NEW LOCALITY AND SITES OF PULMONARIA AUSTRALIS IN THE TRIGLAV MOUNTAINS (THE JULIAN ALPS, NW SLOVENIA) NOVO NAHAJALIŠČE IN RASTIŠČA VRSTE PULMONARIA AUSTRALIS V TRIGLAVSKEM POGORJU (JULIJSKE ALPE, SLOVENIJA) Igor DAKSKOBLER1 & Branko ZUPAN2 ABSTRACT UDC 581.9(234.323.6:49Z4):582.901 New locality and sites of Pulmonaria australis in the Triglav Mountains (the Julian Alps, NW Slovenia) The paper describes a new locality and sites of Pulmu-naria australis in the Triglav Mountains under the peak Spodnja Brda on the northern edge of the Pokljuka plateau. Pulmonaria australis is a new species in the flora of both the Triglav National Park and the eastern Julian Alps. This locality is very different from its other known localities in Slovenia in terms of its elevation belt (almost 1800 m a.s.l.) and its sites (stony grassland on an overgrown scree slope with dominating species of the class Elyno-Seslerietea); it is, however, similar to some Pulmonaria australis sites in other Alpine regions, such as South Tyrol in N Italy. Key words: phytogeography, phytosociology, Pulmonaria australis, Julian Alps, Triglav National Park, northwestern Slovenia IZVLEČEK UDK 581.9(234.323.6:49Z4):582.901 Novo nahajališče in rastišča vrste Pulmonaria australis v Triglavskem pogorju (Julijske Alpe, Slovenija) Opisujemo novo nahajališče in rastišča vrste Pulmuna-ria australis v Triglavskem pogorju, pod vzpetino Spodnja Brda na severnem robu Pokljuke. To je novost za floro Triglavskega narodnega parka in vzhodnih Julijskih Alp. Po višinskem pasu uspevanja (skoraj 1800 m nm. v.) in rastiščih (kamnito travišče na poraslem melišču s prevladujočimi vrstami razreda Elyno-Seslerietea) se to nahajališče precej razlikuje od njenih drugih znanih nahajališč v Sloveniji, podobno pa je nekaterim njenim nahajališčem v drugih alpskih pokrajinah, na primer na Južnem Tirolskem v severni Italiji. Ključne besede: fitogeografija, fitocenologija, Pulmonaria australis, Julijske Alpe, Triglavski narodni park, severozahodna Slovenija 1 Dr., the Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Regional research unit, Brunov drevored 13, SI-5220 Tolmin, 2 Savica 6, SI-4264 Bohinjska Bistrica FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 54/2, 25-36, LJUBLJANA 2013 1 INTRODUCTION Pulmonaria australis is an Alpine-Illyrian species, a character species of thermophilous forest edges and tall herbs on nutrient-poor sites from the class Trifo-lio-Gerenietea. In the Alps, it occurs in the montane and subalpine belt, rarely also in the colline and even in the alpine belt on calcareous, mixed calcareous-silicate, rarely also on silicate bedrock, on neutral to alkaline dry soils (Aeschimann et al. 2004: 74). Its sites in Slovenia include dry meadows, shrubs and light-filled woods from lowland to the montane belt, with certainty mainly in the sub-Mediterranean and Dinaric phytogeographical regions (Jogan 2007: 538). Its distribution in Slovenia has not yet been fully researched. In the past, there was no differentiation between the similar taxa Pulmonaria angustifolia and P. australis (the first description of the latter dates back to 1975 - Sauer 1975), with both determined as P. angustifolia. For Pulmonaria angustifolia, Horvatic & Tomažič (1939: 82) list localities beyond the Javornik hills, in the Notranjska and Gorica regions (citing Paulin), scattered and rare localities in the Podravje region around Radgona, near Slovenj Gradec and Celje (Sv. Miklavž) - the source for these localities is Hayek. They report its find on the southern margins of Mt. Begunjščica by