ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 2 REWIEVS / POROČILA, 153-156 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND EXPERT CONFERENCE "CHILD IN MOTION 2014" This year, the eighth International Scientific and Expert Conference "Child in Motion / Movement" was organized by the University of Primorska, Science and Research Centre, Institute for Kinesiology Research IKARUS and the Faculty of Education in collaboration with the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education and the University of Maribor, Faculty of Education. The conference was held from 2nd to 4th October 2014 at the Bernardin Congress Centre. "Kinesiology - the science of movement has an increasingly important role in the modern society as well as a responsibility of promoting an active lifestyle and ensuring a healthy and balanced development of each individual. We can build effective and lasting change only through young people. Children are our future, so it is necessary to start early enough with studying the movement competencies and the related knowledge," said Professor Rado Pišot, Ph.D., the Chair of the Scientific Council Conference. The conference was carried out under the slogan "Kinesiology - the path of health," which highlighted the interdisciplinary approach, typical of this scientific discipline. The aim of the conference was to bring together scientific knowledge and examples of good practice in the field of kinesiology and other scientific disciplines and professional fields, which together contribute significantly to the understanding of the in-terconnectedness of physical activity and the health of our children and youth. The conference was attended by kinesiologists, teachers and educators as well as medical doctors, researchers and practitioners in the subject area who came from nine different countries. With the latest findings and examples of good practice they contributed to the promotion of quality and health-friendly motor / physical development of children. The key thematic areas were biomechanical and physiological aspects of motor / physical development of children; motor competencies and skills in the development of children; psychological, social and pedagogical aspects of motor / physical development of children; medical aspects of motor / physical development of children; nutrition and children's health, and sports for children and adolescents. Preliminary plenary contributions, collected in the conference proceedings, were presented by internationally renowned experts who in their respective fields of research represent the world's summit: Shawnda Morrison "Thermoregulation in Children: Exercise, Heat Stress and Hydration"; Andrea B. Maier "The Importance of Physical Activity and Childhood as a Lever of Healthy Aging"; Karin Hind "Current Perspectives on Exercise for Bone Health and Paediatric Population"; Sergej M. Ostojič, Marko Stojanovič, Dejan Madič "Aerobic Fitness vs. Adiposity in Children: Is It Better to be Fat and Fit than Thin and Sedentary?"; Aleš Pražnikar, Anton Zupan "Gait Dysfunction in Children with Neuromuscular Disorders". In continuation of the conference the contributions were presented by the following introductory speakers: Mladen Gasparini "Injuries in Children - a Growing Problem?"; Inger Karlefors "Where did the How Go - about Teaching Methods in Swedish PEH"; Rado Pišot "Development of Motor 153 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 2 REWIEVS / POROCILA, 153-156 Competences inChildhood - the Foundation for an Active and Healthy Adulthood"; Dragan Radovanovic "Resistance Exercise for Children and Adolescents: Myths and Facts?"; Bostjan Simunic, Katja Koren, Rado Pisot "Developmental Adaptation of Skeletal Muscle's Composition" and Dorjan Zerbo Sporin "The Processes of Changing in Children's Body Composition - a Review". These were followed by numerous scientific presentations by the participants in the scientific work and, in particular, the presentations of good practice examples in the professional part of the conference, all of them being concluded by lively discussions. The participants took the opportunity of the accompanying social program of the conference for pleasant social gathering, making acquaintances and networking. The next conference will be in 2016. Iztok Retar 154 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 2 REWIEVS / POROČILA, 153-156 MEDNARODNA ZNANSTVENA IN STROKOVNA KONFERENCA "OTROK V GIBANJU 2014" Letošnjo že osmo mednarodno znanstveno in strokovno konferenco "Otrok v gibanju" sta organizirala Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave IKARUS in Pedagoška fakulteta v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Ljubljani, Pedagoško fakulteto ter Univerzo v Mariboru, Pedagoško fakulteto. Konferenca je potekala od 2. do 4. oktobra 2014 v Kongresnem centru Bernardin v Portorožu. "Kineziologija - znanost o gibanju ima v sodobni družbi vse pomembnejšo vlogo in odgovornost pri spodbujanju aktivnega življenjskega sloga ter zagotavljanju zdravega in uravnoteženega razvoja posameznika. Le na najmlajših lahko gradimo učinkovite in trajne spremembe. Otroci so naša prihodnost, zato je s preučevanjem gibalnih kompe-tenc in vedenj nujno pričeti dovolj zgodaj", je poudaril prof. dr. Rado Pišot, predsednik Znanstvenega sveta konference. Konferenca je potekala pod geslom Kineziologija - pot zdravja, s katerim so izpostavili interdisciplinaren pristop, značilen za to znanstveno vedo. Cilj konference je bil združiti znanstvena spoznanja in primere dobre prakse s področja kineziologije ter drugih znanstvenih disciplin in strokovnih področij, ki skupaj pomembno prispevajo k razumevanju prepletenosti gibalne aktivnosti z zdravjem naših otrok in mladostnikov. Konference so se udeležili iz devetih držav tako kineziologi, pedagogi in vzgojitelji kot zdravniki in raziskovalci ter praktiki s predmetnega področja. Z najnovejšimi spoznanji in s primeri dobrih praks so prispevali k razumevanju in uveljavljanju kakovostnega in zdravju prijaznega gibalnega razvoja otrok. Ključna tematska področja so bila biome-hanski in fiziološki vidiki gibalnega razvoja otroka, gibalne kompetence v razvoju otroka, psihološki, socialni in pedagoški vidiki gibalnega razvoja otroka, medicinski vidiki gibalnega razvoja otroka, prehrana in zdravje otrok ter šport otrok in mladostnikov. Uvodne plenarne prispevke, zbrane v konferenčnem zborniku, so predstavili mednarodno uveljavljeni strokovnjaki, ki na svojem področju raziskovanja sodijo v sam svetovni vrh na tematskih področjih: Shwanda Morrison "Thermoregulation in children: exsercise, heat stress and hidration"; Andrea B. Maier "The importance of Physical activity in childhood as a lever of healthy ageing"; Karin Hind "Curent perspectives on exercise for bone health in pediatric population"; Sergej M. Ostojic, Marko Stojanovic in Dejan Madic "Aerobic fitness vs. adiposity in children: is it better to be fat and fit than thin and sedentary?" ter Aleš Pražnikar in Anton Zupan "Gait dysfunction in children with neuromuscular disorders". V nadaljevanju so prispevke predstavili uvodni predavatelji: Mladen Gasparini "Injuries in children - a growing problem?"; Inger Karlefors "Where did the how go - about teaching methods in Swedish peh"; Rado Pišot "Development of motor competences in childhood - the foundation for an active and healthy adulthood"; Dragan Radovanovic "Resistance exercise for children and adolescents: myths and facts?"; Boštjan Šimunič, Katja Koren in Rado Pišot "Developmental adaptation of skeletal muscle's composition" ter Dorjana Zerbo Šporin "The processes of changing in children's body composition - a review". Sledile so 155 ANNALES KINESIOLOGIAE • 5 • 2014 • 2 REWIEVS / POROČILA, 153-156 številne znanstvene predstavitve sodelujočih v znanstvenem delu ter predstavitve zlasti primerov dobre prakse v strokovnem delu konference, ki so jih sklenili z razgibano razpravo. Udeleženci so spremljajoči družabni program konference izkoristili še za prijetno druženje, navezovanje stikov in mreženje. Naslednja konferenca bo v letu 2016. Iztok Retar 156