„ «d dsn nabot. ae- 1 ¿¡j in prsxwkor. . i-i]y except Saturday». PROSVETA ^Txxvn Cena lieu ■fil glasilo slovenske narodne podporne jednote Um matter Januar« II lasi «k- SSTü \ * T"-^-—- - * r i 1 1'rednilki in upravniiki prostort:| JH67 S. Lawndaie Ave Office of Publication i M67 South Lawndaie Ave. Telephone. Rookwell 4904 ÍT^ - "ÏT4"1** m*"*r J'n"r» »•. »Ml. at Uw iM-l^ttiJ »t Ckta^ lUlaoia. Act „, M-rcH^m! Chicago, 111,, sreda, 31. oktobra (October 31), 1934. 8ub*ctffj£*U)0 ÔTEV.—NUMBER 213 Komentaiji Jt. sovražnik dsltfrea smo čitali v nekem I .»T ^^ f*u ^ Pitate provided foc la eeetion 110». Ad of Oct. I. I»1T, eutborlMd on Jun. 14, ISIS Ji dnevniku sugestijo, t deset milijonov delavcev, uposleni in imajo dovolj nkov za leto dni eksistenci delo in prepustili svo-gu desetim milijonom brezam ki «o na relifu. Po e-letu naj bi počivajočih de-Ljjonov nadomestilo drugih milijonov delavcev—in ta-,je vsako leto. Na ta način , jgvni relif nepotreben in |bi lahko porabila tiste mirt kaj drugega _ sugestija! Jasno je, da vidi sistema, nič ne vi-M ve. On ve le to, da je i dela in vidi le drugega delci Se dela. Ta delavec, ki mu je na poti—ta je kriv [ovega brezdelja, tega bi on (m cesto samo zato, da bi j njegovo mestp in s tem bi Iregov problem rešen se niti ne vpraša, če je danes deset milijonov ar, ki bi imeli—ob znižani IMoliko prihrankov, da bi iiveli eno leto brez dela. ji le sebe in onega, ki še »služi. In ta oni je kriv k brezposelnosti! Ta bi se I umakniti in potem bo vse [ht. pitalista ne vidi, nak, niti l«, da je kapitalizem kriv ye nesreče. ¡Najbrž sma-¡'da je kapitalist od Boga po-dobrotnik, ki daje ljudem i, toda vseh ljudi ne mo-iliti, ker je delavcev—preji* svetu. Da, delavci so kri-I krize in brezposelnosti, ker deliti med seboj dela in ca! mišljenje pri veliki večini ižkega delavstva je fakt, re*nkifc , P roji deloda-nima nič; delodajalec Je boss in sme delati kar hoče. mili se mu, če ga dobri boss da ne dela nobenega do-in obratuje podjetje le zada obdrži svoje delavce na L Vso svojo jezo pa izliva tovariša delavca, ki je upo-l Zavida mu zaslužek, obre-ga—in če dotičnik zahteva loveč plače in zastavka, poj-i največjim veseljem skebat njegovo mesto. t» »ta značaj in hvojstvo negira delavca, ki je vzgojen •ličnosti in grdi ignoranci. 0Kt milijonov takih delav-j« tista skala, na kateri se ri ameriški kapitalizem in se * !a je nepremagljiv. Do-taki delavci na svetu, hpitalizrm v obliki demo-ali fašizma res nepre-(|iv. • pke so izgubljene, ne vslecf ^(r/enih poboj ni kov, temveč Nrtavkokaskih delavcev, ki Jnestijo stavkarje. Delavske K tke «o izgubljene, ne strupene, lažnjive TOnd.- kapitalističnih kam-^manažerjer, kolikor1 ignorantnih delavcev, ki 'Pftpajjando j>ogoltnejo s ko-«lri? in kostmi vred, dočim in Kluhi za resnico v svo-"»»tno korist. *r»tka: tirani-diktatorji vlar •"«vet š(> vedno samo zaradi ^ ^"lepljenostl, strašne fMi in strašne zatelebano-«roma.ne. zatirane in mili-i prepažene delavske in " n**». ki je bila "za r'M""u"kakor je zapisal ankar. * '"-'^^'i delavec ima mirijado Bl,k"v. ki mu izpijajo kri "/«»v»» meno na živem— največji sovražnik SNPJ mora naprej! O ZDRUŽENJU JEDNOT iN ZVEZ NI DOSTI UPANJA NE MI. DRUGI GA NOČEJO! > niflZ^i narQdT M™* >odi kampanjo za združe- ¿ ¿Z iL ^ ! 7 Petnaj8t ,et Na V8aki konvenciji je nato jednota poudarila princip združenja in v ta namen je bila sprejeta cela vrata resolucij; (udi članstvo SNPJ je odobrilo zdru-žitev kadarkoli je bilo to vprašanje na splošnem glasovanju. Naša jednota je imela dolgo let tudi združitveni odbor, ki se je pečal le ,z zadevo združitve in je imel oblast, da se pogaja z drugimi organizacijami. * Vpričo teh dejstev ne more nihče očitati naši jednoti, da je kdaj bila neaktivna, hladna ali celo nasprotna ideji združitve. Nihče! Pojavljajo se pa znamenja, ki kažejo, da ni dosti upanja na združitveno akcijo. Neuradno poročilo, objavljeno v Proeveti zadnjo sredo, o zadnji konferenci Jugoslovanske bratske federacije—ustanovljene na iniciativo SNPJ z namenom, da se slovenske, hrvatske in srbske podporne organizacije v Ameriki zbližajo in sporazumejo vsaj toliko, kolikor je to praktično mogoče—potrjuje to. Iz tega poročila—in drugih neuradnih veeti, ki smo jih prejeli— Akron, O.—(FT)—Vsakih 36 ur umrje v tem mestu ena žrtev depresije radi nezadostne ali sla be hrane in pomanjkanja zdravniške oskrbe. Avtor te izjave, da je kriza odgovorna za eno smrt vsaki poldrugi dan, je sdravnik M. D. Alilis, mestni zdravstveni direktor. Največji vzrok za naraščanje smrtnih slučajev je po njego- ____________ vem mnenju dejstvo, ker mora je jasno, da nekatere organizacije ne marajo nič slišati o ka^em Jo osebe, ki so na relifu ali pa združenju; ne samo to, da ne marajo nič slišati o združitvi teJhr imajo nizke dohodke, pri nabav-več hočejo imeti KONKURENČNI boj. 1 ljanju živeža gledati v prvi vr Še več. Na omenjeni konferenci JBF v Clevelandu je bila n» cen°. da M majhne cente SNPJ kritizirana in njeno glasilo Proaveta je bilo pokarano, tflA, da ne bi smelo primerjati aolventnosti SNPJ s solventnontmi drugih organizacij in ne bi smelo vedno poudarjati, da je SNPJ največja in najboljša slovenska podporna organizacija! Tako je! Prosveta ne bi sm?la pisati RESNICE o SNPJ drugim na ljubo! Naša jednota bi menda še najbolj ustregla tem organizacijam. ako ne bi bila priredila nobene kampanje v svojem jubilejnem letu! Tako gre ta reč, bratje in sestre! Toda—tako ne bo ilo. SNPJ je pokazala dovolj dobre volje- za združitev, več pa ne more atoriti. Ako dobi namesto bratske roke—udarec, je SNPJ v Stanju, da reče uljudno: Hvala, bratje, in gre svojo pot naprej sama, te je treba. SNPJ je NAJVEČJA IN NAJI*OLJŠA slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki. To je resnica, katere ne bomo nikomur na ljubo utajili. Naši člani bodo pa poskrbeli, da SNPJ tudi OSTANE največja in najboljša. Bratje in sestre! Vse kaže. da nam je vržena rokavica. Poberimo jo in pokažimo s starim ognjem, kaj zmoremo. Čim več novih odraslih članov v SNPJ! čim več otrok v mladinski oddelek SNPJ! Cim več novih naročnikov dnevniku Pro-sveti! Naprej na vsej črti! KRIZA ZAČELA POBIRATI SVOJE ŽRTVE I Smrt je pričela kositi ljudi, kt so na relifni Ihiti ali pa s nizkimi dohodki. Zdravnikovo mnenje o naraščanju umrljivosti Barbarsko mučenje hi pobijanje španskih delavca v Cenzura je 20 dni zakrivala divjaške brutalnosti maroške sol-dateske nad rudarji Madrid, 30. okt.—Španska révolta v Asturiji še danes ni končana! DanaSnje uradno poročilo se glasi, da so španski ji ubili 50 vstašev v bitki v a-sturskih hribih. Madrid, 30. okt. — Španska vlada je končno odvrgla železen pokrov cenzure, ki je pokrival špansko republiko zadnjih «20 dni in dovolila inozemskim po- Volilcem v Chicagu Glasujte za državne rellfne bonde in za sklicanje ustavodajne konvencije «rat . "'laeiavec. ^ "nH.iti se lega novraž-dT prelvoriti v PriJa- br«U in enako m T/nika in bojevnik mil«. Meta naloga Mved- *ir^'iH)tezno revolucijo! Chicago.—Na volilni dan 6. novembra volilci dobe poleg običajne glasovnice z imeni ksndida-tov tudi več malih glasovnic z raznimi predlogi. Med temi je glasovnica o državnih rtlifnih bondih. Predlog se glasi, če sme državna uprava izdati za 30 milijonov dolarjev bondov v relif-ne svrhe in ta dolg se odplačuje polagoma z dohodki davka na ga-solin. Glasujte "yes" na tej glasovnici, kajti drugega izhoda sploh ni. Denar mora biti za re-ročevalcem, da lahko poročajo, i ,jf pu naj prjde defim,Rtt ujj kaj se je godilo v provinci As-¡leveífa ¿epa turiji, ki je bila šestnajst dni j ^^ vpra4ftIlj^ k¡ ^ pred v rokah rebelnih rudarjev. prih()dnji torok( je Mk||. Slika te province, oziroma ne- canje državne ustavodajne kon-katerih večjih mest, je danes, venc|j€f ki naj revidira ustavo strašna. Vse je razdejano. &!«•!države Illinois. Ustava je že za-sto Oviedo bi bilo vsekako še „tgrela—stara je že okrog 60 let danes v rokah delavskih čet, to- __¡n potrebna je revizija. Dani da general López Ochoa je pre- n¡mamo upanja, da bi večina na-varil rudarje. Dal jim je čast- prednih mož vodila revizijo, smo no besedo, da divje maroške če- na^clno za to, da se skliče konte ne pridejo blizu, ako se bodo v«?ncija. Glanujte "yes", delavci mirno podali. To so ru-1 vo|j|ci jmi4j0 tudi od- darji storili, toda Maročani só „lužbeni termin m«st- bili kljub temu poslani v mesto n¡h ajd(:rman(,v nategne z dveh in tamkaj so barbarsko mučili • na #tjrj jeta> Ald<»rmani starih izmučene delavske bojevnike.»po¡tti¿nÍh maAin so že zdaj do-Medtem ko v Kataloniji smrt- vojj namopnAni in potem bi bili ne obsodb« še niso bile izvrAene,.^ j)0jj( ^o voljeni vsaka so v Asturiji eksekuciji* na 4tjr¡ |pta. Glasujte "no" pri tem dnevnem redu. 1 predlogu. Madridski klerikalni časopisi-- so pred desetimi dnevi rjoveli o Mornarlčnn enakopravnost Js-"groznih socialističnih in komu-¡ p«nnke odklonjena , nističnih divjaštvih" v Asturi-1 Ix>ndon# ;j0. okt.—Anglija In ji; poročali so, da vsak čas pride Am<.r¡ka „ta včeraj na prelimi-v Madrid na ogled trideset o- urn¡ mornarični konfereni od-trok, katerim so rebeli iztaknili» k|onjjj zaht#»vo Japonske za mor-oči. Teh otrok še danes ni °^|nar^no enakopravnost. Ako nikoder, ker jih sploh nikjer ni, zd|1 j .tft|Kin»or. - . Obe stranki sta se odzvali povabilu delavskega odbora in prvi sestanek z odborom se vrši danes opoldne. Medtem js pa vedno bolj očitno, da spor med to verižno družbo in njsnimi u-službencl ni omejen samo na Cleveland, kjer je A. A P. zaprla 428 prodajalnic in i sprla okrog 2200 delavcev; konflikt vre tudi v več drugih mestih države Ohio in drugod po srednjem in severnem zapadu. V Milwaukee ju je zastav kalo čas 200 mesarjev, ki so uposlsni v žlveAnlh prodajalnlcah te družbe. Stavka j« efektivna in vsi mesni oddelki A. & P. so zaprti In dostavljanje mesa Jo ustavljeno. Vzrok apora Je, ker se družba n« ozira na dtdavsko sekcijo 7-A zakona NIRA In usiljuje nameščencem kompunijsko unijo. Konee ilkalko razetave ^ »Mj M V I tfe V t ubitih v Mehiki M. okt,—Zvezne včeraj ubile pet ,;»'!tj v okolici Te-I". O* ta I i Asturiji z dovoljenjem ftpanukih generalov. Neki madridski list je objavil sliko, ki kaže, kako Maročan s turbanom na glavi strelja skozi okno nunskeirs klo-štra na žene in otroke ndarjev. Vzelo bo še precej časa pred-no bo raigaljena slika VH%a barbarstva in znano število ubitih rudarjev, njih žen In otrok, so po-' Klerofa'isti še vedno zahte-I vajo smrt za vse revolucionarni bo vršila v prihodnjem U?tu in med pomorskimi velesilami pride do neomejenega tekmovanj* v gradnji bojnih ladij. Kdo ve kaj o tem rojaku? Chlcago. — Matevž Mlhelič, ftkofja Loka, Jugoslavija, bi rad izvedel za svojega bratranca v Ameriki. Bratranec se piše Bla*]bj tikal le železničarjev, ki so Dolinsr, star Je 57 let in doma I upogi#ri| direktno v meddržavni iz Sv. Barbare pri Skofji Loki j tPg0V|n|# ^ v|Mkospremne-na Gorenjskem. Od leta 1014 se]^ 0(Mjbja _ „trojevodij, kurjeni nič več javil domov. Ce kdo . v> komlukt«rJev, zavlrač*v In ve zanj, sli je živ al mrtev, naj pir dru|fJh klaj|lfikac.jj; K„r pa piše na sledeči nas ov: Matevž|yakon kp|yj| V(W u. Mlhelič, Virmaše št. 35, |H»šta ftkofja Loka, Jugoslavija. Stara pionirka umrla službence, tudi okrog 200,000 u-radniških nameščencev In drugih, ki delajo pri železniških Oak Hill, Cal.—Tu, v bližini družbah, ne pa za železnice kot famozne Rajske doline, je pred take, je |m> mnenju sodnika kratkim umrla rojakinja, katere Wheata zakon neustaven, dekliško ime je bilo Plut in ro-| |< t^u dodaja še točko, ki po-jena je bila na Crešnjevcu pri kriva tudi tiste delavce, ki so Razstava stoletja napredka je dente za vselej zaključena s velikim pompom Chlcago. — Svetovna razstava stoletjs napredka, ki Js trajala dve leti, se danes (sroda, 31. oktobrs) za vselej zaključi s pravcatim pompom. Da privabijo čim več ljudi na razstavišče k zaključnim ceremonijam, je Čikaški župan odredil, da bodo mestni uradi zaprti popoldne in šole se tudi zapro za pol dneva. Zadnje tri dni, ko so konceslo-narji znižali cena za več ko polovico, j« privrelo rekordno število obiskovalcev; računajo, da letošnje število vplačanih vstopnin prekorači 16 milijonov, kar Je pet milijonov manj od lani. Semiču v Bell Krajini. V Ame-riki je bila 63 let, trikrat orno- žena in zapušča več odranllh o» tro,t' ' Hopkins ne ve nič o relifni d inkriminaciji proti ntavkariem Wanhington. — Zvezni relifni direktor Harry Hopkins pravi, da mu ni nič znanega o kakžnl diskriminaciji po okrajnih relif-nlh avtoritetah proti bivšim tek-«tilnimm «tavkarjem. Pismenih pritožb Je nicer dobil mnoffo, am-pak je s preiskavo dognal, da je bila pomoč v takih »lučajih zavrnjena radi drugih vurokov. pustili ali ps izgubili službo v teku leta pred sprejetjem zakona Teh Je 143,000. On pravi, da bi bilo manifestno krivično, če bi bili tudi ti delavci upravičeni do pokojslM. Zaključuje, Hitler je na CnAkirm kaznjlva žaljivka Praga, 30 okt.—Vencel Kil-mek, mestni svetovalec v Orašl-nu pri Brnu, je bil včeraj obsojen v plačilo $12.50 ali na 24 ur da bi to pomenilo — konfiska- zapora, ker Je županu rekel lllt cijo železniškega premoženja Poleg tega se sklicuje tudi ns ItooAcvcItov argument ob času podpiss zskonukega predloga, če A, da je "nlalx> nestavljen" in ga bo treba popraviti. Argumenti n'wlnika Wheata so j.,,^, |»#jfm|| pred tipično torijftki. O konfiskaciji ¡ n|kt % „mrt 1er pri nekem prepiru na seji m<«stn-t tudi v direktno na predsednika odvetniki justlčnega depart- Ameriki, Je včeraj skočil v Sa- delavce ki ho ** udeležili stav-lvelu in mu predložila detajllra- menta m železničarjev, ki m vo otonll, ko mu upniki niso ke in kasnejše vstaje. Podivja- no poročilo. Za te diskriminacije f»r« d s«»dnlkom zagovarjali za dali miru, Njfgova zadnja pe- ■ fašintično-klerikalna mladl-)se: ne more dr>4iti odgovornega kon, pa pa m se koncentrirali ^rn je nnulovljena na upnike, d evne po uHcah i Hopkin*s, pač pa okrajne relif. le na legallzem. In to Je bila katerim kliče: "Upniki, zbrišite klici "Zahtevamo* ne administracije, ki so navad- velik* napaka, ker če kdo p* moje dolgov«!" tov zahtevnm »! no pod vplivom reakcionarnih trebuje tzgoje o socialnih pro- na na rego Mndrida glave marksli glavo A^ane !" si. (Uljt M 4. tlrsni) Agitlrajte ta P roe vet a I PlOtYETI DRUŠTVENE VESTI V ¿Klica drušiva 140 Brooklvn. V V. — DruAtvj Bratska Zveza št. 140 SNPJ priredi veselico v soboto 3. novem lira ob 8. zvečer v Slovenskem domu, 253 Irvinic ave. Vatopni na 35c. Igrala bo izvrstna nem Aka g Virglnla, Minn.