Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! AMERir TJ ST80J !-80£Z 'id« oisa3isns bn«-1- E SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER No. 8 6 (USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 VOL. XC Frank J. Lausche, Slovene Legend gs1 zpo; de1J in'0' a t'N poCfi 'infO' f by Ed Jerse Frank Lausche is a legend among Slovenians. A judge, war-time Mayor of Cleveland, five-term Governor of Ohio, and United States Senator, he was for Slovenians one of the early pathfinders who led the transition from immigrant status to the mainstream of American life. This summer, while in Washington, 1 discussed with Senator Lausche his career and his impressions of some of fhe great figures he had known. We met at the Capitol, where he remains a familiar and respected presence. At 93, he is alert, clear and incisive. In the Senate Dining Room, he told me of his entry into politics. In the early 1930’s, explained Sen. Lausche, political bosses dominated Cleveland and divided between the parties the spoils of the system. In 1931, a young prosecutor named Ray Miller challenged the bosses -and ran for Mayor. He recruited Frank Lausche then a young lawyer, to organize ' Ward 23, the Slovenian ward and “the apple of politicians’ eyes.” Miller carried Ward 23 and won the Mayor’s chair. He offered his young assistant the Posts of Safety Director and Erector of Water and Elec-,r*cal Supply, but the future Senator declined. In 1932, a vacancy occurred on the Municipal Court. “This was ^e shot 1 wanted,” says the Senator. He made his request and, at age 37, was appointed hy then-Governor White to the Municipal bench. As the 1930’s progressed, rank Lausche’s political Career prospered. In 1936, he advanced to the Common 'eas bench. In 1941, his base established and secure, he Wa8ed a successful campaign ° become Mayor of leveland. He took office one Tonth before Pearl Harbor. . My task was to be the e4der,” says Sen. Lausche of 's foie in mobilizing eveland for the war effort. , e winning of the war ecame the City’s focus and any partisan issues were set s'de. However, on the M'tical front, Mayor j- ausche’s relationship with his °rmer mentor Ray Miller d^riorated. ^ 'rst elected as a rebel. Miller a(f become boss of ^eveland’s Democratic Party. Wanted Mayor Lausche to Smiss famed Safety Director Elliot Ness and, when the Mayor refused, a huge rift developed between the two men. Frank Lausche had demonstrated an in-, dependence that would become his trademark. He would soon ride that independence and the popularity it brought to higher office. In 1944, having led Cleveland through the darkest years of the war, Mayor Lausche turned his sights to statewide politics. He ran for Governor against Cincinnati Mayor James Garfield Steward. “A forceful, eloquent speaker;” Steward could count on heavy support downstate. However, as he would time and time again, Mayor Lausche carried Northeast Ohio by huge margins. Though Steward won 78 of Ohio’s 88 counties, Mayor Lausche carried the popular vote to become Governor of Ohio. As Governor, Frank Lausche set a record for longevity. He was elected to five two-year terms, the only governor in Ohio history to receive such a sustained mandate. When the State Assembl> finally enacted a two-term limit, Governor Lausche adapted by running for the United States Senate. Defeating the “happy go lucky” incumbent George Bender, he embarked on a 12 year career in national politics. 1 asked him to describe some of the great personalities he encountered. “Adlai Stevenson,” says the Senator, “was a delight to be with, a highly intellectual man whose ability in presenting problems was unsurpassed.” However, Stevenson “possessed qualities that took him out of the realm of rough and tumble political contests.” Moreover, the Illinois Governor ran for president twice against Dwight Eisenhower, at a time, Sen. Lausche concludes, “when victory was impossible.” With the mention of President Eisenhower, Sen. Lausche recalled a strange episode in which he was actually considered for the Vice-Presidency by a Republican. In 1952, Vice-Presidential nominee Richard Nixon came close to being dropped from the ticket when a financial support fund established by supporters was disclosed. Before Nixon salvaged his career with the “Checkers” speech, Eisenhower suggested Sen. Lausche as a possible replacement, noting, that the Ed Jerse (left) with Frank J. Lausche Senator, as a Catholic and a Midwesterner, would bring an unbeatable balance to the ticket. However, the idea was quickly dropped when aides noted the impracticality of having a Democrat as the Presidential heir apparent. Eight years later, Sen. Lausche’s hopes of ever being President ended in a casual conversation with a young Massachusetts senator. “In 1960, when John Kennedy ran for President, I was also being considered as a potential candidate,” recalls the Senator. “One day, he walked from his seat on the Senate floor to my chair, which was two tiers below, and suddenly, out of the clear sky, he said, ‘I’m going into Ohio to run for President.’ I didn’t anticipate that, but I took it as it was and allowed it to be the end of my dreams of ever being President.” Sen. Lausche describes John F. Kennedy as “affable, friendly and easy to be with.” He is critical of President Kennedy’s pledge, as part of the settlement of the Cuban Missile Crisis, that the United States would not invade Castro’s Cuba. The Senator views the agreement as inconsistent with the Monroe Doctrine, which pledges resistance to foreign involvement in the Western Hemisphere, and notes that Cuban adventurism in Africa and elsewhere has been a festering problem ever since. The Senator was more reticent in discussing Lyndon Johnson, whose wheeler-dealer style has been the subject of recent biographies. “Lyndon Johnson and I were never in complete agreement,” says Sen. Lausche. “Lyndon Johnson was definitely imbued with the spirit of the old political bosses. He was extremely efficient in his period of being Majority Leader of the Senate, but he was a disciple of the tactics of the old political machines and 1 was not.” When asked to comment on Hubert Humphrey, Sen. Lausche made his fiscal conservatism clear. Humphrey, he says, “was genial, hardworking and... completely unmindful of the spending of taxpayers’ money.” Although he never had any discord with Sen. Humphrey, Sen. Lausche warned of the “destructive deficits” resulting from excessive government spending. He expressed particular admiration for former Virginia Sen. Harry F. Byrd, who recognized “the need to handle the taxpayers’ money as a prudent person would his own.” As our conversation shifted from politics to his Slovenian background, Sen. Lausche brightened. “My father came to the United States from Hinje in 1889, my mother came from Dvorska Vas in 1891,” he said. “My father was an entrepreneur of the richest color. When he was a young lad in Slovenia, in the Fall of the year, he would go to Vienna, Austria and there acquire a chestnut roasting machine. He-would set up that roaster on the streetcorner and would sell to the pedestrians as they passed by those roasted chestnuts. That was his learning in risktaking and in business.” (Continued on page 2) Who Is This Famous Young Ballplayer? See page 2 for answer. Holmes Ave. Pensioners On Wed., Oct. 12 the president of the Holmes Ave. Pensioners, Gus Petelinkar, opened the meeting and called for a moment of silence for our deceased members. There were 176 members present. Membership for 1988 is closed. November election of officers has taken place after the meeting. Jennie Schultz, chairman of the nominating committee, along with committee members Ann and Ernie Pausic, Sue and Frank Pečjak, Caroline and Ann Stefančič presented a slate of candidates which will be voted upon at the Nov. 9th meeting. Tickets will be given to members for our Christmas Dinner which will be on Wed., Dec. 14. By-laws were read and salaries for all officers were discussed and approved. Jennie Schultz gave her report on the fall tour trip to Peak and Peak which was taken on Wed., Oct. 19th. John Habat read a letter which Jennie Kapel read at our former meeting in Slovenian. It was translated by her daughter into English. The hall was decorated by Jennie and Carl Schultz in the Halloween motif. Our deepest sympathy to the family of Edward Cook, and to the Frank Kocin family. Frank Kocin was one of our oldest charter members. Tickets were bought for the Nov. 25 dinner at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Ave. Belated congratulations from the Holmes Ave. Pensioners to Frances Nemanich who was bestowed an honor during the annual Bishop Baraga Weekend in Marquette, Mich, for the cause of the Beatification of Bishop Baraga. Frances has done a great job there for years and we are proud to have her as a member. She has been a willing worker for the club and it is well appreciated. Again, Frances, congratulations from the Holmes Pensioners. The last trip of the year will be held on Nov. 30th to the Carousel Dinner Theater. Thank you Antoinette McGrath for explaining some of the issues to be voted upon in November. After the meeting sandwiches and coffee were served. As the members left for home they received a trick or treat bag which was presented by Jennie and Carl Schultz. Have a healthy, peaceful Thanksgiving. Ann Stefančič Reporter Happy Thanksgiving To All! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 2 Lausche (Continued from page 1) “When he came to the United States, within a short while after working in the steel mills, he opened a saloon and then, within a year or two, built a wooden structure which contained bowling alleys, a space for the saloon and a large room which he constructed with the object of accommodating weddings.” As a young man, the future Senator attended public schools and evening high school classes at the Central Institute. While he did not attend college, he studied law at the John Marshall School of Law and placed second in the State on the Bar Examination. He began practicing at age 25. Looking back over his varied career and many offices, Sen. Lausche surprisingly says that his favorite position was his first. “No question about it,” he says. “The position 1 enjoyed most was the judgeship. 1 loved the law. 1 will never understand why I resigned from the Common Pleas bench to run for Mayor.” A.H. Representative Wanted in Chicago The American Home newspaper is looking for a representative in the Chicago and surrounding areas who would like to gather Christmas Greetings ads. If interested, please call Ameriška Domovina at 1-216—431-0628 for more information. Križman Upped Jean Križman of Richmond Heights has been promoted to chairman of volunteers by the American Red Cross. That resignation, however, led to a legendary career and, as our conversation drew to a close. Sen. Lausche summarized his political philosophy. “Throughout my whole career,” he said, “I never tolerated any abuses practiced upon the general public. I resolved that in the executive positions 1 held there would be no preferential position given to any segment of the economy. My government would be ‘a people’s government’ with every individual given equal consideration. It was my purpose to run the government under the guidance of my conscience and not allow any business institution, labor institution or professional institution to become the dominating influence in the State. There shall be no ‘empirio in empirium,’ no government within the government.” To the young, he gives both caution and encouragement about the world of politics. Answer... The young man who played baseball for the Gornik team in the St. Clair Hardball League in 1910 is our own Senator Frank J. Lausche. “Politics is a sordid game,” he says, “especially as it is practiced at present. The money available now to candidates is of such huge proportions that it inescapably leads to the breaking down of the moral fiber of the candidate.” “There will come a day,” he continued, “when there will be a cleansing of the filth that is in occurrence now. There becomes a complete failure in government when legislative candidates cast their ballots on the basis of what they believe will bring votes rather than on the basis of doing what is right. Too many ask, ‘Will this be beneficial to my efforts to be elected, or harmful?” Today, Sen. Lausche spends much of his time reading. His doctor won’t let him play his beloved game of golf. “I read mainly,” he says. “I leap from subject to subject, from books of poetry to books of religion and the Bible, to books of the history and roots of the United States especially. Books that depict the source of the great strength of our country.” As we left the Senate Dining Room, Sen. Lausche was greeted by Wisconsin Sen. William Proxmire, who told me that Sen. Lausche, a baseball star in his youth, was “one of the greatest natural athletes ever to serve in the Senate.” To which Lausche beamed approvingly. Our conversation concluded, we walked to the parking lot and Sen. Lausche, still fiercely independent at 93, drove himself home. Sen. Lausche this Sunday will be honored as the first inductee of the St. Vitus school Hal! of Fame. r i^r ml—' i cHohdayf Christmas Klobase« Kronski Sausage I Kronski sausage — a gift from the old country for friends, relatives or for yourself. Call and Order Now! 5 Lbs. Kronski Sausage ... ..