Original Scientific Article Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens Tadeja Jere Jakulin University of Primorska, Slovenia tadeja.jerejakulin@fts.upr.si The Bahá’í religion is the world’s youngest religion, founded in 1863 by the Persian sage Baha’u’llah. Its followers, including its founder, were persecuted for more than a century until they found peace in the 21st century when its two centres in Haifa, Israel, became unesco World Heritage Sites in 2008. The research aims to put the principles of systems thinking into practice in the case of the conservation of the Bahá’í Gardens, a World Heritage Site. The data for the causal-loop model (cld) within the system dynamics framework, which we present in this paper, was ob- tained through a field survey of leaders of the Bahá’í religion. The theoretical model is followed by a practical demonstration of the functioning and management of the Bahá’í Gardens in harmony with the social environment, the natural surroundings, pilgrims, and tourists, which illustrates the interplay between theory and the prac- tical application of systems thinking for the highest good of world heritage and tourism. The research goes further by presenting, through the literature, the pos- sibility of integrating religion and science, which as independent systems, are linked by a systems approach. The essence of Bahá’í thought is compassion, equality of races, interdependence, harmony, and living aesthetics and symmetry. All these elements fit into the modern systems’ principles, where systems cannot work until all their interdependent elements are balanced. The feedback loop and one’s awareness of it bring balance to the system, which presents the systems approach as a valuable tool in modern science. Keywords: Bahá’í Gardens, systems approach, cld modelling, unesco, world heritage site, pilgrimage tourism https://doi.org/10.26493/2335-4194.16.63-71 Introduction The Bahá’í faith began as a local religious movement in late 19th century Persia and is the youngest of the independent world religions. Today, the Bahá’í reli- gion has more than 8.5 million followers, and is one of the world’s fastest-growing religions and probably the most diverse. The religion has only eight cen- tres worldwide, one on each continent and the two main centres in Israel. Many Bahá’ís converted from other faiths, and its members come from different re- ligions, races, ethnic backgrounds, and nationalities (Hartz, 2009). As their faith forbids prejudice of any kind, they work together to break down prejudices and build a harmonious, balanced global society. Bal- ance is also an essential feature of every living and non-living system: soft systems such as an individual being, global or local community, and complex tech- nical systems. Modern society, which promotes sus- tainability, underlines corporate social responsibility, but this cannot exist if one does not include an indi- vidual’s responsibility. The Bahá’í religion emphasizes individual responsibility and personal development Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 | 63 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens in a physical and a spiritual sense. People must not only satisfy their basic physical needs, but must also recognize that to be truly happy is to develop their spiritual (non-visible) side (Hartz, 2009). The nature of Bahá’í faith and thought is systems thinking. Bahá’í texts intertwine with systems principles in the natural environment and sustainable soft systems such as suc- cessful companies, organizations, and societies. Some basic Bahá’í principles of physical and spiritual devel- opment go well with basic systems thinking since the religion considers all living systems, including flora, fauna, and human races, as parts of nature. This paper uses the term systems thinking, which is nothingmore than sustainability thinking. All living systems strive for equilibrium or homeostasis, so systems thinking is about the stability of a system’s elements. In the same way, sustainability thinking is thinking in terms of bal- ance and equal use of the resources that are part of a system (nature or an organizational system). For this paper, we have chosen to use systems terminology for the most part. Systems Methodology Systemsmethodology includes methods of expert sys- tems, causal loopmodelling and simulations, thinking and system dynamics. Jay Forrester initially developed System dynamics (Forrester, 1961) and Wolstenholme (1996) describes it as a five-phase systems thinking and modelling process inwhich phases are interrelated and followed by a causal loop model (diagram). The steps go as follows: 1. problem structuring, 2. causal loop modelling (causal loop diagrams, cld), 3. dynamic modelling, 4. scenario planning and modelling, and 5. implementation and organizational learning. In our research, we set the analogy of Bahá’ís’ way of thinking, living, acting, and systems thinking as a first step. The data we received helped us to go to the sec- ond step; we built a causal loopmodel (cld), wherewe identified the main variables and developed a causal loop model to illustrate the relationships among the variables and discuss their behaviour. As we have fo- cused on building a qualitative model to represent Bahá’í systems thinking, we have omitted the third step, i.e. making a simulation model, which is unnec- essary for our research. Instead, as the fourth and fifth steps, we