Acta Chim. Slov. 1999, 46(3), pp. 435-461 HIGH-RESOLUTION TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (HRTEM): IMAGE PROCESSING ANALYSIS OF DEFECTS AND GRAIN BOUNDARIES IN NANOCRYSTALLINE MATERIALS* Andelka Tonejc Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Bijenicka c. 32, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia (Received 10.5.1999) Abstract. A brief overview of the application of the high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) method is given: the principle of HRTEM image formation in an electron microscope; different modes of image formation; the role of contrast transfer function (CTF) in HRTEM image formation; definition and improvement of electron microscope resolution. As an example, the image processing of HRTEM micrographs of mechanically alloyed ZrO2-10mol% Y3Oj powders was performed in order to obtain information about alloying and transformation at the atomic level. In this work the results obtained by applying the CRISP program to analyse the HRTEM photographs of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline materials are presented. The investigation is focused on the following regions; a) the grain boundary region; b) the region of stacking faults; c) the region of overlapping layers of zirconia and yttria. Fourier filtering revealed at the atomic level one possible sequence of alloying that occurred at the grain boundary, on the stacking faults and in the overlapping layers. Performing the Fourier filtering with different filtering mask, it was possible to isolate the separate planes introduced into the correct order of particular family of m-Zr02 lattice. The introduced planes belonging to m-Zr02 or Y20, could be regarded as dislocations introduced into the perfect m-ZrO, lattice. Since they were identified in corresponding FT, from which the filtering was performed, it was possible to give an interpretation about the transformation due to the mechanical alloying observed in the particular HRTEM image. 1. Introduction In the last ten years the construction of electron microscopes (EM) was highly improved and the resolution reached 0.11 nm. Themodern electron microscopes are •Plenary lecture held at the 7th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting, Radenci, Slovenia, June 18-20, 1998. constructed to work with acceleration voltages as high as 200 k.V, 300 kV, 400kV and even 1250 kV ('"atomic resolution'1 microscope). A transmission electron microscope uses a series of electromagnetic lenses to manipulate the electron beam generated at a high potential in an electrically heated filament. Depending on imaging conditions either the particle or wave properties of the emitted electrons have to be considered. The wavelength of the electrons depends on the acceleration voltage (?^h/(2meV) ). As an electron wave penetrates the sample, the resulting diffraction pattern reveals the structure of the observed sample. Analysing the image and the corresponding diffraction one can obtain useful information on the grain sizes, the precipitates, the orientation of precipitates to the matrix and on the appearance of superstructure. With the aid of the energy dispersive X-ray attachment (analytical microscope) it is also possible to measure qualitatively and quantitatively the concentration and composition of elements, using the characteristic X-ray spectra. In the transmission electron microscope, one can simultaneously obtain the image and the corresponding diffraction pattern from the same part of the sample, and the concentration of elements in the sample, as well as the mapping of the elements in the same region of the sample. The mapping of the elements is also possible with the scanning probe resolution of 1 nm. Related to the particular diffraction pattern it is possible to obtain the bright field (BF) and dark field (DF) image. Under special imaging conditions (large incident convergent beam, a thicker region of the sample) it is also possible to obtain the convergent beam electron diffraction pattern (CBED). HRTEM provides a direct evidence in the local structure and its irregularities at the atomic scale. HRTEM images taken under optimal weak-phase-object conditions, at Scherzer defocus, represent the projected potential of the crystal and can be used for structure determination of an unknown crystal. HRTEM