$18.95 10 lbs. Kronski Sausage .... . $35.90 Prices Include Shipping i We Can Ship Anywhere In the U.S.A. — Call Now! Toll Free 1-800-443-3833 { CORPORATION SAUSAGES P.O. BOX 1539 ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING 82902-1539 V: I & Coming Events Sunday, Nov. 20 First annual St. Vitus Alumni Day. Mass at 12 noon. Dinner at 1:30 p.m. honoring Senator Frank J. Lausche. Limited seating. Call 531-3485 for tickets. Thursday, Nov. 24 Traditional Thanksgiving Polka Party (dance & show), St. Joseph High School auditorium, E. 185 and Lake Shore Blvd., Cleveland, 5:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. Variety of bands. Advance $6, at door $6.50. Friday, Nov. 25 Collinwood Slovenian Home sponsors a Thanksgiving Dinner-Dance with music by Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. Friday, Nov. 25 Collinwood Slovenian Home Day with Corky Godec in Club Room, PolKats jam session on first floor, and Johnny Vadnal and Holmes Hall But-tonaires on upper floor. Saturday, Nov. 26 American Slovenian Polka Foundation Grand Awards Premiere Show and Stage Production, 2:30 p.m. at Euclid (Shore) Civic Center, 291 E. 222 St. Presenting Cleveland-style polka stars (Pecon - Vadnal - Hoyer - Ostanek -Yankovic) with first look at National (Slovenian) Polka Hall of Fame. Donation $10.00 in support of Hall of Fame. Saturday, Nov. 26 Special “Polka Mass” celebration with Bishop A. Edward Pevec and Michiana Singers/Players in Holiday Inn Holidome, 28500 Euclid Ave., at 6:30 p.m. Dinner-dance from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m., featuring John Stanulis and Andy Nester Bands. Donation $12.00. Reserve well in advance. Further information call (216) 481-7512. Thanks At this time Progressive Women of America, Circle 7 would like to thank all the people who attended our annual Fall Card party which was held on Friday, Oct. 14. It was a huge success due to all those who attended and who helped in any way. Ann Stefančič Reporter Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-4391 MARIO’S Rust Control Rustproofing Quality Work and Lour Prlcaa 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE You art wotcomo to slay and aoo how ruatprooflng should raally bo dono. USED CARS USED PICKUPS OR VANS NEW CARS WITH WARRANTY NEW PICKUPS -OR VANS WITH WARRANTY «110» 135 $135’,160 *150“175 *160»185 CaH tor Appointment 031-3355 • 692-0825 1WG1 EUCLID AVE* CLEVELAND, OHIO Sunday, Dec. 4 Glasbena Matica Christmas Concert at St. Clair Slovenian National Home at 2 p.m-Dinner-dance follows the concert. Don Slogar Orchestra. Friday, Dec. 9 Slovenian American Heritage Foundation invites all to an evening with Bishop Pevec at Borromeo Seminary. Saturday, Dec. 10 St. Mary Magdalene Lodge 162 KSKJ annual Christmas Party for Adults and Juveniles, 2 p.m. at St. Vitus Social Room. Sunday, Dec. 18 Christmas Party for the Youth members of KSKJ lodges St. Lawrence No. 63, St. Joseph No. 146, and St-Anne No. 150 at the Slovenian Hall on E. 80th at 3:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 31 Newburgh Slovenian National Home, E. 80th St. New Years Eve sit down dinner includes bottle. $50 per coup^ For tickets call 676-6824, 341-7540 or 641-9072. 1989 Sunday, June 25 Ohio Federation KSKJ Day and Picnic at St. Joseph Grove on White Rd„ Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Music by Button Box Players. Kres Seeks New Members The folklore dance Kres is preparing to celebrate its 35 year anniversary nex* year. Therefore, Kres is >n' viting any youth of Slovenia11 descent, who is presently enrolled in high school °r older, to join the group and b£ involved in preserving Slove nian customs and folkdan^ traditions. Those interested in joinin-c the group should come t0 Baragov Dorn on St. C'al Ave. this Sunday, Nov. 20 a 6:30 p.m. Not Interested I have read in the A merit ^ Domovina your endorser^ ( of George Bush (anotb^ Reagan). This is how iTlU^ they have accomplished the United States: They 1113 it the biggest deficit in 1 country’s history. They cut t taxes for the millionaires 3 j billionaires who have so m11 money they could pay off f|| deficit and have money over. |J In memory of my father J was for many years may (Župan) of mesto Meti' | Belokrajina and Demokra1’ jm not interested paper any more! in y°u y uiwiv. Poldica Podgon'1 j San Francisco, ^a TWangle cleaned Expert Tailoring »»d Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastni^ Memo from President of Circle 7 Agrees with Cerar Editor: I agree with Frank Cerar of Cleveland regarding the new Policy of publishing the front section of the A.D. in American (English). I think it ’s a poor excuse to put the blame on the post office. It rather seems to me that the A.D. is trying “hard to be American. The American content cannot compare in importance with what is published in Slovenian. When the Americn section will begin to publish news and comments of Slovenes both locally and abroad, then Perhaps it will be time to make ttle change. In the meantime, the new policy will antagonize American Slovenes who have actually supported the Pablishing venture. How Inuch have your young American subscribers con-•fibuted to the A.D.? Not much. They do not care. Your Slovenian editor. Dr. Rudolf Sušel, has been doing an outstanding job under very emanding circumstances. Be-jng shoved to the back pages is ■ndeed a poor reward for his efforts. better start looking for new snbscribers if you expect to survive. Joseph Zelle Euclid, Ohio Ed.Note: We lost 181 Subscribers during the past 12 Months. Where are we going to find new ones who only sPeak Slovenian? In Loving Memory °f the Fourth Anniversary of the death of our husband, father and grandfather Frank Kristoff who died Nov. 21, 1984 He h ^ ' °« a smile, a pleasant h M/ay’ hand to all he-knew. lVas so kind, so geherous 0„ andtrue, OrJQr!h he nobly did his best, ni Him, Jesus heavenly rest. Sadly missed by L°vingvvife — Ann $r n daughters — ' Uonna Kristoff O.S.U. Doris Hodgson Darlene Dibble ns-in-law — Howard and John seven grandchildren In order for any club endeavor to be successful it must have the support and strength of its members. So to prove it true at our recent card party held in October, we had a nucleus of hard working members who always contribute both time and prizes. Some of our members are so generous it makes up for those who are less inclined. As president, I marvel how well our ladies do their assign- Less Fortunate Also Deserve Our Concern As we approach the holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving and continuing on through Christmas and New Year’s, our thoughts are mostly on our families and how we can make the holidays especially enjoyable for them. This is only proper. Yet we should not forget that there are many persons, many families, who do not share our good fortune, who are not in good health, are in economic trouble, may not have relatives or friends. Some of them are in our own community, such as some of the residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged, or persons in difficulty known to the pastors of our local Slovene parishes. Others are served by the various charitable organizations active in the broader community. Each of us would do well to give time or money, or both, to help the less fortunate. In Loving Memory of the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of our dear husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather John Celesnik One year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was catted away. God took you home - it was His will; But in our hearts you liveth still. Sadly missed by: Wife - Antonette Son - John and Wife Marion Grandchildren and Great-grandchildren Cleveland, Nov. 18, 1988. ed jobs. There is never a problem, never a clash of personalities and consequently, my job is such a pleasure. This is due to an exceptional and outstanding group of ladies. They epitomize the spirit of what the “Progressive Slovene Women” stand for. Thanks to all. Hildegarde Kazen Rarely on Saturdays Editor: I received the Oct. 21st edition of the American Home newspaper on Monday, the 24th. Rarely does the newspaper come on a Saturday. I’m just happy it is delivered. As for the complaints from readers who miss out on the weekend activities, you do feature the column of “Coming Events” and should take advantage of it, if they’re interested in attending some particular. event. The articles on the crisis in Jugoslavia have been very enlightening and I’ve been mailing them to a cousin in Australia and some to a cousin in California. Josephine Debevec Cleveland, Ohio The Oct. 28th edition of the Ameriška Domovina arrived on the morning of Oct. 29th. Hurray! Regarding the article “Complex Slovenian Identity” is excellent reading, but 1 have to go over it several more times because there is so much to absorb. Josephine Debevec Carst-Nagy Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 486-2322 “Serving the Slovenian Community.'’ In Loving Memory of the 10th Anniversary of the death of our dear husband, father, and grandfather John Lavrenčič who passed away Nov. 16, 1978 Your memory is our keepsake With that we’ll never part. God has you in His keeping, We have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: Wife, Mary Daughters: Dorothy Squire, Elsie Lavrenčič Grandchildren: Paula Ardale, John Squire, Lisanne Atanasiu and remaining relatives here and in Slovenia Pozar Honored by Radio Group 3 David Pozar was awarded the 1987 Issac Koga Gold Medal on the occasion of the XXIIth General Assembly of the International Radio Science Union, held in August, 1987, in Tel Aviv, Israel. The Koga Medal is awarded to an outstanding young radio scientist who is under age 36 in the year prior to the year of the award. It can only be awarded once every three years, on the occasion of the General Assembly. He received the medal in recognition of his work on printed antennas and phased arrays. David Pozar was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. on January 25, 1952. He received the BS Happy Thanksgiving degree in 1975 and the MS > degree in 1976, both in elec- ^ tncal engineering, at the 30 University of Akron. He ^ received the PhD degree from ^ Ohio State University in 1980. § During the course of his ^ undergraduate degree, he ^ spent one year as an Engineer-ing Assistant at the National?” Security Agency, Fort Meade, 2 Maryland. He was a Graduate < Research Assistant at the Elec- 9» troScience Lab of Ohio State ro University while pursuing the ^ PhD degree, and became a ^ Research Assistant upon com-pletion of the PhD degree. to He joined the faculty at the oo University of Massachusetts in 1980, and in 1985 he became as Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In 1988 he spent a six-month sabbatical leave at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, in Lausanne, Switzerland, participating in several short courses and workshops on printed antennas. Professor Pozar is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, belonging to the Antennas and Propagation Society and the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. Zele Funeral Homfe Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posreibo. BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio GRDINA uneral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 85 years. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home Zachary A. Zak, 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • No Branches nor Affiliations f licensed funeral director AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, NOVEMBER 18, 1988 frangie’s fashions Celebrating Our Third Anniversary 475 East 200th Street Offering special prices thru the holidays. Euclid Ohio 20°7o off Holiday & Fall Dresses ’ Fantastic selection of cocktail and evening dresses. Many sequin styles for your Holiday Parties. Introducing a 692-2099 new ,ine bricles and bridesmaids dresses. Half and full size. Alterations available. Gift certificates available. Hours: Monday and Thursday 9 till 9 — Daily 9 till 4 Euclid Slovenian Pensioners What a dreary day it was Nov. 2, the day of our Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid meeting. But then it was no different than most of our days this fall, at least so far. However, it was good to get out and mingle with our fellow club members at the Slovenian Society Home, really a cheerful place to be. It was a fast-paced meeting, accomplishing much in a good, orderly fashion. Most important was our election of officers conducted by Angie Shine. Angie really does a superb job of conducting an At 92 still likes paper Keep sending the American Home to my father Joseph Rolih of Garfield Heights, Ohio for another year. He is 92 years young and enjoys the paper very much. Antonia Topolnicki C##*#**#** kL* NX* vL* vL* ‘ Christmas Boutique There will be a Christmas Boutique at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine from Nov. 18 to the 20th, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day at the St. Ann Dining room. The shrine is located off Chardon Rd. in the middle of Chardon Rd. Hill. election. Our officers for 1989 will be Frank Cesen, president; John Kausek, second vice-president; Helen Levstick, recording secretary; Eleanor Pavey, financial secretary and membership chairperson; and Emma Cesen, treasurer. A few important messages for those not present: John Kausek would like the names of members who booked trips through the Kollander Travel Agency this year, 1988. Eleanor Pavey would like information about the following members who are 85 years of age or older: Frank Bresak, George Bole, Joseph Draz, Katie Gruden, Alice Intihar, Steve Marolt, and John Rozman. Please contact her at 531-4445 if you can furnish any information on someone on the list. We will have our Christmas dinner at our December 7 meeting. Hope to see you there. We were sad to hear of the passing of Molly Plut, George Ozanich, Anne Novak, Albert Tomle, and Amelia Krall. May they rest in peace and our condolences to their families. Mollie Pike, Loretta Hlabse, Anna Filipič, and Alice Karberg volunteered to be funeral attendants for November. It seems that many of the volunteers are repeaters. Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) Our thanks to you for this commendable act of mercy. From the “thank you” notes received from the bereaved families, our representative at the funerals are very much appreciated, especially the eulogy by John Kausek. Rose Lewis has just one more trip for this year. It is to Olgebay Park in West Virginia on December 5 to see the display of Christmas lights. There will be no trips during the months of January and February. Next year there will be day-long trips with the possibility of some longer than one-day trips. Sounds good knowing what Rose can do. Our thanks to Bill Jansa who has been our sergeant-at-arms for many years. He has been most faithful to his commitment but now he has tendered his resignation. We shall miss him at the door as we come in but it won’t surprise us to see him there talking to our new sergeant-at-arms, John Nosse. Happy winners this month were Rose Arko and Joe Kodrich. It’s that time of year. Check your dues books to see if your 1988 dues have been paid. Helen Levstick, Eleanor Pavey Reporters Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 ‘IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT NDEPENDENT AV1NGS BANK 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. •Balances $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn S.ZSVo • 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. Computed daily, Compounded quarterly MEMBER mic Federal Saving* A Loan Insurance Corp |j Your Savings Imured lo $100,000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary ot Independent Share Corp. Belo Kranjski Club Dinner-Dance On Saturday evening, Nov. 12, the Belokranjski Klub of Greater Cleveland held their annual dinner-dance at the Slovenian National Home, St. Clair Ave. Over 400 persons were in attendance to enjoy the roast beef, rizot, pork, chicken potatoes, salad, potica, flancate, home made sauerkraut meal by Julia Zalar and dance to the tunes of the Klepec Orchestra. Pictured here, (left to right) are Dorothy and Milan Smuk of Rocky River, Ohio. Milan is president of the club and standing next to him is his sister Vida Rupnik of Richmond Heights, secretary. Their father, John Smuk was one of the originators of the Belokranjski Klub and they are carrying on in his footsteps. The Vinski Hram (wooden wine cellar) made by Polde Omahen of Richmond Heights, was set up on stage for everyone to admire. (Photos by James V. and Madeline D. Debevec) Polde Omahen and his wife, Fanny, of Richmond Heights. He was the carpenter who built the Vinski Hrai” wooden wine cellar in his garage and had the < collapsibl6 structure reassembled at the Slovenian National Home- Angela Hutar sells tickets FOR Freedom AND Justice o No. 86 Ameriška Domovina i a AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (DSPS 024100) Friday, November 18, 1988 VOL. XC Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Dva vodilna kosovska partijca odstopila — Nova zmaga za Miloševiča — Množična demonstracija v Prištini — Konec zatišja Današnji časopisi poročajo, da sta včeraj podala ostavko predsednica kosovske pokrajinske partije Kaqusa Jašari ter njen prednik na tem mestu Azem Vllasi. Slednji je bil tudi član predsedstva jugoslovanske partije. Oba sta bila napadena od srbskega voditelja Slobodana Miloševiča, ki je trdil, da nista bila odločna borca zoper albanski nacionalizem. Dejanski Miloševičev cilj je ukiniti kosovsko avtonomijo, s tem zapostavljati veliko albansko večino v pokrajini, kar pomeni, da bi Srbija pokrajino kontrolirala neposredno ali preko partijcev albanskega rodu, ki so pripravljeni srbski nacionalistični struji slediti. Izgleda, da je imel v tem Miloševič uspeh. Začasni novi predsednik kosovske Partije je sicer Albanec po rodu, namreč Remzi Kolgeci. Poročilo iz Prištine, glavnega mesta Kosova, govori o demonstraciji včeraj, ki se ga je udeležilo 10.000 ljudi. Po enem poročilu so demonstranti protestirali proti odstopu Jašarijeve in Vllasija, kar da sklepati, da gre za Albance, drugo poročilo o demonstraciji Pa ne gre v podrobnosti. Estonski parlament proglasil suverenost republike napram ZSSR — V Litvi tudi razmišljajo o tem — Letonci praznujejo MOSKVA, ZSSR — Preteklo sredo je . estonski parlament odobril amandma estonski ustavi, ki trdi, da mora estonski parlament odobriti vsak sovjetski zakon, predno more priti tak zakon iz Moskve v veljavo v Estonski. Obenem je parlament odobril »deklaracijo suverenosti«, ki trdi, da je Estonska neodvisna država v vseh ozirih z izjemo 2unanje in obrambne politike. Istočasno je Prišlo do zamenjave predsednika estonske vlade. Prejšnji je bil smatran za premalo estonsko zaveden in naklonjen Moskvi, novi Je Pa znan kot zaveden Estonec. Pred nedav-h*01 je bil imenovan nov šef komunistične Partije, ki je vnet zagovornik gospodarskih 'n Političnih reform ter je v dobrih odnosih s s°vjetskim voditeljem Mihailom Gorbačovom. Reakcija v Moskvi do estonskih akcij je k'la hitra in negativna. Vrhovno sodišče ZSSR je odločilo, da so estonski ukrepi pro-bustavni, estonsko vodstvo pa je bilo pozva-no v Moskvo na pogovore. Kljub očitnemu Pritisku izgleda, da je estonsko vodstvo optimistično. V ameriškem State Departmentu, Jer še vedno priznavajo vse baltske države ot neodvisne oziroma niso nikoli priznali j0vjetske priključitve le-teh v ZSSR — zato ® vedno imajo baltske republike diplomat-zastopstva, priznana od ameriške vlade ~~~ Pozdravljajo estonsko akcijo.. Litvanski parlament zaseda in razprav-Ja o podobnih ukrepih, v Letonski pa se pri-J^vljajo za veliko javno manifestacijo ob k ' °t>letnici neodvisne letonske države ob 0r>cu prve svetovne vojne. Kar je spravilo baltske republike na °8e. je bila odločitev iz Moskve o nekaterih ^stavnih spremembah, ki bodo potrjene že ^ mesec. Najbolj sporna za baltske republi-Je sprememba, po kateri bo iz sovjetske ^ave črtan člen, ki dovoljuje republikam barvic0 do izstopa iz sovjetske federacije. V a Iških republikah so čutili, da morajo pro-^siti svojo suverenost še pred 29. novem-s 0rn' datumom torej, ko bodo ustavne remembe prišle v veljavo. Ni še jasno, ali je možna kakšna kompromisna rešitev, ki bo zadovoljila obe strani. Znano je, da je nacionalna zavednost med vsemi baltskimi narodi zelo naglo napredovala v zadnjih dveh letih. V Kanadi bodo ta ponedeljek parlamentarne volitve — Trgovinska pogodba med ZDA in Kanada glavni predmet volivne kampanje OTTAWA, Kan. — Ta ponedeljek bodo v Kanadi parlamentarne volitve. Vladajoča konservativna vlada pod vodstvom Briana Mulroneva kljubuje liberalski stranki, ki ji načeljuje John Turner. Kot na vsakih volitvah, je v volivni kampanji več odprtih političnih in ideoloških vprašanj, izgleda pa, da je za kanadske volivce tokrat ključnega pomena nova trgovinska pogodba med ZDA in Kanado. Pogodbo sta podpisala Mulroney in predsednik Reagan in jo je ameriški senat že ratificiral. Pogodba predvideva praktično po celi črti prosto trgovanje med Kanado in ZDA. Že sedaj je 80% letne 150 milijard dolarjev trgovinske menjave med državama brez carinskih ovir, pogodba bi odpravila vse omejitve na ostalih 20 odstotkov. Mulroney in z njim konservativna stranka to pogodbo močno zagovarja. Liberalec John Turner pa je proti ratifikaciji pogodbe in sicer zato, ker meni, da je za Kanado škodljiva. Pridružijo se mu v tem mnogi Kanadčani, ki so v skrbeh predvsem, da jih bo 10-krat večja ameriška ekonomija in z njo ameriška kultura še bolj preplavila. Kanadčani da želijo ostati Kanadčani, ne pa postati nekakšna amerikanizirana vejica. Turner, ki napada Mulroneya tudi osebno, pravi, da je bil predsednik vlade lutka v Reaganovih oziroma ameriških rokah. Mulroney vrne Turnerju milo za drago. Najnovejše ankete razpoloženja volivcev kažejo, da je izid ponedeljkovih volitev nejasen. Nekaj časa je imel Turner veliko prednost, v zadnjih dneh pa se mu je Mulroney približal. Izgleda, pravijo opazovalci kanadskih političnih razmer, da je odločitev o zmagi Turnerja ali Mulroneva padla v provinci Qvebecu. John Sununu bo vodil Bushovo pisarno v Beli hiši — Lee Atwater novi načelnik republikanske stranke — Izkušena politika WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj je George Bush sporočil, da bo vodil njegovo pisarno v Beli hiši — to mesto je izredno vplivno — 49-letni guverner John Sununu, ki je sicer libanonskega oziroma arabskega rodu, kemični inženir po poklicu, in znan kot izkušen politik. Sununu je organiziral Bushovo kampanjo za primarne volitve v New Hampshiru potem, ko je bil Bush premagan v Iowi. Zmaga v New Hampshiru je oživela Bushovo kampanjo. Nekatere judovske organizacije so izrazile dvome glede Su-nunuja, češ da je morda preveč naklonjen arabskemu stališču v sporu z Izraelom, vendar je Sununu to takoj demantiral. Bush je včeraj povedal, da želi videti svojega kampanjskega sodelavca Leeja At-waterja za novega načelnika republikanske stranke. Atwater, ki je tudi znan konservativec, bi zamenjal Franka Fahrenkopfa ml. O Atwaterju bo glasoval nacionalni odbor republikanske stranka januarja 1989. Za mesto, ki ga je dobil Sununu, se je potegoval tudi 37-letni Craig Fuller, dolgoletni Bushov sodelovec, ki je vodil Bushovo podpredsedniško pisarno. Fuller je priznal, da je želel voditi pisarno tudi v Beli hiši. Ker se ne zanima za kako drugo mesto v Bushovi vladi, se bo Fuller vrnil v privatno življenje. Iz Clevelanda in okolice MZA vabi na sestanek— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija vabi na sestanek, ki bo v ponedeljek, 21. nov., ob 7. uri zvečer pod staro cerkvijo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Sodelavci in prijatelji misijonov iskreno vabljeni! Bralcem— Danes ste prejeli poleg redne A.D. tudi posebno prilogo. Ker je prihodnji četrtek Zahvalni dan praznik, bo A.D. izšla enkrat in sicer v torek, v skupni slovensko-angleški izdaji. Bralci, ki želijo imeti svoje dopise objavljene v slovenskem delu, naj jih dostavijo uredniku najkasneje do ponedeljka dopoldne. Zastopnika iščemo— Uprava A. D. išče zastopnika, ki bi dobival božične oglase v Chicagu in okolici. Zain-teresti naj pokličejo našo pisarno 1-216-431-0628 za vso informacijo. Košarkarji iz SFRJ— Nocoj bo v športni dvorani Woodling na kampusu univerze Cleveland State košarkarska tekma med univerzitetno ekipo in ekipo iz Titovih Užic v SFRJ. Slednja ekipa je na turneji po ZDA in je moštvo kar precej kvalitetno. Tekma se bo pričela ob 7.30. Najbrž so na razpolago vstopnice, svetovali bi pa, da kličete univerzo in se pozanimate. Novi grobovi Mary Kasic V četrtek, 17. novembra, dopoldne je na svojem domu na 225 E. 218 St. po dolgi bolezni umrla 78 let stara Mary Kasic, rojena v Clevelandu, hčerka Ignatiusa in Therese, roj. Sterle (oba že pok.), sestra Caroline Petek in Rose Železnik (pok.), zaposlena pri Richman Bros. več kot 44 let, do svoje upokojitve, članica društva sv. Ane št. 4 ADZ in. SŽZ št. 50, vse življenje faranka pri Sv. Vidu. Pogreb bo iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. v ponedeljek, 21. nov., v cerkev sv. Vida dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na Kalvarijo. Peter J. Hren Umrl je Peter J. Hren, mož Rose, roj. Tomažič, oče Sandre Bonner in Howarda, 5-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, brat Albine Gotch, Uršule Alesnik in Rose Gotch (pok.). Pogreb bo iz Fortunovega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Lovrenca dop. ob 10. