Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! f ajav ua aynOBLHnOD loei 86LZEO VrNVAVH)! NVTIH Serving m Ohio and Nationwide, over 200,000 American Slovenians American home Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vol. 99 _ No. 48 .(USPS 024100) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 ISSN Number0164-68X 60C 0es this scene look familiar? It’s Pecon and Trebar doing the old “Janez and Lojze” skit at the Polka Hall of ame Awards Show X on Saturday, Nov. 29 at the Euclid Cultural Center. Only this time it’s not Johnny econ, but his son Jeff Pecon, left, and Lou Trebar on utton box accordion. They played the No. 1 Greatest All Time Cleveland-Style Polka Hit for this year, “Old-iniers Polka.” (Photo by Tony Grdina) Vladimir Rus appointed to Ohio Humanities Council Ohio Governor George V. Voinovich has announced ladimir J. Rus has been appointed to the Ohio Humanities L°uncil. The Ohio Humanities Council, an independent statewide gency, receives grants from the National Endowment for Cj] , Umanities annually. Grants are then made by the Coun-jn Ohio to colleges and universities and non-profit or-U'zations holding public humanities programs. Vlad Rus as aPPointed for a term ending October 31, 2000. He re-aces Audrey P. Lavin, a Republican from Canton, Ohio 'Vh«e term expired. Rus, a Republican from Pepper Pike, received his Itaj *n P°Et‘cal Science from the University of Trieste, of anC* M-A. in Slavic Languages from the University vari01C™®an' Most recently, he served as a professor of d Us courses at Cuyahoga Community College and 'jcland State University. ve|Q r' ^us also served as Vice Chair of the Economic De-Inv Prnent Committee of the Governor’s Human Resources C.;Stment Council. He has worked with the Cuyahoga "Wimunity colleg. pr°8rams. ;e on various labor and apprenticeship EjuN 6 CUrrent,y serves as the President of the Cleveland/-severai*13 *'ster City Committee and is an active member of Ohio S^0Venian-American organizations in Northeast >o. Per<y John JVtercina. Dear Sveti Miklavž, As you make your plans for your annual , visit to our homes, please remember this year especially our older folks at the Slovenian Home for the Aged. You know very well, of course, that some of them do not have a loving ( family that would visit them and cheer them up. Christmas is a lonely time of the year for some of these older residents. There are others, too, residing in their own homes, who will not have anyone visit them during the Christmas season. Please visit them and give them an encouraging word. Please, St.Nick, also visit the young children who may be in the hospital. 1 would be most grateful. Respectfully, fflmcj/na, (Dolgan), Gloria Dibbin, John Dejak and Evelyn Paisa.” A personal note to Madeline from Rich and Mary Sterle indicated the country produces a wonderful variety of Coogie sweaters. * Speaking of Australia, Nada Arnold of Charleston, SC faxed us the following helpful information, “So you don’t lose sleep, bush tucker, served at campside, usually includes billy tea (tea with milk) and damper (campfire baked yeast bread).” She says she recently finished a trek through Australia. Thanks, Nada, for your terrific input. Just think, only 1,016 days until the Summer Olympics start in Sept., year 2000 in Sydney, Australia. Come on along. * A number of calls inquired why we didn’t mention Rev. Bill Jerse in last week’s column about leadership among the Slovenian clergy. The answer is his name was there, but in making a spelling correction, somehow, accidentally, it got zapped by the computer. Father Bill is one of our favorites and is very active in the Slovenian community. He is well liked and well respected and we are regretful his name got expunged. * It’s funny how your pri- orities change as you grow older. When young, I used to play baseball from dawn to night and never thought about eating lunch. My sister, Jean, had to call me home to get some food. Now that I’m a few years the wiser, my thoughts often turn to the delights of a good meal. For the last 2 weeks we were able to view about a dozen extra channels on our cable TV as a trial. One of them is called the food channel. Every once in a while we turned it on, and there is a fellow demonstrating how to bake some tantalizing Thanksgiving morsels. As I looked at him he reminded me of the police sergeant in the old TV series “MacMillian and Wife.” Anyhow, I couldn’t think of his name and asked our shrewd readers if perhaps someone could remember it. Sure enough, my sister-in-law Candice Urbancich came up with the answer just like that, “It was Sergeant Enright” she said. “He was played by the actor John Shanck.” Thank you Candy, you are a life saver. Her husband, John Ur-bancich also knows just about everything about movies. What a talented family. * This being the Christmas season, we have some good news. Rev. Jože Černe (in residence at St. Marys parish in Cleveland) report5 that on his trip to New Vork two weeks ago for the re* dedication of St. Cyril5 church, he spoke with Arch' bishop Franc Rode of SloV6' nia and he will be comingt0 Cleveland for the Bish°P Baraga activities on Labor Day weekend next year. * In conclusion, we have answered some severe qu®5' tions while posing no ne^ ones to soothe everyone anxiety. Remember, to save yourself from a heart attac don’t be so uptight, rei and enjoy the music of1 season. Yikes, I can’t b6 lieve there are only ^ weeks until Christina5 Where does the time go? much to do; so little time-I’m not ready\\\ Comments? Fax: (216) ^ 4088; E-mail: j im@buckeyeweb.com — _ Jgf a custom of ki®8*0® Ut0 a* listletoe dates bacx the early 17th century- ^ ct procedure is gSHe I man to pluck a berry ^e{\ s the young women- e _ _ _~Hnrrtesi St. Nicholas visits St. Mary’s Saint Nicholas will be visiting with children of all ages on his feast day, Saturday, December 6^ in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) School Hall. The students of the Saturday doming Slovenian language school have prepared a play called “Miklavžev obisk,” - St. Nicholas’ visit. The story is that of a widow and her many children and Deir secret wishes for St. Nicholas’ evening. The gentle guardian angels from heaven plan only the best for their •ttle ones and try to get the children’s prayers answered. is is a very touching plot. However, the devils have to get their two tolars in and cause trouble for the children, otne see the result of their antics. This is only a prelude to the grand arrival of the Saint ’U'self. As he descends from heaven’s clouds, preceded by a choir of angels, you will hear the oohs and aahs of the y°ungsters in the audience. This is one of those magic jttcmories that few children will ever forget. Grownups re-c the joy of those younger years themselves. And when e inally calls your name, what a feeling. The elation even es away the fear of getting past the guys with horns and ai s to meet with St. Nicholas face to face. Parents or grandparents who wish to meet with St. IC °*as can do so between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. in the lower ro°^ of the old church. Bring your youngsters to this evening and create a tra-antj011 ^ never forget. Admission will be $5 for adults, .”children are admitted free. All are welcome. Joseph Ignatius Tromba makes debut T Julie and Josef rornba 0f Euclid, Oh 0udly announce the bir their son Joseph I| natlus Tromba. . ■Joseph was born at Mi 13 Euclid Hospital c 199Th °Ct0ber 2 He we'ghed 8 lbs, long and was 21 1/2 inch< grandparents ai Krul ^ and Ludmil Hil^ohjjf Will°Ughfc 3ge J brother” Vincen h^cph's Pictured holdin Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Greetings from the Members of St. Clair Business Association 6220 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, O. 44103 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year —Somratc HQt chens —- CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. hours MON-FRI 8:30-5 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry ^ 9'2 26201 RICHMOND RD. BEDFORD HEIGHTS. 4o4-DDU0 EVENINGS BY OHIO 44146 APPOINTMENT % I BRICKMAN & SONS I I FUNERAL HOME 3 1 I 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio Sf 1 481-5277 I Wa The Clair Business Association ^ established to provide the business-n of the community a forum for the d6ci. Ual exchange of ideas. It further c0opeCa^ 'tself to motivate the effective f0p tLat'.0n and communication necessary e instilling of pride, the establish-[Jt °t confidence, resulting in the Creation of a more wholesome community atmosphere. Your Member Merchants MAJOR & MINOR AUTO REPAIRS FOREIGN & DOMESTIC STATE EMISSIONS INSPECTIONS A, DIESEL ENGINE REPAIRS »S' EUCLID SUNOCO SERVKE 222ND STREET 940 East 222nd Street 261 9544 ~~X APPROVED AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR Joe Zigman, owner AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 AMER'SKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 Slovenians challenge tortuous Dhaulagiri mountain The Slovene assault on Dhaulagiri in 1981 has gone down in the annuals of mountaineering as an epic Himalayan ordeal, one of the great tales of the late Stane Belak (Srauf) and his expedition partners. A quest which goes by the name of Dhaulagiri which all this time has carried the bitter taste of something unattainable. That was how it had been years before, in the early fifties, when two Argentines of Slovene descent, Dinko Bertoncelj and Vojko Arko, pitted themselves against the challenge of one of he faces of this great mountain. On that occasion they gave everything that a man could possibly give of himself, yet they failed to reach the then-unconquered 8.172-meter summit, so greatly desired and so richly deserved. Then on September 3, 1981, six intrepid souls set off from their homeland. All brilliant people, great friends and highly experienced mountain climbers. And they had to be, for the mountain face they approached some weeks later offered no respite: nothing but overhanging glaciers and crumbling, vertical walls. The weather forecast for the area was pessimistic. Dhaulagiri gets its bad weather first hand. But the expedition plan was unequivocal: no help from Sherpas, no doctor, no extra oxygen, no intermediate camps, and, if at all possible, in Alpine style. “A huge funnel-shaped wall loomed above us. The seracs and the thunder of the rock increased the tension.” For acclimation, a climb to a lower summit not far from the base camp. There was no question of anything else. Oct. 6 The ascen|swa& begun on the lowest part of the south wall, at around 4,000 m. The planned route led to a ridge at 7,300m. Somewhere up there they were to join the Japanese route which would take them to the top. Of course, at the end there would still be a thousand meters for the push to the summit, supposedly the easy part. All six members were intending to go for the summit: Srauf, Vinko Bercic (Cene), Emil Tratnik, Janez Sabolek (Sabla), Jože Zupan (Jus) and Rok Kolar. After the first stretch of hard climbing they had put eleven hundred meters of crumbling rock behind them, having overcome difficult traverses, ice-bound chimneys and exhausting snow- fields. The first night was a few cramped and anxious hours in a tiny tent. And then at four o’clock in the morning Russian roulette with thirty-kilo rucksacks. Oct. 17 On October 17^ they climbed like men possessed. They desperately needed to reach the huge icefield at 6,000m. Carving footsteps in the ice, at a gradient between 55 and 70 degrees, sapped all their energy. Their will was still strong, but the massive expanse of the wall, the thinning air, the immense heat of the day and the numbing cold at night terrorized the men on the mountain face. And so the IS^ and 19^* were spent, climbing and then recovering in the flimsiest of bivouacs. Although dizzy from the sun and the altitude, they managed to climb up to a ledge of rock. But there was no place to belay. And a huge serac hung like a Sword of Damocles above them. Hundreds of tons of suspended ice. Oct. 20th On October 20th, the sixth day of climbing, they reached the Japanese ridge. On the other side, a long way off, was Tibet, and beneath them the dizzying drop into the Thak Kole valley. The wind picked up. Everyone was surprised at how hard the climb was. They had made the first ascent of the south face but still had to find a way forward. And not until they reached the summit would they find out if a normal descent from the mountain was possible. Another ice-cold night, and a similar morning on the exposed ridge. Some frayed Japanese ropes. The temperature was minus 30°C. The inside of the tent was like a deep freeze. Then some bad news came over the radio: worse weather to come. Ahead of them lay another terrible night. It was their eighth day on the mountain. Somewhere behind the ridge they could sense the summit. The wind was becoming ever more fierce, and the temperature fell to minus 39°C. the ridge went on forever. A crippling fatigue enveloped