R. Justin (herbarium), but this specimen is currently not held in LJU (Bačič, in litt.). As a new locality they mention the Polhograjsko hribovje hills (to the south of Grmada, north and south from Goljak). Jogan (ibid.) is of the opinion that Pul- monaria angustifolia most likely occurs only in eastern Slovenia. Jogan et al. (2001: 305) published only the distribution map for the species aggregate Pulmonaria angustifolia agg., but without any marked localities in the Alps (not even Justin's locality under Mt. Begunjščica). Without a thorough revision of herbarium material it is therefore impossible to give a detailed presentation of the distribution of Pulmonaria australis in Slovenia. According to our information it is generally distributed in the Central Soča Valley, but is frequent also in Karst (see also Zupančič & Žagar 2006) and Istria (including the Italian part of the Gorica and Trieste Karst - Poldini 2009: 436). In the foothills of the Julian Alps it was found on the Hlevnik ridge and under the neighbouring Kolovrat ridge (9848/1) - Dakskobler (1998), as well as on the southern slopes of Mt. Matajur above Jevšček, at the elevation of 940 m (Dakskobler 2005, Table 2, releve No. 13). It is more frequent in the foothills of the Italian part of the Julian Alps (the ridge of Stol, Monte Musi/ Muzci, Resia, the Raccolana Valley) - Poldini 2002: 394, Gobbo & Poldini 2005: 183). We find Branko Zupan's discovery in the Triglav Mts., at the elevation of almost 1800 m and in completely different communities than those known until then, surprising and worthy of detailed presentation. We therefore present the new locality and compare its site with other sites known so far in the southern foothills of the Julian Alps. 2 METHODS Floristic records and phytosociological releves were made according to the established Central European methods (Ehrendorfer & Hamann 1965, Braun-Blanquet 1964) and entered into the FloVegSi database (T. Seliškar, Vreš & A. Seliškar 2003). Combined cover-abundance values were transformed into numerical values 1-9 (van der Maarel 1979). Three releves were mutually compared by means of hierarchical classification using the software package SYNTAX 2000 (Podani 2001). We selected the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) and used Wishart's similarity ratio. In the determination of Pulmonaria australis we used the determination keys from the Mala flora Slovenije (Jogan 2007) and from the Austrian Excursion Flora (Fischer et al. 2008) as well as descriptions in Merxmüller & Sauer (1973) and Sauer (1975). The nomenclature source for the names of vascular plants is the Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al. 2007). Martinčič (2003, 2011) is the nomenclature source for the names of mosses. The nomenclature sources for the names of syntaxa are Theurillat (2004) and Šilc & Čarni (2012). The source for the names of soil types are Urbančič et al. (2005). The climatic data are cited from J. Pristov, N. Pristov & B. Zupančič (1998), B. Zupančič (1998) and Cegnar (1998), and the data on geological bedrock from Jurkovšek (1987 a,b). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Description of the new locality of Pulmonaria australis in the Julian Alps 9649/2 (UTM 33TVM13): Slovenia, the Julian Alps, Triglav Mts., northern edge of Pokljuka, Lipanca pasture above the path towards Klek pasture under Brda pasture or the peak Spodnja Brda, Triassic limestone and talus scree, stony grassland on an overgrown scree slope under a rock step, lithosol and rendzina,1760 m - 1780 m a.s.l. Leg. B. Zupan & P. Strgar, 29. 