have presented the world cultural heritage of the Bahá’ís and its regulation in the context of tourism, which fully follows the modelling process and systems thinking principles (Anderson & Johnson, 1997). Method of Systems Thinking Systems thinking is a framework based on the belief that we can understand a system’s parts in the con- text of a relationship with each other and other sys- tems rather than in isolation (Capra, 1997). Systems thinking principles (below, in italics) complement the five-step modelling process described in systems methodology: (1) Problem structuring (The Big Pic- ture or from the point of view of a whole, long term), (2) Causal Loop Modelling (complexity, interdepen- dency, qualitative – non-measurable data) (3) Dynamic modelling (dynamics –measurable data) (4) Scenario planning and modelling (short and long-term scenar- ios), and (5) Implementation and organizational learn- ing (we are a part of the system). Systems thinking is, at its core, a natural way of thinking. Our planet is a large systemmade up of nature with its living systems, technology with its technical systems, and conscious- ness as an evolutionary system. Aristotle spoke of sys- tems and the systemic whole (when both contained and container are parts of the same whole, the whole may be said to be, since we can also say of the whole what is true of the parts) when he discussed the parts and the whole, and observed nature and things (Wa- terfield & Bostock, 1996). But throughout the planet’s evolution, only people closely connected to nature, who have observed its cycles and learned from nature have thought systemically. The thought of Eastern civ- ilization is based on nature as a system within which humans are also a part. Western civilization thought has gone its own way. It began to divide and to see the parts as the ones to focus on. As a result, systems thinking did not emerge as a leadingway of thinking in Western society until the 19th century, when philoso- phers and mathematicians came to discuss systems, 64 | Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens the relationship between the whole and its parts, and the human as a system (Hegel, 2008; Chardin, 1955; Peirce, 1998).However, it was not until theAustrian bi- ologist Bertalanffy expressed systems thinking in his manifesto General System Theory (Bertalanffy, 1951) that the systems way of thinking came to wider so- cial acceptance. From then on, systems thinking began to take hold in the Western world, and several works dedicated to the different models and methodologies, systems, and systemdynamics arose. These include In- dustrial Dynamics (Forrester, 1961), System Thinking (Senge, 2006), Systems Theory (Kljajić, 1994), Systems Thinking, Systems Practice (Checkland, 2005), Think- ing in Systems (Meadows & Wright, 2015), The Tree of Knowledge (Maturana & Varela, 1992), Living Sys- tems (Miller, 1978), ‘The Viable System Model’ (Beer, 1984), and Anticipatory Systems (Rosen, 1985), as well as others. In practice, systems thinking is an upgrade of linear-analytical or conventional thinking, where one thinks about parts and what one sees. On the other hand, systems thinking achieves its upgrading in a feedback loop or the awareness that there are also elements that are not visible but are crucial for the harmonious development of society and the individ- ual. These elements are thought patterns that are not visible but are part of human evolution. In modern times, many old thought patterns no longer serve a purpose. It is good for humanity to recognize them because they are becoming unnecessary and harmful. This recognition is a point where one can start talk- ing about systems consciousness. An individual’s, and later the society’s, systems awareness, which leads to co-creativity, rather than competitivity, and must take into consideration the principles of living systems as brought out in Haines (2006): system clarity first; the whole is primary; understand systems holistically in their environment; each system functions uniquely; system purposes first; the role of parts – to support the whole; all parts are interdependent; small changes pro- duce big results; maximizing parts sub-optimizes the whole; causes and effects are not closely related; faster is ultimately slower; feedback loop; multiple goals; flexibility; natural hierarchy; entropy; and tendency to run down. A system cannot be understood by analysis but by synthesis, looking at it within its environment. With systems consciousness (not just knowledge) as a guiding mindset, social dynamics begin to circulate in a way that achieves synergy, connectedness, and in- terdependence with each other and nature. Through the example of the Bahá’í Gardens of Haifa, we will present the systemic consciousness of the members of the religion, who have achieved environmental sym- metry through their thinking and work, and who rep- resent an example of a systemically (sustainably) ori- ented tourism that, despite the increasing numbers of tourists, maintains the unesco World Heritage Site in balance with its social surroundings and physical environment. Bahá’í Gardens and its Sinergy with Social Surroundings and Physical Environment The International Bahá’í Community has been regis- tered with the United Nations as a non-governmental organization since 1948. The Bahá’í Faith offers an ad- vanced set of social teachings that teach how to think in systems. The individual’s