Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, Članek / Article December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Educational Leadership and Commitment among Primary Education Employees Janko Plešnik* Stržovo 80, 2392 Mežica, Slovenija Boris Bukovec Fakulteta za organizacijske študije v Novem mestu, Ulica talcev 3, 8000 Novo mesto, Slovenija boris.bukovec@fos-unm. si Abstract: Research Question (RQ): is there a correlation between the management models of educational managers and commitment among employees in primary education and is there a difference in how strong the commitment is among primary education employees? Purpose: In times of fast organisational changes, commitment is losing its value. In addition, many theoreticians neglect it in their research. Although commitment is expressed differently as in the past it remains an important part of an organisation. The purpose of this article is to study the correlation between educational leadership and commitment of employees in primary schools in Slovenia. Method: With the use of an online questionnaire, we questioned the educational managers and employees in primary schools about the leadership styles and commitment. In order to explain the correlations we analyzed the results. Results: Research has shown that there is a connection between leadership and commitment of employees in primary schools. We have come to the conclusion that educational managers feel more committed in comparison to other employees in all statements from the questionnaire. Organization: Good managers are aware that a committed individual will do more for coworkers, managers and the organisation. Therefore, such employees are treated with respect and are cherished and rewarded. Society: On the basis of higher commitment we can expect more satisfied and successful individuals. These individuals form some sort of society and if an individual is more satisfied in a society, the society also benefits from it. Originality: This article is original in reawakening the meaning of commitment of employees towards their organisation. Commitment is an important building block in the model of successful leadership. It is true that nowadays commitment is expressed differently as in the past, yet it still remains an important leadership factor not only in managing primary schools but organisations in general. Limitations / further research: The limitations of our research can be found in the fact that we focused only on public schools and that the (MLQ) questionnaire was of foreign origin. There is a possibility for further research which would include the entire school system in Slovenia. Another possibility is to research the connection with other leadership building blocks. We can also make a comparison with other similar schools abroad. Keywords: commitment, leadership, educational manager, primary school, leadership styles. * Korespondenčni avtor / Correspondence author Prejeto: 8. november 2019; revidirano: 11. november 2019; sprejeto: 20. november 2019. / Received: 8th November 2019; revised: 11th November 2019; accepted: 20th November 2019. 303 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 338-3 51. Članek / Article 1 Introduction The value of leadership is growing in any form of an organised society and it has been present since always. It is as old as mankind (Kovač, Mayer, & Jesenko, 2004, p. 9). There have always been people who knew more, dared more and therefore others followed. Some dared to lead - consciously or subconsciously. Leadership is what made them different from others and they were more competitive (Hočevar, Jaklič, & Zagoršek, 2003, p, 125). Nobody is born a leader, a leader is developed. We cannot "manage" people, we have to lead them (Drucker, 2001, p. 31). Most of the definitions of leadership are similar. Their key task is to direct employees into the right direction impress and motivate them and help them in their efforts. The main verb in all authors is: to want (Dimovski & Penger, 2008, p. 114). People like to be guided well, they like good, strong and confident managers. With such managers they can accomplish much more since they know that they have a captain (Templar, 2009, str. 224). The world is changing rapidly and so is the business world. Hence, we need new leaders, managers with new knowledge that will be capable and ready to enrich human potential by communication, encouraging and team work. In our study we have researched leadership in primary schools. The educational manager is leading two very different groups: students and employees. Therefore he/she must use different approach. Modern educational managers have to be capable to create an open organisational culture, based on knowledge and creative environment (Bennis & Goldsmith in Dimovski & Penger, 2008, p. 119). Educational managers differ from managers in other organisations in their focus and responsibility towards learning (Koren, 2007, p. 