im Journal of JET v°iume 10 (2°1?) p.p. 71-91 Issue 4, December 2017 Type of article 1.04 Technology FUTURE GENERATION IV SMR REACTORS: ASSESSMENT AND POSSIBILITY OF INTEGRATION IN CLOSED NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLES PRIHAJAJOČA IV. GENERACIJA SMR REAKTORJEV: EVALVACIJA IN MOŽNOST INTEGRACIJE V ZAPRTE JEDRSKE GORIVNE KROGE Aleš Buršič R Tomaž Žagar1 Keywords: small and medium size reactors, generation IV reactors, investment cost, value analysis methodology, review and evaluation process, modular design, advanced nuclear fuel cycle, energy transition, sustainability Abstract Over the previous decade, many economic, strategic, technical, and other arguments in favour of Small and medium-size reactors (SMR), present in the nuclear industry since the beginning of its use for peaceful purposes, have become prominent. The Generation IV SMR is a next-generation design excelling in its considerable contribution to sustainability. Most favourable concepts impose high coolant temperatures and high breeding ratios and represent progress in the design of future GEN IV SMRs. This paper presents a new review and evaluation process of SMR GEN IV reactors, which seem most suitable for early implementation. Evaluation presented in this paper was performed on the basis of the Value Analysis methodology, indicating the most economically interesting technologies with the shortest time to commercial availability. The SMR GEN IV reactor integration in advanced closed nuclear fuel cycles could an play important role in the energy transition to sustainable oriented R Corresponding author: Aleš Buršič, GEN energija, d.o.o., Vrbina 17, 8270 Krško, Slovenia, Tel.:+ 386 7 49 10 250, E-mail address: 1 GEN energija, d.o.o., Vrbina 17, 8270 Krško, Slovenia JET 71 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 low-carbon energy future. Mass balance and material flow for nuclear fuel cycles involving SMRs were established with the NEA 1767 SMAFS model and through the webKORIGEN software. The advantages of SMRs attract embarking countries to look towards use of nuclear as domestic energy source, especially when the paradigm of energy independence is becoming strategically important. Povzetek V preteklem desetletju se pojavljajo številni ekonomski, strateški, tehnični ter ostali razlogi, ki kažejo na določene prednosti Majhnih in srednjih reaktorjev (SMR), sicer prisotnih od pričetka uporabe jedrske energije za miroljubne namene. Četrta generacija jedrskih elektrarn med katere spadajo tudi SMR GEN IV je vključena v napredne zaprte gorivne kroge in omogoča velik napredek v trajnostnem razvoju ter proizvodnji energije. Najobetavnejši SMR koncepti stremijo k visoki temperaturi hladila na izstopu iz sredice ter visokem oplodnem razmerju ter predstavljajo velik napredek v zasnovi SMR GEN IV reaktorjev prihodnosti. Ta članek predstavlja sodoben pristop k procesu pregleda in evalvacije SMR GEN IV reaktorjev, ki so glede na današnje vedenje in informacije najugodnejši za zgodnjo implementacijo. V tem članku predstavljena evalvacija bazira na metodologiji vrednostne analize ekonomsko najzanimivejših tehnologij z najkrajšim časom do njihove komercialne uporabe. Vključevanje SMR GEN IV reaktorjev v sodobne zaprte gorivne cikle predstavlja velik potencial pri energetski tranziciji v nizkoogljično prihodnost. Masne bilance in tok materiala v izbranih gorivnih ciklih, primernih za implementacijo SMR reaktorjev, so bile določene s pomočjo NEA 1767 SMAFS modela ter v nadaljevanju s pomočjo webKORIGEN programskega paketa. Predstavljene prednosti SMR reaktorjev so zanimive tudi za države, ki razmišljajo prvič o uporabi jedrske energije, sajpostaja energetska samozadostnost ter neodvisnost strateško zelo pomembna. 72 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles 1 INTRODUCTION Small and Medium Reactors (SMR) have been present in nuclear industry since the beginning of its use for electricity or heat generation in the 1950s (Figure 1). 1600 Years 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Figure 1: Sizs af operating Nnplsar Pawsr Plants isplneisg SMRs, eata sanrps, [28] 1.1 SMR implementation goals SMR units are designed as single units that can also be accommodated as multiple SMR modules sequentially on single sites to optimize site investment costs. Economics of smaller units is planned as increasing the factory assembly manufacturing of units, shorter construction times, optimized supply chains and as mass production impact at manufacturing equipment modules could reduce construction costs and further overnight costs. SMR investment costs include the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) costs and the owner's costs. The total capital investment cost (TCIC, defined in [2]) is equal to the sum of overnight costs, contingency and the cost of financing, [1]. According to available data for SMR overnight costs, the prices of electricity predicted per installed kW (USD/kWe) are in range from 1200 to 4000 USD/kWe, [4]. This is a rough estimate and involves many volatile factors. JET 73 Ales Bursic,Tomaz Zagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 1.1.1 SMR general design features SMRs are intended to fill market niches with implementation in smaller grids, or where heat production or desalinization in addition to electricity is foreseen. SMR is expected to have simpler design, optimized manufacturing costs and due to its size optimized TCIC in comparison with large ALWRs. SMRs are mainly designed with high levels of passive safety. For instance, a SMR reactor vessel with smaller thermal power (Ptherm) and higher thermal inertia can be by its design narrow and high, thus enabling more intensive natural recirculation with higher thermal dissipation with higher coolant flows along the fuel channels. With higher secondary coolant parameters, more advanced thermodynamic cycles with higher turbine efficiency rates can be implemented. It can be concluded from an American Nuclear Society report, that a major part of the active safety systems and support systems implemented in large ALWRs (Peiectr > 600 MWe) is redundant for SMRs and can be effectively replaced by passive approaches, [5]. 1. 1. 2 General GEN IV reactors classification Among next-generation design reactors, Generation IV (GEN IV) reactors generally excel in sustainability, minimal environmental impacts, better economy, and further reduced proliferation issues. Figure 2 presents six GEN IV technologies, according to their breeding ratios and coolant temperatures at reactor core exit. The most favourable concepts impose high coolant temperatures and high breeding ratio, thus most effectively implementing three fields of progress in the design of future reactors: • higher coolant temperatures when exiting reactor core enabled with the use of new materials and advanced thermodynamic cycle's higher turbine efficiency rates, • high neutron flux with 100 times better UO fuel efficiency, less radioactive waste and use of reprocessed fuel from LWRs, • favourable breeding ratio; fissile material obtained to spent fissile material after the use of a fuel mixture of fissile and fertile material in a reactor or ratio between fission and capture in actinides. 74 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles Figure 2: six mast promising GEN IV SMR technologies as snggsstse by Gsssratias IV International Farnm, eata sanrpss: [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16] 2 GENERAL APPROACH TO SMR MODULARITY A common approach to most SMR reactor designs, especially GEN IV designs is based on the elimination of postulated initiating events (PIE) and the prevention of severe accident consequences, mainly by passive means. A combination of passive and active safety systems is often used for other accident prevention approaches, similar as in today's GEN III ALWRs, such as AP1000, VVER-1000, ESBWR, etc. According to many SMR designers, general features contributing to the efficient implementation of inherent and passive safety design are: • larger surface to volume ratio at reactor vessel for larger decay heat removal, especially in case of a single-phase coolant, • solutions for a more compact Reactor Coolant System (RCS) as for instance integral compact RCS pool, suppressing certain initiating events, • reduced power density of reactor core, simplifying implementation of passive safety systems, • reduced potential hazard results from lower source term due to lower fuel inventory, lower heat and pressure energy stored in the reactor, and lower integral decay heat rate, [19]. JET 75 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 2. 1 Modularization process and improvement possibilities Customer requirements, the existence and further development of modularization at construction or manufacturing are triggered and preserved by the requirements of a short construction schedule, cost reduction, higher quality and safety at the construction site and in exploitation phase (nuclear safety). Those factors emerging mostly from market demands like investor requirements at NPP construction or vendors requirements to achieve more competitive position on market. They are integrated within the whole product lifecycle; in this case, the lifecycle of Systems Structures and Components (SSC) and for the whole NPP project from construction to decommissioning (Figure 3). In the case of SMRs, modularity is present on two levels: an SMR unit, as a whole, represents a module designed to fit and operate within multi-unit site; modules within an SMR are compatible and interchangeable within unit or within units from different vendors. Production, commissioning, operation J ^^ Module Analysis __ Figure 3: Modularization process integrated within module lifecycle 2. 