5. 2012 and 22. 7. 2013; leg. & det. B. Zupan & I. Dakskobler, 1.8. 2013, herbarium LJS. Pulmonaria australis was found in an area totalling about 10 acres (Figure 1). It grows on an overgrown scree slope under a rock step, in communities Figure 1: Localities of Pulmonaria australis under the peak Spodnja Brda in the Triglav Mountains Slika 1: Nahajališča vrste Pulmonaria australis pod vzpetino Spodnja Brda v Triglavskem pogorju whose species composition is presented in Table 1. Localities are still in the forest belt, in the belt of open larch-spruce forest classified into the syntaxa Ade-nostylo glabrae-Piceetum laricetosum and Rhodotha-mno-Laricetum. In places, on more extreme sites, dwarf pine stands with larch (Rhododendro hirsuti-Pi-netum mugo laricetosum = Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugo laricetosum) occur. Rock walls, gravelly gullies and depressions where snow from avalanches accumulates each year are not covered with forests. Fragments of green alder (Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis) and single shrubs of Rhamnus fallax were spotted in moist gullies. Slopes face the northeast, east and partly the southeast. The floristic composition of overgrown screes indicates a certain similarity with the stands of the associations Astrantio carniolicae-Adenostyletum glabrae, Caricetum ferruginei s. lat., Rhodothamno--Rhododendretum hirsuti and Ranunculo hybridi-Cari-cetum sempervirentis. Releves were adapted to the occurrence of Pulmonaria australis and therefore do not represent stands typical for said communities, but indicate syndynamic transitions between them. In terms of proportion they are dominated by diagnostic species of subalpine-alpine grasslands from the class Elyno-Seslerietea, tall herbs and shrubs from the classes Mulgedio-Aconitetea and Betulo-Alnetea, scree species from the class Thlaspietea rotundifolii and pine and spruce forest species from the classes Erico-Pinetea and Vaccinio-Piceetea. The only diagnostic species of the class Trifolio-Geranietea is Pulmonaria australis (Table 2). Under the peak Spodnja Brda on the northern edge of the Pokljuka plateau it grows on shallow initial soil, in stony subalpine grasslands in the belt of larch-spruce forest that continues into dwarf pine on steeper slopes. The climate is montane, with mean annual temperature of 2 °C - 4 °C and mean annual precipitation between 2000 mm and 2500 mm. 3.2 Comparison of sites of Pulmonaria australis in the Triglav Mountains with sites in the southern foothills of the Julian Alps In the southern foothills of the Julian Alps, Pulmonaria australis was most frequently recorded on dry to mesic moist grasslands on mixed geological bedrock (limestone and marlstone, limestone, marlstone, chert, flysch) and on relatively deep soils (brown calcareous soils and Eutric brown soils). 26 releves of dry and semi-dry grasslands (mainly of the order Scorzonero villosae-Chrysopogonetalia grylli and the alliance Scor- zonerion villosae, some of which have already been published - Dakskobler 2005) from the foothills of Matajur, from Kanalski Kolovrat, Korada and Banjšice were selected for the purpose of comparison of floristic composition. These releves comprise very few, a total of 13 species growing in the stands in the Triglav Mountains. In addition to Pulmonaria australis these species include Anemone nemorosa, Buphthalmum sa-licifolium, Carlina acaulis, Erica carnea, Hypericum maculatum, Knautia drymeia, Listera ovata, Lotus cor-niculatus s. lat., Salix