THE APPLICATION OF CRITERION OBLA IN PRESCRIBING RUNNING ENDURANCE TRAINING INTENSITY IS LIMITED UPORABA KRITERIJA OBLA PRI DOLO^ANJU INTENZIVNOSTI VZDR@LJIVOSTNE VADBE PRI TEKU JE OMEJENA Anton U{aj 57 Ušaj, A. (2000). The application of criterion OBLA in prescribing running endurance training intensity is limited. KinSI 6(1–2), 57–62 Abstract The criterion »onset of blood lactate accumulation« (OBLA) determined in an incremental testing protocol frequently cor- responds to maximal lactate steady state phenomenon (max- LAss) during continuous exercise. The aim of this study was to ascertain whether the above-mentioned relationship between both phenomena exists also for intermittent running. Nine healthy runners participated in an incremental testing proto- col of repeated 1200 m distances and a training session of 8 x 2000 m, repeated at increased velocities until they were unab- le to complete the entire session at the required running velo- city. Results showed that vOBLA corresponded to maxLAss du- ring training for seven of the runners, but at increased [LA] = 5.7±1.2 mmol/l, which is in contrast to LA OBLA = 4 mmol/l. In contrast, for the two remaining runners, [LA] changed in an non–linear manner. Heart rate (HR) reached steady values of 171± 8 b/min, similar as HR OBLA = 170±9 b/min. When the running velocity was increased to v OBLA+0.2 m/s, a dramatic decrease in running distance occurred because of exhaustion. This phenomenon was accompanied by an increase in [LA]. In contrast to expectations, HR did not increase significantly (175 ± 7 b/min). It may be concluded that OBLA may represent a velocity corresponding to maxLAss for most subjects, however it failed to influence blood [LA] response during the test and training sufficiently, to be taken as similar and/or predictable. It seems that HR OBLA cannot be used as a precise criterion for the determination of HR maxLAss during training, because it can- not differentiate between v maxLAss and higher velocity, which effects the early fatigue phenomenon. This means that the OBLA criterion may be a weak method for prescription of run- ning intensity during endurance training. Key words: testing, OBLA, endurance training, steady state Izvle~ek Kriteriju za~etnega kopi~enja laktata v krvi (OBLA), uporablje- nem v ve~stopenjskem obremenilnem testu, pogostokrat ustre- za najvi{je stacionarno stanje vsebnosti laktata (maxLAss) pri neprekinjeni obremenitvi. @eleli smo ugotoviti ali se omenje- na povezanost med obema pojavoma ohranja tudi pri upora- bi metode s ponavljanji. Devet zdravih teka~ev je opravilo dva testa: test ponovljenih tekov na 1200 m razdaljah in test - vad- bo 8x2000 m s hitrostjo, ki se je v razli~nih testnih dneh spre- minjala z namenom, da bi ugotovili tisto najvi{jo hitrost, pri kateri teka~ {e zmore opraviti testiranje v celoti. Rezultati ka- `ejo, da hitrost teka v OBLA ustreza hitrosti, pri kateri se pojavi tudi maxLAss in sicer pri sedmih teka~ih, toda pri pove~ani [LA] = 5.7 ± 1.2 mmol/l, kar je razli~no od vsebnosti, ki je podlaga za kriterij OBLA (4 mmol/l). Pri preostalih dveh teka- ~ih se [LA] spreminja nelinearno. Frekvenca srca (HR) fluktui- ra stacionarno pri vrednostih 171 ± 8 u/min, podobno kot HR OBLA = 170 ± 9 u/min. Pove~anje hitrosti teka na v OBLA+0.2 m/s je povzro~ilo zgodnej{o utrujenost, tako da nih- ~e od teka~ev ni zaklju~il testiranja. Omenjen pojav spremlja pove~anje [LA]. Nasprotno pri~akovanemu, pa se HR ne spre- meni (175 ± 7 u/min). Lahko zaklju~imo, da kriterij OBLA lah- ko dolo~a tisto hitrost teka, ki pri uporabi metode s ponavlja- nji sovpada s pojavom maxLAss pri ve~ini preiskovancev, toda pri razli~ni [LA], ki je ni mogo~e predvideti. Zgleda, da HR, ki jo dolo~a OBLA ne more biti dovolj natan~en kazalec inten- zivnosti teka, ki bi lo~eval med intenzivnostjo, ki {e ustreza najvi{jemu stacionarnemu stanju za laktat in nekoliko vi{jo hi- trostjo, ki povzro~i zgodnjo utrujenost. To ka`e na dokaj{njo omejenost pri uporabi kriterija OBLA pri vzdr`ljivostni vadbi. Klju~ne besede: testiranje, OBLA, vzdr`ljivostna vadba, stacio- narno stanje