13). Managing educational sources will become more and more important and these are not predictions, it is already happening (Koren, 2007, p. 13). Employees have become an important competitive factor. With their knowledge and experiences they belong to the so-called "intangible assets", which according to evaluation and research is up to 85% of a company's value (Turnšek Mikačic & Ovsenik, 2015, p. 46). According to Senge (in Musek Lešnik, 2003, p. 39) the crisis of modern education is: that the educational systems are based on an outdated model from the times of an early industrial revolution and are not capable to deal with higher demands of the modern world. Ferjan (1996, p. 91) compares school to industry. However, industry has quietly been developing throughout the last couple of years and school has not. Management in companies had to adapt to the competition quickly in order not to go bankrupt. During the last couple of years there has been dissatisfaction with the public school system from employees as well as society. Some authors have found out that low efficiency, especially in a complex and unstable environment is typical for the public sector. Normally the public sector acts as a generator of the crisis in society and triggers a lower legitimacy of the social state (Ovsenik & Ambrož, 1999, p. 99). One of the leadership building blocks is commitment. For that reason our aim is to research the connection between the leadership of 304 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article employees in primary schools and their commitment; how does the commitment of employees affect the educational manager's leadership. With the results we wish to help the leaders for a more successful leadership and more efficient workers. Commitment nowadays has a different meaning and is expressed differently, yet it is still important in the modern world and contributes to improvement and development of the quality of leadership. Our research question is: is there a correlation between the management models of educational managers and commitment among employees in primary education and is there a difference in how strong the commitment is in primary education employees and what are the connections? Our goal is to present commitment as an important building block of successful leadership, since it has been slightly forgotten. On the basis of examined literature and questionnaire analysis we are certain that educational managers can choose such way of leadership with which everyone is satisfied. 2 Theoretical framework The authors are very different when describing styles of leadership. Robbins (2001, p. 320) describes an autocratic and democratic leadership style and free-rein leadership. Blanchard, Zigarmi & Zigarmi, (1995, p. 33) define the next basic styles of leadership: directive, instructional, supporting and delegating style. Max Weber divided leadership styles into patriarchal, charismatic, autocratic, and bureaucratic leadership style (Blanchard, Zigarmi & Zigarmi, (1995, p. 33). Leadership styles according to Lattmannu (Kovač, Mayer & Jesenko, 2004, str. 24) are the following: despotic, paternalistic, pedagogical, participative, partner, and self-management. Even the leadership theories are different (situational, interactional, theory of exchange - transactional theory, transformational leadership). The newest category is auto poetic leadership (Bukovec, 2017). Styles and theories differ, but in one case the authors agree: there is no ideal leadership style. It all depends from situation to situation. Commitment is "sense that an employee belongs to an organisation and its team, wishes to help co-workers, supports the leader, acts accordingly to the work ethics and is professional. The employee fights for the common good and does not abandon the organisation in time of crisis. A committed employee is honoured to do his/her job, spreads good name of the organisation and so on" (Mihalič, 2008, p. 7). Commitment of employees is very important in time of crisis and also when the organisation is experiencing its biggest success. The employees' commitment can also represent a certain weakness for the organisation and not necessarily always advantages. ( Buzeti & Stare, 2009, p. 314 - 348). Nowadays, individuals get dissatisfied much faster than ever before. On the other hand it takes a lot more effort and time for an individual to become satisfied. Cause: higher and higher expectations. Commitment is becoming more flexible and is not tied up to a long-term co-operation, but stands for "here and now" (Mihalič, 2008, p. 8). Drucker (2004, p. 137) states that "it is one of the consequences of a new relationship - and one more tension in modern society in which 305 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article loyalty cannot be achieved with the salary. An organisation has to earn loyalty so that it can prove its educated employees that it can offer them excellent