the brain, their minds could hardly function any longer: “We can’t count on any help up here.” Another bleak message came in over the radio: “The weather will turn in the next 24 hours.” The temperature continued to drop. Where can we go? And the unspoken ques- tion: how much longer can we hold out? It began to snow. The wind grew stronger by the minute. After so many days of hardship, freezing conditions, and indescribable exertion, the last gas canister ran out. No more hot food. And the safety of the valley was several days away. Everyone was starting to feel the first signs of frostbite on their hands and feet. And the summit? “If we want to get out of this alive then the only way is down... So we began the descent, carefully, staggering like visitors from another world. Eight hundred meters down, by chance we came across a small, half-destroyed tent. In it there were a few biscuits, some tins of fish and two gas canisters.” October 23rd Just as they were about to leave, an accidentally pierced gas canister causes a fire, but with the temperature so low it does not explode. The tent and everything in it went up in flames. They retreated, fighting for their lives. The descent of the wall, just like the ascent, seemed endless. It was snowing. The snowflakes were falling more thickly. October 25^ Still no end to the tortuous descent of Dhaulagiri. Unable to reach base camp on the radio. Finally, the shattered and snow-covered glacier. The three men were facing their 13th day on the mountain, yet it still refused to release them from its steely grip. “With frozen feet, exhausted, starving and dehydrated, we dragged ourselves into the village of Kalo-pama.” And then began a new ordeal, equally tragic in its own way. They were a without money and had 110 travel permit. It sounds a bad joke. They were queS tioned in turn by the police' The first signs of gangrer|6 were beginning to show 0,1 the feet of some of climbers. . “Even then,” Stane BelaJ was later to write, ‘^aC among people in KalopaIlia after 14 days on the mo1"1 tain, I knew that I’d have get even with this mag0'1 cent hill at the first opp^^ niv” Magazine. Merry Christmas! Perkins Restaurant 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Partisans or Partners for Peace? By Joseph Zelle (Part 3) The Way It Should Have Been By 1939 most of us had probably looked at the gradually darkening clouds of the approaching storm on the eastern horizon with mild misgivings. After all it was several thousand miles away and of no real immediate threat to us. Besides we had re-elected a president to the White House who had sol-entnly promised to keep us fijOf WAR. We were look-, Ipast, had our backs to the Wit. We were still more con-cerned with the Depression; getting out of it. The old tim-ers> our early Slovenian set-*ers and pioneers, were bitter, eeply disillusioned with merica. Some of them, after forking for years to build eir dream home in a "fry °ntra", lost everything. Not °nly were they without a roof 0Ver their heads, but they ^ere actually hungry. In '/fierica, the land of plenty, the land of milk and honey! Along Saint Clair Avenue, ^ ere i lived, a deathly Nghtful silence settled over e community. All of the Sa,cty of the neighborhood ^ vanished. Neighbors, tends, relatives talked glumly ^ the impending doom. The . UUUIII ence before the storm. . AH of our eyes were Urned on Europe. Slovenians specially looked at their be-yVe(l Slovenia, a part of old ugoslavia. The enemy jug-|fnaut swept in from all di-tions with almost no op- 1 ato'00 ^ow coul(l there be lov' unarmecl peace- the'n® Slovenia in the path of for m°St P°werhjl military Pr^Ce evei' assembled in mod-ern times. to hStran8e new worcls began q0 e beard: Fascism, Nazism, in ^ttism, Socialism, and CaniJr08^017 tones’ ^ ahsm. From Slovenia Cl 6 ^ded Clericalism, Anti- tiotip^801, ^rait°rs, Libera- Oral' Sovietization, Lib- Srwerr PCar kT c»me ,1’ s >op? art'en ev. ' Somi glowCUti°nS" wen Wb8terms this nhat was 8° Wei| Ur Slov®ni ^-.rsloa the'?« N«">< p e°Ple) ' in Cleveland, and Ave Maria in Lemont, IL. Slovenians were really confused. Could this be the country they had left a few years before? Catholic priests, notable citizens, certain friends and relatives had suddenly turned coat and become enemies of the state, their beloved country? How could that be? What could one believe? All of the so-called liberal press defiantly insisted on telling the “truth”, their truth, coming from the "freedom fighters" in occupied Slovenia. They had the backing of Louis Adamich, who had achieved signal success in the American press. He styled himself as the official spokesman for (all) immigrant Slovenians in America. It was at this point that Mr. Jaka Debevec, editor of the Ameriška Domovina (father of the present publisher, James Debevec), took a positive stand. He questioned all of the reports emanating from the Slovenian battleground. In like manner the religious publication, Ave Maria, put out by the Franciscan Fathers in Lemont questioned the veracity of the news from Slovenia. About this time, the Slovenian priests in Cleveland prepared a booklet entitled, Shall SLOVENIA be Sovie-tized, A rebuttal to Louis Adamic. Material was gathered and translated from the pages of the Slovenian daily, Ameriška Domovina. It went into great detail pointing out the discrepancy from what was believed to be the truth about events in Slovenia. The rebuttaL was in answer to SANS (Slovenian American National Council) spearheaded by Adamich and his cohorts. The result was that the Catholic element dropped out of SANS. At the same time the movement's influence began to dwindle. Today the “progressive” liberal-biased anti-religious Slovenian journals are all dead One after another, Enakopravnost, Glas Naroda, Proletarec, and other minor publications have bit the dust. Prosveta has only survived because it has become the official organ for SNPJ. The people at Naš Glas (Our Voice) AMLA’s publication, luckily were sensible enough to take a neutral stand. Only Ameriška Domovina, Amerikanski Slovenec of KSKJ, and Ave Maria have deservedly survived. As time wore on, and especially after the war, when Slovenian refugees started arriving into the U. S. A. and Canada, the real truth began to emerge. However, even to this day, the stalwart hard-nosed so-called "liberal" elements refuse to accept the truth. Today their utter silence in defending the liberation butchery is deafening. We know now that a small band of Communists seized control of the "partisans" to carry out a planned revolution to make Slovenia (and the rest of old Yugoslavia) into a vassal state for their beloved Uncle Stalin. We now know that Marshal Tito became greedy with success and decided to keep control of old Yugoslavia for himself. He was therefore disowned and his group banished from the Soviet Internationale. Moreover, with the independence of Slovenia on June 25, 1991, the horrors of the liberation struggle have been gradually becoming public knowledge, even in Slovenia. Revelations in official wartime communications and documents indicate that much of the news reports coming via Cairo to London were subverted there to make the Communist Partisans appear as heroes instead of traitors. Moreover, the long lists of victims of the "revolution" being set up in memorial plaques today throughout Slovenia testify to the true character of events during the Slovenian holocaust. Much of the turmoil created in the Slovenian communities of the U. S. was missed by me personally. Like so many young men and women, I was completely out of touch with the Slovenian political events during the war. What I learned was from my parents and relatives and friends back in Cleveland. My fascination with Louis Adamich was my admiration for a common Slovenian immigrant making the American scene as a bigtime writer. I met him several times in Cleveland, and corresponded with him. In fact he offered me a secretaryship for him with the departure of Frank Mlakar to become an editor at Common Ground with which Adamich was associated. Reluctantly I turned it down with some misgivings. Shortly after that I joined the engineering staff of CBS in New York. The turning point for me came when Adamich had published an article, "Death in Front of the Church" in Harper’s Magazine. The article was mis-titled because it was mostly concerned with the political conflicts in Slovenia. While written objectively enough, it was very obvious also that Adamich was very thoroughy well-informed from the Communist side. Although entirely ignorant of the Rev. Dr. Lambert Ehrlich, I was shocked by the atrocity, - the terrorist execution in broad daylight on a public street of Ljubljana, of a Catholic priest innocently returning home from saying the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Ehrlich’s terrible sin had been open defiance of the Communist activity in Slovenia. Therefore he was a “traitor”, not to his beloved country, Slovenia, or to the western Allies but to the foreign ally of Nazi Germany. For me the "honeymoon" was over and I remember telling Mr. Adamich that he was in his glory just then, but there would come a time when the new young generation of Slovenian Americans would grow up to make the real truth known publicly. In 1951 Adamich paid with his life, ruled as a suicide by the Rieglesville (N.J.) police, although the FBI entered into the investigation because of Adamich's political activities. Various speculations have left his death an unsolved mystery even to this day. Early in 1944 I was interviewed by Andrej Kobal in Washington for a position with the OSS, Office of Strategic Services. They were interested in me because I was conversant with Slovenian. Moreover as a radio engineer and radio ham operator and telegrapher I knew the Morse Code. The idea was to have me parachuted into Slovenia and watch train movements and report them to London. The other 5 men of that team were never heard from, although 1 or 2 were reported killed while in service. While awaiting that assignment, I joined instead the staff of OWI, the Office of War Information, (after the War the Voice of America) as a radio engineer. With an overseas rating of major, I was assigned to build and put into operation a 5 kilowatt AM radio broadcast station in Belgrade. After months of waiting I finally learned that Marshall Tito had nixed the project. He did not want Americans helping him in the war effort. Then in the peace-time summer of 1946 an unarmed American transport plane was shot down over Koprivnik (Slovenia) by the Partisans on Marshal Tito's orders. That soured me on the Partisan "freedom" fighters altogether. But by the grace of God I might have been in that plane and sacrificed my Slovenian American life. And for what? So today what really happened in Slovenia 50 and more years ago is finally coming out. It has been veiy thoroughly covered in Slovenian papers like Ameriška Domovina, Amčrikanski Slovenec, Svobodna Slovenia (Argentina), Vestnik, Tabor, Slovenska Država (Canada), Misli (Australia), Božja Beseda (Canada), and Ave Maria. Unfortunately very little of this material has appeared in the American and English press. This is very apparent in discussing this tragedy with Slovenian Americans who are ignorant of the facts and show almost no interest except where personal experience may be involved. Fortunately the first generation of the new settlers from Slovenia display concern, inherited from their parents. Again today strange new words fill the air and news media: Sprava (Reconcilia tion), Rehabilitation, Denationalization, new, nice, white-washed terms have been replaced for execution, murder, destruction, democracy. What did all of that hatred achieve? Besides all of the mis ery, besides all of the grief, besides all of the suffering? Besides draining all of that Slovenian talent to Canada, the U.S.A., Australia, Argentina, not to mention Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Italy. You will find Slovenians scattered all over the whole globe of Earth, orphans of the glorious storm. The biggest loss was that of the perfect opportunity to reunite the Slovenians; dismembered after World War I. Those outlying neighboring-Slovenian minorities still remain severed from their homeland For, Austria, Hungary, and Italy had been the defeated belligerents of World War II. As such they could have been forced to secede Carinthia, Porabje, and Terst respectively. There may never be another such opportunity to unite all Slovenian brothers and sisters under one sky. It is fitting and right to remember VE Day, even for the Slovenians. But let us have the truth. Theirs was no victory-ovep^ Fascism and Nazism as those “victors” claim. Not even Communism has survived! Nevertheless the Domobranci (Home Defenders) and the true Partisans did not die in vain! After all, our Slovenian brothers and sisters did sacrifice their noble innocent lives, as did so many citizens of that tiny gem of a nation. For, after 