Etnolog 16 (2006) KAR SEJE[, TO @ANJE[ Brigita Raj{ter 219 Iskreno ~estitam vsem zaposlenim v Slovenskem etnografskem muzeju, posebno kustosom, restavratorjem ter oblikovalcem in drugim zunanjim sodelavcem, ki so pripomogli, da so semena, posejana pred dobrimi desetimi leti, rodila plodove. Ve{ etnolog svoj dolg? Dolga {tiri desetletja smo bile generacije prikraj{ane za odgovore na vpra{anji: Kdo in kaj smo? in Kam gremo? Osiroma{eni za stalno razstavo tako pomembne nacionalne institucije, kot je SEM. Stroka se je vpra{anja, nastalega iz prirejene besedne zveze na{ega znamenitega pesnika, ves ~as zavedala in zdaj odgovorila nanj. SEM – srce slovenskega naroda Kadar vstopim v muzej, {e posebej ~e predmeti v njem nosijo etnolo{ka sporo~ila, me obdajo spo{tljivi ob~utki. Predmeti razkrivajo elementarnost in prvobitnost ~loveka, njegov odnos do naravnega sveta, do sebe in dru`bene sredine. Z razumevanjem `ivljenjskih, delovnih in prazni~nih ciklov se v odnosih do svetega razkrivajo du{e prednikov. ^e si lahko predstavljamo, da je na primer Narodni muzej glava naroda, potem je Slovenski etnografski muzej zagotovo njegovo srce. Srce nosi simbolna sporo~ila ljubezni, sprejemanja, tolerantnosti, vseprisotnosti – tu in zdaj: tak{no podobo SEM vedno bolj izra`a. Zagotovo je ta trenutek najlep{i muzej pri nas. Zra~enje Razumljivi sta bili `elja in odlo~itev, da po letih ’spanja’ v depojih na enem mestu predstavijo – o~em javnosti (pre)dolgo zakrite – reprezentan~ne muzealije. Tako razstavo sem pogre{ala `e pred desetletjem in ve~. Z razstavo so dani pogoji za dialog, za normalen stik publike s sporo~ilno vrednostjo predmetov. Pomemben je na~rtovani drugi del stalne razstave, katerega naloga bo preseganje predmetnega nivoja. Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 219 11/26/06 11:11:13 PM Brigita Raj{ter Oranje ledine Pripravljeno seme za posevek v ’zorano ledino’ je bilo dobro izbrano. Predstavitve idejnih zasnov stalne razstave mag. Inje Smerdel, mag. Janje @agar in mag. Andreja Dularja (Etnolog 6, 1996) so bile metodolo{ko in tehnolo{ko dovr{ene. ^e bi uspeli popolnoma slediti na~rtovani shemi, bi imela realizirana razstava predznak prese`nika na svojem podro~ju. Na sprehodu med naravo in kulturo Na prvem sprehodu skozi razstavno materijo me je spremljala Sonja Kogej Rus. Tako sem imela na pósodo {e njene o~i. Predmeti `ivljenja, predmeti po`elenja uvedejo obiskovalca v razstavo in ga naravnajo na druge ’frekvence’. Obiskovalec tako pozabi 220Ena zunanji svet in se lahko preda lahkotnemu vodenju in razmi{ljanju. Dovr{eno oblikovana razstava prepleta tri zgodbe v eno celoto. Skozi teme Voda in zemlja, Potrebno in nepotrebno, Socialno in duhovno obiskovalec niti ne opazi, da so delo strnili razli~ni avtorji in oblikovalci. Enakovredna ~etrta zgodba Odsev daljnih svetov ka`e veli~ino majhnih. Posebno zanimiv je Etno-Abeceda`. Z naborom temeljnih besed iz etnolo{ke terminologije (ki se lahko tudi spreminja) na preprost in igriv na~in pribli`a najmlaj{im obiskovalcem bolj ali manj znane pojme. Sprehod – drugi~ Izpovednost posameznim predmetom najla`je zagotovimo z ambientalnimi postavitvami v ustreznih ~asovnih in socialnih relacijah. Razstavljanje etnolo{kih predmetov na galerijski na~in, razen morda predmetov ljudske umetnosti in obrti, je zagotovo eno te`jih del. Veliko je bilo storjeno s samim izbiranjem predmetov in z iskanjem re{itev za njihovo ustrezno predstavitev. Dobro opravljeno delo se ka`e tudi v tem, da obse`na razstava z mno`ico predstavljenih predmetov obiskovalca ne iz~rpa. Trino`ni stoli so odli~na ideja. Postavitev v razstavnih vitrinah je dodala razstavi `lahtnost. Vsake o~i imajo svojega malarja Vsakega posameznika bo razstava nagovorila na njemu primeren na~in. Predmetu, izlo~enemu iz primarnega okolja, lo~enemu od uporabnika ali ustvarjalca, je okrnjena pri~evalnost. Sodobna videotehnika uspe{no prikazujejo predmete v funkciji in v odnosu do ~loveka. Razli~ni posnetki dodajajo razstavi tudi zvok. Dobrodo{la bi bila oprema