chances to use their knowledge." This is important for schools where salaries are set with no chances for rewards. Therefore, Mihalic (2008, p. 35) believes that a good leader supports its employees anytime and anywhere. The leader's support means for the employees that he/she is there by their side, offering support, no matter what kind of decision they make, how they do it, how they react and what is their opinion. Research has shown that leaders affect the commitment of employees with their own example (Wei, Lee & Kwan, 2016, p. 822 - 842). A leader with the right communication and support has a powerful influence on the employees and their commitment to the company. What is more, a leader can positively affects the necessity of making changes (Lou, Song, Gebert, Zhang & Feng, 2016, p. 242 - 262). Top and middle rank managers should try to create an atmosphere of hope, admiration, loyalty and respect among their employees. The employees will follow their leaders and so enhance the level of commitment (Gyensare, Anku-Tsede, Sanda & Okpoti, 2016, p. 243 - 266). On the basis of findings and conclusions from the literature we have come up with two hypotheses to answer our research question. H1: There is a statistically important connection between leadership style and commitment of teachers in primary schools. Research have shown that employees show a higher level of commitment towards and organisation if their leader has a clear vision, encourages group goals and ensures intellectual stimulation (Joo, Yoon, & Jeung, 2012, p. 564 - 582). Wei, Lee, & Kwan (2016, p. 822 - 842) claim that leaders should get information from the organisation how can they adjust their behaviour in order to increase the level of commitment of employees in their organisation. H2: There is a statistically distinct difference in the level of commitment among educational managers and teachers in primary schools. The employees will follow their leaders in an atmosphere of trust and respect by which their commitment will increase (Gyensare, Anku-Tsede, Sanda, & Okpoti, 2016, p. 243 - 266). When employees see a strong connection between their managers and the organisation they manage, such leadership is positively connected to the commitment of employees. This type of leadership and a strong trust in the manager, together represent a very strong commitment of employees (Stinglhamber, Marique, Caesens, Hanin, & De Zanet, 2015, p. 583 - 603). 3 Method The questionnaire that we formed for the interest of our research has been divided into three compounds or research parts: (1) description of managing style, (2) measuring the sense of belonging, and (3) demographic data. Our targeting population were all the educational managers and educational staff in primary education in Slovenia. We received our data from the online survey portal 1KA. We have formed two questionnaires, one for the teachers and 306 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article one for the educational managers. The only difference between the two questionnaires is that in the latter, the educational managers evaluate their own leadership and in the former the teachers evaluate the leadership of their superior, i.e. their educational manager. The first part of the survey is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ form 5x). It measures nine leadership styles: transformational style (idealised influence on a quality; idealised influence - behaviour; motivation with excitement; intellectual stimulation; individual approach); transactional style (leadership with reward; active leadership with exceptions) and passive style (passive leadership with exceptions; hands-off leadership - Laisse-faire), as well as three results of the influence of leadership styles (additional effort; efficient facilitator; satisfaction with leadership) according to the model of full range leadership. The author is Bass (Senica, 2009). The participants evaluate the leadership behaviour with the help of a five-level scale (0 - not true at all; 4 - often true, if not always). The second part of the survey is a questionnaire to measure the level of commitment among employees; it consists of 12 statements. The level of commitment is evaluated with the help of a three-level scale (true - partially true - not true). The questionnaire was made, tested and is marketed by a publishing company Založba Mihalič in PARTNER (2008). In the last part of the survey are demographic data. Here are four closed type questions: gender, age, length of service, and education. To express value we used descriptive and numerical variables. Our target population were educational managers and employees in primary schools in Slovenia. Our data pattern included 330 people, from which 88 were educational managers and 242 teachers. We used quantitative and qualitative methods of research, namely: descriptive method, compilation method, comparative method and statistical method. We have