ELEKTROTEHNIŠKI VESTNIK 78(3): 106-111, 2011 ENGLISH EDITION Surge wave distribution over the power transformer continuous disc winding Mislav Trbušić 1 , Marko Čepin 2 1 Kolektor Etra,Šlandrova ul. 10, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija 2 Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Univerza v Ljubljani, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija E-mail: mislav.trbusic@etra33.si Abstract. The paper presents a method enabling calculation of the radial and serial capacitance, inductance and voltage between adjacent coils of the power transformer continuous disc winding. Definition of the equivalent electric circuit is based on the assumption of a short circuit and grounded winding next to the iron core. This way all radial capacitances are at the same time also ground capacitances. Calculation of the serial capacitance is based on the assumption of linear voltage distribution along the coil. The inductance is obtained from the stray magnetic field in the transformer window calculated in the FEMM 4.2 computer code. The equivalent circuit with respect to the 1st and 2nd Kirchhoff’s law gives two systems of ordinary differential equations for the voltage and current that are solved using MATLAB calculation. Results are compared with measurement results obtained on a dry type transformer TBS (22/6.3 kV, 800 kVA, uk= 5.5 %). A comparison shows that differences between the calculated and measured values are acceptable. Keywords: Transformer, continuous disc winding, surge wave, capacitance, inductance 1 PREFACE Overvoltages occurring in the power transformer windings, are caused by lightning or switching overvoltages. The distribution of voltages along the windings is heavily affected by the forehead and back shape of the high voltage pulses. As these events are inevitable during the transformer operation, winding insulation must be carefully planned to withstand them. The IEC 60076 standard specifies shapes and levels of insulation at which the transformer is tested [6]. The surge wave that simulates the atmospheric discharge takes the form of 1.2/50 and it is the standard test that every power transformer must pass. Interleaved and continuous disc type of the coil is commonly used for the power transformer high voltage windings. Due to technological and time reasons, the use of interleaved windings is usually avoided. On the other hand, the interleaved winding has 3-6 times lower initial voltage distribution than the continuous disc winding, which is vital for voltage fluctuations in the winding. Because of the large volume of work and congestion of winding machines in the production cycle, the need for continuous disc winding is growing. In order to adapt to new requirements, it is essential to know the voltage conditions inside the winding during the surge wave test as this is the basis for assessing the winding suitability. The paper presents a method enabling calculation of the capacitance, inductance and voltage distribution over the transformer continuous disc winding. By comparing the obtained measurements and results, the applicability of the method in everyday engineering practice is proven. 2 SURGE WAVE CALCULATION Surge wave distribution over the continuous disc winding of power transformer is calculated based on the equivalent electric circuit, which is represented by lump parameters L, C, K (Figure 1). Mutual inductances M are also included, but are not plotted for better clarity. The equivalent circuit elements are made of two coils, so the voltage along each element represents the voltage in the gap between the adjacent coils. The winding end is grounded. Figure 1. Lumped parameter model of the transformer continuous disc winding. Received 6 April 2011 Accepted 23 May 2011 SURGE WAVE DISTRIBUTION OVER THE POWER T 2.1 Capacitance calculation To determine the capacitance, the represented as a capacitive circuit that includes both shunt and serial capacitance. Figure 2 made of six coils and associated capacitive circuit. Figure 2. Equivalent capacitive circuit of the tr continuous disc winding. Letters C and K mark the shunt and serial capacitance of the winding element, respectively between the serial capacitance of coil capacitance of equivalent element equation (1) [1]. 2 sv K K = 2.1.1 Serial capacitance calculation The serial capacitance refers to the capacitance between the turns and adjacent coils of the test sufficiently good approximation capacitance can be obtained by term (2 1 3 4 − + ⋅ = m ov C d C sv K The end coil serial capacitance with can be calculated from equation (3) [1 ION OVER THE POWER TRANSFORMER CONTINUOUS DISC WINDING the winding can be that includes both the 2 shows a winding and associated capacitive circuit. Equivalent capacitive circuit of the transformer shunt and serial capacitance , respectively The relationship serial capacitance of coil KSV and the serial K is defined by (1) calculation the capacitance between the test winding. With a sufficiently good approximation the coil serial 2) [1], [2]. (2) with no potential ring 1]. 