Itraconazole in candidosis Clinical study ITRACONAZOLE IN THE THERAPY OF CANDIDOSIS OF URO-GENITAL SYSTEM AND/OR ORAL CA VITY AND THROAT MUCOSA IN A DAIL Y DOSE OF 100 mg S. Urbanowski, Z. Gwiezdzifiski and E. Nierebifiska ABSTRACT The results of a clinical study on the effectiveness and tolerability of itraconazole used in oral therapy of candidosis in a single dose of 100 mg daily were presented. Investigations were performed in 3 groups: 20 persons with candidosis of the uro-genital system, 18 persons with candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa, 10 persons with candidosis of the uro-genital system coexisting with candidosis of oral cavity and throat mucosa. Ali strains of yeast-like fungi isolated from patients were susceptible to itraconazole. The values of MIC were from 0,01 to 20,0 ug/ml. In three groups of patients results and duration of treatment were:lst group - 90%, from 4 to 8 days; 2nd group- 88,9%, from 4 days to 10 weeks; 3rd group - 90%, from 4 days to 12 weeks. Two weeks after the end of the therapy the recurrence of the disease was observed in 4 persons (8,3 % ). In 2 patients ( 4,2% ), transient adverse reactions - nausea and stomach ache were observed. No changes in laboratory tests (Aspat, Alat, bilirubin) were noticed. It was concluded that itraconazole applied in a single dose of 100 mg daily is effective and safe. In the authors' opinion therapy should be continued until negative results of clinical and mycological studies of ali morbid yeast foci. KEY WORDS candidosis, uro-genital system, oral cavity, throat, mucosa, Itraconazole INTRODUCTION Fungi of the genus Candida are frequent causes of infections of the skin and mucous membranes. The most common of these organisms is C. albicans, but other species as C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, and C. parapsilosis, may also cause infection (1). These organisms, especially C. albicans are common in the microflora of the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 6, 97, No 2 tract, urethra and/or vagina, they appear as pathogen only under a variety of circumstances. Candida infections of the skin and mucous membranes had been exclusively treated topically until a period of ten years ago. Indeed, only the availability of orally active ketoconazole made it possible in the early 1980s to start oral treatment for vagina! and oral candidosis (2). Recently, new oral therapy with itraconazole and fluconazole have 55 ltraconazole in candidosis Table I. Candidosis of mucous membranes. Sites of involvement urogenital tract, oral cavity, throat become available. M F 4 6 3 ltraconazole, a new oral triazole derivative, a tbird-generation, bas a broad spectrum of antifungal activity. In vitro and in vivo it is active against yeasts, dermatopbytes, Aspergillus species and dimor- pbic fungi (1,4). Extensive clinical testing bas sbown that highly lipopbylic itraconazole bas a favourable tissue/plasma leve! ratio (5). Tbis affinity for tissue results in therapeutically beneficial effects. This antimy- cotic bas been tested extensively for treatment of vagina! and oral candidosis and other mycoses (6,7,8,9). MATERIALS AND METHODS Forty-eigbt patients (13 males, 35 females) with candidosis of tbe uro-genital system and/or candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa, divided in 3 groups were treated with a single daily dose of 100 mg; 1'1 - with candidosis of urogenital system; 2nd - with candidosis of oral cavity and throat mucosa; 3"1 - witb candidosis of tbe urogenital system coexisting with candidosis of tbe oral cavity and throat mucosa. 4 1 2 Written consent was obtained from ali patients before their enrollment in the study. Patients were included wben microscopic examination was positive for mycelial elements, cultures were also made on Sabouraud's agar. When growth was observed, tbe colonies were reinoculated on Nickerson medium far furtber identification on tbe Api 20 C AUX test. Then, the activity of itraconazole against ali isolated strains was determined by plate dilution method ranging from 0.02 to 55.0 ug/ml of classic Sabouraud agar medium after initial solution in 96% vol. ethanol. Media controls without solvent and with solvent at various concentrations were used. Tbe inoculum was 10 cells per 1 ml saline. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was established after 72 hours. Patients with serious concurrent diseases, treated with systemic and/or topical antifungal agents within 1 montb, witb mixed infections ( e.g., Candida + Trichomonasis + Neisseria gonorrhoea + gonorrhoea vaginalis + Bacteria) and those who were pregnant or who were not using adequate birth control were excluded. Table JI. Activity "in vitro" of itraconazole against yeast-like Jungi isolated from patients. Candida albicans Candida crusei Torulopsis glabrata *MIC - Minimal lnhibitory Concentration 56 45 2 1 0,01 - 20,0 0,1 0,1 acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 6, 97, No 2 Jtraconazole in candidosis Table III. Efficacy of itraconazole used in oral therapy of candidosis of uro-genital system and/or oral cavity and throat mucosa in a single daily dose of 100 mg. C linica/ and mycological investigation were evaluated. urogenital system oral cavity urogenital tract, oral cavity 18/20 16/18 9/10 90 88,9 90 Each patient was instructed to apply one capsule of 100 mg itraconazole once a day immediately after a meal. Ali patients were evaluated clinically before starting the treatment as well as 2 week after treatment. An additional evaluation was carried out in patients with candidosis of the urogenital system on days 2,4,6 and at weeks 1 to 12 in patients with candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa. Symptoms and/or signs were scored as: absent - O, mild - 1, moderate - 2, severe - 3. The microscopic examinations and cultures were made at the start of treatment, at each therapy visit and at follow-up visits. We also noted predisposing and coexisting factors (sexu al partners and members of the family) in patients with candidosis. The biochemical parameters as bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase were determined in 2-week periods in patients who were treated longer than 2 weeks. Adverse reactions and acceptability were recorded. The Candida infection was considered cured clinically and microbiologically if the symptoms had disappeared and if no fungi were found by direct microscopy or culture. RESULTS Ali the 48 patients were included in the analysis of clinical and mycological efficacy and were evaluated 17/20 14/18 8/10 85 77,8 80 for adverse reactions. The sites of involvement are shown in table I, the activity "in vitro" of itraconazole against yeast-like fungi in table II, efficacy of itraconazole therapy in table III, and duration of treatment with a single dose of 100 mg daily in table IV. In 11 patients predisposing factors ( oral contraceptive - 1, diabetes - 2, antibiotic therapy -7, steroid therapy - 1) and in 16 patients coexisting factors (sexual partner - 7, member of family - 9) were noted. Ali of the strains isolated before treatment were "in vitro" sensitive to itraconazole. Two weeks after the end of the therapy the recurrence of the disease was observed in 4 persons (8.3 % ). In 2 patients ( 4.2%) with candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa transient adverse reactions - nausea and stomach ache - have been observed. No changes in laboratory tests (Aspat, Alat, bilirubine) were noticed. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The results of this study demonstrate that itraconazole applied in a single dose of 100 mg daily is an effective and safe drug in short treatrnent of candidosis of the uro-genital systern and also in longer therapy of candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa. Table IV. Duration of oral itraconazole treatment in candidosis of uro-genital system and/or oral cavity and throat mucosa in a single daily dose of 100 mg. urogenital system oral cavity urogenital system and oral cavity 4 8 days 4 days - 10 weeks 4 days 12 weeks acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 6, 97, No 2 5,7 23,75 19,1 57 Itraconazole in candidosis Generally, for non immunocompromized patients, the main treatment is topical (miconazole, clotrimazole, nystatin and amphotericin B). For more persistent candidosis and in patients with immunosuppression, it is necessary to use oral therapy (ketoconazole, fluconazole or itraconazole) because responses to topical agents are often poor. Itraconazole is usually effective in the treatment of acute vagina! candidosis at a tata! dose of 400 mg to 600 mg, given as 200 mg twice daily for 1 day or 200 mg daily for either 2 or 3 days; 200 mg for 3 days or 100 mg for 5 days reportedly give better results in chronic vagina! candidosis and oral candidosis in dose of 100 mg daily for 1 to 3 weeks. In our patients with candidosis of the uro-genital system we also found minimal symptoms and/or signs and/or only positive results of mycological examination in oral cavity and throat. And vice versa. In patients with candidosis of the oral cavity and throat mucosa we found fungi in the uro- genital system. The authors suggest that treatment should be continued until the lesions are healed and mycological tests become negative. REFERENCES l. Odds FC. Candida and candidiosis. Bailiere Tindal, London 1989 2. Heeres J, Bacx LIJ et al. Antimycotic imidasoles. Part 4. 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