observations are of special interest in solid state physics, solid state chemistry and materials science because of the importance of the investigation of the relationships between the microstructure and the properties of the solids, particularly in the influence of the different kinds of structural defects on macroscopic behaviour. The following fi] illustrates the wide-spread applicability of HRTKM in crystallography as well as in materials science, including solid state physics and chemistry, mineralogy, and life science: structure analysis (refinement) of crystalline and amorphous materials; characterisation of the real structure, especially of structure delects; analysis of internal interface structure (homo- and hetero-phase boundaries); investigation of the dislocation core structure; phase analysis (information on local chemical composition); detection of superstructures; investigation of phase transitions (crystalline-crystalline, crystalline-amorphous, including polymorphism); detection of order-disorder phenomena; structure investigation of non stoichiometric compounds; investigation of dynamic processes (e.g. in situ observation of crystal growth); imaging of single atoms and atom clusters; detection of point defects and point defect agglomerates. For crystallography, it is important that high resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM) and electron diffraction (ED) with crystallographic image processing (CIP), could solve, under some condition, an unknown crystal structure. The first structure was solved by ED in 1949 by Vainstein and Pinsker [2], Since then a lot of results were obtained in this field [3,4] and different methods were applied. It has been shown that HRTEM combined with crystallographic image processing (CIP) can be used to determine co-ordinates of metal atoms in oxides with an accuracy of about 0.01 nm[5], In 1992 Wenk [6,7] et al. were the first to combine 2D HRTEM images into 3D reconstruction for solving the structure of an inorganic crystal, mineral staurolite. In the 3D map all atoms (Fe, Al, Si, oxygen) were clearly resolved (at the resolution of 0.138 nm). With the development of electron microscopes it is now possible to determine an unknown crystal structure with the accuracy of 0.002 nm [8J. In the last years, more and more structures were solved from HRTEM images and ED. Convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) has also been developed for structure analysis. CBED can provide information on the lattice parameters and crystal symmetry. It is more favourable to the thick ciystal (larger than 50 nm) with a small unit / are the phases of transmitted and the diffracted electron beams. g/ is the reciprocal vector of the /-th beam, where feO is the order of the diffracted beam, and /-0 is transmitted beam. The wave function at the exit face of the sample, in this approach |17], is considered as a synthesis of different /-components of diffracted waves. Now we can go to image formation in the EM. Mt-o Amplitude {diffraction) contrast results from a filtering process whereby some of the electrons from the incoming electron beams are unable to reach the image plane. In normal (low resolution) bright field electron microscopy only the direct electron beam is allowed (/=0) to reach the image plane; all the scattered electrons are excluded by the objective lens aperture. In normal dark-field microscopy, the direct electron beam is excluded from the image plane and only one or more scattered beams having determined g/ are allowed to pass through the objective- lens aperture. The selection of scattered beams is performed by tilting the direct beam, or by moving the aperture so that the direct beam is blocked. For high resolution imaging it is desirable to obtain as much structural information as possible about the specimen. This means allowing the maximum number of diffracted beams g/ to pass through the objective-lens aperture to form an image in the image plane (sec Fig. 1 (b, c, d and e)). Further explanation will be given in HRTEM image formation 2.3. 