CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, TOXICITY AND SIDE EFFECTS OF THREE ESSENTIAL OILS ON BREVICORYNE BRASSICAE (L.) (HEMIPTERA: APHIDIDAE) ADULTS UNDER LABORATORY CONDITIONS Mahdieh MOUSAVI 1, Shahram ARAMIDEH1 and Nariman MAROUFPOOR*2 1- Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture Science, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran. 2- Young Researchers and Elite Club, Boukan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Boukan, Iran. * Corresponding author, e-mail: Abstract - The insecticidal effects of essential oils namely Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Azadirachta indica and Thuja occidentalis has been studied on Brevicoryne brassicae adults as fumigants by determining LC50 and LT50 values. LC50 value of Eucalyptus, Azadirachtin and Northern White Cedar fruit essential oils on cabbage aphid adults were 15.12, 38.79 and 56.02 ml / liter of air, respectively. The LT50 value of the three essential oils on cabbage aphid adults were 10.57, 11.90 and 13.86 hours, respectively. Regression analysis showed a significant relationship between log-concentrations and probit of mortality of T. occidentalis, E. camaldulensis and A. indica essential oils with R2 (0.9995), (0.9779) and (0.9835), respectively. In essential oils of Euca- lyptus, Azadirachtin and Northern White Cedar fruit 18, 35 and 22 components were identified by GC-MS analysis. According to the insecticidal properties of the essential oils on the cabbage aphid, the use of these oils as a safe pesticide is recommended. KEY WORDS: Cabbage aphid, Eucalyptus, Azadirachta, Thuja, Insecticidal effect Izvleček – KEMIJSKA SESTAVA, TOKSIČNOST IN STRANSKI UČINKI TREH ETERIČNIH OLJ NA ODRASLE MOKASTE KAPUSOVE UŠI (BREVICORYNE BRASSICAE (L.)) (HEMIPTERA: APHIDIDAE) V LABORATORIJSKIH RAZ- MERAH 177 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA SLOVENICA LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2017 Vol. 25, øt. 2: 177–190 Insekticidne učinke eteričnih olj vrst Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Azadirachta indica in Thuja occidentalis smo preizkušali na odraslih mokastih kapusovih ušeh (Brevico- ryne brassicae) kot fumigante z določevanjem vrednosti LC50 in LT50. Vrednosti LC50 eteričnih olj evkalipta, azadirahtina in plodov ameriškega kleka na mokastih kapusovih ušeh so bile 15,12, 38,79 in 56,02 ml / liter zraka. Vrednosti LT50 treh ete- ričnih olj na odraslih mokastih kapusovih ušeh so bile 10,57, 11,90 in 13,86 ur. Re- gresijska analiza je pokazala pomembno povezavo med koncentracijo eteričnih olj vrst T. occidentalis (0,9995), E. camaldulensis (0,9779) in A. indica (0,9835) in smrtnostjo. V eteričnih oljih evkalipta, azadirahtina in plodov ameriškega kleka smo z analizo GC-MS določili 18, 35 in 22 sestavin. Glede na insekticidne lastnosti eteričnih olj na mokaste kapusove uši priporočamo uporabo teh olj kot varnih pesti- cidov. KLJUČNE BESEDE: mokasta kapusova uš, Eucalyptus, Azadirachta, Thuja, insekticidni učinek Introduction Cabbage aphid, B. brassicae is one of the most important cabbage pests in Iran especially in the central areas and many other parts of the world that causes conside- rable damage to the product (Khanjani, 2005; Rivnay, 2013). This aphid has a high reproductive potential and increases its population quickly; resulting in direct damage with the formation of large colonies, feeding on plant sap and causing complexity and deformity of the leaves. On the other hand, with the transfer of plant pathogenic viruses, it can lead to indirect damage (Ellis et al., 2000; Schliephake et al., 2000). Chemical control is an effective and widely used method in pest control (Pavela, 2009). These compounds have adverse effects such as environmental pollution, toxicity to non-target organisms; causing resistance in pests and leaving left overs (Ogendo et al., 2003). Development of alternative strategies for avoiding pesticides to manage phytosanitary problems is an important need mostly for agricultural activity and tendency worldwide is a growing to organic productions (Willer et al., 2010; Marques-Francovig et al., 2014). These problems prompted the researchers to look for alternative and environment-friendly control methods to control the pests (Ta- pondjou et al., 2005; Laznik et al., 2010; Gombač and Trdan, 2014). The good candi- dates for the substitution of chemical pesticides are essential oils that many studies and patents for their use have been published in recent years (Isman, 2000; Chiasson et al., 2001). Active ingredients derived from plant extracts and essential oils have fumigation effects on pests (Maciel et al., 2010). The essential oils extracted from aromatic plants, due to the intense aroma and low toxicity for mammals, lack of a si- gnificant adverse impact on the environment and acceptance among the general public, are considered very useful compounds for pest control (Isman, 2000). Currently, more than 3000 essences have been identified, of which 300 essential oils and some of their compounds have become commercially important in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, food, health and cosmetics and perfume industries (Bakkali et al., 2008). Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (2), 2017 178 Plant essences have repellent (Ogendo et al., 2008), insecticide (Papachristos and Stamopoulos, 2002), fungicide (Kotan et al., 2008), antibacterial (Matasyoh et al., 2007), antivirus properties (Schuhmacher et al., 2003), deter oviposition, stop deve- lopment (Papachristos and Stamopoulos, 2002) and have anti-nutritional properties (García et al., 2007). There have been many studies in this area, for example, the lethal effect of plant essential oils Artemisia indica (Adr. Juss) against the cabbage aphid, B. brassicae have been studied (Pavela, 2005). In another experiment, Ebrahimi et al. (2013) showed that essential oil of azadirachtin (Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh.) and laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) has si- gnificant lethal effect on cotton aphid; in which azadirachtin and eucalyptus had more of a lethal effect compared with laurel. Since ancient times, the natives of Ame- rica have used different parts of northern white cedar such as leaves, fruit and bark of the shrub as drug and pesticides and reports of their use have been presented as books or articles during the investigation of researchers over the years (Moussa Kéïta et al., 2001). Considering the advantages of using compounds of natural origin to control plant pests, the insecticidal effect of three essences of eucalyptus, azadirachtin and northern white cedar fruit on cabbage aphid was investigated. Materials and methods Extraction and analysis of essential oil Fruits of northern white cedar T. occidentalis were collected from existing trees in the Entomology area of Plant Protection Department of Agriculture Faculty of Urmia University (latitude 37.53°N, 45.08°E and 1320 m above sea level) in the spring of 2014. To prepare the essential oil, fresh fruits were crushed and 100 g of it was extracted mixed with 700 ml of distilled water at a temperature of 100°C using Clevenger apparatus in 90 minutes. Obtained essences were dehydrated with Rota Evaporator-Buchi (R-3000) to a dark brown color and refrigerated in 2 ml glass con- tainers with aluminum covers till use. Used Eucalyptus E. camaldulensis and Azadi- rachtin A. indica essential oils in the tests were purchased and analyzed by Barij Esans pharmaceutical company, Kashan. Insect rearing The cabbage aphid rearing was started with aphids collected from gardens planted with cabbage in Urmia University. It was reared on red cabbage plant, in 27 ± 2°C and 65 ± 5% RH under a 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod. Cabbage plants and colony of the aphids were maintained in a greenhouse. Determination of the 50% Lethal Concentration (LC50) Different concentrations of the essential oils were poured on filter paper in three replications based on Kéita et al. (2001) method and placed on the inside of the 305 ml glass container lids, each containing 20 adult insects with food (red cabbage leaves). Also, in order to prevent direct contact between insects and the essential oil, M. Mousavi, S. Aramideh, N. Maroufpoor: Chemical composition, toxicity and side effects of three essential oils 179 a net was placed between the lid and container. Container lids were tightened using special tapes (parafilm). In the tests, counting was done after 24 hours. Insects that did not show any movement when nearing the brush were considered dead. Distilled water was used in the control treatment. Determining the 50% lethal time (LT50) An experiment was designed to determine the median effective time to kill 50% of adults (LT50 values) at different concentration of T. occidentalis, E. camaldulensis and A. indica essential oils. The mortality was assessed by direct observation of the insects in 5 times including 2, 7, 12, 18 and 24 hour to obtain the desired LT50. Time- mortality data for each experiment were analyzed with time as the explanatory variable to derive estimated hours for 