TheEditor’sCorner Thejournalhasachievedawider–globalreadershipin2008 .Additional effortswillbemadetoextendandimproveourpresenceandrecognition in the international academic arena in the future. I would like to extend my special thanks to the journal reviewers and the operational editorial team for their precious contributions tothedevelopment of thejournal. Thejournalcontinuesfocusingonthetransitionresearchandempha- sizing openness to different research areas, topics, and methods, as well asinternationalandinterdisciplinaryresearchnatureofscholarlyarticles published in the journal. The current issue covers topics of the conflict inpublicandprivatesectororganizations,changingpreferencesofstates and societies, democratic governance, partnerships, and Euro currency adoption. This issue (Vol. 6,No.4 ) begins with a paper written by James M. Quirk, who presents a viewpoint on the changing preferences of states and societies, which may present impediments to globalization. In the second paper, Chrisvan Tonder, Werner Havenga and Jan Visagie inves- tigate the causes of conflict in public and private sector organizations using data from South Africa. In the third paper, Matevž Tomšiˇ c and Mateja Rek study the role of civil society as a factor of European demo- craticgovernance.Inthefourthpaper,Michał ˙ Zemłainvestigatesfailures in building partnership for success in the competitive market by using the case of ski resorts in Poland. In the last – fifth paper, Helena Nemec Rudež and Štefan Bojnec examine the impacts of the Euro adoption on tourisminSlovenia. BoštjanAntonˇ ciˇ c Editor ManagingGlobalTransitions6 (4 ):339