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Jacqueline E. Krall Umrla je Jacqueline E. Krall, žena Richarda, mati (dalje na str. 8) Prodaja peciva— Oltarno društvo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti ima prodaja peciva to soboto in nedeljo. V soboto bodo prodajale razno pecivo od 11. dop. dalje, v nedeljo pa od 1.30 pop. dalje, sicer na farnem festivalu. Pridite! Pridružite se Kresu— Mladina, ki obiskuje višjo šolo in bi se rada pridružila folklorni skupini Kres, je vabljena, da pride to nedeljo zvečer ob pol sedmih v Baragov dom na St. Clairju. V 1. 1989 bo Kres praznoval svojo 35-letnico. Polka zabava— Prihodnji četrtek — Zahvalni dan praznik — bo v avditoriju višje šole sv. Jožefa tradicionalna polka zabava pod vodstvom Tonvja Petkovška. Več na str. 8 in v prilogi. Pevske vaje se pričnejo— Pevski zbor Korotan sporoča, da se bodo pričele redne vaje v soboto, 19. novembra, ob 7. uri zvečer v Slov. narodnem domu‘na St. Clair Ave. Pri Korotanu prisrčno vabijo, da se jim pridružijo novi pevci in pevke. Ako želite več informacije, pokličite g. Rudija Kneza na tel. 481-1954. Avtobus v Toronto— V soboto, 26. novembra, odpelje v Toronto avtobus, ki ga je naročil Primorski klub. Ako se želite pridružiti, pokličite za več informacije enega sledečih: Marija Dekleva (261-6746), Jože Jenko (481-7432), Frank Cendol (256-8872). Mastnejše plače— Člani naše ohijske zakonodaje so izkušeni politiki. Želijo povišati svoje plače, tega pa niso upali storiti pred volitvami. Zamudo popravljajo ta teden. V naslednjih štirih letih bodo svoje plače povišali za 21,6 odstotka, do $42,427. Guvernerja niso pozabili, kajti bo njegova plača skočila od sedanjih $65,000 na leto kar na $100,000 1. 1992. Povišanja bodo tudi za okrajne komiše-nerje in druge funkcionarje. V tiskovni sklad— Anne M. Smith, Warren, Pa., je darovala $9 v naš tiskovni sklad. Njena mati, Anna Močilnikar, ki je pred leti živela v Clevelandu, ima 92 let. Hvala za podporo! VREME Pretežno sončno danes, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 49° F. Oblačno jutri z verjetnostjo dežja ter vetrovno. Najvišja temperatura okoli 55° F. V nedeljo pretežno oblačno, zopet z možnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 48° F. Za ponedeljek napovedujejo spremenljivo oblačno vreme z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 43° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 012400) Jaqries V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche American Home Slovenian of the Year 1987: Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države: $36 na leto; $21 za 6 mesecev; $18 za 3 mesece Kanada: $45 na leto; $30 za 6 mesecev; $20 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $48 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $28 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $21; Kanada: $25; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $28 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $36.00 - year; $21.00 - 6 mos.; $18.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $45.00 - year; $30.00 - 6 mos.; $20.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $48.00 per year; $28 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $21.00- year; Canada: $25.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published Tuesday & Friday except 1st 2 weeks in July & the week alter Christmas No. 86 Friday, November 18, 1988 »3 Naše slovenstvo je vezano na silo ljubezni Včasih režemo sami sebi, z najboljšim namenom...žile. To delamo na primer, kadar navdušujemo mladino, naj goji svoj materni jezik, pa v isti sapi dodajamo, naj store to kljub temu, da bo ta v nekaj rodovih gotovo utonil v tujem morju. Pri tem smo prepričani, da govorimo objektivno, kakor da bi šlo za nekak nespremenljiv in splošen zakon, proti kateremu smo brez moči. Vendar, ali smo ljudje res do take mere nebogljene žrtve okoliščin, da nam ne preostane drugega kakor vdano sprejeti »usojeni« nam potek? Ali ni iz krščanskega pa tudi splošno človeškega stališča treba poudariti prav nasprotno, da nam na moralnem področju vrednot ni »usojeno« nič, česar sami nismo pripravljeni sprejeti? Nobena vrednota se ne izgubi »po sili razmer« ali po »neizbežnem zgodovinskem razvoju« brez človekovega privoljenja. In slovenstvo ter z njim slovenski jezik je za Slovence brez dvoma vrednota. Cernu bi nam bila izguba te neizbežno usojena? Slovenstvo bo živelo v Slovencih, na svoji zemlji in v svetu, dokler nam bo pomenilo vrednoto, dokler bomo zanj pripravljeni žrtvovati, dokler si bomo med seboj pomagali, dokler bo med nami doma vzajemnost, dokler bomo povezani z vezmi preteklosti in skupne slovenske bodočnosti. Naše slovenstvo ni vezano ne na kolder ne na tek ge-, neracij, temveč na silo ljubezni, ki jo živimo in jo bodo živeli naši potomcj. Ce bi bilo med rojaki konec te življenjske sile, če bi sebičnost uničila smisel za narodno občestvo, takrat nas bo »neizbežno« konec, bodisi na lastni zemlji bodisi kjerkoli. V nasprotnem primeru pa se nam ni bati zunanjih »slepih sil« razvoja. Nikjer ni rečeno, da bodo otroci manj ljubili svoj rod kakor dedje. Res pa je, če očetje in matere nisd več pripravljeni doprinašati žrtev za svoj narod, če ne čutijo ljubezni do svojega rodu, če ugodnost potrošniškega životarjenja cenijo bolj od družinske dediščine, so s svojo sebičnostjo krivi, da njih otroci rastejo brez korenin. Pa še v tem primeru bo marsikdo od opeharjenih vnukov pričel sam iskati vrednote, ki so jih starši zavrgli. Determinizem na osebnem in družbenem področju je v nasprotju z resnico o človekovi svobodi. Človek, enkratna in neponovljiva božja stvar, gospodar zemlje po božji volji, ni podvržen nujnemu prilagajanju večini. Nasprotno, način življenja in mišljenja drugih ni bil za samozavestnega člove ka, predvsem pa še za kristjane, nikdar zadosten izgovor zc lastno neodgovorno vedenje in vrednotenje. Seveda ni lahko ohranjati svojega načina življenja, svojih vrednot sredi drugačnega sveta. A kaj velikega je še kdaj bilo lahko? Prav iskanje »lahkih poti« zavaja družbo v razkroj in človeka v oseben propad. Neodgovorno »samozadovoljstvo« pomeni za množico, ki ga sprejema, neke vrste poceni mamilo. Gre v resnici za degeneracijo družbe, katere ne smemo posnemati, marveč se ji moramo, na tem področju, upreti. Upor zmotnemu javnemu mnenju, modi, povprečnosti je pričetek osebne rasti. Vsako popuščanje od osebnega in lastnega pa je v bistvu beg pred odgovornostjo za zaupane nam vrednote. To pa kaže na pomanjkanje poguma, ki je moralna krepost. Kadar bomo o odgovornosti za svoje vrednote in o soodgovornosti za svoj rod govorili s tako gotovostjo, kakor delamo to pogosto o »neizbežnosti« narodne smrti, bomo pripomogli, da bo vsa naša pozornost obrnjena v življenje in rast. To pa bo imelo zdrave posledice pri posameznikih in po naših družinah, ki so osnovne celice vsega, tudi narodnega, biološkega, moralnega in kulturnega življenja. -Žar- (Družina in dom 10/87) Nekaj iz preteklosti... Taborišče Ellera pri Perugiji, Italija STOCKTON, Kalif. - Ta kratek uvod naj seznani bralce o politično-vojaški situaciji, katere je nastala v rani spomladi 1941, ko je italijanska vojska zasedla Ljubljano in okolico. Rodoljubi vseh slojev so takoj javno pokazali zasedbeni oblasti sovražni obraz kot začetek nekrvavega upora. Že v nekaj tednih so se pojavili na cestah letaki, ki so pozivali meščane k bojkotu odredb, izdanih po fašisticfti oblasti. Na žalost, je bilo veliko žensk, katere so iskale in navezale stike z italijanskimi vojaki iz osebnih koristi; kasneje pa so se ti stiki spremenili v izdajstvo. Tudi več moških se je pridružilo temu umazanemu poslu. Takih primerov ni manjkalo. Začetni znaki upora so delali zasedbeni oblasti precej preglavic in skrbi. Iz dneva v dan je postajal upor prožnejši, prešel je v razna sabotažna dejanja in kmalu seje rabilo orožje na obeh straneh. Razume se, da so nastale usodne posledice v na obeh straneh. Kot prvi protiukrep je prišla policijska ura, sledile so aretacije. Italijani so izvedli tkim. racije. Vojaštvo je pridrvelo s kamijoni in skoro hermetično zaprlo ulico enkrat tu, naslednji dan drugje, in odpeljalo vse moške v nekdanjo kasarno bivše jugoslovanske vojske. Zasliševanja so bila površna in krivična, saj so vidno vlogo igrali slovenski izdajalci, katere je narod imenoval »denun-ciante«. Višek tega početja je bil, ko so Italijani začeli streljati nekatere aretirance kot talce, v bližnji gramozni jami. Nedolžna kri je tekla teden za tednom. Naše vrste so se redčile. Vlak za vlakom je odpeljal naše upornike (med njimi sem bil tudi jaz) v Italijo. V nadaljevanju od pred mnogimi meseci obljavljenega prispevka me najdete v Elleri pri Perugiji. To je malo podeželsko mestece, okoliškemu prebivalstvu pomemben kraj, sicer zaradi bližnjega premogovnika. Samo kakih 10 minut hoda iz omenjene vasi je na malem gričku stalo delavsko koncentracijsko taborišče, kjer smo slovenski interniranci (internati civili) preživljali svojo negotovo usodo. V ta kraj smo prispeli iz taborišča Gonars, kjer je oblast razpisala prostovoljno prijavo za delo v rudniku. Bilo je okoli 90 prijavljencev. Vzrok prijave je bila bojazen, da nas ne bi odbirali in pošiljali nazaj v Ljubljano, kot se je to često dogajalo, naših prijateljev pa ni bilo več nazaj, kajti so našli svoj konec pod puškinimi streli v tisti nepozabni jami. Vsekakor bi posamezniku v potrebi tudi bil lažji pobeg iz Ellere kot iz Gonarsa. V tem lahko vidite bralci resnični strah, paniko in bojazen za lastno življenje internirancev. Že drugi dan po našem prihodu v Ellero, je komanda taborišča sklicala »zbor«. Predstavili so komandanta in lastnika rudnika. Na naše veliko presenečenje je nam bilo povedano, da bo delo plačano. Sicer ne z denarjem, pač pa z nakupom dobrin, katere bo trgovec vsako soboto dostavil v taborišče. Bilo je tako. Celo vino so dostavili, vendar v omejeni količini. Nakupljeno blago je odgovarjalo zasluženi mezdi posameznika. Hrana se je izboljšala glede potrebnih vitaminov, prav tako so bile obroke večje. Disciplina pa ni bila olajšana. Šikane so bile redni dodatek vsakodnevnemu življenju. Komandanta samega smo le redko videli, zastopal ga je re-zervist-narednik. Veren mladenič z nekaj medicinske izobrazbe. Naše zdravstveno stanje je bilo zanemarjeno, pregledi so bili površni, tako da so bile med nami tudi smrtne žrtve radi slabe oskrbe. Naše življenje nikakor ni bilo n^ enaki ravni kot z italijanskim, bili smo v njihovih očeh bolj številke,kot ljudje. Barake so bile redno čiščene, od časa do časa tudi razkužene. Dovolili so, da smo sestavili pevski zbor. Ta nam je bil v moralno oporo. Prepeval je redno tudi pri nedeljskih mašah, kamor so nas vodili stražarji z nasajenimi bajoneti in živo municijo. Z dovoljenjem perugijskega škofa smo lahko v materinem jeziku prečitali vsakonedeljsko berilo, prav tako tudi evangelij. Cerkev ni bila preveč oddaljena od taborišča. Med interniranci smo bili tudi trije izprašane! iz gradbene stroke in sicer: stavbenik Schwer, tehnik Stanko Čač in jaz. Vodili smo kontrolo za varnostne naprave in opore rudnika, izračunavali količino izkopanega premoga, prav tako smo kalkurirali urnik posameznega delavca. S tem nam je bilo omogočeno, da so tisti fantje, kateri so iz enega ali drugega razloga ostali v taborišču prikriti, niso izgubili za tisti dan »prislužene mezde«. Nedaleč od koncentracijskega taborišča je na sosednjem griču stala hiša. V njej so stanovali Judje. Bili so pravzaprav prosti v gibanju v določenem prostoru. Javljati so se morali dvakrat tedensko na policijsko postajo radi kontrole. Te vrste pripor so imenovali konfinacijo. Stik z njimi je bil popolnoma nemogoč. To taborišče je bilo bore malo poznano med slovenskim narodom. Zakaj so se poslužili internirancev za delo? Nikakor ni bilo mogoče dobiti delavne sile, bila je vsa pod orožjem. Zanimivo je bilo, da je lastnik rudnika garantiral M internirance, kar je vzbudilo med nami precej razmišljanj in pogovorov, vendar nismo prodrli v notranjost duše do lastnika. Vse ni šlo gladko in lepo, saj smo bili vendar interniranci, sovražniki okupatorja naše domovine. Imeli smo v svoji sredi pecej vročih propagator-jev za mednarodni komunizem, kateri so skoro brez strahu nastopali poveljujoče med nami. Bili so »velikani« s povzdignjenimi pestmi in navdahnjeni za pretepe predvsem Pr' onih, kateri so odločno klju' bovali njihovim idejam in na' Črtom. Za nas, kateri smo bili odtrgani od rodne grude in nasilno odpeljani od najdražjih in od .svobode brez dokazov krivde, našo niso očarale spremembe v zvezi z olajšanim trpljenjem-Bilo je odvratno vse, nespre' menljivo, vendar, smo morali pod ukazujočo disciplino v molku gledati »človeški Pa^' nik« ograjen z bodečo žico. Iz ljubezni in v skrbeh & naš maloštevilni slovenski narod in njega bodočnost, seh* napisal pesmico v zadnje111 tednu pred razsulom italijah' ske fašistične diktature, v taborišču. Zapiske sem nosils seboj tudi v emigracijo, ne da bi imel v mislih načrt, da bon1 kdajkoli spomine uporabil in jih objavil: Svojemu narodu Le kuj, kuj ti narod moji obroč