50% adult mortality. Data analysis To determine the LC50 from six concentrations (five concentrations and control) after 24 hours of essential oil administration and control mortality correction according to Abbott (1925) formula and to determine the LT50, an oil concentration at various time points (2, 7, 12, 18 and 24 hours) was used and analyzed statistically with Probit program at SPSS (V. 20) software. All tests were conducted by fumigation method. In order to draw the graph and its regression lines, we used the SigmaPlot (V. 12.3) software. The dendrogram similarity scales that are produced by the SPSS (V. 20) software range from zero (most similarity) to 25 (least similarity). The method used was ward’s (Ward, 1963). Cluster validity index called Silhouette index is applied to validate the result by MATLAB Software (Rousseeuw, 1987). Results According to the gas chromatography (GC/MS) analysis of essential oils, it was determined that E. camaldulensis essential oil is composed of 18 compounds, the most important of which are 1,8-cineole (39.91%), Para-cymene (13.98%) and gamma- terpinen (12.25%) (Table 2). A. indica essential oil is composed of 35 compounds, the most important ones are Azadirachtin (26.55%), Palmitic acid (18.87) and Dea- cetylazadirachtinol (17.22%) (Table 1). T. occidentalis essential oil is composed of 22 compounds and their most important ones are α-thujene (47.68%) and Fenchone (15.13%) (Table 2). Regression analysis showed a significant relationship between log-concentrations of E. camaldulensis and A. indica and T. occidentalis essential oils and probit of mortality with R2 (0.9779, 0.9835 and 0.9995), respectively (Fig. 1). The results sho- wed that the essential oils of eucalyptus, azadirachtin and northern white cedar fruit, controlled adult cabbage aphids well for 24 hours and the used concentration of these essential oils on insects in this test are very low. LC50 values of the essential oils were equal to 15.12, 38.79 and 56.02 ml per liter of air, respectively (Table 3). The results obtained from the bioassay test of used LC50 concentration of eucalyptus, azadirachtin Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (2), 2017 180 and northern white cedar fruit essential oils at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours showed that eucalyptus oil at a concentration of 15.12 ml per liter of air at 10.57 hours, azadirachtin oil at a concentration of 38.79 ml per liter of air at 11.90 hours and northern white cedar fruit oil at the concentration of 56.02 ml per liter of air at 13.86 hours caused the death of 50% of adult cabbage aphids (Table 4). Component analysis and hierarchical cluster In order to study the likeness and relationship between essential oils (EO) compo- sition of the previously reported samples and our studied oils, hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and component analysis were carried out based on similar components M. Mousavi, S. Aramideh, N. Maroufpoor: Chemical composition, toxicity and side effects of three essential oils 181 No. Compound Retention Index Percentage No. Compound Retention Index Percentage 1 α-Cadinol 780 3.12 19 2,3-Butanedithiol 910 0.094 2 β-Pinene 902 2.11 20 Germacrene B 680 3.63 3 Anthracene 1311 0.093 21 α-Cadinene 788 0.18 4 Ethyl butyrate 2165 0.17 22 Azadirachtin 730 26.55 5 dl-limonene 1059 0.211 23 Sabinene 842 0.147 6 Eugenol 651 10.92 24 Isobutyl stearate 764 0.209 7 Phytol 621 10.84 25 α–Terpineol 1386 0.22 8 b-Caryophyllene 1455 0.113 26 Thiophene, 2-methoxy 878 0.078 9 Palmatic acid 1978 18.87 27 Deacetylazadirachtinol 561 17.22 10 Spathulenol 1572 0.172 28 Limonene 1521 0.188 11 Verdiflorol 1991 0.162 29 Lauric acid 1186 0.302 12 1-Octadecanol 1381 0.077 30 Valencene 1772 0.170 13 Carvone 796 0.231 31 α-Methyl-1,4-benzenedimethanol 926 0.096 14 Methyl stearate 1422 0.151 32 Aristolene 1561 0.201 15 β-Germacrene 1621 0.088 33 Cadalene 1569 0.108 16 Ethyl linoleate 2108 0.105 34 Ethyl palmitate 1822 0.076 17 1,2,4- Trithiolane, 3,5-diethyl 1359 0.11 35 Other Compounds - 2.608 18 Pentacosane 652 0.38 Table 1. Chemical composition of A. indica essential oil by gas chromatography (GS/MS). of reported EO in the papers. Due to lack of enough similar compounds for A. indica, generating dendrogram was infeasible for it. The dendrogram for the HCA results using Ward´s clustering algorithm for E. camaldulensis is shown in Figure 2. Accor- ding to the Silhouette index the best clustering for E. camaldulensis is five clusters (Table 5). In the first group (Cluster I), represented by six samples, α-pinene and