SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 15/58 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 10.4. 2022 6. POSTNA CVETNA NEDELJA PALM SUNDAY Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ WEB PAGE HALL RENTALS CELL: 905-518-6159 E-MAIL hallrental@ CVETNA NEDELJA - GOSPODOVO TRPLJENJE Danes vso liturgijo in duhovnost zaznamuje branje o Jezusovem trpljenju, kot nam jo v svoji redakciji prinaša Luka. Obe preostali svetopisemski besedili sta usmerjeni k temu temeljnemu evangeljskemu poročilu. Prvo, osnovano na tretji od štirih »pesnitev o božjem služabniku«, skrivnostnem mesijanskem liku, opevanem v Drugem Izaiju, nam predstavlja odrešenjsko osebnost, ki si ne prevzema nekega veličastnega življenjskega sloga, temveč trpečega; njegov lik ni kraljevski, temveč izraža podobo ponižanega človeka. Tudi čudovita hvalnica iz drugega poglavja Pisma Filipljanom poveličuje Kristusovo »izpraznitev« (izničenje), ki se s svoje božanske slave spusti vse do poslednje nižine človeštva, do smrti na križu, do vislic, ki jih je Rim namenjal sužnjem in teroristom. Vendar Pavel v svoji pesnitvi že nakaže zarjo velike noči, ko bo Kristus premagal temačnost trpljenja in smrti in se vrnil v sijaj božanstvenosti. Mi pa se bomo danes posvetili »bogastvu trpljenja našega Gospoda in k premišljevanju tega so povabljeni vsi, da bi se nahranili in rešili«. Po drugi strani pa prebiranje pripovedi o trpljenju že samo po sebi pomeni dejanje vere in je predlog za življenje. Tretji evangelist je namreč vrsti dogodkov, ki mu jih je že prej posredovalo starejše krščansko izročilo, vtisnil »bistvene« odtise: kot da bi hotel zarisati pot, po kateri naj učenec sledi korakom svojega Gospoda. Slediti Gospodu v trpljenju, zahteva od kristjana osebno in življenjsko odločno pripadnost, ki se dopolnjuje v Jeruzalemu, končnemu cilju Kristusovega in učenčevega zemeljskega in duhovnega potovanja. Tako Simon iz Cirene in tudi žene niso le gledalci ali nevtralne priče, temveč so kar neke vrste vzor hoje za Kristusom. O Simonu Luka omeni, »da so mu naložili križ, da ga nese za Gospodom«; ta izraz evangelist VESTNIK 2022 | navadno uporablja pri opisovanju naloge učenca, ki naj »vsak dan nosi svoj križ« in sledi Gospodu, do dokončne podaritve. Žene »se tolčejo po prsih« in to dejanje ponavljajo tudi množice ob koncu pripovedi, ko »so se nazaj grede tolkle po prsih«. To v simbolnem pomenu ponazarja kesanje in spreobrnjenje, ki se poraja iz Kristusovega povabila: »Jokajte nad seboj ...« Jezus na križu daje svojim učencem še drugačen zgled, ki ga lahko prenesejo v svoje življenje, namreč o odpuščanju grešnikom in o prejetih razžalitvah: »Oče, odpusti jim, saj ne vedo, kaj delajo.« Gre za učno uro, ki jo je Jezus ponavljal v vsem času svojega zemeljskega delovanja in ta je tudi spodbudila prvega krščanskega mučenca sv. Štefana, da jo je uresničil ob uri svoje smrti (Apd 7,60). V tej smeri ljubezni, odpuščanja in podaritve vse do zadnjega, se umešča tudi dogodek o skesanem razbojniku, ki ga omenja samo Luka; Jezus mu ponudi dar odrešenja v kraljestvu. S tem grešnim človekom moramo vsi mi ponavljati: »Mi prejemamo primerno povračilo za tisto, kar smo storili, ta pa ni storil nič hudega.« S temi besedami spreobrnjenja se bodo tudi za nas razprostrle roke usmiljene božje ljubezni. Kristus tudi v svoji smrti, z očmi evangelista Luka, postaja znamenje drugačne poti, ki naj ji sledimo; gre za pot popolne prepustitve božjim rokam. Kot je znano, edino Luka navaja tudi drugo molitev umirajočega Jezusa - poleg tiste turobne iz psalma 22 (»Moj Bog, moj Bog, zakaj si me zapustil?«). Jezus namreč z besedami iz psalma 31 vzklikne: »Oče, v tvoje roke izročam svojo dušo.