appendciculata, Solidago virgau-rea, Ranunculus nemorosus agg. and Betonica alopecu- rus. Floristic similarity of the three releves from the Triglav Mts. with 26 releves from the southern margins of the Julian Alps according to S0rensen (1948) is only 7%. On the northern edge of Pokljuka, Pulmonaria australis grows in very different site conditions and within very different communities than known in Slovenia so far. This, however, does not refer to its sites elsewhere in the Alps. In South Tyrol in northern Italy it is characteristic for dry grasslands in open larch forests and can grow as high as 2000 m a.s.l. (Wilhalm, in litt.), in conditions that at least slightly resemble those on the newly described site. 4 CONCLUSIONS Pulmonaria australis is an Alpine-Illyrian species from the aggregate species Pulmonaria angustifolia agg., which has not been fully researched with certainty as of yet (Fischer et al. 2008). The same applies to its distribution in Slovenia (Jogan 2007), where it is frequent in the Primorska region and partly also in the Notranjska region, in the pre-Alpine, sub-Mediterranean and Dinaric phytogeographical regions. Its occurrence in other Slovenian regions is still to be verified. The new locality described in the Triglav Mts. is new both to the flora of the Triglav National Park and to the eastern part of the Julian Alps. In terms of its elevation belt and sites it is very different from other localities described so far in Slovenia. The exception are some of its sites in other Alpine regions (Aeschi-mann et al., ibid, Wilhalm, in litt.). As it is very inconspicuous in the summer and often covered by other plants it is likely to grow on other sites on the northern edge of Pokljuka, under the ridge Mrežce-Brda-Deb-ela Peč-Klečica. On the sites known to us in the Primorska region it most often grows in communities from the classes Trifolio-Geranietea, Festuco-Brometea and Querco-Fagetea, which do not usually grow on elevations of 1700 m or higher. Its phytosociological amplitude obviously exceeds the elevation belt of communities from the class Trifolio-Geranietea, so it is only conditionally diagnostic for this class. 5 POVZETEK 5.1 Uvod Pulmonaria australis je alpsko-ilirska vrsta, značilnica združb termofilnih gozdnih robov in visokih steblik na s hranili siromašnih rastiščih iz razreda Trifolio-Ge-renietea. V Alpah uspeva v montanskem in subalpin-skem pasu, redkeje tudi v kolinskem in celo alpinskem pasu na karbonatni, mešani karbonatno-silikatni in redko tudi na silikatni podlagi, na nevtralnih do bazičnih suhih tleh (Aeschimann et al. 2004: 74). V Sloveniji so njena rastišča suhi travniki, grmovna mesta in svetli gozdovi od nižine do montanskega pasu, zanesljivo predvsem v submediteranskem in dinarskem fitogeografskem območju (Jogan 2007: 538). Njena celotna razširjenost v Sloveniji je še slabo raziskana. V preteklosti niso razlikovali med podobnima taksonoma Pulmonaria angustifolia in P. australis (slednji je bil opisan šele leta 1975 - Sauer 1975) in so oba določali kot vrsto P. angustifolia. Horvatic & Tomažič (1939: 82) tako za vrsto Pulmonaria angusti-folia naštevata nahajališča onstran Javornikov na Notranjskem in Goriškem (tu povzemata Paulina), raztresena in redka nahajališča v Podravju okoli Radgone, pri Slovenj Gradcu in Celju (Sv. Miklavž) - tu povzemata Hayeka. Na južnih obronkih Begunjščice naj bi jo našel R. Justin (herbarij) - v LJU žal tega primerka zdaj nimajo (Bačič, in litt.), kot novo nahajališče pa navajata Polhograjsko hribovje (južno od Grmade, severno in južno od