izkuj v svobodno si državo — prešel si zgodovino v krvi zakopano \ zato bodočnost svojo veftM v slavo s tribarvno — belo, modr°’ : rdečo narodno zastav0' Napisani žalostni spon11 so posvečeni slovenskim jul1 kom, katere so fašistične krv gle in njihovo nasilje Pos*a^a, ! prerani grob. Ni bilo sodni ne sodišča. Diktatura in nieg, moč sta vladali našemu na du. Edina krivda teh nesre v žev je bila v tem, da so b1 opoziciji ter kljubovali o^11 cijskim oblastem. -jf Maks Sim011 POSLANICA Slovenskega narodnega odbora Ob propadanju komunističnega sistema ter ob dogodkih znotraj in zunaj domovine, ki zlasti v zadnjem času, napolnjujejo slovenskega človeka z zaskrbljenostjo in ogorčenjem, Slovenski narodni odbor iz političnega zdomstva izraža svoja stališča. PONOVNO OBTOŽUJE vladajočo komunistično partijo nasilja ter brezpravnih, nezakonitih in krivičnih obsodb, od tistih v letih revolucije pa vse do teh, ki danes pretresajo slovenski narod, katerega z monopolnim, samolastnim in brezprizivnim izvajanjem oblasti duši, ga zavaja in mu onemogoča svobodno rast v skladu z načelom o samoodločbi narodov ob celotnem spoštovanju človekovih pravic. SPOMINJA slovensko in svetovno javnost, da so vrednote osebne svobode in narodne samobitnosti, za katere se je slovensko ljudstvo prizadevalo in bojevalo več kot tisoč let, in ki so tudi danes slovenskemu človeku svete, še vedno predmet načrtnih napadov protinarodnih sil. Ti ideali, na katerih temeljijo najpristnejši narodni interesi, so danes živi bolj kadar koli in se, kljub nasilju totalitarnega sistema, izražajo z novo močjo v zahtevah po temeljnih pravicah človeka in državljana. POZDRAVLJA zrelo ravnanje slovenskega naroda ob novih preizkušnjah, pred katere je postavljen in z veseljem spremlja izraze zvestobe slovenstvu, ki se množično u-smerjajo v oporo rojakom, ko so zaradi svoje demokratične drže in slovenske zavzetosti žrtve krivičnega preganjanja in obsodb. ZAHTEVA, da samozvani nosilci oblasti v Sloveniji, katerim slovensko ljudstvo ni nikdar pripoznalo legitimnosti, ob očitnem in nezadržnem propadanju njihove moči predajo oblast svobodno izvoljenim predstavnikom slovenskega oaroda. Le ti naj, ob upoštevanju svojskosti ostalih narodov, ki trpe v Jugoslaviji podobno usodo, nastopijo pot iz razkrajajočega se socialnega in državnega sistema do pluralistične družbene ureditve v pravni državi. POZIVA vse Slovence, da ob očitni prelomnici narodove zgodovine solidarno podpro tiste rojake v nesvobodni domovini, ki se pogumno trudijo za pravice slovenskega človeka in resnično demokratično sožitje v narodu. Le kulturna in gospodarska prostost, kadar imata zagotovilo v Politični svobodi moreta ustvariti pogoje za mir in blaginjo. Ob teh vrednotah, ki so jamstvo za rast vsake družbe, bo mogoče zbrati vse narodne sile, da se v Sloveniji zgradi pravičen družbeni red in uveljavi njena polna in dejanska državnost s parlamentarnim sistemom in evropsko usmerjenostjo. Za Slovenski narodni odbor: predsednik: Rudolf Smersu tajnika: dr. Ludvik Puš, dr. Peter Urbanc buenos Airrs, New York, Toronto, oktobra 1988. Ameriška Domovina je glasilo svobodomislecih Slovencev in Slovenk po vsem svetu Dragi rojaki, potujete v Evropo? Na pragu domovine, v središču stare Gorice na lepem drevoredu Corso Italija, vas pričakujemo v PALACE HOTELU, najboljšem hotelu v mestu: 75 sob s kopalnico, telefonom, radijskim sprejemnikom, barvno televizijo, roini-barom, klimatizacijo. Najmodernejši komfort po zelo ugodnih cenah: enoposteljna soba $40, dvoposteljna s°ba $62. Cenjenim gostom so na razpolago hale, konfe-renčna dvorana, parkirni prostor in hotelska restavracija v začasno ločenem poslovanju. V PALACE HOTELU bo P°skrbljeno za vaš cimprijetnejše počutje, dobrodošlico pa 'am bo osebno izrekel rojak Vinko LEVSTIK: DOBRODOŠLI ^v,T PH-PALACE HOTEL, C orso Italia 63 ' 170 Cori/ia-Gorica, Italy: Tel.: (»481-82166; Telex 461154 PAL GO I Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 785. Salezijanec Pavel Bernik se je oglasil na Misijonsko nedeljo iz Dimapura, Nagaland, Indija: »Zadnjič sem Vam pisal, oziroma se podpisal, ko sem bil še pod vplivom prestale operacije za očesno mreno ali katarakt. Hvala Bogu, vse se je dobro izteklo in sedaj lahko normalno čitam in pišem, oziroma tikpam, ne da bi se pri tem utrudil. Pred par tedni sem se udeležil lepe slovesnosti srebrne maše škofa Roberta Kerketta, S.D.B., za katerega ste Vi pridobili velikodušnega dobrotnika, oziroma dobrotnico, ko je on študiral bogoslovje v Turinu in Rimu. Skoda, da nisem imel s seboj Vašega naslova, da bi Vam skupaj pisala. Med tem sem mu Vaš naslov že posredoval in se Vam bo sam oglasil. Msgr. Kerketta je tretji škof v Tezpurju, na bregu veletoka Brahmaputre pod Himalajo. Škofija sama prav tako praznuje srebrni jubilej obstoja. Msgr. Kerketta je bil preje škof v Dibrugarju, na drugem bregu Brahmaputre. V letih 1970 do 1974 je bil torej moj škof in sva skupaj veliko potovala, večkrat peš. V neko oddaljeno vas na hribih sva potovala zaporedoma dva dni, da so tako tudi ondotni verniki prejeli lahko zakrament sv. birme. Ko Vam sedaj pišem, se rad poslužim te priložnosti, da Vam voščim vse najboljše za god sv. Karla, Vašega patro-na. Naj dobri Bog na njegovo priprošnjo obilo blagoslovi Vas ter Vaše delo v župniji Brezmadežnega Srca Marijinega in pri vodstvu za misijonsko stvar tako zaslužne Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije. Najlepše pozdrave pošiljam tudi Vašim pridnim sodelavcem in sodelavkam. Vam hvaležni vdani Pavel Bernik, S.D.B.« Njegov sedanji naslov je: Salesian College, P. Box 43, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland, Indija. Iz Ljubljane 84-letni misijonar Anton Majcen na Rakovniku piše 1. novembra: »Najprej moja bratska in misijonska voščila, ki jih spremljajo moje molitve za misijonski apostolat in v zahvalo za vse, kar storite v MZA za misijone in posebej še za potrebe v Vietnamu. Imam kar stalno in obilno korespondenco z mojimi v Vietnamu, v kolikor kaj lahko pišejo. Imam zopet pripravljenih pet velikih pošiljk zdravil od dobrih ljudi za revne, kajti moji bivši gojenci imajo kar 14 raznih postojank z veroukarji in povsod so zelo revni, da prosijo za pomoč. Pred tednom sem dobil nekaj pisem, ki sem jih posnel in fotokopiral. Na Kitajskem je umrl naš prvi salezijanski duhovnik Don Šeng. O njem ste enkrat dejali, da je svetnik, s kitajsko palico, ki jih naj opominja na disciplino. Naš Wang pa je privaten profesor za bogoslov- ce. Na Kerečevem stolčku v Čao tung-u sedaj sedi v marcu 1988 posvečeni novi škof, prvi naslednik škofa Kereca. Doslej Čao tung ni imel niti enega duhovnika, pač pa okoli 30 tisoč kristjanov, ki so sami sebi spodbujali za versko življenje. Prejšnji mesec je šel naš Wang k njemu na obiske; sem radoveden, če bo kaj povedal... Stanko Pavlin mi je poslal kitajski časopis, kjer piše, da je škof Čin in škof Sja molil ‘prvič po 1952. letu’ za papeža in to javno. Je res korajžen, sicer pa kristjani radi molijo za papeža. Vsi upajo, da bo novi kardinal v Hong Kongu znal spraviti vse na prave tračnice s potrpežljivostjo. Veselim se, da bo za Božič prišel v Ljubljano za zlato mašo naš g. Lenček iz Argentine. Pravkar se je naš Zadravec peljal na žalno slavje za tiste, ki so izginili nedolžno v tistih letih. Vedno glasneje se oglašajo glasovi za tiste, ki so izginili brez sledu... Prav lepa hvala za vse in pele pozdrave S. Ferjan, g. Kvasu, g. Sodji in vsem drugim. Vaš stari Mašen fu« G. Majcen omenja, da je nedavno en južnovietnamski škof dobil dovoljenje posvetiti 10 diakonov v mašnike. Eden njegovih gojencev, da čaka kot diakon že 10 let in še ni prišel do mašništva. Njegov prijatelj pa je že tri leta diakon in še ni dosegel duhovništva. Blagajnik Štefan Marolt je 3. novembra sporočil, da so zadnje mesece v Clevelandu darovali naslednji do-brotniki(-ce): Neimenovani za vse $5. Po $10 ga. Veronika Gerič, Neimenovani in g. Lojze Bajc (v spomin Ivana Hočevarja). Po $20 ga. Ivana Hir-schegger, družina Jože Likozar, gdč. Tončka Cigale in Neimenovani, ga. Rose Bavec in ga. Mary Vrhovnik (za najbolj potrebne v misijonih). . Po $25 je darovala družina Rudija Kneza (v spomin pok. Andreja Hirscheggerja). Po $30 je darovala ga. Frances Gazvoda. Ga. Marija Goršek je žrtvovala $50. Po $100 so dali gdč. Marija Mlinar, za vse, in John in Angela Zapu-šek, za kopanje vodnjaka g. Emila Chiucha. Ga. Anica Hočevar, v spomin rajnega moža Ivana, $150 za vse. Neimenovana iz Clevelanda je darovala za vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca $250. Enako vsoto sta darovala v isti namen Anton in Anica Nemec iz Clevelanda. Ga. Marija Ribič je žrtvovala za bogoslovsko vzdrževalnino $300. G. France Mlinar iz Chicaga je dal $300, od tega za s. Bogdano Kavčič $100 in $200 za vse. G. Frank Tominc je dal za vse $300. Gdč. MaryAnn Mlinar $300, od tega $100 za s. Bogdano Kavčič, $50 za Mrs. L. za tiskalni stroj in $150 za vse. Neimenovana iz Euclida je darovala $350: $150 za najbolj potrebne misijonarje, $150 za vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca, in $50 za sv. maše za rajnega Alojzija Staniša. Ga. Francka Merela iz Euclida je dala $250 za vzdrževanje domačega bogoslovca ih $200 v pomoč za vse. Skupaj $450. Neimenovana je darovala za vse $1000. Predsednica Mary Coffelto-va iz Milvvaukeeja je poslala od MZA piknika v juliju $9018.71. Za najbolj potrebne v misijonih je poslala Neimenovana družina iz Ontaria kan. $150. Ga. Mary Kebe je darovala $60 za svojega vzdrževanca duhovnika Feliksa Juma Mu-shi. Iz Lethbridga, Alberta, je poslala ga. Antonija Fvlvp-ezuk $50, od tega $30 za misijonarja Jožeta Grošlja, in $20 za vse naše misijonarje in misijonarke. Prejeli smo izčrpno poročilo o misijonski prireditvi v Minnesoti od MZA Gilbert in ga bomo kmalu objavili. Umrl je tam naš sodelavec g. Avgust Kovač, mnogo let zvesta duša. Naj počiva v miru in Bog tolaži njegovo dobro ženo. Izšla je nova številka »Misijonskih Obzorij« v Ljubljani. Zlati jubilej redovništva slavita letos uršulinka Frančiška Novak v Tajski in brat Rafael Mrzel na Filipinih. Čestitamo! Jezuit Stanko Rozman je bil nekaj časa na obisku v Torontu pri svojih znancih in prijateljih. O MZA New York prireditvi za misijonsko nedeljo še nimamo poročila. Upamo, da bo kmalu možno kaj več o prireditvi objaviti. G. Andrej Prebil popisuje svoje vtise o kratkem obisku v Sloveniji. Kako moramo vsak dan hvaliti Boga, da se lahko srečujemo, obiskujemo, kjer hočemo, prenočujemo in se nihče ne boji, da bo policija nad njim, če ne javi, da da komu čez noč zatočišče. Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Tržaška jezen Na sinjem bregu lesk rdečih streh, ki vsaka se v jesenskem soncu smeje. Po poštnih sladkih smokev polne veje in zrelo grozdje že leži po tleh. . I ■! Kak širi se srce ob takih dneh, ko da ga spet ljubezen nova greje! In kdor takrat v obiske k nam prispeje, pozdravljamo z radostjo ga v očeh. Smehlja se dobro lice domačinu, ki, stopajoč pred hišo, pipo tlači in govori samo o novem vinu. Od hiše sem diši po svinjski krači... Ta bo takrat ob svetem se Martinu debla vsem med litri in kolači. Janko Samec Povratnik Frank Milavec se zopet oglasil iz rodne Slovenije... PEKRE, Slovenija - Take povsem napačno. Demonstra- novice, kot so sedaj, niso dosti prida in še manj pa zanimive. Menda gre Jugoslavija res v pekel, kot je izjavil Janez Stanič v reviji Teleks. Menda ima kar prav, ker vse zgleda tako. Res je neverjetno, da je Ju-gos^vija prišla tako nizko in v Frank Milavec, ki se bliža svoji stoletnici, je povratnik iz Amerike v Slovenijo. Veliko let že dopisuje v Prosveto, glasilo SNPJ, le v zadnjem času pa piše bistro in samozavestno o tamkajšnjih razmerah. Tudi ta članek je izšel na Prosvetini edini slovenski strani in sicer ta teden (16. nov.). Iz dopisa je razvidno, da meni Milavec, da so ljudje jezni samo zaradi gmotnih razmer. Nima najmanjšega čuta za to, da bi sploh kaj šlo tudi za temeljne svoboščine, za demokratizacijo družbe same. Ker se sam za te osnovne prvine ne zanima, ne vidi te strani sedanje krize v Sloveniji in SFRJ. Če bi ljudem pač dali več jesti in malce razkošneje živeti, pa bi bilo težav konec. Njegova razlaga nedavnih vojvodinskih in črnogorskih dogodkov je čisto napačna, kljub temu pa je članek v celoti vreden kritičnega branja. Ur. A.D. tako slab položaj, kot je sedaj. Ljudstvo je zelo nezadovoljno v teh kritičnih časih. Sprašuje se, kaj je vzrok tem težkim finančnim in življenjskim razmeram. Ali je glavni vzrok komunistična vlada ali Kosovo, ki je nemirno že od vsega začetka. Seveda pa tem težavam botruje tudi visoka inflacija, ki je ne morejo ukrotiti. Naj hujše preglavice povzroča Kosovo, ki se je že leta 81 uprlo in pričelo z velikimi demonstracijami, katere so izglasovali za kontrarevolucijo. V glavnem pa je kosovski narod zahteval le izboljšanje razmer. Na Kosovu je tudi velika nezaposlenost, zraven pa še narodnostna nestrpnost in nezadovoljstvo med domačimi Albanci ter Srbi in Črnogorci na drugi strani. Vlada pa samo veliko govori, ne napravi pa dosti, da bi izboljšala stanje. Tako se razmere