Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 10/55 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 3. 3. 2019 8. Nedelja MED LETOM 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik, sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Address 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Phone: 905-561-5971 Cell: 905-520-2014 E-mail gregory_sdb@ Web page Hall rentals Cell: 905-518-6159 E-mail hallrental@ Drevo spoznamo po sadu Razlagalci Svetega pisma zatrjuje -jo, da je bil evangelist Luka zdravnik. Očitnih dokazov sicer nimajo, svojo trditev pa utemeljujejo z značilnostjo Lukovega pisanja. Današnji evangeljski odlomek to domnevo potrjuje. Razkriva pisca, ki mu je področje zdravstva domače. Že na začetku omenja dva slepca. Šestkrat govori o bolnem očesu, dvakrat o srcu, enkrat o ustih. Tudi pripoved o dobrem sadu je povezana z zdravstvom, saj je dober tisti sad, ki daje moč in zdravje. Tudi če Luka prej ni bil zdravnik, je to postal, ko je sprejel krščansko vero. Postal je namreč zdravnik duš. Da so duhovne bolezni hujše od telesnih, je vedel že prej. V Jezusu pa je spoznal najboljšega duhovnega zdravnika in v njegovem nauku najboljše zdravilo za bolezni duše. Z vsem srcem se je obojega oprijel. Izobrazba, ki jo je imel od poprej, mu je bila v oporo. Evangelij, ki ga je sestavil, je postal zdravniški recept. Skozi stoletja je prinašal duhovno zdravje vsem, ki so se hoteli po njem ravnati. To moč je ohranil do danes. Ko se Luka sklicuje na staro modrost, ki pravi, da v prime -ru, ko slepec vodi slepca, oba padeta v jamo, nas opozarja, naj se ne damo voditi komurkoli, ampak le tistemu, ki ima zdrave duhovne oči. Če pa smo mi voditelji, naj skrbimo, da bodo naši pogledi zdravi. Kako pa vemo, kdaj so takšni? Kadar so razsvetljeni z lučjo evangelija. Isto misel nadaljuje, ko govori o drevesu. Njegove vrednosti ne presoja po lesu, deblu, listju ali po čem drugem, ampak po sadovih. Kdaj pa so sadovi dobri? Kadar jih potrjuje evangelij. Bruno in iver v očesu sta izrazita primera vzhodne govorice, ki ljubi slikovitost in pretiravanje. Luka nas hoče ozdraviti tiste duhovne zaslepljenosti, ki lastnih napak ne vidi, tuje pa čez mero povečuje. Skupnost je toliko zdrava, kolikor so zdravi posamezniki. Zato bo vsakdo toliko prispeval k zdravju celote, kolikor se bo trudil za lastno duhovno zdravje. (F. Cerar, Evangelij na prepihu) Ob svetovnem dnevu molitve, letos je bogoslužje pripravljala skupina v Sloveniji, so mnoge cerkve tudi v Kanadi organizirale molitev. Povabili so me v cerkev sv. Trojice v Welland. Zelo lepo so pripravili bogoslužje, knjižica je bila celo dvojezična: Angleško-Francosko. Svoje izkušnje je povedala tudi slovenka Anica Glavač. Na koncu pa sva z duhovnikom Rev. Thomas Vaughan, podelila blagoslov, on v angleščini jaz v slovenščini. Po bogoslužju - ki je bilo na temo: »Pridite -vse je pripravljeno« so vse povabili v dvorano na družabno srečanje. /Fr. Drago Gačnik/ 98 | VESTNIK 2019 KRST - BAPTISM_ V soboto, 2. marca 2019, je v naši cerkvi, deček Benjamin Christopher Allan, CHETWYNDc prejel zakrament svetega krsta. Starša sta, oče Robert Chetwynd in mati Ashley rojena Žagar. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu drugega otroka. Naj mu bosta dobra starša. Naj ju spremlja božja blagoslov in priprošnja božje Matere Marije. VESTNIK 2019 | 99 '- 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time i 7 Response: Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. First Reading: Sirach 27:4-7 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 Gospel: Luke 6:39-45 We are given strong lessons about being vigilant that the words that usher forth from our mouths glorify God. Both the first reading and the Gospel are full of advice on how to understand people and how to know others. This is a strong part of spiritual living: knowing the right people to associate with so that we can deepen our spiritual journey. Our speech affects the lives of adults and children. Speech and language skills are at the root of any child's cognitive and social-emotional development. Each conversation you have, each opportunity to add new words to a child's word bank or use words in different ways, is critical, not only for school adjustment and performance, but also for parent-child relationships and relationships with