The Role of Contact Friction and Rheology in the Deformation at Plastometric Tests of Rheologically Complex Materials Vpliv kontaktnega trenja in reologije pri plastometričnih preizkusih reološko kompleksnih materialov G. G. Shlomchack*, Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute, Ukraine I. Mamužič, Metalurški fakultet, Sisak, Croatia F. Vodopivec, Institute of metals and technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia The deformation anomalies of higher orders at plastometric test are studied on easily deformabie iead alloys-modeis of different rheologicai compiexity by original testmg methods. It is ascertained that the development of deformation anomalies depends upon the degree of rheologicai complexity of the material. Simple strain anomalies are due to the inadequate conditions of contact friction, vvhile those of the higher orders results mainly from microrelief of the sample butts. Recommendations for the obtention of homogeneity of deformation at plastometric tests are given. The tests shovv that the deformation of rheologically complex metals develops according to laws basically different of the contemporary notions of the mechanics of plastic deformation. Key words: plastic deformation, rheology, deformation anomalies, contact friction, homogeneous deformation Opredeljene so deformacijske anomalije višjega reda pri plastometričnih preizkusih svinčevih spojin z različno reološko kompleksnostjo. Razvoj anomalij je odvisen od reologije materiala. Enostavne anomalije so posledica neustreznega stičnega trenja, anomalije višjega reda pa so predvsem odvisne od mikroreliefa stične površine. Priporočeni so ukrepi za doseganje homogene deformacije pri plastometričnih preizkusih. Ti kažejo, da deformacija reološko kompleksnih materialov poteka po zakonih, ki se razlikujejo od sodobnega razumevanja mehanizma plastične deformacije. Ključne besede: plastična deformacija, reologija, deformacijske anomalije, kontaktno trenje, homogena deformacija. 1. Introduction The development of new technologies of pressure shaping depends on the knowledge of rheologicai properties of the plas-ticallv deformed material. The dependence betvveen the resis-tance to deformation tr and the deformation rate e at different strain rates 1 \ 0 iV 310~2 11 11 11 STO" 1 1 1 1 11 310 !! Sr0,03. 0,05 0,2 0.4 Figure 2: s-s curves of different rheological complevitv: .1 - steel vvith 0.19% C; 0.04% Si: 0.86% M11: 0.022% P; 0.029'/, S at 900°C (61; b - high speed steel vvith 0.88% C: 0.39% Si: 0.23% Mn: 0.03% P: 0.011% S: 3.3% Cr: 6.39% W; 4.72% Mo; 2.23% V at 1100°C (7): c - zirconium allov vvith 2.5% niobium at 775 C. (Ni ali at the indicated values ol" strain rate in s-1. Slika 2: s-s krivulje / različno stopnjo reološke kompleksnosti: a - jeklo z 0.19% C; 0.04% Si; 0.86% Mn; 0.022% P in 0.029% S pri 900°C (6): jeklo z 0.88% C: 0.39% Si; 0.23% Mn; 0.03% P; 0.011% S: 3.3% Cr; 6.39% W; 4.72% Mo in 2.23% V pri 1100 C (7); c - cirkonijcva zlitina z 2.5% Nb pri 775°C. (Si vse pri označeni deformacijski hitrosti v s-1. 3. Specimens and methods of testing After vacuum melting and chemical checking the ingots of lead allovs of 50 mm diameter and 10 mm high vvere pressed into rods of diameter of 5.9 111111 and cut into initial blanks of I I.5...1 l.S mm of lentgh. I11 fig. 4 press mould details used for the calibration of specimens and the simultaneous indentation of a regular microrelief on their butts in form of concentrical trian- 0 O-1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 € Figure 3: Rheologieai curves of technically pure lead SI ( s of 99.9% ("B" curve). 99.4% ("C" curve) and 99.0% lead ("D" curve). Slika 3: Reološka krivulja za tehnično čisti svinec SI (99.98% krivulja A) in zlitine z 99.99! (krivulja B). 99.4% (krivulja C) in 99.0% svinca (krivulja D). barrel-shaped. the number of layers is inereased, if it becomes concave then their number is diminished. Figure 5: Container for plastometrie tests by compression: I - upper die; 2 - body; 3 - specimen; 4 - lovver die. Slika 5: Container za plastometrične tlačne preizkuse: 1 - zgornja matrica. 2 - ohišje, 3 - preizkušanec, 4 - spodnja matrica. gular juts 0.3 mm high bv the plungers 2 and 4 are shovvn. The final dimensions of the specimen vvere: diameter - 6.0 mm and height - I 1.0 mm. Before the plastometrie tests the specimens vvere annealed at 100°C during an hour and then aged during thir-ty dav s at room temperature. Fig. 5 shovvs the Container for the compression tests of cylin-drical specimens. The initial adjustment of the specimen 3 and the plungers 1 and 4 in the container 2 is obtained by means of a simple centring device. Polished vvorking surfaces of plungers and profiled butts of the specimens are covered vvith layers of viscous lubricant Litol 42 and separated by thin rubber. polyeth-v lene orpolvurethane foils. The number of layers of lubricant en-suring the homogeneitv of deformation vvas determined experi-mentallv. If in the process of compression the specimen becomes Figure 4: Press mould for pressing and calibration of specimens for plastometrie tests: 1 - body; 2 - upper die; 3 - calibrating matrix: 4 - lovver die. Slika 4: Orodje za stiskanje in kalibriranje preizkušancev za plastometrične preizkuse: 1 - ohišje. 