2.2. Phase Object Approximation Some approximation simplify the mathematical description of the scattering of the electrons by crystals. Here we assume that the crystals are pure phase objects [17-20], i.e. electrons passing tlirough the crystal suffer only a phase shift; this is the phase object approximation (POA). The POA demands that electrons are only elastically scattered and the energy of electrons is so high that scattered electron waves are almost parallel to the incident wave. If the electron beam has the direction of z-axes, the phase AO(x,y) at the exit of the sample, having thickness t = cNz, (Nz is number of unit cells in direction of z), is expressed as follows: AO(x,y) = 2 me X If2 Nz y) at me exit surface is proportional to the amplitude of the structure factor of the crystal, while the phase of yex(x,y) is shifted by (-tt/2) with respect to the structure factor F(x,y). For the details see references [18-20]. 2.3. High Resolution Imaging In the image formation process [18], when the electron beam passes through the microscope we distinguish the following phenomena (see Fig. 1(a) ): - diffraction phenomena in the plane of the object, - the image formation in the back focal plane of the objective lens, - the interference, of diffracted beams, in the image plane of the objective lens. The wave function i]jex(r) of electrons at the exit face of the object can be considered as a planar source of spherical waves according to the Huygens principle. The amplitude of diffracted wave in the direction given by the reciprocal vector g is given by the Fourier transformation of the object function , i.e. V(g) = 3 g V (O The intensity distribution in the diffraction pattern is given by | ij/ (g) |2 in the back focal plane of the objective lens. \w (s) 12 = I 3 g M'M12 Hl If the object is periodic, the diffraction pattern, the square of the FT of the object function, will consist of sharp spots. In the second stage of the imaging process the back focal plane acts as a set of Huyghens sources of spherical waves which interfere, through a system of lenses, in the image plane. This stage in the imaging process is described by an inverse Fourier transform which reconstructs an enlarged object function \|/(R). The intensity in the image plane is finally given by I \\i (R ) I 2. 1 r, . r0 , F< OBJECT 4 OBJECTIVE LENS BACK FOCAL PLANE \/\ /\l OBJECTIVE ^? 9,/V APERTURE OF OBJECTIVE LENs/\9v/ / IMAGE PLANE R. R» R, ¥(r) V(g)= 2 gV(r) 3r -l -h VimÇR.)=3"lT(g)v(g) 0 * * * :0 O t Figure 1: (a) Image formation in an electron microscope; (b, c, d, c,) schemes of diffraction patterns and aperture configurations; + - optical axis, o - undiffracted beam; O - objective aperture A as placed in (a). ^3 During the second step in the image formation, which is described by the inverse Fourier transform, the electron beam undergoes a phase shift %(g) with respect to the central beam. The phase shift is caused by spherical aberration and defocus and damped by incoherent damping function D(a,A,g), so that the wave function v|/,ni(R) at the image plane is finally given by V.m(R)= 3"'T(g)V|/(g) where T(g) is the contrast transfer function (CTF) of thin phase object. T(g) includes damping envelope D(a,A,g) and phase shift ^(g): X(g) = Tte H7 + iz C , X' g4/2 T{g)= D(a,A,g) exp [ i x(g) ] a is the convergent angle of the incident electron beam and A is the half-width of the defocus spread £ due to chromatic aberration. For the details consult references [ 18-20], The main experimental techniques in common use at present in the field of conventional high-resolution electron microscopy, in phase contrast, are given in Fig. 1 (b, c, d, e) [1]. The different imaging modes are determined by the size and geometrical position of the objective aperture in the back focal plane of the objective lens. A lattice fringe image is obtained, if only one (or a few) diffracted beams interfere with the unscattered beam (aperture type b). The period of fringes corresponds to the interplanar spacing of the excited beams. Using an aperture type c, a many-beam image will be observed. For thin crystal having large unit cell parameters under experimental conditions, obtained using aperture type d, the "structure image" could be obtained if the micrograph is directly interpreted in terms of the projected atomic arrangement of the crystal structure. A dark-field lattice image is formed if particular diffracted beams of interest interfere and all other beams are excluded; aperture type e. 2.4. Contrast Transfer Function (CTF) The specimen-independent properties of the electron optical imaging system are characterised