Srečno novo leto! Happy New Year! ZARJA * DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER I JANUARY, 1971 VOLUME 43 ZARJA - THE DAWN NO. 1. JANUARY, 1971 VOL. XLIII Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.46 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cennak Rd. Chicago 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W.Cermak Rd, Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRTHDAY IIS JANUARY! Branch Presidents: Jan. 2—Kay Juratovec, Br. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio Jan. 6—Frances Meglich, Br. 89, Oglesby, 111. Jan. 6—Irene Planinšek, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. Jan. 13—Mary Stephenson, Br. 27, No. Braddock, Pa. Jan. 15—Agnes Jancar, Br. 40, Lorain, Ohio Jan. 27—Mary Polajner, Br. 4, Oregon City, Oregon Secretaries: Jan. 12—Mary Krall, Br. 37, Greaney, Minn. Jan. 14—Virginia Zevkovich, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio Jan. 26—Mary Gerkman, Br. 4, Oregon City, Oregon MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ON THE COVER . . . "Srečno novo leto” — HAPPY NEW YEAR 1971! To one and all •— members and friends of Slovenian Women’s Union, heartiest wishes for happiness and contentment in the coming year! The Slovenian maidens on this photo by Prof. Setinic are a lovely reminder of the beauty and serenity of this winter season when nature assumes its peaceful quietude. May it be a year blessed with just such peace and harmony for each and everyone! OBIŠČITE LEPO SLOVENJO, JUGOSLAVIJO IN EVROPO V LETU 1971! Letite z Jet letalom na Ljubljansko Brnik letališče. Najnižje cene in najugodneje potovanje boste imeli kadar letite s KOLLANDER skupino v Ljubljano. $260.00 — je cena potovanje od New yorku do Ljubljana in nazaj na Jet letalu v maju in septembru. $320.00 — je cena potovanje od New Yorku do Ljubljane in nazaj na Jet letalu v juniju, juliju in avgustu. Obe ceni sta veljavni kadar potujete v skupini od 40 ali več članov potnikov. Člani vaše družine so deležni iste nizke cene. Otroci izpod 12. leta plačajo polovično ceno in dojenčki izpod 24. mesecev samo 10%. Iz Ljubljane imate za Vas zanimive izlete z autobusom po Evropskih državah, Slovenski in Jadranska obali. 3 tedne: 24. maja, 7, 25, 28. junija; 26. julija; 1. avgusta; 6 septembra; 4 tedne: 24. maja, 1. julija, 12. in 30 avgusta; 6 tednov: 17. maja, 21. junija, 12. avgusta, ; 7 tednov: 12. julija; 8 tednov: 18. junija in 24. junija; 9 tednov: 5. julija in 10 tednov: 14. junija Kadar želite ugodno potovati kličite Kollander urad za rezervacije. Ne čakajte! Jamčite si sedež na letalu začasno. Kličite, pišite ali obiščite: KOLLANDER WORLD TKAVEL, INC. 589 Kas« 185tli St. Cleveland, Ohio 14119 tel: (216) 531-1082 531-4066 421-41' / »vur/4 umm FROM OUR MAIL BAG A New Member Receives Her First Zarja My dear ladies! Received my first copy of Zarja and can’t tell you how happy I was to receive it. Enjoyed it very much and especially the pictures and very nice to see Liz Zefran and Fanika Humar along with Mrs. Albina Novak and her daughter, Corinne Leskovar. Thank you also for the lovely sympathy notice of my dear aunt, Mrs. Mary Stupar, president of Br. 85, Depue, 111., for many years. God bless all you lovely ladies. I remain, Mary Ann Nelson ANOTHER COOKBOOK ACCOLADE Dear Mrs. Novak: My mother recently gave me a copy of the Woman’s Glory—The Kitchen cookbook published in 1951. It was with this book that I became acquainted with the Slovenian Women’s Union of America who initiated this collection of Slovenian recipes. I would like to know more about the Slovenian Women’s Union what it does etc. Please send me any information you can regarding this. Do you have a Minnesota branch of the Union? Sincerely, Catherine Perusich, Minneapolis, Minn. 3lflfippljuu'»;?HeHntkar MAY 15, 1900 NOV. 24, 1970 “May she rest in peace” News of the passing of Mrs. Josephine Železnikar deeply saddened her many friends and acquaintances in the Chicago community where she resided so many years, as it did among the many members of Slovenian Women’s Union who came to know her and love her during her many years of service. The late Mrs. Železnikar was a sweet person, tiny and petite, but had a heart bigger than she was. Never idle, she worked for every good cause as her generous nature dictated. The Slovenian Women’s Union was very dear to her and as president of Br. 2 for over 20 years, she had that instinctive ability to deal with people and make them happy and co-operative. That is one of the reasons Br. 2 has always been in the forefront of Zveza activities. She assumed the office of Supreme Auditor 24 years ago; became Supreme Treasurer 6 years later. She held this office until her ill health forced her to leave it at the last Convention. With a beautiful singing voice and love for music, Mrs. Železnikar was the successful organizer and president of the Choral Club of Br. 2 which existed for 15 years. This group presented countless concerts, shows, minstrels and twice the group traveled to Cleveland and received great applause for their excellent performances. When the Slovenian Radio Program of Chicago first began broadcasting over a radio station in Gary, Ind., the Choral Club appeared in person to sing Slovenian folksongs and Mrs. Železnikar was inter- viewed as their leader. This was 20 years ago but is still remembered with nostalgia. Anyone who remembers those years will always re- member Mrs. Železnikar at the head of the group, arranging things and taking care that everyone was happy. It was when their singing director moved away that the Choral Club found it necessary to disband and even afterwards, on many occasions, Mrs. Železnikar and the other members would talk about rekindling the tiny fire of hope they held for a re-organizing of the singers. She loved to sing so much. She was such a gracious lady. Everyone liked her and loved working with her. She headed the annual S. W. U. Pilgrimage to Lemont, 111., to the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes every single year for 25 years. She involved her family in all these things, too, and it is one of the reasons that she will be greatly misled. They say that when a person dies, it is her good work that it left 1 behind—that is everlasting. With Mrs. Železnikar, there will be many years of good memories. She gave 38 years of her life to Zveza and will be remembered with love and affection. She gave almost 50 years to her husband and family. This spring, Mr. and Mrs. John Železnikar would have celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. In life she wove a beautiful garland of goodness and this will be her memorial. Mourning their dear mother are sons John, Jr. and Frank and daughter, Sophie Bogolin. She had 5 grandchildren, Mary Josephine Železnikar, I.oretta, Gary, Robert and Josephine Bogolin. You can see how they loved her — her children — as two of her granddaughters bear her name! Mrs. Železnikar was the center of her family and home, her many talents and interests endeared her to her children. As youngsters, they learned to speak in Slovenian and sing the songs of their mother and fa- ther’s homeland. From her teaching they all have a deep affection for their heritage. Another part of Mrs. Železnikar that will stay with us long is remembering her beautiful spoken Slovenian. She came from Loški Potok, a small village near Ribnica in Slovenia. She came to America as a girl of 20 and her maiden name was Bartol. She was married a year later, in 1921 to John Železnikar who survives her. At the many occasions when a microphone was before, her, Mrs. Železnikar would speak in her soft melodious voice and her spoken Slovenian was almost singing. We loved her simple and humble phrases and although she always referred to herself is “just a little person”, she soon grew in stature and respect before the audience. She traveled with us to visit her sisters in the old country in 1969. She made one visit there in 1953 and did all she could to help them through their heavy misfortunes during the war years. She often wished she could see them oftener, for she had no close relatives in America other than her own family. We know the Zeleznikar’s are gratified by the many friends who have called or written to them during their time of bereavement. They find consolation in knowing that her memory is revered by all of us. Many have said that her greatest quality was that she understood people and the human spirit. With this to remind us., let us try to follow in the way she taught us by her good life here on earth. Corinne Leskovar PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE FOR THE NEW YEAR New Year Greetings to our Spiritual Advisor, National Officers, Branch Officers and Members of our Slovenian Women’s Union. May the year of 1971 bring you much happiness and our Lord bestow upon you countless belssings and good health. Post Convention Campaign Win a “Free Trip” to the Dedication of the Slovenian Chapel in Washington, D. C. this August, by earning 50 points in the S. W. U. Membership Campaign. All details on how to win the trip and the cash money you will receive as prizes are in this issue. The 40th Anniversary of four branches will be celebrated this year. They are Br. 47, Garfield Heights, Ohio, June 17, 1971, Br. 49, Wickliffe, Ohio, September 11, 1971, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, September 15, 1971 and Br. 51, Kenmore, Ohio, September 18, 1971. Congratulations to them and to the two branches celebrating their 35th Anniversaries, namely, Br. 67, Bessemer, Pa., organized February 2nd and Br. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio, organized Febrauary 12th. Both of these branches were organized by the late Ann Petrich, formerly of Warren, O. Dawn Choral Group Has Successful Concert The Dawn Choral Group presented their 2nd Annual Concert on Sunday, Nov. 15 to a packed hall on Rehar Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. The first half of the program was more solemn and the girls wore their blue robes. After the intermission, they appeared in their new pink gowns. The all looked gorgeous. My compliments to this fine group and their director, Frank Gorensek and we wish you all many more years of health so you can carry on the fine art of singing those beautiful Slovenian and American songs to us. An Anniversary at Washington Celebrating their 5th Anniversary was our newest Br. No. 102, Washington, D. C. They held a gala dinner-dance on November 21st. Yours truly was invited to attend this grand occasion which I was very happy to do and also, it gave me the opportunity to see how our Slovenian Chapel is progressing. My husband and I left Friday morning by auto, driving in a drizzling rain that followed us all the way to Maryland. Then we ran into a dense fog that closed in on us up to fifteen feet from the front of the car. Then, to top it off, we ran into a torrid rain that with the fog made it really miserable. We crawled along at twenty miles an hour and arrived in Washington at 5 p. m. We were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chokel. Thanks to you for your wonderful hospitality. The church hall where the dinner-dance was held was set up very nicely. The tables all had beautiful baskets of fall flowers which were later given to the guests at each table. These were made by one of the members. Each guest was pinned with a large Zveza pin with a red ribbon streamer signifying the Slovenian color. The dinner was delicious. Attending this grand event as special guests were U. S. Congressman from Minnesota, John Blatnik and his charming wife and retired naval captain, James Lauri ch. Lovely Irene Planinšek was the chairlady of the dinner-dance and she did a beautiful job. An orchestra which hails from Pennsylvania played all during the evening until early into the morning and everybody had a good time dancing. The program was by the Kres dancers from Cleveland and they took the show with their colorful Slovenian costumes and dancing, and twirling so that the entire audience enjoyed every minute of their performance. They really are wonderful. Everybody had a very enjoyable evening. On Sunday, we attended the Slovenian Mass at the National Shrine at which Father Ceglar officiated. Afterward we all went to the Chapel site to see the construction. It will be finished at the end of this month. The compeleted part includes the ceiling with its beautiful motifs of red carnations and hearts and the beau- tiful coloring gives us a real Slovenian atmosphere. We also were very much impressed with the fine sculpture of Mr. Franc Gorse. Quotations from Bishop Frederic Baraga: “This is all I desire to be where God wants me to be” is above the relief depicting him baptizing the American Indians. Next to this is the relief of Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek and inscribed in Slovenian are his words: "Let the holy faith be your light and your mother tongue the key to a national salvation.” The third relief depicts the baptism of Prince Gorazd 1200 years ago which brought Christianity to Slovenia and the fourth relief symbolizes the arrival of Slovenian Immigrants to America. (The four reliefs were pictured on the cover of the December issue of Zarja.) All four reliefs are beautiful and the quotations are