University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Sport, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact address Anton U{aj Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za {port, Gortanova 22, SI-1000 Ljub- ljana, Slovenija Tel: +386 1 540-10-77 Fax: +386 1 540-22-33 E-mail: INTRODUCTION An adequate method for prescribing endurance trai- ning intensity has been searched for intensely for se- veral decades. The basic approach adopted in most studies was to determine a certain characteristic run- ning velocity and/or heart rate (HR) with the use of an incremental exercise testing protocol and apply it in endurance training as the appropriate intensity (Coen, Schwary, Urhausen, and Kindermann, 1991; Fahren- bach, Mader, and Hollman, 1987; Gilman and Wells 1993; Jannsen 1987; Kindermann, Simon and Keul, 1985; Yoshida, 1984). When the Lactate Threshold (LT), Individual Anaerobic Threshold (IAT) and Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA) were defined, and a high correlation was observed between the cor- responding running velocities and the running veloci- ties achieved in endurance running events (Farrel, Wilmore, Coyle, Billing and Costill, 1979; Kiayoji and Matsuura, 1984; Kindermann, Simon and Keul, 1985; Usaj and Starc, 1996; Yoshida, 1984), these criteria became intensely researched with a view to their practical application in endurance running training. The greatest attention was devoted to [LA] analysis (Kindermann, Simon and Keul, 1985; Mognoni, Sir- tori, Lorenzelli and Cerretelli, 1990; Orok, Hugson, Green and Thomson, 1989; Oyono-Enguelle et al, 1990), which was sometimes complemented also with analysis of HR (Gilman and Wells, 1993; Katch, Weltman, Sady and Freedsom, 1979) and • Vo 2 (Oyo- no-Enguelle et al, 1990). The results from these stu- dies led to two opposite conclusions. One group of studies supported the use of IAT and/or OBLA for de- termining endurance training intensity. This conclu- sion was based on results showing that running inten- sities corresponding to OBLA and IAT induced the maximal lactate steady state (maxLAss) during conti- nuous exercise (Fahrenbach, Mader and Hollman, 1987; Kindermann, Simon and Keul, 1985; Schna- bel, Kindermann, Schmitt, Biro and Stegeman, 1982; Stegeman and Kindermann, 1982; Urhausen, Coen, Weiler and Kindermann, 1993). The maxLAss level is considered an important limit for prolonged exercise (Kindermann, Simon and Keul, 1985; Stegeman and Kindermann, 1982; Urhausen, Coen, Weiler and Kin- dermann, 1993, Usaj and Starc, 1996). The above re- sults were contradicted by studies showing [LA] va- lues other than 4 mmol/l in individual subjects and/or non-steady-state fluctuations in [LA] during prolon- ged exercise at an intensity corresponding to OBLA (Mognoni, Sirtori, Lorenzelli and Cerretelli, 1990; Orok, Hugson, Green and Thomson, 1989; Oyono- Enguelle, Heitz, Marbach, Ott, Gartner, Pope and Vollmer, 1990). It seems that under certain testing and training conditions, the philosophy of training pres- cription may be valid for predicting maxLAss, which means that testing characteristics such as the duration of individual stages and the increase in exercise in- tensity per stage should be carefully selected and ap- proved in advance. On the other hand, it is difficult to believe that a certain intensity determined during an incremental test represents a general steady state of the physiological response. Under testing condi- tions the intensity increases stepwise, whereas during a training session an abrupt increase occurs in the ini- tial phase. Therefore, other physiological characteri- stics, which are regulated differently than [LA], may not show steady-state fluctuations during such exer- cise. The first aim of the study was to ascertain whet- her the [LA] determined by criterion OBLA during in- cremental testing protocol reflects similar [LA]= 4 mmol/l values and the maxLAss phenomenon also du- ring intermittent exercise of 8 x 2000 m with 1 min breaks, when the velocity corresponds to v OBLA . Sin- ce the introduction of heart rate (HR) monitors into everyday training practice, their use for the control of endurance training intensity has been advocated (Jannsen, 1987). Therefore, the second aim of the study was to ascertain if HR OBLA corresponds to steady HR at the level of maxLAss during training. METHODS Subjects. Nine healthy runners (age: 25±5 years; height: 175±5 cm; mass: 69±8 kg) participated voluntarily in the study after giving a written informed consent approved by the National Ethics Committee. All the subjects were marathon runners who ranged in endu- rance performance from the international level (2:13 h marathon) to the recreational level (3:30 h marat- hon). Testing protocol The testing protocol consisted of a sequence of 1200 m runs at increasing running velocity. The number of runs depended on the selection of the initial velocity and on the runners’ endurance. The initial running velocity was selected so as to increase the heart rate (HR) to 100 b/min. The velocity was then increased in each successive run by 0.2 m/s, ending with the highest running velocity possible for the described protocol. The runs were interrupted by breaks of up to 70 s for blood sampling. The running velocity was controlled by sound signals played back on a tape pla- yer (Walkman). The signals were separated by time intervals equivalent to running a 50 m distance at a particular velocity. A training session consisted of a sequence of 8 runs of 2000 m performed at a constant velocity. On the first training day, the velocity corresponded to V OBLA determined in the testing protocol. On each further 58 Ušaj, A. (2000). The application of criterion OBLA in prescribing running endurance training intensity is limited. KinSI 6(1–2), 57–62 training day, the running velocity was increased by 0.2 m/s until the runner could not complete the ses- sion because of fatigue. If a runner was unable to run at v OBLA on the first training day, the velocity was re- duced by 0.2 m/s on the following training days until steady values of LA were reached. Blood collection, biochemical and heart rate mea- surements Capillary blood samples (20 µ l) were collected after each run from a hyperemizied ear lobe for [LA] analy- sis using an Analox GM7 (Analox, England) instru- ment. The heart rate (HR) was monitored continu- ously using a PE3000 Pulse Meter (Polar Electro, Finland). Data processing and analysis For the OBLA (Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation) criterion a [LA] value of 4 mmol/l was applied (Karls- son and Jacobs, 1982) by using the method descri- bed first by Beaver et al (Beaver, Wasserman and Whipp, 1986; Usaj and Starc, 1993; Usaj and Starc; 1996). The corresponding velocity was denoted as v OBLA and the corresponding HR as HR OBLA . Data from the training sessions was used to determine the [LA] steady state (LAss). The linear interpolation model of the [LA] changes was chosen: LA x = LA 1 + b * x (Equation 1), where LA x was the [LA] value calculated at distance x and LA 1 was the [LA] value obtained after the third run, b was the slope coefficient. The running velocity (v LAss ), and [LA] (LA LAss ) were calculated. [LA] was con- sidered steady when its change from the third to the last 2000 m run (∆ [LA]/∆ x) did not exceed 0.5 mmol/l (0.05 mmol/l/km). The average HR, calculated from the last 10 values measured during the training sessions (saved in pulse meter memory every 5 s), were used as a representa- tive HR of a certain 2000 m run. These average va- lues were further used for comparisons between te- sting and training conditions. Additionally, a linear interpolation model is used to determine HR steady state: HR x = HR 1 + c * x (Equation 2), where HR x was the HR calculated at distance x and HR1 was the HR obtained after the third run; e was the slope coefficient. HR was considered steady when its change from the third to the last 2000 m run (∆ HR/∆ x) did not exceed 10 b/min (1 b/min/km). Statistics The values were represented as means ± standard deviations (SD). The paired t-test was used to compa- re the data for LA and HR from the testing protocols and the training sessions. A significance level of 0.05 was selected. Correlations between the selected va- riables were calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficients. All