« Dejansko je zadnja beseda, ki se zariše na Jezusovih ustnicah, po Lukovo, končni »Oče«, izgovorjen v vedrini in z zaupanjem. Marija je na začetku Lukovega evangelija predstavljena kot tista, ki je »ohranila vse te stvari in o njih razmišljala v svojem srcu«. Da bi mogli razumeti pravi pomen, skrit pod ovojem zunanjih dogodkov Kristusovega trpljenja, je treba »opazovati, na novo razmisliti, premišljevati«. Tudi v bogoslužju je potrebno ustvariti prostor, da bi mogla vanj prodreti beseda Boga in se tam razcveteti. (Prim. Oznanjevalec -leto C_2006/7, štev. 3) 114 | VESTNIK 2022 PALM SUNDAY Response: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? First Reading Isaiah 50:4-7 The suffering servant places his trust in the Lord. Second Reading Philippians 2:6-11 Christ humbled himself in obedience, but the Father raised him beyond all others. Gospel Luke 22:14 – 23:56 Christ’s death on the cross reveals the depth of his passion for us. “Jesus, remember me.” Illustration We probably all know how it feels to let down those we love, to harm others, betray them even. How do we respond to those dark realities of human life? A first step is simply to admit the hurt we have caused. Without attempting a sincere apology, there can be no forgiveness, no reconciliation, no healing. The person who has caused hurt needs to accept responsibility for what they have done. Secondly, genuine remorse will always be expressed most credibly by actions rather than by words. Learning from our mistake – actually making a change in our behaviour – will show the seriousness of our remorse. Finally, it’s important in time to be able to look beyond the mistake – not to wallow in it, get stuck in an endless cycle of blame, guilt and self-recrimination. The alternative is to live in endless depression, even despair. Gospel Teaching St Luke’s account of the final hours of Jesus’ life offers insight into how we can move beyond our failures and betrayals to new life. One poign- ant detail, found only in Luke, is that it is at the very moment that the cock crows, as Peter is denying knowing Jesus a third time, that the Lord turns and looks straight at Peter. Whatever Peter sees in Jesus’ eyes, it makes Peter come to his senses. He weeps tears of remorse. He acknowledges the harm he has done. After the resurrection, Jesus helps Peter move on. At the lakeside he asks Peter three times if he loves him. And each time Peter affirms his love, the Lord entrusts him with a task: feed my sheep, care for my little ones. Actions speak louder than words. Peter will do as the Lord asks. In another detail found only in Luke, we meet the good thief – traditionally known as Dismas. He owns his guilt and accepts responsibility for his actions, and so escapes the bitterness and anger of the other criminal hanging beside Jesus. Dismas clings to his hope for a future, for redemption: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” In so doing, he is able to embrace forgiveness and the promise of new life. A final detail that Luke alone relates is that in the middle of the Last Supper, the disciples squabble about who is the greatest. It is as if they have learnt nothing from Jesus during the last three years. Jesus reminds them where true greatness lies: service. Self -giving love – a genuine conversion of heart, mind and behaviour – is the antidote to the temptation of asserting ourselves at the expense of others. It is the antithesis of our very human tendency to inflict damage and hurt. Application Like Peter, each of us knows how it feels to have let the Lord down – to have denied him. Whenever I sin, every time I refuse to act with love and kindness, when I withhold forgiveness, there’s a denial of my friendship with the Lord. So perhaps we all know how it feels to hear the cock grow and have Jesus turn to look straight at us. But Peter also teaches us that the Lord’s glance is a look not of condemnation but of compassion. Jesus always holds out the possibility of our own personal lakeside encounter with mercy, a healing of wounds, a new beginning. Like Peter, I can respond to the trust the Lord shows in me by choosing to care for others. Dismas shows that no matter how desperate my situation may seem, how guilty, rejected or alone I feel, Jesus is with me, sharing my pain and giving me hope. Dismas’ prayer – “Jesus, remember me” – is an expression of authentic faith and hope. If we remember Jesus, he will always remember us. The argument about power and prestige reminds us of the essential vocation of the Church as an institution and of every individual believer: to serve, to “do this in memory of me”; to pour out our lives in service; to love as Christ has loved us. St John describes how, at the Last Supper, Jesus dramatically illustrated where true greatness lies: he took off his