... MICROMETRIC VALVE GAS PERSONAL COMPUTER CHROMATOGRAPHER Figure 1: General scheme of the system for the degradation of hazardous compounds Slika 1: Splošna shema sistema za degradacijo nevarnih snovi 2.1 Thermal Treatment Reactor (TTR) and Heat Exchanger (HX) The hazardous liquid organic compound is mixed with a liquid carrier such as demineralized light oil (DTE), since many organic compounds are mixed with light oils, at a predefined flow. The liquid compound is combined with the oxidizing gas through an injector which atomizes the mixture. This is injected into a packed bed column and heated up with a high temperature electric furnace. The temperature can be controlled up to 1000 °C, thus taking the organic compound to a gas form. The mixture passes through a cylindrical container made of Hastallowed and Hayes type stainless steel. The container is 0.076 m in diameter and 1.524 m long. Alumina ceramic pellets are used as packing material. In this column, the atomized hydrocarbons are partially converted into simpler chemical compounds by means of thermal combustion. The ensemble formed by the packed column and the electric furnace has been called the Thermal Treatment Reactor (TTR) and delivers, in our case, 1.5 kW. Five K-type thermocouples are used to measure temperatures on different points within the column. A heat exchanger (HX) is located at the output of the TTR. The function of the HX is to cool the gaseous compound down to room temperature. The HX consists of two coaxial stainless steel tubes. The gaseous compound flows inside the internal tube (

7CO2 +4H2O (15) Equation (15) also applies for Benzene. As it can appreciated, high efficiencies can be obtained when combining processes, namely, the packed thermal reactor and the dielectric barrier discharges. Further research work is being developed into the mechanisms and chemical processes of degradation using optic emission spectroscopy (OES) diagnostics which allows determining average electron energies. 4 CONCLUSIONS With an aim to carry out the hazardous organic compound (VOC) degradation, a system based on the thermal packed-bed reactor and DBDC technology has been designed and constructed. A substantial growth in the number of charged particles per second, dissociating the degrading gas molecules, has been achieved. Therefore, it is confirmed that the energy density becomes increased by the frequency rise, provided that the residence time remains shorter, up to č 530 %, with a consequent considerable potential for future applications of this design. In these earlier experiments carried out on Benzene, Toluene and Carbon Tetrachloride using the packed bed reactor exclusively, degradation efficiencies, measured by means of gas chromatography, reached the 90-96 % range. The use of two stages (thermal treatment and cell electron discharge) increases the degradation performance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work received partial financial support from CONACYT and DGEST. The authors wish to thank Dr. L. Rosocha, Dr. R. Morales, Dr. J. Coogan and Dr. M. Kang for their contribution and to The Los Alamos National Laboratory for valuable equipment donated to ININ. Finally, the authors are grateful to the following collaborators in the development of the project: M. T. Torres M., M. A. Durán G., I. Contreras V. and P. Angeles E. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. B. Chang, MJ. H. Balbach, M. J. Rood, M. J. Kushner, J. Appl. Phys. 69 (1991) 8, 4409–4417 2 B. Eliasson, U. Kogelschatz, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 19 (1991) 2, 309-323 3D. Evans, L. A. Rosocha., G. K. Anderson, J. J. Coogan, M. J. Kushner, J. Appl. Phys. 74 (1993) 9, 5378-5386 4Z. Falkenstein, 1998, 12th International Conference on High-Energy Particle Beams, Beams’98, Haifa, Israel, June 7-12, 117-120 5 J. T. Gill, M. R. Cage, J. J. Coogan, R. A. Tennant, G. K. Anderson, M. Kang R. Vargas, M. G. Brower, C. A. Schnidt, L. A. Rosocha, Proceedings of 1994 International Conference, Houston, Texas, 1994, 457-463 6O. Godoy-Cabrera, J. S. Benítez-Read, R. López-Callejas, J. O. Pacheco-Sotelo, Int. J. Electronics, 87 (2000) 3, 361-376 7O. Godoy-Cabrera, R. López-Callejas, J. S. Benítez-Read, J. O. Pacheco-Sotelo, Int. J. Electronics, 92 (2005) 6, 327-340 8 U. Kogelschatz, B. Eliasson, W. Egli, J. Phys IV France C4-7, 1997, 47–66 9B. M. Penetrante, M. C. Hsiao, J. N. Bardsley, B. T. Merritt, G. E. Vogtlin, A. Kuthi, C. P. Burkhart, J. R. Bayless, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. (1997) 6, 251-259 10 L. A. Rosocha, W. H. McCulla, G. K. Anderson, M. Kang, R. A. Tennant, P. J. Wantuck, Proceedings of the 12th International Incineration Conference, Knoxville, TN; University of California-Irvine, Invine, CA; edited by C. Baker and J. Tripodes, 1993, 461-469 11L. A. Rosocha, Plasma Science and the Environment, AIP PRESS Woodbury New York, 1997, ISBN 11797-2999 12 L. A. Rosocha and J. J. Coogan, Hazardous and radioactive waste treatment technologies Handbook, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2001, ISBN 8493-9586-0 13 R. G. Tonkyn, S. E. Barlow, T. M. Orlando, J. Appl. Phys. 80 (1996) 9, 4877-4886 60 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 40 (2006) 2