evaluated the reliability of the questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha which measures consistency. Reliability is shown in table 1. Table 1. Reliability of Questionnaire Variable Cronbach' Alpha N Reliability Managing set Statements 0,903 45 Excellent Commitment 0,823 12 Good 4 Results and Discussion Our questionnaire has been fully completed by 330 respondents, from which 18.2% were men and 81.8% women. Among teachers 86.4% were women and among educational managers 69.3%. Most of the respondents were between the age of 41 and 60 (69.5%), followed by those between 21 and 40 (23.3%). The majority had a length of service from 21 to 30 years (30.4%), closely followed by those from 31 years and more (30.1%). According to education, 307 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article most of the respondents had a university degree (67.1%), followed by the ones with a short-cycle college (17.8%). As shown in table 2, where combined dimensions of leadership styles are shown, educational managers had a higher average in transformational style of leadership (M = 3.05) and in results of leadership (M = 2.96) in comparison to teachers. The teachers had a higher average in transactional (M = 2.42) and passive style of leadership (M = 1.37). The teachers believe that transactional and passive styles are more common in schools than the educational managers believe for themselves. Table 2. Combined Dimensions of Leadership Styles Average N Std. deviation Median Teachers Transformational Leadership Style 2,76 216 0,718 3 Transactional Leadership Style 2,42 226 0,449 2 Passive Leadership Style 1,37 226 0,786 1 Results of Leadership 2,68 231 0,866 3 Educational Transformational Leadership Style 3,05 82 0,369 3 Managers Transactional Leadership Style 2,32 82 0,405 2 Passive Leadership Style 0,87 83 0,470 1 Results of Leadership 2,96 87 0,443 3 Total Transformational Leadership Style 2,84 298 0,654 3 Transactional Leadership Style 2,39 308 0,439 2 Passive Leadership Style 1,24 309 0,748 1 Results of Leadership 2,76 318 0,783 3 On Picture 1, where we describe commitment there is an interesting discovery. Educational managers have higher average in all twelve statements than teachers. The statements that stand out the most are: number 1: I believe in a successful development of our organisation (M = 2.91 : SD = ,288); number 3: I protect the interests of my organisation in public ( M = 2.91 : SD = ,288), and number 11: I am always willing to help my colleagues ( M = 2.99 : SD = ,107). 308 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article 2,57 1. Verjamem v uspešen razvoj naše organizacije. 2 91 2. Iz organizacije ne bi šel, če bi dobil boljšo službo. 2,11 2 33 3. V javnosti ščitim interese organizacije. 2,8491 2 68 ' 4. Ponosen sem, da lahko delam v tej organizaciji. , 2 88 5. Naredil bi zelo veliko zgolj v dobro organizacije. 2,63 2,82 6. Vedno sem pripravljen pomagati vodji. ^^g^ 7. Menim, da je moje delovno mesto ugledno. 8. Vedno zagovarjam svojo organizacijsko enoto. 2,41 ■ 2,48 2,75 9. Naša organizacija ima dober ugled v javnosti. 2,44 2 73 10. Pred drugim zagovarjam svoje sodelavce. 2,69 2 83 2,85 ■"2,99 11. Vedno sem pripravljen pomagati sodelavcem. 12. O naši organizaciji govorim le pozitivno. 2,64 2 83 3 ■ Učitelji ■ Ravnatelji Picture 1. Commitment of Teachers / Educational Managers With hypothesis 1 we assumed that there is a statistically significant correlation between the leadership style and commitment of teachers in primary schools. From table 3 we can see that among four main styles of leadership (transformational, transactional, passive style, and results of leadership) and commitment there is a statistically significant correlation. As seen in Table 3, the p - values are in all four main leadership styles (transformational, transactional, passive style, and results of leadership) below 0.05 (p = 0.000). This indicates that among the main leadership styles and commitment there is a statistically important connection. From the same table we can determine the strength of connection. The connection between transformational leadership style and commitment is somewhat medium (r = ,551). The connection between transactional leadership style and commitment is low (r = ,243) and the connection between the results of leadership and commitment it is medium (r = ,558). In passive style and commitment it is negative and medium (r = -,366). This indicates that those who have a more intense passive leadership style are less committed to their organisation. With the exception of passive style, all three connections are positive. 1 2 309 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article Table 3. Correlations between the chosen Leadership Model and Commitment Transformation Transactional Passive Results Commitm al Leadership Style Leadership Style Leader ship Style of Leaders hip ent (total Transformational Kor.koefic. 