by the contrast transfer function (CTF). This function describes the phase shift of the electron wave due to the influence of the spherical aberration and HMh Ss=-43.4nm a=0.6mrad g(nm"1) Figure 2: Contrast transfer function of JEOL JEM 2010 200 kV electron microscope: Scherzer underfocus £ = -43.4 nm, a = 0.6 mrad, gs= 5 nm"1. dcfocusing of the objective lens. In the WPOA contrast transfer function T(g) is: T(g) =exp(ix(g)), should be sin x(g)=l and c°sx (g)=0, x(g)=nt/2 for all g. Under this condition the intensity distribution will be an image of projected potential, and the double scattered electrons will be eliminated to contribute to the image [18-20]. The function sinx(g), which describes how the electron beams that leave the object are modified by Ihe microscope and its variation with g, depends on the values of the parameters: X , C, (constant of spherical aberration) and s (the defocusing value). It is possible to find a defocus e that partly compensates for the spherical aberration, bringing sin x(g) to value -1, over an extended interval of g. This underfocus, i.e. negative value of f., is the Scherzer focusing condition, the best possible approximalion to the ideal case and the optimum setting for structure imaging with the correct contrast. -0.5- For this condition, the projected potential is proportional to the negative of the image intensity, i.e. black features in HRTEM positives (low intensity) correspond to atoms (high potential). Contrast transfer function of Jeol 2010 UHR 200 kV microscope, for Schcrzer focusing condition of -43.4 run is shown in Fig. 2. CTF determines resolution and interval of d-values (interplanar spacing) to be transferred and imaged in the image plane of EM, by particular microscope adjustment determined by instrument and particular expérimentai conditions. 2.5. Resolution Speaking about resolution: a) point-to-point resolution or structure image resolution is a measure of the ability of the TEM to fatefully reproduce the structure of the sample as projected in the direction of the incident electron beam. b) line (fringe) resolution, considers the smallest distinguishable separations between regularly spaced fringes. Such fringes are generated from the interference between two diffraction spots and have no sample correlation with the crystal structure other than reflecting a periodicity perpendicular to one crystallographic direction (See Fig. 1(b)). The general expression for resolution ds, for BF point-to-point resolution is ds=0.67A3/4C,l/4, (1) where X is the electron wavelength and Cs is the coefficient of spherical aberration of the objective lens [16,18]. Improvements in resolution can be made by decreasing the wavelength and the spherical aberration. An increase in the accelerating potential decreases the wave length X, but causes other problems such as power supply and instrumental instabilities. Achieving a decrease in Cs requires the solution of extremely difficult pole-piece design and engineering problems, including the need for very small gaps into which to place the specimen. The result is that there is little or no space for tilting the specimen to obtain proper orientations. 3. Fig. 4(f) shows superposition of images in reflections 1, 2 and 3. Two sets of planes from Y2O3 are shown in Figs. 4(g) and 4(h), corresponding to reflections 4 and 6. These two reflections are combined in the reconstruction shown in Fig. 4(i) in order to reveal the appearance of yttria in the grain boundary region. Figs. 4(k) and 4(1) are reconstructed images with all reflections from FT Fig. 4(d) and with all marked reflections, respectively. Unfiltered original image, Fig. 4(j) should be compared to Figs. 4(k) and 4(1). We can follow successive formation of the final HRTEM image by making the comparison of Figs. 4(f) and 4(i) to Fig. 4(1) and to the original image given in Fig. 4(j). Here using a HRTEM image processing of original image we revealed and proved how "alloying" took place in the GB. TABLE 1 rf-valucs Assignment Obtained From FT (Figure 4(d)) of the Grain Boundary Region spot in d measured calculated phase (/(nm) corresponding FT (nm) indices hki identified from literature lattice image 1 0.3115 ill m-Zr02 0.316 Figure 4(a) 2 0,282-0.299 111 m-Zr02 0.284 Figure 4(b) 222 Y203 0.306 3 0.298 111 m-Zr02 0.316 Figure 4(e) 222 Y203 0.306 4 0.2237 