ter- pinen-4-0l were the main components (Pappas and Sheppard-Hanger, 2000; Chalchat Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (2), 2017 182 T. occidentalis E. camaldulensis No. Compound RetentionIndex Percentage No. Compound Retention Index Percentage 1 α-pinene 1004 3.14 1 α-pinene 945.35 7.45 2 4-terpineol 1548 2.03 2 α-thujene 934.88 1.3 3 α-terpinene 1149 0.30 3 Trans-Geraniol 1260.66 0.28 4 Linalool 1506 0.17 4 Valencene 1474.60 2.11 5 Camphene 1041 3.38 5 α-copaene-8-ol 1620 4.80 6 α-terpineol 1642 0.45 6 β-pinene 989.92 0.70 7 Limonene 1167 1.97 7 β-Myrcene 994.19 1.32 8 β-thujone 1387 8.51 8 Viridiflorol 1628.82 5.12 9 bornyl acetate 1526 2.74 9 α-Ionone 1365 0.90 10 Sabinene 1094 4.19 10 α-Terpinene 1027.68 0.25 11 p-cymene 1231 1.44 11 1,8-cineole 1050.83 39.91 12 Fenchone 1345 15.13 12 a-phellandrene 1015.29 1.22 13 1,8-Cineole 1450 2.06 13 terpinen-4-o1 1196.04 3.59 14 α-fenchene 1034 1.90 14 alloAromadendrene 1497.35 0.72 15 α-thujone 1373 47.68 15 α-terpineol 1207.11 2.17 16 Myrcene 1139 1.12 16 p-cymene 1039.67 13.98 17 Thymol 2110 0.27 17 γ-terpinene 1071.90 12.25 18 γ-terpinene 1210 1.11 18 Other Compounds - 1.93 19 Borneol 1644 0.39 20 β-pinene 1079 0.21 21 α-terpinylacetate 1640 1.43 22 Terpinolene 1246 0.18 Table 2. Chemical composition of T. occidentalis and E. camaldulensis essential oils by gas chromatography (GS/MS). et al., 2001; Verdeguer et al., 2009; Grbović et al., 2010; Khubeiz et al., 2016; Knezevic et al., 2016). Cluster II with one sample has α-pinene and p-Cymene as the major compounds (Cheng et al., 2009). Cluster III included two samples with high β- Pinene (Oyedeji et al., 2000; Coffi et al., 2012). Our studied EO formed an individual group from the previous reports, characterized by 1,8-cineole (Cluster IV). In Cluster V with one sample, 1,8-cineole was the main component (Faria et al., 2011). M. Mousavi, S. Aramideh, N. Maroufpoor: Chemical composition, toxicity and side effects of three essential oils 183 Fig 1. The relationship between log concentration of three essential oils and probit of percentage mortality after 24 hours. LC95(µL/L air) LC50(µL/L air) χ 2(df=3) Intercept(a)+5 Slope±SE Totalinsect Plant species 68.91 (51.88-105.24) 15.12 (12.89-17.52) 1.64 2.06 0.28±2.50 300 E. camaldulensis 138.97 (106.86-207.49) 38.79 (34.29-44.01) 1.24 0.28 0.34±2.97 300 A. indica 150.62 (122.98-203.98) 56.02 (50.88-61.94) 0.05 -1.69 0.42±3.83 300 T. occidentalis Table 3. Estimated values of LC50 and LC95 of E. camaldulensis, A. indica and T. occidentalis essential oils on adult cabbage aphid after 24 hours. The Fig. 3 dendrogram presents the results from T. occidentalis. The dendrogram was divided into three groups, according to the Silhouette index (Table 6). Our study with one sample was the first cluster in the dendrogram with α-thujone as the main component (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2014). Cluster II is divided into two groups (Cluster II 1-2). Cluster II-1 included the ones with high α-thujone and β-thujone (Akkol et al., 2015; Jasuja et al., 2015); while Cluster II-2 with one sample with α-thujone and sabinene as the major constituents (Lis et al., 2016). Cluster III with one sample had α-thujone and β-thujone as the main compounds (Szołyga et al., 2014). Acta entomologica slovenica, 25 (2), 2017 184 LT95(h) LT50(h) χ2(df=3) Intercept(a) Slope±SE Total insect Plant species 38.16 (20.84-471.56) 10.57 (5.89-18.24) 12.41 1.98 0.30±2.95 300 E. camaldulensis 40.60 (31.10-57.26) 11.90 (10.49-13.53) 7.35 1.68 0.32±3.09 300 A. indica 47.69 (36.76-70.29) 13.86 (12.22-15.86) 4.19 1.5 0.34±3.07 300 T. occidentalis Table 4. Estimated values of LT50 and LT95 of E. camaldulensis, A. indica and T. occidentalis essential oils on adult cabbage aphid. Cluster 2 3 5 Index 0.7029 0.7999 0.9105 Table 5. The result of average Silhouette index for E. camaldulensis. Fig 2. Dendrogram generated of cluster analysis from E. camaldulensis EOs based on the chemical compounds of the investigated sample (A) and those from the articles. Discussion Aphid control is typically done using three main categories of pesticides containing organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids. Long-term use of these pesticides has caused resistance in aphids and made their control difficult. Usage of essential oils to control aphids is essential due to increased reports of pest resistance to chemical pesticides and remainder of these toxins in products and environmental pollution (Sadeghi et al., 2009). The major components of T. occidentalis, E. camaldulensis and A. indica