very touching. Sculptor Franc Gorse is to be highly complimented on this fine art. By this time, all branches have received the beautiful stamp of Marija Pomagaj and the Shrine. Sale of these stamps will be to help defray the expense that will be involved for the dedication. Please help this cause a-long by purchasing at least one sheet for one dollar. Dedication of the Chapel August 13, 14, 15, 1971 Arrangements are being made now by the Washington Committee. Irene Planinšek, president and organizer of Br. 103 and all the members including their husbands, are on this committee. This will be a big responsibility and will be a great job to take care of all the people who will attend. The Park Sheraton Hotel is located in a nice district and is large enough to accomodate all who are planning to attend. Cleveland and surrounding cities will be able to travel in a group as Greyhound buses have already been reserved for your convenience and the round trip fare from Cleveland to Washington, Slovenian Chapel Progress Report No 1 With work well along this photo of the northwest quarter of the chapel shows the Gorse marble relief of Bishop Frederick Baraga and the adjoining Baraga quotation: “This is all I desire to be, where God wants me to be.” D. C. will be $17.25. More information will be in the coming issues of Zarja. Congratulations to the New Officers! Congratulations to all newly elected officers and reelected officers of each branch. Officers have a great responsibility. It is their worry that dues are paid on time and that members attend the meetings. They are the ones that take the reins on their shoulders and see to it that all business is well taken care of, plus planning and preparing the entertainment for you. With your help, it makes the work for your officers much easier and is appreciated. Make a New Years Resolution that you will attend all meetings in the New Year 1971. Our deepest sympathy to Mr. John Železnikar and family on the loss of wife and mother and our former National Treasurer, Josephine Železnikar. May her soul rest in peace. Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating this first month of the year and speedy recovery to all ailing. Toni Turek REV. CLAUDE OKORN, OFM: NEW BEGINNING In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth . . . God created man in his own image . . . And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good. Ask yourself when was the last time you stopped your every day pace, withdrew from a demanding schedule and in the solitude of a park uttered simply: “God, it is great to be alive . . . thanks!" The world ol' man is continuously beginning anew. The difficulty comes when man fails to realize that creation depends on his energies and initiative to bring forth new horizons. As one writer defined life: “If I have to define life in a word, it would be: Life is creation! Our emphasis is that man is the object of creation. This is man’s universe to breathe; man must recognize the magnitude of his potential as a creature of God. Our Christian concern wonders how many of us fail to absorb the wisdom of the words of Genesis: “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good.” In our technological and aerospace age how quickly it happens that the experience of creation — the universe — evades our day. We become so wrapped up in hectic activity, we find little time for appreciation of life; or simply closing our eyes to experience the beyond. Perhaps at your next opportunity, you can slip off to a removed site and just walk . . . now stop . . . listen and be aware of a thousand sounds ... so does God. Usten. Each one of us will take up our daily activity also in the new year. There too, the opportunity will be present for each of us to become more personally a-ware of God’s creation. Let us take time both to thank God for today and renew our efforts at being more sensitive to His creation around us ... . Life. IN MEMORY OF MRS. ANNA KAMEEN Mrs. Anna Kameen, age 91, matriarch of a large and prominent family, charter member and 43 years president of branch No. 7, died in Forest City, Pa. Mrs. Kameen came to America in 1900 and married the late Joseph Kameen in 1902. The couple raised a family of eight children: Joseph, Louis, William and Paul are owners of Kameen Hardware Co. Inc., of Forest City and Carbondale, Pa.; Mary, formerly associated with the American Red Cross, is at home, Dr. Anthony Kameen is an opthalmologist and Lawrence Kameen is vice president of RCA Corp. Electronic Division. A son, Rev. John P. Kameen, pastor of St. Joseph church, Forest City, passed away in 1957. Mrs. Kameen W'as an ardent worker for the Slovenian Women’s Union. As president of her branch and as a national officer she worked untiringly for the welfare of her branch and the organization. She was beloved by all who knew her. May she rest in peace! Our deep sympathy is extended to the family, to the members of her branch and to all her friends and relatives. Marie Prisland A TRIBUTE TO REV. J. M. TRUNK For all of us this Is the beginning of a new year, but for Father Trunk it is the begining of a new century. He was 100 years old recently. Father Trunk, living as a guest of Rev. Vital Vodušek, pastor of the Holy Nativity Slovenian parish in San Francisco, was born September 1st, 1870 in Carinthia, a Slovenian province of former Austria-Hungary empire. I had the privilege of visiting Father Trunk last January. He came into the room humming a happy song, with cigar in his hand, looking more like 50 than 100. Father Trunk’s health failed but little. His mind is as young as it was when he was ordained as a priest. There is no loss of memory and he keeps abreast with world events. His good health he attributes to the grace of God which must be true for he was expected to die of tuberculosis when he was a Seminarian, and few of his friends thought — including himself — that he would not recover from the injuries sustained when he was hit by a passing auto when stepping off the curb in San Francisco 16 years ago. « Rev. Trunk was pastor of St. Joseph Slovenian parish in Leadville, Colorado from 1924 to 194C when he retired and moved to San Francisco. As pastor in Leadville he took over a new, but unpainted church. He asked for an estimate for decorating the church’s interior. The price was $6,000.00 which he thought was exorbitant. He then and there decided to paint the church himself. With only $79.00 worth of material and with his great artistic talent, he covered the church walls and ceiling with religious pictures and created a lasting historical evidence not to be found elsewhere. — “St. Joseph church has been declared a Slovenian National monument because Father Trunk’s paintings are considered a fine example of primitive art” — states The Herald Democrat Involved in politics before coming to America in 1921, Father Trunk was a delegate from Carinthia to the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918 and signed the Treaty on behalf of the Republic of Carinthia. He came "to see” America in 1909. Two years later he returned to gather material for his book AMERIKA in AMERIKANCI (America and Americans), which was published in Carinthia in 1912). The book contains a short history of every state in the USA, their Constitution, economy, business conditions, Slovenian communities and the life of its settlers. This was the first book of its kind written in Slovenian language and is a gold mine for historians. He is the author of numerous other books and has translated some of Slovenian religious literature into the English language. He still writes a philosophical column for a Slovenian weekly newspaper published in Cleveland, Ohio. The centenarian attributes his long life to sell’ discipline, exercise and to cigars and coffee. Twenty years ago his doctors advised him to stop smoking and drinking coffee. He said that he can’t live without cigars and coffee — and kept on. His favorite saint is St. Paul the Hermit — the story goes — who lived to be 113 years old. Father Trunk has every intention of also living that long. All of us hope and wish that his intention will come true and that with his exceptional vitality, he will continue enjoying life in good health for many years to come. Marie Prisland P. S. For the historical information of the Leadville church I am indebted to our Slovenian Women’s Union member, Mrs. Mary Widmar, and to The Daily Herald Democrat of Leadville, founded in 1879, published and edited by F. R. Bochatay. ACTIVITIES No. 2, Chicago, III. Because of the generosity of our members, the Christmas Party for our juniors promised to be a wonderful affair. Chairman Liz Zefran had all in readiness for the event and we shall have a full report on it next month. The day, Dec. 20th was also planned as a day of commemoration with Holy Mass for all members of Branch 2. Yes, we must say thank you most sincerely to our members who attended the Penny Social in November. We had tables set up for 80 and had to add extra tables and chairs at the last minute to accomodate everyone. It was very gratifying. The prizes, baked goods and entertaining games all made it an evening to remember. We say thank you to all donors and God bless you for your gracious help. Unlike many branches of Zveza who find it hard to carry out a full year’s program of activities, we are planning to hold meetings in 1971 each and every month, with birthday parties after each meeting. You will be hearing from your officers by mail this month to tell you of all the plans. We each make ourselves a Resolution, usually, and some make more than one. With the New Year, we hope yours will Include taking a more active part in our events and letting us see you in person once in a while. We promise you 12 very enjoyable doings this year, at least! Remember, the January 14th meeting will be our installation meeting and birthday party for January celebrants. With this event, we begin the new year right! All January birthday gals are sincerely invited to join us as special guests. Corinne Leskovar No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. The meeting in November had a surprise guest, our honorable founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland who was there to personally autograph her book “From Slovenia to America”. It was a very good purpose to help selling the book to be sure that we all have a copy for our families and childrens’ families. Remember, they can still be purchased through your officers and make good gift giving, so let’s all think hard about spreading our heritage to all. The card party at Old Tony’s proved very successful for the treasury and thanks to all the committees plus Stavia’s friends, Kitty Zelesnikar and the Krefels. The prizes were more than plentiful and well-received. Stavia’s husband even helped. What would the women do without help from these husbands? Good to NEW BRIDE AND GROOM Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zielinski A beautiful bride of June 20th, 1970 was Mary Ann Visek, daughter of Mrs. Visek and granddaughter of Mrs. Zaverl of Sheboygan, Wis., and herself a long-time member of Br. 12. Our heartiest congratulations to Mary Ann and John Zielinski. have them around! Thanks very much to the twins, Stavia, their helpers, the Krefels and all the officers wo helped to get things so well done, also to Theresa Sukys who pitched in for the twins because later that day they checked into the hospital. Glad to hear they’re okay and back with us. We were short of help so Tony’s wife’s cousin, Christine, pitched in to help with the bakery and coffee which was donated by the usual good bakers, Pipan, Pleslco, Kratchnik, Laurich & Dezman (Laurich did the baking for both. I don't want credit for something I didn’t do as I only sliced and peeled the apples.) Tony donated the coffee, so it was a real bargain! The party was well attended, but not so much by our members, where were you??? The chicken lunch was very good too, and the Krefels gave the lodge a quarter for every plate they sold, which proved a financial help. Remember the sick in your prayers and especially Mrs. Rupar, Mrs. Kokalj and Mrs. Werederitch as well as our State President, Rose Kraemer. Hope you all get well soon! Our deepest sympathy goes out to Theresa and Tony Krefel who lost his mother, so soon after the card party. Dedication stamps are available from your officers. Please contact them and use them to help defray expenses and at the same time, you help to promote the coming Blessing of the Slovenian Chapel. You might buy a sheet ($1) when paying your dues which most of you do at this time of the year. Attend your meeting. We always have some surprise and games are played with coffee and cake too. It makes a good visiting hour as well. Hope you all enjoyed a Merry and Blessed Christmas and will have a good New Year! Mary Dezman, Sec. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio.— Our last. meeting of the year 1970 turned out to be the most successful of the year with over CO members in attendance. Since this was an election meeting, we are glad to say that all the officers are the same. Theresa Skur is President, Mary Strazishar is Vice-President, Mary Iskra is Treasurer, Antonia Sustar is Recording Secretary, and Vera Bajec is Secretary. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful year After the meeting was over the members gathered together in the annex where a delicious meal of fried chicken and all the goodies was served. Secretary Vera Bajec and President Theresa Skur breaded and made all the chicken. What a very big job they tackled and the chicken was just “out of this world”. The members heartily endorsed these two “Chefs”. Hostesses were Rose Rodgers, Frances Erzen, Alma Terchecls, and Mary Jenc. The table decorations and the whole mood they set for IN LOVING MEMORY JOSEPHINE KREFEL, Died on November 24, 1970 As I sit in our sun parlor, I recall our dear Aunt, who was also our neighbor for almost twenty years. I remember the many visits we had with her, chatting over the fence in the summer time, exchanging ideas, admiring her lovely flowers which she loved and was proud of, and her spacious yard with many large beautiful trees. She consoled me when I had health problems, and gave me advice when I consulted her. Her guidance was always one of wisdom. We had a great compassion and understanding for her, as my husband and I lived with our Mother until she become bedridden, and was then spared in the year of 19G1. My Mother and she were sisters, which made the bond that much deeper. We conversed with my Aunt in our Slovenian language and learned many this party was a treat for all who attended. Everyone would like to say “Thank You again for all that these women have done. They must have a great feeling of accomplishment for a job well done. The members had decided to eliminate the usual gift exchange and instead the money they would have spent on gifts to two very worthy organizations in the Greater Cleveland area. The Mary Mavec Home for Retarded children received $50.00. and the Holy Family Cancer Home received $50.00. This is a great gift for these two organizations to receive. Good will is still very evident in the Slovenian Womens’ Union and Branch 14 should feel a great pride in their unselfish work. Frances Kog gave a pair of beautiful "bobbin-lace” pillow cases toward the door prize and her contribution along with many other beautiful donations from the members help to increase the total amount given. At the meeting Pauline Boštjančič, Mary Kusar, Jennie Stopar, Jennie Ivancic and Mary Gre- new phrases; as she was as sharp as a whip, and had a great sense of humor, and often startled us with some clever quip or comment. My Aunt was a Tavern Operator for almost 60 years and even in her declining years, she spent many hours in the atmosphere she liked the best. During the course of her life she had many friends and relatives in far away places, that she kept in close touch with by corresponding to Europe, Indianapolis, and Michigan. It was her great desire to still visit Europe, but infortunately time ran out. Another favorite pastime of hers, was to go to their property at Pleasant Lake, where she enjoyed the growth of the large orchard that was planted and raised by her late husband. She also was an ardent church goer, and was highly commended by Rev. Claude Okorn of St. John’s church at her funeral Mass. She was a member of the Slovenian Women’s Union No. 12, and also a member of Lodge No. 6, that paid their final and fitting respects to her. Our tribute to her reads: “Peaceful be thy rest, dear Aunt. It is sweet to breathe thy name, As in life we loved you dearly, So at death we do the same. Looking back over memories upon the path you trod, We bless the hours we had with you, And leave the rest to God. Submitted by Catherine and William Zalesnik, 4018 West National Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin goric donated to our “Good Time” treasury. Thank you ladies for your help, the donations are always put to extra good use. Olga Ozanlch also donated to the treasury. Best wishes to Alma Tercek and her whole family. Alma is a grandmother for the very first time. To Mary Kollar the members would like to express their deepest sympathy. Mrs. Hollar’s husband passed away in November. Our President, Theresa Skur get word that her son has been promoted to Lt. Colonel. Lt Colonel Skur is also the son of the later Dr. Skur. He is now in Vietnam and we have his address if you’d care to write to him. It is: Lt. Col. Skur, 602 SP Squadron 2149, APO San Francisco, California 69310. We know a mouthwatering potica is already on lt way to that address. Mrs. Skur keeps her family all supplied with goodies no matter how far away. Congratulations to the whole family on this great promotion of Lt. Col. Skur’s. It’s a new year—1971—and for the DAWN CHORAL GROUP HIGHLIGHTS Our concert of Nov. 15th was a success and was a beautiful concert. Many compliments were given — it was an enjoyable and happy affair for everyone. Our singers made a big hit! Director, Mr. Gorensek was very pleased and of course, I was ever so happy! The singing sounded so great — the group so congenial. We all worked very hard and It showed good results. Our National President, Mrs. Antonia Turek acted as emcee for which we thank her. Also, I want to thank the Dawn Choral Group for the lovely corsage that was pinned on me by Mrs. Turek after which she added a few kind words. I am very grateful to my ladies and love them all. Thanks to every member of the Group for your cooperation and kindness and also, the hard-working committee. Co-chairman was Ann Hočevar and the ladies were: Pauline Vegal, Frances Globokar, Vera Bajec, Mary Stražišar, Rose Mikavec, Mary Kastelec Mitzi Globokar and Antoinette Zabukavec and their husbands, and Josephine Comenshek and her husband. Our special thanks to Mrs. Marie Prisland for her lovely greetings and best wishes. It is nice to be remembered and gives so much satisfaction. Also, we Slovenian Women’s Union another year of good work ahead. The Slovenian Chapel will be dedicated in Washington, D. C. and many other things are in the wind, so why don’t you come and be a part of them. The meetings are still held on the first Tuesday of the month at Re-cher Hall in Euclid. They start a-round 7:15 p. m. You’ll be glad you came. Mitzi Globokar, Reporter No. 20, Joliet. — Our condolences to the family of Joseph Verbich. He is survived by five daughters, two of them our members, Mary Lesnik and Ann Fandek, both well-known members of the church choir. Also one son survives. Mr. Verbich who was 91 years young at the time of his death. His daughters took good care of him during his long illness. He was preceded in death by his wife, Antonia and a son. May he rest in peace. He was buried from St. Joseph church. Also, our condolences to Dorothy Jaksetich family. Husband and numerous other relatives survive her. She died in November and was a member since 1966, recommended by Jo Sumic. Dorothy was an active bowler of the branch. May she rest in peace. Accompanying her on her last journey were a group of our members, namely Jo Sumic, Mary Bozich, Theresa Marentich and yours truly, also a group of the bowlers led by Marge Gasperich. She was buried from St. Mary's Nativity church. Very sincere condolences to John Železnikar and family who lost their wife and mother, Josephine, previous National Treasurer of S.W.U. and a very active person in the various functions of the Union especially at Br. 2. May she rest in peace. She was buried from St. Stephen's her parish church in Chicago. Our member, Anna Kunich was in the hospital recently and others on were surprised and happy to receive the floral basket on the stage from the Board. It was a real thrill when I opened the card and read the wishes. I hope we shall continue in this activity forever and pray that we will succeed so we can keep going on and on. My heartiest wish is that we could get some younger members to join us and get Involved as when we get too old to continue, they will follow. I must say, we have a lot of fun and enjoyment being a part of the group. Besides, we are the only S.W.U. Choral Group in existance and I am very proud of the ladies and love them all. To me they are a part of me. May God bless them all and keep them healthy! Greetings to each and everyone, here and wherever you are — my friends and sister members and bless you! We would like to thank our loyal member, Josephine Trunk for her help in getting the material for our new gowns. We appreciate it very much. The passing of Frank Hočevar wah a great shock to all his many friends. To his widow, Ann, our deepest condolences. The Dawn girls came together to pray a rosary at his bier which was greatly appreciated by the family. May ho rest in peace. Mary Bostian, State President the sick list are Clara Puz nad Helen Pluth, both convalescing for some time. In November, our parish sponsored the annual bazaar at the Park Hall and stands were erected for the sale of various useful articles made by the senior parishioners. The Zveza booth was selling ‘‘bon bons” as every year and other articles. We found helping there , Josephine Muster, Olga Ancel, Mildred Pucel, Marie Olga An-cel and Rosanne Ruth. The booth was decorated by Carita Ancel. It was all for the benefit of the church. Congratulations to Jo Sumic who has completed a special training course at St. Joseph’s hospital for the rehabilitation of mastectomy patients. She received a special certificate signifying her good work. Our best wishes and good luck, Jo! Carita Ancel made the Dean’s List at St. Francis Academy, as did Vera Ancel at the S. I. U. in Carbondale. Our congratulations to both. When this Issue comes out, we will observe the New Year and we hope all of you members will have a healthy and prosperous year 1971 and that all of you will stay alive all thru this year. May God bless you and all the families of our Union. With best wishes to all. Josephine Erjavec No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club. — We held our monthly meeting on Nov. 18th at St. Anthony’s church hall with Margery Presherin presiding. Discussion on the annual Christmas party was held that was to take place at Vertin’s Cafe and Pub. Molly Zupanclch and Mary Starko-vich were in charge of the social hour, while Mrs. Frank Stupnik and Margery Preshiren were in charge of the entertainment and decorations. At this meeting hostesses were Ann Miklausich, Barbara Rosandlch, Molly Zupanclch, Stephanie Vranesich and Rose Lobe. Since it was our November meeting, a delicious pumpkin pie was served. We played a popular game and prizes were a-warded. Ann Miklausich won the door prize. Hope you all have a joyous and prosperous New Year. Mary M. Shikonya No. 33, Duluth, Minn. The November meeting for Branch 33 was the annual fall dinner. It was a very well-prepared meal, and very well-attended. This committee headed by our president, Betty Mrak are to be commended for their efforts The evening opened with Mass celebrated by Father Dolsina and concluded with the meal and meeting. We were to have with us many new junior and adult members; we bid them welcome. It was good to see our juvenile members getting involved and offering to serve lunch for one month. Our yearly meeting was held December 2, It was a very important meeting as well as Christmas party and Penny Social. Best wishes and greetings go out to all our members In hospitals, at home and in nursing homes. Please remember them In any way you can. Especially now during the holiday season. Our sympathy and condolences go out to the family and friends of Mary Spehar who passed away recently. May she rest in peace. Election of officers will be soon, so try to attend the meetings. Also It will be soon time to get dues paid up. Help make the book work for our secretary easier. "We would like to send Holiday Greetings and Blessings for the New Year to everyone and their loved ones.” SMILE FOR THE JOY OF OTHERS Florence Burger, Reporter 1971 BOWLING TOURNEY AT JOLIET, ILL The Raynor Bowl in Joliet, Illinois will be the scene of this year’s Midwest Bowling Tournament hosted by Br. 20, Joliet, 111. The dates are Saturday and Sunday, March 27 and 28, 1971. Raynor Bowl is located at 90G Theodore St., in Crest Hill, a suburb of Joliet. We hope for a grand tournament with many teams from the midwest area joining in. Our thanks to Br. 20 for accepting the classic and let’s hope we have another top event as in the past 34 years! Liz Zefran, Secretary, S. W. U. Midwest Bowling Association No. 2, Chicago, III'. Bowling News. As the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league rolls into the holiday season, St. Paul Federal still leads the league with 28 wins and 14 losses, but the gap is narrowing, with several teams moving into contention. At the end of November, Zefran Funeral Home found themselves only a half game out of the lead, with 27% wins and 14% losses. Tied for third place with 25 wins and 17 losses, were Marquette Service Station and John F. Cuneo. Reliance Federal was in fifth place with 22 wins and 20 losses. After laying almost dormant for the first few months, our “stars” are really starting to burst forth. Leading them all was Stelle Gorka, our perennial “star”, who never fails to amaze us. This time she came up with a sparkling G19 series, which is the highest series I can remember in the years I’ve been writing this column. This included games of 225, 204 and 170. Stelle’s average was 170. Sharing the spotlight