Goljaka). Jogan (ibid.) meni, da vrsta Pulmonaria angustifolia najverjetneje uspeva le v vzhodni Sloveniji. Jogan et al. (2001: 305) so objavili le arealno karto za skupno vrsto Pulmonaria angustifolia agg., v njej pa ni označeno nobeno nahajališče v Alpah (tudi ne Justinovo nahajališče pod Begunjščico). Brez podrobne revizije herbarijskega gradiva torej za zdaj ne moremo prikazati natančne razširjenosti vrste Pulmonaria australis v Sloveniji. Po naših podatkih je splošno razširjena v Srednjem Posočju, pogosta tudi na Krasu (glej tudi Zupančič & Žagar 2006) in v Istri (to velja tudi za italijanski del goriškega in tržaškega Krasa - Poldini 2009: 436). V prigorju Julijskih Alp smo jo našli na grebenu Hlevni-ka in pod sosednjim grebenom Kolovrata (9848/1) -Dakskobler (1998) in na južnih pobočjih Matajurja nad Jevščkom, na nadmorski višini 940 m (Dakskobler 2005, tabela 2, popis št. 13). Pogostejša je v prigorju italijanskega dela Julijskih Alp (Stolov greben, Muzci, Rezija, Reklanska dolina) - Poldini 2002: 394, Gobbo & Poldini 2005: 183). Najdba starejšega od naju, Branka Zupana, v Triglavskem pogorju, na nadmorski višini skoraj 1800 m, in v povsem drugačnih združbah, kot smo jo poznali doslej, se nam zdi presenetljiva in vredna, da novo nahajališče podrobneje predstavimo in primerjamo njeno rastišče s drugimi do zdaj znanimi rastišči v južnem prigorju Julijskih Alp. 5.2 Metode Floristične in fitocenološke popise smo naredili po ustaljenih srednjeevropskih metodah (Ehrendorfer & Hamann 1965, Braun-Blanquet 1964) in jih vnesli v bazo podatkov FloVegSi (T. Seliškar, Vreš & A. Seliškar 2003). Kombinirane ocene zastiranja in obilnosti smo pretvorili v števila od 1 do 9 (van der Maarel 1979). Tri fitocenološke popise smo med seboj primerjali s hierahično klasifikacijo in pri tem uporabili programski paket SYN-TAX 2000 (Podani 2001). Izbrali smo metodo kopičenja na podlagi povezovanja (netehtanih) srednjih razdalj (UPGMA) in kot količnik različnosti uporabili Wishartov koeficient similarity ratio. Pri določanju vrste Pulmonaria asutralis smo uporabili določevalna ključa v Mali flori Slovenije (Jogan 2007) in avstrijski ekskurzijski flori (Fischer et al. 2008) kot tudi opisa v Merxmül-ler & Sauer (1973) in Sauer (1975). Nomenklaturni vir za imena praprotnic in semenk je Mala flora Slovenije (Martinčič et al. 2007). Martinčič (2003, 2011) je nomenklaturni vir za imena mahov. Nomenklaturni vir za imena sintaksonov so Theurillat (2004) in Šilc & Čarni (2012). Vir za imenovanje talnih tipov so Urbančič et al. (2005). Podnebne podatke povzemamo po J. Pristov, N. Pristov & B. Zupančič (1998), B. Zupančič (1998) in Cegnar (1998), podatke o geološki podlagi pa po Jurkovšek (1987 a, b). 5.3 Rezultati in razprava 5. 3.1 Oznaka novega nahajališča vrste Pulmonaria au-stralis v Julijskih Alpah 9649/2 (UTM 33TVM13): Slovenija, Julijske Alpe, Triglavsko pogorje, severni rob Pokljuke, pl. Li-panca, nad potjo proti pl. Klek, pod pl. Brda oz. vzpetino Spodnja Brda, triasni apnenec in pobočni grušč, kamnito travišče na poraslem melišču pod skalno stopnjo, litosol in rendzina, 1760 m do 1780 m nm. v. Leg. B. Zupan & P. Strgar, 29. 5. 2012 in 22. 7. 2013; leg. & det. B. Zupan & I. Dakskobler, 1. 8. 