1,000 ,646** -,581** ,864** ,551** Leadership Style P-value ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 N 298 292 289 293 288 Transactional Kor.koefic. ,646** 1,000 -,257** ,545** ,243** Leadership Style P-value ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 N 292 308 299 301 299 Passive Kor.koefic. -,581** -,257** 1,000 -,597** -,366** Leadership Style P-value ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 N 289 299 309 303 298 Results of Kor.koefic. ,864** ,545** -,597** 1,000 ,558** Leadership P-value ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 N 293 301 303 318 307 In second hypothesis we researched whether there is a statistically distinguishable difference in commitment of educational managers and teachers in primary schools. To discover the differences we used the nonparametric statistic test to analyse averages, Mann - Whitney U. We wanted to find out whether the differences in averages are large enough to be statistically distinguishable. 310 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article Table 4. Ranks - of Commitment among Teachers / Educational Managers Sample N Rank Average Rank Sum 1. I believe in a successful development of our Teachers 239 150,51 35971,50 organisation. Head teachers 89 202,07 17984,50 Total 328 2. I would not leave the organisation if I was offered a Teachers 235 155,81 36616,00 better job Head teachers 89 180,16 16034,00 Total 324 3. I always defend interests of my organisation in public. Teachers 233 158,78 36996,00 Head teachers 89 168,62 15007,00 Total 322 4. I am proud I can work in this organisation. Teachers 232 152,13 35294,50 Head teachers 88 182,56 16065,50 Total 320 5. I would do a lot for the benefit of the organisation. Teachers 234 154,10 36059,00 Head teachers 88 181,18 15944,00 Total 322 6. I am always willing to help my boss. Teachers 234 158,47 37083,00 Head teachers 88 169,55 14920,00 Total 322 7. I believe I have a respectful position. Teachers 234 159,70 37370,50 Head teachers 89 168,04 14955,50 Total 323 8. I always defend my organisational unit. Teachers 234 156,78 36686,50 Head teachers 89 175,72 15639,50 Total 323 9. Our organisation has good reputation in public. Teachers 234 150,75 35276,50 Head teachers 89 191,57 17049,50 Total 323 10. I defend my colleagues in front of others. Teachers 232 155,33 36036,00 Head teachers 89 175,79 15645,00 Total 321 11. I am always willing to help my colleagues. Teachers 234 156,35 36585,50 Head teachers 88 175,20 15417,50 Total 322 12. I say nothing but positive things about our organisation Teachers 233 153,94 35868,50 Head teachers 89 181,29 16134,50 Total 322 Commitment (total) Teachers 230 142,65 32808,50 Head teachers 85 199,55 16961,50 Total 315 In Table 4, where we determined the ranks of commitment among teachers / educational managers and in Table 5 where we conducted test statistic, we determined the differences in commitment. We discovered that educational managers have higher rank average than teachers in the following answers: "I believe in a successful development of our organisation"; "I would not leave the organisation for a better job"; "I am proud to work in this organisation"; "I would do a lot for the benefit of the organisation"; "I always defend my 311 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article organisation"; "our organisation has a good reputation in public"; "I defend my colleagues"; "I am always willing to help my co-workers"; "I say only positive things about our organisation". To conclude, in nine (out of twelve answers) the educational managers think of themselves as more committed to the organisation than seen in the eyes of the teachers. Table 5. Test Statistics - of Commitment of Teachers / Educational Managers MannWhitney U Wiicoxon W Z P- vaiue 1. I believe in a successful development of our organisation. 7291,50 35971,50 -5,408 ,000 2. I would not leave the organisation if I was offered a better job 8886,00 36616,00 -2,256 ,024 3. I always defend interests of my organisation in public. 9735,00 36996,00 -1,439 ,150 4. I am proud I can work in this organisation.. 8266,50 35294,50 -3,445 ,001 5. I would do a lot for the benefit of the organisation. 8564,00 36059,00 -2,918 ,004 6. I am always willing to help my boss. 9588,00 37083,00 -1,351 ,177 7. I believe I have a respectful position. 9875,50 37370,50 -,807 ,420 8. I always defend my organisational unit.. 9191,50 36686,50 -2,317 ,021 9. Our organisation has good reputation in public. 7781,50 35276,50 -4,025 ,000 10 . I defend my colleagues in front of others. 9008,00 36036,00 -2,326 ,020 11 . I am always willing to help my colleagues. 9090,50 36585,50 -3,167 ,002 12 . I say nothing but positive things about our organisation. 