1. 1 SMR SSC Modularity from the designer's point of view Since SMRs are in various design phases, it is difficult to predict to what extent particular SSCs will be interchangeable within various vendor types of SMR, as has been the case for many decades in other industries like automotive, aerospace, naval, robotics, etc. At such a modularity stage, where common SSCs were developed and licensed, a designer would have easier task to make system integration of those SSC. In the nuclear industry, in addition to functionality requirements, there is additional requirement for nuclear safety, which is distinct from other industries and of great importance in setting design basis for the plant. 76 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles The following list covers some potential SSCs that might be common for sodium-cooled fast Reactors of various vendors. SSCs of various manufacturers could be compatible, having the same functionality and operating parameters; all could be used in the same SFR or one SSC that is functionality compatible with the required operating parameters of SFRs from different vendors: • Steam Generator (SG), with which modularity/similarity is achieved with adequate heat transfer surface, SG design remains unchanged and covers wider group of this SMR type with different power outputs, e.g. with one or more same SGs; • Electromagnetic Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCP), controlled with frequency converters, enabling pre-set, project-defined optimum coolant flow through various operating states, as a single RCP or multiple-mounted, similar to AP1000 design; • RCS piping, forged according to unified codes and standards with appropriate multiple sizes, covering the range of reactors, according to safety requirements, forged as a monobloc; standardisation lowers the manufacturing costs; • Auxiliary reactor vessel cooling systems could be unified and pre-licensed for the whole range of FSR SMRs; various power ranges are handled with multiple, yet redundant systems; • Fuel Handling Building (FHB) could be assembled from the same or similar modules, varying according to requirements with modular support equipment; • Seismic resilience, small and compact dimensions at SMRs with higher eigen-frequencies are more favourable for consideration on siting in more demanding geological, geotechnical and seismic locations, with additional implementation of appropriate seismic isolators, it should be viable that site properties would not exist as limiting factor even when considering those reactors on the most demanding sites. Other equipment, such as intermediate heat exchangers, reactor protection system modules, sodium reservoirs, steam and other pipelines, and equipment for transformation to electric energy, can be similarly optimized, modularized, and unified. Experiences with the modularization process show that not many efforts in this direction have been successful, especially when the process itself has been the responsibility of developers or suppliers, without clear and strong support and collaboration from investors/operators with high requirements and particularly regulatory bodies, which may have to expand their scope and participate more proactively in order to promote the safe and peaceful use of atomic energy. 3 REVIEW AND EVALUATION OF PROMISING SMR GEN IV REACTORS A review and evaluation process of SMR GEN IV reactors that seem most suitable for early implementation is divided into two phases: preliminary elimination and secondary elimination selection. Evaluation methodology is qualitative with elements of value analysis (VA), [20], according to the methodology of Small Modular Reactor Strategic Assessment, [21], and is divided into five steps within those phases: JET 77 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 1. collecting relevant information on assessed technologies, 2. preliminary elimination, 3. determination of important functions and properties, 4. properties and relative variant value assessment, 5. optimal technology selection. The intermediate result based on VA is a ranked list of SMRs. The selection of a technology group is made among those reactors according to the most collected points for suggested ranking factors and characteristics for the most promising technology, (1st part of 4th phase). The goal of the review process by assessing the economy of different technologies is to define, by VA (2nd part of 4th phase), the group of technologies that meets the set threshold of ranking factors and characteristics (5th phase). 