2013, herbarij LJS. Vrsto Pulmonaria australis smo opazili na skupni površini okoli 10 arov. Raste na poraslem melišču pod skalno stopnjo, v združbah, katerih vrstno sestavo prikazuje preglednica 1. Nahajališča so še v gozdnem pasu in sicer v pasu vrzelastega macesnovo-smrekovega gozda, ki ga uvrščamo v sintaksona Adenostylo glabrae--Piceetum laricetosum in Rhodothamno-Laricetum. Na bolj skrajnih rastiščih ponekod uspeva ruševje z macesnom (Rhododendro hirsuti-Pinetum mugo laricetosum = Rhodothamno-Pinetum mugu laricetosum). Z gozdom neporasli so stene ter gruščnati žlebovi in kotanje, kjer se vsako leto kopičijo snežni plazovi. V vlažnih žlebovih smo opazili tudi fragmente zelenega jelševja (Rhododendro hirsuti-Alnetum viridis) in posemezne grme kranjske krhlike (Rhamnus fallax). Pobočja so obrnjena proti severovzhodu, vzhodu in deloma jugovzhodu. Floristična sestava poraslih melišč kaže določeno podobnost s sestoji asociacij Astrantio carniolicae-Ade-nostyletum glabrae, Caricetum ferruginei s. lat., Rhodot-hamno-Rhododendretum hirsuti in Ranunculo hybridi--Caricetum sempervirentis. Fitocenološke popise smo prilagodili prisotnosti vrste Pulmonaria australis in zato ne predstavljajo za omenjene združbe tipičnih sestojev, temveč kažejo na sindinamske prehode med njimi. V njih po deležu prevladujejo vrste subalpinsko-alpinskih travišč iz razreda Elvino-Seslerietea, vrste visokih steblik in grmišč iz razredov Mulgedio-Aconitetea in Betulo-Alnetea, vrste melišč iz razreda Thlaspietea rotundifolii ter vrste borovih in smrekovih gozdov iz razredov Erico-Pinetea in Vaccinio-Piceetea. Edina diagnostična vrsta razreda Trifolio-Geranietea je Pulmonaria australis (preglednica 2). Pod vzpetino Spodnja Brda na severnem robu Pokljuke ta vrsta torej raste na plitvih, inicialnih tleh, v subalpinskih kamnitih traviščih v pasu macesnovo-smrekovega gozda, ki v strminah prehaja v ruševje. Podnebje je gorsko, s povprečno letno temperature 2 °C - 4 °C in povprečno letno množino padavin med 2000 mm in 2500 mm. 5.3.2 Primejava rastišč vrste Pulmonaria australis v Triglavskem pogorju z rastišči v južnem prigorju Julijskih Alp V južnem prigorju Julijskih Alp smo vrsto Pulmonaria australis največkrat popisali na suhih do zmerno vlažnih traviščih na mešani geološki podlagi (apnenec in laporovec, apnenec, laporovec, roženec, fliš) in na razmeroma globolkih tleh (rjava pokarbonatna in evtrična rjava tla). Za primerjavo floristične sestave smo izbrali 26 popisov suhih in polsuhih travišč (večinoma priopadajo redu Scorzonero villosae-Chryso-pogonetalia grylli in zvezi Scorzonerion villosae, nekateri so bili že objavljeni - Dakskobler 2005) iz prigorja Matajurja, s Kanalskega Kolovrata, Korade in Banjšič. V teh popisih je zelo malo vrst, ki uspevajo tudi v sestojih v Triglavskem pogorju, skupno 13. Poleg vrste Pulmonaria australis so to še vrste Anemone nemorosa, Buphthalmum salicifolium, Carlina acaulis, Erica car-nea, Hypericum maculatum, Knautia drymeia, Listera ovata, Lotus corniculatus s. lat., Salix appendciculata, Solidago virgaurea, Ranunculus nemorosus agg. in Be-tonica alopecurus. Floristična podobnost treh popisov iz Triglavskega pogorja s 26 popisi iz južnega obrobja Julijskih Alp po S0rensenu (1948) je le 7 %. Vrsta Pulmonaria australis na severnem robu Pokljuke uspeva v precej drugačnih rastiščnih razmerah in v precej drugačnih združbah, kot smo jo poznali doslej v Sloveniji. To pa ne velja za njena rastišča drugod v Alpah. Na Južnem Tirolskem v Severni Italiji je ta vrsta tipična za suha rastišča v vrzelastih macesnovih gozdovih in raste tudi na nadmorski višini več kot 2000 m (Wilhalm, in litt.), torej vsaj v nekoliko podobnih razmerah kot na opisanem novem nahajališču. 