8607,50 35868,50 -2,994 ,003 Commitment (total) 6243,50 32808,50 -4,956 ,000 In hypothesis one, we were examining whether there is a statistically significant correlation between the style of leadership and commitment of teachers in primary schools. On the basis of results shown in Table 2 and 3 and Picture 1, hypothesis one is confirmed. In hypothesis two we examined the claim that there is a statistically distinguishable difference regarding the commitment of educational managers and teachers in primary schools. The difference among teachers and educational managers is statistically distinguishable, therefore hypothesis 2 is confirmed. With both hypotheses we answered our research question as well. This indicates that there is a statistically significant correlation between the leadership style and commitment of teachers in primary schools. This finding shows the possibility that educational managers can use such leadership styles that can help improve the level of commitment among teachers in their organisation. This can be achieved by individuals who really master the art of leadership. In general, every educational manager should possess such skills, because everyone has to complete the course for educational managers. Yet, the question here remains whether this knowledge is enough to manage a school. Educational managers come exclusively from the branch of teachers and educational workers. At universities, where such professions get educated they do not teach enough of these skills. For this reason our thesis can help increase the number of lessons and subjects at universities where they educate teachers, especially at courses for educational managers. It would be interesting to expand our research and include educational managers and school directors. Another option is to conduct a comparison with schools in neighbouring countries. From the 312 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article above mentioned additional research we might get information about the skills from which educational managers in Slovenian primary schools would benefit. Educational manager as the sole leader of the school must do as much as one can for the commitment of the teachers. Their task is to find a way to reflect their own loyalty and commitment to their employees. It takes quite some time for a good teacher to be formed and without strong senses of commitment to the school regardless of money such good teachers can quickly be lost. Educational managers can encourage this by additional education on how to measure commitment and consequently how to encourage it. Educational managers nowadays are supposed to be curious, which means constant education and adaptation to the environment and mastering changes. What is more, leaders will have to know how to take risks and will have to survive in turbulent environment, full of fast changes. Their main motivation should not only be money but their mission. Leading with heart, building relationships will be their mission, because human resources are becoming a more and more important competitive advantage of companies. Educational managers will have to develop the skills of their employees, they will have to know how to create good climate and manage stress for themselves and the employees. They will have to be able to keep good employees and help them develop a high sense of commitment. Commitment is seen differently that in the past, yet it is still important. The employees' commitment is becoming more and more flexible and is not tied up anymore to a long-term co-operation, but more implies for "here and now". Leaders will have to know how to choose such leadership that will implement building and maintaining the sense of commitment. 5 Conclusion The purpose of our research has been to investigate a correlation between the leadership styles of educational managers and commitment of employees in primary schools. We also wondered whether there is a difference between the level of commitment among employees and their correlations. We conducted a quantitative research with the help of a questionnaire sent through an online portal to educational managers and educational workers in primary schools in Slovenia. With the help of analyses and statistical methods we discovered that there is a difference between the leadership styles of educational managers and commitment of teachers. We have come to the conclusion that employees in schools have different levels of commitment in which educational managers are on top. Their task is to choose such a leadership style in which commitment will be present as well as elements to increase its level and also to reflect their commitment to their employees. The key contribution to manager's science is in the portrayal of the meaning of commitment of employees towards their organisation. Commitment - loyalty remains a very important building block in the model of successful leadership and is more and more flexible. A higher mobility of work force and modern ways of employment has negative impact on commitment. 