statistical parameters were calculated using the graphical statistics packages Sigma Stat and Sigma Plot (Jandel, Germany). RESULTS The velocity determined with the OBLA criterion (v OBLA ) was 4.60 ± 0.43 m/s and the corresponding heart rate (HR OBLA ) was 170 ± 9 b/min. When v OBLA was used during training, all the subjects were able to complete the whole 8x2000 m session (Fig. 1). For 7 subjects, [LA] increased during the ini- tial phase of training and then fluctuated near the steady values. Two of these subjects reached steady [LA] values, as demonstrated by the zero slopes of the interpolation lines (Fig. 2A). The remaining five sub- jects showed a very gentle increase in [LA] of less than 0.5 mmol/l from the distance of 4 to 16 km, which was assessed as steady fluctuations. For the subject, whose initial [LA] increase was the lowest in the group, [LA] later continued to increase, exhibiting non-steady fluctuations (Fig 2A). For the remaining 2 subjects, non–steady state fluctuations of [LA] occur- red. The arithmetic mean of whole group demonstra- ted steady-state values of about 5.7 ± 1.2 mmol/l throughout the training session (Fig. 1A). The heart rate increased during the first and second 2000 m runs. Thereafter it reached steady values of 171 ± 8 b/min (Fig. 2B). To ascertain if the steady level of [LA] might corres- pond to the maximal [LA] steady state at v OBLA , all the subjects repeated the training at v OBLA + 0.2 m/s (v OBLA+0.2 ). The results showed that [LA] increased be- yond the level of maxLAss for 5 subjects, and for 2 ot- hers, where the increase in [LA] was very slow, was close to the steady state. All the subjects, except one, stopped running after less than 8 km because of ex- haustion (Fig. 2A and 2B). Heart rate increased during the first 2000 m run, reaching similar steady values as at v OBLA (172 ± 6 b/min); no significant further increa- se in HR was observed during the second and third run (175±7 and 173±8 b/min) (Fig. 2B). To ascertain whether the response of [LA] and HR du- ring the test and training were compatible at similar running velocities (v OBLA and vmaxLAss), the correla- tions between observed results were calculated. The correlation between HR OBLA and HR maxLAss is very strong (r= 0.97; P<0.01) (Fig. 2A). On the contrary, 59 Ušaj, A. (2000). The application of criterion OBLA in prescribing running endurance training intensity is limited. KinSI 6(1–2), 57–62 the correlation between LA OBLA and LA maxLAss did not exist, because first criterion used fixed [LA] = 4 mmol/l in contrast to very different LA maxLAss (Fig. 2B). DISCUSSION The results of this study lead to the following conclu- sions: 1. The running velocity v OBLA determined in the in- cremental test may influence the maximal [LA] steady state, when it is repeated in intermittent running training sequence consisting of relatively long runs (≈ 2 km) and short breaks (≈ 1 min). 2. The phenomenon maxLAss showed very different, individually dependent, LA maxLAss which did not reflect [LA] = 4 mmol/l, characteristic for OBLA. 3. Heart rate observed during v maxLAss did not differ from that observed during 0.2 m/s higher velocity than v OBLA , which induced earlier fatigue. All the subjects completed the training session at ve- locities corresponding to v maxLAss , which was similar to v OBLA . When the velocity was increased by 0.2 m/s and [LA] fluctuations exceeded the steady conditions, fatigue occurred earlier, somewhere between the di- stance of 4 and 8 km. The concentration of lactate in blood ([LA]) depends on its production, as well as the rate of its appearance in the blood and on its disap- pearance from the blood. Lactate is produced by glycolysis. It is decomposed mainly by aerobic pro- cesses in the less-intensely exercised muscles of the upper body; as well as the arms, heart and liver. When the rate of its appearance in blood is equal to the rate of its disappearance, the [LA] steady state (LAss) will occur. The specific maximal level of LAss (maxLAss) is the most important variable because it limits the hypothetical range of LAss and represents the level of endurance