razstave z avdio vodi~i, ne samo za tuje govore~e obiskovalce, ampak tudi za doma~ine. Govorjena beseda ima mo~ ’vdihniti’ predmetom ’`ivljenje’. Rojenice Ob premieri `elim razstavi veliko uspehov, da bo lahko izvajala poslanstvo z namenom, za katerega je bila ustvarjena – prena{ati pozitivna sporo~ila med obiskovalce: Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 220 11/26/06 11:11:14 PM Kar seje{, to `anje{ 221 Stalna razstava SEM Med naravo in kulturo, foto: N. @gank, 2006 Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 221 11/26/06 11:11:14 PM Brigita Raj{ter doma~im ljudem, da se zavejo svojih korenin, da za~utijo preteklost kot dejavnik, s katerim oplemenitijo vsakdanjik, in jo do`ivljajo kot vir inspiracij. Tujcem pa poka`imo obraz in hkrati nastavimo ogledalo, da bodo lahko prepoznavali podobnosti in razlike med nami in drugimi. Ko kustos kon~a z delom in razstavo postavi na ogled ter jo izpostavi kritiki, do`ivlja po eni strani veselje, radost in zadovoljstvo, po drugi pa zadr`anost in negotovost. Spo{tljivo gledam na opravljeno delo kolegov. To, kar so naredili, je uspelo samo njim. Pravo vrednost pa bodo razstavi dali obiskovalci. Zagotovo bodo to obiskovalci, ki jih bodo predmeti navdihovali, ki bodo z materijo razstave vzpostavili svojevrstne 222 stike. Razstava bo za`ivela svoje `ivljenje in to bo pla~ilo kustosom. Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 222 11/26/06 11:11:18 PM Etnolog 16 (2006) YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW Brigita Raj{ter 223 My sincere congratulations to the entire staff of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, in particular to the curators, restorers, designers and other external collaborators, who have greatly contributed to making the seed sown ten years ago bear fruit. Ethnologist, do you know your duty? For four long decades, generations have been denied answers to these questions: Who and what are we? Where are we going? They have been denied a permanent exhibition in the eminent national institution the SEM is. Professional ethnologists have been aware of the above question, a paraphrase of the words of our famous poet (F. Pre{eren: Poet, do you know your duty?), all the time and they have now answered it. SEM – the heart of the Slovene nation When I enter a museum – in particular if the objects exhibited in it carry ethnological messages - I always feel a deep respect. Objects reveal man’s elementary, authentic nature, his attitude to the natural world, himself, and his social environment. By understanding the cycles of life, working and feasting, the souls of our ancestors reveal themselves in the attitudes to the sacred. If we can imagine that, for instance, the National Museum is the nation’s head, then the Slovene Ethnographic Museum certainly must be its heart. The heart carries symbolic messages of love, acceptance, tolerance, omnipresence -here and now – and that is the image the SEM increasingly gives expression to. It is without any doubt our most beautiful museum at the present time. Airing The museum’s wish and decision to present in one place the representative museum objects – dormant and hidden from the eye of the public in depots for so many years - is of course more than understandable. I have wished for such an exhibition for a decade and more. This exhibition provides the conditions for a dialogue, for normal contacts of the public with the messages the objects communicate. The planned second Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 223 11/26/06 11:11:18 PM Brigita Raj{ter section of the permanent exhibition is equally important, as its task will be to go beyond the object level. Breaking new ground The seed prepared to be sown on the new land was well chosen. The presentations of the concepts of the permanent exhibition by Inja Smerdel, Janja @agar and Andrej Dular (Etnolog 6, 1996) were perfect in terms of methodology and technology. If the museum succeeds in following the planned scheme, the completed