was Ann Pe-rusich, who shot a 548 series, including a 210 game. This was 131 pins over her 139 average. Barbara Ja-kubowski also bowled well, 99 pins over her 127 average with a 480. Other high series for the month were: Ann Scambiatteria, 501, 548 and 507; Shirley Rada, 500 and 499; Helen Fitzgerald, 503. Ann Vucko had a 209 game. Speaking of “stars” there were ten lucky ones who won the Thanksgiving turkeys from Townhall. They bowled the most pins over average on their teams that night. They were: Ann Vucko, Bea Zalik, Shirely Rada, Alvine Leben, Rosemary Stanley, Rosemary Litwin, Ann Perusich, Barbara Zurek, Dorothy Ceska, S. Gorka. I don’t like to brag, but yours truly picked up the "Big Four” railroad (4-6-7-10) in November. (I don't usually get a chance to brag about my bowling — especially this year.) Other railroad pick-ups were: L. Put-zell, 3-7 and 4-10; J. Meden, 5-9-10 and 7-9; J. Ovnik, L. Ovnik, 2-7; H. Fitzgerald, 2-7-10; S. Melissa, S. Gorka, 3-10; A. Wagner, E. Statkus, 5-7: M. Zefran, 4-5 7 and 5-7; H. Drobec, 5-7-9 and 2-9; L. Zefran and A. Leben, 5-10; D. Ceska, 3-9-10 and 2-7-8. That’s all—see you after the holidays! Barbara Zurek No. 20, Joliet, III. Bowling News. We mourn the loss of a good friend and bowler, Mrs. Dorothy Jaksetich who passed away suddenly on Nov. 12, 1970. Condolences to her bereaved family. May she rest in peace. With half the bowling season over, Northwest Recreation Club is still in the lead with 24 wins and 12 losses; close behind them we have Tezak Funeral Home with 22% wins and 13% losses. Then, we have American Slovenian Home, with 20 wins and 1G losses, Merichka’s Restaurant, with 1G% wins, 19% losses. Sheps DX Service Station with 13 wins and 23 losses and down in the celler we have Fred C. Dames Funeral Home, with 12 wins and 24 losses. Don’t give up, girls, we still have 15 more weeks to bowl! Come on — we need a few more 200 games. Vickie Bernikas leads high game with a 208 and next we have a tie between Marge Gasperich and Ann Sternisha both with 203. Last season, Ann had a high game of 225. Marge didn’t make the 200 Club last year as her highest game was 194. This year she’s really knocking those pins down! Keep up the good work, girls! In the split department we have a few hot shots. Marge Wajchert picked up 6-7, Bernice Plankar 5-10, Millie Ellena 4-5-7 and Kay Sulcle 5-7. If anyone is interested in bowling in the Monday League of our S.W.U. please contact Jo Sumic; we are always looking for new bowlers. All the girls would like to wish you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. This goes especially to our loyal and wonderful sponsors! How about some news for our monthly article. See you next month. Gen. Kiainsek No. 46, St. Louis, Mo. — At our last meeting of the year our members voted to keep the old officers for the coming year: they are Viola Pisoni, president, Margaret Dolenz, vice president, Helen Skoff, secreta-ry-treasurer, Jo Prebil, recording secretary. The officers hope the next year will bring a better attendance to our meetings. To all our sick members we pray for good health. Belated condolences to Mary Golobic on the loss of her brother. Thanks to Marie Gartner Remembering a Beautiful Day May I express a few words about my feelings at the Slovenian Cotillion Ball held at the Berkshire Hills Country Club at Chardon, Ohio last May? First I want to thank Frances Sietz and Jane Novak for giving us the opportunity to participate in such a gala event. My granddaughter, Mary Lou Cul-kar was presented on the arm of her father. I was so proud, my heart almost burst. Proud to be Slovenian, proud that we belonged to the S.W.U. who made this event possible, proud that my parents gave me the beautiful gift of appreciation of my nationality so that I could pass it on to my children. Insight into your heritage and pride of it is bound to make you a fine American. All these thoughts had entered my mind before but never as forcefully as that evening in May. It will be an event I shall never forget. Thank you Mrs. Pugelj for calling me a number of times to explain and keep us posted on what was being planned and encouraging us to participate. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I will always be grateful to you. Ladies, you did a tremendous job. I’m sure everyone there, the girls, their escorts, the proud fathers, the honored guests, all appreciated your efforts. It’s still the talk of the town! Thank you again. I shall remember and cherish that day forever. I only wish it would have happened a few years ago earlier so that my daughter would have the memories that my granddaughter will never forget. May God bless and keep all who had a hand in it. With warmest regards. Mary Culkar, Cleveland, Ohio for having our Christmas party at her home. Best wishes and Seasons Greetings to all. See you in February. Jo Prebil, Rec. Sec’y No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio. So many happy events and so much to be thankful for. Members working together to prepare for the Cotillion Ball (such beautiful Debutantes we had) and who can ever forget the Convention, and then, oops, different kinds of happenings: members busy with graduations, vacations, showers, weddings, illness, and yes, even sorrows. These are the reasons No. 50 missed 2 months’ reports. So let’s start with the August picnic. Congratulations to the Picnic Committee for the job well done. It was the “biggest and the bestest” one, the most scrumptious Pot Luck dishes, and prizes galore for all game events. EARN 50 POINTS IN THE POST-CONVENTION CAMPAIGN! A new member in Class B is worth one full point; (1) A new member in Class A is worth one half point; (%) A new Junior member is worth one quarter point; (Vi) Besides the point talley, you will be entitled to a cash award for every new member as follows: For every new member in Class B, $1.0ff; Class A $.50 and Junior, $.25. Every worker Gets a Cash Award! Begin now — write up your new members and send them in. Your branch secretary has the application blanks. Remember: the name of the worker must appear on the application blank as usual as there will be no changes allowed after the application is received in the Home Office. One name can receive credit for the new member. Every worker who reaches SO points will win a free trip to Washington. Let one of the winners be YOU! FANIKA HUMAR, National Secretary Hostesses were Ann Kristoff, Mary Petrick, Victoria Pianecki, and Toni Turek. Sept. meeting was conducted by Vice-Pres., Toni Turek. Attendance was good; all enjoyed the new surroundings of the Euclid Public Library Meeting Room at 631 E. 22'2 St. The October meeting was also conducted by Mrs. Turek; had a fine attendance too; some members dressed up for Halloween and we had lots of fun. President Frances Sietz was able to attend the November 23rd meeting and was amazed at the good turn out considering that we had our first windy snow storm that night. Reports from Standing Committees. Marie Dolinar gave a report on Birthday. Get Well, and Sympathy cards sent out. Ann Kristoff, chairman of the Dec. 13th Christmas Party, reported that Ludwig’s Hall was rented, and food was to be prepared by one of our good cooks, Mrs. Smolic. Members were to be notified by mail. Irene Jagodnik purchased cards, Carole Traven had them mimeographed, and Ann Kristoff addressed and mailed them. Toni Turek reports the Good Time Fund was greatly increased through the sale of Stainless Steel Cutlery and members’ donations of various gifts given by Marie Floryan, Julia Woods, Mary Cesnik, Vicky Pianecki, and Louise Mlakar. Invalid members were remembered at Christmas time, namely Mary Stokel residing at the Slovenian Home and Cecelia Žnidarčič and Ivana Mandel who are convalescing at home. Please remember to send them Cheer Up cards. Deepest sympathy to the following members on the loss of their dear ones who are: Albina Schmuck, sister of Carole Traven and Frances Sietz; Frank Hočevar, husband of Ann Hočevar our Convention Queen; Mrs. Anna Skuly, mother of Ann Kru-lac; Michael Vintar, father of Olga Katosic. Good grant eternal rest. Members who are recuperating from recent sugery are Jane Novak and Jenni Arko. God bless them with the best of health from now on. A Pot Luck Supper with all kinds of goodies were served after the meeting. Many thanks to all members for preparing such good food. Congratulations to Jean Tomsic, who received special honors for donating nut rolls to our boys in the service. Keep up the good work, Jean. If any of you active or inactive members have any information for us. please write. We will welcome any new ideals or suggestions. We really want to hear from you, and learn what you have been doing. Just contact your reporter, Jane Novak, 68l Lander Road, Highland Hts., Ohio 44143 Congratulations to member Rose Lo Presti. Her husband, Attorney Jos. J. Lo Presti will now be known as Common Pleas Judge Joseph J. Lo Presti. Forgot to mention. Max C. Traven, son of Carole and Max Traven, said “I do” to Joanne Kurth on October 3, 1970. Congratulations! And now let us look to another phase of life, during 1971 as we look ot a happy future for Branch No. 50 and all the members of the Slovenian Women’s Union, may we continue in the tradition with friendship, happiness and good deeds. Jane Novak, Reporter P. S. Please remember every 4th Monday of the month is our meeting nite at the Euclid Public Library at 631 E. 222 St.. PLAN TO ATTEND! No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. The November meeting of the S.W.U. held at the Assumption Hall introduced two new members, Mrs. Ann Yeshe and Mrs. Andrew Perpruner. We welcome them to our group. We also had a visitor from California, Mrs. Eve Turner, daughter of Mrs. Anna Ra-pinac who has been visiting with her mother and family in Hibbing. Plans were made for the Christmas Party with guests exchanging gifts. Mrs. Frances Bernard was called for the jackpot but wasn't there to claim It. We are happy to report that Mrs. Antonia Rapinac is out of the hos- pital and doing fine. If there are any sick members we all wish them well and hope for the best. Winners of card games played after the meeting were: Mrs. Dan Sko-rich, Mrs. Mark Marolt, Mrs. Joseph Massich, Mrs. William Spolar, Mrs. Clifford Barkis and Mrs. Louis Drobnick. Hostesses for the evening were Mmes. James Passino, Charles Hattam Sr., George Butorac, Mary Bovitz and Nick Malkovich. Remember ladies, it is in giving that we recive. Happy New Year! Margaret Skorich, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville, Hgts., Ohio. Sorry ladies, but your scribe has gotten behind in her reporting. I am still catching up on news during the summer! On August 29th Lydia Ann Hoerl was married to Walter Koenig at Holy Trinity church. Reception was held at the Riviera Country Club and everyone attending had a very good time. Our congratulations to the young couple. Ellen Walters had a very enjoyable 43 day vacation. She traveled to Johanesburg, Cairo, Athens, Paris. I’m sure she has many wonderful memories of all these exciting places she visited. We want to extend our congratulations to Carl Bayus for the scholarship he received to Northwood Institute in Midland, Michigan. He will be studying automotive marketing. This was made possible by Ellacott Shaker Motors for whom he worked part time for the past three years while finishing his high school. Mom and Dad, I know, are very proud of their son Carl. Dorothy Godfrey’s daughter, Bobby Ann Martin of Laredo, Texas, had a baby girl in July. Son Ernie Ehrlich was getting married in Dec. Rudy Valich, grandson of Sophie Mauer was injured in Vietnam. He was flown to Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C. His mom and dad had to go there to bring him home. We hope his recovery will Hermine Prisland Dicke, 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 1 ^IXI and Upon request, Mrs. Edward F. Kompare, our national auditor from Chicago, has sent me a number of recipes she uses frequently. These are nutritious and tasty. * # * SHORT CUT PEA SOUP Small ham bone with bits of ham 5 cups water 2 sliced carrots 1 rib of sliced celery % teaspoon coarse black pepper 1 bay leaf Dash of thyme 3 tablespoons bacon drippings 3 tablespoons flour 1 small finely chopped onion 1 can green pea soup, undiluted Cover ham bone and bits of ham with 5 cups of water. Bring to a boil; add carrots, celery, pepper, bay leaf and thyme. Simmer for about 40 minutes. Make a roux with bacon drippings and flour. When golden brown, add chopped onion, stir and cook until onion is transparent. Add to ham mixture, lastly add the can of pea soup. Stir until well blended. Bring to a boil and simmer for a-bout 15 minutes. Do not salt, as ham and pea soup are salty. NOTE: Soup is ideal and tasty after heavy holiday meals. be rapid. A little bird tells us that Pat, Sophie’s daughter, will be a mother sometime in April. Congratulations and good wishes from all of us. Agnes Walters informs me that her daughter Rita has three youngsters going to these colleges: Kent, St. John College School of Nursing and Ohio State. These are the 3 eldest of 13 children. With tuition what it. is today, this is some achievement for these parents! Gloria and Tim Dusek celebrated their 10th Anniversary on Nov. 12th. Congratulations to a nice couple. Also, sons Tim and Stephen had birthdays on Nov. 1st and 3rd respectively. Mom, Helen Dusek took a quick trip to Florida for 10 days. What a beautiful tan she got up in the sun in 8G degree weather. Philip Kneziak now resides at Boys Town in Nebraska. We sent him a small remembrance for Christmas. Our birthday dinner was a huge success. We had 47 members and guests present at Ray Kearns restaurant where everyone enjoyed a fine dinner and dancing. The winner of our birthday cake was Cleo Eble. The cake was donated by yours truly. A number of our members attended the Silver Jubilee Mass and Dinner TRIPE WITH TOMATO SAUCE Recipe No. 1. 