1,200 years (!) Slovenia has become a free and independent nation of its own in the commonwealth of nations in Europe as well as throughout the world. As for Adamich, how much he could have helped the cause of a free Slovenia! Instead history will have to record him as a traitor. Long live Slovenia, Under a Free Sun, liberated at last! AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 6 The Christmas Trivia Quiz Quiz Question #1 The first instrument on which the carol “Silent Night” was played was: A)A harp B) A pipe organ C) A guitar D) A kazoo Quiz Question #2 In Guatemala, Christmas Day is celebrated: AO On January 6 B) On December 25 C) On October 31 D) Never Quiz Question #3 electric Christmas tree lights were first used in: A) 1944 B) 1895 C) 1976 D) 1492 Quiz Question #4 Good King Wenceslas was king of which country? A) Abyssinia B) England C) Bohemia D) Gondor Quiz Question #5 Medieval English Christmas pantomimes did NOT include which character? A) St. Nicholas B) The Bold Slasher C) Father Christmas D) The Turkish Knight Quiz Question #6 The name of Scrooge’s deceased business partner in Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol was: A) Bob Cratchit B) Jerry Cornelius C) Bill Sykes D) Jacob Marley Quiz Question #7 In North America children put stockings out at Christmas time. Their Dutch counterparts use: A) Old hats B) Beer mugs C) Shoes D) Stockings, just like everybody else! Quiz Question #8 Which of these events did NOT occur on Christmas Day? A) Ebenezer Scrooge was visited by four ghosts B) Charlemagne was crowned Roman Emperor C) Hong Kong fell to the Japanese in World War II D) King Arthur pulled Excalibur from the stone Quiz Question #9 Which name does NOT belong to one of Santa’s reindeer? A) Comet B) Prancer C) Blitzen D) Klaxon Quiz Question #10 In Syria, Christmas gifts are distributed by: A) The Three Kings B) Tom o’Bedlam C) One of the Wise Men’s camels D) Father Christmas Answers: 1=C; 2 = B; 3 = B; 4 = C; 5 = A; 6 = D; 7 = C; 8 = A; 9 = D; 10 = C AH About Joseph Hočevar Joseph Hočevar was born in Cleveland, Ohio on February 12, 1945. His parents were the late John and Anna (Jakopič) Hočevar. Joseph has one sister, Anne Arhar, and one brother, John. His parents and sister were born in the Republic of Slovenia. Joseph’s father was very active in the fraternal affairs of the Catholic Order of Foresters for all of the years that he lived in the USA. Joseph attended and graduated from St. Vitus School in 1959, St. Joseph High School in 1963, and John Carroll University in 1968. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration majoring in Management. Joe worked at Picker X-Ray Corporation for seven years as a cost accountant. Then he moved on to Gould/-Westinghouse Corporation where he worked for 18 plus years in industrial engineering, cost accounting, and subcontracts. Currently he is self-employed. Joe has been a part of the fraternal system all of his life. His father enrolled him in the Catholic Order of Foresters at birth. Joe did not join the American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) which he represents on the Ohio Fraternal Congress Board, until he was 29 years of age in 1974. He held various positions in both fratemals on the local level. Currently Mr. Hočevar is the Vice President of St. Vitus KSKJ Lodge #25 and the President of the Ohio Federation of KSKJ Lodges. He also serves as a consultant for Baraga Court #1317 Catholic Order of Foresters. Joe was elected as a delegate to represent his local lodge at the American Slovenian Catholic Union Convention in 1978, four years after he enrolled. At the next convention in 1982 he was elected to the National Board as a Regional Director. He held this position until the 1994 convention when he was elected 2nd yjce President of the National Board. In addition to belonging to the American Slovenian Catholic Union and the Catholic Order of Foresters, he also belongs to the American Mutual Life Association. Joe was elected to the Ohio Fraternal Congress (OFC) Board in 1986 as a Director. He served in this position until he was elected to the position of 4^ Vice President in 1992 and President of the OFC in 1996. After serving his obligatory one-year term, he concluded his presidency at a banquet on Saturday, Oct. 18 at the Four Points Hotel in Wick-liffe, Ohio. Also serving on the Ohio Fraternal Congress Executive Board during the 1996-97 term were Lillian B. Novak of the American Mutual Life Association (as Third Vice President/Legislative); Christine M. Arvay of the American Mutual Life Association (Corresponding Secretary); Betty Rotar of the Slovene National Benefit Society (as Director); Lillian Železnik (deceased) of the American Fraternal Union; and Dorothy Gorjup of the Slovene National Benefit Society. Anna Mae Mannion has been selected by the Ohio Fraternal Congress as “Fraternalist of the Year” 1997. Joseph Hočevar is very active outside of the fraternal system. He is a Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Precinct Committee Person. At St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland, he serves as a Eucharistic Minister, on the Parish Council and Finance Committee, is one of the parish accountants, and Chairperson of the St. Vitus Development Corporation. He has recently been chosen to be chairperson of the steering committee to develop a Slovenian Cultural Center in Willoughby Hills, Ohio. Winter's Colors Some call Winter Dismal, I surely disagree Winter has its colors If you only stop to see. Red cardinals skipping Through the hedge, The shimmering blue Of the pond water's edge. The mallard's head Of velvet green. Made brilliant by the sun's Golden sheen. The color of Winter Is not dead, But filled with colorful Hues instead. —Haney W. Tant NOSAN'S HAPPY HOLIDAYS Slovenian Home Bakery 361-1863 481-5670 Cleveland Euclid, Ohio Baked Fresh Daily Assorted Slovenian Pastries, Potica, Krofi, Flancate and assorted Specialty Breads, Strudels, 8-Grain, Rve and Vienna. Hlehec. Order Now Your Holiday Poticas, Tories, or Cookies 6413 St. Clair Ave. 361-1863 Cleveland, Ohio 567 E. 200 St. 481-5670 Euclid, Ohio Tues. thru Sat. 6 am to 4 pm Thurs thru Sat. 7 am to 4 pm — HVALA LEPA — St. Clair Auto Parts Happy Holidays! COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES Monday-Frlday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 6011 St. Clair Ave. 391-4450 DALI LUNDER k H P S it w C! J] Bi tv Cl Si 1: C, T, 73 6« V se dc H, “I «a 31' “f SWU Br. 47 Christmas Party Slovenian Women’s Un-'0n Branch 47 of Garfield dghts, Ohio will hold a otLuck Christmas Party on Un^ay, Dec. 7 at 1 o’clock Jthe valley View Village a on Hathaway Rd. Bring «nned goods to fill baskets, door prizes for raffling. Mary Taucher Secretary SWU Br. 50 Christmas Party Slovene Women’s Union 50 of Euclid> Oh'« their annual hold Qiri Siind; ■stmas Dinner party on ! ay, Dec. 14 starting at CPn, P" at Kristy’s Party a e? 434 E- 200 St- and ^ Avenue. Chrbers’ Please cal1 Tro8liadf0rL°Uise Recher 732.J1- or reservations at Sth 23' Deadline is Dec. -Ann Terček Secretary A donation Vnt1§ thank you to Fran sent jn ^leveland who kiwj a ^25.00 check as a Ho^g n to the American "I She says’ each , J °rward to reading 3ls0 pnd every issue.” She \l ^J°yed entering the acker” contest. St. Vitus Slovenian School Play You are cordially invited to spend a few happy hours with the children of the St. Vitus Slovenian School, who are preparing a play for you about St. Nicholas. The event will take place on Sunday, December 7 at 3 p.m. in the St. Vitus Auditorium. The play will be performed in Slovenian. Admission is $6.00 age 18 and up. Everyone is welcome to attend this unique event. St. Mary’s Slovenian School St. Nicholas Program St. Mary’s (Collin-wood) Slovenian School invites you to their Dec. 6tB St. Nicholas Program, opening with the play “St. Nicholas’s Visit” which will be presented in the school beginning at 6:30 p.m. Donation is $5.00 for adults, children admitted free. Parents can meet with St. Nick from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in the lower rooms of the old church. Matsushita Electric expands in E. Europe Matsushita Eectric Industrial Co. said last Thursday it plans to expand its sales network in Eastern Europe. A Matsushita spokesman said the company established a sales subsidiary in Slovakia in October and plans to set up a representative office in Slovenia next year to prepare for a sales firm. The company is also aiming to set up sales units in Croatia, the three Baltic states and Bulgaria by the year 2000 he said. St. Mary’s Winners St. Mary’s (Collinwood) parish announces the winners of their Thanksgiving raffle: 1st - Rudy Knez, Jr. 2nd - S. Korošec 3rd - Bob Frederico 4th - Antonia Hrvatin 5th _ m.M Frank Pizem 6th _ pran Vidmar 7th _ Helen Tomazic 8th - Stan Urankar 9th - Darlene Hunter lO^1 - Antonia Hrvatin 11th _ Monika Povirk 12th - Frank Sajn 13th - Virginia Trepal 14th - Lil Frederico 15th - June Zadeli CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WINNERS OF THE NATIONAL Cleveland style polka HALL OF FAME FROM Al Markič AND STAFF OF WATJ 1560 AM Weekend Polkas Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 10 a.m. Polkas with Al Markič 10 am -12 Polka Spotlight, Host Joe Godina 12-1 p.m. Mario’s International Music Host Mario Kavcic 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Almar with Guest Musician 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Polkatime America 4-5 p.m. rebroadcast of a production from Radio Ljubljana, Slovenia in native language Sunday 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. Memory Lane Host Allen James 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Magic Sound of the Button Box Host John Pestotnik 10:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. Reflections of the New Slovenia Hostess Linda Cimperman 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Polka Fun With AI & Harry Host Al Markič & Harry Faint 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. Polka Tributes Host Al Markič 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. International Hour Host John Krizancic 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Polkatime America http://www. watj. com Happy Holidays GATEWAY MANOR feiif -r'.; r!.* SŠ0:- ' I— fc-sy.'.m.iiii"' tirtl *';* wmm fU legs H P [ Qi mi ^. / aj : I fe FtQTffni m E JUU E) ll. v 1 T*16 Gateway Manor is a 3-story, s *?ct,ve apartment facility in the park-like 'ng of the Gateway community. and ConcePt *s ^or ^ose who desire a quiet Relaxing atmosphere and convenience of lix,**1^ available services offered for care-free Uv*hg. Located just off East 200th Street and 1-90 in Euclid, Ohio, the Gateway Manor has ready access to major freeways, shopping malls and recreational facilities. Jerry Grimm °Perty Manager 383-1459 Kari Vohnout For additional information call Kari 383-1459 Manager #4 Gateway Drive Located just off E. 200 St. & 1-90, Euclid, Ohio (216) 383-1459 A AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 8 Steve Režonja receives two medals for wine excellence Steve Režonja of Willoughby Hills, Ohio received a Gold medal for a Chardonnay and a Silver medal for a late harvest Vignoles in a competition held in Pittsburgh as part of the American Wine Society National Convention. Over 700 persons attended the prestigious competition. The latest awards for Steve’s wine expertise can be added to his 4 Best of Show medals, 8 Gold medals, 12 Silver medals, 28 First Place medals, 33 2n& Place medals, and 53 Third Place medals. His competition amongst other international winemakers, earned him a silver medal in 1997. Last weekend, Steve passed a 3-year program which now gives him the privilege of attaching “Certified Wine Judge” to his name. Of the 24 people who started the difficult program three years ago, only 5 finished. In the wine industry, it is known to be one of the one top wine judge certification curriculums. Besides being a connoisseur of fine wines, Steve can be heard singing with the Fantje na Vasi or playing the guitar. Christmas Trees One of the prettiest Christmas icons must surely be the sparkling Christmas trees decorated in shiny tinsel and bright flashing lights. Trees and evergreen plants have played a part in Christmas since the earliest times and goes back to the burning of the Yule Log, as well as decorating homes with holly, ivy and mistletoe sprig from the old Winter Solstice festivals. The fir tree has a long association with Christianity, It began in Germany almost a thousand years ago when St. Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, was said to have come across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree. In anger, St. Boniface is said to have cut down the oak tree and to his amazement a young fir tree sprung up from the roots of the oak tree. St. Boniface took this as a sign of the Christian faith. But it was not until the 16^ century that fir trees were brought indoors at Enjoys paper Enclosed is a check for our 1998 subscription of the American Home newspaper. Enjoy the paper very much. -Frances Ogorenc Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 -— —'' ? CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the, Slovenian Community.” Christmas time. German religious reformer Martin Luther is said to have brought a tree indoors and decorated it with candles to show his children how beautiful the stars had looked one night as he was walking through the forest. Fir trees decorated with bright paper and lights have been popular ever since. This tradition is believed to have spread to the United States during the War of Independence, in 1776 by German mercenaries who introduced the idea. German Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, is supposed to have introduced the idea to the British royal family and it was emulated in Britain and throughout the British Empire during the last century. Prior to Prince Albert, the British used to grow various kinds of miniature trees in pots for indoor decoration. Most popular were tiny cherry trees which were cultivated to blossom on Christmas Day. Why do melons have church weddings? They cantaloupe.________ FOR SALE 1992 Ford Ranger XLT. 78K miles. Excellent cond. with 5-speed with 4 CY transm. All features included. Will take best offer. Call 531-1887. FOR SALE 1988 Ford F-150 4 by 4 84 K miles. Mint condition A 1 mechanical maint. Has all features. Best offer! Call 531-1887 (46-49) Coming Events Friday, Dec. 5 Slovenian American Heritage Foundation annual Evening with Bishop A. Edward Pevec at The Center for Pastoral Leadership (Borromeo Seminary), 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio. Mass at 7 p.m., with reception following in Rappe Center. Saturday, Dec. 6 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School St. Nicholas program, 6:30 p.m. in school hall. Play is “Miklavžev obisk” (St. Nicholas’ visit). Parents can meet with St. Nick in lower rooms of old church 5:30 -6:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7 St. Nicholas visits St. Vitus Slovenian School children at 3 p.m. in St. Vitus Auditorium. Everyone invited to this special event. Sunday, Dec. 7 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, W. 130^ St.; music by the Casuals starting at 4 p.m. West Park quartet will present 20 minutes of Christmas carols plus sing-along by Marie Pivik, Rose Braidich, Jennie and Marie Drobnik, accompanied by Joe Each on accordion. Sunday, Dec. 14 St. Vitus Choir’s Christmas Concert at Sacred Heart Church, Barberton, OH at 3:00 p.m. Free admission. Free-will donations accepted. Friday, Dec. 26 St. Vitus Choir’s Annual Christmas Concert at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. Free admission. Free-will donations accepted. West Park Christmas music On Sunday, Dec. 7 a dance will be held at the West Park Slovenian Hall, W. BOth St., music by the Casuals starting at 4 p.m. To put everyone in the Christmas spirit the W.P. quarter will present 20 minutes of Christmas carols. There will also be a sing along with Marie Pivik, Rose Braidich, Jennie and Marie-Drobnic, accompanied by Joe Lach on accordion. Wilke Hardware Josephine (Zaman) Wilke Jack Zaman Paints, glass Housewares, Plumbing, Electrical Supplies, Garden Supplies Screens and Storms Repaired 809 E. 222nd St. Euclid, Ohio 44123 RE 1-7070 Sunday, Dec. 28 St. Vitus Choir’s Annual Christmas Concert at St. Vitus Church at 3 p.m. Admission free. Free-will donations accepted. -1998 - Sunday, January 18 St. Mary (Collinwood) annual benefit dinner for its Slovenian School held in auditorium from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Family style meal: Breaded pork chops, Swiss steak. Saturday, Jan. 24 Dinner-Dance sponsored by Slovenska Pristava at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave., Cleveland. Sunday, Feb. 15 Orchestra-Choral Concert sponsored by SNH, St. Clair, Contact Bob Hopkins 361-5115 Sunday, March 15 Man/Woman of the Year sponsored by Federation of Slovenian Homes. Contact Patricia Ipavec-Clarke 321-5327 Saturday, March 21 Dinner-Dance sponsored by Primorski Club, Contact 732-7527. Donation Enclosed is a check for our subscription plus an extra $20.00 as a contribution to enable the American Home to keep publishing. We feel this is very important to our heritage. —Agnes and Al Terček Hudson, Ohio • . Ill Sunday, June 14 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Slovenian School Picnio & Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 5 Slovenian Mass honors Bishop Baraga, 6:30 p111 ® St. Vitus Church, Clevelan j Social in auditorium ^ follow. In Loving Mentol The Second Annivers^ of the death of our ^ loved Mother, Sister’! Aunt, Great-Aunt, a" Josephine Flaisman Died Dec. 1, f Though her smile is g°D I forever and her hand we canno* touch .j We will always have h&P 1 memories of the one we loved V Missed by: Sons - Alan and Daughter - Alana ^ J ather - Edward L. ^ J lister - Sylvia Ply1516, Son-in-Law - R0** Sister-in-Law -Daughters-in-LaVJ ti\ Olsten Staffing Services' The Working Solution' Clerks Records research clerks needed for 8 month 1st shi in Brooklyn Heights area. Training provided; some P ^ require experience in handling loan documents’ requires attention to detail, much standing and walking^!! bending and stretching. Call the downtown office ° Staffing Services at (216) 861-1900. Assembly Workers ie Cleveland company needs approximately 30 Pe ’Ajiol1 long term assignment, 1st shift, to make ^ pfl! drums. Steel-toed boots and transportation nee rate $7.50/hour, plus overtime. Call the (i office of Olsten Staffing Services at (216) 86 - 1 Zele Funeral Hofl^ MEMORIAL CHAPEL LOCATED AT 452 E. 152 Street ji1* Pio"* 48 Family owned and operated sinc£ —* Kim Kaifesh named VP at ESA Direct Marketing ESA Direct Marketing, Inc., recognized as a leader in usiness-to-business database management and direct marking sendees, has named Kim A. Kaifesh as vice presi-ent of marketing and database development. . ^ Direct became an independent operating company World Marketing, Inc. (WWI) in 1996. Upon joining this ^0UP °P diversified companies within the direct marketing ^ ena, our charter was to build strength by coupling value-1Ch Production with superior marketing ” states Cathy Pok-President of ESA Direct. v . ^'rn s strengths in database marketing and process de-opment will boost ESA’s capabilities in these areas, add to the services we have offered for more than 30 years,” Pokomy said. ler^a'^es^ ^as keen involved in direct marketing for most of career, most recently serving as marketing services Oh' ^r ^ ^arris InfoSource International in Twinsburg, agg0 Previously, she held marketing and marketing man-^uient positions for more than 10 years with ASM Inter-fy^Oh'3 Professional membership society in Materials MarCkUrrently’ S^e ‘s President of the Northeast Ohio Direct Ba ftln^ ^ssoc*ati°n (NODMA). Kaifesh received her Ufk o°m Cleveland State University. She lives in Wick- jn t^ana8ing close to 100 client databases, ESA is a leader tatin C°mP^ex design and management of sales and mar-^stri data^ases P°r companies across a broad range of in-cUst CS around the country. Virtually all of the programs are t0 5 advanced designs in relational database systems Pete j 'de t^e critical information needed to com- ig p] n ^day’s business environment. On-line access is also a)|tj^e ror clients to ensure up-to-the-minute information at In additi ttiiu. s on to the database design and management serv-’ Provides commercial rebate programs and pre- at°Und^r0CeSS'n^’ Precluent buyer programs, 24-hour turn-tign ,trade sllow lead processing, ongoing lead qualifica-1 or December 5, at 7 p.m. This traditional Mass with our . 0Ved Dishop Pevec has become the most perfect begin-JJjg to the holiday season. The Glasbena Matica Chorus J *end their beautiful voices, providing music for the ass’ as well as a concert of Christmas Carols. As in years 287r)dle Mass will be celebrated in the Borromeo chapel at Euclid Avenue in Wickliffe, Ohio. reception will immediately follow the Mass in the ye^^enter’ which ‘s directly adjacent to the Chapel. This social R°nald Suster win be the featured speaker at the J\ose attending are kindly requested to bring baked Rap S ^0r t^le recePti°n- Please drop off baked goods in the Hat*! ^Cnter Pr*or t° Mass. Everyone is invited to attend fer— as hecome a most memorable evening. Živili presents Christmas in Croatia Živili: Dances and Music of the Southern Slavic Nations, is pleased to announce that its annual holiday production, “Christmas in Croatia,” will take place on Dec. 12, 13 and 14 at Studio II in the Vern Riffe Center located at 77 South High Street in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Performances are scheduled for 8 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 12th ancj Saturday, Dec. 13th. A matinee performance at 2 p.m. is set for Sunday, Dec. 14. Ticket prices are $18 for adults, and $12 for seniors, children and students. Tickets can be obtained by calling Živili office at (614) 855-7805. Last year’s presentation sold out. Merry Christmas — Vesele Božične Praznike sheliga drug, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy ^ St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX We b'11 most major insurance plans • Photo Finishing Tom Sršen — Manager > ' Food Stamps Manufacturers Coupons lean Express Discover MasterCard •Visa Visit Us! • Package & Mailing Center • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways • Contact Lens Replacement SIMS BROS. BUICK, INC. 21601 Euclid Ave. 481-8800 Plymouth S|MS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH, INC 20941 Euclid Ave. 692-3900 Fiuteftol Hum Since 1905 4154 CLARK AVENUE. WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 PHONE: (216)942-1122 ■ne ihistm network of Family Owned Funeral Homes Čape Cod Cranberry Velvet Pie 1 (6-ounce) Keebler Ready Crust Shortbread pie crust 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened 1 cup (1/2 pint) whipping cream % cup sugar Vi teaspoon vanilla extract 1 (16-ounce) can whole berry cranberry sauce In large mixer bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. In small mixer bowl, beat whipping cream, sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form. Gradually add to cream cheese, beating until smooth and creamy. Set aside a few whole cranberries from sauce for garnish. Fold remaining sauce into whipped mixture. Spoon into pie crust. Freeze 4 hours or until firm. Garnish with reserved berries. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving. (Makes 8 servings) Classic Karo Pecan Pie 3 eggs, slightly beaten 1 cup Karo Light or Dark Corn Syrup 1 cup sugar 2 Tbsp. Butter or margarine, melted 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 Vi cups pecans 1 unbaked (9”) pastry shell In large bowl, stir eggs, com syrup, sugar, butter and vanilla until well blended. Stir in pecans. Pour into pastry shell. Bake in 350°F oven 50 to 55 minutes or until knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean. Cool. Makes 8 servings. > š m 3J co > D O 2 o < > o m O m co m co CD vj ;i - Ultra Low Fat Tuna and Noodle Bake 1 6-oz. can of water packed tuna 2 cups cookedfat-free noodles 1 medium onion chopped 1 can chicken broth (use canned, remove fat from top) V2 cups chopped celery 1 bagel, chopped in small pieces 21. cornstarch Vi cup fat-free cheese, shredded Salt and black pepper to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl except the bagel. Mix well. Spray medium size casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray. Pour in mixture. Sprinkle top with fat-free cheese and add chopped pieces of bagel. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from oven and serve. Makes 4 servings. Grams of fat per serving: 1 4 Vesele Božične in Srečno Novo Leto \ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year l Mihelin | Travel Bureau “FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS” | 4118 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 | Phone (216) 431-5710 i i | Frank and Chris Mihelin — Owners i vvs AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 4, 1997 12 What To See And Do In Las Vegas By Patricia Coil Euclid Travel In Las Vegas there is plenty to see and do when Lady Luck leaves you or you want a change of pace. Nongamblers, who don’t have a car, can easily spend days enjoying the areas’ many free or inexpensive nearby entertainment attractions. Free attractions on or near the Strip include camels, fire-breathing dragons, tropical birds and fish, shrines, erupting volcanoes, naval battles, circus acts, Mardi Gras floats, and light shows. Las Vegas visitors can take advantage of easy to use public transportation, taxis, or free casino shuttle buses. It costs $1.30 (exact change) to ride the Strip Trolley, which stops at every major hotel on the strip. The trolleys run every 30 minutes from 9:30 until 2 a.m. There is also a trolley which travels from the Strip to downtown Las Vegas. Buses operate 24 hours a day along the Strip and cost $1.50 for adults and 50c for seniors over 65 or disabled persons. Many of the casinos, such as Palace Station, Boulder Station, Hard Rock Cafe operate free shuttle buses. For instance, Sam’s Town shuttles take visitors to MGM Grand, Stardust, Bally’s, and the California. Vacation Village shuttles run to Belz Outlet Mall, Boomtown, and the Las Vegas Factory Stores. Starting at the far end of the Strip, the Luxor has a seven-story IMAX theater. Standing guard at the north entrance to the casino are two talking camels, which have temporarily lost their ability to speak, but are still a favorite with camera-toting tourists. On the hour, at the Ex-calibur, from one hour after dusk until 1 a.m., a firebreathing dragon crawls out from under the drawbridge and threatens the casino. Merlin uses a fire ball to chase the dragon back to his lair. Across the street at the Tropicana, visitors can enjoy visiting the lagoon area filled with swans, flamingos, and cranes. Inside the hotel are exhibits containing pygmy marmosets and tropical birds, such as cockatoos and macaws. These exhibits are open daily from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. The exterior of New York-New York is a scale model of New York City complete with Brooklyn Bridge, Empire State Building, and the Statue of Liberty. For $5 you can ride the Manhattan Express, which is a roller coaster ride on the outside of New York-New York, complete with hills, a 360 degree loop, a spiral, and high banked turns. One of the newest attractions on the Strip is the World of Coca-Cola, which features a multi-story coke bottle. Inside there is a fountain, a museum, and a theater that tells the 111 year history of the soft drink. The Great Hall is one of the recent additions to the forum shops at Caesar’s Palace. It features a 50,000 gallon aquarium with ani-matronic figures telling the story of the lost continent of Atlantis. Tours of the Magical Empire at Caesar’s are given between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. There is also a Brahma shrine outside the casino, where you can often see people praying for luck. The Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino has a collection of more than 800 antique cars, 200 of which are always on display and are rotated on a regular basis. Not only are there passenger cars owned by famous people, but the collection also includes military vehicles, fire engines, cabs, and motorcycles. A special room is dedicated to the Duesenberg. Visitors can get a free pass by visiting the Imperial Palace web site or by booking their vacation through Euclid Travel, 261-1050. The Auto Collection is open from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. daily. The volcano outside The Mirage erupts every 15 minutes from dark until midnight. Inside, visitors can view the white tigers and a huge floor to ceiling salt water aquarium filled with colorful tropical fish. A personal favorite is the pirate battle outside Treasure Island, where canons roar, sailors fall into the water, and the British ship actually sinks before your eyes. The eight-minute battle can be enjoyed from the wooden gangplank in front of the casino. The shows are every hour and half from 4 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. Further down Las Vegas Blvd. is Circus Circus, where circus acts perform every half hour from 11 a.m. until midnight. For $7 you can get a magnificent view of Las Vegas and the surrounding area from the 108th floor of the Stratosphere Tower. The best time to go is just at dusk, because on a clear day you can see three states and at night you can see all of Las Vegas decked out in neon lights. The tower pod features a revolving restaurant on one floor, a cocktail lounge, three wedding chapels, meeting rooms, an inside observation deck, and an outside observation deck. On top of the pod is a roller coaster, which is being upgraded to provide more thrills. Above that is the Big Shot, a reverse bungee jump, which shoots 16 riders to the 1,081 foot top of the needle and then pushes them down 150 feet. For a free view of Las Vegas take the elevator up to the SQth or 51st floor of the Rio to the Voodoo cafe, which has glass walls and an outdoor patio on both levels. Spectators should go during the day because in the evening there is a strict dress code and the number of people allowed in the cafe is limited. While at the Rio, stop at the Masquerade Village to view the Show in the Sky, which contains full-sized Mardi Gras floats and balloons suspended from the ceiling. Music, dancers, singers, aerialists are all part of the 12 minute performance and it is free. The shows are every two hours from noon to 10 p.m. on Sunday through Tuesday, and 1 to 11 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. There are no shows on Wednesday. Glitter Gulch as the downtown area is called by the locals has become a major attraction again because of the addition of the Fremont Street Experience. Four blocks of Fremont Street have been turned into a pedestrian mall, covered by a 100 foot-high Space Frame covered with 1.4 million gas-filled lights. In the early afternoon until dark stilt walkers, show girls, aerialists, or drummers perform for the public under this canopy. After dark, on the hour, all the casinos along Fremont Street turn off their outside signs so that visitors can enjoy the Sky Parade and Light Show, which lasts about 10 minutes. If you want to have the best view of the show, stand in front of Fitzgerald’s looking down toward Main Street. Each evening there are two different shows presented alternately. Another personal favorite is the Sunset Stampede presented daily at Sam’s Town out on the Boulder Highway. The Stampede uses a combination of laser lights, dancing fountains, an anima-tromc wolf, and music to tell the story of settlers moving westward. The show is presented inside the 25,000 square feet atrium, complete with brooks, trees, flowers, and life-like birds and animals. Call Euclid Travel, 261-1050 to make your reservations for an exciting trip to Las Vegas and receive a ft map of Las Vegas and® surrounding area, when!' pick up your tickets. The next column » detail the interesting tl® to do and see in Las Vega* you have a car. The custom of decking the halls with holly probably dates baek JL early Christians, who did so in imitation of the Romans in their ce* tion of the festival Saturnalia, which celebrates the birth of the sun. HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills j! 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio ^ Merry Christmas Bill’s Automatic Transmission Service Automatic Transmission Specialists 4 Speed Differential Clutch Hydraulic - Ultramatic - Dynaflow -Power Glide - Power Elite - Fordomatic " Turbo-Glide — Jet-Away Bill Modic, 1311 E. 55 St., Cleveland - 391-9188 - Drive in - or Walk In BRONKO’S Drive-in Beverage 510 East 200th St. DMH Corp. Euclid, Ohio 44119 531-8844 Imported and Domestic Beer and Wia6 Soft Drinks - Milk - Ice - Snacks Imported Slovenian Wines Radenska Mineral Water -=> We have all Ohio Lottery Games ^ Open Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wine sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p m- Owner - David Heuer _ "Out f amity Has ‘Been Here to Serve You Since 1903” — Serving Slovenian Families for 90 tears- —I Grdina-Faulhaber Funeral Hoioe 17010 Lakeshore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 531-6300 For tantrar lafonMuo* call Do* f ■■<****»■ O'*00' Preplanned Funeral Arrangements Avail3 ble Facilities Avaiiabi« Throotjnoul North*«*1 °hl0 _ FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina n Si 1> Tt i t»i rcy^ i^a rriT. n i ^ AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, December 4, 1997 SLOVFNIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Vesti iz Slovenije hidi predsedniških volitev uradno potrjeni Pretekli torek je Državna volilna komisija uradno potrdila izide predsedniških voli-tev, ki so bile 23. novembra. Poglavitne podatke je včerajšnje Delo posredovalo takole: »Na predsedniških volitvah je imelo volilno pravico 1,550.775 državljanov Sloveni-: Je, glasovalo je 1,064.532 ali 68,65 odstotka volivcev, od tega 183 s potrdilom, ker pomo-totna niso bili vpisani v volilne imenike. Po pošti v domovini je glasovalo 5992, na diplomatsko konzularnih predstavništvih pa 2033 volivcev. Na volitvah 23. novembra je bilo oddanih 1,064.446 glasovnic, od tega jih je oilo 22.102 neveljavnih. Kandidati so dobili naslednje število glasov: Milan Kučan 578.925 (55,54%), Janez Podobnik 191,645 (18,39%), dr. Jože Bernik 8.996 (9,50%), Marjan Cerar 73.439 ('>04%), Marjan Poljšak 33.477 (3,21%), Anton Peršak 32.039 (3,07%), dr. Bogomir Kovač 28.110 (2,70%) in Franc Miklavčič 5713 (0,55%).« Republiška volilna komisija je ugotovi-a’ izvoljen za predsednika Slovenije za nadaljnjih pet let. Po ustavi, Kučan ne bo rPogel ponovno kandidirati, predsednik Slo-Veriije je od leta 1990. „ lz podatkov je možno sklepati, da je število vseh državljanov, ki živijo izven Slo-Venije, predstavilo manj kot en odstotek vseh oddanih glasov. Najnovejša Svododna , °VenUa poroča, da je bilo iz Slovenije po-'anih med izseljence v Argentini 1213 volil-kart, da so bile volitve tam po zaslugi ve-ePoslžnika dr. Janeza Žgajnarja »perfekt- ohk or®an‘ztrane> ‘n da je tamkajšnji volilni or ugotovil na podlagi njemu oddanih . 4 glasovnic sledeče: dr. Jože Bernik je pre-kar 903 glasov, Janez Podobnik 62, Milan ttcan 15, Franc Miklavčič 7, Anton Peršak ’Marjan Cerar 2, Marjan Poljšak 1, nihče volivcev pa ni volil dr. Boga Kovača. Sl ^°d3tkov o tem, koliko državljanov v ®Ven0e je volilo v drugih izseljenskih drža-> kot so ZDA, Kanada in Avstralija, ob lo^ poro^anju še ni, kaže pa, daje bilo števi- -• sorazmerno majhno, sklicujoč se na i ,ez ceIotne vsote, ki je pripadala samo ro-Jakom v Argentini. Pretekli teden opravljene tudi volitve v Državni svet — Odločali so »elektorji« Pretekli teden so bile volitve za 40-član-ski Državni svet, drugi dom parlamenta in v primerjavi s sicer lani izvoljenim Državnim zborom tudi veliko manj pomembno telo. 22 »svetnikov« je bilo izvoljenih iz prav tolikšnega števila geografsko osnovanih volilnih enot, ostalih 18 pa so izvolile različne interesne skupnosti. Izid teh volitev kaže, da je večina v novem Državnem svetu dokaj levo usmerjena. Izvoljeni iz volilnih enot za dobo pet let so sledeči: 1. - Lj ubij ana Milan Zver (SDS) 2. - Kamnik Katarina Smrkolj-Ovca (SLS) 3. - Maribor dr. Avgust Majerič (ZLSD) 4. - Slov. Bistrica Milan Ozimič (SDS) 5. -Celje Alojz Oset (SKD) 6. - Velenje Vladimir Korun (SDS) 7. - Ptuj Alojz Kaučč (SLS) 8. - Ljutomer Darja Odar (LDS) 9. - Kranj Branko Grims (SDS) 10. - Jesenice Jože Resman (LDS) 11. - M. Sobota Bojan Korošec (LDS) 12. - Nova Gorica Franc Batagelj (LDS) 13. - Tolmin Jurko Kuštrin (SLS) 14. - Novo mesto Tone Hrovat (SLS) 15. - Metlika Branko Matkovič (ZLSD) 16. - Sežana Karlo Kastelic (LDS) 17. - Logatec Alojz Suhadolc ( —) 18. - Koper Darko Kavre (ZLSD) 19. - Slov. Gradec Janez Praper (SKD) 20. - Krško Bojan Petan (LDS) 21. - Trbovlje Branko Lukšič (ZLSD) 22. - Grosuplje Vincenc Janša (—) Interesne skupine so izvolile ostalih 18 takole: Delodajalci (Jožko Cuk, Božo Kuharič, Borut Meh, Cvetana Rijavec); delojemalci (Dušan Semolič, Vekoslava Kraševec, Albert Vodovnik, Dušan Rebolj; kmetje (Peter Vrisk, Igor Blazina); obrtniki (Janez Oven); samostojni poklici (Jože Ilc); univerze, visoke in višje šole (dr. Veljko Rus); vzgoja in izobraževanje (dr. Zoltan Jan); raziskovalna dejavnost (dr. Franc Vodopivec); kultura in šport (Polde Bibič); zdravstvo (Petra Kersnič); socialno varstvo (Boris Šuštaršič). Volitve so bile posredne, tako je bilo za skupno 40 mest v Državnem svetu 130 kandidatov, volitve pa je opravilo 1231 elektorjev. Prir S?. prelat piše, da so letos Prl trije novi študentje, da j1*1 sedaj tam 12 duhovnik0^' Eden, da je 15. novembra d° toriral. Piše, da je doslej 1 Slovenika izšlo 33 doktorjev ’ 33 magisterijev ali, po star® ’ 33 profesorjev. Tako je blagoslovil naše napore za ^ gradnjo božjega kraljestva našem narodu. Kakor na splošno v R'1? ’ se tudi v Sloveniku pripraV ^ jo na sveto leto 2000, ko ^ nešteto romarjev priid0 ^ božjo pot v Rim, tudi na slovenskih iz vseh k°ntia _ tov, ki bodo iskali v ^*rnU..gaii nočišče. Tako bodo dbo J u-x; v vsa* stanovanja v hiši, v sobo bodo dali prho in na ^ . zgradbe bodo dozidali n ^ novih sob in to tako, da 0 več prostora tudi za knjižnico. .^i Septembra letos so ^ običajni simpozij, tokrat (dalje na str. 15) I Sv. Miklavž se dopisuje z učenci in učenkami Slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti v Clevelandu Zopet letos smemo posredovati Pisma, ki so jih na sv. Miklav-& naslovili učenci in učenke sobotne Slovenske šole pri' župniji Marije Vnebovzete v clevelandski collinwoodski naselbini. Zvesti bralci teh pisem boste ugotovili, da so nekateri dopisovalcif-ke) s sv. Miklavžem njegovi stari znanci in znanke, nekateri se mu pa pr-vi( predstavljajo. Dl;agi sv. Miklavž! . Moje ime je Kathryn Kru! 