UDK 669.14.018.538:620.179.11 Izvirni znanstveni članek ISSN 1580-2949 MATER. TEHNOL. 34(6)359(2000) M. GODEC, M. JENKO: PRESENTATION METHODS OF TEXTURES MEASUREMENTS PRESENTATION METHODS OF TEXTURES MEASUREMENTS NAČINI PREDSTAVITVE TEKSTURNIH MERITEV Matjaž Godec, Monika Jenko Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia matjaz.godecŽimt.si Prejem rokopisa - received: 2000-10-25; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2000-11-15 The microstructure of materials is usually described by size coordinates - xyz, reflecting the size, shape and the arrangement of the microstructural elements and by angular coordinates - and cube š100}<001> texture formed in 360 electrical steel during decarburization and recrystalli-zation processes. 2 EXPERIMENTAL Two different electrical steels were produced in the laboratory with the same concentrations of alloying elements, but with different contents of Sn and Sb in order to study the influence of these two elements on texture development. The textures were measured on samples of size 2.5 x 2.5 x 0.5 mm. A detailed description of the experimental procedure is published elsewhere14. The texture was measured using computer-controlled texture diffractometer and MoK? radiation at the Max-Planck Institute for Iron Research in Düsseldorf, Germany. The samples were 0.5 thick and the measured thickness was five times smaller. The samples were electrolytically polished and mounted in a texture goniometer which can rotate in three directions to bring a lattice plane (hkl) into the reflection position for any crystal orientation. The complete ODF functions were calculated from three pole figures (200), (110) and (211). The intensity of the diffracted beam was measured by normal counting methods and normalised to that obtained from a randomly oriented standard specimen. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Macrotexture 3.1.1 Pole figure A pole figure is a stereographic projection which shows the distribution of a particular crystallographic direction in the assembly of grains that constitutes the specimen (Figure 2). The pole figure contains some reference directions that relate to the material e.g. drawing direction (D) in wires or rolling direction (RD) and transverse directions (TD) in rolled sheets. The pole figure can be shown as a number of poles (Figure 3) or as lines of the same pole density (Figure 4). By using a ND RD Figure 2: (a) Family of š001} poles in a cubic crystal projected onto the reference sphere of a stereographic projection (b) Pole figure of one crystal Slika 2: (a) Družina š001} polov v kubičnem kristalu, ki so projecirani na referenčno sfero stereografske projekcije (b) polova figura enega kristala MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 34 (2000) 6 M. GODEC, M. JENKO: PRESENTATION METHODS OF TEXTURES MEASUREMENTS Figure 3: š001} pole figure of electrical steel alloyed with 0.05 %Sb Slika 3: š001} polova figura elektropločevine, legirane z 0,05 %Sb Figure 4: š200} computed pole figures measured on the surface of electrical steel (a) without Sn and (b) with 0.05 %Sn Slika 4: Polovi figuri š200} po računalniški obdelavi, merjeni na površini vzorca elektropločevine (a) brez kositra in (b) z 0,05 %Sn MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 34 (2000) 6 Figure 5: Schematic š200}, š110} and š211} pole figures for steel sheet with idealised textures (a) š100}<001>, (b) š110}<001> in (c) š111}<112> Slika 5: Shematičen prikaz š200}, š110} in š211} polovih figur za pločevino z idealnimi teksturami (a) š100}<001>, (b) š110}<001> in (c) š111}<112> model for idealised pole-figure textures š100}<001>, š110}<001> and š111}<112> shown in Figure 5 some texture information from a real pole figure for electrical steel in Figure 4 can now be obtained. During the recrystallization process the cube texsture increased in the steel alloyed by Sn, partially at the expence of the Goss texture. 3.1.2 Inverse pole figure The inverse pole figure is a single unit triangle of stereographic projection which shows one type of lattice plane normal. The reference axes of the inverse pole figure become the 100, 010 and 001 crystal axes (plane normal). Because the symmetry of the crystal is repeated within an inverse pole figure it is possible to express all the directions (e.g. <100>) with only one unit triangle Figure 6: The inverse pole-figure plots direction in the sample related to fixed crystal directions in a single unit triangle of the stereographic projection Slika 6: Smeri inverzne polove figure v odvisnosti od nekaterih smeri v kristalu. Inverzna polova figura je osnovni trikotnik v stereografski projekciji. 