1 pound of honeycomb tripe Simmer tripe in salted water for 1 or 1% hours, until tender. Drain and cut into two inch long strips and % inch wide. % cup lard % cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped celery V3 cup chopped green pepper 1 clove garlic 1 pound can of tomatoes Small piece of bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon pepper Saute onions, celery, green pepper and garlic in hot lard until soft and light brown. Add remaining ingredients including cut-up tripe. Cover and simmer about 30 to 45 minutes. Serve hot with rice. Makes 4 servings. THICK TRIPE SOUP Recipe No. 2. 1 pound honeycomb tripe, cut up 3 tablespoons bacon drippings 2 tablespoons flour 1 large onion, finely chopped Vz cup celery, sliced % cup sliced carrots % cup tomatoes or 8 oz. can of tomato sauce 1 large cubed potato Dash of garlic salt 4 cups boiling water 1 teaspoon salt Little chopped parsley Prepare tripe the same as Recipe No. 1. Make a roux with 3 tablespoons of bacon drippings and 3 tablespoons of flour. After flour is browned, add chopped onion and cook until tender and lightly browned. Add celery, carrots, tomatoes or tomato sauce, potato and for St. Jude church on Nov. 15th. To those members who sodiligently worked in the early years of the parish, we offer our congratulations for work well done. Many times these are the forgotten people and yet without their efforts there would be no jubilee to celebrate. We will again have a card party in April 1971. This coming year we will be 30 years young! How time flies by! Will give you more details later. Our hearts were heavy when we received the sad news of Bill Predo-vich’s death in Vietnam. To his parents, John and Ann, we offer our sympathies; also to aunts Alice Biscan and Martha Herak. A rosary was said by our members for the repose of his soul. Sorry to hear Dorothy Hrovat was again hospitalized. Hope everything is o. k. now. I extend to all our members a. wish for the new year — mav it bring you n'l the best of everything—-health, wealth and hapninesss. Kay Yuratovac, Pres. garlic salt; mix all together and add water stirring until all is blended. Add salt, parsley and cut-up tripe. Simmer 40 minutes. OLD FASHIONED CHEESE SQUARES % cup golden raisins 1 cup sifted regular flour % teaspoon baking powder 1 cup of sugar 3 eggs y2 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons melted butter 1V4 cups of milk 2 cups cottage cheese 2) % tablespoons com starch 2 teaspoons grated lemon rind 2 tablespoons lemon juice yz teaspoon vanilla *4 teaspoon each: nutmeg and cinnamon Cover raisins with hot water; let stand for a few minutes, drain. Add to cheese custard. Sift the flour, baking powder and *4 cup of the sugar into a medium size bowl. Beat 1 egg slightly in a small bowl: stir in 1 tablespoon of the melted butter and % cup of the milk and vanilla. Stir into flour mixture until well blended. Spread in buttered baking pan 11x7x1% Press cottage cheese through a sieve into a medium size bowl; beat in corn starch, the remaining 2 eggs, % cup sugar, 1 cup of milk and 2 tablespoons melted butter, the lemon rind and juice and the second % teaspoon vanilla. Pour over layer of dough in pan, sprinkle with spices. Bake in 375 degree oven for 50 minutes or until custard is set Cool in pan. Cut into squares. NOTE: Mrs. Kompare brought these recipes to a board meeting last year for a snack. The ladies enjoyed them so much that all urged the recipe be published in Zarja. My sincere best wishes for a Healthy New Year. Cordially, Hermine * * * Corrections in Raisin Roll recipe in December issue: Have first line under dough ingrid-ients read: Sift flour. Scald milk. Add butter, sugar and salt. Mix. Cool. In the Gth line under filling: Omit "well beaten” after 6 to 8 egg yolks. No. 91, Oakmont, Pa. — We had a very nice meeting in December and it was well-attended. In all of 30 years it was the first meeting and Christmas party I missed. The party and gift exchange was very nice and the luncheon served was followed by games. Again, the old gang was reelected to their jobs for 1971. So, if all goes well and the ole man winter-weather permits, our meetings will be resumed in March — on the first Tuesday of the month. Please don’t forget. May He above who understands us and hears us and our prayers bless $Mnn the. Edita* IT WAS A HAPPY 5th FOR BR. NO. 103 May I add my wish to you all for a year 1971 of peace and happiness in your hearts and in the world. The fervent hope for peace in the world must begin within ourselves and so may it be. At this time of the year we feel gratitude for the past year's achievements while anticipating the “new leaf” we will all be turning with the new year. My thanks to all who have made our Zarja an interesting and important part of Zveza’s life and especially to those who have helped us by adding to the Publishers Fund. In the December and January issues you have seen a number of advertisements and these were sent through the courtesy of Mrs. Anna Pachak, Pueblo, Colo., Mrs. Louise Epley, Cleveland and Mrs. Mary Lenich of Eveleth, Minn. Mrs. Lenich, in fact, made her contacts to these loyal Eveleth businessmen by telephone from her hospital bed. So. how can one acknowledge such friendship and dedication? At least a word of thanks and a sincere wish to them for an abundance of blessings in the new year. We are very grateful! A word to Reporters who will begin the year with their pencils sharpened and a great big sheaf of fresh paper to work on! Remember the all-important deadline for mailing in your articles is the first of each month, in preparation for next month’s Zarja. We’ll expect all your material in by January 1st for the February issue. Hope you can keep to this deadline every month and it will help us in getting Zarja out in good time for the monthly meetings. Thus, we begin Volume 43 and with your continued help and cooperation, it’ll be another great year of good reading and information for members of the S. W. U. Corinne Leskovar each and everyone with good health and take care of His children! This I wish to all our members from Br. 91 and all branches everywhere. A very healthy and happy start in 1971. God bless each and everyone and all your loved ones. Sincerely, A. K., Pres. No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — The attendance at our November meeting should have been larger because the weather was most favorable. I am so proud to announce and welcome a new member, Stefanie M. Norley, 8732 Jeffery Ave. To start the new year, we would like to have all of our new members who join our group in the past year, attend our Feb. 3rd. meeting and be initiated to become a No. 103, Washington, D. C. — A successful 5th Anniversary Dinner-Dance was celebrated on the 21st of November. Many thanks to the members of the committee who cooperated towards the achievement of this goal! Compliments to the ladies who prepared the delicious buffet dinner: Matilda Terselic, Mary Majec, Mary Michalitch, Freda Michelitch, Matilda Podborsek, and the members who contributed pastries for the sweet table. The ladies who contributed their artistic talents were Dora Voyatzis on table decorations, Becky Nagle, the pictoral display, Anna Cernelc, members’ corsages. The attractive souvenir booklet was in the very capabale hands of Molly Thomas. Entertainment was an important aspect of the evening’s program. The Kres dancers from Cleveland, Ohio performed interesting and lively Slovenian folk dances in their colorful national costumes. We were amazed by their skill and grace and are grateful to them for coming to Washington, D. C. The Antolin sisters, Vida and Ivanka, provided lovely melodies in both American and Slovenian. Special guests for the evening Included Congressman and Mrs. John Blatnik (Minn.). The Congressman was kind enough to offer a few im-pmoptu words during the course of the evening and we enjoyed visiting with both the Congressman and his full-fleged member with enthusiasm and ambition! This way will help us gain many honors with your presence. Election of officers was held in November and the same faces will be around for another year, along with the members who attend our meetings regularly. I know that something is always accomplished each time you attend. Try it sometimes! A heap of thanks to Rose Mary LaToza and Mary Ann Sambol for the refreshmeints. Cash donated ($2) by: Ann Polancic, Helen Price, Vickie Tomich who was also the lucky one in the turkey project; ($1) by: Ann Nelson, Helen Golich and Ljuba Trgovac. The following birthdays will be honored in January: Sophie Barbich, Mary Brozovich, Amelia Cuzella, Georgia Gas par, Manda Yergovich, Anna Jurkas, Neda Mihaljovich, Antonia Mrkobrada, Anna Sertich, Helen Spelich, Anna Zagar, Helen Zeffiro, Helen Marie Yuratovac and Stefanie M. Norley. Take note: all of the Jan. and Feb. birthdays are asked to bring along a cake and serve as hostesses for the Feb. meeting. A speedy recovery to all of our shut-ins and best wishes to all mem- lovely wife who is extremely warm and friendly. Mr. Zoc who is the president of the Bishop Baraga Society was also present with his wife and extended greetings on behalf of the local branch of the KSKJ. Our guest speaker for the evening was none other than our National President, Mrs. Turek. This indeed was a treat, as she had come all the way from Cleveland for our 5th Anniversary. This visit also enabled her and her husband to meet with the Chapel Dedication committee the following day. Father Blatnik, our Chaplain from Patterson, New Jersey was unable to be present for the program but was represented by Rev. Stanley Ceglar who spoke in his behalf. Music for dancing was provided by Frank Baloh’s Trio and one from Jeanette, Pa. When Prank’s in town we know that we’ll have a great time on our toes for we can always count on the lilting and danceable music, be it Slovenian melodies or American tunes. We wish to thank all the men of the “Auxiliary” for cooperating with their wives, mothers or sisters in completing the dinner-dance arrangements. They were an Invaluable assistance. As the year 1970 has come to an end, we hope that 1971 will prove to be as fulfilling as each of our members would wish it to be. Irene Planinšek bers. An invitation to come to our meetings more often; remember, activity is stimulated thru gatherings such as ours, so, attend the February 3rd meeting when we will select our Mother of the Year. Mildred James, Pres. No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Our Thanksgiving tureky l'lew by here in a big hurry to make room for that wonderful fellow in the bright red suit, Santa Claus. Hope he filled your stockings with wonderful presents and will fulfill your every wish for a healthier, happier holiday season and that the days to follow will be equally and happy. We have added to our roster four more social members: we welcome sisters Anna Logo, Frances Pavsek. Mary Ulcher and Milka Zupancich. Our rummage sale was successful and our “boss”, sister ICurilich wishes to thank all those who donated towards our money-making venture and especially to thank those who were able to be sales ladies and workers. A monetary donation was made to the Alvernia Manor Retirement Home under the auspices of the Mt. Assisi Convent in Lemont, 111. The sisters of Branch No. 100 were all in agree- ment that the money went towards a worthy cause. Sister Faye Vidergar’s husband, Tony, was in a hospital in traction for ten days due to a back injury. At this writing, he’s shown improvement and we all hope for a real good recovery. Tony and Faye Videgar are the new owners of a food market and we wish them much success; they are nice people and they both deserve the best that life has to offer. Good luck in your business venture! My brother, Alex Hutter made his annual trip to Fontana and brought with him the news of our old neighborhood in Chicago, mainly the area surrounding St. Stephen’s church at Wolcott and 22nd place. It has been many years since I visited the old neighborhood and I doubt if I would feel comfortable there as many changes have taken place — old landmarks torn down and new structures erected — old faces that have either moved or passed away; fortunately, many Slovenians from the old neighborhood have moved to Fontana and we have a little Slovenia of our own to keep the old traditions and songs alive. We welcome visitors from other branches to visit us in Fontana, especially from Branch No. 2. How about it? You could fly out here in a few hours and your friends would truly welcome you with open arms. This month, our birthday celebrants were