'n sem letos že pet stara i odirn v vrtec. Ali se me še kt spominjaš od lani, ko sem s< eav tvojem naročju, ko sm s® slikali na odru? Letos niser tako boječa kot lani. Zde eni> da si dober svetnik. 1 v°1 dobro učim in znam ž Se črke in številke na pamei U. * * besede poskušam brati. e tvoja vreča še ni preve >>^na’ bi vprašala za pisan nPlet baby« punčko. Mc Stanko si želi tovornjak. ^ islim, da ata in mama ni e rabita, ker sem prejšnji te . e.n sbšala, da je ati glasno re teh niam*C*: »Zdz} Pa imam ž ,e kar zadosti!« Mamica j 8°vorila: »Jaz pa tebe!« ežko čakamo na vaš letos nJ‘ obisk! Kathryn Krul % %® noja Kathryn! /gn*Vec*a se te spomnim o< grj. ^em do s' se zelo bah Pog Park,jev, Pa si le zbral, ^ ‘n stopila med angelce SqS° /!?c tako lepo spremljali si f da se tako pridnim ko ve/ T trež>a nič bati. Sem zeh pj ’ s‘ tako pridna v šoli ° 1710J hna in že znaš a be Š(ini ln številke, in to v angle ,\f0‘ slovenščini! Res lepo leto °Ce m‘ b°š lahko drugi Ze kar sama kaj napisala, Vreča j£ raztegljiva hla£ 01 so sedaj moje novt <>k°li Pasu. Nikoli m kgi0 (>l‘k° piškotov me bo ča Pr0s’ii ‘n koHko otrok me bt da m ° Za darila. Sem srečen krije' j^a obleka vse to po boni a ate ‘n tv°jeSa brak v vreč e/c °S; etlska te 'iti 00l7j K/A ■■ i. in ker imata že zadosti eden drugega, jima res nič ne manjka. sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Joško. Kako ste? Jaz sem enajst let star. Jaz imam rad muziko. Jaz se učim vijolino. Jaz bi rad imel novo knjigo skladb za vijolino. Hvala lepa! Joško Štepec • Dragi moj Joško! Hvala za pismo. Sem kar dobro, hvala. Toliko si se potegnil letos, da si kar ne morem misliti, da si komaj enajst let star. Angelci mi pravijo, da si kar nadarjen muzikant - lani trobenta, letos vijolino. No, kar vadi - vijolino je ena mojih najljubših inštrumentov. Se še dobro spominjam na leta, ko je g. Sovernik igral vijolino na »Miklavževem« večeru pri fari Marije Vnebovzete. Cez nekaj let boš pa mogoče lahko že ti sedel zraven g. Rudija Kneza in spremljal zbor angelov. Bom jaz osebno pogledal za kakšne lepe skladbe za vijolino. Ali znaš tisto »Cingel, cin-gel, cin, cin, cin, svet’Miklavž prihaja iz jasnega raja« ? sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Želim ti vse najboljše za tvoj praznik. Kako se imaš? Vem, da imaš polne roke dela, zato ne bom dosti pisal. Prosil bi te le, če se da, da mi prineseš »Star Wars Monopoly«, »Star Wars Special Edition« in novi Tyco RVC. Hvala ti za vse, in ostani zdrav. Lep pozdrav. Andrej Mejak O ti moj Andrej ček! Kako lepo da se me spomniš. Imam se dobro, sem kar zdrav, in vse priprave za miklavžev večer tečejo v najlepšem redu. Res imam veliko dela v tem času, pa se ga veselim. Saj vem, kako težko me otroci čakate, in kako se pripravljate na moj obisk. Se tisti, ki celo leto nagajajo, postajajo bolj resni v šoti, več molijo, poslu- šajo starše in se lepo igrajo z brati in sestricami. Andrej, jaz sem že tako star, da ne morem slediti vsej tej novi tehnologiji pri igračah, zato bom tvoje pismo in želje dal enemu od angelov, ki se na te stvari bolj razume kot jaz. Upam, da bo pravo izbral zate. Priden ostani! sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Jaz sem že 9 let stara. Moje ime je Urška Pišorn. Jaz mislim, da ne rabim Barbije in takšne stvari. Res mislim, da ne rabim nič. Hvala za vse, kar sem dobila v mojih devetih letih. Mislim, da sem bila skozi vsa leta pridna kot angelček. Ja, ja, mogoče sem se malo zlagala. Moja teta Juhe je imela še enega fantka. Moja sestra Veronika je v Sloveniji za eno leto, ker hodi v gimnazijo v Ljubljani. Za spričevalo sem imela vse rede A in B. Mi smo se julija selili v Kirtland. Imamo kure, peteline, zajčke, purane, fazane, in race. Jaz hodim v četrti razred. V moji družini nas je šest. Nimamo televizije, ampak imamo računalnik. Prosim, odpiši mi! Urška Pišorn Draga Urška! Si res zelo skromna, da nimaš nič »naročila« zame. In vidim, da se rada pošališ. Vem pa, da se trudiš, da bi bila vedno angelček. Hvala za novice. Čestitam teti Juhe in možu, in tebi, teta Urška! Tvoji sestri Veroniki bo pa prav prišla vsaka učna ura, ki jo je imela v sobotni slovenski šoli, kajne? Pozdravi jo, ko ji boš kaj pisala. In ji reci, da se tudi pri njej ustavim, če mi bo kaj pisala. Ali Veroniki kdaj pošlješ e-mail preko računalnika? (Toliko pa le vem, daje e-mail tkim. elektronska pošta!) Čestitam ti, Urška, k lepemu spričevalu. Vidim da se zelo trudiš pri učenju. V Kirt-landu imate pa pravi živalski vrt. Saj potem za televizijo niti Visit Our Slovene American Auto Repair Shop! NOTTINGHAM AUTO BODY & FRAME Frame Straightening Collision Repair Painting 19425 St. Clair Avenue Tel. 481-1337 Michael Bukovec, Owner Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Complete Legal Services časa nimate, ko je toliko živali za nahranit in urediti vsak dan. Upam, da atiju kaj pomagaš pri tem delu. Za računalnik imam pa novo CD iz Slovenije, katera ima otroške stavnice — mogoče bi bila ravno za tebe? Pomagaj doma, sobo pospravi — in ne nagajaj Andreju in Darji! SV. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Katja. Stara sem pet let. Sem pridna in rada grem v vrtec. Prosim, prinesi mi »Cabbage Patch« punčko, ki si umiva zobe. Imam tudi sestro Michelle, ki je stara dve leti. Prosim, lahko sestri prineseš igrače — domače živali (konj, krava, ovčka, kokoš)? Upam, da te bom videla v slovenski šoli. Nasvidenje! Katja Slatinšek Predraga Katja! Hvala za pismo! Tako pridni punčki kot si ti bom skušal izpolniti želje. Imaš tako lep nasmeh in vem, da redno zobe umivaš. Ali si Michelle že tudi naučila? Svet je res posta! higieničen, saj zdaj si že tudi »Cabbage Patch« punčke zobe umivajo. In če bo tvojo punčko zob bolel, poznam par dobrih slovenskih zobozdravnic v Clevelandu; to sta dr. Sonja Glavina in dr. Aleksandra Ukmar. Mogoče tudi tebe zanima zobozdravništvo ? Seveda pridem na tvojo šolo in to prav to soboto, 6. decembra, ravno za moj god. Nasvidenje tam! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Christian Jameson Cobb. Prosim, ali mi lahko prineseš »Woody«-a iz povesti Toy Story? Hvala lepa! Christian Cobb • Ljubi moj Christian! Hvala ti za pismo, katerega sem letos prvič od tebe prejel. Imaš zelo lepo pisavo in vidim, da si se zelo potrudil. Upam, da boš letos že na odru med angelci na oblakih. Komaj čakam, da spet pridem k vam. Vprašaš za »Woody«-a. To je kavboj iz Disney filma, kaj ne? Ali veš, da je bil ta film tudi v Sloveniji zelo popularen, in da je izšla celo knjiga »Toy Story« v slovenščini že predlanskim? Hitro se nauči slovensko brati in jo boš lahko kdaj bratcu prebral. Priden bodi! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Alexander Joseph Cobb. Jaz sem star 4 in pol leta. Začel sem hoditi v Slovensko šolo. Bom zelo priden. Sveti Miklavž, prosim, če mi prineseš en kamion. Alexander Cobb Preljubi Alex! Vesel sem, da si se vpisal v Slovensko šolo. Tudi stara mama in ata sta ponosna in ti bosta lahko pomagala pri učenju. V vrtcu se boš naučil lepe pesmice in jih boste lahko skupaj prepevali. Ce se boš držal obljube, da boš priden, ti bom prinesel lep kamion - tovornjak. Upam, da ga boš včasih malo prepustil tudi bratcu Christianu. Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Marija. Stara sem sedem let. Grem v slovensko in angleško šolo. Jaz rada hodim v slovensko šolo. Prosim, če mi prineseš rokavice in toplo kapo in šavl in igračke. P.S. Prosim, če mi vse prineseš v velikosti številka 7. Hvala lepa! Marija Sedmak • Moja draga punčka! Letos si mi že kar sama vse napisala, in tako lepo pisavo imaš. V mojo knjigo so angelci zapisali, da si ena najbolj navdušenih učenk na šoli. In piše tudi, da rada poješ. Bom naročil angelcem, da ti morajo prinesti kaj res lepega, in naj natančno pogledajo za štev. 7, da ti bo vse pra\. Za šavl pa me zanima, kako je z velikostjo? Ali bi bil 7 cm ali 7 metrov dolg? Ali 7 uncov ali 7čevljev? To bo že krojač vedel, ali pa vprašam stare angelčke, ki radi »štrikajo«. Upam, da mi boš nastavila čeveljčke (številka 7)! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Pavel. To bi prosil: če mi prineseš »A Buried Blueprint — Impossible Puzzles«. Upam, da veš, da bom letos v igri »Miklavžev obisk« parkelj - pa samo v igri! Drugače sem priden. Boglonaj! Pavel Sedmak Dragi Pavel! To so vse brihtne glave, ko rade rešujejo zavozlane zadeve. Jaz bi te rabil, da bi razvozlal mojo brado, vsako leto zraste, da je še daljša. Vem, da si priden in tudi ne podoben hudobnim parkljem v igrici. Le ubogaj mamo in ata, in pridno piši domače naloge. Mogoče boš lahko kdaj pomagal reševati bolj težke probleme, saj jih je kar dosti na svetu. Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Ime mi je Dennis Žalik. Imam brata Roberta in oba skupaj te lepo pozdravljava ter se ti iz srca zahvaljujeva za vsa darila in obiske. Star sem že 13 let, brat pa 10 let, zato bova vesela kakršnega koli darila. Ker je tvoje delo veliko in obiskuješ dosti otrok, ti želiva, da boš lahko zadovoljil vse mlajše otroke. Ti imajo še večje želje kot midva. Ko sem bil mlajši sem si želel veliko stvari in sem bil malo užaljen, ko nisem dobil vse, za kar sem te prosil. Sele zdaj vem, da nimaš samo mene za obiskat, ampak tisoče otrok. Zato je tvoje delo hvalevredno. Boglonaj! Tvoja Robert in Dennis • Predraga brata! Hvala za pismo in pozdrave! In hvala za razumevanje. Sta kar prav ugotovila, da je otrok veliko in da ne dobi vsak, kar si želi. To pa tudi zato, da pri- fdalje na str. 16) Sv. Miklavževo dopisovanje z učenci Slovenske šole Chicaški Slovenci se spominjali škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana (nadaljevanje s str. IS) de do tega zaključka kot sta vidva — da ni vsak človek sam na svetu, in da se je treba ozirati tudi na druge. Veliko starejših od vaju se še zdaj niso tega naučili. S časom postaja človek bolj moder, tako kot sta postala vidva. Hvala, da dajeta mlajšim prednost. Vem, da Ha vedno bila z vsakim darilom vesela. Ostanita skiomna in vesela! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Ime mi je Michelle Zudic. Stara sem 11 let. Januarja bom 12. Hodim v 6. razred. Igram nogomet in klavir. Sedaj bi vas rada nekaj prosila. Letos sem bila resnično pridna. Sem veliko pomagala mami. Zato, bi mi lahko prinesel »Tweety« zapestno uro, 1998 koledar s kužki, ali kakšno Cleveland Indians majico (moj najljubši igralec je Sandy Alomar). Prosim, če ne za tvoj god, mi pa prinesi za božič. Najlepša hvala za vse, in imejte se dobro za božič! Michelle Zudic • Resnično pridna Michelle! Angelci mi povedo, da si zelo dobra pri nogometu, in da imaš izredno brzino. Gotovo so pri tem pomembni bistra glava in dolge noge. Pri klavirju moraš pa tudi imeti bistro glavo, in hitre prste, mogoče tudi dolge noge, da dosežeš vse pedale. Letos si bila zelo pridna. Vidim, da si bila poleti tudi en mesec v Franciji. Parle vous francais? Ce ne zastopiš, to je po slovensko vprašano, ali govoriš francosko? Približno. Lepo od tebe, da slediš pridni mamici in da ji pomagaš. Tudi jaz sem letos navijal za Cleveland Indians, pa na žalost niso imeli sreče. In tudi dobrih metalcev oz. »pitcher-jev« ne. Za darilo ti bom pa nekaj izbral, kar ti bo zelo všeč. Tudi tebi vesele božične praznike! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Prosim, prinesi mi »Art Studio«. Hodim v prvi razred angleške in slovenske šole pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Rada hodim. Imamo malo sestrico Marino. Imamo se rade Pozdravljajo Kati in Marina Dolinar Dragi Kati in Marina! Obe sta tako veseli in pridni punčki, da vaju je kar veselje gledati. Kati, ti si prava faranka, da obiskuješ kar obe šoli. To je res lepo. Zelo rad slišim, da se s sestrico lepo razumeta in da se imate rada. Gotovo boš tvoje darilo delila s sestrico, kaj ne? Zahvali se, prosim, atiju, ko tako lepo spremlja vrtec s kitaro pri petju. In prosim, če mi narišete kakšne slike in jih nastavite zraven čevljev. (Prosim pa, ne narišite mene predebelega, čeprav vem, da bo letos spet toliko dobrih piškotov, posebno pri stari mami Pavli!) Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Sammy Kush-ner. To pismo je prvo, ko ti pišem in prosim, da se oglasiš tudi pri nas. Tudi jaz hodim v vrtec in se pridno učim. Vesel bom, če se me spomniš s kakšnim skromnim darilom. Saj te z veseljem pričakujem. Tvoj Sammy Kushner Dragi Sammy! Naj lepša hvala za pisemce in povabilo. Seveda se bom ustavil v Mentorju pri vam. Angelci so mi povedali, da si priden v slovenski šoli in da učitelja lepo poslušaš. Kar tako naprej. In ne pozabi vsak večer moliti, predno greš spat. Obljubim ti lepo darilo, saj te imam zelo rad. .SV. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Tvoj praznik se bliža. Z veseljem ga čakam. Upam, da se boš tudi letos spomnil name. Hodim že v prvi razred in tudi v Slovensko šolo. Prosim lepo, če ko kaj ostalo v tvojem košu zame. Hvaležni Matevžek Kushner Dragi Matevžek! Za take pridne, nasmejane malčke kot si ti, je vedno nekaj lepega v mojem košu. Kako bi lahko nate pozabil? Slišim, da imaš že na odru vlogo pri igrici. In da si se že vse lepo naučil. To bodo ati, mama in stari starši veseli. In jaz bom ponosen nate. Kar nastavi čeveljčke in se sigurno ustavim pri vas. In reci atiju, da naj nastavi kakšne manjše čevlje, ker ima tako veliko nogo, kajti drugače ne bo nič ostalo še za druge! Sv. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Moje ime je Marija. Bom 6 let stara čez nekaj dni, in hodim v prvi razred. Imam dve sestri: Ashley, ki bo kmalu 4 leta stara, in Jasmin, ki je eno leto stara. Ashley in jaz hodiva v slovensko šolo in sva obe zelo pridni punčki. Vedno poslušamo, le da včasih samo na-roba slišimo, kaj nam ata in mama naročata. Mami pomagamo pospraviti igrače in peči piškote. Upam, da mi boš prinesel kitaro in sestri Ashley barve in svinčnike za risanje. Najlepša hvala. Pozdravi tvoje angele. Te imamo zelo, zelo rade! P.S. Prosim, ne prinesi nič premoga! Ne vem, kaj je to, ampak se mi zdi, da ga ne bom mogla za nobeno reč uporabiti. Maria in Ashley Frangos • Drage Maria in Ashley! Kako lepo je imeti v moji knjigi zapisana vaša imena. Koliko zlatih zvezdic je zraven vsakega imena! Rad slišim, da mami pomagate. Lahko računam ‘na kakšne dobre piškote, katere ste vidve pomagale peči? Tudi moji angelci vas pozdravljajo. Boste lepo presenečene z darili, katere sem za vas izbral. Kar se pa tiče »premoga«, bom pa naročil parkljem, da ga pri vaši hiši ne rabite. .SV. Miklavž Dragi sv. Miklavž! Jaz sem sedem let stara. Jaz sem bila zelo pridna in velikokrat pomagam moji mami delat doma. Jaz bi rada eno Barbie, prosim. Upam, da boš imel lep dan. Hvala! Kati Štepec Draga Kati! Napisala si lepo pismo. Hvala. In tudi tvoje slike sem bil zelo vesel. Koliko si že zrastla od lanskega leta. Tvoja mamica je srečna, da ima že pomočnico. Kako pa tvoj mali bratec Johnny? Ali bo tudi on k meni na oder prišel, ko ga pokličem? Pazi na njega, in še naprej po- Chicago, 111. - Na Vernih duš dan, 2. novembra, ob 2. uri popoldan, smo se zbrali Slovenci iz chicaške okolice na frančiškanskem pokopališču v Lemontu pri grobu ljubljanskega škofa dr. Gregorija Rožmana. Po tamkajšnji molitvi se je razvila procesija ob molitvi rožnega venca v cerkev k maši za verne duše. Po maši smo se zbrali v Kulturnem domu za letošnjo proslavo našega priljubljenega vodnika škofa Rožmana. Proslavo je začel ženski zbor s pesmijo: V nebesih sem doma. Sledil je govor koprskega škofa Metoda Piriha, podan lani ob 1. oblentici SKC, prebrala pa ga je na proslavi ga. Nandi Puc. Govor v celoti sledi temu poročilu. Nato so bile tri recitacije: Zvonček naše vesti (Lidija Goršič); Angel smrti (Martin Puc); Vse-svetna pesem (Nandi Puc). Proslavo je zaključil mešani zbor s pesmijo: Ko zarja zlati nam gore. Za konec smo vsi zapeli: Gospod ostani z nami. A.R. Iz govora g. škofa Piriha slovenskim izseljencem ob praznovanju prve obletnice otvoritve Slovenskega doma v Lemontu, 17. novembra 1996: Včeraj je bilo ravno 37 let, odkar je umrl veliki slovenski škof dr. Gregorij Rožman. Na vsezgodaj po maši sem odšel na pokopališče. Neke dobre žene tukaj so mi dale cvetje, ki sem ga v imenu žend in slovenskih vernikov nesel na njegov grob in tam sem kleče zmolil eno desetko rožnega venca: »ki je Tebe Devica v nebesa vzel«. Za vas vse, zlasti za tiste, ki ste tako kakor on, po končani drugi svetovni vojni šli iz Slovenije, postali begunci in iskali novo deželo, ki vas bo sprejela z razumevanjem in odprtim srcem, je pokojni škof Rožman veliko dobrega naredil. Hvaležni smo mu v upanju in pričakovanju, da bodo doma počasi dozoreli demokrati, ko bo njegovo truplo preneseno v Ljubljano, kjer je bil postavljen za pastirja krajevne Cerkve. Božja beseda opozarja, naj bomo čuječi, da nas Kristus, ko pride ob našem prihodu v večnost, najde pripravljene. Izredno pomembno je, da se vsi zavedamo, kako so naši telesni čuti vedno odprti za različna dobra in slaba sprejemanja. Ce nismo čuječi, ker premalo razmišljamo, premalo beremo, premalo molimo, se lahko zgodi, da zapravimo svojo vero, pozabimo svoj materin jezik. Kljub temu, da magaj atiju in mami doma. Ti boš zelo lep angelček na odru, saj te že kar vidim! Sv. Miklavž Op. ur.: Ce bomo še kakšna pisma sv. Miklavžu in njegove odgovore pravočasno prejeli, jih bomo z veseljem posredovali našim bratcem. smo široki, da smo odprti, da se Slovenci zaradi svoje prilagodljivosti lahko hitro prilagodimo, vendar, če nismo dovolj čuječi, lahko različne duhovne, verske, pa tudi kulturne in narodne vrednote zanemarimo in izgubimo. Bodimo Bogu hvaležni in tudi osveščeni za tri vrednote, ki jih imamo tukaj v Lemontu. To so: (1) Nova slovenska župnija, ki vas zbira bodisi v cerkvi Marije Pomagaj, bodisi v Slovenskem domu, bodisi zunaj na pristavi, kjer obhajate slovensko bogoslužje, (2) Slovenski dom, ki podpira kulturno in narodno rast iz slovenskih korenin, in (3) Slovensko pokopališče, kjer počiva slovenski škof Rožman in kjer počivajo slovenski frančiškani-duhovniki- Svetišče Marije Pomagaj, Narodni dom in slovensko pokopališče — to so vrednote, ki vas tako ali drugače spominjajo, opominjajo in nagovarjajo, da bi bili čuječi, da bi bili za delovanje vseh teh treh dejavnosti odprti in da bi praV sedaj v teh novih razmerah, s pomočjo vseh treh, zlasti Pa slovenske župnije, res poglabljali in ohranjevali versko, duhovno pa tudi kulturno in narodno pripadnost. Zgodilo se je, da so v prejšnjem režimu bili mnogi domovi podpirani od komunistične oblasti. UDBA je vse to imela v svojih rokah in je, med tem kar so delali slovenski duhovniki in tem, kar so nudili slovenski domovi, nastala velik3 razpoka, veliko razprtij, veliko sovraštva, veliko hudega! eni na eni strani, drugi na drugi strani — namesto da bi de' lali složno za blagor duhovniki kulturnih in narodnih vrednot- Upam in prepričan sem, & se tukaj v Lemontu to ne zgodilo. Slovenska župnija U1 Slovenski dom sta nastala P° dobroti vas in vaših predniko• * * * * v v času, ko je Slovenija postala samostojna država in zato va spodbujam in prosim, naj blagoslavlja vaše delo, da o vedno Slovenski kulturni d0111 in slovenska župnija tukaj Lemontu delovala složno v va duhovni, verski, kulturni 1 narodni blagor. BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE1 PRIPOROČAJTE NAŠ LlS?' TONY’S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBER SHOP HAIRCUTS *s.oo 664 E. 185th 531-6517 Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m. • 5:30 p-"1' Sat. - 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p-"1' V BLAG IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN OB 1. OBLETNICI SMRTI NASE LJUBLJENE MAME * 1907 1996 FRANČIŠKA GAZVODA ki je zaspala v Gospodu 6. decembra 1996 Ura slovesa pred enim letom je bila, težke ločitve spomin se budi. Ljubezen do Tebe pa vedno je živa, v našem življenju kot lučka gori. Počivaj v miru, dobra mama, preljuba stara mama v grobu tam, v ljubezni trajni boš ostala, draga, nepozabna nam. Leto dni Te zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš. Srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Nam pa žalost srca trga, rosijo solze nam oči. Dom je prazen in otožen, odkar Te več med nami ni. Žalujoči ostali: hčerki FRANCES in MARTINA por. ŠTEPEC sin MARK, zet ANTON vnuki in vnukinje, pravnuki in pravnukinje ter ostalo sorodstvo Razne in različne vesti iz Slovenije in Slovenije v svetu i Bivši kongresnik Dennis Eckart obiskal Slovenijo Ljubljan3 — Nekdanji član ameriškega kongresa sloven-[kega rodu Dennis Eckart je ončal dvodnevni neuradni ° 1 k v Sloveniji. Predstavni-0rt' oblasti je prinesel pobudo sodelovanje Slovenije pri rojektu razminiranja minskih °J v Bosni in Hercegovini, bop^' f°vec*a* Predsednik od-Jelk* 23 me^narodne odnose ° Kacin, je »Slovenija že cen! P°nuc'**a Izobraževalni , v»er ^ePubliške uprave za D Clto 'n reševanje na Igu kot Sfcr01^ ^er se Pripadniki ra,rja *ahko usposabljali za Bin Firrje minskih poijv Jave' C^art S' •i6 center s sode-vim- 0g^dal in bil nad njego-^ mo^nostmi navdušen.« DPnrUge P°drobnosti o obisku ne n '53 ^c*'ra sred- za novoletno obdaritev stva ot , •■v'vuicmo ooaamev jijn žiyijo v rejniških dru-dena ’• nac*aljuje se zbiranje klinik^ 23 n0vo Pediatrično PŠal u’ k° malčkom pole-t^ 3 *vanje v bolnišnici, po-Sln,, Pa tUc** osrednja akcija cef ens*'^,'0n0SleTan«ka.Pavd 'l)A '°" ■" Ann Bloom, vsi kSi: ^inka S. vka Shuttin,Ka Jančar in ^ nUki in 3 (obe v ZDA) H, Vnukinie ’ ^nio, 4 . • decembra 1997. magati mladim, ki se znajdejo na razpotju. V Sloveniji še okrog 5000 beguncev Ljubljana — Slovenija še vedno gosti približno 5000 beguncev. Za begunca, ki biva v begunskem centru, so mesečni stroški povprečno 20.000 tolarjev, kar znaša po trenutnem tečaju dolarja na slovenske tolarje (165 tolarjev na US dolar) kakih $121, k temu je treba prišteti še povprečnih 5000 tolarjev ($30) za zdravstvo. Nekaterim begunskim otrokom pa Slovenija plačuje tudi šolanje, vendar poročilo ne more povedati, koliko to stane na otroka. Veliko navdušenje nad angleško bralno značko Ljubljana — Projekt angleške bralne značke EPI Reading Badge, ki so ga ustanovili pri Šolskem epicentru DZS, je letos presegel vsa pričakovanja. Odzvalo se je rekordno število učencev — 5238 v šestem razredu, 4815 v petem in 4079 v osmem. Lani se je prvega tekmovanja udeležilo 6300 učencev, na željo njih samih pa so projekt bralne značke letos razširili tudi na osme razrede. Letos se je prijavilo 334 šol iz vse Slovenije, sodeluje tudi 334 učiteljev. Vodja projekta in vodja Šolskega epicentra Andreja Kavčič je še zlasti vesela, da so k sodelovanju pritegnili številne manjše šole iz odročnih krajev. OB 28. OBLETNICI, ODKAR JE V GOSPODU ZASPAL NAŠ LJUBLJENI SIN, BRAT IN STRIC MILAN ZRIM Svojo plemenito dušo je izdihnil 5. decembra 1969 Preteklo osemindvajset let je ie. ko hladna zemlja krije Te. Zelo vsi smo Te ljubili, in prezgodaj izgubili. Oh, grenko je spoznanje to, da Te med nami več ne bo; čeprav v hladnem grobu spiš, v srcih naših še živiš. MARIJA - mati; ERNEST - oče, 2 sestri in brat z družinami 6 nečakov, 1 nečakinja. V starem kraju žalujejo za njim številni sorodniki. Cleveland, Ohio, 4. decembra 1997. Bizeljčani pripravljeni zavarovati enkratno stavbno dediščino Bizeljsko — Kako močno so različni objekti že iznakazili vinogradniško območje okrog Bizeljskega, je znano domačinom in strokovnjakom. Da bi zavarovali najpomembnejšo stavbno dediščino in preprečili nove posege, je turistično društvo Bizeljsko opozorilo na neprimerne objekte in na vrednost stavbne dediščine. Z diapozitivi in komentarji jo je ponazoril etnolog Dušan Strgar z Zavoda za varstvo kulturne in naravne dediščine Novo mesto. Odkup mleka letos večji Kranj — Na Gorenjskem se odkupljena količina mleka v zadnjih dveh letih ni zmanjšala tako kot velja povprečje za vso državo, ampak celo povečala. Gorenjska mlekarna bo letos od sedmih zadrug in dveh farm odkupila rekordnih 37 milijonov litrov mleka, to jeza šest odstotkov več kot lani in kar za dobro četrtino več kot v letu 1993. Govedorejci na Gorenjskem pa iz leta v leto ne povečujejo le količine mleka, marveč vztrajno zboljšujejo tudi njegovo kakovost, k čemur jih je seveda spodbudil predvsem zaostreni pravilnik iz leta 1993. Letos je v tako imenovanem ekstra razredu, v katerem je dovoljena najmanjša količina mikroorganizmov, že več kot štiri petine vsega odkupljenega mleka. Ugotavljajo pa tudi, da se povečuje njegova vsebnost beljakovin in maščob. Kot predvidevajo, bodo letos prodali 1,9 milijona kilogramov sira, 4,2 milijona litrov jogurta in 12 milijonov litrov mleka. Podatki veljajo za Gorenjsko mlekarno. Zimska službe za naloge že pripravljena Ljubljana — Cestna podjetja, ki čistijo glavne in regionalne ceste, imajo letos na voljo 297 tovornih vozil, 104 Ydim GASIM! • Bati & Blow Insulation • • Draft Protection • • Weather Stripping • • Quality Control Inspections • • Consultations & Training • • Free Estimates • • New or Existing Homes • Fortress Insulation Services® 'A New Standard In Excellence " (216) 939-8684 or t-maU uc at: FortifyNow@aol.com stroje, 326 plugov in 253 posi-palcev. Vojko Robnik, vodja sektorja za cestni promet na ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, je dejal, da bodo policisti izločali iz prometa vozila brez ustrezne zimske opreme, voznike tovornjakov, ki prometnih znakov za obvezno izločanje ne bodo upoštevali, pa kaznovali. Na glavnih in regionalnih cestah so že postavili približno 40 tisoč novih snežnih kolov, 2300 »zimskih« prometnih znakov in pripravili 6.800 odlagališč drobljenca za posipanje. Avtoceste bodo letos po nemškem zgledu poskusno po- JANKO KULMESCH (nadaljevanje s str. 18) manjšine ne bo popustil. Ljubljana tega morda še noče docela vzeti na znanje, vendar bo morala prej ali slej spoznati, da je avstrijska diplomacija vse drugo kakor nespretna ter nedosledna. Kaj torej hočejo koroški politiki? Celovec je morda manj diplomatski v tonu, je pa v vsakem primeru usklajen z Dunajem. Poleg tega je treba vedeti, da se koroške stranke že pripravljajo na