vedno slabšajo, to pa je povzročilo veliko krizo. Komunisti se še premalo zavedajo, da bi kaj uredili in izboljšali ekonomsko stanje, da bi bil mir in da bi bili ljudje zadovoljni. Mladini pa je vse to presedalo. Prvi so se dvignili mladi v Vojvodini, kjer so v Novem Sadu organizirali veliko demonstracijo, na kateri so zahtevali odstop vseh- vojvodinskih voditeljev. Z demonstracijami so nadaljevali še naslednji dan. Demonstranti so tudi zahtevali, da bi se na Kosovu spet uvedel mir. Dvignila se je tudi črnogorska mladina, ki je več dni še hujše demonstrirala in tudi zahtevala, da se na Kosovu uvedeta red in mir. (To je cije v Vojvodini in Črni gori so bde organizirane od Beograda, pod vodstvom srbskega vodje oz. »vožda« Miloševiča. To je splošno znano in sprejeto, le Milavcu oz. tistemu, ki mu »popravlja« rokopis, n T'r A. D.) To stanje je prebudilo komuniste po celi Jugoslaviji. Napovedana je bila 17. konferenca (plenum, op. ur. AD) CK ZKJ, na kateri naj bi sprejeli važne sklepe za ureditev najbolj perečih problemov, zato so od te konference vsi tudi veliko pričakovali in zahtevali. Najprej naj se uredijo razmere na Kosovu, zatem naj se izboljša gospodarsko stanje in s tem življenjski pogoji za delovnega človeka. Jugoslavija se mora čimprej izvleči iz te velike krize, kar je življenjskega pomena za ves narod, saj so mnogi danes na robu preživetja. Država je pač preveč zadolžena in dolgov že sedaj ne more odplačevati. Nič čudnega, če je ljudstvo nezadovoljno in razdvojeno. Tu žive mnoge narodnosti in vsaka po svoje si hoče urejevati razmere. Vsi pa so nevoščljivi najbolj razviti Sloveniji. Posebno Srbi, med temi tudi nekateri visoki komunisti, se vedno jezijo na Slovence. Očitajo jim, da s Slovenci ne pridejo na kraj, ker da so bolj samosvoji in trmasti. Slovenski komunisti da nočejo sprejeti njihovih predlogov, oni pa nočejo sprejeti slovenskih, čeprav so bolj koristni, vendar jim ti niso po volji. Komunistov ne bom hvalil, ne enih, ne drugih, vendar lahko rečem, da so slovenski komunisti bolj koristni in gospodarni in tudi bolj odločni. Tako se jugoslovanske razmere slabšajo iz dneva v dan. Ljudstvo pa je v skrbeh in v strahu, kaj bo še prišlo. Povsod veliko pomanjkanje življenjskih potrebščin, cene pa vsaki dan višje. Denar nima več nobene veljave in ljudje računajo že s starimi milijardami, ne pa z milijoni ali tisočaki, ki so pred leti še nekaj pomenili. Nekaj bi le morali ukreniti, da bi vsaj denar imel nekaj veljave. Tako pa, če greš čez mejo, nimaš pravzaprav nič. Vse torej izgleda, da bo šla Jugoslavija še skozi težke čase, če se hoče izvleči iz te neznosne krize. Ljudstvo pa mora vse potrpeti, kajti pot do izboljšanja bo še dolga in naporna. Tudi če se prične stanje izboljševati, bo vzelo dolgo časa, da se spet pride na zeleno vejo. Tudi če izmenjajo vse voditelje, tudi z novimi ne bodo dosegli novih uspehov kar čez noč, posebno ne takih, kot si jih narod želi. Težko pričakovana 17. konferenca CK ZKJ ni torej prinesla kakih posebnih sprememb za izboljšanje gospodarskega in življen- Zahvalni dan polka zabava Gotovo je ena najbolj obiskanih letnih prireditev v širši clevelandski slovenski skupnosti tkim. »Zahvalni dan polka zabava«, ki jo sponzorira Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club, ki mu predseduje John Pestotnik. Letošnja prireditev je že 27. po vrsti in bo ravno na Zahvalnem dnevu prazniku (24. novembra), v avditoriju višje šole sv. Jožefa na E. 185 St. in Lake Shore Blvd. v Clevelandu. Pričela se bo ob 5.30 pop. in trajala do 1. ure zjutraj. Vstopnice so v predprodaji po $6 na osebo pri Tony’s Polka Village na 971 E. 185 St. Vstopnice bodo po $6.50 pri vratih. Polka zabava je v podporo radijskim oddajam Tonyja Petkovška. Poleg lokalnih ljubiteljev polke glasbe, bodo v Cleveland prišli številni avtobusi iz Minnesote, Wisconsi-na, Michigana in drugih krajev. Razne zabave in prireditve bodo tudi 25. in 26. novembra. Naj jih na kratko opišemo. Na osrednji polka zabavi 24. novembra bo sodelovalo skoro ducat polka ansamblov in godb, slovenskih in neslovenskih. V petek, 25. novembra, bo od 1. ure dalje konvencija organizacije »Polka Music Clubs United« in sicer v SDD na Waterloo Rd. V soboto, 26. novembra, se bo prvič za javnost predstavila nova »American Slovenian Polka Foundation«, ki domuje in ima v najem prostore v bivši Euclid Shore šoli na 291 E. 222 St. Ogledati si boste mogli razstavo o zgodovini polke glasbe v Clevelandu, ob 2.30 pop. pa se bo pričela v velikem in akustično izvrstnem avditoriju kulturna prireditev, na kateri bo sodelovalo več lokalnih pevskih zborov ter folklorna skupina Kres. Med programom bo omenjena polka ustanova sprejela v svoj »Hall of Farne« prvih pet članov. Ti so Frank Yankovic, Johnny Vadnal in Walter Ostanek, ki bodo vsi navzoči in bodo nekaj svojih najbolj znanih melodij tudi zaigrali, ter že pok. Matt Hoyer in Johnny Pecon. .Vstopnice za to prireditev so po $10 in jih imajo pri Tony’s Polka Village, kajti je g. Petkovšek sam voditelj te polka ustanove. Letna članarina za jskega položaja delovnega ljudstva. Delegati so na tajnih volitvah napravili presenečenje in s tem vzbudili zanimanje po vsem svetu. Le en svetovni časopis je omenil, da Jugoslaviji grozi že državljanska vojna. (Te možnosti so omenili tudi nekateri visoki partijski funkcionarji v SFRJ in Sloveniji, op. ur. A.D.). Jugoslovanski komunisti pa pravijo, da ni strahu za to, da se bo že počasi uredilo kot je treba. Drugič pa še kaj več o tem in upam, da bo tudi kaj boljših novic. Lep jesenski pozdrav vsem bralcem Prosvete. Frank Milavec ustanovo je $12 na osebo, življenjska članarina pa znaša $100. Ako želite o tej novi organizaciji, lahko pokličite Pet-kovškovo trgovino ali pa Mike Podbova na 261-6444. Zadnja leta imajo v sklopu tega polka konec tedna tudi tkim. polka mašo. Tako bo tudi letos. Mašo bo daroval škof A. Edward Pevec in sicer v soboto, 26. novembra, ob 6. zvečer v prostorih Holiday Inn Holidrome na 28500 Euclid Ave. Po maši bo spet večerja s plesom in sicer od 7.30 do 11. zvečer. Vstopnice za slednjo so po $12, zopet jih dobite pri Petkovškovi trgovini, kjer sicer lahko dobite tudi vso informacijo za katero zgoraj navedenih prireditev (tel. 481-7512). Rudolph M. Susel KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV NOVEMBER 20. — Klub graduantov šole sv. Vida priredi kosilo. Ob 12.30 bo sv. maša v cerkvi, ob 1.30 kosilo v avditoriju. 25. — Slovenski dom na Holmes Ave. priredi Zahvalni dan večerjo. Igra Johnny Vadnal orkester. DECEMBER 4. — Pevski zbor Glasbena Matica priredi koncert v SND na St. Clair Ave. Pričetek ob 2h pop. Po koncertu večerja in ples. Igra Don Slogar orkester. 4. — Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu priredi miklavževanje v farni dvorani. Pričetek ob 3h pop. 4. — S.K.D. Triglav, Milwaukee, priredi Miklavževanje. 4.- — Slov. šola pri Mariji Vnebovzeti priredi 'miklavževanje z opereto »Miklavž prihaja«, v šolski dvorani. Pričetek ob 3. pop. 9. — Slovensko ameriški kulturni svet prireja srečanje s škofom Pevcem na seminišču Borromeo. 18. — Društvo S.P.B. priredi božičnico, v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Pričetek ob 3. pop. FEBRUAR 26. — Slov. šola pri Sv. Vidu postreže s kosilom v farni dvorani. Serviranje od 11.30 do 1.30 pop. NOVI GROBOVI (Nadaljevanje s str. 5) Keitha in Michaela, 3-krat stara mati. Pogreb bo iz zavoda Jack Monreal na E. 320 in Vine St. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Marije Magdalene dop. ob 10. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina priporoča darove v pokojničin spomin Holy Family Home, 6707 State Rd., Parma,'OH 44134. MALI OGLASI Beauty Shop For Sale Call 486-3069 after 5 p.m. (FX) MALI OGLASI For Rent Upstairs. 5 rooms. Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid. Near Holy Cross Church. Seniors preferred. 486-7098. (x) DELO V TOVARNI Moški ali ženska, delni ali polni čas. Kličite (216) 531' ; 5016 med 8.30 in 11.30 dopoldan; vprašajte za Ann. (85-86) Midwest Boat Manufacturer seeking factory represente tives in Cleveland area. Ma rine industry experience required. Call (414) 244-7899 or (715)258-3478 (after hrs.) <2fl For Rent 3 rooms & bath, down. Air Cond. St. Vitus area. Call 941-5044 after 6 p.m. (85-88) For Rent 2 bdrm rental, up. Carpeted-Euclid. Call 531-6109. (84-87) Hiše barvamo zunaj in zo°' traj. Tapeciramo. (We wall' paper). Popravljamo in dela mo nove kuhinje in kopalnic6 ter tudi druga zidarska iri mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVN^ Pokličite 423-4444 (x) | Norwood R., Near St. Qa'r For sale by owner. Handyd1^ special. 5 suites. 3 garag®5 Office space. Workshop Storage space. $45,00 Negotiable. 289-4395. ^ Large Master Bungalow' Off Chardon Rd. $79,900; Call and ask for Anton Ma*1 Cameo Realty — 261-390® Res. — 338-3205 a^\ (84, W For Rent 2 bdrm. apt. on E. 63. C0f peted, fenced yard, u nished. $150 mo., secur'1, dep., no pets. 391-7137. , (83-861 Prijat el's Pharmflfl St. Clair Ave. & E. 6S St. 361'4 . IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVI^ ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽA’ OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAV0P 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-®°^ \/0^ Moderni pogrebni 0 Ambulanca na razp®1 podnevi in ponoc1 CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI- * Collinwood * * Waterloo * Holiday Section American Home Newspaper, NORTH COAST * Polka Hall of Fame * (Euclid) CP m o H o z Collinwood Home Big All Day Holiday Celebration Nov. 25 Johnny Vadnal Orchestra plays for Dinner Dance on 2nd Floor Two of the Collinwood Home Holmes Hall Buttonaires on First Floor Corky Godec in lower level Club Room directors are Frank Koncilija and Dan Pavšek. Tony Vadnal is happy to he “Musician of the Year” and shows one of the trophies he received. Ihe early Johnny Vadnal Orchestra features, left to right, Frankie, Johnny and Tony. The *°ung accordionist learning the trade and following in his older brothers’footsteps is Richie vadnal. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★■A * * ♦ J * * * * * * * * * | * * * ♦ Collinwood Welcomes Polka Fans * 1 * * * * Friday, Nov. 25, 1988 * 6th Annual After Thanksgiving DINNER DANCE * if Jf i + * jf jf jf if Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Collinwood jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf I jf jf Slovenian Home $ J jf jf jf POLKA CAPITAL ; Featuring a J Three Star Event: } jf ••••••••••••••••••••••a jf j ^Jam Session by the Pol-Kats jf J 12 noon to 6:00 p.m. - Lower Hall jf jf Jf J Music by Corky Codec in Clubroom X noon till ?? $ 15810 Holmes Ave. THE mi: xSP Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf Jf ^ 6:00 Dinner and Dance Family Style Dinner as only Mrs. Stanonik can prepare J Music by Johnny Vadnal at 8:00 p.m. J Jam Sessions in Lower Hall after dinner J Dinner Tickets $10.00 jf Admission to Dance Only $5.00 >f For info or tickets, call Mary Podlogar 851-5761, or Jf Dan Pavšek 531-8199, or John Habat 732-8827 l Jf i jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf } jf jf jf jf jf t jf ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★*★★★ Jf Things To Come... Friday, Aug. 18 — 50/50 Event Saturday, Aug. 19 — Dinner Dance Honoring All Polka Honorees Sunday, Aug. 20 — Homecoming Day +++*+*+*+***++***+*+++*****++*++++++ jf_ j*- fPast Musicians Honored l \by Collinwood Home jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf Frankie Yankovic John Pecon & Lou Trebar Kenny Bass & Ed Habat Al Trcek & Frankie Maurer Dick Sodja and Al Markič Joe White & Dick Flaisman Ed Kenik & Cecelia Dolgan Duke Marsic Jim Kozel Mike Marich jf jf jf jf jf Frank Škufca % Frank & Ray Champa Joe Lasicky Art Perko Johnny Vadnal Frank Mahnič Ed Bucar Al Markič Tony Vadnal Jf ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★****************^ jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf jf American Home Newspaper, NORTH COAST SECTION Waterloo is Bert Kolar, president of the Waterloo Trade and Development Corp., of Fanny’s Restaurant along with Ron Stakich of Stakich Furniture, show one of the 20 lighted Christmas trees which will be on display throughout the Waterloo business district during the Holiday Season. The 8-feet high trees are part of the $7,000 spent on outdoor decorations for the area this year. Everyone is urged to come to the Waterloo area and see all the beautiful decorations. Waterloo Trade & Development Corp. Promotes Area by Bert Kolar President The Waterloo Trade and Development Corporation had a great year. Paid memberships were up — meeting attendance was up — and awareness of the need to become involved in our projects improved. The Waterloo Festival brought thousands of visitors to our neighborhood and helped us generate a profit once again. Storefront renovation programs are moving ahead. A signage project will be initiated to identify our area. Christmas decorations have been purchased and will be installed by Thanksgiving. About $7,000 will be spent on this project. A coalition of neighborhood