sisters Caroline Kaliope, Maria Kurilich, Betty Mohorko, Mary Mo-rovich and Elizabeth ’ Marinovich. Happy days to you all! The Bible says: “the meek shall inherit the earth” but when the time comes for the meek to inherit the earth, chances are the taxes will be so high that they won’t want it!" I got a chuckle from that and maybe you will too! See you next month. God willing. Edith Drawenek No. 105, Detroit, Mich. November meeting was held at the home of Jennie Vidmar. Pauline Adamic, our president opened the meeting with a prayer. Caroline Troha was a guest — she is the godchild of Betty Karas. Nice seeing you again, Caroline. Thanks to the following ladies who contributed to the kitty: Zorka Mai-sel„ Betty Karas, Katherine Mihelič, Fulvia Rosa and Jennie Bole. Rose Jamnik won the door prize which was a box of all-occasion cards. We all enjoyed the goodies Jennie served, especially the apple strudel. There were 14 members present and we hoped for a good attendance in December at the home of Jennie Bole. As usual, a gala Christmas party was planned. We knew that two people would be missing, Pauline Adamic and her husband, John who spent the holidays in California. Hope they had a safe and happy trip. Frances Seman, Reporter FINANCIAL REPORT—FINANČNO PR0CIL0, NOV. 1970 Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. Br. Assessments Adults Jrs. 1 $ 94.10 163 60 85 18.00 38 2 2 215.85 350 194 86 12.40 22 3 153.15 263 170 88 24.80 56 9 4 8.00 13 — a 89 30.25 71 22 5 87.05 100 21 a 90 18.70 42 15 6 43.90 103 8 91 29.20 48 11 7 50.90 94 52 92 15.05 23 2 8 — 46 — 93 24.60 58 2 9 — 24 2 b 94 — 13 4 10 131.05 303 25 95 120.15 187 25 g 12 65.75 161 57 95 118.15 — — 13 58.30 112 18 96 23.95 46 — 14 146.90 294 49 96 23.95 — — 15 — 203 9 97 — 15 — 16 85.75 142 87 99 5.95 16 — 17 80.00 151 78 100 30.35 47 12 19 54.10 112 24 101 21.45 29 14 20 152.25 330 63 102 — 34 3 b 21 58.40 111 47 103 17.00 25 13 22 — 19 — c 105 18.35 30 6 23 101.90 217 53 106 — 22 3 24 140.60 139 67 d Total $4341.80 7997 2388 25 334.70 627 159 26 49.85 107 19 Assessments paid: A-Nov. and Dec.; B-paid to Dec.- C-Pd. in Oct.; D- 27 28 96.80 87.10 43 3 e 15 f Sept and Oct.; E-Sept., Oct. and Nov.; 75 F-Oct. and Nov.: G-October. 29 10.65 24 6 30 2.40 9 Income in November 1970: 31 82.70 87 27 a Assessment $4,341.80 32 79.35 138 72 Interest 3,771.87 33 127.25 200 162 Bonds sold 12,000.00 34 18.50 36 42 Bank cert, withdrawal 5,000.00 35 32.20 55 37 Rent 169.00 37 — 21 1 b State Tax dep. 22.88 38 41.15 114 — 25,305.55 39 20.20 43 9 e Bank cert., Bonds assets 16,544.69 39 40 10.40 52.50 101 2 Total income in November 8,760.86 41 79.70 198 30 Disbursements in November 1970 42 23.40 48 — Izdatki meseca Novembra 1970 43 — 132 62 Br. 10, Cleveland, Mary Penko $100.00 45 20.50 45 14 Br. 12, Milwaukee. T. Ramshak 100.00 46 13.50 29 5 Br. 15, Cleveland, T. Hočevar ■ 100.00 47 54.90 105 36 Br. 23, Ely, Rose Kovali, 100.00 49 — 30 — c Br. 25, Cleveland, Mary Stopar 100.00 50 139.60 213 91 Br. 27, Braddock, M. Mramor 100.00 51 — 15 — Br. 38, Chisholm, Kath. Mihelich 100.00 52 31.20 52 19 Br. 38, Chsholm, Emma Grahek 100.00 54 28.55 57 40 Br. 41, Cleveland, Mary Germ 100.00 55 26.00 54 2 Br. 92,Crested Butte, John 56 41.05 93 6 Raymond Pogorelz, Jr. 100.00 57 39.85 67 35 Br. 94, Canton, Jennie Ceh 100.00 59 15.50 39 2 g Br. 96, Universal, Mary Pavlik 100.00 61 — 5 Salaries — Plače 1,182.24 62 24.00 25 — a Administration 345.00 63 — 92 22 Rent — Najemnina 75.00 64 35.50 44 2 a F. I. C. A. Tax 56.76 65 41.00 45 24 f Zarja — The Dawn 1,856.00 66 32.30 59 21 Fuel, Water, Kurjava, voda 107.09 67 40.70 68 9 Telephone 21.63 68 39.85 60 21 Actuary 34.00 70 — 14 3 c Miscel. Razno 68.04 71 59.40 120 36 Accrued interest, Obresti 14.36 72 — 25 New investment Bonds 19,902.49 73 56.95 104 71 g 24,862.61 73 56.95 — — Investment 19,902.49 74 — 30 1 4,960.49 77 22.65 47 32 Ledger balance October 31, 533,619.16 79 — 30 20 b Income in November 1970 8,760.86 80 — 9 81 83 14.15 8.35 29 16 — 542,380.02 Total disbursements in Nov. ’70 4,960.12 84 20.35 49 3 g Ledged bal. Nov. 30, 1970 $537,419.90 84 20.35 — Fanika Humar, Sec’y. MARIE PRISLAND: LETO 1971 NAJ VSEBUJE 12—mesecev sesterske vzajemnosti. 52—tednov svetovnega miru. 365—za Zvezo uspešnih dni. 8,784—ur napredka v človeški blagor. 527,040—minut dobrega zdravja za nas vse. 31,622,400—veselih sekund za Zvezine članice. 32,158,653—najlepščih voščil Vam za Novo leto poklanja pisateljica te kolone. SPOMINI On: Vidiš ženka, Novo leto zopet je v gosteh, Že sredi dneva mrzlo sonce ugaša. Zvečer pred prage burja sneg nanaša in tudi v jasnih zvezdnatih nočeh. Ona: Bila nekoč midva oba sva mlada. Pomlad je prišla — a nama iznenada po žilah je zavrela mlada kri. Še veš, kako le tebe sem iskala, če si prišel, kako sem vztrepetala? Ah, kol’ko prečula sem noči. On: Se spominjaš, ko si mi prvi nagelj dala, ko si po svojem srcu me izbrala? Takrat bila pomlad je v najnlh srcih. Cez leto dni je naju prstan vezal, Potem obema skupen kruh sem rezal in delal sem, in vedel sem zakaj. Ona: Kot žito v polju sva zorela. Ti mož jaz žena — Hišo sva imela in polja, njive travnike in les. Trud, delo nama je nebo delilo a vendar zakon je blagoslovilo; med nama so otroci tiha vež. On: Dočakala sva Novo leto. Posedava ob vrču vina, zamišljena, resna ves večer. Mladim rokam ključ sva dala, na starost nama je le peč ostala. Uživajva zaslužen mir! ODBORNICAM ZA NOVO LETO. Od vodstva zavisi usoda sveta od posameznih vlad doli do najmanjše skupine. “Kakoršen voditelj, tak graditelj" pravi star pregovor. To se nanaša tudi na organizacije. Kakoršni voditelji — taka organizacija. Isto velja za Zvezo in naše podružnice. Živahne in aktivne odbornice bodo imele uspeh vsepovsod. Iščejo in najdejo nova pota kako zainteresirati članstvo in ga pridobiti, da se zanima in sodeluje pri vsaki prireditvi. Organizacije ne umirajo z enim rodom, ampak žive od roda do roda, če je vodstvo in članstvo polno življenja. Starejše članice so takorekoč Zvezo rodile ter ji zagotovile obstoj za gotovo dobo življenja. Zanaprej naj bi mlajše stopile v akcijo, da bo Zveza z mladimi močmi živela in poslovala še dolgo vrsto let. Od vas, odbornice, je odvisen obstoj Zveze in podružnic! Želimo vam prav mnogo uspeha v Novem letu! S sestersko vzajemnostjo, požtrvovalnastjo in razumevanjem boste mnogo dosegle! DOGODKI V NAŠI RODNI DOMOVINI Na konvenciji lansko leto je nekaj delegatk izrazilo željo, naj bi na tem mestu bilo kaj več poročil iz “sta- rega kraja”. Od časa do časa bom skušala tej želji ustreči. Naj danes omenim hmelj, ki je ogromen pridelek v Savinjski dolini. Slovenski hmelj je izredno dobre kvalitete ter med svetom uživa velik sloves. Lansko leto so iz Slovenije izvozili 87% pridelanega hmelja, le 13% ga je ostalo za domačo rabo. Povpraševanje po slovenskem hmelju tako narašča, da je skoro ves hmelj razprodan že do leta 1974. Največ hmelja gre v Ameriko, kjer izvarijo tudi največ piva, kateremu slovenski hmelj daje posebno dober okus. Lastniki hmeljskih nasadov se pritožujejo, da jim majnka obiralcev. Temu bo vzrok gotovo to, da so premalo plačani. Za škaf nabranega hmelja obiralec dobi le nekaj nad dva nova dinarja, kar je 16 centov naše valute. Povprečen nabiralec nabere 14 škafov hmelja na dan, torej zasluži okrog $2.25. — (Kot otrok sem v Braslovčah hmelj obirala ter zaslužila 4 krajcarje od škafa). JUGOSLOVANSKI DELAVCI Nad 700 tisoč Jugoslovanov si služi svoj kruh v tujini, od teh jih je največ v Nemčiji, namreč 326,000. Sloven* cev dela v tujini nad 70 tisoč. Najbolj žalostno je to, da 25% strokovnjakov, ki bi jih doma silno rabili, odide v tujino radi boljšega zaslužka. Statistika dokazuje, da se niti tretjina delavcev ne vrne nazaj v domovino, temveč ostane zunaj, kar je velika izguba za državo. Kakor je težko zapustiti rodni krov, je boljši zaslužek vseeno bolj mikaven kot delati doma za malo plačo. VARČNOST SLOVENCEV Uradno poročilo o varčnosti Jugoslovanov pove, da so Slovenci najbolj varčni izmed vseh ostalih narodnih skupin. Hranilne vloge ima 1,099,000 ljudi ali blizu dve tretjini prebivalstva. Po zadnjih podatkih so v Sloveniji znašale hranilne vloge nad dve milijardi dinarjev. Slovenci imajo tudi najvišje dohodke, ker vladi v Beogradu plačajo največji odstotek narodnega dohodka, namreč 10%. Hrvatska plača 9%, Srbija 8%, Makedonija 3%, Črna gora 1%. POMAGATI Sl ZNAJO V južnem delu Makedonije stoji krasen hotel, ki ima vse udobnosti, ki jih gost želi, ima. pa to slabo lastnost, da na zunaj ni privlačen. Nima posajenih rož in trava okrog hotela je nepokošena in zelo visoka, kar dela slab vtis na turiste. Hotel si je en dan pomagal s tem, da so od nekod dobili koze in ovce, ki so vso travo okrog hotela pomulile. SOŽALJE Koncem meseca novembra je preminula Josephine Železnikar, večletna Zvezina gl. blagajničarka in predsednica podružnice št. 2 v Chicagu. Sestra Železnikar je bila vzorna, skrbna in zelo delavna odbornica ter Zvezi z vsem srcem vdana. Predsedovala je svoji podružnici nad 20 let. Ustanovila in predsedovala je pevskemu zboru podružnice. Njena zasluga je, da jo zbor izdal pevsko ploščo ter s tem ovekovečil ime zbora in njegovo petje. Njena hčerka, Sophie Bogolin, je več let bila uslužbena v Zvezinem glavnem uradu. Železnikarjevi družini, sorodnikom in čikaški podružnici izrekamo globoko sožalje. Rajno sestro Josephino in njene zasluge bomo ohranile v blagem spominu. Naj počiva v miru! Meseca oktobra je preminula Anna Kameen, ustanoviteljica in vesčasna predsednica podružnice št. 7 v Forest City, Pa. Več let je bila Zvezina glavna odbornica. Sestra Kameen je bila iz vrst naših starejših za Zvezo navdušenih članic-pionirk. Bila je skrbna predsednica svoje podružnice ter do zadnjega urejevala njene posle. Družini in podružnici Izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. Naj blaga sestra v miru počiva! V TRAJNI SPOMIN POKOJNE JOSEPHINE ŽELEZNIKAR 66 'Kdor je je poznal—jo je rad imel!” Ni jih veliko na svetu, o komur bi se iz srca to lahko reklo, toda pokojna Mrs. Železnikar je imela osebni čar, ki je vsakega osvojil. Njeni družini je bila skrba mati in vzorna žena, ki je moža in otroke osrečila z ljubeznijo, kot jo pozna malokateri.. V času ko so imeli svoj business in so ljudje klicali po telefonu za naročila, je bila vedno pripravljena s prijazno besedo za vsakega. Bila je možu desna roka, toda vedno je našla dovolj časa za njena številna dobra dela v naselbini in posebno še njej tako dragi Slovenski Ženski Zvezi. Dog jo je obdaril tudi z zelo lepim glasom in rada je pela v pevskem klubu podr. št. 2, kateremu je predsedovala 15 let. Urad predsednice podr. je imela 20 let, to je do zadnjega leta, ko je na letni seji bila ponovno soglasno izvoljena. Bila je glavna blagajničarka 18 let ter več let prej tudi gl. nadzornica. Vsak urad je izvrševala vestno in marljivo. Ko smo izvedele, da je resno bolana, se nismo mogle tega zavedati, a še sedaj ne moremo verjeti, da je ni več med nami. Toda eno je gotovo; dokler bo obstojala Slovenska Ženska Zveza v Ameriki, bo ohranjen spomin na njeno delo v najbolj prisrčnem spominu. Osebno sem delovala z njo v naši organizaciji 30 let in vsa ta leta nisva imele niti enega nesoglasja, ali bile kdajkoli v neprija-telskih odnosih. V času moje bolezni, me je tolažila in dajala korajže in ko je ona zbolela to pomlad, sem bila prepričana, da bo z božjo pomočjo premagala boezen, toda Bog je odločil drugače. Gotovo se jo je usmilil in jo rešil trpljenja, ko jo je poklical k sebi za večno plačilo. Slovenski pesnik Prešeren pravi: "Odprta noč in dan so groba vrata, al’ dneva ne pove nobena prat’ka ...” Ljuba Josephine: Bog Ti bo prav gotovo dober plačnik v večnosti in to je cilj našega življenja. Ti si ta cilj že dosegla, a v našem spominu boš živela dokler bo živela SŽZ, za katero si se veliko žrtvovala. Tvoja dobra dela, Ti ostanejo trajno najsvetlejši spomenik na tem svetu. Spomin na Tebe bo živel za vedno v naših srcih in v molitvah. Albina Novak SPOMINJAMO SE JOSEPHINE ŽELEZNIKAR! Težko nas je prizadela vest, da smo zgubile s svoje srede pokojno Josephine Železnikar. Ženska Zveza je z njo zgubila močan steber svoje zgradbe. Pri podružnici št. 2 pa si ne upamo, misliti, da je ni in je ne bo več na seje, katere je vodila s tako spretnostjo in razumevanjem. Ko smo jo pospremile k večnemu počitku, smo pričakovale da bo še kar naprej ostala med nami in nas vodila s svojini dobrini zgledom, delavnostjo, potrpežljivostjo in ljubeznijo prave krščanske žene. Morale smo se posloviti od njenih zemeljskih ostankov z globoko žalostjo. Vsak dan bolj jo pogrešamo! Pogrešamo njen miren način, s katerim je vodila vse aktivnosti. Ni je bilo slišati pa tudi ne veliko videti, le vse je teklo po nekem redu, katerega pogrešamo, ko je ni več. Šele sedaj smo se začele zavedati, da je bila to njena notranja sila, ki je izžarevala moč in spoštovanje, ki je potrebna za lepo sodelovanje med ljudmi; še prav posebno v organizaciji, kakršna je naša. Resnična in globoka pobožnost pokojnice, je bila njeno vodilo življenja. S temi čednostmi je vodila svoje brezhibno družinsko življenje. Bila je zgledna žena svojemu možu. Na njenih potomcih je pustila pečat ljubeče in modre matere. Ni iskala slave in sijaja, a je oboje dosegla v očeh vseh, ki smo jo poznali. Njen dom, je bil vedno tempelj družinske ljubezni, kateri je veljala njena prva skrb. Poleg zglednega doma, je