313 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article There is also a relevant finding that educational managers are more committed to schools they run in comparison to their employees. The results of this thesis can be of great help to leaders in various hierarchical levels of an organisation, in how to implement the method to build and increase an important quality in employees and this is commitment. A committed individual will do more for his/her co-workers and leader and organisation in general. Consequently successful leaders act respectfully towards omitted employees and cherish them. On the basis of higher commitment we can expect more satisfied and successful individuals. These individuals form some kind of society and if an individual is satisfied in such society, the wider society benefits. We were limited in our research because we used a questionnaire of foreign origin (MLQ) which can show different results in culturally and socially different environments. We wished for a better response, especially from teachers. The last limitation has little meaning, but nevertheless: we conducted the research only in public schools. There are over 450 public schools in Slovenia, whereas there are only 6 private schools. For further research we suggest a similar research with the use of the exact same measuring instruments abroad, especially in neighbouring countries. In these countries there is similar social climate and culture. To get results for all levels of education in Slovenia we have to conduct a research in all levels of the public school system in Slovenia. Our last suggestion is to analyse the needs of educational managers for different styles of leadership education. References 1. Blanchard, K., Zigarmi, P., & Zigarmi, D. (1995). Vodenje in enominutni vodja. Ljubljana: Taxus. 2. Bukovec, B. (2017). Avtopoietska organizacija. Novo mesto: Fakulteta za organizacijske študije. 3. Buzeti, J., & Stare, J. (2009). 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After twenty years of service in the automotive industry he became a professor at the Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto. He is a tenured professor of Management and focuses his research in studying modern paradigms, approaches, models and tools of mastering organisational changes, quality and efficiency. He is also a consultant in the field of management systems implementation. 3l5 Revija za univerzalno odličnost / Journal of Universal Excellence, December 2019, leto / year 8, številka / number 4, str. / pp. 303-316. Članek / Article Povzetek: Vodenje in pripadnost zaposlenih v osnovnih šolah Raziskovalno vprašanje (RV): Ali obstaja korelacija med stili vodenja ravnateljev in pripadnostjo zaposlenih v osnovnih šolah ter ali obstaja razlika med stopnjo pripadnosti med njimi? Namen: Pripadnost zaposlenih v času hitrih organizacijskih sprememb izgublja svojo veljavo. Tudi mnogi teoretiki jo vse premalo upoštevajo v svojih raziskavah. Ne glede na to, da se pripadnost izraža drugače kot včasih, je še vedno pomemben dejavnik organizacije. Namen prispevka je preučiti povezavo vodenja in pripadnosti zaposlenih na osnovnih šolah v Sloveniji. Metoda: Ravnatelje in strokovne delavce, zaposlene v osnovnih šolah, smo s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom spraševali o stilih vodenja in pripadnosti. Dobljene rezultate smo analizirali z namenom, da pojasnimo te povezave. Uporabili smo več raziskovalnih metod in statističnih testov. Rezultati: Raziskava je pokazala, da obstaja povezava med načinom vodenja in pripadnostjo zaposlenih v osnovnih šolah. Prišli smo do ugotovitve, da se ravnatelji v vseh trditvah vprašalnika o pripadnosti počutijo bolj pripadne kot ostali zaposleni na šolah. Organizacija: Dobri menedžerji se zavedajo, da bo pripaden posameznik več naredil za svoje sodelavce in vodjo ter organizacijo nasploh. Zato ravnajo spoštljivo do pripadnih zaposlenih, jih cenijo in nagrajujejo. Družba: Na osnovi večje pripadnosti lahko pričakujemo bolj zadovoljne in uspešne posameznike. Ta isti posamezniki hkrati tvorijo neko družbo. In če je posameznik bolj zadovoljen v družbi, ima tudi družba kaj od tega. Originalnost: Naš prispevek je izviren v ponovnem obujanju pomena pripadnosti zaposlenih svoji organizaciji. Pripadnost (p)ostaja pomemben gradnik v modelu uspešnega vodenja.. Res je, da se danes pripadnost izraža drugače kot v preteklosti, ampak ostaja pomemben faktor vodenja. S tem mislimo vodenje organizacij nasploh, ne samo osnovnih šol. Omejitve/nadaljnje raziskovanje: Omejitve naše raziskave so v tem, da smo se osredotočili samo na javne šole in da je bil uporabljen vprašalnik tujega izvora (MLQ). Možnosti nadaljnjega raziskovanja se kažejo v podobni raziskavi po celotni vertikali šolstva v Sloveniji. Naslednja možnost je, da se v raziskavah uporabi povezava z drugimi gradniki vodenja. Lahko se izvede tudi primerjava s podobnimi šolami v tujini. Ključne besede: pripadnost, vodenje, ravnatelj, osnovna šola, stili vodenja. Copyright (c) Janko PLEŠNIK, Boris BUKOVEC Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 316