— Društvo št. 215 SNPJ priredi veselico 1. novembra v Moose dvorani, 523 Chcstnut st. Igra Minellljev or-kestrr. Vstopnina za člane 25c, Vinska trgatev društva 317 Export, Pa,—Kot je bilo že poročano, priredi društvo št. 317 SNPJ vinsko trgatev dne 10. novembra v Slovenski dvorani na White Valleyju. Od strani občinstva se obeta velika udeležba, in pripravljalni od-»or je pridno na delu, da pripravi vse potrebno za postrežbo in zabavo posetnikov. Igrala bo izvrstna slovenska godba, ki bo sedaj prvič v tej okolici. To je Ludvikov orkester iz Strabana. Članom našega društva naznanjam sklep s prošle društvene leje, da bodo vstopnine na trgatev prosti. Toda, kdor. se veselice ne udeleži, bo pa plačal 25c v društveno blagajno, in to brez izjeme. Prosim, da to obvestilo vsi upoštevate. J. Belle, tajnik. Važno obvestilo Kepublic, Pa. — Naznanjam članom društvu št. 85 sklep seje z dne 7. okt., da se mora vsak član udeležiti seje dne 4. nov., kajti na dnevnem redu bomo i-meli več važnih zadev. Kdor se ne udeleži, bo plačal kazen v društveno blagajno. Izjema so le bolni člani. Članom, ki so že dolgo brez dela, je pa v korist, Skupna večerinka dveh druitev ' Bellaire, O. — Društvi it. 258 in 731 (slovensko in angleško) priredita skupno večerinko dne 11. novembra v Češki dvorani na Harrison st. v Bellairu. Začetek ob 7. zvečer. Vstopnina za odrasle 25c; za otroke pod 16. fetom je vstopnina prosta. Igral bo tamburaški zbor pod vodstvom T. Vueelicha. Na zadnji večerinki smo imeli pečenega prašiča, nekaterim gostom pa te vrste pečenka ni u-gajala. Zato je pripravljalni odbor sklenil, da bo na večerinki dne 11. nov. postregel z boljšimi delikatesami. Kaj vse bo na ta dan pripravljeno za 25c vstopnine poleg plesa, ostane do 11. nov. odborova tajnost. Da se pa občinstvo od blizu in daleč prepriča na lastne oči (nos bo najboljši sodnik!), ga uljud-no vabimo, da nas gotovo poseti in se zabava z nami do 12. zvečer ob zvokih milodonečih tam-buric. Združena društva in federacija SNPJ so bila upravičena le do enega govornika iz gl. u-rada. Jaz pa vabim ves gl. odbor, da se udeleži naše skupne večerinke, in naj vsak govori, je in ipije ter tudi pleše, pa to vse skupaj za 25c. Zato pa na veselo svidenje dne 11. novembra ob 7. zvečer v Češki dvorani ! Pričakuje se velika udeležba. Za pripravljalni odbor, Louia Pavlenich, 258. rapl Sachsenheim na 7001 De-aison ave. Člani, na 7. nov. vsi na IZREDNO sejol Anton Andriancich, tajnik. Veselica društva št. 21 Pueblo, Colo. — Društvo O-rel št. 21 SNPJ priredi plesno veselico v nedeljo 4. nov. v Or-lovi dvorani. Vabljeni so vsi člani in članice, da se zagotovo udeležijo, tako tudi vsi ostali rojaki- Igral bo Joe Pechek ml. in njegov orkester. Vstopnina: moški 25c, ženske lOc. Odbor. Izredna seja 7. nov. Cleveland, O. — Društvo Ve-lebit št. 544 SNPJ prosi svoje člane, da si. dobro zapomnijo sklep oktobrske seje, da se vrši Še ena izredna seja in sicer dne 7. nov. ob 7.30 zvečer. Pomnite, da to gre radi naše 10 letnice in.jednotine 30 letnice. Glejte, da pridete vsi in poveste svoje mnenje, tako da bolmo bolj napredovali in uspejl. Pomagajte, da bo prireditev lepše izpadla. Ta stvar se bo vršila 18. novembra, torej imamo zelo malo časa, da uredimo vse potrebno. Prireditev se vrši v dvo- domaca zdravila V aaUat Imh jedilne dllave. Kuj»*, v« ),{m*n«T» kava I« Impertirau adnt-rlU. k a Ura prlpereia mar. Kuj» domaČi zdravnik Math Pezdir Boi 772, City Hal] gta^ NEW YORK. N. T. Veselica društva 204 Luzeme, Pa. — Društvo 204 je na svoji redni seji 7. oktobra sklenilo, da priredi veselico dne 17. novembra v korist svoje blagajne. Vsak član mora kupiti za 50c tiketov, ne glede če je za podporo ali ne, ker naša blagajna je skoro izčrpana. Upam, da bo vsak član kupil tikete pred 17. nov., ker po tem datu- I ITALIAM fš AccoremonS V teb vrat—ročno ela prepozno za rH *>|t.I navzoč na seji, drugače uradno glasilo 24. okt., zato smo' Pfošnje ne upoštevajo. jo priol»čili v dnevniku prošli teilen. Danen jo priobčamo na zahtevo.) — Na svidenje na ve-seliei! -Odbor. I/, urada društva 21.'» N irglnla, Minn.—,I)ne 25. sep-tembra je tukaj preminil br. Karlo H Im a, član druAtva št. 215 H M M in doma iz Primorja. ZaptiAta trrm. ^hčt»ru In 3 alfto-ve ter brata Društvo št. 215 SNPJ je poskrMo, da so se po-grebnl obredi završlli dostojno in Članstvo ga je spremilo k zad-i nJemu počitku. To je bil tv drugi alučaj smrti pri našem društvu letos, fcato o|M)zarjam naše rojake, kateri še niso zavarovani proti Indez-ni in nmrtl ter nesrt*či, da postanejo člani naše SNPJ. Sedaj je v teku jubilejna kamenja za pridobivanje novih članov in na razjtolago so razne ugodnosti za vse nove,članr. Prlst«»pite semnijo, da stopijo v oddelek odraslih. Ako tega ne store, se avtomatično črtajo is društva in jednote. Dolžnost staršev je. da svoje otroke o tem pravilno In pravočasno pouče. Posebni odbor opozarja vse o- ZENE «Su «Ulule. »arolMa al maje Mar» krajaka adravSa. < eu aaujs M— H-•He mi a valim pepetal« aupe »i««' Mas tiSKTA I.BSKOVAB W K. Tlrd SI Na« Terk. H. V. Prava starokrajske klobasa ^ po 30c funt. Pošljem 5 funtov ali več v vse kraje v U. S. a., poštnina plačana. Pošljite denar z naročilom. J08EPH LESKOV AR, 420 High St., Racine, Wia. Čemu trpeli valed SRBEČICE UkaJ »«e ka pa late lakke tU a Z O N Cudevlu dab ra aaaaSa prati arWIM. arfcU J«. aluakalneati. Itpailaje«. maiuljem In dragtm neredNaatlm kempUkuieatl. Ta ■dravtla aa ja lakaaala. da ja mla aapalu I« ae pradaja H jamatvam "VMNRMO ORNAS." CBN A JR »IM CA LONČRK. K A ZON (COMPANY 71t So. Dearborn Street, Chlrago. III. Vsa linijo in parnikl Ml amo ofleijalnl taatopnikl ta vaa valne JlniJe In parnika in Vam v vsakem alutaju lahko poatraiamo, «a potujeU v aUri kraj. ali ®a SallU kosa dobiti i« .tarev« kraja. Pilit« um pa Voani rad parnika* h» cen* kart. POSlLJANJR DRNARJA V poilUanJu denarja v aUri kraj Imamo 1B let iakulenj In ta to tU lahko alsurnl, da kodeta dobro poatrelenl, ¿a m obrnaU na naa, kadar pollljaU denar. Sedaj ao nale cene m dinarja in lira aladalai Za |t.—... 110 din. Za M.M... 100 Hr I.—.., 1*0 " " 10.-... 400 » " «S.-»... III -" U JI... 1000 • 4S,—...1000 " V navedenih aenah ao tapopadenl val atro-Iki. Poliljamo tudi v am. dolarjih. — Ker ae eene tedaj «aato menjajo, ao nave-dana eene podvrlma apremambl. pori ali doli. Dravi paall a atertm krajam. Ako rabite pooblaatilo, kupno poaodbo, ali kako druco Ilatlno ta aUri kraj. ali «ko imata kak druv poael a .Urim krajem, ae obrni-ta u: ll.M... tOO Z7.I0... 100 44.71... 100 11.60... 1000 Iz New Yorka odplujeta priljubi ekspresna parnika NEW YORI 13. DECEMBRA Izbornc železniške zveze od llamb| • BREME 16. DECEMBRA Ekspresni vlak ob Bremen v M haven zajamči udobno potovanji LJubljane. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LIN NORTH GERMAN LLOY 130 W. RANDOLPH ST., CHICAGO Važno! ZNIŽANE CENE za TJA IN NAZAJ ZA OMEJENO BIVANJE V EVROPI Vlpraiajte svojega zastopnika. LEO ZAKKAJSEK General Travel Serriee, lue. 302 E. 72nd St, New York, N. Y. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Žalostnega srca naznanjamo sorodnikom, prijateljem in znam tužno vest o Izgubi soproga in o^eta FRANKA KANALEC Neusmiljena smrt mu je pretrgala nit življenja 12. oktobra M ob času smrti je bil star 54 let. Doms jc bil iz Drežnice pri K« ridu. Pokojni je bil ¿lan dr. it. 34, SNPJ. Najlepšo hvalo izrel druitvu za podarjeni venec, za nagrobni govor, kakor tudi za poti ce in sploh za vse, kar ate mi dobrega storili. Nadalje se zahvalju vaem za darovane vence in cvetlice, kakor tudi vsem tistim, ki dali avtomobile in brezplačno vozili pri pogrebu. Najlepšo hvalo p* izrekam moji sestri in bratom ter sorodnik ki ste mi pomsgali v tej žalostni uri. Hvala vsem skupaj. Ifbt dragi soprog in oče, želimo, počivaj v miru.—Žalujoči ostali: M Kanalec, soproga; Alma in Clarice, hčerke. Indianapolis, Ind. I»VK G I. A SOV ITI STARO-KRAJHKI ZDRAVII.!: ZA TRPKfK NA ŽRLODCr - ftel.,d«nl la Irovaaal katar, prtu» hklme •laka peefcava, aapalaa« la Maltea aa a.j. M.pe*ae;le »dravl t mojim prtradal» «rfr. »Uat. Oau vellbum aa~tm h I d»U, TftpKfl NA MKIIL'RJU IN ORfUTIII — »'„si prmaleaja I« hUIImm |a. t*r m WMik» v krt*« r*k«to ""»"" prtMSu ad»a»lta. Oau aoMkea- aavajM f II fl. "Oí aaada! Zakal ai nam aprakilt n.»- atjir.u»' NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA rn MR.* i:. #lmpae|a m M«Mt) t volta» GRITA MCHKOVAR •»»d St.. No« York. N. Y m vam trata «alfe v«d trpeti radi rev«»» i lint—«obit« R<».Ra. «d edravalkov pra#|,t. »au edravlto ta mllllna ko leí in», kronUni revntallaam. lumia«.. aevtUa. tiatlk« lal» fine v .hlapih hrhlnbol, In dnife arr^dnaatl. j J» napravljena It tuvl^Vl ae «porabljajo po ream eveta aa potud revmaUam«. rosa c sira irn na I NAAR TRoéRR Sa Rt aa pradaia pa |t.|0 .tek trn ira. ake vam u po "O0O. va. u aUu alti m*> ta. Petljtte vale ime |a arnrf^ la aa blu* pta««e pekam pl.matiala ka ,ta> prtaaae R« R| na vol aakii. Ce kal le > i l,Uat la I« vam u i n«e. vrniatn vol duor (Akr O pHUlet, leoa» a no|i mm. kaSal mi Ha/ao« p3* slu I na»• J bolezni in nam veliko poslali njen* pozdrave. Naia lepa hvala vaem aorodnikom in druitvenikom p _ tfUem in znancem. hI ate jo obiakali ob njenem mrtvaikem odru in nas tolažili v urah isl«»t.. i« se zahvalimo njenim tetam in strica In ostalim aorodnikom za podarjene Ji hrasne vence in is u pri pogrebu, družinam in puamezniko«: nr. In mra. Spnik iz Milwaukee, Wia.. mr. in mrs Ani.* r'ljs. mr. in mrs. Joe Žolezrik. Sebenik in Zeleznik ia Clevelanda. Ohio. mr. in mrs. John Zeletsik." ^ »rs. Frank Miviek. mr. in mra. l ovi« Križaj in Frank Petkoviek. Nadalje se prsv lrp<» «h»ai.m«^ ^ i4 ii.u 70.00 ....... j ssm j...... « m 7 ........ ....... .m ....... t 9m< n 10 m 186 40 ....... 164 8» ....... a •h %7 7 80 802 00 ....... 160.0* ....... « • " »4 4 18 inn ....... 71 89 ....... i mt ji 1.80 114 «o ....... 9.14 ....... i wî t,i ' Ui ie U.12 122.60 ....... # 7 40 ....... • iis ........ ....... 11.91 ....... k m ,4 4'20 ........ 1.....'.. t 164 m « tl 109.«» f t 46«) i.m ........ ........ ....... k 1 so m m ....... ........ ....... 1 a m 80.6« im.m ....... k »1 «4 IN .....; k 4 98 ........ mu ....... • 1« ........ ....... . i4.m ....... k 14 It» 19« m ....... k ' * » »4 22.41 «iim ! ....... a a••••« • » hu 4| •2» hm 14* ....... a ltw i« 1 to ........ 1 40 ........ ! ....... - « ti irt ....... h- vplačila — I— izplačila— Mladinski O« Odrasli OdrMli oddelek oddelek i -keci1pts-u1sbu No. Adult Juvenil« I Adult » i ■■ HÜEM t i Ju II 40 «1 41 44 4» 4« 4T *• 49 I« »1 II M »4 66 56 17 11 I» 60 11 12 «I «4 •6 6« «7 •8 6» 70 71 71 71 74 71 71 77 71 71 80 81 Ht 81 14 IB M 17 88 SI I» 11 02 M •4 •5 96 17 08 101 102 104 106 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 111 114 111 116 117 118 111 ISO 121 121 121 124 126 116 127 1S8 120 110 111 182 114 115 116 117 118 110 140 141 142 148 144 146 14« 147 148 150 161 161 114 166 156 168 16» 161 112 161 166 IM 1*7 IM 161 170 171 172 171 174 171 17« 177 110 181 162 III 114 186 l«î III 181 1*0 1*1 1*2 1*1 1*4 1*7 IM IM IM toi 111 zu »4 IM IM irr 10« IM II* tll tlt III tl* tl« ft* SIT «II IM «tl ttt 2M M4 Mladinski Dr. dolcu- Dr. im oddal* (je m IW.I kradlta KNTS Lod«* Lodat Juvenil« Defclt i Credit :::: 4M 4» 140.6» 111*1 1*1.66 114.11 117.42 44.14 IMM 1*4.00 2*7.52 117.01 104.11 449.K 1.048.24 114 28 88.57, 171.28 141.15 44.16 118.5» 192.14 ItS.27 1*4.(1 111.94 161.69 140.0« 119.SK 14.16 76.16 611.74 66.92 22.71] 40.64 • l.M 16.56 t81.9l 16.12 17.15 IM.62 199.55 62.09 198.94 171 19 179.15 17.05 199.91 278.11 «02.14 «77.01 118.96 ltC.48 IM.4t 186.66 •«.97 90 94 «74.6« 299.24 164.90 «29.8» 7«.05 118.71 411.17! «6.91 241.0« 276 00 204.96 tlt.86 «41.01 116.78 150.01 «0.1» 177.46 101.76 67.84 164.96 «61.45 ttt.40 181.92 «17.91 1(8.25 «1.64 «60.70 176.50 641.2« (.60 26.76 «10.00 «MM 244.22 2U.20 161.14 14Lt7 14 94 671.60 77«.«8 111.70 ita.7« 117.81 1.170.94 «7.44 51.44 14«.07 4«. 7» 440.65 ««.07 1t 91.44 111.17 IM 41 7».«7 11 26 , 271.M I« 17 II«.«« 44.77 Mit 81.44 IS«,M 62 96 IM. »2 67.79 74.7« 84.14 80.1« 218.41 164.60 107.11 III 0t ««.«7 II« not 221.211 III 9«| 21.21! 44.«7, 60 62 16.17 IHM 116 M •4.M IM I* lt.M •Ol «76 IM 8.6« 9 80 1.80 8.10 lo.oo 11.70 » 1« 8.1« 16.60 29.0t «tl 168 «41 «.66 1.8« 5.40 7.«4 2 »8 6.46 «.7* 16.00 6.90 2*2 2.40 15.«O .801 1.80 l.«0 4.M 1.40 1.4fr| 6.11 1.10 4.1« 1.4t !«.«! 1.6V .2» 24.9t 6.1« !«.«• 17 a-M 6.07 8.21 4.«8 Léo t.to 9.78 6.60 «.80 19.68 6.0« «07 14.lt IM 14.7« 14.60 1.00 1.40 tt.97 8.20 6.00 >.«0 • II 17.86 1.80 11.98 «1.0« 11.60 11.6« 16.M 16.04 4.IO 21.M 1.80 21.17 «7« 11.M «.60 11.80 8.4« «.88 «60 «LI« «.80 «00 7.98 «7.89 «7« 4.00 «1« 1 10.11 .80 «.00 7.40 «08 1.14 .20 11.70 «0 1.80 1 00 l.M «.88 «SO u.*o SM «18 4.401 «.S6| II 20 a-dd] S.7« IN LS« .20 S.SO .«0 1 40 Si* • I« IM 4M 4.64 4SI 15.M M.M 76.00 îss.oo, 96.00 41.»« 250.00 28.00 •0.00 S7.00 14 28.00, 11.50, 162.60, 146.00, 142.00, 24 00 into 28.00 11.00 U.M li.OO 10.00 ......I 28.00 1M.M 112.00 124.00 117.M 47.M ll.M •«.M 106 60 807.00 lt.00 •M.60 M.M «t.l 94 00 2.00 «1.60 • 1.60, 246 -fJ :::::::: 41.60 ........ 61.60 21I.M «4.00 17.00 192.60 227.00 612 00 42.M ISO 7.M 94 00 17L 676.00 «4.00 1««.00 «9 AO «4M M.00 •SM •7. M 11.00 ISS AO 119.00 6S0.M SOS*! ' ' ' V.t» 20.91 «7.8« 7t. I* 11«.«« S7.74 87«.91 «4 9« «.70 •1.14 •••it. 14.19 111.68 4.1« 1.18 147.««i t.M 10.18 4.M .«0 M.7I 11.11 1M.7« «4« «M 114.M il M.|0| SO.M «.«0 «7.0« M «7 .M 4«.«« 1«»0 «7.«7 .«7 .Tl «04 .M U1.7» l.lf tt.M M.87 U.H 4M7 11.11 •«.M 17«.«8 41.«« 4.44 «.74 46.60 40«.«0 1«. t«. 600 00 82.M 99 00 «4.«0 «8.00 «12.00 «1.60 ««8.00 16.00 •4M 61.M, M.M 97 00 28 00. lit 00, 14 0« M.«* 15 00 IM.tl 1L7« VPLAČILA—i I Odrasli Mladinski drultva oédelok «dd^k No. aKlCIPTt— Adult I Juvenil« tU .. 1M.7I| I.Ml s s« . 41.14 I.TI 217 tt.M l.M 228 .. UMI 1.4* sso .. ,. 17«.l« «M ni «IM IN M« .. IM.M «.IT SU ., M.71 l.M 114 .. IU ,, IM.Ot' MI.M! T.«4 l.M SM ,, 164.«4, «9! «17 .. . .1 41.40 l.M1 M8 . .. IM.M I.U| U9 .. IM.M «M «40 . ., M.M 241 . l«4.t» «.«! 24S . 78.11 180 24« . M.M LM «44 .. 71.41 «.40 246 . ««.«« 2 80 147 . Uit« «18 14« . 41.M lmJ 211 .. ........ 14 Al 1J0 U« .. ■M: 261 * • .1 IM.M l.M! 264 . ,. «S8.7« lt.l* U7 . UIT« 445 £68 . . ,1 11«.18 1.40' 269 . iai.7« 6.t0 2«! . 96 48 l.M M2 . ., «M.ll 14.10 261 . ,, 69 70 I.** 264 . IMM «80 2U . ,, 11141 4M «M , ., 17.17 l.M M7 ., , J 104.M T.«6 2*8 . S«9.M 8.97 2M . 179.19 8.90 170 . 111.71 4.M 171 . ,, 114 M 148 271 . , .1 41.0« 1.10 274 , »U 71.11 LM «7« , • V lll.lt I.Q0 87« . , ,1 1I0.I« 177 . IM.M 9.89 278 , 195.SO 11.10 «79 . 14 M l.M 180 . , , Ml Sli . M.19 1.00 Ml . IM.M 110 Ml . «1.11 LM 284 . M.M «M 21« . 4«.89< t 40 IM . 19.41 l.M 187 . 111.It 11.17 M« . IIT.lt 4«0 289 . , , 114.98 14 69 190 , 111.10 4.«0 Ml . 17.11 1.40 S9S . IM.M T.II 291 . 14.41 100 294 . 4.MI ........ «96 . IM.M «JO SM . 141.14 6 60 M7 . , , 199.46 11.80 «98 . • * 191. U 4.M 299 . . . «M.M «10 100 . M4.44 14.00 101 . 18.81 ... i.... 102 . . I 18.44 40 104 . . . 411.77 l.H 106 . 71.48 «.«« 10« . . . ««.74 l.M «07 . «0.0« LM 10« . U9.I9 T.»« 109 . «9 90 4.80 '110 . • . . 74.78 4.00 Ill . ' liti M 1-10 lit . • . 181.58 11.14 Ill . • . . ao.ti 180 114 . ... IM.M 1.40 Ill . • • • 14«.«4 • «« 11« . , , , 99.04 «40 Ill . . . . ULIT 11.«« IU . • . . MM 410 «1« . . . IM.M TA« ,„•10 . . . 4««< 1.M «II . . . 197.41 7.18 MI . , , «M 84 U.«S Ill . . 1 • 10« 99 7.94 116 . , , 147.71 S.94 IM . . • i I 100.64 l.«0 117 . I M.M 1 60 - IZPLAČILA —i I Od ms 11 Mladinski Dr uddll.h I oéd»Wk i« M MM. DUBURSKMBNTS Adult I JuvMil« MM «•I-M ILO* 1.01« 00 41 00 MM 1* 141 M 71.M •7*00 29.M M.M, 14 00 104 II«.«9 6i.s« ««.m 101.66 It.tl «1.14 IN 41.« i 61 46 «.II I 00 .01 7«.M «47 .......J 81.11 ........ moo, »»•-i m«; •••j «6 m, «7 mj m.m II» tO* M M JI 2ND» 11717; 66 45 87.1« 114 66 16« «« •4 M; 419 M 4SI» t M.«P SM M «9 7* «Mfl IM M im.m| IM «S 211 61 MM IM I« M M MM M T* IM M na 7. «41 IM ISM •JI M 2 80 I« 74 1.1» IM •.79, IM 4 M «M IM 1.4* IN IM ««« l*M M • T« «M IM 7 M I M 1*7* ss« « I« II ....... 14 «4 ....... m «al....... •«H...... .«i Ol «M' •il..,;:: MM, 14 m, si» mi ,,,,,, ..I «7.0«, m.m, im.m, •T. Z «•m 4« o" MM 64 m i.msm «16.M. ......1 ...... 117 m T.l il l*.M. • 41 I«. I«1 IM.M mm na 14.m • m 4M im «0.00 ««.M 79 00 «4.M ««■00] «14.00 14 00 114.10 «.M •1 00 IM.00 M 00 «O.M 116 00 «1.00 1.014 00 141.00 16.69 «1« 60 1« 00 11.00 19.00 10*0 ........\ 1,0« 1.00 ««.«0 lo.oo sa.oo 76.60 109.00 «8 OO 111.60 101.00 «00 U.00 DMIt au 11.74 •4M 17.10 «t.l» 1*.46 Dr. Im kredita Credit 14 90 • M «7.M 9.1* 8 8« 17.04 17.S» no* «H.9& 4.00 M.»0 S 80 14.48 11.4« 116.91 I 60 1.41 •«.M 11.40 l.«7 1.0« ai.7o m i» 47«.00 tt.M MM 1.7« 71 89 T.4« till IM.II Vi.il 4.1« ILM I.II 10« .M »0.77 II.«« •1 1.10 7 9« M «90 • 10 II« «I "V «H« — vri.a/mi.a 1 izi'l.a^ii.a — 1 1 itev. ttdre.li Mledinakt Odrasli Mledln.ki Dr dulfie Dr. im« druttve oddelek udd«Wk iNldelek | oddelek ¡j« ne aeee.| kredita i .MiV* — aicKipTa-—1 uiaauaaKMaNT» 1 1 AIM '"■•V Niv : AdulJ Adult j u« aalle 1 «If« IWt.lt 1 dklf« t redit "« .... 97 64 uï SI 0« ....... 1 ••«••ta* ....... 110 Ml ........ ....... Ml .... ««.••v . tM ........I ........I M TI ....... MS .... «441 10 T« Oti ........ ....... Ml .... lil.TI 1.00 1« 70 ........ ........ ....... 114 M II .«0 ........ ........ ........ ....... III ....( Ut II 4.1» ........ ....... M« IIIS ........I ........1 ...... ....... UT ... . ; 146.99 4.S«, tet.«9 ........ ,j ...... ....... «18 ..J TT.M 1.18 «1.00 ........ ....... «M ...J «0 07r 1 00 ........ 4 ..... 1 . ....... ■40 .... 1412 1.00 .. ...... ........ ........ ....... 141 .... M II 1.10 ........ T.01 ....... 141 .. 10.M 1 98. • i...... l.M ....... 144 147.11 11.7« 14 00 «ti i m m ■4« .... 