garment, wrapped a towel round his waist and washed his disciples’ feet. Such service is the most Christ-like response we can make, to move us beyond our hurts, failures and betrayals, to new life. The Good Friday Collection, on April 15, 2022, is requested by the Holy See to help maintain the Christian sites of the Holy Land and to support the Church in the pastoral, educational, and social works that contribute to a sustained Christian presence in the land where Jesus the Christ once walked. This Pontifical Collection will be taken in the parishes during the Good Friday celebration. Those who are unable to attend the service are still able to contribute online by going to and searching for "Commissariat of the Holy Land', or by Interac e-transfers to Receipts will be issued. On behalf of the Custody of the Holy Land, I sincerely thank you for your support, Fr. Robert Mokry, OFM Commissary of the Holy Land in Canada VESTNIK 2022 | 115 Sur vay - Ank eta With your Easter letter, everyone will be receiving a Survey from our Parish. The intent of this survey is to ensure that we are aware of what our parishioners are interested in and looking for from their Parish. Once completed you are welcome to bring your survey when you come to mass and drop it in the box provided in the vestibule Return your survey by regular mail sending it to: St. Gregory the Great 125 Centennial Pkwy. N. Hamilton Ontario L8E 1H8 Scan your survey and email it to: We thank you in advance for taking the time to participate in this survey and sharing your thoughts and opinions. 116 | VESTNIK 2022 VELIKI TEDEN Veliki teden bomo začeli s Krizmeno mašo jutri, v ponedeljek, 11. aprila 2022 ob 2:00 p.m., v katedrali-baziliki Kristusa Kralja. Sveto mašo bo vodil škof Douglas Crosby, OMI, ob njem bodo škofje in večina duhovnikov iz hamiltonske škofije. Vabljeni, da se nam pridružite. Pri tej sveti maši bo škof blagoslovil tri sveta olja, ki jih duhovniki rabimo pri obredih: Krstno olje, sveto krizmo in bolniško olje. Vsaka župnija ob koncu maše prejme ta sveta olja. Po sveti maši se duhovniki in škofje zberemo na kosilu v McNally Hall. Zato 11. aprila zvečer v naši župnijski cerkvi ne bo svete maše. Na Veliki četrtek zvečer ob 7:00 h imamo sveto mašo »zadnje večerje«, spomin na ustanovitev svete Evharistije. Po maši pa sledi kratka skupna molitev »z Jezusom na Oljski gori«. Veliki petek, spomin Jezusove smrti. Ta dan ni svete maše, ob 3:00 p.m. je bogoslužje Velikega petka. Pri tem bogoslužju bomo prisluhnili božji besedi branju Gospodovega trpljenja iz Janezovega evangelija. Po daljših prošnjah sledi razkrivanje križev in češčenje svetega križa. Obred nadaljujemo s svetim obhajilom. Velika sobota - dopoldne med 9:00 a.m. in 12:00 bo priložnost za molitev pri Božjem grobu. Ob 10:00 a.m. grem v London za blagoslov velikonočnih jedil. V naši župnijski cerkvi bodo blagoslovi velikonočnih jedil ob običajnih urah in sicer: ob 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. in 5:00 p.m.. Zvečer ob 8:00 p.m. pa je začetek Velikonočne vigilije. Ob novem ognju bomo prižgali velikonočno svečo in jo ponesli v cerkev. Od velikonočne sveče si boste tudi sami prižgali svoje svečke. Nadaljevali bomo s hvalnico velikonočni sveči in daljšim branjem beril, tako iz stare kot nove zaveze. Potem ko bomo zopet zapeli Slavo in Alelujo. Po kratki procesiji bomo nadaljevali s sveto mašo. Obnovili bomo krste obljube in blagoslovili vodo, ki se v velikonočnem času uporablja za krščevanje. Na velikonočno nedeljo bosta dve sveti maši. Slovensko bomo začeli ob 9:30 a.m. z vstajenjsko Alelujo in kratko procesijo in nadaljevali kot običajno. Angleška sveta maša, ob 11:00 a.m., bo slovesna, pri njej bo po dveh letih zopet pel Angleški zbor. Ob 1:00 p.m. bo sveta maša tudi v Breslavu za okoliške Slovence, v bivši dvorani društva Sava. Pri maši bo tudi blagoslov velikonočnih jedil. EASTER MESSAGE 2022 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, We will soon celebrate Easter, the high point of our liturgical year. As Spring breaks in around us, we marvel at the almost magical appearance of new life pushing up through the ground and out of the branches in the trees. The birds sing as they build nests and prepare to lay eggs and welcome new