332 Y203 0.226 Figure 4(g) 5 0.361 011 m-ZrÛ2 0.364 6 0.277 400 Y2O3 0.265 Figure 4(h) 111 m-ZrC>2 0.284 7 0.189 440 Y203 0.187 220 m-ZrÛ2 0.185 2, Overlapping layers L of zirconia and yttria: The electron diffraction pattern shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c) is close to the [0Ï Ï] zone of m-Zr02 lattice. The faint reflections are due lo Y2O3. It is not obvious whether the large grain M has a thin layer of Y2Ü3 overlapping it. Furthermore, one wanted to explain why the different regions of the grain M have different appearances, by determining the constituents of the HRTEM pattern. Fourier transform of different parts with masks having sizes 256 x 256 pixels and 512 x 512 pixels was performed. All Fourier transforms from this region had the same appearance (Fig. 5(j)), showing that the two zones, one from yttria and one from zirconia, aie parallel, and that the layers are parallel. The reflections in the FT arc marked by numbers from 1 to 7, and are assigned to m-ZrCb and Y2O3 , as shown in Table 2. The results obtained after filtering using particular reflections from FT of Fig. 5(j) are displayed in Figs. 5{a) to 5(1). Figure 4. The filtered lattice images from the grain boundary GB region obtained with particular diffraction spots from FT of Fig. 4(d): (a) 1 - (Ï MJm-ZrOz, d=0.3l6 iim; (b) 2 - (lll)ni-ZrOï and (222)YaO< ; (c) superposition of lattice images given in (a) and (b): (d) FT of GB region; (e) 3 - < 1 U) and (222)Y?.0> , tf=0.3 um; (f) superposition of images ill reflections 1, 2 and 3 from (a) , (b) ami (e)i (g) 4 - (332)YjCS, ^=0.226 mil; (h) 6 - {400) Y2O?, (NJ.265 ran: (i) superposition of lattice images of YjOj rcilcclions 4 and 6 from (g) and (It); (j) tmfiltercd original image; (k) all reflections from IT (d); (I) al I marked reflections from FT. TABLE 2 ^-values Assignment Obtained From FT (Figure 5( j )) of the Region of Layer L spot d measured calculated phase d(pm) corresponding in (run) indices identified from lattice image FT hkl literature 1 0.19 440 Y203 0.187 Figure 5(a) 400 Y203 0.265 2 0.265-0.247 200 m-Zr02 0.262 Figure 5(b) 3 0.256-0.246 400 Y203 0.265 Figure 5(c) 4 0.426 211 Y203 0.434 Figure 5(d) 5 0.435 211 Y2O3 0.434 Figure 5(e) 6 0.315 111 m-Zr02 0.316 Figure 5(h) 7, 0.302-0.299 ill m-Zr02 0.316 72 0.299 222 Y203 0.306 Figure 5(g) 73 0.323 111 m-Zr02 0.316 Fig. 5(a) shows the (440) lattice image of Y203, which is obtained using reflection i. Similarly, Fig. 5(b) shows the (200) lattice image of m-Zr02, which is obtained using reflection 2, although the identification of this reflection is uncertain, and an alternative explanation could be (400) from Y203. Fig. 5(c) shows the (400) lattice image of Y203 from reflection 3. Two symmetry related sets of planes from Y203 are shown in Figs. 5(d) and 5(e), corresponding to reflections 4 and 5. These two reflections are combined in the reconstruction shown in Fig. 5(f). Fig. 5(h) shows the reconstruction from reflection 6, the (111) from m-Zr02, while Fig. 5(g) shows the reconstruction obtained from three reflections 7. The reconstruction using both reflection 6 and reflections 7 is shown in Fig. 5(i). Fig. 5(k) shows the reconstruction obtained when using contributions both from yttria and from m-Zr02, reflections 4, 5, 6 and 1\, 72, 73. Finally, Fig. 5(1) shows the reconstruction obtained with all the reflections identified in the FT (Fig. 5(j)). One can see that this image reveals stripped details from the original HRTEM photograph of Fig. 3 in the region marked L. Fig. 5(1) shows a periodicity of 0.74 nm, arising from the superposition of yttria and zirconia reflections. The Fourier transform and the ED pattern of this region Figure 5. Filtered lattice images of the overlapping layers L obtained with particular diffraction spots from IT of Fig. 5(j): (a) I - (44ü)Y20j, tN>.187 om; 3, d 0.265 mo: (d) 4 - (21l)Y2Qj, dNj.434 tim; (e) 5 - (211)Y;03, (#=0.434 nm; (f) superposition of images of yliria iiom (d) and (e); (g) 7i, 7a- 7.1 -(Ul)m-ZrOa, rf=0.3l6' ran, (222)Y20j, rf-0306 nm, ( 1 1 l)ro-ZrCH, rf=0,316 nm; (li) 6 - (1 i l)m-Xr02, d 0-316 nm; (i) the superposition of lattice images of m-ZrOj 6 and 7 from (g) and (h): (j) FT of thy region L; (k) reconstructed image with superposition of (fl and (i) images: (I) leconslrucled original image with all reflections fiom IT (i). trsr have