peers, friends, relations, teachers, and even the dog! And, isn't our loving God the model for the ultimate parent to us all? The first reading speaks about the value of our human speech. If we listen to another person, we will discover who that person really is. For example, at the beginning of the twentieth century many silent movie actors with foreign language accents found their fortunes changed when sound was introduced into movies. In the silent era few mov- iegoers knew that a certain cowboy idol actually spoke with a thick German accent! But, once the movies incorporated dialogue the popularity and, more importantly perception, of that cowboy idol changed. Listening, first of all, requires intelligence and skill, not everyone does it well consistently. We can easily believe that everyone listens, but when we stop and think for a moment, we come to realize that this is not true. Yes, we may hear a voice. However, most of us find it difficult to listen deeply to another person, especially if it is a point of view we do not want to hear because of our inner fears, insecurities or the spoken words conflict with our fragile egos. Instead of listening to the other person, we are most often interpreting the other person by our own way of thinking. Even when we understand the words of the other person, the words often do not mean what we would like them to mean. The lesson is that to really listen to another, we must subjugate our own way of thinking. Often we are threatened by giving up our own way of thinking because of a sense that we might lose ourselves. We may find that this perceived loss of ourselves may indeed reap fruitful gifts, for ourselves and others, as a consequence of having listened deeply. 100 | VESTNIK 2019 And, speaking of losing ourselves, the wayward Corinthians were a bane to Paul. We hear Paul hearten his brothers and sisters to "be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." We know in the modern service economy world that much of our work goes into the spoken or written word. Therefore, we must guard against "evil thoughts" that serve as a source of sinful action that comes from the heart and defiles a person, in particular through our words. Luke's Gospel speaks directly to this reality. Good people produce good words and good deeds. Additionally, Luke adds another subtle perspective: do not judge another person. Christ again teaches the necessity of humility and true charity as an inspiration of our external acts. Our external acts must be an overflow of our love of God and neighbor. Maybe we should ask ourselves for time to time: through my speech do I produce good fruit? When? And, when might I be producing rotten fruit? So the first reading tells us that in some sense we can judge another person by the way he speaks. And, the Gospel tells us not to judge. Can we reconcile these two passages? Definitely! The Scriptures are always speaking to us about spiritual growth. We can never judge another person because we do not know his or her heart: is he or she maturing to a greater spirituality? We can make judgments about actions and words, though. We are not called to be stupid (lacking critical faculties) to follow the Gospel, even though we may be called to be a fool-in the world's eyes and ways-to follow the Gospel. Today God invites us to look at others and to be able to recognize good words and good deeds and to distinguish them from bad words and bad deeds. Cassian in his Conferences refers to this ability discretion, the ability to discern what is of God and what is not. God also invites us not to condemn (but extend compassion to) the people who may do bad deeds or speak bad words. Let us pray in the Eucharist today for mastery over those "small rudders", our tongues, that will help us live our daily lives in a way that reflects the love, mercy and compassion of God; and, work to do good and speak well. h ttps://ch -sunday-year-cycle-c-2019 DAYS OF PENANCE DURING LENT_ The time of Lent and all Fridays of the year are, throughout the universal Church, days and times especially appropriate for spiritual exercises; penitential liturgies; pilgrimages as signs of penance; voluntary self denial, such as fasting and almsgiving. Abstinence from meat (or some other food) or another penitential practice, according