91.60 ' M» MM, t.91 ..t.. .i •4« ....J U.S9 .10 ,,,,,,, .1 ........ t ...... i ....... «47 .... 161.41 10 40 •a.ooi ........ 44 98 ....... 349 ...J 18.81. * 1.79 169 .... 17.18 101.00 V.;;;;;; 161 I0.«7 .....',40 ....... * .40 ...... i •6« .... 9 07 10 1.14 ...... i Ml .... «5« «I 11.90 4100 ,,,,,,,, ....... «U .... «4 «4 2 40 ,,,,,,,, 1« 68 ....... «M ... 146 9« 111 14 00 ,,,,,,,, 4.IT ....... MT .... 1.1« .10 ,,,,,,,, «14 ....... «68 TI 69 6.78 80 00 •.... t « • 9.14 ....... MO ..,. 11.41 .40 ,,,,,,,, ...f.... .... » i.. ......i mi .... 169.TI 8.m II 00 listi ». » ........ .TI «•« .... ««.IT, 1 «o . 11 %... ■ ........ ....... ml M 89* 1.6« TI 06 M4 .... 67 80 1 10 .M M6 .... «47 96 117« I! oo 8 87 ,,,,,,, ««« .... «499 1.74 IM 60 41.11 ....... M8 .... 9 47 . 40 ....... Ml .... II« «4 N|0 «4 00 ........ ....... «71 •M M 9 14 44.00 >>..«.11 .10 ....... «74 107 «S 4 40 • 84 00 ........ al 89 ..,..., «7« .... • ITT S. im 14 OO 6 89 ....... «77 .... 119 10 1.68 106 00 ........ >. 11.11 •7H ,,., Iti 14 1.10 171 .... •8.08 4 60 10.(M> »»'«»'» >1 9.18 .«••m •M .... M t« Ml «6 00 ........ ....... «81 .... 9A.I4 1.49 «4.00 ........ ........ ...... i 18« .... SOL«! 4 Ml IM 110 tii.aa ......i «84 «« tl • «. v*. • • ■ ........ ........ .....it «8« .... 17 90 LM 84.60 ........ ..... i.. ....... 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(Dalje na I. atranl » $124.50 lahki pogoji '10 takoj ottalo na mafkn» «t«. ««•¿m« »hmk« tatno n valim p l a HI o m ta elektriko. Nov prostoren Kelvinator po novi nizki ceni! Ta veliki Kakiaalor—4.7 kabtčaik čevlje»— ima p«>M>bn«i nlik» r»n« v prid tiatik, ki hoča)o dober rafrlge-ralor ia pora al. Oglajfe ni ga v trgo-viaah (VAceirir MKop«), • C«Mi kal«ri vam nuden ta KelvinaUir, je znatno niija kot pa Je bila kateriikoll druga za modala ulične velikonti in kvalitet«. Ppoator-noat J» aadostna za pot rel*- povpr<«čne d ruti rt» 1'roelornoet ca hrano 4.7 kobiinlh d«v|jav. Pa-Itc* 9*4 kvadrat naga čevlja. Dobro «amiiljan, dovolj viao^in« aa lonra. Trije predali za imr-sovanje vode -«Vač ko pet funtov ledu. P«r*a» la na» ta nolraitjoel V»l ogli »aokroleni lahko Jih Je čialiti. Rai« lakirana «uiiaaj«at a reel-•Umico proti p«*aot in odignjriiju. Dna mnogo posebnih i «boljša v, ki »o napravile «lova« K«l v i na tor Ju. Na prodaj r,]„) v Kle tri« Hhopa, Vprašajte za eirf>4>r»i Si. •t elephone HANdetfth ijoo-IM/ '75 FEDERAI. COUPONS GIVEN 4**1 noted* er /M« Mi|»«wks* Am. ««♦» Ii t lee Pati Éle4 4411 W Ms.iis-.i. IM oh i» Asklsed Ave MM* «tete Ii Hi ft »Mit. tt>u t Vi«-11< ||ll*l Mufci««M A»e K ___ Skupna ' ^»'>tHten koncertni program: d«kUmafl)«. ^ z»M»r "Ja\ornik" iz »«rbertol». Ohlo. umti»\ ***** drugp zanimiv« al vari. (Dvornik bo br. PMMf upravnik i^L iMlbomik it Chicaf»» IU- društva št 730, 321, 49 in 481 S. N. P. J. Jugoslovanskem domu, Im 10. Mvukra 1W4 v Warren, Ohio uk$U veter I'll kon/anrm programu aMi p le» in pruata /aliava. Igral l>o Jaiol» |'«ralnov uri«at«r. /.« d«*liru p«Milr«>lM» b«id« akrb«l t Malini «»dbor. 1'rldH« tal In prlpcMH» ««boj «vu)« prijn-I al J« uljudno vabi /dru>enih dru*t«v ODBOR! CKQIXETX PROSVETA THE RNLMÍHTKNMKM GLASILO IN LASTNINA «LOVEN«» NARODNE PODPOBNE JEONOT» Orgaa .1 uU „MM fer U- IU*»m KaUaaal H-»efn IbriHr NwoWui m UnOni dr*.». (Ima Cblea«a> la Utâd. MM m lato M * « M Ma II M ut ¿«tri WU . «a ChUaao la CUtro »7.40 m aalo Uto. » H m pol IrU ; «a la» ,ITi'r- (i 00 —«ufaaerlptioa ralas: for tka Un lud «tat« (eieapt Chicago » and Canada MO« par r«ar. Cklcago aad Ctoaro 97 M pot roar, foralgn eoantria» M M par »aar Naak* «a m. kar Ima ftU • llaioai i PEOHVETA, IIIMI Sa. LawatfaJa Ara.. Cfelcaaa. HL MKMHKK OF THE EEDEEATED PEE88___ ^flfe» I*» Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive beleïke iz raznih krajev V petek je nhod v dvorani SNPJ Chicago. — Volilna kampanja bo kmalu končana. Prihodnji torek bo dan "suverenih" vo-lilcev, katerim se zdaj klanja vsak pol i ti čar in služboiskalec. V veliki meri bo to dan štetja nosov — štetje nosov bo namreč v toliko, v kolikor bo umsko in ročno delavstvo glasovalo za kandidate in stranke kapitalizma. In to bo v večini. Socialisti delujemo na to, da bi na volilni dan štetje nosov prenehalo ter da bi delavstvo tako glasovalo kakor glasujejo kapitalisti ter druge privilegirane skupine: za svoje interese. Kadar se bo to zgodilo, potem tudi ne bo več daleč čas, ko bo delavstvu res posijalo lepše soln-ce. Dokler se pa ne navadi ra-! biti svoje glasovnice, ki ravno 1 toliko šteje kakor glasovnica Forda, Rockefeller]a, Mellona in drugih plutokratov, toliko časa bo še nosilo bat i ne. Socialisti na zapadni strani Chicaga bomo imeli prihodnji | petek, 2. nov., kampanjski shod v dvorani SNPJ, na katerem bo glavni govornik Fred Henderson iz Anglije. 0 njem je bilo v Prosveti že prej omenjeno, da je i zboren govornik in eden naj-bistrejših mislecev v angleškem delavskem gibanju. V svojem mestu Norwichu vrši tudi važno mestno službo, za katero ga je izvolilo delavstvo. Poleg Hendersons bosta imela krajši» govore tudi češka so-druginja Milada Heranek in Arthur McDowell, strankin kandidat za kongresnika na splošno. Tudi on je dober govornik, dasi je še mlad. Na ta shod vabimo vs«» delavce in delavke. Pripeljite tudi svoje bolj odrasle otroke, ker se bodo lahko več naučili kakor pa v šoli. Vstopnina je deset centov. Na volilni dan pa ni treba šteti nosov, ampak glasujte za socialistično listo. A. G. sta se dobro postavila. Amalija Church je tudi izvrstno dekla-mirala in bila deležna velikega odobravanja. Po programu se je pričela plesna in druga zabava. Proslava tridesetletnice je torej za nami in pripraviti se moramo, da bomo druge obletnice naše organizacije proslavili čim bolj impozantno. Frank Ilersich, 74. pušča starše. V jednoto je pristopil v maju leta 1924. V bolnišnici je bil dva meseca. Najprej se mu je napravil tvor na pljučih, potem pa se je pridružila še pljučnica, ki ga je umorila. Pokojni je bil aktiven in miren član. Član je bil tudi pri HBZ in Moose. Vsa tri društva so mu priredila dostojen pogreb. Bilo je obilo rož in vencev. Pogreb je bil civilen, kakor je sam želel. Pogreba so se udeležili tudi Člani Ameriške legije, kajti pokojni je bil v armadi med vojno. Naše društvo se iskreno zahvaljuje vsem za brezplačne avte, za vence, posebno pa družini Berovich, pri kateri je pokojni ležal na mrtvaškem odru. Louis Humar. Klub brezpoHelnih Chicago. — Seja kluba brezposelnih bo v četrtek 1. nov. v spodnji dvorani SNPJ. Pričakuje se lepo število novih članov. Zanimanje za te vrste organiziranja zadnje čase raste. Pridružite se temu gibanju vsi, ki ste brezposelni in vsi, ki se zanimate za končno odpravo te kuge današnjega ekonomskega ustroja. Pridite na sejo, da spoznate naše delovanje, ki je bilo v korist že marsikateremu članu posebej in v splošno korist vsem. Naš glavni namen je: pomagati onim, ki so potrebni in u-pravičeni do brezposelnostne podpore, tako da jo dobivajo redno in v zadostni meri. Odbor. Domača zabava Chicago, III. — Društvo Narodni Vitezi št. 39 SNPJ priredi demačo zabavo v soboto 10. novembra ob 8. zvečer v spodnjih prostorih poslopja SNPJ, 2657 S. Lawndale ave. Vabi se vse cenjeno članstvo v Chicagu in vsi prijatelji dobre zabave. Po-setite nas in nam izkažite bratsko naklonjenost. Posebno pa apeliramo na člane in članice našega društva, da se gotovo u-deležijo te domaČe zabave stoodstotno. Naše društvo ima lepo število članic, ki jih ne vidimo na sejah, pa saj jim ne zamerimo, ker vemo, da so zaposlene pri peči, da pripravijo kosilo. Kar se tiče Članov, se preoej dobro udeležujejo društvenih mesečnih sej. Da pa se bomo enkrat vsi skupaj sestali in dobro zabavali, ste vsi člani in članice prošeni, da se gotovo VSI udeležite domače zabave. Pripeljite tudi svoje prijatelje, da se bomo skupno zabavali. Upam, da enkrat v letu ne boste prezrli tega vabila. Godbo bomo imeli izvrstno, prave kranjske harmonike in klarinet, pa še pompom. Svirali bodo prave slovenske polke in valčke, in poštrtanc pride tudi na vrsto. Kako bo luštno! Spet se bomo enkrat pošteno zabavali. Vstopnina za odrasle je sanjo 25c. Brezposelni člani so vstopnine prosti. Bratje in sestre! Udeležite fe te zabave vsi! S tem boste pokazali, da se zanimate za drti-štvo in jednoto ter zase. S tem boste dali društvenemu odboru veselje do dela. Ne pozabite datuma — 10. nov. — in pridije vsi, kar leze in gre! Frank Pechnik, predsednik. Le naprej, bratje in sestre! Se večkrat kaj skupno priredimo, kajti v skupnosti in združenju je moč! Tu nas je več Slovencev in Jugoslovanov, kateri pa vsled razdalje le malokdaj skupaj pridemo. Zato pa je potrebno, da od časa do časa prirejamo skupne zabave. LuŠtno smo se spet imeli dne 20. oktobra, ko je društvo 743 SNPJ imelo veselico. Vabit so nas prišli Blačičevi, mi pa smo se drage volje odzvali, da vrnemo njihov poset, kar nam ni žal. Bili smo dobre volje vsi.— Vreme je tukaj lepo, a od tega ne more človek živeti. Delavske razmere so kot povsod, bolj slabe. Mary Kruslin, predsednica. SR">A. 31. OITTOBH NASI ODRI LISTNICA UREDNIŠTVA Chicago, M. C.—J. M. Trunk sam pravi, da je že star in ima svoje muhe, zato se ni več vredno pečati z njim. Ignorirajte njegove otročje muhe! | FRANK PUNCER, socialistični kandidat za državnega poslan-' ca v 3. distriktu, West AUis,! Wis. Aktiven član SNPJ. I Proslava tridesetletnice SNPJ Vlrden, III.—Federacija društev SNPJ v centralnem Illinoi-su je dne 14. oktobra proslavila MICHAEL E. S0STARICH, tridesetletnico jednoto s sijaj- socialistični kandidat za državnim uspehom. Odziv s strani nega poslanca v 5. distriktu. Mll-članstva in društev SNPJ iz o- waukee, Win. Aktiven član SNPJ. kolicr je bil zadovoljiv. ' ~ ■ ---'—■ Program se je priče! izvajati Boljše razmere ob 4. popoldne ln otvoril ga je I Benld, III.—V tej okolici so Re (»orškov orkester s koračnico\delavske razmere nekoliko iz-SNPJ, nato pa je br. John Gor-1 boljšale. Vzrok je to, ker je še k st. pozdravil navzoče. V Superior Coal Co. odprla še en kratkem govoru je orisal delo prcmogorov, namreč št. 4 v jednote od njene ustanovitve do Wifeonvillu, ki ni obratoval celi danes. ; dve leti in pol. Prej so vse de- Sjx>re delitev dela, tako da < ainkar, gl. predsednik, je go- rudar ne dobi več dela ko za pet voril v imenu jednote in pojaa- dni v tednu, nil pot«-žkoče pionirjev, ki so u- Kot se sliši od uradnikov stanovili in gradili SNPJ in na- družbe, bo vzelo še precej Časa, glašal, dn jim mora biti član- pr«*dno bodo kakšnega novega stvo hvaležno za delo, ki so ga rudama yzeli na dalo. Kot ved-Izvršili. Br. Calnkar je govoril no, predno kdo tukaj 4oM delo, nad eno uro in članstvo je na- se postara, tako da ni več s po-vdušeno odobravalo njegove be- aol>on za delo. Morda ga bodo dobili domačini, ki imajo sino-Nato je bil krati k odmor, ve, za druge pa je brez pomena, temu pa je sledila igra "živela da bi sem za delom hodili, zdrava kri". Miss Church in F. I Glede veselice ali slavja, ki Krmelj sta zapeli lepo pesem, se je vršilo 14. okt. V Spring-kati to *ta morali ponoviti na ži- fieldu pod pokroviteljstvom fe V when aplavz navzočih. Izvaja- deraclje za centralni Illinois, ie nja igre ne l»om opisoval, či sti- vse resnica, kar je pisala sen. tati pa moram Popotniku, ki je Julija Krmelj v prošli aredni k v rut no izvršil svojo nalogo. izdaji. l/ep prizor nam je nudila sku- John Widmar. 3.r»C> pina dvanajstih malčkov, ki so sk upno nastopili z mi«s Hezgov-šek v sredini, ki je «leklamirala "Bodočnost SNPJ". Miss $tru- kelj. ki je nastopil'» ■ s\ojimi roko med' člane društva 210 in malčki, je bila tudi n»plačana »grabila dobr» ?a člana N i t velikim aplavzom. Pofetn »ta llertovb hn, ki je bil don m nastopila J IHkaar in Ajdič in Madru*. t; nj« Zagorie. Mar zapit sala koroški plea, « katerim je bil II a V K ta nni kraju ¿a- Smrt mladega člana lient »t * v i Ur. Pa. — S amrt |*meirla s svojo koš« Slavje društev 158 in 641 Euclid, O. — Kakor je cenjenim članom in rojakom znano, bo društvo Zavedni Sosedje št. 158 SNPJ proslavilo jedno-tino 30 letnico skupno z angleško poslujoč im društvom Progressives št. 641 SNPJ, katerega člani so tako rekoč naši sinovi in hčerke. To slavje se bo vršilo dne 3. novembra v Slovenskem društvenem domu . na Reher ave. Na seji je bilo sklenjeno, da vsak član in Članica mora vzeti kot vstopnico pivskih listkov za 25c. Kot govornik bo nastopil gl. predsednik Vincent Cainkar. Več zanimivih stvari bo na programu: umetni ples, prosta zabava in dobra godba. Udeležimo se vsi in pokažimo, da nismo Zavedni Sosedje samo na papirju! Marsikdo bo morda rekel, kaj je treba tega, 26c bi dali v društveno blagajno, pa bi bilo vsega konec. Pomisliti pa moramo, da s tem podpremo tudi Dom, katerega Člani smo. Ako ne, bo sama doklada, ki pa bo I» r isla tudi pri društvih in tudi za dom, ako se ne bi krili stro* ški s prireditvami. Na svidenje v soboto 3. nov. v SN D na Reher ave.! Uljudno vabimo tudi druga društva Iz vse okolice. Anna Zele, zapis. Poročilo in zahvala Loa Angelin. Calif. — V imenu društva 616 se iskreno zahvaljujem vsem, ki so «e udeležili slavja jednotine 30 letnice društev 462 in 61R dne 14. okt., na kal« rem smo se prav dobro 'nhavali vsem onim, ki su pri. previjali ln delali ter darovali, tako da je bil večji uspeh in vsem «»nlrn, ki so pomagali pri programu. Upam, da bomo kaj podobnega apet v kratkem dočakali. DRUŠTVENE VESTI Domača veselica 10. nov. Brldgeville, Pa.—^Društvo No-1 va Domovina št. 206 priredi domačo zabavo ali vc«elico v soboto večer 10. novembra. Članstvo sosednjih društev se uljudno vabi na poset. Odbor bo preskrbel dobro godbo, pijačo in prigrizek. Ker naše društvo že več let ni imelo nobene velike prireditve, zato pa bo obhajalo svojo 18-letnico na novega leta dan. Vabljena so vsa bližnja društva, obenem pa tudi naprošena, da na omenjeni dan ne prirejaj^ svojih veselic.—Odbor. "Prodana nevesta" Cleveland, O.—Kljub brezposelnosti in pomanjkanju se vseeno zavedamo, da ne smemo obupati, pač pa moramo iti naprej po naši začrtani poti, to je na političnem in kulturnem polju. Pevski zbor "Zarja", ki je tudi del delavskega gibanja, se pripravlja, da uprizori na zahvalni dan 29. nov. v SND na St. Clairju opero, ki ni bila še nikoli igrana med Slovenci v A-meriki. Opera se imenuje "Prodana nevesta". Zadnjič je bila uprizorjena na češki farmi DTJ. Sodeloval je tudi ipev. zbor "Zarja". Bilo je navzočih na tisoče ljudi iz vseh krajev čeških naselbin. Opera je delo Bedricha Smetane, slavnega češkega komponista. Bila je uprizorjena že v večjih mestih v Evropi in Ameriki. Sedaj bo uprizorjena s sodelovanjem češkega pev. zbora "Vojan", ki ima izvrstne pevce in soliste. Nastopilo bo nad sto pevcev. Odmevalo bo po dvorani, da se bo vse treslo. Vstopnina je 75c in 50c, akoravno je bila svoječasno po 2 in 3 dolarje. To pa vsled tega, ker se zavedamo, da v tej krizi ni mogoče raču-| nati visoke vstopnine in da se da priložnost brezposelnim, da se lahko udeleže. Vse bolj važne priredbe, ki so se dosedaj vršile, so bile zelo dobro obiskane, kar pokazuje, da ljudstvo se kljub težkočam in ipomanjkanju zaveda, da mu je kultura potrebna, ker ne nudi le razvedrila, ampak tudi izobrazbo. Ona nas vzdiguje, da se bolj spoznamo drug z drugim in se zavedamo, da smo ljudje, bratje in sestre. Na to prireditev pričakujemo obiskovalcev in prijateljev tudi iz drugih naselbin, pa tudi večje število Cehov. Nabavite si že sedaj vstopnice, ki se dobe pri pevcih in pevkah Zarje in v Ku-šlanovi slaščičarni v SND. Pub. odbor. Komedija «Glavni d,»bit Canonsburg, pa. dne 3. novembra, otvori Jnji dramski klub Soča ,v, tošnjo jesensko sezijo z u ntvijo igre "Glavni do tridejanska komedija »o v dobrih rokah, pricak dobra uprizoritev ter vel deležba. el Igralsko osobje se i vežba in vam jamči, če s* žite te uprizoritve, da va tovo ne bo žal; imeli i* ur lepega in dobrega užit Pričetek igre točno ob ' <*f. Po igri bo ples in zabava. Postreženi boste v vseh ozirih. Zato pridii Pub. odsek S Opereta in koncert Cleveland, O. — V n dne 4. novembra, gostuj nas newburški "Delavec," na odru Delavskega don Waterloo uprizoril komičn reto "Na kmetiji in v ka Tako sta nam povedala in mrs. Penko, ki vesta, U nam tudi pripovedujejo in splošno se tudi govori uprizoritvi "Delavca". Na 25. nov. na istem nastopi "Jadranov" oktet soc. "Zarja", nekdo izvi metni ples, nastopi Vai trio, samostojna "Zarja" prezentirana z dvema i njama in duetom, potem p nova igra s Kaferletom, kom in Žigmanom. Nal opis pozneje. Ples in a To se bo vršilo, kakor r v Delavskem domu na Wa Nekateri pa pravijo, da dom demokratov zato, ker veliko demokratov na shod je stranke, jako malo pa cev na delavske shode. 