essential oils in our research were the same as in previous studies and differences between this analysis and other works can be related to the time and place of the plant harvested that might influence the chemical composition of the plant essential oil (Kurose and Yatagai, 2005; Tsiri et al., 2009; Ashraf et al., 2010; Alzogaray et al., 2011; Szołyga et al., 2014). In this study, the insecticidal properties of three essential oils of eucalyptus (E. ca- maldulensis), azadirachtin (A. indica) and northern white cedar fruits (T. occidentalis) have been studied on cabbage aphid. The results of this study show that these essential oils have a lethal effect on the tested pest and mortality rate increased with increasing concentration of oil. In recent years, extensive surveys have been carried out in order to verify the insecticidal properties of essential oils and their compounds on various pests and a number of them have had favorable effects. For example, Mareggiani et al. M. Mousavi, S. Aramideh, N. Maroufpoor: Chemical composition, toxicity and side effects of three essential oils 185 Cluster 2 3 4 Index 0.7029 0.7999 0.9105 Table 6. The result of average Silhouette index for T. occidentalis. Fig. 3. Dendrogram generated of cluster analysis from T. occidentalis EOs based on the chemical compounds of the investigated sample (A) and those from the articles. (2008) proved the high insecticidal activity of Eucalyptus globules essential oil against cotton aphid. In this regard, Ebrahimi et al. (2013) tested the plant essence of azadi- rachtin (A. indica), eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis) and laurel (L. nobilis) to control cotton aphid and concluded that azadirachtin and eucalyptus had more of a lethal effect than laurel. Also, Kraiss and Cullen (2008) studied the insecticide effect different formulations of essential oil of azadirachtin on bean aphid nymphs Aphis glycines Matsumura and came to the conclusion that the essence has had a high controlling effect on the pest. The findings of this study correspond with the results of the experi- ments done by Mareggiani et al. (2008), Ebrahimi et al. (2013) as well as Kraiss and Cullen (2008), stating that essential oils of eucalyptus and Azadirachtin show a signi- ficant lethal effect on aphids from the family Aphididae. In another experiment, con- trolling effect of azadirachtin and eucalyptus leaf powder on bean beetle was studied and the results showed that they have significant insecticidal and egg-killing effect (Javaid and Mpotokwane, 1997). Also Moussa Kéïta et al. (2001) proved the insecticidal effect of northern white cedar fruit essential oil with kaolin powder on the eggs and adults of bean beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus F. The results of these two studies are consistent with the results of this research on the toxicity of eucalyptus, azadirachtin and northern white cedar fruit on pests. In an experiment, Işık and Görür (2009) proved the effect of plant essential oils against the cabbage aphid (B. brassicae). Also, Pavela (2005) reported the lethal effect of Artemisia indica plant essential oil against the cabbage aphid (B. brassicae) and insecticidal activity of both laurel (L. nobilis) and eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis) essential oil on this pest (B. brassicae), respectively. Therefore, the obtained results by this research correspond with the findings of these researchers on insecticidal activity of essential oils such as eucalyptus on cabbage aphid. According to recent findings, various studies have been done on the insecticidal activity of essential oils on various species of aphids from the family Aphididae inclu- ding the insecticidal effect of 23 plant essential oils and their main compounds against adult turnip aphid (Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis) (Sampson et al., 2005), respiratory toxicity of 12 Mediterranean species essential oils against pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) and green peach aphid (Myzus persicae Sulzer) (Digilio et al., 2008), in- tense insecticidal activity of a number of plant essences against foxglove aphid (Au- lacorthum solani Kalt.) (Gorski and Tomczak, 2010). The results of this study indicate the high insecticidal activity of these essential oils on adult cabbage aphid. Therefore, a place can be reserved for these essences in pest control programs for the effective control of pests as well as reducing the use of chemical insecticides. References Abbott, W., 1925. 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