organizations will be suggested so that we may assist one another to head in the same direction. All in all, we were very busy in 1988. We say thanks to each and every one of the volunteers who helped us on various projects throughout the year. Special thanks to Club 32 for ‘ 'L ighting a Pole ’ ’ by purchasing an X-mas Decoration. That $200 helped a lot. Also, Society Bank donated $300.00 for a 40 foot long Holiday Greetings Banner that is at this moment being painted by talented Jeff Fortuna. And to eight of our members who each donated $120.00 for X-mas banners to be installed along Waterloo and E. 156 we give special thanks. They are Analitical Laboratories of Ohio, Crowley Lawn Service, Paulich Specialties, Stakich Furniture, Waterloo Eagle Market, McPhillips Plumbing, Pat Murphy and Associates, and Fanny's Restaurant. Thanks again one and all! Y.O.U. (Youth Opportunities Unlimited) helps youth in our Waterloo area by providing employment in summer. Right for You The Waterloo Trade & Development Corporation is growing up. We are almost fifty members strong at this point in our history thanks to the efforts of a number of involved members and Sarah Tranchito. We are growing steadily and welcome residents, institutions, businesses and industry of all sizes and, of course, other tax-exempt organizations like ourselves. In February of this year, we enjoyed a wonderful day showcasing the neighborhood at the Home & Flower Show. John Habat gathered an excellent display of our history for the walls of the booth. A number of our Italian residents brought a gorgeous display of pottery, hand-made lace, cut-work and glass. Continuous entertainment was provided by Circle II Slovenian singers, a children’s chorus, alternating with Murphy’s Irish Dancers, the Junior Tamburitzans (Croatian Dancers) and The Italian Chorus (adult singers). This gathered large crowds around our booth during almost the entire day. While people were there, we gave them information about what the two development corporations were doing, safety tips and treats, and much neighborhood information. Watch for us again this year! This year’s Festival held in July was a financial success and is highly regarded as one of the best neighborhood and family oriented festivals going. We have a lot of work to do to strengthen our own merchant involvement. We’re all working toward this end. Mark your calendars for July 20th thru July 23, 1989 for the next Waterloo Festival. Our storefront program has dispensed close to $15,000 in the three commercial areas of E. 185th, St. Clair business strip, and the Waterloo commercial “T”. This has generated over $70,000 worth of improvements and more merchants are realizing the tremendous opportunity being offered. On Tuesday, September 13th we took Lolly the Trolley and visited Midtown Corridor, The Flats, Detroit-Shoreway, Slavic Village, Ohio City and the Lakeside. Area Development Corporation to see the work of other development corporations. People from all segments of our community (institutions, businesses, residents, community groups, etc.) joined us for this adventure. We soon realized the need for better storefront and street signage to attract people to our area. We’re working to accomplish this goal now with input from a neighborhood artist. We have an on-going safety program, in cooperation with the Cleveland Police Department, which includes Crime Watch, Auto Watch, Neighborhood Watch, Child Watch and Business Watch to ensure a safer environment for everyone. The' Neighborhood Code-Enforcement Partnership Program has surveyed over 300 homes in the North Collin-wood area with the cooperation of St. Jerome’s Catholic Church, Collinwood Community Services Center, the City of Cleveland Department of Building & Housing, Collinwood Village Development Corporation and Waterloo Trade & Development. This program is primarily a volunteer, neigh bor-to-neighbor effort to better the )EVEL.QPTVIEf\l"P quality of our housing stock and commercial strips. It can and does work! Summer jobs are available to our neighborhood youth through Youth Opportunities Unlimited, a privately-funded corporation. Our Christmas decorations for both Waterloo and Collinwood for this season promise to be the best ever. Memberships are reasonable for both development corporations and open to all within our boundaries. Call Sarah Tranchito (531-6400) or Meg McGarry (531-1114) Next year’s Summer Festival is July 20th thru July 23. This area of Waterloo Rd. will be aglow with Christmas lights. A big crowd visited our booth at Home and Flower Show. Cleveland’s Ward 11 ‘Aiming to be the Best’ by Michael D. Polenšek Cleveland City Councilman Ward II The most important aspect of any city is the neighborhoods in which people live. Our Civic Vision is influenced by the businesses and housing that surround us. The very life of a city depends upon its housing stock and its local businesses. A well-maintained neighbor-hobd attracts good home-owners and businesses, while a depressed one repels them. A neighborhood must attract new home owners while at the same time keep its long-time committed residents. The same holds true for businesses as well, and that is why Cleveland’s Collinwood area is unique because we have initiated programs which are meant not only to stabilize our neighborhood housing stock and improve it; but also programs to enhance and help our local businesses. The first being the Collinwood Neighborhood Partnership, which was funded through the Community Development Block Grant Program and my efforts which originated through a town hall meeting sponsored by St. •Jerome’s Catholic Church. This program, in conjunction with the City of Cleveland’s Building and Housing Division, will be walking through turgeted areas of Ward 11 looking for housing code v'olations (such as peeling exterior paint, broken steps, junk cars, etc.). Once the violations are found, the inspectors will work with the homeowners in tfying to correct these problems. If the homeowners are i*1 violation, they will receive a notice in the mail explaining the violation. ^e are using volunteers from 'be community for these surveys and by using this type nf approach, neighbors will be elping neighbors — working together to help make our 'vard a better place to live. The Collinwood Neighbor-0°d Partnership Program tt'so helps to find absentee andlords who refuse to main-'am their property so we can °rce them to put money back into their properties. Besides the C.N.P.P., we have other programs such as Free Weatherization, Low Interest Home Repair Loans — such as the 312 Loan or C.A.S.H. Loans — and the outstanding free Paint Program which has resulted in several hundred homes being painted in our community in just the last few years. But, as we know, housing is only half of a neighborhood and we have been very fortunate to have outstanding commercial and business areas as well. Take for example, East 185th Street, which we more commonly refer to as the Old World Plaza. Here we have seen a tremendous revitalization process take place which has resulted in East 185th Street being recognized as the best commercial strip within the City of Cleveland outside of the Downtown area. The Old World Plaza Development Corporation, its officers and members have distinguished themselves by holding yearly the largest ethnic festival anywhere within Cuyahoga County. And now with the growth of the Collinwood Village Development Corporation, which takes in the area north and south of St. Clair Avenue in the East Collinwood area, couples with the Waterloo Trade and Development Corporation — which encompasses the Historic Waterloo-Euclid Beach area — we have the makings of one of the finest business consortiums anywhere assembled in the City of Cleveland. Within just the last year, we have seen many new businesses relocate and open in our community such as K-Mart and the New Euclid Beach Plaza which has added 30,000 square feet of new retail space to Lake Shore Boulevard. Just as we have attracted new retail businesses, we have also been successful in bringing in industrial concerns such as Moore Plastics and Burger Industries which is out of New Jersey. In the future we plan to continue our Commercial Storefront Renovation Program which has resulted in many of our retail businesses having their storefronts completely renovated and will continue to emphasize the Collinwood Enterprise Zone which (Continued on page 7) SIDE ONE: 1. Singers And Players Polka (O Brajko) INSTRUMENTAL 2. El Rio Drive Polka (V. Meisner) INSTRUMENTAL 3. Last Dance Waltz (L. Slak) VOCAL 4. Slovenian Village Polka (L. Slak) INSTRUMENTAL 5. Sweet Nearness Of You (J. Miskulin) VOCAL 6. Lake Bled WalU (L Slak) INSTRUMENTAL First Release SIDE TWO: 1. Say Thank You Dear And Give Her Roses (W. Groller) VOCAL 2. Ostanek's Polka (W. Ostanek) 3. Lehigh Waltz (R Braidich) INSTRUMENTAL 4. Three To The Left Polka (TRI NA LEVO - Slovenian Traditional) 5. Never On Sunday (Moustakis) INSTRUMENTAL 6. Stepping Out Polka (L. Slak) (SE BOM NARIHTOVA) INSTRUMENTAL FOR ALBUMS OR CASSETTES SEND $9.50 (Includes postage & handling) To: ROSE BRAIDICH 12916 SPRAGUE RD., PARMA, QHIO 44130 Councilman Mike Polenšek rides his bike in area’s parade. MESABA BUTTON BOX CLUB MUSIC FROM OUR Oscar Fryckman 706 SIXTH STREET NORTHWEST CHISHOLM, MINNESOTA 55719 PHONE: 218/254 - 4554 J. Strekal Construction Inc. COMMERCIAL 692-1C2C RESIDENTIAL No Job Too Small... Jack Strekal R & D Sausage . Open Mon. 9-2 Tbot. thru Thur. 9-5 Fit 4 Sat 9-9 K Slovenian Smoked Sausaoe - $2.79 Lb.^ Mce& Blood Sausage-$1.79 Lb. ** Fresh Sausage - $2.99 Lb. Želodec - $2.89 Lb. Cottage Hams - $2.99 Lb. Smoked Spare Ribs POTICA & STRUDEL IMPORTED FOODS FROM EUROPE 15714 Waterloo Rd. JoeZuzek 692-1832 DICK ZEMO PONTIAC LAKESHORE Hard To Find, But Easy To Deal With SHOREWAY 2 Entrances: 22501 Shore Center 22500 Lake Shore Blvd Euclid, Ohio SALES SERVICE LEASING PARTS BODY SHOP USED CARS 289-3930 LAKE COUNTY DIAL TOLL FREE - 352-4396 DICK ZEMO American Home Newspaper, NORTH COAST SECTION American Home 2 g o !U W h- V) < o o X I- tr O 2 <5 Q. (0 d to 5 a> 2 Polka Hall of Farne Schedule for Polka Hall of Farne Events The American Slovenian Polka Foundation is getting set for the formal unveiling of the new Polka Hall of Fame at its headquarters, the Euclid Shore Civic Center, 291 East 222nd Street at Lake Shore Boulevard in Euclid, Ohio. A day-long open house on Saturday, November 26, from noon till 6:00 p.m., will be climaxed by a spectacular stage production in the Civic Center’s main auditorium beginning at 2:30 p.m. The Premiere Grand Awards Presentation will honor five of the all-time great Cleveland-style artists including Frank Yankovic, Johnny Vadnal, the late Matt Hoyer and Johnny Pecon, and Canada’s Walter Ostanek. The five were previously enshrined by the International Polka Association’s Hall of Fame in Chicago. The awards program will offer a great variety of Slovenian style talent including the colorful Kres Folk Dancers, the Fairport Button Accordion Ensemble, the United Slovenian Society Concert Band, plus the combined choruses of Zarja, Jadran, Glasbena Matica, and Fantje Na Vasi. Following the introductions by celebrity-presenters, each of the Hall of Fame honorees or their relative-musicians will perform their most famous musical selections backed up by an all-star polka staff band. The historical Hall of Fame display area on the main floor outside the auditorium will include illustrations of where the polka and this distinct style of ethnic music originated and has evolved. There will be photos and illustrations of polka greats and great times, artifacts and memorabilia including the Slovenian cultural aspect, plus an on-going video presentation. Special themes will be established and featured from time to time. Hours for the first month period (November 28 to December 30) for visiting the Hall of Fame in Room 150 will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. till noon with exception of December 24. Free admission. Tickets for the gala awards show on November 26 in the theatre-style Euclid Civic Auditorium are available at Tony’s Polka Village, 971 East 185th Street or by sending a check or $10 per ticket made payable to American Slovenian Polka Foundation. Ticket information available at (216) 481 -7512 or call Nancy Walden evenings at 382-8564. Donations and memberships are being accepted by the Polka Foundation in support of the Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame through Membership Chairman, Mike Podboy at (216) 261-6444. Checks may be made to the American Slovenian Polka Foundation in care of the Euclid Civic Center, 291 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio 44123. Founders Membership (special recognition) $100; Life Membership $100; and Regular Annual membership $12. General donations and Memoriams are also gratefully accepted. Be a part of our great polka-ethnic music history by supporting and especially attending opening