Liudmila Varlamova1 (Russia) ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE ABSTRACT Purpose: The paper is aimed to analyze the current situation and suggest ways of devel- oping archival education. Method/approach: The author uses the case study method, which allows tracing the evolution of archival education in Russia on the example of the country’s leading university in the area of archivists’ training - the Russian State University for the Hu- manities (RSUH). Results: The review of the main stages in the development of archival education in Russia showed that at each of them the formation of educational programs was closely related to archival theory and practice. In modern conditions, archival sci- ence is not exclusively history- and information-oriented science any longer but has become economically and technologically significant. This cannot but affect the composition of academic disciplines and the structure of the curriculum of a univer- sity training archivists. Conclusions/findings: Education in general and archival education in particular will never be the same as before, and this is the opinion of practically all specialists. The changes will affect not only the former’s methodology and practice of its implementation, but also the content of educational programs. Archival science should be included in the direction of “History” and studied with the preservation of estab- lished traditions, preparing archivists to work in historical and traditional (usually pa- per) archives. At the same time, in our opinion, it is necessary to form a new direction of education related to the management of documents and archives, training archivists of the future (e-archivists) to work in modern archives (still being completed). Keywords: archival education, archival practice, educational standards, professional standards, archivist. ISTRUZIONE ARCHIVISTICA IN RUSSIA: PASSATO, PRESENTE E FUTURO SINTESI Scopo: il documento ha lo scopo di analizzare la situazione attuale e suggerire dei modi per sviluppare l’istruzione archivistica. Metodo / approccio: l’autore utilizza il metodo del caso di studio, che consente di trac- ciare l’evoluzione della formazione archivistica in Russia sull’esempio della principale università del paese nell’area della formazione degli archivisti - l’Università statale rus- sa per le scienze umane (RSUH). 1 Liudmila Varlamova, PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Russian State University for the Humani- ties (RSUH), Moscow, Russian Federation. 44 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila Risultati: la revisione delle fasi principali nello sviluppo dell’istruzione archivistica in Russia ha dimostrato che in ciascuna di esse la formazione dei programmi educativi era strettamente correlata all’archiviazione teoria e pratica. Nelle condizioni moderne, la scienza archivistica non è più esclusivamente scienza orientata alla storia e all’informa- zione, ma è diventata economicamente e tecnologicamente significativa. Ciò non può che influire sulla composizione delle discipline accademiche e sulla struttura del curri- culum degli archivisti di una formazione universitaria. Conclusioni/risultati: l’istruzione in generale e l’istruzione archivistica in particolare non saranno mai le stesse di prima, e questa è l’opinione praticamente di tutti gli spe- cialisti. I cambiamenti influenzeranno non solo la metodologia e la pratica della sua im- plementazione, ma anche il contenuto dei programmi educativi. La scienza archivistica dovrebbe essere inclusa nella direzione della “Storia” e studiata con la conservazione delle tradizioni consolidate, preparando gli archivisti a lavorare negli archivi storici e tradizionali (solitamente cartacei). Allo stesso tempo, a nostro avviso, è necessario for- mare una nuova direzione dell’istruzione relativa alla gestione di documenti e archivi, formando archivisti del futuro (e-archivisti) a lavorare negli archivi moderni (ancora in fase di completamento). Parole chiave: istruzione archivistica, pratica archivistica, modelli educativi, modelli professionali, archivisti IZOBRAŽEVANJE ARHIVISTOV V RUSIJI: PRETEKLOST-SEDANJOST-PRIHODNOST IZVLEČEK Namen: Prispevek želi analizirati trenutno stanje in predlagati načine za razvoj arhivske izobrazbe. Metoda / pristop: Avtor uporablja metodo študije primera, ki omogoča sledenje razvoju arhivskega izobraževanja v Rusiji na primeru vodilne univerze v državi na področju izo- braževanja arhivistov - Ruske državne univerze za humanistiko (RSUH). Rezultati: Pregled glavnih faz v razvoju arhivskega izobraževanja v Rusiji je pokazal, da je bilo oblikovanje izobraževalnih programov na vsaki od njih tesno povezano z ar- hivsko teorijo in prakso. V sodobnih razmerah arhivistika ni več izključno zgodovinsko in informacijsko usmerjena veda, ampak je postala gospodarsko in tehnološko pomemb- na. To vpliva na sestavo akademskih disciplin in strukturo kurikuluma univerzitetnih ar- hivskih strokovnjakov. Zaključki / ugotovitve: Izobraževanje na splošno in zlasti arhivsko izobraževanje nikoli ne bo več enako kot prej in tako menijo praktično vsi strokovnjaki. Spremembe ne bodo vplivale le na metodologijo in prakso prvega izvajanja, temveč tudi na vsebino izobra- ževalnih programov. Arhivistiko je treba vključiti v smer «Zgodovina» in jo preučevati z ohranjanjem uveljavljenih tradicij ter pripraviti arhiviste za delo v zgodovinskih in tra- dicionalnih (običajno papirnatih) arhivih. Hkrati je po našem mnenju treba oblikovati novo smer izobraževanja, povezano z upravljanjem z dokumenti in arhivi, usposablja- nje arhivistov prihodnosti (e-arhivarji) za delo v sodobnih arhivih (ki se še dokončujejo). Ključne besede: arhivska izobrazba, arhivska praksa, izobraževalni standardi, strokovni standardi, arhivist. 45ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila АРХИВНОЕ ОРАЗОВАНИЕ В РОССИИ: ПРОШЛОЕ – НАСТОЯЩЕЕ - БУДУЩЕЕ АННОТАЦИЯ Цель: Целью работы является анализ сложившейся ситуации и предложение путей раз- вития архивного образования Методы/подходы: В работе применен тематический метод исследования, который позволяет проследить эволюцию архивного образования в России на примере ведущего вуза страны – Историко-архивного института Российского государственного гумани- тарного университета (ИАИ РГГУ), осуществляющего подготовку архивистов. Результаты: Обзор основных этапов развития архивного образования в России пока- зал, что на каждом из них формирование образовательных программ было тесно связано с уровнем развития архивной теории и существующей практики. В современных услови- ях архивоведение это не только историко-ориентированное знание, как это было рань- ше, оно становиться экономики и технологически значимым. Это не может не повлиять на состав дисциплин учебного плана университетом, готовящих архивистов. Заключение/выводы: Образование в целом и архивное образование в частности уже никогда не будет прежним. Изменения коснуться не только методологии и практики его предоставления, но и контента образовательных программ. Архивоведение долж- но быть оставлено в направление подготовки «История» с сохранением традиции под- готовки архивистов для работы в исторических и традиционных (обычно бумажных) архивах. В то же время необходимо создать новое направление образования, связанное с управлением документами и архивами, для подготовки архивистов будущего (е-архи- вистов), подготавливаемых для работы в современных комплектующихся архивах элек- тронных документов. 46 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila 1 INTRODUCTION The Russian archival school has always been one of the best in the world. This was lar- gely accounted for the high quality of archival education, which has rich traditions. At the present stage there are difficulties in its development due to a number of reasons, which are discussed in the article. Among them are the technical-technological, scien- tific-methodological, administrative-pedagogical base of universities, and their rea- diness to work online. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the educational methods and practices in all universities, including RSUH. Education in general and ar- chival education in particular will never be the same as before, and this is the opinion of practically all specialists. The author suggests ways to develop archival education that will be appropriate both for Russia and for other countries. 2 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: A HISTORICAL ASPECT For the first time archival education in the Russian Empire was formed as a specialized curriculum and was provided by St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute (founded in 1877) and by Moscow Archaeological Institute (founded in 1907) as an integral part of the archeology program to train specialists with a wide range of historical knowledge and able to work in archives. In addition to the traditional historical disciplines traditio- nally studied within the educational program, the emphasis was placed on the study of ancient languages, heraldry and other auxiliary historical disciplines, as the work of fu- ture archivists was related to the archives. This education was prestigious, and the pro- fession of archivist (archives keeper) was well-respected, because it demanded deep scientific knowledge in a large number of professional areas. After the outbreak of World War I the question arose of preserving the current docu- mentary heritage, which acquired a new meaning after 1917. It became necessary to train archivists able to conduct the examination of the value (appraisal) of contempo- rary documents, as well as those having the skills to organize the latter into files and funds. During that period, there was an expansion of the scope of archivists’ activi- ties as well as related changes (sometimes simplification) in the program of their trai- ning. Thus, there were changes in the approach to the training of archivists and their orientation