shown the strong streaked reflection from the [OÏ Ï] zone of m-ZrCh, while the faint reflections come from the [01 Ï] zone of Y2O3 (see Fig. 3(c)). This zone is parallel to the (0Ï I) of m-Zr02 (see Fig. 3(c)), which means that the layers of zirconia and yttria are also parallel. TABLE 3 ^-values Assignment Obtained From FT (Figure 6(g)) of the Stacking Fault Region spot d measured calculated phase 2 0.181 440 Y2O3 0.187 4 0.2079 431 Y2O3 0.208 Figure 6 (c) 3- Stacking fault region: The results of filtering analysis of stacking fault region F are displayed in Figs. 6(a) to 6(i), while the ^-values assignment obtained from FT of Fig. 6(g) are given in Table 3. Elongated spot ("streak") in FT of Fig. 6(g) cut in the Fourier space region, giving in real space the rf-values from 0.316 to 0.266 and it could be regarded as a complex broadened spot containing at least two components li and h (as noted in Table 3) of the planes having meeting point at the stacking fault. As the lattice image in the reflection 3 was assigned as a mixture of m-ZrC^ and Y2O3 reflections, one can see in the Fig. 6(e) that corresponding planes (as identified in Table 3) are introduced as the dislocations in Fig. 6(e). In Fig. 6(f) the superposition of images given in Figs. 6(d) and 6(e) are shown revealing interwoven m-Zr02 and Y2O3 planes originated from reflections 2 and 3. As there is a change in the contrast at stacking fault, it is probable that the nucleation of new t-ZrC>2 SS phase took place at stacking fault F, so the Y2O3 w>- segregates on delects in m-ZiO; lauice thai is revealed in the liliuring analysis as penelralion of Yv.Ch and ZrO; planes as assigned in Table 3 and revealed in Fig.6 (1"). The presence of Y-Oj (400) planes in Fig. 6(b) and (44(1) planes in Fig. 0(c) at slacking faillis means that segregation of yltria on stacking faults in ra-ZrO?. is a possible process. Figure 6. The filtered laliice images from the stacking fault region obtained with particular diffiactioii spots from FT of Fig. 6(g): (a) 1, - Otl)ni-Zr02 , d 0.310 ran; (b) 1 i-lz - (1I ])ni-/,r02 „ (200)m-ZiO;and (40())Y2()3; (c) 4 - (4.11)Y^O)f (£=0.208 rim : (d) ?. - (110}m-ZrÛ2, ehOM9 nm; (c) 3 - m-Zi02 +¦ Y2Oj, d=Q.W nm; (I) superposition of images (d) and (e); (g) FT of stacking liuili region; (h) stacking fault - original image; (i) reconstruction of original image with all reflections from FT (g). 3.4. Refinement of Filtering Analysis Spot 7. in the Fourier transform (IT) of the overlapping layers L, shown in Fig. 5(j) is a multiple spot consisting of three components, and the reconstruction shown in Fig. 5(g) is obtained when all three components are used. Fig. 7 shows filtered images obtained using mask holes which allow different components of reflection 7 to contribute. Fig. 7(a) shows the reconstruction obtained willia hole of one pixel radius, which isolates Ihc (111) planes of the m-ZrO; lattice. Figure 7. Refinement in overlapping layers L. Filtered lattice images with spots 7 (7i.7?7-,): (111) m-Zr02, (222) Y2Oj , (111) rn-Zr02 from FT of Fig. 5(j) with iliffercnt lillering mask radius: (a) ( I 11) m-7,r(">2 (il 0.316 nm), one pixel; (b) all spols 7, three pixel; (c) two spols 7) and 7;, isolated with one pixel mask; (2 appear perfect without any distortion. A hole of size three pixels was used to obtain the reconstruction shown in Fig. 7(b), allowing all three components of reflection 7 to contribute. Two components of reflection 7, 7| and 72, were allowed to contribute to the reconstruction shown in Fig. 7(c), using two separate holes each of radius one pixel, while Fig. 7(d) shows the reconstruction obtained with a hole of radius 5 pixels. Image processing, in particular the use of Fourier filtering, has given a new insight into the fine details of HRTEM images, allowing us to draw conclusions about the physical processes occurring in the initial stages of mechanical alloying induced by ball milling. Figs. 7(a) to 7(d) give information about the rupturing of the (111) m-Zr02 planes, i.e. about insertion of other (Ï 11) planes of Zr02 and penetration of (222) planes of Y203 into (111) m-Zr02 planes. The images shown in Figs. 7(a) to 7(d) allow the following physical interpretation. The rupture of planes in ball milled samples occurs initially at the level of 2.5 to 3 nm, shown by arrows in Figs. 7(b) to 7(d). We can identify intercalated planes having origin in other m-Zr02 and Y2O3 grains. These planes, indexed according to corresponding FT, break into the perfect order of the (111) monoclinic ZrÛ2 lattice planes observed in Fig. 7(a). 