exhibition will be landmark in museology. Walking between nature and culture 224 Sonja Kogej Rus accompanied me on my fi rst stroll through the exhibition. Her presence allowed me to borrow her eyes – her view. The objects of life and the objects of longing introduce the visitor to the exhibition and set his mind to different “frequencies”. He becomes oblivious of the outside world and surrenders himself to pleasant guidance and reflections. The perfectly designed exhibition weaves three stories into one whole. Viewing the themes Water and Earth, Necessary and Unnecessary, Socialand Spiritual, the visitor is hardly aware that these sections are the work of different curators and designers. The equally interesting fourth story, Reflections of Faraway Worlds, highlights how far a small nation can reach. A particularly interesting corner is the Ethno-ABC. A selection of basic terms from ethnological terminology (which are exchangeable) introduces the youngest visitors to more or less known concepts in a simple and playful way. A second view How expressive individual objects are is best ensured by ambient installations in suitable historical and social relations. Exhibiting ethnological objects in a gallery manner, with the possible exception of objects of folk art and crafts, certainly is a most demanding challenge. But quite a lot can be done in advance by a proper selection of objects and finding solutions for a suitable presentation. How well this task has been carried out shows in the fact that the very extensive exhibition and its wealth of exhibited objects does not exhaust the visitor. The three-legged stools are an excellent idea. The installation in showcases gives the exhibition additional splendour. Different eyes, different views The exhibition addresses every individual in an way that suits him or her. The informative nature of an object, torn out of its primary environment and separated from its user or maker, is impaired. Modern video technology manages to show objects as they function(ed) and in relation to man. Various records also add sound images to the exhibition. A welcome improvement would be audio guides, not only for the foreign visitors but also for the domestic ones. The spoken word is indeed capable of “breathing” life into objects. Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 224 11/26/06 11:11:18 PM You reap what you sow Birth Fairies On the occasion of the exhibition’s premiere I wish it every possible success in fullfilling the mission it was created for – to communicate positive messages to the visitors: to the Slovenes, to make them aware of their roots, feel the past as a factor that can enrich everyday life, and experience it as a source of inspiration. To foreigners, it should show our image and at the same time hold a mirror so that they can recognize the similarities and differences between us and others. When a curator finishes his job and puts his exhibition on view, exposing it to criticism, he or she feels joy, pleasure, and satisfaction on the one hand, and reservations and uncertainty on the other hand. I view the accomplished work of my colleagues with great respect. What they have 225 achieved is something only they have managed to date. The exhibition’s visitors will determine its real value. And this will certainly be visitors who will be inspired by the objects, who will be able to establish a special relation to the exhibited material. The exhibition will then live lead its own life and this will the true reward to its curators. BESEDA O AVTORICI Brigita Raj{ter, dipl. etnologinja in prof. zgodovine je vi{ja kustodinja v Koro{kem pokrajinskem muzeju. Vodi etnolo{ki oddelek v enoti v Slovenj Gradcu. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Brigita Raj{ter is a graduated ethnologist and professor of history, employed as senior curator at the Koro{ka Regional Museum. She heads the ethnological department of the branch museum in Slovenj Gradec. Etnolog 16 - 12.indd 225 11/26/06 11:11:19 PM