responsibility implies a commitment to the whole, in this case, Bahá’í society, whose approach to tourism reflects the system’s qual- ities. These qualities – awareness of interdependency, connectedness, dynamics, big picture point of view, and feedback effect – lead the Bahá’ís to behaviour such as generosity, honesty, truthfulness, humility, and selfless service to others and nature. They are aware of their essential role in society, the economy, the envi- ronment, and tourism. The terraced gardens of Haifa represent the syn- ergy and symmetry of beauty and spirituality. They have a rich history linked to the founder of the Bahá’í Faith. When Baha’ullah came from Acre to Haifa, he pitched his tent and camped on a mountain whose name means God’s vineyard – Mount Carmel (Wor- thington, 2011). Today, a tourist might say that these gardens are beautiful for their symmetry and spiri- tual peace and tranquillity that can be felt when walk- ing on the terraces. The Bahá’í community has built them with love and care. The idea began in the early 20th century with the construction of the first shrine. The structure of the gardens was completed in 1999 and opened to tourists the same year. The photo below shows the terraced gardens in the evening light angled Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 | 65 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens from German Colony Plaza up to Mount Carmel. The Bahá’í Gardens show the symmetry and the aesthetic of the whs, which evokes in the modern tourist a de- sire to participate emotionally, intellectually, and psy- chologically in this experience of beauty (Sedmak & Brezovec, 2017). There are 450 plant species in the gar- dens, and the vertical rise of the terraced gardens in Haifa is 225 metres long. Altogether, the gardens have 1,206 steps, and annually about 1 million tourists and visitors. In themiddle of the hill, one can see the Shrine of Báb, a prayer site for pilgrims. The Shrine is open to tourists and visitors only in the morning and not ev- ery day. Image 2 shows the Universal House of justice, a seat of the Bahá’í administration, and image 3 shows the terraced gardens from the German Colony Plaza, the bottom of Mount Carmel, up, in the evening with the distinctive aesthetic of the light. Bahá’í Gardens in Systems Theory andModelling Bahá’í principles of physical and spiritual development represent the basic systems thinking model, which discusses understanding a feedback loop as their sys- tems awareness. Bahá’ís, aware that they are building a religious and administrative centre for themselves according to their principles, which support nature, symmetry, aesthetics, and harmony with the environ- ment, have made sure to consider the feedback loop as one of the important elements of modern systemic principles. They anticipated that their gardens inHaifa would be visited by pilgrims and tourists who have a different relationship to their sacred yet attractive tourist space, which is open to all. With a basic system model, we can demonstrate the awareness of a feed- back loop that implies a sustainable solution and the regulation of tourist arrivals. Figure 1 presents a basic system model, also called a causal loop diagramor cld. Despite different names of models and practices, the term ‘sustainability’ ap- pears in the context of connected or equal evaluations that are re-established by post-modern society with its mainly liberal rules (Zabukovec Baruca & Brezovec, 2014). The basic system model is a regulation circle, represented by two arrows showing the interaction be- tween the attractiveness of gardens and tourists. The bottom arrow represents the feedback loop that com- Attrac- tiveness of the Bahá’í gardens Tourists + – Figure 1 Basic cld (Causal Loop Diagram) of the Bahá’í Gardens’ Attractiveness and Tourists pletes the process. The interpretation of a model is the following: the Bahá’ís are aware that the greater the attractiveness of their gardens, the more tourists they will attract, which is indicated in the model by the + sign, representing the magnifying effect and growth. However, by being aware of the feedback loop, in- dicated by the – sign in the figure, they have shown that they are aware that the attractiveness of their gar- dens decreases as the number of tourists increases. This basic demonstration of systems thinking goes be- yond linear thinking in considering the feedback loop. Without the awareness of the feedback loop, linear thinking shows only one interest: the goal of contin- uous growth, sometimes dramatically. Constant rise is a cause of levelling off or falls depending on the strength of the limiting structure, which we name a systems archetype of ‘limits to success’ (Kim&Ander- son, 2011). With their level of consciousness, Bahá’ís have avoided the pitfalls of linear thinking. They be- lieve that the challenges facing humanity today call for spiritual transformation in the hearts and minds of individuals and the systems of structures of society (Fisher, 2017), representing their shift of consciousness from linear to systems. The Bahá’ís say that human his- tory is a spiritually dynamic process (Hatcher, 2017), representing consciousness’s evolution. Humanity has emerged from its former degrees of limitation and preliminary training. Man must now become imbuedwith new virtues and powers, new moralities, new capacities. New bounties, bestowals and perfections are await- ing