VPLIV MIKROKLIME NA G R A D I VO Mojca Peiko, Knjižnica Mirana Jarca, Novo mesto UDK 027.53(497.4 N. mesto):025.85 025.85:027.53(497.4 N, mesto) Povzetek Članek govori o poškodbah knjižničnega gradiva zaradi slabih rmkroklimatskih pogojev in neprimernih skladiščnih prostorov v Knjižnici Mirana Jarca. Ugoto- vitve so utemeljene z opravljenimi meritvami mikroklimatskih pogojev (tempre- ratura, vlaga, osvetljenost, hitrost gibanja zraka) na šestnajstih merilnih mestih. Izmerjene parametre sem primerjala s priporočenimi in potrdila predvideno zaskrbljujoče stanje. Največji problem je previsoka relativna vlažnost na vseh merilnih mestih, vključno z izposojevališči. V zaključku je predlagana sanacija, ki je v danih pogojih za knjižnico še sprejemljiva in finančno izvedljiva. UDC 027.53(497.4 N. mesto):025.85 025.85:027.53(497.4 N. mesto) Summary The article discusses the damage on library materials due to bad microclimatic conditions and unsuitable stacks in the Miran Jarc Library. The findings are based on the measurements of microclimatic conditions (temperature, humidity, light- ning, the speed of air flow) on sixteen locations. The measured parameters were compared to the recommended values, and the anticipated alarming conditions were confirmed. The most outstanding problem is relative humidity which is too high on ali measured locations, including at the lending desks. In the conclusion, the improvement of conditions is suggested which at the given moment is stili acceptable and financially possible for the library. PELKO, Mojca. The impact of microclimatic conditions on library materials. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 41(1997)1,81-94