towards modern documents, heterogeneous in their structure, composed mainly on paper, but still limited in scope. A special role in this period belonged not to the deep historical knowledge of the pre-revolutionary archival school, but rather to the ability of efficient systematization and funding of the documents under the condi- tions of war and revolution. With the establishment of the Soviet power a new policy was developed in the country related to the formation of archival funds with an emphasis on Communist party and government documents. This led to certain adjustments in the priorities of the exami- nation of the documents’ value (appraisal) and formed a wide demand for qualified personnel of archivists-practitioners. In this regard the Institute of Archival Science was established in 1931 in Moscow, later renamed as Moscow History and Archives Institute (MHAI), which became the pioneer of Soviet archival education and has retained its lea- ding position up to the present time as the History and Archives Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities (HAI RSUH). A feature of the Soviet period was the state’s request for the mass training of archivi- sts and the orientation of their curricula to the current needs of the time. Meanwhile, the USSR was actively developing the theory of the document and of archival science in general, rules for the operation of state and departmental archives, criteria for docu- 47ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila ment’s appraisal, etc. were elaborated. Through the joint efforts of specialists from the USSR Main Archive Administration, VNIIDAD and MHAI, a scientific and methodological base of archival science was created in the country, which undoubtedly enhanced the quality of archivists’ training. Throughout more than 90-year existence of the training program for Soviet and later Russian archivists, it has undergone numerous changes, but has always been focused on two types of archivists: • archivists-historians (aimed to work in the central state and historical archives of the country); • archivists-practitioners (aimed to work in the archives of organizations and depart- mental archives). However, both of them did 5 years of training within one and the same direction of training “Historical and Archival Science”, which is independent (separate from the di- rection of training “History”) and provided at the Faculty of Archival Studies of MHAI. With the development of scientific and technological progress in the archival school of Russia, a new direction appeared, related to the storage of documents created by the technotronic method (for example, machine-readable documents, audio-visual documents, etc.). The training of specialists for work with these types of documents required the creation of new training program and of a specialized Faculty of Techno- tronic Archives at MHAI. Thus, we can see that the training of archivists began to differentiate not only by the types of archives in which the graduates were going to work, but also by the types of do- cuments stored in them. Yet the methodology of training archivists remained unchan- ged and included mainly lectures at the university and extensive internship undertaken directly in the country’s archives. Subsequently, graduates went to work in the country’s archives and continued their studies via the institute of mentorship with the orientation towards a specific type of archive where they worked. This system operated flawlessly until the collapse of the USSR and provided at least the central state archives, as well as departmental ones with qualified personnel. The Soviet period can be characterized as the ‘golden age’ of archi- val education in Russia. After 1991 the situation with the archivists’ training began to deteriorate; the profes- sion of archivist became poorly paid and lost its attractiveness for young people, while the level of archival education remained one of the best in the world. 3 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIN FEDERATION: MODERN PERIOD In the 2000s two previously independent and self-sufficient areas of training «Document science and documentation support of management» and «Historical and archival science» were merged into one, «Document science and archival science» within the process of transition to the Bologna system. This transition had rather a negative impact on the quality of training for both archivists and records managers, in view of the fact that the total training period for specialists was reduced from 5 years of specialized training to 4-year Bachelor’s programs, of which no more than 1.5 – 2 years were set aside for training in each direction within the framework of a separate profile-oriented educational plan. 1 year out of the remaining 2 – 2.5 years was allocated for general dis- ciplines (included in the state educational standard), and another 1-1.5 years for inde- pendent work of students (from 6 to 9 months for