and already descending upon him. The gifts and graces of the period of youth, although 66 | Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens timely and sufficient during the adolescence of the world of mankind, are now incapable of meeting the requirements of its maturity. The playthings of childhood and infancy no longer satisfy or interest the adult mind. [Bahá, 1979, p. 9] This stage of maturation, the adulthood of our species, can only come about with a new conscious- ness of the oneness of humanity (Langness, 2020). With this information and the systems orientation, we could build a larger cld model of interdependency among stakeholders who play essential roles in the sustainable growth of Bahá’í Gardens’ tourism.We se- lected the following stakeholders. • Bahá’í whs in Haifa • Investments in the Heritage • Infrastructure • Bahá’í Pilgrimage Events • Programmes and Products for Tourists • Attractivity of the Bahá’í Gardens • Number of Tourists • Local Community • Environment and Water Preservation Figure 2 shows the causal loop model as a com- plex whs tourism system with all its interdependent elements (Jere Jakulin et al., 2020) that influence each other. The ‘pluses’ represent reinforcing cycles, where elements positively influence each other, and their val- ues increase. The ‘minuses’ maintain systems stability, or ‘harmony’ in the language of Bahá’í. The system presents the interdependency and dy- namics among the elements. This whole cannot prop- erly function without the strength of each of the stake- holders. In systems methodology and philosophy, one must always think of feedback loops. The system will decline if it contains too many plus signs, ‘+,’ which denote growth. The minuses, ‘–,’ are essential as they represent a sustainable or balancing factor. The in- terpretation of picture 2 would be as follows: Bahá’í whs in Haifa increases and positively (+) influences the infrastructure in the gardens. The infrastructure Bahá’í WHS in Haifa Investments in the heritage Local community Infrastructure Number of tourists Baha’i Gardens visits Environ- ment/water preservation Bahá’í Gardens attractivity Tourism programmes + + + + – + + + + + + + – Figure 2 cld Model Diagram of Dependency among Tourism System Elements increases and positively (+) influences tourism pro- grammes, which positively (+) influences the attrac- tivity of Bahá’í Gardens. The attractiveness of the gar- dens increases (+) the number of tourists, and the number of tourists increases positively (+) in the lo- cal community. The local community ultimately (+) influences the whs in Haifa. The description of a re- inforcing circle shows upbeat (+) influences among the elements of the system. To maintain sustainabil- ity, one must anticipate and seek balancing elements to maintain sustainable (systems) growth. We can see Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 | 67 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens from the model that infrastructure causes a decrease (–) in environmental preservation, but the preserved environment positively (+) influences the attractivity of the gardens. The gardens positively (+) influence the number of tourists, which causes growth (+) of crowds in the local community, and a crowded local community is a cause for the decrease (–) of the Bahá’í Gardens’ attractivity. Bahá’í practically operates on this systems level. They believe in harmony with nature and all living be- ings; they take proper care of the terraced gardens to conserve water in an arid climate and practise water- saving measures, energy conservation, and recycling. Bahá’í whs administration increases (+) investments in the heritage, which influences (+) balanced visits to the gardens, and these positively (+) impact the at- tractivity of the gardens. Bahá’í Holy Places are asso- ciated with the green pilgrimage network. The Green Pilgrimage Network members teach visitors (tourists and pilgrims) about systems or sustainable thinking by ‘walking the talk’ rules. Systems Approach in the Practice of Bahá’í Gardens Management Managing Pilgrims and Tourists The Bahá’í visitor management manages the flow of tourists with walk-in tours and tours for organized groups. There are many different tours and program- mes available. The gardens offer a Lower Terraces tour (for less than 20 people), extensive group tours (for more than 20 people), and self-guided visits from Wednesday to Sunday in the forenoon and afternoon. The visitor management opened two entrances, one for the tourists, and a guided tour through the gar- dens (groups or individuals) from the entrance to Mount Carmel. The visitors climb down to the mid- dle of the gardens. The pilgrims climb up Mount Carmel. This climbing up includes the Hakramin (134 steps) and Shifra (236 steps) stairs, which lead to the Pilgrim Reception Centre, where pilgrims register. There are 1,625 steps all over the terraces. Entrances are separated so that tourists and pilgrims do not meet. Both motivations are different, but the envi- ronment induces serene admiration of the symmet- rical, floristic-rich garden terraces. Differentiation be- tween pilgrims and tourists is essential when explor- ing the socio-spatial dynamics of tourism and pil- grimage landscapes (Gatrell & Collins-Kreiner, 2006). The Bahá’í visitor management created distinct spa- tial practices to preserve the integrity of pilgrims and tourists and their activities. In 2013, 