1 mo mimogrede. Vstopnice v predproda prireditev 25. nov. 35c, pi gaj ni bodo pa 40c. Udi se! Frank Barbič, Članom društva št. 659 St. IjOuis, Mo.—Vsi oni člani SNPJ, ki so bili v odboru za slavje 30 letnice SNPJ, so naproše-ni, da se udeležijo seje v ponde-ijek, dne 5. nov. ob 8. zvečer, | tako da bomo rešili zadevne stvari, ki smo jih odložili za to sejo.: Vstopnice morate tudi vsi vrni-' ti, da zaključimo račune. Tudi odbor za oglase naj set udeleži te seje.—Frank Mahnich, 659. Federacije SNPJ Seja illinoiake federacije Vtrden, lil — V nedeljo 11. nov. ob 9. dop. v S. D. v Spring-fieldu se vrši seja federacije društev SNPJ za centralni Illinois. Pozivajo se vsi zastopniki okrožnih društev, da se gotovo udeležijo. Vabljena so vsa nepridruiena društva. Federa-cijski odbor jih je obvestil že parkrat, da se pridružijo federaciji. Člani, delujte pri svojem društvu, da postane član federacije in posije svojega zastopnika na federacijsko sejo. Delujmo vsi skupaj za naše skupne interese. In ko se bo vršila zadnja letošnja seja naše federacije, upamo, da bo na nji zastopano tudi vaše društvo. Od povabljenih društev se pričakuje, da odgovorijo vsaj nekaj povoljnega. In pa to, da se pridružite za skiupno delo, ki čaka nas vseh v SNPJ. Frank Ilersich, tajnik. Društveno naznanilo Filler, Kans. — Društvo 411 je na svoji prošli seji sklenilo, da vsak član plača v društveno blagajno vsoto 25c. Člani in članice, zavarovani samo za po-smrtnino, plačajo lOc. Ta sklep ostane v veljavi za nedoločen čas. Upoštevajte društvene skle-! pe. Ce hoče kdo oporekati skle-' pom, naj pride na sejo in naj \ tam tU* V 4* Ji V niš« mmin Klasju» seje se vršijo vsako 3. nedeljo v mesecu. Martin Južnik, tajnik. Ako jih niste prejeli, pičit niku federacije, da vam ji dlje. Zborovanje se je vršilo \ ontownu in moramo se zal članom društva št. 326 SN prireditev in kosilo, po pa ženskam, ki so priprav ko okusno gostijo. Bilo j< ga dovolj. Naša iskrena za vsem in za vse! Se enkrat: Društva, ki so včlanjena pri kateri jednotini federaciji, naj s družijo naši in naj posije prihodnjo sejo, ki se bo 11. nov., kakor že,.orne svoje zastopnike. Mike Unetich. taj PENZIJSKI ZAKON PRED VRHOVNO SODI Veselim v Diamnodvillu piamondvillc, \Vyo. — Vsemu članstvu društva 253 sporočam, da smo na prošli seji sklenili, da priredimo plesno veselico dne 3, novembra v korist zvezine blagajne. Uljudno vabim vse članstvo in soaedna društva, da se te prireditve u-deležite. Veselični odbor bo preskrbel za plesaleljne in o-stale dobrote, ki spadajo na take \eaellce. *ra"k Lumbert. tajnik. Ali ste naročeni na dnev-nik "Proeveto"? Podpirajte •roj list! (Nadaljevanje « J. straai blemih, so to gotovo so Najboljša prilika podučiti teh problemih je pa »il kadar je pred njimi so zakonodaja. In kaj naj delovno lji misli o vladnem sistemu, I je enemu ali pa v slučaj hovnega sodišča petim kom pravico, da razvelja* kon, ki je bil sprejet po skih zastopnikih" v zskor nih zbornicah? Mar ni t< neke vrste diktatura, dikt enega ali večine vrhovne» dišča? Sigurno je, čeprav imenuje — demokracija. mu redu in je naperjena naglim in radikalnejšim membam. Dokler bodo n Seja nove federacije Republic, Pa.—Redna seja federacije za okraja Fayette in Green se je vršila 30. sept, v Uniontownu. To je novoustanovljena federacija. Dosedaj se ji je pridružilo 11 drrtštev in seje se je udeležilo 31 zastopnikov. Na seji smo razpravljali o več važnih zadevah, o agitaciji in pridobivanju novih članov in o u-stanivljanju novih angleško po-|redba'sTužT predvsem slujočlh društev. V tem oziru, radi postoječih razmer, se je zadnje vprašanje odložilo do prihodnje seje. Do takrat tudi jme|¡ tako mot' kakor jo pričakujemo, da se bo pridruži- tmeriški, naša takozvans < lo federaeiji več društev. Pi- kracija ne more biti druj smeno so se Že Izjavila, da po- jj0 pok večen a. stanejo člani federacije na pri-| ___--- hodnji seji, ki se bo vršila 25. Hm>»efii nov. v G. Demokratov! dvorani Pokopališča f»rex ^ na Briar Hillu. Pričetek seje ob P"',aja'V : 10. dop. diento.—WW*"*' n Na prošli seji je bilo sklenje- rih časov s kril» m no, da se v federacijo povabijo gizdavimi natr®bn,rm vsa okrožna društva. Ce pa ka- hajajo v po*sbn°-tero društvo pomotoma ni bilo dni Roy Hatt0^ povabljeno pismeno, naj u pošte- ške pokop«' n »r " va te vrstice In naj pošlje svoje- zboruje v hot' ga zastopnika na sejo. Za pojas- ten je nsp" nilo se obrnite na federscijske- pališča. ki b ga tajnika: Mike Unetich, box spomenikov 211, Republic. Pa. Poverilnice znsčeni t i so bile poslane vsem društvom, i na tleh. rrs A< M' dal r odo kra in i1"1 ironait gflflpA. St OirrOBRA. r Podporna Jednotal Wror|». 17. juniM 1907 v dri.ri lUino^a TtL Bockwen 4H4 At«., Chica (o, OL Ave., Chicago, I1L Ava., Chicago, I1L Ava., Chicago, 111. Ava., Chicago, 111. Ava^ Chicago, IU. RK0BSEDC1 1 L m S* UtnaUle At*. Ckteafa. DL 0 GLAVNI ODBOR S. N. P. J. UPRAVNI ODSEK s «rt-wT CAINKAB, pradaadnik. ...2667 8. Lawndala Pv VIDER. »I- taMik.........2667 S. Lawndale ■^vKTEGRADISHEK,Uj.boLodd.2657 S. Lawndale Í vOGRICH, el blagajnik......2667 8. Lawndala SSa, upravkaU flaaila... .2667 8. Uwndala K MOLEK, urednik gla.ila......2667 8. Uwndala . ODBORNIKI: vtf SOMR'VK. P^ podpradaadnik.......»96 E. 74th St., Clavaland, O. LOKAR JR.. d™»1 podpradaadnik..ll98 E. 170th St., CUvaland, O. GOSPODARSKI ODSEK: pETROVirn, pradacdnlk...........BS6 E. 140th St., Clavaland, O. cVETKOVICH..............983 Sanaca Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. .......................149 8. Proapect Ave., Clarendon Hilla, BL POROTNI ODSEK: GORSEK, predsednik..............414 W. Hay St., Springfield, DI. ¡^n SULAR........./rr.......................Box 27, Ama, Kan». TRČELJ..................................801 U7, Strahane, Pa. man PODBOJ.................................Box 61, Parkhill, Pa. BARBICH..................10010 Parkgrova A va., Cleveland, O. NADZORNI ODSEK: ..»v 7AITZ, predsednik................8039 W. 26th St., Chieago, IU. ™MALGAI..............................26 Central Part, Peni, 111. I0OB AMBROZICn............-........418 Pierce St., Eveleth, Minn. ■HOÜ-XerWMn*»« ■ . ni PI8MA. ki m nanašaj» «e »••»• «»• ÍIidinarne pelllJatTa taatrari. to M . ■Militi* fl. tajnlMi»». L u¿ rí, Ukajeí. - Ubilik* Hhn, M ¡ ÜT.T. T i »nI ■ Uagajnllkl«! PmU. M m pbjtoŽBB gleda paala*a»J« y «L eaie nalternrga adkar». m rtizivi m ci. — U dala)« * «L mh, M vrli takel.i pNudalU, raj aa miIiti ra pnMalitn, •L m »Mlljaja ra M. tajalltva. I m »alllja)a u blagaJnlltra. ras Ukmrm raj aa »alUjaJa Fraafc Baje«. ee Ml ralUJaJa ra Mm Garlka. P«UD0PIBI i> k Jakaa IM. H Krank Carna |tl. Marijan Kadnlr «10. Balph Hravar »S*. (>..r»ta Maric 10 Stanko StembrrKvr 91. 17 Frank Zore 917. Krank Smrakar 917, Bu-dolph Tomatic 917, Maria Uaakar 9»»«. Koar Skrjano 924. Antonia Svat »19.M, Mayma K. Kotnik 9MI.60. Anton Braacak 115. 20 Nick Htarkovich 924. Joaa|>h Paaal 917. Barbara Markovick 91110. John Vidmar 914.MI. John Skradaki 9»6. P«al 917, Luka Varhovnik 98*. 0«or«a Smanoff $34, Jimt'ph Jarich 94K. S4 John Sparemblek 914. Mary Ilrianlk 910. CroiV» Volkar 917.60. Chriatina Chieo-droff 911. Krank Kanalac 913. John Vi-drich 914. Andraw Draaeak 941. 44 Johanna Dabave 917.60. Andraw Vu«a 917.60. 49 Krancaa Dobiovolac 917.60. Kraneaa Bra-jar 916. Ann» G««iac 91V. Kraraaa Loaiar 964. Gaorir« Dobn.vi. h 910. 62 John Krilih 9«7. Frank Morava« 916, An- na Dulanc 920. Matt l'atrovcic 910.60. 60 (iaortra Jakopin 91«. Katarina Cultk 91*. Andrew Krfila 91«. 77 Mary Homouta 916. 7M Krancaa Tarbola 916. M4 John Golick 926. H6 Joarph Kajfa« 916. U2 Jacob Oradianik IM. Vlncant »^«orakak 964. 97 Mary Iiurieh 9«0. 104 BU'fania Miklaveie 911.99. 1 OH Anna Janetia 9I7.M, MamUJaiia Sioear 92. Mary Zgonc 917, Anton rtolV» 926. 109 Virginia Manaini 946. Hlaa Torbay 99» Kudimaco Kulia 9»«. Jokn l*dy»h 9|0 ll- 2«9 Uraautin Obranovkh $4«, l>ouU Ujko 961. 2*0 Mary Bew»lc 980. Aato« Ver lahek II. 2N4 Mary Oerecak 126. 2H6 Krank Hribar H«. 2NT Peter Ben 942 2N9 l aulinr Marlin 911. George Janiear »12. Charlae HreU l»6, Valentin Harro 92». Halen Grabuanik 916. Cirll Klemenctc 970. 291 Kam Kovarh 9»« 292 John Vidmar 941." Vlneent W I»ebrlak 99. Simon Uolinar 9itU>. 296 Kllaalieth C adet 919, J—»V« Klamet.cie 1)2, Nellie haver 117. Kranrai Trohe • 17.60, Angela Purely 120. III Peter lakra III. Ill Ivana Tomalrh III. 117 John livornik 12«. II« Mary i.imperman 114. 171 Joeeph Ma-tnak 129, Juetlna M—kon »17. p.rbara Be^enaHi 114, Martha Butali» na__ 971 Jennie VH-rvlrh »W JiAR BlfU 91« Martin K<*avr 117 6«. Frank A Tripu-.. 1X4. Mam K re».ar 964 »90 J«-vh Hkufra 117, J"h» Augaatln 19» Ka4»)e B Bljivanrania 941M !»•> K|. |.iw»i Obad 9»4. IjuuU GaUa M» 4M Marr Pofcuea II» 419 Mary K«4rte 926, Mary Ra4.*rt Mary Karf, O^alk M Frawk Mar.I* III 4M A«t»t> Fetrta 91" M. Martla Fo^al» Ifta Juhn Jurfcueefc 971. Ml Ilia Car Ha« IM ITI Frank IW^I» ••• »aa Mar, Tmiur m» *<*« * HUffa Kaiwat Bit 114 Jad M7 4M Jeaeyk (Jaa^arteh 914. M4 J»«ae»ka Karl 914 TI9 J—a»* Baaa»a» 9M TM a— A«4rd-a 991 u*ijavi, torej razburljivost, nemirno spanje, omotica, ali Če gre bolniku na delirij in fantaziranje. Tako bolezensko stanje imenujemo diskrasijo. Pri kroničnih obolenjih krvi, med temi pri kaheksiji, se niti utripanje žile ne pospeši, niti se ne zviša telesna toplota, niti se ne pospeši dihanje, niti bolnik ne čuti posebnih bolečin. Bolnik je videti slab, koža je rumenkasto rjava in zaudarja na kovi-naato barvo.. Obolenja perniciotne anemije (smrtno nevarna slabokrvnost) se pojavijo časih kot samostojne bolezni ali pa sekundarno kot IHisledica obolenja meagovnic, raka ali stičnih hudih bolezni. Na splošno rečemo takim pojavom krvni razkroj. Pri vseh teh najhujših krvnih t>bolenjih, ki izdajajo bolnika le na daleč, ker se zdi zla-tenčast, si mora bolnik poleg kopanja, svežega zraka in solnca strogo urediti svojo dieto. Svoj« čas so skušali te bolnike zdraviti z lahko dleto in zdravjli. Vendar niso dosegli stvarnih uapehov. Sole leta 1026. sta ameriška zdravnika Minot in Murphy poskušala pri perniciozni anemiji z jetrno terapijo. Doslej je to še najus|>ešnejAi način bolniške diete. _ Drobil /.a Nteklino (lyssa) je odkril leta 1885 Pasteur usimšno cepivo. Planinci porabijo približno de-, votkrat toliko energije kakor ljudje, ki hodijo po ravnimi. Sir prebavijo (prebavila silno lahko, koristno porabijo redilne snovi in človek je od Bira sit. Kptleptlk (boijastnik) Je približno vsak drugi ali tretji ml tisoč Ijudi^_ RAČUN MED DRUŠTVI IN JEDNOTO ibnimi septembra, 10.14 FINANCIAL RKI*ORT POK MKPTKMRRK, 1914 (Nadaljevanja a 9. atranl.) |—"VPLAČILA—l—!ZPLA£|!.A-J ftlev. | Odraall |Mladln»kl) Odraali jMladlnakllltr. dolgu oddelek |je na aaaa 114 916. kirir« •It n J 171 í i drultva Ijodge No. 441 .. ., 44t .... 44« .... 449 .... 460 .... 411 464 ,.., 4m ..., 4»7 .... 46» .... 460 461 ... '461 46» ... 464 ,.., 4m ... 4M ,., 467 ... 419 470 ... iU ... 471 ... 474 471 .,, 476 ... 477 ... 47« ,., 479 .., 4ho ,,. 4n| ... 4«2 ... 4«! ... 4*4 ... 4m ... 4M ... 4m ... 4 «9 4m 4m ,.. 49» ... 494 ... 496 ... 497 ... 49« 499 600 ... ml 601 ,.. 60» 106 •m ... »09 610 .,., 119 ... 116 ... •II •IT ... • I« .... 619.., 620 ->, ,; ail Ml ... •21 ... •14 /. f M« 697 ... m« Mt ... 6 M ••I .... •II .... Ml .... •14 •m •M •17 ,,., m..... •m 94« ..,, •41 .., •41 Ml ,, 144 .... 947 m9 •m ml ... ml ... m4 .... M .... M« ... M» ,',.. »49 ... M* .. ml ms .„. ml .... m4 ,,, ml ... m4 ... M« •ia 971 oddelek I oddelek | oddelek -BKCKIPTB-IDIKUUBHKMKNTH Adult I Juvenile ' Adult I Juvenile II.IO l-odge Hehl t Ur. Ima kredita 99.00 2« 00 11.00 70 OO 119.60 tO.Otl «2.00 11.00 9.21 2 20 191.00 M.00 IM 00 IU M 90 1.14 •1.69 1940 a.oa 0,41 ,lo iT.ai •4.M 7.00 III 19.1» 11.97 9.7« 71 04 1.61 •0.14 11.14 ......I 41.17 74 II 4.16 19,29 19 11 1.70 .10 .70 MIN I II 10 19 M »» I II innige Credit 1.41 IM ^ « ii::: V" 14 «4 M 49 17.M I M .49 I» «Mi; M.otj M mt » I« 4 46 !*• 09 aa »| »TT I ff! MO Ml Ml MM M4 M4. MM Ml I a« M 09 I« . t 4* M aa 10» . I im 4« aa IM M, m M 14 14 M IM 41 mit' • T» 1 9» ll.lt • M 4» 14 I M 4 »t 9 01 M lir .. ....J štev. druttvg laMtge No. A«9 .... •90 •91 .,. 691 •94 691 M« •99 600 •01 •M •01 906 •06 •07 •ON •M 19 • 10 • II 6ÍI • II • 14 • I« • I« • 17 • U 610 611 •16 •M 617 019 619 ••0 •II •I« «M •14 III« «17 M» •»• • 40 «41 • 41 «41 «44 «4* «4T C49 •60 «61 •6« ••7 M9 Ml ««• M7 «•• • 79 aw •74 •7» •7« •77 •71 •T9 «HO Ml •91 «•4 •a» •M . M7 »M M9 »911 •91 »at •94 •M «M «9« Ion 10» T 04 TM VPI.ACI1.A Odra.il Mladlnekl oddelek I oddelek -BKCNIPTB — Adult 1 Juvenile III.Tlt i ikplaCila -I Odraali .Mladinaki Hr dolgu. I oddelek I uddelek Ije na aaaa llllHBtlKNKMKNTS Lodge Dekli Adult Juvenile Ur Ima kredita I-«Iga Credit .«0 .....I I ho; 4 i«! 1.04 .«•I 9.9« • 19 I 10 I.M .•0 4.7« 10 l.ao' l.»oj • •49 .40 .10 l.9u .1» I.M •0 00| ................J "I....... n.M| ........ ........I....... II» nn tau« ..... a.aal ,91 66 »7 99.10 141.00 19.00 99.00 »9 00 IT.M 101 00 •4 00 19 00 119 00 17. m 141 00 M.00 14 00 90.0« M 00 • 00 .40 9 40 I.III I 40 4.90 M • 9« • 4 00 10 oo 14 00 44O0 14 00 I» oa • oo 1900 T» O« i oo ........ I «0 41 M IM ........ I09« II 91 79.II 4 Ol 11.41 .4« ••y 1090 9 M 19 M, M M, 10*9 I I M. T» na 4M V.I9 9.14 • 4» • 04 19.79 Bil • 94 M.M I T.M Mil 1.99 TI II M 01 VI 4 M ......I ... ITI • m 144 M ,,, M »4 I» M IH IU» I M I 19 II .10 »** I M • 4« I 0a M • 0« 14* »I ;;;; j M I 14 19 ^TrfT - »♦♦« 709 ,,,.! !• H« 719 »lil Til III M Tli MM 111 4«i»9 714 4» 41 71» HftM TI« Ivi 41 119 I» I« TM ,. • •! Tli a» »a Tli , ., ' MM TM M M TM 19 9| TM ..,,* MM TM ,'J M 99 TM la «4 Hf ... I« 7M MM TM 91 «I TM . Mil TN ... M Oi TM ,., ' MM T9T .; J 9 M TM M «I TM \ HM ¡ TM ..i ' «»»4, ........ 