3. 1 Technology relevant data acquisition Data from 27 SMR GEN IV technologies (reactor designs from specific vendor) being in various design phases were gathered for the assessment: • 7 types of Gas-cooled fast reactors (GFR), • 1 very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR), • 9 types of lead-cooled fast reactors, cooled with Pb or Pb-Bi eutectic (LFR), • 3 types of molten-salt reactors (MSR), • 7 types of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). The listed technologies are in development in the US, Russian Federation, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Czech Republic, and South Africa. Most R&D institutions or companies do not publish or reveal their progress regularly; therefore, this assessment is based on publicly available articles, industry societies, conferences, NRC or IAEA evaluations, interviews with design engineers or other available sources, referenced at the end of the paper. 3. 2 Preliminary elimination Preliminary elimination evaluates each of the 27 technologies according to following parameters: • commercial operation is viable only after 2030, • complex process of fuel fabrication; remark: this parameter is important, but has less influence in this preliminary evaluation due to different design phases of assessed technologies, • unreliable or non-existent sources for R&D financing, high risk for financing termination, • FOAK technology, proof-of-concept working prototype is required before final prototype, • technology in early R&D phase. Any technology fulfilling any of the above parameters is excluded (*) as an unsuitable candidate for further assessment. An exception is made when, within the whole technology group (GFR, VHTR, etc.) there is no suitable technology, in which case one technology is conditionally (0) 78 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles selected, having the best result within the group. According to these rules, the following technologies were selected and presented in Table 1. Table 1: SMR GEN IV reactor overview [1], [2], [4], [19], [21] Technology designation Selection Power (MWe) Designer Origin Parameters, Remarks GFR (Gas-cooled Fast Reactor) group Adams Engine x 1 to 100 Adams Atomic Engines, Inc. USA a, b, e EM2 x 240 General Atomic USA a, b GT-MHR x 150 General Atomic, OKBM Afrikantov, Fuji USA, Russian Federation, Japan a, b, e, igt ALLEGRO a 75 (MWt) UJV Rez, a.s., MTA EK in VUJE a.s., CEA, EURATOM Europe a, b, c, d, e MTSPNR x 2 NIKIET Russian Federation a, b, c, double reactor unit PBMR x 150 PBMR, Pty. South Africa a, c GTHTR-300 x 280 JAERI Japan a, b VHTR/AHTR (Very High Temperature Reactor) group Antares x ~288 Areva, Fuji France, Japan e, b, d HTR-PM ✓ 211 INET, Tsinghua University China LFR (Lead-cooled Fast Reactor) group ANGSTREM (Pb-Bi) x n/p TES-M soisf BREST-OD-300 x 300 Gidropress Russian Federation e ENHS x 50 University of California, Berkley USA a HPM(Pb-Bi) x 25 Hyperion Power Generation, Inc. USA e single or multiple reactor unit LSPR(LBE) x 53 RLNR TITech Japan a SSTAR (Pb-Bi) x 20 10 to 100 Argonne National Lab & Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Toshiba USA, e STAR-LM, STAR-H2 Hydrogen x production 180 Argonne National Lab & Lawrence Livermore Laboratory USA, Japan e SVBR-100 (Pb-Bi) ✓ 100 Gidropress Russian Federation ee TWR x 300 Lawrence Livermore Lab (DOE), Terrapower USA a, b, d, e ALFRED x 300 Ansaldo nuclear with 16 European organizations Europe a, b, e MSR (Molten Salt Reactor) group Fuji MSR (LFTR) a 100 IThEMS Japan, Czech Republic a, d, e JET 79 Ales Bursic,Tomaz Zagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 Technology designation Selection Power (MWe) Designer Origin Parameters, Remarks LFTR X 20 to 50 Flibe Energy USA a, b, noinf PB-AHTR X 410 UC Berkley, ORNL USA a, b, d, e SFR (Sodium i-cooled Fast Reactor) group 4S V 10 Toshiba Japan dd ARC-100 X 100 Advanced Reactor Concepts, LLC USA e CEFR V 20 CNEIC China op KALIMER-600 X 600 KAERI South Korea a, b PFBR-500 V 500 IGCAR India const PRISM V 155 GE, Hitachi USA, Japan dd Rapid-L X 0.2 Toshiba, CRIEPI, JAERI Japan a, b, igt Astrid X 600 CEA with industry consortium International a, b, e Remarks: igt-integral gas turbine poses great technological challenges, noinf-non-existent or poor information on technology, dd- reactor in detail design phase, const-reactor in construction phase, op-reactor in operation phase. Technologies are conditionally selected for secondary elimination based on larger development potential, are recognized as interesting for potential investors in FOAK technologies or have broad international support on financing and R&D and have large potential for niche markets. 