naslednje deželnozborske volitve (vigredi 1999, morda že jeseni 1998). Voditelj svobodnjaške stranke (FPO) Jorg Haider resno razmišlja, da bi spet kandidiral za deželnega glavarja in ima za to tudi odlične izglede. Svobodnjaška stranka pa je hkrati tudi tista, ki že nekaj let zelo vehementno zahteva priznanje nemško govoreče manjšine. Očitno so Ausserwinkler-jevi socialdemokrati in Zerna-ttova ljudska stranka prepričani, da lahko na volitvah uspejo samo tedaj, če nemško-nacionalnih volivcev ne prepuščajo Haiderju. Skratka, gre za staro koroško igro. Slovenija sicer upa, da ji Dunaj ne bo sledil oz. da vprašanja nemško govoreče manjšine ne bo povezal z vključevanjem Slovenije v Evropsko zvezo. Takšna ocena pa se lahko izkaže kot zelo usodna. Cim dalje se bo Slovenija skušala izogibati priznanju nemške manjšine, tem višjo ceno bo za to morala plačati. Kajti: čim krajši bo za Slovenijo postal rok vstopa v EU, tembolj odprta bo za razna avstrijska izsiljevanja. Z Italijo je že imela ustrezne iskušnje. Se bolj merodajno pa je, da se bo v Evropi dolgoročno uveljavil samo tisti, ki je v manjšinski politiki docela verodostojen. Le tako je namreč mogoče preprečiti škodo, ki bi jo utrpele manjšine same - s tem pa tudi koroški Slovenci. (konec) MARK PETRIČ Certified Master Technician Petrie's Automotive Service Foreign & Domestic General Auto Repair (216) 942-5130 33430 Lakeland Blvd., Eastlake, Ohio 44095 / LOCATED IN REAR sipavali z magnezijevim kloridom. Pripravljenih imajo 3000 ton soli, 65 tisoč litrov kalcijevega klorida, magnezijevega pa še niso dobili. Podatki o razmerah na cesti bodo letos prvič tudi na internetu. Za tiste, ki bi se za te informacije zanimali, tudi iz tujine, je naslov: http://www.sigov.si/drsc/ Richard Beuermann najnovejši poslanec Ljubljana — Državni zbor je 25. novembra potrdil sklep mandatno-imunitetne komisije parlamenta, da poslanca LDS Igorja Bavčarja, ki je prevzel položaj ministra za evropske zadeve, v poslanskih klopeh nadomestil Richard Beuermann z Vrhnike. Beuermann se je rodil 20. aprila 1954 v Ljubljani. Kot inženir kemijske tehnologije in absolvent visokošolskega študija te smeri na fakulteti v Mariboru je bil doslej zaposlen kot strokovni sodelavec na srednji kmetijski šoli in gimnaziji v Ljubljani. V Čatežu obnovili veliki plavalni bazen Čatež ob Savi — V Termah Čatež so preuredili in posodobili hotel Terme ter ga obogatili z novimi dejavnostmi, tako se je uvrstil med slovenske hotele z najcelovitejšo ponudbo. Poleg posodobljenega vstopnega dela in recepcije je temeljito prenovo doživel tudi veliki notranji bazen, ki je dobil še dva whirlpoola. Med nove vodne površine kaže prišteti še nov zunanji bazen z masažnimi sedišči in ležišči, gejzirji in slapovi ter otroškim bazenom. V BLAG SPOMIN ob Četrti obletnici MIHAEL VRENKO Umrl 2. decembra 1993 Štiri leta so že minula, odkar Te več med nami ni, imamo pa Te vedno v spominu in naie mislimo vse dni. Bog daj mu večni pokoj! Na svidenje nad zvezdami, in počivaj sladko v Ameriški zemlji! Žalujoči: Tončka Vrenko, žena Michael in Andy, sinova Michelle, snaha Maria Perez, in Danica Dale, hčeri Edward in Joe, zeta 3 vnuki in 3 vnukinje Julka Žerjul, sestra, v Trstu Slavka Bučar, sestra, v Ljubljani Richmond Hts., Ohio, 4. dec. 1997. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1210. Začeli smo na prvo adventno nedeljo drugo leto priprav na jubilejno leto 2000, ki je posvečeno Sv. Duhu. In ko se v tem predbožičnem času pripravljamo, koga vse bomo obdarili za božič in mu napravili veselje, se nehote spomnimo tudi na tiste, ki so potrebni, in jih vključimo med naše obdarovance. To so posebno naši misijonarji, in ubogi. Na obisku iz Zambije so misijonar Stanko Rozman in dve laični misijonarki, Katarina Ferjančič in Marija Anžič. Oglasili so se tudi v Torontu z veliko željo, da bi zbrali vsaj nekaj pomoči. Želijo zidati dom za bolne od Aids-a. Teh je tam zelo veliko in bi nujno potrebovali malo sirotišnico, kjer bi se sistematsko zdravili. Stvar je zelo dobro zamišljena in jo priporočamo. Zidamo cerkev za stoletnico Male Cvetke, piše laični misijonar, tudi iz Zambije: »V septembru smo gradili zidove do vrha, vgradili okna in vrata. Materiali za streho so že kupljeni in tako bo v Marijinem mesecu Terezika dobila še klobuk. Zidarje so bolele roke od težkih betonskih zidakov, sam pa sem bil od sonca rdeč kot Indijanec. Ko bomo postavljali streho bom verjetno postal ’kuhan rak’. Tako, dragi dobrotniki, vidite, kako v Zambiji darujemo kakšne kaplje potu za naš skupni napor. Vi doma, mi pa tu. Vam in nam Bog povrni stokrat, še posebno iz sončne Zambije, še enkrat: zahvala, prošnja in lep pozdrav. Edvin Snobel.« Morda bi kdo od dobrotnikov mogel žrtvovati za notranjo opremo cerkve; potreben bo oltar, tabernakelj in še marsikaj. Misijonar Danilo Lesjak iz Burundija se je udeležil misijonske tombole v župniji Marije Pomagaj na Manningu v Torontu. Srečala sva se v župnišču Marije Brezmadežne. Pripoveduje, da so v Burundiju razmere še vedno težke in se priporoča za vsestransko pomoč. Letošnjo pomoč za tri salezijance, ki delujejo v Burundiju, tj. še Avgust Horvat in Jože Mlinarič, naj pošljemo kar s. Bogdani Kavčičevi v Ruando. Imajo priložnost, da se večkrat srečajo, pa jim bo ona njih delež posredovala. Oglasila se je s. Udefonza Grabar, ki je več let delovala na Slonokoščeni obali. Sedaj je na zdravljenju v Parizu. Njen naslov: Sr. Udefonza Grabar, Maison St. Francois, Rue Revia, 38510 Morestel, “F”, France, Europe. Med drugim piše: »Spoštovani g. Wolbang, velika dolžnica sem Vam, ker ste za nas ogromno storili. Bog plačaj za vse. Za misijonske darove in za osebne, ki so nam bili v pomoč v bolezni. Sedaj sem doma v Morestelu. Mislim, da je diagnoza pravilna in sigurna. V božjih rokah sem in naj se zgodi Njegova volja. Se enkrat izražam vso hvaležnost vam in vsem dobrotnikom v MZA.« »V slovenski cerkvi v San Franciscu smo našli album in ne vemo, kako je prišel tja,« pišeta Aleš in Dora Šimenc iz Millbrae, Kalif. Album je prispel na naslov g. Wolbanga na dan njegovega pogreba, pred nekaj dnevi pa v Toronto. Po informacijah g. Zrneca je možno, da je album še iz časa po prvi svetovni vojni. Se naprej se bomo zanimali za eventuel-no zgodovinsko ozadje. Hvala Alešu in Dori za misijonski dar $25. Blagajnik MZA Stefan Marolt izkazuje po finančnih knjigah, ki jih vzorno vodi, darove za razne namene dobrotnikov, kateri pa niso bili objavljeni v MSIP od 10. marca dalje, ker jih ni sporočil g. Wolbangu za objavo. Darovi, ki so prihajali za Madagaskar po ciklonski nesreči, so bili takoj odposlani. Darovali so: po $100: Mari Celestina; Viktor, Nežka Tominec; Rudi, Anica Knez; Francka Merela $200; Marica Lavriša $50; Katica Drew $20; Marjana Doljac $10; Ivanka Kete $50. Za Lojzeta Podgrajška: Mari Celestina $50; Ivanka Kete $50. Za maše za pok. Mirota, ga. Mari Celestina $100. V aprilu poslano g. Maroltu: Lojze in Štefka Jarem za vzdrževanje bogoslovca v Ljubljani J. Mraka $200; Mari Celestina $500 za ljubljanskega bogoslovca, $500 za mariborskega, $200 za cerkev sv. Jožefa v Ljubljani; MZA Cleveland $200, za dva novoma-šnika, podpirana od MZA; Ana Tomc $20; Ana Medved $20. Darove, ki jih je prejemal g. Wolbang v Princetonu, je redno objavljal v MSIP. V juliju poslani darovi g. Maroltu: Polde in Ivanka Pretnar $300 za bogoslovsko vzdrževalnino in osebno njemu $20 za božič, za usmiljenke na Madagaskarju $100, za misijonarje v Zambiji $100; Helen Oven Hiserman, Muncy, Pa., $200; Niko Tomc za s. Pavlišič na Madagaskarju $50. Anna Stalzer pošilja v novembru za maš $100 in $10 Helena Klesin za dve maši; Mari Celestina za Radio Ognjišče 1998 $60, za misijonarja Tomazina $125; Anica Nemec v spomin g. Wolbanga $50; Viktor in Nežka Tominec v spomin na g. W. $100 in naj se pošlje za potrebe v misijonih; Frank in Jelka Kuhel $30. Mary Ann Mlinar $100 za mis. Jankota Kosmača (od tega $50 za maše), za karmeličanke v Sori $100, za s. Bogdano Kavčič $100, za salezijance na Rakovniku $100, za sestre Loyola $100; Paula Pustotnik v spomin g. W. in g. Cvelbarja $40 ter Janez in Marija Prosen v isti namen $40. V novembru prejeti darovi: $700 Polde in Ivanka Pretnar za poplavljence na Madagaskarju ali kjer je najbolj potrebno. Ivanka Cenkar $100. John Goričan $150. Stani in Matija Grdadolnik $300 za bogoslovca v Mariboru, vzdrže-valnina za bogoslovca J. Gregoriča $100, in dar za božič $30, za sestre Loyola $20, za salezijanca na Rakovnika g. Petra Končana, v spomin na g. W. in g. C. Neimenovana iz Clevelanda $1000. Niko Tomc za s. Pavlišič $300 in eno sv. mašo. Francka Povšič $600 za bogosl. Simona Lorbarja za zadnji dve leti študija in njemu novoma-šni dar $250. Helen Oven Hiserman za bogosl. $600. Vid Sleme $50. Anton Žakelj $50. Ga. Ivana Hirschegger $70. Angela Bolha za 1998 RO naročnino $60, za misijone $30, v spomin pok. sestre Francke Povšič za sestre Loyola $200. Bo še za november prihodnji teden. V imenu MZA srčna zahvala prav vsem dobrotnikom. Božji Misijonar naj stotero povrne tako kot On najbolj zna. Prodaja peciva, na praznik Kristusa Kralja, so pripravile v Jolietu in je lepo uspela. Prodale so veliko domačega peciva in rezancev ter imeli tudi žrebanje. Predsednica odseka MZA Marija Jeretina je s Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave, 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VASI ŽELJI! Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185th Area 531-7700 — Emergencies -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet & Fun Sen/ices) sodelavkami pridelala $1360, kar je zelo lepo za njeno malo skupino. Pa tudi zato, ker v fari imajo tako zasedene vse datume, da komaj vključijo še to prodajo peciva za slov. misijonarje. Frančiškani so pred leti župnijo oddali škofiji, tako da imajo Slovenci samo enkrat na mesec še skupno slovensko mašo. Hvaležna je župniku, da dovoli in da ji dvakrat na leto, jeseni in spomladi, določa po urniku prosto soboto in nedeljo. Srčna hvala Tebi, Mici, in Tvojim sodelavkam MZA, za vašo požrtvovalnost. Sporočili Ti bomo imena misijonarjev, da boš razposlala, kar ste pridelale. Tokrat smo pohiteli z razdelitvijo darov, ki so se nabrali skozi leto. Prvi čeki so že na poti. Delo smo si porazdelili tako, da čeke razpošiljajo MZA sodelavci in sicer: Rudi in Anica Knez, Marica Lavriša, Anica Tushar, Sonja Ferjan, in Marija Jeretina. Darove bodo misijonarji dobili še pred božičem, če bo pošta le delovala. Tu v Kanadi na primer poštarji stavkajo že dva tedna. Hvala Bogu da telefon in faks še delujeta. S pomočjo teh naprav je Rudi Knez dobil vso razdelitev in je tako lahko naročil čeke v banki. Danes, 1. decembra, ko to pišem, sem odposlala razdelitev še za tri slovenska semenišča in naročnine za RO. Ker smo letos spomladi tudi že odposlali tekoče darove za Škofove zavode in druge, izgleda-jo vsote sorazmerno majhne: Škofovi zavodi $750; Sestre Loyola v Rimu $570; salezijanci na Rakovniku $490; gimnazija v Zelimljah $400; Radio Ognjišče $2700. Darovi za misijonarje na Madagaskarju posreduje Marica Lavriša in sicer: Jože Adamič $500; France Buh $550 (+ osebni dar M. Lavriša $50); Rok Gajšek $750 ( + darovala sta Nevina Anzlohar $150 in g. Končan, Sudbury, Ont. $100); Tone Kerin $500; Janez Krmelj $500; Alojz Letonja $500; Franc Mihelčič $600 (+ dar Paule Pustotnik $100); Pedro Opeka $1000 (vključuje darove: Jože in Štefka Jarem $260 /afghan/, | g. Povirk $190 /oljna slika/, : Tone in Vida Oblak $20, Viktor in Tončka Lamovec $30)' Dalje: Janez Puhan $500, Klemen Štolcar $530 (dar Kati- j ce Drew $30); s. Terezija PaV' lišič $500; s. Marija Pav©c j $1350 (darovali so Willia"’ Devine $500 in Niko Tomcter | nečak $350); s. Amanda P°' s točnik $500. Laični misijonarji Jože Le tonja, Ana Rožanc in Helena Škrabec so prejeli vsak P° $250. Sr. Cecilija Prebil # I njeno delo in mnoge usMe | misijonarjem je prejela $300' j Misijonarji, ki delujejo na Madagaskarju so tako dob11 vsega skupaj $9.330 s Pr'Pon!j | bo, da so veliko pomoči do 1 še v marcu po ciklonski nesfe Današnji MSIP zaključi111, posebno zahvalo, ki jo je n®, | sala laična misijonarka KrlS na Leskovec: »Ne naveličal se, ko delamo dobra dela, kaj če se ne utrudimo, j bomo ob svojem času želi- j kler torej še utegnemo, d® mo dobro vsem, še posebno P j bratom v veri!« Lep pozdrav in božji blaH0 slov nad vami vsemi! ,, 79 Lunness K” Toronto, Ont. , j TpI . 255‘; Z Ameriško Dom0^; boste vedno na tekoce MALI OGLA$l HELP fVANTEP „ CAREGIVER for elderb ^ Light housekeeping prep. Days. Grovewood y'; 216-481 -1109 or 1 -440'2J Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved Our Freedom 90 gas furnace is one ^ of the most efficient you can buy ^ 90% efficient-compared to aroun 65% for most older furnaces. You c shrink your monthly gas billt0 a fracUon of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90 s lifetime limited warran So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. an give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder abou_^ BumroAHigherSta^ i J/'x *, o|vd' SUSSžS' lliL GORJANC \\x ' WjZ rli /// HEATING (X COOLING A Name For All Seasons'