361 M. GODEC, M. JENKO: PRESENTATION METHODS OF TEXTURES MEASUREMENTS Figure 7: Inverse pole figure of the electrical steel alloyed with 0.05 %Sb Slika 7: Inverzna polova figura elektropločevine, legirane z 0,05 %Sb Š010] Figure 9: Definition of the Euler angles Slika 9: Definicija Eulerjevih kotov (Figure 6). The orientation of one crystal is presented with only one dot. An inverse pole figure is used when the orientation relative to aspects of the specimen’s geometry is of particular significance. In Figure 7 an inverse pole figure of the electrical steel alloyed with Sb is shown. Figure 8 shows a single unit stereographic triangle divided into 51 fields marked with the closest Miller indexes12. The comparison of these two images shows that there are nearly no grains which have planes (111) and (110) parallel to the steel sheet surface. On the other hand, there are a lot of grains whose planes (100), (118), (115) and (227) lie parallel to the steel sheet surface. 3.1.3 Orientation distribution function and Euler space The description of texture by pole figures is incomplete. The information provided refers only to the statistical distribution of a single direction. For example, (111) the (100) pole figure only gives us the statistical distribution of the volume share of grains with (100) lattice plane parallel to the sample surface. By introducing the Euler space (Figure 9) with its three angles, q>1Oq>2, the orientation distribution function can be calculated from several pole figures. Due to the very inconvenient presentation of the three-dimensional ODF function, usually only the sections through the Euler space at one fixed angle are used. The method is comparable with computer tomography, only it works in orientation space. Figure 10 shows the sections through the Euler space at the fixed angle q>1 with typical orientations, and Figure 11 shows the texture of the electrical steel alloyed with 0.05 %Sn. The complete ODF function should be presented in three-dimensional space, which demands a very abstract way of thinking. It does, however, the identification of texture fibres and a quantitative description along these fibres. Figure 12 shows the Euler space with marked a, um) \(344) \33.E TD ND 1(345) J i (335) J .1(348) Y 22.5° 16.9° 11.2° 5.6° (001) 45° 90° 135° 180° 225° 270° 31 5° 360° 405° (011) Figure 8: The areas of determined orientations in the unit stereo-graphictriangle Slika 8: Področja posameznih orientacij v osnovnem stereografskem trikotniku / 201 -X™1 (5913)1 (245) ___12 /1(225)Č (236)T(123)LČ» Č-< (133) (257) (41114; /4(227), (238) (124) (258) -""*31 «-""m 46 s \sČ* ČČ13 ČČČt .•"""ČM (2710) (145) (144) (115), (126). (25122. (13ffl (2712) •—'"45 AČ3* (2523}. (2723} (2923) (21021 (1610) 31725 (179) 36 (177) 44 /Č001)1(018) (015) (027) (025) (012) (035) (023) (045) (011) r>ČP Č-B-l> &' 0 0 e $ 0 45° <9 €> O © <9 Ô CU ö LI** 90T ------Cr-Or-Cr- €> 0 o=const ? š001}<100> m šoii} lČ š110}<110> Č) š111}<112> Figure 10: ODF sections showing the location of same orientations Slika 10: ODF-prerezi s prikazi nekaterih orientacij Ti 362 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE 34 (2000) 6 M. GODEC, M. JENKO: PRESENTATION METHODS OF TEXTURES MEASUREMENTS š001} <1I0> š110} š111} š111} š001} š011} <110> <121> <011> <100> <100> Figure 11: ODF sections at constant angle ?1 determined on the surface of electrical steel alloyed with 0.05 %Sn Slika 11: Tekstura elektropločevine, legirane z 0,05 %Sn, prikazana s prerezi skozi ODF pri konstantnem kotu ?1 ? and ? fibres which give some information about Goss, cube and š111} textures. In Figure 13 the fibre texture of electrical steel alloyed with different amounts of Sn is shown. The y axis indicates the orientation density or orientation probability f(g). In the case of a completely isotropic sample, with randomly oriented f(g) f a-fibre x - 0 % Sn = - 0.025 % Sn o - 0.05 % Sn a - 0.1 % Sn f(g) y-fibre f(g) A T] - fibre i L \ / >*% đ č*r"*Vn \Č N/ 90° 60° 75° 90° 0° 15° 30° 45° O —> Figure 13: Quantitative description of a, y and 1} fibre intensity which allows the direct comparison of a certain orientation density, in this case four electrical steels alloyed with different Sn content Slika 13: Kvantitativen prikaz intenzitete vlaken a, y in T). Ta način podajanja teksture omogoča neposredno primerjavo gostote določenih orientacij oziroma primerjavo volumskega deleža določenih orientacij, v tem primeru štirih elektropločevin, legiranih z različnimi vsebnostmi Sn. grains of the same size, f(g) is equal to one. When f(g) is greater than one there are some preferred orientations. An analysis of Figure 13 suggests that Sn promotes the development of Goss and cube texture and decreases the number of grains with š111} texture. The texture analyses was performed in the middle plane of the steel a) *