3. 3 Secondary elimination Eight SMR designs entered the secondary phase: Allegro, HTR-PM, SVBR-100, Fuji SMR, 4S, CEFR, PFBR-V and PRISM. The second elimination step consists of the following phases of VA: 3) determination of important functions and properties, 4) properties and relative variant value assessment (USD/kW ¡nstalled), and 5) optimal technology selection. 3. 3. 1 Determination of important functions and properties In this phase, the functions, properties and properties influence of SMR technologies enabling evaluation are selected. Results of 8 SMR technologies evaluated in greater detail on the design, licensing and construction with characteristics are: 1. Design maturity and status of development, [22], [23], 2. Designer, manufacturer experiences, [22], [23], 3. Licensing challenges, regarding current GEN III challenges at licensing, [22], [23], 4. Simplicity of design and constructability, [22], 5. Technical and technology challenges, 6. Level of participation in closed fuel cycle, HLW amount in fuel elements, possibility for the use of reprocessed nuclear fuel from other technologies like PWR, BWR, [22], [24], 7. Maturity levels for supply chain, and infrastructure for components and heavy component manufacturing and supply. 80 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles At VA, product properties, in this case technologies (variants), are evaluated. Because most of the assessed technologies are in various phases (e.g. R&D, construction, etc.), it is necessary not to assess only properties, which may be changed during process, but also the effects and influence due to conditions at project development over certain aspects, such as design or economics, etc. Instead of specific properties, the combination of group of properties as a whole (influenced properties field) are important and therefore evaluated. 3. 3. 2 Properties and relative variant value assessment 3. 3. 2. 1 Variant properties assessment Technologies are evaluated by assessing the fulfilment level of factor K of selected group of properties for technology and influenced properties field, varying from factor value from: • 0.00 - inadequate, influence on assessment field gives unacceptable results, • e.g. 0.50 - appropriate, without significant influence on assessment field, 1.00 - most suitable, influence on assessment field exhibits excellent results. Since all assessment fields may not be equally important to the assessor, they can be weighted with a ponder value. The sum of denominated ponder relative values for assessment fields evaluated with K represents 100%; therefore, change in one ponder changes the influence of all other ponders for specific variants. Variant properties assessment was conducted on the basis of pre-prepared assessment sheets by a group of five nuclear technology experts, three of them with doctorates in nuclear technology and two with more than five decades of experience in SSC design since the deployment of GEN II NPPs. Table 2 summarizes their evaluations of selected variants. The number of points of selected property group at variant is arithmetic mean of assessor's evaluations: T = - forn = N0 of assessors (3.1) Table 2: Variant properties and influenced properties field assessment results [22] Property / Influenced Properties Field Ipi/n [%] IKi/n IT/n Ipi/n [%] IKi/n ITi/n Ip/n [%] IKi/n IT/n Ipi/n [%] IKi/n ITi/n 1 Design maturity and status of development [22] 18.2 0.6 9.9 18.2 0.8 14.9 18.2 0.9 15.3 18.2 0.3 5.9 2 II Designer, manufacturer experiences [22] 13.4 0.6 7.8 13.4 0.7 8.4 13.4 0.8 11.1 13.4 0.3 3.7 3 Licensing challenges 122] 14.2 0.5 7.0 14.2 0.7 9.2 14.2 0.8 11.5 14.2 0.3 4.4 4 Simplicity of design and constructability [22] 14.4 o.5l 7.9 14.4 0.5 6.6 14.4 0.7 9.3 14.4 0.5 7.5 5 Technical and technology challenges [22] 12.1 0.7 7.8 12.1 0.8 10.5 12.1 0.9 10.8 12.1 0.5 5.7 6 Level of participation in closed fuel cycle [24] 14.4 0.7 9.4 14.4 0.3 4.8 14.4 0.7 9.7 14.4 0.3 4.0 7 Maturity of supply chain and manuf. infrastr. 13.3 0.7 9.3 13.3 0.9 11.6 13.3 0.9 11.7 13.3 0.5 5.9 1 ■! fjUdSIBI KS93E 59.18 urn EjEBfllBiBIIBIBTBEBKBIB ■S obubUB 79.30 gH flu! HI ■B3IÜH Property / Influenced Properties Field Ref. IPi/n [%] 4S IKi/n ITi/n CEFR Ip/n [%] IK/n IT/n PFBR-500 Ip/n [%] IK/n ITi/n PRISM Ip/n [%] IK/n IT/n 1 Design maturity and status of development [22] 18.2 0.7 12.8 18.2 0.8 14.4 18.2 0.8 14.8 18.2 0.8 13.8 2 Designer, manufacturer experiences [22] 13.4 0.8 10.4 13.4 0.7 8.9 13.4 0.8 9.9 13.4 0.8 10.1 3 Licensing challenges [22] 14.2 0.6 8.4 14.2 0.7 9.7 14.2 0.8 11.0 14.2 0.6 8.6 4 Simplicity of design and constructability [22] 14.4 0.6 8.0 14.4 0.5 7.5 14.4 0.5 7.1 14.4 0.6 7.8 5 Technical and technology challenges [22] 12.1 0.7 9.0 12.1 0.8 10.8 12.1 0.8 10.9 12.1 0.8 10.8 6 Level of participation in closed fuel cycle [24] 14.4 0.6 8.5 14.4 0.6 8.5 14.4 0.6 8.8 14.4 0.6 8.9 7 Maturity of supply chain and manuf. infrastr. 