2 - zgornja matrica. 3 - kalibracijska matrica, 4 - spodnja matrica. 4. The influence of contact frietion on the growth of deformation In čase vvhen the radial displacement of metal on the vvorking surface of the plungers is hampered, the butts of the specimens are formed vvith the contact of it lateral surface and the plunger. Fig. 6b shovvs a pressed pure lead specimen covered vvith chalk on the initial contact area. The light eircle on the butt is the unstrained initial surface, dark circie is a pari of the contact area lifted from the lateral surface of the specimen. Also the initial form and the shape after a true homogeneous deformation of the specimen during plastometrie tests as a result of the proper lubrication of the contact area are shovvn in fig. 6. In fig. 7 specimens of pure lead after sagging at plastometer vvith strain rate ir = 0.3 s 1 by identical parameters, bul different conditions of frietion on the contact are shovvn.The specimen 2 vvas pressed vvith dry contact surfaces, and a barrel shape vvas obtained. The specimen 3 vvas deformed homogeneously as a result of the optimal seleetion of the lubricant. The concave shape of the specimen 4 vvhich vvas obtained by inereasing the number of layers of lubricant to three vvith tvvo intermediate rubber separa-tors. In this čase the frietion force veetor changed to the opposite sign and the frietion became active in promoting the strong radial displacement of metal adjacent to the contact and the concave lateral surface of the specimen vvas obtained. Figure 6: Heterogeneous (b) and homogeneous (c) deformation of pure lead samples SI (a - initial form of the sample, d - butt relief of the sample). Slika 6: Heterogena (b) in homogena (c) deformacija preizkušancev i/ čistega svinca SI (a - začetna oblika preizkušanca, d - reliefna osnovni ploskvi valjastega preizkušanca). D m ■ H 12 3 4 Aetivation of lubrication M B C D Growth of rheology complexity Figure 7: Strain development in pure lead samples by increase of lubrication of butts (2-4) and lead allovs specimens from fig. 3 by different degree of rheological complexity (A-D). Slika 7: Razvoj dclormacije v preizkušancih i/, čistega svinca pr i povečanem H mazanju stičnih ploskev (2-4) in preizkušancev iz svinčevih zlitin s slike 3 pri različnih stopnjah reološke kompleksnosti (A-D). Fvidentlv. by plastometric tests of rheologically simple ma-terials the significance of lubricant is very substantial. With modification of the conditions of friction on the contact surfaces it is possible to regulate the development of deformation and achieve its homogeneitv. 5. The role of metal rheological comple\it> in development of deformation Let tis novv present some results of plastometric tests of rheological^ complex alloys at the same conditions (e=0.6; a=0.3 s 1) vvithout lubrication. Fig. 7 (A-D) shovvs samples of the tested alloys by order of rheological complexity: A - pure lead, B - "B" alloy, C - "C" allov, D - "D" alloy. As in the previous series of tests the specimen of pure lead (A) is barrel-shaped. The shape of the specimen of allov "B" vvith a maximum (amaxh) on the rheological curve ;it it^ = 0.63 (see Fig. 3) is also barrel shaped. Since only a deformation belovv (r = 0.63 vvas achieved the rheological complexity of the alloy did not come to evidence and the specimen vvas deformed according to the simple strengthenable material of the second class. The specimen of "D" allov inspite of the sagging vvithout lubrication assumed a quite different shape, a strongly marked concavity of the lateral surface. The rheological curve of the allov "D" (third rheological class in Fig. 3) shovvs that if the deformation is inereased above the characteristic value. the resistance to deformation is decreased sharplv from <:rmax = 95 MPa at o\=0.23 to 60 MPa at e = 0.6. Simple calculations shovv that bc-fore the deformation h;ts embraced ali the specimen volume the triangular juts of it butts did de form to the extent of 6 = 0.4...0.6. This startcd a deformation vvith strengthening of the metal in the bulk volume of specimen and unstrengthening of metal in lavers adjaccnt to the contact. The resistance to deformation of these lavers in the very initial stage is smaller and tliev flovv in radial direetion vvith higher speed than the inner lavers forming the specimen with concave lateral surface. It should bc noted, that in spite of the small depth of the butt relief (0.3 mm) the volume of this unstrengthenable metal is sufficient lo initiate the deformation of metal more distant from the contact. The deformation anomalies in the process of sagging of the alloy "C" (fig. 7C| is of special interest. The characteristic degree of deformation of the allov "C" is achieved by cr, = 0.43. Up to this moment the adjaccnt to contact volumes of metal, on ac-count of the greater deformation of the butt microrelief. are strengthened more intcnsivelv than those in the depth and the sample becomes barrel-shaped. Bv further sagging the deformation of metal lavers adjacent to the contact above . Transi, from English. M.. Mashinostroenie. 1969. 504.