the entire period of study), for short- ened internship in the field of records management and archiving (from 3 to 6 months in 48 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila total) and defense of the final qualifying work (from 4 to 6 months). As for further stud- ies in 2-year Master’s programs, the former are focused on the theory and methodology of document science and archival science, but not on the practical field of activity of ar- chivists and records managers. The number of graduates has also dropped significantly. As a result, we have a small cohort of archivists who are little adapted to real work in the archives, despite the fact that the institution of mentoring has also practically disappeared due to the natural withdrawal of old school archivists, whose positions were occupied by people who, as a rule, did not have a special archival education. As regards the specifics and structure of archival education in modern Russia, one should note its universality on the one hand, and at the same time, an attempt to maintain specialization in one specific direction. For example, in the HAI RSUH in the period from 2014 to 2020 it was possible to receive archival education in the following specializations: • state and municipal archives; • audio-visual, scientific, technical and economic archives; • archives of electronic documents; • military-historical archives, etc. In view of the fact that the HAI RSUH is the leading university in the country that trains archivists and has retained its scientific school and staff, moreover, its curri- cula and academic programs are a professional reference point, textbooks and ma- nuals of its teachers are used as mandatory for students of all universities in the country training archivists. Analyzing the composition of the curriculum of any of the above-mentioned bache- lor’s specializations, we can see a common scheme of their construction. The curricu- lum consists of a basic part (mandatory for all universities that train archivists) contai- ning a list of compulsory disciplines listed in the State Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education in order to form the professional competencies of a graduate. These include philosophy, history of Russia (all periods), world history (from ancient times to the present day), archival science, recordkeeping, information technology in record keeping and archiving. The variable part of the curriculum consists of disciplines se- lected by each university independently, taking into account their capabilities (per- sonnel, financial, technical), but necessarily focused on the requirements of the labor market and competencies recorded in professional standards. Concerning the advantages of the HAI RGGU, noteworthy are a block of auxiliary historical disciplines, lecture courses on archeography, the history of state institu- tions and public organizations, all types of archives (state, departmental, private and others), as well as a wide block of archival disciplines related to IT and taught by recognized experts, authors of numerous course books and manuals, and also by practitioners of archiving. But the methodology and practice of teaching all these disciplines are universal and applied in all universities in the country. It is based on lectures, tutorials and practi- cal classes carried out in the university, as well as assignments for independent stu- dents’ work conducted outside the institution. The practice of final assessment is also universal and consists in taking tests and exams by students after studying a subject or as part of a general examination period, but with the compulsory presen- ce at the university and personal contact with the teacher. 49ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila 4 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION: WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT Before the COVID-19 pandemic the ways of development of archival education in Rus- sia seemed quite clear and were discussed by the author in a previous study (Varlam- ova L, 2017). Those suggestions are still valid, but at the same time they are subject to some adjustments due to significantly changed circumstances. In our opinion, after the pandemic the requirements for qualifications, skills and competences of archivists will undergo changes and require a fundamental revision not only of the methodology for their training, but also of their training programs. Many researchers note the inevitable shift of learning to the online environment and the emergence of the need to introduce special training courses for this new mode of working both for students and teachers (IGI Global, 2020). Yet few are conscious of the need to change the composition of academic disciplines due to altered requirements for the profession of archivist (the composition of their competencies, expertise and skills). During the pandemic, most Russian archives have shown their unreadiness to work