13.3 0.7 9.1 13.3 0.8 11.0 13.3 0.8 10.5 13.3 0.7 9.7 SVBR-100 Fuji MSR JET 81 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 90 SVBR-100 4S HTR-PM Fuji MSR PFBR-500 CEFR PRISM Allegro Figure 4: Variant assessment results' ranking, [22] 3. 3. 2. 2 Relative value at assessed variants Collecting information on technology implementation (investment) costs is an essential part of the comprehensive assessment, although it is focused on a niche industrial field prone to ever-changing competition conditions. Collected information originates from publicly available information, [4], or from discussion with leading experts in nuclear, SMR technology-related fields. Regardless of the source of information, it can be concluded with certainty that the information is more reliable than cost calculations executed for particular SMR SSC, especially when experience shows that even partial costs given to recognized reliable investors by vendors in bidding phases for NPPs may vary from the final costs. Equipment costs may also vary according to investors requirements, since investors can prefer specific equipment suppliers due to fleet/equipment standardization and maintenance optimization, even if not recognized as standard OEM by vendors. Power generation plant costs also depend and vary on specific investor requirements, such as desalinization, hydrogen production, heat cogeneration, etc., and are not included due to multiple variants emerging from those requirements. Further costs that should be recognized in assessment are contingency, project engineering, licensing costs, various compensations costs to local community, municipality or state etc. Cost are presented separately in Table 3, ranking is conducted according to Levelized Unit Electricity Cost (LUEC) and to overnight capital costs of each technology, [4]. When assessing variant suitability, relative values are calculated, [20]: v = F/c = P/c = T/c = Properties/costs ^ 82 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles Where V represents relative value, F function, P property (group), costs (LUEC and overnight capital costs separately) and T variant properties value. Calculated V (Figure 5) provides information on property group assessment with variants relative value under costs consideration, where higher value represents better results, having lower costs. Table 3: Relative volns accoreisg to LUEC ose to oversight capital costs | HTR-PM | SVBR-100 | Fuji MSR | 4S Overnight Capital Costs (OCC) 1500 USD 1200 USD 4500 USD 1500 USD Relative tech. value/OCC 0.0440 0.0661 0.0083 0.0441 Levelized Unit Electricity Cost (LUEC) 51 USD/MWh 42 USD/MWh 29 USD/MWh 290 USD/MWh Relative tech. value/LUEC 1.2940 1.8882 1.3056 0.2283 10,00 Relative technology value/OCC Relative technology value/LUEC 1,294 1,306 1,00 0,228 0,10 0,01 0,008 0,00 in SVBR-100 4S HTR-PM Fuji MSR Figure 5: Relative value ranking from Table 3 Assessment approach with Value Analysis is reasonable and useful in case of strategic investor decisions, especially when dealing with larger lifecycles of investment, such as with NPPs. Assessment results indicate the most economically interesting technologies with the shortest times to commercial availability. JET 83 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 4 SMR GEN IV INTEGRATION IN ADVANCED NUCLEAR FUEL CYCLES Suitable for SMR GEN IV integration are examples of advanced, fully closed, nuclear fuel cycles (NFC, FC), in which all actinides are continuously recycled in fast reactors. Only two fuel cycle schemes were studied in this paper (out of several different fuel cycles possible) and are indicated as FCA and FCB. A fuel cycle based on PWR reactor and integral fast reactor concept (Fuel Cycle A (FCA)), featuring partitioning & transmutation (P&T) option, results in small waste quantities without actinides, containing only material from reprocessing losses and fission products (FP). In FCA, proliferation possibility is disabled, since there is no Pu separation from other actinides (Figure 6). A fuel cycle based on GCR concept (Fuel Cycle B (FCB)), capable of burning all actinides (U, Pu, Am, Cm, etc.) results in minimising actinides loss in process and maximizing use of uranium resources. Waste is trans-uranium elements from reprocessing efficiency losses and FP. Due to the small consumption of depleted uranium, FCB can be recognized as a sustainable energy source (Figure 8). The FCA fuel cycle features a PRISM reactor, and FCB features an ALLEGRO