1 3 2 − + ⋅ = m ov C d C sv K m …number of turns in the coil C d is the capacitance in the radial gap between adjacent coils (Figure 3) calculated using ( 2 8 , 27        − + + ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ = Oil TB k h pap pap pap k h ti a i d d C ε ε h k … height of the radial gap a ti …width of winding pap …double side thickness of paper insulation d i …mean diameter of the winding β' …spacing coverage factor of the ε pap …relative dielectric constant of paper ε TB-Oil …relative dielectric constant between the adjacent coils Figure 3. Capacitance in the radial gap between coils C d ' is the capacitance in the radial gap between the adjacent turns of the adjacent coils m d C d C = ' The capacitance between the adjacent turns ( determined by equation (6) [3]. 2 0 8 , 27 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ =    pap b i d pap ov C ε 107 (3) coil apacitance in the radial gap between adjacent using equation (4) [3]. 15 10 ) − ⋅        Oil pap [F] (4) [mm] [mm] …double side thickness of paper insulation [mm] …mean diameter of the winding [mm] of the winding relative dielectric constant of paper insulation relative dielectric constant for radial gap radial gap between the adjacent apacitance in the radial gap between the adjacent coils (5). (5) adjacent turns (Figure 4) is 15 10 2 − ⋅ ⋅    pap pap [F] (6) TRBUŠIĆ, ČEPIN b 0 …height of the bare wire or transpose cable d i …mean diameter of the winding pap …double side thickness of paper insulation ε pap …relative dielectric constant of paper Figure 4. Capacitance between the turns. 2.1.2 Shunt capacitance calculation The shunt capacitances are capacitance winding at the adjacent windings and grounded parts of the transformer (yoke, tank). During the adjacent windings are short-circuited and grounded, thus all shunt capacitance become ground The capacitance is determined depend position of the test winding. Figure capacitance of the middle phase of the Figure 5. Shunt (ground) capacitances for the middle phase of the three phase transformer. Among the windings of the same phase ( are capacitances C f , which are calculated by equation (7) [3]. 15 10 ) 2 ( 8 , 27 − ⋅ ⋅ − ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ = deb fak d d g b sr d f C [F] d sr …mean diameter of the gap between the windings b g …height of the shorter winding [mm d …double width of the gap between windings deb …thickness of solid insulation between windings [mm] bare wire or transpose cable [mm] [mm] paper insulation [mm] relative dielectric constant of paper insulation calculation capacitances of the test cent windings and grounded parts of , tank). During the test, all the ed and grounded, become ground capacitance. depending on the 5 shows the earth of the transformer. Shunt (ground) capacitances for the middle phase of windings of the same phase (Figure 6) there calculated by equation [F] (7) between the windings[mm] mm] …double width of the gap between windings [mm] …thickness of solid insulation between the the ε TB …relative dielectric constant of solid insulation between the windings ε Oil …relative dielectric constant of oil fak …(ε TB- ε Oil )/ε TB Figure 6. Capacitance between the two windings of the same phase. Equation (8) [3] holds for the capacitance between the outer windings of the adjacent phases ( 1 2 ln 8 , 27             −         + ⋅ = s R n x s R n x g b mf C TB deb Oil deb s R n x s R n x ε ε κ + − − − = x n … half the distance between the limb center R s …outer diameter of the most outer winding Other marks have the same mean Figure 7 : Geometry used in determin capacitances between the most outer windings phases and between the most outer winding and 108 …relative dielectric constant of solid insulation …relative dielectric constant of oil Capacitance between the two windings of the same the capacitance between the adjacent phases (Figure 7). 15 10 − ⋅ ⋅κ [F] (8) distance between the limb center [mm] most outer winding [mm] meaning as above. determination of the shunt most outer windings of the adjacent phases and between the most outer winding and the tank. SURGE WAVE DISTRIBUTION OVER THE POWER T Equation (8) can be used to determine the capacitance between the external winding and Instead of half the distance between the limb center the minimum distance between the axe of the external winding and the tank is inserted expression multiplied by 2 (9)[3]. mf C k C ⋅ = 2 The total ground capacitance of winding of all partial ground capacitances particular case. Capacitance C of the equivalent determined by dividing the total ground capacitance the number of elements in the equivalent winding circuit (10). el g N C C = , N el … number of elements in the equivalent circuit 2.2 