741 M 17 T19 ... j MM ....... T4( IgfOI I M Mvfei 91« 449 ¥1 9» IM M -M iii M 1.14 <»; - J 9 40 IM. tO« I» M, ■ M mm; MM T M, MM 4» M, It M TI M a «T 91.41 FBKli A I 79 M M 19 M 9 M 19 M • M' IT M hm! i. »0*910 IM »T VII#*B «I 901 90T |f Our Society'9 30th Annivereary Year IP IR<0 SVETA ENGLISH SECTION Solicit Your Fri. for SNPJ Mtmhtrt PAQISIX FOR MEMBERS OP SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES Campaign Comments The Eleventh Hour Now, during the last two montha of the jubilee campaign, in the TIME to work harder than ever to reach the goal set by your lodge at the beginning of the drive for acquiring new members. Now is the time to bring your campaign efforts to a successful conclusion. All of us fired with the zeal that comes only from a desire to do something worth while, must employ every iota of our energy NOW, on the last stretch, during the two concluding campaign months—November and December. You must employ the best strategy, your energy and ability and the true SNPJ spirit to help swell our—your ranks. Take the opportunity offered to you NOW. It's the last chance, the eleventh hotlr, so to apeak—and it's entirely up to you to Increase your folds before the close of the present campaign. u Not only that; remember, while you are plugging for new members and at the same time helping to place your lodge among the most active locals of the SNPJ, you are at the same time also working to win a prize offered by the national executive committee/' It is really worth your time and effort to agitate for new members, adult andvjuvenile, because there is a large army of our young people who deserve all the protection offered by the Slovene National Benefit Society. By so doing you are promoting the growth of your own lodge, building its prestige and spreading its influence which will be enhanced considerably by the net result of your united work. By that you are doing a praiseworthy work for your fellowmen by bringing them into a safe and sound Society and you are benefitting yourself materially by strengthening the security of our lodge system and insuring the future oJ your own protection. Say It with New Members Nothing ever just happens of its ovvn accord. You must work for it. Only work, hard and honest work will bring success. Work expended in the right direction and at the right time is bound to spell success. Many of you no doubt have already convinced yourselves of this fact. To increase your membership you must convince others eligible for membership that it is for their own good if they become members of the strongest and greatest Slovene fraternal organization on this continent. The campaign provisions are well-known to most of you; if not, acquaint yourselves with them—at the eleventh hour—and strive to do your share of the campaign work NQW. The Mai n Office has done its duty; it has prepared the way for you to execute the campaign provisions. The time is short. You must act now —at once. Translate the campaign provisions into actual work by enlisting all the eligible young men and young women—and the juveniles as well—residing in your community for YOUK lodge. / Say it with new members for the SNPJ_ and say it NOW! Question and Answer Question: Answer: Are applicants who are accepted Into the lodge in the month of December included in the campaign, or are only those who are accepted into the Society on and prior to December 1 included? All applicant* accepted into the lodge in the month of December, I»'14. either into the adult or the juvenile department, are included in the campaign and are entitled to the privilege« and awards a* derided up<»n by the Supreme Hoard and as published in the Society's official organ and In npeclsl circulsr sent to the lodges. F. A. VIDKR, Supreme Secretary. SNPJ 30th Anniversary Celebrations The following Lodges and Federations of ths SNPJ wW obeerxs the Thirtieth Anniver- *»rg of the Society with fitting Jubilee Pro- grams in October and November: . IahIo* Commodores, ,Vo. 7 it, Cleveland, O., Sachtrnhrim halt, Saturday, Nov. S. Uxlge Integrity, No. 631, SNPJ, Chicago, IU., annual dance and SSI'J .loth anmu'ersary at SNPJ Hall, Nov. J. K. S. Federation of UV«frrn Ptnna. Victory UniujMt t and SOth annirt rsary, Mayfair hotel, Pittsburgh, /V, Nov. I?. O FLASHES By Incognito ChicaE«.—We are making an appeal to all SNPJ members and especially to the young member« to march to the poll» next Tuesday and perform their moral duty. In America, we are still permitted to vote. In many countries that right has been taken away trom the people because they listened to reaction, to bluffers, to swindlers, to exploiter!, to the mil-lionsire tax dodgers. We are sinking you to vote for yourself, for your own interests, for your kind, for the working class. You will find workers' candidates under the Socialist label. • • • Fear not that you 11 lose your vote, for only those vote« count who vote for s icenuine SQUARE DEAL. A square deal that will give you decent wages, decent food and a decent living. To have that we must stop the rich profiteers from tsking the fruit of our lsbor away from us by instituting government ownership. Remember, every time you vote the democratic or republican tickets you vote for war, for Insecurity, for depressions, for strikes, for layoffs snd against yourself, because these two parties are the pillars of the capitalist system of exploitation. In youy own behalf we ask- you to vote Socialist. • • * | Twenty-seven Pioneers journeyed to the Little Fort Halloween affair in Waukegan last Saturday. Except for a mishap to one of the navigators they report having a good time. The Forts had a big crowd and should have realized a neat reward for their efforts. The Waukeganites danced and hopped in their own characteristic fashion, and the Chicagoans had job keeping up with them. * * ¥ Our unemployed club meets Thursday, Nov. J, at the SNPJ Hall. It's important to have a full attendance. According to reports unemployment is on the upgrade again. For September more people were out of work than in any other month fince the neiw deal came In. Which means that the unemployed will still be compelled to seeH proper relief. It is to your interest to Join our unemployed club for, unless we are organized in a branch that will »peak for us, as individuals, we count as very little. ♦ * » Speaking of unemployment, how dare do the republicans ask you to vote for them after what their record discloses. And the democrats are no better. They want this rob->ing system to continue robbing the poor for the benefit of the rich. When you ro to tha polls Tuesdsy, remember thst we hsve already begun our sixth yesr of the depression and that both republicans and democrats have been trying to raise prices of our needs while they are laying off the workers. Vote them out! • * * Fred Henderson of England, whose book on "power »production" is an authority everywhere, will speak at the SNPJ Hall Friday, Nov. 2. We hope you young folks will all be there to hear this celobrated expon- ent of Socialism. He is the most fluent exponent of modern day trends of all the foreign speakers. If you will not be entirely satisfied with his lecture, well, maybe, the management could be asked to refund your 10c admission charge. • • • ■ Another Pioneer has left his bachelorship and has taken unto himself, for better or for worse, a nice maiden. Tony Konchen, one of the partners of the Badger Tool Works employing several of our people, did the trick. We wish him every happiness. * * * Here it is, the Isst part of 1934 and the SNPJ membership campaign lagging. The Chicago District Federation at its meeting last Thursday decided to quicken t|ie pace of its membership committee. By organizing into groups of 2 and 8 and devoting otte evening a week much can be accomplished. The Memorial Park proposition was referred to the committee for final disposition. A tentative Xmas Party /program was pre-sented and lodge activities were enumerated. Delavec lodge has thus far socurcd the highest number of new members in Chicago. They will hire a apecial bus to bring their children to the Xmas Party. Eighty-eight have reserved places for the ninth anniversary supiper meeting of the Pioneers on Novem- ber 16. U you haven't sent in yours do so before Nov. 13. • e • Tickets for the Pioneer Xmas Dance are out. Frank Groser has already taken some to the Little Fort pow-wcw last Saturday. The rest of you members will receive them this week. After a long absence, John ny's Merrymakers will again play for the Pioneers, which will mean that hell be welcomed back again and hi* music will be appreciated more. We're planning on something new for this venture. The proposition will be presented to the dance committee at their next meeting Thursday, Nov 8, at Proletarec's office. • • * We learn that many young folks enjoyed reading Don Lotrich's treatise on "Why the Young Folks Should Take Politics Seriously." If you haven't read it dig up the issue of Oct. 17 and read it. And that story of a young American in last week's issue was to the point, too. What and where is your future, young SNPJ? Write and tell us. EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY DANCE Johnstown, Pa.—The Ladies Lodge, No. 000, Na*a Sloga, SNPJ, will hold their 8th annual anniversary dance Saturday, Jiov. 17. The I/ucky Strike orchestra will furnish the music for dancing, and the Rodoljub singing society will sing for us. This affair will be held at the Moxham Slovene Home. Admifesion will be very low. We extend a hearty welcome to our neighboring lodges. Come and bring your friends along. Stella Stravasnlk, Lodge 600. Western Penna. E. S. Federation Items Am bridge, Pa.—The majority approval of final details for the Federation's anniversary Victory Banquet on Nov. 17 (changed from Nov. 24) at the Mayfair hotel in Pittsburgh was given at the Oct. 21 inference at Strabane, Pa. To be enthUfciastically supportant towards successfully promoting the banquet is now the duty of each of the federated lodges. Always in the past the lodge* have gotten behind each Federation affair and made it a success. Thvsams qMtcome is expected for thei bftnquet. This artlcl* lip be in the sense of a sales talk to freate interest in the Nov. 17 affair. It means that federated lodges should give it. some definite attention. Particularly are the lodge presidents and secretaries urged to get an interest awakened in their respective locals. The affair cab rightly be named a Victory Banquet, deservedly so. All anniversary celebrations have the tinge of victory^ The Society's thirty years of existence and progress are in themselves a victorious march through the years. And the continued existence of the Society in the face of obstacles, of Which the world war and the present chaotic eonomic conditions are the best, bespeak the right to victory's name. The E. S. Federation in itself has the right to celebrate this year. During the present membership drive Western -Penna's E. 8. lodges have not been found wanting. Tljere has been an added nOmfe«ft of members made to the Society. Approximately Integrity Broadcast Chicago.-Last call for the Integrity's Kail dance and 30th anniversiry of the SNPJ celebration which will be held Nov. 3 at the SNPJ Auditorium. Every«,no who Is abls, should attend this affair. Do not fail. We will haw the "Queens Contest," which has been mentioned previously in the Prosveta several times, and on top of this all. Johnnie snd his boys will furnish the dance music. In the lower hall we will have the good old-fash-ioned music for all of those who love their native polkas, schottlsh, etc. For this the small sum of 30c is be-ing charged with the ticket qr 36c without. Careful preparations and planning for this event has been undertaken to pica«» everyone. Now, be llwri, _ ___ The Campa>gn for SNPJ new mem-bers is nearing its end. How man*J new members have you secured for Integrity T There are only » members that have done any campaigning for Integrity, namely- Sisters Molile Konec, August« Alich, Agnes Mo. Jiaeh. Ann not forget the regular monthly meeting, the second Tuesday of each month. Michael Fkisrbharker, Sec'y. Lodge 631. 78 adults and 4 juveniles have joined the Society through efforts of lodges associated with the Federation. This number includes only those joining u.p to the month of August. * * * The Executive Board of the Federation has been placed in charge of making due .preparation for the ban-uet. Bro. Anthony Cvetkovich of Brooklyn, N. Y., was Selected as the principal speaker for the occasion. Provisions will be made for dancing immediately after the banquet, Chairman Kress will forward - to each of the affiliated lodges an allotment of tickets .that are to be distributed among the membership. It is necessary that each lodge (promptly reply of the number of their members purchasing tickets. For members who may find it difficult to purchase tickets for the banquet: Frank J. Kress, 204 67th st., Pittsburgh, Pa., will have a sufficient quantity to mail. ThiB is for those members of lodges not affiliated with the Federation and lodge members not residing in Western Penna. Tickets will sell at $1.26 each. The members of lodges affiliated with the Slovene speaking Federation of Western Penna are urged to attend the banquet. They can obtain tickets through E. S. lodges in their localities, or write direct to Frank Kress. It is requested that all reservations for the banquet be made before Nov. 17. That is necessary to assure sufficient preparations. • * * CIGAR BUTTS.—Articles of the banquet will appear from time to time. . . The Federation will sponsor snother bowling tournament at Ambridge on Jan. 1, lfl«5. Lodges will soon receive application forms for partic»(Mints, instructions, etc. Future dsnce dstes of Penna lodges are: Pioneers, Dec. 25; Revoliers, Dec. 31; Moon Run, Nov. 10; Lucky Stars, Nov. 10; Excelsiors, Nov. 13; sn anniversary celebration at Moon Run Nov. S9. . . Milton Welsberg spoke on "Youth at the Cross-roads" at the last conference. . . The Strabane Pioneers hostessed the delegates into a swell dinner after the meeting. . . The next conference will be held 3rd Sunday of January. 1036, at Universal. . . So long, until again. Uuis Kooela. 0 adults and 2 juveniles secured. of Yoa still have time to name on the Campaign place your Roster. Thooe of you memlwrs who do not attend your IM«, meeting, should not critic!«, the lodge a. to what is mg on when ynu ar( Personal feel in Screenings Spnagfield. Ill—The dance of Saturday nite, «(»onsorad by Lodge 164, was rather poorly attended, but the branch made m<»aey, I believe—and a celebrating air filled the hall, for the two newlyweds and boosters, Rose Planinsek and John Zaverl, were there and let the world know they were happy. And we. of course, hope it will ever be thus? . not present, ss nothing to do With the Integrity M*e. What you i do for the lodge, you do for yourself I Thr ,>on, «-«leadar has scheduled and the lode* And If everyone ' for • dance sponsored by •h.Mild feel toward* the a. the Women's Club for the benefit of of the memhc, „n t*feount #f ^ j the lV»m, on Nov. 17. The Jugoslav -oqelIfsallng» or affairs, «hev««ro«|d*t and the farmers are in the overwhell majority. They have the ballot. By the of the ballot they can turn the industrial upward. The ballot is a peaceful metho social change. How foolish they would is to make full use of the ballot! —Milwaukee I Fascism Blights Culture Question: Granting your claim that Fa« has about bankrupted Italy, what is the si tion with regard to the cultural life country ? Answer: A decade of Fascism has beei devastating in the sphere of culture as it been in economics. Today, Italy has only first-rate thinker-senator Croce-who his work long before the world ever hea" Mussolini. Today, he is Italy's most fait anti-Fascist, though he is compel!^ to his criticism to himself because of Mu*-» J ruthless censorship snd heartless brutain, After a decade of Fascism-with in the complete control of Mu.«s«l.ni» » Shirts—we cannot find a »in*!* P™'1' ^ M artist opher, novelist, essayist, ccrnifH^r. «rx. • - - anything outrtand llM>Ut. itate »tfn< of a lati critic who is doing There are local figures scattered sm \ they are all smaill-fry and cannot tah place with foreign world-f^ure* most too numerous to mention. Italian scholarship i* i" a The arts cannot thrive in repression. Freedom i* the < which nstion build mighty <«n creation, thought, beauty ress. Philosophy wither« the policeman's club. Italy has dest/oyed free free thought and free a— psying the price in cultura. —Aff i? int< nder thr< al fn ^•ESPAY. OCTOBER !M. fhe Comrade Column . Ohio.—Let's go, Comrades! Onward, ever onward ^"r our utmost in building our organization in bringing new 0ym' °in at each of our meetings and toward the end of our ^ drive may it be said that Comrade lodge is ever first! active members and after reading the Campaign Com-tf haU jaSt week's Prosveta we want to see the enthusiasm grow er than it has been. Comrades CAN lead the way, & lad the way! Then forward for a bigger and better SNPJ rROFVKT* «ver , ■ crowd helped the Loyal- , »„nivcisary of 1 the SNPJ. one-act comic Bro Csinkar.- Supreme Pres. Kip L-uve an interesting speech iTa Bro Vider, Bro. Mrmolja, and ^le Commodore., No. 742, will _Tfte the 30th Anniversary of the Cw at Sachaenheim hall, Saturday, JT We hope to see members E the different English speaking ¡Li. help them make a success. JT fifth session of the Jugoslav Lernal Federation was held here Kveland October 19 and 20. Seven '.