reactor. Material flow and mass balances originate from the characterization of advanced nuclear fuel cycles and the determination of HLW quantity for final disposal, [24], with the consideration of the Slovenian case on used nuclear fuel inventory, [27]. Mass balance and material flow for the beginning of fuel cycle was determined for each NFC through the NEA 1767 SMAFS model. With an iteration approach through webKORIGEN software, final mass balances of Used Nuclear Fuel (UNF) were established. The activity, toxicity, residual heat power, and mass balance of final high-level waste (HLW) for final disposal were also established with the same approach through webKORIGEN. Quantities in both NFCs were normalized on 1MWe year/FC, [24]. Unaturai: 114.7 kg I Enrichment T H UOX fuel 13.394 kg U irradiated: 12.389 kg Udepleted: 101.3 kg U:1518.3 g + Pu:738.1 g + MA:98.7 g FR fuel 2.536 kg FR (SFR) 36.8% Î UREX UOx PYRO metal fuel 78Ac-227Zr HLW U: 13.920 g Pu: 0.736 g Np: 0.024 g Am: 0.053 g Cm: 0.023 g FP: 1.030 kg FP, Reprocessing efficiency (HM) Disposal Figure 6: FCA fuel cycle, UOX (UREX) reprocessing, Pyrochemical reprocessing of metal fuel (PYRO)-TRU partitioning and homogenic transmutation, [24] SMR GEN IV reactors could play an essential role in the energy transition to sustainable oriented low-carbon energy future. Combining reprocessing within closed or semi-closed FCs minimizes 84 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles the quantity (volume) of material entering NFC and waste. In addition, there is notable improvement with minimizing relative residual heat generation and radioactivity reduction in comparison with open FC (Figure 7 for FCA, Figure 9 for FCB and Figure 10 for FCA, FCB, FCO comparison). All features combined contribute to reducing necessary volume in final disposal and its decay time to natural background level. Since economy of smaller HLW disposals is worse than of larger, the idea of establishing regional HLW disposal, accommodating fuel from many international reactors could be more attractive, especially when disposing of reprocessed HLW, for which the radiotoxicity timespan down to natural background could degrade under 1000 years. Actinides Helium Lanthanides Radon Total Actinides and Progenies Hydrogen Minor Actinides Rare Earths Fission Products Inert Gases Noble Metals Transuraniums 1.005e+10 Bq.-fr 400.0 kgequvalent tovitrification contgnRnttCV— Years Actinides Helium Lanthanides Radon Total Actinides and Progenies Hydrogen Minor Actinides Rare Earths Fission Products Inert Gases Noble Metals Transuraniums Years 10 10 10 Figure 7: Activity ase rssienal hsat escay avsr time far FCA fnsl cycle after eispasal, [24] JET 85 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 Udepleted: 0.757 kg i o Solid solution nuclear fuel — GCR N Cooldown U: 5.303 kg Pu: 1.306 kg Np: 7.9 g (U,Pu)C, SiC 7.442 kg 100% J i Am: 58.7 g Fuel cooldown before reprocessing: 5 years Cm: 15.8 g FP: 753.9 g i PYRO U:5298.1 g + Pu:1304.8 g + MA:82.3 g reprocessing HLW U: 5.303 g Pu: 1.306 g Np: 0.008 g Am: 0.059 g Cm: 0.016 g FP: 753.9 g I Disposal Figure 8: FCB fuel cycle, Pyrochemical reprocessing of metal fuel (PYRO)-TRU partitioning and homogenic transmutation, [24] 86 JET Future G ensmtiGnlVsMa reactors:sssensmantandpossibil(tyofistefration in ctose d nuclear fuel cycles - Actin ¡des+Progenies - Actin ides - Transuraniums - MinorActinides — Radon Light Elements — Lanthanides — Rare Earths Noble Metals Inert Gases (Ne- Ar- Kr-Xe) — Hydrogen — Helium Total 0 Years 100 200 300 400 Figure 9: Activity and residual heat decay over time for FCB fuel cycle after disposal [24] Figure 10 compares SMR-suitable FCA and FCB with open fuel cycle featuring the once-through use of UNF in PWRs designated FCO (Fuel Cycle - Open). Residual heat at FCO is generated in the disposed fuel element without any reprocessing. According to the disposed mass of material, the relative residual heat at reprocessed HLW is more favourable; however, at vitrification in universal canisters (UC-V), attention should be paid to the maximum allowable heat load for the glass matrix. In addition to residual heat generation, the heat load for the glass matrix is dependent on the environment contact conditions and exposure. 