Inductance calculation Inductances in the equivalent electric circuit determined based on the assumption winding next to the iron core. This assumption allows us to neglect the influence of the iron core in the inductance system [1]. Figure 8. Elements layout and calculation computer program FEMM 4.2. Due to a good magnetic coupling windings and coils, self and mutual inductance determined from the stray magne transformer window (11) [1]. Figures 8 and 9 show a layout of directions of the currents in the inductance using the FEMM 4.2 computer program 2 2 I W L mag ⋅ = σ (I = 1 A, DC) ION OVER THE POWER TRANSFORMER CONTINUOUS DISC WINDING ) can be used to determine the capacitance and tank (C NN , C VN ). distance between the limb center x n , axe of the external is inserted, and the entire (9) of winding C g is the sum s appearing in a winding circuit is ground capacitance by the equivalent winding circuit (10) equivalent electric equivalent electric circuit are n the assumption (of a short circuit . This assumption allows us of the iron core in the KS i L − σ using the coupling between the and mutual inductances can be magnetic field in the layout of the elements and inductance calculation computer program [4]. (11) W mag …magnetostatic energy in the Figure 9. Elements layout and calculation FEMM 4.2 computer program. Self inductance of the winding by multiplying the leakage inductance between the element and the short-circuit winding reduced to one turn and multiplied by the square of the number of turns in the element (12) [1]. KS i i i L w L − ⋅ = σ 2 Mutual inductance between the eleme by equation (13) [1]. j i KS j KS i j i w L L L M ⋅ − + = − − − − 2 σ σ σ w i …number of turns in i-th element w j … number of turns in j-th element L σi-KS …leakage inductance between and short circuit winding reduced L σj-KS … leakage inductance between and short circuit winding reduced to L σi-j … leakage inductance between element of the winding reduced to 2.3 Equations Figure 10. Equivalent electric circuit of the winding build up of three elements. 109 the transformer window Elements layout and calculation j i L − σ using the of the winding element is calculated by multiplying the leakage inductance between the circuit winding reduced to one by the square of the number of turns (12) Mutual inductance between the elements is determined j i w w ⋅ (13) th element th element leakage inductance between the i-th element and short circuit winding reduced to one turn. leakage inductance between the j-th element uit winding reduced to one turn. leakage inductance between the i-th and j-th reduced to one turn. Equivalent electric circuit of the winding build up TRBUŠIĆ, ČEPIN 110 Figure 10 shows the equivalent electric circuit of the winding. First Kirchoff's Law holds with respect to the currents in the nodes. 0 ) ( ) ( 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 = ⋅ − − ⋅ − − ⋅ + − dt du C u u dt d K u u dt d K i i 0 ) ( ) ( 2 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 = ⋅ − − ⋅ − − ⋅ + − dt du C u u dt d K u u dt d K i i Rearrangement and translation to the matrix notation gives the following equation. dt du K C K K K K C K K i i i C K K K K C K K u u dt d 0 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 ⋅       ⋅       + + − − + + +           ⋅       − − ⋅       + + − − + + =       − − Or in a shorter form: [ ] [ ] [ ] [] [ ] [ ] dt du EK CK i D CK u dt d 0 1 1 ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ = − − (14) The second Kirchoff's Law holds for the voltages along the closed loops. dt di M dt di M dt di L u u 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = − − − dt di M dt di L dt di M u u 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = − − − dt di L dt di M dt di M u 3 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 ⋅ + ⋅ + ⋅ = − − In the matrix notation: 0 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 u L M M M L M M M L u u L M M M L M M M L i i i dt d T D ⋅       ⋅           +       ⋅           − − ⋅           =           − − − − − − −         − − − − − − − − 43 42 1 In a shorter form: [] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 0 1 1 u F L u D L i dt d T ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ ⋅ − = − − (15) Putting terms (14) and (15) together gives us a linear system of ordinary differential equations (16) solved by MATLAB.         ⋅ ⋅ +       ⋅       =           dt du u u i dt du dt di 0 0 0 0 δ γ β α (16) T D L ] [ ] [ 1 ⋅ − = − α ] [ ] [ 1 D CK ⋅ = − β ] [ ] [ 1 F L ⋅ = − γ ] [ ] [ 1 EK CK ⋅ = − δ [u 0 ] …surge wave [u] …vector with unknown nodal potentials [i] …vector with unknown branch currents [CK] …matrix with capacitances [EK] …vector with capacitive connections between surge wave u 0 and other nodes [D] …first difference matrix [L] …matrix with inductances [F] …vector with direct connections between surge wave u 0 and other nodes 3 RESULTS Results of our calculation of the surge wave in the power transformer winding are gradients between the adjacent coils in the winding and are determined by equation (17). They are compared with measurements obtained on a dry type transformer TBS (22/6.3 kV, 800 kVA, uk=5.5%) found in reference [1]. ) max( 1 1 + + − = Δ i i i u u u i=0,1,2…N el (17) u i …potential of the i-th node in the equivalent electrical circuit N el …number of elements of the winding The surge wave used in our calculation and measurements is 1.2/50 μs with the peak value 95 kV. The surge wave is described by equation (18). ) ( 95 2 1 0 0 t p t p e e U u ⋅ − ⋅ − − ⋅ ⋅ = [kV] (18) U 0 =1.043325 p 1 =14732 s -1 p 2 =2080313 s -1 Figure 11shows the calculated and measured values of gradients in the radial gaps between the equivalent circuit elements of the winding, which correspond to the gradient between the adjacent coils. The test voltage is SURGE WAVE DISTRIBUTION OVER THE POWER T selected so that the gradients between the correspond to the percentage values of wave. Figure 11. Gradients in the radial gaps between coils, calculated (*) and measured values (o). Figure 12 shows relative deviations of the measured values from the calculated values. Figure 12. Relative deviations of the measured values calculated values. 4 CONCLUSION The paper presents a method to be used in capacitances, inductances and voltage transformer continuous disc winding. computer code was developed to sup made according to the presented method results were compared with measurement available in the literature. As seen from the obtained results, the the measured and calculated values which is acceptable for the engineering It can be concluded that the calculation of volt distribution along the power transformer continuous disc winding approximates the actual voltage conditions inside the winding well enough and can therefore be used to design winding insulation. ION OVER THE POWER TRANSFORMER CONTINUOUS DISC WINDING s between the coils es of the applied surge radial gaps between the adjacent (o). viations of the measured elative deviations of the measured values from the ONCLUSION to be used in calculating and voltages along the power continuous disc winding. A special support calculations method. The calculated results were compared with measurement results the obtained results, the deviations of values are within 20%, engineering practice [1], [5]. that the calculation of voltage he power transformer continuous the actual voltage conditions and can therefore be 5 REFERENCES [1] B. Ćućić: Raspodjela udarnog napona po preloženom namotu transformatora, Magistrsko delo, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Zagreb, 2001. [2] B. Heller, A. Veverka, Surge Phenomena in Electrical Machines, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Acade Prague, 1968. [3] K. Lenasi, Program ZVRU – koda, Tovarna transformatorjev, Ljubljana, 1991. [4] http://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage [5] K. Lenasi, Udarne prenapeto transformatorjev z vpeljavo dušenja induktivnih tokov, doktorska disertacija, Ljubljana 1975. [6] IEC 60076-1, Power Transformers, Part 1: General, IEC Standard, 2000. [7] H. M. Ryan, High Voltage Engineering and Testing, Institut Electrical Engineers, 2001. Mislav Trbušić received his B.Sc. engineering from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2011. He works at Kolektor Etra as power transformers. Marko Čepin received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1992, 1995 and 1999, respectively. In the period from 1992 employed with the Jožef Stefan Institute. invited to Polytechnic University of Valencia of the Nuclear Society of Slovenia (2010 he is associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His r include power engineering, power plants and reliability. 111 EFERENCES : Raspodjela udarnog napona po preloženom namotu agistrsko delo, Fakultet elektrotehnike i B. Heller, A. Veverka, Surge Phenomena in Electrical Machines, Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, koda, Tovarna transformatorjev, http://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage (last viewed 27.1.2011). K. Lenasi, Udarne prenapetosti v navitjih močnostnih transformatorjev z vpeljavo dušenja induktivnih tokov, doktorska 1, Power Transformers, Part 1: General, IEC H. M. Ryan, High Voltage Engineering and Testing, Institution of B.Sc. degree in electrical the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia in Etra as a design engineer for c., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1992, 1995 and In the period from 1992-2009 he was Jožef Stefan Institute. In 2001, he was invited to Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is president ociety of Slovenia (2010 - 2014). Currently, professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His research interests engineering, power plants and power system