onli- ne despite years-long digitization programs of the documents stored there and the poli- cy of open access to them. This, according to the author, is due to the lack of a practice-o- riented policy of priority digitization and description of digitized documents, as well as of authorized and controlled access to them. Most of the archives did not go beyond the digitization of paper inventories, not to mention the formation of hyperlinks even to the most important (demanded) digitized archival documents. In our opinion, this problem is related to the fact that educational programs of the universi- ties training archivists lack special disciplines aimed at studying the market of archival ser- vices and society’s demand for archival information, as well as disciplines focused on the issues of digitizing archival documents in applied (practice oriented and economic) aspect and information technologies, allowing the formation of interconnected archival content. Currently, in most countries of the world (and Russia is no exception) digitization is carried out in order to ensure the safety of documents, which is essential in itself, but it is still far from the needs of society as a whole, most of which considers archives in terms of the con- venience and efficiency of searching for the necessary socially significant information. Another block of academic disciplines prompting its introduction into the curriculum of archival studies includes lectures and practical classes on updating the principles of document’s appraisal and establishing not just points of contact, but methods of in- teraction between records managers and archivists in the transfer of digital born do- cuments to the archive (see Klasinc P.P., 2017). This block of disciplines should provide students with knowledge about the specifics of creating electronic documents subject to long-term preservation (including the requirements for their metadata, formats and carriers), as well as the means of giving them legal validity and preserving it over time (including long-term archival storage). Unlike similar disciplines already included in modern curricula, the specificity of the new ones must give information that a digital archival document will be perceived as a set of structured and legally confirmed (cer- tified) data provided by the archive at the user’s request. Thus, the role of the archive will be significantly expanded, and the emphasis shifted to providing the data it stores. As for the data provision, the issues of confirming their reliability and invariability, for one part, and a guarantee of access and legality of use, for the other part, acquire partic- ular importance. Thus, in archivist training programs access issues should be presented in three perspectives: legal, technological and methodological. These three perspec- tives will characterize all disciplines of the curriculum of universities training the ar- chivists of the future. Therefore, we are on the verge of changing the composition of requirements for archivists and shifting them towards IT and law. 50 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila But in the context of the curricula scope in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, it seems unlikely to succeed in teaching all these disciplines adequately. Hence, the way out might be found in changing the approach to archival education and dividing it into two types: traditional (history oriented) and modern (technology oriented). To our mind, historical and archival science should be included in the direction of «History» and studied with the preservation of established traditions, preparing archivists to work in historical and traditional (usually paper) archives. Yet in the new reality the traditional archivist is the highest level of qualification of a historian. To achieve it within undergraduate programs, students will gain the qualification of a historian, and within a Master’s program – that of an archivist. At the same time, in our opinion, it is necessary to form a new direction of education related to the management of documents and archives, training archivists of the future (e-archivists) to work in modern archives (still being completed). These professionals will gain extensive competencies in records and archives management at the Bachelor’s program level and a full range of IT specialist competencies which necessary within the Master’s program. 