917,031 tourists and 8,000 Bahá’í pilgrims visited the gardens (Collins Kreiner et al., 2015). In 2019 more than 1.6 million vis- ited (Bahá’í World News Service, 2019). Noteworthy is that all tours are free of charge, representing the essence of this heartful and hospitable religion, which wants to share the beauty of their belief and think- ing with society and those who wish to experience the symmetry of nature. The entrance for the smaller group of tourists is located at the western edge of the Bahá’í Gardens at Hatzionut – up from the bridge. The tour takes ap- proximately one hour and includes 600 steps. This tour is of medium difficulty and is not suitable for people with walking difficulties. The tour ends at the German Colony Plaza on Ben Gurion Avenue. The entrance for groups of more than twenty people is at the Bahá’í Gardens balcony and includes 750 stairs. The tours are unique experiences, offering views of the upper and lower terraces and the Haifa Temple. They include informal and formal gardens with a mix of native and adapted trees, plants, and flowers. As at most other places of this type, visitors are advised to wear modest clothing that covers the shoulders and reaches to the knees withoutmodern rips, to help keep the place clean and beautiful, and to be considerate of the sensitivities of others. Environment: Recycling, Water Conservation and Saving Measures The Bahá’í Gardens inHaifa andAkko have beenman- aged in an environmentally conscious way from the beginning, with a particular focus on water conser- vation. The recycling of green waste into mulch and compost, for example, dates to the 1950s, as does the practice of treating large areas of lawn in early sum- mer and leaving them to lie fallow until the winter rains arrive, when they are re-seeded.During the plan- ning of the construction of the terraced gardens on Mount Carmel in the 1980s, Bahá’ís carried out exten- 68 | Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens sive research and discussions with theWater Commis- sion, the water companyMekorot, and some of Israel’s top consultants and academics in the fields of horti- culture, irrigation, and water management. The con- clusions were fully considered in the detailed design of the garden planting and infrastructure systems so that the project was based on sound ecological prin- ciples and incorporated the most advanced technol- ogy. The irrigation systems installed in the Bahá’í Gar- dens are among themost advanced in theworld. At the heart of the system is a computer that controls hun- dreds of valves to direct water through a complex net- work of polyethylene pipes so that each type of plant gets the amount it needs at the right time according to atmospheric conditions. Evapotranspiration (et) is the transfer of water in the form of water vapor from the earth’s surface and through the leaf slits of plants into the atmosphere. It is the leading indicator of the amount of water the vegetation will need. The irriga- tion planner uses meteorological data from a detailed weather forecast to predict the evapotranspiration rate (Bahá’í International Community, 2020). To reduce the strain on drinking water, the Bahá’í Gardens extensively use saline and contaminated wa- ter, which is drawn from licensed wells on the prop- erty and then treated to meet the Gardens’ require- ments. Most of the water is delivered directly to the roots of the plants at night by drips and sprinklers. At the same time, the occasional overhead irrigation, which must be carried out during the day to ensure the absorption of fertilizers and other agrochemicals, is planned for early in the morning when evapora- tion is at its lowest. The computer detects any leaks or other anomalies, and the irrigation team checks the equipment frequently to ensure any problems are de- tected and corrected immediately. In addition, there is an ongoing review of irrigation programming and wa- ter delivery systems, including the study and testing of new technologies, new types of equipment, and new approaches to improve system performance. The cen- tral design feature of the terraced gardens on Mount Carmel is the flowingwater, which seems to always fol- low the visitor, pleasing both the eye and the ear. These effects are achieved without wastage, as the fountains and streams flowing along the steps are fed from a sin- gle closed system that circulates in each terrace unit. The amount of water added to the evaporation system each day for the whole area is less than the daily con- sumption of an average person (Bahá’í International Community, 2020). The Baha’i Gardens are members of the Green Pilgrimage network. Infrastructure and Cooperation with Local Community The magnificent infrastructure, reflecting the beauty, symmetry, and light of the Bahá’í Faith, has become a magnet for visitors, a source of strength for pilgrims, and a world attraction for tourists. The Golden Dome Shrine is the first thing one sees when entering the Bahá’í Gardens. The Golden Dome Shrine, located in the northern part of Mount Carmel, was built at the beginning of the twentieth century to bury the re- mains of the founder of the Bahá’í religion, the martyr and prophet of Shiraz, the Báb. The site was shown to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in 1891 by his father Bahá’u’lláh, a Persian noblemanwhowas persecuted for following the teach- ings of the Báb and had to flee Persia in 1853. ‘Abdu’l- Bahá built a modest mausoleum on the present site in 1909 and buried the Báb’s remains. The subsequent systematic, gradual, and strategic development of the surrounding gardens reflected the growth of the Bahá’í community. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s successor, Shoghi Effendi, expanded the Bahá’í faith and formed the world com- munity. The construction of the Golden Dome Shrine was finished in 1953 (https://www.bahai.org/the-bab /shrine). The building of the Universal House of Jus- tice is on the northern slope ofMount Carmel together with the Shrine of the Báb and other administrative buildings. It is the international governing council of the Bahá’í Faith. Bahá’u’lláh ordained its creation. He also conferred authority upon the Universal House of Justice to positively influence humankind’s wel- fare, promote education, peace, and global prosperity, and safeguard human honour and the position of re- ligion. It is charged with applying the Bahá’í teachings to the requirements of an ever-evolving society and is thus empowered to legislate on matters not explic- itly covered in the Faith’s Sacred Texts. The guidance provided by the Universal House of Justice ensures unity of thought and action in the Bahá’í community as it learns to translate into reality Bahá’u’lláh’s vision Academica Turistica, Year 16, No. 1, April 2023 | 69 Tadeja Jere Jakulin Systems Approach in the World Heritage Site Bahá’í Gardens for a spiritually and materially prosperous global civi- lization (see https://universalhouseofjustice.bahai.org /unique-institution). Local Community and Cooperation The Bahá’í religion encourages cooperation, helping, learning, and thinking about systems where every- thing is connected and interdependent. The work of volunteers, many among the Bahá’ís, plays a signifi- cant role. They maintain the gardens themselves, keep them tidy and run programmes and tours of the gar- dens. The many tours and the millions of annual vis- itors to the gardens help the local tourist board and the city of Haifa, which in 1909 became the most im- portant city for the Bahá’ís and, for decades, a centre for Bahá’í pilgrims. Haifa became one of the most vis- ited tourist attractions in Israel after listing the Bahá’í Shrines and Gardens as a unesco World Heritage Site in 2008. Conclusions The knowledge that World Heritage Sites are magnets that attract tourists and visitors from all over the world is attractive, but it is also the responsibility of all site managers. The Bahá’ís, through their work, voluntary contributions, love, and trust, have built the terraced gardens of Haifa and the buildings that have become part of unesco’s cultural heritage. The harmony of scientific and spiritual truth functions as one of the central tenets of the Bahá’í Faith. Science and religion both contribute to a profound synergism. Both reveal themselves progressively. The great Faiths build upon and reinforce each other over time, just as the scien- tific method advances knowledge with each discovery (Langness, 2021). As wisdom is rarely explained in the language of science (Jere Jakulin, 2019), so is religion. Nevertheless, religion and science have systems qualities: balance, common goals, dynamics, inter- dependency, and feedback loops. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the feedback loop that balances an overloaded system. In our field research, we have experienced that the Bahá’í religion’s representatives are true systems thinkers. They follows systems think- ing principles: the first principle is The Big Picture, which is visible in their tourism and pilgrimage orga- nization for the benefit of the environment and future. Their respect shows the second principle of interde- pendency, dedication to the feedback, and symmetry of the surrounding. The third principle is visible in their measuring water supplies, numbers of visitors and pilgrims, which influences the fourth principle of short and long-term – they are aware of all the poten- tial impacts of whatever strategy they choose. The fifth system’s principle is the Bahá’í awareness that they are part of the environment in which they live. They care for it ecologically, sociologically and economically and preserve it for future generations. They anticipate the feedback loop and ensure that all activities are planned with clear rules and respect for balance of nature and fellow human beings. We have illustrated their sys- tems or sustainable attitude in a qualitative causal loop model, which presents the first step in systems mod- elling, a basis for a quantitative model. At the same time, we have presented the parameters captured in themodel through field observation and photographs. The future of preserving the world’s cultural her- itage for the planet’s and humanity’s benefit lies in un- derstanding the systems approach of those who make decisions about the future development of tourism. Understanding systems thinking and systems dynam- ics brings sustainability to tourism development in a natural way. The example set by the Bahá’í reli- gion, with its systems practice of managing tourism to maintain a balance in the environment, is one that tourism operators, regardless of the type of tourism, must follow in the present and the future. References Bahá, A. (1979). Foundations of world unity. us Bahá’í Pub- lishing Trust. Anderson, V., & Johnson, L. (2007). 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