3.5. Conclusions In the first part of the paper the basic terms needed in order to understand the high resolution electron microscopy method are described. Because the knowledge of microstructure (defects, grain sizes,...) is indispensable for understanding the macroscopic behaviour of solids, in the second part of the paper the application of HRTEM image processing to the investigation of nanocrystalline materials is presented. Micrographs of the mechanically alloyed Z1O2 -Y2O3 powders, in the initial stage of the transformation, were chosen for the HRTEM image processing analysis. In this example one was able to show how, by using the HRTEM image processing analysis, it was possible to deduce the following: if 9=! 1. Alloying of monoclinic zirconia and yttria and the formation of a new tetragonal Zr02 solid solution occur simultaneously. 2. Nucleation of the new tetragonal Zr02 solid solution occurs in the form of small layers having 10 nm in diameter. 3. The decrease of grain sizes is accompanied by stresses in the ball milling procedure when the defects or stacking faults are formed. This conclusion is supported by the results of the Fourier filtering analysis where inserted planes and broken planes are observed (Figs. 7(c) and 7(d)). These intercalated planes are assigned to particular planes according to the corresponding FT of the region. 4. In the grain boundary region one reveals the beginning of the alloying process as the inter-penetration of Y2O3 and m-Zr02 planes (Fig. 4(h) and Table 1). Some (111) m-Zr02 planes traverse the grain boundary (Fig. 4(a)), while others are broken. The broken planes form stacking faults, which accommodate the newly formed interface between grains. 5. The refinement of Fourier filtering offers a new insight into the fine details of HRTEM images, allowing one to draw conclusions about the physical processes occurring in the initial stages of mechanical alloying induced by ball milling. The rupture of planes in ball-milled samples occurs initially at the level of 2 to 3 nm (Figs. 7(b) and 7(d)). 6. From the refinement analysis of Fig. 7 it follows that the inserted planes i. e. dislocations of Figs. 4(g) and 4(h), having origin in Zr02 or Y2O3 planes, identified in corresponding FT, show that the formation of dislocations in GB region represent one of the tentative mechanisms of alloying, reported recently [37]. The other mechanism of alloying proceeds via the segregation of Y2O3 on the stacking faults in m-Zr02- As the final remark, one concludes that the HRTEM with image processing is a sensitive and precise method for the analysis of grain boundaries and defects, including stacking faults and overlapping layers, as well as for obtaining results which are inaccessible with other methods. 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Povzetek V clanku je podan kratek pregled uporabnosti visokolocljivostne transmisijske elektronske mikroskopije (HRTEM) s poudarkom na principu nastanka HRTEM slike v elektronskem mikroskopu, razlicnih nacinih formiranja slike, vlogi elektronsko-opticnih parametrov pri nastanku HRTEM slike ter metodah za izboljšanje nivoja informacije. Kot primer kvantitativnega ovrednotenja HRTEM slik je podan študij fazne transformacije pri mehanskem preoblikovanju prahov Zr02 z 10mol% YzO,. V pricujocem delu ja prikazana analiza HRTEM slik mehansko preoblikovanih nanokristalinicnih materialov z uporabo programskega paketa CRISP s poudarkom na: (a) mejah med zrni, (b) zlogovnih napakah in (c) prekrivajocih se plasteh Y303 in Zr02. Analiza fourierjevo filtriranih eksperimentalnih mrežnih slik kaže na možen nacin prerašcanja obeh faz na mejah med zrni, na zlogovnih napakah in prekrivajocih se domenah Y203 in Zr02. 7, uporabo fourierjevih mask razlicnih velikosti smo uspeli izolirati razlicne sete ravnin Y;03 in Zr02, ki so vrašcene v monoklinskem Zr02. VrašCanje teh ravnin se odraža v tvorbi dislokacij, ki se pojavijo v povsem doloceni medsebojni oddaljenosti v sicer perfektni mreži monoklinskega ZrO,. Na osnovi teh rezultatov je podan možen mehanizem transformacije pri mehanskem preoblikovanju Zr03 in Y303.