performance (Urhausen et al., 1993; Usaj and Starc, 1996). It has been experimentally observed that under certain testing conditions, maxLAss may be predicted also from data obtained in an incremen- tal testing protocol (Olbrecht et al., 1985; Urhausen et al., 1993). The criterions OBLA and IAT (Olbrecht et al., 1985; Urhausen et al., 1993) have been defi- ned as adequate criteria, which determine exercise intensity corresponding to maxLAss. Our results sup- port these findings, but only to a certain extent. Two 60 Ušaj, A. (2000). The application of criterion OBLA in prescribing running endurance training intensity is limited. KinSI 6(1–2), 57–62 Figure 1 Group changes (mean ± SD) in [LA] – (A) and HR – (B), during a sequen- ce of eight 2 km runs using v OBLA (black circles) and v OBLA+0.2 m/s (whi- te circles). The steady state fluctuations in [LA] corresponded to those in HR. When the velocity exceeded the maxLAss level, [LA] continued to increase, in contrast to HR, which remained steady. Figure 2 HR OBLA and HR maxLAss correlated significantly (A), when v OBLA was used during a sequence of eight 2 km runs. A similar cor- relation for LA (B) was not observed. of our subjects did not reach LAss. Therefore our re- sults support also opposite findings, which did not find LAss if v OBLA was repeated during continuous exerci- se (Mognoni et al., 1990; Orok et al., 1989; Oyono- Enguelle et al., 1990). It seems very difficult to define such testing conditions and criteria, which would gua- rantee accurate prediction of maxLAss. In addition, our results showed that HR values were steady at v OBLA throughout the training session. All the subjects were able to complete the training session. The HR fluctuations did not show a significant increa- se, nor a continuous increase of HR at v OBLA + 0.2 m/s. These results were unexpected and surprising. They lead to the following conclusion: if HR OBLA is used as the criterion of running intensity, then the run- ning velocity need not correspond to v maxLAss but may be higher or lower. The results of our study demonstrate that v OBLA may be used as a very approximate criteria for the prescrip- tion of endurance training velocity. Velocity v OBLA fre- quently corresponds to maxLAss under specific testing and training conditions. The very different [LA] values during training, which were not similar to 4 mmol/l, demonstrated that lactate kinetics was different than in test. In addition, HR OBLA maintained during trai- ning, may influence velocity to be similar to v maxLAss , if certain types of endurance training are used. Howe- ver, it may also fail to reach v maxLAss intensity. There- fore mistakes would be frequent in any case. These findings offer only vague support to the hypothesis that the physiological response observed during te- sting can occur also during training if a similar inten- sity is used. Available literature shows that only cer- tain criteria, such as the individual anaerobic threshold, may under specific testing conditions pre- serve [LA] at the maximal steady state during 30 mi- nutes of exercise on a rowing ergometer (Urhausen et al., 1993), or a cycling ergometer, or during a 30-mi- nute run (Stegeman and Kindermann, 1982). In one study, however, the same criterion applied under very similar conditions showed absence of correlation bet- ween the [LA] responses obtained during testing and during continuous exercise (Oyono-Enguelle et al., 1990). The aerobic-anaerobic threshold (Kindermann et al., 1985) showed that [LA] slowly but continuously increased (insignificant during 30 min exercise) to the level of 4 mmol/l. Others reported a very different res- ponse if Anaerobic Threshold (fixed 4 mmol/l [LA] cri- terion) intensity is performed during continuous exer- cise (Schnabel et al., 1982; Yoshida and Suda, 1982). The time course of [LA] during continuous exercise of different intensities displays specific characteristics, which conform to four typical patterns: a) initial [LA] increase followed by a decrease towards resting le- vels; b) fluctuations at the steady state level, after an initial increase if intensity is above that