5 CONCLUSION The above review of the main stages in the development of archival education in Russia showed that at each of them the formation of educational programs was closely related to archival theory and practice. While at the initial stage the archives performed the functions of a repository of the most valuable information recorded in documents, now their functions are shifting towards the provision of this information. It is important to note that with the introduction of IT, there has been a tendency to transform the infor- mation to be stored not into documents, but into data. All these issues and many others, including the challenges of the time brought forward during the pandemic, are forcing universities to look for new ways to provide educational services, transferring most of them online on the one hand, and at the same time consider changing the content of their educational programs towards expanding the teaching of specialized IT discipli- nes. A separate direction in the near future will be the development and widespread implementation of programs for monitoring the final assessment of students using arti- ficial intelligence, as well as providing online conferences at all levels. Another direction will be the formation of inter-university and inter-State educational resources, which will significantly increase the standards of specialists’ education and, to a certain extent, erase the differences in their training. At the same time, it is already obvious that the educational programs of archivists demand significant modernization. Modern State Federal Educational Standard “Document science and archival science” is concerned, it does not meet the requirements of the time, since it is focused on history, but not on IT. In modern conditions, archival science is not exclusively history- and in- formation-oriented science any longer, but has become economically and technologi- cally significant. This cannot but affect the composition of academic disciplines and the structure of the curriculum of a university training archivists. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought radical changes to all spheres of society and state including education. Education in general and archival education in particular will ne- ver be the same as before, not only because of the widespread introduction of distance learning and the transfer of many courses to online mode, but also because of the awa- reness of the need for conceptual changes of training programs. Archival science as an area of scientific knowledge and archival education will be forced to become not only interdisciplinary, but also internationally oriented, given the specifics of IT used in archi- ving, its regulation by widely accepted international documents (ISAD (G), ISAAR, OAIS), as well as the interests of society. The archivist of the future is not so much: 51ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila • an intellectual with a wide range of humanitarian scientific knowledge (as it was in the 18th century), • a historian with a wide range of knowledge in archival and source science (as it was in the 19th century), • a specialist with a wide range of knowledge in history, archival science, recordkee- ping, source study and applied IT (as it was in the 20th century), but rather an IT specialist with in-depth knowledge of history, records and archives ma- nagement, document and archival science, source studies and law. For this, the curricula of universities that train archivists should be updated fundamentally. The ways of deve- loping archival education proposed by the author of the article are universal and could be of use not only for Russia, but also for other countries. REFERENCE LIST Varlamova, L. (2017). Educational and Practical Aspects of Training Archivists on the Modern Stage. Atlanti, 27 (2), pp. 247 -251. Experts Weigh in on the Future of Education Post-COVID-19 (2020). IGI Global (Publisher of Timely Knowledge). Available at (accessed on 20.05.2020). Klasinc P.P. Взаимосвязь между методами архивной обработки изначально цифровых документов и подготовкой архивистов в XXI веке. Atlanti (Russian volume), 27 (1- 2), pp. 15-21. 52 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila КРАТКОЕ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ СТАТЬИ Архивоведение как научная дисциплина зародилось в России в середине 18 века, почти на 2 века позже, чем в Европе, однако уже в 19 веке страна имела свою архивную школу. Впервые архивное образование в Российской Империи было сформировано как специ- ализированный учебный план и предоставлялось Петербургским археологическим ин- ститутом (основанном в 1877 году) и Московским археологическим институтом (осно- ванным в 1907 году) как составная часть программы по археологии с целью подготовки специалистов, обладающих широким спектром исторических знаний и способных рабо- тать в архивах. Помимо традиционных исторических дисциплин, обычно изучавшихся в рамках образовательной программы, акцент был сделан на изучении древних языков, геральдики и иных вспомогательных исторических дисциплин. После начала 1 мировой войны встал вопрос о сохранении текущего документального наследия, который приобрел новое звучание после 1917 года. Возникла необходимость подготовки архивистов, способных проводить экспертизу ценности современных доку- ментов, а также обладающих навыками их систематизации в дела и фонды. В этот период наблюдались расширение сферы деятельности архивистов и связанные с этим измене- ния программы их