5.4 Zaključki Pulmonaria australis je alpsko-ilirska vrsta iz agregata Pulmonaria angustifolia agg., ki še ni povsem zanesljivo raziskana (Fischer et al. 2008). Enako velja za njeno razširjenost v Sloveniji (Jogan 2007), kjer je pogosta na Primorskem in deloma Notranjskem, v predalpskem, submediteransekm in dinarskem fitogeo-grafskek območju. Njeno pojavljanje v drugih slovenskih pokrajinah je treba še preveriti. Novo opisano nahajališče v Triglavskem pogorju je novost za floro Triglavskega narodnega parka in vzhodnega dela Julijskih Alp. Po višinskem pasu uspevanja in rastiščih se zelo razlikuje od doslej znanih ostalih nahajališč v Sloveniji. Ta ugotovitev pa ne velja za nekatera njena nahajališča v drugih alpskih pokrajinah (Aeschi-mann et al., ibid, Wilhalm, in litt.). Verjetno na severnem robu Pokljuke, pod grebenom Mrežce-Brda-Debela peč-Klečica uspeva še kje, saj je v poletnem času razmeroma slabo opazna in jo zakrijejo druge rastline. Na nam znanih nahajališčih na Primorskem največkrat raste v združbah iz razredov Trifolio-Gera-nietea, Festuco-Brometea in Querco-Fagetea. Združbe iz teh treh razredov navadno ne uspevajo na nadmorski višini 1700 m in več. Očitno njena fitocenološka amplitude presega višinski pas uspevanja združb iz razreda Trifolio-Geranietea in je za ta razred diagnostična le pogojno. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - ZAHVALA The information on the sites of Pulmonaria australis in South Tyrol was kindly provided to us by Dr. Thomas Wilhalm (Bozen / Bolzano) and the information on the herbarium sheets for this species in LJU by Doc. Dr. Tinka Bačič. We are grateful to Academician Dr. Mitja Zupančič, Prof. Dr. Nejc Jogan and Doc. Dr. Božo Frajman for their valuable advice and to Peter Strgar for his photographs and for accompanying us in the field. Iztok Sajko prepared Figure 1 for print. English translation by Andreja Šalamon Verbič. REFERENCES - LITERATURA Aeschimann, d., k. Lauber, D. M. Moser & J.-P. Theurillat, 2004 b: Flora alpina. Bd. 2: Gentianaceae-Orchi- daceae. Haupt Verlag, Bern, Stuttgart, Wien. Braun-Blanquet, J., 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. 3. Auflage. Springer, Wien -New York. Cegnar. T, 1998: Temperatura zraka. In: Fridl, J., D. Kladnik, M. Orožen Adamič & D. Perko: Geografski atlas Slovenije. Država v prostoru in času. Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, pp. 100-101. Dakskobler, I. 1998: Pulmonaria australis. V: Jogan, N. (ed.): Nova nahajališča - New localities. Hladnikia (Ljubljana) 10: 63. 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Dakskobler Table 1: Communities with Pulmonaria australis in the Triglav Mountinas (the Julian Alps) Table 1: Združbe z vrsto Pulmonaria australis v Triglavskem pogorju (Julijske Alpe) Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) Database number of releve (Delovna številka popisa) Elevation in m (Nadmorska višina v m) Aspect (Lega) Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) Parent material (Matična podlaga) Soil (Tla) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) Cover in % (Zastiranje v %) : Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) Number of species (Število vrst) Releve area (Velikost popisne ploskve) Date of taking releve (Datum popisa) Locality (Nahajališče) Quadrant (Kvadrant) Coordinate GK Y (D-48) Coordinate GK X (D-48) CF Caricion ferrugineae Carex ferruginea CA Caricion austroalpinae Laserpitium peucedanoides Heracleum austriacum subsp. siifolium Festuca calva ES Elyno-Seslerietea Betonica alopecuros Helianthemum grandiflorum Campanula witasekiana Myosotis alpestris Euphrasia picta Phyteuma orbiculare Heliosperma alpestre Sesleria caerulea Thymus praecox subsp. polytrichus Achillea clavenae Galium anisophyllum Pulsatilla alpina