250 200 150 a100 50 FCO . ■ Residual heat after vitrification (W) 216,1 W . ■ Residual heat 50 years after reprocessing [W] 139,4 W ! ■ Residual heat 200 years ■ after reprocessing [W] ^™130,1 W 17,7 W (1) i 0,0 W (1) 15,1 W 15,1 W ^^ 1,0 W FCA Fuel cycle designation FCB 0 JET 87 Aleš Buršič, Tomaž Žagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 250 200 g 150 £ 100 214,5 kg Quantity of natural/depleted U, entering FC [kg] Quantity of disposed or stored HLW [kg, HM] 113,6 kg 0,8 kg 1,0 kg 0,8 kg FCO FCA FCB Fuel cycle designation 4,082E+11Bq (1) -g 4,0E+11 CO ' 3,0E+11 € 2,0E+11 1,0E+11 0,0E+00 FCO FCA Fuel cycle designation FCB Figure 10: Mass balance, Residual heat decay and Activity over time, comparing open fuel cycle FCO to closed CFA and FCB, [24] 5 CONCLUSION The main technological advantages of SMRs over large ALWRs emerge primarily out of the size of nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) and other SSCs. Size of SMRs and their potential for modularity enables factory assembly manufacturing of SMR units. This brings shorter construction times, more effective and efficient quality assurance/quality control and optimization of the project structure and management that can reduce investment capital costs. In many cases, SMR SSCs involve FOAK technology solutions, which may be extremely innovative, such as minimizing the quantity of necessary SSCs while simultaneously maintaining safety levels in comparison with large GEN II or GEN III+ reactors. In contrast, with the FOAK approach, designers implement unproven technology and increase the risk of delayed commercial availability. 88 JET Future Generation IV SMR reactors: assessment and possib ility of integration in closed nuclear fuel cycles The main contribution and novelty of this paper is its value analysis review and the evaluation of 27 different SMR GEN IV reactors design currently available. This value analysis gives insight into the commercially most promising technologies with strong implementation potential, which could be economically interesting in the next 10 to 15 years. Eight out of 27 evaluated SMR designs were shortlisted in the first phase of evaluation. Those technologies went through a more detailed assessment. The most points were collected by the SVBR-100 SMR design (lead-cooled fast reactor designed in Russia). On the second and third places are PFBR-500 and CEFR SMR designs (Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor from India and China, respectively). Among the so-called "western technologies", on the fourth place, PRISM SMR (sodium-cooled fast reactor designed by GE and Hitachi) shows potential, especially due to its multifunctionality and robust seismic design. Based on available information, despite their unfavourable economy of scale, SMR overnight investment costs put SMRs cost of electricity production in the upper band of the price range of large reactors. Since the calculated cost of electricity production is based on predictions, actual economics is yet to be proven after first SMRs are put into operation. When summarizing SMR technology could experience future growth under several conditions: • similar or lower overnight investment costs and electricity production costs in comparison to large reactors, • high level of external modularity with ability to efficiently connect several reactors on site offering several exploitation possibilities, internal modularity and standardization of SSCs of similar SMRs from different suppliers, • flexibility at siting, with no or minimal environmental impact, seismic robustness, suitability for siting close to populated areas, smart grid and distributed supply integration possibility, • unified international licensing approach implementation based on experience on SMR licensing conducted by world's most recognized regulatory bodies, such as US NRC, STUK, ASN, • large flexibility and impact at integration into existing nuclear fuel cycle schemes, consequentially leading towards closed nuclear fuel cycle, • ultimate inherent safety against internal and internal events, with minimal or no operator intervention and relying on advanced passive safety features. In case SMRs fail to deliver promised and expected features, especially at economic issues, they will remain interesting solely for research and for investors with high budgets, intent to solve energy supply issues at remote locations with poor infrastructure but high value. Energy supply independence is becoming more and more important in the focus of many environmental agreements, energy transitions towards electrification in heating, transportation and other demands. SMR technologies could deliver some of the answers for future energy needs. JET 89 Ales Bursic,Tomaz Zagar JET Vol. 10 (2017) Issue 4 References [1] OECD/NEA, Nuclear Energy Agency, Small Modular Reactors: Nuclear Energy Market Potentialfrr Near-term Deployment, OECD Publications, NEA No. 7213, Paris, France, 2016 [2] EMWG: Cost Estimating Guidelines frr Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems, Generation IV International Forum (GIF), Economic Modelling Working Group, EMWG, 2007 [3] D. Schlissel and B. 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