determined with the use of LT, but not above maxLAss; c) similar to b) but with an additional increase in the last period of exercise (after about 40 min); d) initial [LA] increa- se, followed by further continuous increase (Oyono- Enguelle et al., 1990). When LT is used as the crite- rion, the training intensity may be too low (Schnabel et al., 1982), except perhaps for very long running di- stances. Any changes in testing characteristics, espe- cially in the duration of runs, may cause significant differences in v OBLA but not in HR OBLA (Usaj and Starc, 1993). In spite of that, HR OBLA seems not be an accu- rate predictor of HR maxLAss . It may be possible to use v OBLA , but not HR OBLA , for an approximate prescription of endurance training, pro- vided that continuous or maybe certain intermittent methods are employed. Several other methods are available for endurance training in the form of run- ning. Three of them differ clearly among themselves. The continuous method uses continuous long and/or extra long runs, with intensity significantly below the individual maximal aerobic power (v o2 max ). Running intensity corresponding to the Lactate Threshold (LT), determined by testing, is believed to represent the proper intensity limit in this method (Coen et al., 1991; Fahrenbach et al., 1987; Jannsen, 1987; Kin- dermann et al., 1985; Lehman et al., 1985; Weltman, 1995). The intermittent method is characterised by a higher intensity but shorter duration of running, which is repeated several times with relatively long breaks. The training intensity usually exceeds the level of the maximal aerobic power, the velocity being signifi- cantly above LT. Lactate accumulates during running, but its concentration decreases during breaks, reac- hing steady or slowly increasing levels, which do not give rise to a dramatic sensation of fatigue. The inter- val method – extensive or intensive – represents a typical aerobic-anaerobic exercise in terms of how ac- tive the energy processes are. Compared to the other two methods, it involves a higher velocity, which is made possible by shorter running distances and fre- quent breaks. This results in faster lactate accumula- tion. Each of the described methods effectively in- creases endurance for the specific type of running training used. Since the training characteristics, such as the duration and intensity of running, duration of breaks, number of repetitions, etc., differ conside- rably, the question arises, whether the presented idea and practice of prescribing endurance training inten- sity may be applied to all endurance training met- hods. From our results, which demonstrated problems valid for a certain type of intermittent running, it may be suggested that this is not possible. In conclusion, the criterion OBLA may represent ve- locity corresponding to maxLAss for most of the sub- jects, however it failed to influence blood [LA] res- ponse during test and training to be similar and/or 61 Ušaj, A. (2000). The application of criterion OBLA in prescribing running endurance training intensity is limited. KinSI 6(1–2), 57–62 predictable. It seems that HR OBLA cannot be used as a precise criterion for determination of HR maxLAss du- ring training, because it cannot differentiate between v maxLAss and higher velocity, which effects the early fa- tigue phenomenon. This means that the OBLA crite- rion may be a weak method for prescribing running intensity during endurance training, especially when applied in different methods. REFERENCES 1. Beaver, W.L., Wasserman, K., & Whipp, B. (1986). Improved de- tection of lactate threshold during exercise using a log-log transfor- mation. J Appl Physiol, 60, 472–478. 2. Coen, B., Schwary, L., Urhausen, A., & Kindermann, W. (1991). Control of training in middle- and long- distance running by means of the individual anaerobic threshold. Int J Sports Med, 12, 519–524. 3. Fahrenbach, R., Mader, A., & Hollman, W. (1987). Determination of endurance capacity and prediction of exercise intensities for trai- ning and competition in marathon runners. Int J Sports Med, 8, 11–18. 4. 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