„rations had delegate« present Etwo members of the body absent. (u Slovene Progressive Benefit Softy was represented by Brothers filhim Rjs, supreme secretary; f,Uo J• G»"ill, supreme president, ui Rudolph Lisch, second supreme [¡¡^president. SNPJ was ropresent-¡4 by Brother Cainkar, chairman of ^ Federation and president of tfoe ^¡ety; Bro. Fred Vider, supreme gcrtury, and Bro. Olip, member of ft« supreme executive board. Serb litwnal Society delegated Mr. Pe-bt, rupreme secretary, and Mr. Mi-tyvich, member of the executive bird. Mr. Anton Zbasnik acted as piaU for the South Slavonic Cath-liic Union; Mr. Zbasnik is supreme penury. Croatian Fraternal Union Mr. John Butkovic, supreme pitlent, and Mr. William Boyd, gprrme vice-president, representing Em. ZSZ had Mrs. Mervar as their official delegate, but as she was un-Slt to attend, she appointed Mr. Ponikvar to act in her capacity. We sincerely hope that the work which was intended to be accomplished by this group was a aucceaa sad the short Pih Anniversary produced a —ll,ll,,-„-ir. ----— --------------- -....... ™ and showed stay in our city of Cleveland enjoyed by every delegate. The next gathering of the Jugoslav Fraternal Federation will be next April in Detroit, Mich. The class that has been organized under the FERA happens to be very Interesting, and Mr. Louis Pickett is trying hard to please everyone with the subjects he plans for discussion. At the last meeting the attendance wasnt' as well as we expected, but hope to see more members from different fraternal organizations at the next class. The subject discussed Wednesday night was Unemployment and also the Rank situation. It wa« surprising to Fee a few speak up and give their opinion at their first attendance of class, but that is what we wish to have, a round-about discussion and not only a few doing the talking. Once more comes the whispering voice to remind you of Bedrich Sme-tanas' opera which will be given on Thanksgiving day by singing society Zarja. Along with the sad and humorous parts you will enjoy the complicated dance given by the girls of the Bohemian singing society Vojan. This glamorous and picturesque opera will hold you spellbound and you wjll be able to imagine that you, too, are in a section of the country Czechoslovakia. Tickets can be secured at the »Socialist Club room or at Kushlan's confectionary at 64th and St. Clair ave. Three Brain Trusts. Mohawks U Salle, III.—Recently I had the friiilqre of listening to a lecture, riich for some reason, or other impend my none too alert state of •mi to the extent that I am going a trite about it. The lecture dealt tith the student and the experiences •kith he passes through when ex-primtnting with his thinking powers, ki mental efforts. The speaker started with the eager kjrwhen he first goes to school and «■fronts intellectual difficulties The W» astonished in his progress. He |iurien in his newly developed mental Wind growing capacity for appli-afon, and fondly believes it to be whin hii* reach to become one of the krofs who has left his mark upon btory. The years go; he competes in the «"»¡nations of school and college Wtr >ny whispering an excuse »f hi» failure to approach great Pk It tell» him that knowledge ■the dassica, mathematics and other ■a^mic subjects are mere scholastic Jnslties, and not a test of the more Mr intellectual powers. It re-•M- him of numerous instances of Who bud been unsuccessful hirompetitions of youth, but who shown *kr life. remarkable powers in Accordingly, with newly furnished hopes, and with all the ambition of his twenty-two years, he leaves school and enters a larger field of competition. The same kind of experience awaits him there that he has already gone through. Opportunities occur—they occur to every man—and he finds himself incapable of grasping them. He tries, and is tried in many things. In a few years, unless he is incurably blinded by «elf-conceit, he learns precisely of what performances he is capable, and what lies within his mental and physical reach. When he reaches mature life, he is confident only within certain limits, and knows, or ought to know, himself, just as he is probably judged by his associates and the world in general. He knows his weaknesses and strengths. He is no longer tormented into hopeless efforts by the fallacious promptings of over-weening variety, but he limits his undertakings to matters within his reach, and finds true moral repose in an honest conviction that he is engaged in a*« much work as his nature has rendered him capable of performing. While listening to the lecturer spiel his psychological knowledge of life it occurred to me that I should like to know the source of the information so fluently passed on to his hearers, but on consideration concluded that he was merely recounting his own experience* in life. The Four Newii-llawka. shall not 1« less than five. Would Whoozit like to own that pin? You guessed it. And how! Well-wishing won't help a bit and besides, there'* nothing like trying. • • « Congratulation», Lincolnitea! "We" are certainly glad that your activities have turned out to be a huge aucceaa. • « « "We" wonder whether Brother Johnny BuckowiU and Pres. John Spiller ever came to a satisfactory agreement in their political debate. • • • "We" are glad to hear Sister Mary Straka (formerly Sister Mary Kacin, a former Spirit) is now safely settled in her new surroundings, the Badgers organization. You Badgers are very, very lucky. The Spirit» will all agree to that. We haven't forgotten the happy incidents of Kept. 2, Sister Straka, and please accept our sincere wishes for yours and Mr. Straka's future happiness. • ' » • "We" were certainly glad to see Sister Olga Baker at the last meeting and hope she will resume her ac-tiveness. Sister Raker was former Assistant Director of Spirit»' Singing Society besides serving in other capacities, ♦ ♦ ♦ Well, Hearts of America, where are your articles in the Prosveta? Somehow or other "We" can't find them. We're hoping to hear from you. ♦ • • We wish to call your attention to the fact that four members of the Spirits are in the cast of the operetta "Raron Trenk" to be presented on Sunday, November 4, at the Jugoslav Sokol Hall, 1481) Chouteau ave. The four Spirits in the operetta are Sisters Ida Buckowi^z, Sophie Ver-tovseck, Ann Kacin, and Ann Spiller. See the above mentioned Spirits about the tickets. The operetta la being sponsored by the Jugoslav Sokola. » " Spirit- O- Grams you surely will not pass up. Ilow would you like to come to a dance, pay 26c sdmliaion and then receive 2f»c worth of refreshment tickets free? That's exactly what the Prog-w. Wir— and Zavedni Soeedje l»difes Kl . UJ „ are going to give you when you at- ' "mm. Mo. The Jubilee Mem-1 place» where one would supposedly f|.n(J thl>ir rotri4,jrH ¿.nee Nov. 3. ' '' campaign is coming to a j find some prospective new material. jt t0 you in writing pretty fast, Spirits, und now is Now, fellow members, do not for a thp|i|j |r no ..Pat?li" to It. Come ./•''«•» time to take advantage of I moment think that Whoozit was ln-' gaining two short months. Be- Isinuating that we should visit all the No, "W. Va. Mountaineers" Thornaa, W. Va—For the benefit of those members who weren't able to attend our monthly meeting, we mem bers have decided on a dance which we wish to sponsor Friday, Novern ber 23—"Thanksgiving Danee." In order to havo time to discuss this dance our next monthly meeting will be changed to the first Sunday in November Just for this time, which Is November 4. Please bear this in mind and every member do hia part and attend as we have many impor tant things to discus». Meeting» are still held at Bunker Hill Sunday at 10 a. m. Everyone pleaaa attend. Capid haa done its part to two of our member». Our president, Bit. Frances Kocjancic, and Bro. Charlie Shaga have taken the vowa in matrimony. Congratulations! At our meeting we were very glad to have with us Sla. Elisabeth Chick, f he ha» been on the sick Hat for a long time and unable to attend our meetings. We're glad to see her smiling face with us again. Si». Antonia Gasser, who is attending school In New York, ha» been sem in Thoma». She was here on a two weeks vacation with her parents. We expect to have her back with ua soon. We haven't forgotten her as our Secretary In previous years. Again, I wish to remind you all to please come to our meeting November 4 at 10 a. m. at Bunker Hill. Everyone be present. See you at the meeting. Rose Helmlefc, Sec'y. Baaksyas' Bits By Oh Barberton. Ohio.—All hands on derk! Ship must reach port oa Nov. 2. Aye! Aye! As you all know, that ia the date for our next meeting. We're expecting to eee our five new members at that time, and more dia-euaaiona about our dance. We beg to have lota of^halp from our members. S.O.S.! All you neighboring lodges stand by! We wish to see you among those present at our fall dance on — Forest City News Forest City, Pa. -^ingMs, doubles The CtX Boys and in group», they flit«! into the I j, may t* because a number of my kail, swelling Into • record attend (>wn .choolmatoa and frlenda Joined ance for the year and for s while th* OC Camps, not of neeeaaity, but, threatening a call for more chairs at the last meeting of Lodge No. 194. With the warm hustle and bustle summer Sundays gone, members are finding more time to attend lodge meetings. Throe new juvenile members were accepted. Among our vlaltora were; Joaeph Cvettaar of the Little Falla (N. Y.) lodge and that well-known Nov. 17. We're looking forward to. contributor to this aheet, Henry IV seeing the Beacon BacheloretUs. eration are not all held In any one tiful" juat lan't one of the adjectives toWn and although it ia not alwaya used to deecribe me.) Anyway, may convenient for ua to attend the out-we meet at our Nov. 17 dance. What 0f.t0Wn ,m>etinj», we should make It say you? Miti Zodnik, our Buckeye of Cleve., was here in town with her newborn babe. For a 4-week old, it aure did get a lot of attention. It even went so far as to attend a party. And am I the proud auntie!! Wa-wa! According to Delores Mlale, Juvenile member, not quite of achool age, there are only two types or classes of females. Those who go to achool and thoae who are aomebodya mother. When ahe found out that thia dept. didn't go to achool ahe aaked, "Well, whoae mother are you?" My, my! Soap Chips. ^Some of the kids are wondering if Ann Janeah cultivated her laugh or if it cornea natural. Now that I've said it, aome one please show me a dark cave to hide In. Did you know that Ann, the asme, ia one of our Four Horaemen (women)? Where'a "Chuokey Wuckey" hiding lately? No seee, no hearee, no talkee, eh? Am atlll waiting for some competition from our boy» in writing up the "Bita" column.—'Betty Boop aure has the Badgerland busalng. How about aome ideas on hall decorations, members? When Fran Yankovich says something will happen, it uaual* a lodge duty to attend eu maaae the meetinga that are held In town. Local Mine Recelvea National Recognition It ia Interesting to note that a large number of our lodge membera are employed by the Stillwater mine, a local operation that had the beat safety record of any anthracite mine In the nation for the year llKUi. A conference of the Award Committee of the United «tatea Bureau of Minea, sitting In Waahlngton, D. C., reaulted In the awsrd of the beautl* ful trophy to the local operation and a diploma to each individual employee in recognition of hia part In building up the fine aafety record. A lesson in Killing How would you do It? One of several hundred young men receiving Instruction In bayonet fighting in a school where military training waa compulsory deacribed It aa follows i The instructor, an officer in the regular army, stood before us with a fixed bayonet and told ua how to kill. "You gotta Jab 'em In th' neek 'er In the oroteh fer quick effect," he told us. "That'a where It'll hurt the moat, An' jerk the bayonot out ai quick aa yah can ao'a he'll biped. When he bleeda It'll hurt like hell an' ly doea. Did you know that dancing wol|.t come ^ tt vuh> A„ |onf is one of Elaie Frank's paaalona? | at you leave the bay'net In 'Im It And now from a achool glrl'a notes won.t hurt .|m ,nd hf,„ try ^ ^ cornea: "Bom eeeala you at the drugs yuh hii 0*n ,)oh.t ^ u ,n seja. Dober danl" Some fun, eh, ,very far_tWo or thr## ,nch#a ,, all you need to kill a man—an' If you jab It very far in hia cheat you can't pull it out very eaay. You'd be sur* prlaed how a bay'net'll atlck between a man'a ribs; an' a man ean atill Jab It seema, merely because living outdoors—camp life in company with hundreda of other young men appeala to a young lad, eapeclslly to an idle young lad; and It may be becauee these men go through a lot of experience and are therefore usually very intereatlng talkers that 1 have developed a special interest in them. I have never paased up an opportunity to listen to them, talk to them or question them, Through these conversationa and through knowing the local OOG boya (and there are quite a few of them) all their Uvea I have found that their altuatlon ia something like thia: The first two terms while the CCC waa something new, tke lads grabbed at It. So, there waan't room for them all. That that intereat and enthuaiasm la on the wane la ovldenced by the fact that while filling the camps for this present term It was neceaaary to put sgenta In the field to contact recruits. A COC lad who actually and truly waa happy and contented while in camp, I have yet to meet; but 1 have made up s visionary one and he would anawer to the following deecriptlon: He would be a lad whoae home en* vlronment waa anything but pleaa-ant. A Isd who becauae of the de-preaaton never had an opportunity to do work which would pay him a living wage, TVavel, meeting people and the »hort term requirement makes It fairly intereatlng for aome of the lada, hut we muat not confuae being Intereated In a thing with being ' actually happy and contented with the eame thing, becauae of the ocean of dlfferecne between the two. 'Seeing a bright and roay future 1 on this dollar a day existence la In« deed an unfortunate altuatlon for anyone to find hlmaelf in. What die. appointments in atore. Surely, with thia dollar a day wage a young man cannot Include In hia plana a ear and Ita upkeep, clothea, travel and the reat that goea to make life worth 11/4 Ing. i «« Three aquarea and a dollar a day ia better than doing nothing and earning nothing! but, when we make proper eomparlaon—three squarea and a dollar a day agalnat work which will allow you a fair and decent llv* ing, then, to uae etreet language, the CCC becomes plain lousy, The Oiviltan Conservation Corps Loyalito News «•«I-- s? ä: h':; ää Progressiva Patches Euclid, O.—Are you a person to take advantage of a bargain when you see one? Well, then here's one aary program sponsored by lodgea ' \nmn nw "I î#ir,n 142, 312 and 500 turned out a gmst f0t lw success and a gal. affair enjoyed by ^ith thia same unlveralty birth Believe you m^ 1 Th*y Both halle were'(t rour<,8r *n prospects." You may statement was a sort th k njr . » Ik ?.... I« Sis'. k» t ha I •» an To so-called "dive," in the city, brothers and sisters, fortunately, I think we will all agree, and I think we are right in assuming that the younger generation of Slovenes do not as a rule visit such places. What the writer meunt was simply that it is generally conceded and agreed upon that in this territory, where ths Slovenes are scattered here and there it is not. What Whooz-trying to drive at was proapocta surely one try approaching the ------ ----------------. , ,„„ ' prospects would moat J"* «T «"ftJ™L 'TisST ' U.elr to.* as did the olh.r dances •'Sting. It is sad to 1 »hem with the spirit of frst«r»Ha£ ( ^ , ^ >)y (hp ' ~ Hi ok Sezon and Kenda. Of the enrptire of the evening k. .v.