to the prescriptions of the conference of bishops, is to be observed on each Friday of the year unless it is a solemnity. Fast and abstinence from meat are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday. All persons who have completed their 14th year are bound by the law of abstinence. All adults (18 years or older) are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their 60th year. Pastors and parents are to see to it that minors who are not bound by a law of fast or abstinence are educated nevertheless in an authentic sense of penance. It is for the conference of bishops to determine more precisely the observance of fast and abstinence and to substitute in whole or in part for fast or abstinence other forms of penance, especially works of charity and exercises of piety and missionary works. VESTNIK 2019 | 101 Obvestila - Announcements PEVSKE VAJE_ Pevske vaje za mešani pevski zbor so vsak četrtek. Zbor poje 10. marca skupaj z angleškim zborom. Maša je ob 10:00 a.m. Angleški zbor ima vajo vsako sredo po večerni maši. Vabljeni novi pevci. DOGODKI V BLIŽNJI PRIHODNOSTI_ ♦ 3. marec: Bled - AGM ♦ 3. marec: Sava - Mass 1:00 p.m. ♦ 5. marec: Lipa Park - AGM - Election of new Executive ♦ 10. marec: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. CWL-KŽZ Bazaar ♦ 10. marec: St. Joseph's Society - AGM 11:00 a.m. ♦ 10. marec: Sava - 1:00 p.m. Light Lunch followed by the General Meeting ♦ 17. marec: Triglav - Mass 12:30 p.m. - Last Mass in the Hall ♦ 24. marec: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. St. Joseph's Society - Banquet 12:00 p.m. ♦ 31. marec: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m. AGM - Občni zbor at 11:15 a.m. Followed by light complimentary lunch ♦ 7. april: St. Gregory the Great - Mass 10:00 a.m., 12:00 noon - SPRING BANQUET GIFT BEARERS - DAROVE PRINAŠAJO_ ♦ 3. marec 9:30 a.m.: Jože Gimpelj & Lovrenčec ♦ 10. marec 10:00 a.m.: Članice KŽZ ♦ 17. marec 9:30 a.m.: Magda Udovč ♦ 24. marec 10:00 a.m.: Peter Novak & Danny Demšar DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - MEMBERSHIP FOR 2019 Društvo Memberships are now overdue for the year 2019. You may call Tony Ferko at 905-578-0150 or Peter Novak 905-560-4201. CWL - KŽZ: Bazaar_ Our CWL is busy planning for our ANNUAL BAZAAR scheduled for March 10th. Blue lottery tickets continue to be sold in the church foyer on Sunday. We will also be selling meal tickets. Luncheon tickets are $20 (adult, 11 years and up), and $10 (children 510 years); children 4 years of age and under are free. Prepayment by March 3rd is requested and appreciated. Contact person is Pamela Gosgnach: 905-3048719 Donations of new items to our penny sale, raffle and children's centre are most welcome. The children's centre is in need of toys/board games. Donations can be dropped off in the upper hall on Saturday morning, March 9th. At other times you can give your donation to Father Drago. Pecivo, baked goods will be accepted early on the morning of the bazaar. We value your culinary talents and services. We thank you for your generosity. Our next scheduled General CWL meeting will take place on March 6th after 7:00 p.m. Mass. DAROVI_ V spomin na pokojnega Alojza Sampl so za gradbeni sklad darovali: - $50 Toni in Marija Franc - $40 Manja Erzetič Diocesan Newsletter For information about Activities and Events of interest in the Diocese of Hamilton, subscribe to the online Diocesan Newsletter at 102 | VESTNIK 2019 V spomin na pokojno Theo Marušich je za gradbeni sklad darovala $20 Manja Erzetič. - Hvala vam za vse darove. ZAHVALA_ Ob izgubi moža in očeta, Štefana Dundek se lepo zahvaljujemo vsem, ki ste ga obiskali v pogrebnem zavodu. Lepa hvala g. Dragotu Gačniku za molitve in prelepo mašo, ko smo pokojnega Štefana pospremli na njegovi zadnji zemeljski poti v večnost. Hvala nosilcem krste, vsem, ki ste darovali za cvetje, svete maše in vsem, ki ste nam kakorkoli stali ob strani v težkih trenutkih. Hvala za pecivo in tudi kuharicam v kuhinji za pripravo pogrebščine. Bog vam vsem stoterno povrni. Žalujoča Aranka z vso družino. Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass_ Are you celebrating your 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, or 60+ Wedding Anniversary in the year 2019? If you are, you are cordially invited to join couples from across the Diocese of Hamilton for a Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King at 1:30 pm. (Space allows room for Anniversary couples only - those married 60 years or more may bring 1 guest if you require assistance). Please refer to the poster in the church for information on how to register for the celebration. INCOME TAX RECEIPTS_ V atriju cerkve imate Income Tax potrdila. Če se vam zdi, da je kakšna napaka, sporočite to župniku. Hvala za razumevanje. PEPELNICA - ASH WEDNESDAY_ POSTNA POSTAVA - Postni čas, ki se začne s pepelnično sredo, nas vsako leto pripravlja na veliko noč. To je čas milosti, duhovne poglobitve in dobrih del. Cerkev za postni čas določa tudi posebne oblike spokornosti: Strogi post je na pepelnično sredo (6. marca) in na veliki petek (19. aprila). Ta dva dneva se le enkrat na dan do sitega najemo in se zdržimo mesnih jedi. Strogi post veže od izpolnjenega 18. leta do začetega 60. leta. Samo zdržek od mesnih jedi je vse petke v letu. Zunaj postnega časa smemo zdržek od mesnih jedi zamenjati s kakim drugim dobrim delom pokore ali ljubezni do bližnjega. Zdržek od mesnih jedi veže vernike od izpolnjenega 14. leta. Kadar je petek na cerkveni praznik ali je kakšna slovesnost v družini (poroka, pogreb,...) post in zdržek odpadeta. KRIŽEV POT bomo v postnem času molili ob petkih, kot je to že naša navada. Začeli ga bomo ob 18:30 p.m., pol ure pred večerno mašo. Lepo vabljeni, da se tudi ob tej pobožnosti duhovno razpoložimo in pripravimo na Veliko noč. Canadian Slovenians Have Talent_ The Button Akordion Rocks Club invites all musicians, singers and dancers to participate in a special celebration of this summer: "Canadian Slovenians Have Talent" hosted by Lovska Farma on Sunday August 4th, 2019 Register for a fun competition with great prizes in three categeries: 1. Band, 2. Vocal Singing, 3. Dance. For each category there must be an accordion of any kind being played. For rules and further registration information please contact Martin Pusic at. 226 934 3947. You can also visit Facebook or the website for Franca (nee Drozina) Anderson, on behalf of Button Akordion Rocks Club -t» SVETE MAŠE - MASS TIMES: Monday: 8:00 a.m., Tuesday to Friday: 7:00 p.m., Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (Slovenian); Sunday: 9:30 a.m. (Slovenian), 11:00 a.m. (English); From Long weekend in July to the Long weekend of the September Sunday Mass is 111 only at 10:00 a.m. (Slovenian-English) - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: For an appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 -7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call don bosco for a personal conversation with your priest - please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971, VESTNIK 2019 | 103 od 3. 3. 2019 do 10. 3. 2019 svete maše - masses 8. Nedelja med letom 3. Marec Kunigunda, cesarica ... Za žive in rajne župljane t Jožica Gimpelj t Mary Zabukovec Po namenu 1 Za pokojne iz društva Sava 9:30 a.m. Mož Jože 11:00 a.m. Margaret Žagar Jelič Family 1:00 p.m. Maša pri društvu Sava-Breslau Ponedeljek - Monday 4. Marec Kazimir, kralj t Eileen MacKenzie 8:00 a.m. N.N. Torek - Tuesday 5. Marec Hadrijan, mučenec t Ed Kodarin t Mary Zabukovec 7:00 p.m. Žena z družino Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Sreda - Wednesday 5. Marec PEPELNICA t Ida Ftičar, obl. t Marija Horvat t Štefan Dundek t Marinka Kavčič t Julijana Gabor 7:00 p.m. Joe Ftičar CWL - KŽZ Sidonia Poppa z družino Demšar & Scarcelli Family Jože in albina Antolin Četrtek - Thursday 7. Marec Perpetua in Felicita, muč. t Matija Vlašič, obl. t Alojz Sampl 7:00 p.m. Žena in otroci Društvo sv. Jožefa (2) Petek - Friday 8. Marec Janez od Boga, redovnik t Mirko Kosem, obl. t John Krenos 7:00 p.m. Žena Rada z družino Karol in Milka Ferko Sobota Saturday 9. Marec Frančiška rimska, red. t Joseph Ftičar t Štefan Gabor, obl. t Julijana Gabor t Julijana Gabor 5:30 p.m. Joe Ftičar Ivan Antolin z družino Magi, Dan, Julia, Sofia Labricciosa Martin in Regina Nedelko 1. Postna nedelja 10. Marec 40 mučencev Za žive in rajne župljane t Jože Pust tt Paula in Franc Pelcar tt Janez, Vikca in brat Janez t Štefan Gonza 10:00 A.M. Družina pust Stan Pelcar & Josie Dube Jožica Erzar z družina Žena Vera z družino CWLBAZAAR 12:00 p.m. Župnijska dvorana 104 | VESTNIK 2019