подготовки. Особую роль в этот период приобретают не глубокие исторические знания дореволюционной архивной школы, а скорее умение оператив- ной систематизации и фондирования документов. С утверждением советской власти в стране, по сути, была выработана новая политика формирования архивного фонда с акцентом на документы партии и правительства. Это внесло определенные коррективы в приоритеты экспертизы ценности документов и сформировало широкий запрос на квалифицированные кадры архивистов-практиков. В связи с этим в 1931 году в Москве был образован Институт архивоведения, впоследствии переименованный в Московский историко-архивный институт (МГИАИ), ставший родо- начальником советского архивного образования и сохранивший свои лидирующие пози- ции в настоящее время как Историко-архивный институт Российского государственного гуманитарного университета (ИАИ РГГУ). Следует отметить, что архивоведческие тради- ции дореволюционной России и ее архивная школа оказали существенное влияние на формирование архивного дела в СССР. Вместе с тем, именно в советский период про- изошло полноценное становление архивоведения не только как научной дисциплины, но и как важнейшего направления деятельности государства. Особенностью советского периода становятся запрос государства на массовую подготовку архивистов и ориен- тация их учебных программ на текущие потребности времени. Совместными усилиями специалистов Главного архивного управления СССР, ВНИИДАД и МГИАИ в стране созда- ется научно-методическая база архивоведения, что безусловно повлияло на качество подготовки архивистов. В СССР архивист являлся хорошо подготовленным историком с глубоким уровнем знания не только архивоведения, но и специальных исторических дисциплин, источниковедения и т.п. Наличие специализированных факультетов в уни- верситетах страны, готовящих архивистов на основе государственного образователь- ного стандарта по направлению «Историко-архивоведение», подчеркивало важность этого направления деятельности для общества и государства. Архивная школа в целом и архивное образование в частности, доставшиеся Российской Федерации в наследство от СССР, претерпели ряд существенных изменений в связи с переходом на Болонскую систему образования. В 2000-х гг. два ранее независимых и самодостаточных направления подготовки «Документоведение и документационное обеспечение управления» и «Историко-архивоведение» были объединены в одно, «До- кументоведение и архивоведение», что негативно отразилось на качестве подготовки как архивистов, так и документоведов. Говоря о специфике и структуре архивного обра- 53ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila зования в современной России, следует отметить его универсальность, с одной сторо- ны, и в то же время попытку сохранить специализацию на каком-то одном направлении (например, на подготовке специалистов для государственных и муниципальных архи- вов или для аудио-визуальных и научно-технических архивов). На современном этапе университеты готовят уже не историков-архивистов, а специалистов архива, обладаю- щих широким спектром знаний в области истории, архивоведения, документоведения, источниковедения, прикладных ИТ, используемых в архивах и т.п. Несмотря на то, что со временем менялся и развивался контент учебных планов, методы и средства обучения в университетах не сильно изменились и по-прежнему ориенти- рованы на очный контакт студента и преподавателя, на комплекс практических работ в архивах и итоговой государственной аттестации, требующей личного присутствия сту- дента. Однако, после пандемии COVID-19 требования к квалификациям, умениям и на- выкам архивистов претерпят изменения и потребуют принципиального пересмотра не только методики их обучения, но и программ их подготовки. Несмотря на то, что многие исследователи отмечают неизбежный сдвиг обучения в онлайн среду, мало кто задумы- вается о необходимости изменении состава дисциплин в учебных планах университетов ввиду изменения требований к профессии архивист, продиктованных изменением роли архивов, и к составу хранимой в них информации. По мнению автора, образовательные программы университетов, готовящих архивистов, должны содержать целый спектр специальных дисциплин, направленных на изучение рынка архивных услуг и запросов общества на предоставление архивной информации, вопросов оцифровки архивных документов в прикладном (практико-ориентированном и экономическом) аспекте и информационных технологий, позволяющих формировать взаимосвязанный архивный контент. Еще один блок учебных дисциплин, требующий введения в учебные планы архивистов, связан с вопросами взаимодействия документоведов и архивистов при передаче изна- чально рожденных цифровыми (digital born) документов в архив. Этот блок дисциплин должен обеспечить студентов знаниями о специфике создания таких документов, под- лежащих долговременному хранению (включая требования к метаданным, форматам и носителям), а также средствами придания им юридической силы и сохранения ее с течением времени (включая долгосрочное