-».. ¡M m i/rpllcr W nwi OUI M» 1J m -w«. and everywhere there is a le(J , rr(lWd. but we need for a binding tie auch a. «m, ^ ^ (j fl, lhe Blt,.ndtMf#. own orgsnization to gather w ^ (.v„ryon<. on effort. Our (bowling Uim la about ready to go and if the newly proposed SNPJ league fall» thru, the Loyalitea are likely to shift to the newly organised Interlodge Bowling league which at the preaent time haa ten leama entered. The league haa on various teams some of the outstanding bowl« ers In the city. At the last gathering of the representatives of the English speaking lodges in an effort to combine the English speaking lodges in Cleveland in a sort of a aub-federation to work separately, but atlll remain a body of the Cleveland Federation of HNPJ lodge», the effort» of various lodgea to combine and work together »truck a »nag aa the repreaentativea could that J ,,ot agree. From all indicatiena it early »««ma that it will be some time bogs we aurely wo/Id hate lo turn any fore the repreaentatives reach an late arrlvala away. Bro. V. Cainkar I agreement. The loyalitea believe a of Chksgo is to be our honored move of this kind would '»eneflt the gueat. Entertainment ia in atore for English speaking lodgea. collectively, you. Jackie Zorc and his boys will l»e but we do not favor severing affilla-on hand to give you their popular tu>ne with the Cleveland Federation veraion of the fox trota and polkas, of HNPJ lodges, to form a separate Remember the date- Nov. 8.—Pla*-e unit of Engllah speaking lodgea. On Slov. Ho:ne. Recher a ft.—Time the other hand we highly fa*or the 8 p. m. I move to induce the Engllah speaking Th. aft. »»<<' Hi " "I I»"' month • Uigeth.r tuined out to !>'• qiite a »uceeae. We . ... . . . . . __. . I noon In October, liilMt, whtoh aaw the Uyalitea have aken part In and we b| h of ^ CommDGE ORGANIZED IN CLEVELAND. TO HK KNOWN AS "COM MODORKH." TEN NEW M»M. HERS. DETAILH WILL FOLLOW. MARIAN KONICHAN, PREH. JOH EPH KONCHAN, VICK-PRKH. EDWARD ZEITZ, HECRETAIY. MARIE ZEITZ, TREASURER. ANNE ZAKNIOK, UM'. SRC, Then followed weeks of active cam Let ua sail back and the ever popular Eddie Hlmme' orchestras. Won't you come and help us celebrate our first birthday? We aaaure you we'll try and entertain you in a manner most fitting, We'll sing, we'll dance, we'll est, we'll drink. Com« and we'll make merry together. Frank Doljack, Uaeet To add to the attraction, we'll have with us Frank Doljack, outfielder of the Detroit Tigera, who will present the autographed baaeball (It has the aignature of every player on the Detroit team) and also the other priaes. (Members are requeated to make their ticket returna on Hat. nigM.) Marian Konrhan, l^odge 741. PIONEER YIJLKTIDK DAM K < hirego. Once again the Plongera are planning to give their many palgning, and slowly but aurely our frtc»rir|s another evening of hsppineae. membership increased, while oach '('ho Floseers SI1» SlIlS years old. The meeting found ua getting more ar. fuatomed to the varioua by-iawa and business. In December we elected the fol- Xmas dance will be held Dee. H st the HNI'J hall. The nam«, Pioneers' Yuletide Frolic, la moat fitting, aa it will lie the seaaon of mistletoe and, lowing sa offleera for the year lt»34i of course, Xmas itself, Johnny Ko •sit has noticed in the why ahouldn't we | that many young Slo-| brin* ,n f"w m,,mtM r' 'id Whoozit aay moat ►een gradually drift, not *e»m to be aa-' hemaetve» a» of m is what we want » the places where •''ty of finding new undoubtedly you j hoost for It ia not as formidable ia it may seem. After all. don't we all derive a great benefit for our efforts, both tif "Id and new members in the re»;>ect that we are aolidifying the foundatlona of our lodge be«ide« deriving the reg. Cents, ce«i»e was the' thicken dinner. Everyone Hew for a common goed, and to remain under the senior Federation which Y» ■ a) we ye worked for the good of all the P.NPJ lodge* here in Cleve. land. The (¿»yalltee are sponsoring an after meeting aocial November 7 and we would like to see aome new faree. Hew eheirt the C»»mmotoree, Bee- Frank Ewolaki, pre».; Marian Kon than, vt«e pre».( Anne Zarntck, secre. tary; Anthony Stepie, treasurer, and Dorothy PuiU, recording seereUry. Under these capable officers, the Coiiwnodores began to take an active interest in the activities sponsored by the other HNPJ English »peaking chevar with hia Merrymakera will bo there to ring in the Jnyoua season and play music as only he ran, The Merry maker» will furnish mu »ic In the upf»er hall, while Joe Hehwelger and Mutt, lite famous Kansas Sunflower Rambler», will furnish me Unite* In the lower hall. The lodges in the city, by attending their ■ f,rk# wf a,|,ni»»lon la only *>c with a rushed downstair* when the call for cm«, Progressives ? ular benefits of our organisation. Now, come, Spirit«, let's display »«Sle n finally by .nlti' l*»"" trBi*rr*\i*rr and p t mir ahoul-ders to the wheel. Also do not forget th. "Spirits' Special Membership i ampsign." th- ___________ reward for »h.ch will be a beautiful •'« Now it ia Up ! pin with thé lodge Inaignia ImwHhed •nd maintain this | upon it. To win thia pin you mu»' irh the oncoming bring In five or more new mefiW»*r*. 1 In other word*, the »ne bringing ••> the étalement the j the hight st tolal "f new memt-rs SrMJ frequenting the receive the pia. However, thia t«Ul ' «•nt into our lodge, attain and preserve 1 that our fathera »"«1 ma.ntained dinner «a«> eeuaded. Were they aur-priaed when they were "diahed out" a *n «M liar of chicken dinner randy. Sis. Dur»ek«. Mi>a»'*s ami Bro. Teuchel pi the Beaeon«, alee the r Ree. Hec'y we«e present. Sie and S> • Rupnk <4 the Mruggler« were present to enjoy month Nov. IS Social ie in etore fer you Our Recording Secretary, Jean Sitter, ia St present aending out net leas ta ell lodge* and effieers to induce friends to be preaent and Strugglere are varioua meetings ami d«n<«*. The "first 1» alwaya the best" and on the night of Feb. 10, IM4, th« Commodore«' flrat «octal v«ntur« proved to be on« of the outstanding events in the history of the SNPJ lodg«« in Cleveland. In the aummer th« l<#dg« onsanit«d their flret indoor baseball team, snd th« nm\t%M winter months find ue bueily prepar ing 1m both howling and baeketiiell irtliltKf. And so on th* eve of our flret anniversary w« find that th« TV Comrade« P**1 k" hem» a mo«t «orc#**ful »»ked to attend 1 ^ in a bodv. Pl«eee doe't SI »appoint »I*-» na. From all advance indication*, M the fee Neat looks Ilk« a real affair. Muale yen another Kurpriae will nrt be dtaep|M»«nU4, V« aaeere l^el'a see you, Refrrehmente galore, and you more of our aenrhWlng lodge« present. Anvthrr memUr, Mildred Cerwe. Iwa* tr»n«f»rrrJ V» our Mgr-'come, Si». Cerne. Rm Secretarr wdl keer plenty ef singing by the Loyalile quartet Didn't know we had one, Im* Baten and don't forget th* date, Nov. 7. So until »hen, I remain yoer net«y Seermary, Aegeel Pra—lei. I in our drive foe ne* member* Oer First Hirlbdaf On Heterdey ev«mng, Nev. I, IW-14, t)te ( «mmodore l<«dge. la r«lebrating Ks flrat anniveraary by a danse, which la te b« held at dm Sorheen hetffi Hall, 7001 Deni«on ave. Special arrsngemente hav« b»wi made te se-•eenmodete eer maciy well wiehing frimwla, Kniertatning meeic will b« feeturvd by both the Ellis Brother* rourteay tick«l end 4'lr without, Tb« Pioneer* exlvnd h«srty invitations te all their many frlende. Refreahmente as usual. Etc., etc. ■ Reserve Dec. SU fur lb« I'lone«r Yuletid« Frolic at th« SNPJ hall. Rudy Jane. INTEGRITY NOVEMBER l)AN( K I hlcag« I «uppose everyone la wondering who th« «onleslants SC« going lo be for our November Dance al I be SNPJ ball. I know that «pfite a few are going le ra«t their vote* fer Hieter Tilly Vtdmar, popular Integrity m«mb«r Don't forget that Jwhnny'e M«rry-maker*, the all «tor orchestra of the west-side, will b« tb«r« from th« bo-ginning in the end te play fer we In the upp«r ball. In the lower hall mill be m weir for lb«*« who like polka«-The admie«t«n will be Mr with liehet end w il b"w I R« ther« if yeu Ith« a good lim« l/eaely ladwWrSU, ggpgVETA About This and That LETS ABOLISH Till« "EARTHLY HELL" I .at robe, fa.—If you want to eliminate, once and forever, panics, depressions, want and poverty, vote the straight «ociall«t tickat. The young sod the aged a« well as the middle uifed. Since JMC! the aged pension ha« be< n before the people and preached by many politician« seeking office; but it nan not been advocated in the law-making body by any Democrat or Republican. No! The aged pension wax held in »tore for fat, wall-fad, and well-clothed betraying politicians who nerved high-paid political jobs. The politician» make »ure while in office that they can milk Uncle Ham's cow the remainder of their live«, while the ma»«e« who serve society and educate their children, the greatest asset to any nation, can »uffer want and »tarvation. The Unemployment Inaurance The Unemployment ln»urance wa» introduced into the house of congress in 11/1« by the only Socialist Con-greaaman, Victor L. Merger. At that time the democrat« had everything in the palm of their hand to do just anything they wished to do, and they did so with their unemployment bill by throwing it to the woods as not being worthy of so much as a discussion. Now, when-the unemployment has gotten beyond their ability to cope, snd st a time when our government ia les«t able to bear the additional burden, the aaintly democrat« are talking about running out into the Hocialiat tall-timJber» and unearth the Unemployment Bill from the hidden grave in which they buried it in t0IC and enact into a law and call it a democratic messure of necessity. If that all-powerful, all wiae and moat ;-aintly democratic congress, which plunged u» into the "war hell" snd a "financial inferno" had instead pa»»ed (he unemployment jinaurance the government would be in am-ple financial circumstances at this time af need to meet all demands; and there would be no «tarvation, want nor fat Jtbs in the relief for betraying politician«. Whether or not the unemployment and aged pension» sre psased and become law« they are by no mean» mea»ure initiated or «ponsored by the democrat« or republicans. No! They are and always have been the socialist theories for the eliminating of want in*case of misfortune arid old age. If these theories are enacted into laws by the old capitalistic parties, it will be by the prestige made through the Socialist philosophy. Thou surid» of aged men und women who have given their all to the enrichment of American life arc now forced to face snd live their "sunset years" amid uncertainty and in utter wsnt, If not actually suffering nakedness and starvation. A Word to the Young People What future stands before you? We find a very much alarming situation In our growing youth; who are to be the future of our beloved country, Whatever the future is to be, we must Isy the foundation for its erection. If the future is to go forward it will be because we have rightly guided it. If it falls backward it will be because we have failed in our duty a» human being» because we ha.c made it IfO. The problem of your unemployed and unschooled youth is the major-em! the most alsrming problem of our time; snd Is growing worse dsy by dsy. We must face the situation, and recognize, frsnkly the character of the stage of our National Existence. The Statute» of Sept. I, 1031, give u» more than three million» of our yourg people without schooling or jobs. The figures given are a» foil iws: looking for work........ '.!,>00,000 Released from child laboi . . IOi >,000 llomeli it» and dost it lie. . . . High school irradustcs. College uiadiistes ........ Those dented edui'St.on by closed schools ......... I ..VJfi.oon What an illiterate generation is t>i !•«• the future onet It is not ihsl our countr> is loo poor, hut mholly snd solel) to *a>r I hi» rspilslistlr system of robbery. Keep the people ignorant, they are es»ily ruled snd robbed. What opportunity Is there fur you, young people, »ho sre coming int„ man and womanhood and r.tuxl take over the responsibilities of life, when we have now with ua the huge mmy of unemployed? The potential working force of our nation t» #ome f/».CMO.OOO, Tb«> uremployed not working at all, i» some 1A,000,000. It is ealimsled Ihst t'»err will be between 23,000,0tMI and 2d,-(MMi,000 people to tie caret for by th* relief this winter. The terrible blight whh'h «mm. ploytnont places on the character, bop««, hsppiness and smbition of our young finple cannot be overatrea«ed. If we are ts have a general in of people with ehara« ters and ahihtv u» run the machinery oY government and pilot the ship of aociety and state, thete must be kept a certain minimum of hope and an oprn door lo opportunity which will afford them with a fighting chance In life. To you, millions of young people, for whom there is neither schoolia« or work, I agk: Are you going to wait for the old line political parties' ticket as your father have done and by so doing have brought upon you these horrible condition« sa you now find tham? All this uncertainty and insecurity is the fruit of this capitalistic sya-atem of profit making; and the only political party that can offer you a aolution for these evil socisl problems and carry them to a victorious reality, is the Socialist Party. There is but one solution to this problem of unemployment, and that is the eliminating of this "social hell" of profit system and the establishment of a social system of collective ownership of all the mean« of production and distribution of the wealth we produce. The administering of antitoxin into the blood of this capitalistic system by the democrats and republicans to save it ha« cost our country billions of dollsrs while the producers of all the wealth get but a crust of brod. The cost of destroying hog« snd plowing under crops has cost our nation between 7b'i and 800 million dollars to say nothing of the cost in the advanced prices of our necessary commodities, and without affording us the opportunity to earn a living. Our entire educational institutions, public and private, cost our country $860,000,000 per year, or the amount paid to kill hogs would have kept our schools open for two years. If you want the doors opened to opportunity, and abolish this "earthly hell" of broken hope«, privation and want, vote the straight Socialist ticket. Submitted by John T. Krsdel, Jr., Lodge 725. 2 VI,0(M)1 700,000 1 2(MUMK) POLITICAL UPHEAVAL IN CALIFORNIA Los Angeles, Calif.