life! Throughout the season of Lent we were horrified by the shocking death and destruction of the war in Ukraine. The remarkable courage of the Ukrainian leader, the brave soldiers, and the committed citizens have given us heart and hope that they might actually succeed in saving their homeland. The Delegation of Indigenous First Nations, Inuit, and Metis representatives to The Vatican to meet with Pope Francis also lifted our hearts and gave us fresh hope that a new relationship is possible. The possibility of a Papal visit to the Indigenous peoples at Lac Ste. Anne, Alberta, provides us more opportunity for such hope. We celebrate our greatest hope at Easter — the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The Resurrection is for us an eternal wellspring of hope. No matter how dark, how desperate, how impossible a situation we find ourselves in — if we look to the Lord who has conquered even death, there is always reason for hope. Easter reminds us that even death does not have the final say. "Where He has gone, we hope to follow!" As I get older, I know more and more people who have made that journey. I think of them and pray for them especially during the Easter season. I pray for you sisters and brothers in Christ, for you our Parish Priests, in gratitude for your faithful, creative, and generous service especially during these past two difficult years; for the Parish Secretaries, Pastoral Workers, and volunteers who make our Parishes places of hope and joy; and for all those who long for our prayers — that they too may experience the healing love of the Lord. Happy Easter, my friends. Pray for Pope Francis — he always asks us to do so. And pray for me! Sincerely in the Risen Christ, (Most Rev.) Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton. VESTNIK 2022 | 117 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS ČIŠČENJE CERKVE - CLEANING OF THE CHURCH April 16th April 30th Jožica Vegelj and team Gosgnach team bration. You can email to me, or Lorie Mramor: DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA GIFT BEARERS Na mizi v cerkveni veži so kuverte za člane društva sv. Jožefa. V kuverti je izkaznica za leto 2022. Dajte denar za članarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. Now that we are able to worship together in person, without restrictions, we will restart the Gift Bearer tradition at St. Gregory’s on Palm Sunday at the 9:30am Slovenian Mass. St. Joseph Society is happy to announce that we will be starting up the Tuesday social nights again on Tuesday April 19, 2022 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. If there is enough interest, we will continue the Tuesday social night until the end of May. - Peter Novak SUNDAY MASSES From Palm Sunday April 10, 2022 and on we will go back to two Sunday Masses. Slovenian at 9:30 a.m. and English at 11:00 a.m. Od 10. aprila naprej, t.j. od Cvetne nedelje, bomo zopet imeli ob nedeljah dve sveti maši: slovensko ob 9:30 a.m. in angleško ob 11:00 a.m.. Povejte tudi tistim, ki morda ne pridejo tako redno, da bodo vedeli za spremembo. CONFIRMATION & FRIST COMMUNION This year our celebration of both sacrament will take place on Sunday, May 29th, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.. The Most Rev. Bishop Douglas Crosby will be the celebrant. Please let us know ASAP which children would like to be part of cele118 | VESTNIK 2022 If you would like to volunteer, please sign up on the chart in the foyer, or give your name to Pamela. DAROVI - DONATIONS Za gradbeni sklad je ob smrti Frank Pinter Društvo sv. Jožefa darovalo $50 in za pet svetih maš. Družina Malevič pa je darovala $50. Družina Malevič je darovala tudi $100 Oltarnemu društvu za rože. Ljudmila Pinter z družino je ob smrti moža, Franka Pinter darovala $300 za gradbeni sklad. Hvala za vaše darove. POKOJNI - DECEASED V ponedeljek, 4. aprila je po daljši bolezni odšel k Bogu po večno plačilo naš faran Frank Pinter. Pokojni je pred kratkim dopolnil 84 let. Od pokojnega ste se lahko poslovili v Markey-Dermody Funeral Home v četrtek 7. aprila, ko smo zanj tudi zmolili rožni venec. K pogrebni maši za pokoj njegove duše smo se zbrali v naši župnijski cerkvi v petek, 8. aprila ob 10h dopoldne. Pri maši je pel mešani pevski zbor, saj je bil tudi on dolga leta pevec pri zboru. Pokojnega Franca smo položili k večnemu počitku na Slovenskem delu pokopališča Gate of Heaven. Iskreno sožalje ženi Ljudmili in otrokom z družinami. Pokojni Franc pa naj uživa večni mir in pokoj. V soboto, 9. aprila 2022, je po daljši bolezni Bog poklical k sebi našo faranko Milko Ferko. Zaenkrat še ne vemo kdaj se boste lahko od nje poslovili in kdaj bo pogrebna maša; verjetno sredi Velikega tedna. Iskrena hvala gospe Olgi Glavač, ki nam vsako nedeljo poskrbi, da imamo lepo okrašeno cerkev, posebej pa še za praznike. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: V soboto, 9. aprila 2022, so se predstavniki društev Niagarske Koordinacije po dveh letih zopet srečali. Na kratko smo pregledali, kaj se je po društvih v teh dveh letih Covida dogajalo, načrtovali dogodke za to leto in se še posebej se dotaknili praznovanja Slovenskega dneva, ki bo letos meseca junija v Slovenskem parku. DON BOSCO Mavrič Marič Korošec Bartol (Otoničar) Veselič Pelcar Kozlovič Jarc Stegne Veselič Ferko Granič Šlebič Hozjan Vlado Marija Ignac Ljudmila John Franc Ilka Olga Alojz Vinko Vince Magda Elizabeth Marija (Jerič) Marija Štefan April 11, 2018 April 12, 2003 April 12, 2017 April 12, 2019 April 14, 1993 April 14, 2014 April 15, 1974 April 15, 1984 April 15, 1988 April 15, 1994 April 15, 2014 April 15, 2018 April 17, 1997 April 17, 2006 SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday to Friday: 7:00 P.M., Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slovenian-Sunday Mass); Sunday: 10:00 A.M. (Slovenian-English - For the time of Covid-19 it is only one Mass on Sundays) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905561-5971. VESTNIK 2022 | 119 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 10. 4. 2022 - 17. 4. 2022 6. POSTNA CVETNA NEDELJA 6 SUNDAY OF LENT PALM SUNDAY 10. APRIL EZEKIJEL, PREROK TH Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Ana in Ludvik Horvath Ivan Mertuk Sr. Marija Horvat Štefan in Ivan Zadravec Pokojni iz družine Kovač Za zdravje † Ante Čule, obl. † Ana Ferenčak †† Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona †† †† † † †† †† PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 11. APRIL, Stanislav, šk.-muč. Danes v naši cerkvi ni sv. maše Maša v hamiltonski katedrali ------------Stan Pelcar in Josie Dubé z druž. Ana Gergyek Ivan, Emilia Mertuk in Kathy Prša Marjan in Elizabeth Hozjan Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec Franc in Ljudmila Zadravec Žena z družino Družina Čule 3:00 P.M. St. John the Divine Church 9:30 A.M. SLOVENIAN MASS & 11:00 A.M. ENGLISH MASS No Mass in our Church 2:00 P.M. Mass in Hamilton Cathedral TOREK - TUESDAY 12. APRIL, Viktor, muč. † Ignac Korošec, obl. †† Vinko in Milka Skale † Frank Pinter 7:00 P.M. Žena Marija z družino Jožica Purkat Žena Ljudmila z družino SREDA - WEDNESDAY 13. APRIL, Ida, red. Po namenu † Zoltan Gergyek 7:00 P.M. Dragica Đondraš Karel in Milka Ferko †† Pokojni sorodniki † Elizabeth Ferko, obl. Po namenu 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Mož Toni z družino Ivka Pašalić VEL. ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 14. APRIL, Valerijan, muč. VEL. PETEK - GOOD FRIDAY 15. APRIL, Helena, kneginja VELIKA SOBOTA HOLY SATURDAY 16. APRIL Velikonočna vigilija Easter Vigil VELIKA NOČ GOSPODOVEGA VSTAJENJA EASTER SUNDAY RESURRECTION OF THE LORD 17. APRIL RUDOLF, MUČENEC 120 | VESTNIK 2022 Obredi Velikega petka 3:00 P.M. Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Easter Food Blessings - Blagoslovi velikonočnih jedi: 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 p.m. † † † † Avgust Čurič Ferko Elizabeth, obl. Martin Simončič Hilda Žigon † † †† † † † † †† † Za žive in rajne župljane Jože Razpotnik, Sr. Milan Zakrajšek Pok. iz druž. Benc in Maslo Ignac Horvat Ana Ferenčak Štefan Hozjan, obl. Jože Bajec Pokojni Slovenci iz Kitchenerja Mario Medica 8:00 P.M. Olga Glavač z družino Kathy Simončič Žena Kathy Julija Sagadin z družino 9:30 A.M. SLOVENIAN MASS & 11:00 A.M. ENGLISH MASS ------------Anica Blas Vinko in Magda Benc Vinko in Magda Benc Emilia in Ivan Mertuk Milka Pavličič z družino Žena Marija z družino Mia Goodfellow and Family 1:00 P.M. Breslau - Hall Marija Prilesnik z družino