ANALYSIS OF BUFFERED MULTISTAGE INTERCONNECTION NETWORK FOR PARALLEL PROCESSORS INFORMATICA4/87 UDK 618.3.02 Dusan Fajfar Institute for Teleinformatics ISKRA Telematika, Kranj Matija Lokar University E. K. Ljubljana, Department of Mathematics Abstract In the paper a method for calculating distribution law on the number of memory requests in the finite buffer in multistage interconnection network of parallel processors is given. A modified delta network is used for the connecting processors with memory modules. Memory requests on each processor are generated randomly and independently. Two cases of traffic flow are discussed: the constant average rates of requests and the time dependent average rates. Povzetek v clanku analiziramo vecnivojako povezovalno mrezo med procesorji in pomnilniskimi moduli, ki jo aestavljajo element! z vmesnimi pomnilniki omejene kapacitete. Podana Je metoda za izracun porazdelitvenega zakona stevila zahtev po podatkih iz pomnilnlka v posameznem elementu mreze. Vsak procesor generira zahteve po pomnilniskih modulih nakljucno in neodvisno od ostallh. Obravnavana sta dva primera: casovno konstantno in s casom spreminjajoce se povprecno stevilo zahtev. Keywords Buffered network, delta network, multistage Interconnection network, buffer length, queuelng theory. I.Introduction In the recent years a lot of new multiprocessor architectures have been proposed. The main problem of any multiprocessor system is its interconnection network. A typical configuration of such system is illustrated in Fig. 1. Many identical processors are connected via an interconnection network to identical memory modules. Each processor should have access to each memory module with requests generated randomly and independently at each processor. We have several possible organizations of such, processors - memory interconnection. For example, a shared bus in an unexpensive, but admits very low transfer rate. On the other hand maximum transfer rate is attained by the full crossbar switch (with n»m switches where n la number of processors and m number of memory modules). However it is far too complicated and expensive for practical application. Thus we have to use interconnection networks with less then n»m switches. One of them is multistage interconnection network Ci]. A lot of them have been presented in the literature (C2],[3],[i)],[5],C6]). In this paper we study a delta network with some modifications in the first and the last stage (Input process from processors and output process to memory). In section II description of network is given. The network consists of three types of switches. For more detailed presentation see C6]. In sections III, IV and V the distribution law of buffer length for each type of switch is calculated. In section VI results and conclusions are given. II. The network model and system operation We discuss a multistage network for connection N processors with N memory modules, where N = 2n. The model for N = 16 is Illustrated in Fig. 2. The network consists of log^ N + 1 stages. Each stage has N identical switches. With regard to the number of input and output links there are three types of switches. Switches at the first stage have one input and two output links, switches at the last stage have two input links and only one output link. Switches at all other stages have two input and two output links. To achieve higher transfer rate and to avoid blocking there is a finite buffer at each output link, where the incoming requests wait to be processed further. As we have finite buffers we propose that in the case when the buffer is full, the Incoming requests are lost. For the time unit we choose the system cycle time. At each cycle only one request can be transmitted through the same link except at the first stage where more than one request can come by input links from each processor. In one time unit only the first request in the buffer can travel from the stage i to stage i + 1. As we can see on Fig. 2. there are no links between the switches of the same stage. The input links of stage 1 are the output links of the stage 1-1. The first stage has input links from processors and the last stage has output links to memory modules. This regularity of the network gives the possibility to analyze it stage by stage Instead of the whole network at once. In the next section we give the analysis of the first stage in the section IV we give analysis of the stages indexed from 2 to log-N and in the section V the last stage is analyzed. (1) kl He analyze the case where a is constant and the case where a is time dependent, denoted by a(t). Each request cooing from processor is switched in one of two output buffers. As requests are uniformly distributed between memory modules <[6]) there is an equal probability that the incoming request Joins the first or the second buffer. By pk we denote the probability that i of k requests enter the first buffer (and k-m requests enter the second buffer). Thus we get (0.5) (2) Let pa denote the probability that m requests enter the first buffer in one cycle. Then k=m = I ak e"a / kl (0.5)k k:D 01 = am e"a/2 /(2«,|) Tio.Z III. Switches with one input and two output links Switches with one input and two output links can be found only in the first stage. The Input links come from processors and the output links are connected to switches of the second stage. Each processor is connected to only one switch. There are no links between the switches of the same stage, so we have N identical systems. Each system consists of a processor that sends the requests to switch and two output links, each with finite buffer. As the memory requests are time independent ([6]), we use the Poisson distribution with a given average rate a. The average rate can be different for each processor. Let p denote the probability that k requests are sent from processor in one cycle. By Poisson law we get The output process is very simple if we compare it with the input process. In each cycle only the first request from each buffer leaves system. Let us first analyze stationary system with constant average rate of input process. Since events on both buffers are equal we could analyze only one of them. Let bl denote the buffer length (we propose that all buffers have the same length but we do not have any difficulties when buffers have different length. We just have to calculate the distribution for all switches). The balance diagram Is shown In Fig 3. F/g. 3 The nodes In the diagram denote the number of requests in the buffer. If we look at in- and out-coming arcs to each node we get the system of balance equations where n(s) denotes the probability that we have s requests in the buffer. n(0) • I P(n = no) » p0 0(»).t)>0 • [ m-2 = n(o)«ps k=1 -. oio)«p bl s=1,2 bl - 1 (4) will Join the buffer. q,. , = min {bl, q,. + \