—The two major political parties of California are working day and night to elect their candidates. Republicans with their reactionary-present governor Mer-rium a« candidate for re-election on one side, snd Democrats of "New Deal" with their progressive collec-tivist candidate, Upton Sinclair, and hi« "EPIC" plan on the other side, are the real contenders of today's political arena in California. It is needle«« to «ay that the battle is supreme, especially so, because the moneyed interests are putting up an unlimited financial means to defeat Sinclair and his EPIC plan, which propose« to relieve on a large ncale the suffering« of the pauperized masse« of workers and farmers that cannot find employment or sustenance. They already have hired the well-known hater of all Red«,—Ole Han-■on of Seattle, Wa«hington, to super-vl»e and edit their lie factory, called by them, "Save Our State News." On the first page of this "news" one reads on the front page in bold large type: "Sinclair exposed;" "Communists Want Sinclair Elected;" "Sinclair Against Religion;" "If Sinclair i« elected movie« will move to London and New York," etc. All till«, of course, is intended to intimidate snd rcare the ignorsnt. On the other hand the EPIC plan followers are working as hard as ever before in a similar election to elect Upton Sinclair and his EPIC plan ticket. Thousands are volunteering and giving a hand to the Democratic party In providing meetings, speakers, music, singing, collections, etc. ' There is no other wsy out of economic degradation snd suffering of California's masses at this time, but by electing Upton Sinclair for Governor! Criticism of Upton Sinclair at this time, or minimising the importance of the EPIC plan in this political campaign would simply mean playing into the hands of moneyed interests- the exploiter« of producers and thereby helping to prolong the misery. This Sinclair clearly points out in his latest book, the "Immediate Epic." Especially the socialist—who never believed In such doctrine« as "the worst the better"—but "the better the better," and have with this spirit in their mind« tlw-m»elvea made alliances und compromises—should be the last tines to exercise such criticism over Sinclair'« action«. In the present gubernatorial election In California there is no other possible choice but one, between the capitalistic cls»a rallied in the Republican party, and the pauperized producing class massing around the Upton Sinclair's EPIC plan, whose realisation can come only through the function of the Democratic party of California. This means, in short I Thie is a struggle between the exploiter« and tho exploited. Therefore: go-betweens «hould keep their hands off, becau»e their lalerfetcnce or critleiam will not improve the situation, but wtll rather aggiavate It It would only give aid ami comfort to the enemy of the working, producing aiaaar» Whether these aid* and comforts be given absentmindedly. boeauae of fanaticism or ignorance, does not matter. In the aye* of California ma** ■ it will mean treason. For thia rea-•oa every eligible claas-coaaciou« voter in California should, at tJiisj time, when their regular parties din-1 not function effectively—beeanae all the beat known socialists are giving | their wholehearted support to Upton Sinclair—to vote straight "EPIC plan ticket." Personally, I believe that the EPIC ] plan here, using the I>emocratle po- j litical machinery for its realization | at this particular time, is practical, and furthermore, I believe that with hi« consent to use this political machinery at this psychological time, Upton Sinclair has established a precedent in tactical science, if not a statesmanship. He is pointing the way how to reach the masses, when opportunity offers itself, over the old established psychological barriers that were over the thinking facultiea of the people by the old masters in the form of appeals to atick to the statu« quo traditions and sentiments against all "alien" doctrines. Even if Upton Sinclair's EPIC plan B does not fully succeed, the attempt "arm. alone, to reach the masses with real socialist propaganda and prepare them for further actions, to enlarge their social political views in the light of the machine age and sharpen their social senses and vision, thus creating a new mass-psychology, not to mention the tremendous publicity value that EPIC plan created all over the country—all this for the benefit of socialist philosophy everywhere— is worthwhile. Palifornia's political upheaval with Upton Sinclair as the central attraction will be looked upon by all students of political economic science as a great and welcome act, giving us opportunity to learn, work and observe. In the meantime: California voters, help elect Upton Sinclair and his EPIC plan into the power of the State! Frank Petrich. Lodge 462. Chicago World's Fair: Muriel Page, dancer in the Streeta of the Hoyer's orchestra THE COMRADE COLUMN Cleveland, Ohio.—After lagging behind for some time, we're back into stride again. The past summer has proved to be a social success due to the fact that quite a few trips were made and the acquaintance of many of the SNPJ active youths of various lodges.. Our latest trip saw ua out "Rambler" way in Harmarville. At-tended their dance on Sept. 29 and enjoyed ourselves to the greatest extend. Right here we wish to thank the Ramblers and our friends tor their kind hospitality and would liki? the opportunity to reciprocate. Swinging into tire winter season of gayety, the Comrades started off stairs and downstairs. Let's go, Comrades!! We'll bo seeing you, Commodores!! Odds and Enda.—Will anybody that attended the beer party, forget it? We're wondering if our president, Joe Fifolt, will? Or Heinie Martin?—Can Joe Jarc and Grange take it? Ask two of the Comrade girls.—We noticed Millie Tomsic enjoying herself.—We'd like to correct the Beacon Bachdorettes. on the whereabouts of our visits, and would have them know that Herminie was not our chief attraction, altho we do visit there at times on acocunt of it being our home town.—That being the only reason.—.Members are aaked to visit Helen Peterlin at 827 E. 93rd st., who is still recuperating from an attack of pneumonia.—Will the Comrade girls have a bowling team?— Johnnie Alich is asking for return ticket from the dance.—When will Dot 'n' Marian be back on the "Log" again?—One word description of Joe Jarc—"congenial."—Had the pleasure of meeting Bill Radojcic at the Ramblers' dance.—We wish to thank Joe Ocvirk of Harwick and his sister and folks for their kindness, also Mr. and tyO, Progar of Springdale, the Kaus family of 'Oakmont, the Klanchar family of Belle Vernon.—Once again —thanks all.—Time's up—so here goes, Saint minua Sinner. OUR FERA CLASS Cleveland.—A class sponsorod by the FERA is being conducted by Mr. SffP^ffH P. L. Pickett, every Wednesday night with a bang bjr. staging their Annual at 0409 St. Clair avenue, old build-Harvest Dance. The dance proved a ¡ng ^^ j social as well as financial suocest, T'he vM{c „hould adva«tage due to the cooperation of the mem, of tMs opportunity to become better bers in selling tickets and aleo to acquainted with tohe economics of to-our neighboring lodges and friends;! day and of the future. This iapic The Beacons, Progressives, Loyalite* cover8 a wide ran¥e; the claas is bon- Mti ««4 Their Progress ^Pi^MY, OTTnttrJ Commodores, all attended and we will be only too glad to return their patronage. A surprise of the evening when Mary Trebec of Bridgeville, Pa., honored us with a visit. We ducted more or less as a discussion, in which everyone may and should participate. Any lodge or ekib wishing to organize its own FERA class should were very glad to see her and hop? , aw,iy ot the Workers' Educational she 1 come again. Thanks again to j Council, 1000 Walnut avenue. Mr. all the lodges fpr attending our last dance. We were glad to notice that a new column has been started amidst the Comrades. We wonder if we really know who they are. Weren't we talking to you the nite of the Comrades' Beer party? We may be wrong, but we wonder? Anyway, It's nice to see that more members are being interested in the pages of thd Prosveta. By the way, what happened to the column "Off the President's Bst"? avenue. J. N. rfiurber is in charge. Betty Bogatay. MIDWAY MASK BALL Midway, Pa.—Ixidge 89 is sponsoring a Mask Dance on Saturday, November 17. We cordially invite all neighboring lodges to attend. There will be prizes given to those having the best costumes, the funniest, etc., so let's dress up in one way or an- Loa Angeles. Calif.—It ia not an easy problem for the average man ta understand why are men in general ao stubbornly antagonistic towards social changes modern inventions and msKhinery are forcing upon aociety. Particularly is this true regarding the changes that are to be applied to the sources of production,—changes in the way of lagialative regulations and readjustments intended for advancement of aociety in general and of producing masses in it in particular. Not only the well-tg-Ho, the own-era of machinery and other meana of production have been—and to a major proportion still are—antagonistic to such corrective etepa, but also the have-nots, the very element that is dependent on those owners of machinery and who must bear the brunt of phyaical and mental efforts at the sources of work, are in this reaped to a major proportion, very close followers of their masters. It does not require much knowledge to figure it out why are men that have, against the changes that are directed or suppose to be directed towards general public improvements, which would coat «wmething, but iwould pleasingly affect the producers. But it is 'hard to understand why the hsve-nots should be against such changes that are already taking place in the field of production and are creationg—contrary (to the best interest of all—a top-heavy industrial class civil^4|k>n. And how easy could those, numerically superior have-nots gain the benefits and general Improvements if they would only exercise their political power ion election days and would elect men to the offices of city, county and state governments that are advocating correspondingly such social changes as machine production has forced upon us. This would mean a peaceful revolution—as peaceful as machine is creating it in production—through the ballot box, thus (bringihg the bliss of wealth into proper circulation and thereby happiness for all. Yes, all this could have been established right at the beginning, with the start of the rise of machine age, had the men of 1900 or before thought, more about it than ithey did, if they would think more about overproduction, limitation of markets, etc. As it was, it required a grewsome world war, a grand breakdown of economic conditions and endless misery for millions. Will the fulture men be wiser? Will they, aa a class, use their political power to bring that belated social • revolution peacefully about? Time will tell. feo far, men leirned their lessons J only through hardships and through violence. True, times are changing. The masses ¡have begun to think. Here and there one can see traces of tremendous psychological upheavals. In California, for instance, the producing maaaes of men have nominated a former socialist for governor, and the chances are that he will carry the state with a big majority, even though it requires over a million votes for hia election. Thia political stiring up of old time indifference towards social changes and tremendous responses to these stirrings certainly must have a distinct meaning. w*»t thi> meaniraTwill On« th.ng ? ^ •are: the pe^i«. *** ^ In iuor .l . * moviig. the lata Pruf j Moore wrote u gr* J, a-Km,, ' pwface Of this book he wJ «w lmP">vementK ] Men a» a rule do Iun CM J Pro,.. Although they ha "; tfe, they are satisfied to U "EnthUu i lHty W ^ Enthusiasm, which in 1 ened or ideal race would M jo self-Improvement, is UL n weaving excuses for the inertia or in singing of tT ties of others. "But there is a future a creeds and ideals men bow * dsy will in time to come end new creeds and ideal« wi| their allagiance. "Shrines change as the gent come and go, and out of the position of the old comes n*» time will «m« when the Ken of this book will not be ha two or three, and ridiculed or by the rest; they will reprm lie opinion and law." In spite of Prof. Moore's ske as to men's readiness for u ment—his prediction as to tli ing socisl changes- a new or correct. In the same manner, a» he that the time will come wh« will no more antagonize, ip ridicule the written or *pok< gestions that go with the gen( derstanding of life from the of knowledge—so, too, a tii come, when men will not anu ignore or ridicule the dem« progressive men who stand I eral improvement through th tions of ¡government. A time also will have to com a political battle for a govei a great state will not be foutf a viewpoint of emergency, pull us out* of an economic Rion, but will be a pcrmanen tion, baaed on the will of the repreaentative public opinion, through education and knowl, machine civilization that 2U tury brought about. _Frank Petrich, Udgt FOR RENT Katera iz med I dveh—ste vi? Ali i» v»L kol va, gUdk« In k m trpite v*led Upal koti, !W* nt obrt toljev, jvternlh tu bof!<•«•? Imate ra a« vam «ii, voij.tvU| the Commodores will atagc a dance, ■th? y°un* ®nd <>\d can enjoy them- th information anolv tL- PetlJ 4mmr ~ Ui ^ which will be held on Nov. 3. And »1™- We one and all * T^LZ ^ iT', ' ° the Comrades are holding their an-! time Mark the 17th of Novem-1AvZ^^g'lT, ^ I ^ . ^uJZ £ nual Pre-Thanksgivlng dance on Nov. ber,on y°ur <«lendar today, and at- Cainkar 2«57 fl a J«!!!fl_! P-taina. Pitiu... 24, which, we all hope, will prove as tend our dance-successful as our last one. ' ^ Member of Lodge 89. Another event of the year that every one is looking forwsrd to is the bowling season. The Comrades are planning on a boys' team and we're suro there is enough good material among the Comrade boy« for a nice, strong team. Boys thst are interested should get in touch with John Smole. All out. Comrades! Where? To the Commodores' Dance on Nov. 3, which, by the way, is their First Anniver« Nsry Dance. Remember last year? This one will be batter. It's to be held art the Sachsenheim Hall on 7001 Denison ave. There will be two orchestras—the Ellia Brothers up- Secure New Members fer the S. N. P. J.! Dr. John J. Zavertnik PHYSICIAN * SURGEON orrica nouns at 1724 W. 24th Street t —• :••—-4 rta—S lie Dally W. Crawfaei Mil at 1858 W. Cermak Rd. 4 !»•—«>H ». m. Deity Tat Caael MM Wetoaatay a Sunday by ipH»t»i«a awl, BisISiiip. TaL, Cn«l«H Mil n wo ANswaa—call auitin tree TO ILLINOIS VOTERS ! Prevent an Increase in Ti ixes Vote "YES," November 6, on tha separate EMEROBNCY MLIEF BALLOT and keep your Taxes from gofof up 8 to 20% next year F.MRROKNCY RELIEF BALLOT SkaS «a AM «1 a. IkMl WmMf W ni.aai* laWSil *A> Ae la Mw* ^V. T - >"m*4 <4 Intal Ut a»« MM- "r?* »"r-y*» U^Hal Ammittf m a- mmJTZZt, t* * r**— "T"»1 P"* Haa tm S» KW *! pate «ha M« 4-n.a^ má S MMM «m,......mm trn» trn t- —à U MaOart a 4* «4 mZ ras X •» —•* * -SC'y—. w-ê. 1. MM «7* U «aSai M («l.lM» « Ml Jkrnal te yar m* IT J J m «• I« Hi ir žzzž+zzzšz t*":- s t^t* ^r ^ ^ WW* m Ite ..ftu. Itew aa« «m t«. te te —«il itntiHin -te. k «S.« .««, tum ru 1 M Ii .am n-^rx î: ^¿-¿lïiz ne Za Cicero in Chicajo Je. 1 tednik In............ f tednika in........... S tednike in..'......... « tednike ia........... 8 tednikov ia ......... ........$9.00 Seem Ne« Sabterlbers for the "PMSVETir ______: _ ———- > a« «injwnu ■ v/r i VOTES CAST FOR MEMBERS OF THE STATE LEGISLATURE, to vote, counts the same as "No." VOTE "YES**—IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY- sU 1 Cainkar, 2657 8. Lawndale Avenne—; iamo po*tn,no- Pll,u n" H0T* Rockwell 4904. Applications will be ' PORTE8 DRUG C0MPA considered to November 15, 1934. | dn* u _ —(Adv.) 1800 Milwaukee Ave., Chirsi NAROČITE SI DNEVNIK PROSVETO Po aklep« ii. redne konvencije ae lahko naro/i ns list Prosvels I iteje eden. dva, trt, itiri all pet ¿lanov It ene druilne k eni nsroisisl I'roe vet a atane sa vae enako, sa ilane all neflsne U 00 rs eno lets« nino. Ker pa Hani ie plavajo pri aaesment« 11.20 ss tednik, se Jin i Stele k naročnini. Torej eedaj ni vxroka, redH, ds Je list predrsf ss S. N. P. J. Llet Prosveta Je vala lastnina in gotovo Je v v«akl družlsi ki bi rad «ital llat vaak dan. Cena lista Prosvets Je: Za Zdrui. države in Kanado $8.00 1 tednik ia................ 4.80 2 tednika In...............8.80 3 tednike In............... S.40 4 tednike in............... 1.20 5 tednikov In.............. nil Za Evropo je.. Ispolnite spodnji kupon, priložite potrebne vsolo drnerls Order v pisan In at narotlte Proeveto, Uat, ki Je vaia lastsias Pojasnilo:—Vselej kakor hitro kateri teh flanov prerehs bit; sli ¿e ae preeell pro« od družine in bo sahteval »sm «voj list tednij moral tisti «lan Is dot ¡¿ne družine, ki je tako skupno nsnrfens m < Proeveto, to takoj nasnanit! upravnižtvu lieta, in obenem dopto"" vsoto listu Prosveta. Ako tega na store, tedaj mors uprsvnittvo datum »a to vsoto naročniku. ____ PROSVETA. SNPJ, 2857 Se. Lawndale Ave. Chicsr* » Priloženo pažiljs» naročnino sa list PreevHn vsel« !•<•• D Ime.........................................Cl drsitvs *» Naslov ...................................................... Ustavita tednik I« ga pripišite k meji aarečaln. «d slsdrf«»» n** družine: 2) ............................................ČL drsttvs " I) ............................................ft. 4m*»s * 4>............................................it * S) ............................................it * ' Mesto ................J.............. Držsvs ........... No> n»' o« aUk...........t..........