subsp. austroalpina SCf Parnassia palustris Leucanthemum adustum Acinos alpinus Aster bellidiastrum Cerastium strictum Helictotrichon parlatorei Lotus alpinus Polygonum viviparum Scabiosa lucida subsp. stricta FB Carlina acaulis Thesium alpinum MuA Mulgedio-Aconitetea Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. ranunculifolium Geranium sylvaticum Hypericum maculatum Carduus carduelis Chaerophyllum hirsutum Cirsium carniolicum Crepis paludosa Epilobium alpestre Primula elatior Rumex arifolius Saxifraga rotundifolia Silene dioica Silene vulgaris subsp. antelopum BA Betulo-Alnetea Sorbus chamaemespilus Salix appendiculata E1 Salix glabra El 1 2 3 250801 250803 250800 1770 1775 1770 NE NE SEE 35 30 30 A, Gr A, Gr A, Gr R R R 10 10 40 E2 20 40 E1 80 70 60 61 51 40 m2 20 10 20 8/1/2013 8/1/2013 8/1/2013 Lipanca - Brda Lipanca - Brda Lipanca - Brda 9649/2 9649/2 9649/2 m 418312 418326 418306 m 5138208 5138206 5138200 Pr. E1 3 3 + 3 E1 + + + 3 E1 1 + 2 E1 + 1 E1 1 2 1 3 E1 1 1 2 3 E1 + 1 + 3 E1 + + 1 3 E1 + + + 3 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 1 2 2 E1 + 2 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 E1 1 E1 1 E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 + E1 1 1 + 3 E1 1 + + 3 E1 + + + 3 E1 1 + + 3 E1 + + 2 E1 1 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E2a 1 + 2 Number of releve (Zaporedna številka popisa) TR Thlaspietea rotundifolii Astrantia carniolica Adenostyles glabra Festuca nitida Minuartia austriaca Rhodiola rosea Gymnocarpium robertianum Biscutella laevigata Hieracium bifidum Valeriana montana TG Trifolio-Geranietea Pulmonaria australis PaT Poo alpinae-Trisetalia Ranunculus nemorosus Poa alpina EP Erico-Pinetea Rubus saxatilis Buphthalmum salicifolium Rhodothamnus chamaecistus Rhododendron hirsutum Erica carnea Cirsium erisithales Valeriana tripteris Calamagrostis varia Carex ornithopoda VP Vaccinio-Piceetea Luzula sylvatica Homogyne sylvestris Larix decidua Larix decidua Solidago virgaurea Picea abies Vaccinium myrtillus Polystichum lonchitis Clematis alpina FS Fagetalia sylvaticae Daphne mezereum Helleborus niger Knautia drymeia Lilium martagon Melica nutans Mercurialis perennis Paris quadrifolia Dryopteris filix-mas QF Querco-Fagetea Anemone nemorosa Hepatica nobilis Listera ovata AT Asplenietea trichomanis Paederota lutea Asplenium viride Cystopteris fragilis Bupleurum petraeum M Mosses (Mahovi) Marchantia polymorpha 1 2 3 Pr. E1 + + + 3 E1 2 + 2 E1 1 1 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 + 3 E1 + + 2 E1 + 1 E1 1 1 3 E1 1 1 3 E1 + + 3 E2a 1 3 2 E1 2 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 1 1 E1 + 1 E1 1 + 2 E1 + + 2 E2a + 1 E2b + 1 E1 r + 2 E2b + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 1 1 3 E1 + 1 E1 1 2 E1 1 3 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E1 + + 2 E1 + + 2 E1 + 1 E1 + 1 E0 + 1 A Limestone (apnenec) Gr Gravel (grušč) R Rendzina (rendzina) FB Festuco-Brometea SCf Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae Table 2: Groups of diagnostic species in the communities with Pulmonaria australis in the Triglav Mountains Preglednica 2: Skupine diagnostičnih vrst v sestojih z vrsto Pulmonaria australis v Triglavskem pogorju Phytosciological group (Fitocenološka skupina) Elyno-Seslerietea Mulgedio-Aconitetea, Betulo-Alnetea Thlaspietea rotundifolii Trifolio-Geranietea Poo alpinae-Trisetalia Erico-Pinetea Vaccinio-Piceetea Querco-Fagetea Asplenietea trichomanis Mosses (Mahovi) Total (Skupaj) Nr. % 49 35,25 27 19,42 16 11,51 3 2,16 3 2,16 19 13,67 12 8,63 3 2,16 6 4,32 1 0,72 139 100