presenetljivo veliko sodelovala v raznih organizacijah, prva med temi je bila Slovenska Ženska Zveza. Njene starejše sodelavke so polne spominov pokojničinega plodnega življenja. Doba najinega poznanstva ni bila dolga, a dovolj časa sem imela, da sem spoznala v njej čudovito ženo, ki je s svojo pošteno preprostostjo bila velika Slovenka in v tem duhu obdržala verske in narodne tradicije Slov. Ženske Zveze; posebno še pri svoji podružnici v Chicagu. Štejem si v posebno čast, da sem jo imela priložnost poznati, se z njo posvetovati, ko je že bolehala. Njene nauke bom hranila, kakor živ zaklad in se trudila po njih ravnati, da bi z njeno priprošnjo mogle nadaljevati, kjer je ona odstopila na povelje našega Stvarnika! Fanika Humar g fj Izredno lepa nagrada za vse tiste članice, ki dosežejo v kampanji 50 točk, bodo deležne brezplačne vožnje na vse-sk>vensko romanje v Washington, D. C. ob priliki posvetitve Slovenske kapele. I točka za vsako novo članico razreda B, % točke za novo čla. razreda B in *4 točke za mladinske nove člane. Vsi na delo — kampanja bo zaključena 30. junija 1971. FANIKA HUMAR, gl. tajnica DOPISI Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Na dan naše seje prvi torek, smo imele izredno lepo vreme. Ta večer je bila tudi naša glavna letna seja. Menda se ni še nikoli toliko članic udeležilo seje, kakor tega večera. Kako bi bil odbor zadovoljen, če bi še v naprej hodile v tako lepem številu na naše seje. Nič posebnega ni bilo na tej seji, ker ni bilo treba iskati novih odbornic, tako smo vse stare odbornice ostale in vse druge stvari, ki spadajo k volitvam, so ostale se po-starem, zato ne bom vsake stvari naštevala. Po seji smo posedle k belo pogrnjenim mizam z lepimi okraski, kar so pripravile 4 sestre: Mrs. Eržen, Jene, Rodgers in Terček. V imenu društva se Jim lepo zahvalim, ker so bile pridne in lepo se zahvalim vsem tistim, ki so toliko dobrot prinesle in te so: Globokar (Fannie), Boštjančič, Kušar, Stopar, Ivančič, Gregorič, Iskra, Globokar (Mici), Paula Kral, ses. Vidovich, Eržen, Jene, Rodgers, Terček, Stražišar, Čebulj, Mi-kovič, Amalija Povirk in Mrs. Skur ter Ozanič. Naj vam vsem ljubi Bog povrne z zdravjem in srečo. Prvič je postala grandma Mrs. Ema Terček, ko so zadnji teden kupili pri hčerki fantka. Naše čestitke. Čestitke so tudi na mestu naši predsednici ses. Skur, ko je ta teden prejela sporočilo, da je bil njen sin Anthony povišen v Lt. Col. v službi ameriške letalske sile. Ta teden je umrl mož naše ses. Mary Kolar. Naj počiva v miru. O-stali družini pa naše sožalje. Predno zaključim ta dopis, se moram zahvaliti naši tajnici Veri Bajec, ki nam je toliko pišk napohala ta večer in so bile res izredno okusne. Ob koncu Vam želim veselo Novo leto 1971, predvsem želim mnogo sreče tudi naši nekdanji predsednici Mary Štrukel, ki živi v daljni Cali-forniji. Lepe pozdrave vsem! Antonija Sustar, poroč. Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Naše iskreno sožalje poznani Verbichevi družini ob izgubi očeta Joseph Verbich, ki je preminul v visoki starosti 91 let. Zapušča pet hčera, ki so mu z ljubez- nijo lepo stregle v času njegove bolezni, dalje za njim žaluje en sin ter 12 vnukov in 36 pravnukov. Njegova žena Antonia in sin je umrl pred več leti. Njegove dve hčerke sta naše dolgoletne dobre članice: Mary Lesnik in Ann Fandak, ki sta tudi obe dolgoletne pevke na koru sv. Jožefa. Mary je tudi bila naša bivša nadzornica. Pokojni je spadal k raznim organizacijam ter je pred leti bil aktiven v naselbini. Pokopan je bil iz farne cerkve na pok. sv. Jožefa. Naj v miru počiva. V bolnišnici se je nahajala Mrs. Anna Kunich in na domu se že dalje časa zdravita Clara Puz in Helen Plut iz Elizabeth St. Dne 29. nov. se je vršil v farni dvorani letni Bazaar. Razna društva so imela razstavljene predmete in tudi Zveza je imela svojo stojnico ter za cerkev prodajala “BonBone” in druge drobnarije. Pri Zvezini stojnici so pomagale Olga Ancel, Mildred Pucel, Josephine Muster, Olga Marie Ancel. Na "Dean’s list” s posebno pohvalo sta bile v preteklem semestru Car-ita Ancel v St. Francis Academy in Vera Ancel v S. I. Univerzi v Car-bondale, 111. Naša članica Louise Šega je prodala za $20 znamk Brezjanske Marije Pomagaj. Dobiček gre v korist Slovenske kapele v Washingtonski baziliki. Pozdružnica se ji zahvaljuje. Istočasno opozarjamo, da te znamke še lahko dobite pri tajnici Olgi Ancel. Znamke so krasne ter jih lahko rabite ob vsakem slučaju. Sožalje tudi družini Dorothy Jak-setich, ki je umrla v novembru, živela je na 651 Bluff St. Pristopila je 20. febr. 19G6 priporočena po Jo Sumic. (Rojena je bila 9. apr. 1922). Bila je ves čas kegljačica naše Zve-zine skupine. Umrla je nenadoma, saj je na predvečer še bila v družbi. Zapušča soproga in več drugih sorodnikov. Pokopana je bila iz hrvat-ske cerkve na pok. Matere Božje. Pogreba so se udeležile od podružnice: Josephine Sumic, Josephine Erjavec, Mary Božic In Theresa Maren-tlch. Tudi skupina kegljačic je bila navzoča pod vodstvom Marge Gas-perich. Iskreno sožalje družini John Železnikar iz Chicaga, ki je izgubila skrbno mater in ženo. Pokojno pogreša slovenska naselbina v Chicagu in podr. št. 2, saj je bila vedno aktivna. Naj v miru počiva. Ko pride današnja Zarja med nas, bomo že v Novem letu. Želim, da bi vse članice ostale žive in zdrave celo leto in se imele dobro. Veselilo bi nas, če bi prišle večkrat na seje. Vas pozdravljam, Josephine Erjavec Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Moj sin Donald, ki je živel v Jolietu, se je preselil v Decatur, 111., kjer je dobil delo prav po njegovi volji: blue prints, all kjer naštudirajo nove ma-šine. Pa je prišel na Zahvalni dan z ženo k njenim staršem, nato je prišel sem po mene. Šla sva skupaj na moj stari dom, kjer sem spekla kruh in potico. V soboto smo pa vzeli kruh in potico k sinu Hermanu v Elmhurst, 111. Ko pridemo tja, pa najdemo še sina Edwarda, ki je optometrist v Oconomowoc, Wis. Tako sem imela 3 sinove skupaj, kar se bolj redko zgodi zaradi razdalje. Eden pa živi celo v Californiji. Pri Hermanu so bili tudi starši od Dorothy iz love in njena sestra Mary, ki je učiteljica na univerzi v Chicagu. Z Edvvardom je prišla tudi žena In najmlajši sin, Kevin, ki nam je pokazal igro, katero je videl na televiziji. Za vsakega je napisal listek,, in vsak je moral pokazati, kaj predstavlja s kretnjami, kar je bilo napisano na listku. Meni je dal listek z napisom "soldier” ali vojak in sem strumno maršala preko sobe. pozneje, pa je napisal “chicken” (kokoš) in sem kokodajcala, da drugim ni bilo težko uganiti. Bilo je smeha, da smo skoro popokali. Edward je imel listek “man on the moon” in res on je velik, pa se je še bolj raztegoval, kakor, da bi klatil zvezde, ali da bi hotel doseči mesec. — Drugi dan pa me pokliče oseba, ki pravi, da je gasman, da bo zaprl gas.. Odgovorila sem mu, da ni treba, ker nas bo zeblo, vendar je prišel in sem ugotovila, da je bil moj vnuk, ki študira v Milwaukee college, katere- P. Klaude Okorn, O.F.M. KITAJSKO NOVO LETO Kitajsko novo leta se ravna po luni In je enkrat od konca januarja do začetka marca. Za njih pomeni novo leto začetek novega življenja, ko naj se vse veseli, praznuje in uživa v brezdelju več dni. Vsak kdor le more si tedaj oskrbi novo obleko ali vsaj en kos na pr.: nogavice. Tudi stanovanje si tedaj olepša. V novi obleki in olepšanem stanovanju se sedaj gosti po več dni. Tedaj mora biti vsega v izobilju pa če tudi gredo vsi prihranki. Zato je človek garal celo leto, da, se sedaj dobro ima. Novi človek ne sme Imeti dolgov. Vsakdo jih do novega leta poravna. Kar ne doseže policija, sodnija ali kakšni drugi načini iztirjati davke to doseže novo leto. Kitajci so znani kot marljivi ljudje. Toda tega je z novim letom popolnoma konec. Noben obrtnik ne bo mignil pa naj bo prošnja še tako nujna. Gorje, če se takrat zgodi kaka nesreča, če kaj odpove, naj bo to luč ali pa voda ali aparat ali avto: čakati je treba, da praznovanje mine. Za novo leto nihče noče biti bolan. Vsakdo se prizadeva, da gre iz bolnice, če je le mogoče. Obiskati izdranika za novo leto ali ležati v bolnici je slabo znamenje. Novo leto je tudi praznik sprave. Vsem je treba odpustiti. Treba je pokopati staro jezo in sovraštvo. Staii kitajski pregovor pravi, da je lažje živeti s prijatelji kot s sovražniki. Kitajci so tudi zelo praznoverni. Povsod vidijo vse polno dobrih in hudobnih duhov. Skušajo jih pototažiti z darovi. Pred njimi tudi zažigajo kadilo In razne papirje na katere napišejo kaj hočejo darovati. Velikega pomena je, da ob novem letu obdaruje ljudi s katerimi imajo opravka kakor kuharico, poštarja, zdravnika, mlekarja, peka itd. Ne manjka niti pokanje. Pokanje namreč prežene hudobne duhove. Kitajsko novoletno voščilo je: Želim ti veliko bo- gastvo. Tega more prinesti le naš Odrešenik. Le po njem lahko postanemo “novi človek.” ga sem klicala gasman. Ites, bilo je smeha na koše! Nato prišel še hčerin sin, ki je bil že eno leto v Vietnamu kot zdravnik, sedaj se pa spopolnjuje v šoli za kirurge v Los Angeles. Vso srečo želim mlademu zdravniku. Kes sem bila vesela njegovega obiska in sem hvaležna Dorothy, da je prišla po mene. Veselo in srečno Novo leto vsem članicam in njihovim družinam. Frances Kranjc Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. — Dne 1. decembra je bil lep dan in prijetni večer, zato so se članice v zelo velikem številu udeležile seje. Bilo nas je več kot kdajkoli prej. Vse želimo z našo aktivno predsednico, da bi vse naše seje bilo tako odlično zastopane. Sklenjeno je bilo glede pravil: če mora članica v bolnico na operacijo da se v treh mesecih javi tajnici in dobi plačan asesment v razredu A za 3 mesece in v razredu B za 2 meseca. Prlproča se, da se je- vi to tajnici čimprej, da nima sitnosti, ker ona mora poslati članarino do 25. tega v mesecu. — Za pokojno članico pridejo sestre moliti zadnji večer pred pogrebom ter se po pravilih posloviti od pokojne In po možnosti naj se veliko sester udeleži pogrebne sv. maše. V odbor sta izvoljene dve nove: podpreds. Cecilia Žnidar in nadz. Barbara Baron. Po seji je bila Božičnica in članice so prinesle raznih dobrot, posebno naša skrbna preds. M. Boštjan. Hvala lepa za trudapolno delo! Isto velja za ses. Frances Gerjevich, ki je zopet darovala lep afgan. Srečna je bila ses. Fabec iz Fuller Ave. Drugo nagrado, štrikano jopico, je darovala ses. J. Gustinčič in srečno številko je imela ses. Elsie Sudar. Potem se nam je pridržil pevec France Kovačič ter zapel solo lepo Božično pesem, nakar smo vse skupno zapele. Med novicami naj poročam, da sta v nov. četrtič postala stari oče In mama Mr. In Mrs. J. Chinchar iz Morris Ave. Ker je sedaj v teku kampanja za nove članica, upamo, da bodo, postale naše članice matere in hčerke. Naj bi vsaka pripeljala vsaj eno novo članico v tem letu, da bomo napredovale pri naši podr. Na seji smo izvedele, da si je pri padcu poškodovala nogo, ses. Majcen. Bog ji daj, kakor vsem drugim bolnim, ljubo zdravje. Kadar imate novico, veselo ali žalostno, dajte sporočiti takoj; sestra M. Bostian, taj. J. Comenšek, ali A. Tekavec ang. poroč., ali pa spodaj podpisani poroč. v slovenščini. (A. G. tel. 481-9894.) V februarju ne bo seje, ker je premrzlo, a v juliju in augustu, ker je prevroče. V nov. tudi ne, ker so državne volitve. Želim vsem zdravje, srečo in mir Božji v tem letu 1971. Anna Godlar, poroč. Št. 32, Euclid, Ohio. Zaradi slabega vremena je bila udeležba članic na septemberski seji bolj slaba. Sicer se pa ne smemo preveč pritoževati glede mraza, saj smo v božičnem času. Mož od Jennie Gustinčič je bil v bolnici na operaciji za oči. Obiski so dobrodošli! Genovieve Calta je tudi imela operacijo, katero je dobro prestala. O-bema želimo hitrega zdravja. Prosim članice, da bi se jo spomnile s kakšno kartico, ali z osebnim obiskom. Ne pozabite poravnati mesečno članarino. Ker smo v času lepih božičnih praznikov, čeprav je Božič že za nami. vendar želim, da ste jih lepo obhajale ter vsem blagoslov In srečo v Novem letu 1971. Lepo pozdrav in na svidenje na seji 5. januarja. Tončka Skvarča, poročevalka Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. Naša seja se je vršila v S. N. D. In kljub mrazu in slabemu vremenu, je bila lepa udeležba. Najprej so društvene odbornice podale poročila, kar se je vzelo na znanje. Nato smo razmo-trivale druga vprašanja ter tudi glede društvene blagajne. Imamo več bolnih in to leto je G članic umrlo in te so bile: Najprej Mary Margo, ki je bila naša dolgoletna in dobra članica v vseh ozirih. Zapušča vse odrasle otroke. Druga je bila Mary Puhek, ki tudi zapušča preskrbljeno ružino. Tretja je bila Mary Raubuse, ki je prestopila Iz Buhl, Minn. Tudi ona je bila dobra članica, za katero žalujejo odrasli otroci. Potem naša Anastazija Mihelich, ki je bila dobra žena in vzorna mati njenim otrokom, ki so sicer že vsi poročeni ,toda jo zelo pogrešajo. — Pok. Emma Grahek je tudi dosti prestala v bolezni. Umrla je v Nursing Home v Hibbing. Zapušča odraslo družino. Bila je vneta članica podr., ki ni nikdar odrekla pomoči. Nadalje je podlegla smrti Katie Mihelich, ki je tudi mnogo pretrpela v njeni dolgi bolezni. Njeni dragi, posebno njen mož so ji ljubeznivo stregli. Končno je prišla odrešilna smrt, kateri nihče ne uide. Vse omenjene čla. smo spremile na zadnji poti in opravile vse pogrebne dolžnosti. Vsem bodi Bog milostljiv! Njihovim družinam naše sožalje. Ko sem že omenila, smo razpravljale glede blagajne. Tukaj v Minn. imamo težavo zaradi zgodnje zime, zato smo sklenile, da bomo imele naše seje samo štirikrat letno. Prva bo 3. marca, druga junija, na tej seji bomo imele dobitke in card party, potem bo seja v septembru ter glavna seja v decembru. Če pa kaj pride vmes, bomo pa sklicale posebno sejo. Drugo ostane vse po starem. Pri volitvah odbora, so bile naslednje izvoljene: Ker dosedanja preds. Frances Hren zaradi bolezni ni sprejela,, je bila izvoljena za preds. Sylvia Petrich, podpreds. Jennie Adamich taj.