festivities November 26! Tony Petkovšek, Cliitiruian Mii'Imel J. Potllioy, Memberslii|> Clmiriimii w ’■ f-' 1 i Rendering of the^Cjevejand^tyJe^^^^^H^lfofFaiTie^ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ jroNY petkovsek's 27th THANKSGIVING Polka Weekend CLEVELAND, OHIO AMERICA'S POLKA CAPITAL ^SALUTING THE POLKA GREATS IN '88” TRADITIONAL POLKA PARTY (DANCE & SHOW) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1988 North America's Largest and Longest Running Annual Polka Dance!! Sponsored by Cleveland Slovenian Radio Club — 5:30 p.m. till 1:00 ST. JOSEPH HI AUDITORIUM - East 185th and Lake Shore Boulevard A VARIETY OF BANDS IN 3 AREAS — PECON • RODICK • HARTMAN (Wise.) • KRAVOS • CERNIK (Pa.) • N. OHIO PLAYERS • • ADAMIC (Mich.) • MATASY • ERIE SHORES BUTTON BOX • WRETSCHKO • YUKON BUTTON BOX (Pa.) ♦ * * I { ¥ { * * DONATION: ADVANCE: $6.00 AT DOOR: $6.50 POLKA MUSIC CLUBS UNITED CONVENTION FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1988 Meeting: 1:00 p.m. Open to public SLOVENIAN WORKMEN'S HOME - 15335 Waterloo Road K i ^ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN POLKA FOUNDATION SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1988 Grand Awards Premiere Show • Spectacular Stage Production Saturday Afternoon, 2:30 p.m. EUCLID (SHORE) CIVIC CENTER — 291 East 222nd Street Presenting the Foremost Cleveland-Style Polka Stars (Pecon - Vadnal - Hoyer - Ostanek - Yankovic) First Look at the National (Slovenian) POLKA HALL OF FAME DONATION: $10.00 (In Support of Hall of Fame) SPECIAL “POLKA MASS” CELEBRATION SATURDAY EVENING - NOVEMBER 26, 1988 WITH BISHOP A. EDWARD PEVEC S MICHIANA SINGERS/PLAYERS HOLIDAY INN HOLIDOME — 28500 Euclid Avenue 6:30 p.m. (Warm-up session begins at 6:00 p.m.) DINNER-DANCE to follow 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. featuring John Stanulis and Andy Nester Bands DONATION $12.00 (Reservations should be made in advance!) FOR ANY INFORMATION OR RESERVATIONS CONTACT TONY PETKOVŠEK TONY'S POLKA VILLAGE . 971 East 185th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 481-7512 or Nationally (800)321-5801 BIG VARIETY OF MANY OTHER POLKA EVENTS AT LOCAL NATIONALITY HALLS & RESTAURANT-LOUNGES ALL WEEKEND, WEDNESDAY THRU SATURDAY! Polka Hall of Farne Ready for Five Inductees 0^.°* GWI of £“c Z\^ of sopef" ,\OP se' ,pS/\CEs vlcCt^ itoM*«** vVd»AWn' Lch,^0t . U»»' o«lce ^ee;eVv«' vers e of 'T"8" ahere- tiiled he t08' to be o \°OV-B k8givi v. ce^et p T at tt'e -avonC TB her 26t"Us Sh e tert °ve Grand r>n for „.h« ^ing ^^eir Pe prod^^e P«1'1.3 to de ar VNAvi.n<3 gt-a^® v fof ^ Orou<* . Vv^s ^ . ctac^arproud d8V iS P . . 9C^°V' eri^’ fv bcivi<= c - forwehoWe iorfieat ^ t,ll°re of ^a^e' ce^ter * o<3nixCd t ts a2°0 are®* «al1 ° ..„te Ci-^.eU/^en—ticr^ ^ ^r::”°T£ arts. tc hav « aara ° cf v •*■ * spore oi?ame c^V. tt« a spore cr a yef1 eve**-e ica ^ b®c°wind9cultnra6t aeon 26tV>. vr-are ^e ^ «ove^;nt Y°u t° h3 . satntdaJ polpa 9 great ^orV- jit°r fuW artVafd ia 83 yO^t wi®8 sure tc Be-%dar. h 2:3° P"t t° 80 . voO " wsrN,i'u ca^et1 petsani8,eP pfsa civVc C spore _ iter nager , Citv Of Euclid ’ D"“aOTyots«»«sem,ras W^^.EnclW,0(i 44,23 2*9-2700 November, 1988 r._,. Jrte crr#»at- . The neast Ohio, oZ^lT1 ^ Fame bece, ltions- »5 c°»»l«Uty's - EUcUd Civio nPreserve lt „ 1 f -^0°nf What utan1^ °f E^ x!Carita^ ^’ - ^veNOfc' Associationtlo?hSUc^ as the Han the Access „5° pi«8ed to rlchne®8 of Me,, „ . y trtizens ' Me inter. .w,dTO a "■ i»« Map of location of Hall of Fame and parking i N // _ ^ fi Hi / LAKE BHOM BOUICVARO ElMS BIG BOV PARKING Polka Hall of Fame ROLLERDROME VALUE CITV Happy Cfmnfesgibms Het usi gibe tfjankž on tfns glab ba? Jfor fnenb^ips; tfjat tabe blesisfebour bmp... AMERICAN HOME HOLIDAY SECTION American Home Newspaper, NORTH COAST StCl ION Century Tire Service Co. Firestone Home and Auto Supply 15300 Waterloo Rd. & Calcutta Ron Dovgan Cleveland, Ohio 44110 President 531-3536 Ladies Auxiliary of Slovenian Workmens Home 15335 Waterloo Rd. Fish Fries every Friday also Goulash & Polenta and Pork Chop Dinners — Serving 11:30 am to 8 pm Take Out Orders Available ^ Apple Strudels For Sale John’s Fun House Gag Gifts - Helium Balloons Party Supplies - Holiday Decorations Monte Carlo Supplies Tickets - Halloween Costumes Rental and Accessories 842 E. 185 St. Cleveland 44119 John and Ann Copic 531-6800 Fanny’s Restaurant * I”'*. A Family Tradition for 41 Years Home Cooking at Family Prices Hours: Mon - Sat 7 am - 8 pm Sunday 11:30-7 pm Closed Holidays The oldest privately owned business in the Waterloo area! Frank Yankovic 2'll East 262nd Street Euclid, Ohio 44132 FRED KUHAR ORCHESTRA Finest Dance music For All. Occasions FRED KUHAR 043.3060 Curtie Industries, Inc. FRED KUHAR PRESIDENT 34999 Curtis Boulevard Eastlake. Ohio 44094 (216) 951-2400 “Signs by Jerry” Jerry Konopka of Slavic Village 341-9001 651-3443 ‘0«r’ Polka Hall of Fame ^Mike Podboy Family Linda Podboy Leskovec and Robert £ •s 5 Lori - Bobby - Tommy -Michael J. Podboy Jr. Jim Podboy and Pam Jimmy Jr. Susan Podboy Coan and Bob Michael, Christopher, Timothy Charlene Podboy McAuley and John Stacy, Patrick, Kelly. Lori Podboy Stanicki and Jim Jim Jr., Stephanie Sandy Podboy___________________ 2 Mail Orders for ^ Avsenik • Slak • Yankovic The World’s Best! Polkas & Waltzes 00 rt s© H Mervar Records 6919 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Azman & Sons Market 6501 St. Clair Avenue 361-0347 Bill Jr., Frank Jr. Cultural Innovations — Wholesale — Florist Keith S. Papalko (216) 941-7306 J % ART PERB0 C0MIN’ OUT ••OLKAS AND WAimS FOR THE BEST IN SLOVENIAN STYLE POLKA MUSlC |||lgl CONTACT world RENOWNED SOUNDS, INC. P.O. BOX 91906 / CLEVELAND. OHIO 44101 / PHONE (216)621-37l4 odboy and Fran Erie BUTTOIM BOX CLUB HODv KERSHISHMK 531-5795 ED MEDIT? 442-1905 <§Mikt MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS 21170 MILAN EUCLID, OHIO 44119 (216) 531-8352 QiHoftih THE ENTERTAINERS GAYLORD KLANČNIK BROTHERS ORCHESTRA (313) 388-1760 ! THE BOB SCHAUER D ORCHESTRA R4V oCHAUER - 531-3251 : ► , „ „ , . FRAMBu-UEHNER ' 884J8476 J J _RANK OKICKI - 946-6260 J S } J Waterloo Merchantsl Light Up for Holidays! Fellow Slovenes, Let’s all preserve our Slovenian Heritage through Slovenian broadcasting with our support and our Dollars. “We Must Get Tony Back on WORN” Ready-Mix Concrete and Builders Supply Good Stuff to Build With ^25 Dock Rd. Madison, Ohio 4 Region of Slovenia, U.S.A. Catch us on WKBN Radio 57 Sundays 10:30 - 12:00 noon Gene and Joe Fedorchak Matt Hoyer, Pioneer Polka Accordionist Hoyer Trio began to record their beloved music on grammaphone records. In doing this, they were the first Slovenian-American band to do so. From 1919 to 1930 the Hoyer Trio recorded a total of 52 records, 25 each with Columbia and RCA Victor and two with Okeh Records. When the U.S. went into a deep economic depression, the famous brothers were forced to halt recording. Matt, in addition to mastery of the accordion, was also a humorist and was sometimes called the Slovenian Will Rogers. In the early years, homesick immigrants were buoyed by his witty remarks and musical offerings. Because of his talents, Matt was always at ease when attending weddings, socials and other doings. When his brothers Frank and Eddie left Cleveland to live in New Orleans and California, Matt Hoyer secured two new sidemen, his son Teddy Hoyer and Frank Culovec on the banjo-guitar. In gleaning over the list of Hoyer’s recordings, it is evident all the songs are of a similar theme, about life in the villages of Slovenia. The musical is lively and melodic, full of clarity and happy rhythms. The Hoyer Trio, pioneers of Slovenian polkas and waltzes in America are worthy of recognition for all their enormous contributions in the domain of Slovenian folk music. Brothers Matt, Frank and Eddie Hoyer were the vanguard of today’s musicians who follow in their own stylings, yet in a manner which is still very Slovenian in motif and interpretation. Slovenian Americans, for this reason, will preserve for our future generations the songs of our pioneer-musician. Matt Hoyer, polka grandfather of Slovenian music in America. By Vince Gostilna Aiming to be the Best (Continued from page 3) has led to industrial expansion and greater employment for our residents. So, over the past several years, our neighborhood has made significant strides, our housing programs coupled with our commercial and business revitalization efforts have made our area a shining example foe the rest of the city. Our civic clubs, the Col-linwood Homeowners, Nottingham Civic Club and Waterloo Beach Homeowners have joined with the residents to help make our neighborhood the outstanding example of people helping people. ART PERKO ORCHESTRA Television/Recording Artists Art Perko 216/286-3386 > Š o a> 3 X o 5 ■ CD 2 CD Š w n 0) ■o CI' 2 O X? H X o c > V, PfOCl ,ntefnot'ono* *ounc* McKhine' Ziuiich For the Widest Variety in Dancing and Listening Musical Entertainmen (216) 734-2404 •VJJQ. 29690 Lake Shore Blvd. j. »» \ Shoregate Shopping Center ^ j Willowick, Ohio 44094 SALES — LESSONS ClO^Vx 9^ ^ ^ Repair - Rentals ^ Welcome to the Slovenian Home Cradle of Slovenian Polka Music John and Alba Plutt Collinwood Club Room Managers Greetings to guests from thruout the United States and Canada Visit our Hall on Friday, Rose Garden 15721 Waterloo Rd. Every Sat., Sunday.. Featuring Rose Garden Hide-a-Way Restaurant Serving Variety of Nationality - American Foods * Refreshments * Music * Party Ctr. Serve all ages 6 to 60 — Luncheons ___________^ Open Bowling ^ Joe Brozovich Polka Palace 397 E. 156 St. Formerly Mickeys II Grand Reopening Wednesday, Nov. 23 — Modern Music Thursday, Nov. 24 — Surprise Friday, Nov. 25 — Eddie Rodick Saturday, Nov. 26 — Eddie Rodick Building a better bank around you. Society BANK ^ Member FDIC Waterloo Office 15619 Waterloo Road 481-2400 Charlotte Wells, Branch Manager SECTION 8 Slovenian z Homes’ 2 Announcements o to While in town plan to visit ^ our “BIG 10” Slovenian < Homes celebrating our 27th q Anniversary. X The Federation of Slovenian Homes will be celebrating O their 28th Anniversary with their annua! Banquet and <5 Honorees Recognition this ro year on Sunday, March 12 at « the St. Clair Slovenian Na-o tional Home. z Main Honorees for 1989 0) £ will be Mary Blatnik and John 2? E. Habat. c The 10th Special Edition o Tabloid will be published by 03 the American Home E Publishing Co. For related stories the theme this year is “Slovenian Homes and Slovenian Families.” If interested in writing an article for the edition, send it to your Board of Directors of your favorite Home or directly to the American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., 44103. Final deadline is Feb. 20. All material must be in the printer’s hands by that date. There will be no exception. The locations of the various halls are: Slovenian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave, 361-5115 Slovenian Home Society of Collinwood, 15810 Holmes Ave., 681-6649. Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave. 531-9309 Slovenian National Home, 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Heights, 662-9731 West Side Slovenian Home, 6818 Denison Ave., 631-9661 Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., 481-5378 Slovenian National Home, 3563 E. 80th St., 641-9664 West Park Slovenian National Home, 4583 W. 130th St., 941-3224 ^ Lorain Slovenian Club, 3114 Pearl Ave., Lorain, Ohio 277-8101 American Slovene Home, 617 Third St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio, 1-357-5046 Support Your TAVERNS AMD RESTAURANTS u*wo FEATURE polka bands we salute The First Hall of Fame Honorees Congratulations -and Best Wishes Dr. John P. Nielsen One Washington Square, New York, NY JOHNNY VADNAL Recording. Television and Radio Artist 71 7 E 157 ST. CLEVELAND. OHIO 44110 268-3368 Ornick’s T~Y everage T Ohore ait JL i 17700 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Phone (216) 486-8220 Owner Bill Srnick 50 YEARS OF MEMORIES Record or Cassette $Q00 , $100 T A postage &: handling Johnny Vadnal 717 E. 157th St. (216)268-3368 Cleveland, OH 44110 Chad Laganke General Manager Shore Carpet 854 E. 185 St., Cleveland Residential and Commercial STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9:00 - 8:00 Wed., Fri. Sal. - 9:00 - 5:00 531-0484 — FREE HOME ESTIMATES — —Congratulations to---------- First Hall of Fame ______HONOREES Corky Godec “Music for your Listening and Dancing Pleasure'' FOR ALL OCCASIONS Bus. 271-3282 Phone 1057 East 177th'St. (216) 486-1038 Cleveland, Ohio 44119 BME ANDRES 4320 BROOKLYN AVENUE CLEVELAND. OHIO 44109 Looking lor a band or just one man-then look no further because I'm your man Eddie Andres and Orchestra 216-351-5046 COROOVOX-SOLO (One Xtan Band) LLLlt (č s . .o? Fritz’s Tavern 991 E. 185 St., Cleveland — 481-9635 Noon Day Lunches Fish Frys - Friday5 Fritz and Ruthie Hribar, proprietors THE PROFESSIONAL DIFFERENCE WITH A PERSONALIZED TOUCH! PLEASE CALL: 951-5999 531-5446 . 16019 Waterloo Rd.