архивное хранение). В отличие от подобных дисциплин, уже включенных в современные учебные планы, особенность новых будет в том, что цифровой архивный документ будет восприниматься как некий набор струк- турированных и юридически подтвержденных (заверенных) данных, предоставляемых архивом по запросу пользователя. Таким образом, роль архива будет значительно рас- ширена, а акцент смещен на предоставление хранимых им данных. Говоря о предоставлении данных, особое значение приобретают вопросы подтвержде- ния их достоверности и неизменности с одной стороны, а с другой - гарантия доступа и правомерности использования. Следовательно, в программах подготовки архивистов вопросы доступа должны быть представлены в трех ракурсах: правовом, технологиче- ском и методологическом. Эти три ракурса будут характерны для всех дисциплин учеб- ных планов университетов, готовящих архивистов будущего. Таким образом, мы стоим на пороге изменения состава требований к архивистам и смещение их в сторону ИТ и права. Фактически направление историко-архивоведение должно быть отнесено к направлению «История» и изучаться с сохранением сложившихся традиций, готовя архивистов для ра- боты в классических (уже сформированных бумажных) архивах. В то же время, необхо- димо формирование нового направления обучения, связанного с управлением докумен- тами и архивами, готовящего архивистов для работы в современных (комплектующихся) архивах с акцентом на новые носители информации и способы создания документов. 54 ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila Пандемия COVID-19 принесла радикальные изменения во все сферы жизни общества и государства, включая образование. Образование в целом и архивное в частности уже никогда не будет прежним, не только из-за широкого внедрения дистанционного обу- чения и перевода многих курсов в онлайн режим, но и из-за осознания необходимости концептуального изменения программ обучения. Архивоведение как область научного знания и архивное образование будут вынуждены стать не только междисциплинар- ными, но и международно-ориентированными ввиду специфики ИТ, используемых в архивном деле; необходимости детального изучения, а в ряде случаев и применения международных стандартов архивного описания (ISAD (G), ISAAR, OAIS); необходимости обеспечения широкого и зачастую полнотекстового онлайн доступа к архивным доку- ментам как отечественным исследователям, так и их коллегам из других стран. Архивист будущего - это не столько: • интеллигент с широким спектром гуманитарных научных знаний (как это было в 18 веке), • историк, владеющий широким спектром знаний в архивоведении и источниковеде- нии (как это было в 19 веке), • специалист, обладающий широким спектром знаний в истории, архивоведении, доку- ментоведении, источниковедении и прикладном ИТ (как это было в 20 веке), сколько ИТ специалист с углубленным знанием истории, документоведения, архивове- дения, источниковедения и права. Для этого учебные планы университетов, готовящих архивистов, должны быть принципиальным образом актуализированы с целью подго- товки двух типов выпускников: традиционных архивистов-историков (архивариусов) и современных архивистов-практиков (е-архивистов), имеющих разные компетенции, знания и умения. По мнению автора, направление «Историко-архивоведение» должно быть отнесено к направлению «История» и изучаться с сохранением сложившихся традиций, готовя ар- хивистов для работы в исторических и традиционных (как правило бумажных) архивах. В новых реалиях традиционный архивист (архивариус) - это высший уровень квалифи- кации историка. Для его достижения на уровне программ бакалавриата студенты будут получать квалификацию историка, а на уровне программы магистратуры – архивиста. В то же время, по мнению автора, необходимо формирование нового направления обуче- ния, связанного с управлением документами и архивами, готовящего архивистов буду- щего (е-архивистов) для работы в современных (комплектующихся) архивах электрон- ных документов. Эти специалисты должны получить развернутые компетенции в сфере делопроизводства и архивного дела на уровне программ бакалавриата и полный спектр компетенций ИТ специалистов, но с уклоном на работу с электронными документами, на уровне программ магистратуры. Приведенный обзор основных этапов развития архивного образования в России пока- зал, что на каждом из них формирование образовательных программ было тесно связа- но с уровнем развития архивной теории и существующей практики. Мы стоим на пороге больших перемен, которые, будем надеяться, позволят архивистам занять достойное положение в обществе вследствие развития теории архивоведения, повышения каче- ства архивного образования, ориентированного на потребности общества и государ- ства, а также систематизации требований к профессии, основанных на существующей практике и требованиях рынка труда. Typology: 1.02 Review article 55ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN RUSSIA: PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE Varlamova Liudmila