-blag. (ta-stara) Anna Trdan, zapis! Prances Jelenich in nadzornice: Theresa Gerzin in Miika Baselj. Po seji smo se pa lepo zabavale: “Malo smo jedle — malo smo pile — malo smo pele — in lepe prajze dobile . . . Drugih posebnih novic nimam za poročati, sicer bi bile večinoma bolj žalostne, kdo je zbolel, ali kdo je umrl. Upam, da bo prihodnje leto boljše v vseh ozirih, posebno glede zdravja. Letos smo imeli lep užitek mladi in stari, ko je bil tukaj Lojze Slak in njegovi Fantje s Praprotna. Ne bom podrobno pročala, saj so že drugi. Tudi "Tamburica” iz Pittsburgha nas je veselo zabavala, ko so nastopili s plesnim koncertom v Evelethu. Sami mladi ljudje od 13 do 19 let starosti, da jih je veselje gledati in poslušati. Posebno smo ponosni, da je njihova direktorica naša članica Violet Ruparcich. Njihov učitelj je tudi g. Gregorich. Violet je kot ustavarjena za na oder. Njen glas, lepo petje in odlični nastop ji je pridobilo vse občinstvo. V rešpektu jo imajo tudi njeni učenci. Predstavljena je bila tudi študentka iz Gilberta, Minn. Po imenu Marolt, ki je tudi izvrstna igralka. Vsem želim mnogo uspehov. Lep pozdrav vsemu članstvu SŽZ, a bolnim posebno še ljubega zdravja. Anna Trdan, tajnica in blag. Št. 41, Cleveland, O. — Vsem gl. odbornicam in članicam naše organizacije, želimo vse najlepše v letu 1971. Naša zadnja seja je bila bolj slabo obiskana, možno zato, ker se je vršila prav prvi dan decembra. Odbornice smo še kar ta stare ostale, seje se še vršijo prvi torek v mesecu v navadnem prostoru. Podana so bila poročila o delovanju tekom leta, upamo, da bomo v tem letu boljše napredovale. Naša ses. predsednica, Mary Debevec, se zadnje čase ne počuti dobro in se je podala v kliniko na pregled. Želimo, da se ji zdravje zboljša v najkrajšem času. Čimprejšnega zdravja želimo vsem, katere se ne počutijo dobro. Vsem, katere so prinesle toliko i-menitnega peciva, prav iskrena hvala. V blagajno so darovale ses. M. Paulin, K. Plemel, A. Videnšek, M. Rolih, A. Kokalj. Vsaki posebej is- krena hvala. Naša dolgoletna vestna ses. Katie Plemel, se je preselila v novi dom, kjer ji želimo vse najboljše. Pridite vse na prihodnjo sejo in skušajmo pridobiti kaj novih članic. Iskrene pozdrave vsem. Ella Starin Št. 42, Maple Hts., O. — Prodaja peciva, katero smo imeli 21. novembra, je bila uspešna, zakar velja najlepša hvala vsem članicam, ki so pekle, ali pa darovale v gotovini. Največ zahvale pa smo dolžne naši zapisnikarici in oskrbnici Narodnega Doma, Mollie Lipnos, za ves njen trud, ker največ izkupička naredimo z njeno pomočjo. Hvala Molly! Vse članice smo ponosne na našo Mrs. Mary Prhne, ki je za njen 91 rojstni dan prejela čestitke od predsednika Nixona. V imenu podružnice, Vam čestitamo in želimo, da bi Vas Bog ohranil pri zdravju še mnogo let. Vsem članicam, ki boste slavila rojstne dneve ta mesec, želim zdravja in zadovoljstva. Zdravo in srečno Novo leto želim vsem članicam ter Glavnemu odboru. Vaša, Antonija Kastelic Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Po vročem poletju, se nam je kar hitro približala starka zima, katera pa ni nič prijetna za nas starejše. Naše seje so bolj slabo obiskane, ker je veliko članic bolehnih. Članica Josephine Toplikar je srečno prestala operacijo še na drugem očesu, kar nas vse veseli. Žal jo muči artritis, tako da ne more priti na seje. Mary Majerle se je tudi morala podati v bolnišnico, tudi za njo smo vesele, da se ji je zdravje izboljšalo. Članica Mary Gergič je bila na obisku v New Yorku pri hčerki Dolores in družini, kjer so dobili četrto hčerko novorojenko. Naše čestitke vsem skupaj. V oktobru se je poročil Richard Sambol, sin naše članice Genevieve Sambol z Miss Kathy Delison. Želimo jima obilo sreče v novem stanu. Richard je vnuk naše pokojne Mrs. Terezije Cvitkovič, ustanoviteljice naše podružnice. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki so kupili knjigo FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA. Prodala sem jih 49 vseh sku- paj In me veseli, ko mi nekateri tukaj rojeni povedo, da se jim zelo dopade in da jih močno zanima čitati o deželi in o narodu odkoder so prišli njihovi starši. Tudi več starejših rojakov se je prav pohvalno izrazilo o tej knjigi. Naša podpresednica Anna Perešič, je pa prodala dosti kuharskih knjig in tudi pesmaric, katerih še ima nekaj na rokah. V oktobru je umrla dolgoletna dobra župljanka sv. Družine, Miss Mary Šneler. Zapušča dve sestre in brata ter več ožjih sorodnikov. Iskreno sožalje vsem, a pokojni naj sveti večna luč. Končno pa voščim srečno Novo leto vsem glavnim odbornicam in članicam Zveze. Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 68, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. — Zopet se želim oglasti v naši priljubljeni Zarji. Vse rade beremo dopise od drugih podružnic, zato vem, da bodo druge rade brale novice od naše podr. Naša zadnja seja se nam je nekoliko dolgo raztegnila, razpravljale smo o več važnih stvareh, posebno kako bomo obhajale Božičnico, o kateri bom poročala drugič. Predsednica je prejela podobice od Marije Pomagaj in vsaka izmed nas je kupila eno polo, drugo bomo pa skušale prodati drugim članicam, ki niso bile na seji. S tem bomo pomagale naši slovenski kapeli v Wash-ingtonski katedrali. Želim si, da bom tisti dan tudi jaz poromala k blagosloviti te lepe kapele. Ne morem prezreti tudi novice, da sta moj brat John Zalar in žena dne 28. novembra slavila visoko 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Veliko sorodnikov in prijateljev je prišlo čestitati In smo se veselili v pozno noč. Preko naše Zarje se bolje spoznamo z dopisniki. Odkrito povem, da jaz rada berem dopise od ses. Frances Kranjc. Le še piši, kajti jaz se spominjam, ko si nas obiskala v Fairpor-tu, ker z mojim prvim možem sta skupaj hodila z šolo v Grahovem v Sloveniji. Želim, da bi se kar dobro počutila v tistem zavetišču. Da pa boš vedela kdo sem jaz, naj omenim, da je bilo ime mojega prvega moža, Toni Lunka. Sprejmi lep pozdrav. Želim vsem čitateljem Zarje mnogo sreče in blagoslova v Novem letu. Angela Godec, poročevalka .&• iŠraŽ« jr. JS?. j :£■ SEASON’S GREETINGS! BIWABIK STATE BANK Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. BIWABIK, Minnesota Mrs. Louise Nisen, President Mrs. Mary Lushine Chernowskl, Exec. Vice- President and Cashier HAPPY NEW YEAR! FRANCES BEAUTY SHOPPE 418 Jones St. Ph. SH 1-8180 EVELETH, Minnesota "If your hair is not becoming to you You should be coming to us!” Happy New Year To All Our Juniors! —-— ---------------------------------------------- — ( M ROYS AND GIRLS! Christianity in the early centuries was made more appealing to the pagans when the pagans were allowed to bring into their new faith many of their pagan amusements and pastimes and festival days. The celebration of New Years is centuries old. The Germans had two-month seasons, Summer and Winter. Winter began about the middle of November depending upon the frozen ground, the frequency of snowfalls and lack of food in the pasturelands for cattle, horses and sheep. At the close of the 6th century New Years was made a fixed date with the death of St. Martin on November 11th. This celebration of Martinmas quickly spread into other countries, as Gaul and Britain. The Romans meanwhile by order of Emperor Numa celebrated New Years on the 1st of January. The first month was called Janarius in honor of Janus, the diety supposed to preside over the open door and thus be interested in the opening of the new year. This god is a man with two faces, one looking backward and the other forward, thus standing between the past and future years. With the Roman invasion the Germans adopted Roman Festive occasions. With the Julian and Gregorian calendars all observances of Martinmas gradually were transferred to the first of January. The day was celebrated with eating, drinking, gift-giving and hospitality, which activities continue throughout the world today. In America, the biggest, gayest party of the year is usually planned for New Year’s Eve. And at twelve o’clock besides the many noises, bells can be heard. Charles Lamb said: “Of all sounds of all bells the most solemn and touching is the peal which rings out the old year.” In the United States two spectacular events take place on New Years Day, the Tournament of Roses and the Mummer’s Parade. The Tournament of Roses in Pasadena, California had a humble be ginning on January 1, 1886. Carriages and buggies were decorated with real flowers and driven through the streets on their way to view various athletic events. Today, the only athletic event held is the Rose Bowl, the greatest football game of the season. A beautiful queen leads a procession of fantastic floats covered with flowers carrying out one central idea. Many bands provide a mood of gaiety and celebration. The parade is sponsored by the Tournament of Roses Association and sweepstakes are offered to cities producing the most beautiful or spec- tacular floats, which run into thousands of dollars. The Mummer’s Parade in Philadelphia is a ten-hour spectacle. Originated in England and introduced here by Swedish immigrants the men welcomed the New Year by dressing in grotesque outfits and roaming around towns and countrysides in gay bands creating fun for their neighbors and townspeople. Today, the parade is led by King Momus, dressed in gleaming satin ornamented with embroidery set off by sparkling sequins and bangles. He is attended by startling mummers or maskers in costumes of wild animals or of outlaws such as Robin Hood and his men. Some are in gay attire of high, plumed headdresses made of pasteboard and covered with flowers, baubles and colored streamers. The entertainers wear dresses of figured material with many highly colored ribbons, pointed breeches, gaudy hose, shoulder knots and sashes—they are the musicians and dancers. Throughout the parade string bands decorated with colorful plumes, march to the traditional banjo rhythms. No women are allowed in the parade, however, men impersonate women in colorful events. Each group of businessmen and private clubs choose their own subject for costumes and floats, so there is no central idea in the parade. Some individuals dress as comics to amuse the crowd—such as clowns, young boys dressed as girls or even babies. Everything becomes topsy-turvy, with much shrieking of sirens, blowing of horns, peels of laughter and ringing of bells. The Mummers’ Parade extends over a four-mile route and ends in front of the Judges’ Stand in front of City Hall. The business houses in Philadelphia contribute generously for prizes, which total thousands of dollars. It is estimated a million dollars is spent each year on costumes and floats, bringing about prosperity and pride in the city. With the New Year preparations and celebrations come also resolutions and wishes for a happy year. From George Webster Douglas comes this wish: "What shall I ask for thee this New Year? Health, wealth, prosperity, good cheer. All sunshine—not a cloud or tear? Nay! only this: That God may lead thee His own way, That He may choose thy path each day. That thou mayest feel Him near always, For this is bliss! Your Friend REGINA NEW YEAR’S DAY ‘Full knee-deep lies the winter snow,; And the winter winds are wearily sighing! Toll ye the church bells sad and slow. And tread softly and speak low. For the old year lies a-dying. “ . . . And let him in That standeth there alone, And waiteth at the door. 'I’he re’s a new foot on the floor. my friend, And a new face at the door, my friend, A new face at the door.” —Tennyson LOSER A gaunt, hungry-looking panhandler egded up to a plump and well-dressed matron. "Ma’am,” he said, “I haven’t eaten in four days.” “For goodness sakes,” she said admiringly, “I wish I had your will power!” The clanging of the garbbage cans awakened the family. The housewife suddently remembered she had forgotten to put out the previous night’s garbage. With her hair in curlers, her face shiny with various creams and lotions, she leaned out the window and called, “Am I too late for the garbage?” The collector took one look. “Not at all, lady, op in.” There once was a lonesome lorn spinster, And luck had for years been ag’inst ’er; When a man came to burgle, She shrieked with a gurgle, "Stop, thief, while I call in a min’ster!” STAGE PROPS One clever lady keeps her hat and coat draped across a living room chair all the time. “It’s for unexpected visitors,” she explained. “When someone I don’t care for drops in, I point to the hat and coat and say ‘Whata shame—I am just on my way out.’ But if it’s someone I enjoy, I can say: ‘How lucky—I just got home in time!” FRANC CORSE % STUDIA SLOVENICA P 0 BOX <;3ii PAT R© mZ E»00© U R AFELY ^4?If 6 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. 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